
somethinginteresfriend is complaining that Unity is slow on his laptop how can he install Unity 2D stable? 04:32
ikthow did everyones upgrade go?05:10
somethinginteresikt: in progress. Gotta back everything up now :) 05:13
somethinginteresikt: I forgot my internet is super slow. Just gonna d/l it at the Elephant06:05
iktwish I could go, flat broke ftl :/06:08
* ikt continues searching seek for more jobs to send cv to06:08
somethinginteresikt: bummer. 06:10
iktit's amazing how many entry level jobs want exchange and active directory support06:11
iktPart of me is going to hate supporting it, but it can't be that hard06:12
somethinginteresikt: I have no idea about either of those :) 06:15
somethinginteresat The Elephant for the release party, so far party of two :P09:14
head_victimI've rsynced again tonight, so I have a full repository. Would anyone be interested in me bringing that on external USB to the Brisbane release party?09:27
head_victimIs Nathaniel in here?10:15
head_victimOh if anyone is interested there is a REALLY beta help guide for unity currently at http://doc.ubuntu.com/~mdke/natty/10:27
bradmhead_victim: how are you enjoying unity? :)10:27
head_victimbradm: I will find out when I install it *whistles*10:27
head_victimThis cycle I've been crazy busy with work, job hunting and other real life stuff so testing went out the window :/10:28
head_victimThis PC I'm about to update actually is Lubuntu10:28
bradmahh, right10:28
head_victimMy real Ubuntu is only 10.04 I think but I'm not certain what it is :/10:28
head_victimThe about says it's 10.0410:29
head_victimSo an upgrade to 11.04 would be trickier10:29
bradmmy laptop has done lucid -> maverick -> natty, all going thru the beta cycles as well10:31
head_victimYeah, I wonder if 10.04 > 11.04 is possible without 10.1010:32
bradmI thought it was supported to just go one, not sure10:35
head_victimYeah that's what I was worried about10:37
blahdeblahI'm pretty sure 10.04 > 11.04 is not supported10:37
blahdeblahYou might get it to work by running the upgrade manually rather than using the scripts, but if it breaks, you would have to muck about with fixing it manually.10:37
head_victimblahdeblah: yeah I might wait until I have plenty of time for that one10:40
bradmif it breaks you'll get to keep both pieces10:40
head_victimbradm: hahah thanks?10:40
blahdeblahbradm: You get that anyway, no matter what upgrade you do.10:40
bradmblahdeblah: indeed.  unless you give us money I guess10:40
blahdeblahhead_victim: I've usually found that upgrading two releases in quick succession is not a big problem.10:41
head_victimblahdeblah: yeah I"ve never upgraded though, I usually just wait for a hardware failure and fresh install10:41
bradmother than the bandwidth requirements I guess10:41
head_victimbradm: I have a local copy of the entire Ubuntu repository on the lan here ;)10:41
blahdeblahhead_victim: You took the words right out of my mouth. ;-)10:42
bradmwell, there you go10:42
head_victimblahdeblah: which ones?10:42
bradmI just use my ISP's mirror10:42
head_victimbradm: I love aarnet and telstra10:42
head_victimI decided to see if telstra would complain about it if I downloaded 600 gb of unmetered data in 2 days. Never heard a word.10:42
blahdeblahI love AARNet; Telstra - not so much.  :-P10:42
head_victimblahdeblah and I were working on a project that one day would have a use for a local lan repository, it's still to happen10:43
blahdeblahproject is a bit of an overstatement...10:43
blahdeblahidea, perhaps10:43
head_victimblahdeblah: heh well idea then. It will happen, just a matter of when10:43
bradmI can't justify mirroring it locally for 2 machines, easier to just use my ISP's mirror which is free traffic10:46
head_victimbradm: it was more a "I wonder if this will get me in trouble" thing to start with.10:46
head_victimAnd was curious how quick I could download stuff over sustained periods10:48
head_victimI sustained 20GB an hour via rsync10:49
bradmnot too shabby10:51
head_victimUnfortunately aarnet seem to be about the only site to max that out though10:55
Bulldog2010hey all i have a scanner error in 11.04 worked fine in 10.10 who should i report it to please10:55
head_victimBulldog2010: hey, what sort of scanner and what sort of error?10:56
Bulldog2010brother 10:56
Bulldog2010Lintian check results for /tmp/brscan2-0.2.5-1.amd64.deb:10:56
Bulldog2010E: brscan2: maintainer-address-missing Brother Industries, Ltd.10:56
Bulldog2010Error: Failed to open 'brother2:bus6;dev1':Invalid arguement.10:56
Bulldog2010thats all the inf ive got10:57
head_victimWhat model of Brother?10:57
Bulldog2010mfc 210c10:57
head_victimBulldog2010: sorry still looking around a bit for you11:02
head_victimBulldog2010: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5976666/the_retail_detail_brother_releases.html is the best I can find other than that I'd think about filing a bug on launchpad11:03
head_victimBulldog2010: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=590793 has some pointers (just start on the last page or you'll be reading 4 year old information on the front)11:07
Bulldog2010ok thanks mate11:09
head_victimhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/brother-lpr-drivers-extra that would be the place to log a bug if all else fails11:09
head_victimBulldog2010: did any of that work?11:47
hot_wheelzanyone elese notice that packages seem to fail to install via s\w centre or is it just me?11:49
Bulldog2010yea me too11:49
head_victimSince you upgraded?11:50
hot_wheelzhead_victim yeah11:50
Bulldog2010i did a complete reinstall11:50
Bulldog2010thats where i got the first error11:50
hot_wheelzi installeed from iso11:51
Bulldog2010yea me to11:51
hot_wheelzBulldog2010 did it fail then11:51
hot_wheelzwhat's up guys11:52
sagaciunity looks great on a 24" monitor11:53
head_victimsagaci: any idea on the software center issues?11:53
Bulldog2010followed the instructions on the brother web site worked perfect installing the .deb files in 10.10 come 11.04 .deb files seam to comtain an error but they are the same file11:53
head_victimhot_wheelz & Bulldog2010 it's not just because there's too many people hammering the servers and it's taking a while?11:54
hot_wheelzhead_victim ubuntu-restricted hplip and skype just to name a few all fail via s\w centre11:55
Bulldog2010na  im using the s\w center to install the .deb files but it says there is a error in the file11:55
head_victimhot_wheelz: what sort of error?11:55
Bulldog2010Lintian check results for /tmp/brscan2-0.2.5-1.amd64.deb:11:56
Bulldog2010E: brscan2: maintainer-address-missing Brother Industries, Ltd.11:56
hot_wheelzjust like package failed to install11:56
hot_wheelzBulldog2010 right?11:58
head_victimBulldog2010: sorry I can only suggest having a google, I've not seen that sort of error before.11:58
Bulldog2010it only happens with 11.0411:59
head_victimhot_wheelz: if it's just timing out it might be the servers are overloaded, I'd suggest pointing to a local mirror11:59
Bulldog2010worked fine in 10.1011:59
hot_wheelzhead_victim like iinet rather than the main server?12:00
head_victimBulldog2010: yeah sorry, I really don't know unless someone else has had issues like ti and posted them online12:00
head_victimhot_wheelz: exactly12:00
hot_wheelzhead_victim i'll report back shortly12:01
hot_wheelzhead_victim one other thing12:01
head_victimhot_wheelz: shoot, I have to head off REALLY soon12:02
hot_wheelzshould i install the nvidia 3d or normal drivers12:02
head_victimI generally use nvidia proprietary drivers 12:03
head_victimOthers might suggest otherwise but I've found them the best to "Just work"12:03
hot_wheelzhead_victim ok12:03
head_victimOk well I have to head off for the evening, I'll hopefully see some of you tomorrow at the Brisbane release party :)12:04
hot_wheelzhead_victim see ya12:04
hot_wheelzwhat head_victim suggested about changing the mirror worked for me :-)12:21
sagacii'm getting an error too12:21
Bulldog2010yea mate12:22
sagacinot that one12:22
Bulldog2010help 12:50
Bulldog2010how do i remove a bug from launchpad please12:50
Bulldog2010moved to au-chat12:51
Nozywill update to 11.0416:09
Nozyworks ok 16:09
somethinginteresNozy: I like it. I would recommend reading the usability benchmark results from April 2011 to avoid some common confusion http://design.canonical.com/2011/04/unity-benchmark-usability-april-2011/16:12
somethinginteresNozy: e.g. System Settings can be accessed from the "Power" menu16:12
Nozyis that was its call Power Menu 16:14
Nozyits  a nice change 16:14
NozyI like it 16:30
juzzy__hey, ive updated to 11.04 - how may I place a my old weather widget dock thing onto the upper bar again??17:15
juzzy_HELP! all my file folder try to open with gedit text editor!21:59
head_victimjuzzy_: did you get it sorted? If not have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1690531 which should help22:50
head_victimAw :/22:51

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