
Chat8847hey room00:11
Chat8847anyone real in here00:11
zoopsterno one is real in here...oh he left01:42
zoopsterbluebomber: you rang earlier03:13
zoopsteritnet7: you have mail, but it looks like we may be going further north...the winds are wreaking havoc with models03:13
bluebomberYes, I did, but I don't remember why!03:15
zoopsterfunny...we've had a mad cow in here tonight along with a incline goat after a tiny rat...quite the interesting night on ubuntu-us-fl03:15
maxolasersquadAnyone know when we can expect Natty to be available in the Canonical shop?13:12
RoAkSoAxmhall119: ping14:47
mhall119RoAkSoAx: pong14:48
RoAkSoAxmhall119: howdy!! I have a question you might hjelp me with. Was the UDS schedule going to be on Conventionist/Guidebook14:48
mhall119RoAkSoAx: Guidebook14:48
mhall119that's the plan anyway14:49
RoAkSoAxmhall119: is not yet available?14:49
mhall119I don't think we've pushed the changes to point to guidebook yet14:49
mhall119I don't know if they've started importing the schedule yet14:49
mhall119and as far as I know they don't have a map yet14:50
RoAkSoAxmhall119: ok thanks for the info14:50
mhall119anybody going to see the shuttle launch today?16:51
mhall119we're going to be driving out there16:51
dorganHi all17:51
dorganitnet7: ping17:52
dorganshuttle launch scrubbed18:05
mhall119yeah, too bad18:05
dorganminimum 72 hour turn around18:05
dorganmhall119: hows the feed reader coming along?18:05
mhall11972 now?  I thought they said 4818:06
dorganhave you added ext to it yet?18:06
dorganyeah 72 now18:06
mhall119dorgan: I've been using it instead of Liferea for about a week18:06
mhall119no extjs yet, still finishing the basics18:06
mhall119does ExtJS work out of the box with Piston?18:07
dorganmhall119: you've seen this...http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/feed-viewer/feed-viewer.html   right?18:07
mhall119or any other automatic way to integrate18:07
dorganwhats piston?18:07
mhall119it builds a REST/JSON interface on top of Django models18:08
dorganyou've seen that demo right?18:08
mhall119hadn't seen the feed reader yet, not sure how similar I'm going ot make ReadFeeder to it though18:08
mhall119demo of what?18:08
dorganhttp://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/feed-viewer/feed-viewer.html 18:08
mhall119I'm looking at it now18:09
DammitJimman, do you guys know of an off the shelf router where you can configure 10MBps full duplex with autonegatiation off?20:23
maxolasersquadWhy would one desire a 10M router in this day?20:40
maxolasersquadOn Windows XP it is possible to manually set the NIC at 10MB.20:41
maxolasersquadI'd bet it is somehow possible to do the same in Linux.20:42
maxolasersquadNot sure about routers that let you do it on that end.20:42
maxolasersquadLooks like ethtool can be used to set NIC speed and duplex settings.20:46
DammitJimmaxolasersquad, I just got a fiber connection from Time Warner Telecom and they require you to set up your WAN to 10Mbps full duplex (I'm only buying 4Mbps/4Mbps)20:52
maxolasersquadThat sounds kind of odd to me.  Their modem should be able to negotiate at 10MB if that's what it desires.20:56

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