
airurandohome from the release party and knackered.00:07
airurandosmall turn out but good fun.00:07
ronanherrWhere can I see previous meeting minutes?10:56
moylana good question.  they are logged by mootbot i believe.  will check the wiki.  that might have the answer.10:57
ronanherrThanks for that. I upgraded to 11.04 lastnight, finding the wifi a touch flakey and a bit difficult to access prefs and administration functions through unity11:18
moylanlogs are mixed in with the normal logs.  last meeting was 2001-04-2011:18
moylanno worries.  it was nice to learn myself in case i need it in the future.  hoping to get 11.04 up and going over the weekend.  fingers crossed.11:18
* daxroc crys upgraded to 11.04, dual head broken seems it's not working for a lot of people ffs11:23
moylani meant 2011 of course not 2001.  doh!11:23
airurandoronanher: hi11:44
airurandoApril meeting logs at:11:44
airurandoAlso on the wiki11:47
airurandoWhich can be accessed through ubuntu-ie.org11:48
airurando*ronanherr: apologies for mispelling your nick earlier12:10
ronanherrNo problem airurando, I'm pretty new to this, haven't used irc before. I'll have a look through the minutes .... There are a couple of areas I'm partcularly interested in: education, cloning and use of FOSS in public sector12:57
daxrocMan this upgrade is far below standard!14:56
ronanherrIts take a while doesn't it?16:09
infoturtleanyone install natty and have booting problems to other OS's?22:52
moylanjust an aside infoturtle.  thethomaseffect was looking for you earlier in the week.22:53
infoturtlehe was on over the weekend and I pm him, I'll talk to him once I see him again22:54
moylani told him to tweet you but he said it wasn't that urgent.22:55
infoturtleok so, take it he didn't say what t was about?22:55
moylanno.  just passing on that he said he was looking for you.  it be nice if we had something like jibbybot to pass messages in irc.22:56
infoturtlethats cool, thanks for passing it on!!22:56

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