
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
johnny77When I log into XFCE, nautilus is loaded. Can someone help me figure out why?02:10
holsteinjohnny77: did you get the metapackage ?02:12
holsteinxubuntu-desktop or whatever02:12
holsteineither way, check in the startup sessions or whatever its called02:12
holsteinyou might have to try #xubuntu02:12
johnny77holstein: no, I think I just installed XFCE.02:12
holsteini forget what those settings are02:12
bin1010howdy all02:49
bin1010I am trying to play with Ruby on rails02:49
bin1010my bundle install seems to fail for all gems that need native interface....what gives?  I am on ubuntu 10.10 32bit with ruby-all installed ruby 1.9.2 via rvm, rails 3.0.5, and gems 1.7.202:49
bin1010currently I get Could not find RedCloth-4.2.7 in any of the sources02:49
holsteini had a fried do a presentation at our local LUG on ruby on rails02:49
bin1010but if i comment out in Gemfile, I get Could not find SystemTimer in any of the sources02:50
bin1010and if I comment that out, i get another one02:50
holsteinbin1010: where are you getting ruby?02:50
bin1010so it seems to be the ones that are compiled to native....but I have the ruby-all package installed02:50
holsteinis this fromt he repos?02:50
bin1010originally yes, then i was told to use rvm02:50
holsteinbin1010: how did the one from the repos work?02:51
holsteinusually with buntu, i try and get PPA's when possible02:51
bin1010it didn't work with rails 3.0....02:51
holsteinthe guy in my LUG actually did the presentation on a mac02:52
bin1010it said it needed a version of ruby slightly > than repos ruby02:52
holsteinhe's not on the IRC anyways...02:52
bin1010I could try ppa, I guess02:52
holsteinit wouldnt hurt*02:52
bin1010ppa for ruby-all02:52
holsteinthey make fun of you in #rubyonrails?02:53
holsteinor is it just dead?02:53
bin1010very dead....02:53
bin1010and they are very elite02:53
bin1010remind me of perl IRC02:54
holstein^ does that look like what you did?02:54
bin1010pretty close, yeah02:55
holsteini would say, try and get your error messages over in a pastebin02:55
holsteinmaybe one of the -dev channels?02:55
bin1010I will try that02:55
holsteinnot really sure where to send you02:55
bin1010no worries bud02:55
holsteinbin1010: mabye your loco team?02:56
bin1010don't have one...trying to be first to learn02:56
bin1010some fun its been so far...... LOL!02:56
holsteinthat presentation made ruby seem very nice02:56
bin1010wow that is new02:56
holsteini didnt get to do any of it on my own02:56
holsteinthere were linux ruby guys there02:57
holsteinand apparently, theres a local ruby meeting02:57
bin1010that is cool02:57
bin1010thought you meant local company....LOL02:57
holsteinyeah, loco team02:58
holsteinmine is #ubuntu-us-nc02:58
bin1010mine is #ubuntu-us-tx02:59
holsteinhey, i bet that one is active02:59
holsteinjust because of the size :)02:59
holsteinmore quare footage per loco03:00
bin101011 including log and channel03:00
holsteinthats not bad03:00
holsteintheres usually around 10 in mine03:00
helpmecan someone help me?03:04
helpmemy audio and sometimes in video on 10.10 stutters03:05
eiriksvinyay, guess who finnaly has his own ubuntu working online!05:53
nit-wityou... you... you do.........05:55
eiriksvinthere had to restart xchat... setings update05:59
eiriksvinquestion is it ok to install the missing plugins for pandora.com?06:05
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eiriksvinis it cool to download the Adobe Flash plugin from the Ubuntu Software center?06:30
nit-wit  eiriksvin have you installed the restricted extras06:33
eiriksvinuh no06:36
eiriksvini just want to listen to pandora.com06:36
eiriksvinmy ubuntu is fresh, and im a noob for the most part06:37
bioterror!cli | eiriksvin06:37
ubot2eiriksvin: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro06:37
bioterroreiriksvin, open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:38
eiriksvinum, whats that do?06:38
eiriksvinlooking now06:38
eiriksvinawesome, how do i do that for 10.10?06:44
eiriksvinuse the sudo?06:44
eiriksvinwill that all work for amd64?06:46
bioterrorsudo apt-get update06:46
bioterror sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:46
bioterrorthose two commands06:46
bioterror!apt-get | eiriksvin06:46
ubot2eiriksvin: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)06:46
eiriksvinoh sweet06:47
eiriksvinshould i have done the update first?06:47
eiriksvincus its to late now06:47
bioterrorit would be good, but doesnt really matter06:47
eiriksvinwould that give me 11.04?06:48
bioterrorif you want to upgrade your 10.10 to 11.04, you have to say: sudo do-release-upgrade -d06:56
geekboywhat happened to startup applications in 11.04?07:24
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halpbatmanhey guys I removed my linux partition and now I get "error: no such partition" how do I restore windows 7 bootloader?07:25
coalwater_awaytheres a whole article about that on the forums try looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/07:27
=== coalwater_away is now known as coalwater
halpbatmancoalwater: I've been reading.. and they require windows dvd, access to internets on the problem computer I have none..07:30
coalwaterno no, u can fix it with a linux live cd07:31
coalwaterand internet ..07:31
halpbatmanyeah interwebs which I doesn't have on that machine cause the wireless card isn't supported from the live cd07:32
coalwaterdoes this help halpbatman  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1359802&highlight=restoring+windows+bootloader07:33
halpbatmanI saw that one too07:33
halpbatmandidn't work07:33
halpbatmanisn't a command07:34
coalwaterdo u have like a usb thumb drive or any similar way to move files?07:36
halpbatmanyeah im looking for one07:36
halpbatmani think i found a solution07:36
coalwateru could download this lilo thing, i used it before07:36
halpbatmanim downloading syslinux07:36
coalwaterand move it's deb to the live cd on the bad computer07:36
eiriksvinbioterror> i got all of that, but how do i accept the agreement... where it says <OK> at the bottom of the screen07:45
bioterrorwith tabkey07:45
bioterrorofcourse ;D07:45
eiriksvindo i need wine to run any of that?07:47
eiriksvinok.. just asking cus i saw it installing a bunch of .exe files07:47
bioterrorit just installed fonts07:47
halpbatmancoalwater: when i try to install lilo it says dependency is not satisfiable07:48
eiriksvindoes this mean its done?07:48
eiriksvinldconfig deferred processing now taking place07:48
eiriksvinwhere i can do stuff at the prompt now?07:49
eiriksvinits at the prompt where i can do stuff like: eiriksvin@ubuntu:~$  lsusb07:52
eiriksvinif i wanted to07:52
eiriksvini just want to know if its ok to close the terminal yet07:53
bioterroryes it is07:54
bioterroryou can press ctrl+d07:54
eiriksvinimma noob, cant u tell07:55
Blakviperne1, i've just downloaded ubuntu, and installed it into my usb drive, it won't boot from there, so I try installing wubi, but it won't install it, it gives me an error message09:22
BlakviperException processing message c0000013 parameters 75b1bf7c ....09:23
Blakvipernevermind, found a way around it.09:29
kristian_my flash crashes whenever I've seen a few vids, what to do?10:09
kristian_this is lubuntu 10.10... flash seems to be newest version10:09
bioterrortest with another browser10:10
coalwatercan any body tell me the swap line in the /etc/fstab because apparently mine doesn't work12:23
bioterrorUUID=bfe9db7b-bab3-4d2c-a489-31505cf4f9c8 swap swap defaults 0 012:24
bioterrorI have that kind12:25
coalwaterdo i need to put the uuid, cant i say like a path /dev/sda[number] ?12:26
bioterrorUUID = future12:28
bioterrorbut sure you can say your desired device12:28
coalwaterwhat do u mean = future, is that a new fstab format they did ?12:29
bioterrorit just works better than the devices12:30
bioterrorif you will notice it if you have to play with disks :D12:30
bioterror(PATA & SATA disks ;)12:30
coalwateri've restarted and i hope it works12:30
coalwatero look, a nice and working new swap lol12:31
MrChrisDruifGreat :)12:35
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aztekhai duanedesign..13:09
aztekhow are you?13:09
=== coalwater_away is now known as coalwater
rokyronniesome help with ALSA ?13:58
coz_rokyronnie,   well I am not exactly an expert with alsa,, but,, what s the issue?14:00
rokyronniewhen a song it's changing in audacious my subwoofer sound goes down14:01
rokyronnieI need to change on something different and then go back to ALSA surround 5.1 output to have signal in subwoofer again14:01
coz_rokyronnie,  ooo,,, that one sounds like a issue the people in  the #alsa  or #pulseaudio channels should address14:02
rokyronnieoh well, thank you :)14:02
coz_rokyronnie,   its a setting I am sure  but your best bet would be to join both of those channels14:03
coz_rokyronnie,   I doubt it is an Ubuntu specific issue14:03
rokyronniecan you give me a good ppa for gyachi?14:06
coz_rokyronnie,  are you on ubuntu 10.10  or 11.0414:11
coz_rokyronnie, ok let me check ,, hold on14:12
coz_rokyronnie,    http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-using-ppa.html14:13
rokyronniecoz_: thank you14:22
coz_no problem14:23
johnny77I just installed 11.04 and now I think something is messed up. I have two options for Ubuntu: Ubuntu & Ubuntu Classic. Ubuntu Classic is like 10.10. But Ubuntu only loads the desktop, no panels no menu. Is this right?14:40
Guest73628hi all! any idea how can i make my laptop keyboard backlight work properly?14:40
Guest73628or at least how do i turn it of so to save battery14:41
charlie-tcajohnny77: no, that is wrong14:41
nlsthznjohnny77: do you have a bar at the top and a bar at the left?14:42
coz_Guest15712,  no that is not right14:42
charlie-tcaclassic should have top and bottom panels, unity has top and left14:42
coz_Guest15712,  it should look like classic gnome14:42
johnny77I do not have any bars when I log into Ubuntu.14:42
coz_charlie-tca,  cook you are here :)   I am on way too many support channels :)14:42
charlie-tcaI am going hide again :-)14:43
charlie-tcajohnny77: in classic you get no panels?14:43
johnny77charlie-tca: If I log into Ubuntu classic it looks how I had it set up in 10.10. If I log into Ubuntu I get no panels14:44
charlie-tcaOkay, unity is not starting. What video card do you have?14:45
johnny77not sure.14:45
charlie-tcaThat usually means go to classic, go to additional drivers, install the driver14:46
johnny77Some funny things are happening in classic too. I can't minimize windows.14:47
johnny77I'm not sure a window manager is being loaded with classic.14:48
coz_johnny77,   did you choose classic with or without effects?14:49
johnny77coz_: with14:49
coz_johnny77,  charlie-tca  knows his stuff,, I would listen to him :)14:50
mike_1hi all!14:51
johnny77be back in a couple minutes14:53
rokyronniehello again, I've tried gyachi but honestly I don't like it.so my question is.. can I do something in pidgin for "photo sharing" ?14:56
* charlie-tca seems to have tested too much. He should not know much about unity14:59
johnny77I'm back. I'm in XFCE session because gnome is all messed up.15:05
johnny77At the login If I chose Ubuntu no panels are loaded. If I choose Ubuntu classic the panels are loaded, but it appears no Window Manager is.15:06
duanedesignrokyronnie: you are using fspot or pidgin?15:06
rokyronniewhat is fspot?15:06
duanedesignrokyronnie: sorry I got confused15:07
* nlsthzn was also confused15:08
duanedesignwhich is not harrd15:08
MrChrisDruiffspot is the image editor if I'm not mistaken15:09
duanedesignWe were talking about photos so i was thinking fspot/shotwell15:09
rokyronnieoh well :)15:09
duanedesignrokyronnie: anyway to your question15:09
rokyronnieyes :D15:09
duanedesignrokyronnie: you should be able to add an instant messaging account that supports file transfers and picture sharing, like AIM, Yahoo, MSN or gTalk15:10
rokyronnieI've an yahoo account and it works15:11
rokyronniebut I can't figure out how to do photo sharing15:12
duanedesignrokyronnie: then you should be able to open a chat with someone then drag and drop a picture from Nautilus to the chat window15:12
rokyronniein gyachi it works very well but I really really really don't like it :|15:12
rokyronnie am15:12
rokyronnieand it ask me for sending it or put it as my avatar or something like that15:12
rokyronniebut theres nothing about photo sharing15:13
duanedesignthat is it. To share it with the person you select send15:13
duanedesignrokyronnie: are you wanting to create a public URL for a photo?15:14
rokyronnieno.just photo sharing like it is in yahoo15:14
rokyronnieI discovered something, the Send To button it's not accesible15:14
rokyronnieI can't press it15:14
rokyronnieI can't do audio or video call to15:16
rokyronnieis my version old ?  2.7.1115:16
johnny77Is there anyway I can go back to 10.10!?!?!15:18
holsteinjohnny77: sure, but you wont like it :/15:19
rokyronniewhy do you want to go back to 10.10?15:19
johnny7711.04 has fucked my system up.15:19
holsteinrokyronnie: photosharing?15:20
holsteini use dropbox15:20
holsteinshares whatever i want15:20
holsteinwith other dropbox users, or non-users15:20
duanedesignrokyronnie: i think that is the most recent version of pidgin15:22
rokyronniehmm that's not what I want, I don't even know 1 person who use this :))15:22
holsteinrokyronnie: uses what?15:22
rokyronniebut thanks for advice :)15:22
holsteinthats what i am implying15:22
duanedesignrokyronnie: are you wanting album sharing like flikr or picassa?15:22
holsteinthe other user doesnt need to use it15:22
rokyronnieoh no15:22
holsteintheres a video15:22
holsteinyou get a public link15:22
holsteinand drop it to whoever15:22
holsteinwhere ever15:22
rokyronnieyahoo photo sharing15:22
holsteinand they DL it15:23
holsteinand it can be whatever kind of file15:23
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?15:23
rokyronnieyahyydfasthat's what I want15:23
rokyronniesomething like that15:23
holstein^ for example15:24
holsteintdn: maybe try the other driver15:24
holsteindid you find a bug report about it?15:25
rokyronnieyeah I know... if we taken like this, I can upload my pictures on a hundred of websites, but all I want is to show tham directly in my messeanger window as you can do it on yahoo15:25
holsteinyou can link a dropbox link15:26
duanedesignrokyronnie: so the feature in pidgin is what you want it is just not working?15:26
holsteinwhere ever15:26
holsteinand you dont upload it online15:27
holsteinyou just put it in a directory on your machine15:27
holsteinand the rest is quite seemless15:27
holsteinbut, im not trying to sell you anything15:27
holsteinits just one of my favorite pieces of software15:27
holsteinthat has made life easier15:27
duanedesignyou can get public URLs from Ubuntu One as well15:28
holsteinthats true15:28
holsteinubuntuone might be working well now15:28
holsteini got in dropbox before ubuntuone really hit15:28
duanedesignholstein: yeah the first release of U1 was pretty rough. the Natty version is much better15:29
duanedesignrokyronnie: i read a user say "Sometimes the options to insert an image from the "Conversation" menu or the "Insert" menu are greyed out. That does not mean you cannot send an image. The drag-and-drop option still works."15:30
MournsForTreesHello. Can anyone recommend a good program to monitor hardware temperature?15:32
holsteinMournsForTrees: are you in 11.04?15:33
rokyronnieyeah I know sending imeage works :P, but what I wanted it's something different15:34
MournsForTreesNot yet. 10.10. Will update soon, but I had a problem with overheating I think was solved, except I can't know in Ubuntu.15:34
MournsForTreesSomething like the applet that shows memory/processor usage would be great...15:34
MournsForTreesOtherwise, any program. Like the Windows program SpeedFan, that'd be better yet.15:35
coalwateru can put the system monitor on ur top panel15:35
holsteinMournsForTrees: its fine to stay where you are15:35
holsteini just wanted to point you to the proper applet15:35
coalwaterit doesnt say heat though15:36
MournsForTreesI have the system monitor already. I can't go back to not having it. It's too useful!15:36
rokyronniesomething like speedfan I want too :D15:37
holsteinyou cant tell the sytem monitot to show CPU temp?15:37
duanedesignacpi -t15:37
MournsForTreesI will update after a few days, just in case sudden errors appear. So a Gnome program would be great.15:37
duanedesign^^that command will show the CPU Temp15:38
MournsForTreesGreat. Thanks. That's a start. Is there also a program to check the HDDs and GPU?15:38
MournsForTreesI was days locked out of my Ubuntu, forced to dual boot, as everything collapsed if I tried to use it. Windows wasn't much better, though.15:39
MournsForTreesduanedesign: I just tried that command, but nothing happened!15:40
rokyronnieacpi -t?15:40
duanedesignMournsForTrees: ahh, i guess acpi is in Universe now. You will have to install it.  sudo apt-get install acpi15:42
MournsForTreesI did install it.15:42
rokyronnieI installed but nothing happens with acpi -t15:42
MournsForTreesWell, acpi alone returns this: "No support for device type: power_supply"15:42
MournsForTreesI can get temp stats in Windows, so it can't be the hardware, right?15:43
duanedesigntry:  acpi -V15:43
duanedesigncapital V. that shows everything15:43
duanedesigntheir is an app called xsensors15:44
rokyronniewith graphical interface?15:44
MournsForTreesIt returns the same text twice, then Cooling 0: processor 0 or 3. then another one that says cooling 1 and the same text. what's that?15:45
duanedesigncooling is the fan15:46
MournsForTrees*sorry, it was "0 of 3"15:47
MournsForTreesI see.15:47
duanedesignI also use  lm-sensors15:47
MournsForTreesAlso, I *think* I heard someone tell me of a program called hlm-sensor or something similar, supposedly for linux, is that a real thing?15:47
rokyronnieuh thank you, xsensors looks pretty good15:47
rokyronnieok but... in speedfan I used to take down my CPU FAN with 50%, can I do this here?15:48
antiphysicisthi, I can't get eclipse-pydev working, I install eclipse then install pydev from inside eclipse, it comes up as installed but no tab appears for it, if I try to install pydev from the terminal I do it wrong somehow because I get "package not found"15:50
holsteinantiphysicist: is it python-dev - Header files and a static library for Python (default) ?15:55
antiphysicistholstein: sorry I'm not sure I understand your question, I am trying to install an extension(?) for eclipse which is specifically for python, sorry for my ignorance15:57
holsteinantiphysicist: no, im just looking for that package name - pydev15:58
holsteinim not sure what you are looking for15:58
holsteinbut, python-dev is all i found15:58
duanedesignMrChrisDruif: rokyronnie this wiki page might be usefull:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto15:59
holsteini have zero experience with eclipse other than reading a man page briefly15:59
holsteinMournsForTrees: ^^15:59
duanedesignthanks holstein16:00
holsteintab-complete fail :)16:00
MrChrisDruifBut I don't mind duanedesign, I'll check it out :)16:00
MournsForTreesThanks. I'll check it now.16:00
duanedesigni would avoid ksensors unless you are on Natty or KDE. It will take the QT libraries. Which is not a big deal really, they are not that big16:01
MournsForTreesGreat! Now xsensors displays more information.16:08
MournsForTreesso, everything is around 38C16:08
MournsForTreesIt's better than when it was over 50 or 60C. Now is there a reason some text appears in green and some in red in xsensors?16:09
juzzy__hey, ive updated to 11.04 - how may I place a my old weather widget dock thing onto the upper bar again??17:15
holsteinjuzzy__: you must move forward17:18
holsteintry checking for weather applets in unity :)17:18
holsteinOR, you can go back to gnome17:19
holsteinclassic desktop*17:19
holsteinAFAIK those are your options17:19
MrsHillBillyAnyone help me with a printer please?17:24
holsteinMrsHillBilly: you should just be able to plug it in17:25
holsteinwhile you are online17:25
holsteinwhat happens?17:25
MrsHillBillyholstein. When I try to print a document it just says processing but nothing else happens17:26
holsteinMrsHillBilly: try forcing another driver17:27
holsteineither a version up or down17:27
holsteinMrsHillBilly: did it print a test page?17:27
MrsHillBillyholstein. No test page. How do I force another driver?17:27
holsteinMrsHillBilly: sorry, i got busy17:53
holsteini'll bbl though :)17:53
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?17:56
tdnholstein, which other drivers are there? I see no other. How do I get more drivers?17:57
=== Laggg is now known as Laggg|work
rokyronniecan someone told me a good archive tool ?18:46
rokyronniesomething like "right click-->archive" would be great18:46
aetaricdoes anyone know how to get the NVidia drivers to activate?18:47
coalwaterthere's already 'compress'18:47
coalwaterrokyronnie: ^18:47
rokyronnieoops, my mistake, yeah, there is something :))18:48
aetaricdoes anyone know how to get the NVidia drivers to activate? i've installed them but i still can't use unity18:55
rokyronniesystem-administrations-aditional drivers18:55
rokyronnieclick on the newest version and then click activate18:55
rokyronnieafter that, you'll need to restart the machine18:56
holsteinaetaric: you might not get 3d with it18:56
Mjiighello, trying to do a "sudo do-release-upgrade" and every time i run it i get a 403 error when it tries to down load 2 particular packages18:56
holsteintdn: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx see if thats relavant18:56
aetaric'this driver is activated but not currently in use'18:56
holsteinMrsHillBilly: you should be able to go into the add printer wizard18:56
holsteinand force an differnet driver18:57
holsteinbut, i only have experience with 10.04 and printing :)18:57
Mjiigxfonts-100dpi and xfonts-750dpi18:57
holsteini would assume its similar though18:57
holsteinaetaric: did you restart?18:57
aetaricholstein, yes18:57
holsteinaetaric: nvidia?18:57
aetaricholstein, yes18:57
holsteincheck out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia18:58
holsteinsee if that helps*18:58
MrsHillBillyholstein. Thanks but I re-booted with the printer switched off, the switched the printer on and all is ok.19:00
holsteinMrsHillBilly: COOL :)19:01
FroqI am new here....19:04
FroqAnyone else in here?!?!?!19:04
Froqcharlie-tca: are you a beginner too?19:06
Froqthis room is so much quieter than the man room.19:07
charlie-tcanot really a beginner.19:07
charlie-tcathis is a support channel, we use #ubuntu-beginners-team for offtopic19:07
Froqcharlie-tca: oo I wanna go there then, don't I? THANKS19:08
holsteinif your new, its actually a good practice to join a channel19:08
holsteinand run the command /topic19:08
holsteinand check out the guidelines :)19:08
Froqholstein: thanks.19:08
vheghi there.19:21
tdnholstein, ok19:26
rokyronniecan someone help me ? I try to compile something but i'm pretty newbie with this20:27
rokyronnieyes, but when I wite make20:28
rokyronnieit sais20:28
rokyronniemake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.20:28
bioterrorwhat are you trying to compile+20:28
rokyronnieit's a pool game20:28
bioterrorurl to tar.gz20:28
bioterrorand makes works20:31
rokyronniehm, there was a link when you can paste text and that I can give you a link, if you give that website to me I'll post there all I did, I mean ./compile and make to see what it's wrong20:34
coz_rokyronnie,    http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:35
rokyronniethis is it20:36
bioterroryou're missing glib20:36
rokyronniewhat's that ? :D20:36
bioterroryou need glib-dev packes20:36
rokyronnieok :)20:37
bioterrorglib-2.0-dev or something20:37
bioterroryou should read what it outputs to you ;)20:37
rokyronnieoh yeah, now I see :D20:38
bioterrornow ballsmacker is uninstalled20:38
rokyronniethanks :P20:38
bioterrorwasnt that nice ;)20:38
rokyronniedid you know a better pool game for linux? I tried virtual pool 3 for some hours, but it won't work anyhow with wine20:39
coz_rokyronnie,   which one do you have> billardgl is nice20:39
rokyronnieoh I know that one but I can't say I like it20:40
coz_ah ok20:40
rokyronnievirtual pool 3 is awesome but I can't get it to work wit wine :(20:40
bioterrorbilliards looks good20:41
bioterrorhas even multiplayer20:41
coz_rokyronnie,  look for an application named   lutris,,, not in the repository20:41
rokyronniehmm thanks for that link bioterror :D20:41
rokyronniethere are some games20:41
rokyronniewhat's lutris?20:41
bioterroryou can even have .debs from their site20:41
bioterrorno need to compile20:41
coz_lutris is a game thingie  I havent used it but looked at it on youtube,,,20:42
coz_be right back logging into unity20:43
rokyronnielutris looks interesting20:47
coz_rokyronnie,  it does yes,,, but not sure what advantage it may have,, I have not tested or worked with it20:50
rokyronnieI try now to install with, but it says I must have a newer version of python ( >2.7 ) . Ok, newbie question, what's python ? it's not the first time when I hear about it but I don't know what it is :D20:51
charlie-tcapython is a programming language20:53
rokyronnieoh, ok :)20:53
charlie-tca!info python20:53
charlie-tcaYou can use      sudo apt-get install python20:53
charlie-tcato install it20:53
charlie-tcawhat version of Ubuntu are you using?20:54
charlie-tcarokyronnie: Ubuntu 11.04 has python 2.7.120:55
rokyronniehmm, but when I try to insall lutris it says : "Dependency is not satisfiable: python (< 2.7)"20:56
rokyronniebut I installed a few versions20:56
coalwatertry typing python --version20:58
coz_there may be a .deb package somewhere on line hold on20:58
rokyronniepython 2.7.1+20:59
coz_rokyronnie,  go here   http://putokaz.wordpress.com/2011/04/03/lutris-a-multi-platform-game-installer-for-linux/  and scroll down  under "Installation"  there is a link for the deb package20:59
coz_rokyronnie,  again ,, I have not  tested or tried this app21:00
rokyronnieI download it but it says the same error21:02
coz_rokyronnie,  let me try here hold on21:03
coz_rokyronnie,  yep errors and a sudo apt-get install -f  only removes the lutris package21:04
coz_rokyronnie,  apparenlty it cannot be installed onto natty,,, I havent tried maverick21:04
tdnI would like the default permission of files created inside my homedir to be 0600 or 0640 and dirs to be 0700 or 0740. How do I make it so?21:23
mellohi, I try to load my music library into clementine from an NTFS partition, though roughly half of the songs are not being imported.. But they are visible in rhythmbox21:27
holsteintdn: would you mind to look over http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4061721:31
holsteinits old, but see if its relavant21:31
holsteinand if not, we can try again :)21:31
=== coalwater is now known as coalwater_away
tdnis umask from /etc/profile honered by X programs?21:32
holsteinmello: i would probbaly try adding the clementine PPA21:32
holsteinsudo add-apt-repository ppa:me-davidsansome/clementine21:32
holsteinand see if a newer version come in21:32
holsteinwith a fix21:32
tdnholstein, also, I do not use bash but zsh21:32
=== trinikrono is now known as cudif
holsteintdn: im not sure about umask in that context21:37
holsteinbut i would assume so21:37
holsteini would probably want to test it21:37
holsteinand see it in action one way or the other21:37
tdnholstein, the forum thread says to set umask.21:37
tdnholstein, to 00721:37
holsteintdn: did it work?21:38
tdnholstein, nope.21:38
holsteinyou might have to find someone in a -devel channel21:38
tdnReally. I would think this was a pretty basic task.21:39
holsteinyou can make files of whatever permission21:39
holsteinbut, you want to change the default actions of the OS21:39
holsteinand im not sure about that21:39
holsteinsince its never came up for me21:39
melloholstein: what's the easiest way in clementine to know the total number of songs in library?21:41
melloholstein i will try the ppa now..21:42
tdnholstein, no, not the default for the OS. Just the default for my user.21:43
tdnIs Clementine good?21:43
tdnWould you recommend it for someone who liked Amarok 1.4?21:44
PringleI have a little question!21:47
Pringlea couple of months ago, i installed in my laptop ubuntu...21:47
Pringleubuntu 10.1021:47
Pringlenow I see that a new version is out21:47
Pringledo I have to install everything again?? :(21:47
Pringlewhy I cannot update it from the internet?21:47
Pringleis there any other way tu update my 10.10 to 11.04 without installing everything again?21:48
Pringlethanks for a possible answer!21:48
Pringle(if anyone read me...)21:48
Pringleprobably no one is around :(21:48
PringleI will try another channel..........21:48
tdnholstein, it appears that it should just be set in .Xsession21:49
cudifPringle: why dont you try the update manager21:51
PringleI try but it doesnt do it21:51
cudifits supposed to say new distribution available and offer to upgrade it for you21:51
Pringleno, never told me anything like that21:52
Pringlei just make the usual updates like before21:52
Pringlebut the version is still 10.1021:52
Pringlei dont know why :(21:52
tdnholstein, just not sure how...21:52
Pringlewhy there's this new version now?21:53
Pringlepeople told me it was supposed to get out after summer :(21:53
Pringlewhy so soon?21:53
Pringle10.10 was cute...21:53
tdnPringle, there is a release every six months.21:54
tdnPringle, if you want something more stable, you should try Ubuntu LTS.21:55
MrChrisDruiftdn: Longer supported you mean, not necessarily more stable :)21:56
PringleUbuntu LTS?21:56
Pringlenever heard of this...21:56
PringleUbuntu 10.04.2 LTS (Lucid Lynx)21:58
Pringleyou mean..that one?21:58
MrChrisDruifPringle: Yup21:58
PringleMrChrisDruif, would you suggest LTS more than the official version on the main site,21:59
Pringlefor a beginner like me?21:59
MrChrisDruif10.04 was a LTS release, from which the desktop version will be supported for 3 years, instead of the normal 2. The server edition will be supported for 5 years21:59
juzzy_HELP! all my file folder try to open with gedit text editor!21:59
bioterrorkillall gedit21:59
bioterrordid you gedit? ;)22:00
bioterroropen terminal and give that kill command22:00
juzzy_yep, i gave that kill command. but it still doesn't change folders attempting to open in gedit?     has it anything to do with preferred applications?22:01
bioterrorwhat was the tweak for that22:02
holsteinPringle: just run what you got22:03
holsteinyou dont have to upgrade22:03
=== coalwater_away is now known as coalwater
melloholstein i tried ppa, but same result22:04
holsteinmello: sounds like its broken22:04
bioterrorjuzzy_, .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list check that22:04
melloholstein: ryhtymbox 3772 & clementine 245022:04
bioterrorjuzzy_, ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list22:04
melloholstein: what is broken?22:04
holsteinmello: clementine*22:05
melloi'll try exaile lmao22:05
melloi want to see if it finds the same amount as rhythmbox22:05
holsteini dont do any of that anyways22:06
holsteinso im not sure22:06
holsteini just play what files i want22:06
holsteinin the player i want22:06
bioterrorjuzzy_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/366963/comments/2022:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 366963 in nautilus "nautilus "open with" property no longer available for folders" [Wishlist,Triaged]22:06
holsteinas needed22:06
melloso what player do you use22:06
mellojust like.. some mediaplayer ?22:06
holsteinvlc usually22:06
holsteinor clvc22:06
melloit's too hard with a library of 7000 songs22:07
melloor for me it is at least22:07
tdnMrChrisDruif, in terms of more infrequent releases, yes. That is -- as I understand it -- what was requested by Pringle.22:07
holsteinyou gotta search and find and play them from somewhere22:07
holsteinmight as well be a file manger*22:07
holsteinim a musician though22:08
melloso am i22:08
holsteinso i rarely listen to music recreationally22:08
mellothat might explain22:08
holsteini just go find it22:08
holsteinand play it22:08
mellookay i just don't understand these programs22:08
melloexaile gives 2359 rofl22:08
mellosarcasm is sarcasm22:09
rokyronnierokyronnie: I try to run a game with wine, and it closed down immediately, this is what is says in terminal : http://pastebin.com/fRPNvnqx .Can someone help me?, forgot about the first line22:18
MrChrisDruifrokyronnie: I think you'll have better luck in #winehq if I'm not mistaken :)22:20
MrChrisDruifThey should be the experts about Wine :)22:21
rokyronnieuh :D22:21
rokyronnieyeah tha channel is good, thank you :)22:21
Pringlewhere are the menus in the new ubuntu?23:36
Pringlehow can I go to administration updates?23:36
Pringlethere are no more menus at top..23:36
Pringlejust simple icons on the left :(23:36
holsteinyou can still update with the teriminal commands23:36
holsteinsudo apt-get update23:36
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade23:36
holsteinbut, you should be able to find the update manager23:37
antiphysicistwhat are the drawbacks of not installing the new ubuntu for a beginner curently getting used to 10.10?23:37
holsteinantiphysicist: none23:37
Pringleit took me more than 1 hour to install this...23:38
antiphysicistholstein: sorry for earlier if you remember, i had internet connection issues, thanks for the help you tried to give me23:38
Pringlebut now its completely different...23:38
holsteinantiphysicist: did it work?23:38
holsteini was a little busy then too...23:38
holsteina little distracted*23:38
PringleI can't even find the terminal23:38
holsteinPringle: ?23:38
holsteinyou can logout23:38
holsteinand select 'classic desktop'23:39
holsteinafter you click on your name23:39
holsteinthen put your password in23:39
holsteinand log into the older look and feel i assume you are talking about23:39
Pringlewhen I installed 10.10 at first23:39
PringleI made the autologon23:39
Pringleso it never show that window23:39
holsteinso, logout23:39
holsteinand you should see it23:40
holsteinif not, say wso23:40
Pringleok let me try...23:40
holsteinand we'll go from there :)23:40
holsteinantiphysicist: you miss out on all the fun ;p23:40
Pringlei made the logout23:41
antiphysicistholstein: with the new ubuntu and it's revamped interface?23:41
Pringlebut now in the screen i see only the user23:41
holsteinantiphysicist: right23:41
holsteinPringle: OK23:41
holsteinlet me talk you through it again23:41
Pringlethere are no voices to choose the classic desktop23:41
holsteinyou click on your name23:41
holstein*after* taht23:41
holsteindown at the bottom23:41
holsteinunder 'session'23:41
holsteinyou should see 'classic desktop'23:42
Pringleoh yes!!23:42
Pringletheere are even other options23:42
holsteinyou pur the password in23:42
holsteinand continue logging in23:42
Pringlefinally i can see my old desktop!!23:43
Pringlethanks a lot!23:43
holsteinBUT, thats going away soon23:43
holsteinSO, either dont upgrade23:43
Pringle...........they are going to delete the chance to use it??23:43
holsteinor try and take some time to learn unity or gnome3 or something23:44
holsteinPringle: its not getting 'deleted23:44
holsteingnome is getting an update23:44
holsteinso, the desktop as we know it is getting changed23:44
Pringleoh i understand...23:44
holsteinand ubuntu has made unity23:44
holsteinthis release, you can log in using the old gnome23:45
Pringlewhen I installed the new version as an upgrade to the old one (thru updates)23:45
Pringleat the end it asked me about grub23:45
Pringleif i wanted to keep the old version23:45
Pringleor other choices...23:45
Pringlewhat did i have to choose? I choose to keep the old version23:45
holsteinwell, that doesnt have anything to do with ubuntu really23:45
Pringlewas it a bad idea?23:45
holsteinthats a grub question23:45
antiphysicistgrub = something to do with boot?23:45
holsteinyou *should* keep the current one23:46
holsteinantiphysicist: yeah, the boot manager23:46
Pringlehoping they are not going to change23:46
Pringlealso the boot manager23:46
holsteinif you say 'give me the maintainers version'23:46
holsteinthen your machine wont boot ;)23:46
holsteinbut, it seems like you chose wisely23:46
PringleI chooose the old version cause I didn't wanna risk not to be able to boot anymore23:46
holsteinPringle: if you can23:47
holsteincome on the irc23:47
Pringlecause this system has a dual boot with win23:47
holsteinor google23:47
coalwaterhow do i generate a diff file from bazaar, any idea ?23:47
holsteinyou randomly choose those options23:47
holsteina little bet of education before something like that can really save some time23:47
holsteininstead of learning the hardway23:47
holstein*which i have done many times :)23:47
Pringlebut holstein, why as years go ahead, they are making things less simple and intuitive?23:47
Pringlewhat was wrong with the old desktop structure..? :(23:48
holsteinPringle: well, thats your opinion23:48
holsteinthat ist not simple*23:48
holsteinand like i said, changes have happended23:48
holsteinthat require something to happen23:48
Pringlemaybe you are right... :/23:48
holsteinwait til the switch to wayland23:49
holsteinwhich i believe ubuntu will be among the first to change to23:49
Pringlebrb :(23:59
Pringlethanks for the help23:59
Pringletake care of u23:59

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