
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:41
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, LjL said: !no gnome3 is <reply> Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.00:58
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, LjL said: !gnome3 =~ s/$/ Additionally, they may eat your children and cause demons to come out of your nose./01:00
IdleOne!no gnome3 is <reply> Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.01:01
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne01:01
IdleOneI'll leave the second part up to you to tell the user01:01
Picieww, nose demon01:18
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget sharedprinting02:02
Logan_(it links to a forum thread that doesn't exist anymore)02:02
IdleOnetonyyarusso: sorry if I stirred him up even more.03:32
IdleOnetrully was not my intention03:33
Logan_IdleOne: see above? :P03:37
IdleOnesee what above?03:37
ubottuIf you are unable to share a printer over the network on 7.10 (Gutsy), AppArmour could be the problem. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=531343 to see how to disable it temporarily or permanently03:37
IdleOnenot relevant anymore?03:37
IdleOne!forget sharedprinting03:37
ubottuI'll forget that, IdleOne03:37
tonyyarussoGutsy's way EOL, so presumably.03:37
IdleOnethanks Logan_03:38
Logan_IdleOne: no prob03:38
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from asiekierka)06:46
tonyyarussoIf we were to conduct a scientific poll, I wonder how many users think IRC ops are somehow employed by or responsible to Canonical.06:54
topylithe difference between ubuntu and canonical seems a bit unclear at times too06:55
topyli"how are things at the ubuntu office guys!"06:56
topyli(we're all male of course)06:56
bazhanglike the guy asking if ubuntu cola was at the office06:56
tonyyarussotopyli: Fair point.06:56
topylibazhang: actually i was thinking about just that06:57
bazhangtopyli, haha!06:57
tonyyarussoAlso, I have a hard time blaming sexist attitudes for things like "hey guys!" when the English language sucks so much with respect to non-awkward gender pointers.06:57
topylii also found two support requests in my inbox this morning, sent via launchpad06:58
topyliit's that time again! :)06:58
topylitonyyarusso: true06:58
topyli'guys' is vague anyway, covers all genders these days06:59
tonyyarussoOjibwe doesn't even have equivalents to "he" or "she".  You're talking about a person, and that's all it cares about.06:59
tonyyarussoAs I understand it Finnish is similar.06:59
tonyyarussoAnybody know about French?  That's the other "to-do" language.  Maybe Swedish.07:00
* tonyyarusso should really work on those tapes this summer07:00
topyliswedish has gendered pronouns07:00
tonyyarussoSwedish:  Because it's also an official language in Finland and easier to learn than Finnish, plus Sweden has laxer immigration laws.  :)07:01
topyliyeah you're entitled to service in bad swedish by law07:02
topyli(in finland)07:02
Tm_Ttopyli: bad? only bad?07:02
topyliTm_T: the law doesn't say it has to be good! :)07:03
Tm_Ttopyli: aye, I mean, usually I would except even worse than just bad07:03
topyliwell yes07:05
Tm_Tin general finnish would prolly speak better english than swedish07:05
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: so if you really like to survive in Finland, learn english07:07
bazhanghe speaks a bit now07:07
tonyyarussoA little.  It's only my first language, but I manage.  ;)07:07
jussithey said english, not american :P07:15
jussiQueens English :P07:15
jussi(whatever that may be)07:15
tonyyarussoI can drop extra vowels around my neighbours if necessary.07:18
jussiyou have to spell colour correctly :P07:24
jussiand Mum :P07:25
* tonyyarusso sighs07:28
Tm_Tdon't forget the punctuations, quotations and all07:29
Jordan_Ual is very difficult to spell.07:30
* jussi huggle tonyyarusso07:30
tonyyarussoI wish there was a Debian-based distro that would be out reasonably soon and not go EOL until at least December 2016.07:30
tonyyarussoUbuntu 12.04 will work, but might be cutting things a bit close.07:30
jussitonyyarusso: when does the just released debian go eol?07:32
tonyyarussojussi: One year after the next one releases.  So if Wheezy comes out 2013, Squeeze is EOL in 2014.07:33
tonyyarussoyeah, I was surprised too.07:34
jussiI think Ive still got some ancient version of debian somewhere on a server here...07:35
tonyyarussoRHEL 6 reaches EOL November 2017.07:38
jussithats not debian based...07:39
tonyyarussoExactly why it's not my answer :)07:43
tonyyarussoIf only Debian could be supported for as long as RHEL!07:43
tonyyarussoWhile, you know, still making releases at a snail's pace instead of a dead snail's pace.07:44
topylii thought debian *is* supported as long as rhel08:10
jussican we close -r-p now? its rather dead...10:08
Tm_Terr, wasn't the closing time usually after the weekend, so it is open over the most of the release parties?10:54
LjLdiamo i numeri?12:54
FlannelPici: Tasty12:54
bazhangps3 and ppc have a natty release?13:06
ikoniacertainly not this quick13:06
ikoniathe auto build scripts have probably populated a repo13:06
bazhangso why is vibhav claiming they do, and that there's a special link for the intel mac release13:07
ikoniaask him to explain it13:08
ikoniathe community repos have possibly been populated due to auto build scripts13:08
ikoniathe 10.10 PPC port never really worked but had a full repo due to auto build scripts13:08
LjLpoor PPC13:08
bazhanghe's recommending the dvd instead of the cd, no idea why13:08
ikoniahe was a bit of a problem yesterday13:09
PiciI know the PPC isos were getting tested though, saw a few mentions of them in -devel.13:09
ikoniaLjL: it was usable, just the additional packages didn't work due to stock sources not working13:09
ikoniaPici: I'm sure they will get there, and they may well be done now, I doubt it though due to the smaller community support13:09
ubottuIncarus6 called the ops in #ubuntu (section5)13:18
bazhangjungli trying to get a cloak13:18
Picibazhang: And that is why I didn't want to even say anything there.13:31
PiciThe number of people that think 11.04 is an LTS is rather surprising.13:33
jribat least my vocabulary improves with every release...13:47
bazhang p579066F3.dip.t-dialin.net tesdsfsfdfds wonder if thats larstorben et neighbors13:47
Picibazhang: Seems to be making a bit more sense than usual.13:48
popey13:07:08 <+bazhang> so why is vibhav claiming they do, and that there's a special link for the intel mac release13:54
popeythere is13:54
popeywell was, dunno if there still is13:54
popey"Alternate install CD for 64-bit Mac (AMD64) computers (standard download)13:55
bazhangpopey, thanks13:58
jribthere was an issue in 10.10 where installer wouldn't work on 64bit macs14:02
jribmy guess is it's related14:03
bazhangjatt just seems to be spreading FUD14:59
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from vibhav)15:07
BHXSpecterI passed the bot test but being told that I am still banned from #ubuntu15:49
popeygiven the forums have opened their +1 forum, does it not make sense to open #ubuntu+1 now?16:32
genii-aroundAnd so it begins! ;)16:49
PiciI'm a bit wary of opening up +1 now.  Anyone have any thoughts about closing #u-r-p?17:33
PiciAlso, did anyone unban lars?17:35
IdleOneclose #u-r-p the party is over18:09
IdleOneI haven't unbanned him18:09
PiciShall I forward to -offtopic?18:09
IdleOneprobably best18:10
IdleOneor #u I suppose18:10
IdleOneDo you need to +f -ot also?18:15
PiciI wish18:15
Piciwow, we're getting more people in #ubuntu today than we did yesterday.19:48
PiciI don't know if thats a good thing.19:48
topylialso, -ot has many new folks who are not entirely accustomed to civilization19:50
genii-aroundHm, 1807 occupants there. I think thats the most I ever remember seeing20:03
PiciWe had over 2000 for the 10.04 release.20:04
* Pici dumps LjL into #ubuntu-offtopic20:04
genii-aroundI was mostly hanging out in -release-party, I held a party here for 10.04 :)20:04
genii-aroundLjL: Where?20:05
LjLgenii-around: on freenode20:05
PiciI'm stressed enough right now, can't deal with -offtopic at the same time. sorry.20:07
topyliget a beer Pici :)20:08
Picitopyli: I'm at work, but I will be having one when I get home.20:08
topyliPici: have a beer, i'm sure they'll tell you to go home!20:09
* LjL smacks himself20:13
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (poipondd appears to be abusive - 6)22:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))22:11
Priceyikonia: I never left.22:43

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