
Galerienjiohdi: sit and wait then, ok, thanks !00:00
JWayusr13, wicd did the trick together with sudo rfkill unblock wifi - thank you so much! must be a bug with natty and iwlagn...00:00
rafiizookalicious: in my opinion it depend how much someone modificate original system, if more non-stock configuration/modification = greater chance of encounter problem during updating00:00
jiohdiGalerien: or file bug reports00:00
GalerienI did on the beta00:00
zetherooohsix: they could have made a right-click menu for the launcher ... couldn't they ...00:00
george_Good evening. I've tried to upgrade my distro, but there were some troubles. I'm currently stucked, due to the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade results in the following http://pastie.org/1845252. Could someone help me to solve that? Thanks.00:01
zookaliciousrafi - I would agree with that statement. However I remember my upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 was when I had nothing configured special and that broke hard. Luck of the draw I suspect00:01
zorlemgeorge_, it looks like there is some unexpected package versions00:01
ohsixzetheroo: why? so people can see a menu they can't do anything with anyways? you're presuming an educated user, an educated user can already get what they want with the classic session00:01
likkiHi, my internet/browser on ubuntu 10.04 has been acting weird for the past couple of days. When I click on a link on google search, it would redirect me to google.com. Sometimes clicking a link on a webpage would redirect me to twitter. And sometimes it would give me a google 404 error. I cannot think of anything that might have caused this and this happens randomly.00:01
zorlemgeorge_: are you sure you didn't mix two ubuntu versions?00:02
TerryBookok.  minimizing to the system tray does *not* work in Unity00:02
LAcananyone know if kismet appeneds or overwrites log files?00:02
SylphidEathuz, whats the error message displayed?00:02
Captainkrtekis anyone using natty and has a printer?00:02
Captainkrtekif so PM me please00:02
nutsfornattythe system tray is obsolete in unity afaik00:02
ohsixTerryBook: that would be an application feature00:03
pp7_nutsfornatty: where does stuff go then? in the unity bar?00:03
ohsixnutsfornatty: indeed, you need to whitelist things that work for them to even show up00:03
rafiizookalicious: yep, older versions was more problematic :) hopefully newer version will be better :D00:03
Captainkrtekwho here is using Natty?00:03
Monotokoohsix...skype was showing up in my systray fine?00:04
ohsixwho isn't, did you have a question00:04
Captainkrtekdo any of you have a printer set up with natty?00:04
zetherooohsix: why do you keep referring to the "classic session" as a solution? It's another session entirely ... and it's not the future, or what is meant to be the future, of Ubuntu ... so as I see it what needs to be focused on is Unity and NOT the previous stuff ... but we should not be removing features or usability from the previous sessions either ...00:04
ohsixMonotoko: whitelisted00:04
Captainkrtekverifying some ubuntu documentation ohsix00:04
TerryBookif you try to minimize a program (such as xchat, for example) it vanishes completely.  the only way to get it back is to open another instance of the program, and kill the inaccessible process from the system monitor00:04
pp7_ohsix: how do u whitelist?00:04
ohsixzetheroo: it's also not the past, they are concurrent00:04
TerryBookminimize to system tray, I mean00:04
Monotokoohsix, I see...as a developer do I need to get things whitelisted in order to make them appear in the system tray now..?00:04
EathuzSylphid, it's the basic: "Boot Error" - "DISK BOOT FAILURE INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"00:05
nutsfornattypp7_: you get a launcher icon for unity. and certain apps are allowed to place icons/info in the top bar (like the system indicators) .. and thats it00:05
Captainkrtekohsix, are you on natty?00:05
zetherooohsix: well ... on one level, perhaps ... but in Ubuntu it is obvious that Unity is the future00:05
ohsixzetheroo: you are making an argument for no change at all, unity would be useless if that were the case, if you do not want something different, use what is familiar00:05
rafiiwho in this channel switch back to good old gnome2 classic panels from unity?00:05
zetherooohsix: Unity is now!00:05
next8hi everyone00:05
LordFDiskwow.... I have downloaded 11.04 havt not yet DNR but really so much backlashing at each other in the room .... I hope things calm down later on tonight.  I remember the good old days where you only got command line at boot00:05
fermisanhow likely is the new ubuntu update to brick my machine00:05
ohsixzetheroo: don't be stupid, unity is a plugin for compiz00:05
fermisanits 44 megs00:05
fermisanwhat the fcuk00:05
Captainkrtekfermisan, you can never "brick" a computer really unless hardware fails00:06
fermisani know00:06
Monotokofermisan, very slim chance but do back up00:06
nutsfornattyfermisan: not likely if you are careful about your gfx drivers00:06
Captainkrtek+1 ^00:06
fermisanmeh its still beta00:06
zetherooohsix: that's ridiculous .... change is not the issue ... as long as it's ADDING to the whole experience and NOT removing00:06
Captainkrtekfermisan, I upgraded fine00:06
ohsixMonotoko: theres an article on the wiki about it, basically if it fits the aesthetic/function standards it will be whitelisted00:06
Monotokofermisan, it isn't beta00:06
SylphidCaptainkrtek, sure you can... bad bios flash00:06
fermisanMonotoko: it isn't?00:06
CaptainkrtekSylphid, that as well00:06
fermisanits finished?00:06
Captainkrtekfermisan, yes00:06
Monotokofermisan, nope it was released today00:06
ohsixzetheroo: follow that thread, you keep adding and not removing, what do you get?00:06
fermisanidk guys00:06
Captainkrtekfermisan, check the homepage00:06
fermisanis 11.4 any good00:07
fermisani feel like it is a android copy00:07
Captainkrtekfermisan, it's pretty good, still getting used to it00:07
nutsfornattysometimes removal is better for the greater good, i dislike iOS but i admire the "unity" of the overall interface across apps (pun intended)00:07
fermisan>getting used to00:07
Monotokofermisan, it all depends...I personally like unity, others despise it00:07
zetherooohsix: you know what I mean ... adding but not removing key features or usability00:07
skulltipanyone not have troubles with 11.04, upgrade go smooth as silk?00:07
fermisanwell you convinced me not to use it00:07
ohsixzetheroo: the useful moves are removing old things you thought you were wed to; then you get a completely new experience and get to decide if it's sufficient00:07
fermisanis the old interface still avalible00:07
CryovatUnity is decent if you're on a single screen with somewhat low resolution00:07
fermisani hate the new look00:07
Captainkrtekfermisan, I come from gnome, unity is a bit different in terms of how im used to using ubuntu00:07
Monotokofermisan, yes00:07
ohsixzetheroo: there is no panel; the panel did all the things you desire, full stop00:08
CaptainkrtekI dont think it handles dual displays well enough yet00:08
fermisanMonotoko: how do i get it00:08
rafiiskulltip: my upgrade 10.10->11.04 was fine :)00:08
CryovatIf you have two screens, the top menu and launcher bar becomes terrible00:08
Captainkrteknutsfornatty, you have a printer installed in natty?00:08
nutsfornattytest unity for a week, make sure to use keyboard shortcuts and try to think of the OS in terms of full screen apps.00:08
Monotokofermisan, just choose "ubuntu classic" when you log in00:08
zetherooohsix: well having a menu which makes me have to make more clicks to get to an app than before is NOT sufficient ...00:08
CryovatGnome 3 works much better than Unity imo00:08
Monotokozetheroo...just use the super key00:08
ohsixCryovat: not many people use multiple monitors, you should see about communicating how it can be improved00:08
RAMPKORVThe problem I had was that Xinerama doesn't seem to work in Unity00:08
ohsixzetheroo: then you use what is00:08
TerryBookwhat's the "super key"?00:08
Captainkrtekdoes anyone have a printer installed in Natty?00:08
api1996Hey everyone.  I'm running 10.10 on a wubi install.  Has anyone reported success updating a wubi install from 10.10 to 11.04?00:09
SylphidEathuz, is the usb device plugged into a front or rear port?00:09
zetherooMonotoko: how does that go?00:09
nutsfornattycaptainkrek: not yet, i have an hp wireless laser printer. going to be troublesome getting that to work00:09
MonotokoTerryBook, the WIndows key00:09
RAMPKORVSo I'm using Twinview, but full-sceen apps don't work so well00:09
EathuzSylphid, thanks for trying to help. I gave up and spent 10 minutes trying to find an empty CD. Found one and it's booting fine. I guess USB booting is simply out of the question00:09
Cryovatohsix: The general problem is that application switching has turned really inconvenient00:09
kzmanhi, how can i upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04?00:09
zetheroo ohsix: haha ... and your back to that ;)00:09
Monotokozetheroo, it brings up a menu which you can seatch from00:09
CryovatAnd I hate how they copied the mac menu00:09
CryovatIt's terrible00:09
Captainkrteknutsfornatty, verifying the ubuntu-doc for the printing setup00:09
TerryBookahh, ok00:09
sebsebsebkzman: through 10.10, and it will be a bit slow at the moment00:09
ohsixRAMPKORV: nice, thats tough though, the proprietary drivers only do xinerama; and they fake it, and only because the drivers don't do xrandr 1.2+00:09
CryovatWOrks on a netbook, but on a full desktop, it just fails00:09
sebsebsebit seems00:09
EathuzSylphid, tried both, no improvement. But it doesn't matter anyway. Thanks for taking your time :)00:09
zetherooMonotoko: yeah ... that is kinda what I have been talking about ...00:09
sebsebseb!upgrade | kzman00:09
ubottukzman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:09
entity[dlp]: I have a paste with my error and fstab contents: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600504/00:09
joepaI'm unable to pin apps to the Launcher in unity, anyone else having this problem?00:09
sebsebsebkzman: and since 10.04 is LTS it will only show LTS's by default00:10
Monotokojoepa, how come?00:10
rcmaehl_rantWhat's the name of the default theme for 11.04/00:10
sebsebsebrcmaehl_rant: Ambiance00:10
nutsfornattyapp switching is easy, i use 8 virtual windows and win+s  or win+w00:10
api1996will updating a wubi install of 10.10 to 11.04 work?00:10
SylphidEathuz, no problem... sorry i couldnt help, though it may be a bios bug you may want to try updating, i cant think of any other reason if it worked fine on another box00:10
RAMPKORVohsix, when playing games in Fullscreen, I get a fullscreen across two 16:9 screens, which isn't so pretty00:10
CryovatIt's ok if you're using keyboard00:10
Monotokoapi1996, it should do00:10
joepaMonotoko: I right click, choose "Keep in Launcher," logout, log back in, and it's gone00:10
Sexygurl2furlis it normal for the upgrade download to take forever?00:10
RAMPKORVBut I'm not really doing it much, so00:10
CryovatBut with a mouse, it's a big hassle00:10
ohsixRAMPKORV: thank nvidia :D00:10
pylixwhen does 10.10 stop being supported?00:10
joepaMonotoko: am I missing something?00:10
Captainkrtekif anyone has a printer installed in Natty please please PM me00:10
api1996thanks monotoko00:10
zetherooMonotoko: see that is well and all if you know the app your looking for ... although it still involves typing .. more work than before again ... but say you want to look at all your apps in a category ... ... it is not as quick as before00:10
nutsfornattycryovat: what OS do you find is easier for app switching?00:11
ohsixRAMPKORV: you could try the nouveau driver, it does xrandr00:11
EathuzSylphid, I agree. I'll try that later on. It's rather late here, so didn't think that far :)00:11
Cryovatnutsfornatty: It worked great in Gnome 2 with a panel with a task switcher on each screen00:11
Sylphidpylix, 2 years of support if i remember correctly00:11
RAMPKORVohsix, aye00:11
pylixokay thanks00:11
CryovatGnome 3 also works very nice out of the box for switching apps on multiple screens00:11
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ohsixzetheroo: not as quick for your trained behaviour, someone with different experience will have different circumstance00:11
RAMPKORVI hope it does Geforce 210 well00:11
Monotokojoepa...that should work...is it a new install or did you update? and zetheroo, I like to use my mouse as little as possible, find it slows me down00:12
fermisanupdate is still slow as fuck00:12
joepaMonotoko: update00:12
joepaMonotoko: from 10.1000:12
Sexygurl2furl<Sexygurl2furl> is it normal for the upgrade download to take forever?00:12
CryovatUnity  feels like it's designed without taking high resolutions or multiple screens into account at all00:12
zetherooMonotoko: hectic ;)00:12
Blue1fermisan: d/l the iso now, what can I expect?00:12
rafiiunity not improve workflow, it's only eye-candy...00:12
nutsfornattycryovat: i see your point. perhaps a few indicators for windows and window switching that can be customized would improve the mouse workflow00:12
Monotokojoepa, sounds like a permissions issue to me...not quite sure which file it will be though00:12
Sexygurl2furlcan somebody pls help me?????00:12
yofelpylix: nope, 12 months from now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:12
CryovatThe solution is pretty easy raelly00:12
Monotokojoepa, try to make a new account and see if it does the same00:12
CryovatOne launcher per screen00:12
zetherooohsix: true, hence why not accommodate both behaviours!?00:12
ohsixCryovat: thats not far from the truth; you know netbook sales swamp notebook sales right? and notebooks beat desktop sales00:13
joepaMonotoko: good idea00:13
CryovatBut the Unity people seem to have a religious issue with that thought00:13
Eathuz!helpme | Sexygurl2furl00:13
ubottuSexygurl2furl: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:13
Cryovatohsix: I know, but00:13
SoothsayerCan two computers on the same network have the _same_ mac address ?00:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:13
progre55hi guys. just upgraded to natty, but cannot install the flashplugin. getting this "flashplugin-installer depends on nspluginwrapper (>=; however: Package nspluginwrapper is not configured yet." any suggestions please?00:13
alien-007hi guys,,in booting 10.4 LTS on Mac Ibook G4,,but installer stops in the keyboard option,,,i try many times and keep doing the same,,what can i do ?00:13
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:13
pp7_Soothsayer: no00:13
CryovatIf you're designing a desktop environment for general use across all form factors, then you need to make it scalable00:13
ohsixzetheroo: you are one person, introduce a third with different experience from the first, accomodate all 3?00:13
Sylphidpylix, sorry was wrong 1.5 years00:13
TerryBookSoothsayer:  no.  MAC address is hardcoded into the network card00:13
pp7_Soothsayer: not unless u tell them to00:13
zetherooohsix: anyhow ... it's going to be ok ... just make me change my computing habits ... yet again :P00:13
ohsixzetheroo: take that to the possible number of all possible linuxusers00:13
CryovatThe Unity team seem like they just ignored scaling at all, and then at the end of the design process realized that someone might be running two screens00:14
Monotokozetheroo, you should be used to it within a few days :P00:14
xinelokies the problem is with encryption with the alternative 64bit 11.04 install, works fine with raid and no encrypted drives :(00:14
reecebanybody have an idea how to get around no DHCPOFFERS received?00:14
SoothsayerTerryBook, pp7_ : No I'm going to be setting the mac address manually (through some or other methods online).00:14
kzmanto upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04, do i have to upgrade to 10.10 at first?00:14
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Omen_20Anyone using Banshee 2.0?00:14
SoothsayerMy ISP's login client is locked to a mac address!00:14
nutsfornattycryovat: im sure someone will expand upon the basic unity configuration options. till then, we still have classic ubuntu as an option00:14
ohsixzetheroo: thats just to say, the important thing is you are advocating your preference, which is fine but not objective, and as stated already would lead to no change00:14
zetherooohsix: look mate, there is nothing new or crazy about making your bleeding main menu customisable ... nothing new about that at all ... it's nothing complex either ... so it should be in here ... period00:15
CryovatI'm sticking to Gnome 200:15
pp7_Soothsayer: not sure how that will work, how will each machine know what packets are designated for it?00:15
CryovatIt just works better for my needs00:15
crazed]psychi, excuse me...00:15
lucascould someone propose which filesystem is best to use for casper-rw patition on a slow usb-stick?00:15
TerryBookSoothsayer:  sounds like your ISP has problems and you need to complain to them.  but MAC addresses need to be unique even moreso than IP addresses00:15
[dlp]entity: Ubuntu 11.04 has probably enumerated the drives differently for some reason... so /dev/sda1 could become /deb/sdb100:15
[dlp]Use UUID's in fstab instead00:15
crazed]psycis ath9k a proprietary driver?00:15
ohsixzetheroo: it's not about new, or being complex00:15
Soothsayerye, true.00:15
CryovatI just wish the Gnome team wouldn't have been so stubborn in regards to app indicators in Gnome 300:15
ohsixzetheroo: it's about nobody freshly introduced to it, needing to do it at all00:15
CryovatI'd have been sold on Gnome 3 with appindicators00:15
entity[dlp]: how do I do that? I dont have write access to anythng, even as root00:15
Monotokocrazed]psyc, I believe so00:15
th0rSoothsayer: you can set both computers to use the same mac, so long as only one is online at a time00:16
crazed]psycIs there a FOSS replacement for ath9k?00:16
nutsfornattycryovat: i like the indicator change. far too many apps put needless icons in the task bars00:16
Monotokoentity, reboot in single-user mode00:16
CryovatIt's about time someone tackled it00:16
entityMonotoko: single-user mode?00:16
bastidrazorSoothsayer: then get a router that allows you to set its mac address00:16
ohsixi think a whitelist would have been a good start00:16
zetherooohsix: that's rubbish ... your saying that someone new to Ubuntu who uses Unity as their first desktop is not going to want to customise anything? rubbish00:16
Monotokoentity, hold on I have a command that will let you have write access again00:16
CryovatJust a shame the Gnome team suffers from not-invented-here syndrome00:16
nastjuidcrazed]psyc: check out madwifi00:17
ohsixzetheroo: you forget your a-priori information you carry from gnome00:17
Soothsayerbastidrazor: I do have that in place. But this ISP's login client won't be able to fetch that mac address anyway!00:17
entityMonotoko: this is my problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600504/00:17
nastjuidcrazed]psyc: http://madwifi-project.org00:17
ohsixzetheroo: they will probably not even think about it00:17
alien-007 hi guys,,in booting 10.4 LTS on Mac Ibook G4,,but installer stops in the keyboard option,,,i try many times and keep doing the same,,what can i do ?00:17
fermisanwhy is shuttleworth such a faggot00:17
[dlp]entity: When you get the boot menu.00:17
nutsfornattyon the bright side, we are only going to gain customization options for unity from here forward00:17
zetherooohsix: I work with new Ubuntu users all the time ... I know what they go for right away ... they want to customise!!!00:17
mnoyceninjai: You can also open multiple windows by clicking with the middle mouse button on the launcher icon.00:17
ohsixzetheroo: my mom uses classic but she doesn't know or care that she can change things00:18
lucascould someone propose which filesystem is best to use for casper-rw partition on a slow usb-stick?00:18
[dlp]entity: Remount read-write.00:18
entityMonotoko: the stuff in the paste i sent you occur directly after selecting the top ubuntu entry in the boot menu.00:18
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entity[dlp]: I thought the problem is that / will not mount at all...00:18
ChubcorpI want to backup my system, how do I tell it to place the backup.tgz file on an external HDD? I'm newish.00:18
commodore64thMy launcher and taskbar are missing, I can't use keyboard shortcuts liek alt-tab, and I can't resize or move any windows. Also, windows don't have borders... What do I do?00:18
Monotokoentity, do you only have one hard drive?00:18
ohsixzetheroo: you still have a special case; if you weren't arguing for your preference already it might even be notable00:18
commodore64thThis is Ubuntu 11.04 beta 200:19
entityMonotoko: yes.00:19
zetherooohsix: well your mom is one person ...and she is your mom ... I am talking about the new generation of computer-savvy people ... which far outnumber the rest00:19
likkiHi, my internet/browser on ubuntu 10.04 has been acting weird for the past couple of days. When I click on a link on google search, it would redirect me to google.com. Sometimes clicking a link on a webpage would redirect me to twitter. And sometimes it would give me a google 404 error. I cannot think of anything that might have caused this and this happens randomly. Any help?00:19
ohsixzetheroo: people aren't computer saavy, they're merely more familiar with some concepts00:19
deluHi, I just switched to Natty today and I've noticed that when I switch between viewports/workspaces in Classic, my docks and my panels all move instead of just my windows, like they did in Maverick. How can I change this?00:19
nutsfornattyreally computer savvy people dont want to waste time on customization. they want it to just work imo.00:19
zetherooohsix:  I am arguing for what I can see others are going to want ... based on having been putting newbies to Linux for over 5 years ...00:19
Monotokoentity, run fdisk -l00:19
Monotokoon the manual recovery00:20
Monotokosee what it says00:20
ohsixzetheroo: you find that the concepts change and you find some saavishy confused people00:20
zetherooohsix: the new generation are more computer savvy than my mom ... that is what I was referring to00:20
ohsixzetheroo: you are arguing for you, you want it,  you are saying you see other people want it to give you some sort of credit for having asked for it00:20
Chubcorpcommodore64th, I had the same problem you have to run the window manager in a terminal, I just can't remember the name of it right now.00:20
commodore64thtartar sauce.00:21
zetherooohsix: yes, and some concepts don't change ... like the basic ones :P00:21
Monotokoentity,  if you need to edit the fstab to be correct, all you need to do is boot from liveCD and edit it00:21
ohsixzetheroo: like i said, "computer saavy" is an empty statement00:21
leagriswhere can I get the correct french/french 105k euro layout. All layouts available are false00:21
TerryBookok.  this is ticking me off.  is there a way to revert to a previous version without completely reinstalling?00:21
commodore64thWhat happened is I was trying to change some settings in compiz-fonfig, then it disappeared all of a sudden.00:21
MonotokoTerryBook, what's pissing you off?00:21
commodore64threbooting doesn't help.00:21
Monotokothe UI?00:21
commodore64thmaybe I disabled it by accident?00:21
ohsixzetheroo: people aren't car saavy, they can just understand pedals and a wheel after some instruction,  you change the pedals or the wheel, they'll want what they know back00:21
zetherooohsix: well I see your speaking from your vast experience of having put your mom onto Linux ...so who am I to question THAT!? :D00:22
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done00:22
TerryBookMonotoko:  no, I'm in gnome.  certain programs I use on a daily basis are now crashing every time I switch window focus00:22
MonotokoTerryBook, did you upgrade or reinstall?00:22
talntidCommander1024: metacity --replace &00:22
likkiHi, my firefox browser on ubuntu 10.04 has been acting weird for the past couple of days. When I click on a link on google search, it would redirect me to google.com. Sometimes clicking a link on a webpage would redirect me to twitter. And sometimes it would give me a google 404 error. I cannot think of anything that might have caused this and this happens randomly. Any help?00:22
ohsixzetheroo: vast experience of people inflatingt themselves into "people" and insisting their not arguing poorly for their own ends, but the "peoples", you are deluding yourself00:23
MonotokoTerryBook, that could be the issue...first thing I'd do is create a new account00:23
Chubcorpcommodore64th, it's called metacity run that in a terminal, and it should all reappear00:23
commodore64thChubcorp, thanks; I'll try that.00:23
[dlp]entity: If your root partition wasn't mounted you wouldn't be able to read /etc/fstab00:23
leagrisfucking wrecked french keyboard layout can not get the sharp symbol anymore00:23
chotazQuick question, I was upgrading from Maverick to Narry, and my city went throught a complete blackout, now whenever I try to boot my ubuntu box it says the Hard drive is not ready or no present, I can keep waiting or Press S to skip mount and M to manual recovery, what should I do.00:23
xinelso anybody else trying encrypting all their drives with 11.04?00:23
talntidChubcorp, lol. I beat you to it, but he gave you the credit. drats! :P00:23
[dlp]Or anything else, for that matter.00:23
zetherooohsix: yep ... as are you ;)00:23
kbrosnanlikki: middle clicking on links?00:23
Chubcorptalntid, haha, winner!00:23
talntidAh, I use the wrong nick, to tell him. darn autocomplete let me down! ahh!!!00:24
TerryBookMonotoko:  the program I'm having trouble with isn't installed system-wide, it's in my home directory00:24
likkikbrosnan: middle clicking?00:24
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Slimcea_boyWhy is #ubuntu+1 invite-only, and may I please be invited? I would like to ask some questions about the next release.00:24
zetherooohsix: your speaking for change without thinking of basic common sense ... like customisation ... that is hardly change for the better!00:24
ohsixzetheroo: i'm me, and my persona experience with my mother,i'm not oresuming to speak for untold numbers of people that happen to agree with what i'm trying to have done00:24
nutsfornattylikki: install chrome or chromium from the software center and see if your url clicks work properly there00:24
MonotokoSlimcea_boy, you'll need to be patient...they'll reopen in a week or two00:24
kbrosnanlikki: using the middle mouse button00:24
ohsixzetheroo: common sense is a red herring, often used as a cudgel; like "you don't think like me"00:24
EathuzI want to install Ubuntu on a partition of a harddrive I already "prepared" or rather made it already. Where should I install the bootloader? Should this be on the W7 partition?00:25
nutsfornattylikki: if they do, something screwed up your firefox install.. or like the others mentioned.. you are middle clicking00:25
leagriswhere is the sharp symbol on the new fr layout?00:25
likkikbrosnan: my links works some times on google chrome when it doesn't on firefox00:25
Chubcorpcommodore64th, did it work?00:25
likkikbrosnan: is that the scroll wheel?00:25
commodore64thChubcorp, yeah, but I still need my launcher...00:25
kbrosnanlikki: yes00:25
commodore64thand taskbar00:25
nutsfornattylikki: make sure you are not shifting focus between multiple firefox tabs by accident00:25
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:25
ohsixzetheroo: nobody has said it was change for the better, and without time nobody will know, it is merely different00:25
Chubcorpcommodore64th, on the task bar?00:25
zetherooohsix: ok, well I gtg ... work and that ... good luck with all that ;)00:25
commodore64thmy taskbar is missing and my launcher is missing00:26
ohsixzetheroo: i'm fine thanks00:26
likkikbrosnan: how can I fix it on firefox?00:26
chotazGood night everyone. Quick question, I was upgrading from Maverick to Natty, and my city went throught a complete blackout, now whenever I try to boot my ubuntu box it says the Hard drive is not ready or no present, I can keep waiting or Press S to skip mount and M to manual recovery, what should I do.00:26
george_Good evening. I've tried to upgrade my distro, but there were some troubles. I'm currently stucked, due to the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade results in the following http://pastie.org/1845252. Could someone help me to solve that? Thanks. Someone told me to run apt-get --ignore-hold dist-upgrade. Is that safe?00:26
zetherooohsix: yeah ... sure00:26
Chubcorpcommodore64th, just add new panel and add everything, that's all I can think of to do.00:26
skulltipas long as the gui doesn't cramp my FPS-game playing ways, i'll be fine with 11.0400:26
talntidcommodore64th: gconftool-2 -shutdown | gconftool -recursive-unset /apps/panel | rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel | pkill gnome-panel00:26
kbrosnanlikki: first I need to know if you are using the scroll button to click on links, else my suggestion is meaningless00:27
ohsixeven post gnome-shell i'll be using the panels & nautilus, so i really couldn't care less00:27
ohsixunfortunately the panel or something like it is make or break for me00:27
ChubcorpI want to backup my system, how do I tell it to place the backup.tgz file on an external HDD? I'm newish.00:27
EathuzWhen installing Ubuntu, which partition type should I use? And since I'm dual booting it with W7, should I install the boot loader on the same drive as the W7 boot loader?00:28
likkikbrosnan: I'm not using my scroll button to click on links00:28
nutsfornattylikki: the pages you are accessing when you click on urls, are they pages you have already seen? or are they new pages? (wondering if you are toggling your history urls by accident )00:28
ohsixChubcorp: how do you tell what? you should try deja-dup, it's nice; and will start missed backups when you plug the backup volume back in00:28
talntidChubcorp, mount the external hard drive. if it's already mounted, find out where by typing "mount" - then, just specify it's mount location when backing up.00:28
ohsixtalntid: wat00:28
triunityQuestion, 11.04 is out, since it has a new gui, should i reformate or just upgrade?00:28
todd_dsmhow would you use dpkg to show where the contents of a package were installed? I'm trying to find out what all get's installed with ldap-utils, and where.00:29
likkinutsfornatty: sometimes they are pages that i have already visited.00:29
talntidcommodore64th, did that work?00:29
commodore64thtalntid, it didn00:29
bastidrazortodd_dsm: dpkg -L packagename00:29
talntidwhat did it do/not do?00:29
entity[dlp]: Monotoko http://paste.ubuntu.com/600512/00:29
nutsfornattydeja dup is awesome00:29
[dlp]entity: Use blkid to find UUID.00:29
ohsixtriunity: upgrades work, unity is like .001% of all of the gnome situation on natty; just use the classic session if you wish00:29
commodore64thI get an error: unknown option -recorsive-unset00:29
talntidrecursive, not recorsive00:29
entityok got the UUID of the partitions00:30
aciculaEathuz: eh the type should be Linux, the bootloader files go on the linux partition, but you can install the bootloader to the first disk00:30
triunityOk... thanks for the heads up ohsix00:30
commodore64thactually, I did spell it right in the terminal00:30
todd_dsmbastidrazor: cool, that did it, thanks man.00:30
Chubcorphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 I went here and when it says to go to the root of the filesystem, as in that's where it's going to put the backup, I don't want the backup there. It says cd/00:30
bastidrazortodd_dsm: you're welcome.00:30
ohsixlikki: i'd check what extensions you're using, anything outside of firefox isn't going to do that00:30
acicula!dualboot| Eathuz look here as well00:30
ubottuEathuz look here as well: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:30
nutsfornattylikki: sometimes? hum. make sure ask you click a url you do not see the url bar (where you enter the txt url like http... ) change or flash00:30
ohsixtriunity: if you have compiz settings you want to migrate you will probably have to do it manually00:30
entity[dlp]: okay so I got the UUID for the partitions. What do I do with that?00:31
commodore64thBTW, talntid, I'm using Ubuntu 11.0400:31
ohsixtriunity: since it's been updated to .9, and theres a migration thing but it misses about everything00:31
talntidtry gconftool-200:31
nutsfornattylikki: also make sure you are not accidentally hitting your keyboard keys as you mouse click00:31
triunityI have a netbook, pretty normal setup (though i use desktop edition because unity sucks in 10.10)00:31
commodore64thhave to reboot...00:31
[dlp]entity: Replace /dev/sda2 with UUID=... in /etc/fstab00:31
[dlp]entity: Make sure it's the right partition!00:32
commodore64thdoes gconftool-2 run in GUI mode?00:32
hypetechis there a way to do full disc encryption with natty desktop?  I saw the option in server install, but not desktop00:32
Chubcorpohsix, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 I went here and when it says to go to the root of the filesystem, as in that's where it's going to put the backup, I don't want the backup there. It says cd/00:32
ohsixtriunity: well they ditched mutter & made it a compiz plugin so it works a lot differently00:32
ohsixhypetech: ugh00:32
likkinutsfornatty: its not doing it now since it is usually random.. Sometimes it would give me a google 404 error. This problem would happen on google chrome also if i paste the link there.00:32
hypetechohsix: ?00:32
entitydelete "/dev/sda2"? and replace with "UUID=<big string00:32
entityF. accidently hit enter00:32
aciculahypetech: yes but you have to use the alternative installer00:32
ohsixChubcorp: just use deja-dup; don't mess with stuff in the terminal00:33
hypetechacicula: ah, ty00:33
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aciculahypetech: you can only setup encrypted home directories via the gui installer00:33
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[dlp]entity: And could you paste /proc/mounts as well?00:33
strigoi66So I have a problem: I have a lucid server setup and serving html, I also am serving videos. The problem (can play videos in linux, but not windows.) The error is (missing plugin) I have searched all over, but could not find a plugin to play the videos in windows. Please point me in the right direction. I am a newb to ubuntu server.00:33
entity[dlp]: sure. could you paste what they SHOULD look like afterward?00:34
ohsixhypetech: have you assured physical security and taken into account all the other things you need to do to make encrypting everything even remotely worthwhile?00:34
skulltipin the upgrade, will my wireless networking/WPA password need to be reentered?00:34
aciculahypetech: theres a few pages about it on the ubuntu i think, its not too hard to setup but can be a bit of a hassle00:34
[dlp]entity: Yeah.00:34
aciculaskulltip: nope00:34
hypetechohsix: it's for my laptop00:34
xinelhypetech, haven't been able to get full disk encryption working with natty00:34
ohsixhypetech: encrypting everything is a bad idea, you ensure all the things stored in there are as either equally in need of securing, or equally worthless00:34
xinelhangs after grub00:35
bashelinais 15 gb enough to partition /   ??00:35
ohsixhypetech: if you just want to be cool and tell people stuff is encrypted i'd seriously advise against it00:35
aciculabashelina: should be00:35
chotazGood night everyone. Quick question, I was upgrading from Maverick to Natty, and my city went throught a complete blackout, now whenever I try to boot my ubuntu box it says the Hard drive is not ready or no present, I can keep waiting or Press S to skip mount and M to manual recovery, what should I do.00:35
ohsixhypetech: segregate what is actually important to secure & assure its phsyical security00:36
xinelimo theres nothing wrong with total hdd encryption at all00:36
taseHow do I take control of my home folder on an ubuntu install while on live cd ? I want to back it up to an archive00:36
ohsixxinel: there is lots wrong with it00:36
TerryBookoh great.  it doesn't crash in unity....but every time I switch window focus away from it in gnome it crashes00:36
l1nfr4nk7hey whats up, how does everyone enjoy 11.04?00:36
skulltiptase - try backintime, it's in repos00:37
bashelinaI only got 60 gb total, so i dedicated 15 gb for / ...  is it sufficient ?00:37
ohsixxinel: like i said, you make everything asuseless or everything needing the same security measures, there is no halfway, and there is a lot that can happen that renders the encryption moot00:37
hypetechohsix: that doesn't really help if I delete sensitive information without encrypting it00:37
swattoWhats the best way to upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu please? I tried but it says cannot get release notes?00:37
yofelbashelina: that's plenty00:37
deluanyone know how to lock down docks/panels when switching between viewports/workspaces in natty? In Maverick, just my windows moved00:37
skulltiplnfr4nk7 - think it's a love/hate relationship00:37
taseskulltip: uh isn't there a way to take ownership of the folder, I dont want to backup my ubuntu install, just this one folder; ive tried chmod and chown, and it doesn't work out00:38
ohsixxinel: an enitely encrypted drive is no better than an entirely unencrypted drive most of the time00:38
xinelohsix, how do you figure that?00:38
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TerryBookhow do I get to growl in unity?00:38
stefgbashelina: even 10G will be enough00:38
Loshkibashelina: 15GB should be plenty. I don't recall seeing a / partition ever go over 10GB...00:38
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hypetechin the case of a powered off laptop, full disc encryption is essentially fullproof in case of theft, which is my main concern00:38
ohsixhypetech: that doesn't help either, you had sensitive information on plain storage; that is already a mistake00:38
skulltipsudo chown -R folder name.name  ?00:38
kyle__hi all - i am after some help?00:38
[dlp]xinel: Don't get him started :D00:38
bashelinastefg, Loshki  ok thx00:38
l1nfr4nk7skulltip lol yeah i agree ... i rather stick with 10.10 ... been playing with Gnome 3 a bit too00:39
commodore64thdoes anyone know how to start the unity panel service?00:39
tripelbNot a sexy problem: When I am on filesystem A I cant copy files from filesystem B (no permissions). When I boot into filesystem B I cant even SEE filesystem A. 10.0400:39
ohsixhypetech: a token on your person with your encrypted information is 100% no fault in case of theft and _more_00:39
nutsfornattyof you are ok with the performance hit, full encryption is ok00:39
xinel[dlp], fair enough, been awake for 30 hours myself :P00:39
aciculahypetech: set a decent password and enable the encrypted home option, that should keep most people out00:39
ohsixhypetech: `if they have access to  you and your token themn they have access to the ecrypted volumes00:39
chotazGood night everyone. Quick question, I was upgrading from Maverick to Natty, and my city went throught a complete blackout, now whenever I try to boot my ubuntu box it says the Hard drive is not ready or no present, I can keep waiting or Press S to skip mount and M to manual recovery, what should I do??00:39
nutsfornattyyou would be better suited using truecrypt to encrypt only what you absolutely must protect imo00:39
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chilipep4hi. after i log in to my system, i get only the desktop background picture, and i can move the mouse, but the buttons don't do anything00:39
kyle__how do you get help here?00:39
sebsebsebchilipep4: ok with Unity in 11.04?00:40
chilipep4how to deal with this? it was working fine for quite a while up until now00:40
nutsfornattykyle: just ask :-)00:40
aciculakyle__: by just asking your question00:40
Logan_!ask | kyle__00:40
ubottukyle__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:40
bashelinakyle__,  just ask a quiestion..00:40
ohsixacicula: how do you measure "most people"? you know most thefts are from people  you already know, and they might even know your password already00:40
[dlp]chotaz: You're in an awkward position.00:40
NUSHORoh wow just a flood bot in here?00:40
likkiHow come I cannot upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04. In my update manager it does not show any updates after I clicked on "check".00:40
aciculaohsix:if you would like to discuss security with me do it in offtopic or ##security, not here00:40
chotaz[dlp]: how awkward is awkward?00:40
chilipep4sebsebseb: oh, actually, this is with either lucid or maverick00:40
sebsebseblikki: since 10.04 only shows other LTS's by default, but yeah there isn't one00:40
[dlp]chotaz: Depends when the power failed00:40
kyle__ok, i think this is an old one but i am trying to run 11.04 from usb, i have got further than in the past - but it still wont work!00:40
sebsebseblikki: you can change the setting so it will show 10.10 as well, then go through that to 11.0400:41
NUSHORacicula: here is a security risk for you:00:41
NUSHOR?DCC SEND "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" 0 0 000:41
problemsnmI'm trying to recompile network-manager, how can I do so?00:41
deluoh, does anyone know how to disable the floating scrollbars in 11.04?00:41
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.00:41
ohsixacicula: i'd ask that you keep your baseless statements there as well. then00:41
sebsebsebchilipep4: clean install or?00:41
Mahjongghello, I'd like to record a pronounciation from google translate. how can I record it?00:41
chilipep4sebsebseb: anyways, the only way i can get around it is to change the session to "xterm" instead of gnome.00:41
likkisebsebseb: how do I change the setting to show 10.10?00:41
ohsixhypetech: decide what is important, separate it, secure it00:41
nutsfornattykyle__: usb booting was bugged during the betas. not sure if it has been fixed, wabi was also bugged for windows00:42
Paolo_CTHI there, the link to download the 11.04 Netbook version (Torrent) is broken00:42
Paolo_CTThis is the link: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent00:42
chotaz[dlp]:  I don't really know, I was at the mall, and I only knew of the blackout because the entire more went out of light too. when I left home it had just started downloading the 1615 files it needed.00:42
sebsebsebah yes thsi channel and the attacks!00:42
mala85What is the best way to install Gnome3/Gnome-Shell on 11.04? Is it to start with Kubuntu so as not to get into conflicts with Gnome2/Unity?00:42
aciculaohsix: please dont harass volunteers, recommending encrypted home and setting a good password is a perfectly acceptable recommendation00:42
hypetechohsix: we'll have to agree to disagree in this particular instance, but I do appreciate your input :)00:42
ohsixhypetech: much like a gun without a lock won't be protected by your front door if it can just be kicked in00:42
KNUBBIGmala85: the PPA for gnome shell crashes Unity, true, so Kubuntu could be nice00:42
sebsebseblikki: look around for  the setting I guess00:42
TerryBookhow do I access growl?00:42
sebsebseb!upgrade | likki00:42
ubottulikki: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:42
[dlp]chotaz: You could probably recover the filesystem but the software will likely be in an inconsistent state.00:42
sebsebseblikki: also trying to upgrade to 10.10 and such now would be slow00:42
cdavisjiohdi: it says google chrome 32 bit does not match my amd64 system and won't install00:42
chilipep4sebsebseb: clean install -- just a couple of days ago.00:42
kyle__well at least i got it to boot from USB but seemed to hang on purple screen, beta 2 worked fine, updated itself and booted me into unity, cannot do it with fnal version00:43
chotaz[dlp]:  fresh install is my best way out?00:43
sebsebsebchilipep4: hmm maybe give 11.04 a try, or some other distro :D00:43
happyfaceblinking cursor after grub on new 11.04 (installed with alternative usb), what can I do?00:43
[dlp]chotaz: I would, probably.00:43
mala85KNUBBIG: Thank you.00:43
[dlp]chotaz: Use a liveCD to do a backup first (if you haven't already).00:43
Mahjongghow can I record some audio that is already playing on my system?00:43
sebsebsebmala85: ok you awnt Gnome Shell :)00:44
commodore64thtalntid, gconftool-2 didn't work...00:44
ohsixacicula: it is not, unless you tell people they can lose access to their information if it is damaged or they forget their passphrase as well; or that i t essentially can't be changed without recreating the volume, there is a _lot_ with suggesting people ust encrypt everything with no regard to why, it is not free and often doesn't get them what they actually want either00:44
chilipep4sebsebseb: oh. i've used ubuntu -- installed off of the very same disk -- without problems for about half a year now.00:44
sebsebsebmala85: you don't quite get the proper expereince with the Gnome 3 ppa, but if it works for you, should be good enough for now I guess00:44
chotaz[dlp]:  that really sucks, I was halfway through my final project.. oh wait, I just started using ubuntu as my main OS, never remember about live CD's [/freakoutmode]00:44
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happyfaceblinking cursor after grub on new 11.04 (installed with alternative usb), what can I do?00:44
aciculaohsix: when people enable the encrypted home they get a big warning about just that and how to recover their data in case of problems00:44
chilipep4sebsebseb: i simply tried reinstalling -- worked fine until about the 4-th reboot, and now the "gnome" sessions won't work00:45
KNUBBIGsebsebseb: but using the PPA will crash Unity, so one should be careful with it00:45
ohsixacicula: does it tell them about changing their authentication information?00:45
sebsebsebmala85: ,but you  will probably have issues trying to load up Unity if you install it, like KNUBBIG is pointing out00:45
mala85sebsebseb: Hm. Maybe I will wait a few days - 'till the dust settles :)00:45
chotaz[dlp]:  just one side question, what's the right swap size?00:45
sebsebseb!gnome3 | mala8500:45
ubottumala85: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are _experimental_, _unstable_ and may break your system.00:45
mmjunaidhi all00:45
[dlp]chotaz: There's no simple answer to that.00:46
KNUBBIGwill break is more correct x)00:46
ohsixacicula: password rotation is going to do a lot more good with casual intrusions than an encrypted volume will, the volume will be mounted the entire lifetime of the machine being on, you can't unmount it00:46
sebsebsebmala85: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-300:46
sebsebsebmala85: no that's it now, 11.04 will only get security updates now00:46
sgaapif you dont want to use unity its safe to install the gnome 3 ppa00:46
mmjunaidjust upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop and now after i choose the os in Grub there is a blank screen and no disk activity...00:46
chilipep4sebsebseb: so, based on this, i'm sure it's a relatively trivial problem, but i'm not sure with what.00:46
mmjunaidplease help me00:46
ohsixchotaz: if you want to hibernate, at least 2/3rds the ram you have00:46
[dlp]chotaz: How much RAM you got?00:46
KNUBBIG!ask | mmjunaid00:46
ubottummjunaid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:46
Logan_KNUBBIG: he already did00:46
sebsebsebmmjunaid: ok sounds like the upgrade gone wrong on you00:47
KNUBBIGoh sorry00:47
aciculaohsix: again i would like to suggest ##security or offtopic as the venue to continue this discussion00:47
KNUBBIGdidn't see it00:47
chotaz[dlp]: 12GBs00:47
Logan_KNUBBIG: no problem00:47
ohsixchotaz: if you havelike 16gb of ram you can use less, since it won't all be in use :D00:47
mala85sebsebseb: The gnome3-team PPA will not be continuously updated?00:47
SoothsayerDCC exploit .. wtf :-|00:47
sebsebsebmala85: yes they will keep it up to date, it seems00:47
ohsixacicula: you cant make suppositions then not accept the answer & redirect00:47
mmjunaidyes,seems so, but i have clue after reading few google results,00:47
SoothsayerKevin`: still around? got disconnected00:47
JaymesKellerHi, I'm trying to access my NTFS RAID partition in 11.04. How do I get access into it from Ubuntu?00:47
IdleOneSoothsayer: don't do that. you can be k-lines from freenode for it :)00:47
stefgchotaz: if you plan on suspending your machine you need at least your ram size (plus some) . for the average modern machine (which rarely swaps) 1 G is usually enough00:47
ohsixit is plainly bad advice00:47
[dlp]chotaz: With that much RAM you don't really need swap unless you want to use hibernate.00:47
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KNUBBIGJaymesKeller: did it work for you under 10.10?00:48
sebsebsebmala85: for the 100% full proper Gnome 3 expereince, wait untill 11.10 when it Ubuntu uses Gnome Shell,  or use another dsitro that has full Gnome 3 by default, but like I said if the ppa works for you, should be good enough for now really00:48
mmjunaidI have NVidia card and when i press the auto set button on the monitor, it say set a lower resolution00:48
Kevin`Soothsayer: pong00:48
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JaymesKellerKNUBBIG: Yes, it did work under 10.10.00:48
chotaz[dlp]:  it's a lapop so yeah, hibernating is helpful.00:48
[dlp]chotaz: Or you're running something insanely memory-hungry.00:48
sebsebsebmala85: when Ubuntu uses Gnome 3 on the backend, I mean above, I typed wrong thing00:48
Kevin`Soothsayer: why would it end up being sda1? I would expect the windows c: partition to be sda100:48
ohsix[dlp]: i always suggest at least 512m even if you have lots of ram;if only because there are pages in the vm that need never exist in memory in most cases & would just waste ram00:48
Kevin`Soothsayer: nor should you specifically change the numbers around (you'll confuse windows)00:48
OrTigaSwhile i'm browsing... suddenly appear if i want to upgrade! so i did!  lets see what will happen next!00:48
* MC8 bashes the update manager00:49
[dlp]I usually suggest some as well.00:49
tasewhy am i getting permission denied when trying to create an archive I files I own00:49
[dlp]My machine has 3GB RAM, and used swap is almost always 0.00:49
ohsix[dlp]: also even memory hungry programs vary their access patterns, so theres no real rule of thumb, aside from hibernating :]00:49
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mmjunaidKNUBBIG,  sebsebseb , any ideas please ??00:50
sebsebsebmmjunaid: clean install Ubuntu I guess00:50
likkiDoes 11.04 ubuntu version have a lot of bugs?00:50
ohsix[dlp]: mine is 3g, swap is usually 1-4g in use00:50
mala85Ok. Seems I need a test computer for Gnome-Shell on 11.04. Can't risk using it as the primary OS currently I guess :)00:50
likkiI'm still not sure if I should download it.00:50
sebsebsebmmjunaid: or maybe simpalley  Grub is pointing to the wrong partition00:50
ohsix[dlp]: my working set is huge though, i really should get more ram00:50
chotaz[dlp]: ohsix: so I guess 4GB swap is more than enough? for my 12GB machine that is00:50
nowherefastwould someone possibly be able to help me with a wifi related issue that I am having? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174229900:50
OrTigaShaha.... 4hrs to upgrade  :)00:50
sebsebseb!grub2 | mmjunaid00:50
ubottummjunaid: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:50
[dlp]chotaz: If Linux runs out of memory it will kill a random process.00:50
Phong_i have air conditioner tell me that it "Estimated Yearly Operating Cost is $208.  is that mean i turn my AC on 24/7 for the whole summer and cost only $208?00:50
mmjunaidhmmm, let me check if this is the case00:51
[dlp]chotaz: That is, when all RAM + swap space has been used.00:51
ohsix[dlp]: it's not random but it's close; and you can turn off overcommit00:51
ohsix(if it's a real concern)00:51
Logan_!ot | Phong_00:51
ubottuPhong_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:51
[dlp]in which case malloc() will fail instead.00:51
ohsixwell, mmap00:51
Mahjongghow can I record some audio that is already playing on my system?00:52
ohsix[dlp]: but in the program likely crossing the line ;] theres a middleground option too, for some overcommit00:52
chotaz[dlp]:  rebooting now with a live 11.04 usb stick. going to do a fresh install :(00:52
nowherefasteasy way out00:52
ohsixchotaz: i'd make my swap at elast half with that much memory00:53
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
chotaz[dlp]: kinda disappointed to see same login interface and wallpaper :x00:53
ohsixchotaz: that way a failed hibernate is less likely to sneak up on you00:53
nowherefastdoes anyone know how to completely remove wifi drivers in ubuntu 10.10?00:53
ohsix(which SUCKS, unless you like a hot bag & really hot laptop)00:54
KNUBBIGany1 instantly knows how to disable join/quit messages in irssi?00:54
calvinI'm having a super weird problem.  I think it may have something to do with my networking settings.  I can scp, rsync, and git push / pull anything 1406 bytes or smaller, but once i hit that cap, i get a timeout...like it sends the first packet and poops out or something.  Is anyone willing to help me troubleshoot?00:54
[dlp]I never use hibernate.00:54
ohsixKNUBBIG: /window level -joins -parts00:54
[dlp]Only suspend.00:54
KNUBBIGohsix: thanks00:54
=== Shadowmbit is now known as shadowmaster
ohsix[dlp]: hybrid suspend wakes up the laptop for a hibernate after a while, or when the battery gets to 3%00:55
JaymesKellerI'm having problems trying to get into my NTFS RAID partition under 11.04, when it worked under 10.10. Any ideas on how to do this?00:55
ohsixwhich is why, practically speaking; i use hibernate a lot00:55
[dlp]ohsix: Interesting.00:55
ohsixJaymesKeller: you probably have to install dmraid, rebuild your ramfs & reboot00:56
mordofoh how i dislike problems with grub.. *sighs* So i did the install to 11.04 from 10.10, and now grub is dropping me to a repair command line, do i need to get a 11.04 live cd to fix it? or can i fix it in my 10.10 live cd?00:56
[dlp]I don't use suspend much either. I don't think my laptop has ever gone into hibernation that way.00:56
entitywow that wasn't annoying.00:56
ohsixmordof: is grub doing it or is it a busybox prompt?00:56
[dlp]entity: What?00:56
entity[dlp]: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600519/00:57
entity[dlp]: I kept getting sent to #ubuntu-read-to00:57
mordofohsix: what's a busybox prompt? lol00:57
ohsix[dlp]: i rely on keeping my work around heavily, like months of suspends & a few hibernates00:57
mmjunaidsebsebseb, fdisk -l shows that the sda6 is the linux partition and pressing e on the boot menu item shows like this, set root='(hd0,msdos6)' is that ok ?00:57
ohsixmordof: if it doesn't say busybox don't worry about it00:57
stefgmordof: ou can probably fix it from the lice CD if you are able to chroot into the installed system00:57
mordofohsix: ok, then i guess it's not that.00:57
commodore64thdoes anyone know what the default window manager for natty is?00:57
mordofstefg: yeah, just that grub got updated with 11.04, so i'm thinking there may be version problems00:58
ohsixcommodore64th: compiz with the unity plugin00:58
sebsebsebmmjunaid: I don't really know about configuring Grub 2 that much,  you may be better off re installing with 11.04, yep a clean install00:58
commodore64thdo you know how I can reset my compiz settings to their default values?00:58
lcbmordof, can you get grub menu? (SHIFT after bios loading and before grub - then recovery)00:58
ohsixnutsfornatty / acicula: the _window manager_ is compiz00:58
ZiberUsing compiz with multiple monitors, is there a way I can rotate them independently?00:58
chotazswap should be primary or logical?00:58
Sexygurl2furl<Sexygurl2furl> does anybody know the command to get java on ubuntu00:59
mordoflcb: grub tries to pop up - but fails to bring up the selectable menu00:59
mmjunaidi would have done a clean install already but i have many programs installed and dont have to do all the reinstallation, i have to finish projec work.00:59
mordoflcb: it drops me to a grup repair commandline thing00:59
escottmmjunaid, thats correct00:59
ohsixZiber: not really, the workspaces are for allmonitors00:59
alien-007unable to mount 10GB filesystem   Error mounting:exited with code 18:Failed to write lock '/dev/sda1': Resource temporarily unavailable00:59
mordoflcb: so it's seeing Grub is there, but can't continue00:59
lcbmordof, did you try that sequence?00:59
commodore64thSexygurl2furl, sudo apt-get install java00:59
nastjuidSexygurl2furl: which java?00:59
stefgmordof: can you mount the installed system on the Live CD environment?00:59
ohsixZiber: you can probably get by with sticking some apps in all workspaces though00:59
alien-007im booting on a mac ibook g400:59
calvinjoin #ubuntu00:59
mordoflcb: no, but i thought it was essentially the same thing, since i've tried it in the past00:59
Sexygurl2furlI  need the web plugin00:59
mordofstefg: yeah00:59
sebsebseb!home | mmjunaid00:59
ubottummjunaid: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:59
Sexygurl2furland the latest java00:59
sebsebsebmmjunaid: you would still have to re install the programs though01:00
commodore64thcheck the java website out01:00
stefgmordof: so where have you mounted it?01:00
lcbmordof, probably not. try and say something after that01:00
mmjunaidand the worst is that my wife also uses the same pc with a mulitseat and now she also cant work :(01:00
escottmmjunaid, thats the old 10.10 syntax though, it is changed slightly in 11.0401:00
mordofstefg: i'm not sure i understand - grub was working perfectly before the update, i changed nothing01:00
mordoflcb: alright, i'll be back01:00
sebsebsebmmjunaid: right, and neither of you may like the Unity interface much that is in 11.0401:00
[dlp]entity: Make your fstab look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600524/01:00
mordofstefg: brb01:00
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done01:00
_stev_hi, I'm installing natty and I have a problem with grub2 and lvm01:01
sebsebsebmmjunaid: for example01:01
lcbmordof, don't do anything you are not sure... just go to the recovery menu and cameback here01:01
KNUBBIGcool upgrade is taking about 3 hours to complete :@ that will be 5 am here ...01:01
mmjunaidcan i somehow specify the device resolution at kerrnel boot line ? when i press the e key?01:01
alien-007 unable to mount 10GB filesystem   Error mounting:exited with code 18:Failed to write lock '/dev/sda1': Resource temporarily unavailable01:02
lcbKNUBBIG, it depends on your inter-speed ;)01:02
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_stev_it is an encrypted disk and grub2 can't probe a disk for my lvm root partition01:02
alien-007cai manually mount a disk on terminal /01:02
KNUBBIGlcb: already downloaded, install is taking 3 hours01:02
lcbKNUBBIG, did you upgrade before the distro upgrade?01:02
_stev_error is: Autodetection of a filesystem of "/dev/mapper/my-lvm-root-partition" failed01:02
ohsix[dlp]: heres one of those special cases thatneed intervention, you want to help him? :D01:02
KNUBBIGlcb: yes01:02
ohsixacicula: ping, help _stev_01:03
lcbKNUBBIG, so you have loads of things installed :)01:03
[dlp]ohsix: Who?01:03
entity[dlp]: how do I get my write rights back to do that?01:03
KNUBBIGlcb: seems true :p ~1900 packages to upgrade :D01:03
lcbKNUBBIG, not too much .. :001:03
[dlp]entity: Try mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda2 /01:04
KNUBBIGlcb: than it's just my 5400 rpm hdd I think (+ 1.8 ghz dualcore)01:04
aciculaohsix: ?01:04
lcbKNUBBIG, let it go, don't interrupt or you might get screwed01:04
thebigroflzhi guys, im new to ubuntu, and I need some help please01:05
KNUBBIGlcb: yes I'm afraid of that, probably will just leave it running while sleeping :)01:05
entitywhat in the world01:05
lcbbastidrazor, it seems you have a kb problem. just hit ALT+F401:05
kbrosnancat problem01:05
KNUBBIGthebigroflz: what's the problem?01:05
nowherefastis anyone farmiliar with blacklisting drivers and would be able to help?01:05
thebigroflzI don't want to be asked to enter my keyring password everytime to enable the wireless, but the option is faded01:06
kbrosnannowherefast: blacklisting drivers on what?01:06
thebigroflzlike when I log back in, the "automatically unlock..." option is faded and cant be set01:06
visual1ceanybody used the upgrade feature to 11.04 from 10.10 in udpate manager?01:06
entity[dlp]: it returned my prompt.01:06
lcbKNUBBIG, yes. hopefully you don't have any pop-up prompts in meanwhile01:06
nowherefastkbrosnan: i am trying to uninstall my current wifi driver01:06
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[dlp]entity: Good.01:07
nowherefastkbrosnan: so that i can install a new driver with ndiswrap01:07
thebigroflzanyone know how to fix/enable this?01:07
entity[dlp]: sweet write rights are back. thanks01:07
KNUBBIGlcb: I'll freak out if I get up and it still says 2h to go, do you want to do that and that ;D01:07
kbrosnannowherefast: oh different drivers, was thinking video01:07
[dlp]entity: Be careful.01:07
ohsixthebigroflz: do you have ubuntu log you in without a password? if you do, it won't unlock the keyring for you automatically, and you'll get the joy of unlocking it for just about every access01:07
lcbKNUBBIG, just sleep well and don't have bad dreams about the end of the world :p01:07
nowherefastkbrosnan:from what i understand i need to blacklist the current wifi driver and uninstall the module01:07
commodore64thwhew! deleting my compiz settings fixed all my worries.01:07
KNUBBIGoh but it probably will do as some config files etc from grub got modified :@01:07
tamerNeed help with fixing this wireless problem after upgrading to 11.04. I can't view wireless connections using nm-applet, the drivers seem to be installed and the interface is up. Any suggestions?01:08
mordoflcb: tried.. i get this:  error: symbol not found: 'grub_env_export'.  grub rescue>01:08
thebigroflzohsix, yes ubuntu logs me in automatically everytime. so theres no way to have both then?01:08
nowherefasttamer: you're probably having the same problem i am currently having01:08
KNUBBIGah a question just came to my mind: Is it better to use the new config file, for example for GRUB, than my 'old', modified one?01:08
nowherefasttamer:have you tried connecting with wicd?01:08
mordoflcb: same as if i didn't hit shift (kept hitting to make sure it was getting the right time)01:08
lcbmordof, so you do really need the help of a live cd/usb01:08
KNUBBIGlcb: I'll try, thanks :)01:08
tamernowherefast, nope, what do you mean?01:08
mordoflcb: *nods* but my question is, does it have to be 11.04 live, or can i use the 10.10 live i'm on currently?01:08
ohsixthebigroflz: but in this case in particular you can bypass the problem by setting "Available for all users" in the connection properties, it will make it a system connection and store the password somewhere else, and as a bonus it'll come up way before you log in :]01:09
mordoflcb: that's how i'm here now is the 10.10 live cd01:09
nowherefasttamer: type sudo apt-get install wicd01:09
escottthebigroflz, no if you want to tinker you could try and get a usb key to do your decrypting, but then you would have to take lots of stuff out of the encrypted partition http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/02/how-encrypted-home-ecryptfs-works.html01:09
nowherefasttamer: then open it and try to connect to a network01:09
alien-007 unable to mount 10GB filesystem   Error mounting:exited with code 18:Failed to write lock '/dev/sda1': Resource temporarily unavailable01:09
lcbmordof, sure because most of the system is now 11.04, isn't?01:09
alien-007how can i deal with that erroe ?01:09
ohsixnowherefast: um, don't tell people to install wicd01:09
mordoflcb: indeed.01:09
entity[dlp]: edited the file.01:09
mordoflcb: does the live cd come with the capabilities to burn a cd?01:09
entity[dlp]: still get the error01:10
* mordof wonders how that would go with only one drive01:10
[dlp]entity: You reboote3d?01:10
_stev_ok, if anyone cares grub2 has a problem with lvm volumes with dashes, anyone knows how I can rename an lvm logical volume?01:10
nowherefastohsix: it has worked for me in the past01:10
ohsixnowherefast: what wifi chip do you have? it sounds like you've gotten some awesomely bad advice01:10
lcbmordof, go easy with that. in meanwhile backup your /home /etc and /usr dirs01:10
entity[dlp]: yeah01:10
stefgalien-007: what type of file system is that?01:10
nowherefastohsix: i have intel 3945abg01:10
[dlp]Um. Ok. That's weird.01:10
KNUBBIGIs it better to use the new 11.04 config file, for example for GRUB, than my 'old', modified one?01:10
thebigroflzohsix, thank you, I found the option, let me test by rebooting01:10
alien-007im booting on a mac ibook g401:10
ohsixnowherefast: no reason to keep repeating it, if theres a problem with networkmanager it should be fixed01:10
lcbmordof, yes, you could burn cd/s with it01:10
entity[dlp]: I'm just gonna reinstall maverick from CD and then try again.01:10
alien-007i honestly have no idea01:10
nowherefastohsix: how i have the same problem using 10.10 on an eee01:10
ohsixnowherefast: are you using natty?01:11
entitybecause I dont have a Natty CD01:11
mordoflcb: o.o is it really that big an issue to need to back those up?01:11
* [dlp] racks his brains01:11
escottKNUBBIG, depends on what kinds of mods you made01:11
alien-007i cant format neither01:11
shmoolikipodhow the hell do I set my old desktop back01:11
nowherefastohsix: i forget the name but its 10.1001:11
WhiteDI have a moderate problem with a network upgrade from 10.10 to 11.0401:11
shmoolikipodUbuntu 11.04 GUI sucks!01:11
KNUBBIGescott: colour + background changes, but other configs eg samba are somewhat more modified01:11
ohsixnowherefast: what problems are you having with the "current" drivers01:11
ohsixshmoolikipod: #ubuntu-offtopic01:11
nowherefastohsix: i can view networks but i cannot connect to them01:12
ohsixshmoolikipod: this is a help channel01:12
escottKNUBBIG, i would just diff the two and take the parts you want01:12
KNUBBIGescott: okay, thanks01:12
lcbmordof, yes because you are having problems accessing the system. with a live cd you could access the partitions and backup what's necessary.01:12
[dlp]entity: You could run fsck on the drive, *DO NOT DO THIS IF THE FS IS MOUNTED READ-WRITE*01:12
nowherefastohsix:i was able to connect one time, but it dropped01:12
thebigroflzohsic, it worked!01:12
escottKNUBBIG, i think the biggest difference is that you can say sda instead of hd001:12
ozzloyhttp://www.artima.com/shop/programming_in_scala_2ed anyone know if the ebook pdf from here is readable in linux?01:12
alien-007How can i know a disk filesystem ?01:12
nowherefastohsix: i am not sure what driver i am currently using01:12
ohsixnowherefast: well it's a very windowsy thing to suggest to remove/reinstall drivers; the often have nothing to do with it01:12
alien-007im bootin 10.4 LTS live ppc01:12
JaymesKellerI'm still having trouble trying to access my NTFS raid under 11.04 I have looked at my packages and it seems that dmraid is already there. There are references to the RAID, but nothing useful.01:12
WhiteDDoes anybody know how to force quit an upgrade I can't see?01:12
entity[dlp]: I'm not gonna risk it, I'm just gonna do clean install.01:12
KNUBBIGescott: okay, thank you01:12
lcbKNUBBIG, don't play with grub while upgrading... go to sleep :p01:12
shmoolikipodohsix, so no one can help with the manus ? to get the old gnome look back ?01:13
ohsixWhiteD: never force anything you don't know how to fix manually01:13
bastidrazoralien-007: sudo fdisk -l01:13
KNUBBIGlcb: :D and then I'll wake up and my grub is destroyed *fears* :D01:13
ohsixshmoolikipod: pick the classic session on the login screen01:13
aciculashmoolikipod: you can select the ubuntu classic environment at the login prompt01:13
lcblol, no01:13
nowherefastohsix: ive exhausted all other options01:13
shmoolikipodohsix, thanks :)01:13
alien-007bastidrazor: thanks01:13
aciculashmoolikipod: that should give you the old look01:13
bastidrazoralien-007: you're welcome.01:13
WhiteDohsix: Yeah, well my upgrade to 10.10 stopped last night at 74% because my HDD spun down on my netbook. I can't do anything right now upgrade wise.01:13
[dlp]entity: If you've got a backup the risk is limited.01:13
ohsixJaymesKeller: if you scan manually with dmraid does it find the volumes?01:13
nowherefastohsix: any ideas that are more linuxy? love to hear them : )01:14
mordofargh.. now i can't access my 1TB drive for some reason :\01:14
[dlp]entity: And if you don't then a clean install is riskier.01:14
JaymesKellerohsix: How do you do that?01:14
ohsixWhiteD: why would that stop it, is it defective?01:14
lcbKNUBBIG, SHIFT before loading ubuntu and just hit 'update grub' on the recovery menu, just in case01:14
KNUBBIGlcb: thanks a lot01:14
lcbKNUBBIG, but don't worry about that now.01:14
ohsixJaymesKeller: "man dmraid" or dmraid --help in a terminal01:14
alien-007stefg: it says /dev/hdc1  Apple partition map Apple01:15
WhiteDohsix: I have no idea. I waited 10 minutes for it to continue with installation, and I didn't see a thing move. Any suggestions? I've tried to upgrade to 11.04 but I can't because it says it is still running, which it is not.01:15
entity[dlp]: how so? If I wipe the partiton clean (because I backed up my stuff before even doing this) and then clean install on the partition...?01:15
ohsixnowherefast: well, remove all the changes you made trying to solve the problem for one01:15
shmoolikipodohsix, I don't have an option to change the session type ...01:15
JaymesKellerohsix: dmraid seems to be for software RAIDs, I have a hardware one.01:15
KNUBBIGlcb: I don't worry that much I think, it should all go well (says the optimist)01:15
stefgalien-007: so it's likely a hfs+ partition...01:15
ZiberMy built in mic isnt working with ubuntu. Any ideas?01:15
alien-007can i format a disk on terminal01:15
mordofstefg: so what were you saying before? i have access to the filesystem01:15
lcbKNUBBIG, hehehe01:15
[dlp]entity: Then breaking your filesystem with a bad fsck is worth trying.01:15
shmoolikipodall I want is to get the old menus look and remove the side bar01:15
escottJaymesKeller, have you loaded the correct modules for your raid controller01:15
usr13alien-007: sudo01:15
mordofugh this is annoying01:15
ohsixJaymesKeller: what controller?01:16
alien-007stefg: yes it says that01:16
[dlp]Because it won't take as long as a fresh install.01:16
usr13alien-007: Yes01:16
nowherefastohsix: thats already done01:16
ohsixshmoolikipod: click on your name first, it's at the bottom01:16
JaymesKellerohsix:  It is an nvidia raid controller.01:16
[dlp]entity: And the chances are it won't break your filesystem.01:16
entity[dlp]: okay so my computer is off. I'm gonna turn it on, it produces that error, I press M, then what?01:16
ohsixJaymesKeller: then it is not hardware01:16
usr13alien-007: mkfs01:16
ohsixnowherefast: how sure are you that it is?01:16
shmoolikipodohsix, when I click on my name I get loged in automatically01:16
WhiteDohsix: I'd prefer not to do a clean install if that is what you are thinking. I don't have anything to back up my data with.01:17
mordoflcb: my 1TB drive is only accessible from user 1000 - i don't really want to change the permissions, otherwise it'll mess it up for my mount point once grub is fixed. can i temporarily get access to it somehow?01:17
[dlp]entity: cat /proc/mounts01:17
ZiberMy built in mic isnt working with ubuntu. Any ideas?01:17
stefgalien-007:sudo mkdir /media/foo; sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/foo /media/foo01:17
entity[dlp]: ok now what01:17
escottmordof, su to user with uid 100001:17
nowherefastohsix: i am not but all files that were edited were changed and i think reboot will change the modprobes01:17
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)01:17
mordofescott: ok01:17
escottmordof, or root01:17
KNUBBIGah fine01:17
lcbmordof, a hint... the directories i told you, select Compress from nautilus. it would be easier that way to backup.01:17
mlacihi guys! does the official natty installer supports full disk encryption or should i use the alternate installer image?01:17
JaymesKellerohsix:  I thought it was hardware-based. Not sure why it would be software based, but still, dmraid finds them. So the next step is to get it mounted.01:17
mordoflcb: i don't need to worry about that, i just want to get access to my other hard drive01:18
[dlp]entity: then fsck /dev/device-by-uuid/...01:18
escottmordof, 1000 is by default the first non-root user on the system01:18
ohsixWhiteD: there are logs generated during the install, you could look at those01:18
lcbmordof, after repairing or anytime?01:18
WhiteDohsix: Ok, how do I do that?01:18
[dlp]entity: I am assuming the fs is mounted read-only. It's very important that it is.01:18
ohsixWhiteD: open a terminal then look in /var/log/dist-upgrade/01:18
escottJaymesKeller, its "soft-raid" you can read lots of cursing about that online01:18
ohsixWhiteD: err nevermind that01:19
mordoflcb: my /home is on a seperate partition to begin with, and i can move /usr and /etc to different partitions as well01:19
mordoflcb: i'll do that after this is repaired01:19
WhiteDohsix: o_O uhhh ok? ha01:19
stefgmordof: if you can mount the file system you can chroot to it. this makes it possible to reinstall grub from within the chroot'ed system01:19
nowherefastohsix: from what i have read besides driver issue it could be a bluetooth issue (solved using rfkill) application issue (wicd vs network manager) or id issue (not displaying in iwconfig) and its not so i must assume its a driver or driver conflict01:19
ohsixWhiteD: for installs theres a different location & i don't remember it offhand01:19
lcbmordof, oh, ok then01:19
kavurti have beta2 installed. but today, i have no updates. what might be wrong. i tried a couple different mirrors. all are the same.01:19
entity[dlp]: what are the dots oh and it IS IN READ-WRITE01:19
stefgmordof: you should read dmesg01:19
ohsixnowherefast: well trying wicd instead of networkmanager doesn't tell you anything01:19
mordofstefg: ah, right.. 20 mins until my live 11.04 is done since it seems 10.10 is kinda risky01:20
FalcorianI've got a quick question about the installer for 11.04, 64bit, off of a live USB. The partition editor doesn't seem to be able to set user specified mount points. Am I missing something or was this feature removed?01:20
[dlp]Are you sure?01:20
escott!final | kavurt its been pretty quiet on release day01:20
ubottukavurt its been pretty quiet on release day: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.01:20
[dlp]entity: ^^^01:20
ohsixnowherefast: wicd gets less eyes, i trust it a lot less than n-m01:20
entity[dlp]: not to worry, I have not executed any commands besides cat01:20
ZiberWhat packages might I need to install to get a built in mic working?01:20
ohsixnowherefast: try and connect with n-m, then grep -i networkman /var/log/syslog01:20
cmykifysystem monitor says my CPU(s) are running at 100% after i install 11.04, but the processes show 4-10% load. What's using up the rest?01:20
escottZiber, its part of alsa01:21
[dlp]entity: fsck will print a big fat warning anyway01:21
escottZiber, is this the same problem from 2 days ago?01:21
ohsixnowherefast: it's very noisy about what it does, if you can't figure it out paste the output to a pastebin01:21
entityso how do I mount in readonly01:21
mordofstefg: and what would i be looking for in there?01:21
JaymesKellerI hope I'm on the right track here. I have found that mdarray knows that my RAID exists, but now I want to mount it. Would mdadm be needed? Or something else?01:21
[dlp]entity: If you just rebooted, you should be read only already.01:21
ohsixcmykify: try running something like htop in a terminal, it shows more information01:21
bikcmpare ubuntu's servers going unusually slow today?01:22
entity[dlp]: I just tried to nano a txt file and it didnt warn me about no write privs01:22
alien-007stefg: sudo mkdir /media/foo; sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/foo /media/foo worked for me,,thanks a lot buddy ;)01:22
usr13bikcmp: Yes01:22
WhiteDDoes anybody know where to check the upgrade logs? not finding anything on google.01:22
Picibikcmp: not unusual for a release day.01:22
[dlp]entity: What did the cat say?01:22
bikcmpusr13: ideas why? my mirror seemed to crawl01:22
bikcmpPici: release day?01:22
[dlp]entity: And what error did you get this time?01:22
nowherefastohsix: thanks, the meat and potatos seem to be associating -> disconnected01:22
entity[dlp]: oh just kidding i'm in readonly01:22
escottJaymesKeller, is mdarray part of mdadm or dmraid (they are different)01:22
usr13bikcmp: 11.04 came out today.01:22
erik333hm... this new gnome thing... how do you move the panels or config anything? None of the shortcuts include gnome configuration utilities XD01:22
Picibikcmp: 11.04 was relased today. Or yesterday depending on your timezone01:22
bikcmpfigures :P01:22
nastjuidbikcmp: you could find a closer/faster mirror01:23
nowherefastohsix: it gives the reason as 001:23
entity[dlp]: the cat said meow. no seriously, it looks the same as last time01:23
escotterik333, in unity you don't thats the whole idea :)01:23
stefgmordof: often there's hints in this why you can't access a filesystem01:23
mordofi guess i'll just wait for any more questions until i get on the 11.04 live cd01:23
mordofstefg: everything mounts fine, i can access the file systems01:23
FloatingGoatwhat is the unity project called?01:23
ohsixnowherefast: indeed, you know those cards have problems with wmm/qos/power saving and some other things, do you have them enabled on your router?01:23
mordofstefg: this is a grub problem..01:23
erik333so this is a good time to switch to a tiling wm then i guess01:23
JaymesKellerescott: I meant dmarray. It has found my RAID, so 11.04 knows it exists.01:23
ohsixFloatingGoat: ayatana?01:23
mordofstefg: a grub configuration problem at that, because grub is still accessible01:23
JaymesKellerescott: Now I need to know how to get it mounted.01:23
FalcorianAnswering my own question: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/769043 Known bug :-/01:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 769043 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot manually specify a mount point in the manual partitoner" [High,Fix committed]01:23
[dlp]entity: Can you paste the line with /dev/disk/by-uuid on it?01:24
chotazEw. first impression of Unity, it sucks :\ How can I completly remove it?01:24
stefgmordof: is your installed system mounted now?01:24
escottJaymesKeller, dmarray would be part of dmraid not mdadm. i'm not familiar with device-mapper01:24
erik333was using awesome + gnome panel now to ease the transition, but that stopped working after upgrade01:24
nowherefastohsix: do i have power saving enabled on my router? i don't think so01:24
ohsixchotaz: use the classic desktop session, pick it on the login screen01:24
cmykifyohsix: kthnx back in a  minute01:24
nowherefastohsix: yeah it looks like it gets to stage 3 of 5 then disconnects01:24
chotazohsix: no way to uninstall it and have my comp running just like before the update?01:24
mordofstefg: yes01:25
ohsixnowherefast: post the output to a pastebin please01:25
FloatingGoatis there a command to open the dash in unity 2D?01:25
mordofstefg: both my /home and my / are mounted at the moment01:25
WhiteDohsix: this is what keeps popping up: Cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend.01:25
WhiteDPlease close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open.01:25
JaymesKellerescott: dmraid knows it's there. What command do I use to mount the array?01:25
entity[dlp]: /dev/disk/by-uuid/87d334b4-9a16-4621-967a-5f74491dd9e4 / ext4 ro,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 001:25
stefgmordof: so where is it mounted ( ls /media )01:25
ohsixchotaz: not if you installed it, theres a lot more than unity in play, just use the classic session01:25
escottJaymesKeller, see man dmarray i don't know it01:25
entitylol I will have my UUIDs memorized after tonight... :\01:25
[dlp]entity: It's read only, you can fsck it.01:25
ohsixWhiteD: are you running apt-get or synaptic, or aptitude or anything at the same time?01:26
WhiteDI doubt it. Not to my knowledge.01:26
[dlp]entity: fsck might still complain it's mounted, but just ignore it.01:26
mordofstefg: it is under /media/166 GB Filesystem01:26
entity[dlp]: what's the whole fsck command01:26
chotazohsix:  I never had the chance to choose not to install it01:26
ohsixentity: mount understands UUID=<uuid> for the volume name, no need to use that path01:26
WhiteDohsix: Sorry; ha not to my knowledge01:26
[dlp]fsck /dev/disk/by-uuid/87d334b4-9a16-4621-967a-5f74491dd9e401:26
escottJaymesKeller, and if it follows standard terminology you would assemble it and then mount a device /dev/dmarray1 or some such01:26
tamernowherefast, worked, thanks! What's the problem with nm-applet anyways, any ideas?01:26
ohsixWhiteD: ok 1 sec, theres a quick way to check01:27
TerryBookcan anyone tell me how to get growl notifications in natty?01:27
nowherefastohsix: the contents can be found in the final reply in my thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10734573#post1073457301:27
WhiteDohsix: this is what I meant by forcing them to quit...01:27
nowherefasttamer: glad it worked, couldn't tell you honestly why it works : P01:27
stefgmordof: get a terminal and type 'ls /media'. i think the real mountpoint is some lenghty number dir in /media01:27
ohsixWhiteD: fuser -v /var/lib/dpkg/lock01:28
mordofstefg: as always, that's the uuid of the drive01:28
SoothsayerI did a sharink on two separate drives to make space fo Ubuntu..but the two Unallocated spaces are not contiguous, how do I achieve that ?01:28
mordofstefg: /media/3d8dc5b8-b2d8-4172-ac62-7b27f327cb4501:28
cmykifyohsix: htop says the same. I add up all active processes and it's 13% cpu load. Htop says 100% on both cores, also. ??01:28
ohsixnowherefast: as a rule i don't trouble myself with forums, but i'll make an exception this time; please use paste.ubuntu.com in the future01:28
stefgmordof: so cd to that dir01:28
WhiteDohsix: that did nothing.01:28
JaymesKellerOkay, does anyone know how to assemble and mount the software RAID array I have?01:29
ohsixcmykify: it says at the top where its's being used01:29
conicaleasy question: I01:29
Piciconical: Wow, that is easy.01:29
conicalI'm ssh -x ing into my ubuntu box01:29
lcbconical, and short01:29
ohsixcmykify: be sure to run it w/ "sudo htop" as by default it only shows your usere & no kernel threads01:29
cmykifyohsix: yeah, top process is Compiz at 7%01:29
conicalbut can't open folders that requre root access01:29
[dlp]entity: What happened?01:29
chotazohsix:  the only thing i can choose at the login is the user, nothing to choose unity or not is here. help?01:29
conicalnormally i'd be prompted to enter my password01:29
erik333so, are there any advantages to the unity dektop thing? I'm trying really hard to think of one. It's like it was meant for tablet PC:s01:30
cmykifyok i'll go sudo 1 sec01:30
mordofstefg: ah, can't - no root perms01:30
hiexpohola Pici01:30
Picihiexpo: howdy01:30
ohsixchotaz: choose the user, then look at the bottom01:30
mordofstefg: need to root into it, but i don't remember how :\01:30
sebsebseberik333: well yeah it was made for netbooks only to begin with01:30
escottconical, you have put sudo in front of the command01:30
ohsixerik333: and netbooks, they outsell notebooks, and notebooks desktops01:30
entity[dlp]: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) /dev/sda2: clean, 449495/1525920 files 5429183 blocks (check after next mount)01:30
conicalyes, I know that, but it's in a shell01:30
conicali mean01:30
conicalit's in the gui01:30
mordofstefg: ah, got it01:30
ohsixWhiteD: ok then that message is wrong or not the real error01:30
conicalso a better question01:30
escottconical, then gksudo01:30
mordofstefg: i'm rooted into it01:31
cmykifyohsix: Still just compiz at 7% in htop (sudo)01:31
[dlp]entity: Then it should have mounted in the first place.01:31
entity[dlp]: but it's not.01:31
stefgmordof: when you are at the root of the installed system you need to bind-mount /proc /sys and /dev, and then chroot into it01:31
Piciconical: I find it useful if I need to use ssh -x to have it open a terminal (gnome-terminal maybe) first, and then run any other application I need from there.01:31
SoothsayerI did a shrink on two separate drives to make space fo Ubuntu..but the two Unallocated spaces are not contiguous, how do I achieve that ?01:31
WhiteDohsix: hang on think I found an answer. http://bit.ly/imR2UK01:31
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ohsixcmykify: the cpu usage bar at the top is one solid color?01:31
mordofstefg: ah, yeah - i found that in a post here to repair it01:32
stefgmordof: if you did not -bind-mount /dev it's useless01:32
conicalokay, is there a way to enable the gnome session to view the locked drives?01:32
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:32
mordofstefg: will this process work if i'm in 10.10 live?01:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:32
ohsixWhiteD: that is very old information, even if it was correct at the time, be careful01:32
eigbaI think I like unity, how is everyone else taking it?01:32
mordofstefg: i'm worried it'll just revert grub to it's older version01:32
nowherefastohsix: do you think installing a new driver would solve the problem?01:32
Spaz_Dynamicthere we go, forgot where it was. thanks ubottu01:32
ohsixnowherefast: you haven't identified a problem yet, just a symptom01:33
asteriskmonkey1how the heck do you get rid of the anoying left nave bar in unbuntu 1101:33
erik333aha! the shutoff buttton had a link to the config center... maybe there is hope for gnome yet - they knew exactly where people would look first when they started unity01:33
Quasi_hello I just installed 11.04 but my nvidia drivers is "currently not in used". I did reboot in a recovery console, purge nvidia-common and reinstall it but it still doesn't work. Any idea ?01:33
kaiyinwhat is the best gui backup tool for ubuntu?01:33
nowherefastohsix: the problem is i cannot connect to any wifi networks01:33
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=== goodbye is now known as Cam
escottconical, add them to /etc/fstab01:33
WhiteDohsix: is there a Kubuntu sub channel or other channel?01:33
cmykifyohsix: yes, solid white/teal, why?01:33
PiciWhiteD: #kubuntu :)01:33
eigbaerik333, I take it your not liking unity?01:33
escottconical, otherwise you have to get a daemon like gnome-disk-utility to handle hotplug events01:33
KNUBBIG!kubuntu | WhiteD01:33
ubottuWhiteD: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde01:33
WhiteDPici: Shanks!01:34
sebsebsebQuasi_: ok yeah, and does Unity freeze on you as well?01:34
ohsixcmykify: because it shows 4 types of information, irqs and stuff01:34
entity[dlp]: yeah it's giving me the original error with / not being ready or present. I really think I'm just gonna clean install01:34
ohsixWhiteD: good luck with kde guys D:01:34
Quasi_sebsebseb  not for the moment, but the fan is running at top speed all the time01:34
[dlp]entity: Fair enough.01:34
WhiteDohsix: thanks, will try01:34
ohsixnowherefast: have you tried the backports?01:34
Blue1is this the correct page for the md5sums?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/MD5SUMS01:34
nmaxchatto connect Laserjet1018 to PC via Linksys+WUSB11+Wireless‑B ?01:35
sebsebsebQuasi_: than fan issue is probably something else, hardware issue or whatever01:35
stefgmmiller235: in case you are still interested... i've build and exported a natty appliance which works on my box... you can d/l that at http://ubuntuone.com/p/pEp/01:35
[dlp]entity: I'm defeated.01:35
gksmithlcwI'm running Ubuntu Server 10.04, trying to install ffmpeg. I'm having nothing but problems. Currently, I'm trying to install nasm through apt and it's telling me it's not available.01:35
gksmithlcwAny ideas?01:35
nowherefastohsix: are you talking about sudo apt-get install linux-backports?01:35
entity[dlp]: thank you very much for your time and help no matter. :D01:35
nowherefastohsix: if so no01:35
sebsebsebQuasi_: altough I guess a quick test, could be to log out now,  get the log in screen, open up Ubuntu Classic Desktop, and see if the fan is ok then01:35
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone! How do you upgrade from the 11.04 alpha/beta releases to the final release?01:35
ohsixnowherefast: well with the proper package name, but yes01:35
Quasi_sebsebseb I think because the lack of the driver the cpu is more used, so the fan speeds up01:35
sebsebseb!upgrade | fuzzybunny69y01:35
ubottufuzzybunny69y: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:35
ohsixnowherefast: are you sure it's any wifi and not one particular router?01:36
sebsebsebQuasi_:  and what card you got?01:36
erik333@eigba Not a lot, soz. Panels i can't move, huge icon shortcuts and no menu :( and the run command thingy covers 25% of the screen - a bit overkill on 27" screen XD01:36
ceed^Hi, when I log (natty) there's no Skype notification icon, only an open space where it should have been. If I kill Skype and open it again the notification icon appears. Any idea why it's not there when I log in?01:36
Quasi_sebsebseb nvidia 8600 gts01:36
ohsixerik333: there is no panel in unity01:36
cmykifyohsix: I don't know what that is. The color should tell me something?01:36
sebsebsebQuasi_: ok and so the propritary driver it says isn't installed?  or it is installed, but not activated?01:36
Quasi_sebsebseb installed but not activated01:36
nmaxchatHow  to connect Laserjet1018 to PC via Linksys+WUSB11+Wireless‑B ? I saw something about a prism driver but how do I get it ?01:36
nowherefastohsix: i have tried with 3 networks on 3 diff routers and my eee has the same problem on 10.1001:36
ohsixcmykify: it is not displaying as i expected, if it were it would show whats doing it01:37
sebsebsebQuasi_: yeah I had this kind of stuff with beta 2, but01:37
SeedymacHi guys, is aptitude deprecated?01:37
sebsebsebQuasi_: in my case Unity would freeze if the propritary driver was used, but if I removed the propritary driver and installed the experimental 3D driver, Unity would work01:37
ohsixnowherefast: but your eee doesn't have an intel wifi chip, theres another problem01:37
cmykifyohsix: ok, any other utils or info dumps I can do to figure it out?01:37
erik333ohsix: well there are some panel-like grey strips where panels normally might be... and they hold volume controls and clocks01:37
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sebsebsebQuasi_: so if you try the experimental 3D driver, things may work better for you01:37
ohsixerik333: yea, it's only superficially similar01:38
nowherefastohsix: definately other problem01:38
sebsebseb!pm > Quasi_01:38
ubottuQuasi_, please see my private message01:38
ohsixnowherefast: so changing your drivers would do what exactly?01:38
stefgActually that might be useful for anyone running virtualbox: Premade natty appliance (with 3D and unity)  at http://ubuntuone.com/p/pEp/01:38
ceed^If anyone have ugly boot after installing the non-free nvidia driver install startupmanager and set your resolution and color depth. after that it looks good.01:39
nowherefastohsix: ive read different drivers are different quality with many wifi cards in ubuntu01:39
Quasi_sebsebseb  how can I install it (I'm a noob sorry)01:39
ohsixnowherefast: things to check: if its wireless g/n, make sure b interop is on even if you're not using b, disable wmm, disable wireless power savings01:39
asteriskmonkey1can i get my old gnome back im hating ubuntu 11.0401:39
fuzzybunny69yHey guys I am trying to  upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha/Beta to the final and it keeps saying "Not all updates can be installed" and to run a partial upgrade. Should I do this or is there some other way to make sure I upgrade to the final release.01:39
nowherefastohsix: for example the highly variable outcomes of madwifi vs ath9k vs ndis + windows in transfer speeds, etc01:39
ohsixnowherefast: there aren't different drivers practically speaking, there is one, and less good options, like madwifi, vendor drivers or ndiswrapper01:39
nowherefastohsix: how do i disable power saving?01:40
ceed^asteriskmonkey1, log into ubuntu classic instead. that's the old gnome deskto01:40
ohsixnowherefast: separate concern, and the mainline one will be fixed some day01:40
Quasi_sebsebseb where can I get the experimental driver and how to install it ?01:40
sebsebsebQuasi_: I assume this is the same Beta 2 and the final, so  going by what I ddi with Beta 2.  got to remove the propritary driver,  in additional drivers yeah,  and then after you done that may have to re boot the computer first, but should then have an option for an experimental 3D driver showing that you can then install01:40
asteriskmonkey1ceed how do i do that?01:40
ohsixnowherefast: you need to open your routers management pages, it has loads of options01:40
Quasi_sebsebseb thanks a lot for your help, will try that01:41
sebsebsebQuasi_: and hold on01:41
nowherefastohsix: ah... yeah, disabled01:41
ceed^asteriskmonkey1, log out, click on your name in gdm, then select classic from the meny on the bottom of the screen01:41
sebsebsebQuasi_: and if you do this, and for some odd reason, you find that Unity is completly broken01:41
asteriskmonkey1ceed thanks01:41
sebsebsebQuasi_: log into Ubuntu Classic Mode (no effects)  and install the propritary driver again I guess01:41
sebsebsebQuasi_: from the log in screen01:41
eigbaasteriskmonkey1, I wish they would of went with gnome301:41
asteriskmonkey1eigba ,the more i read about the side bar i see that alot..01:42
Quasi_sebsebseb ok will do that. Last question : I have 2 Nvidia drivers (173 & current) Should I uninstall both ?01:42
ceed^asteriskmonkey1, I also hated Unity initially. you should give it a chance at some point. it's pretty functional although a bit more limited than good 'ol gnome right now.01:42
sebsebsebQuasi_: Unity didn't brake when I did what I am saying, it got it working for me, but something different may happen for you01:42
asteriskmonkey1if i wanted a mac id buy one01:42
dust--natty is out - is there a reason to not upgrade? how is unity doing? is it playing nicely?01:42
sebsebsebasteriskmonkey1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-301:42
ThomasUKdust-- seems variable01:42
asteriskmonkey1ceed i see how it could be good for a tabled or something but i do way to many things at once for this gui :P01:43
soreauMan this sucks. Bug #1: Can't enter a custom mount point after selecting Edit for an existing partition from the live 11.04 desktop cd installer01:43
sebsebseb!gnome3 | asteriskmonkey101:43
ubottuasteriskmonkey1: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.01:43
ceed^dust--, Unity has played nice here the last couple of weeks. I like it01:43
sebsebsebhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-3 :)01:43
jmwpcI'm currently upgrading my laptop from 10.04 -> 11.04 using the CD. It's been stuck on 'Restoring previously installed packages...' for about an hour with no progress. I didn't really have all that many additional packages beyond the base OS installed. What's my next move?01:43
shane4ubuntuok, I take it that this http://askubuntu.com/questions/30742/how-do-i-access-the-system-tray   is no longer correct?01:44
dust--is unity working fine in vmware workstation?01:44
ceed^asteriskmonkey1, I multitask quite heavily myself, but I've always liked out of the way desktop environments, and Unity seems to be one of those :)01:44
dust--i heard it needs 3d acceleration01:44
shane4ubuntuAlso, I really miss my bottom panel that had all my open apps on it, how do I do that in unity?01:44
jdahmcan I get focus follows mouse in unity?01:44
Quasi_shane4ubuntu you can try avant window navigator01:45
sgaapor check out cairo dock01:45
ceed^shane4ubuntu, no taskbar in Unity. You need to use the laucher or Alt-Tab. That's kinds Mac-ish, but works :)01:45
kaiyinWill ppa sources conflict with system upgrade?01:45
shane4ubuntuceed^:  You mean I have to take my hand off my mouse???01:45
taglassMETA-W is also an option for changing windows.01:46
ceed^shane4ubuntu, well. no. running apps are marked with an arrow on the side in the launcher, so you can restore apps from there01:46
ohsixkaiyin: yes, but not generally; purging ppa's is nearly a must for upgrades01:47
shane4ubuntuceed^: my side bar is sooo full, it is almost useless, it takes quite a bit of time to scroll down, and not all open apps show up there.01:47
erik333is there a way to reach the normal menu from unity?01:47
kzettsanyone else getting ridiculously slow sleeps on the dist upgrade?01:47
kzettserik333: log out and select ubuntu classic as your session01:47
Soothsayerif I have the Ubuntu 11 bootable disc.. isn't there ANY way for me to upgrade the 10.10 to it using it? I don't want to download all the packages all over again through the internet update01:47
Soothsayerits terribly slow.. 5 hours remaining!01:47
ceed^shane4ubuntu, if you feel you need a taskabar there's always classic! :)01:47
ohsixnowherefast: any change?01:47
erik333yes i did that01:47
ZiberNew ubuntu user, 10.10, having issues with my built in mic... Anyone mind helping me?01:48
nowherefastohsix: nope : (01:48
Soothsayerkzetts: yes, here01:48
Soothsayervery slow update01:48
kzettsSoothsayer: good, I was making sure its not just me, sometimes my cable is slow as hell, and i reboot my modem, but i didnt want to do it in the middle of the dist upgrade if i didnt have to01:48
nowherefastohsix: do you know the command to ID a driver?01:48
ohsixkaiyin: unfortunately it's down to what you don't know with ppas :\01:48
kzettserik333: and? is that not what you wanted?01:48
kaiyinohsix: how do i purge them?01:48
shane4ubuntuceed^: I'm trying to give unity a try, but not very happy about it thus far, perhaps I will learn the tricks and like it.01:48
ohsixnowherefast: lsmod01:48
KNUBBIGis there a command to turn off the display until a button is pressed or the mosue is moved?01:48
conicalhow do you remotely log into your machine so you can view it over VNC?01:48
ohsixkaiyin: ppa-purge ppa:that/youadded0itwith01:49
Soothsayerkzetts: if I cancel .. can I resume it later? (cause ive already downloaded 800 packages)01:49
erik333depends, if i want to set up the shortcuts - having the menu handy in some form would problably help?01:49
MikazeLong as I can `echo "speakup_soft start=1" >> /etc/modules` and reboot and  thenhave  accessible access to the text console, I'll be happy with Ubuntu.01:49
ohsixconical: enable remote assistance01:49
kzettsconical: instyall a vnc service and make sure it is running, and then connect to it on whichever port you specify01:49
ZiberNew ubuntu user, 10.10, having issues with my built in mic... Anyone mind helping me?01:49
revesAnybody had any problems with a fresh install of 11.04 booting up to the loading screen, then just resetting the system in a loop?01:49
usr13conical: there is tightvnc and x11vnc01:49
nowherefastohsix: i am going to throw 9.04 as my wifi works out of the box on that release and see if it's using the same driver01:49
conicalit requires me to be logged in01:49
conicalto enable remote assitance01:49
ohsixMikaze: if that was it, why bother with ubuntu?01:49
kzettsSoothsayer: i dont know, im at 844 packages, and im in the same boat, ive seen it drop to as low as 2kbs01:50
conicalwhich i can do via ssh -x01:50
kaiyinohsix: what if i don't remember those names?01:50
WhiteDohsix: lol it was a problem with the upgrade package I was using. The Ubuntu Upgrade software is doing the job without a problem.01:50
conicalbut then i'm viewing that session01:50
Soothsayerkzetts: at 22 kbps here01:50
kzettsconical: can you ssh to you machine and fire up a vnc service?01:50
doobienit is not letting me upgrade because it is finding some files that i installed elsewhere than ubuntu's repository, is there a way to find out what they are so i can remove them for force an install over them.01:50
ohsixnowherefast: it might use the same name, but it wont be the same driver01:50
kaiyinis there a way to purge every ppa source?01:50
conicali believe one is already running01:50
WhiteDohsix: on original Ubuntu gnome GUI now too01:50
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:50
conicalor at least01:50
ohsixWhiteD: ahhh, good deal01:50
conicalwhen I sshed in01:50
conicali started it through the gnome gui01:50
kzettsok, if there is a vnc service running, then connect to your machine with a vnc client!01:50
nowherefastohsix: hah! its showing iwl3945, notorious for problems01:50
nit-witdoobien, are you backed up01:50
george__Hi folks. How to fix the following message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: python-couchdb: Quebra: desktopcouch (= 0.2.93) but it is not going to be installed.01:50
usr13kzetts: Yes you can01:50
kzettsusr13: can what?01:51
doobiennit-wit - nope01:51
shane4ubuntuceed^: ok, cleared some of the junk out of the side bar, and the apps are there, thanks!  I didn't realize they were in there.01:51
ohsixkaiyin: look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d for the ppa entries, just get their names don't delete them; ppa-puge does downgrades & it needs them there01:51
Spaz_Dynamicfor getting skype, is it recommended to get the ubuntu varient, or just go for skype-static?01:51
nit-witdoobien, do you think you should be? what if you have a problem that is not fixable?01:51
ohsixnowherefast: of course, but it's not just the driver; those chips are a pain too01:52
Spaz_DynamicI use skype static on my laptop (puppy linux) all the time and don't have any issues whatsoever.01:52
nowherefastohsix: what else could it be?01:52
ohsixnowherefast: they won't work in windows unless you disable the thruoghput boosting thing for routers made in the last 6 years or so either, it's great01:52
kpomanhi all ! guys after upgrade to 11.04, my radeon DRI on Xorg is broken. Anyone got a quick fix ?01:53
ohsixnowherefast: what router do you have?01:53
kpomankernel 2.6.38-801:53
itaylor57Spaz_Dynamic: I use the skype from the ubuntu store01:53
ohsixSpaz_Dynamic: get skype from the partner repo & it'll get upgrades automatically01:53
nit-witdoobien, clone your setup before doing anything if you can. http://clonezilla.org/  cover your booty01:53
SinnerNyxOk, kinda silly question. Using ubuntu-server. I used to have a custom MOTD, but I don't remember how I did it. I upgraded to 11.04 and whenever I change /etc/motd the changes get wiped when I log in again. I don't want to use a third-party application just to change it once.01:53
Vanishinganyone having problem with keyboard and mouse?01:53
usr13george__: apt-get -f install <packagename>01:53
Soothsayerkzetts: ok , im down to 10 kB/s01:53
nowherefastohsix: i have a cheap chinese made router01:53
kpomando someone know ?01:53
ohsixSinnerNyx: /etc/issue?01:54
nowherefastohsix: it probably doesnt have a name in english : P01:54
MikazeI wanna switch from Debian to Ubuntu, and mostly use the text console.  If Ubuntu doesn't have the 2.6.38 kernel with speakup available, I'll be fine.01:54
ohsixSinnerNyx: grep /etc for bits that you already see on logon :]01:54
MikazeI wanna switch from Debian to Ubuntu, and mostly use the text console.  If Ubuntu doesn't have the 2.6.38 kernel with speakup available, I'll be fine.01:54
Vanishingi cant use my laptop keyboard on natty01:54
nowherefastohsix: should i black list the module, then use modprobe to remove the module, then i can use the ndiswrapper gui to install the windows driver? that sound about right?01:55
SinnerNyxohsix: issue is for what comes up before login right? good idea with the grep though. I'll get back to you in a sec01:55
Vanishingcan anyone help me with this?01:55
ohsixnowherefast: if you wanted to do that, but what are you going to do for your netbook? you need to find out what external problems there can be01:55
ohsixturning off all optional features of the router is a good start01:56
pfifowhen I install a php module via synaptics do I need to restart apache?01:56
ohsixpfifo: generally no01:56
nowherefastohsix: the chip is crap, but i am at peace with that. since the madwifi driver is made for atheros chipsets i plan on using that one since it has the best ratings on that chipset01:56
KNUBBIGgnite, wish me luck ;)01:56
pfifoohsix, php-gd01:56
ohsixpfifo: but with php caching things or fastcgi it can get weird01:57
CorbinHey, anyone have any experience getting ATI 57xx, 58xx, or 68xx video cards funning at peak performance? Are the drivers available for it up to snuff with Nvidia's yet?01:57
daitheflu03Hey! Sorry if I'm interrupting another conversation, but anyone else having resolution issues with an acer al2216w monitor?01:57
daitheflu03It's a 22" widescreen01:57
ohsixpfifo: if you're using the threaded mpm it might need a restart, i haven't messed with the new (as of 4 years ago lul) stuff in apache 201:58
ohsixpfifo: the package likely modified php's configuration and if it's never reloaded during its normal lifecycle you might need to force it01:58
george__usr13: I did that but it says that depends of another package. I keep tacking the dependencies, and when I finally find one that I can install, it says it will remove A LOT of apps!01:58
thebigroflzhey are any of you guys good with printers?01:59
ohsixnowherefast: best ratings? i have two atheros devices and the mac80211 drivers are great01:59
thebigroflzIm having a headache setting mine up01:59
ohsixnowherefast: if the problem is know it will end up in module backports as soon as it's available, picking an alternative only picks the worst possible compromise01:59
likkiIs there something better than wine?02:01
ohsixnowherefast: if you want me to offer anything else i'll need to know something about the router02:01
ohsixlikki: windows02:01
conicalokay, so having installed a vnc server, how do I start an x session running02:01
ohsixlikki: be sure to report a bug if you find one02:01
CorbinHey, anyone have any experience getting ATI 57xx, 58xx, or 68xx video cards funning at peak performance? Are the drivers available for it up to snuff with Nvidia's yet?02:01
tasewow downloading packages for instlaling 11.04 is epicly slow, 8kb/S02:01
conicalessentially, how do I log into my machine without connecting a keyboard to it02:01
conicalso I can use the vnc server02:02
likkiIs there something better than wine besides windows?02:02
ohsixconical: if you didn't already install ssh or some other remote access, you don't02:02
conicalI have ssh02:02
conicali can even ssh -X in02:02
jiohdilikki play on linux02:02
conicalbut I need a full session running02:02
hiexpotase, proballythousands downloading it system is bogged02:02
pfifoohsix, a restart did the trick02:02
ohsixlikki: it's a monoculture, what do you expect there to be a bunch of independent windows implementations so you can pick which one sucks the least? what is your actual problem02:02
ardchoille!upgrade > ardchoille02:02
ubottuardchoille, please see my private message02:02
conicalto do a couple things that a remote X session won't do well02:02
erik333wine with pulseaudio patch is good enough for me :P02:03
likkijiohdi: thanks for the reply. what program do you recommend?02:03
conicalso, using ssh, how do I tell my computer to "log in"02:03
jiohdithe program is called play on linux02:03
ohsixthey don't have enough engineers to fix sound problems and stuff; that's just reality, give them money or code if you need to02:03
Soothsayerhttp://i.imgur.com/1IbQU.png <-- this is my breakdown of partitions.. as you can see I have two fragmented unallocated spaces. How do I make the first unallocated space larger? (by using the unallocated space at the end)02:03
nowherefastohsix: ohsix: the router zxv10 w300 but i also have a repeater i use to test the wifi network with and both fail02:03
SoothsayerRight now, my  sda =  C: + FREE-SPACE-1 + D:  + FREE-SPACE-202:03
MC8Howdy; when I try upgrading to 11.04 in the update manager, it tells me "Could not download release notes, please check your internet connection" owtte. How does one upgrade?02:03
likkijiohdi: thanks for being helpful. that is what i was looking for :)02:04
SoothsayerI want to make FREE-SPACE-1 larger and put Ubuntu onto that.02:04
ohsixconical: well you normally see a greeter, but since you're in with ssh, you need to start an x session manually, but even then that's probably not what you want, what are you trying to do?02:04
nowherefastohsix: the repeater is a tlwa500g02:04
george__Good night.02:04
ohsixa _repeater_, i see02:04
RodneyChopsHi, just started using Ubuntu, I added an extra HD, its showing up fine, but its a mountable ejectable drive... I want it so apps can use it and what not. No programs can see it..02:04
ohsixnowherefast: well take the repeater out of the equation, can you reach the router?02:04
Logan_!ask | zachgretzinger02:05
ubottuzachgretzinger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
romulobrhi, I was just now upgrading to 11.04 but the installer crashed and there was a message telling me the system may have become unusable... is there something I should do? To prevent the system from not working anymore or anything. I confess I 'm a little bit scared right now.02:05
conicalohsix I'm trying to access some features of gnome that don't work over an ssh -X connection02:05
ohsixconical: go on02:05
conicalso I need my computer to log in locally02:05
zachgretzingerAnyone here familiar with Java?02:05
conicalso I can use VNC02:05
Aginorzachgretzinger, yes02:05
nowherefastohsix: not physically but i have admin axx via browser02:05
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linuxman410need help with intel 845ge video on board only have one resolution how do i fix02:05
thebigroflzHow can I install my Lexmark x1150 printer in Ubuntu 11?02:05
romulobrI work with java zachgretzinger02:06
freeman_help! how do i move the unity toolbar to the bottom02:06
SinnerNyxohsix: I tried sudo find /etc | xargs sudo grep -i 'welcome to ubuntu server'02:06
ohsixnowherefast: i mean can your devices reasonably speak to it over wifi02:06
zachgretzingerEver heard of Jsmooth?02:06
conicalso, using ssh, how do I tell the computer to log in locally so I can use vnc to access the local session02:06
SinnerNyxohsix: it got nothing...02:06
nowherefastohsix: i can use it in monitor mode perfectly fine02:06
romulobria there a way to "resume" installation? or something I should do...02:06
n-iCeQuestion, is there any difference if I install a 64bit os in a 4GB RAM lap instead of 32bits?02:06
nowherefastohsix: it doesn't seem to want to work in managed mode though02:06
ohsixSinnerNyx: motd is generated from other files, let me look real quick from where02:06
Hello71Anyone know whether the upgrade is cached?02:06
zachgretzingerAginor , romulobr - Do you guys know if there's a way to convert a .jar to a .deb?02:07
ubuntumasterz600How can I get my gnome battery applet to display my battery life. When I right click and click "estimating" and scroll down I see it there, why can't it just display02:07
Hello71n-iCe: Well, if it doesn't have a 64-bit processor, it won't work. In addition, your video card may take up part of the addressing.02:07
kaiyini think a reinstall would be faster than an upgrade.02:07
ohsixSinnerNyx: dig /etc/update-motd.d/02:07
CorbinHey, anyone have any experience getting ATI 57xx, 58xx, or 68xx video cards funning at peak performance? Are the drivers available for it up to snuff with Nvidia's yet? Specifically, I'm aiming to get a 5770 or 585002:07
Aginorzachgretzinger, yes, but it is a bit involved and a jar and a deb isn't nearly similar things, so you can't do a straight off conversion02:07
jazzyn-iCe: as long as you have a PAE enabled kernel (which the ubuntu server kernel is), it's fine to use 32 bit02:07
george__After tried an upgrade to 11.04, I've got this http://pastie.org/1845644. And my dpkg --audit returns me this http://pastie.org/1845647. Any help, please?02:08
=== wolf is now known as Guest80655
freeman_how do i move the unity dock?02:08
SoothsayerCan software raid-1 be setup after installing Ubuntu ?02:08
taglassfreeman_: You don't02:08
freeman_taglass, :(02:08
SinnerNyxohsix: :S How did my grep command not find this :(02:08
jazzyzachgretzinger: it sounds to me like what you're really asking is how you can run a jar file in ubuntu, is that correct?02:08
ohsixSoothsayer: it can be set up any time, what do you want to put on it?02:08
SinnerNyxohsix: sorry for wasting your time02:08
romulobrzachgretzinger,  I don't think so man... a jar is nothing but a zip file with a special xml file inside, I don't know what deb's are, but I think they are more than just that.02:08
ohsixSinnerNyx: the release name isn't part of the file02:08
conicalso, ohsix, any suggestions?02:08
ohsixSinnerNyx: no waste :]02:08
Soothsayerohsix: my data files + mysql databases mostly02:08
IceWewewhat is the easiest way to tell what version of a package is installed?02:09
Vanishingcan anyone help me with my keyboard and mouse problem in natty?02:09
* LAcan if anyone is experiences with KISMET please /msg LAcan . Thanks!02:09
ohsixfreeman_: look in ccsm for the options of the unity plugin, last time looked you could pick the edge and whether it autohid02:09
IceWewefrom the command line02:09
kaiyini remember there is a backup tool often compared with rsync, having a name that also starts with r, but i've forgotten it.02:09
ohsixLAcan: are you using backtrack?02:09
kaiyincould anyone remind me?02:09
zachgretzingerAginor , ahh, I see. Any links? jazzy , No I know how to run a .jar in Ubuntu. romulobr , all I need is the .deb to call the .jar to run it02:09
ohsixkaiyin: rdiff-backup?02:09
freeman_ohsix, ccsm?02:09
ohsixkaiyin: you might look at duplicity / deja-dup (a ui for the former), it's great02:09
taglassIceWewe: apt-cache show packagename?02:09
Vanishingmy keyboard works in tty console, but not in x02:09
jazzya deb is an installation package, not an executable program02:10
kaiyinohsix: thanks. that's it.02:10
Soothsayerkzetts: cancelled my update. And yes, it can be resumed later from that state itself.02:10
ohsixfreeman_: compizconfig-settings-manager, it lets you edit the compiz settings, one of the plugins happens to be unity02:10
Vanishingwhat could be the problem?02:10
Aginorzachgretzinger, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/02:10
=== Guest80655 is now known as wolf__
LAcanohsix, no ubuntu02:10
ohsixkaiyin: i highly recommend duplicity even, if you're looking at using rdiff-backup; unless having the last available version available with its original name is a hard requirement02:10
zachgretzingerAginor, thanks02:10
Vanishingjoin #natty02:10
Hello71Anyone know whether the packages downloaded during the upgrade are cached?02:10
jazzyyou don't convert a jar to a deb, you package a jar, along with other things to run it, eg a shell script, inside a deb02:11
SoothsayerHello71: yes02:11
ohsixHello71: they are like all the other packages02:11
SoothsayerHello71: if you want to cancel and resume later, you can.02:11
OchoZero9to install the touch screen version of unity do i install ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-netbook02:11
sardonyxi'm having trouble installing 11.04.  during the install it's saying that it cannot install a bootloader, so no grub installed.  I even tried installing it manually but the drive will not boot.  Anyone else experiencing this?02:11
SoothsayerI just did a few seconds ago and it gave me the message saying so.02:11
linuxman410can someone help with intel 845ge i only have one resolution and it says monitor unknown when i check it in setting02:11
OchoZero9i'm on kubuntu btw02:11
zachgretzingerjazzy, well do you have  a tutorial or a link then?02:11
Aginorzachgretzinger, bear in mind that you'll probably have to do more things than to just put your .jar in a debian package02:11
ohsixOchoZero9: if you have a touchscreen you don't need a special version02:11
freeman_ohsix, cmd not found :( ... i think i found it installed in software center though?02:11
ohsixOchoZero9: oh kubuntu, then you probably want ubuntu-desktop and to log in with the main session02:11
Soothsayerok about to install Natty, bbl :)02:12
ohsixfreeman_: yep, the command is called ccsm, in the package compizconfig-settings-manager02:12
zachgretzingerAginor, yeah I've given myself an 8 hour crash course in the art of .jar and .deb today and am realizing that it's pretty involved02:12
OchoZero9Okay I'll try02:12
Hello71Soothsayer, ohsix: Are they saved in /var/cache/apt/archives?02:12
Voreniihow do i open a txt file to edit as a root?02:12
SoothsayerHello71: no clue where02:12
zamNhey, i'm trying to install GCC on my ubuntu server and its giving me: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH02:12
kaiyinohsix: why do you like it so much?02:12
kpomanhey ! do someone know about radeon ?02:12
kpomanDRI ?02:12
ohsixkaiyin: insanely much faster02:12
zamNI'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm installing a C compiler and it needs a c compiler? lol02:12
Aginorzachgretzinger, the jars are pretty easy, doing debs are a bit more involved :D02:12
Hello71zamN: Yes.02:12
ohsixkaiyin: plus doing baackups every hour is fast enough to do it every hour :D02:12
zamNHello71: so then what should I do? I looked at the pre-req's and it said that i needed an ISO C90 compiler02:13
Soothsayerohsix: I should RAID-1 only my data partitions right?02:13
zamNHello71: i take it that thats a c compiler?02:13
AginorzamN, are you trying to build the compiler from scratch instead of installing the packages?02:13
Hello71zamN: Install the deb?02:13
IceWewetaglass, Thanks!02:13
zamNAginor Hello71: I just went to http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.6/ and installed it onto my server. then followed the tut02:13
ohsixSoothsayer: keeping data safe takes a lot more than just raid-n, i'm not really comfortable offering advice02:13
zachgretzingerAginor , I tried creating a .deb package that called the .jar using "dpkg -b blahblah.deb" in terminal... It built the .deb but did not do what I needed it to. Either that or I'm just not used to Natty yet02:13
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:14
Voreniihow do i open a txt file to edit as a root? /usr/share/empathy/empathy-chat-window.ui02:14
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!02:14
ohsixSoothsayer: i will say though, raid is useless without backups, so if you think it will help you avoid them, that's a common mistake02:14
romulobrwish me luck... i will try to restart the system02:14
Allen-Can anyone help me with my screen resolution? My monitor shows up as unknown and I can only use 800 x 600.02:14
SoothsayerI've never configured software raid before, should I just install Natty on a partition first and then plan the raid part later?02:14
n-iCeQuestion, is there any difference if I install a 64bit os in a 4GB RAM lap instead of 32bits?02:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:14
Soothsayerohsix: no, im not looking at a substitute for backups02:14
gogetazachgretzinger: your just packing the jar file into a deb doing that02:14
Soothsayercrashes instead.02:14
taglassn-iCe: you'll be able to access the full 4 GB with a 64 bit os.  You can't w/ a 32 bit os unless it supports PAE.02:15
zachgretzingergogeta , that's all I'm trying to do... I want the .jar inside a .deb so I can trick Natty into thinking it's not running a .jar02:15
Blue1n-iCe: does the laptop support 64 bit hardware?02:15
festerhow do i add a mirror so that my downloads go faster? it's taking 20minutes just to download vim02:15
zamNAginor Hello71: So I'll just want to run sudo apt-get install build-essential and then I should have gcc on there?02:15
gogetazachgretzinger: umm thers no trick your thinking of a launcher02:15
Hello71zamN: What do you really want to do?02:16
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Aginorzamba, yes, you might want to install automake too02:16
Aginorzamba, sorry, mistabbed02:16
gogetazachgretzinger: bascily a script along with the jar file to make a menu shortcut and stuff02:16
AginorzamN, yes, you might want to install automake too02:16
freeman_ohsix, i am in ccsm, do you recall the setting where it switches it02:16
Voreniihow do i open a txt file to edit as a root? /usr/share/empathy/empathy-chat-window.ui02:16
taglassVorenii: sudo vi /usr/share/empathy/empathy-chat-window.ui02:17
ohsixfreeman_: the big purple logo with Unity on it, that's the unity plugin02:17
Voreniibut i dont want to use vi, i dont understand it.02:17
Hello71Vorenii: Open Terminal and type in gksudo gedit /usr/share/empathy/empathy-chat-window.ui02:17
zachgretzingergogeta , exactly. All I want to do is to be able to change the icon of the .jar. The reason for this is because .jar packages cannot hold system icons. They have icons contained in the package. The .jar in question has a horrible icon and it looks atrotious in the Unity launcher02:17
Voreniiyes thats the one, thx Hello7102:17
ubottuThe XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.02:18
gogetazachgretzinger: well you can make a sh script with any icons and use that script to start the jar02:18
freeman_ohsix, oh haha, i opened that setting but missed it. thanks :D02:18
cc11rockshey Ubuntu02:19
n-iCeBlue1: I have used a 64bits os before02:19
CorbinHey, anyone have any experience getting ATI 57xx, 58xx, or 68xx video cards funning at peak performance? Are the drivers available for it up to snuff with Nvidia's yet?02:19
cc11rockshave a question...02:19
fcuk112i am using onboard intel hd2000 gfx with natty - glxgears numbers were very up and down though (23-60fps) when maximised...  any idea?02:19
cc11rocksi tried to make a JAR in Ubuntu...gave me blank lines02:19
cc11rockslike i typed in the correct information02:19
soreauAlright people where the hell is the menu in this natty unity thing. I'm wanting to find monitor properties configuration applet and keyboard preferences etc from sys>prefs like in maverick02:20
cc11rocksthen under it, it had these ">" carrots02:20
cc11rockswhat do i do after that?02:20
fcuk112soreau, click on the power button02:20
ohsixsoreau: click on the top left then type it in02:20
soreaufcuk112: The power button?02:20
ohsixsoreau: oh yea02:20
taglassfcuk112: glxgears is a terrible benchmark02:20
soreauohsix: Type what in?02:20
fcuk112soreau, top right02:20
ohsixsoreau: you can click the power button too, it offers a system settings entry02:20
tasethe unity ... thing... is a WIP i assume02:21
fcuk112taglass, should it run this slow tho in full screen?  surely it should be smooth?02:21
soreautase: Yes, totally02:21
freeman_ohsix, its saying the new value for the edge binding for the action reveal mode conflicts with flip down of the desktop wall plugin..  then when i set to bottom it doesnt show up :S02:21
gogetatase: nope relesed and total fail02:21
cc11rockscould anyone answer my question?02:21
festerhow do i add a mirror so that my downloads go faster? it's taking 20minutes just to download vim02:21
soreauThey shouldn't have even pushed it out this fast IMO02:21
gogetawip would mean its not defult02:21
soreaugogeta: No it means that it's default and it sucks02:21
taglassfcuk112: but the numbers are probably capped at your vertical refresh rate.02:21
naidenwhen i run vi, ubuntu opens vim, then when i try vim it does not exist and  it proposes install vim, why vim command doesnt works?02:21
Hello71soreau: Ubuntu is on a fixed 6-month release schedule.02:21
soreauHello71: Tell me something useful that I don't know02:22
gogetasoreau: hehe why im sporting kde now02:22
cc11rocksI typed in:02:22
cc11rocksjar cmf program.mf program.jar *.class *.jar02:22
Hello71naiden: Try vim.tiny.02:22
taglassnaiden: vim-minimal is installed as vi I believe.02:22
cc11rocksand it just gave me carrots with blank lines underneath02:22
a7ndrewAnd Unity was not ready for this release.02:22
cc11rocksJDK and JRE are properly installed02:22
fcuk112taglass, if i keep it at the default size, it hits 60fps consistently, as soon as i maximise it...  slows down, very variable - as low as 23fps02:22
ohsixfreeman_: no idea there, i don't use unity02:22
freeman_ohsix, ok thanks for the help any way :)02:22
ohsixa7ndrew: then ready for what release?02:22
Hello71cc11rocks: Try java -jar...02:22
linuxman410does anyone know about intel 845ge video on board i only have one resolution and it says unknown monitor and says 0 rrefresh rate any way is greatly appreciated02:23
gogetafcuk112: i would say turn off compiz but unity screws you there its forced02:23
ohsixa7ndrew: the netbook version had most of the ideas for unity already in it and used, except it as hacks with maximus and stuff02:23
ric123Woah, I asked it to include restricted extras during the install and it installed the old 173 NVIDIA driver and now I'm getting weird graphics glitches, anyone else?02:23
katsrchey everyone02:23
naidenHello71, taglass, but when i type vi, console shows "VIM - Vi IMproved"02:23
cc11rockshello71, "java -jar" runs the jar02:23
a7ndrewohsix: Well the one after they got it working with multiple monitors would be a good candidate02:23
taglassfcuk112: no idea then.02:23
cc11rocksi am trying to create the jar02:23
elsojai need help, im desperate02:23
ohsixa7ndrew: the unity plugin for compiz does almost all the same stuff but it's not a hack02:23
Logan_!ask | elsoja02:23
ubottuelsoja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:23
elsojai'm installing ubuntu in my father'1s pc02:23
taglassnaiden: it'sa stripped down version of vim02:23
elsojaok so02:23
ohsixa7ndrew: you might as well be the only one using multiple monitors, because a lot of people don't on netbooks02:23
jigais it known bug that launcher sometimes "forgets" about running application?02:23
naidentaglass, hmm, ok02:24
a7ndrewohsix I'm not using a netbook02:24
ohsixa7ndrew: also testing versions have been available for a long time, you should have spoke up then02:24
a7ndrewohsix: Its my work desktop I'm trying to use02:24
katsrci'm trying out the Nouveau drivers but can't seem to set a correct resolution02:24
katsrcit's only using 1024x76802:24
ohsixa7ndrew: netbooks outsell notebooks outsell desktops02:24
gogetaa7ndrew: you are now02:25
Logan_katsrc: /join #nouveau02:25
katsrcLogan_: thanks02:25
Logan_katsrc: no problem02:25
elsojai'm installing ubuntu in my father's pc, (before i formated the old partition and resized windows one to take all the HD), and now i cant create a partition for ubuntu cause i cand resize the windows partition; besides i cand boot on windows cause i unnistaled grub02:25
ohsixkatsrc: the edid information for your monitor is incorrect or unavailable, you'll have to add modes manually with xrandr02:25
gogetaohsix: naa they fell off with the tablet market02:25
a7ndrewyeah, I've managed to ssh into a working machine and brink up irssi. That's a huge win for linux on the desktop so far.02:25
festerhow do i change the mirrors for ubuntu? i'm only getting like 20kbps i need a more local server02:25
gogetaohsix: desktops and labbys are still the biggest sellers02:25
soreauWhy doesn't Alt+F2 work when metacity is running?02:26
nit-witelsoja, do you have a recovery or install disc02:26
Tekk_I have an acer crystal eye webcam that's only working in black and white. It seemed to work before but now it doesn't. yes I'm sure that I have no effects on and the balances are all good02:26
ohsixgogeta: shrug, people are buying netbooks faster02:26
SinnerNyxohsix: just wanted to thank you again, and let you know it worked. have a good night02:26
ohsixa7ndrew: so use the classic session & what you're familiar with02:26
ohsixSinnerNyx: great02:26
Logan_!chmirror | fester02:26
ubottufester: Go to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.02:26
Herbselsoja make an extended partition its probably not letting you because you have to many primary if you have windows the recovery stuff usually takes 2 primary partitions02:26
cc11rocksI'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with a netbook...02:26
Tekk_using 10.1002:26
elsojanit-wit: of windows, no02:26
ohsixSinnerNyx: props for figuring out the .d thing, most people don't even look around02:26
gogetaohsix: naa that was when they first came out its slowed down alot02:26
a7ndrewohsix: yeah, think I'll have to.02:26
jigais it possible to remove unity menu panel on second monitor?02:27
gogetaohsix: being everyone owns one now heh02:27
festerLogan_: i don't have a gui yet, my synaptics isn't working02:27
sebsebsebjiga: no don't think so02:27
MarcNUpgraded my hp2133 notebook to Natty -- after about 2 minutes it hangs.  100% of the time.  Suggestions on debugging?02:27
soreauWhy doesn't Alt+F2 work with metacity in 11.04?02:27
fester(synaptics the laptop mouse driver)02:27
rigvedhi everyone...using 11.04 with unity 3d...it's really cool :)02:27
festerso i can't log in02:27
elsojaHerbs: there's no space for any partition, windows is taking all the hd[02:27
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ohsixgogeta: thats most of what i see at the schools :D02:27
nit-witelsoja, you do now boot it to the command and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr  http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/02:27
robin0800soreau, if metacity is running unity 3d has crashed as it needs compiz02:27
ohsixgogeta: but still, large target, and cheaper machines with smaller screens are becoming more prevalent02:27
gogetaohsix: yea tablets are takeing off02:28
ohsixgogeta: natty has a first class omap4 target this time around02:28
soreaurobin0800: That was not my question02:28
soreauWhy doesn't Alt+F2 work with metacity in 11.04?02:28
elsojanit-wit: it's xp02:28
nit-witelsoja, you can use gparted but the W7 disk manager is suggested02:28
robin0800soreau, it does02:28
gogetaohsix: iv seen a few omap on ebay the launch ones02:28
Logan_soreau: it should02:28
ohsixsoreau: are you using metacity? long story short, the panel applet with the application/places/system menu on it does that02:28
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soreaurobin0800: Why didn't you say that in the first place?02:28
elsojanit-wit: gparted cant rezise02:29
soreauohsix: You mean gnome-panel has to be running02:29
conicalohsix, did I miss your answer?02:29
robin0800sor or unity 2d02:29
elsojanit-wit: "unsable to read the contents of this filesystem"02:29
elsojanit-wit: *unable02:29
VoreniiAre there in ubuntu ways to just like in Windows 7 show my load on the processor and memory?02:29
digletthi all, I'm having a power issue. i've got ubuntu installed on an Asus G71X, and everytime I unplug it, ubuntu locks up. It works fine under windows so i'm guessing it's not a hardware issue. Any ideas for what I should try?02:30
soreauohsix: Yes you're right, thanks.02:30
soreauI can see the menu now too, whew02:30
a7ndrewawesome, I disabled the unity plugin from about:config, now that's gone, but I've also go no gnome panels. How do I logout?02:30
soreauWhat a constricting piece of garbage unity is02:30
ohsixconical: to do what you want to do you need to use xvnc02:30
gogetasoreau: cough kde02:30
ohsixsoreau: #ubuntu-offtopic02:30
Herbselsoja boot windows and shut it down properly maybe run a chkdsk on it sounds like te windows partition has not been unmounted cleanly02:31
conicalx11vnc, correct?02:31
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ohsixa7ndrew: there are no panels in unity, just something that looks like one02:31
robin0800soreau, unity 2d works fine02:31
nit-witelsoja, boot a live Ubuntu cd and follow the next pastebin to install lilo it will boot XP.02:31
Guest50068just installed 11.04 trying to use the clearlooks theme..it works on many windows, but not on fire foxes windows?02:31
Spaz_DynamicWhy doesn't apt-get / synaptic / updates / kpackagekit / whatever download and install things as soon as they're downloaded, unless they're dependent on another download that hasn't completed yet? It would be more efficient that way...02:31
ohsixGuest50068: firefox does its  own ui02:31
elsojaHerbs: i cant boot windows02:31
Spaz_Dynamicsuch as if you have a list of 20 things, it waits til they're all downloaded before installing them02:32
ohsixGuest50068: clearlooks will apply to buttons and some things, but not overall02:32
Herbselsoja what about safe mode?02:32
XylchDoes unity use notify-osd?02:32
SoothsayerI'm on the Natty live cd right now.. it has detected my wifi right thought not sound or the dual monitors..02:32
Soothsayershould I just go ahead and install it ?02:32
ohsixSpaz_Dynamic: because it extracts all of the package information to do an atomic application of the packages02:32
freeman_where is my show desktop button in unity?02:32
Guest50068ohsix...can I change it some how on firefox?02:32
nit-witelsoja, http://pastebin.com/E48YvGxw02:32
elsojaHerbs: neither02:32
ohsixSpaz_Dynamic: it's faster, and it needs all the packages to apply to do it02:32
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SoothsayerI believe the right drivers for graphic card, etc can be configured after installation ?02:33
ohsixGuest50068: not in a manner that will probably get you what you want :\02:33
Spaz_Dynamicohsix: "atomic application" ?02:33
elsojanit-wit: can i do this from a live cd?02:33
Herbselsoja have you fixed the boot record or tried installing grub?02:33
ohsixSpaz_Dynamic: done in one go, or not done at all02:33
m1ck3yI'm experiencing extremely slow download speeds  (both wired and wireless). They're less that 1/4 the speed the same computer gets on Windows, where do I look for help?02:33
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Guest50068oh six..just hoping to get the closing x on the right :)02:33
ohsixSpaz_Dynamic: installing 100 packages one a ta  time is different than installing them in one step02:33
elsojaHerbs: i coundt install grub02:33
gogetam1ck3y: the repos are flodded so it may just be slowness of the internet02:33
linuxman410anyone know about intel graphic cards02:34
m1ck3ygogeta: Oh ok, thanks for the heads up.02:34
Tekk_linuxman410: what about them?02:34
conicalohsix, so, a simpler question02:34
diemoserm, quick question: How do you un-zoom? I somehow triggered the stupid accessability zoom function and can't get ou tof it lol02:34
ohsixGuest50068: that'd be something your window decorator needs to be told to do; either from compiz or if it's metacity, in it's gconf settings02:34
Slimcea_boyCan I use an desktop install iso so my upgrade doesn't have to go to network, or does that only work with the alternate CD?02:34
Herbselsoja dont look good then Im afraid :(02:34
conicalI have partitions that I could access just fine if I had mounted them using gnome02:34
nit-witelsoja, read the paste from a live ubuntu cd open softwrae sorces, you may have to right click the menu to tick it on open the software sources 1st tab 2nd box universe click active let it reload and follow the commands..02:34
conicalI can't do it using a gnome session (i've tried)02:34
ohsixSlimcea_boy: only the alternate02:35
Hello71diemos: Hold Super and rotate the mouse scroll wheel.02:35
linuxman410Tekk i have a 845 ge that only has one resolution and no monitor listed how do i fix02:35
Slimcea_boyohsix: ok, can you point me at the instructions for doing this, I can't seem to find them :\02:35
ohsixSlimcea_boy: the livecd is cloned to the systen with a regular livecd, the alternate has packages on it02:35
MarcN1wrt my Natty hang on hp2133 notebook, it may be related to wireless.  Disabling wifi seems to stop it from hanging -- and severely limiting its usefulness...02:35
diemosHello71: orz, I thought I'd tried that. Thanks.02:35
ohsixMarcN1: what wifi hw?02:36
MarcN1ohsix: checking.02:37
andrew__I have a question. What does Upgrading Ubuntu do?02:37
XylchDoes unity use notify-osd? I am not getting any pop-ups02:37
Herbsupgrades it :) define upgrading02:37
ohsixandrew__: it changes the release name and switches to that releases package versions02:38
MarcN1ohsix: Broadcom BCM4311 a/b/g rev 0202:38
andrew__Clicking Upgrade in the update manager02:38
taseis there a way to get the right alt to change workspaces with a us international layout with dead keys ?02:38
PovAddictwill there be an Ubuntu variant with GNOME, just like Kubuntu has KDE?02:38
Hello71PovAddict: ?02:38
MK``That's what everyone has in the back of their head PovAddict: Gubuntu 11.1102:38
MarcN1ohsix: enabling wifi, to see if that causes a hang02:38
gogetaPovAddict: there is02:39
gogetaPovAddict: just not a offical kindda like lubuntu isnt02:39
HerbsPovAddict even if there isnt this is ?Linux you can do what you want with it if they never realease another gnome distro you can always install gnome02:39
ohsixMarcN1: ah, you could try installing bcmwl-kernel-source, it's the proprietary driver, but i've had luck with it on my netbook (namely it doesn't drop connections in a manner that would seem to suggest the wifi chipset is overheating)02:39
gogetaPovAddict: the lxde varent02:39
MarcN1ohsix: yup Broadcom BCM4311 wifi borks natty on my notebook02:39
MarcN1ohsix: I'd be happy with no hangs!02:39
PovAddictseems weird that GNOME is now less officially-supported than XFCE... :/02:40
gogetaPovAddict: http://ugr.teampr0xy.net/02:40
Herbsagain this is Linux who cares about the gui :)02:40
taglassPovAddict: The default environment is gnome.. How is that less supported?02:40
PovAddicttaglass: that's not gnome, that's unity02:40
ohsixMarcN1: was that an upgrade or a new install? if the former it might like a firmware update02:40
thanosi have problem with fsck.btrfs02:40
gogetataglass: its unity bascily a relly relly bad ui02:41
ohsixPovAddict: gnome is 99.99% of what makes ubuntu go02:41
OchoZero9ohsix: i installed ubuntu-desktop. After I restarted I selected ubuntu and all I saw was Icons and a background. Alt F2 didn't even work. Now I'm in ubuntu classic (no effect)02:41
robin0800PovAddict, and classic is gnome02:41
gogetataglass: that uses gnome02:41
taglassPovAddict: Unity is simply the windowmanager.  When you use compiz insteda of metacity is it not still gnome?02:41
ohsixPovAddict: unity is 0.001%, and it's a plugin for an alternate window manager, compiz02:41
thanosi can't see  my data in my partition ? any idea?02:41
MK``Compiz is the window manager, Unity is the shell, to be more precise.02:41
PovAddicteven before they called it unity, ubuntu was modifying the hell out of gnome upstream02:41
gogetayes and the shell is everything02:41
Herbsregardless of what the distro is released with you can always install whatever desktop you want and remove any you dont guys this aintgg windows02:41
taseHow do I reorder the close / minimize / maximize buttons in gconf-editor02:42
OchoZero9If you look in the compiz website .. it's now going to be easier to port apps from mac windows and linux02:42
ohsixMK``: the shell is still separate, but it does meld a few things; it's just a plugin for compiz02:42
MarcN1ohsix: natty &  wifi works on my old hp nc6000 just fine.02:42
gogetathe rest is just gtk02:42
PovAddictOchoZero9: ?02:42
ohsixOchoZero9: why would that be?02:42
robin0800and metacity is  the window manager for unity 2d02:42
ohsixPovAddict: no they weren't (modifying)02:42
r000tohsix: did you ever get those pastes?02:42
MK``Ooh I didn't know what ohsix02:42
MarcN1ohsix: and not the hp elitebook 8530w which I think uses a similar broadcom.02:43
ohsixPovAddict: in fact you can still go look at the patches ubuntu maintains outside of gnome and that they couldn't get upstream02:43
george__After tried an upgrade to 11.04, I've got this http://pastie.org/1845644. And my dpkg --audit returns me this http://pastie.org/1845647. Any help, please?02:43
OchoZero9in win 8 aero is going to be worked by compiz , i don't understand those technical terms though02:43
ohsixMarcN1: dunno, chances are it's the bios or something; crashing problems are really lame02:43
MK``Ubuntu will be Gnome 2 with Unity; the inevitably Gubuntu will be Gnome 3 :P02:43
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PovAddictOchoZero9: dude, that was an April Fools joke02:43
OchoZero9oh ok02:43
OchoZero9got me02:43
MarcN1ohsix: technically a hang ;-)02:43
Guest74099does anyone know why my memory may be pegging out, I have had issues lately with webpages freezing and it says the system may be out of memory, so i actually checked this time and cpu2 was maxed out at 100%?02:43
OchoZero9you can still make ugly gtk apps02:43
ohsixMarcN1: really lame that they crash for one, but also generally really lame as to the root cause02:43
HerbsLinux is a shell the gui is just a frontend for the shell you can use any you want so why moan02:44
OchoZero9any how02:44
ohsixHerbs: linux is a kernel, what you think of the shell is probably a getty on one of the virtual terminals02:44
OchoZero9How do I get unity touch?02:44
gogetaHerbs: why did gnome and cannel decide to screw up gnome02:44
Herbsoshix Im putting it in simple terms :)02:44
robin0800remove unity and install gnome3 if you wish02:44
ManateeLazyCatHi all, I install gnome3 on Ubuntu 11.04, how to remove "Windows key" from global binding? Since Alt+F1 same as "Windows key"02:44
ohsixOchoZero9: afaik there are no special steps, if unity 3d doesn't run on your device you can always try unity2d02:45
Jon4248okay, so question, I have unreal 2004 installed. When I create a launcher on my desktop to ut2004-bin it doesn't launch...nothing happens. However, if I open it from the ut2004/system dir the game will open...what am I doing wrong?02:45
gogetaHerbs: questions with no answers there02:45
ManateeLazyCatThaks! :)02:45
ohsixgogeta: what?02:45
OchoZero9why wouldn't it run ?02:45
gogetaohsix: gnome shell and unity both sucking02:45
MarcN1ohsix: ah, the nc6000 wifi is an Atheros.02:45
ohsixgogeta: you know gnome is a huge collection of software, the window manager and nautilus are small but important constituent parts02:45
thanossomeboby knows about fsck.btrfs? i cant se my data in my disk after update to 11.0402:45
ZiberSo I had a lot of trouble with my audio working in ubuntu 10.10, now I'm trying to get my built in mic on my toshiba laptop to work. Is there a group I should be added to for this to work?02:45
ohsixgogeta: that's your opinion, and it doesn't bear repeating; go talk to them about how you think you can improve them02:45
ohsixMarcN1: ah, ath9k? i have an ath5k too and it works great02:46
Herbsgogeta I have no idea Im not an Ubuntu user Im a red hat admin ,  I just happened to pop in here yesterday and found the people where nice02:46
gogetaohsix: fork gnome 2 problem fixed02:46
FlynsarmyHas anyone noticed that with the new scrollbars you can't click on, for instance, the bottom half of the scrollbar when the scroller is at the top anymore? because no scroller appears down there when you mouse over02:46
ManateeLazyCatAnybody know how to remove "windows key" from gnome3?02:46
Macerknow this might sounds like a bad one but.. in order to change the name of a grp all i do is edit /etc/group and rename the group?02:46
MarcN1ohsix: Atheros AR5001X+, which is working fine.02:46
ohsixgogeta: why do you need to? do you even know what the terms you're using are?02:46
ManateeLazyCatOr how to customize keyshort in Gnome3, any tool?02:46
sushemsuis there a way to get proprietary drivers on my toshiba on board graphics to get graphics working all cool liuke02:46
OchoZero9why wouldn't unity 3d run on my computer? I don't have agraphics card and starcraft II runs perfectly in 3d mode02:46
nowherefastohsix: i tested different drivers on the netbook (eee) and the ath9k driver works in ubuntu 9.04 but not in 10.10... weird huh02:46
ChronicSyncopeupon update to 11.04 i can't get desktop cube working. every time i try to start it, it breaks the gnome window manager02:46
ohsixgogeta: gnome3 is a deprecation and migration effort largely centered around gtk and the libraries nearly always used alongside it02:46
gogetaohsix: becouse gnome 3 droped metacity and are using gnome shell02:46
MarcN1ohsix:  my corp laptop may use broadcom, not upgrading that until natty is out a bit longer02:47
ohsixgogeta: there is also gnome-shell02:47
ohsixgogeta: no they didn't02:47
Jon4248okay, so question, I have unreal 2004 installed. When I create a launcher on my desktop to ut2004-bin it doesn't launch...nothing happens. However, if I open it from the ut2004/system dir the game will open...what am I doing wrong?02:47
Jon4248im using 11.04 btw02:47
kusanagihow do you use your second monitor in a dual monitor setup with unity? when I move windows to edge of one screen, they maximize in the middle of the screen :S02:47
ohsixnowherefast: dunno if that's weird, i do know there was a firmware transition in that timeframe02:47
soreauohsix: Don't OT me when I'm talking about unity02:47
gogetaohsix: well i dont care anyways its just gonna spell doom for gtk02:47
ohsixsoreau: it is offtopic, we support it, we don't care what you think about it02:47
OchoZero9why wouldn't unity 3d run on my computer? I don't have agraphics card and starcraft II runs perfectly in 3d mode02:47
ohsixgogeta: you don't know what you are talking about, at all02:47
soreauohsix: You don't support unity here??02:48
a7ndrewkusanagi: I gave up, its not ready: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071259302:48
gogetaohsix: you think that02:48
ohsixgogeta: gtk is a library software uses, it's not going anywhere02:48
soreauohsix: The default wm scheme in ubuntu 11.04?02:48
Herbsif you need a gui so bad why use Linux?02:48
Jon4248OchoZero9, what video card do you have?02:48
ohsixgogeta: i know that, you are making statements and i am reading them02:48
ZiberSo I had a lot of trouble with my audio working in ubuntu 10.10, now I'm trying to get my built in mic on my toshiba laptop to work. Is there a group I should be added to for this to work?02:48
ohsixsoreau: "unity sucks" is not a support question02:48
Soothsayerok someone please help me here. I'm on the install screen. I want to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 7.. I created an ext4 partition and picked it during installation. Now what do I pick for "Device for booter loader installation?"02:48
soreauohsix: I didn't say it sucked02:48
OchoZero9I don't have any02:48
gogetaohsix: gtk is part of the gnome ui and if people dump gnome in mass due to unity and gnome shell everyone will start uing anything else02:48
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soreauI said it was a constricting piece of garbage02:48
OchoZero9I think it's built in the processor02:48
ohsixgogeta: yea just like everyone did last time, quality matters02:49
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ChronicSyncopeI'm in 11.04 with unity off, and when i try to start desktop cube from compiz, my window manager dies and nothing works.02:49
aaron-waynecan anyone help me with the memory issue?02:49
Jon4248Soothsayer, your hard drive02:49
OchoZero9Jon4248:  I think it's built in the processor02:49
gogetaohsix: acully they did when kde whent downhill and gnome got good02:49
Herbsis 11.04 LTS?02:49
soreauohsix: As a support helper, you should ask why one thinks that and try to help them with the specific problem they're having02:49
Bluebill-Wolfi need a hand with something02:49
ohsixChronicSyncope: isn't that awesome, i've had a hell of a time with compiz .9 too02:49
SoothsayerJon4248: I have two hard drives now.02:49
gogetaohsix: same for e1702:49
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)02:49
soreauohsix: By saying "#ubuntu-offtopic" that02:49
ChronicSyncopeohsix, haven't solved the problem?02:49
gogetaohsix: i have been around longer then you think02:49
ohsixgogeta: you are thinking of a past that didn't exist02:49
taglassgogeta: To be fair most of the peopel I've seen that said they were leaving gnome were going to xfce... Guess what toolkit that uses? :)02:49
soreauohsix: By saying "#ubuntu-offtopic" that's just like saying you know it is just that02:49
Bluebill-Wolfhow do you do the recovary off an instalation disk?02:49
SoothsayerJon4248: one is the one with Windows 7 and where I also plan to install Ubuntu OS... the other is for data only.02:49
gogetaohsix: or even xfree02:49
soreauohsix: admittance02:49
Jon4248oh, it may not be supported. maybe find out what name/model of it is02:49
ohsixgogeta: do you remember qpl?02:49
HerbsAndrew I know what LTS is thanks I asked if 11.04 is02:49
ohsixgogeta: and you remember how it was a joke that e17 was never finished02:50
robin0800ChronicSyncope, if your in classic that may not use compiz but metacity02:50
AndrewMCHerbs: no it's not02:50
ChronicSyncopeohsix, how do i at least restart the wm?02:50
FlynsarmyHerbs: 12.04 is the next LTS02:50
Jon4248Soothsayer, the install will add windows 7 to grub boot menu02:50
Bluebill-Wolfhow do you do the recovary off an instalation disk?02:50
zmaDoes 32-bit desktop edition of Ubuntu 10.04 have Qt libraries installed by default? I can only find references that netbook edition has.02:50
Bluebill-Wolfhow do you do the recovary off an instalation disk?02:50
gogetaohsix: they all had there high  useage times02:50
ChronicSyncoperobin0800, classic always used to use compiz...02:50
extraclassicgogeta: have you tried kde 4.602:50
ohsixChronicSyncope: it should have already, but eh, you could try alt+f2 and typing in compiz --replace02:50
Bluebill-Wolfhow do you do the recovary off an instalation disk?02:50
HerbsAndrew and Fly thanks02:50
gogetaextraclassic: yes pretty nice02:50
ohsixgogeta: good thing it's not a poll huh02:50
SoothsayerJon4248: ok so im picking the "hard drive" which has Windows 7.. and NOT any partition under it.02:50
Bluebill-Wolfhow do you do the recovary off an instalation disk?02:50
Jon4248Soothsayer, yes.02:50
Bluebill-Wolfhow do you do the recovary off an instalation disk?02:51
ChronicSyncopeohsix, nope... still nothing.02:51
SoothsayerJon4248: /dev/sdb ATA ST... (500.1 GB)02:51
FlynsarmyChronicSyncope: it still does. I've got ccsm installed and was mucking around with the settings last night. after removing unity that is02:51
extraclassicgogeta: was gonna say if you're unhappy with unity & gnome 3, kde 4.6 is better than gnome 2.3202:51
ohsixsoreau: 18:30 < soreau> What a constricting piece of garbage unity is02:51
IdleOne!repeat | Bluebill-Wolf02:51
ubottuBluebill-Wolf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:51
Jon4248Soothsayer, this is for the boot loader right?02:51
ChronicSyncopeFlynsarmy, I'm using classic, so unity should be off... hopefully02:51
SoothsayerJon4248: yes02:51
ohsixsoreau: #ubuntu-offtopic is for those statements if you would like to keep making them, particularly the adjective is useless to anyone in here02:51
gogetaextraclassic: using it on my netbook02:51
ohsixextraclassic: lawl02:51
kusanagia7ndrew thanks, any bug link i can follow up?02:51
Jon4248Soothsayer, then yes. you'll see what i mean when you reboot after the install.02:51
ohsixgogeta: oh you've shown your cards then, you really do not know anything and merely believe you're above the fray02:52
FlynsarmyChronicSyncope: can't help you with the cube thing - i don't use it. just wanted to mention that compiz seems to work fine - was tweeking madly to get things working/looking right and nothing seemed to break02:52
SoothsayerJon4248: ok.02:52
Jon4248it just shows a simple text menu after with ubuntu or windows 7 (loader)02:52
soreauohsix: What adjective?02:52
thanossomeboby knows about fsck.btrfs? i cant se my data in my disk after update to 11.0402:52
ChronicSyncopeFlynsarmy, i don't even have cube turned on, i just can't get my wm to re-appear02:52
gogetaohsix: what hat my netbook runs kde plasma02:52
lainyAfter upgrading to the latest Ubuntu, I cannot even use nano on rxvt-unicde. I receive the error "Error opening terminal: rxvt-256color.02:52
ohsixsoreau: i quoted you, i trust that you know what an adjective is02:52
IdleOneohsix soreau gogeta please move the meta discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic02:52
soreauohsix: You're not taking the correct action. You're shrugging off unity support02:52
gogetaohsix: thats after i ripped out unity02:52
arand_thanos: What kind of btrfs setup did you have before?02:52
Bluebill-Wolfkinda need a hand here02:53
a7ndrewkusanagi: good question, there's got to be something on Launchpad02:53
ohsixsoreau: i am not, what can i do to help you with a constricting piece of garbage? i think there's not much i can do! if you had forme dit as a question i could have said something02:53
arand_thanos: What is hapening with fsck currently?02:53
brewsterhey im running ubuntu 10.10 and i want to know this before i upgrade: i have graphics and wireless drivers installed. will i lose them when i upgrade?02:53
=== arand_ is now known as arand
jribso much non-support talk :(02:53
ohsixsoreau: you thanked me last time i answered a question you actually asked02:53
gogetaarand_: what abought btrfs?02:53
SoothsayerJon4248: one more confusing. I'm picking the ext4 partition which I made a few minutes earlier using gparted. Do I have to set the Mount point ?02:53
thanosarand_, i had /home before and now i cant see my data02:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:53
IdleOneohsix: Please drop it.02:53
lainyAfter upgrading to the latest Ubuntu, I cannot even use nano on rxvt-unicde. I receive the error "Error opening terminal: rxvt-256color." Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue? I tried reinstalling urxvt but that did not help. Thanks for any help.02:54
elsojawhen i start to install ubuntu the opition to split the hd with windows do not appear, and i cant resize windows partition02:54
Andrey_BTIHi! I'm sorry, my English is vary bad. I have a problem: i can't connect to windows network.02:54
atpa8acongrats on the release02:54
MK``Andrey_BTI: what error do you get?02:54
thanosarand_,  its problem from ubuntu 11.04 after update02:54
ManateeLazyCatDamn, i hate Gnome3 eat my "windows key"02:54
Herbssoothsayer yes you need to set the mount pint as /02:54
arandthanos: Right, and this home was created in maverick, and you have mad an install re-using /home, or just an in-place upgrade?02:54
Jon4248Soothsayer, yes, set the root (ubuntu install files) to  /  and i personally make a /home parition as well02:54
atpa8aanyone have any issues with broadcom wifi?..02:54
coz_ManateeLazyCat,  are you on gnome3  or ubuntu 11.04?02:55
brewsteri did atpa8a02:55
mickster04MK``: Andrey_BTI's prpoblem sounds like a samba issue02:55
brewsteri can help you02:55
ohsixatpa8a: can you rephrase that in the form of a question02:55
Andrey_BTII connect to winnetwork, go to workgroup, connect to server, then press BACK, and i didn't see anything02:55
ManateeLazyCatcoz_: Gnome-shell with Ubuntu-11.0402:55
a7ndrewkusanagi: Unity dual monitor bugs, pick your favourite! #5927116 #685179 #742020 #755357 #752612 #731322 #76965002:55
SoothsayerHerbs, Jon4248 : ok, so I picked Ext4 File Journaling System and set the mount point as /02:55
Herbsit dont matter what partition you have the mount point on the partition you have ubuntu installed has to be /02:55
Jon4248a7ndrew, lol02:55
coz_ManateeLazyCat,  ooo   ok...02:55
Andrey_BTInot samba - first time i can see server, then a can't02:55
elsojawhen i start to install ubuntu the opition to split the hd with windows do not appear, and i cant resize windows partition. what can i do02:55
robin0800Soothsayer, yes you must if your going to install on it02:55
mickster04!broadcom | atpa8a02:55
ubottuatpa8a: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:55
MK``yeah most likely mickster0. Andrey_BTI, can you connect to it successfully via direct IP?02:55
kinsis ubuntu 11.04 worth updateing too02:55
atpa8aohsix: it just doesn't work :P why? worked in 10.1002:55
thanosfirtst mad update and after new install02:56
Andrey_BTIbut a can connect by VONNECT TO SERVER02:56
SoothsayerHerbs, Jon4248 : ye, I want to keep all 'data' files on the other disk... so that means I should mount /home and /var onto the other disk?02:56
Jon4248Soothsayer, yup. you didnt delete your win 7 partition right?02:56
ohsixatpa8a: which one is it? you probably need to install firmware02:56
SoothsayerHow should I be going about this.02:56
thanosarand_, firtst mad update and after new install02:56
ManateeLazyCatcoz_: I binding so many "windows key shortcut" on Emacs, i hate Gnome3 binding "windows key", do you know any way to remove "windows key" ? Since I can use Alt+F1 too.02:56
arandthanos: Do this "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt -o defaults,subvolid=0"02:56
Jon4248Soothsayer, yes02:56
SoothsayerJon4248: no I did not! :-| *cross checks* .. no i didn't! p02:56
coz_ManateeLazyCat,  not that I am aware of  no...02:56
Herbssoothsayer they dont have to be on different disks just use different partitions02:56
MK``Andrey_BTI I actually had a similar issue and it ended up being a bug in nautilus. I'd make sure the workgroup is correct, the permissions on the share are correct, etc.02:56
atpa8aohsix: in 10.10 i could use the BCM driver02:56
arandthanos: sdXY representing your /home btrfs partition.02:57
SoothsayerHerbs: well, I don't have any partitions.. but I have a lot of unallocated space on the other disk.02:57
ManateeLazyCatcoz_: Even hacking way? I guess gnome developer must have some code do those?02:57
spungoIf this is the *Official* suport channel, can I assume Canonical staff are on-line here? If so, how am I to distinguish between staff and "n00bz"?02:57
ohsixatpa8a: in 11.04 you can too, but you should try the included drivers02:57
atpa8atrying fwcutter02:57
Zibercould someone explain to me what pulseaudio is exactly?02:57
ohsixspungo: they are not02:57
Andrey_BTIAnd second time i try to connect to winnetwork - i can't see anything, nor a share folders, nor a server list02:57
ManateeLazyCatcoz_: or they hard-coding it?02:57
ohsixspungo: if they are they will not be here in that capacity02:57
gogetaspungo: communty help no cannel02:57
Herbssoothsayer there is no issues with puting them on another disk so yes go ahead02:57
atpa8aohsix: how do you mean "included"?02:57
RedLanceOk, I'm trying to make an .iso image of a bootable dvd, and I'm using dd if=/dev/sr1 of=filename.iso and it keeps giving me an I/O error and copies 16kB...the drive is not mounted.  Any help please?02:57
thanosarand_, in sda302:57
=== Help is now known as Guest2619
shane4ubuntuhow do we get special effects for unity?02:57
Herbshave your rootfs on your main disk and make the mount point /02:57
mickster04shane4ubuntu: compiz02:58
SoothsayerHerbs, Jon4248 : So /home and /var go to two separate partitions on another disk?02:58
MK``Andrey_BTI: if it worked fine, you didn't change any settings and it suddenly stopped working, it may be the nautilus bug I encountered02:58
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, install ccsm02:58
=== Pro-Racing is now known as pro
thanosarand_, i dont want to make it home again but only to see the data02:58
ohsixatpa8a: well the kernel has drivers, it needs the firmware; but theres also bcmwl-kernel-source which is the proprietary driver, i thought you were talking about the latter, but then you mentioned fwcutter02:58
MK``because I could use other file managers and it worked fine02:58
Herbssoothsayer yes totally no probs in doing that02:58
Jon4248Soothsayer, if thats what you want.02:58
=== pro is now known as Pro-Racing
shane4ubuntumickster04: like before, just enable them through the appearance menu02:58
arandthanos: Ok, if you mount that with th eoptions I gave, and look in /mnt, do you see your old data along with the new @home subvolume?02:58
atpa8aohsix: oh :) i don't care which ever way it works02:58
Jon4248Soothsayer, some people just make a  /  mount02:58
SoothsayerHerbs, Jon4248 : /var is where MySQL, etc store the databases if I'm not mistaken ?02:58
brewsteri have graphics and wireless drivers installed. will i lose them when i upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?02:58
Andrey_BTII try connect third time and i recieve messages - i can't recieve shared folders. I install ubuntu 11 now, a didn't change anythings02:59
atpa8aohsix: so far neither method is working02:59
Jon4248Soothsayer, **shrugs***02:59
SoothsayerJon4248: ?02:59
ohsixatpa8a: ok, well in the fwcutter package theres a script that will install it for you02:59
Jon4248Dont use MySQL lol02:59
mickster04shane4ubuntu: ?02:59
celerymanubuntu 11.04 shotwell does nothing when selected to open?02:59
SoothsayerJon4248: oh c'mon, thats unjustified...02:59
robin0800brewster, it depends on the hardware02:59
ohsixatpa8a: dpkg -L b43-fwcutter will list the files installed & the script's name will be in there02:59
shane4ubuntuI just looked, and it isn't there mickster04, I guess I need to install compiz?02:59
Herbssoothsaye sometimes it does depends on the build if you use Plesk it will be var but you can always sym link it to another partition if you run out of space02:59
Andrey_BTIand server with russian name don't showing correctly, language updates was installed03:00
taglassSoothsayer: I think he was saying that he doesn't use it.03:00
Soothsayertaglass: then it wouldn't have needed the 'lol' :)03:00
arandgogeta: btrfs does not need an ext boot for grub, however it will report an error which you will have to press out of on each boot if you do not have one.03:00
Jon4248Soothsayer, lol...google tells me yes http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&biw=994&bih=898&q=%2Fvar+mysql&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&fp=1246a8259bf2a1fa03:00
brewsternvidia graphics controller and broadcom wireless drivers03:00
Helpmedoes 11.4 fix the pulse audio stuttering problem in 10.1003:00
Nightshade_updating to natty now03:00
Soothsayerok now im totally confused as to how much size to give each03:01
BronzOh, lots of traffic. I hope I get some attention. I just downloaded 11.04 and tried to run it, but the graphical environment would fail to load. I'd get the "ubuntu" splash screen (with the progressive dots), then blink to a garbage screen of static, and the computer would freeze. I have a run-of-the-mill 2Ghz AMD machine, my video card is an NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 256Mb... If I can get it to boot the graphical environment, I should be fine.03:01
arandgogeta: I think this is in the relese notes...03:01
thanosarand_, ok wait to reboot03:01
Soothsayerwhat size should each mount point / partition be?03:01
Jon4248Soothsayer, thats up to your needs03:01
SoothsayerI had allocated 60 gb to this ext4 earlier assuming it would be the single mount point /03:01
arandthanos: Reboot won't change anything regarding the btrfs..03:01
robin0800brewster, yes you will have to reinstall them I expect03:01
MarcN1ohsix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77285903:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 772859 in Ubuntu "BCM4311 wifi hangs hp2133 notebook after 2 minutes" [Undecided,New]03:01
arandthanos: Since no changes have been made yet..03:01
XylchMy notify-osd is not displaying any popups, can someone help me fix it?03:01
Helpmecan somebody tell me if 11.4 fixes pulseaudio suttering problem?03:01
Jon4248Soothsayer, then delete the  / mount and recreate it...and then the others...say 20gigs each?03:01
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gogetaarand: wow i asked that like forever ago03:02
Herbssoothsayer remember to put mount points of /var /etc on any other partitions you create for them03:02
thanosarand_, i made some updates and need reboot03:02
SoothsayerHerbs: ok.03:02
arandgogeta: Heh, I did a /lastlog btrfs ;)03:02
thanosarand_, brb03:02
atpa8ahey... what's the problem with btrfs?03:02
ohsixMarcN1: i had a freeze problem with mine too; it would prevent it from booting though, ssb/b43 had a problem that when they were loaded it'd succeed without a freeze less than half the time, that' was awesome03:02
SoothsayerJon4248, Herbs: what else goes in /var ? (Besides MySQL which im aware of)03:02
ohsixMarcN1: but i got it fixed by talkingwith the developer :]03:02
CtownHow can I force new application to open in an _empty_ workspace, instead of stacking in one?03:02
shane4ubuntuunity and desktop cube?  no?  I tried to enable it, and that didn't go over well.03:02
* atpa8a likes btrfs03:03
MK``Andrey_BTI : if you want to chat in russian03:03
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:03
Herbssoothsayer logs mostly03:03
victory747I noticed on http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features/office-applications that "Quicken" is listed as available in the Ubuntu Software Center.  But I don't see quicken in there. Is quicken available for Ubuntu? Or are they just saying this meaning HomeBank or GNUCash?03:03
Nightshade_shane4ubuntu, really? that sucks03:03
Jon4248Soothsayer, my var has backups  cache  crash  games  lib  local  lock  log  mail  opt  run  spool  tmp03:03
spungoOn an Asus eee 900 is there a way to scale the cpu down from 900mhz while still on AC power?03:03
SoothsayerI'm going to be mainly using this workstation for web / database development.03:03
ohsixMarcN1: oh that's what you posted, thanks for filing a bug03:03
Herbsif you use qmail sometimes that use /var also03:03
shane4ubuntuhalf of the warning box is off the screen so I can read it.  ugg.03:03
RedLanceOk...before I upgrade to Ubuntu 11, how can I figure out why 10 crashes my system, when 9 dosen't?03:03
SoothsayerJon4248: I see.03:03
arandatpa8a: Likewise, (In noted that you can use btrfs without /boot, though you will see an error each boot and need to press to continue.)03:03
gogetaarand: so it can be a pure root fs now grub2 finnly supports it03:03
MarcN1ohsix: tomorrow I'll grab bcmwl-kernel-source and try that route.  Maybe just wipe and see how the install goes.03:03
nandaramhello massively sized channel03:04
Jon4248hello nandaram03:04
gogetaarand: i did a diffrent hack to install os on compressed fs03:04
Nightshade_so anyone who wants to pm me about your first impressions of natty03:04
ohsixMarcN1: can you try installing linux-backports-modules-net-natty-generic and see if it still freezes after a reboot?03:04
ohsixMarcN1: that's one of the first thing someone will ask you to try03:04
nandarammay i ask for the simpist procedure to get 8 ttys on default boot03:04
SoothsayerDo you guys normally store your data files under the /home directory? Like say documents, pictures, reports, code projects, design projects, etc?03:04
gogetaarand: full kubuntu install btrfs compressed 1.2 gb03:04
Jon4248Nightshade_, Natty rocks03:04
mordofok, got Natty finally loaded03:04
ohsixSoothsayer: yep, i do03:04
taglassSoothsayer: I do03:05
nowherefastwhat version of ubuntu is natty?03:05
Jon4248Soothsayer, yes, thats the idea of home03:05
Herbssoothsayer but if you run out of space you can always sym link to another partition03:05
ohsixSoothsayer: i also tried to ask you before you left, what crashes?03:05
mordofnowherefast: 11.0403:05
arandgogeta: grub doesn't support it completely, the grubenv file can't be written to it seems, which is what makes it error03:05
nandaramfyi im drunk as hell and running a new version03:05
mordofnowherefast: 11*03:05
Nightshade_Jon4248, i just wanted to know what to expect cuz im upgrading right now ^_^03:05
MarcN1Soothsayer: yes that is standard use of /home03:05
mordofanyone know if it's possible to dock the launcher on the bottom of the screen?03:05
gogetaarand: still bootable?03:05
arandgogeta: It is normally not needed, but it causes issues though.03:05
mordofi use dual monitor and the launcher is in a VERY boad spot!03:05
Soothsayerohsix: Sorry if I left abruptly. What crashes where? Refresh my memory please03:05
amy_I just upgraded to Natty Narwhal (11.04) and my desktop seems to have changed quite a bit. Can I revert to the classic look, rather than the scrolling sidebar thing?03:05
SoothsayerHerbs: oh ye symlink it.03:05
robin0800mordof, no03:05
atpa8aarand: does that error not timeout?03:06
mordofrobin0800: it's not possible or you don't know?03:06
gogetaarand: well i made a 100mb ext4 anyways03:06
Jon4248amy_, logout and select classic then login03:06
nandaramis there documentation for upgrade from old long term to new long term03:06
gogetaarand: being i never got a answer03:06
IdleOneamy_: yes, you need to log out and at the login screen click on the Session button at the bottom03:06
shane4ubuntuohhh, great, I messed with compiz and now unity is broken, no menus, no sidebar thingy  that isn't good03:06
arandgogeta: You get a "press any key to continue", but otherwise seems fine, I'm not sure how it works with non-standard stuff like compression and so, presumably it should be fine..03:06
Herbssoothsayer yeah a sym link i.e ln -s /var/home/var03:06
shane4ubuntualt-tab does nothing03:06
gogetaarand: but with the zlib enabled i got more space outta my ssd anyways03:06
nandaramdoes anyone know what an inittab is?03:06
robin0800amy_, yes logout and choose classic03:06
Herbssoothsayer yeah a sym link i.e ln -s /var/ home/var (correction)03:06
kzmanhi, i cant change the display brightness, on ubuntu, is a driver missing?03:06
shane4ubuntualt-f2 does nothing!03:06
neo_hello everyone, I'm writing a document about linux cluster solution. http://netkiller.github.com/solution.html03:07
arandgogeta: I've got to test that at some point, is it possible to set compression up via the installer?03:07
nandaramshane4ubuntu: ctrl+alt+f203:07
celerymandoes anyone know how to get shotwell working in 11.04, does nothing when trying to open03:07
shane4ubuntuany ideas on how to fix this?  apparently compiz and unity are not friendly with each other03:07
Herbsthat will then put anything written to /var to /home/var in that example03:07
gogetaarand: its it takes a hack to do it bascily as soon as the installer make the part you remount it with the compression flage03:07
mordofrobin0800: k... i get that it matches the design - but there's glitches/bugs when using two monitors (one to the left of the launcher) ;_;03:07
mordofthis isawful!!!03:07
thanosarand, what can i do now03:07
Nightshade_shane4ubuntu, i dont know yet, havent had a chance to look at it03:07
gogetaarand: its aculy very responsiv03:07
rileypis there any way a remote can letters in x with 1 -9 buttons03:07
shane4ubuntunandaram: that is a virtual terminal what do I do once I'm there?03:07
SoothsayerJon4248, Herbs, ohsix, taglass: So 20 GB for UbuntuOS ( sda1 with mount point '/' ),  100 GB for data files ( sdb1 with mount point '/home') , 100 GB for databases, etc ( sdb2 with mount point '/var' ) ? <--- makes sense?03:07
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:07
gogetaarand: better then when it was uncompressed03:08
nandaramshane4ubuntu: default install pulls up 6 ttys you fucked your xserver im drunk pm me ill swear in channel getting compiz up in ubuntu should be cake work03:08
arandgogeta: So basically you halt after partitioning step in d-i and remount?03:08
taseIs it possible to /not/ download stuff when installing ubuntu ?03:08
nandaramand these ppl suck so im out... seriously where the fuck is the default boot spread threw03:08
arandthanos: Ok, re-do the mount I gave you03:08
robin0800mordof, thats a bug03:08
gogetaarand: naa the installer does a few things before it acully copys files just do it then03:08
amortonis it possible to share a DVD burner over the network, so it can be used directly from a netbook without one?03:08
shane4ubuntunandaram: I like the channel no swear policy thanks anyway03:08
arandthanos: Do this "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt -o defaults,subvolid=0"03:08
amortonboth using ubuntu03:08
gogetaarand: it doesent notec the swap out03:08
ManateeLazyCatI shouldn't install Ubuntu-11.04 or Gnome303:08
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, ctrl+alt+f1 >> then login >> type sudo service gdm restart03:09
thanosarand, ok03:09
ChronicSyncopewell F. how do i get compiz working in unity? right now it just disappears everything.03:09
shane4ubuntuJon4248: is that going to reboot it?03:09
arandthanos: then have a look in /mnt.03:09
Herbssoothsayer yeah that looks fine although you might not need 20gb for /03:09
ManateeLazyCatI'm a keyboard guy, i hate any system eat my keyshortcut and i even can't chane it.03:09
OchoZero9So what's the deal with the 3D?03:09
mordofanyone know where i'd report bugs about the Unity launcher in Natty?03:09
OchoZero9why it doesnt work for me?03:09
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, yes, the gdm03:09
gogetaarand: in fedora you can just add the flage ubuntu hasent added it yet03:09
mordofi've got 2 that need addressing >.<;03:09
arandthanos: Do you see your old data along with the new @home subvolume?03:09
shane4ubuntuJon4248: but if the settings in compiz aren't right, then that won't change them right?03:09
thanosarand, cant open this folder03:10
litropyWhat's the version number of the next alpha?03:10
gogetaarand: so after install you gotta add the flage back to fstab as well03:10
litropye.g. 11.0403:10
arandgogeta: Ubuntu support for btrfs is kinda wonky..03:10
gogetaarand: but it works03:10
Helpmecan someone help me?03:10
rileypOchoZero9,  perhaps you have 2d eys03:10
SoothsayerHerbs: Maybe for the softwares, etc I install?03:10
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, maybe03:10
ohsixSoothsayer: you said you were doing raid for robustitigitation in face of crashes, what crashes?03:10
shane4ubuntuJon4248: seems as though I have lost the windows manager, how can I restart it?03:10
OchoZero9what utility can i run so it can tell me the specs of my device?03:10
robin0800mordof, believe if you now swap over monitors its alright03:10
taglasslitropy: 11.1003:10
arandthanos: "cd /mnt; ls" ?03:10
Herbssoothsayer depends on what you install if you can spare it then use it03:10
Helpmemy audio in 10.10 stutters.03:10
Soothsayerohsix: wow, robustitigitation :) nice term.. hard disk crashes I meant back then.03:10
thanosyes its stack03:11
woodnHaving some problems with crypt and Jabberd2 following an upgrade to natty...03:11
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, do you have auto login on?03:11
amortonis it possible to share a DVD burner over the network, so it can be used directly from a netbook without one?03:11
OchoZero9It should have no problem running 3D . since windows aero works fine, and starcraft II works fine too03:11
rileypis there any way a remote can type letters in x with the 1 -9 buttons03:11
zapradicali like turtles... and ubuntu 11.04.03:11
mordofrobin0800: i just updated to 11.04 today. if i move my mouse over to the second monitor - hover text sticks until moving back03:11
BronzOh, lots of traffic. I hope I get some attention. I just downloaded 11.04 and tried to run it, but the graphical environment would fail to load. I'd get the "ubuntu" splash screen (with the progressive dots), then blink to a garbage screen of static, and the computer would freeze. I have a run-of-the-mill 2Ghz AMD machine, my video card is an NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 256Mb...03:11
shane4ubuntuJon4248: no,03:11
thanosarand, ls stack03:11
woodnbasically - if i try to use crypted passwords in the config - it crashes and complaints about an undefined symbol crypt03:11
SoothsayerHerbs: ye I can spare it now.. shrink it later maybe.. plus I might want to virtualize Windows 7 within Ubuntu too.. maybe virtualbox or vmware.03:11
woodnanyone around here maybe have any experience in this area?03:11
mordofrobin0800: in a particular manner at that too.  as well, when moving placements, instead of the anim snapping to the unity bar - they snap to the very left of the desktop (the far monitor)03:11
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, reboot (sudo shutdown now -r) and then log into classic desktop (no effects)03:12
ohsixSoothsayer: ah03:12
Herbssoothsayer no dont shrink later just use symlinks to it03:12
ohsixSoothsayer: for each disk you increase your odds of disk failure :D03:12
Surlent777hey guys, just had a quick question: I changed the GTK theme in Natty, and I notice most themes create an unsightly black triangle in the resizing corner. Any known way to eliminate that?03:12
mordofrobin0800: the second one isn't quite as big of a deal.. but the first one is bugging the hell out of me03:12
spungoHow do I enable CPU frequency scaling? [Asus eee 900] It should drop to 620mhz on battery, but doesn't [Ubuntu 10.10]03:12
OchoZero9The video is built in the processor on a separate die. Intel HD graphics03:12
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, reconfigure compiz, logout and log back into unity03:12
arandthanos: Hmm, that is odd..03:12
ohsixspungo: you shouldn't have to enable anyhting it should just work03:12
robin0800mordof, just report them as bugs in unity 3d03:12
celerymananyone familier with shotwell03:12
thanosarand, yes03:12
rileypOchoZero9,  you wont get 3d with that then03:13
ohsixspungo: try installing powertop and running it for a while, it might be able to tell you what's keeping it from clocking down; and will tell you what states it's been in and for how long03:13
shane4ubuntuJon4248: ok, but I'm not sure what to reconfigure compiz back to, I didn't realize it was going to mess up unity with just two clicks of a mouse03:13
SoothsayerHerbs: isn't making too many partitions on the same disk getting redundant?03:13
arandthanos: I'm not sure then, I guess you could try it from a liveCD instead..03:13
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, what did you change?03:13
Soothsayerohsix: well, i distribute the odds rather :)03:13
ohsixrileyp: he should, sandybridge and ironlake are supported by the drivers ...03:13
spungoohsix: cat /proc/cpuinfo says it's still at 900mhz.03:13
thanosarand,  can i recover the data?03:13
rileypoh ok03:13
ohsixspungo: it might at any given time; that's not an appropriate way to check it03:14
rileypoh six really 3d?03:14
shane4ubuntuJon4248: I was going to enable the desktop cube, and then all the warnings popped up mostly off the screen so I couldn't see them.03:14
arandthanos: I had a user before with the same issue, and this worked in that instance03:14
cranchcan anyone help me with an apache2 issue?  whenever I go to my site via my dyndns name it changes ht eURL in the browser to my IP address03:14
Soothsayerohsix: anyway, I decide to not do any software raid-1.. manually backup stuff instead.03:14
ohsixSoothsayer: good idea03:14
shane4ubuntuJon4248: so trying to click through them without knowing what they said, I'm not really sure what I did.03:14
ohsixSoothsayer: it makes you think about it too; it's a handy device03:14
Herbssoothsayer not that Im aware of Im a Red hat admin I look after alot of red hat and centos boxes it will always have its uses installing on one partition increases any recovery time03:14
zapradicalare there themes for the empathy irc interface?  im not a fan of the bubbles.03:14
mordofalso getting rather poor desktop performance...03:14
OchoZero9mordof: I'm not getting any desktop performance03:15
ohsixzapradical: i don't know about any themes, but there are a handful of appearances that come with it that you can pick from in the options03:15
OchoZero9is there a #unity ?03:15
mordofOchoZero9: ?03:15
Surlent777zapradical: it should take whatever theme you give it in the options. I think it should ship with three or four by default03:15
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, try this in a terminal gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz03:15
thanosarand,  someone told me there is problem with fsck.btrfs03:15
mordofOchoZero9: i mean everything is slow03:15
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, logout and login03:15
=== lestat_ is now known as lestat__
xtr3m3anyone having issues with freezing/crashing on restart, after upgrading to 11.04?03:15
robin0800shane4ubuntu, ubuntu don't want you using ccs Mark has said so they are not for users03:15
SoothsayerHerbs: ok, so final call on '/' mount point size then?03:15
bittyx-laptophey, i've downloaded the 11.04 iso image, and i'm supposed to burn it, but i don't have any empty cd's nearby. i do have dvd's though - can i use a dvd as well?03:15
rileypcranch,  if your ip address is in /etc/hosts it will use dns name I think03:15
OchoZero9mordof: sorry about that. I just don't have unity for whatever reason03:15
zapradicalSurlent777: i dont seem to have an Options menu entry in empathy03:15
arandthanos: Basically, what the problem is MM uses the top-level of the btrfs and dumps all files there, wheras NN sets up subvolumes under the top-level and mounts these instead. This has nothing to do with btrfsck.03:16
mordofOchoZero9: ah - wasn't referring to Unity directly, but that would definately be troublesome03:16
shane4ubunturobin0800 then how do you change them?03:16
Herbssoothsayert 20gb is fine if you can spare it Id go with a 10gb min03:16
spungobittyx-laptop: yes03:16
cranchrileyp: so just write an entry in /etc/hosts with IP - fqdn?03:16
bittyx-laptopspungo: thanks.03:16
SoothsayerHerbs: ok.03:16
spungobittyx-laptop: welcome.03:16
ohsixzapradical: from the mainui, edit -> preferences -> themes tab03:16
Soothsayeri almost deleted my Windows partition... Jon4248, you jinxed me earlier!03:16
arandthanos: Your current NN install is mounting the subvolume, and hence you cannot see the old home files which are in fact above it in the tree.03:17
thanosarand,  any tool to recover to scan the partition to find the files?03:17
robin0800shane4ubuntu, you don't thats the point later there will be a proper gui03:17
gogetaarand: well ill try to install on a zlib compressed root grub2 and see if the system explodes03:17
Jon4248Soothsayer, lol carefully now...you should really have a backup anyways...but im sure you thought of that right?03:17
malvso what do I do if I have a program that needs the system tray like jupiter?03:17
OchoZero9how do you get your system information like processor memory graphics?03:17
rileypcranch if you put an ip adress and its dns name in /etc/hosts rather than typeingthe ip in you can simply type the dns name03:17
arandthanos: No, mounting the top-level with the command give should be enough.03:17
* SuBmUnDo is away: http://submworld.blogspot.com/03:17
Surlent777OchoZero9: sudo lshw | less03:17
gogetaarand: ill be compressing everything now even the kernel03:17
shane4ubuntuJon4248: hmm, that didn't seem to fix it, still no windows manager.03:17
cranchrileyp: oh this is external03:18
ohsixSuBmUnDo: don't spam the channel please, with away messages or url's03:18
cranchport-forwarded out the FW03:18
arandthanos: Did you use any non-standard options for btrfs, compression or so?03:18
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, at this point you could of reinstalled natty by now...you might as well do that.03:18
xangua!away > SuBmUnDo03:18
ubottuSuBmUnDo, please see my private message03:18
cranchgo to dyndns entry from the outside and it rewrites the dyndns to my external IP03:18
dtcumminHow can I extned an extended partition to consume some freed from another primary partition?03:18
mordofrunning a gtx 460 nvidia - i checked Additional Drivers, and it says my nvidia driver is activated but not currently in use.  i'm running Natty, what does that mean? do i have to enable it or is it not needed?03:18
celerymanubuntu 11.04 shotwell help please03:18
Herbs0choZero9 top03:18
mordofi'm experiencing slow performance for visuals..03:18
SoothsayerJon4248: I did have 'critical' stuff backups.. but not for level 2 and level 3..03:18
arandgogeta: Do expect it to break, and account for that ;)03:18
Soothsayerso ye, ill be careful instead, simpler than backing those up.03:19
gogetaarand: just a test heh03:19
ChronicSyncopeso how do i get my wobbly windows back?03:19
Jon4248Soothsayer, ah03:19
gogetaarand: test machine'03:19
OchoZero9thx Surlent777 & Herbs03:19
ohsixChronicSyncope: ccsm, enable the wobbly plugin03:19
Jon4248ChronicSyncope, install ccsm enable wobbly03:19
zapradicalSurlent777: thx i found it, i was in the wrong window03:19
gogetaarand: i kneo it work fine with grub2 having a ext4 boot03:19
rileypcranch isnt that what its supposed to do03:19
thanosarand,  i tried to make install before and stack 2 times and i left this partiotion and made it again03:19
bkerensaHelp!.... I am trying to do the Natty upgrade from 10.10 but the download speeds on the repo are insane slow... My eta is over 7 hours.... I have plenty of bandwidth03:19
ChronicSyncopewhenever i enable composite my desktop breaks03:19
mordof"unable to location package ccsm"03:19
ChronicSyncopeactually no03:20
Surlent777bkerensa: that's just the way it is. Everyone and their mother is upgrading today03:20
cranchrileyp: I'd assume it keeps the dydns name in it the whole time03:20
arandgogeta: Yea, I've worked through a bunch of kvms poking into btrfs =)03:20
ChronicSyncopeits just not wobbling.03:20
ohsixgogeta: arand knows a lot about using btrfs, and the different filesystems generally aren't comparable on those terms; you should just listen to him03:20
dtcumminHow can I extend an extended partition to consume some freed space from another primary partition?03:20
ChronicSyncopeJon4248, i check the box, enable opengl and composite, but nothing happen.s03:20
gogetaohsix: yea i wasent having a issue i got the entire os compressed in a sabble state03:20
bkerensaSurlent777: Do you know if they intend to keep the Classic option on Natty or eventually force Unity?03:20
ohsixChronicSyncope: you should be using the opengl plugin, i really don't like how they split that in .903:20
arandohsix: gogeta knows as well..03:20
ohsixarand: noted03:20
ChronicSyncopeohsix, how do i do that?03:21
thanosarand,  i m dummy and i didn't do nothing the only options from install03:21
Surlent777bkerensa: I understand they're keeping it for now but intend to eventually discontinue it, but don't quote me on that03:21
Jon4248ChronicSyncope, video card drivers maybe?03:21
* SuBmUnDo is back (gone 00:03:25)03:21
SoothsayerA partition can fetch unallocated space from both the left and the right too?03:21
Jon4248ChronicSyncope, what video card you using?03:21
ohsixChronicSyncope: just enabling it should be enough, if your video card can actually manage03:21
Herbsbkenrensa use another mirror / contact your isp or just accept the servers are busy03:21
ChronicSyncopeohsix, it's making me turn on composite and opengl03:21
robin0800bkerensa, unity 3d and unity 2d I think03:21
SuBmUnDoauto away sorry03:21
bkerensaSurlent777: Hmm so if I prefer classic perhaps staying with 10.10 might be best bet03:21
rileypcranch, try the apche channel perhaps I dunnu much about it03:21
celerymanis there another place i can get help for ubuntu 11.04?03:21
ChronicSyncopeJon4248, GTX 460 768MB03:21
cranchnp thanks for the help!03:21
bkerensaSurlent777: I just dont like the integrated menus... I hate it.... I love classic panels03:21
Surlent777bkerensa: possibly, but that won't be supported forever, and does work just fine in Natty03:22
cranchnow to run this VM through the 11.04 upgrade03:22
bjhaidi am trying to pull a video off youtube with youtube-dl, each time i try it keeps returning ERROR: format not available for video03:22
mordofChronicSyncope: almost same one i have - but i'm on the fermi 1gb03:22
gogetaohsix: gonna see if grub blows up in my face if i put it in zlib compression as well03:22
ChronicSyncopeohsix, i just upgraded today, everything was working an hour ago :p I have a GTX460 so i'm sure my card will support it03:22
rileypnp cya03:22
ohsixceleryman: nobody has seen your problem, most likely; i know i havent, and i use shotwell03:22
Surlent777bkerensa: Just choose Ubuntu Classic at the login screen03:22
ymasoryhmm alt as meta no longer works in terminal in 11.04. alt seems to cause the terminal to lose focus or something. anysolutions?03:22
shane4ubuntuJon4248: are you kidding???  I just about got through setting up my install, I can't believe it was that easy to break unity, they should have a great big warning label on compiz03:22
BronzHelp please: I'm trying to boot into the liveCD (not install), and the computer will freeze upon starting the graphical environment. I'd get the "ubuntu" splash screen (with the progressive dots), then blink to a garbage screen of static, and the computer would freeze. I have a run-of-the-mill 2Ghz AMD machine, my video card is an NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 256Mb...03:22
thanosarand, if helps you this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/600561/03:22
OchoZero9it may not be detecting my graphics correctly03:22
arandthanos: Hmm, then I'm afraid I'm not actually sure, you could try doing the same thing from recovery mode, or from a liveCD, if it is somehow dependent on not having the /home mounted, which it really shouldn't..03:22
ZiberHaving a lot of trouble with my mic on skype on 10.10. Any ideas?03:22
dtcumminHow can I extend an extended partition to consume some freed space from another primary partition?03:22
shane4ubuntuJon4248: I will go back to the classic desktop before I re-install, that is just absurd.03:22
ohsixChronicSyncope: yea but it might not with nouveau; so you'd additionally need to try the proprietary driver03:22
HyperSh0ckhey guys. what is the solution when gnome or nautilus suddenly stops opening folders and mounts for file access but instead runs them through a program, for instance mine is running them through gedit for some unknowable reason....?03:22
Jon4248shane4ubuntu, lol03:22
Slimcea_boyIf I want to try gnome3, what PPA should I be installing from?03:23
Herbsdtcummin you cant03:23
bkerensaSurlent777: Yeah but when/if they discontinue classic in Natty then I gotta do a workaround to keep classic and that wont be fun?03:23
celerymani am having an issue with trying to start shotwell, does absolutely nothing when trying to open it,03:23
rileypZiber problem exactly?03:23
ChronicSyncopeymasory, it seems to make everything lose focus in my experience, and then you have to log out to restart x so you can start metacity again03:23
Jon4248ChronicSyncope, open additional drivers03:23
shane4ubuntuJon4248: someone must have a way of fixing this, I mean, it shouldn't be that easy to break it.03:23
gogetaarand: gotta admit the entire os installed at 1.2gb is impressiv03:23
Ziberrileyp: Built in mic isnt working03:23
ohsixHyperSh0ck: the mime type for folders got changed to open with gedit, if you right click on a folder you can have it open with nautilus again03:23
cvrserdtcummin: have u already got 4 primary partitions?03:23
ChronicSyncopeohsix, Jon4248  proprietary nvidia driver? I 've been using that03:23
Surlent777bkerensa: the discontinuation, if any, would occur in future releases. Natty itself will remain unaffected03:23
gogetaarand: for a 4gb ssd03:23
dtcummincvrse, yes03:23
* HyperSh0ck gives mad love to ohsix!03:23
ohsixChronicSyncope: dunno what to say03:23
ChronicSyncopeohsix, Jon4248 it says "active but not in use"03:23
arandthanos: Oh, your new /home is ext4 then?03:24
mordofChronicSyncope: same with mine :o03:24
dtcummincvrser, yes03:24
Jon4248Jon4248, someone must...but not me..lol...have you tried to restart?03:24
SoothsayerJon4248, Herbs, ohsix : For the '/home' and '/var' mount points, should I be creating "Primary Partitions"  or "Extended Partitions"03:24
xsinickok the  new 11.04 is shitty03:24
ohsixChronicSyncope: then it's probably using nouveau; i don't know how to make it "in use"03:24
ohsixxsinick: #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel03:24
ChronicSyncopeohsix, what is nouveau?03:24
thanosarand, yes i did new install to have ubuntu03:24
Soothsayerxsinick: please, thats criticism that doesnt help anything or anyone.03:24
arandthanos: if you log in dmesg, or the kernel log, does it show any error messages? /var/log/*03:24
ohsixxsinick: there were many months of prereleases where you could have provided feedback03:24
Jon4248Soothsayer, i just pick whatever is default.03:24
ohsix(but still not here, t his is a support channel)03:25
Herbsit doesent matter as long as you not going to make more than 45 partitions03:25
xsinickbut thses are so clear03:25
ohsixChronicSyncope: the open source 3rd party nvidia driver03:25
Herbs4 not 4503:25
thanosarand,  how to see this?03:25
rileypZiber is it muted is a laptop audio installed you are so vague noone will help you03:25
ohsixChronicSyncope: it's finally shipping in natty, it can do quite a bit :]03:25
xsinick1. where is the right click on the tool bar?03:25
ChronicSyncopeohsix, i don't think so, it's disabled in synaptic03:25
Herbsinfact not 4 but 303:25
ohsixxsinick: there isn't one, it's not a panel; it just looks like one03:25
mordofi'm gonna try and see about that03:25
cvrserdtcummin, not sure if it's possible then sry03:26
arandthanos: there is a log file viewer03:26
xsinickwell how am I suppose to see all my cpu core  with the cpu scaling applet?03:26
Herbsdtcummin Its not possible03:26
ChronicSyncopeohsix, although when i click on monitor in system it doesn't force me to use the nvidia applet, which is suspicious, but i was playing portal 2 in wine a few minutes ago03:26
ohsixxsinick: you need a panel if you want that, don't use unity; pick the classic session on othe login screen03:26
rileypziber ther are usually 2 or 3 difeernt audio input channels you need to select int mic as default perhaps03:26
dtcumminHerbs, so I just have to start over?03:26
Ziberrileyp: Where?03:27
Surlent777xsinick: some things are being dumped. If you don't like the changes, choose Ubuntu Classic from the login screen. Problem solved.03:27
ohsixChronicSyncope: paste the output of glxinfo to a pastebin (run it in a terminal)03:27
mordofChronicSyncope: portal 2 works in wine!?03:27
Herbsunless you have another drive to put the partitions on then yes03:27
OchoZero9i think i may not have the right driver03:27
rileypdo you have desktop mixer panel?03:27
ohsixSurlent777: it's not really dumped, it was just never added; it's a new implementation03:27
ChronicSyncopemordof, yes just install the skidrow crack and run it with padsp wine portal2.exe from the directory03:27
xsinickSurlent777:  thanks I will try that03:27
arandthanos: You could "sudo umount /mnt" and "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt" again and then see if there have been any additions to the logs03:27
mordofChronicSyncope: ah03:27
topramenis there a linux sms app03:27
ohsixChronicSyncope: ehhh i don't care, but a lot of people do talking about cracked software and stuff03:27
yi`zhiwoo! anyone upgrading to narwhal right now?03:27
yi`zhii could get rid of docky right?03:28
Surlent777ohsix: Fair enough. I forgot that.03:28
dtcumminHerbs, ok thanks03:28
shane4ubuntuwell, in less than just a few hours I managed to break unity, and am back in the classic gnome desktop03:28
arandtopramen: sms?03:28
robin0800rileyp, check alsamixer in a terrminal03:28
xsinickI got dual screens and it seems really screwed up03:28
ChronicSyncopeohsix, it's cracked because drm breaks wine, not because i dont own it. i bought it.03:28
topramenyes sms03:28
rileypziber terminal $alsamixer lol03:28
ohsixChronicSyncope: right, people don't understand the distinction generally; just a heads up03:28
ChronicSyncopeohsix, it's actually the recommended fix on winehq03:28
yi`zhishane4ubuntu, how do you feel about unity?03:28
ohsixChronicSyncope: i know03:28
thanosarand, umount: /mnt: device is busy.         (In some cases useful info about processes that use          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))03:28
xsinickdouble  taskbar time and date widgets03:28
milliganI've booted a machine with the ubuntu rescue console. There are two harddrives in the machine. I'm trying to back up one harddrive to the other using dd (dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb) . It's been sitting there for quite a few hours now. How long should I expect it to take ?03:28
HerbsIm not an ubuntu user but isnt unity buggy as hell?03:28
Surlent777Herbs: it was, but now it's significantly less so03:29
shane4ubuntuyi`zhi: not impressed, although, now it appears I broke gnome too, so perhaps this is a compiz/natty problem03:29
ohsixChronicSyncope: that's advice from other users, upstream would prefer bugs that keep copy protectionf rom not working being fixed03:29
Ziberrileyp: "connection refused"03:29
mordofohsix: what would one look for in glxinfo?03:29
xangua!ot | Herbs03:29
ubottuHerbs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:29
xsinickHerbs:  yes it is03:29
yi`zhishane4ubuntu, hehe03:29
arandthanos: Ah, right, hmm, I guess you need to exit the ls that is stuck trying to access it.03:29
armor-64hi guys i want to remove the sidebar from ubuntu 11.04!i don't know how to do it,please help03:29
xsinickI'm on it now and it is screwy03:29
mordofohsix: i'm also wondering about the driver since i'm in the same situation03:29
yi`zhii have no clue about unity :(03:29
Herbs!get a grip | xangua03:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
spungoohsix: I can't make much sense of the output from powertop :( Doesn't seem to mention CPU frequency, just 'wakeups' (whatever they are)03:29
ohsixmordof: look at the vendor string, it should signal rather clearly if it's the proprietary or nouveau driver03:29
mordofohsix: NVIDIA Corporation03:29
ohsixspungo: OK, did you do anything to disable acpi?03:29
arandthanos: Or you could just look at the logs and try to find it anyways, it shouldn't be too hard03:29
Surlent777armor-64: on the login screen, choose Ubuntu Classic Desktop. That will revert the changes03:29
Herbswasnt off topic gui noog03:29
shane4ubuntuok, what is the desktop??? used to be metacity, I guess that is no longer true??03:30
ChronicSyncopemordof, obviously no co-op with that setup, also if you choose to go that route, you'll also have to do winetricks glsl-disable in your portal folder with the exe in it, and it runs super smooth03:30
xsinickgonna go classic03:30
xsinick see if that work03:30
spungoohsix: not as far as I know...03:30
armor-64surlent777: thanks man03:30
ohsixHerbs: that is offtopic03:30
yi`zhishane4ubuntu, if upgrade to narwal, i could remove docky right? do i also still need compiz to do cool desktop switching?03:30
mordofChronicSyncope: no co-op, that's a fail.. i'll dual boot windows just for that game, lol03:30
ohsixHerbs: this is a support channel03:30
xsinickI like the side bar icon thing03:30
rileypziber type alsamixer in a terminal window or tty session03:30
xsinickcan you scale it?03:30
ohsixspungo: post the output of dmesg to a pastebin03:30
thanosarand,  can i sent you the file?03:30
OchoZero9ohsix: I ran /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p and all the test passed fine. it says Unity supported: yes03:30
ChronicSyncopemordof, agree'd but I don't have time to play the co-op until summer, so i've got some time to work the bugs out :p03:30
shane4ubuntuyi`zhi: I have no idea, don't mess with compiz, I have already botched both my desktops.03:30
Surlent777xsinick: Yes. Use ccsm (the compiz configuration tool) and look under the unity plugin, icon scaling03:31
rileypis there any way a remote can type letters in x with the 1 -9 buttons03:31
robin0800armor-64, you cant remove it but can hide it forever03:31
ohsixOchoZero9: i don't know what to say03:31
shane4ubuntuyi`zhi: that is unity and gnome03:31
xsinickSurlent777:  thanks03:31
mordofChronicSyncope: ahh i see. if you get them worked out want to let me in on how to do it? lol03:31
yi`zhishane4ubuntu, eek!03:31
OchoZero9say it crashes03:31
arandthanos: it should be in dmesg (you can just run "dmesg" in the terminal to see it.)03:31
armor-64and one question how to do this?03:31
OchoZero9how do you bring it back?03:31
arandthanos: Are there any suspicious errors by the end of that?03:32
Herbsso what was off topic exactly?03:32
ohsixOchoZero9: it should come back itself, but alt+f2 and run compiz --replace03:32
ChronicSyncopemordof, haha sure, you might not even need the aforementioned illegal fix in 11.04, check winehq03:32
Surlent777armor-64: log out, then on the login screen, at the bottom, it'll say "Ubuntu". Click that, and choose "Classic Desktop" or the closest thing to it.03:32
Ziberrileyp: thats what i did03:32
dasy2k1anyone any idea where /sys/devices/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load has moved to with 11.03:32
ohsixHerbs: "i don't use, but isn't it buggy"03:32
Herbsthe fact that unity is poo03:32
celerymani need help with shotwell in ubuntu 11.0403:32
dasy2k111.04 that should have read03:32
robin0800OchoZero9, unity --restart03:32
mordofohsix: i have the nouvou driver or w/e installed.. i'm not sure which it's using03:32
OchoZero9alt+f2 didn't work03:32
ohsixHerbs: that's not a fact, and shouldn't be presented as such, that is your apparently not personally informed opinion03:32
rileypziber if alsamixer will not open you audio isnt installed correctly i would say03:33
* dasy2k1 agrees with Herbs03:33
OchoZero9but ill try both. btw i put a terminal icon on the desktop just in case03:33
ChronicSyncopeohsix, what happened to the tab in appearence prefs that allowed you to turn on wobbly windows and such?03:33
armor-64thanks guys for the help!i find it,i needed this so much see ya03:33
ohsixmordof: if it says nvidia corporation it's the proprietary driver03:33
Herbsoh dear ubuntu wannabe m$03:33
ohsixChronicSyncope: that was gone a while ago iirc03:33
SoothsayerWhat about selecting a swap space during installation?03:33
amortonanyone know of a way to do this (http://www.paragon-software.com/business/net-burner/) in linux?03:33
mordofohsix: k.. that's annoying, i'm getting slow response on desktop applications03:33
ChronicSyncopeohsix, i had it in 10.10 :p03:33
kristianpaul11.04 is next LTS version?03:33
Surlent777Herbs: Why bother complaining about how terrible it is in a support channel when you don't use it and can't even make a coherent case? Complain in #ubuntu-offtopic, the bugs listings, or just drop it before someone gets annoyed and calls for a ban03:33
xanguakristianpaul: no03:33
Soothsayerthe installer is giving me a warning that I haven't selected a partition for the swap space.03:33
ohsixHerbs: please, if you don't have any questions or need any help, don't speak; there are lots of people talking03:33
dasy2k1Herbs unity looks more like Mac to me with that blasted dock and the menus being in the top bar03:33
Ziberrileyp: well, trying to reinstall03:33
xanguaHerbs:  stop the offtopic here03:33
kristianpaulah ok, yeah i tought time passed too fast.. ;)03:34
thanosarand,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600566/03:34
Herbssuelent777 who asked any of you to make judjements on what I say?03:34
Ziberreinstalled, same issue03:34
spungoohsix: http://pastebin.com/U7bsr75Y03:34
fezzik02I can't get 11.04 to boot at all03:34
Surlent777Herbs: you, by posting them in a public forum03:34
ohsixHerbs: one need not ask; this is a help channel, and we all know it03:34
robin0800Soothsayer, yes you need a seperate swap space03:34
xsinickI sure the devs got all these issues  presented to them before hand and it was ignored03:34
HerbsI said one thing about a gui and got slated ahove your ubuntu up your ass03:34
rileyplook in synaptic try and play a sound using aplay etc if these thing show problems go to the ubuntu forums multimedia thread it has setup of everything in there so you can play any and everything and set upof sound devices and video and dvd etc03:35
rgoytacazHello there, Just installed 11.04 on my Vosto 3300 and it didnt install the nvidia drivers. so no flashiness. Is it working?03:35
ohsixHerbs: please, if you don't have any questions or need any help, don't speak; there are lots of people talking03:35
BronzI know you guys are busy, but I still hope for some help with booting the LiveCD on a computer with an NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, 256Mb...03:35
shane4ubuntuok, anyone with actual knowledge about enabling desktop cube with unity?  I tried ccsm and that was very bad news.03:35
HerbsRed hat / centos / fedora / slack ware > ubuntu03:35
toto654hello....i add a bad server to synaptic....i cant recharge the servers wont let me use synaptics03:35
BronzThe computer will freeze upon starting the graphical environment. I'd get the "ubuntu" splash screen (with the progressive dots), then blink to a garbage screen of static, and the computer would freeze.03:35
IdleOneHerbs: Please mind the language03:35
fezzik02It is busy here, you'd  think there was a recent release or something03:35
xanguashane4ubuntu: saw a post about that on omgubuntu blog03:35
diaoerif you have more pritation you hd may crash03:35
dasy2k1rgoytacaz: look in restricted drivers (in system) check its activated03:35
Herbssorry for the language03:35
shane4ubuntuxangua: ok, thanks, I will check it out.03:36
Herbsbut just because I made a comment about unity ffs03:36
mordofseems a lot of people are commenting on the proprietary drivers03:36
mickster04diaoer: i don't think that is a correct correlation03:36
rgoytacazdasy2k1: aditional drivers?03:36
xanguashane4ubuntu: omg!ubuntu! or webupd8, can't remember with blog03:36
gogetaarand: zlib compressed btrfs root install no error other then the one you said would happon03:36
rpkMy dad is getting a ubi-partman error when attempting to install ubuntu x64 11.04 final, any help?   ... not the best first impression... :(03:36
shane4ubuntuxangua: I will find it thanks.03:36
dasy2k1rgoytacaz:  yeh new name same program03:36
fezzik02Yeah, my 11.04 won't install at all.03:36
rgoytacazdasy2k1: says its currently activated but not in use.03:36
fezzik02Ok, correction - it installs, but no boot03:37
mickster04diaoer: more partitions doesn't mean the harddrive will break sooner?03:37
diaoerbut my hd crash last night03:37
mordofrpk: what's the error, and what hardware do you have?03:37
dragonkeeperHerbs if you dont like unity dont use it . same for ubuntu03:37
rileypBronz start to a prompt and remove type sudo xconfig and then type startx that should give tyou basic grahpics then google how to install your nvidia drivers03:37
dasy2k1rgoytacaz:  deactivate then reactivate then reboot, should work then03:37
multipassin 11.04 how do i change it so when i move the mouse cursor over the edge it changes workspace?03:37
mickster04diaoer: not related to the number of partitions i can bet03:37
arandthanos: Yea, that is something wrong there. What you might want to do is find a liveCD with a very new version of the kernel, (Fedora, or yet newer) and see if you can mount it from there instead. I'm not sure you'll be able to do much more from the buuntu kernel version.03:37
rgoytacazdasy2k1: it error'd out during installation03:37
rgoytacazdasy2k1: will try, brb.03:37
Herbswhat happened to frees speech and "open source"03:37
rpkmordof: ubi-partman exit code 141, on the screen after the checklist03:37
Herbsget a grip03:37
diaoeryes but i can`t mount partitions to /home/**03:37
xangua!ot | Herbs03:37
ubottuHerbs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:37
robin0800shane4ubuntu, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/compiz-cube-natty/03:37
fezzik02Herbs, stfu and gtfo03:37
gogetaHerbs: lol the is your free speech is limited to the ops wims03:38
Bronzrileyp: thanks, how do I start the liveCD to a prompt instead of graphical?03:38
rgoytacazdasy2k1: just one more thing, Im on sdd, is it on automatic trim by default? or should I just do that same procedure for 10.04?03:38
ohsixspungo: hmm, i dunno, everything that'd make it work is there; i don't personally pay attention to the eee stuff, but eee_laptop might have changed between then and now, i'd look there first03:38
shane4ubunturobin0800: thanks03:38
yi`zhiHerbs, those are concepts to stabilize society. much like religion. duh03:38
Herbsyou guys are making it off topic for one comment I made think on!03:38
IdleOne!language | fezzik0203:38
ubottufezzik02: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:38
dasy2k1rgoytacaz:  no idea on that one03:38
rgoytacazdasy2k1: thanks :)03:38
BronzAlso rileyp: what do you mean "remove type sudo xconfig"?03:38
arandfezzik02: Please don't further things. Someone will take care of it if it continues.03:38
xsinickClassic solved all the issues03:39
ohsixHerbs: this is a help channel, it's not a free speech thing, what you are doing right now is completely antithetical to what the channel is, and you don't even suggest that you are here to get support for a problem you are having; that annoys people03:39
thanosarand,  fedora its ok?03:39
fezzik02I just want to know why my 11.04 can't boot, that's all.03:39
xsinickClassic is the shiznit03:39
rpkmordof: mobo is gigabyte: p67a-ud7-b303:39
Soothsayerok installing now :)03:39
rileypBronz are you trying to run from a live cd or install from alive cd03:39
shane4ubuntuhow about getting things to show up in the notification area?  anyone know about that?  there a many apps that I use and like them up there.03:39
mordofrpk: did some googling, there's a bunch of investigation going on about that error03:39
thanosarand,  you think its kernel problem?03:39
spungoohsix: thanks for the help - i'll leave it for another day, it's clearly peak support season right now!03:39
fezzik02And I think that suggesting that those abbreviations are tantamount to swearing is silly, but I don't care, just tell me how to make the darned thing work.03:39
rpkahhhhhhhhhh wtf.03:39
rileypif running from a live cd do not choose nvidia driver in setup03:39
arandthanos: Hmm, Well frankly not sure if it will make much difference...03:39
ohsixspungo: it surely is interesting :]03:39
Soothsayerits very thoughtful that I can use firefox during the installation.03:39
xsinickcan I put the fancy side bar on classic03:39
mordofrpk: when did you download the iso for the installer?03:40
Herbsshix I aid one thing Im here for the support you guys are going on 1 because I made a comment about unity03:40
rpkmorfof: 30 minutes ago or so03:40
van7huthem an trung ga :)03:40
arandthanos: It is a btrfs problem, but btrfs is part of the kernel, so the newer the kernel, the more bugfixes btrfs has.03:40
fezzik02Anybody else having the same problem? 11.04 won't boot?03:40
Bronzrileyp: eventually install, but right now just vboot. I can't do either because of the freeze. If I can get the basic graphics you say, that should be enough; I can install nvidia-current on my own after that.03:40
ohsixxsinick: you probably can, just turn on the unity plugin in ccsm, and use compiz as your wm, it's not designed to work like that, but it might be OK03:40
xanguaxsinick: no03:40
mordofrpk: do you have internet access? most of the reports are listing that there's no internet access during install :\03:40
Herbspropertry Linux03:40
* dasy2k1 thinks the flames should be sent to #ubuntu-offtopic03:40
xanguaooh maybe03:40
ohsixxsinick: or it might not, if the unity plugin draws the boxes that are in the middle, then you can't just get the bar03:40
rpkyeah, all the check boxes are checked03:40
thanosarand,  data are there you think?03:40
xanguaxsinick: if you are looking to use unity with no compiz there is 'unity 2d'03:41
arandthanos: Hang on, actually, try using the mainline kernel.03:41
rpkthough windows 7 needs a driver installed to connect to the internet03:41
arand!mainline | thanos03:41
ubottuthanos: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds03:41
fezzik02So... I ask for help, and I get ignored... but people have time to give me a hard time for swearing?03:41
rgoytacazdasy2k1: Cant remove the driver, says InstallArchives() failed.03:41
ohsixHerbs: do you need help? i simply asked you to stop speaking if you don't need help, there are already a lot of people talking03:41
mordofrpk: if you could get your logs from the error it'd be helpful03:41
rileypBronz often graphics fail because they are not set up correctly and leave you with no screen. To avoid this use default video drivers and they will work. This will get your system up and running have aplay then google how to install nvidia drivers and do so accordingly03:41
xsinickit ok03:41
Herbsoshix sort your stuff out you wannabe03:41
rpkmordof: how would I do that?03:41
xsinickI don't need preety03:41
ohsixHerbs: is that a question?03:41
fezzik02Is there some way to force default drivers?03:41
robin0800shane4ubuntu, three choices find an indicator equivalent whitelist the indicator area or use unity 2d03:41
Maceris there some way that i can make it so if an nfs goes down that users would be redirected to a secondary home ?03:41
Herbswhats youyr prob?03:41
Bluebill-Wolfis it preferable to install in to the oem mode?03:42
xsinickpreety I'm just a power user that need solid03:42
Bronzrileyp: OK, how do I tell the live-CD to boot using default video drivers?03:42
mordofrpk: use a live cd and check /var/log/syslog03:42
arandthanos: Yes, I would guess that the data is still there, but whether or not you can get to it, I don't know..03:42
ohsixfezzik02: you're getting a black screen, right?03:42
mordofrpk: on your main partition that you're installing on i mean, for that directory to check03:42
lestat__Herbs like you atitude03:42
dasy2k1rgoytacaz:  have to pass you on to somone more experianced then, thats going beyond what i have experianced getting nvidia to work03:42
Maceri want to use an nfs for home but if it goes down i want users to be redirected to a local directory for their home (one that can be synced with the nfs with cron or something)03:42
fezzik02Is there any place that I can look for a boot up log?03:42
Herbsok oshix help me with this an ubuntu server tty12 keeps respawning on login?03:42
ohsixlestat__: do you need help?03:42
rpkthe installer didn't get far enough to select the partition03:42
Bluebill-Wolfis it preferable to install in to the oem mode?03:43
xsinickohsix:  Once devs fix  the Unity issues some more then I'l sitch03:43
arandthanos: Install the latest kernel from the mainline (instructions on the wiki) and then reboot into that kernel and try mounting it again.03:43
rileypAlso rileyp: what do you mean "remove type sudo xconfig"?  to remove any nvidia created xorg.conf which most probably is casing your x screen to fail  by typeing sudo xconfig a std xorg.conf will be created using std driversl03:43
rpkmordof: it fails as you click next on the screen with the checkboxes (space, internet access)03:43
lestat__ohsix just watching03:43
shane4ubunturobin0800: I found the whitelist  thing, but was unable to locate it in gconf-editor, seems that has changed.03:43
ohsixxsinick: most people are complaining about cosmetic issues; they're not trying to convince you to switch or anything03:43
Herbsthought youd shut up03:43
Bluebill-WolfI'll take that as an idk03:43
fezzik02*** HELP ME PLEASE *** I cannot get a fresh install of 11.04 to boot03:43
ohsixxsinick: it's just simpler and more forward looking, with tablets and netbooks03:43
ChronicSyncopeohsix, does using gnome classic disable compiz?03:43
ohsixfezzik02: boot how?03:43
dasy2k1anyone know where the cpu scaling settings (like ignore nice load) have moved to (used to be in /sys/devices/cpu/cpufreq)??03:43
thanosarand,  can i make with live cd?03:43
arandChronicSyncope: Nope03:44
robin0800shane4ubuntu, it there yesterday03:44
ohsixChronicSyncope: no, you can still use it as your window manager03:44
rileypbronx do not select nvidia03:44
arandthanos: You won't need to with the mainline03:44
fezzik02Like, I power on the computer, it gives me the GRUB 2 menu, and that's all03:44
ohsixdasy2k1: i don't recall that entry ever, what kernel were you running?03:44
xsinickohsix:  I understand03:44
multipassin 11.04 gnome how do i make cursor flip workspace?03:44
lainyAfter upgrading to the latest Ubuntu, my Conky's {acpi} no longer displays my CPU temperature. Any clue? Thanks.03:44
fezzik02It sits and spins for about a minute then locks up tight as a drum03:44
ohsixfezzik02: so after an install?03:44
robin0800shane4ubuntu, think you need the terminal03:44
mordofrpk: hmm.. there should be a way to get the installer to install with debug output03:44
shane4ubunturobin0800: I didn't see it, let me doublecheck, I was looking at a web page that pointed me to desktop -> Unity -> panel or something like that.03:44
fezzik02Yes, I'm on live cd now03:44
Bluebill-Wolfso ubuntu 11.0 is bugged I take it?03:44
dasy2k1ohsix: the stock one AFAIK on 10.1003:44
Rehanif I'm going to completely wipe my 10.10 install and install 11.04 in its place, what are some steps I should take before wiping (besides backing up my data) that will let me get back to the same setup on 11.04? Thanks!03:44
xsinickblender window is opening  wacky03:45
ohsixxsinick: fwiw it doesn't suit me without a proper panel, the panel is make or break for me03:45
rpkmordof: I had him check from the livecd mode, he can get to the internet from the livecd at least03:45
Bronzrileyp: I mean, if I load the live-CD, it will attempt to go into graphical mode on its own; how do I stop it from doing that? How do I tell it to use "default" or "safe" video drivers when booting?03:45
RehanBluebill-Wolf: the ubuntu versions are just based on when they're released. 11 = 2011, 04 = April03:45
ohsixdasy2k1: hmmmm03:45
arandfezzik02: If you edit the menu entry and remove "quiet splash" and then boot via [Ctrl+x] does it show any interesting error messages?03:45
fezzik02arand: let me try that03:45
dasy2k1ohsix:  used to set /sys/devices/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load to 1 to stop boinc maxing my cpu all the time03:45
shane4ubunturobin0800: got a link to what you are looking at?03:45
xsinickany body with Dual screens03:45
xsinickand Blender03:45
ohsixdasy2k1: ah the governor options03:45
xangua!anyone | xsinick03:46
ubottuxsinick: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:46
* Bluebill-Wolf head tilts "ahh (the more you know)"03:46
robin0800shane4ubuntu, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/03:46
rileypziber http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668303:46
mordofrpk: sorry, i don't know enough about this to get anywhere :\ lol03:46
ohsixdasy2k1: theres one for each cpu, and /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load03:46
dasy2k1ohsix:  yeh the governer settings, cant seem to find them now03:46
shane4ubunturobin0800: you are a pro, thanks!03:46
mordofrpk: was hoping i could at least get you in the right direction03:46
rileypziber that will fix any audio issue you have :D03:46
octillionRehan:  If you have a large enough external drive, you can just dump an image of your current HDD with dd03:46
mordofrpk: if you could find out how to get logs to show for when you're getting that error -it'd be helpful in resolving the problem at least03:47
sojawhen i try to enter in windows from GRUB, the screens turns black and then i come back to GRUB, what's wrong?03:47
robin0800shane4ubuntu, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/how-to-hide-or-show-app-tray-applets-in-ubuntu-11-04/03:47
thanosarand,  just donwload  the deb?03:47
Rehanoctillion: i have a 500 gb drive with a lot of free space but my ubuntu is on a 10gb partition and the remaining 490 is a win7 partition. Anything I could do?03:47
dasy2k1ohsix:  ahh missing the extra system, found them now03:47
Bronzrileyp: Don't forget about me! How do I boot a liveCD without it trying to use the nvidia graphics (or whatever is causing it to freeze when starting the graphical env)?03:48
xsinickAnyone has  duals screens and Blender in window mode?  I run blender window mode and it streched off screen I have a nvidia geforce card with the plugin running03:48
octillionjust dd the partition with ubuntu03:48
dasy2k1ohsix:  thought somone had moved them :-o03:48
arandthanos: Yes, three of them (header image and and another which i don't remeber the name of)03:48
Bronzrileyp: (thanks for the help, though 8-))03:48
HerbsId use rscync over dd03:48
xsinickin previous  Ubuntu version  it all worked fine03:48
=== cristian is now known as Guest34959
ohsixdasy2k1: find | grep ftw03:48
Rehanoctillion: can i pm?03:48
fezzik02Ok, back03:48
dasy2k1lol true03:48
octillionRehan: sure03:48
arandthanos: There should be instructions on how to install on the wiki03:48
afromanwhat is the best way to wipe out a hard drive?03:48
CrouchingTigerAhhh!!! Its Fezzik!!! Andre??03:49
ohsixxsinick: in old versions using compiz or not using compiz?03:49
dasy2k1afroman:  draks boot and nuke03:49
usr13 afroman Best way?03:49
fezzik02John, as it were.03:49
rileypBronz If live cd will not boot for you and your not selcting nvidia I cant help sorry. I never use livecd.03:49
ohsixxsinick: nvidia dirvers have some awful gotchas with multiple outputs, and they don't do xrandr 1.2+03:49
rpkmordof: is there anywhere else I can ask to get more help?03:49
ChronicSyncopei got wobbly windows working, but desktop cube still kills my theme, and whenever i restart classic gnome, my desktop setup is 2x2 instead of 4x103:49
mordofrpk: no idea.. i'd just try re-stating the problem here and hopefully someone else will pick up on it03:50
CrouchingTigerhey all, im using backtrack4 r2 on a live usb stick. I am quite happy with the speed03:50
dasy2k1rpk ubuntuforums.org03:50
xsinickI think compz was on on my past installl03:50
anonemooseMinor question.... What are some good, _tested_, and stable programs for burning DVD+Rs?03:50
fezzik02Ok, so I tried without quiet nosplash in GRUB2, same result03:50
Bronzrileyp: Yeah, I'm not actively selecting anything; I don't see any options to change the video either. Thanks for the help, though, it is going in the right direction. I'll try the alternative disk to see if any ideas pop up.03:50
ohsixChronicSyncope: i had lots of compiz crashes when i was trying to set up my old settings, i don't think they tested much more than what unity would use03:50
usr13afroman: as in most thoural?03:50
rpkok, I see a couple open bug reports03:50
kathieI've been using Ubuntu for four years now. I'm finding this new release harder to use. You have to search for programs?03:50
fezzik02Nothing shows on the screen03:50
ohsixCrouchingTiger: we don't support a lot of variants like backtrack here03:50
sojawhen i try to enter in windows from GRUB, the screens turns black and then i come back to GRUB, what's wrong?03:50
afromanusr13: a way to clean the hd so that nothing can be retrieve after03:50
mordofrpk: yeah..03:51
arandfezzik02: Hmm, I would try reinstalling grub.03:51
BronzCongratulations guys on the new release. If I still have troubles I'll come back in a day or two, hopefully the traffic will have subsided a bit by then.03:51
xanguakathie: you can add it to the panel/sidebar/launcher03:51
arand!grub | fezzik0203:51
ubottufezzik02: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:51
anonemooseafroman you guys need a good memory scrubber? I have one, if you're interested...03:51
rileypBronz at screen freeze you could try CTRL+alt +f1 and see what happens you may end up in a tty session meaning ubuntu has started up completely but gdm has failed thenits just a matter of resolving that03:51
ohsixafroman: the best way is to melt it03:51
Herbskathie I know Im going to get flamed for this but wtf.... use a distro that suits you03:51
robin0800xsinick, it dosen't matter as unity now uses different features of compiz than before so may not work now03:51
afromandasy2k1: can one retrieve data after? or is it completely gone?03:51
kathiexangua, I seen that, but you still have to search for it first. I just find it a pain03:51
Bronzrileyp: Oh, good idea. I'll try that too. Thanks.03:52
xsinickI feel like to Cuss03:52
rileypBronz,  are you trying latest ubuntu?03:52
sojawhen i try to enter in windows from GRUB, the screens turns black and then i come back to GRUB, what's wrong?03:52
OchoZero9unity --replace` got it working, but I have to put that in every time.03:52
ohsixafroman: and as been mentioned, dban; but there are also secure erase commands oyu can give most newer drives03:52
xsinickI so wanted this  to work  out of the box03:52
BronzYup, fresh from the press.03:52
ohsixafroman: then the drive firmware erases it03:52
dasy2k1afroman:  as far as you can be sure, its gone.... ok if you are the CIA and have years to spend analaising every molicule you may be able to find one or 2 bits but in general its gone03:52
usr13afroman: Write zeros to it seven times is industry standard.   You can do that with dd03:52
rileypis there any way a remote can type letters in x with the 1 -9 buttons03:53
kathieHerbs, go to hell! I'm just saying how I feel. I've been using Ubuntu for four years now, and don't plan on changing. But I don't think it's a reason to take a step backwards03:53
ohsixdasy2k1: the molecules don't move :D their magnetic domains do03:53
xsinickit's like the one reason I can't recomend ubuntu to any one with a clear mind03:53
Herbskathine fine by me you noob03:53
fezzik02How do I reinstall GRUB2?03:53
arandkathie: If you right-click the applications button in the panel, you can go to the categories03:53
dasy2k1usr13:  better to use /dev/urandom for the first 6 passes03:53
cylobi like unity03:53
xsinickI like the look03:53
multipassin 11.04 gnome-- how do i make cursor over edge flip workspace or move windows to otherworspaces(compiz fusion settings used to let me do this in 10.10)?03:53
xsinick of unity03:53
kathiearand, I seen that03:53
KM0201!grub | fezzik0203:53
ubottufezzik02: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:53
cylobbut i just installed google earth and the fonts are all messed up03:53
Herbskathine debian wouldnt be a step backwards would it lol03:53
ohsixHerbs: no need for ad hominem or calling people names, if you have a question ask it; or please be quiet, or take your outbursts to #ubuntu-offtopic03:53
arandHerbs: Please, you are not being very friendly here..03:54
OchoZero9I want to like unity, but it's a mission to start it03:54
usr13dasy2k1: ok... yea03:54
ohsixcylob: how did you install it?03:54
xsinickbut why is there less stuff03:54
anonemooseDoes anyone know, can Brasero burn DVD+Rs compatible with consumer DVD players? If not, what's a program that can?03:54
Herbsoshix she started03:54
cylobohsix: just downloaded it from google and double clicked03:54
OchoZero9Herbs: maybe you are understating the number of steps03:54
kathieHerbs, this chat is probably the most helpful place. Idiots like you were never tolerated03:54
HerbsIm responding as I always will03:54
ohsixHerbs: i didn't even say what she said; and it doesn't matter03:54
dasy2k1anonemoose:  should be compatable03:54
xsinickI had to change to classic mode to get to customize my tool bar03:54
ncgcan , iask a question here?03:54
xanguakathie: you can still use 'clasic' gnome desktop i believe03:55
anonemooseDasy2k1 I'm just checking here, I don't want to waste any of these03:55
mordofncg: don't ask to ask, just ask03:55
xsinickand to stop it from doubling on  my dual screens03:55
dasy2k1ncg dont ask to ask , just ask03:55
anonemoosencg sure go ahead! It's why we're here03:55
rileypncg will you be nice to us?03:55
Herbs<kathie> I've been using Ubuntu for four years now. I'm finding this new release harder to use. You have to search for programs?03:55
Herbs<fezzik02> Nothing shows on the screen03:55
Herbs* dyess002 (~david@ has joined #ubuntu03:55
Herbs* CrouchingTiger has quit (Client Quit)03:55
Herbs* dyess002 has quit (Client Quit)03:55
FloodBot3Herbs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
Herbs<rpk> http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-757720%5D-re-ubi-partman-crashes-exit-code-141-during-liveinstall-143862/03:55
ohsixcylob: you might be interested in googleearth-package, it will make a .deb for you, it's cleaner to install and remove that way; also it will depend on, and thus install fonts it depends on03:55
OchoZero9xangua: yes. that's what I was on just a few minutes ago03:55
cylobubuntu is the only linux distro ive found where my usb wireless dongle internet JUST WORKS03:55
ncgi was upgrading my ubuntu to 11.0403:55
kathiexangua, I seen that. I'm going to try to get used to this since it looks like it's going to be the new standard03:55
usr13afroman: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdx bs=1024 ; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=1024 ; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=1024 ; etc (5 more times)03:55
ncgthen my lap power off03:55
cylobohsix: is that in the software center?03:55
xsinickI'm gonna switch back to unity  and take screen shots of problems03:55
rileypncg yyyeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss  annnnnnnnnnnnddddddd03:56
ohsixcylob: yea, it's also the package name if you just want to apt-get install it03:56
usr13afroman: or 4 more times.... (never was very good with math.)03:56
mordofncg: try not to hit Enter so much, with the amount of talking your problem won't get noticed as easily03:56
KM0201kathie: it takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's really not bad.... i chose to switch to xfce, rather than deal w/ unity any longer03:56
teddyroosebeltboy that upgrade really did a number on my box :(03:56
kathieAn op should boot Herbs, he is really annoying03:56
ohsixcylob: it contains make-googleearth-package, which you run to make the .deb for you03:56
usr13afroman: Something like that anyway.03:56
yi`zhioooh i just remembered something important (to me at least): will i be able to type in korean, chinese, and japanese when i upgrade?03:56
arandkathie: I guess the idea is to steer towards using the keyborad, which seems to be faster in the end.. I'm not sure I like it either, but that's Unity for you..03:56
ohsixKM0201: you know about the classic session right?03:56
rileypxfce rocks so simple and never fails03:56
yi`zhii use the keyboard input methods thing on 10.1003:56
stbain1teddyroosebelt, yah, me too (both laptop and desktop). Had to blow one away... trying to salvage the other now.03:56
yi`zhiwill that still be around when i upgrade?03:57
Herbsfor what exactly I have said ubuntu is good03:57
ncgand when i rebooted , this error appeared : init: playmouth mainprocess (61) killed by SEGV signal03:57
mordofhow do i put someone on ignore in irssi? lol03:57
ohsixHerbs: do you have a question, please take your outbursts elsewhere03:57
KM0201ohsix: yeah.. but i figure gnome 3 is coming out.. probably in november.. and my laptop is an old crappy one.. .i knew i'd ahve to make the switch eventually, so 11.04 was as good as any>. :)03:57
soreaugosh darn it why can't they just put the icons on all menus already03:57
mickster04mordof: /SET IGNORE XXX perhaps?03:57
ohsixncg: nvidia or ati card?03:57
dasy2k1yi`zhi: it will be there somwhere, but if you are using unity it may take some finding!03:57
multipassin 11.04 gnome-- how do i make cursor over edge flip workspace or move windows to otherworspaces(compiz fusion settings used to let me do this in 10.10)?03:57
fezzik02error: unsupported RAID level: 255??03:57
teddyroosebeltstbain1, ya.. i lost my box. im reinstalling with a old disk now. shame on me for upgrading haha03:57
mordofoh hey, /ignore works, lol03:57
mordofyay no more Herbs ^-^03:57
soreauHow can you get icons to appear on System menu in gnome-panel?03:57
yi`zhidasy2k1, what do you mean? i can't search synaptic or something?03:57
mickster04mordof: he can still see you though -_-03:57
ohsixKM0201: the panel and stuff will stay around for a long time, even with gnome-shell03:58
mordofmickster04: i don't care :p he's been told many times he's being annoying and needs to stop03:58
* yi`zhi is a nublet03:58
arandsoreau: That's a gnome feature you know :þ03:58
kathieKM0201, arand, I guess it's like anything else, just going to take some getting used to. Is there anyway to add things to the panel?03:58
mordofmickster04: maybe if 3/4 of the channel ignores him he'll get the picture03:58
KM0201ohsix: dunno, the gnome 3 panel i tried, looked totally different03:58
mordofor.. just ramble to himself *shrugs*03:58
ohsixKM0201: i hesitate to say indefinitely but i can't see some developers leave it behind03:58
arandsoreau: You Can find that in gconf somewhere.03:58
Herbsohshix im helping yuour punters I did have an ubuntu specific question last night that no one could answer Im a red hat admin03:58
Ash-catchemubuntu freezes when I connect to my router....any ideas?03:58
wurfssoreau: happened to me - reboot and icons are there03:58
soreauarand: Yea, I know that. I was asking where03:58
soreauwurfs: It's a gconf key somewhere03:58
KM0201kathie: i couldn't figure out how to, but you can create anothe rpanel, and add items to it... (i think).. and just set it to auto hide03:58
yi`zhiHerbs, seriously, as long as you aren't flooding the channel, who cares what you type?03:58
soreauHow can you get icons to appear on System menu in gnome-panel?03:58
Herbsthe only thing about debian/ubuntu is stop moving things lol03:58
arandkathie: you use "add to favourites" to add items.03:58
dasy2k1yi`zhi:  easy to install things as before but the interface is a bit differnt, if you use classic it will be exactly where you expect it tho03:59
yi`zhiah ok03:59
anonemooseSo, has anyone had any experiences with Brasero messing up DVD+R, making it incompatible?03:59
yi`zhidasy2k1, do you have suggestions for switching language inputs? or is keyboard input methods the best one?03:59
arandsoreau: /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons03:59
Ivan96485Hello, how can I save everything that is currently in my RAM?03:59
yi`zhii like it because i can CTRL+space and type in 한글03:59
kathieKM0201, arand, Ok, thanks for the help! I'm going to go play a little more. Ubuntu still ROCKS!!03:59
soreauarand: thanks04:00
robin0800kathie, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/04:00
soreauthat was it04:00
afromanusr13: thx04:00
fezzik02Can anyone explain how GRUB is reinstalled04:00
usr13afroman: np04:00
dasy2k1anonemoose: only if you accedentally tick keep the disc open... (excepting the normal amount of coasters that you get with any dvd buring)04:00
afromandasy2k1: thx04:00
ohsixanonemoose: i'm not sure what part would "make" it incompatible, it tries very hard to make images/disks that will play in dvd players; what problem are you having?04:00
mickster04!grub | fezzik0204:00
ubottufezzik02: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:00
bittyx-laptopnow that yi`zhi has mentioned language inputs - in my win7 i use alt+shift+1 for english, alt+shift+2 for serbian/latin, etc. and i prefer to access them directly like this, rather then cycle through them with a single shortcut. is this possible to do in ubuntu?04:00
dasy2k1fezzik02:  via grub-install normally04:00
kathierobin0800, thanks!04:01
fezzik02Ok, but Ubuntu doesn't actually boot.04:01
arandfezzik02: There is a section on the wiki about reinstalling, I would go with the chroot option.04:01
afromandasy2k1: usr13: but is there another way to wipe out just the empty space?04:01
usr13fezzik02: You boot the live CD and then mount the root filesystem (where / is) and chroot to it and then re-install grub boot loader (properly or ... whatever).  Something like that anyway.04:01
soreauGreat. I went to remove my name from the panel and the entire right side disappeared04:01
anonemooseohsix none yet, fingers crossed I won't. I just have a _very_ limited supply of DVD+R discs, and I don't want to waste any that I don't have to... and I make disco balls out of my ruined discs...04:01
KM0201fezzik02: read the link, you have to do all that from a live cd04:01
ohsixbittyx-laptop: iirc you can assign shortcuts to each ime in the options04:01
usr13!grub2 | fezzik0204:01
ubottufezzik02: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:01
mickster04fezzik02: well the restoregrub link ois for you then04:01
ohsixanonemoose: ahh, well in that case make brasero burn to an .iso image file; then burn that to the disk04:02
rpkCan I check the cd for defects in 11.04?04:02
usr13ooops sorry someone already did that.  Was typing when should have been reading.... sorry.04:02
rpkto see if thats the cause of the error04:02
mickster04!md5 | rpk04:02
ubotturpk: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:02
ohsixanonemoose: then you can skip the huge transcoding task in the middle if you have to try again04:02
anonemooseohsix thanks, I'll keep that in mind!04:02
rpkI meant the burned cd?04:02
Ivan96485Is there a way to save the data that is currently on my RAM?04:02
dasy2k1afroman:  not sure why you would want to do that. if you want to delete things use shred -u04:02
rpklike the old installers had a "Check cd for defects" option04:02
fezzik02mickster4, Ok, I've done restoregrub about six times, no fix04:02
danielhow do i burn movies with ubuntu i do everything in brasero then when i click burn it just closes04:02
amortonIvan96485, why would you want to?04:02
rpkI assume its still there, just hidden now?04:03
dasy2k1rpk still there, you just have to press esc as soon as you see the brown screen04:03
KM0201fezzik02: then either your ubuntu install is gone, or you're not doing it correctly04:03
mickster04Ivan96485: not natively no... or hybernate kinda does?04:03
Ash-catchemubuntu freezes when I connect to my router....any ideas?04:03
ohsixbittyx-laptop: ah i just looked, just enable/disable and next/previous04:03
rpkdasy2k1: thanks04:03
xsinickrobin0800:  smartphone generation that will learn later and add that shit back04:03
Ivan96485Well, a friend forgot to save a paper that is due tomorrow.04:03
soreauwtf guys? I tried to remove my name from the panel and all the information on the right side disappeared. Adding Notification Applet does not bring it back04:03
ohsixbittyx-laptop: maybe something other than ibus can do bindings like you want04:03
fezzik02km0201, I'm pretty sure it's there, I just installed it this afternoon.04:03
anonemooseIvan96485, what was he using? Openoffice has a recover function04:03
ohsix!resetpanels | soreau04:04
ubottusoreau: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:04
fezzik02When I go to recovery console and select failsafex, it works...04:04
bittyx-laptopohsix: yeah, that's what i've been finding as well, hence the question. i realized it's not built-in, but was wondering if there was some hack to make it work like that.04:04
JoshuaYoshuaDoes anyone have any advice for burning a disc when you DVD drive might be poor. It's just that I've written Ubuntu 11.04 twice now and I have the burning software validate the disc after and I can open it and see or the files... but after I restart it's not detected when booting and when I try to view the files on the disc it doesn't detect anything.04:04
amortonIvan96485, if he closed the software he was using its gone04:04
dasy2k1springscar: its an indicator applett session you have removed04:04
Ivan96485amorton: Thanks04:04
JoshuaYoshuaI can see by physically looking at the disc that it has been written to. So I don't know04:04
robin0800xsinick, you can set it to all then all will be shown04:04
OmegaLibreOffice also has a recover function04:04
mickster04\!md5 | JoshuaYoshua04:04
xsinickwhy do I have to install the appelet stuff back when the system already have it in classic mode04:04
KM0201fezzik02: if it can't find grub to update/reinstall it.. or you're doing it wrong04:04
Omega!md5 | JoshuaYoshua04:04
ubottuJoshuaYoshua: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:04
ohsixbittyx-laptop: i know the other one can do it, i can't even remember the name at the moment though, i've been using them through ibus for so long04:04
amortonI dont think any of those work if you have never saved the doc, am i wrong?04:05
usr13JoshuaYoshua: turn your speed down I guess is the only advice I can think of.  Or maybe try different CD burning software?04:05
soreauohsix: Smooth move, the panels disappeared and now there are *no* panels04:05
fezzik02km0201, it seems to find GRUB2 just fine04:05
JoshuaYoshuaWell the ISO passes the md5 check, checked that04:05
dasy2k1JoshuaYoshua: boot the disk, then hit escape when you see the first ubuntu screen, then use check disc for defects04:05
Ivan96485He was using a program called pages for the mac, since both linux and ubuntu are unix-based I thought you guys would be more helpful than a mac chat.04:05
KM0201fezzik02: then you're not installing it correctly04:05
anonemooseamorton OO periodically saves it to a temporary file in case there's a fatal error04:05
Flynsarmyhey guys i'm doing a "tar cC /path/to/files ." which tars the entire folder but inside the tar file everything is in a '.' subfolder...how can i remove that subfolder?04:05
Omegasoreau: start gnome-panel04:05
usr13JoshuaYoshua: What software are you using?04:05
amortonwell, then Ivan96485 that would be his best bet04:05
fezzik02km0201: I don't think Ubiquity really leaves room for doubt04:05
ohsixsoreau: your session manager should have restarted them04:05
soreauOmega: It was running04:05
Omegatype gnome-panel in a console04:05
danielhow do i burn movies with ubuntu i do everything in brasero then when i click burn it just closes04:05
soreauOmega: ohsix: I had to restart it again04:05
ohsixsoreau: if you've got some brain death going on there i don't know what to tell you04:06
KM0201fezzik02: i'ev reinstalled grub from a live cd, following those instructions, a gazillion times... so i know they are right.,.04:06
bittyx-laptopohsix: okay, i'll look it up if it's possible. thanks for the heads up, good to know it's possible.04:06
danielis there a better program to use to burn movies04:06
soreauohsix: Hey, don't make rude comments to me04:06
afromandasy2k1: so is there a way?04:06
sebsebsebdaniel: try K3B I guess04:06
usr13daniel: You could try k3b04:06
Ivan96485Still, I would like to know how to save the data on the ram, is there a way to do that on ubuntu?04:06
ChronicSyncopewell dont ask me how, but somehow i got desktop cube working now.04:06
fezzik02km0201: You can reinstall GRUB2 from Live CD?04:06
dasy2k1afroman:  probabbly. but i dont know it off the top of my head GIYF04:06
xsinickthe problem is that some dev try to make it an apple04:06
Herbsdaniel try running brasero from a terminal should give you stderror then04:06
ohsixsoreau: i meant with whatever session manager, or lack thereof that you are running04:06
KM0201fezzik02: have you listeneed to a word thats been said, or even bothered to read that link you were given to, like 5x?04:06
ChronicSyncopewhy do menu-items look so ugly when i right-click on them?04:06
JoshuaYoshuaThe burning software in Windows 704:07
ZiberIs there a way in ubuntu 10.10 to use skype without making the audio stuff be via pulse audio?04:07
arandfezzik02: Yes you can.04:07
xsinickbecuase they never used linux before and is accustome to  MAc os04:07
JoshuaYoshuaI will try ImgBurn next, but think it will be the same04:07
soreau<ohsix> soreau: if you've got some brain death going on there i don't know what to tell you <-- I find this very rude and offensive04:07
afromanusr13: do U know a way to wipe out just the empty space?04:07
KM0201!grub | fezzik02 now stop asking questions, and read the link04:07
ubottufezzik02 now stop asking questions, and read the link: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:07
soreauohsix: Do not make rude comments to me04:07
boumagiday, when i use chmod -R 660 dir  , after chown myuser:myuser -R dir, i can no longer enter the contained dirs with nautilus ? why ?04:07
usr13fezzik02: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub04:07
dasy2k1JoshuaYoshua: ahh, windows default software will most likley just burn the .iso as a single file to a data disk rather then burn the iso to the disk as an image04:07
JoshuaYoshuaI say this because I had trouble with some other things04:07
ohsixsoreau: what session manager are you running? it should have restarted the panel04:07
StravHi. I just upgraded my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 (arch is amd64, running an amd e350 apu), the grub menu is gone and while ubuntu still starts to boot, at some point, the screen gets no signal and shut itself off (I cannot access the VTs in this state). Any suggestion on which bug/s I'm having here? (don't want to report a duplicate)04:07
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga04:08
usr13afroman: Is this empty space at the end of the drive or in the middle or the end?04:08
boumai meant, when i use chmod -R 660 dir  , after chown -R myuser:myuser dir, i can no longer enter the contained dirs with nautilus ? why ?04:08
JoshuaYoshuadasy2k1, nah it burns it as it should04:08
thiendrwxr-xr-x 5 thien root 4096 2011-04-29 01:13 Setup04:08
thien==> what is "d"?04:08
soreauohsix: Leave me alone because you are not helping04:08
ohsixthien: directory04:08
fezzik02Ok, I'm off to try that.04:08
boumathien: dir04:08
ChronicSyncopewtf happened to the minimize to desktop applet for gnome?04:08
ohsixsoreau: i do not know why your panel didn't restart then, not without that information, i'm sorry it didn't04:08
soreauI need to know why, when I try to remove my name from gnome-panel, it removes the entire right side of the panel info04:08
ChronicSyncopenvm. i'm stupid.04:08
soreauohsix: Don't talk to me04:08
soreau/ignore ohsix04:08
boumathien: i think it can also have other letters eg special files like "network" sockets eg04:09
KM0201!stupid | ChronicSyncope04:09
ubottuChronicSyncope: The only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious to you -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels.04:09
ohsix!ot | soreau04:09
ubottusoreau: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:09
sebsebsebsoreau: in Unity or   Ubuntu Classic Desktop?04:09
NostromoUpgraded from 10.10 to natty, backlight on laptop no longer worked (could only read the screen with a flashlight). Wiped and installed fresh, same problem. No backlight. Anyone have any idea how to fix?04:09
xsinickubuntu is operating slower04:09
soreausebsebseb: Classic gnome-panel04:09
afromanusr13: I don't know ... the free space on a partition04:09
Strav(besides: I tried to reinstall grub from a usb 10.10 install by chrooting into my failed 11.04, and using apt-get and grub-update from there... no luck)04:09
boumathien: but im trying to figure out my own simplish chmod quandry ! see previous msg's04:09
ChronicSyncopelol KM020104:09
ohsixNostromo: wiped and installed natty again?04:09
sebsebsebsoreau: I think Canonial have set it up like that or something04:09
Nostromoohsix: yes.04:09
KM0201ChronicSyncope: :)04:09
usr13afroman: If it is at the beginning and you can calculate exactly how many bytes to write to, I suppose yes you could, but if it's a section in the middle... well... if you don't know I don't either.04:09
ohsixNostromo: that's unfortunately a common problem, intel video right?04:09
sebsebsebsoreau: they want you to use the Gnome 2 patches04:09
soreausebsebseb: You're not helping either04:09
Nostromoohsix: correct04:09
ohsixsoreau: don't badger people04:10
soreauI want to know why when trying to remove my name from gnome-panel, the entire right side of everything disappears04:10
stbain1anyone else running a Broadcom wireless having trouble getting it going (even w/ proprietary firmware driver)?04:10
Nostromoohsix: please tell me there is a solution... /praying04:10
xsinickthis is the worst ubuntu ever04:10
sebsebsebsoreau: a bug or feature I guess04:10
boumawell was hoping for a quick fix but RL calls. check ya l8r04:10
ohsixNostromo: ok, you can try installing xorg-edgers and running the kernel they package, it has updated driver components04:10
arandsoreau: The whole thing is one big applet04:10
ChronicSyncopexsinick, it's been released officially for a day, relax04:10
soreauarand: Yes how do you edit it?04:10
kyle___is there a bug with installing from the latest ubuntu cd's????04:10
soreauarand: And what is the applet called?04:10
ohsixNostromo: but it might not, and you'll need to file a bug; i've told 3 people to file today so it should be getting lots of attention :]04:10
fezzik02xsinick, I think it could be a veritable Waterloo04:10
arandsoreau: I think you can disable things by uninstalling packages, hmm.04:11
ohsixkyle___: yes but you won't tell us what it is!04:11
Nostromoohsix: fairly new to this, and have to do it by flashlight. Is there an easy command line thingy to type?04:11
usr13afroman: free space on a partition?  That is a contradiction of terms.04:11
sebsebsebsoreau: I think they have linked it together much more than it was before,  altough only tried that in beta 2, not the 11.04 final yet04:11
kyle___mainly they dont work04:11
Herbswell googled ossix04:11
Drone4fourFor some reason ALT+F3 doesn't prompt the run dialog box.  wtf? i checked keyboard shortcuts and there is no entry for run dialogue.  how do I get my run dialog back?04:11
Ziberhow can i test my mic in ubuntu?04:11
xsinickI understand you guys04:11
kyle___ive tried 32 bit and 64 bit on 3 different pc's  none of them boot04:11
sebsebsebsoreau: it may not be like 10.04, where you can remove some of the stuff, without removing all of it04:11
soreauSliker[Bed]: It is a rude comment to me04:11
afromanusr13: what do U mean?04:11
soreauI don't care what you think04:11
dasy2k1Drone4four: its alt+F204:11
Drone4fouri meant to say alt f204:11
Drone4fouralt f2 doesn't work04:11
sebsebsebsoreau: oh what a lovely attitude you have for this channel04:11
soreausebsebseb: Yes it's not like 10.1004:11
usr13afroman: Free space refers to an un-partitioned area on a hard drive.04:11
lsheebaGreetings all , i downloaded the torrent alternate i386 file , i dont have cd's , can i still upgrade from this file i have04:12
xsinickI understand but to be honest I smell Mac OS  snobbery on my beloved Unbuntu04:12
ohsixNostromo: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa in a terminal04:12
soreausebsebseb: You didn't see what he msg'd me04:12
Rehanhow's it going usr1304:12
soreauarand: But what is the applet called?04:12
ZiberAnyone have mic problems with skype in 10.10?04:12
Nostromoohsix: you're my hero04:12
dasy2k1Drone4four:  are you using unity or classic?04:12
xsinickI got to check this out]04:12
ohsixNostromo: then apt-get update, apt-get upgrade04:12
bittyx-laptopokay, i've installed 11.04, and everything went smoothly, then i rebooted, got to the login screen, entered my password, and all the controls disappeared - now i only see a purplish background and my mouse cursor and nothing's happening (for about 2 minutes now)04:12
Herbsohsix why should he add a repo because you say?04:12
ChronicSyncopewhat key is KP5 in compiz?04:12
afromanusr13: I don't think we understand each other04:12
bittyx-laptopany ideas?04:12
ohsixNostromo: it might not fix it04:12
xsinickI may be a gnome problem04:12
dasy2k1Drone4four:  working for me, you could allways add the run applet to the panel04:13
ChronicSyncopenvm. it's the keypad04:13
kyle___ok ill rephrase,  is there a bug with the latest install cd's mainly that they dont work, ive tried them on 3 different pc's and they wont boot,  kinda makes me worried to upgrade over the net, can anyone confirm this?04:13
Nostromoohsix: I'll cross my fingers. Would have reported bug already but seems the registration server is overloaded04:13
soreauI want to know why when trying to remove my name from gnome-panel, the entire right side of everything disappears04:13
usr13afroman: The best thing I can tell you is to make an image of  your drive, (on a usb drive would be one option), and then wipe it clean, and then copy the image back on the drive.04:13
ohsixNostromo: and in any case if it worked, it would just be something to report with the bug, because the fix needs to get from the updated drivers to the version included in ubuntu04:13
Drone4fourdasy2k1, i'll try adding the run applet to my panel04:13
Nostromoohsix: noted04:13
sebsebsebsoreau: I thik it's meant to, like I said before,  Canonical want you to use that stuff04:13
ohsixsoreau: it's part of a hueg combo applet04:13
arandsoreau: indicator-applet I think, and the element have names similar..04:13
dasy2k1soreau: thats because its one applet, indicator applet session04:13
Herbsnever add a repo someone tells you to without good reason!04:13
bittyx-laptophow can i force ubuntu to get me back to the login screen (if it's possible)?04:14
afromanusr13: on a partion, there is used space (containning the data) and free space. I want to wipe out clean just the free space so that nothing can be retrieved.04:14
Drone4fourty dasy2k104:14
soreauohsix: sebsebseb: arand: dasy2k1: How can I edit it though?04:14
dasy2k1bittyx-laptop: alt+printscreen then K04:14
Ivan96485Does folding@home wortk on 11.04?04:14
soreauI don't want all that crap in my panel04:14
ohsixHerbs: it contains updated drivers, it is semi official in ubuntu, they have a bleeding edge and stable driver update ppa; and all the people rolling packages in it are ubuntu developers04:14
sebsebsebsoreau: you may be able to remove an applet for it, but  something tells me, it's not as customisable as before04:14
ohsixsoreau: if you don't want the big one add the ones the big ones include04:14
multipassgnome was way better than unity04:14
bittyx-laptopdasy2k1: heh, thanks.04:15
arandsoreau: I think you can install certain parts of it, e.g. "indicator-messages"04:15
Herbsohsix thats cool maybe mention it though04:15
bittyx-laptopdasy2k1: only problem - now my mouse doesn't work :s04:15
sebsebsebmultipass: you can use Gnome Shell in 11.04 :)04:15
bittyx-laptopthe keyboard works, though...04:15
ChronicSyncopewow resizing windows the "normal" way with compiz doesn't seem to be working right.04:15
multipasssebsebseb, yeah i am, i tried using unity for a few hours.. hmm04:15
ohsixmultipass: gnome is still there, it's 99.99% of what ubuntu is, unity is 0.001%, a plugin for a window manager, compiz; and you can pick the classic session from the login screen04:15
ohsixHerbs: that elaboration was for you, i didn't need to justify suggesting it04:15
usr13afroman: Let's say you create a gziped image of the drive, you can delete the partitions, write zeros to it a bunch of times, write the image back onto the drive.04:15
dasy2k1soreau:  just add the old applets you want, indicator applet rather than indicator applet complete04:15
soreaudasy2k1: arand: ok04:16
multipassi dont think the "file menu bar" should be at the top for every window, very inconvenient imo04:16
lsheebaguys any1 ,  i downloaded the torrent alternate i386 file , i dont have cd's , can i still upgrade from this file i have04:16
kyle___does anyone know?04:16
ChogyDanlsheeba: yeah04:16
lsheebaChogyDan, how?!04:16
xsinickI think there needs to be and Ubuntu  12 pronto this is begining to look like a big epic fail for the first time in it's history04:16
shane4ubuntuOk, I'm starting to learn Unity, I found there are many indicators that can be added up in the corner, how do I add them?04:16
StravI can't believe how much nerd rage a left sided docker can bring.04:16
ohsixmultipass: versions for review had been available for a very long time before the release; any particular reason why you are reporting your issues with the decisions made now, and on a help channel?04:16
Herbsohsix why not if we carry on in this way we will be more insucure than windows04:16
afromanusr13: I get that. but can U just write zeros on JUST The free space?04:16
dasy2k1lsheeba:  if you have a working install of ubuntu i would just use update manager04:16
Herbsyeah install this from the rwepos box owened04:17
lsheebadasy2k1, but my internet is slow04:17
ohsixHerbs: sure why not, it's not as if ppa's aren't signed by the uploader like any other pakcage04:17
ChogyDanlsheeba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades#Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD04:17
kyle___ok ill rephrase, is there a bug with the latest install cd's mainly that they dont work, ive tried them on 3 different pc's and they wont boot, kinda makes me worried to upgrade over the net, can anyone confirm this?04:17
multipassohsix, well i was excited about it, and i just dont know if i could ever use it now that ive seen it04:17
shane4ubuntuThis page discusses the indicators, but doesn't seem to explain how to add them to the 'notification area?"04:17
stbain1lsheeba, if you do that... make sure you have everything backed up. Update manager bricked both of my computers. Have the CD downloaded and burnt in case you have to re-install from scratch.04:17
dasy2k1kyle___: install cd (64 bit) workd fine for me04:17
Stravanyways... anyone can boot the amd images?04:17
Herbsyur not targeting Linux usesrs though but windows migraters04:17
Stravdasy2k1: you used the amd64 images?04:18
fezzik02I can't boot the AMD image :(04:18
ohsixmultipass: that's unfortunate, now that natty has shipped they're working on oneiric though; if you want to try and get your input taken as part of it's development, now's the time to start doing it :D04:18
kyle___i cant boot any image04:18
lsheebaChogyDan, thanks i didnt read it carefuly before :D about wasting cd's :D04:18
mordofStrav: amd images? how would i tell if i've done that? i upgraded from 10.1004:18
bittyx-laptopdasy2k1: hey, after i've logged in again, i'm in unity now, and the mouse started working. thanks again for the quick tip!04:18
Ash-catchemubuntu keeps freezing/crashing...any ideas why????04:18
izinucsohsix: what's oneiric?04:18
xsinicklook  you can hide feature  and focus on others make optons for things in the new  interface but don't just throw them away04:18
mordofStrav: i booted the live cd amd image..04:18
arandkyle___: Many have used them succesfully, I'm not sure of a general issue with that no.04:19
dasy2k1Ash-catchem:  try running memtest, random crashes are often caused by bad ram04:19
lsheebastbain1, i upgraded it online , and then canceled about 1/4 of the way04:19
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: ok04:19
mordofStrav: didn't install from it though, i ran the live from it04:19
ohsixstbain1: generally you have to have a lot of user changes for it to break; user changes you should undo before you upgrade, next time come around i'll tell you how to fix it, rather than just telling people to be careful since you had a bad experience04:19
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: ok by the looks of it, that's for Ubuntu Classic Desktop not Unity04:19
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: and it does say how to install using the ppa's04:19
ohsixizinucs: the next release code name04:19
Spaz_Dynamicfor running jar archives (example: minecraft) what should I get? openjdk, or gcj?04:19
Ash-catchemdasy2k1: i did the ramtest and it was fine04:19
xsinickwhy does blender span into the other workspaces  on windowed mode?04:19
izinucsohsix: AH.. didn't know that04:19
ohsixSpaz_Dynamic: openjdk04:19
stbain1ohsix, just about everything on both of my systems was default04:19
ncgsorry for the disconnection thing , so my problem was this error appeared when i rebooted  >> init : playmouth main process (61) killed by SEGV signal04:19
xsinickI switch to classic and it's the same nonsense04:19
multipassohsix, reguardless, i like some of the additions to ubuntu 11.04 =) mainly iphone support04:20
Spaz_Dynamicohsix: Alright, thanks.04:20
ohsixstbain1: i'll take your word for it; like i said, next time, i don't know the circumstances for when it broke for you04:20
lsheebastbain1, if it bricked like u say , atleast can i boot my windows7 , and do it from their later ?04:20
usr13afroman: There's no other way I know of.  But for just one partition, you could make an image of it and then write zeros to just that partition and then restore the image of that one partition.04:20
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: but it seems to indicate that those come with 11.04, and reading the article I thought it was unity.04:20
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: also really what they are telling you, that you can install, is a load of junk04:20
Stravmordof: ok, well I too upgraded from 10.10 (arch: amd64, e350 apu actually) and grub is gone and the screen gets no signal while the boot sequence is checking out the battery (I'm on a desktop so this too is kinda strange). You read anything about something similar... I'm actually browsing launchpad to find something relevant.04:20
afromanusr13: thx04:20
mordofshane4ubuntu: yeah, those are with unity04:20
ohsixmultipass: you probably just want to use the classic session instead of unity then, pick it on the login screen04:20
mordofshane4ubuntu: i was reading that also04:20
stbain1lsheeba, yes, if you have Grub running already, you should be able to fall back to that04:20
usr13afroman: Let's say it is sda304:20
sebsebsebstbain1: well the shut down on top right, and envelope is also in Unity, but that's in classic by default, and what is mentioned there, none of that comes with 11.0404:21
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: ^04:21
shane4ubuntumordof: I think I figured it out, you need to install them, I searched for indicator, and was able to look at them, however have to reboot in order to activate them.04:21
multipassohsix, yeah already set to default.. maybe ill try unity again sometime.. kinda felt weird without a window manager04:21
robin0800shane4ubuntu, double click to start them one off or add to the startup applications04:21
ChogyDanlsheeba: just make sure not to delete the ubuntu partition if you are using grub04:21
izinucsStrav: in the last 6 years I've learned to have a separate /home and simply "install" from cd, usb whatever to the root instead of upgrading..04:21
mordofStrav: hmm, nah nothing like that happened to me. grub failed, but i reinstalled it04:21
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: there's loads of junk you can add to Ubuntu, and that site useually tells people about it04:21
shane4ubunturobin0800: ahh, startup menu04:21
superproxyhow long does it take for the installation of natty  to finnish04:22
Herbslisten the harsh lesson is if you installed 112.04 then if its buggy tough shite dont install non LFS04:22
sebsebsebsuperproxy: depends on the computer, should be about 20  minutes to half an hour on most04:22
FandekaspI tried to configure the 3d desktop for ubuntu 11.04, and it broke some display settings. and now ... after restarting, everything is hidden, i can't see any menu bar any more.  the only thing I see is the background image ... and I can do ctrl+alt+mouse to switch between empty desktops ... Do you know what should I do to put back the previous settings ? I can open a shell with ctrl+alt+f104:22
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: it is for unity the first paragraph explains the doing away with the Application Panel indicators, and the new entry of indicators.04:22
izinucssuperproxy: clean system fresh install?  about 30 minutes or so.. then you do all the upgrades in one shot04:22
lsheebaChogyDan, :< now u pulling my socks , should i upgrade or not lol , i wanted gnome3 but i heard its unstabled at this point , and Gnome4 will be the future of Gnome and not 304:22
superproxymine is stuck at  saving installed packages04:22
ohsixsuperproxy: a long time, depends on the computer & internet connection; mine took like 2 hours but i had lots of packages installed04:22
mordofsuperproxy: it took about an hour and a half on my computer04:22
multipassohsix, i had a opengl game going in unity and it didnt have a top bar to drag it around, and there was no icon to signify it was even open04:23
mordofyeah i had 1500 packages to install, lol04:23
Stravizinucs: I always make a seperate partition for my /home, and last time I tried the ubuntu beta2 image, it failed on grub install04:23
ohsixsuperproxy: oh installation, nevermind me, that was much faster04:23
sebsebsebsuperproxy: well run the commands they give, and it should add to Unity or Ubuntu Classic I guess04:23
StravI'll boot from usb and see if I first can fix grub04:23
GI_Jackseriously why does 11.04 take forever to damn boot04:23
izinucsStrav: did you have multiple HD's in the machine?04:23
ChogyDanlsheeba: only install gnome3 on a testing install, or in a vm04:23
freeman_can someone recommend me a package for unraring rar files04:23
sebsebsebHerbs: heh in a way04:23
stbain1freeman_, try unrar04:23
ohsixGI_Jack: install bootchart and see; i didn't notice any change, if anything it's slightly faster04:23
Stravizinucs: nope, just one ssd04:23
usr13afroman: dd if=/dev/sda3 | ssh $user@$host 'gzip - > /pub/image.gz'  #To make a gziped image of the partiton onto another PC on your LAN.  And then:   dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda3  And then:  gzip -d image.gz | dd of=/dev/sda3  (where the image is on some usb drive or copied to another partition)04:24
ACameronHey all.  In the middle of upgrading from 10.10 -> 11.04; got told to consider submitting a bug report about monodoc-base failing to install.  Where do I report this bug?04:24
mordoffreeman_: there's a rar pack in the repos that adds to the main compressing untilitiy04:24
izinucsStrav: oh well.. you fixed it though.. that's good.04:24
xsinickfreeman_:  just go to the software center and install  rar04:24
ohsixACameron: launchpad.net04:24
freeman_i look for rar in software center and its not there04:24
ACameronohsix: thanks.04:24
freeman_unrar is there but id like to make rar files too04:24
xsinickfreeman_:  next time to right click on a file it would give option to unrar04:24
superproxythe progress bar isn't moving :(, how do I check if my cd is allright?04:24
izinucsfreeman_: look for 7zip .. I think that does it too.04:24
mordoffreeman_: rar is in there04:24
checkershi, virtualbox seamless mode doesn't display properly with the new ubuntu UI. Has anyone else run into this and found a solution?04:24
lsheebadasy2k1, ChogyDan , stbain1 , and all whos helping , Thanks all =) and i know for a fact , i trust mysystem more with linux then using a mac os x when i have no idea what is running in the background04:25
ohsixfreeman_: rar is nonfree, you need to enable the universe repos; i don't know if software-center does that, or looks there04:25
stbain1lsheeba, you're welcome04:25
Stravizinucs: if you're talking about grub, nope it isn't fixed... I'll chroot into my failed 11.04 to see if I can fix anything04:25
ohsixmordof: only if you enable the extra repos04:25
xsinickfreeman_:  Ubuntu 11.04 may have buugs and not work as well as 10.1004:25
izinucscheckers: you're not running dual monitors are you?04:25
mordofohsix: i forgot i did that xD04:25
ivzelhallo! i had download alternate cd of Natty, but when try to upgrade, system goes to internet anyway. what can i do?04:25
freeman_xsinick, the bugs are the fun part :>04:25
Herbsforget rar use gzip04:25
izinucsStrav: I feel for you..04:25
mordofcheckers: trying it now04:25
Chilaquilesis anyone here that knows how to make nautilus to look like file finder from Mac OS x?04:25
ohsixi've typed a small novel in here today, gonna go do something else04:26
mordofcheckers: seemless mode works fine for me04:26
xsinickfreeman_: I was being a d**k when I typed that04:26
GI_Jackfuck natty04:26
mordofcheckers: although it makes the unity bar hide forever, lol04:26
freeman_xsinick, its ok :)04:26
ohsixChilaquiles: that would be nice :D i doubt spacebar and stuff would work the same, i like th emulticolumn mode04:26
xsinickGI_Jack:  yes04:26
freeman_i think im going to try 7zip04:26
ohsixGI_Jack: #ubuntu-offtopic, if you have a help question please ask04:26
usr13ohsix: YOu should cosider publishing your work.04:26
thanosarand, thanks you!04:26
afromanusr13: thx04:26
Chilaquilesohsix I have seen some pictures04:26
freeman_thanks everyone for the continued help :D04:26
Chilaquilesohsix: I have seen some pictures04:26
rgoytacazAny had any luck with Nvidia Drivers for ubuntu 11.04?04:26
xsinickbut GI_Jack is right guys it nonsense04:26
GI_Jackohsix: why does the new version of udev choke on my sata controller04:27
arandthanos: Were you able to get to the old files?04:27
mordofrgoytacaz: apparently mine are working.. i don't know04:27
thanosarand, with new kernel i can see my files04:27
GI_Jackand/or the kernel for that matter04:27
arandthanos: Excellent =)04:27
fruitwerks-webanyone have experience with nfs?04:27
thanosarand, :` )04:27
usr13afroman: NP. And sorry, but I know of no real simple solution.  I was hoping someone that knew some easier way would step in but... no such luck.  There may be no other easy way.04:27
GI_JackGTK3 can blow me, but we get firefox 4 which is pretty cool04:27
rgoytacazAny had any luck with Nvidia Drivers for ubuntu 11.04?04:27
xsinickrgoytacaz:  yes I have it all working04:27
arandthanos: Then hurry up and copy them to a safe backup ;)04:27
rgoytacazxsinick: whats your card?04:27
izinucsrgoytacaz: sure.. but not the ones downloaded from nvidia.. the ones offered via ubuntu are up to date and work04:27
checkersizinucs: i am running dual monitors04:27
mordofrgoytacaz: it tells me that they're installed but inactive in the additional drivers, but my nvidia x server settings tool works04:28
GI_JackI am running a GTX 480 in 11.0404:28
Herbs<fruitwerks-web> I do04:28
thanosarand, sorry for my english i m greek04:28
GI_Jackso far its working04:28
ncgany help please ?!!!04:28
ohsixGI_Jack: does it? what sata controller? (btw, this would be udev's rules scripts and possibly kernel changes, only coincidentally ubuntu changes because it includes both)04:28
Kageok, I am having major issues with Natty on this new laptop of mine.  Its a HP-G42, anyone know of issues with this model?04:28
izinucscheckers: that might be part of the problem.. you have to go to settings before loading the VM and let it know you have 2 monitors.. otherwise you have issues04:28
arandthanos: No problem at all, I barely noticed :)04:28
GI_Jackohsix: lemme check04:28
xsinickGeFOrce GTS 25004:28
freeman_i right clicked and it let me install rar package, lol that was easy04:28
rgoytacazizinucs: mordof xsinick: I got a vostro 3300 with a 310M and its saying activate but not in use, can remove reports an error.04:28
ohsixGI_Jack: and gtk3 is just deprecation and cleanup of things, and they're rolling some libraries that were almost always used together into gtk where appropriate; otherwise it is unremarkable, same thing happened with gtk204:29
mordofrgoytacaz: saying the same thing to me.. and my desktop performance is sluggish, so i'm not sure what's happening with mine04:29
izinucsrgoytacaz: did you reboot?04:29
xsinickrgoytacaz:  you have to restart04:29
thanosarand, i ll back up and i ll do clear install in ext404:29
yuskhanzabhello all. how to ping ubuntu server using terminal?04:29
checkersizinucs: I have done that. I mean my 2 monitor seamless was working in 10.10, but after the upgrade one display is missing in seamless and the other is incorrectly placed on the screen04:29
somethinginteresfriend complaining that Unity is slow, how can use Unity 2D to make it faster?04:29
rgoytacazizinucs: yea, it error'd out during installation i could check , looking at the install logs04:30
Chilaquilesis there any way to reset nautilus top bars, now I can't make show the icons bar on the top, like computer icon, back icon etc.04:30
ivzelsomebody can help me with this damned upgrade to natty? i can't upgrade it offline (of course, with alternate-CD)04:30
xsinickrgoytacaz:  shit narwhal told me that seem crap all it means to say is restart to activate the drivers04:30
izinucscheckers: you using the vbox version from the repos or direct from vbox?04:30
rgoytacazgoing to restart04:30
yuskhanzabhello, any oneknow how to ping ubuntu server using terminal command?04:30
izinucsyuskhanzab: ping <server address>04:31
ncghello, any help please ???04:31
usr13yuskhanzab: sure04:31
GI_JackOK, my sata controller is a ATI technologies SB7x0 8x0,etc....04:31
freeman_yuskhanzab, do you know the address04:31
xsinickok anger simmering down04:31
fruitwerks-webHerbs: ubuntu nfs server and windows client? I'm like minutes away from ditching gentoo, nfs in ubuntu has not been good at all, right now it will mount, let me see eveything, but I can't read some files and I can't write to any and nothing has changed config wise- I have rebooted the ubuntu machine and the windows machine... thought I had it working normally nd then I go take a shower and I can't do anything on the share04:31
xsinickfeeling a  bit better04:31
fruitwerks-web*ditching to gentoo04:31
yuskhanzabi dont know, its ubuntu server.. im now upgrading my ubuntu version. and its to slow right now04:31
KageI guess Ill wait and see if it does anything <.<04:32
yuskhanzabwhat is ubuntu server address?04:32
ivzelanybody can help me?04:32
Kagemaybe a first boot issue?04:32
cdgI don't know if I like this unity desktop04:32
freeman_yuskhanzab, maybe try getting it from a different mirror04:32
usr13yuskhanzab: Pinging it will not make it any faster.  It is a traffic problem.04:32
ohsixfruitwerks-web: go :]04:32
xsinickfruitwerks-web:  I heard good things about gentoo04:32
izinucsivzel: just ask a question.. don't wait04:32
WickedspawnWhy is OSS4 not supported? It worked fine in 10.10, at least for me...04:32
freeman_cdg, you need to customize it. try turning off auto hide on your dock. i seem to like that better04:32
yuskhanzabim uprgading using the upgrade manager04:32
ivzelizinucs: a can't upgrade to Natty from CD without internet.04:33
usr13yuskhanzab: It's just going to be slow right now because this is right after 11.04 release.04:33
yuskhanzabthis download start last night.. until now not been complete04:33
fruitwerks-webI used gentoo for like 10 years... and gave ubuntu a shot so I could spare this atom machine from the compiles... if anyone can fix the nfs issue, I'll probably keep using ubuntu04:33
izinucsivzel: with the alternate cd you should be able to.04:33
ohsixWickedspawn: OSS4 is a junk, that's why04:33
freeman_yuskhanzab, i left mine on while i went to class and it was done when i got back (2 or so hours)04:33
xsinickDevs better send an update soon else this going down as the sh**test Linux distro for 201104:34
fruitwerks-webOSS is crap - always has been04:34
ohsixWickedspawn: (i lie, that's probably not why, but you'd rather fix what works right and is free)04:34
GI_JackI don't like this new scroll tab thingy either, how do I get rid of it04:34
usr13fruitwerks-web: What is wrong with your nfs shares?04:34
ivzelizinucs: i use alternate-cd. but it anyway wants internet. may be something with my config?04:34
ohsixGI_Jack: if you find out let me know, it was clunky when first installed but it got better much faster04:34
cdgfreeman_: how do you turn off auto-hide?04:34
ACameronanybody else had issues with the monodoc-base package during the upgrade, yet?04:34
izinucsivzel: no idea.. sorry04:34
freeman_cdg, install compiz manager04:34
ohsixGI_Jack: it's overlay-scrollbar, i don't think you can remove the package, but there's a conf file you can turn it off or something i'm sure04:35
yuskhanzabive been download last night(16 hours now) also not been complete yet =.=04:35
gogetadeath to unity04:35
ivzelizinucs: thanks!04:35
fruitwerks-webusr13: other than having to reboot my ubuntu server every3-7 days because nfs stops working and restarting the service does not help, right now I can't do anything but get a directory listing04:35
ACameronit looks like there are a bunch of bugs about it in Launchpad04:35
stbain1OK, I almost have my desktop restored.... seems to be hung on the "Restoring previously installed packages" part04:35
izinucsivzel: your welcom04:35
Wickedspawnohsix: It isn't crap. Deadbeef + OSS4 + Foobar2000's home theater eq setting makes my sound system sound way better than Alsa does.04:35
yuskhanzabit say's about 2 days more to complete04:35
stbain1Anyone know if I can kill that restoration process?04:35
freeman_cdg, in terminal type ccsm and it should tell you how to install04:35
hanasakiany reason why a maverick based "do-release-upgrade" would say no new release found?04:35
yuskhanzabis it save if i cancel the upgrading proses?04:36
freeman_cdg, i am still trying to get it to dock on the bottom... the setting is there but it fails to show up04:36
xsinickgonna go back to unity  and see If I can force my self to be a 20 year old I pad user the twitters04:36
ohsixWickedspawn: i hesitate to say you are full of crap, but you are certainly deluding yourself; and i bet you haven't even objectively measured, you just think your statement is well supported04:36
usr13fruitwerks-web: paste your /etc/exports file and the /etc/fstab file on the client and let's have a look.04:36
checkersizinucs: from virtualbox themselves04:36
mickster04hanasaki: you have it set to lts only04:37
yuskhanzabis it safe if i cancel the upgrading proses?04:37
freeman_cdg, thanks to ohsix for helping me get this originally :)04:37
hanasakimickster04:  where do I cahnge that04:37
freeman_credit where credit is due04:37
pomkeHello, I am running natty and have installed gnome3 from ppa, I'm confused about how to change my gtk/wm theme, I've tried the regular tool (right click nautilus desktop > change desktop background > theme tab) but this has no effect. I've then installed gnome-tweak-tool but it only shows one theme 'raleigh' even though I have installed more themes with apt04:37
fruitwerks-webusr13: client is windows, worked great in xp, and just as good in 7, I have had the same configs for years04:37
Wickedspawnohsix: I've used Alsa with the same sound system for ~1.5 years. After I went through the process of switching to OSS4, I did notice a great improvement. Just because OSS3 was crap doesn't mean all of it is crap... "One person's garbage is another person's treasure."04:38
ohsixpomke: you'll have to talk to whoever supports those packages, ubuntu proper doesn't04:38
izinucspomke: it's done on the login page.. click your user name and look at the bar at the bottom that appears.. that's where you change the wM04:38
yuskhanzabfreeman_, is it safe to cancel the upgrading proses?04:38
Robert__hey im new to ubuntu any one want to help?04:38
KageWhen I boot natty I get a blank screen, I think I have ruled out a X server issue, but maybe not04:38
pomkeizinucs: Thank you :)04:38
topramenhey i have a 11.04 question04:38
izinucsRobert__: just ask a question.. if someone knows the answer they will04:38
mickster04hanasaki: go to synaptic>settings04:39
kellnolatopramen, I have an answer04:39
hanasakimickster04: it's a server.. no gui.. I did find it in the etc dir.. thanks04:39
ohsixWickedspawn: did you measure a great improvement? you are making a statement common to fans of OSS(4) and it's never supported by more than a gut feeling, there are ways to measure things however04:39
freeman_yuskhanzab, i dont think so... are you updating the kernel?04:39
topramenkellnola, yay04:39
hanasakimickster04:  what does no candidate for.... mean?04:39
kellnolatopramen, "I don't know" :)04:39
stbain1upgrade hung... safe to kill the apt-clone restore-new-distro part of ubiquity to see if that frees it up?04:39
yuskhanzabno, im upgrade my ubuntu version to naty from maverick04:39
freeman_stbain1, dont kill it yet, mine took a while to update04:40
ohsixWickedspawn: it's interesting you went out of your way to mention oss3 too, very interesting04:40
mickster04hanasaki: 0.o no idea, where do you see that?04:40
Robert__ok how do i find out what version i am running because i tried to install 11.04 but idk if it worked04:40
kellnolawhat is ubuntu going to do after zany zebra?04:40
stbain1freeman_, how long? Mine's been hung for about 15 minutes now if not longer.04:40
ouyeswhat happened when you suspend your laptop?04:40
yuskhanzabthe download process to about 2 days to complete04:40
freeman_stbain1, i was playing call of duty for about 2 maps and it was still updating04:40
topramenkellnola, do i have to still go through terminal to install programs?04:40
stbain1freeman_, wow... that long, eh?04:40
Wickedspawnohsix: I'm just wondering why the warning was placed on the Wiki. Used to be that you could use any setup you want with it. I didn't expect being flamed for liking it.04:40
Scarra3I don't know if I should go with the x64 or the x86 version of ubuntu04:40
ohsixkellnola: make something up! you saw the early release names right? they weren't always alphabetical, it was just a fun thing to do04:40
freeman_stbain1, search and destroy not tdm04:40
yuskhanzab10kb per sec04:40
kellnolatopramen, no ... I assume it still has synaptic or ubuntu software center04:40
lumbertIs it possible to have ubuntu 11.04 64bit and 32bit and gparted all on one usb stick?04:41
ohsixWickedspawn: since you've stated you merely like it, i apologize, as long as it's not presented as fact04:41
freeman_stbain1, sorry not update, it was fresh install04:41
ACameronhey gang, I'm doing the update through the X gui; where do I grep for errors?04:41
ACameronwould it be on dmesg..?04:41
octillionRobert__ in a terminal, lsb_release -a04:41
usr13fruitwerks-web: How about samba?04:41
fruitwerks-webI was waiting for that04:41
yuskhanzabfreeman_, im upgrading the ubuntu version to natty04:41
ohsixWickedspawn: but it is definitely contraindicated, if there is a problem with alsa or one of the drivers it will need to be fixed anyways; people in general aren't going to switch over to oss4 even assuming it was bug free and always better than alsa04:41
usr13!samba | fruitwerks-web04:42
ubottufruitwerks-web: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:42
ohsixWickedspawn: alsa is in tree and supported by free software developers interested in fixing bugs they know about, and quite quickly i might add04:42
freeman_yuskhanzab, if you backed up your information im sure its ok to cancel. if not give it a few more minutes04:42
Robert__ok it says im still on 10.04 so how do i get 11.04 because i tryed to get it from the site and it didnt work04:43
freeman_Robert__, if you were on the new version you would know it :P04:43
Jordan_U!upgrade | Robert__04:43
ubottuRobert__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:43
xsinickfreeman_:  got your graphics card to work04:43
ohsixWickedspawn: it's really no different though, you were on your own before when you used it, now you're just a little bit more on your own04:43
yuskhanzabfreeman_, its not a few minute to complete, it about 2 days.(10kbps)04:43
izinucsRobert__: 10.04 is an LTS release .. 11.04 isn't .. you can't upgrade directly unless you reinstall.. if you choose to reinstall then I hope you have a separate /home partiton with all your data so it will be safe..04:44
freeman_xsinick, yes i am pretty sure. i have the nvidia control panel up and it recognizes my card04:44
xsinickfreeman_:  nice04:44
freeman_yuskhanzab, sorry im out of answers.. try asking it again and see if you get any nibbles04:44
Jordan_URobert__: While izinucs is correct that you can't upgrade directly from 10.04 to 11.04 you can upgrade to 10.10 then to 11.04.04:44
ACameronI'll be doing another report this term and it's not even an official co-op term04:44
ACamerondone six already04:45
ACameronmischan; sorry =X04:45
yuskhanzablol, thanks anyway04:45
freeman_xsinick, do you remember the command to check.. you grep some file04:45
kellnolaJordan_U, well in this case it may be better to just blow it away with the cd.04:45
fezzik02km0201: Reinstalled GRUB2, still no boot04:45
kellnolaJordan_U, I dist-upgraded since feisty all the way to lucid and I missed all kinds of new crap04:45
xsinickfreeman_:  nope I'm no super user04:46
KM0201fezzik02: i dunno man...04:46
Jordan_Ufezzik02: What happens when you try to boot? How did you try to re-install grub?04:46
kellnolaJordan_U, and then with 10.10 I'm like, what is all this upstart crap?04:46
freeman_xsinick, the true test will be if my computer games will run like they did in gnome04:46
fezzik02But to be explicit, it starts the kernel, it just fails to start x04:46
fruitwerks-webI'm gonna be cool about this.. I refrained from posting a nice long line that would have had me perma-banned, something is wrong with nfs on ubuntu, look around, you will find posts going back to 2007 with these issues, I'm going back to gentoo so my stuff will work and I don't have to reboot to fix something04:46
kellnolafruitwerks-web, nfs3 or 4?04:46
usr13fezzik02: So what screen are you left with?04:47
xsinickfreeman_:  you got dual screens?04:47
fezzik02jordan_u: I did judt reinstall grub, I think it is having issues with X04:47
kellnolaI never had probs with nfs3 against solaris or RHEL04:47
fezzik02usr13: The blank screen after GRUB2 selection04:47
izinucsfruitwerks-web: sudo service smbd restart .. sudo service nmbd restart should do it.04:47
KM0201fezzik02: so how the heck is it starting your kernel, and grub not working?04:47
freeman_xsinick, no but i have one stored somewhere. i was thinking of getting it out but im lazy04:47
ohsixfruitwerks-web: can you elaborate?04:47
xsinickANYONE got dual screens?04:47
KM0201fezzik02: so the grub install went fine, you have some other issue.04:47
freeman_maybe after finals04:47
Icallitverawhere can i as questions about the KGpg plugin, mine is not working04:47
fezzik02km0201: I didn't say GRUB2 isn't working, it takes me to the Recovery Console just fine.04:47
KM0201xsinick: i do.04:47
usr13fezzik02: Are you sure it's booting?  How do you know?04:47
Jordan_U!anyone | xsinick04:47
ubottuxsinick: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:47
izinucsxsinick: yes.. but not on natty yet..04:47
ohsixfruitwerks-web: do you mean nfs or cifs or something, people have been giving you suggestions for samba04:47
fruitwerks-web.. my pont I didn't post, those are cifs services04:47
stbain1crap... still no wirelesws04:47
fruitwerks-webenjoy your new release all... I'm *GONE*04:48
KM0201stbain1: whats your device?04:48
fezzik02usr13: I'm not sure, but the Recovery Console option works (2nd line in the GRUB2 Menu)04:48
usr13stbain1: What is your wifi device?04:48
stbain1broadcom 4311 (STA)04:48
usr13fezzik02: When you do the normal boot, what does it do?04:48
xsinickKM0201: can you test blender  windowed on Natty?04:48
gogetaIcallitvera: kubuntu04:48
teddyroosebeltya broadcom firm is broke on 11.404:48
histostbain1: you need the firmware for that card. In the hardware drivers app04:49
ohsixstbain1: you are the second person today having trouble with the 4311, did it freeze your computer when you weren't using the sta driver?04:49
kellnolaohsix, why would anyone use samba in a unix environment if windows is not involved?04:49
lumbertIs it possible to have ubuntu 11.04 64bit and 32bit and gparted all on one usb stick?  I have 11.04 on the stick now, but I'd like to have access to all three on one stick.04:49
xsinickNatty is pissing me off04:49
fezzik02usr13: Screen goes black, hard disk activity for a little bit, then eventually drops signal to monitor and disregards numlock press04:49
histoxsinick: switch to classic console04:49
ohsixkellnola: well he said nfs, which is a real thing; i didn't see him mention anything else04:49
ohsixkellnola: i asked him to elaborate, i could have probably told him what it wasD:04:49
xsinickhisto: ha hah hah04:49
ChronicSyncopedoes anyone know how to make 'normal' window  size in compiz not suck04:49
stbain1histo, I have the firmware installed... still doesn't work04:49
usr13fezzik02: What happens when you do Ctrl-Alt-F6 ?04:49
nit-witlumbert, how are they loaded is it ISO's04:50
fezzik02usr13: no response04:50
stbain1ohsix, I freezed when I did the update through the udpate manager04:50
ohsixlumbert: yes it is04:50
izinucslumbert: yes.. I think unetbootin will do that.. it's in the repos04:50
lumbertnot sure about parted magic, but ubuntu 11.04 64/32 are downloaded as such04:50
ohsixstbain1: after you installed natty but before you installed sta?04:50
usr13fezzik02: So you can boot recovery mode....?04:50
stbain1ohsix, the install never finished04:50
fezzik02usr13: yes04:50
nit-witlumbert, pendrive has a linux multiloader04:50
stbain1ohsix, ended up with black screen... no response, not way to get to console via CTRL+ALT+F1... nada :(04:51
fezzik02usr13: and oddly, if I press the hard power button for a second, it starts shutting down.04:51
ohsixstbain1: oh i thought you were having a problem with your wifi, that's while you're trying to install then, no?04:51
fezzik02usr13: is it because I'm running hybrid SLI?04:51
Nate_I need help; Natty broke my computer, it won't even start up!04:51
stbain1ohsix, yes.... so then I just slapped in the Natty CD and formatted everything... now Wifi doesn't work even with a fresh install04:51
fezzik02nate_: you and me, buddy.04:52
nit-witNate_, upgarde or install04:52
usr13stbain1:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff04:52
stbain1usr13, already did that :(04:52
greylurkHaving issues with the Natty installer.04:52
xsinick:( waaaaaaaaaaah04:52
greylurkIt keeps saying I have too many primary partitions on my disc04:52
teddyroosebeltits just broke thats all there is to it. b43 drivers is dead as a door nail04:52
Nate_I did upgrade from 10.10. I restarted, and it said Unity wasn't supported, so I went with GNOME. Then I restarted again and now it won't start up.04:52
ohsixstbain1: you need firmware if you are using the driver that comes with linux, there is a script in the b43-fwcutter package that does that for you; or you can try installing bcmwl-kernel-source, which is the vendor driver04:52
nit-witgreylurk, how many do you have?04:53
MrBushidocan i get 11.04 through an apt dist-upgrade or do I need to start from scratch?04:53
ohsixteddyroosebelt: it still works for me04:53
greylurknit-wit 4 primary, 1 extended04:53
stbain1ohsix, the hardware->additional drivers did all that04:53
ohsixgreylurk: you have too many primary partitions on your drive04:53
teddyroosebeltohsix, lucky you.04:53
nit-witgreylurk, the limit is 3 primary and 1 ext04:53
Jordan_Ugreylurk: One of the 4 primary partitions needs to be used for an extended partition.04:53
ohsixstbain1: ok, i never used thata; and it works for me, dunno what to say04:53
greylurknit-wit when did that change?04:53
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
audhiohsix, how to change icons in ubuntu?04:53
ohsixstbain1: dmesg should say if the driver is finding its firmware04:53
nit-witgreylurk, always has been04:53
greylurkjordan_u that's how it's set up04:53
greylurk/dev/sda1-3 are used as primary04:54
ohsixteddyroosebelt: luck is a figment of peoples imagination and want for lovely coincidence04:54
greylurk/dev/sda4 hosts the extended, which is /dev/sda504:54
audhiplease say soon ohsix.04:54
rhizmoei'm still a bit flabbergasted that traceroute isn't installed by default04:54
Jordan_Ugreylurk: That's fine.04:54
teddyroosebeltohsix, giggity.04:54
xsinickIM s don't popup like inthe ubuntu video04:54
xsinickit was a lie04:54
ohsixaudhi: no clue, i just hit customize in the appearance applet04:54
ohsixxsinick: do you even use empathy?04:54
Jordan_Uxsinick: They do for me with empathy.04:55
xsinickit comes with ubuntu04:55
fezzik02Is there some sort of log that I can review to see how the startup process failed?04:55
ohsixit sure does04:55
ohsixi was getting to what Jordan_U said already ...04:55
diaoerwhy i cant use fetch?04:55
xsinicknot like in the video on the front of the ubuntu site04:55
Jordan_Uxsinick: And for irssi, but that's a script I needed to add manually.04:55
Nate_Is there a way to start up my computer from Command Line? I can get there...04:55
Robert__im upgrading but what does this mean: Error mounting: mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only04:55
Robert__mount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /media/Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 busy04:55
Jordan_Uxsinick: What client are you using? What happens when you get an IM?04:55
hanasakihow do you ad the gnome sensor applet to the panel?04:55
nit-witNate_, was this a fresh install or a upgrade?04:56
hanasakiits not in the add to panel / applet04:56
ohsixxsinick: what point in the video are you talking about?04:56
RexAltersHow can I setup ubuntu to download music track information?04:56
audhiNate_, how to change icon in ubuntu?04:56
RexAltersAs I have just found some old music that I wish to get the music track info automatically.04:56
ohsixxsinick: or rather what video are you talking about at all, i don't see any video on the front page04:57
RexAltersWithout having to enter everything manually.04:57
nit-witNate_, are getting a grub prompt ...grub> or a grub menu then black04:57
RexAltersLike how wmp gets the track information automatically.04:57
audhiNate_, are you  here?04:57
ohsixRexAlters: well ubuntu doesn't do it, but there are some programs that you can install on ubuntu that does; like musicbrainz picard04:57
xsinickbecuase they moved it like aday befor this crap came out04:57
xsinickon sec04:57
fezzik02usr13: Ok, I can get root shell in Recovery Console, is there a log of some sort I ought t review?04:57
xsinickI'll get it04:57
Nate_Upgrade. I have to hit escape to get to the CLI...just the normal CLI, doesn't say grub04:57
ohsixxsinick: thank you04:57
Maceri can't seem to find any information on this :( does anybody know how i can set up a user acct where it will use an nfs as its default home but if the nfs is down it can fall back on a local directory?04:58
RexAltersThank you.;)04:58
Jordan_UNate_: What is the prompt that you see?04:58
jiltdilmy max,miz button is missing in ubuntu 11.04 how to get it back?04:58
nit-witNate_, what is the graphics card04:58
usr13fezzik02: Ok tell me again what led up to this failure?  Did the upgrade get inerrupted?04:58
fezzik02I had 10.10 and Win 704:58
Nate_golly, I dont know, but that may be the issue. When I first started it it didnt recognize and forced me to go to gnome04:58
usr13fezzik02: And..... what happened?04:58
fezzik02Then I formatted and installed 11.04 alpah104:58
rumpe1Macer, well... you just have to script, that if nfs is available, it should be mounted on top of /home/user04:59
Nate_I think its a NVIDIA??04:59
ohsixMacer: well how do you know nfs is down? the kernel tries its best to get it to act like a regular filesystem, and that means possibly waiting a very long time if the server isn't reachable04:59
fezzik02usr:13 Then I formatted and installed 11.04 alpah104:59
Macerohsix: you can change those settings in fstab04:59
usr13fezzik02: Yes.... and then?04:59
Macerthe timeout and retrans04:59
audhiNate_, haw to change icons in ubuntu?04:59
nit-witNate_, can you login at the cli, do you ever see a grub menu?04:59
fezzik02usr13: That didn't work any better than this one, so I waited for 11.04 beta 2, still no joy04:59
Maceri want it to fall back to a different directory if the nfs hits its retrans mark05:00
stbain1ohsix, trying the raw ndiswrapper instead of the source05:00
Maceri don't even know if that is possible tho. i've been looking on google but don't see anything that relates05:00
ohsixMacer: you still can't really ask "is nfs up?" that's the basic question you need in order to find some software that can do what you want if it's there or not there05:00
Nate_What is the grub menu exactly? Command line looking thing with a purple background?05:00
ChronicSyncopewindow resize 'normal' sucks... how do i fix it?05:00
ohsixstbain1: raw??? never use ndiswrapper if you can help it; argh05:00
tanathso, if i upgrade to natty my desktop icons will be gone, yes?05:00
jiltdilmin,max button is missing from ubuntu 11.04,how to get it back?05:00
xsinicki can't find them on the site05:01
xsinickthey hide them05:01
fezzik02usr13: then I waited for 11.04 final... and that's it05:01
ChronicSyncopetanath, if you're not using classic probably05:01
stbain1ohsix, I know. sucks, but the "canned" version isn't working... worth a shot05:01
fezzik02usr13: no dice05:01
tanathChronicSyncope, classic?05:01
nit-witNate_,  you have upgraded and you don't know what a grub menu looks like?05:01
Macerohsix: i don't understand. it is a pretty straightforward question. if i have user home directories on an nfs and the nfs hits its time/retrans limits is there a way to get the server to fallback to a local directory05:01
earthenhi guys i'm getting an error stating that i need to upgrade the  NVIDIA kernel module has version 270.41.0605:01
ohsixMacer: it's possible, but you have to decide what it would be, you probably want to copy/cache/sync files from nfs before log on, not try and use nfs and fallback05:01
earthenhow do i do that05:01
ChronicSyncopetanath, you can choose "classic gnome" when you log in and it looks just like 10.0405:01
ChronicSyncopetanath, or 10.10 even05:01
ohsixMacer: no, it's not a simple question, as there is no fallback mechanism and you can't check if nfs is up or not05:01
tanathChronicSyncope, ah, right. so then if not, how would i get at my desktop icons?05:01
rumpe1Macer, sure it's possible ... write a scripte like " loop ( if nfs available : mount on top of /home/nfsuser ;  if nfs unavailable : unmount it)" ... or something like that05:02
ohsixstbain1: bcmwl-kernel-source works for me05:02
ChronicSyncopetanath navigate to ~/Desktop either in the terminal or nautilus05:02
Nate_OK, i gimaged it...I do know what it is!05:02
usr13fezzik02: sudo dpkg --configure -a05:02
Nate_And no, I can't get there.05:02
ohsixMacer: what happens when nfs comes back when you're using the local directory? what happens when it goes away when you are logged on?05:02
stbain1ohsix, yah.... no clue why mine isn't05:02
greylurkGah, come on.  I set up this partition structure when I installed 10.10... What is the problem.05:02
ohsixMacer: what you really want to do is cache offline; and lots of people have done that05:02
fezzik02usr13: from Recovery Console root terminal?05:02
stbain1ohsix, but looks like ndiswrapper just saved the day05:02
nit-witNate_, can you login at the cli and run starx05:02
tanathChronicSyncope, how would you convert them to something as quick & easy to access as they were before? i've put people on ubuntu who put everything on the desktop...05:03
nit-witNate_, startx05:03
Macerohsix: i was just going to set up a cron script to sync the directories every 6 hours or so05:03
jiltdil #ubuntu+1 is invite only means?/05:03
arandjiltdil: Closed.05:03
usr13fezzik02: Oh, you don't have internet connection...05:03
ChronicSyncopetanath, i'm not sure, I don't really like unity all that much. It probably has some kind of stacks on the dock though that you could throw them into (I really dont know)05:03
ohsixMacer: well you can buffet that with pam login/log out scripts that update the cache too, or not even have periodic syncs05:03
arandjiltdil: Won't open until next cycle starts up05:03
eartheni'm getting an API mismatch error: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 270.41.03, but this NVIDIA driver component has version
fezzik02usr13: maybe I could, natty has been very good with my wifi card i the livecd05:03
earthenhow to fix05:03
ohsixMacer: there are fuse filesystems that can do caching for you, but they likely wouldn't be enough for your circumstance05:04
jiltdilarnad: will you help me my 11.04 min,max button also the applet that is in left side is missing05:04
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Macerand being that it will be a fallback home dir and not the actual home dir...i think a fallback would be better.. especially considering size constraints.. i want the fallback dir to just maintain a small amount of information in order to get a user logged in instead of being hung at logging in05:04
tanathChronicSyncope, does 'classic' use gnome 3?05:04
Robert__well it hasn't stoped upgradeing tho05:04
Nate_I'm trying to get back to command line...it's a chancy thing...05:04
arandjiltdil: I don't know I'm afraid.05:04
Macermaybe even display a different motd explaining what is wrong.. but config files would be good to keep in teh fallback driectory05:05
ohsixMacer: so you want them to be able to log in but not have any of their information or store any changes they make back at the real server?05:05
xsinickohsix: like in the video this guy was all talking calmly about how cool ubuntu was and he say now I'm pop up  fom the bottom of the screen so you can typr to people on the fly or continue workinf05:05
ohsixMacer: you could just log them on with a guest session if nfs isn't available05:05
Macerohsix: that is a start05:05
xsinickI don't see that shit yet05:05
Macerat the least i want the fallback dir to keep their config files from their nfs home dir05:05
ohsixxsinick: family channel ...05:05
Macerlike .alpine .ssh etc05:05
tanathi'm used to upgrading like a month before release. this is the first time i actually don't really want to upgrade05:05
arandxsinick: That's in gnome3...05:06
digirakupgrading to natty narwhal does not alter my user data does it?05:06
Macersomething that can get them on the system without having it hang and possibly change the motd explaining what is wrong05:06
greylurk*grump* finally got it working by doing a "custom" install, and reformatting my 10.10 install.05:06
Robert__also something is weird with my work spaces i remember when i first got Ubuntu i could move a window from one workspace to another and now i cant05:06
ohsixMacer: the . files in the home directories can be arbitrarily large; sounds like the problem you actually want to solve is ill defined05:06
ChronicSyncopetanath, let me check05:06
* jiltdil i think it is better to be stick to 10.10 for some more days05:06
johnqqhello, why doesnt gnome shell work when i install in natty, it says error has accured and restarts to logon screen05:06
ChronicSyncopetanath, nope 2.3105:06
Macerthe actual home dirs will be much larger than .files05:06
Macerand dirs05:06
ChronicSyncopetanath, nope 2.32.1 **05:06
fezzik02usr13: Tried startx at the # prompt, whole thing locked up05:06
Macerbut thanks for the help. i will continue looking05:06
ohsixMacer: in any situation i've seen, if the files aren't available then work can't be done anyways, so they just aren't allowed to log in, you want some sort of middle ground that still allows them to log in?05:07
Macerohsix: yes05:07
audhican anyone clear my doubt. please!05:07
tanathChronicSyncope, hm, thx05:07
ChronicSyncopetanath, you can install it from the repos though, i believe05:07
audhi can anyone clear my doubt. please!05:07
ChronicSyncopetanath, but it doesn't work with unity AFAIK05:07
Maceri don't want the login to ever stop due to the nfs being down05:07
audhi can anyone clear my doubt. please!05:08
ohsixMacer: once there are local changes what will you do? if nfs was down for 6 hours the changes might be against files from 6 hours or earlier ago, if they're applied to current files they'd have a nonlinear history that would possibly cause data loss that people would not realize05:08
eartheni'm getting an API mismatch error: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 270.41.03, but this NVIDIA driver component has version 270.41.06. So do i need to upgrade the Kerne or downgrade my Nvidea driver please help05:08
tanathChronicSyncope, there's a number of things i'm concerned about losing on upgrade that will basically cripple me05:08
xsinick so are we not running gnome 3?05:08
ohsixMacer: then you should probably find a way for nfs never to be down :O05:08
rumpe1 digirak, usually not05:08
audhiim leaving no one is answering05:08
ChronicSyncopetanath, you might find it worthwhile to wait then...05:08
Jordan_UMacer: What good do you expect this to do for the users?05:08
ohsixtanath: what's that?05:08
ChronicSyncopetanath, I've been spending the last few hours fixing compiz, lol.05:08
jubeihowdy. Just booted into ubuntu 11.4 aand.. compiz effects are disabled. Trying to eanble the nvidia driver but doesn't seem to be a way05:09
LAcandoes anyone know the repo for backtrack?05:09
jubeiChronicSyncope, I'm also trying to get compiz to work05:09
Jordan_U!backtrack | LAcan05:09
ubottuLAcan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition05:09
ohsixtanath: i can try and fill you in if you can give me some things05:09
MacerJordan_U: they can still access other servers from the box... but if their home dir goes down i want them to be able to still be able to login to  a... trying to think of a proper word05:09
ChronicSyncopejubei, I have compiz working. are you in classic or unity?05:09
Macercontingency directory?05:09
jubeiChronicSyncope, unity05:09
Jordan_ULAcan: And we don't support using backtrack repositories with Ubuntu either.05:09
* topramen feels happy05:09
ohsixMacer: then have them connect using a guest account, it is easy to do that even05:09
xsinickhow do I get that?05:09
jubeiChronicSyncope, when I select additional hardware drivers it shows me that the nvidia driver isn't enabled but also has no way for me to enable it05:10
tanathohsix, well, from youtube vids there's shortcuts that get stolen away from things i use, like compz scale...05:10
fezzik02usr13: oddly, failsafex works from the Recovery Console window.05:10
Macerohsix: but there are greater options having a fallback directory05:10
greylurkI like that the installer gives you stuff to do while waiting for the files to copy.05:10
ohsixMacer: guest accounts create temporary directories & people log in, their changes are obliterated when they log out05:10
tanathohsix, i was also thinking of gnome applets like system monitor being removed but i think that might just be gnome 305:10
Macersay they DO write files there.. once the nfs is back up they login and can copy them over themselves05:10
tanathohsix, also, desktop icons05:10
greylurkThanks Ubuntu.05:10
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ohsixMacer: there are also larger unfixable problems, like the nonlinear file history05:10
Macerohsix: that is what i am trying to avoid05:10
ChronicSyncopejubei, does it say "activated but not in use" or is the little circle red?05:10
tanathohsix, though that's more important for others i've put on ubuntu05:10
jubeiChronicSyncope, yes05:10
tanathChronicSyncope, yikes. i use compiz heavily05:10
jubeiChronicSyncope, sec05:10
ohsixtanath: ah; allow me to allay those fears, even with gnome-shell nautilus and the panel will still be available, as they are now with unity05:10
xsinickhow do I get this coolness? :05:11
Macerohsix: isn't time always linear?05:11
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jasonmchristoswhen setting a password for a .zip file does it use encryption (if so what type) or does it just use a basic password access restriction?05:11
Maceri thought ntpd fixed linear problems05:11
ohsixMacer: not if you modified a file from 6 hours ago, but you save it over one that has been changed outside of the cached copy05:11
ChronicSyncopejubei, activated but not in use? that means it's working. but if the light is red, it's not working. I don't know how to solve the not-working problem myself, but i'm sure somebody here has some ideas05:11
jubeiChronicSyncope, says "This driver is activated but not currently in use", and the circle is green05:11
tanathohsix, also i use things like nautilus-elementary... not sure if that'll break05:11
ChronicSyncopejubei, thats how mine looks, and compiz is working for me.05:11
ohsixMacer: the problem is offering older copies to the client05:11
jubeiChronicSyncope, but I don't get my old effects.05:11
xsinickthat looks like fedora to me05:11
newmarmy touchpad doesnt work the scroll when i upgrade how can i fix it05:12
Jordan_Uxsinick: Ubuntu doesn't use gnome-shell or gnome3's notification system by default. If you want an experience like that video you need to install GNOME3.05:12
jubeiChronicSyncope, and under "Appearance" there's no option to enable effects05:12
rhizmoejasonmchristos: it's basic symmetric05:12
Macerok. but you are digging too deep into possible problems.. is there a way to do it or not? :)05:12
Jordan_Uxsinick: I mean install GNOME shell.05:12
jasonmchristosrhizmoe, using aes128?05:12
ohsixJordan_U: oh he was talking about the gnome webpage D:05:12
celthunderjasonmchristos: zip files are easily cracked ..not a good method of security05:12
xsinickdoing that now05:12
ChronicSyncopejubei, install ccsm05:12
Macera simple fallback directory is all i need05:12
jubeiChronicSyncope, ok.05:12
histojubei: in natty you have to install compizconfig-settings-manager and change settings under that05:12
jasonmchristosrhizmoe, what man page would i look at for details05:12
tanathso i tried to run unity on 10.10 and it didn't work too well. couldn't access the searchy thing that seemed to integrate with the desktop and not accept clicks05:12
ChronicSyncopejubei, sory compiz-config-settings-manager05:12
Maceri can figure out the problems that come along as i go alone and refine how it works05:13
xsinickJordan_U:  thanks but Ubuntu is not running gnome shell in Narwhal?05:13
jasonmchristoscelthunder, that depends on if it is encrypted or just an acess restriction05:13
Jordan_U!gnome3 | xsinick05:13
ubottuxsinick: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.05:13
histoxsinick: no it's running unity05:13
rhizmoejasonmchristos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_%28file_format%29#Strong_encryption_controversy05:13
Jordan_Uxsinick: Correct. It is using the Unity shell.05:13
ChronicSyncopejubei, i was wrong again compizconfig-settings-manager sorry xD05:13
ohsixjeeze that's annoying, and why do they have to publish videos for that stuff? are they trying to be mozilla without actually doing anything interesting?05:13
jasonmchristoscelthunder, i would hope it would at least avoid massive plain file archiving of email attachments05:13
jubeiChronicSyncope, got it thank you.05:14
xsinickhisto:  thanks05:14
jasonmchristosrhizmoe, looking05:14
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tanathohsix, also, from what i've seen on youtube i don't care for the titlebar loss/integration with panel05:14
xsinickJordan_U:  thanks05:14
Jordan_Uxsinick: You're welcome.05:14
ChronicSyncopejubei, no problem, unfortunately i gotta run :( plenty of other people here to help though!05:14
shane4ubuntuwhat is the default unity network manager?  the gnome one?05:14
jasonmchristosrhizmoe, i am aware that old zip files in windows use an acess restriction but the newer winzip programs use aes 128/256 now what is this gnome shell using?05:15
xsinickwhy we stoped gnome?05:15
ohsixtanath: well, that's something else; and you don't have to worry about it, you can just use the classic session05:15
tanathohsix, but i want to be able to use/like unity... it has potential and will likely become standard... i need to be able to make things work to my liking or adapt things05:16
tanathohsix, i dislike when features are removed or break others though05:16
ohsixtanath: theres not a lot of room for that, they're designing an experience05:16
nmvictorUbuntu asks for a password to "Unlock my login Key ring" every time I login, what is up with that? Can I disable that?05:16
ohsixnmvictor: you can change your password to match your keyring password, or vice versa05:17
tanathohsix, i'm concerned about losing my hard-fought-for efficiency05:17
tanathohsix, and lack of annoyances :p05:17
xsinickI think it's time to switch to fedora05:17
ohsixfedora does have a lot of upstream oomph05:17
celthunderfedora fails...05:17
greylurkRPM has long been a good package manager.05:17
ChronicSyncopei'm thinking about trying debian or arch05:18
gratidudenmvictor: are you using any password-protected wifi network, that tries to connect when you bootup?05:18
ohsixbut i'd hate to dip outside of the repos for something as trivial as ffmpeg or stuff that uses it05:18
greylurkBut ubuntu just works.05:18
ACameronAny reason I should have gotten this error while upgrading? "The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a)."05:18
Soupermanyes, upgrades never go well05:18
Tully_and they take forever05:18
ChronicSyncopeACameron, you're not _supposed_ to get errors :p05:18
xsinickgreylurk: fedora looking nice about now doesn't it?05:19
celthunderChronicSyncope: go for arch it totally rapese debian05:19
esxArch ftw.05:19
Tully_just do a sudo mv -r /* /dev/null and install from disk05:19
greylurkxsinick dunno haven't booted up unity yet.05:20
arandTully_: Please don't05:20
xsinickgreylurk: let me predict... Dude you gonna hate it  as it is now05:20
S-M-Glhello, can someone tell me why gnome 3 does not load when installed in natty, it gives an error, and no other sessions work when gnome3 is installed either?05:20
celthunderS-M-Gl: what's the error05:21
Jordan_U!gnome3 | S-M-Gl05:21
ubottuS-M-Gl: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.05:21
greylurkxsinick dunno.  I can always just go to slackware 13.3705:21
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ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.05:21
xsinick!gnome | S-M-Gl05:21
ubottuS-M-Gl: please see above05:21
celthunderS-M-Gl: whats the error?05:21
arandxsinick: S-M-Gl: installing that won't help...05:22
MedforditeHey all - Great work!  Can anyone tell me if/when broadcom support for the Compaq V5000 (Broadcom B43 I believe) will be ready?05:22
xsinick!gnome 3 | S-M-Gl05:22
nmvictorgratidude: yea, sometime that comes up and after key in the password, some wireless starts to connnect, but right now their is no wifi-hotspot around, I just enter the password and thats it. Please, how do I disable this, its silently annoying05:22
xsinick!gnome3 | S-M-Gl05:22
ACameronChronicSyncope: yeah, I know. :) But I didn't cancel the installation, and the only problem was with monodoc-base.05:22
ubottuS-M-Gl: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.05:22
tanathyikes. good to know you can't safely downgrade from gnome 3...05:22
Tully_anyone know of a good multithreaded download manager that integrates with firefox and supports batch downloads?05:22
S-M-Glcelthunder: sorry didnt pay too much atention because was more concerned on the fact that no session worked so had to purge the ppa.05:22
MedforditeTully - Downloadthemall (downloadthemall.net)05:23
greylurkGah!  Downloading packages, 24 minutes remaining?  Wish they just included those on a DVD release.05:23
celthunderTully_: Dta05:23
tanathTully_, jdownloader05:23
greylurkMedfordite Download the mall?  Sounds like fun.05:24
xsinickrgoytacaz:  did the  card work after rebooting?05:24
MedforditeDownload Them All :)05:24
celthunderMedfordite: that driver should work already05:24
alkisgWhat's the recommented way to install google earth in Natty? To download the .deb from google, or from medibuntu, or from e.g. a partner repository?05:24
Tully_thanks all, will check it out05:24
nmvictorHow is Natty, for those who have gotten their hard disks filled with it,  any major bugs I might wanna avoid coz I am dying to press that upgrade button on my Update manager05:24
tanathgreylurk, one day i will rule the mall!05:24
MedforditeCelthunder - Not seeing the Restricted drivers listing the driver like usual as in 10.10 or 10.04.05:24
celthunderMedfordite: b43 i've seen used before05:24
blahdeblahAny experts on initramfs & mdadm present?  I have a server which fails to mount the root filesystem on reboot.  It drops into the busybox shell claiming that there's no root filesystem.  A simple mdadm --auto-detect fixes it and the system continues to boot.  Why is this happening, and how can i get the mdadm process to continue without intervention?05:25
lumbertnit-wit ; thanks i'll check that out05:25
greylurktanath one ring to bring the mall, and in the darkness bind it!05:25
tanathgreylurk, bind the mall?05:25
rgoytacazWell, Ubuntu 11.04 works only post-install if you try to restart it fails and doesnt boot anymore05:25
tanathgreylurk, how about blind? (ring = bling)05:25
gratidudenmvictor: There is a "Available to all users" option that you can enable in Network Manager's config for that wifi connection, and that will stop the system from prompting you to enter the keyring password before connecting you to wifi. Are you using auto-logon?05:25
MedforditeHmmm...another issue, attempting install of grub boot loader now at the moment for the Server version and it is erroring out with the update-grub function.  2 hard drives, installing to the master drive.05:26
UbuntuNoobhi, im trying to get minecraft to work on ubuntu 10.10 and it wont seem to open. ive read a bunch of ways to fix a black screen, but i havent even gotten that. i enter a name and click ok, but i dont get any screen afterwards. does anyone know how to fix this?05:26
greylurktanath I think you're on to something.  My version just ends up with a big mall of twine.05:26
rgoytacazAlso NVidia drivers, ONCE AGAIN, doesn't work on release, this is getting annoying.05:26
celthunderMedfordite: so? find the broadcom modules and install them and load them if they don't work use ndiswrapper05:26
tanathgreylurk, :D05:26
rgoytacazand Im on certified hardware. :(05:26
celthunderMedfordite: regardless b43 support works one way or another05:26
xsinickrgoytacaz:  i agree and i think i05:26
ybiti briefly googled and i lazily looked at the results, so i'm going to instead ask in here..05:26
xsinickI'm gonna switch to fedora05:27
greylurkcrap... Now its' 26 minutes left.05:27
ybitis there a fix for the crappy new scrollbars?05:27
lsheebathe upgrade process without network dont work somehow , it keeps retrying to connect to internet then it says failed to fetch and restores and closes when following this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades  ( im upgrading using alternate cd without wasting a cd , just mounted through terminal and used the run command to execute the upgrade dialog box )05:27
celthunderrgoytacaz: blame nvidia...or use the open source drivers...which work quite well05:27
greylurkSomehow I'm on Microsoft minutes.05:27
carandraugrgoytacaz, I feel your pain. Someone should shot the guys from nvidia for not releasing their drivers for free05:27
taglassxsinick: lol switching to Fedora because of video driver troubles is probably about the3 worst move you could make.05:27
rgoytacazcelthunder: if oss works well, why does Ubuntu choose to install the nvidia one by default? Dont we learn?05:28
ybitfound the fix, phew05:28
DigitalUn1cornI'm having a problem where I go to click on things within a window, but it selects stuff from the window behind it.  Anyone know of a fix?05:28
carandrauggreylurk, the first time I made a upgrade on the day the release came out, it took me 8h!05:28
Soupermantell me an old hag, but clean install stuff people, do not upgrade stuff, that _NEVER_ goes well05:28
_ryx_need help ---> UNKNOWN MONITOR05:28
greylurkI think xsinick is a Redhat shill.05:28
tanathhrm, i installed unity on 10.10 and it installed dependencies, but now on removing it the dependencies aren't being removed along with05:28
celthunderrgoytacaz: cause you're insane?05:28
greylurkWell, it's down to 9 minutes now... Just bouncing all over the place.05:28
celthunderSouperman: that's just plain wrong05:28
rgoytacazcelthunder: wow, whats that for? free aggression?05:29
xsinicktaglass i got them to work but this new ubuntu  11.04 is crappy as Blender 3d is spanning two workspaces every time i luanch it05:29
Jordan_Urgoytacaz: Ubuntu doesn't install the proprietary drivers by default. And they are technically superior in many ways, especially when it comes to 3D accelleration.05:29
_ryx_need help ---> UNKNOWN MONITOR05:29
carandraugtanath, the dependencies are not removed if you install from things such as synaptic or ubuntu software center. If you want dependencies to be removed, you need to installl with apt-get or aptitude05:29
celthunderrgoytacaz: nah lol just saying...using the oss drivers works for 99/100 things...try them out first05:29
rgoytacazcelthunder: take that to wtv you live, not here.05:29
tanathcarandraug, aptitude is what i use05:29
_ryx_need help ---> UNKNOWN MONITOR05:29
arand_ryx_: Don't repeat.05:30
laumonieri try to remove transmission with apt-get remove transmission but it says that its not install but it is an ideo to remove this ???05:30
lsheebalooks like i have to go buy a cd LOL05:30
greylurk_ryx_ we heard you.  What kind of monitor do you have?05:30
carandraugtanath, then I don't know. Maybe you have something else installed that needs those dependencies05:30
celthunderlaumonier: transmission-gtk05:30
rgoytacazJordan_U: I know, but from my experience we always have problems with that driver, maybe an option which we can choose between during install, maybe it work okay.05:30
yi`zhiOMG this is taking soooo long to download05:30
tanathcarandraug, can't think what05:30
yi`zhiand i have a final tomorrow. i kinda don't wanna sleep until i've figured it out05:30
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carandrauglaumonier, pastebin "aptitude search transmission" please05:30
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Soupermancelthunder, just stay here a few more days and see the amount of people asking things like "I upgraded and now stuff that used to work dont work anymore", it has already started05:30
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Jordan_Urgoytacaz: You said that you want the open source drivers to be default. They are.05:31
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xsinickgonna remove the nvidia addtional drivers and see if that help ubuntu to work correct05:31
lsheebayi`zhi, i have downloaded the alternate i386 ubuntu 11.04 from torrent and it downloads fast 1500kb/s05:31
carandraugtanath, see "aptitude show package_who_does_uninstall"05:31
zomborhey, i just tried creating a bootable usb from the download image, and it wont boot from my machine, anyone know why? i used dd on my mac to copy the image to my usb key. ive booted from the same usb key for other linux distros...05:31
laumoniercelthunder ty05:31
rgoytacazanyways, I'm trying for the 3rd time a install using different parameters, let see what happens.05:31
mknarrcan anyone tell me how to change the group of all the files in a directory at once05:31
yi`zhilsheeba, oooh05:31
celthunderSouperman: i'm on arch...which is rolling release...which just proves the above statement abundantly false ...as does gentoo, slackware, lfs, etc05:31
yi`zhithanks for that!05:31
rgoytacazAnyone figured out the shutdown/boot problems?05:31
celthunderSouperman: all of them allow you to pretty much update anything whenever you want as long a you upgrade everything else with it05:31
taglasszombor: dd doesnt work for ubuntu images.  use netbootin05:31
lsheebabut the problem is yi`zhi  is that u wont be able to upgrade somehow !!! :S theirs some kind of bug, the only way is to make a cd , i tried emulating a cd and mounting it then running but doesnt work05:31
lsheebayi`zhi, maybe if i used an application rather then terminal might work , let me test :D05:32
zombortaglass: the instructions say to use dd, and unetbootin doesnt list my usb key05:32
DigitalUn1corn I'm having a problem where I go to click on things within a window, but it selects stuff from the window behind it.  Anyone know of a fix?05:32
NotTooDumb3hi all, is there any option within skype to record call?05:32
nxvldoes anyone know why is the dash in my unity always maximized?05:32
mexcianhelo wat room is dis?05:32
Captainkrtekanyone here running natty and have a printer installed?05:32
Jordan_Uzombor: A dd'd Ubuntu image will only boot on EFI machines (like intel macs).05:32
celthunderNotTooDumb3: it's a plugin05:32
z0x1cmknarr: From a terminal: `chgrp -R groupname /dir/name` - prefix with "sudo" if your account can't change the group.05:32
taglasszombor: new one to me.  I've never had any luck dding ubuntu images05:32
tanathanyone know why tab completion takes FOREVER in 10.10?05:32
Soupermanoh well, good luck people, fixing all your upgrading problems, see ya later05:32
nxvlor where i can help on that?05:32
lsheebaNotTooDumb3, their are third party softwares that does it05:33
zomborJordan_U: i have an intel efi pc05:33
pyrodood11.04 cd won't boot, see the purple ubuntu screen for a while then get no init found. try passing init= bootarg05:33
Captainkrtekanyone here running natty and have a printer installed?05:33
Jordan_Uzombor: Did you use the 64 bit image?05:33
nxvlone of my machines has it maximized the other one not05:33
zomborno, 3205:33
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mknarrz0x1c thanks05:33
celthunderCaptainkrtek: what's your printer doing05:33
Jordan_Uzombor: Only the 64 bit iso has EFI support.05:33
pyrodoodany ideas?05:33
cntbubuntu 11.04 upgrade available popped up i am happy with MM 10.10 any suggestions?05:33
Captainkrtekcelthunder, I need someone to verify documentation05:33
lsheebaCaptainkrtek, i have natty still didnt upgrade and yes hp printer installed working fine / network and USB both does05:33
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Captainkrteklsheeba, may I PM you?05:33
carandraugcntb, then don't upgrade05:33
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ncgany  help please ?05:33
lsheebaCaptainkrtek, sure05:34
rgoytacazcntb: dont upgrade yet :)05:34
zomborJordan_U: the 64 bit download has "amd64" in the filename05:34
freaky[t]im using ubuntu classic because this unity suddenly stops hiding itself etc.05:34
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ikevin_does anyone know how to force 2 ethernet ports (same NIC) go around the ethernet switch to see each other?? :D05:34
Jordan_Uzombor: AMD64 is the 64 bit x86 architecture started by AMD and used by both AMD and Intel.05:34
taglassamd64 covers amd and intel.  ia64 is Itanium05:34
cntbk thks carandraug  and rgoytacaz  avoiding that popup how can i nvoke later?05:35
carandraugcntb, I mean, people tend to prefer the latest version, but if it works for you, then don't upgrade. It may just create more problems. I'd give it a 2-3 weeks before thinking upgrading. I'm still using 10.0405:35
zombork, im just used to seeing x86_6405:35
celthunderikevin_: crossover cable05:35
cntbthat is the LTS05:35
celthunderikevin_: or straight through depending what the nics are05:35
roknirwow, even the 11.04 installer is buggy.  =o05:35
carandraugcntb, It should be available on the update manager every time you go there05:35
ikevin_celthunder, if i do iperf it will give me 18Gb/s05:35
mknarrz0x1c thx man05:35
nmvictorNatty will definately take ubuntu on much greater heights. Canonical income will increse majorly due to their cloud-platforms-intergration coz soon we are gonna have many users.05:35
cntbroknir if true a good point05:36
tanathcarandraug, removing recommends manually doesn't remove any other packages either05:36
ikevin_celthunder, they are tx/rx locally!05:36
cntbthks roknir05:36
barcefis there a replacement for cryptkeeper for natty? I can't get my icon to show up o nthe bar when I run it.05:36
pyrodoodtrying to boot natty narwahl 11.04 and it won't load any help?05:36
roknircntb: first ubuntu release in quite some time where i've had to use the text installer to be able to install to a VM.  -_-05:36
carandraugcntb, yes. I upgraded to 10.10 but went back because I had some problems with the unity interface. I liked it but it was still to slow and had a few bugs that made it incomaptible with Gnome DO05:37
ikevin_celthunder, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174255105:37
Belinrahsdoes anyone have experience installing Ralink wifi drivers on ubuntu? I can never make them work05:37
celthunderBelinrahs: chipset?05:37
celthunderikevin_: ok i'll read that ina moment05:37
rgoytacazInstall Failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_current05:37
tanathcarandraug, gnome-do uses a lot of space, depending on mono & such. synapse is a great lightweight alternative05:37
Belinrahsits just called the 5390 as far as I know05:37
cntbso i will opt for ask later on 11.04 upgrade cu05:37
rgoytacazthats what I get during install of 11.0405:38
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tanathcarandraug, only downside i've found is lack of pidgin integration so i can't easily bring up chat windows05:38
rgoytacazERROR: could not find module vmxnet05:38
ezrafreehow can i cd into /var/spool/cron ? i get an error that "cd" is not a sudo command05:38
cntbwhen is later ? each restart of computer?05:38
carandraugtanath, when you run "aptitude show package_name", does it says "Automatically installed: yes" somewhere on the output?05:38
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nmvictortanath: though I wish synapses would have had much plugins like gnomedo05:39
taglassezrafree: cd is a shell builtin.  try sudo bash05:39
ikevin_celthunder, ok, take ur time05:39
tanathcarandraug, i remember from when i installed it that everything was automatically installed except for 'unity'05:39
Belinrahscelthunder: not sure if it told you i replied, its the ralink 539005:39
arandtanath: ezrafree: sudo -s rather05:39
carandraugtanath, I mainly use Gnome DO to open programs and folders, and shut down the computer. Not the plugins so much05:39
pyrodoodno init found. try passing init= bootarg.05:39
carandraugtanath, yes. But is it marked by aptitude as automatically installed? If you run that command, it should say05:40
celthunderikevin_: switch justno router?05:40
tanathcarandraug, synapse has a fair bit. enough for most things, including zeitgeist which i don't think gnome-do has05:40
ikevin_celthunder, just switch05:40
nmvictorcarandraug: should try out some plugins, you'll realy save alot of time for other things in yout linuxbox.05:40
celthunderikevin_: :/ not sure then05:40
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ikevin_celthunder, try to do 10Gb fiber...05:41
ezrafreearand: thank you so much!05:41
greylurkOk...  I went to do dishes, and came back, and now it's at 14 minutes remaining.   This is getting strange.05:41
ikevin_celthunder, the 10Gb dual NIC is so expensive, i only had 105:41
celthunderikevin_: fibre ends are annoying...or maybe that's just cause i do them with bad equipment05:41
nmvictortanath: what exactly does zeitgeist do, I have come acoss that several times but never knew its importance05:41
ikevin_celthunder, no, i did 10Gb to 1 Gb , it worked fine05:41
greylurk24 -> 26 -> 9 -> 24 -> 14  I suppose that at least half the time the number is going down.05:41
carandraugtanath, I'll give it a try, thanks. By the way, Gnome DO was developed by the same guy behind Unity05:41
ikevin_celthunder, i get like 970Mb/s in iperf which is good05:42
celthunderikevin_: i meant like physically doing them05:42
celthundernot routing them /etc05:42
tanathcarandraug, interesting. i like gnome do, but iffy about unity... yet anyway05:42
pyrodood11.04 live cd won't boot any help?05:42
carandraugnmvictor, I gave a look at the plugins. But I spent most of my time on gedit and a terminal. And have shortcuts on the keyboard for pretty much everything else I do so I don't need them much05:42
ikevin_celthunder, yea pcb routing is kind strict05:42
greylurkpyrodood what happens?05:42
bullgard4'~$ ip addr;'. '~$ sudo dhclient eth0; bound to'. What is bound here to what?05:42
rgoytacazAnyone knows the cause why you can't shutdown/boot Ubuntu 11.04 after install?05:42
doc|homeI'm watching unity vids on youtube. Is it possible to disable the unified toolbar? (e.g. the OS X toolbar in the top no matter where your window is)05:42
ikevin_celthunder, testing some evel board now05:43
taglasscarandraug: I didn't know that.. maybe he can do something about alt-f2 this dev cycle :)05:43
doc|homes/OS X/OS X style05:43
celthunderikevin_: hook me up with some hw :)05:43
ikevin_celthunder, eval*05:43
ikevin_celthunder, haha yea right05:43
izinucsbullgard4: you got virtual box installed?05:43
carandraugtanath, same here. The most weirtd thing was that they conflict with each other. You try Super +space and Unity intercepts it05:43
tanathnmvictor, it's sort of a history log of comp activity so you can quickly access things you've done before. gnome activity journal provides a front end, and it integrates with synapse and has plugins for things like banshee and xchat05:43
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bullgard4izinucs: No.05:43
rgoytacazAnyone knows the cause why you can't shutdown/boot Ubuntu 11.04 after install?05:43
pyrodoodi see the purple screen for a while05:43
pyrodoodthen the screen goes black05:43
celthunderrgoytacaz: hold alt i think05:43
tanathcarandraug, one reason i don't want to use unity. it coopts some shortcuts i use05:44
celthunderrgoytacaz: or ctrl05:44
pyrodoodthen it says no init found.05:44
ikevin_celthunder, i guess i can do vlan on the Eth Switch then?05:44
pyrodoodtry passing init=bootarg05:44
rgoytacazcelthunder: yea, it says crash manager something fails05:44
ruanis gnome3 supported here?05:44
greylurkpyrodood try ctrl-alt-f1 and see if it's completely locked up or if it's just having prolblems with your vid card.05:44
ikevin_celthunder, have those 2 ports in  different subnets?05:44
carandraugtaglass, I find the best way to have something done on free software is to report the bug, request a feature. If already has been requested, say that you also want it. And if you can code, submit a patch. The last thing works for me every single time :p05:44
celthunderikevin_: yeh put them in different vlans and use the pc as the router to itself...05:45
taglasscarandraug: fair enough :)05:45
carandraug!pt | gilmar05:45
pyrodoodi don't see any change with ctrl+alt+f1 but i can type commands05:45
ubottugilmar: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:45
celthunderikevin_: what's your switch?05:45
cntbcarandraug:  how did you go back ?have both  on grub menu or how you down graded05:45
ikevin_celthunder, nda with marvell05:45
pyrodoodperhaps i should say type characters i don't know if they are commands05:45
ikevin_celthunder, cant tell u hahha05:46
carandraugcntb, you can't go back. I had to reinstall 10.0405:46
bullgard4ruan: GNOME 3 is a project in progress. You can download a GNOME 3 DEB program package from a PPA.05:46
pyrodood10.10 live cd does boot05:46
schneidmasterHey all, I'm getting a problem with updating my release.  I'd like to upgrade to natty but when I try to check for new updates via the update manager I get this error:05:46
schneidmasterW:Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release  Unable to find expected entry  (Source/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)05:46
schneidmaster, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:46
FloodBot3schneidmaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
ikevin_celthunder, its not even released yet so docs sux05:46
greylurkpyrodood it sounds like the gui install having some difficulty recognizing your video card.  try command line install?05:46
nmvictorI dont need Unity, as long as its panel is not removable nor modifyable, that imposes a restriction I cant live with, Gnome give musch freedom.05:46
ruanyeah im using gnome3 but i get this error on trying to launch nautilus: Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported05:46
schneidmasterany ideas?05:46
ikevin_celthunder, dont want to change the registers manullay :(05:46
ikevin_celthunder, manually*05:47
ruanhow could i disable one of them?05:47
doc|homenmvictor: I'm with you there05:47
pyrodoodi don't know how to do command line install05:47
cntbthat is repartitioning carandraug  why not have possibility as the small updates kept all in grub?05:47
celthunderikevin_: :/ ouch...is it that different from other switches/routers?05:47
will_anyone know where i can find help on screenlets, looking to change my screenlets units to farenheit not celcius05:47
rgoytacazSo Installing 11.04 without download the updates seems to work for me.05:47
rgoytacazSo no updates for a long time.05:47
tanathwill_, ugh. get with the times :P05:48
rgoytacazBut nvidia still doesnt work.05:48
gilmarthanks. bye05:48
celthunderikevin_: from the variety of cisco routers/switches/etc i used 9/10 times the commands are the same despite model05:48
Wickedspawnok, twice now I have gotten a black box of death.....05:48
will_trying, dont understand these units though lol05:48
carandraugtaglass, it's really good. I'm no programmer but started slowly by fixing erros in man pages and documentations. Then on small simple scripts. It just sucks you up in and before you know it, you're sending patches to the devs to fix all your bugs and half your drive is the trunk version of the programs you have installed. Free software is amazing like that05:48
tanathwill_, 0C is freezing. 100C is boiling05:48
tanathwill_, both are same at -4005:48
pyrodoodif i do command line install will the video card work after that?05:49
ikevin_celthunder, this is one server design, its not an COTS switch05:49
Wickedspawnthis little thing appears on one of my screens, I hover over it to find it is actually a program all smashed up, so I enlarge it and it is just nothing but black... sort of like a dead terminal screen. I exit the thing and unity dies.05:49
slayerhello all05:49
tanathwill_, ~22C is room temp05:49
remofordwhere did the network places go in unity, like the ssh and samba connect to server bookmarks?05:49
slayerdoes anybody know a good place to get left-handed cursors for KDE 4.2?05:49
will_o well thats all i need then, thanks for the heads up, i just need to estimate a rough closeness to matching *F05:49
ikevin_celthunder, the IC switch is still dev, so we just testing the eval board now05:49
rgoytacazSo I removed the nvidia driver, which said that it couldnt display Unity and the default OSS does display, fuck nvidia.05:49
zookoDear people of #ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-3/Maverick#Touchpad says that click-and-drag works on my Macbook Pro 5,3. But it doesn't! When I click, hold the button down, and then drag then the mouse cursor does not move.05:49
carandraugcntb, what do you mean? Grub only points to the linux kernel. Even if you kept the old one, when you upgrade to 11.04, you'll upgrade every bit of software you have installed. All of them will be on the lateste version. It has nothing to do with GRUB05:50
IdleOne!language | rgoytacaz05:50
ubotturgoytacaz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:50
celthunderikevin_: ah05:50
celthunderikevin_: well nice job...i'm envious....if you're hiring...let me know :)05:50
bullgard4ruan: Basically by de-installing the associated DEB program package. But it is difficult to deinstall GNOME 2 in Ubuntu because Ubuntu has many metapackages and thus side effects.05:51
tanathwill_, below about 10 it starts feeling cold enough to want to dress warm05:51
ikevin_celthunder, u hw or sw?05:51
celthunderikevin_: mix of both05:51
celthunderikevin_: more software05:51
ikevin_celthunder, we're in Socal05:51
zookoHm, also Ctrl-click doesn't seem to right-click like I expect. Am I wrong about that?05:52
ikevin_celthunder, im in HW but SW dept is hiring too i think05:52
pfifoanyone know a way to create a screenshot of the desktop using ONLy the cli?05:52
celthunderikevin_: move this to pm?05:52
remofordunity is working pretty well, but just cant find "places" anymore05:52
greylurkpfifo like a screenshot of the cli?05:52
ikevin_celthunder, sure05:52
taglasspfifo: scrot05:52
pfifogreylurk, no, X, but it must be invoked from cli and require no user intervention.05:53
bullgard4'~$ ip addr;'. '~$ sudo dhclient eth0; bound to'. What is bound here to what?05:53
asiekierkaSo I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.0405:53
zookoOhh... if I click by tapping on the mousepad, then I *can* drag...05:53
asiekierkanow my OS is a complete s**tfest05:54
asiekierkain GDM everything blinks the menus are not visible05:54
asiekierkai got here from irssi actually :/05:54
zookoBut if I click by clicking the clicky area of the mousepad with one finger and then dragging with the other, then I can't. Hm.05:54
ubuntuDoes all work ok with the upgrade???05:54
ubuntuIm thinking if I should or should not upgrade now05:54
asiekierkai just ruined my Ubuntu installation using the standard way05:55
asiekierkaand have no idea how to fix it05:55
laumoniereach time i use a password there the key gest who appears and ask me and password but nothing works what should i do???thx05:55
carandraugubuntu, the way I see it, if it ain't broken don't fix it05:55
ubuntuWow, better I wait05:55
asiekierkaanyone with 11.04 can help :/05:55
asiekierkathis is really bad =(05:55
carandraugubuntu, http://xkcd.com/349/ <-- like this05:55
remofordupgrade worked for me but it took 7hrs, servers very slow05:55
asiekierkai need to use my computer to move some files now but i really can't05:55
tanathcarandraug, if it ain't broke, you haven't fiddled with it enough05:55
xsinick_laptopubuntu warning do not upgrade05:55
asiekierkaunless i use cp /*05:55
asiekierkaor something05:55
xsinick_laptopI too messed yup my install05:56
asiekierkaxsinick_laptop in what way05:56
greylurkI just did an upgrade in about an hour and a half.05:56
carandraugtanath, ahahahah! Too true05:56
xsinick_laptop I'm now on my 10.10 laptop05:56
greylurkSeems to be working so far, but I haven't checked all of the Nvidia stuff.05:56
asiekierkai use Nvidia05:56
asiekierkai use Nvidia and the entire Gnome (notifications and desktop) blinks for me on/off05:56
asiekierkaand the menus aren't visible at all05:56
fezzik02usr13: booted into failsafex, ran the Additional Drivers wizard, installed the new nvidia drivers, and voila!!! it works!05:56
carandraugasiekierka, oh! Someone here was complaining about the NVidia drivers just a few minutes ago05:56
ubuntuDoes unity looks and works better than gnome??05:57
asiekierkacarandraug i'll just run ./fixgpu.sh to install the beta drivers i use05:57
asiekierkai'll see if it helps05:57
tanathremoford, System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from, Other > Select best server05:57
doc|homeubuntu: no, it has silly stuff05:57
asiekierka(my own script)05:57
zomborJordan_U: still doesnt work :(05:57
tanathremoford, prolly would have saved you some time :p05:57
taglassI've used Linux for 18 years and I don't think I've ever done an upgrade.  Better to do fresh installs.05:57
greylurkseems to work ok with the default NVidia drivers, upgrading to the "current" ones now to see what happens.05:57
ezrafreehello all. i just got an error at boot-up that the "GNOME Power Manager configuration was not installed" and i figured out it was cause my hard drive got full cause of a backup script i run. i deleted the files and was able to log in again, but now when i start thunderbird my accounts are all gone. any way to repair it?05:57
carandraugubuntu, looks better and works better are very relative things05:57
zookoHrm, and ppa:jdstrand/ppa doesn't seem to have natty packages. Ugh.05:58
remofordtanath: yeah i didnt mind much, watched a stream as it upgraded05:58
greylurkAll in all, I think I like Unity, but it's hard to tell what apps are installed.05:58
zookoWellll... back to Mac OS X for the time being. Thanks for listening, folks. :-)05:58
remofordif only i could find out where the network places bookmarks went05:58
carandrauggreylurk, is it true it's the default now, even for the desktop version?05:58
zetheroo1Would anyone like to know how to get the weather applet/indicator back into the top "panel"/bar in 11.04 ? :)05:58
tanathubuntu, you may want to stick with gnome ('classic session') 'till unity is more polished05:58
greylurkcarandraug yep.  Hard to decide what I think about it just yet though05:59
ubuntuOhh and what about gnome 3??05:59
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ubuntuI like gnome05:59
tanathzetheroo1, it goes away? yes please05:59
russell--how to get rid of the horrible new interface?05:59
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carandraugubuntu, you can upgrade to 11.04 and still keep the classic gnome05:59
_Platypus_Question- is there anyway to make the Unity bar smaller?05:59
asiekierkathis is NOT what i intended05:59
asiekierkathe drivers didn't help05:59
asiekierkawhat to do now05:59
FloodBot3asiekierka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
tanathzetheroo1, actually, i'm not using an applet. it's built into the time & date thing in previous versions06:00
taglassrussell--: logout and select classic from sessions06:00
carandrauggreylurk, on the netbook on 10.10 looked nice but way too slow for my very old computer06:00
Sexygurl2furlexcuse me06:00
zetheroo1tanath: well it's no longer there in 11.04 ... I'll tell you how to get it back :)06:00
Sexygurl2furlhow do i get java on ubuntu?06:00
asiekierkacarandraug didn't you know how to fix the nvidia issues?06:00
Sexygurl2furllike what is the command06:00
tanathzetheroo1, built into time & date still?06:00
Sexygurl2furli forgot it. :X06:00
russell--who ever came up with that is FIRED06:00
greylurkcarandraug I'm running on a reasonably modern system, but it's reasonably snappy for me.06:00
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zetheroo1tanath: no ... in 11.04 it's gone! No longer built into the time/date06:01
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tanathzetheroo1, >.< ok, so how?06:01
carandraugasiekierka, no. I only use graphics card from intel that don't give problems. I said someone here a few minutes ago was having problems and I think fixed by installing the OSS version of them06:01
russell--taglass: what "sesssions"?06:01
asiekierkai... am honestly annoyed by this fact and hope a fix is released06:01
taglassrickyrick: apt-get install default-jre06:01
tanathhonestly, seems like 11.04 is a regression. they should have held back until it was ready06:01
zetheroo1tanath: so what you do is install "indicator-weather" from Synaptic or terminal ... then add it to Startup Applications ... logout/login ... ;)06:01
asiekierkais there a way to get the OSS nvidia drivers into Ubuntu? like, by command line06:02
taglassrussell--: it's a drop down box at the bottom of the login screen06:02
rikrikthetikWhat is the command to get JAva on Ubuntu?06:02
carandrauggreylurk, mayb I should upgrade mine. 1GB RAM, 40GB of HDD and a single CPU of 1.6GhZ06:02
asiekierkarikriktherik: ugh... apt-get install default-jre06:02
asiekierkajust do it as root06:02
tanathzetheroo1, ah, i saw that in unity recommends...06:02
carandraugasiekierka, I think it was rgoytacaz06:02
tanathzetheroo1, thanks for tip06:03
carandraugrikrikthetik, not as root. With sudo06:03
greylurkcarandraug, yeah, that's definitely a bit dated.  I'd almost suggest running xubuntu on that instead of gnome.06:03
russell--taglass /me doesn't see it06:03
zetheroo1 tanath: i was so overjoyed when I found it in synaptic ... hehe ... I should probably read more of the docs on the release ...06:03
asiekierkawhat was the X configuration command for ubuntu actually?06:03
bullgard4'~$ ip addr;'. '~$ sudo dhclient eth0; bound to'. What is bound here to what?06:03
asiekierkai think there was one06:03
asiekierkanot sure06:03
asiekierkamaybe i mistook it for another system06:03
yi`zhiwooo! i'm almost done downloading06:03
FloodBot3asiekierka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
tanathzetheroo1, still have detailed info in tooltip?06:03
Captainkrtekwho here is running natty and has a printer?06:03
carandrauggreylurk, I have an even older one. But that's running Debian testing :p06:03
ubuntuIts the first time that I test this chat and is very helpful, thanks to all people for the invaluable information that you share in this channel, see you tomorrow!06:03
zetheroo1 tanath: no probs ... I also found out how to make the sidebar launchers smaller06:04
bazhangbullgard4, its a lease (ie dhcp) your computer to the router06:04
tanathbullgard4, ip bound to eth0 interface06:04
zetheroo1 tanath: sorry ... dunno about tooltip ...06:04
Captainkrtekanyone here on natty with a printer?06:04
superproxyhow do you the md5sum of a burned install cd, i'm having problems installing natty06:04
Captainkrtekneed someone to test a little bit of documentation06:04
carandraugubuntu, see you. You come back some other time and help other people too. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside06:04
tanathzetheroo1, don't know what a tooltip is? when you hover mouse over somethign and info box pops up06:04
asiekierkaso, what was the x video configuration command in Ubuntu 11.04 (command-line)06:05
russell--taglass, i see a little "man" icon that gives me "Universal Access Preferences" and the power button icon, which gives me "suspend, restart, shutdown"06:05
zetheroo1 tanath: Unity lacks a GUI interface for editing the dash and sidebar ... but I am hoping it will come soon06:05
ruansuperproxy: you do a cd check by going into text mode of the livecd06:05
bazhangsuperproxy, you md5 the iso, check disk integrity of the cd06:05
carandraugsuperproxy, you don't. When booting from the CD, there should be an optiomn to check CD for defects06:05
greylurkI'm still hoping Canonical picks up the old Sun CDE, and produces cubuntu06:05
zetheroo1 tanath: oh ... I haven't paid any attention to that ... :P06:05
Captainkrtekanyone here on natty with a printer?06:05
bazhang!brainstorm | greylurk06:05
Captainkrtekneed someone to test a little bit of documentation06:05
ubottugreylurk: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!06:05
tanathzetheroo1, hovering over weather in 10.10 shows things like 'broken clouds, feels like temp, wind speed, sunrise & sunset'06:05
bazhangCaptainkrtek, yes06:05
greylurklol that was actually a joke.06:06
Captainkrtekbazhang, may I PM you please? :-)06:06
tanathzetheroo1, so check 11.04 for me06:06
kjxl9how do i change my screen resolution?06:06
bullgard4bazhang, tanath Thank you very much for your help.06:06
Robert__my upgrade failed06:06
bazhangCaptainkrtek, please ask here06:06
Captainkrtekbazhang, it isn't a question, im on the Ubuntu-Doc team, just need someone to verify a method06:06
bazhanggreylurk, then #ubuntu-offtopic for silliness please06:06
carandraugkjxl9, go to preferences > monitor. Should be there06:06
superproxyso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM is wrong? im confus o_O06:06
Captainkrtekdon't have a printer of my own to test on right now06:06
bazhangCaptainkrtek, how about I join that channel then06:06
bazhangCaptainkrtek, #ubuntu-docs ?06:07
kjxl9... where is preferences?06:07
bazhangok no s06:07
zetheroo1 tanath: ah, I see what you mean ... I will have to check that out when I get home ... (at the office atm ...)06:07
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superproxyhow do i go into text mode?06:07
Captainkrtekjust #ubuntu-doc bazhang06:07
carandraugkjxl9, at least on the old version was that. On th new version, with unity, if memmory doesn't fail me, just type monitors on the search box06:07
skrapp_jawdoes anyone know of a good onscreen keyboard that can be controlled like the ones on the ps3?06:07
greylurkGah!  Funky scrollbars.06:07
zetheroo1 tanath: from what I am seeing here (on the net) it's supposed to have it ...06:07
eiriksvinum, is it ok to install the missing plugins from pandora.com06:07
tanathzetheroo1, mmk06:07
tanathskramer, tried gok?06:08
eiriksvinmy ubuntu is 10.10 and fresh install so i dont know if its ok06:08
tanathskramer, sorry, wrong nick. other left06:09
zetheroo1 tanath: mmk?06:09
tanathzetheroo1, think phonetically06:09
zetheroo1 tanath: gotcha ...06:10
zetheroo1 tanath: why are you not running 11.04?06:10
histoeiriksvin: you can switch to classic mode instead of unity at the login screen. It's a session choice06:10
histozetheroo1: many people may not switch06:10
tanathzetheroo1, 'cause i don't think i'll like unity06:10
zetheroo1 tanath: yeah, I have had mixed feelings about it too06:11
bazhangasiekierka, whats the issue06:11
tanathzetheroo1, i've got everything set up how i like it. i'm nice and efficient and no annoyances. upgrading will break a number of things for me, like shortcuts06:11
zetheroo1 tanath: though one could always upgrade and just use the classic session instead ...06:11
ace__hey guys. my ubutnu upgrade is frozen. it has said 11 minutes remaining for about 6 hours now. its stuck at install setserial. should i force quit it and run it again?06:11
eiriksvinyeah, i know... but i was on it at my moms house (she got 10.10 yesterday thanx to me, then updated today to 11.04)06:11
zetheroo1histo: mostly due to Unity right!?06:12
tanathzetheroo1, oh, i will when i upgrade... i'm also waiting for a few days after release at least for the wave of inevitable bug fixes06:12
zetheroo1 tanath: definitely the smart route06:12
eiriksvinyeah, nice looks... not impressed yet, it needs alot of options added06:12
tanathzetheroo1, i typically upgrade a month or so before release. first i'm i've not wanted to upgrade06:12
histozetheroo1: well you don't have to use unity on 11.04 but I still run 10.04 on my servers etc...06:13
red2kicHeh. They took away options to make your life easier (ie focus on your work instead of playing around with background settings).06:13
tanathzetheroo1, but there's some drastic changes being made. will be better in long run, but we're not there yet. so i wait06:13
zetheroo1 tanath: so your really holding out on this one06:13
tanathzetheroo1, *first time06:13
zetheroo1histo: I hear you06:13
eiriksvinum how do i fix this: The package indexes are currently changed by apt-get.06:13
jmwpcace_: I was in the same spot for about 6 hours, I eventually opened up system monitor and saw that there was still network activity... eventually it finished downloading everything and finished, but it took a while.06:14
eiriksvinin Ubuntu Software center06:14
vishal_Hello. Is it normal for the upgrade to 11.04 to download files at a speed slower than my connectivity is capable of?06:14
tanathhisto, 10.10 is better than 10.04... only benefit is LTS if you're sticking with pre 11.04 for a while06:14
zetheroo1 tanath: do you think "they" will allow for the customisation of the launcher side-bar and dash in the future?06:14
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ace__hmmkay, i'll leave it on then06:14
bazhangvishal_, currently yes, as its the first day of release06:14
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extraclassiceveryone seems to have trouble upgrading....i bet if you edited sources.list and did dist-upgrade you'd have a better chance of it working06:14
vishal_bazhang ah i see. it's because the servers are being flooded with requests? Okay got it. Thanks.06:14
tanathvishal_, servers are being hammered due to release. use  System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from, Other > Select best server06:15
extraclassicbecause upgrading debian isn't a problem06:15
zachgretzingerIs there a way to remove Natty and install Maverick without losing my files and programs?06:15
tanathzetheroo1, well things are always improving... not very often there's a step backwards06:15
zetheroo1 tanath: true that06:15
bazhangzachgretzinger, got a separate home partition? want to make one?06:15
red2kiczachgretzinger: Back up /home/zach/ and /etc/06:15
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histotanath: just because the version number is higher doesn't make it better fyi. 10.04 is LTS. people running servers aren't going to jump to the latest greates bug filled release06:15
bazhang!home | zachgretzinger06:15
ubottuzachgretzinger: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome06:15
ejvhello, how do I get the menu bar back in gnome-terminal? File, Edit, etc...06:16
ejv(using Unity)06:16
tanathhisto, i'm not basing it on version number. i'm basing it on my experience06:16
bazhangejv, choose ubuntu classic instead?06:16
tanathhisto, admittedly i don't do as much server stuff likely, but still seems better06:16
ejvthere's gotta be a fix06:17
russell--baby jesus cried a river06:17
khaotikoh my god unity smokes pole06:17
superproxydo you use a "/data" partition? how big, what filesystem type? how do you use it?06:17
jayproi was planning to download ubuntu 11.04 netbook through torrents, but the link is broken. anyone know of another link?06:17
bazhangrussell--, wrong channel06:17
zachgretzingerubottu so if I create a partition with, say, 100gb and put everything in that, I'll be able to remove Natty completely and freshly install Maverick and then remove the partition when I'm done?06:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:17
dirkhubuntu yeaaaa06:17
tanathkhaotik, that's why there's "classic session"06:17
khaotikthis is the worst environment i have ever used06:17
extraclassicejv: i thought unity had the menu bar at the very top instead of in the app window06:17
bazhangkhaotik, thats not appropriate here06:17
eiriksvinum how do i fix this: Ubuntu Software Center - The package indexes are currently changed by apt-get. it says i cant download anything cus theres something else working06:17
ejvextraclassic: beats the heck outta me, been using it for 15 minutes lol06:18
xsinick_laptopNATTY IS BULLSHIT!06:18
ejvextraclassic: you are correct!06:18
mikelissanybody know how to reset the panel or the global menu? My seems to have crashed...06:18
bazhangxsinick_laptop, stop that06:18
zachgretzingereiriksvin are you using the terminal right now?06:18
tanathsuperproxy, ext4 is good06:18
ejvextraclassic: thx, nice find06:18
extraclassicejv: they made it like a mac where they moved the menu up there06:18
asiekierkaOkay, i'm in failsafeX06:18
asiekierkaGDM booted without blinking06:18
ZiberWith dual monitors, using compiz, I cant set it to use multiple independent cubes, can I?06:18
asiekierkabut i STILL can't see the menu bars06:18
asiekierkawhat's going on!?06:18
sdegutisthis is pretty sweet.06:18
asiekierkasdegutis 11.04?06:18
zetheroo1khaotik: you may not be alone in that sentiment, but make it useful and add something productive to the forums ;)06:18
khaotiki think im switching back to enlightenment06:18
watermanis natty pretty buggy right now?06:18
ejvhow do i make the unity bar auto-hide06:18
xsinick_laptopI feel better now06:18
sdegutisno, my irc client06:18
asiekierkawaterman for propiertary driver users yes, especially nVidia06:18
eiriksvinyes, natty is buggy06:18
khaotikthats why im here. to each there own06:18
sdegutisyou guys are awesome for testing since you talk so much :)06:19
andy_1hi, can anyone just confirm if they can chat in ##c++ ?06:19
asiekierkayes but i still have no idea how to restore the gnome menu bars06:19
mikelissanybody know how to reset the panel or the global menu? Mine seems to have crashed...06:19
asiekierkaalso everything is so square now just as if a theme pack wasnt installed06:19
zachgretzingerejv click on your name on the right hand corner of your screen and go to setting06:19
eiriksvinespecially when switching from profile to profile,,,06:19
vishal_I'm part way through my distribution upgrade... if i change the source server, do i have to cancel and run the upgrade again?06:19
yi`zhioooh. 11.04 is now installing.06:19
zetheroo1 waterman: it has been a very smooth upgrade for me06:19
yi`zhiwish me luck everyone haha06:19
siloxidandy_1: you have to register06:19
asiekierkathis is a horrible upgrade for me06:19
efox29yi`zhi, you might need it06:19
ejvzachgretzinger: don't see 'setting'06:19
yi`zhiefox29, anything i should look out for?06:19
tanathasiekierka, dunno much about new release, but logging out and back in should work06:19
siloxid11.04 is working so much better for me than 10.10, awesome!06:20
yi`zhii can lose docky right?06:20
andy_1siloxid, /nickregister? doesnt work06:20
=== Binary_Wolf is now known as LW_Away
* LW_Away is away: Gone away for now06:20
red2kic!register | andy_106:20
ubottuandy_1: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:20
yi`zhialso, anyone know of an easy way to switch language inputs?06:20
bazhangandy_1, /join #freenode06:20
zachgretzingerejv sorry, I meant the power button next to your name06:20
efox29yi`zhi, i dont like unity, i feel my desktop is a phone now with all these 'apps'06:20
ejv!away | LW_Away06:20
ubottuLW_Away: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»06:20
siloxidandy_1: it's /msg nickserv identify yourpassword06:20
rikrikthetikso guys06:20
efox29and some of scripts no longer work06:20
asiekierkatanath i don't have access to any menu bars06:20
zachgretzingerejv and it's "System Settings"06:20
rikrikthetikhows the 11.04?06:20
asiekierkaand stop gdm/start gdm fails06:20
vishal_I'm part way through my distribution upgrade... if i change the source server, do i have to cancel and run the upgrade again? any ideas guys?06:20
yi`zhiefox29, you're talking about the aesthetics or the actual functionality?06:20
rikrikthetikdo you like it/06:20
asiekierkaoh wait a minute06:20
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
bazhangrikrikthetik, please dont poll here06:20
tanathvishal_, if you've downloaded the packages already then server doesn't matter. if not, i don't think you can unless you cancel first06:20
ZiberWith dual monitors, using compiz, I cant set it to use multiple independent cubes, can I?06:20
tanathasiekierka, ctrl+alt+del?06:20
eiriksvinif ur having problems with not seeing ur bar i just logged off, then hopped back on06:20
andy_1all, thanks :D06:21
zachgretzingerZiber no06:21
bazhangrikrikthetik, yes. please dont06:21
eiriksvincleaned it up06:21
asiekierkachecking ctrl+alt+del06:21
Ziberdefeats the purpose, imho06:21
efox29that was asthetics, for functionality, some of basic scripts dont work, but if i manually type them into terminal they work (i mean the actual command)06:21
rikrikthetikwhat does that mean?06:21
bazhangrikrikthetik, #ubuntu-offtopic for opinionating06:21
efox29entering in the incorrect root passwd sometimes makes my terminal hang06:21
asiekierkatanath hibernation, sleep, reboot, turn off06:21
eiriksvini like classic a million times more06:21
siloxidhow do I get the battery charged number from the command-line?06:21
efox29restarting sometimes freezes...06:21
asiekierkaeiriksvin i like how classic didn't have problems06:22
tanathasiekierka, how about ctrl+alt+l to lock screen? i think there's a logout on there06:22
asiekierkai mean06:22
zachgretzingerZiber since not everybody uses dual monitors, it would be pointless to dedicate the hours and time required to enable such a feature. Especially for such a small group of people06:22
asiekierkaone moment06:22
eiriksvinyeah, 11.04 classic is clean as a whistle06:22
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asiekierkaok, i got screen lock there06:22
asiekierkabut the lock menu doesn't appear06:22
asiekierkajust its desktop06:22
xsinick_laptopeiriksvin:  but stillhas bugs06:22
asiekierkai think like06:23
siloxidthanks google  :)06:23
tanathasiekierka, hrm? no log out?06:23
asiekierkahalf of Gnome broke up and i need to reinstall it06:23
yi`zhianyway. anyone know a nice way to switch language inputs on narwhal? i use keyboard input methods on 10.10 i wonder if it'll carry over nicely06:23
eiriksvinheh, the only problem i had the first time i ran it was the clock... but even that fixed itself06:23
ejvugh this is frustrating lol06:23
asiekierkatanath there's a change user option06:23
asiekierkai clicked it06:23
tanathasiekierka, wait, you're on 10.10? if so, run 'gnome-panel --replace'06:23
asiekierkaand now i'm at an empty dekstop06:23
asiekierkatanath i'm on 11.0406:23
FloodBot3asiekierka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:23
asiekierkaupgraded from 10.1006:23
tanathasiekierka, then i dunno what shell thingy you're using or what the command is06:23
efox29if i modify my sudoers to enable a user to run a script without passwd, will that script run commands that typically only root can run ?06:24
asiekierkatanath i'm using the tty shells ubuntu gives06:24
asiekierkayou know, Alt+F1-F406:24
asiekierkai'm considering a reinstall06:24
efox29because right now, i can run the script, but the command within in the script still requires a root passwd...06:24
asiekierkabut i'm not sure if i'm considering ubuntu :|06:24
asiekierkait was fun and easy, sure, but06:24
tanathasiekierka, virtual terminals?06:24
asiekierkatanath i think so, yes06:25
tanathasiekierka, so you're using irssi or something?06:25
asiekierkatanath yep, irssi06:25
xsinick_laptopnatty poo head narwhal06:25
asiekierkanotthe narwoah you expected06:25
asiekierkawas it06:25
asiekierkai'm already in failsafeX06:26
tanathasiekierka, heh. fun. well a reboot is better than logging out.. if you don't have anything stopping you, ctrl+alt+del in VT will reboot06:26
S-M-Glhello, im using am Adium theme with Empathy but it does not show the sender's name, any ideas on modifing it in order to show it?06:26
vishal_lol wow! this upgrade is gonna take a atleast several hours for me. :) I think I'm gonna postpone it.06:27
vishal_I'm just so excited to try out this new release...06:27
efox29vishal_, it took me like 4 hours ish06:27
eiriksvinis it cool to install the adobe flack plugins for ubuntu from the software center?06:27
vishal_efox29 was it worth it?06:27
efox29vishal_, no06:27
eiriksvinoops flash06:27
tanathvishal_, if you change server, you don't have to redownload packages that have already downloaded06:27
vishal_lol efox2906:28
tanathvishal_, so  System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from, Other > Select best server06:28
zachgretzingerefox29 4 hours?!? It seriously took me less than 30 minutes lmao06:28
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extraclassiceiriksvin: i wouldn't install anything from the software center06:28
vishal_tanath i did that... still slow.06:28
ZiberSo, anyone have any advice about my internal laptop mic not working with 10.10?06:28
vishal_i live in hawaii... everything will be slow from here. :D06:28
efox29vishal_, i guess im just a bit disappointed that somethings broke along the way, and i had to fix them...whereas with other upgrades...no problems06:28
zachgretzingerZiber update your drivers06:28
eiriksvin<extraclassic> whys that?06:28
vishal_efox29 i see.06:28
Ziberzachgretzinger: How?06:28
efox29zachgretzinger, ya, the download took a while...it would fluctuate, i dont know if it was their servers or my connection, but id be hittin like 700kb/s then drop to like 6kb/s06:29
vishal_efox29 i have a webserver running ubuntu too... i'm glad i tried it on my laptop first...06:29
zachgretzingerSystem > Admin > look for something that looks like a green motherboard06:29
tomtitWhen will xubuntu 11.04 be available to download?06:29
vishal_tomtit isn't it available?06:29
perscitusHow come there is no Canonical CDS in the store for 11.04?06:29
extraclassiceirisksvin: i'm not 100% sure, but i did read where it screws up registering dependencies if you need to remove stuff later06:30
zachgretzingerefox29 it might be their connection then (it is launch date after all)06:30
tanathzachgretzinger, the term is PCB. motherboard is the main board that other boards & stuff connects to06:30
Ziberzachgretzinger: Ah, thank you.06:30
vishal_tomtit oh, nvm... u said xubuntu...06:30
tomtitI haven't come across so far06:30
zachgretzingertanath i was being user-friendly...06:30
efox29zachgretzinger, thats what i thought too....i guess you hopped in when everyone got fed up and cancelled06:30
stevengod bless you all, good night <306:30
ejvdesktop "effects" used to be in appearance menu, where did it go?06:30
zachgretzingerefox29 lol no I upgraded 2 days before the official release06:30
ejvi wanna turn all this garbage off06:30
efox29zachgretzinger, so even before ppl cancelled..lol06:31
vishal_i officially cancelled my upgrade. :D i mean officially postponed!06:31
vishal_feels like the right thing to do.06:31
efox29zachgretzinger, see...just like vishal_  :)06:31
perscitusHow come there is no Canonical CDS in the store for 11.04?06:31
russell--"From my perspective, however, I think it's not only going to be a massive disaster for the existing user base, but I'm skeptical as to the value Unity will deliver in the first place."06:31
silveryHi. Got a question about standalone station (not connected to internet). Can I upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 on this station using 11.04 CD, with no changes to installed software and files of existing 10.10?06:31
tanathrussell--, what's the quote from?06:31
S-M-Glhello, im using an Adium theme with Empathy but it does not show the sender's name, any ideas on modifying it in order to show it?06:31
eiriksvin<extraclassic> oh, well it seems to be fine for me... i only install what i need... xchat and so on06:32
ejvpeople complained each time facebook changed its layout, then people adjust, adapt, and forget, unity will be similar i imagine06:32
zachgretzingerGuys, if you're unhappy with 11.04 you can either downgrade or wait for the next release (closer than you think it may be)06:32
eiriksvinand i gotta have my internet radio06:33
C4colois 9.10 out of support for updates and patches?06:33
extraclassiceiriksvin: i just started using gpodder and it's pretty cool06:33
zachgretzingerHere is the release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:33
tanathC4colo, LTS gets 3yrs of support06:33
tanathC4colo, version numbers are based on release date, so no06:34
eiriksvin<extraclassic> i saw that, it seems to be pretty cool06:34
C4coloyea, I was on 9.4 before I upgraded in the hopes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/516049 was fixed06:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 516049 in metacity (Ubuntu) "After maximizing window, dragging title bar of different window moves maximized window instead (dup-of: 494096)" [Undecided,New]06:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 494096 in mutter "Clicking the title of a window is bringing a window underneath it into focus" [Critical,Fix released]06:34
ACameronHi all.  The upgrade from 10.10 -> 11.04 really messed up my system and I would just love some help getting my computer to even reach the BIOS.06:34
efox29anyone know how to allow a script without root passwd06:34
C4coloor actually 8.4 originally06:34
zachgretzingerACameron what exactly is wrong?06:34
linusasus6hi I will like to know why gnome and gnome-core is no longer supported06:34
C4colohave upgraded this far and no luck, so I'm not very confident the bug doesn't exist in 10.x versions06:34
tanathC4colo, why not use compiz or another WM?06:34
thegoodcushionHi everyone.  I'm trying to print on a HP Deskjet from Ubuntu that is virtualized within VBox on Windows 7.  Is this the best channel to try and fix the problem?06:34
ACameronzachgretzinger: Given that my computer barely boots, I'm not sure how to answer that question.  How can I find out what you're asking?06:35
C4colotanath, what is the lightest one?06:35
ACameronzachgretzinger: I mean, I can't even reach GRUB to boot my Windows partititon.06:35
zachgretzingerACameron explain in detail what your computer is doing that it shouldn't be06:35
C4coloI DONT want pretty at the expense of performance06:35
eiriksvinim seriously thinking about getting my usb full of the stuff i need to get my USB wifi adapter working again, the going ahead and wiping out my unregged (f-ing viruses) Win 706:35
tanathC4colo, well, the lightest ones typically wouldn't work the best with certain environments06:35
teknowillI can give you some help with hp printer vbox win 706:36
ACameronzachgretzinger: I turn it on, and the screens receive zero input.  Not even the screen that the BIOS puts out saying, "I'm booting up!" before I see GRUB.06:36
ACameronWhen I say it says "I'm booting up", I mean that figuratively.06:36
stojathis release is the end of Ubuntu :/06:36
ACameronIt actually has the motherboard logo on it, and so on.06:36
tanathC4colo, i mean, if you want a lightweight environment you might go with icewm. if you just want the wm to use with a different environment there's ones like openbox fluxbox and blackbox06:36
zachgretzingerACameron that happened to me as well... I simply restarted the computer a few times, ate a sandwhich, and voila - it went back to normal...06:36
tanathC4colo, then avoid compiz. not as lightweight as even metacity06:36
ACameronzachgretzinger: I will cross my fingers.06:36
KyubeyHey, I have a question about setting up compiz06:37
mithranhi guys, i want to try to install the x server on an ubuntu install, can someone tell me which iso i could have to use, that does not come with x,?06:37
KyubeyWhich mouse button is the scrollwheel click?06:37
nasutaSystem:    Kernel x86_64 (64 bit) Distro Windows 706:37
tanathKyubey, middle click?06:37
nasutaCPU:       Dual core Intel Core2 4400 (-MCP-) cache 2048 KB flags (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3) bmips 7981.2206:37
nasuta           Clock Speeds: (1) 1200.00 MHz (2) 1200.00 MHz06:37
C4coloI need a stable platform to use terminal windows and browser windows, supports multiple monitors and virtual desktops06:37
KyubeyI want to know so I can make it the shortcut to scaling\06:37
nasutaGraphics:  Card ATI RV710 [Radeon HD 4550] X.Org 1.9.5 Res: 1024x768@60.0hz, 1024x768@60.0hz06:37
Kyubeyyeah, middle click06:37
FloodBot3nasuta: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:37
nasuta           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI R600 (RV710 9540) 20090101  TCL DRI2 GLX Version 2.1 Mesa 7.10.2 Direct Rendering Yes06:37
nasutaAudio:     Card-1 ATI RV710/730 driver HDA Intel BusID: 01:00.106:37
tanathKyubey, depress the scroll wheel06:37
truepurpleI am at a stage in upgrading ubuntu where it is asking to remove some stuff. Any reason to give thought as to what it wants to remove? Why does it say "open office" stuff is no longer needed?06:37
ACameronzachgretzinger: Unfortunately, I have no sandwiches, and without a terminal I can't order my roommate to make me one.06:37
tanathKyubey, can also be simulated with clicking both mouse buttons06:37
red2kicC4colo: Debian? It's always stable.06:37
sundjinnkariSo anyone know how to customize the dash and the top bar?06:37
Kyubeytanath, I know how to click it -_-06:37
ejvtruepurple: think ubuntu has moved to libre office06:38
zachgretzingerIf the problem persists, try creating a bootable USB with Damn Small Linux or something and go in "magically" and grab your files then wipe the drive and start over. It may be a pain but in the end it's worth it06:38
KyubeyI dont know which button compiz sees it as06:38
C4colometacity is not06:38
Kyubeyfor the purpose of using it as a shortcutg06:38
thegoodcushionIs anyone here a guru on printing from Ubuntu within VBox?  I have VBox 4.0.6 running Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit.  It's hosted on Windows 7 64-bit.  A Deskjet 2000 is plugged in via USB to the PC.  Windows drivers are installed.  Test printing from Windows works fine.  I have set up a USB filter for the printer and checked it 'on' and Ubuntu appears to know that it exists.  I print from within Ubuntu, and they all appear to complete06:38
thegoodcushionsuccessfully, but nothing actually comes out of the printer.06:38
tanathC4colo, have a look at icewm and fluxbox/blackbox and see which you prefer06:38
C4colook, thank you06:38
ejvhow do i enable metacity in unity?06:38
tanathKyubey, then what are you asking? lol06:38
KyubeyI'm asking which number the button is for compiz shortcuts06:38
tanathKyubey, oh06:38
Kyubeysuch as one, two, three, etc. :P06:39
teknowillthegoodcushion: i can help a little06:39
truepurpleejv: So should I give it permission to remove it? Is it possible to allow it to remove some of this stuff, but not all?06:39
C4colosome have reported that pulling down the most current version of metacity and compiling it worked to fix the problem ... how often would metacity be pulled into the source?06:39
ACameronzachgretzinger: Any other ideas? multiple hard reboots have been unsuccessful so far.06:39
numbertoMy Unity search field does not work. When I type something I just does not find any file nor does it finds any app06:39
linusasus6is stupid no more menu on top bar  please why gnome and gnome-core are no longer support06:39
KyubeyI want to know so I dont accidentally undo the shortcuts for the right mouse button while trying to get this to work06:39
thegoodcushionteknowill: good06:39
teknowillthegoodcushion: do you have the usb 2 expanstion pack installed06:39
numbertoPlus I cannot start launcher by using Alt+F206:39
zachgretzingerACameron how opposed are you to wiping your drive and trying a'new?06:39
thegoodcushionteknowill: yep06:39
C4colo(I have been dealing with this issue for at least a year hoping every time I click "Install Updates" that it would be fixed)06:39
ACameronzachgretzinger: if I could boot, maybe I could wipe my drive...06:39
ZenGuy311how long can ubuntu keep their releases CD size?06:39
ACameronzachgretzinger: even though I really don't want to.06:40
KyubeyIs it two or three? I dont want to mess up the right mouse button's configurations06:40
ACameronzachgretzinger: I apologize if I get snarky; it's not you, it's my computer, and it's very late for me.  Please don't take it personally.06:40
zachgretzingerACameron do you know how to make a Bootable USB?06:40
teknowillthegoodcushion: have you tired it with both usb 2 turned off and on06:40
thegoodcushionteknowill: yep06:40
ACameronzachgretzinger: No, although I think I could manage a LiveCD.06:40
tanathKyubey, i think it's 2 or 3... whichever right click is... it's the other06:40
Kyubeyhaha, tanath, that's the problem06:41
KyubeyI dont know if it's two or three06:41
ACameronzachgretzinger: although, again, not sure how I'm going to boot from it.06:41
zachgretzingerACameron lol I'm a full German raised in NYC - I'll never take anything personal06:41
tanathKyubey, test it? lol06:41
teknowillthegoodcushion: its fully dismounted from ubuntu and mounted in win7 box? sry so manys qs06:41
Kyubeyand I dont want to screw up the settings for the right click doing this06:41
tanathKyubey, only 2 options06:41
thegoodcushionteknowill: no problem06:41
truepurple ejv: So should I give it permission to remove it? Is it possible to allow it to remove some of this stuff, but not all?06:41
Kyubeywhen I go to change either, it tells me other parts of compiz will be changed06:41
thegoodcushionteknowill: Well it mounts in one or the other06:41
Kyubeyfuck it, I'm trying 306:41
ACameronzachgretzinger: Heh, sounds like some of my coworkers this summer.  Haven't met any of them yet, but they're german and working in NYC.06:41
teknowillthegoodcushion: k, you could share the printer via samba06:41
Kyubeyerr, sorry, darn it, I shouldn'06:42
Kyubeyshouldn't swear here06:42
sundjinnkariSo anyone know how to customize the dash and the top bar?06:42
zachgretzingerACameron install Unetbootin06:42
thegoodcushionteknowill: The USB thing just isn't working.  I'm trying to share over Ethernet06:42
teknowillthegoodcushion: samba/cups06:42
Chaosshey there, I've been trying to get my 2 NTFS hard drives to show up in Ubuntu for the last 19 hours06:42
tanathKyubey, 206:42
ejv19 hours? ouch06:42
ejvthat's dedication06:42
ACameronzachgretzinger: install it on.. my unbooting computer..?06:42
zachgretzingerACameron it's a tool to create bootable usb devices. Try using Damn Small Linux as it's only 50mb and the install takes less than 5 minutes06:43
ACameronoh, I see06:43
Chaossthey appear in disk utility but i cant find them in explorer06:43
Chaossor what ever its called in ubuntu06:43
tanathKyubey, win+middle = zoom box in enhanced zoom. it's 306:43
zachgretzingerACameron install it on whatever computer you have that works06:43
teknowillthegoodcushion: you should be able to share the usb printer over cups/samba to the vbox06:43
C4colook, thanks guys, I'm off06:43
Kyubeyneither works06:43
KyubeyI just tried both06:43
ACameronOK, so use Unetbootin to create a DSL bootable thumb drive?06:43
KyubeyI have to hold it06:43
teknowillthegoodcushion: what's messing up the share06:43
Kyubeydurr -_-06:43
FloodBot3Kyubey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
tanathKyubey, woops, contradicted myself06:43
tanathKyubey, button2 = middle06:44
ChaossI dont get it they work in windows fine, and i can access them but in ubuntu it doesnt support more than 1 hard drive06:44
Kyubeyyeah, just figured that out06:44
pcgeniushello i have only ubuntu installed on my system so when my system boots it doesn't shows the grub screen and i just want to go into recovery mode,so please tell me how can i do that ?06:44
KyubeyNow I have to figure out why graphical stuff is lagging06:44
truepurpleACameron: Net install is good too,(a option under unetbootin) very small, it downloads off the internet as it installsACameron06:44
zachgretzingerACameron yeppers. Then use that USB to boot into your computer and throw your crap on an external and wipe the drive06:44
tanathpcgenius, what version?06:44
Chaossi've so far managed to destroy 4 installations and break a keyboard06:44
tanathpcgenius, of ubuntu06:44
Chaossim using the latest version from the website, can someone tell me what 2 do06:44
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Kyubeyis anyone else having lag problems?06:45
ACameronthanks zachgretzinger, truepurple.  I think I'm going to pass out for now and grapple with this some more in the morning.06:45
thegoodcushionteknowill: Well the printer is mounted in Windows 7 and tests successfully.  I select it to print over network, and it has a name on the network.  Now I"m in Ubuntu.  How do I get Ubuntu to recognize the printer's there on the network?06:45
tanathpcgenius, ah. not familiar with it, but there's an app called startup manager you can use to configure delay and such06:45
KyubeyI'm running 64bit with nvidia graphics drivers06:45
asiekierkaokay this is not helping06:45
Kyubeythe beta didnt lag like this at all06:45
zachgretzingerACameron np06:45
ACameronLooks like any plans of playing Portal 2 tonight will have to wait.06:45
Chaossboth 1TB hard drives are seen in disk manager, but there are no access to them06:45
asiekierkaLooks like any plans of doing stuff today will have to wait06:45
asiekierkai'm considering changing distros :/06:45
Chaossi dont see where to acceess06:45
truepurpleIs there any way to selectively choose what programs that ubuntu is going to uninstall when updating?06:45
tanathpcgenius, package: startupmanager06:45
asiekierkatanath I believe 11.04's X installation ended up corrupted for me06:46
silveryhow can I use 11.04 CD to upgrade standalo 10.10 with no harm to user files and installed software?06:46
asiekierkahalf the things barely installed06:46
Chaosshmm i seem 2 be getting ignored06:46
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asiekierkaChaoss so seem I06:46
zachgretzingertruepurple it shouldn't uninstall any programs when updating at all06:46
ZenGuy311asiekierka: did aq erlier release work?06:46
asiekierkaI used 10.1006:46
asiekierkait worked perfectly06:46
asiekierkaupgraded and now...06:46
asiekierkaGDM blinks in normal mode06:46
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asiekierkano menus visible in failsafeX06:46
asiekierka(or normal)06:46
FloodBot3asiekierka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
tanathasiekierka, could wait a day for possible bugfixes and do a dist-upgrade from VT06:46
asiekierkalock screen is also buggy, buttons are square and look like themeless06:46
asiekierkatanath yeah06:47
asiekierkawhat's the command again?06:47
asiekierkaif you shout we're going to ignore you even more06:47
asiekierkalook, a new version of Ubuntu ruined lifes of hundreds of peole06:47
tanathasiekierka, 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'06:47
truepurplezachgretzinger: Its asking for permission to remove 76 "obsolete packages" right now.06:47
pcgeniushey what's the solution of that problem06:47
teknowillthegoodcushion: so your host is win 7 and guest ubuntu? you should "share" from host if possiable, otherwise you might have issuses.. one sec pls for the answer to q06:47
pcgeniuscan anyone please tell me06:47
thegoodcushionteknowill: ok06:47
ZenGuy311asiekierka: a new instalol instead of an upgrade would probably work better06:47
thegoodcushionteknowill: it currently works perfectly within Windows 706:48
Chaosswell if im getting ignored im going to shout/spam06:48
truepurpleChaos: I have been in here for hours sometimes just trying to get someones attention, but I still never spam or shout06:48
Chaossim sure you would06:48
thegoodcushionand I'm sharing it from Windows 7 on the network teknowill06:48
george2is there any gui tool to manage daemons, because bum and ckhconfig don't work with upstart06:48
asiekierkaZenGuy311 not with the thousands of packets i had installed06:48
IdleOneChaoss: if you shout spam like that again you will be muted :)06:48
helpmeplzhey guys06:48
pcgeniushello i have only ubuntu installed on my system so when my system boots it doesn't shows the grub screen and i just want to go into recovery mode,so please tell me how can i do that ?06:48
Chaossok well does anyone know how to fix this problem06:48
tanathasiekierka, linux has nothing on windows :p06:48
zachgretzingertruepurple they are obsolete packages, not the programs themselves. You know on Windows when you download an .exe and install the program you still have the .exe somewhere? Same concept06:48
pcgeniusi am using 11.0406:48
itiliouswhy does ubuntu 11.04 menu controls disappear when i simply run "emerald --replace"?06:48
Chaossor does linux not support more than 1 hard drive?06:48
helpmeplzhave there been known issues with the wubi installer in 11.04?06:48
bazhangChaoss, sudo blkid06:48
tanathpcgenius, did the app not work?06:48
bazhangChaoss, put it in fstab06:49
itiliousi'm doing exactly what i did with 10.04 and with 11.04 the menu controls/title/etc just go away, why?06:49
bazhang!fstab > Chaoss06:49
ubottuChaoss, please see my private message06:49
pcgeniustanath:i am sorry but that time i am disconnected can you please tell me again06:49
teknowillthegoodcushion: in unbuntu 10.04 top bar > system > administration > printing > network printer > windows printer via samba06:49
truepurplezachgretzinger: I see in the list, "open office" in a number of places, that is going to uninstall open office, no?06:49
Chaosshow do i see private messages here?06:49
Chaossah i see06:49
itiliousis 11.04 ubuntu desktop too "new" for emerald themes/manager to work with it?06:49
tanathpcgenius, package: startupmanager06:49
zachgretzingertruepurple no it is not going to uninstall anything06:49
helpmeplzcan anyone please me help me with my wubi installation of ubuntu?06:49
ZenGuy311asiekierka: you ould backup  the list of installed packahes06:49
silveryhow can I use 11.04 CD to upgrade standalone 10.10 with no harm to user files and installed software?06:49
extraclassicChaoss: I think ubuntu mounts the drives in /media06:50
bazhangitilious, emerald is unmaintained and unsupported06:50
tanathpcgenius, lets you configure things like delay06:50
ZenGuy311helpmeplz: whats the problem?06:50
thegoodcushionteknowill: no printer shares found.  It says I should check my firewall configuration but I don't have Firewall under System->Administration06:50
zachgretzingertruepurple it's simply going to remove any unneccessary crap associated with the program before you installed it. Anything that will be removed you do not need06:50
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itiliousbazhang, is there an alternative?06:50
bazhangitilious, nope06:50
ChaossI only see 1 drive (folder) thats my main drive06:50
Chaossthe other 2 are not there06:50
helpmeplzzenguy311, when rebooting after the wubi ubuntu install, I get the error that the "root partition is not defined"06:50
bazhangChaoss, and the command I gave you to run?06:50
helpmeplzzenguy311. it doesn't complete the install06:51
extraclassicChaoss: you need to figure out the device names of the other two using "fdisk -l" then mount them with fstab06:51
truepurplezachgretzinger: Do I have to worry about anything suddenly becoming uncompatible with the newer ubuntu? For example, will I be able to download updates for battle for wesnoth like normal, even if they haven't made a version for 11.04 yet?06:51
ZenGuy311silvery: backup and do a distro upgrade , hope for the best06:51
superproxyhow do I enable text mode in an ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64 cd installer, i need to test the cd's integrity06:51
bazhangtruepurple, yes you will06:51
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ZenGuy311helpmeplz: you need to reinstall grub from the ubuntui live cd06:51
truepurplebazhang: Is it easy to revert back?06:51
Chaossok whats the command, i have sdb1 and sdc106:52
itiliouswhy is it that it seems every "upgrade" is usually a downgrade in features with ubuntu?06:52
zachgretzingertruepurple some programs (as of now, mostly only temporarily) will not update in Natty right now. Don't worry though, updates will soon become compatible with Natty06:52
bazhangtruepurple, no, full reinstall needed06:52
Chaossand sda1 but thats already working06:52
teknowillthegoodcushion: windows 7 dose and it makes a different how the network setting are set for vbox, set the vbox net interface to bridge so it has a ip in your network06:52
bazhangitilious, this is not channel for that06:52
itiliousless features, less customability, less etc etc etc06:52
polatovhi to all06:52
zachgretzingertruepurple but you still can use all of your programs06:52
bazhang!ot > itilious06:52
ubottuitilious, please see my private message06:52
pcgeniustanath:but with the use of startup manager app we can work only if the ubuntu is running but one of my system is not able to boot ubuntu due to broken package,so when i boot my system only blank screen comes so i need to step into recovery mode from their06:52
helpmeplzzenguy311, but wouldn't that corrupt my windows mbr?06:52
truepurplezachgretzinger: So perhaps update them before updating ubuntu?06:52
polatovhi move dash to right side?06:52
polatovhow move dash to right side?06:52
Chaosswhat do i have to type in to get them to work06:52
ZenGuy311helpmeplz: can you still boot into windows and reinstall wubi06:53
zachgretzingertruepurple yes, do a quick sudo apt-get update before upgrading06:53
teknowillthegoodcushion: you might need to give the host ip in manually even then06:53
extraclassicitilious: people are in #ubuntu-offtopic complaining right now...it's pretty funny06:53
thegoodcushionteknowill: How do I set the VBox newtwork to bridge?06:53
zachgretzingertruepurple before you upgrade though I would suggest install Natty on either a CD or USB and testing it out a bit. That way you won't have wasted your time if you do not like Natty06:53
tanathpcgenius, tap esc while booting. it should prevent it from going past the menu06:53
truepurplezachgretzinger: With the update screen at "do you wish to remove these packages" will that still work? Or will I have trouble because the update is midstream?06:53
helpmeplzzenguy311: yes, im on my windows installation right now. I could uninstall and reinstall ubuntu wubi for a 3rd time via the program manager06:53
Chaossi could be here another 19 hours, tried fstab mount /dev/sdb1 and unknown command06:54
pcgeniustanath:ok thanks dude06:54
tanathpcgenius, once you get it working you may want to add a delay for future06:54
zachgretzingertruepurple just make sure before you update that the terminal is doing nothing06:54
Chaosswould have though after these years they'd have made a way to support more than 1 HD06:54
yi`zhinoob question but if i buy a mac book pro, i could just install ubuntu over it and it'll work fine right? any issues regarding that?06:54
pcgeniusanyways congratulation to ubuntu team and community for the awesome release 11.0406:54
thegoodcushionteknowill: I'm about ready to install Ubuntu as dual-boot instead of virtualized06:55
zachgretzingeryi zhi go right ahead. I don't know why on earth you'd buy a macbook fashionaccessorypro though...06:55
ZenGuy311helpmeplz: no .. just complete the windows install06:55
teknowillthegoodcushion: on the lower right of vm window should be an icon for network card if not: shutdown the guest, and under its settings should be something about the network card in there will be a drop down06:55
Chaosswhat do i have to type into terminal to get the hard drives working, they are sdb1 and sdc1 both are ntfs?06:55
doodleHello, I have problem with installing 11.04. I chose a drive of 45 GB as mounted in /dos with FAT32 file system, but I cannout see that drive now. How can I see that drive in my computer and use? I can use and see that on Windows though.06:55
truepurplezachgretzinger: Are there drawbacks for 11.04 then? Besides the new quick link stuff, anything else I will appreciate with 11.04? Its alot quicker?06:55
teknowillthegoodcushion: it's not just a selction in the settings not too complex, but understand the fustration06:56
Chaosswhat do i have to type into terminal to get the hard drives working, they are sdb1 and sdc1 both are ntfs?06:56
helpmeplzZenGuy311: How do I complete the install inside windows? I thought the install would complete itself after it'd ask to reboot.06:56
thegoodcushionteknowill: I have changed it from NAT to Bridged Adapter.  Is that what I need?06:56
yi`zhizachgretzinger, that's pretty much it. i just like the design haha06:56
teknowillthegoodcushion: yep!06:56
Chaosslooking at the fstab page says i need to set up a server06:56
Chaossi dont have the money to buy a server at the moment06:56
ZenGuy311at the reboot it should have06:56
zachgretzingertruepurple just keep in mind that 11.04 (Natty) is a BIG change from what you're used to. A lot of people don't like Natty because they haven't immediately gotten used to it06:56
Chaossand i dont have the knowledge to compile a new linux distro that supports more than 1 hard drive06:57
truepurplezachgretzinger: Like what?06:57
thegoodcushionteknowill: And for Name, do I select the real NIC or the VirtualBox Host-Only thing?06:57
philipballewmy computer wont update to 11.04 when i type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:57
truepurplezachgretzinger: I am a linux newbie, I am still getting use to linux in general06:57
Chaosswhat do i have to type into terminal to get the hard drives working, they are sdb1 and sdc1 both are ntfs?06:57
superproxyhow do i enable text mode in a graphical natty amd64 installer, i need to check the cd's integrity06:57
Maddogmyou dont have to use unity if you dont want to06:57
tanathphilipballew, the apt-get upgrade in there is wasteful06:57
zachgretzingeryi zhi honestly, design should be the last thing to look for when buying a computer... I work on both PC and Mac at work and most of the Mac's are actually inferior to the PC's06:58
helpmeplzzenguy311, well at the reboot it tried to complete the install but it failed saying that the root partition wasn't defined06:58
Chaosswhat do i have to type into terminal to get the hard drives working, they are sdb1 and sdc1 both are ntfs?06:58
ZenGuy311helpmeplz: you'll have to reinstall wubi to be sucsessful06:58
philipballewtanath how can i update to 11.04 then?06:58
ejvChaoss: all linux distros support multiple hard drives, why don't you start by: sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:58
ejvChaoss: then: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit06:58
tanathphilipballew, that should work. but you didn't state the problem06:58
taglassChaoss: I was just about to type something up to explain it, but thought to myself "Why reward that behavior"06:58
teknowillthegoodcushion: i think the real one06:58
zachgretzingertruepurple go to youtube and type in Natty and watch a few of the videos06:59
helpmeplzZenGuy311, Well I've just been using the step by step that's on the DVD. What's the better way of going about this?06:59
ejv!patience | Chaoss06:59
ubottuChaoss: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:59
teknowillthegoodcushion: hard to picture in my mind sry06:59
philipballewwhen i attempt to run the comand it just updates my system and tells me no updates are avaible06:59
bazhangejv, I dont think he has pastebinit installed06:59
ejvbazhang: i told him to install it06:59
tanathphilipballew, try with the update manager06:59
teknowillthegoodcushion: could you see inet pages befoer in the box?06:59
truepurplezachgretzinger: A utube video isn't going to tell me much06:59
bazhangejv, nicely done I missed that06:59
ZenGuy311helpmeplz: i'vew only done a wubi install about 3 years ago, but wubi should be safe for new users06:59
zachgretzingertruepurple there are reviews on Natty where virtually everything is covered. pro's, con's, etc07:00
ejvbazhang: ;)07:00
philipballewim updating my server over ssh07:00
thegoodcushionteknowill: okay I selected the real adapter and now my SMB Browser sees Workgroup and Richard-Windows, which I presume is something from the Windows 7 machine appearing in Ubuntu07:00
ejvChaoss: ok so what have you tried, what errors are you getting?07:00
tanathzachgretzinger, apostrophes aren't used for plurals07:00
teknowillthegoodcushion: sounds right07:00
truepurplezachgretzinger: I tried running the get update program, but I got alot of errors about unavailable resources07:00
Chaossi tried to install pysdm but i cant find it07:00
Maddogmis there a way to pre-download a dist-upgrade?07:00
doodleHellow everyone, (reposting) I have problem with installing 11.04. I chose a drive of 45 GB as mounted in /dos with FAT32 file system, but I cannout see that drive now. How can I see that drive in my computer and use? I can use and see that on Windows though.07:01
Chaossand i have spent time looking for it07:01
siloxidin gnome I changed my mouse settings but these aren't observed when I log in with a different wm.  how do I keep the mouse settings?07:01
ejvChaoss: what's pysdm ?07:01
helpmeplzZenGuy311: okay. Well I'll try and do some research then. It's a shame they have to make it so exhausting to figure out.07:01
ejvChaoss: i thought you were trying to mount your NTFS partitions...07:01
Chaossi am07:01
soreauHow can I get rid of this mail icon on my panel? 'ps ax|grep evolution' shows nothing of this sort is running07:01
Chaossit said it would help me out but its done nothing07:01
linusasus6is gnome-shell, gnome-desktop, gnome-core and gnome packages will be supported on the 11.10 because they no longer seem to be supported in 11.0407:01
ZenGuy311helpmeplz: ok good luck07:01
thegoodcushionteknowill: I figured out what the problem is, and I'll tell you07:01
denebhello...how can i install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04?  any link on web to explain? it has many ways and i'm confused what is right07:01
helpmeplzZenGuy311: Thanks for the help07:01
zachgretzingertanath I apologize, oh great grammar Nazi *bows head*07:01
tanathphilipballew, actually, someone said upgrading is borked right now. should try later07:02
thegoodcushionteknowill: I originally had no password for my Windows 7 user account.  But Ubuntu won't log onto the workgroup without a password.  You must have a password or it won't log into the workgroup.07:02
ejvChaoss: i would: sudo mkdir /mnt/mydrive && mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/mydrive07:02
taglass Maddogm apt-get -d dist-upgrade07:02
ZenGuy311Hellie: k but wish i could have been more useful07:02
tanathzachgretzinger, way to make assumptions. i don't know if you know better or care or not. for all i know english isn't your first language and you'd appreciate the correction07:02
Chaossonly root can do that07:02
ejvChaoss: you can't use sudo? is this your machine?07:03
zachgretzingertanath, English is actually my 3rd language...07:03
teknowillthegoodcushion: you could make a dummyuser or you can put a password on the administrator account that is default to all win boxes07:03
Chaossthats what it says, i've never understood that error07:03
Chaosssudo works sometimes07:03
ejvChaoss: it should work ALL the time, it will prompt you for your password you provided during installation.07:03
tanathzachgretzinger, care less the more languages you learn? :p07:03
truepurple zachgretzinger: I tried running the get update program, but I got alot of errors about unavailable resources07:03
thegoodcushionteknowill: It's looking better but same thing is happening.  I've printed a test page twice, and both times Ubuntu claims it was successful but nothing has come out of my printer07:03
Chaossyeh i put that in correctly07:03
ejvChaoss: ok so what happened?07:04
Chaossnow when i try again it just says cannot create directory07:04
denebhello...how can i install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04?  any link on web to explain? it has many ways and i'm confused what is right07:04
tanathdeneb, wouldn't recommend it07:04
truepurplezachgretzinger: I tried running the get update program, but I got alot of errors about unavailable resources07:04
zachgretzingertanath as long as people understand what I mean, it really doesn't matter to me.07:04
ejvChaoss: mount | pastebinit07:04
teknowillthegoodcushion: ubuntu support annoymous, but win 7 has this homegroup thing, if you have that on it makes working with non win7 pcs hard07:04
thegoodcushionteknowill: I reckon I'll install Natty as a dual-boot and stop all this virtualization rubbish.  It causes more problems than it solves.07:04
tanathdeneb, if it doesn't work, you can't safely downgrade07:04
denebtanath: why doesn't work?07:04
teknowillthegoodcushion: i guess, but this is a fixable problem07:04
thegoodcushionteknowill: in theory, yes07:05
zachgretzingertruepurple that doesn't matter for now, you still got the updates you need. Did you see "404" a lot?07:05
tanathzachgretzinger, spelling and grammar are important. misuse them and they can be misleading07:05
ejvChaoss: use my name when sending me information: example: ejv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600598/07:05
mbrochhjust updated to 11.04... how do i activate the new desktop? everything still looks the same as it did before the update07:05
thegoodcushionteknowill: Well the printer is right there on the printing configuration page.  It appears to know that the printer exists.  But nothing comes out of the printer.07:05
truepurplezachgretzinger: Not a single 40407:05
Starminnmbrochh: Did you log out?07:05
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tanathzachgretzinger, many miscommunications occur without either party being aware..07:05
truepurplezachgretzinger: And no, I didn't get any updates07:05
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truepurplezachgretzinger: The command didn't work07:06
mbrochhStarminn, I restarted several times?07:06
doodlebazhang: Can you help please? I need to help with patitioning. I chose a drive of 45 GB as mounted in /dos with FAT32 file system, but I cannout see that drive now. How can I see that drive in my computer and use? I can use and see that on Windows though.07:06
tanathdeneb, it apparently hasn't worked for some people07:06
ejvChaoss: mount shows that your sda2 ntfs partition is already mounted under /media/ folder; the command i sent you earlier, i indicated */dev/sdaX* where X is a number YOU substitute... did you do that?07:06
teknowillthegoodcushion: if you want as well, you can have ubuntu print to pdf file as printer insead of direct and just save them to a shared dir07:06
doodleSorry, typo. :S07:06
thegoodcushionteknowill: that's more trouble than it's worth07:07
zachgretzingertanath I'm 20, give me a break!! Spanish was my first language, followed by German. You can see how English may be a little complicated with all of it's rediculous rules07:07
Chaossyeh i did07:07
teknowillthegoodcushion: and just print in win... k just a side thought... but I think the troulbe is win7 home group crap07:07
djazzwhen I start a terminal, it dont appear in the launcher (11.04) :/07:07
Chaossit just says "Only root can do that"07:07
denebtanath: i tried recently with ppa and then install gnome-shell and it didn't have the right theme (not the adwaita but an older look like)07:07
Chaosswhich i assume means it cant do it for some reason07:07
ejvtanath / zachgretzinger, enough, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or ignore eachother, thx ;)07:07
soreauHow can I get rid of this mail icon on my panel? 'ps ax|grep evolution' shows nothing of this sort is running07:07
thegoodcushionteknowill: Honestly I reckon I'll install Linux on the metal.  VBox has caused me nothing but trouble and it doesn't do me much good07:07
tanathzachgretzinger, don't think i've been hard on  you...07:07
denebtanath: is that the problem?07:07
zachgretzingertruepurple press ALT+F2 and type in the following "sudo apt-get update"07:08
taglassdoodle: try sudo blkid to find the partition and then sudo mount sdwhatever /dos where sdwhatever is the nae you got from blkid07:08
tanathdeneb, what problem?07:08
ejvChaoss: if you used sudo, and put in your password correctly, the mount operation should succeed.07:08
truepurplezachgretzinger: ALT F2 doesn't do anything07:08
zachgretzingertanath: Correction: Don't think I've been hard on you.07:08
Chaossi see no password entry07:08
Chaossjust the message again07:08
ejvChaoss: double check your `fdisk -l` listing, to make sure it corresponds to your devices you're trying to mount.07:09
zachgretzingertruepurple then manually open the terminal and type the following: "sudo apt-get update"07:09
denebtanath: i tried recently with ppa and then install gnome-shell and it didn't have the right theme (not the adwaita but an older look like)07:09
teknowillthegoodcushion: only when you trun off home group can any pc access a share without password... you would have this problem on any non win 7 metal box trying to connect over ethernet, just so you know07:09
Chaossyeh that works it shows me that information07:09
thegoodcushionOkay, everyone.  I love Ubuntu 10.10 and I haven't yet upgraded to 11.04.  I'm a bit dubious about Unity though.  Should I stick with 10.10, learn to live with Unity, run 11.04 with GNOME, or switch to another distro?07:09
djazz11.04 launcher is bugged :/07:09
truepurplezachgretzinger: Ok, I got alt F2 to work, apparently it only works with the left alt. But as I said, that command doesn't work, it gives me that error when I do that07:09
Chaossi put my password in and it showed me, but when i try the command thats suppose dto work, it does not so07:10
teknowillthegoodcushion: but usb on bare will work, non vm has it's problems as well, but speed will be better07:10
Chaossis there no way to brute force access the drives?07:10
ejvChaoss: ok, then using the format: `sudo mount <device> <target>` is the next step, where target can be in /mnt/ or /media/ typically.07:10
tanathzachgretzinger, my grammar was correct, and the lack of caps doesn't make it unclear. and when chatting lack of caps is common and informal07:10
thegoodcushionteknowill: yeah07:10
zachgretzingertruepurple so absolutely NOTHING happens? You don't see 99% a million times?07:10
taglassthegoodcushion: only you can answer that question07:10
truepurplezachgretzinger: It gives me those errors I mentioned about unavailable resources and such07:10
tanathanyway, gotta run. good luck peopel07:11
AnonymousGuyhey just downloaded and installed ubuntu 11.04 having an issue with the update manager though, http://pastebin.com/fty5AXwu07:11
zachgretzingertruepurple that doesn't mean everything didn't update07:11
truepurplezachgretzinger: The errors I mentioned earlier that you said I should not mind07:11
teknowillthegoodcushion: i think though, if you turn off or remove your win 7 pc from home group and reshare the printer to "everyone" ubuntu will take it07:11
Chaossok i see sdb07:11
Chaossits worked sort of07:11
truepurplezachgretzinger: I never got to a screen to choose any updates, nor did I see any download progress or install activity07:11
arooni-mobilehey folks ; trying to get sun-java6-jre on my ubuntu 10.04 laptop;  ubuntu * Says* its installed; but when i do: LilArooni sudo update-alternatives --config java;;; i dont see anything on sun java07:11
Chaossi dont see my drive information there07:11
zachgretzingertruepurple were you in the terminal07:12
djazzanyone else using 11.04 have trouble with launcher?07:12
Chaossjust a few files (Boot, System volume information, bootmgr etc)07:12
thegoodcushionteknowill: I might try that07:12
truepurplezachgretzinger: When I type that command in terminal, all it does is give me those errors07:12
truepurpleE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)07:12
truepurpleE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)07:12
truepurpleE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/07:13
bazhangtruepurple, close other instances of apt07:13
ejvChaoss: your data may or may not reside in another partition on your device, use `fdisk -l` to locate relevant partitions where your data is likely to be stored.07:13
truepurpleE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/07:13
Chaossthe folder is only 73Mb free too07:13
doodletaglass: I see nothing.07:13
ejv!paste | truepurple07:13
ubottutruepurple: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:13
teknowillthegoodcushion: ok, well good luck with either route, i'll check/scroll back in a bit if you decide to give it more time07:13
doodletaglass: it does not give any output.07:13
zachgretzingertanath beschweren sich über Grammatik an jemand anderen07:13
truepurplebazhang: apt? what is that?07:13
ejvAnonymousGuy: please check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+bugs to see if such an issue has been reported. if not, file it for us. :-)07:14
thegoodcushionteknowill: mate I'm fed up and I'm looking for a distro to install on the metal07:14
taglassdoodle: "sudo blkid" gives no output?07:14
doodletaglass: it does.07:14
zachgretzingertruepurple type in the command again and copy all of the output into a text file and save it on your desktop07:14
djazzanyone using 11.04?07:14
ejvdjazz: of course07:14
teknowillthegoodcushion: I've have good luck with 10.04, I wouldn't go 11 yet07:14
zachgretzingerdjazz me07:14
taglassis there a line that says anything about fat or ntfs?07:14
Chaossmount: unknown filesystem type 'promise_fasttrack_raid_member'07:14
djazzanyone have trouble with launcher?07:14
doodletaglass: but I have no name for that partion so I tried sudo blkid UUID /dos07:14
ejvdjazz: be more specific.07:14
Chaossaha i know the problem, ubuntu doesnt support ntfs07:15
doodletaglass: that gives no output.07:15
thegoodcushionteknowill: problem is that if Ubuntu stays with this Unity crap, I reckon I might abandon Ubuntu07:15
zachgretzingerdjazz by trouble, do you mean trouble getting used to it07:15
djazzterminal doesnt show up, wine programs are combined in one wine "app"07:15
ejvChaoss: you mean you haven't loaded support for it? why didn't you say so?07:15
truepurplezachgretzinger: Why?07:15
teknowillthegoodcushion: had good luck with opensuse 11.3, 11.4 kde eats too much cpu07:15
thegoodcushionteknowill: No, I want GNOME07:15
zachgretzingertruepurple because I think you're misunderstanding something but would like to be sure07:15
Chaossit seems odd because it can access my main windows hard drive (i have one Solid state drive, and 2 1TB hard drives)07:16
Maddogmthegoodcushion, you can login using "Ubuntu Classic"  and get the current (previous) gui07:16
Chaossi can seethe solid state drive and the windows folders n stuff07:16
truepurplezachgretzinger: But how does putting it in a text file on my desktop help you do that?07:16
taglassdoodle: can you post the output of sudo blkid to a pastebin?07:16
doodletaglass: okay.07:16
ejvChaoss: i think i've hit my limit in terms of support i can provide for that issue, attempt to setup ntfs support, there's a wealth of documentation online about the process.07:16
Chaossbut the other 2 hard drives are totally 101% inaccessible from ubuntu i've tried so much for so long07:16
zachgretzingertruepurple because once you do it and tell me you did it I'm going to have you email it to me and I'm going to read it07:16
Chaossand it always says 1 error, or some other cryptic message07:16
ejv!enter > Chaoss07:17
ubottuChaoss, please see my private message07:17
teknowillthegoodcushion: well debian is a pain if you want none approved progs and out of box flash didn't work... fedora is good but again you need to get codeces....07:17
truepurplezachgretzinger: How about a pastebin or a PM instead? Less work, and anyway, why put it into a text file to email it to you?07:17
VustomWhen I startup my computer (Which is using Windows and Ubuntu side-by-side, Windows being installed first) theres an option to press F11 which goes into System Recovery, this worked before when I just had Windows by itself, but I want to do another reformat because of the new Ubuntu, how can I fix this?07:17
gh0stwhat's the deal with remote desktop viewer?07:17
thegoodcushionteknowill: Well Debian doesn't have GNOME 3.  I think I prefer debian-based distros07:17
truepurplezachgretzinger: Its like 4 lines anyway07:17
ejvgh0st: be much more specific.07:17
zachgretzingertruepurple however you want, just give me the output of the terminal once you type in sudo apt-get update07:17
gh0stI'm trying to connect to my win7 machine and get "connection closed: connection to host ip was closed."07:18
taglassthegoodcushion: I believe it's in experimental07:18
doodletaglass: here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5ve2jLCb07:18
taglassthegoodcushion: gnome3 that is07:18
Chaossubuntu is experminetal lol07:18
ZykoticK9taglass, that's what i told thegoodcushion in #debian07:18
truepurplezachgretzinger: Do you see that PM I sent you?07:18
StarminnVustom: You want to reformat your whole hard drive or just overwrite Ubuntu?07:18
doodletaglass: the /dev/sda11: UUID="065C-DB02" TYPE="vfat" is the problem.07:18
djazzejv: http://i.imgur.com/f3kjd.jpg07:18
VustomWhole hard drive07:18
StarminnVustom: (By the way, long time no see! I hope Ubuntu has been treating you well!)07:18
VustomIt's awesome. ;307:18
ejvChaoss: the recent release 11.04 is, you may want to try 10.04 LTS for something more stable07:18
thegoodcushiontaglass: no wait I meant GNOME 207:19
VustomExcited for Unity, at first I was like eh, but it looks cool. :D07:19
thegoodcushionmy bad07:19
StarminnVustom: I'd say just open up GParted from a LiveCD and wipe it all.07:19
Chaossin ubuntu where do you access "system"07:19
taglassdoodle: type this sudo mount -tvfat /dev/sda11 /dos07:19
zachgretzingertruepurple yes, I replied07:19
ejvdjazz: ?07:19
Chaossit used to be on the top bar but its vanished07:19
StarminnVustom: I'm excited for Gnome3 but it looks like I'll have to wait for 11.10 for that one.07:19
VustomBut theres another HDD in there, and it has the system covery for Windows Vista on it..07:19
djazzejv, i was more specific07:19
StarminnVustom: What does your hard drive setup look like?07:19
Chaosscan someone help me locate this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/pysdm-graphical-storage-device-manager.html07:20
VustomHP (HDD)07:20
teknowillthegoodcushion: well i mean as far as they go i'd go best experiances were unbunt 10.04 for desktops and debian no-gui for servers07:20
ZykoticK9Starminn, don't hold your breath.  Ubuntu isn't going to use Gnome...07:20
doodletaglass: I got this: mount: /dev/sda11 already mounted or /dos busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda11 is already mounted on /dos07:20
Chaossi've instlled it but cant find it ANYWHERE what so ever07:20
ejvdjazz: ahh the launcher issue you mentioned, not sure i understand from the picture, let me look again07:20
djazzlook at terminal..07:20
Vustomthe factory image is on the same HDD i think.07:20
djazzWhy does Empathy open links in firefox when I have set chrome as default?07:20
gregHi anyone like the new "Unity" thing?07:20
Vustomso i can't wipe it all, then i'll have no windows :/07:20
taglassdoodle: then it's a;ready mounted..  your data should be accessible in /dos07:20
StarminnZykoticK9: I know, but hopefully Gnome3 will be able to run in 11.10. OTherwise, they'll be pulling a proprietary move by restricint g what you can/can't use in whicih case I'll drop them like a bad habit.07:20
teknowillthegoodcushion: you might be able to use a different x server in ubuntu if you dont like unity07:20
ejvlooks normal djazz07:20
djazzejv, do you see terminal in launcher?07:21
doodletaglass: but I want it under /media07:21
ZykoticK9Starminn, i've personally moved to Debian because of Unity07:21
thegoodcushionteknowill: yeah you can login using GNOME.  My only concern is that ubuntu will move away from GNOME07:21
ejvdjazz: on mine, yes, not in yours07:21
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StarminnVustom: You said you wanted to reformat everything, not just Ubuntu, but you want to keep Windows? Explain on one line what you want to do. Is it just dual boot of Ubuntu and Windows?07:21
djazzI cant drag and drop it from dash to launcher either07:21
Chaossi give up with this peice of shit system., cant even put extra hard drives in07:21
bazhangChaoss, no cursing07:22
doodletaglass: also I see nothing in /dos07:22
veronicachannel spanish?07:22
Starminn!spanish | veronica07:22
ubottuveronica: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:22
taglassdoodle: ohok gotcha.  sudo umount /dos && sudo mkdir /media/dos && sudo mount -tvfat /dev/sda11 /media/dos07:22
bazhangveronica, #ubuntu-es07:22
veronicathx ^^07:22
puntohi.. I'm mounting a remote nfs export, but the files on the remote machine belong to uuid 501 and I want to modify them with uuid 1000. can I remap the uuid when I mount? (am I expected to have the same /etc/passwd on both machies?)07:22
eladim having a hard time installing 11.04 on my dell m133007:22
eladcan anyone help me???07:22
ejvrome wasn't built in a day... understanding linux doesn't happen over night either... *sigh*07:23
VustomI can't wipe the hole HDD because the factory default of Windows Vista is on the same HDD, I need to be able to enter the System Recovery application when I start up my computer, it normally works with F11 and goes straight into it, but with Ubuntu side by side with Windows; that selection of what OS just shows up.07:23
taglassdoodle: you might have to edit /etc/fstab as well.  just change /dos to /media/dos07:23
zachgretzingerelad what is wrong07:23
djazzwhy do I see chatroom chat posts twice in empathy?07:23
avijipv6.torrent.ubuntu.com seems to complain that the "requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker" when downloading the various ubuntu-11.04-*.iso files. could someone please authorize the ubuntu isos to that ipv6 tracker?07:23
eladzach, im running windows 7 and im trying to dual boot07:23
Cr3althe new launcher is confusing as hell. is there a way to edit it at all?07:23
zachgretzingerdjazz because empathy sucks07:23
VustomI still have the option to press F11 on the start up screen, but doesn't work.07:23
ejvim taking a break, you guys wear me out lol, good luck newcomers.07:23
Vustomlike i said, just goes straight to the OS selection07:24
eladbut every time, i get an error in the middle of the install07:24
zachgretzingerelad type in my whole name or I can't see that you mentioned me07:24
Cr3alsuch as moving the order of the applications07:24
teknowillthegoodcushion: well you could always add it later, i'm sure there would be a  ubuntu distro with a none unity if they do, i mean they have a kubunu now so I bet they would doa gubuntu07:24
pipouwhere does the ubuntu upgrade need 1.5 GB or so of disk space? I can't do that on / but can somewhere else07:24
djazzguess I must reboot to fix the launcher... :(07:24
StarminnVustom: F11 is a Windows-only option I think. So, since it's only in Windows, have you tried booting into Windows and trying ti then while the Windows thing is going?07:24
eladzachgretzinger im trying to dual boot with windows 7 64 bit, but i keep on getting an error halfway though the install...07:24
=== geekboy is now known as helloEARTH
heroprimeremixhow do i extract as root?07:25
lanoxxheroprimeremix, with sudo?07:25
halpbatmanhey guys I removed my linux partition and now I get "error: no such partition" how do I restore windows 7 bootloader?07:25
Cr3alit wont even let me edit the gnome panels anymore07:25
VustomI've tried pressing F11, then selecting Windows Vista on the OS selection, but just goes to the Windows log-in screen like normal07:25
helloEARTHhow can i access the startup applications in 11.04?07:25
thegoodcushionI wish there were a perfect Linux distro so I don't have to choose07:25
lanoxxheroprimeremix, are u using the gui or console?07:25
ohsixCr3al: the thing at the top with unity is not a panel07:25
zachgretzingerelad what is the error07:25
teknowillthegoodcushion: I say as long as it still has what you want stay with it, till it doesn't i'm sure a lot of people will want they anther solution will come around if they do drop it07:26
heroprimeremixlike how do i even start? (i know to use sudo, but how do i even begin to extract through terminal??)07:26
StarminnVustom: No, I mean select Windows, then press F1107:26
thegoodcushionteknowill: Yeah there's a fear of the unknown for me too07:26
teknowillthegoodcushion: don't forget name almost missed your im07:26
ohsixCr3al: it looks sort of like it,  but the panels are gone; if you want them then you probably also want the classic session, which you can pick from the login screen07:26
Vustomlook; http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?r=18738354#r1873835407:26
lanoxxheroprimeremix, if you have a zip file then unzip if its tar.gz then use tar such as tar -xvzf xyz.tar.gz07:26
taglasshalpbatman: boot up from your windows 7 dvd, enter the recovery console and type bootsect /nt60 and then sys /mbr07:26
Cr3ali just want to move the workspace switcher to a more practical place07:26
eladzachgretzinger, im not sure. but it asks me to report it... i chose the partition & everything seems to be running smoothly then it stops. do you think i should try the 64 bit version?07:27
lanoxxheroprimeremix, if it is a zip file then its sudo unzip xyz.zip07:27
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halpbatmantaglass: is there a way to fix this without the dvd?07:27
taglasshalpbatman: that might be one command instead of two, not sure.  I just have it wrote on a postit note for helping other people.  I don't use windows :)07:27
lanoxxheroprimeremix, try man unzip or man tar for more information07:27
Vustom"But as stated, the F11 is gone, because when you installed Ubuntu, GRUB overwrote the MBR section where the F11 is launched. You learned a hard lesson :(" -.-'07:27
heroprimeremixit is a tar.gz07:27
zachgretzingerelad try the 64 bit version07:27
teknowillthegoodcushion: is party why i went with lts so I have a chance to adapt and or somehting that will come can come out have a few years with this one till it's a "problem"07:27
taglasshalpbatman: no clue.  If there is, I bet google knows.07:27
silveryWhen use CD, i don't have 'Upgrade Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04' option in installation options, any suggestions?07:28
eladzachgretzinger, will do... i dont know how its relevant though. my xp was 64 bit & i ran 10.10 just fine07:28
aetaricerm ok so07:28
lanoxxheroprimeremix, then its sudo tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz07:28
thegoodcushionteknowill: I can't even get 10.10 from the ubuntu website!07:28
thegoodcushionteknowill: it gives me 11.04 or 10.0407:28
lanoxxheroprimeremix, it will unzip in the current directory07:28
StarminnVustom: Alright, so if it's included in the Windows bootloader then just reinstall Windows, as that overwrites all Linux.07:28
heroprimeremixI was wondering because i upgraded to 11.04 and my cursor won't  change....07:29
Starminnsilvery: Are you using a 11.04 disc?07:29
aetaricjust upgraded to 11.04, i have a NVidia Geforce 8600M and I can't use unity any ideas?07:29
VustomI can't access the System Recovery though..07:29
lanoxxheroprimeremix, you can add -t to see what will be extracted07:29
silveryStarminn : yes07:29
eladthegoodsushion, if you really want 10.10, search filestube. i downloaded a copy today07:29
eladzachgretzinger, thanks for you help07:29
silveryit gives me 3 other options and not this one...07:29
teknowillthegoodcushion: i had bad luck with 10.10... and they only seable diff from 10.04 is it's libra office by defult and the rythmbox thing is "cooler"07:30
Robert__hey how do i get tthat little window that runs programs07:30
thegoodcushionteknowill: I don't care about office or rhythmbox07:30
doodletaglass: I can't unmount now with right click, it says, "umount: only root can unmount /dev/sda11 from /media/dos"07:30
thegoodcushionI'm coding07:30
zachgretzingerelad np07:30
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
thegoodcushionteknowill: I mean I'm using gcc, clang, nano, make.  So arguably I don't need the latest version of anything07:30
zachgretzingerelad you ran 10.10 fine?07:30
teknowillthegoodcushion: then go with 10.0407:30
teknowillthegoodcushion: you can upgade kernal after07:31
zachgretzingerelad was it 64 bit 10.10? Also, are you trying to upgrade to Natty?07:31
taglassdoodle: that's correct.  you could always unmount it as root and then use nautilus to mount the drive.  That soundslike what you want.07:31
StarminnVustom: Contact HP, I'd say they have a recovery thing. That, or like Dell they may have a partition for recovery.07:31
VustomChat timed out, missed what you said.07:31
doodletaglass: actually, no. I want it like other direves. easy to mount and unmount07:32
heroprimeremixSo...in 11.04, how would i change my cursor theme?07:32
VustomStarminn: I typed sudo fdisk -l into terminal and two parts of my HP HDD came up, /dev/sda2           59465       60801    10739452+   7  HPFS/NTFS and /dev/sda1   *           1       34786   279415295+   7  HPFS/NTFS07:32
doodletaglass: and I tried to formate it in NTFS.07:32
ruanneed urgent help. i just did a 'partial upgrade' and now i cant log into any GNOME environment.07:32
ruanit fails07:32
VustomI have 2 different options to boot into Vista at the OS selection, never tried sda2 though, and the factory image is like 10GB, is that it?07:32
silveryCan be the problem that I have 64x 10.10 and 32x 11.04?07:32
Vustomshould i try booting into sda2?07:32
teknowillthegoodcushion: if you really want 10.10 i can get you a torrent link...07:33
VustomTheres also 3 more..07:33
thegoodcushionteknowill: No, I'm downloading 10.0407:33
ruanok im going to install kde now07:33
amitwhen installed ubuntu 11.04 it is saying that my hardware doesnot have support of unity?why it is saying and what are the basic requirements for it?07:33
thegoodcushionteknowill: As I said I don't need the bleeding edge version of anything, so it's about familiarity and avoiding Unity07:33
taglassdoodle: I'm not sure.  Sorry I don't have a better answer.07:33
ruanamit: you can still boot into ubuntu classic07:33
heroprimeremixruan: Reinstall and try a erase drive option07:33
Vustomi'll try boot into sda2, if no luck i'll come back, thanks :D07:33
thegoodcushionteknowill: Anyway thanks for trying to help me.  You're a good sport.07:34
extraclassicamit: you need 3d accelleration for graphics07:34
amitruan: but i want to use unity07:34
StarminnVustom: Again, I'd say contact HP. They'd know their HDD setup better than us.07:34
ruanheroprimeremix: impossible for me to do that, i have no cdrom and i cant boot with a usb07:34
doodletaglass: okay, thanks!07:34
amitextraclassic: i have nvidia gforce 940007:34
ruanbrb screen07:34
teknowillthegoodcushion: ok, no problem good luck07:34
VustomI'll just get some asian guy that can't even speak english. D:07:34
extraclassicamit: it might work if you install proprietary drivers for your video card, because nouveau won't work07:34
Cr3alhow do you add applications to the launcher menu?07:34
amitextraclassic:is classic using gnome07:34
ytaewsI can't get Natty to boot at all, can't even get the live CD to initiate the installer. I go through BIOS POST, get a message about ISOLINUX and then black screen. Is there anything I can do to try and diagnose?07:35
extraclassicamit: 'apt-get install nvidia nvidia-utils, then reboot'07:35
heroprimeremixruan: Find a computer, download 11.04, Burn to a cd or DVD. Simple07:35
lgp171188Hi, I have installed Natty and want to use Classic Gnome as the default instead of having to select it every time before login. How to do it?07:35
atharvaI am unable to install virtualbox 4.0.6 .pl help07:35
atharvaatharva@atharva-Vostro-1400:~$ sudo '/home/atharva/Extra'\''s/VirtualBox-4.0.0-69151-Linux_x86.run'07:35
atharva[sudo] password for atharva:07:35
atharvaVerifying archive integrity... All good.07:35
atharvaUncompressing VirtualBox for Linux installation..........07:35
atharvaeval: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string07:35
FloodBot3atharva: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
Scarra3Is the 11.04 search bar suppose to take up the whole screen?07:35
extraclassicamit: classic won't be the same as the old gnome07:35
amitextraclassic:it is saying unable to locate package nvidia07:36
amit<extraclassic>classic is based on which ?07:36
extraclassicamit: I probably don't have the name right then...you need nvidia's proprietary drivers though07:36
heroprimeremixHow would i get my cursor to work in 11.04?07:36
heroprimeremixIt won't change07:36
ZykoticK9amit, i've never heard of either nvidia or nvidia-utils (but i'm not using 11.04)07:36
Braiamextraclassic: lgp171188 is the guy07:37
extraclassicBraiam: who's that07:37
MJBruneI have a Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) sound chipset and I want to know if my mic will work in linux. will it?07:37
Braiamlgp171188: classic won't be the same as the old gnome, thanks to extraclassic07:37
taglassytaews: did the md5sum of your download match the posted checksums?  If so try burning your cd at a slower speed07:37
amiti think ubuntu 10.10 is better at this time07:37
yi`zhiOOOH i'm about to restart!07:38
lgp171188Braiam: Ok, how do I change the default?07:38
yi`zhithis is so exciting07:38
Braiamlgp171188: ask to extraclassic07:38
ZiberHow can I show duplicate songs in Rythm box?07:38
taglassMJBrune: I see no reason why it wouldnt07:38
doodletaglass: most probably I made this error in installation, I want to re-install, what should I select there (after deleting and reassigning) to mount in /media, I see only 2 options there /dos and /windows07:39
Logan_!please | MJBrune07:39
ubottuMJBrune: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude07:39
Braiamlgp171188: im on 10.1007:39
extraclassicwhy, I don't know what I'm talking about half the time07:39
MJBruneLogan_: the channel is already unreadable.07:39
lgp171188extraclassic: How do I change the default desktop environment in natty?07:39
MJBrunetaglass: because the drivers are shit?07:39
MJBruneugh morons07:39
aetariconce again, 11.04 unity won't start on supported card07:39
taglassdoodle: I don't think you need to assign a mountpoint at all07:40
extraclassiclgp171188: don't know...I'm not using it07:40
doodletaglass: then it says, your drive will be unused!07:40
ytaewstaglass: Yeah, the MD5 matched. I've spent all day burning new discs, making USBs and then I tried going back to lucid, then upgrading to maverick then to natty. Still get a black screen every time I boot.07:40
doodletaglass: shoul I ignore that message and go fo installation?07:40
taglassdoodle: that's fine.  you should still be able to click on it in nautilus and easily mount/unmount it07:40
Logan_lgp171188: run the command gdmsetup in a terminal07:40
Spaz_Dynamichaving an issue running a java jar archive. I get http://pastebin.com/6BkDrMPN when I "java -jar /path/of/file.jar"07:41
=== debd is now known as damno
Logan_lgp171188: then, in that window, hit the Unlock button, put in your password, and then you can change the default environemnt07:41
taglassytaews: that's not good and it sounds like you've alraedy tried any advice I might have to offer.07:41
doodletaglass: okay, will do, thanks!07:41
Spaz_Dynamicand as you can see from the last couple lines, it's minecraft >.> So it should be working, its not like I made it and it isn't working. xD07:41
lgp171188Logan_: I didn't realize the option would in gdmsetup. Let me try it out. Thanks :)07:42
Logan_lgp171188: no problem :)07:42
linusasus6have a good nite I hope you got lot of cofee because everyone will need help on natty because Unity07:42
damnoI cant set eth1 as default for ntop07:42
ytaewstaglass: Alright, thanks for the help, I guess it's back to Maverick for now.07:42
taglassSpaz_Dynamic: are you using the sun jre?07:43
lgp171188linusasus6: It is not as if unity is so buggy but it is due to people so used to traditional Gnome :)07:43
damnoI cant set eth1 as default for ntop. any help?07:43
Spaz_Dynamicthink so. either way, I was about to run it out of the box on 10.10, though I did do a fresh install for 11.0407:43
Spaz_Dynamicfresh including /home07:44
FlynsarmyAre you able to upload to ubuntu one from the terminal?07:44
taglassSpaz_Dynamic: java -fullversion07:44
Logan_!ubuntuone | Flynsarmy07:44
ubottuFlynsarmy: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone07:44
Spaz_Dynamictaglass: 1.6.2_22-b2207:45
taglassSpaz_Dynamic: although with a fresh install you should be runnin openjdk I believe07:45
aetarichello everyone i'm on 11.04 and unity won't start on supported card07:45
=== svip_ is now known as svip
amitaetaric: 11.04 is fake :)07:46
Spaz_Dynamic..oh, wait, just noticed I am in #ubuntu... I am technically running kubuntu... >.>07:46
taglassSpaz_Dynamic: yeah hmm I dunno man.  It should work.  You could always try sun java07:46
taglassSpaz_Dynamic: probably better for minecraft anyways.07:47
rormy PC completely froze about 12 hours into do-dist-upgrade D:07:47
Spaz_Dynamictaglass: probably. is Sun java in the repos, or do I need to get it from them direct?07:47
taglassSpaz_Dynamic: It should be in the repos if you enable the partners repo07:47
Spaz_Dynamictaglass: alright, thanks.07:48
Logan_!java | Spaz_Dynamic07:48
ubottuSpaz_Dynamic: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.07:48
Scarra3Is the ubuntu 11.04 search box suppose to take up the whole screen07:48
denebok..i installed gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04 . everything's ok except the auto login......could anyone tell me how to fix the auto login? thanks07:48
Logan_Ooh, that factoid needs to be updated.07:48
Logan_deneb: The Gnome 3 PPA is not supported here.07:48
Logan_(if I'm not mistaken)07:49
mellois it recommended to throw away unity & install gnome-shell? Or does it not work optimal on natty?07:49
CodeWarthank God I m not th eonly one thinking about throwing away unity07:49
Scarra3Is the ubuntu 11.04 search box suppose to take up the whole screen07:50
Logan_mello: No need to install - just choose the Ubuntu Classic environment at login.07:50
Logan_!repeat | Scarra307:50
ubottuScarra3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:50
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahello, all. Now, I'm using debian 6.0. But I want to try ubuntu11.04. How can I install it from my hard disk?07:50
melloLogan_ that would just give me gnome 2, with gnome-shell I mean gnome 307:50
taglassScarra3: probably depends upon the size of yoru monitor.  Ity doesn't fill a 24"07:50
Logan_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: Download the ISO and burn it to a CD07:50
Logan_!gnome3 | mello07:50
ubottumello: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.07:50
Scarra3taglass: its a laptop07:50
talntidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, double click "install ubuntu 11.04" under "distros" menu.07:51
melloubottu thanks07:51
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:51
yi`zhihow do i make it so that i'm asked for a password every time i sudo?07:51
yi`zhithat seems to have been gone when i restarted into 1107:51
thegoodcushionSo where do I get help for 10.04?  Is that here also?07:51
Logan_!lucid | thegoodcushion07:51
ubottuthegoodcushion: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100407:51
taglassmello: I wouldn't honestly at this point gnome-shell and unity both feel incomplete and neither seems to have the upper hand in functionality.07:51
Scarra3taglass: The screen size is 1366 x 76807:51
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLogan_: No, I don't have a cd-rw07:51
thegoodcushionLogan_: Yes but is this the right channel for help with it?07:51
silveryI have 10.10 and 11.04 CD both 32x. I want to upgrade my 10.10 with this CD and don't have 'Upgrade Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04' option when run CD. Any suggestions?07:52
Logan_thegoodcushion: Yes - it is supported until... (let me check)07:52
denebLogan_: what do you mean? not the right channel for gnome 3 - ubuntu?07:52
thegoodcushionLogan_: 3 years for the desktop07:52
mellotaglass: I agree to some degree.. except that I can still do my work in gnome3, whilst unity is making that impossible.07:52
Logan_thegoodcushion: yeah :P07:52
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatalntid: How? where to click?07:52
thegoodcushionLogan_: Well I'm about to install it baby07:52
talntidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, on the left side. :)07:52
ZykoticK9silvery, you can only use the Alternative CD for upgrade, NOT LiveCDs07:52
talntidgnight all.07:52
mellotaglass: if i want to be productive i'd better just get another distro..07:52
Logan_thegoodcushion: April 2013 for the LTS07:53
thegoodcushionLogan_: yep07:53
Logan_deneb: it's a third-party, unsupported PPA07:53
narf_Are you guys enjoying this new look and feel, because i kind of think its the most buggy piece of software I have seen in some time.07:53
ZykoticK9mello, debian is an option...07:53
Logan_!ot | narf_07:53
ubottunarf_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:53
rorwhat's happened to the system > preferences menu? I can't find it now :(07:53
taglassmello: you could always just use gnome classic for this dev cycle and hope gnome3/unity are better later this year.07:53
lgp171188Hi, there was an issue with Nvidia proprietary drivers and plymouth in older releases. Doesn't seem to be fully fixed in natty either. On selecting Ubuntu in grub, there appears a purple screen for some time, then a low resolution plymouth screen appears for a second and then a black screen before gdm appears. Any way to fix/workaround this annoying bug?07:53
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatalntid: But I'm using debian now. I have only a alternate iso for ubuntu11.04. I think I have to boot from this iso to install it.07:53
thegoodcushionnarf_: Are you talking about Unity?07:54
silveryZykoticK9 : Sorry but where i can get this Alternative CD and is it official too?07:54
denebLogan_: yes but i have a problem and i want to solve it and i need help....where i can get this help?07:54
Phil_ShapiroCan I ask a question that you all must have heard a million times already?07:54
Logan_!alternate | silvery07:54
ubottusilvery: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:54
narf_thegoodcushion, i'm natty and the default launcher it uses...07:54
Logan_deneb: probably irc.gnome.org #gnome307:54
silverythank you, everyone!07:54
thegoodcushionImagine if all the Linux developers spent all their time working on the one distro?  All that effort put into one distro, Linux would really be something07:54
Logan_thegoodcushion: it's good to have variety07:54
taglassthegoodcushion: It would probably suck.. competition is good :)07:55
Spaz_Dynamichrm, are double quotes ( " ) valid characters for in directory names?07:55
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCould somebody give me some links or some suggestions about install ubuntu alternate iso from hard disk under debian?07:55
melloZykoticK9: i wouldn't choose debian as a desktop env07:55
lgp171188mello: Gnome shell and unity aren't as mature and hence aren't as customizable as Gnome 2.x. So for now I am sticking to gnome 2.x waiting for gnome-shell/unity to mature a lot more and become fully customizable as gnome 2.x07:55
ZykoticK9thegoodcushion, you don't understand linux.  Choice is a good thing.07:55
rorthe new interface is horrible D: it does that "mac" thing of having all the application menus in a separate bar, but most annoyingly I can't seem to move the launcher panel to the top? What's with not being able to create as many panels as one wishes?07:56
lgp171188mello: you have a choice to use gnome 2.x without having to install anything extra07:56
ZykoticK9mello, good thing there are lots of options out there ;)  see above ^^07:56
mellolgp171188 what should i choose if im sick of gnome2 atm (its getting boring) & i don't want kde? (or give me one good reason for kde)07:56
Logan_mello: XFCE?07:56
thegoodcushionThe one thing I didn't like about debian was hte icons07:56
eladzachgretzinger, the 64 bit didnt work... im getting the following error...The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:  [Errno 5] Input/output error  This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk07:56
taglassmello: ratpoison07:56
melloLogan_ this would be achieved just with apt-get install xfce4? But im not sure if this installs the last version 4.807:56
red2kicthegoodcushion: Funny. You don't like the icons. CHANGE THEM.07:56
thebighamHow do you install ubuntu 11.04 to unallocated space?07:56
lgp171188mello: then go for gnome-shell or try out different environments like xfce/lxde07:56
joakoIs it possible to install Ubuntu inside VMWare ESXi? I am getting an error it cant mount the CDROM07:57
ZykoticK9red2kic, that's way too complicated ;)07:57
lgp171188mello: or KDE07:57
Logan_mello: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:57
red2kicZykoticK9: For Gnome 3?07:57
ZykoticK9red2kic, i'm just joking07:57
eladzachgretzinger, by the way, im installing from a usb, but when i tried to install from a cd, i get the same error07:57
solofightpeople i wanted a ftp server so installed ftpd using apt-get, now how do i check whether its running or not ?07:57
Logan_!vmware | joako07:57
ubottujoako: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware07:57
neo_who was installed 11.04?07:57
Braiamelad: try reburning the CD07:57
Logan_joako: /join #vmware for support07:58
solofight/etc/init.d/ does not contain an entry for ftp07:58
solofightpeople i wanted a ftp server so installed ftpd using apt-get, now how do i check whether its running or not ?07:58
Phil_ShapiroHas anyone here managed to get Ubuntu to network with windows 7?07:58
red2kicZykoticK9: Ooo -- But it is complicated! (Especially if you make your own!)07:58
solofighthelp please07:58
zachgretzingerThat's really strange07:58
zachgretzingerpm me07:58
mellolgp171188 let me google lxde07:58
eladbraiam, i tried, and i tried the 64 bit version too07:58
zachgretzingerelad pm me07:58
solofightPhil_Shapiro, using samba ?07:58
shrysWill upgrading to Natty from Maverick affect any of my installed applications ?07:58
Logan_mello: Lubuntu is a distro with LXDE based on Ubuntu, but it's not officially supported by Canonical07:58
Braiamelad: check the memory07:58
red2kicmello: awesome, dwn, e1707:58
Logan_shrys: it shouldn't, unless the devs haven't provided newer versions for natty07:58
Phil_ShapiroSolo: I installed it, but I'm stuck in the PW authentication loop07:59
eladbraiam, what do you mean?07:59
lgp171188mello: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Ubuntu hth :-)07:59
thebighamHow can I install ubuntu 11.04 to unallocated space dualboot with win7?07:59
vegais it really so that natty ships with a stone-age lirc (0.8.7) that is NOT compatible with nattys lirc kernel drivers?07:59
Braiamelad: in the ubuntu cd boot is a option to check the memory07:59
mellolgp171188: thanks. i might install xfce for now and tweak it.. i just want something that is not counterproductive07:59
lgp171188mello: hmmm, go ahead try things and use the one that suits you :)08:00
eladbraiam, oh at boot?08:00
Braiamelad: sorry, yes this is what I mean08:00
sltPoisonWhen trying to insall ubuntu 11.04 it hangs right as I press FORWARD at the first prompt screen08:01
eladbraiam, and what should this tell me, exactly? im sorry, im very new to this.08:01
taglasssolofight: netstat -ltp should tell you if anything is listening on the ftp port.08:01
lo0mhi, has anyone succesfully migrated from virtualbox to HDD? using dd? ubuntu 10.10 btw08:01
Braiamelad: depending of the size of your memory it take a while analizing, if it found errors then you should brougt another08:02
Grimdin11.04 problem, i dont use unity, so i use classic but my desktop visual effect are all missing, howto re-enable them?08:02
econnelllo0m: it's doable, but it's incredibly difficult08:03
lo0mGrimdin: i believe unity can be switched off in Compiz settings..08:03
paulcan I sudo-apt get dropbearkey some how?08:03
eladbraiam, ill check it now & let you know in a few minutes. thanks08:03
Braiamelad: if everything is OK then is the hard drive08:03
Magnussoncan someone help me figure out what i need to do to fix make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libX11.so', needed by `lib/liboxygentransparentstyle.so.4.6.0'.  Stop.?08:03
Grimdinlo0m, i have switched unity off, but there is not visual effects in classic mode...08:03
Logan_Grimdin: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager08:03
Logan_Grimdin: That will let you change all the visual effects in Ubuntu Classic08:04
ZeiPI upgraded to 11.04, and after reboot my computer doesn't launch Xorg. It shows all the boot messages (though it shouldn't), the last message being "Starting uptime daemon: uptimed"08:04
Logan_(and Unity, for that matteR)08:04
sltPoisonhad do you change the styles?08:04
joakoLogan_: No. I install VMWare ESXi Hypervisor on the server, then I create a virtual machine to which I want to install Ubuntu08:04
GrimdinLogan_, i have installed it, and it says enabled lots of things, but nothing seems to be happening08:04
eladbraiam, it cant be the HD. its only ubuntu that gives me an error, Kubuntu installed perfectly08:04
Robert__the update manager is not letting me upgrade08:04
Scarra3should I install the ATI drivers or just stick with the ones that comes with 11.04?08:05
joakoWhen I boot the Ubuntu CD inside the virtual machine I get the message "(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed:08:05
Phil_Shapirosolofight: my W7 network shows up on my Ubuntu 10.10 netbook, but it won't let me log in. I'm sure you've heard of this prob before08:05
Braiamelad: the HD can have corrupted sectors on the part that you try to install ubuntu08:05
lo0meconnell: what about a fresh install? then dd ? or migrate only /home ? i don't want to lose all settings (home dotfiles) and hooks in /var/www08:05
Robert__i need help upgrading08:05
melloScarra3 install ati driver on your own risk! it depends on your computer..08:05
eladbraiam, i wiped the partition 30 minutes ago...08:06
melloScarra3 on my pc when using ATI driver, compositing doesn't work anymore, which is a key feature used in unity compiz08:06
melloScarra3 in other words: it might be that your compiz is screwed08:06
econnelllo0m: if windows is already on the machine, ubuntu's installer should recommend a resize08:06
Scarra3Its a sony vaio and my graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 425008:06
Grimdinmello, i have same problems on nvidia driver (latest version)08:07
Grimdincompositing does not work08:07
melloScarra3: I have ATI mobility Radeon HD 3650; I would recommend just trying. Go back if something feels sloppy for you08:07
Robert__hate to be a bother but im having some trouble upgrading08:07
econnellif you want to create a vm from the disk, that's a whole different matter... and the process varies based on your virtualization solution08:07
joakoHow can I download .torrent of ubutntu? I think the HTTP download is corrupt08:07
melloGrimdin: good to know; i thought this problem only existed with ATI08:07
Braiamelad: there're another cause, your CD are all broken or your cd-w was defect08:07
mellojoako: get a torrent program like vuze, transmission µtorrent, and download it.08:08
jooseyjooseif i had a huge csv file is there a way to split it up into sections?08:08
Grimdinmello, is there bug open already?08:08
Obamanationanyone know of an applet similar to "CPU Graph" that works on 11.04?08:08
paulI've made a huge big mess of all my public/private keys, if I want to start all over, is it safe to just deleve ~/.ssh ?08:08
deeeeddo you know about compatibility for installating ubuntu on a macbook pro ?08:08
Braiammello: utorrent? closed-source?08:08
melloGrimdin: i don't have a clue.. i had this problem before, not just on natty. I think it is a driver related problem08:08
red2kic!torrents | joako08:08
ubottujoako: Natty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/08:08
deeeeddo you know if the drivers support all the hardware ?08:08
eladbraiam, my CD? im booting off a USB08:08
melloBraiam: I am suggesting it because he might be on windows, and that program is easier08:08
Blue1paul: why not just rename the directory first, then start over.08:08
lo0meconnell: i'll propably just trash Win7 and do a fresh 11.04 install, use this VM there and setup everything by hand.. thx anyway08:09
Scarra3How do I stop my computer from locking after a certain amount of time?08:09
nickloIs there an explanation as to what the mac version ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso is?08:09
paulBlue1: clever, thank you08:09
Braiammello: ok then08:09
Blue1paul: always have a path back, to the way it was, before you messed it up.08:09
econnelllo0m: if it matters.. that's what i did08:09
joakomello, No insults but is this the n00b channel?08:09
Obamanationlo0m: have you considered dual boot?08:09
melloBraiam: hence why it was my last suggestion.08:09
taglassjooseyjoose: man split08:09
keruom_hi, I a but confused with linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless packages. I need to have at least 2.6.37-2.6.32-31-generic, where the 2.6.37 is important08:09
jooseyjoosethanks taglass !08:09
Obamanationanyone know of an applet similar to "CPU Graph" that works on 11.04?08:09
taglassjooseyjoose: that should be able to break it up for you08:09
Braiamelad: broken usb, then? has you tried redownload the image file iso08:10
mellojoako: you weren't expecting from canonical here were you? I'm just trying to help.08:10
nickloI'd like to try Natty on this MacBook but wondering which iso to download.08:10
eladbraiam, tried a cd too...08:10
keruom_but i want to have automatic updates working, so I would like to install 'linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.38-lucid-generic' as the package desription suggests...08:10
lo0mObamanation: dual boot is not an option.. i use linux for years, it was just my past employer that was hooked to M$ so much he forced me to use it...08:10
keruom_but there seems to be no such package on lucid08:10
Blue1keruom_: this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/getting-wireless-connect-to-work-for-acer-aspire-on-ubuntu/08:10
Braiamelad: both same results?08:10
red2kicnicklo: I imagine it is the one with -mac- in the filename you mentioned above.08:10
joakoI know what .torrent is, but put into google "ubuntu torrent" and I get this: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download ERROR 40408:11
atharvaunable to start Synaptic Unable to get exclusive lock08:11
atharvaThis usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first.08:11
eladbraiam, exact same results\08:11
Obamanationlo0m: i apologize if i'm making you repeat yourself (just joined a minute ago) but how come it's not an option?08:11
Braiamelad: then is a corrupted iso what you have08:11
nicklored2kic: Yeah I'd presumed so. I was curious where the info is on what that means08:11
mellojoako: that was not really in your description; from what you said it sounded like you didn't know what torrents are..08:11
nickloif I try download direct from ubuntu.com I don't get the mac version08:11
red2kicnicklo: "This image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems"08:11
nicklothere is also the alternative mac version08:11
eladbraiam, both the 64 bit & 32 bits that ive tried? i dled it directly from ubuntu08:11
red2kicRobert__: Talk here.08:11
nicklored2kic: where did you get that info?08:11
red2kicnicklo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/08:12
Robert__i try but nothing gets read08:12
red2kicRobert__: What is the problem?08:12
mellojoako http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt08:12
lo0mObamanation: as i dont want it.. i dont need Win.. inside VirtualBox i made a perfect working setup.. i was just finding a way to transfer it to HDD (so it would be the only OS)08:12
nicklored2kic: excellent, thanks!08:12
thegoodcushionSo here's a thought: Why does the distro fit exactly on one CD?  Does the base install consist of packages that will fit on one CD?  Would Ubuntu ever distribute a release that needed compulsory download or burning to DVD?08:12
Braiamelad: check the hashsum or download via torrent08:12
red2kicnicklo: Np.08:12
keruom_Blue1: thx, but the problem is somehow different :-) I am missing the linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.38-lucid-generic package in lucid08:12
SoulRavenhi, i try to find the  loader.conf in ubuntu server, but i don't know where is it08:12
eladbraiam, ok thanks08:13
Braiamelad: no problem :-)08:13
red2kicthegoodcushion: Because it's easy.08:13
heroprimeremixHow do i get to my home directory while i am root user?08:13
Robert__red2kic can you help08:13
SoulRavenwhere i put the if_ep_load="YES" in ubuntu server08:13
Tm_Tthegoodcushion: it fits exactly to one cd as with every release there's fine balancing on what will be included because of the limits of CD as medium. And atleast for now the plan is to keep doing that way08:13
Magnussonheroprimeremix: cd /home/08:13
thegoodcushionred2kic: so are all releases limited by that size?08:13
rorbooting into ubuntu-classic option I get no launchers, panels etc, I can't launch anything :(08:13
Obamanationlo0m: ooh okay, yeah i may have a difference of opinion on one count, but anyhow, is it windows or ubuntu that you set up in VM08:13
red2kicthegoodcushion: You want to install Ubuntu using Iomega Zip Disk or Floppy disk? Be my guest.08:13
Magnussonheroprimeremix: cd /home/(username) sorry08:14
red2kicRobert__: What is the problem?08:14
thegoodcushionred2kic: well what about using DVD?08:14
thegoodcushionred2kic: Or USB key would be possible too08:14
thegoodcushionSee in future we could say that the release is limited to 4 gigs compressed08:14
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Robert__red2kic__:i am heaving trouble upgrading08:14
lo0mObamanation: sorry wasnt clear.. i setup Ubuntu 10.10 in VirtualBox.. Win7 is the host machine08:14
red2kicthegoodcushion: I'm not the person to ask -- but if you insist, there are minimal iso (12MB).08:15
red2kicthegoodcushion: Yes, USB is already possible. I have been using USB method.08:15
SoulRavenhi, i try to find the  loader.conf in ubuntu server, but i don't know where is it08:15
linuxuz3ri missed the release party08:15
red2kicRobert__: I see. I hate upgrades. I always find myself doing clean installations over upgrades.08:15
Obamanationlo0m: perfect. install apt-to-cd (or something like that) and it make a burnable image of your installation that you can do a "fresh" install with08:15
Phil_ShapiroAnyone here, please...is there a solution to the problem of loging into a Windows 7 network?08:15
thegoodcushionlinuxuz3r: you can have a release party of your own08:16
mang0Guys, I have to much to write here, please check this out: http://www.pasteall.org/21230/text I've been having install problems08:16
linuxuz3ris 11.04 lts?08:16
SoulRavenhi, i try to find the  loader.conf in ubuntu server, but i don't know where is it08:16
keruom_linuxuz3r: yes08:16
ZykoticK9linuxuz3r, no 10.04is LTS08:16
keruom_linuxuz3r: eeeh, sorry :-)08:16
Obamanationlo0m: it saves all packages you have installed and does not add any you removed. it will not, however, save documents or media of any kind08:17
Robert__red2kic__:ok then well i am on a dual boot pc with windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04 do how do i get rid of ubuntu with out messing up windows08:17
Braiam!repeat | SoulRaven Phil_Shapiro08:17
ubottuSoulRaven Phil_Shapiro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:17
lo0mObamanation: oh, thanks.. i thought AptOnCd can just store package information (what was installed).. anyway, i could copy just the dotfiles than manually.. thanx - will go that way08:17
Obamanationlo0m: anytime :)08:18
rorIs there anything I need to add if I remove unity?08:18
red2kicRobert__: ##windows might be the proper channel (I'm not sure how to deal with mbr/grub).08:18
Phil_Shapiroubottu: ok thanks08:18
Obamanationlo0m: it will create an image of your 10.10 but you can just do the upgrade process afterwards.08:18
red2kicRobert__: Windows use whatever they use. Linux use grub.  (for bootloader).08:19
red2kic!info grub | Robert__08:19
ubottuRobert__: grub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu61 (natty), package size 278 kB, installed size 912 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia all)08:19
Obamanationanyone know how to remove an applet from the panel that won't open a context menu?08:20
red2kicRobert__: When you start up your computer, the bios do its stuffs first -- then grub does it stuffs.08:20
Braiamred2kic: i think that is grub208:20
Robert__red2kic__:oh ok so how do i delete ubuntu08:20
red2kicRobert__: You can delete it using liveCD (delete the partition) -- but I don't know how you would deal with grub. You should ask in ##windows about the mbr question.08:21
ObamanationRobert__; red2kic: you can also overwrite the PC bios with grub (-_o) not recommended unless you know what you're doing08:21
dddddddddddi have one question should i take kde08:21
Rehani'm installing ubuntu 11.04 and it keeps hanging at the very end due to nvidia drivers not being found, although on the liveUSB trial run there were no problems08:21
dddddddddddi have one question should i take kde08:22
red2kicddddddddddd: Why wouldn't you?08:22
=== platypus is now known as Guest17143
mang0Guys, I have to much to write here, please check this out: http://www.pasteall.org/21230/text I've been having install problems with 10.10 LiveCD. Please ping me/mention my name in your answers so I can minimize xchat. Thanks!08:22
rorplease can somebody help? I can't seem to get ubuntu-classic to work08:22
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ZykoticK9related to Rehan's question above, it is possible to use Nvidia Proprietary drivers in 11.04?08:22
Robert__red2kic__; Obamanation: oh my gosh why is all of this so complicated08:23
dddddddddddhow can i under KDE start up the command /etc/init.d//ccpd start08:23
dddddddddddit should runned as autostart08:23
Obamanationddddddddddd: kde is best suited for learning how linux works and how to develop for it08:23
red2kicRobert__: It isn't. You can remove/install grub using linux systems -- the problem is that how do you install to the first sector of HDD with Windows? (Usually that is being done when you install Windows for first time).08:24
tuxy_hello i am having a problem setting a unique mount in 11.04 ubuntu08:24
dddddddddddhow can i under KDE start up the command /etc/init.d//ccpd start08:24
dddddddddddit should runned as autostart08:24
red2kicRobert__: So you don't want to reinstall Windows (Fine -- but how do you install the boot process for Windows?) Ask in ##windows08:24
taglassRobert__: http://www.ehow.com/how_4836283_repair-mbr-windows.html08:24
red2kicRobert__: One choice is to leave it alone (grub).08:24
Obamanationddddddddddd: have you tried entering it from grub's shell?08:25
Blue1red2kic: are you trying to fix a dual boot issue?08:25
tuxy_why cannot i not name my own point on the installer ?08:25
red2kicBlue1: No. He wanted to get rid of Ubuntu (and grub is part of Ubuntu). :)08:25
Blue1red2kic: ahh ok08:25
dddddddddddObamanation no i meant as systemstart08:25
Magnussontuxy_: did you select "advanced" or something to that effect?08:25
Axlinddddddddddd: look in system settings → startup & shutdown08:26
Robert__red2kic__; ok your talking alot about windows08:26
rorwtf, I can't remove unity without removing ubuntu-desktop?08:26
Robert__red2kic__: i dont want to do any thing to windows08:26
fubadahey guys is it cool to cnntrl-c  do-upgrade-release08:26
fubadaim in the middle of apt downloading08:26
fubadathe mirrors are too slow08:26
fubadaand i need sleep08:26
red2kicmang0: Just plug the cable in.08:27
Obamanationddddddddddd: i know of a dirty way to make that happen08:27
Rehanis it possible to torrent the updates?08:27
mang0cable for what, red2kic?08:27
Braiamfubada: this is cause the heavy load of the servers08:27
fubadaBraiam, i understand this, is it safe to control-c08:28
fubadathe process of do-release-upgrade08:28
fubadaim in the apt-get stage08:28
Obamanationddddddddddd: make the command auto-run in a terminal via saved session every time you cold boot08:28
dddddddddddObamanation can i do it in08:28
dddddddddddstartup and shutdownn ?08:28
red2kicmang0: Get a cable. Move your computer downstairs. I don't know. The cables are pretty cheap. Got myself 25FT HDMI for 10 bucks. Get 100ft if you need it.08:28
thegoodcushionOkay, I have an nvidia GTX460SE card running on Ubuntu 10.04.  The screen is in 640x480 mode and obviously isn't being accelerated.  How do I get decent drivers for it?  The nvidia website wants me to download a 26 megabyte .bin file and I don't know what to do with it08:28
red2kicmang0: Until you get that Wifi part solved -- Often, when you're installing something -- you always want to use cable.08:29
fubadathegoodcushion, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current08:29
dddddddddddstartup and shutdownn ? can i do theree08:29
listpiwhat does udisks utility do ?08:29
thegoodcushionfubada: thx08:29
mang0Okay, I'll talk to my mum08:29
Obamanationddddddddddd: not sure i understand what you're asking08:29
michaelhelp needed08:29
listpiwhat does udisks utility do ?08:29
Blue1listpi: man udisks might be a good place to start.08:29
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taglassddddddddddd: I know chkconfig can be used to enable/disable services which is what you seem to want.  I'm not sure what the "ubuntu way" is though08:30
listpiBlue1 : thanks but i am using 9.04 ubuntu and on this udisk is not available08:30
listpiblue1 : tell me what i do08:30
ejvred2kic: a 25ft hdmi from best buy would cost like $1000 LOL08:30
Blue1listpi: what are you trying to do?08:30
Braiam!help | michael08:31
ubottumichael: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:31
red2kicejv: Probably. Best Buy is a scumbag corportation.08:31
mang0red2kic cant I mount the .iso using daemon tools lite, run wubi, click the option to dualboot it, it'll restart after installing, then you will always have an option for windows or ubuntu on startup08:31
SoulRaveni can't find loader.conf08:31
red2kic!iso | mang008:31
ubottumang0: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:31
ejvred2kic: yup ;)08:31
red2kicmang0: I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish though.08:31
taglassSoulRaven: loader.conf is a BSDism08:31
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.08:32
Blue1listpi: you realise that 9.04 is no longer supported08:32
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mang0red2kic I want to dual boot windows and ubuntu, and have them on seperate hard drives (I have 2)08:32
red2kicmang0: If you want to dualboot, you can use either option -- Disc or Wubi. -- I don't like Wubi.08:32
linuxuz3rwhats the difference between gnome 3 and gnome shell08:32
SoulRaventaglass: and how i load  if_ep_load="YES"08:32
sighhhhhello, i seem to have lost my start menu... how do i get it back i cant find on the web08:32
taglassSoulRaven: you don't.  That's for FreeBSD08:32
mang0red2kic I don't want to use Wubi....but it might be my only option for the moment08:33
thegoodcushionfubada: I have the proprietary drivers installed but it still seems to be using VGA crappy settings08:33
listpiBlue1 : ya but let me know if i upgrade 9.04 to 9.10 then is there any effect ...i will get the same thing after upgrade08:33
red2kicmang0: If you're on a tower. Can't you unplug HDD you don't want to use, and plug the one you want to use Ubuntu on?08:33
SoulRaventaglass: and is no solution to load the module for 3com cards?08:33
fubadathegoodcushion, you got the nvidia control panel under Administration>08:33
fubadamess with that08:33
mang0I could08:33
fubadaim goign to bed08:33
FloodBot3fubada: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:33
mang0hold on08:33
Blue1listpi: you should backup /home/ and /etc/ then do a fresh install of at least 10.04 or higher -- 10.04 was an lts (long term support) release08:34
AMAGNo doubt this is a common question, but is there a FAQ item telling me how to get my nvidia driver working after 11.04 upgrade?  Under "Additional Drivers," I am told "This driver is activated but not currently in use."08:34
sighhhhhow do i recover my start menu. its disapeared?08:34
taglassSoulRaven: It should be loading it automatically if it's supported.  I'm not going to tackle this because I'm going to bed.  I just wanted to fix your BSD problem :)08:34
JWayis it intentional that when using unity, compiz takes up 9-10% cpu load constantly when doing nothing but having a terminal and chrome open?08:35
Starminnsighhhh: Which Ubuntu version?08:35
sighhhh11.04 just upgraded08:35
Rehan11.04 keeps stopping during installation due to a lack of nvidia-current. What can I do to fix this? Thank you.08:35
zambathese days "which ubuntu version" should be a pretty redundant question :)08:35
rorRight, how can I get the chromium launcher to LAUNCH A NEW WINDOW when I click it? At the moment it just brings back up the window I already have open08:35
joakoIf I installed Ubuntu 10.10 it's not going to automatically update to 11.04?08:35
maedoxsighhhh: log out, click you username if applicable, select Ubuntu Classic on the menu and then log in.08:35
rorthis is exactly why I switched away from windows in the first place, because windows 7 was doing that08:35
BraiamRehan: you checked your CD08:35
ramshotHeya, just upgraded to 11.04 and I'm impressed so far, but one thing is driving me nuts... How do I launch a new instance from the launcher instead of switching to one already opened? I've tried alt/ctrl/shift/etc and just can't find it / google it :)08:35
zambai'm guessing 90% of all questions in here are related to 11.04 :)08:35
sighhhhthanks maedox08:35
heroprimeremixhow do i change my cursor in 11.0408:35
sighhhhi luf joe!08:35
ramshotHeh, I see I'm not the only one with the same quetion %)08:36
ejvsolution: go back to windows.08:36
* ejv bows08:36
Blue1ejv: or debian08:36
listpiblue1 : can you tell how to automount local drive on boot08:36
heroprimeremixhow do i change my cursor theme??? ANYONE?????08:36
rorSince when did #ubuntu become so unhelpful?08:37
atavisti have 2 computer running with ubuntu, have shared some folders -- neither computer can see the other shares when browsing through nautilus. any thoughts?08:37
ramshotror: I found one page saying that middle mouse button could work, but for me it doesn't, try it if you haven't.08:37
heroprimeremixejv: it dosent work08:37
Blue1listpi: http://pkill-9.com/removable-usb-devices-and-fstab-settings/08:37
rorramshot: that did work for me, thanks08:37
red2kicror: Use Ctrl + N in Chromium? :o08:37
ramshotOkay then, how do I get my middle mouse button to work, anyone? :D08:37
ejvror, the point is that no one has any interest in what your experience was like in windows since this is ubuntu support.08:38
Blue1atavist: can they ping each other?08:38
AnySocalhello ubuntu users08:38
AMAGnvidia driver help on 11.04, anyone?08:38
AnySocalhow is everyone?08:38
rorejv: I was just pointing out there seems to be a lot of regression this release to make things more like windows or mac, when ubuntu was better08:38
atavistBlue1: i'm coming from windows, what's the equivalent of ipconfig to find my IP?08:38
* Blue1 is waiting for the royal bemoaning to start08:38
ramshotI'm great thanks, but I'd be better if my middle mouse button worked :)08:38
Blue1atavist: ifconfig08:39
zachgretzingeratavist www.ip-adress.com08:39
ejvror: i believe gnome should also be available as a fall back, should unity not work as intended08:39
AnySocallol middle button is so useful08:39
ramshotror: Btw, afaik it's possible to easily switch to the old gnome configuration still would should be about the same experience as 10.0408:39
rorejv: how? It's not working for me, even "ubuntu-classic" isnt' working for me08:39
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ramshotFrom the login screen afaik08:39
rorI'd happily switch back, but trying to uninstall unity I got "also need to uninstall ubuntu-desktop" which worried me08:40
AnySocalwell just wanted to say hey08:40
AnySocalhave a good one08:40
folivoraror: Yes old Gnome is fallback.. If your gfxcard is unable to work with new 3d env....08:40
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
atavistBlue1: yes they can ping each other08:40
AMAGI upgraded a test machine first.  Glad I did, since the test machine is now totally unusable08:40
Blue1atavist: so you are doing a samba share then?08:40
rorfolivora: my gfxcard isn't at fault? And if I choose "ubuntu classic" I just get my desktop background and a cursor, and no panels/menus etc08:40
Magnussonisn't there a command to cd back to your last working directory?08:40
red2kicMagnusson: "cd ..?" (parent directory)08:41
AMAGror: I saw a blog or something about that today.  I think your "classic" problem may be common.08:41
ZykoticK9Magnusson, cd -08:41
Blue1Magnusson: you can cd ../  which will but you one directory higher in the chain08:41
atavistBlue1: I believe so. I right clicked on the folder, enabled sharing, it installed what I thought was samba to enable it... then later I also tried apt-get install samba4 on both systems08:41
Blue1Magnusson: or cd ~      to go to your home directory08:41
ejvror: worked perfectly for me, i selected ubuntu classic no effects, because well... i hate effects ;)08:41
red2kicZykoticK9: I learned something new!08:41
vegaBlue1: that can be done with just "cd"08:42
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ramshotThis is just weird... middle button seems to launch a new instance... like 1/3 of the times I try it08:42
Blue1atavist: this may/may not help:  http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/1060-how-to-configure-samba-using-a-graphical-interface-in-ubuntu08:42
ejvhonestly, outside of unity, this new version is anti-climatic....08:42
Magnussonnah i'm not looking to move 1 level up, i could be nuts but i think i remember years ago being able to for example  cd /etc/X11, then cd /mnt/cdrom, then use another command to get back to cd /etc/X11 (just an example off the top of head)08:43
red2kicMagnusson: "cd -"  ?08:43
Starminnejv: Well, they dumped OpenOffice and Rhythmbox. (And now use what I've been using for months, so I'm pleased)08:43
Blue1Magnusson: cd ../   will do that08:43
ghost1551abe seljak08:43
MagnussonBlue1>oh ya? cool thanks :)08:43
rorIt just annoys me how Canonical are such clowns these days. Ever since the "megabug" over the naming of Ubuntu One, they've acted in their interests only. For example they just added a load of their apps to my launcher without asking, they now have a launcher you can't configure, you can't even move the panel to the bottom of the screen; Window switching used to be easy, by scrolling the mousewheel over the panel, you can't do08:43
ror that now. I guess the "solution" is to go to debian, but I've been using Ubuntu since edgy and I *liked* it.08:43
ejvStarminn: banshee? agreed, been using for years via the PPA08:43
ghost1551abe angel08:43
Starminnejv: Yep. I thinkt hat the only exciting thing for the version itself (other than Unity, of course) is they dumped OpenOffice which is a pretty bold move.08:44
isbrichow do i check the fifo buffer limit?08:44
red2kicror: Heh. You can always go with Ubuntu minimal and install barebone gnome environment.08:44
ejvStarminn: i don't really know the difference betwen open and libre office, but it sounds merely like licensing...08:44
red2kicStarminn: OpenOffice isn't open anymore, yah?08:44
rorBut I don't want minimal, I like all the effects and fancy stuff, but they've gone from applications where you can configure every last detail to applications where the application forces *your* behaviour08:45
Blue1Starminn: dunno good question -but libreoffice is not ready for primetime, imho08:45
mang0right, I'm back. red2kic what were you saying about unplugging one of the hard drives?08:45
red2kicBlue1: Libreoffice works for me just fine? :o08:45
rorthat and not being able to scroll through open windows with the mouse wheel is horribly worse for me, it's the only way I used to switch windows08:45
AMAGI do not like how I just clicked restart from a logged-in user and it just returned to the login screen08:45
vegaror: too much trying to mimick mac-style ... this release definitely seems to be at testing stage08:46
Blue1red2kic: ymmv applies08:46
Starminnejv: Libre is a fork of Open. They didn't like how things were ebing handled so they formed LibreOffice,08:46
Rehanis there a way to torrent all the updates with the ISO instead of sitting here waiting for it to download from Canonical?08:46
marioczekhello all08:46
Blue1howdy marioczek tex08:46
StarminnRehan: You can upgrade with the AlternateCD I believe.08:46
red2kicmang0: I'm not sure what you wanted to do. Dualboot. Just grab your mama's cable.08:47
RehanStarminn: doing a fresh install08:47
marioczeki have some question about root08:47
mang0right D:<08:47
Blue1marioczek: ok08:47
StarminnRehan: Then just grab it from the torrent the link to, or find one on a torrent site as I'm sure one's already there. Normal LiveCD08:47
Starminn!root | marioczek08:47
ubottumarioczek: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:47
marioczeki try create a server on ubuntu 11.0408:47
Odaycan i do "wc" on a .odt document?08:48
ejvif you can push it to stdout, sure08:48
RehanStarminn: i already have the liveCD iso, put it on a USB, installing from it currently, but its installing so many things slowly08:48
marioczekwhe i try create a folder in var/www its write im not have access08:48
mang0red2kic I will take the cable, but I can't install, as Ubuntu LiveCD wont actually detect my drives....08:48
daxthi guys , i installed 11.04 in my HDD parallel to 10.10 Lucid , but  11.04 is not listed in the boot menu ,  How do i fix it ?08:48
Odayi can :)08:48
maxmahemOkay, somehow after I upgraded to 11.04 I broke GRUB. I've booted to my install via a SuperGRUB USB, but how do I go about fixing my grub setup?08:48
red2kicmang0: I see. You might want to try alt.08:49
red2kic!alt | mang008:49
ubottumang0: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal08:49
red2kicmang0: (wider range of hardware) -- Not sure if that applies -- but it might.08:49
Blue1daxt: this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/08:49
mang0ooooh, an alternitive08:49
Grimdinanother problem after 11.04 upgrade, laptop, nvidia, classic desktop, i use 2 monitors  and external monitor is my primary monitor, now i noticed on laptop monitor that it has global menu enabled and its missing window controls, etc, but on external monitor i have window controls and no global menu but no desktop visuals08:49
Braiammarioczek: this is because you actualy doesn't have it, it use the www-data user08:49
marioczeksiema wszystkim08:49
roma99i just mount 'ubuntu 11.4' by ISO file on my computer so now how can i upgrade my ubuntu (10.10) to new version?08:49
red2kicmang0: Also, unplug the HDDs -- Lessen the chance of accidental, I suppose.08:49
red2kicmang0: (When it's off).08:49
daxthey Blue1 thanks for quick reply !08:49
mang0right, thankyou red2kic  :D08:50
Blue1roma99: I've had problems upgrading - it is genrally (for me) better to backup /etc/ and /home/ and then do a fresh install.08:50
roma99there must be some ways to upgrade from iso files?08:50
Braiamroma99: using the alternative CD08:51
roma99you mean burn the ISO on a CD?08:51
red2kic!alt | roma9908:51
ubotturoma99: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal08:51
red2kicroma99: If your ISO have -desktop- in it, you got the wrong iso.08:52
daxthey Blue1  That did not help :(08:52
Blue1daxt: :-(08:52
Blue1daxt: you have two version of ubuntu and one is not listed, is that correct?08:52
daxtyes Blue108:52
roma99red2kic: no desktop folder in ISO file!08:53
Blue1daxt: what do you have installed?  what shows up, what does not?08:53
red2kicroma99: What iso do you have?08:53
daxti see the 10.10 with many kernal versions and my old school Win XP08:53
roma99red2kic:  ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso   >> just download from ubuntu.com!!!!08:54
Blue1daxt: okay what does NOT show up?08:54
red2kicroma99: Right -- That's the wrong one.08:54
daxtubuntu 11.04 entry08:54
red2kicroma99: You want ubuntu-11.04-alternative-i386.iso08:54
red2kic!alt | roma9908:54
Blue1daxt: I just downloaded the iso for 11.04 so I have no experience with that (yet) - maybe someone else can assist?08:55
roma99red2kic: so what's the diffrent between them?08:55
red2kicubottu: You fail me. :\08:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:55
daxtBlue1  its installed on sdb808:55
red2kicroma99: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the  !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.08:55
RehanDownloading at 16 kB/s reminds me of being on a US Robotics modem back in the day08:55
daxtif i can add that to grub loader , then it should work08:55
daxtRehan r u from sri lanka ?08:56
red2kicroma99: desktop -- it included graphical installer.08:56
Blue1daxt: yes08:56
red2kicroma99: alternative does not.08:56
Rehandaxt: i'm in california08:56
red2kicroma99: And it also can be used for upgrading, etc etc.08:56
zvacetRehan: use torrent08:56
daxtBlue1 where is that file ?08:56
daxtRehan r u a sri lankan ?08:56
Blue1daxt: what is your boot device?08:56
Rehanzvacet: how do you download updates from torrent?08:56
Rehanzvacet: i have the liveUSB installing but it has been installing ubiquity for a long time now08:56
roma99red2kic: but i think if i burn that on a CD , i can also install a fresh ubuntu? am i right?08:57
Rehandaxt: nope, parents are from Pakistan08:57
themacg33kHi. I can't seem to find out what Ubufox actually does to Firefox in Ubuntu... what is it?08:57
zvacetRehan:  sorry ,I was thinking of iso yes servers are overloaded08:57
red2kicroma99: Yes, you can do a clean installation. Be sure to backup /home/ and /etc/08:57
root__i need some help08:57
daxtRehan - ok cool ,  name Rehan is a very common Sri Lankan name too ;) that is why i asked08:57
Rehanask my son.08:57
root__can any one help me08:57
root__dear i am using back track 408:58
folivoraCould someone remeber, where in the hell in compiz is setting  that when you move cursor away from active to another it dims totally the last window and vuse versa08:58
Robert__Could not calculate the upgrade08:58
Robert__An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:08:58
Robert__E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be08:58
Robert__caused by held packages.08:58
Robert__This can be caused by:08:58
FloodBot3Robert__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:58
Robert__* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu08:58
maxmahemAnyone have any clues on how to fix a broken GRUB setup?08:58
Rehandaxt: oh ok cool, i didn't know it was common in Sri Lanka also08:58
root__when m trying to command airmon-ng it shows my wlano08:58
red2kic!bt | root__08:58
folivoraI had that setting on before upgrade...08:58
red2kic!backtrack | root__08:59
ubotturoot__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition08:59
root__but when i try to airmon-ng start wlan0 it gives error08:59
Rehanmaxmahem: whats the problem with your grub?08:59
Braiamred2kic: you havo no luck with ubottu08:59
maxmahemRehan: Somehow I broke it during the upgrade to 11.0408:59
Daniahey guys, i was upgrading to ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10 and the screen frozen during the update, so i restarted the pc and now i'm getting the black screen with: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)08:59
Rehanmaxmahem: do you have a liveCD?08:59
TanvirHello, how can I install GNOME3 in my Ubuntu 11.04?09:00
red2kicBraiam: ubottu still holds a grudge against me since that night at the lake.09:00
maxmahemRehan: I'm booting off the installed system now (11.4 running fine even!) via SuperGrub.09:00
maxmahemBut I can't seem to fix it.09:00
thegoodcushionHi everyone.  I've connected an HP Deskjet 2000 to Ubuntu via USB.  Ubuntu isn't virtualized, it's running on the metal now.  I print a test page and Ubuntu thinks it's completed but nothing comes out of the printer.  What do I do?  Are there proprietary drivers that I should use?09:00
Braiam!gnome3 | Tanvir09:00
ubottuTanvir: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.09:00
zvacetmaxmahem: reinstall it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD09:00
maxmahemsudo grub-install doesn't want to work. It Complains: Attempting to install GRUB to a partitionless disk or to a partition.  This is a BAD idea..09:00
celestialhi every one i have a problem i lost power half way through my upgrade to 11.04 from maverick and ive tryed to use the disk to upgrade it but it says i already have 11.04 and i cant get the system to boot up even in recovery  have a lot of stuff on there and cant afford to lose it any help would be appriciated09:01
red2kicmaxmahem: Usually you point it to a hard drive.09:01
jiltdilhi 11.04 is good :)09:01
Rehanmaxmahem: in liveCD, open terminal then type sudo -i09:01
alkisgAny way to sync evolution "tasks" with any app for android?09:01
Rehanmaxmahem: then: mount /dev/sda5 (sda5 is where your Ubuntu is, change as needed)09:01
Rehanmaxmahem: then: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda09:02
red2kiccelestial: You borked the installation. Grab a LiveCD -- Mount your hard drives, backup /home/ and /etc/ -- Go with a clean installation.09:02
TanvirBraiam, okay, thanks. Another help, how to include shortcuts and other options (like weather)  in panel? Also, I miss the bottom panel and the minimized windows there, who to get those?09:02
berkesWhat is the shortcut key for the new unity menu? Not the bar, but the search that pops up when  I click the ubuntu logo?09:02
michaelshi! I updated from 10.10 to 11.04, now my installation is broken (because during update process an error occured). Is there some way to report this to cannonical (with logfiles) so that they maybe can fix this problem, or does this make no sense. later I will simply reinstall09:02
yi`zhihi everyone! i'm on narwhal right now. things are looking pretty good except for zeitgeist. will i be able to remove it without incurring penalties?09:02
Rehanmaxmahem: then reboot and it should find your proper entries, then you can go into your ubuntu and from terminal do: sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:02
maxmahemRehan: Well slight problem, I'm already in my install, not running of a live CD.09:03
jiltdilcan we not change the top applet (opacity)09:03
zvacetmichaels: what kind of error09:03
maxmahemThus my active partition is already mounted.09:03
DaniaRehan can you help me in my problem mentioned above ^^09:03
Rehanmaxmahem: go to a liveCD, then do those commands09:03
RehanDania: sorry i only knew the answer to maxmahem's issue because i had the same problem myself a week ago. I'm actually really new to Ubuntu and don't know much at all09:04
yi`zhior is zeitgeist something we're not allowed to talk about :X09:04
Robert__don't get me wrong I find this whole ubuntu thing fascinating but I am having way to many problems with it09:04
zvacetmaxmahem: exact same commaands on link I posted to you09:04
nesto1000So guys, I just installed ubuntu 11.04 6409:04
BraiamTanvir: I don't know, I'll wait a week or twice to upgrade09:04
michaelszvacet, i got a black screen (with upstart-commands from start of 10.10) and the cursor. nothing more worked. then i shut down and did the rest of the install from the shell. but now, some things don't work properly09:05
incorrect1oh windows don't have any edge resistance in unity09:05
nesto1000So guys, I just installed ubuntu 11.04 64bit and well, I can' get flash player to work.... any help with that?09:05
TanvirBarridus, good. I am in trap by this update. :(09:05
jiltdili am on 11.04 64bit in ubuntu s/w center which option shhould i to do install for virtual box as there are many?09:05
dasy2k1!flash | nesto100009:05
ubottunesto1000: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:05
zvacetmichaels: if you backed up your files reinstall09:06
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:06
michaelszvacet, sorry, I don't understand what you want to say....09:07
michaelszvacet, you mean, that I should do reinstall if i have backup? yes, i have backup09:07
zvacetmichaels: if you have files witch you want to keep back them up and after that reinstall09:08
michaelszvacet, but first, i thought that maybe it makes sense to report this to cannonical somehow.... or does this make no sense?09:08
EbanSoulIs the download server overloaded with requests ? just curious because it is going really slow here.09:08
eekTheCatWould someone kindly reccomend an rss client..09:08
michaelszvacet, maybe they can find a new problem? or a problem that occured also for other users?09:08
yataI just downloaded ubuntu (i386) (from Australia) it was pretty quick09:08
dasy2k1most likely EbanSoul, try the bittorrent downloands, they should be fast09:09
red2kiceekTheCat: Liferea for one thing.09:09
celestialanyone help with my problem above please09:09
zvacetmichaels: yes it make sense but I don't know how to do it09:09
EbanSoultyvm will do09:09
michaelszvacet, ok thanks!09:09
berkesNM it is the "windows"  key. AKAK "meta"09:09
CQquick question... i'm running lucid, and do-release-upgrade shows no upgrade available... what do I need to do??09:09
yi`zhio well. i'm removing zeitgeist right now09:09
MrOppositeis there any program that works like screen09:09
red2kicCQ: You don't have to upgrade if you wish to stay on LTS.09:09
MrOppositebut for X-applications?09:09
michaelseveryone: how to report broken updates to cannonical? or does this make no sense? if it makes sense; how to do it?09:09
jiltdilany new fighting game available in ubuntu 11.04?09:09
CQred2kic: I know, but in that VM I want to upgrade09:10
red2kic!bugs | michaels09:10
ubottumichaels: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:10
red2kicCQ: Check Software Sources. Look for it. :)09:10
dasy2k1MrOpposite: screen for X apps, isnt that called multiple desktops?09:10
red2kicCQ: You might want to do a clean installation (just much quicker without having to go through two versions).09:10
eekTheCatred2kic, thank you. anyone else with news aggregator reccomendations?09:10
MaRk-ICQ: try: alt+f2 update-manager09:10
=== waremperor is now known as kycka
zvacetCQ:  unnder synaptic>repositories>updates>at the bottom you can choose between normal and lts release upgrade set your to normal09:10
MrOppositeuhm, I was intending on using it with xforwarding and ssh09:10
MrOppositeto use*09:11
red2kiceekTheCat: Thunderbird does it -- but it comes with mail + calendar.09:11
MrOppositenot "on using"09:11
michaelsubottu, yes, but there are several things broken, because of the update.... is there a way to report the whole state of the installation? so that they maybe can find the bug, if they need this info...?!09:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:11
red2kiceekTheCat: Google Reader. I'm sure there are few more I forget about.09:11
red2kiceekTheCat: Liferea got tray so it's pretty nifty.09:11
dasy2k1MrOpposite:  i would just use screen then09:11
CQhm, can I jump from 10.04 to 11.04, or do I need to hop to 10.10?09:11
MrOppositedoes that work?09:12
learneranyone get pithos to work in 11.04?09:12
michaelseveryone: there are several things broken, because of the update.... is there a way to report the whole state of the installation? so that they maybe can find the bug, if they need this info...?!09:12
zvacetCQ: you can not skip releases so it is 10,04>10.10>11.0409:12
cvrser MrOpposite: I think you could only do something like that with VNC?09:12
andeeeukis anyone having problems with skype in 11.0409:12
zvacetCQ:  or you can do fresh install of natty09:13
andeeeukits ok with 1 call but when you make a second it skrews up09:13
eekTheCatred2kic, so lifera is what you use regularly? I prefer desktop apps, so that eliminates google reader09:13
linuxuz3rlater guys09:13
red2kiceekTheCat: I regularly use Thunderbird but I'm changing that soon as it hogs down my memory. Some kind of memory leak, I imagine. So yeah, I'm not using any RSS at this moment -- but I plan to give liferea a try (I used it before I used Thunderbird).09:14
red2kiceekTheCat: Down with Mozilla! Bloated apps! :(09:15
andeeeukhas anyone else had problems using skype on 11.04?09:15
learneri don't use it, it seemed shady in 10.1009:16
incorrect1right now do i go back to a 1x4 virtual desktop arrangement i hate 2x209:16
celestialhow can i do a repair install of 11.04 my network install was interupted and i cant afford to lose my stuff09:16
eekTheCatred2kic, liferea is unresponsive right now. it's loading all the default feeds which I was going to delete anyway :(09:17
mang0guys, I'm downloading the alternate 11.04 iso...which download do I need, Idk which one I need!09:17
mang0ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent is htat what i need?09:17
red2kiceekTheCat: Default Feeds. Heh. Planet Gnome, Planet Ubuntu, etc. :\09:17
andeeeukhas anyone heard of skype before?09:17
SuperLagandeeeuk: I guess if you're having problems with Skype on 11.04, I won't upgrade...09:17
zvacetmang0: you can also use alternate not eye candy but do the same job09:18
red2kicmang0: ubuntu-11-04-alternative-i386.iso.torrent09:18
SuperLagbecause we use it too much for me to be without it...09:18
mang0okay thanks09:18
andeeeukSuperLag: yes im having problems with skype on 11.04, i wont upgrade but what do i upgrade to?09:18
mang0I need skype O.O I can't use 11.04 then09:19
SuperLagandeeeuk: i don't understand the second part of what you said09:19
Nandoshould I install my graphics card driver to use unity?09:19
andeeeukwell i already have 11.0409:19
andeeeuki cant upgrade again09:19
michaelsnando, as far as i know, you need 3d acceleration for unity09:19
rorright, thanks for the help some of you, I've almost got it back to how I've liked09:19
andeeeukhave you used it in classic ubuntu?09:19
CQandeeeuk: instal virtualbox, install a small older ubuntu, install and trun skype there...09:19
rorstill can't work out how to get my scale switcher back, but that'll do for now09:20
learnerpithos, anyone get that going?09:20
andeeeukI really donw know why it has stopped working in 11.0409:20
michaelsnando, is there a open 3d driver for your graphics card? if yes, try this one09:20
andeeeukyou can make 1 call perfectly09:20
andeeeukbut another call and its skrewed up09:20
Nandomichaels:  I don't know how it is useful I prefer gnome shell09:21
andeeeuki think i will restart skype everytime i need to make a new call :p09:21
andeeeukcomical one of those really important apps and its not working correctly in 11.0409:22
michaelsnando, I think for gnome shell you also need 3d acceleration, but im not 100% sure09:22
andeeeuksolution: testing, testing and more testing...09:22
Nandomichaels:  gnome works fine but I have a problem getting in unity09:23
green_whats up with this ;eft side bar on 11.04? and no bottom panel09:23
Soothsayerok now09:24
Soothsayerthis is strange09:24
Soothsayermy ubuntu installer has been stuck on this screen for like 5 hours09:24
dasy2k1green_:  just log out and log back in again selecting ubuntu classic09:24
michaelsnando? what happens? doen't it load unity and gnome instead?09:24
Soothsayer"Saving installed packages....."09:24
zvacetNando: it can be graphic card issue09:24
SikSo, I just updated to 11.04 through the updater, and was forced to go into safe mode since apparently Unity crashes on this hardware (video doesn't respond, sometimes system won't boot at all)... besides I don't like it anyways. Is there any way to set Ubuntu to always start with the old shell?09:24
Soothsayerhow do i cancel the install ?09:24
Blue1Soothsayer: power off/power on09:24
SoothsayerBlue1: hmm.. ok09:25
Soothsayergoing to09:25
jattSik: at login time you can choose classical desktop or similar it will load gnome09:25
Soothsayerbbl then09:25
zvacetSoothsayer: restart clomp but will anything work after that09:25
freaky[t]hi all. how do i install sun java on 11.4?09:25
Sikjatt: OK, how do I make the old shell the default though? (I'll forget to do it every time, and my mum won't even get she has to do it)09:25
jattfreaky[t]: download jdk-6u25-linux-i586.bin from oracle's site, install09:25
linuxrocksHi all, I'm going to upgrade from 10.10 to 11. Has anyone encountered some obvious problems during the upgrade process?09:26
rorbtw to anyone having problems loading classic; the way I did it was to load "classic (no effects)" then in that switch off "unity plugin" in CCSM, then switch back to "Classic"09:26
kradhi.  where can I see the list of startup services upon booting the OS?09:26
Nandomichaels: the beautiful thing about gnome tasks  are organized  properly  aplications places etc09:26
Blue1freaky[t]: this might work:  http://pkill-9.com/easy-way-to-install-java-runtime-enviorment-jre-in-debian/09:26
zvacetfreaky[t]: install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:26
SeRVeR01hey there, am trying to play game with wine but i got a disturbing thing the game doesn't come in full screen the title bar of ubuntu still there =/ any ideas ?09:26
michaelslinuxrocks, yes I had a servus problems.... make a backup first!!!09:26
rorSik: In Administration > Login Screen, there's a choice for "Default"09:26
kradwhere can I see the list of startup services upon booting the OS?09:26
jattSik: I don't remember either :(... maybe in the login screen you can set it as default?09:26
linuxrocksmichaels, which kind of problems?09:26
Sik"Pantalla de acceso" in Spanish?09:27
freaky[t]jatt: is it adviced to use the sun java insted of the open jdk?09:27
michaelsnando, so you want gnome shell? and this works or not?09:27
Blue1!es | sik09:27
ubottusik: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:27
michaelslinuxrocks, error during install: blackscreen09:27
BlackDexi just have installed/upgraded to natty09:27
SikBlue1: I can speak English, I just have Ubuntu set to Spanish :P09:27
linuxrocksmichaels, that's not good. What did you do then?09:27
Nandoguys anyone has audio cutoffs with skype?09:27
BlackDexAnd if i close pidgin, it realy closes09:27
jattfreaky[t]: I use it at work, it works fine. If it's for your own use is ok (1 user) but for a machine used by different people maybe is better to use from the repos.09:27
SikClassic Ubuntu, right?09:27
BlackDexinsteated of running on the background09:27
SikOK, will reboot, let's see if that does it :O)09:28
freaky[t]jatt: hm ok thx09:28
zvacetSik: onlogin screen under session choose ubuntu classic09:28
Sikzvacet: OK then I got it09:28
BraiamBlackDex: check the pidgin preference09:28
zvacetSik:  :o09:28
Flashtekgood morning peoples.09:28
BraiamFlashtek: night still09:29
michaelslinuxrocks, i completed the upgrade using shell, but now some things are brocken09:29
paulhow does rsync identify two files as the same file and skip it on the next sync, I assume it goes by more than just the fiel name?09:29
linuxrocksmichaels, which things?09:29
michaelsi can't start nautilus09:29
Flashtekpaul, md509:29
michaelssometimes ubuntu freezes09:30
michaelsand skype also doen't start, but thats maybee another storry09:30
Flashtekmichaels, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes..09:30
Flashtekmichaels, what hardware ?09:30
michaelsmacbook 2,109:30
NandoI think 11.4 needs more time to mature09:30
freaky[t]ok thanks for all your help ;D09:30
paulFlashtek: this md5 sounds like a goood deal09:30
fadaxi left my ubuntu virtual machine updating to the new version overnight, but during the update it looks like windows update restarted the computer and now i can't boot ubuntu in vmware...  it says "the disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present" .. "press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"  what should i do?09:31
linuxrocksmichaels, thanks, I will postpone the upgrade...09:31
BraiamNando: but it doesn't mature w/o tests09:31
BlackDexBraiam: The only thing i can see there is about the systray09:31
Whisky_Upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 and have been successfuly locked out of X. Even failsafex won't start. I can only get to the login screen and when I enter my password, no desktop! Nightmare! help! :(09:31
BlackDexand that isn't available any more09:31
zvacetNando: same story with every new release of course things will be better when we report bugs09:31
NandoBraiam: and that unity is stupid move09:32
michaelslinuxrocks, yes, maybe it is a good idea to wat some days with upgrade, if you want to update a productive machine....09:32
cybrhumanNando: why is unity a bad move?09:32
rorbecause it's regressive not progressive09:32
zvacetNando: use gnome or any other de09:33
linuxrocksmichaels, yes, this is my "production" machine. Prefer services to be up than running the new, shiny version of Ubuntu09:33
cybrhumanror: unity?09:33
incorrect1how can i put back normal scroll bars?09:33
linuxrocksmichales, s/the/than09:33
Nandocybrhuman: cause there is no need for it gnome is better09:33
MJBruneI have a Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) sound chipset and I want to know if my mic will work in xubuntu but its not working right. How can I fix this?09:33
fadaxcan anyone help m?09:33
Flashtekthere is a solution to the "windows rebooted during ubuntu install"09:34
Flashtekdon't run windows !09:34
cybrhumanNando: why? with these 16:9 screens we have today unity gives more production screen estate.09:34
rorcybrhuman, no it DOESN'T09:34
dasbootcapitanİ wanna install ubuntu to my refligator09:34
Flashtekhow many sodding times will it run update-grub ffs..09:34
fadaxFlashtek i can't fix this?  i have to reinstall ubuntu?09:34
rorwith 16:9 it's more important to have icons across top/bottom where you can see them all; and I used to use left hand toolbars when I had 4:309:34
odo_Hello everyone, any idea how to flush the DNS cache on a vanilla maverick? (short of rebooting, of course)?09:34
cybrhumanror: how do you argue that?09:34
dasbootcapitanHow can i compile go bios files09:35
rorthe fact unity doesn't even allow you to choose where to have the launcher is crazy09:35
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Flashtekfadax, boot from recovery, run install-grub or similar09:35
Kartagisis it possible to chroot ssh except root?09:35
rorin gnome-classic I can have as many panels as I wish, configure them all as I wish; Unity takes away control09:35
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Kartagisbecause otherwise I can't log in as root09:35
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jattunity is beta software avoid it if you use your machine for serious work09:35
Blue1Kartagis: why do you want to login as root?09:36
rorwith 16:9 people don't maximise windows, they have long top/bottom menus making the space 16:8 then split the screen into two 8:8 sections for windows09:36
Nandocybrhuman:  maybe you are right but I do not see a big difference though09:36
Whisky_I Upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 and have been successfuly locked out of X. Even failsafex won't start. I can only get to the login screen and when I enter my password, no desktop! Nightmare! help! :(09:36
jattsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity09:36
KartagisBlue1: this is a VPS09:36
jatt1149 open bugs09:36
jatttotally useless09:36
fadaxFlashtek i can't  boot from recovery, i get the same error09:36
Blue1Kartagis: ahh09:36
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vish!ot | jatt09:37
ubottujatt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:37
cybrhumanror: yes, but for many of us the panels were just there eating more screen estate than we liked, but they had to be there. The combination of the everpresent panel and the top bar of the window is nice I think.09:37
Flashtekfadax, install CD boot ?09:37
rorcybrhuman, no they did NOT have to be there! You can add/remove/move them as you wish in gnome. In Unity you cannot move them09:37
cybrhumanNando: Not everyone is happy about it of course, but we still have alternatives09:37
fadaxFlashtek well i can get a console root@mycomputer if i press "M" for manual recovery09:37
kradwhere can I see the list of startup services upon booting the OS?09:37
fadaxcan i do it from here?09:38
Diverdudewhere is gs installed in ubuntu?09:38
green_ok, what is this unity program for if it totally changes the way ubuntu has always looked? is it just to look more like some windows os?09:38
vishDiverdude: gnome-shell?09:38
Flashtekfadax, install-grub might help you09:38
cybrhumanror: without panels there is no acceptable place for a systray.09:38
rorgreen: it takes the worst of mac (single menu at the top) and worst of windows (launchers don't open new instances but switch to old ones) and combines them09:38
fadaxFlashtek it says "command not found"09:38
jattgreen_: is to look more like Mac OS09:38
Diverdudevish, yes09:38
SikOK, it wasn't that (though I wanted to get rid of Unity anyways). Apparently for whatever reason the new Linux kernel doesn't like my computer and won't boot properly no matter what I do, unless I go into safe mode and force it to run with the safe graphics drivers.09:39
vish!gnome3 | Diverdude09:39
ubottuDiverdude: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.09:39
rorcybrhuman, sure, but you can put a small panel on the left/right/wherever in gnome-classic, you can't with unity, so how is unity an improvement?09:39
Diverdudevish, its just a normal ubuntu 10.04 shell09:39
rorby simply forcing you to have the setup the developers want you to have without letting you customize it, is not a progressive step09:39
Nandocybrhuman: I like the new software center but sometimes I have a problem installing restricted extras giving me message operation failed09:39
rorSik: first time I had to boot to an older kernel, then dpkg --configure09:39
green_jatt: thats what i thought just to make it acceptible for mac users09:39
vishjatt, green_ : if you dont have any support questions, you can talk in -offtopic..09:40
jattgreen_: yes but it fails miserably imho09:40
Sikror: OK, will do that, though later as right now I need to get something off internet >_>09:40
rorUbuntu jumped the shark around the time of bug #375345 tbh09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375345 in Ubuntu ""Ubuntu One" name creates confusion" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37534509:40
Estragonhi, nautilus is not responding, file manager is not responding too09:40
Estragonim on 11.0409:41
Estragonfor example I cant click on a icon on desktop or open a places09:41
Whisky_I can't get into X09:41
cybrhumanror: understand me, I am not saying unity is the best for all, but for many I am sure it is. And for people who like to use gnome, gnome is still there. As for forcing a look on the desktop, most users wont do too much about their desktop, they want to use it and not having to configure it. So this is an improvement because you get more screen estate as default09:41
fadaxFlashtek oh i found that "grub-install" works, but it says "INSTALL_DEVICE can be a GRUB device name or a system device filename" .. what should i do?09:42
Flashtekfadax, /dev/sda ??09:42
vish!ot | cybrhuman , ror09:42
ubottucybrhuman , ror: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:42
rorlet's take this ot then09:42
Braiamfadax: it changes depending of your HD array09:42
kradwhat's the restart command in ubuntu?09:43
cybrhumanror: in a moment09:43
rorkrad: reboot09:43
kradnot found09:43
roror if everything is frozen, ctrl+f2 to get to a terminal, then ctrl+alt+del09:43
HTCPXdoes anyone know why ubuntu 11.04 installation is downloading updates when I haven't ticked the download update box?09:43
krad-su: /sbin/restart: No such file or directory09:43
cybrhumanNando: I havn't looked too much around looking for all apps, but I expect it gets a fix.09:43
Braiamkrad: sudo restart09:43
kradi'm root.09:43
Braiamkrad: sudo reboot09:43
Messelink"Could not download the release notes" -- nay tips?09:44
Flashtekkrad, define "restart"09:44
fadaxFlashtek: it says "cannot remove /boot/grub/915resolution.mod - it is a read only file system"09:44
vishkrad: $ sudo shutdown -r now09:44
kradFlashtek, to restart the OS09:44
kradthere is no shutdown command09:44
Flashtekfadax, mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda09:44
fadaxBraiam oh right.. i was running ubuntu on a virtual machine doe it make a difference?09:44
Daniahey guys, i was upgrading to ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10 and the screen frozen during the update, so i restarted the pc and now i'm getting the black screen with: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) , any ideas?09:44
vishkrad: $ sudo shutdown -r now ; will work, are you trying from terminal? or from GUI09:44
fadaxFlashtek it says it can't find /dev/sda in fstab when i do that09:45
Nandocybrhuman: thanks it's a pleasure talking with you09:45
bashelinamy latop actually runs much slower now with natty :(09:45
bashelinashouldnt it be the other way around ?09:45
ouss99911.04 sucks09:45
vish!bug | bashelina09:45
ubottubashelina: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:45
JoemamaI dont think I like this menu layout at all09:45
Joemamawhere the heck is the menu bar?09:45
vishbashelina: so for unity, its $ ubuntu-bug unity09:46
zvacetbashelina:  try ubuntu classic option to see is it unity related09:46
vishJoemama: its in the top panel09:46
JoemamaNoes, there's a bar on the left now09:46
Nandobashelina: agree with you09:46
Joemamano more of these menus on the bars I guess09:46
crims0nrepositories are slow09:47
crims0nshould have done a clean install xD09:47
krad(its a virtual serveR)09:47
rizzuhDo I need to do anything special to upgrade from beta 2 to final?09:47
loxsfolks, I just installed gnome3. It works but the default adwaita gtk theme is not there. It's not available in gnome-tweak-tool interface tab. And as a result all is ugly (redmond theme). How can I install adwaita?09:48
kradnot able to restart it!09:48
Flashtekkrad, sudo shutdown -r now09:48
sanderd17_Hi there. Does anyone know where I have to file a dependancy problem for natty?09:48
kradFlashtek, no shutdown cmd09:49
Flashtekkrad, init command work ?09:49
rizzuhDo I need to do anything special to upgrade from beta 2 to final, aside from upgrading packages?09:50
iszakSince installing Ubuntu 11.04 my login time (for gnome) has slowed down significantly.09:50
iszakany way to fix this?09:50
sanderd17_rizzuh: no you don't09:50
incorrect1rizzuh, nope09:50
crims0nrizzuh - I don't belive so, should be good to go09:50
fadaxFlashtek it says it can't find /dev/sda in fstab when i do that09:50
rizzuhalright, thanks09:50
ouss999unity it is not stable09:50
incorrect1rizzuh, i was missing some packages09:50
ouss999we need to wait for 12.0409:50
zvacetrizzuh: justdo the updates09:50
iszakouss999, agreed09:50
rizzuhouss999: it seems stable09:50
mariehow to get  time in hh:mi:ss  for ls -l09:50
iszakrizzuh, it's relatively stable, bit buggy on dual screens tho09:51
Flashtekfadax, how about sda1/sda2/sda3 etc..etc..09:51
rizzuhiszak: oh, haven't tried that yet.09:51
corinthHey room. Just installed a clean copy of Natty. I seem to have no sound...and whenever I try to change the volume, it hangs on "Waiting for Sound System..." Help?09:51
Sonjais there a 101 of configuring this new left bar thingy?09:51
incorrect1once you tweak unity its create, my desktop those huge sidebar icons are so fugly unless you shrink them down09:51
rizzuhiszak: Linux support for multiple monitors has been flaky at best.09:51
iszakrizzuh, I disagree, I have had good experience with gnome.09:51
Sonjayeah unity lol09:52
jattSonja: it is not easily configurable09:52
iszakI have used ubuntu on dual and tri screens with no issues09:52
rizzuhI've had plenty bad with just two, let alone 3. On both AMD and NVIDIA.09:52
ouss999for me i'm using 10.04 and i will not switch to unity until 12.04 is out sorry for my english09:52
iszakrizzuh, oh yeah same here with Catalyst Control centre, but hardly linux's fault.09:52
benccanyone managed to install natty in vbox?09:52
rizzuhiszak: even on NVIDIA.09:52
incorrect1ouss999, probably a good idea09:52
benccI'm getting a black screen after installing guest additions09:52
rizzuhiszak: though it's mostly those companies' fault.09:52
incorrect1ouss999, 11.10 should show unity being much more mature09:53
eigba_incorrect1,  Do you like unity at all? Im not sure if i do or not09:53
crims0nWhat are everyone's thoughts on unity?09:53
ilonoh crap..09:53
SuperLagHmm... not sure I like Unity. It will sure take some getting used to.09:53
iszakthe only good thing for me that came from 11.04 is compiz grids and refreshed versions.09:53
rizzuhGood move from old interface.09:53
ilonjust upgraded, unity is.... different.09:53
incorrect1eigba_, i like the amount of screen real estate i get back09:53
thodorosproblem with unity on net-book....09:53
rizzuhAnd finally an easy app search like on Vista/7.09:53
sanderd17_bencc: yes, followed this instructions: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/how-to-test-ubuntu-1104-with-unity-in.html09:53
incorrect1i like the sidebar now i've tweaked it09:53
rizzuhStart -> typing09:53
jatteigba: -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/64818009:53
jatt 09:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 648180 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity is not Gnome2" [Undecided,Opinion]09:53
eigba_Unity looks ok I guess, just not sure if I like it09:53
ouss999unity is good but it will need some time to be mature09:53
crims0nis Unity gnome based?09:54
zvaceteigba_:  same here09:54
SuperLagjatt: haha, that's funny!09:54
corinthI have no sound. Altering the sound hangs a message: "Waiting for Sound System"...please help.09:54
iszakI would choose unity for netboots/laptops but definitely not my desktop and I hate that they're going to remove gnome  (easily installed tho)09:54
DrManhattanwheres the settings, preferences, administration, etc?09:54
ilonwhere did my taskbar go?! :<<09:54
incorrect1ilon, its on the left hand side09:54
eigba_iszak, I asked the same thing. I had to use the damn search feature09:54
ilonincorrect1: no, thats a launcherbar :(09:54
benccsanderd17_: I did but getting a black screen09:54
Toekive donwloaded the linuxmint (http://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=80) ISO and trying to make a bootable usb with startup disk creator. but the iso wont stick when i choose it any ideas?09:55
incorrect1ilon, all your tasks should be there09:55
DrManhattanhardly anything is there09:55
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zvacetincorrect1:  how do you do it link if you have any please09:55
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ilonincorrect1: so they should, but its more of a "programbar" than a taskbar09:55
sanderd17_bencc: you said you installed the guest addidtions? they dont work with unity yet09:55
incorrect1zvacet, do what customise the sidebar?09:55
crims0nso unity is not at all based on gnome?09:56
iszakFuture version of Ubuntu: Gubuntu? Ubuntu for unity, Gubuntu for Gnome?09:56
benccsanderd17_: I've installed virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms virtualbox-ose-guest-utils virtualbox-ose-guest-x1109:56
DrManhattanwheres the settings, preferences, administration, etc?09:56
MJBrunei cant get my Realteck alc272x to work with the mic, anuone?09:56
jattcrims0n: no, it is a totally new desktop environment09:56
ouss999what is the best irc client09:56
incorrect1ilon, well to me it encompasses all the same functionality, list of apps and their status09:56
eigba_Ive already farted out 2 butt turds trying to figure out if i like unity or not09:56
zvacetincorrect1:  yes I just started t ouse it so I don't know much about unity09:56
jattcrims0n: now there is gnome, kde, xfce and unity09:56
incorrect1oh wait you can't close them from the sidebar09:56
incorrect1my mistake09:56
ilonaccessing setting seems to be a mess now that they arent grouped under a settingsmenu any longer.09:56
ilonincorrect1: how can i customize it?09:56
Diverdudein bash, i have variable $i, how do i concatenate it with a c in a command? so that i can do myprogram $i ['c' $i]     so if i has the value  'myfile.png'  it would be myprogram myfile.png cmyfile.png   ?09:56
sanderd17_bencc: I did use the oracle version of VB, not the OSE version09:56
crims0nouss999 I like irssi, if you are not afraid of the console09:57
Sonjaunity is pretty, but not exactly practical09:57
eigba_ilon, what I did was use the search feature to find settings then pulled it over to the lauchbar. probally not the most productive way though09:57
ouss999i will give it a try09:57
eigba_Sonja, Agreed09:57
rizzuhBut seriously, can we get some configuration options for the notifications? The 10 second timeout is FAR too long, especially for IMs. And it doesn't show multiple notifications either.09:57
ilonincorrect1: problem is that since i usally have alot o windows open, the old taskbar was rather nice for me to switch between windows09:57
benccsanderd17_: I tried both the oracle iso guest additions and ose guest additions from apt but still getting a black screen09:57
incorrect1ilon, same here09:57
SikOK, so I tried both reinstalling the graphics driver and running dpkg off the recovery menu, either way 11.04 still won't boot properly >_< Sometimes it hangs after the login screen, sometimes it outright kicks me into a text mode terminal :/09:57
zvacetSonja:  I'm not used to big icons09:57
sanderd17_bencc: sorry, can't help you further09:58
benccsanderd17_: thanks09:58
iloneigba_: what do you mean by "settings"? since ubuntu dosnt have a unified way of handeling settings..09:58
eigba_I wish they would of went with gnome 3.09:58
incorrect1to customise the sidebar you install the 'compizconfig-settings-manager' then go to the unity settings09:58
iszakMust say, a lot of back lash towards unity.. hopefully the next version will be better e.g. you can arrange icons, position the bar.09:58
ilonincorrect1: i know the concept from OS X, but it feels half done :(09:58
incorrect1you also want to turn off the 'back light' damn its so ugly with all those colours09:58
ojiiis there a way to move the unity bar from the left to the right?09:58
zvacetincorrect1:  and without compiz09:59
incorrect1ilon, i agree,09:59
bashelinazvacet, im using classic,  either natty got more bloated or ubuntu discarded some drivers ??09:59
jattojii: no09:59
incorrect1zvacet, you are using unity 2d?09:59
ilonincorrect1: guess i have to switch to something else as usual :(09:59
Sonjai'm trying to customize/optimize the Unity bar ... i don't need the workspace switcher09:59
incorrect1i do not know why unity was pushed out so early09:59
eigba_well there are several desktop managers most or very old, maybe this unity can progress?09:59
knickHi guys - Just downloaded and burned ubuntu 11.04 - Tried it on 2 different Lenovo 3000 N200 notebooks but on both it won't start09:59
knickI get a mount error and get thrown into busybox09:59
ilonincorrect1: yeah, seems too early, shouldve came as optional for another few months10:00
incorrect1ilon, i bet in a week i will get irritated and go back to gnome2 or find a unity ppa10:00
zvacetincorrect1:  well,I don't know and I can not check because I'm not on ubuntu right now10:00
ojiijatt, that's pretty bad... I have a 4 screen (two notebooks) setup, and now I have the bar in the middle on the right pair.... and it's hard to activate it since i use synergy and the mouse just moves to the left pair...10:00
Diverdudewhere is gs installed in ubuntu?10:00
ilonincorrect1: i'll probably just switch back to XFCE / FFWM again10:00
incorrect1my biggest irritation so far is the 2x2 virtual desktop10:00
zvacetbashelina:  I can be both I don't know10:01
jattojii: you can use gnome, choose it from the login window10:01
incorrect1i am used to gnome2 1x4 arrangement10:01
om26erincorrect1, try in ccsm10:01
incorrect1ilon, 11.10 will see it mature10:01
ojiijatt, but other than that I like unity :(10:01
ilonincorrect1: yeah, i can only imagine how bad that would be on my workstation at home with 3x2 physical monitors10:01
incorrect1om26er, i've already done all i want with ccsm10:01
Sonjai always used 1x1  :)10:01
om26erSonja, ;)10:01
marieknick:  I am  not aware much updates these days, is ubunt 11.04 desktop version is available ?10:02
ilonoh well, gonna switch WM, brb10:02
tomaszmarie yes10:02
knickmarie: Yes it is, it was released yesterday.10:02
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Hoytpossible to remove unity totally and switch back to old interfaces ?10:02
Sonjahoyt i'm considering that too10:02
tomaszmarie when you log to ubuntu you change desktop or netbook10:02
corinthI have no sound. Altering the sound hangs a message: "Waiting for Sound System"...please help.10:02
Hoytunity is really bad for me10:02
rzx237can I run wget through tor proxy?10:03
crims0nmeh... considering moving to arch10:03
iszakrzx237, check the manual page10:03
pisahmeti have upgraded my maverick to 11.04, but i have a big problem. it doesn't start with new kernel (2.6.38), it looks like a xorg problem. but it works well with old kernel (2.6.35) pc specs >> amd athlon x2 5200+, asus m2a-vm, ocz 2 gb ddr2 800 mhz ram and palit sonic gts 45010:03
dfsi'm installing 11.04 right now to take a look on this unity heh10:03
kavurthow can i install unity in kubuntu? what's the package name?10:03
tomaszkavurt,  better install kde on ubuntu ;)10:04
ilonmuch beter.10:04
decoderim getting frequent kernel panic/freezes since upgrade from natty alpha to natty stable10:04
iszakkavurt, sudo apt-get install unity10:04
decodertwice today already10:04
iszakyeah that kernal better panic with unity on it's system10:05
genupulas!file encryption10:05
iszakright I'm out, later.10:05
tomtitmorning all10:06
zelharHello. I started an upgrade and it is now on the "getting new package" stage. Is it safe to cancel the upgrade because the download speed is too slow and I want to find a better server ?10:06
ilonunity still have to mature some before i would consider to use it10:06
ouss999ilon, i agree10:07
corinthzelhar, Yes10:07
jattzelhar: I think it is safe while it's downloading packages10:07
jattzelhar: but once it starts to install/configure if you abort it can get messy10:07
ouss999jatt, i agree10:07
zelharI see10:08
ilonouss999: or maybe ubuntu needs to mature.. still no unified place for settings :(10:08
ibqnis 11.04 lts?10:08
zelharwell then I guess I am gonna try this10:08
ouss999ibqn, no10:08
voxok, how do i remove unity and go back to the standard desktop?10:08
genupulas! Encryption10:08
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory10:08
Steristis there a command to empty the swap contents back into physical ram?10:09
azatoth_workis it possible to open multiple terminals in natty?10:09
ilonvox: just choose "classic ubuntu" from the login10:09
DrManhattanyou know, I dont think im happy at all with this gui layout10:09
voxilon: orad10:09
DrManhattanthere's no easy way to get to the things I like10:09
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Sonjahttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-04/   item #610:10
DrManhattanespecially system preferences and the such10:10
voxDrManhattan: it'd be great on a tablet10:10
jattyou can switch back to classic gnome10:10
ilonjatt: just choose "classic ubuntu" from the login10:10
rzx237yes thanks guys, now I can running wget through tor proxy, just need to read the manual for a while.10:10
ndxtgwhat is ubuntu offtopi channel?10:10
Sonjawe need an #ihateunity :)10:10
knickSo anyone else had problems starting the live-cd of Ubuntu 11.04?10:11
fadaxFlashtek i tried dev/sda1 up to 10 and it said the same thing for all of them10:11
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DrManhattanhow do I change the login type if I have the system set to log in automatically10:12
voxhm i have no option to change it at log in10:13
voxahh nm10:14
voxfound it10:14
green_on this upgrade glxgears work but compiz won't any ideas?10:15
tomaszglxgears how mony fps ?10:16
yi`zhii have made peace with zeitgeist...for now -_-10:17
ilonvox: sorry, forgot to say you have to click your name in the list first.10:17
SikI updated to 11.04 using the updater and it won't boot properly now. Sometimes it (or the X Server?) hangs after the login screen, sometimes it outright kicks me into the terminal. I can only boot using safe mode in the recovery kernel :/ Help?10:18
voxilon: all good10:18
Asad2005Can someone help me upgrade, i am getting Error authenticating tzdata and tzdata-java10:19
Juanatashello can someone help me... I just installed the latest Ubuntu and my wireless card is not being detected... Help me please... I installed it on on acer aspireone laptop...10:19
ilonvox: we just have to wait for unity to grow up and move out i gues.10:19
Asad2005from amd64 10.10 to 11.0410:19
Phylockanyone know of a good guide to unity?? how to start using it?? is i possible to customize it??10:19
voxilon: eh i can see some people finding it very useful10:20
yi`zhiPhylock, i'm looking into it myself10:20
voxit just doesnt suit my needs10:20
Tetsuo55hello, how do i enable the weather info next to the clock in unity???10:20
tomaszSik ?10:20
DrManhattanhow do I change the login type if I have the system set to log in automatically?10:20
yi`zhianyone know how i can display bandwidth usage and system resources at the top in narwhal?10:21
Siktomasz: well, I just want Ubuntu to boot properly (and with the real graphics drivers) >_>10:21
ilonvox: sure, if your on a tablet / phone, then it probably is nice10:21
incorrect1i love some of the great wm theme designs, i love the fact that someone thought it would be a great idea to but a tab in the bottom right to cover up part of the app10:22
Psychobudgieyi`zhi, you can't as far as I'm aware10:22
incorrect1so useful hiding firebug from me10:22
listpihow to install udisks utility in ubuntu 9.1010:22
jattTetsuo55: you can't. there are no applets in unity10:22
Tetsuo55jatt: :(((((10:23
Asad2005Can someone help me upgrade, i am getting Error authenticating tzdata and tzdata-java10:23
jattTetsuo55: I know. canonical claims nobody uses applets :(10:23
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ilonincorrect1: irony, worthless on the internet since -90s10:24
thatcodeHi. I've just upgraded to 11.04. I have a multi-monitor set up. The hardware seems to think my right hand monitor is the primary (it's on VGA, the left hand is on DVI). This is causing problems when I boot with both monitors. The Application bar appears on the left side of the right monitor, which really screws things up, my graphics go on my right monitor, and I don't get any bars to launch programs or even shut down.10:24
ddddddddddda question10:24
dddddddddddi need reinstall, should i take 11.04 or 10.0410:24
thatcodeAny ideas how to get it to put the bar in the correct place?10:24
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jattthatcode: you can't the bar position is not configurable in unity10:25
Tetsuo55jatt:  thats insande, the built-in weather is one of the best things about the ubuntu default clock10:25
incorrect1ilon, i don't have any milk for my coffee this morning10:25
ddddddddddda question10:25
dddddddddddi need reinstall, should i take 11.04 or 10.0410:25
jattTetsuo55: I agree I use that applet too10:25
KNUBBIGgood morning everyone :)10:25
swordzjatt, So basically, I can't use my second screen?10:25
swordzI don't believe that10:25
jattswordz: you can switch back to the classical interface10:25
Phylockthatcode: same setup, same problem here :d10:25
ChristianAdamskiHi, 11.04 Gnome2: Nautilus is opening my ftp-Bookmarks with Firefox, despite me changing the url-handler to nautilus and rebooting?10:25
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jattswordz: it's true there is no way to configure the bar position in unity10:26
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ilonincorrect1: you can take some of mine, my coffe allmost came in return this morning :(10:26
KNUBBIGyou can use two displays with displays?10:26
swordzjatt, I want the bar on the left10:26
KNUBBIGI do it10:26
swordzI just want Ubuntu to pick the other screen10:26
swordzThat's a lower level than Unity10:26
knickswordz: use xrandr10:26
swordzIt's X that's getting this wrong, not Unity (imo)10:27
KNUBBIGoh I'm not rly awoken, I type crap. I meant you can use it with Unity :)10:27
paddy_I have an i7 processor which is not loaded much at all during disk writes but my 3-disk raid-5 array write speed is 30mb's whereas its read is 2oomb's10:27
yi`zhiok i got an interesting problem. i use the windows key (Super L) as a shortcut for terminal. it also happens to be the shortcut for narwhal's dash. i tried changing the shortcut for narwhal dash to CTRL+SuperL but then terminal doesn't pop up anymore. when i hit SuperL, BOTH dash and terminal pop up.10:27
Tetsuo55jatt: did we lose the battery too?10:27
dddddddddddyesit was an example10:28
dddddddddddbut ccpd dont it10:28
dddddddddddi need reinstall, should i take 11.04 or 10.0410:28
knickddddddddddd: best to stay up to date10:28
jattTetsuo55: I think they still have it10:28
jattTetsuo55: but things like the system monitor applet are gone10:29
_rubenpaddy_: that's a common issue with raid510:29
paddy__ruben even with a fast processor?10:29
_rubenpaddy_: yes, the disks are the limiting factor10:29
quick_nickddddddddddd: i have both and prefer 10.04 over 11.04 right now.  been having bug problems with 11.04.  my biggest issue is shutdown problems were introduced with the upgrade on an ati video card machine10:30
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paddy__ruben how so, is it their seek time?10:30
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greenteanew ubuntu good?10:30
paddy_greentea: FANTASTIC10:30
knickdoesnt boot for me10:30
yi`zhiit's okay. minus zeitgeist10:30
knickI get mount errors when I try to start the live cd10:31
bangLUCEhi. how can I make a non-root program open port 80 ?10:31
paddy_oh you must disable twinview before uppgrading if you are using it10:31
knickbangLUCE: use iptables to forward10:31
knickThough that iptables command must be run as root10:31
_rubenpaddy_: with raid5 over 3 disks, the read actions are nicely spread over all 3 disks, the writes however results writes on 2 or even 3 disks simultaneously: not much performance gain over a single disk10:31
Guest90444HI, can I upgrade from 10 to 11 from an ISO?10:31
paddy_bangLUCE: if you do not have root permissions you cant10:31
yi`zhiso... since i can't change the shortcut key for terminal in control center > keyboard shortcuts, how do i do it using the terminal?10:32
knickbangLUCE: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port <otherport>10:32
mbrochhwhat is the name of that fancy new desktop that comes with 11.04?10:32
mbrochhis it unity?10:32
lupzzis wayland supposed to be adopted by ubuntu 11.10?10:32
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paddy__ruben what can i do increase the speed?10:32
_rubenpaddy_: more disks ;)10:32
jattmbrochh: yes, unity10:32
paddy__ruben, so if i add another disk to the raid 5 array it will be faster on the writes?10:33
_rubenpaddy_: though write performance will never be really great with raid5, if you want both read and write performance, go for raid1010:33
mbrochhdoes anybody know if it is possible to enjoy unity when running ubuntu on a virtualbox?10:33
mbrochhi can't seem to be able to activate it10:33
bangLUCEknick: thanks. and how can I remove that rule, when I want?10:33
DrManhattanhow do I change the login type if I have the system set to log in automatically?10:33
paddy_mbrochh: i have tried that for hours and could not get it to work10:34
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mbrochhpaddy_, damn10:34
DrManhattanIm trying to switch to classic gnome10:34
knickbangLUCE: change -A PRE.. to -D PRE..10:34
Psychobudgiembrochh, I'm having trouble enjoying it full stop10:34
_rubenpaddy_: it also highly depends on your io patterns10:34
paddy_Psychobudgie: whats not to like?10:34
Maddogmmbrochh, must be using virtualbox 4.0.610:34
bangLUCEknick:  iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port <otherport> ?10:35
knickbangLUCE: yup10:35
_rubenpaddy_: the real performance gains with raid5 are when using a hardware raid controller with a battery backed write chache10:35
mbrochhMaddogm, i am using latest virtualbox 4.0.6 - any special settings to do to get it working?10:35
mfraz74Upgraded my netbook to 11.04 this week and now whenever I use rsync to sync my files over a wireless connection, the connection keeps dropping10:35
lupzzanyone knows if wayland is supposed to be adopted by ubuntu 11.10?10:35
_rubenpaddy_: or use SSDs ;)10:35
paddy__ruben i have a ssd can i use that as  a cache,  how do i use a cache?10:35
peteymbrochh, I had to reinstall the 4.0.6 guest additions to get unity to work and enable 3D acceleration in the settings10:36
gareDrManhattan:  the easiest way I found to switch from 11.04 to classic gnome is to install kubuntu-desktop, and select kdm as the default .  This gives options of different desktops ...10:36
DrManhattanthats ridiculous, there's got to be an easier way10:36
_rubenpaddy_: only highend hardware raid controllers can use ssds as cache (and you'd need an enterprise class ssd for that as well), zfs can use ssds as cache as well though10:36
garewell, please let me know ..10:37
paddy__ruben: what about lvm10:37
_rubenpaddy_: wont make a difference afaik10:37
garewhat happens when you remove default desktop file from /x11 ?10:37
_rubenpaddy_: when write performance is needed, one usually just doesnt use raid5 :)10:38
Maddogmmbrochh, what petey said, plus you may need to adjust the memory quantities (check video especially)10:38
paddy_what is the best way to use a ssd as a raid 5 cache?10:38
mbrochhMaddogm, working on it...10:38
mbrochhMaddogm, it worked! great!10:38
paddy__ruben: do you think i should buy an other disk and switch to raid10?10:38
josefrichterguys, tried to update Ubuntu under VirtualBox and now getting error: environment block too small - what does that mean please?10:38
mbrochhpetey, Maddogm thanks for your help10:38
debdjosefrichter: may be your virtual HDD size is too small for that10:39
_rubenpaddy_: it all comes down to your needs/wishes/wallet basically, but raid10 is quite likely to give you much better write performance than raid510:39
peteymbrochh, no probs - obviously unity doesn't work so well unless you fullscreen it unless you disable the auto-hide10:39
gareDrManhattan:  perhaps take a look at this file:  /etc/init/gdm.conf10:39
paddy_dualscreen unity works really well10:40
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Rehanwow that was a complete disappointment. 11.04 install fails during install and freezes up about 5 minutes before being completely finished over and over again.10:41
beekorI been reading a bit about app indicators and ppa's and shit.10:42
thegoodcushionHi everyone.  My HP Deskjet 2000 works in Windows 7 and OS X perfectly.  But I can't get it to work on Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit.  Ubuntu thinks that it's printing, and the powerlight flashes as though the printer's thinking, but no output comes out.  Any ideas?10:42
beekorit may take a long while, cushion.10:42
beekorlike minutes.10:42
thegoodcushionbeekor: even though it doesn't under OS X/Windows?10:42
beekori get that sometimes printing pdfs.10:42
thegoodcushionokay... I'll test it again and give it a few minutes10:43
beekorif it's flashing, you most likely have something coming to the printer eventually.10:43
bencccan I use unity with 2d?10:47
bin_bashHello. I can't get the internal mic working. 11.04 on MBP 8,1 running xfce10:47
mtlifehey how can i install unity on an 11.04 box without gnome installed previously? I tried apt-get install unity, which worked fine downloaded a few packages but no unity (only a desktop no menu or launcher bar)10:47
Soothsayermy dual monitors are not being detected10:47
Rehanbencc: nope, it requires compiz, which requires 3D acceleration10:47
SoothsayerI have an XFX 9600 GT10:47
paddy_bencc yes10:47
Soothsayerand once I installed ubuntu, it gave me the drivers prompt.. and I installed the driver from there.10:47
SoothsayerIt's got the resolution right, but I don't see the second monitor being detected10:48
paddy_bencc there is a package that lets you10:48
benccpaddy_:  how? I have problems with 3d when natty is in vbox?10:48
Feyisayo1I want to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04. Can I do that If I have the ISO of 11.04 already downloaded?10:48
benccpaddy_:  what package?>10:48
beekoryeah, i have dual monitor issues too.10:48
paddy_bencc search for unity 2d in software center10:48
SoothsayerFeyisayo1: do you have 32bit or 64bit ?10:48
benccpaddy_: thanks. did you try it. does it work ok?10:48
kandinskiI am having a weird interaction between irssi/gnome-terminal/natty: alt-w, which before upgrading to natty took me to the 12th irssi screen, on gnome terminal selects all text in the terminal, despite alt-w not being listed as a keyboard shortcut either on gnome-terminal or on gnome10:49
Feyisayo1I think it's 64-bit. I run AMD Athlon X210:49
BlouBlouI am having a problem with ubuntu. It says I have NVidia GeForce 5500 FX drivers 'enabled', but they aren't being used. How to fix it? I want to use them, but there isn't any option to do that10:49
kandinskiany idea what it can be?10:49
SoothsayerFeyisayo1: hmm no, then you have to use the internet update method. I've been trying it too.10:49
paddy_To everyone who has had difficulty using dual monitors! You must not use twinview, it will make compiz segfault10:49
Soothsayerpaddy_: I'm not using anything.. just installed a fresh copy10:49
haseebhi, i am having resolution problem after installing nvidia 7300GS drivers !! help plz10:49
Feyisayo1Soothsayer: I see10:49
beekorAny ideas how to get my monitors to detect themselves in the Monitors program ?10:50
paddy_Soothsayer: backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf then delete it, log in again10:50
thegoodcushionbeekor: about my printing problems - I just tested it again.  When I send the thing to the printer, the power button goes fully bright like it just woke up.  It doesn't flash.  It's not printing.  But Ubuntu says "Idle - Finished page 1".  Any ideas?10:50
beekorone issue has been those becoming unknown.  and I'm not sure where they're located.10:50
gareDrManhattan: 1st aspect of your question -- To ask for password on login , go to Users , select your user, and then Change password.  Uncheck 'Don't ask for password on login'.10:50
VustomSo here's my problem, I have a 500GB HDD, and at first I only had Windows on it, then I installed Ubuntu 10.10 a few months ago and had both OS's side-by-side, and I used the Windows (HP) Recovery Manager today to reformat my HDD so I started clean with a fresh install of Windows and a 500GB HDD, and was planning on installing Ubuntu 11.4 side-by-side with Windows again, but when I reformatted it only reformatted the 250GB's of the W10:51
Soothsayerpaddy_: I have an XFX 9600 GT.. it prompted me to install some NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers (recommended)10:51
VustomWindows and Ubuntu 11.4 on the other 250GB HDD, how do I fix this...?10:51
Soothsayer(version current)10:51
beekorhmmm, not sure cushion.  is it usb or parallel ?10:51
thegoodcushionbeekor: USB10:51
djdbHi! Ubuntu 11.04 server requires firmware for my hardware (qlogic FC, 10g broadcom ethernet). Where can I find it? Ubuntu installer wants CD with this files...10:51
Soothsayer"This driver is activated but not currently in use."10:51
Soothsayerwhy is it saying that?10:51
DrManhattangare - thank you10:51
paddy_Soothsayer: install them, if it does not work do what i said befire10:51
knickVustom: when you install Ubuntu on windows (dual boot) in the installer wizard you'll receive a slider to slide the sizes of the harddisks, there you can change the partition sizes10:52
paddy_Soothsayer: try and find an option to enable it10:52
haseebUBUNTU 11.04 low resolution problem after installing nvidia drivers!!! fix please???10:52
beekornot sure, cushion.  Does it detect as the correct printer model ?10:52
knickVustom: It's not really 'obvious' but it shows the windows and ubuntu partition in a window and you can slide it..10:52
gareglad could help10:52
thegoodcushionbeekor: Is there some driver other than the default CUPS driver that comes with Ubuntu?  It's a HP Deskjet 2000.  Yes it detects as the right model10:52
Vustomknick, I tried that but only had the option of 250GB's, which is how much space I gave the Windows partion last time..10:52
Soothsayerpaddy_: there is no such option10:52
beekorhmm, not that i know of, cushion.10:52
paddy_brb if anyone wants to mssg me pm me, do it doesnt get lost10:52
Feyisayo1I made a USB startup disk of 10.10 (32-bit) and gave to a friend to install with his Windows using WUBI. He says during the installation WUBI tried to download another ISO. He running Intel core 2 duo. Did I give the right thing?10:52
knickVustom: Hmm, you might have partitioned it before? I'm not sure how to do that manually though10:52
VustomIt's like the reformat only reformatted the Windows partion and not the Ubuntu as well.10:53
VustomI did...10:53
mtlifeHey i get "Xsession: unsupported number of arguments (2): falling back to default session" when i try and launch unity... it doesnt complain about lack of 3d though (i have nvidia drivers installed)10:53
staff_nowahi in ubuntu 10.10 i have nvidia 9300m gs and monitor work with 60ghz, but then update to 11.04 now my nvidia don't detect and get 50ghz, how resolve problem ?10:53
BlouBlouI am having a problem with ubuntu. It says I have NVidia GeForce 5500 FX drivers 'enabled', but they aren't being used. How to fix it? I want to use them, but there isn't any option to do that10:53
Soothsayerpaddy_: should I try installing the other one?10:53
Soothsayerand then do what you suggested?10:54
bin_bashDoes anyone have any tips to get the internal microphone working on natty? I'm running xfce, which shouldn't matter. it worked fine in gnome10:54
BlouBloupeople only answers easy questions, I don't know why are too many people here10:54
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haseebcan anyone help with low resolution problem????? pleeease??10:54
beekorwell, people only answer questions they know, i'd hope.10:54
bin_bash!ask | haseeb10:54
ubottuhaseeb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:54
mbrochh]2hmm... when using ubuntu with virtualbox 4.0.6 and swtichting to the scaled mode (CTRL+C) i have a black bar at the bottom... the desktop doesnt seem to scale correctly and the mouse pointer seems to be at an invisible position a few pixels above the actual visible mouse cursor10:55
samicI'm using 11.04 but classic and my notification area doesn't show stardict and pidgin icon (it shows transmission and dropbox though!)10:55
haseebi installed my 7300gs nvidia drivers and it gives very low resolution10:55
BlouBlouwell, indeed, how to enable ' *not* install ' nvidia drivers?10:55
BlouBlousamic: Go to Pidgin config and change config in it, enable it to appear in gnome-bar10:56
nysohi there10:56
haseebbin_bash: heyy10:56
samicBlouBlou: I have checked it to show but nothing!10:56
nysois there a way to setup the youtube plugin for totem to have always the highest quality?10:57
peteymbrochh, I had some similar problems I think when switching out of seamless mode, changing to the scale mode a few times seemed to sort it out10:57
Soothsayerwhy can't I just download the drivers from the official website?10:57
BlouBlounyso: Actually not10:57
jiltdilhi i am on 64bit ubuntu 11.04 i have installed adobe flash player but still video in youtube is saying install missing plugin when i click to install it there are nothing to install.How to insatll it10:57
genupulasnyso:  i think some plugins we are goign to have in browser to get max quality of vedio10:57
nysoBlouBlou: thx :/10:57
BlouBlouSoothsayer: We are not nvidia-web admins, no idea10:58
genupulastotem is just a player nyso10:58
jiltdilany idea?10:58
BlouBloujiltdil: Go to synaptic and search 'flash', install the -nonfree one10:58
nysogenupulas: well, but with the ability to play youtube videos per plugin10:58
thomas8jiltdil: search for Flash in about:plugins of your browser10:58
genupulasjiltdil:  close the browser while installing10:59
BlouBlougenger: there is no need, just restart when installation finishes and done10:59
nysoother question, is there a way in empathy to hide chanserv messages?10:59
BlouBlougenupulas: ^10:59
Black_PhantomHey, how much space do I need on a usb stick in order to install Ubuntu on it ?11:00
DamienCassou1it is me or is Unity still buggy?11:00
bin_bashunity is buggy.11:00
genupulasBlouBlou:  k cool11:00
jiltdilin synpatic i have seen already installed flash-plugib-installer11:00
genupulasBlouBlou:  yeah11:00
BlouBlouBlack_Phantom: I _think_ 1GB at least11:00
thomas8bin_bash: true, it is very buggy I think11:00
Black_PhantomI have a 1 GB usb.11:00
DamienCassou1bin_bash: ok, thank you. What do people do? Do you use the classic version?11:00
Black_PhantomWill that work ?11:01
deeeedanybody is using ubuntu on macos ?11:01
deeeedI just want to make sure all the drivers are working fine11:01
DamienCassou1deeeed: what do you mean exactly?11:01
bin_bashDamienCassou1: No, I use xfce11:01
nysoyou mean in a macbook?11:01
=== DamienCassou1 is now known as DamienCassou
deeeedDamianz, my mistake I meant on macbookpro11:01
deeeednot mac os11:01
icerootdeeeed: macos is an os you cant run ubuntu on that11:01
jodlajodlahello, i have installed 11.04, and all things work, but sometimes mouse pointer lagg - is this unity bug or it's something wrong with ATI drivers?11:02
bin_bashdeeeed: which mac?11:02
iceroot!mac | deeeed11:02
ubottudeeeed: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:02
DamienCassoudeeeed: I installed ubuntu on several mac books11:02
bin_bashdeeeed: Which macbook pro11:02
thomas8Black_Phantom: you'll need 4 Go at least I think11:02
deeeedDamienCassou, did everything worked fine ?11:02
DamienCassoudeeeed: 99% of the time I was satisfied11:03
bin_bashdeeeed: I have to know exactly which macbook pro11:03
deeeedbin_bash, ModelIdentifier: MacBookPro 5,411:03
DamienCassoudeeeed: but sometimes I had to reboot due to a suspend/resume problem11:03
bin_bashdeeeed: yeah it should work fine.11:03
jodlajodlahello, i have installed 11.04, and all things work, but sometimes mouse pointer lagg - is this unity bug or it's something wrong with ATI drivers?11:03
deeeedI just can't get used to mac os11:03
Soothsayerthis driver is activated but not currently in use again!11:03
Soothsayerpaddy_: there?11:03
deeeedI have been on linux for over a decade11:04
DamienCassoudeeeed: also, it took me some time to configure the touchpad properly11:04
ChristianAdamskiHi, gnome-open ftp://test opens in FF4, ignoring url-handlers. Help!??11:04
deeeedmiss my gnome too much11:04
DamienCassoudeeeed: same thing here. No problem, this will work11:04
DamienCassoudeeeed: try to follow the tutorial on community.ubuntu.com11:04
deeeedok great I will try to install it then I just don't want to waste time if I have to switch back later11:04
DamienCassoudeeeed: there are also some manipulations to do if you want to read/write your mac os x partition11:05
DamienCassoudeeeed: and do *not* remove mac os x. Your hard disk drive is certainly big enough to have both11:05
ruanis it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop after installing kubuntu?11:05
jodlajodlahow to set 5.1 on ubuntu 10.10/11.04, because i changed deamon.conf to lfe-remixing=yes and 6 channels, but still don't work -.-" What can i do?11:05
Soothsayerhow do I give natty admin privileges?11:05
deeeedI will just resize the original partition first11:05
bin_bashDamienCassou: He shouldn't have to do anything like that. I can read/write ti my os x partiton out of the box11:05
SoothsayerI want to delete a file in the /etc directory11:05
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:05
DamienCassouI have to leave11:06
ruanSoothsayer: sudo rm /etc/[file] but be careful11:06
riz0nhey guys, I am trying to set up freeradius atop ubuntu. is there a way to integrate the username/password to use the already existing username and passwords?11:06
Soothsayerok deleted xorg.conf11:07
Soothsayerre-logging in11:07
ruanis it safe to remove gnome completely after installing kubuntu?11:08
thegoodcushionbeekor: mate just FYI http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174274511:09
Soothsayerdamn it11:09
Soothsayernot detecting the second monitor!11:09
Soothsayerand both drivers are activated but not currently in use11:10
thegoodcushionyou know, one day, Soothsayer, computers will just work11:10
thegoodcushionYou don't need to know anything about mechanics to be able to drive a car11:10
daxrocMorning all11:10
genupulasdaxroc:  evening here11:11
Soothsayerpaddy_: you around ?11:11
Feyisayo1I can't get a Huawei USB modem for MTN Nigeria to connect. Can anyone help?11:11
caseyanyone having trouble booting natty after updating from 10.10?11:11
daxrocAfter upgrading to 11.04, Having lots of problems with the desktop. and nvidia twinview is not working at all11:11
Soothsayerwhat is twinview?11:11
Soothsayerdual monitor ?11:12
daxrocThe desktop has no compiz enabled so theres no side or top bar anymore ? How do I restart them ?11:12
genupulascasey: u need to make a look at ubuntuforums.org many users posted the same problem . i dont know solved or not11:12
daxrocSoothsayer: yeah dual head11:12
Soothsayerdaxroc: even im trying to get dual monitor working here11:12
SoothsayerWhat graphics card?11:12
caseygenupulas: Thank you but I haven't found an answer yet. Just wondering if anyone knows a solution.11:12
Feyisayo1Soothsayer: It seems one can upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 using and ISO. See http://ubuntuguide.net/4-ways-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhalonlineoffline11:12
BlouBloudaxroc: just top bar or both dissapeared?11:13
daxrocBlouBlou: Both11:13
daxrocSoothsayer: Quadro NVS 29511:13
SoothsayerFeyisayo1: "if you have a Ubuntu installed on machine there’s an upgrade option in the installation guide"11:13
genupulascasey:  soon u will11:13
Soothsayeryou won't get that screen on a 64-bit, at least myself and a few other people didn't11:13
caseygebupulas: lol are you saying ubuntu will come out with a fix?11:14
BlouBloudaxroc: Go to GDM menu (in which you select user) and click on your user. After that select in a small box "classic-session" and join in your session.11:14
Soothsayerdaxroc: im trying on an XFX 9600 GT11:14
Soothsayerthere is an official linux 64 bit driver on the website, would that help ?11:14
RehanSoothsayer: whats the prob you're having with your nvidia card? I'm having major issues too11:14
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SoothsayerFeyisayo1: read the comments on this post11:15
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Soothsayerthe first thread of comments11:15
caseyanyone having trouble booting natty after updating from 10.10?11:15
SoothsayerRehan: well dual monitor11:15
Feyisayo1Soothsayer: ok I will11:15
genupulascasey: many11:15
SoothsayerI'm not even sure if my graphics card is detected11:15
Soothsayerthough my monitor is running at full resolution - 1440 x 90011:15
caseygenupulad: many what?11:15
BlouBloucasey: botthing not, but yes with Unity11:15
Soothsayerand unite is working11:15
RehanSoothsayer: ah ok11:15
BlouBlouSoothsayer: Well, not for me11:16
caseyBlouBlou: please explain11:16
BlouBlouI'm using classic-desktop11:16
ruankde here11:16
Feyisayo1Soothsayer: There are no comments in the post. What URL are you reading?11:16
BlouBloucasey: Unity doesn't work, and gnome-bars doesn't appear, so I have to use classic-desktop11:16
futbolbuntuhi. ubuntu software center closes when i open it. how would i run it from command line so i can see what's wrong with it11:16
RehanSoothsayer: i keep having 11.04 crash on install due to my nvidia 330GT11:16
SoothsayerFeyisayo1: the one i linked you to.11:16
caseyBlouBlou: How depressing. Any word on if Ubuntu is fixing it?11:16
BlouBloucasey: I don't know, I hope they'll do soon11:17
genupulascasey:  cool about my nick . after getting upgrade to 11.04 many people have many problems . . . just make a look at ubuntuforums.org . any one solution can make u happy . post ur's problem there11:17
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Feyisayo1Soothsayer: Sorry. I didn't see that.11:17
caseyBlouBlou: same here. Thanks for the help.11:17
tuxx-futbolbuntu: run it from a terminal, that will probably display some erros.11:17
incorrect1how annoying, if skype is docked you click it, it loads another skype11:17
reena_how much memory is required to run the webkit based browser???any help plz11:17
incorrect1it doesn't just focus the existing11:17
caseygenupulas: will do. thanks for the help.11:17
m|kaelhello how do i permanently mount C: in ubuntu wubi ?11:18
incorrect1reena, suck it and see,11:18
BlouBloureena_: If you have more than 256MB, you don't have any problems11:18
KNUBBIGHey, any idea why ALT + TAB isn't working in Natty with Unity?11:18
tuxx-m|kael: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab11:18
Soothsayerwhy doesn't any forum, article, etc tell you to install the official driver from the website of the graphics card vendor?11:18
daxrocKNUBBIG: youll need to enable a switcher in compiz config found under settings11:18
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KNUBBIGdaxroc: ah okay, thanks11:19
BlouBlouKNUBBIG: Type in a terminal 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'11:19
Soothsayerwhat's Separate X screen?11:19
Soothsayerand what's twinview?11:19
Soothsayerthe difference?11:19
Steristquick question, how do you pause Qemu?11:19
reena_BlouBlou:any site from where i can see more aboute memory use,actually i builded a qtwebkit browser..11:19
KNUBBIGBlouBlou: yes I have that already, just didn't know I had to enable the switcher. THanks a lot :)11:19
BlouBlouKNUBBIG: np :)11:19
daxrocSoothsayer: twinview is nvidias version of xinerama11:19
qkitevening everyone11:20
Milos_SDIs there a way to have close, maximize, minimize buttons on the right side in Ubuntu 11.04 for maximized windows?11:20
Soothsayerdaxroc: hmm.. whats that?11:20
qkitafter i updated my ubuntu t the lastest version11:20
nia_azag ngrt q11:20
BlouBloureena_: type 'top' in a terminal11:20
futbolbuntuIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/software-center.menu'11:20
qkitall my panel go missing11:20
Soothsayerdaxroc: I want a dual monitor setup like on Windows 7.. where I can take windows from here to there...11:20
futbolbuntuany ideas?11:20
qkithow can i resolve that?11:20
m|kaeltuxx-: im sorry im not a pro at this11:20
Soothsayerwhat am I looking for twinview or ... ?11:20
genupulasqkit:  restore u r gnome panel11:21
BlouBlouqkit: Go to GDM menu (in where you select user) and click on your user. After that select 'classic-session' in a small box and log in11:21
m|kaeltuxx-: the information at that link feels a bit overwhelming11:21
daxrocSoothsayer: its the piece of functionality that gives you dual(or more) monitor support, one big desktop11:21
qkiti cant go to any menu11:21
qkitis just a desktop with a couple of icon there11:21
BlouBlouqkit: I mean when you turn on your PC, you see a 'menu' to select the user, right?11:22
qkiteven i try right click it only give me the option create folder, launcher,document11:22
reena_Bloublou:thnks,i am running a html5 file in my webkit's browser,but this is not opening video,is webkit support html5 or not?11:22
qkitnope...it only prompt me for password11:22
m|kaelhello is there any tool in ubuntu wubi that let me permanently mount c: ?11:22
BlouBlouqkit: Yeah! That's what I am telling you for! Select there 'classic-session'11:22
Feyisayo1Soothsayer: Thanks. I may have to use the internet option. But there are power cuts where I am. Can the upgrade be paused and resumed?11:23
BlouBloureena_: I don't know11:23
KNUBBIGIn my login screen, the login window isn't skinned at all and looks pretty ancient. Anything I can do about that?11:23
qkiterrr, it dont have any option there only has a box for me to keyin the password11:23
BlouBlouqkit: 1 sec11:24
lolnerI'm trying to install 11.04 netboot. I keep getting 'plymouth command failed, disconnected from plymouth'. Does anyone know how I can fix this and make the system bootable?11:24
jmvelascohi, I've update to 11.04 to check advances but I can't see system preferences nor system administration. I realized my graphics card work worst now, the rendering is pretty ugly since sometimes the old rendered is still displayed and dissapear little by little when I open other stuffs... any guide/hint to solve this ?¿ there are some high requirements for new Gnome ?¿11:25
BlouBlouqkit: I mean below11:25
[muttox]sigh just restarted my machine after upgrading to 11.04 and the sound has stopped working11:25
BlouBlouqkit: when you're going to ype password, see a box below11:25
[muttox]card is detected and volumes are set on alsa, but nadda comes out11:25
jmvelascoplease name my nick for comments so i can see the highlight, I can't be present at the chat right now since i am on work time11:26
qkitBlouBlou, it only show enter password to unlock your login keyring didnt have any option below11:26
qkiti believe this is due to the fact i using macubuntu, and when i doing the upgrade i forgot to uninstall it.11:26
BlouBlouqkit: Oh, I don't know there, can you try to use default GDM menu please?11:27
qkithmm..possible for me to reinstall the whole xserver and gnome ?11:27
jmvelascoi repplay myself --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCrpy3fSGRY11:27
BlouBlouIt has nothing to do with gnome, it's due to Unity11:27
VustomI have 6 partitions..11:27
Vustom1. HP 200 GB NTFS 2. 83 GB ext4 3. 3.2 GB Swa... 32 GB 4. Extended 289 GB (Pretty sure this is Ubuntu 10.4 parition) 5. 195 GB ext4 6. 8.3 GB Swap ... 8.3 GB 6. FACTORY_IMAGE 11GB NTFS11:27
incorrect1if you click an icon on the sidebar it should minimise it11:27
jmvelascobut i still would like to know if there are higher requirements fro grahpics11:27
Vustom2 is partition type Linux, so is 3, 5 and 6, HP and FACTORY_IMAGE are both partition type HPFS/NTFS (0x07) and 4, is partition type Extended if this helps..11:27
VustomI want to clean out all of the Linux ones, can someone help me?11:28
Steristquick question, what's the BEST front-end to Qemu?11:28
BlouBlouqkit: It has nothing to do with gnome, it's due to Unity11:28
VustomSo theres only HP and FACTORY_IMAGE left.11:28
futbolbuntudamn i can't use ubuntu tweak either.11:28
thegoodcushionanyone got a deskjet working on Ubuntu?  I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 with a Deskjet 2000 plugged in via USB.  I can print from OS X and from Windows 7 on the exact same machine but Ubuntu doesn't want to print.  It acts as though it does print successfully but nothing comes out of the printer.  Any ideas?11:28
qkitok, let me try remove all the desktop environment and reinstall it. See does it help or not11:29
BlouBlouqkit: Okay11:29
Stew_822Hello :), I was wondering if anyone has any experaince with .desktop files?11:29
phonex01Hello !11:29
Stew_822thegoodcushion: I'm not an expert, but google "cups ubuntu"11:29
Vustomno help?11:30
Steristquick question, what's the BEST front-end to Qemu?11:30
BlouBlouVustom: Use 'gparted'11:30
Stew_822thegoodcushion: Then perhaps try and install your printer from that11:30
BlouBlou!gparted | Vustom11:30
ubottuVustom: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:30
Vustomwhat's it do?11:30
phonex01Guys when i add new panel to my desktop and add some shortcuts there, for the next boot i dont see them ! they simply gone ! why ?11:30
futbolbuntuHi. Can someone help me? I can not run Ubuntu Software Center. When I run it from the terminal this is the output: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=9mFUcVU211:31
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gartralhello all, I keep hitting bug 712075 on 11.04 and running "sudo get-edid" produces "command not found"11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 712075 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "[drm:drm_edid_block_valid] *ERROR* EDID checksum is invalid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71207511:31
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:31
phonex01Thank god i did not installed ubuntu 11.0411:32
gartralphonex01: why's that?11:32
phonex01why ! there is dozen of bugs11:32
gartralphonex01: also, you shouldn't be thanking God, you should be thanking Tux!11:32
phonex01Tux ?11:32
phonex01hwo is tux ?11:33
Artiom_Fiodorovhey anyone knows how to map multi_key into super key, cuz my win keys shows up as multi_key11:33
gartralphonex01: the Linux Mascot!11:33
BlouBlouphonex01: Tux is Linux-penguin11:33
BlouBlou!tux > phonex0111:33
ubottuphonex01, please see my private message11:33
Stew_822My .desktop file that's playing up is: http://pastebin.com/cD3bAq5i   I don't know what's wrong. x-wallpaper-changer is an app I wrote, and the command I set Exec to works fine in the terminal (which is why I've set Terminal to true). Any ideas?11:34
phonex01Thanks for god not for tux !11:34
jstoonequit leaveing11:35
Stew_822Someone should make a version of tux that's half-God half-penguin :)11:35
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gartralStew_822: tux the God-guin!11:36
phonex01some respect here !11:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:36
phonex01God is not something able to say jokes11:36
Stew_822I know that was coming ;)11:37
Stew_822Not God, the offtopic thing11:37
drewbyI use Gnome in Ubuntu 9.10.  From the "Places" menu, if I click on any folder it opens rhythm box (Music Player) instead of a folder.11:37
VustomDoes gparted have an interface when I boot to it using a LiveCD?11:37
VustomI'm not good with commands :/11:37
BlouBlouVustom: Yes, it has11:37
[muttox]nice, i forced played a wav file with aplay a few times and now my sound is working again...11:37
gartralphonex01: you should pick up a copy of The Little Brown Handbook...11:37
[muttox]dunno how that works but hooray11:37
Stew_822Okay, on topic, does anyone have any idea why my .desktop file isn't working?11:37
drewbyHow can I get it to open the file browser with that folder instead of rhythmbox?11:37
KebabBobI just upgraded to 11.04... How do I get rid of the new program bar and restore the old look?11:38
BlouBloudrewby: What?11:38
jpghi, is there a manpage or something to change the old ui back on 11.04 instead of this new Unity?11:38
Stew_822BlouBlou: I think in the menu he's clicking on a directory, and it's opening rythembox11:38
drewbyBlouBlou: in the places menu if I click a folder it opens rhythmbox rather than nautilus11:38
BlouBlouKebabBob: Go to GDM menu and click on your user. After that select 'classic-session' in a box below11:38
KNUBBIGIn my login screen, the login window isn't skinned at all and looks pretty ancient. Anything I can do about that?11:38
genupulaschnage at properties11:39
drewbyreally bizarre11:39
[muttox]jpg: im not running with an install but id assume you change your default session when you log in?11:39
KebabBobhow do I access the gdm menu?11:39
Adrosshas there been any support in getting rt2870 chipset's support 802.11n on natty?11:39
KebabBobDo I have to log out first?11:39
Cube``hey, one laptop upgraded to 11.04 without problem, but the other one is not showing the "upgrade" button in the update manager! i have enabled showing dist-upgrades in the settings :S11:40
jpgmuttbox: thanks, going to try that when I boot next time, cheers :)11:40
phonex01why the shortcuts in my panel gone when i reboot ?11:40
Stew_822Can anyone point me in the direction of a forum where I might recieve some help with my .desktop file?11:40
BlouBlouKebabBob: Just restart computer, it's the place in which you type your password to log in. Click on you user, and change in a box below, from ubuntu to classic-ubuntu or classic-session11:40
gartralCube``: on the troubled machine, have you done any kernel recompiling?11:40
Cube``gartral: no11:40
mikebeechamhi guys....can anyone tell me how to restore my 'home' icon back to the unity bar?11:41
phonex01i added new panel to the right and then i added some shortcuts but when i reboot they simply gone !11:41
mikebeechamcant find it11:41
drewbyOH CRA! I don't use 9.10.  I use 10.1011:41
drewbysorry I don't know why I said that11:41
Stew_822Cube``: I think there's a command to upgrade your ubuntu version :)11:41
BlouBlouCube``: Go to software-sources >> updates tab >> and change LTS versions, instead of that, select normal-editions11:41
Cube``Stew_822: yes but i wanted to do it guiwise11:42
Stew_822Cube``: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade11:42
Cube``BlouBlou: yes its already normal editions :S11:42
phonex01Take my advice dont use ubuntu 11.04 now11:42
BlouBlou!upgrade | Maybe this will help you Cube``11:42
ubottuMaybe this will help you Cube``: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:42
drewbyanybody know why clicking a folder bookmark would initiate rhythmbox instead of nautilus?11:42
kohelethphonex01: why?11:42
Cube``phonex01: wtf why!?!?11:42
gartralCube``: open a terminal and run sudo update-manager -c11:42
Cube``gartral: kk11:42
BlouBlou!wtf > Cube``11:43
ubottuCube``, please see my private message11:43
phonex01ohhh why?11:43
Soothsayerok, now I can't boot into ubuntu!11:43
Cube``phonex01: why?11:43
Soothsayerin recovery mode with lowgraphics selected.11:43
phonex01i saw a lot of bugs and a lot of problems11:43
Soothsayerhow do I rollback the graphic drivers configurations I did ?11:43
phonex01starting from the software center and package manager11:43
phonex01also supporting drivers11:43
Stew_822drewby: I don't know, but maybe in default programs? Or try right-clicking a directory and select "open with" then choose natulis, the file browser11:43
Cube``gartral: nope, its the same situation, its not showing up11:44
gartralphonex01: what's true for you won't be true for everyone. the more people using ubuntu-bug in the new version, the faster these bugs will be fixed. please don't discourage others from trying the newest builds11:44
RzizHello, i am having a slight problem.. I am trying to do a 11.04 command line install with fb using the alternate cd, but apparently this option does no longer seem to be available in the F6 menu?11:45
SoothsayerI second what gartral said.11:45
gartralCube``: that's very odd..11:45
mikebeechamHow do I restore the home icon to my Unity panel?11:45
KNUBBIGIn my login screen, the login window isn't skinned at all and looks pretty ancient. Anything I can do about that?11:45
RzizAre there any parameters I could pass to accomplish the same?11:45
jattmikebeecham: there is no way to add the home icon to the unity bar11:45
mikebeechamjatt, what is the icon at the very top with the home icon on it then11:45
jattso you added it?11:45
mikebeechamnope...it was there on first install, but I removed all the clutter11:46
mikebeecham*sigh* it was a noob moment!11:46
mikebeechamjatt, it was a folder icon with a home on it11:46
Rzizthis multi-iso concept of ubuntu seems quite pointless to me, anyway11:46
gartral!noob > mikebeecham11:46
ubottumikebeecham, please see my private message11:46
JohnFluxHi all11:47
JohnFluxIf I want to update a package, what is needed exactly?11:47
VustomBlouBlou, what happens If I need to unmount to delete the partitions11:47
Vustomhow do I do that?11:47
mikebeechamgartral, thanks, but that was kind of unnecessary since I was referring to myself11:47
gartralRziz: what do you mean? it's not like UBuntu comes in 4-7 installationd disks.. like slackware does.11:47
JohnFluxsorry I mean, a package in ubuntu is quite old.  I want to make a newer version of the package, and get that into ubuntu11:47
BlouBlouVustom: It means that you can't do anything in a partition if you're using them, so before doing anything, it's needed to unmount11:48
gartralmikebeecham: sorry.. I saw the word and had a "itchy trigger finger" moment!11:48
dman777anyone use aide?11:48
drewbyStew_822: thanks for the guess.  It doesn't look like folders have open_with menus though11:48
Rzizgatral: my main issue atm is no command-line install option seems to be available in the 11.04 alternate cd. I was wondering if i could pass any boot parameter to the installer to accomplish this11:48
VustomBut how do I unmount it when I'm in the gparted liveCD, or wont i need to worry about that?11:48
lylanthiahi there, is this an acceptable place for me to ask a quick question?11:48
mikebeechamgartral, no worries11:48
BlouBlouVustom: Don't worry11:49
Shaggy2I need some help I just installed ubuntu 11.04 desktop, it's not booting11:49
Vustomthank you. :311:49
Rzizor am I supposed to do a netinstall, which seems a different thing to me :p11:49
BlouBlouVustom: np11:49
Stew_822lylanthia: I think so, but people tend to shoot you if you say something that's outta place :)11:49
mikebeechamsom does anyone know how I can restore the 'home' folder icon back to my unity bar?11:49
lylanthiathanks ^.^11:49
Stew_822lylanthia: it's deadly in here ;)11:50
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NunyaI auto upgraded to 11.04 today and the install has stalled out with: restarting services have possibly affected the upgrade: restarting spam assassin done, restarting cups...   then nothing11:50
boomboorumHi guys, I have been playing around with compiz yesterday, and when I started ubuntu (11.04 with  gnome ) all the headers from all the windows disappered. What can it be?11:50
lylanthiaI'm about to install the latest  x64 ubuntu and windows on a laptop. A volunteer organization I work with uses Ubuntu on all of their tech, so I want to get comfortable. If I install windows first, and then Ubuntu, will ubuntu's loader set up dual booting for me?11:50
Stew_822lylanthia: It did for me :)11:51
lylanthiaexcelent :D11:51
lylanthiathanks ^.^11:51
Stew_822lylanthia: buuut I don't know the technical answer, but I assume so :)11:51
jaypurhello, i'd like to know what are the problems of the 64 bit version of ubuntu nowadays....11:51
Stew_822no problems :)11:51
jaypurStew_822, talking to me?11:51
daxthi guys , i installed ubuntu 11.04 parallelly with my Lucid installation , but  grub does not show the new nutty menu option , how do i add it ?11:51
gartralboomboorum: hit alt-f2 and run metacity --replace11:51
Stew_822jaypue: No, sorry11:51
lylanthiaWell, if I get good at this, I'll be back to contribute :D thanks all ^.^11:52
Rzizit doesn't seem obvious to me if there is there any way to do a command-line install of Ubuntu 11.04 without doing a netinstall11:52
Rzizas the command-line install option of the 11.04 alternate cd seems to be removed11:52
BlouBlou!alternate | Rziz11:53
ubottuRziz: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal11:53
smwRziz, why do you want a cli install?11:53
BlouBlouRziz: It isn't11:53
daxthi guys , i installed ubuntu 11.04 parallelly with my Lucid installation , but  grub does not show the new nutty menu option , how do i add it ?11:53
Rzizsmw: no need for DE for me, low memory system11:53
gartralRziz: the alt-cd's main install feature is the cli install. they just renamed it. I agree though, it is mildly confusing.11:54
KNUBBIGIn my login screen, the login window isn't skinned at all and looks pretty ancient. Anything I can do about that?11:54
Rzizgatral: thanks a lot :p its quite confusing indeed11:54
Nunyaanyone have any idea why the upgrade to Natty has stalled for hours now with :  restarting services have possibly affected the upgrade: restarting spam assassin done, restarting cups...   then nothing?11:54
jaypurwho has ubuntu 64bits version?11:55
jribjaypur: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)11:55
jaypurjrib, i've already....11:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:55
nick-nackis cpu scaling working correctly in 11.04 x64?11:56
NeoCicakhi all.... does anyone know how to change the default unity shortcut? i dont want the super + f1 key to open the menu panel... I also dont want the super + t key to open the trash can.....:( i cant seem to find the way to change this behaviour anywhere11:56
NeoCicakjaypur: i'm using 64 bit11:56
jaypurNeoCicak, have you already faced some problems?11:56
jribjaypur: if no one answered wait patiently and repeat after about 10 minutes.  Please don't ask "who is using ..." as it's not very productive11:56
NeoCicakjaypur: not yet.... but i've just upgraded about 3 hours ago11:56
KNUBBIGNeoCicak: should be possible with compizconfig-settings-manager11:56
jaypurNeoCicak, have you installed programs like gimp, inkscape?11:57
m3t4lukasHey guys I have a problem with my Virtual Box OSE Installation on 11.04. Everytime I start the application I get logged off. I tried complete removal and reinstallation, but nothing helped...11:57
SoothsayerMy graphics card has drivers on the official website.. it's a .run file, what do I do with it ?11:57
jribjaypur: if you have a computer that can handle 64bits, there's no reason nowadays not to use 64bit11:57
C_ClassicI have an external touchscreen-monitor connected to my notebook. When I use dual view the touchscreen doesn't work properly anymore. (It handles it as one huge screen) How can I configure Ubuntu that the touchscreen is only on my external monitor?11:57
jribSoothsayer: what card?11:57
NeoCicakKNUBBIG: i assume you are referring to the 'commands' section there?11:57
jaypurjrib, the 64 version used to have a lot of problems.... and nowadays? is it still facing it?11:58
KNUBBIGNeoCicak: for the terminal, yes, for unity settings you have too look at the ubuntu-unity plugin11:58
KNUBBIGtrash can* not terminal, sorry11:58
rayleewhat is the new ubuntu like11:58
jribjaypur: what problems are you referring to exactly?  I've been using 64bit for many years without issues now11:58
NeoCicakKNUBBIG : nope.... i bound super + t to run gnome-terminal... but it still opens the trash can :(11:59
jaypurjrib, i remember about, firefox, some programs and about video drivers and flash11:59
NeoCicakKNUBBIG: plugin? where can i get that?11:59
nick-nackmy cpu scaling is not working. sudo modprobe -v powersave, for example, says "FATAL: Module powersave not found."11:59
NeoCicakjaypur: nope11:59
jribjaypur: those haven't been problems for a long time.  I don't recall video drivers ever being a problem and adobe provides a 64bit version of flash now11:59
nick-nackcpu is running at top speed constantly.11:59
jaypurhmm, so i'll get the 64 version oh yeah12:00
KNUBBIGNeoCicak: there should be an icon telling "Ubuntu Unity Plugin"12:00
jribSoothsayer: do you know what video card you have?12:00
KNUBBIGNeoCicak: but give me a sec I'm trying to find sth12:00
gartraljrib: i still find the 64-bit flash is near useless..12:00
jribgartral: in what sense?12:00
[ND]mikebeecham: if u have it in "most frequently used" on the "add application" button in the launcher, try to drag and drop it back to the launcher12:01
lvhThe update to 11.04 appears to have made my system unbootable. It tells me the volume for / isn't available yet. (/ is /dev/sda3). It's mounted by UUID in /etc/fstab, but I would expect those UUIDs to not change.12:01
gartraljrib: the 64-bit flash runs at nearly 1/4 the speed/effeciency of the 32-bit varient on my i7/gtx260/8gig ram system..12:01
mikebeecham[ND], I dont12:01
NeoCicakKNUBBIG: i think unity has just crashed on me..12:01
KNUBBIGNeoCicak: then try relogging :)12:02
gartraljrib: but that's my experience with it. that won't hold true for everyone12:02
lvhNow, the confusing part is that it tells me /dev/sde3 is mounted in /, but I don't even *have* a /dev/sde12:02
thegoodcushionQuick poll: What do you think of Unity?  Thumbs up or down?12:02
lvhI have a /dev/sdd, that's about it.12:02
jribgartral: ah, I haven't compared so that may be true.  But it works well enough for me12:02
jribthegoodcushion: please don't take polls here12:02
=== eViscegaS_ is now known as eViscegaS
sect114having problems downloading 11.4 onto my powerpc mac laptop - am updating from 10.10, stops with this message:     W:Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/natty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)12:04
sect114         any ideas on what i should do?12:04
sect114  12:04
lvhThe exact error message I'm getting is "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present"12:04
NeoCicakKNUBBIG: hmmm...back12:04
lvhIf I tell it to skip, it tells me that for *all* the filesystems.12:05
lightbrickoDoes the flash plugin in 11.04 use the gpu when watching movies (youtube etc.)?12:05
trijntjeis there somewhere I can check to find out if the update servers are still so congested? I dont want to update for 12 hours ;)12:05
fcuk112is there any way i can configure ctrl-alt-T to launch terminator rather than terminal?12:07
chandru_inCan the list of favorite folders in launcher be modified?12:07
zvacetsect114: try to disable partner repo during upgrade and enable it after12:07
[ND]mikebeecham: alt F2 : nautilus12:07
Nunyaupgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 stalled out after it restarted services hours ago... cups restarting....... then nothing??12:08
chandru_infcuk112, Disabled keyboard shortcut and create a new one with terminator as command12:08
fcuk112chandru_in, good idea thanks.12:08
fcuk112any quick fix for guake?  (reduce width to take launcher into account)12:09
Shaggy2has anyone had any problems with booting into ubuntu 11.04 after install?12:09
Nunyaat least yours installed  Oo12:09
NeoCicakanyone know how to change the unity shortcut? (alt-f1 & super-t in particular)12:09
Incarus6Shaggy2, have you got a problem with booting into 11.04?12:10
mikebeecham[ND], thanks, but I cant seem to add a folder to the launcher12:10
Incarus6Nunya, have you issues with installing 11.04?12:10
NunyaIncarus6 yes12:10
m_ehey guys, how can i deaktivate the new look and feel thingy. (go back to the normal taskbar that requires less performance)12:10
Nunyait has stalled out12:10
Incarus6Nunya, can you paste /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log ?12:10
sect114zvacet:thanks! where do i disable partner repo?12:11
chandru_inm_e, Select ubuntu classic in login12:11
Nunyayes gimme sec12:11
Shaggy2yes it wasn't loading, would start to load (ie the purple screen) then would go to a black screen and nothing, I could type anything I wanted and it wouldn't do anything, I shoved the disk back in to boot to live to double check that it works on my system and loaded in with out a problem I am now running the install again12:11
Shaggy2maybe something went cookoo while installing12:11
zvacetsect114:  ubuntu software center>edit>repositories>uncheck partner and reload12:12
KNUBBIGsudo nano /usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop12:12
Incarus6Shaggy2, did you try the rescue mode? could be a dependency error with plymouth12:12
KNUBBIGwrong tab12:12
Incarus6KNUBBIG, nevermind. that wont work here ;)12:12
Shaggy2will try that if it happens again thanks12:12
KNUBBIGIncarus6: I know :D but didn't want to spam the channel with crap :)12:12
Shaggy2I dumped windows 7 for this problem lol12:12
Incarus6KNUBBIG, sudo killall * :D12:12
KNUBBIGIncarus6: no! :D12:13
NunyaIncarus6 http://pastebin.com/0WzjDVfc12:13
Incarus6Shaggy2, try to boot into the terminal via rescue mode and type "sudo apt-get -f install" and/or try "sudo aptitude", it can fix dependecy errors better12:13
[ND]mikebeecham: maybe bookmarking that folder will be a good workaround12:13
sect114zvacet: cheers! will try now12:14
Incarus6!language | Shaggy212:14
ubottuShaggy2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:14
mikebeecham[ND], or go back to classic ;)12:14
Shaggy2ok sorry12:14
idrishello any problems so far along the narwhal route?12:14
lvhThe update to 11.04 appears to have made my system unbootable. It tells me the volume for / isn't available yet. Exact error message: "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present". (/ is /dev/sda3). It's mounted by UUID in /etc/fstab, but I would expect those UUIDs to not change. Dropping into maintenance console allows me to manually mount the filesystems just fine.12:15
mtlifedoes unity require gdm?12:15
m_echandru_in: thanks a lot12:15
mtlifebecause i use lxdm right now...12:15
Incarus6Nunya, pls paste "cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | grep broken" vor better overview12:15
Nunyaok gimme sec12:15
nishanthi accidentally disabled unity plugin in compiz when i was trying to enable cube deformation plugin. now i dont have access to any of the icons. could someone help me?12:15
jackstersomething strange is happening under vmware fusion with Natty - when I log in it tells me my system can't run Unity and I get a normal Gnome desktop with the dark theme, then after about 40 seconds the bars along the top and bottom change from the black look to some sort of Windows 9x style appearance - anyone heard of this?12:16
chandru_inIs it possible to change the list of favorite folder in launcher (Super + F)?12:16
NunyaIncarus6 that command produced nothing12:16
Incarus6nUNYA, AND PASTE MAIN.LOG IN THE SAME DIR AND (IF NOT EMPTY) ALSO (apt-)term.log (sry, caps lock)12:16
mtlifedoes unity require gdm? Because im using lxdm right now.. and it doesnt work?12:17
gartralmtlife: yes12:17
Incarus6Nunya, sry, i meant "cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | grep Broken"12:17
mtlifegartral: thx12:17
Incarus6gartral, sure? you can also boot gnome from kdm and kde from gdm?12:18
lightbrickolvh: I don't know for sure, but if it's a GRUB issue, check here how to get GRUB info with bootscript and then fix it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170527912:18
MennaEssaGuys my friends laptop went off during the upgrade to 11.4 , ofcourse it's no longer working it gives this :init: playmouth main process (61) killed by SEGV signal any idea if we can solve this or she has el reinstall ?12:18
NunyaIncarus6 http://pastebin.com/U0uWJ1Kt12:19
gartralIncarus6: you cannot start unity from kdm.12:19
Incarus6MennaEssa, you mean plymouth? try to boot in rescue mode and look if dependencies are correct12:19
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
nishanth i accidentally disabled unity plugin in compiz when i was trying to enable cube deformation plugin. now i dont have access to any of the icons. could someone help me?12:20
NunyaIncarus6 it looks like I have quite the mess  :(12:20
Incarus6Nunya, ? and optionally paste "apt-cache policy gnome-user-guide"12:21
Nunyagimme sec12:21
m|kaelhi, i just installed ubuntu on my netbook to try it out, everything seems to be working except the sound, does anyone know how to fix this?12:22
NunyaIncarus6 where is that?12:22
NunyaI dont see it12:22
Incarus6m|kael, yes, goto the sound settings and turn "mute" off and check if the right hardware is selected. didnt work for me either, because "hdmi output" was selected as default sound device12:22
Incarus6Nunya, the last one is a command12:23
zvacetNunya:  run command and paste output12:23
botcitynishanth, can you not access ccsm?12:23
Incarus6Nunya, don't forget the main.log12:23
nishanthbotcity no there are no more application icons to click on12:23
KNUBBIGnishanth: alt + f2 -> ccsm maybe?12:24
nishanthKNUBBIG tried that , did not work12:24
m|kaelIncarus6: its set to internal sound now, analog stereo duplex12:24
jpohli just upgraded to xubuntu/natty and now when i try to shutdown or restart it just takes me back to the login screen12:25
KNUBBIGnishanth: tried logging into classic ubuntu and there enabling the unity plugin in ccsm?12:25
NunyaIncarus6 http://pastebin.com/9DTm8vXp12:25
Shaggy2ok it has finished it's re install.... first boot has all the services listed with [OK] after them but one. Starting automatic crash report generation [fail]12:25
Incarus6m|kael, still not working?12:25
zvacetnishanth:  try to boot in ubuntu classic and disable visual effects and then again boot in unity12:26
Shaggy2and it just hangs there with that on the screen12:26
m|kaelIncarus6: now it does, im puzzled lol, it didnt work 5 min ago :/12:26
phoenixsamprasHow to Downgrade??12:26
botcityccsm could do with a reset switch lol12:26
nishanthzvacet wat do you mean by ubuntu classic?12:27
Incarus6m|kael, you'r welcome12:27
KNUBBIGbotcity: I think it has under preferences | reset to defaults12:27
KNUBBIGbut never tried it :)12:27
ScottONanskiHey, can you separate texts into chat bubble with Pidgin like you can with Empathy?12:27
zvacetnishanth:  it is gnome but on login screen under sessions it is called ubuntu classic12:28
phoenixsampraswhy 11.04 STILL HAS the hibernation and suspend bugs?12:28
Incarus6Nunya, are you sure the first output is the file /var/log-dist-upgrade/main.log ?12:28
nishanthzvazet ok let me try that and come back12:28
osmosis_paulSomebody know why the java channel is not in the channel list anymore?12:29
Nunyayes I think so?12:29
KNUBBIGosmosis_paul: you need to registered and join ##java afaik12:29
cdavisAnyone here know much about remmina?12:30
Incarus6Nunya, I don't think so, are you sure?12:30
Shaggy2how do I get to the rescue mode?12:30
cdavisIt seems like the password hashes are not the same for all bookmarks now, which means all of my saved files are broken12:30
NunyaIm not sure of anything right now, please tell me what you need again12:30
botcityKNUBBIG, , preferences >> reset to defaults is there maybe that can help nishanth12:30
Nunyatired been on this all night12:31
KNUBBIGbotcity: If he gets into ccsm, yes, maybe12:31
Incarus6Nunya, the output of "cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log" / the content of that file12:31
Shaggy2Incarus: how do I get the Rescue mode to show?12:32
boneseerhow do i repair a ubuntu installation from a live cd?12:32
CQhello, how do I figure out which xserver I am using? there are around 15 installed and I want to remove the unused ones12:32
icerootboneseer: repair what exactly?12:32
boneseermy install. it won't boot.12:32
Naphidiaanyone have experience with getting Intel 1030 Wireless-N working on ubuntu ?12:33
icerootboneseer: errors?12:33
NunyaIncarus6 http://pastebin.com/b1qdzpML12:33
qkitstrange i manage to get my ubuntu classic running12:33
boneseeri can't copy it. it was regarding a font or something. the colors of the text where in the style of ubuntu colors.12:33
qkitbut how can i get unity to be running on ubuntu 11.04?12:33
boneseercan't use the terminal there either12:33
erkan^compiz-gnome doens't work )-:12:34
botcityKNUBBIG, sorry i thought he could get into it he just had no icons.. anyway let hope it works :-)12:34
zvacetqkit:  did you tried login screen>session>ubuntu12:34
Incarus6boneseer, you type "chroot /PATH" to be able to run commands in your old system12:34
Soothsayerim so confused about setting up my graphics drivers12:34
qkitand it only show me an empty screen with an wall paper only12:34
KNUBBIG!chroot > boneseer12:35
ubottuboneseer, please see my private message12:35
Soothsayerhow do I check if its enabled or not to its full capacity?12:35
zvacetqkit: maybe is graphic problem I'm not sure,but unity need 3d12:35
lightbrickoHow do I check if my flash player is GPU accelerated (as it should be)? The issue is that flash (youtube) videos don't run smoothly, however the laptop i ~5 years old. I run 11.04.12:35
Naphidiaactually... can someone point me to a tutorial for compiling a NEW kernel downloaded from source from kernels.org i wana do it from scratch12:35
dmartinngIs it just me, or Unity doesn't appear when I boot up from a USB?12:35
Hedgehog456Finally, the Ubuntu servers are stable now :D12:36
KNUBBIG!kenrel > Naphidia12:36
misse-dmartinng: perhaps becasue you're gfx need drivers to be installed12:36
KNUBBIG!kernel > Naphidia12:36
ubottuNaphidia, please see my private message12:36
lightbrickodmartinng: I haven't tried it from USB, but with the 11.04 liveCD (run from CD) I got unity as expected.12:36
dmartinnghm. I tried it on two computers and both didn't show Unity12:36
zvacetNaphidia: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/automatically-compile-and-install-the-latest-kernel-using-kernelcheck-in-ubuntu.html12:37
dmartinngI tried logging out and I didn't see Unity as a choice...12:37
qkithmm, aha the unity-2d panel is no installed12:37
Incarus6Nunya, strange. The issue seems to be everything from line 150 to line 17012:37
qkitlet me try install it and see12:37
Nunyaso what do you suggest?12:37
T0aDhi, need some suggestions following this problem: I have a backup box with 4 drives in raid5, and the partition in raid5 (/home) wont mount at start because the fs aint clean. I boot a ubuntu server cd on it, run fsck on it but it keeps segfaulting after reaching some inode12:38
lightbrickodmartinng: Are you using 11.04?12:38
dmartinngyes, just downloaded it couple of hours ago12:38
YounderMy Ubuntu 11.4 install can't start the xmanager. It logs in and the fails to respond to aly key or mouse commands.I managed tu shut it down and start a xaw session. Any idea what has happened?12:38
dmartinngI even made sure of it, I checked the software version while running the OS itself12:38
zikalifyunity 2d must be installed via ppa, if your graphics card isnt installed you will get classic ubuntu, open additional dirvers app and install your graphics card, reboot and pick unity from login screen and done12:38
Incarus6Nunya, it looks like it cannot recognize the free space ("<DistUpgradeCache.FreeSpace object at 0x3f762d0>" line 150)12:38
Naphidiagod i hope this makes my wireless work, i have the feeling it maybe hte gpu switching on this fucking thing12:38
=== nishanth is now known as nis
andeeeukhow can we turn on 3d in ubuntu 11.0412:39
NunyaIncarus6 so what shall I do?12:39
bazhangNaphidia, no cursing please12:39
dmartinnguh huh i see12:39
lightbrickodmartinng: strange. I didn't have that issue so I can't help, other than confirming it worked for me (with CD)12:39
joruhi, i've successfully installed ubuntu 11.04 on two computers but my third computer does not lot load correct grub2, it loads the old grub. what can i do?12:39
Phylockis it possible to move the unity launcher to the right side of the screen??12:39
Shaggy2oIncarus6: how do I load into rescue mode please12:39
qkitok, i get another option in my login menu. is unity-2d12:39
dmartinngoh, both the computers I tried it on had no internet12:39
qkitthanks everyone for the help :P12:39
dmartinngpossibly the drivers arent installed properly12:39
Incarus6Nunya, I found several websites, were the same error appeared: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127473112:40
lightbrickodmartinng: Yes it seems like zikalify had the answer for you :)12:40
nisi accidentally disabled unity plugin in compiz and now i cant access any of the applications icons12:40
cdavisFor anyone who rdesktops into a lot of windows servers, what do you use instead of remmina?12:40
dmartinngI saw :D thanks guys :D12:40
NunyaIncarus6 that really tells me nothing that I can see? you?12:41
Shaggy2can someone please tell me how to load into the rescue mode on 11.0412:41
Nunyaor are you stumped as well?12:41
dmartinngoh btw, i forgot to check but, what version of LibreOffice comes with Ubuntu 11.04?12:41
vibhav<Shaggy2> Grub Rescue Mode?12:42
botcitynis, did the log out to classic not work ?12:42
vibhav hey Shaggy2 Grub Rescue Mode?12:42
Shaggy2I don't know.... Incarus6 told me to load into rescue mode and run some commands12:42
Shaggy2I have no idea how to get to the rescue mode12:43
muneebhi, got error while upgrading "package nspluginwrapper 1.2.2-0ubuntu9 failed to..." can't install anything... STUCK what to do???12:43
Incarus6Shaggy2, vibhav, not the Grub rescue mode12:43
BlouBlouVustom: yes?12:43
mimome pueden ayudar diciéndome donde puedo encontrar driver para mi tarjeta grafica12:43
NunyaIncarus6 am I screwed and am I going tio have to force quit and lose all?12:43
vibhav<Shaggy2> In the login screen , Cose your user, and where "ubuntu" is written , click on it and chose "recovery mode" or something like that .....12:44
PaulW2Udmartinng, LibreOffice version with 11.04 is 3.3.212:44
VustomI have deleted the unwanted partitions and now I have my Windows partition which is /dev/sda1 and the FACTORY IMAGE which is /dev/sda2, but when I try to boot it says, error: no partition and under it is gnub rescue> or something..12:44
Shaggy2I can not get to the login screen12:44
Incarus6nunya, actually these are DEBUG infos, Im not sure if this caused the problem12:44
dmartinnghm, thanks :D @PaulW2U12:44
muneebUnity+ ATI does it work?? I'm unable to use Unity?12:44
Vustomi need to boot into /dev/sda2..12:44
zvacetShaggy2: when you see grub choose recovery mode and boot in it12:44
Shaggy2I don't get to see grub either12:44
NunyaIncarus6 so what do you suggest I do? if I force quit I lose all12:44
Nunyaand will most likely have nothing to boot into12:45
snoemanHow do I tell for certain which graphics driver my laptop with ubu ntu 10.10 installed is running on. It should be openchrome but I suspect it is running on fbdev12:45
Incarus6Nunya, are you sure about that? it doesnt look like everything failed with that upgrade12:45
zvacetmuneeb:  tried to install additional drivers?12:46
VustomD: help?12:46
Incarus6Nunya, you didn't restart since the upgrade, correct?12:46
Shaggy2it loads the purple screen with nothing on it, then drops to a plane black screen, when I hit ctrl+alt+del it does the kill proccess but all I am getting is a blane black scren12:46
Incarus6!ask | Vustom12:46
ubottuVustom: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:46
Nunyano, it has sat stalled12:46
Nunyawhile Ive been googling12:46
muneebzvacet, yes i installed but after ubuntu gave error12:46
vibhavanybody with any problem???12:46
Nunyalast output is cups restarting12:47
Incarus6Nunya, we can look if all dependeces matches or you could simply reconfigure every package. I hope that works12:47
Shaggy2vibhuv I just told you my problem12:47
Nunyareconf every package?12:47
muneebzvacet, i upgraded then ubuntu showed error that it doesnt support hw accl then i installed but no luck12:47
Nunyahow do I do that?12:47
Incarus6Shaggy2, so even grub isn't starting?12:47
VustomI have deleted my Ubuntu partitions, and only have my Windows partition and my factory_image partition, I'm currently using Ubuntu from the LiveCD and I need to boot into /dev/sda2 but I can't do it with GRUB because it says "error: no partition.. grub rescue>"12:47
YounderMy Ubuntu 11.4 install can't start the xmanager. It logs in and the fails to respond to any key or mouse commands.I managed tu shut it down and start a xaw session.12:47
Shaggy2it has to be starting I just don't get any options12:48
NunyaIncarus6 how would I reconf every package?12:48
axleI'm on a very new Lenovo Z370, 2nd generation i5, nvidia geforce 410m12:48
zvacetmuneeb:  sorry I don't know my ati works12:48
Shaggy2is there a button I can press to force grub to show12:48
Incarus6Nunya, let's first check the dependencies. just to be sure, you upgraded your computer and it suddenly closed the update window and you didn't restart since then, correct?12:48
muneebzvacet, did install drivers?12:48
zvacetShaggy2:  shift I think12:48
Nunyaand no the upgrade window is still open12:49
Nunyajust sitting there stalled12:49
zvacetmuneeb:  yes I installed fglrx from system>admin>additional drivers12:49
SkeiMorning, all. I have a discrete NVIDIA video card which works well under 10.10, but there's also an integrated Intel card that Ubuntu isn't recognising / detecting. Any pointers for getting this installed ?12:49
Vustom? :(12:49
muneebanyone has idea about this "nspluginwrapper error"... i'm unable to install anything :(12:49
YounderIt seems to be oonly the x manager I can run the apps and Datatbase etc are up12:49
Incarus6Vustom, please ask your question12:49
VustomI did.12:50
Shaggy2YAY shift is it12:50
Incarus6Vustom, nevermind12:50
VustomIncarus6: I have deleted my Ubuntu partitions, and only have my Windows partition and my factory_image partition, I'm currently using Ubuntu from the LiveCD and I need to boot into /dev/sda2 but I can't do it with GRUB because it says "error: no partition.. grub rescue>"12:50
zvacetmuneeb:  paste error and then somebody will help you more info please12:50
YounderDoes 11.04 mess with .Xconfig ?12:50
ojiiis there a way to flag folders as 'not-to-be-indexed/searchable' by the unity launcher?12:51
Incarus6Vustom, the problem is, that when you removed the linux partition you also removed the grub files in /boot/grub, which grub needs to start.12:51
robin0800Younder, there is no .Xconfig by default12:51
Incarus6Vustom, Fix the mbr with a windows bootloader12:51
Younderrobin0800, well where is the configuration?12:51
NunyaIncarus6 http://i52.tinypic.com/2pyx8xc.png12:51
* Vustom is confused..12:51
m|kaelhow do i open more then 1 terminal in unity?12:52
axleI'm on a very new Lenovo Z370, 2nd generation i5, nvidia geforce 410m. From time to time, ubuntu won't boot, but gives me some kind of an error trace when I boot into recovery mode. It says something like "fixed recursive fault, but reboot is needed". Some times this is the last line of output before it stops, sometimes there are 2 lines about "clocksource" and "tcs" or something like that. When I reboot, I get the same error message ag12:52
m_ei wonder whats the best way to syncronize a folder between my windows and my ubuntu machine12:52
webtrickstercan any one tell me how to remove unity from ubuntu 11.0412:52
Soothsayerwebtrickster: you dont have to remove it12:52
Incarus6Nunya, and it stopped at this point?12:53
Soothsayerwebtrickster: just pick classic during login12:53
zvacetmikael: middle muse button12:53
NunyaIncarus6 yes12:53
robin0800Younder, if you install proprietary nvidia drivers it will add it otherwise its all magic12:53
SoothsayerMy boot is stuck at "Checking battery state...."12:53
Soothsayerand this is a desktop12:53
webtricksteri just want to install gnome 312:53
Soothsayerthe last thing I did was configured my second monitor in Nvidia Server X Settings dialog12:53
mtlifeok can anyone help me? Im out of ideas. I upgraded from lubuntu 10.10 too 11.04, everything seemed fine. Until I wanted to try out unity, so I installed gnome and unity and setup gdm as my login manager. But both gnome and unity are not working properly.12:53
Soothsayerwrote to config12:53
botcitym|kael, ctl + alt + t  for a terminal and again if you need two12:53
vibhav<webtrickster> on which ubuntu version?12:53
Soothsayerand rebooting12:53
mikebeechamhi guys...can anyone advise how to enable nvidia recommended drivers?12:53
axlewebtrickster: bad idea, very bad idea... I tried it myself, it f*cked up my whole system :/12:53
mikebeechamI'm being told that I have activated them, but they're not in use12:54
muneebplease someone check this error...  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600694/12:54
robin0800webtrickster, it will break unity12:54
mtlifeWith gnome I do get the panel, but no minimize/maximize buttons or draggable panels. On unity the panel seems to be completely missing12:54
Psychobudgiewebtrickster, there is a guide on the official forums to adding the gnome 3 ppa if you wish to12:54
mtlifeany ideas?12:54
Younderrobin0800, I do have a proprietary NVidea driver, yes12:54
vibhav<webtrickster> to write to me first write my name (vibhav) and then press enter12:54
Incarus6Vustom, there are several ways to do this, e.g. http://www.pronetworks.org/forums/how-to-restore-vista-boot-loader-t76643.html this isn't an ubuntu related question, you can find some solutions by googling "bootloader restore"12:54
muneebsomething is broken but cant figure out what!! http://paste.ubuntu.com/600694/12:54
Psychobudgiewebtrickster, however be aware if you proceed with gnome 3 you cannot roll back to unity or gnome 212:54
Shaggy2ok I have done the apt-get -f install, there was nothing to install12:55
m|kaelbotcity: is there a manual somewhere that sumarize all those shortcuts?12:55
Incarus6Nunya, interesting Font. Lets try "sudo stop cups"12:55
robin0800younder then you can run nvidia config to create it12:55
Incarus6Nunya, and paste output if errors appear12:55
LjL!cn | bully12:55
ubottubully: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:55
mikebeechamthe only option I have is to "remove" the driver...which I obviously dont want to do since it's recommended12:55
webtricksterPsychobudgie: plz tell me the procedure or give me any link12:55
Incarus6LjL, are you sure its chinese?12:55
Younderrobin0800, Thanks I'll try12:55
zvacetmuneeb:  in terminal sudo dpkg --configure -a12:56
LjLIncarus6: quite sure12:56
Shaggy2ok I have done the apt-get -f install, there was nothing to install12:56
muneebzvacet, i'll try thanks12:56
Psychobudgiewebtrickster, goto the forums and do a search for 'gnome 3 ppa'12:56
Guest5681!jp | bully12:56
ubottubully: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい12:56
zvacetmuneeb:  yw12:56
LjLit wasn't japanese12:56
NunyaIncarus6 cups is stopped now12:56
webtricksterPsychobudgie:okay i'll try thanks12:57
Incarus6LjL, yes, it's chinese12:57
Marsha||[a]can i ask for help here ?12:57
dmartinnguhhi understood it, in chinese12:57
dmartinngbully asked if there was anyone around12:57
Incarus6Nunya, and the upgrade process doesn't continue?12:57
muneebzvacet, same error :(12:57
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Psychobudgiewebtrickster, if you are struggling to use the forums you really shouldn't consider moving to gnome 312:57
LjLMarsha||[a]: that's what the channel is for, yes12:57
NunyaI think it might be  :D12:57
Marsha||[a]great :D12:57
Marsha||[a]need help with linux12:57
bazhangBully, stop that12:57
Incarus6Nunya, try "sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart"12:57
LjLBully: 请到华人#ubuntu-cn12:58
vibhav<Marsha||[a]> Yes?12:58
SkeiMorning, all. I have a discrete NVIDIA video card which works well under 10.10, but there's also an integrated Intel card that Ubuntu isn't recognising / detecting. Any pointers for getting this installed ?12:58
bazhangLjL, that was really foul, what he said12:58
muneebzvacet, http://paste.ubuntu.com/600696/12:58
botcityno but type short in the search bar in the main menu and it brings up keyboard shortcuts click that and view all the shortcuts and maybe create some of your own!12:58
Incarus6Skei, can you paste "dmesg"?12:58
robin0800In natty uses start and stop services now12:58
Marsha||[a]need to allocate empty space in one HDD & merge it with the 2nd HDD empty space to make a LVM12:58
webtricksterPsychobudgie: okay , is there any other distro which comes with gnome 3 other than fedora 1512:58
Marsha||[a]install HyperVM on it12:58
Incarus6robin0800, the old "sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart" doesn't work anymore?12:59
m|kaelbotcity: yes?12:59
rigvedhi everyone...can anyone tell me how to change the defaultguration in gconf-editor: apps --> metacity --> general, but it did n button layout in 11.04 unity 3d? i tried changing the configuration in gconf-editor: apps --> metacity --> general, but it did not work. any help?12:59
Psychobudgiewebtrickster, not at the moment although suse has it in its repositories12:59
poghello, since 10.04 I have a problem with "sun-accent-keys" so a user can't enter french signs with like circonflex e.12:59
zvacetmuneeb:  sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean to make space12:59
NunyaIncarus6 I got this: Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an12:59
rigved*default configuration12:59
NunyaUpstart job, you may also use the stop(8) and then start(8) utilities,12:59
Nunyae.g. stop cups ; start cups. The restart(8) utility is also available.12:59
mikebeechamhi guys...can anyone advise how to enable nvidia recommended drivers?12:59
mikebeechamthe only option I have is to "remove" the driver...which I obviously dont want to do since it's recommended12:59
botcitym|kael, type short in the search bar in the main menu and it brings up keyboard shortcuts click that and view all the shortcuts and maybe create some of your own!12:59
mikebeechamthe only option I have is to "remove" the driver...which I obviously dont want to do since it's recommended12:59
FloodBot2mikebeecham: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
T-Onehey, i want to reasamble a livecd of ubuntu 10.10 with static resolv.conf entries. i have loopemounted the squashfs and copied into a new folder, added the correct resolv.conf and made a new squasfs out of it via mksquashfs, but if i boot the new livecd there is no ubuntu live cd user, i'm stuck at the gdm login-screen, is there anything special i have to consider if i reassamble the squashfs of the livecd ?12:59
Incarus6Nunya, nevermind. type "sudo start cups"12:59
m|kaelbotcity: thanks12:59
NunyaIncarus6 thank YOU so much it looks like the upgrade is now going thru!!!   :D13:00
Nunyaoh happy days  \o/13:00
robin0800Incarus6, think it still works just tells you you should't use it13:00
rigved*default button layout <-- that's what i meant13:00
SkeiIncarus6, it's about 750 lines, sorry : http://pastebin.com/6kLDH0Gj13:00
Incarus6Nunya, that was just luck. you're welcome13:00
muneebzvacet, ok executing autoremove...13:00
Nunyaheheh   \o/ woot!13:00
Marsha||[a]anybody ? :x13:01
bazhangMarsha||[a], anybody what?13:01
NunyaIncarus6 if you dont mind Ill hang here for a few in case I run into issues13:01
Marsha||[a]need to allocate empty space in one HDD & merge it with the 2nd HDD empty space to make a LVM13:01
Nunyaand thank you again!!!!13:01
Incarus6Skei, I think Intel Sany Bridge isn't yet fully supported in the linux kernel13:02
Shaggy2how do I load into gnome from the cli?13:02
Marsha||[a]so i can install HyperVM on it13:02
mansoorI am trying to install Gnome-Shell on a fresh Ubuntu 11.4 install but when I type sudo apt-get install upgr-desktop-g3 it gives me this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:13:02
mansoor ugr-desktop-g3 : Recommends: gnome-themes but it is not going to be installed13:02
vibhav<Shaggy2> type startx13:02
zvacetmuneeb:  execute both commands13:02
mansoorCould anyone help me with  my problem13:02
vibhavmansoor> Yes?13:03
vibhavmansoor  Yes?13:03
Incarus6!ask | mansoor13:03
ubottumansoor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:03
muneebzvacet, it's giving same error of not enough space but there's 4GB space13:03
pogdoes anybody know how to archive (in 10.04) signs like two points and U Capital, for Capital U-Umlaut?  same mechanism with french special signs (which I look  for a solution).13:03
michaelshi!  is it possible to run natty 64 bit on macbook 2,1? and if so, is it a good idea? which version would you choose?13:03
Shaggy2after typing startx I get: fatal server error: No screens found.13:03
Shaggy2seems like the 11.04 install didn't work correctly13:03
Incarus6Skei, line 711 "[   12.440031] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: Intel Sandybridge Chipset"13:03
zvacetmuneeb:  on your root partition?13:03
rigvedmansoor: what does your sources.list say?13:03
vibhav<michaels> there is a seperate Mac version13:03
vibhav<michaels> Your have an Intel MAc?13:04
vibhav<michaels> Your have an Intel Mac?13:04
Incarus6Shaggy2, are you using a nvidia graphic card?13:04
michaelsvibhav: yes, intel mac13:04
zvacetby see you soon13:04
m|kaelbotcity: how do i make a shortcut for gnome-do?13:04
mansoorrigved,  let me find out. Also, i am following this tut http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/linux-distributions/linux-distributions4-ubuntu/1625-how-to-install-gnome3-in-ubuntu-1104-natty-via-ppa.html13:04
vibhav<michaels> Let me tell you the link13:04
Seta00uh, did anyone here get Dropbox working on Nautilus 3?13:04
feisarHi, just installed Natty, how do I configure which time servers to use now?13:04
Seta00(icons/context menu)13:04
michaelsvibhav: is this mac-version official? is it natty?13:04
Shaggy2Incarus6: Yes I am using nVidia13:04
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feisarit seems natty is set to 'automatically get time from the internet' but I don't know what it's using to do it or how to configure it13:05
vibhav<michaels> Yes, there is even a PS3 and a Power PC version13:05
bazhangmichaels, yes, intel is the regular one13:05
bazhangvibhav, for natty?13:05
vibhav<bazhang> yes13:05
Shaggy2Incarus6: it has 3 screen to choose from13:05
rigvedfeisar: click on thr time shown on the top right. then click on time settings13:05
muneebzvacet, yes13:05
mikebeechamcan anyone guide me on getting recommened nvidia drivers to activate AND enable?>13:06
botcitym|kael, does gnome-do work with unity13:06
michaelsvibhav, bazhang: thanks... i'll do a google!13:06
mansoorrigved, my sources.list: http://pastie.org/184699313:06
Incarus6Shaggy2, your graphic card driver isn't loading, imo. You could download the binary driver from nvidia.com and install it by hand. You got 3 screens?13:06
Marsha||[a]need to allocate empty space in one HDD & merge it with the 2nd HDD empty space to make a LVM ===> http://paste.ubuntu.com/600698/13:06
vibhav<michaels> ill just tell you the link13:06
m|kaelbotcity: yeah if i start it from terminal with gnome-do &13:06
heedluHi, two questions. How do I add widgets to the toolbar, and is there anyway to disable "run a command" from showing when I switch to desktop 2?13:06
bazhangmichaels, www.ubuntu.com13:06
feisarrigved: thanks but there is not an option for changning which time servers it gets the time from13:06
Shaggy2yes, 3 screens on 2 nVidia cards13:06
Shaggy2can you point me to a help doc on installing the nVidia drivers?13:07
pogI found a solution, the was a keyboard swiss out of date, whith correct results. fuer the Umlauts.13:07
p_res11.04 release has brought me back to ubuntu. :-)13:07
vibhav<michaels> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/ubuntu-11.04-dvd-i386.iso for the 32 bit MAc13:07
Incarus6Shaggy2, can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log just to make sure its a problem with the driver?13:07
SkeiIncarus6, yes, it's a 1155 socket. So the graphics adaptor isn't supported ?13:07
knickBah, i dont like the new graphical stuff in ubuntu13:07
muneebneed help http://paste.ubuntu.com/600696/13:07
rigvedfeisar: hmmm...i think that this info is saved in a file, you could edit that13:07
knickannoying that menu, perhaps i need to get used to it13:07
bazhangvibhav, he may not want the dvd13:07
axleI'm on a very new Lenovo Z370, 2nd generation i5, nvidia geforce 410m. From time to time, ubuntu won't boot, but gives me some kind of an error trace when I boot into recovery mode. It says something like "fixed recursive fault, but reboot is needed". Some times this is the last line of output before it stops, sometimes there are 2 lines about "clocksource" and "tcs" or something like that. When I reboot, I get the same error message ag13:07
vibhav<michaels> then use this guide... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook13:08
Shaggy2Incarus6: I have just re read the screen output, it say's that screens were found but none with a usable confiuration13:08
botcitym|kael, ok then click add , type gnome-do in name and then below it type the terminal command for it. it should appear at the bottom of the list13:08
feisarrigved: yeah, I think it's using ntpdate which is only good for setting time initially13:09
BlouBlouhow to install a nvidia driver manually? I mean without aditional-drivers app13:09
michaelsvibhav: thanks, but this I already knew... :-(13:09
jpohlwhere does ubuntu set the permissions for who is allowed to shutdown and/or reboot?13:09
vibhav<michaels> Ohhh....13:09
m|kaelbotcity: ive tried that but nothing happens :/13:09
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vibhav<michaels> did you rty it then?13:09
r3duxBlouBlou, you wanted Nvidia-current or Nvidia_current13:09
Shaggy2Incarus6:  also say's that it doesn't support the pci card I have, but didn't say anything about the pcie card13:09
michaelsvibhav: rty?13:09
LjLjpohl: probably part of the "admin" group by default, but i think there is also a separate group for those who are able to shutdown if desired13:10
rafiiaxle: may you should do clean install? will be faster than finding a problem with current instalation13:10
muneebcan anyone help me?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/600696/13:10
p_resalthough i can see why some users may not like the changes, i think anyone can adapt to them if you give them a chance. i did and i'm now enjoying it.13:10
r3duxDefinitely "nvidia-current"13:10
BlouBlour3dux: I want to install an older one13:10
botcitym|kael, ehh one min!13:10
p_resreturned from fedora and opensuse.13:10
mutantewhere is a "24 GB RAM" limit? i read there may be one for some CPUs? i can see 4 Pcs. of RAM , 8192 MB each with "dmidecode", but cat /proc/meminfo just sees 24 GB , not 32GB. CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5540 quadcore.. on a Dell r710, says it would support a lot more. Linux kernel is 2.6.24-28 64-bit, Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS13:10
Incarus6Skei, according to some websites the sandy bridge should be supported, but mention that some hardware and some features aren't supported yet ( http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?29110-Intel-s-Linux-Sandy-Bridge-Graphics-Still-Troubling )13:10
Shaggy2yes both cards are new13:10
LjLjpohl: or not... maybe it's really just a GDM thing13:10
axlerafii: I don't get your point, sorry. I freshly installed 11.04.13:11
Incarus6Shaggy2, can you paste the log file?13:11
SkeiIncarus6, I was just reading that one, yes. So... I won't be able to get the graphics working at all ?13:11
Incarus6!paste | Shaggy213:11
ubottuShaggy2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:11
r3duxYou didn't say you wanted to install an older one. May I ask why?13:11
sect114having problem with updatingto 11.4 on powerpc mac - keep getting this message:  Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/natty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?13:11
BlouBlour3dux: do you know how ti install "93" driver?13:11
muneebcan anyone help me?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/600696/13:11
Shaggy2it's on a different system I am using a laptop running win vista13:11
r3duxYou can always DL the driver of your choice and run the executable13:11
Marsha||[a]i will act like a spam bot now13:11
Marsha||[a]keep on posting lol13:11
jribLjL, jpohl: probably policy-kit related13:11
Marsha||[a]need to allocate empty space in one HDD & merge it with the 2nd HDD empty space to make a LVM ===> http://paste.ubuntu.com/600698/13:11
mutantemuneeb: "gzip: stdout: No space left on device13:11
mutantemuneeb: hard disk full ?!13:12
r3duxi.e. chmod +x nvidia_driver_blah && ./nvidia_driver_blah13:12
SkeiIncarus6, apparently, the latest Ubuntu has alpha support for Sandy Bridge. Yay. :P13:12
Incarus6Skei, not yet, IMO. It could work with the next kernel 2.6.39 or the mainline kernel, Im not sure if something changed in this kernel13:12
chandru_inIs it possible to change the directories that are searched by the launcher?13:12
Tobbi|UbuntuHeya. When I try to compile something and try to run ./configure I keep getting Permission denied. Any pointers?13:12
muneebmutante, theres 4GB space on /13:12
BlouBlouif I unistall xorg, I won't be able to loging, right?13:12
SkeiIncarus6, I misread that. The latest alpha Ubuntu release has support for it. The release is no longer in alpha, but full stable. I might have a chance if I upgrade my distro.13:12
LjLTobbi|Ubuntu: try chown -R yourusername:yourusername director_where_the_source_resites/13:12
mutantemuneeb: it tries to do something in /boot though13:13
muneebbut i have /boot and theres only 9MB :(13:13
muneebmutante, what to do then?13:13
axleSkei, Incarus6 : not sure what you're talking about, but I'm running ubuntu on a sandybridge quite well, except for the bug I already posted in here :)13:13
feisarwhere can I find an in depth list of changes made in ubuntu 11.04?13:13
axleI'm on a very new Lenovo Z370, 2nd generation i5, nvidia geforce 410m. From time to time, ubuntu won't boot, but gives me some kind of an error trace when I boot into recovery mode. It says something like "fixed recursive fault, but reboot is needed". Some times this is the last line of output before it stops, sometimes there are 2 lines about "clocksource" and "tcs" or something like that. When I reboot, I get the same error message ag13:13
r3duxTobbi - the directory you're in doesn't have sufficient permissions for some reason. Change to a user with permissions, or grant permissions to the entire subdirectory recursively (i.e. every in it, all the way to the bottom)13:13
Incarus6Skei, oh, you didn't said that you are using 10.10.. I thought you use 11.04 because this channel now supports 11.04. Yes, there is a high chance, that it will work13:13
BlouBlouguys, just a question13:13
Incarus6axle, you are running 11.04?13:13
p_resfeisar: check the release notes.13:14
mutantemuneeb: uhmm... make /boot larger ... ehm... using gparted.. from a Live CD13:14
diaoeri use natty now13:14
BlouBlouhow to install a package like 'nvidia-glx-96' without unistall xorg and ubuntu-desktop13:14
p_resfeisar: or google for change notes.13:14
SkeiIncarus6, thanks. I've tried upgrading to 11.04 recently, but it failed. I'll try again. Something about a network error...13:14
axleyes. well, atm I'm on win7 because ubuntu won't boot :D13:14
Incarus6BlouBlou, correct, not the graphical way13:14
axleIncarus6: yes. well, atm I'm on win7 because ubuntu won't boot :D13:14
muneebmutante, how much big?? i read 100MB was enough but it seems it's not13:14
feisarp_res: thanks, where can I find them?13:14
botcitym|kael, well it works for me you must not be doing something?13:14
diaoeri think gnome3 is good than natty13:14
Incarus6Skei, failed for me to, I had to downgrade some ( a lot of) packages, that the dependencies matched13:15
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icerootmuneeb: just remove old unused kernels13:15
Tobbi|UbuntuLet's see....it's chowning...13:15
mekwallso.... I'm trying to mount an nfs share in userspace (using unfs3), but I get the unknown filesystem errror13:15
r3duxTobbi - for example, chown  -R <USER_TO_OWN_THE_FILES> *13:15
Incarus6axle, after the upgrade? sure intel sandy bridge is working correctly? ;)13:15
p_resfeisar: just google them.13:15
SkeiIncarus6, that's a major pain...13:15
m|kaelbotcity: what exactly did you type in then?13:15
Picifeisar: They're in the topic of this channel.13:15
mekwallanyone have any experience with ubuntu and unfs3 ?13:15
sargeHello all does anyone have expereince with RP_filter in ubuntu sever?13:15
p_resfeisar: much easier than trying to find in gui.13:15
feisarp_res: thanks found them... nothing about ntp though13:15
section5anyone here know how to ftp hack?13:16
Incarus6Skei, it was my fault, I installed foreign package repos ;)13:16
bazhangsection5, pardon?13:16
muneebiceroot, why did Natty didnt remove it?? i think there were 2 before i started upgrade13:16
p_ressection5: specific?13:16
SkeiIncarus6, I haven't touched repositories on this install.13:16
section5does anyone here know how to ftp server13:16
botcitym|kael, gnome-do then gnome-do13:16
sargetrying to run the following commands as SUDO and get denied" echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wccp0/rp_filter echo"   "0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter"13:16
LjL!ftpd | section513:16
ubottusection5: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP13:16
r3duxftp hack? Try #260013:16
section5basic website hacking13:16
knickHow to ftp server, lol13:16
LjLsection5: this channel doesn't support illegal activities13:16
heedluhow do I add widgets to the toolbar in natty, right clicking no longer seems to work.13:16
axleIncarus6: what upgrade? it's a fresh system, downloaded the .iso yesterday... and well, now it's a little messed up, though it booted all fine the first few times ;)13:16
m|kaelbotcity: did you put winkey+space as the shortcut?13:17
[TK]D-Fenderknick: he just completely the internet!13:17
Incarus6!ubuntu | section513:17
ubottusection5: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:17
section5just someone asked me at work to google it couldnt find anything on there and thought i would ask here, its for our work website13:17
Picifeisar: What ntp changes were you expecting?13:17
rigvedhi everyone..how do i change the default button layout in 11.04 unity 3d?13:17
vibhavsarge : serge rp-filter uses the routing table to decide which source addresses are accepted through an interface. Packets will be accepted not only if they originate from the connected network, but also if they originate from a network that (according to the routing table) is connected via that network.13:17
botcitym|kael, did it work then ?13:17
knick[TK]D-Fender: Just DL the backdoored version of proftpd to experiment with lol13:17
LjLsection5: even if you're doing it to your own website, it's still offtopic here. try #ubuntu-offtopic but please make very clear what you want to do, or people will tell you it's illegal13:18
rigvedgconf-editor does not seem to work for this13:18
Incarus6!op | section513:18
ubottusection5: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!13:18
PiciIncarus6: Thats not needed.13:18
m|kaelbotcity: no its not working with winkey+space like i put as shortcut13:18
LjLIncarus6: ops are watching13:18
Incarus6Pici, sorry13:18
sargevibhav: i need to disable rp_filter functioning in order to setup Transparent Proxy though WCCPV2 with my ASA cisco box13:18
[TK]D-Fenderknick: This wasn't for me.  I was just sharing your poking fun at some tragic grammar...13:18
knick[TK]D-Fender: yeah i love it when people dont speak proper english, they bring certain things in such a fun way!13:18
m4rtinHi all, got a non-booting system that needs a dpkg --configure -a. Doing so gives an IO error: /sbin/ldconfig.real cannot lstat /usr/lib/libkdeinit4_khelpcenter.so13:19
sargevibhav: they are not compatiable13:19
feisarPici: 'synchronise time with internet servers' is now ticked by default but ntp is not installed. I would like to know how it is synchronising and how I can change the servers it uses13:19
m4rtinany idea how I can recover, please!13:19
icerootmuneeb: that is a great feature its not removing old kernels. what if the new kernel is not booting what will you choose then?13:19
Incarus6axle, so it stopped working?13:19
LjLfeisar: perhaps "ntpdate" is installed? not sure13:19
vibhav<sarge> I am not so experienced with ubuntu server ... can you post it in the ubuntu fourms ...13:19
diaoeris natty had installed build-essential default?13:19
feisarLjl: it is, do you know where  it's config file is?13:19
muneebiceroot, hmm13:19
illsciIs there any solution to the white screen of death following the recent upgrade?13:19
sargevibhav: alright13:19
botcitym|kael, after clicking add did you type the name that you would like at the top and the "terminal command" in the bottom13:19
Picifeisar: That is a very good question.  Hm...13:19
vibhav<sarge> Good Luck13:19
LjLfeisar: /etc/default/ntpdate13:20
axleIncarus6: yes. I had the same problem with the beta, which randomly booted correctly or gave me the exact same error13:20
AceKingI have a question.. I encrypted my home folder when installing 10.10. If I install 11.04 on a new HDD, and hook up the old HDD through USB, will I be able to access my files in the Home folder of the old drive?13:20
feisarLjl: thanks13:20
PiciLjL: Ah.13:20
LjLPici: at least in Hardy ;)13:20
botcitym|kael, you add the short cut after that!13:20
m|kaelbotcity: yeah name "gnome-do" command "gnome-do" ive tried mod4+z and mod4+space mod4=winkey13:20
dkeulenhey all, anyone could help me with a vnc problem with 11.04?13:20
DamienCassouAceKing: that's the kind of question that always prevented me from encrypting. But I'm sure there is a way13:20
PiciLjL: Yeah, still here in natty server.13:20
m4rtinanybody, please?13:20
Incarus6axle, sry, I can't help you with that ;) I think Im going to test Natty now (restarting)13:21
botcitym|kael, ok13:21
illsciI wouldn't13:21
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illsciEverytime my screen locks it goes into a white screen and I can't ever get out of it13:21
axlegood luck Incarus6 :)13:21
AceKingDamienCassou, that's what I'm figuring. I just have to find a way how to do it13:21
dkeulenanyone knows wat the problem could be with vnc not showing the windows on 11.0413:21
LjLm4rtin: have you checked your HDD physical state? do you have smartmontools installed?13:21
NunyaIncarus6 is my hero!  \o/13:21
muneebplease help me out... http://paste.ubuntu.com/600709/13:21
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Incarus6Nunya ;D13:21
wolf__my system always hangs13:21
m|kaelbotcity: i still dont understand why gnome-do isnt standard in ubuntu :(13:22
m|kaelbotcity: its such a lovely tool :)13:22
wolf__is the prob in the system or my lap top ?13:22
Naphidiawhat are the packages needed typically for gtk for python /13:22
DamienCassoum|kael: not maintained anymore I would say. And unity is replacing it13:22
Incarus6Skei, I hope the upgrade is solving your problem13:22
zisanyone know how to resize a window ?13:22
SkeiIncarus6, selected another server and will try it now. Will let you know.13:22
wolf__i need some help over here pls guyes13:22
Soothsayerwoot! Got the graphics card working13:23
Soothsayerand dual monitor13:23
dkeulenanyone knows why vnc to ubuntu 11.04 is not working? i see my desktop but nothing is responding when i click on it13:23
* Incarus6 is restarting, brb13:23
m|kaelDamienCassou: ok13:23
wolf__i don't know why always my system hangs ?13:23
LjLwolf__: i have no idea, but you should check the logs after it hangs. "dmgs" and "cat /var/log/kern.log" and the likes.13:23
LjLwolf__: "dmesg", even.13:23
m4rtinLjL: it dumps to what looks like an initramfs error (with kernel output lines) on normal boot13:23
dkeulenanyone knows why vnc to ubuntu 11.04 is not working? i see my desktop but nothing is responding when i click on it13:23
wolf__what is dmesg?13:24
m4rtinLjL: I've got a recovery prompt off a live CD and have chrooted into the old env13:24
Naphidiagetting this error...13:24
DamienCassoudkeulen: if nobody answers, nobody knows13:24
Naphidia/usr/share/kernelcheck/scripts/main.py:608: GtkWarning: gdk_screen_get_width: assertion `GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed13:24
Naphidia  self.widgets = gtk.glade.XML(KCHECK_UI + "kernelcheck.glade")13:24
Naphidia/usr/share/kernelcheck/scripts/main.py:608: PangoWarning: pango_layout_get_line_count: assertion `layout != NULL' failed13:24
Naphidia  self.widgets = gtk.glade.XML(KCHECK_UI + "kernelcheck.glade")13:24
FloodBot2Naphidia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
muneebsomeone look at this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/600709/13:24
m4rtinLjL: the file it is looking for is not there, looking like an aborted apt-get upgrade was run13:24
LjLm4rtin: so when running from CD everything works correctly?13:24
AceKingDamienCassou, I just found a link that says how to do it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Live CD method of opening a encrypted home directory13:24
LjLm4rtin: yeah but the "I/O error" is what worries me13:24
DamienCassouwolf__: a command you can type in the terminal which displays useful logs13:24
m4rtinLjL: I can get a recovery shell and mount the HDD, yes13:24
m4rtinLjL: the IO error is just referring to file not found, I believe13:24
Naphidiaanyone know what im missing?13:24
ratcheerI upgraded to Natty and could not run Firefox 4 as my primary user. I uninstalled and reinstalled FF, now I can Start FF with a terminal command (/usr/lib/firefox-4.0/firefox.sh), but the Unity Firefox icon will not start it. How can I reconnect the Unity icon to the app?13:25
Soothsayerhow do I make the Unity bar on the left smaller ?13:25
dkeulenhow can nobody knows this freaking bug is alive since v8 by google13:25
tashkasMC-Router API already in use; Errno(98): Address already in use13:25
tashkashow to fix that one13:25
tashkastrying to run igmpproxy13:25
LjLm4rtin: well i don't know, but for me a file not found error never was given as an I/O error, while I/O error has always meant there was something wrong reading the actual disk. so i still suggest you install smartmontools in the live CD and give the HDD a check.13:25
Soothsayerok Unity is not that bad13:26
SoothsayerYou just need to get use to it13:26
SoothsayerI can see a lot of potential.13:26
DamienCassouSoothsayer: type ccsm in a terminal13:26
botcitym|kael, i think the main search is a version of that behaves similar!13:26
pumeusthello how do i save changes in crontab?13:26
jribpumeust: how did you edit it?13:26
LjLpumeust: the user crontab, or the global crontab?13:27
m4rtinLjL: ok, will do, but the file doesn't exist, so it can't read it....13:27
DamienCassouSoothsayer: I agree, but it's buggy now13:27
Al-Bawihi there , i want to upgrade to 11.04 in command line , how can i do it?13:27
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m|kaelbotcity: ok, well i haxed gnome-do settings and binded ctrl+space to start it13:27
jrib!upgrade | Al-Bawi13:27
ubottuAl-Bawi: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:27
BlouBlouWell, I fixed my graphic card problem. It was installing but not being used. I'll explain how I fixed it for if someone has this error: I unistalled NVdia oficial driver, I rebooted, I installed open experimental driver and I rebooted again. Now Unity works (but anyways I won't use it :P)13:27
pumeustjrib, i edited it in the terminal13:27
jribAl-Bawi: follow the server instructions (do-release-upgrade)13:27
DamienCassoupumeust: $ crontab -e13:28
jribpumeust: be more specific13:28
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botcitySoothsayer, its performing better than the 1010 unity for netbook so far.13:28
nevvermind1uhm... yeah. i've just chmod'ed everything to "www-data" user. including "/etc/sudoers". any chance I can "sudo su root" again? i'm currently stuck with user "ubuntu".13:28
pumeustLjL, i'm not sure if its user or global13:28
LjLm4rtin: that file is in this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/khelpcenter4 so you can always install this in the live CD, and then copy the file over to your HD.13:28
Elliot_ErasedI encountered a problem while installing 11.0413:28
Soothsayerbotcity: I cannot tell vouch for its performance cause im on a quadcore with 4 gb ram here.13:28
Soothsayerbut looks fast13:28
LjLpumeust: what did you type to edit it13:28
jribnevvermind1: if you really mean everything when you say "everything", then it's time to reinstall13:28
Soothsayerjust the unity bar on the left is ugly13:28
Soothsayerand big13:29
Soothsayerand bulky13:29
FloodBot2Soothsayer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:29
KNUBBIGSoothsayer: you may resize it if it's too big for you :)13:29
Elliot_ErasedWhen I'm doing the install, it fails while installing GRUB13:29
nevvermind1thx, jrib13:29
botcityKNUBBIG, how?13:29
pumeustLjL, i typed a command to schedule a task13:29
kandinskiI am having a weird interaction between irssi/gnome-terminal/natty: alt-w, which before upgrading to natty took me to the 12th irssi screen, on gnome terminal selects all text in the terminal, despite alt-w not being listed as a keyboard shortcut either on gnome-terminal or on gnome. Any idea what it can be and how to fix it?13:29
jribnevvermind1: and don't « sudo su root ».  If you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i »13:29
KNUBBIGbotcity: ccsm -> unity -> change icon size13:29
Elliot_Erasedthe error given is that it can not install it.13:29
LjLpumeust: right, what command13:29
DamienCassouSoothsayer: 'ccsm' in the terminal to make it smaller13:29
kjesleHas anyone succesfully installed gnome3 with natty?'13:30
Dr_WillisI wonder if theres a FAQ url for tweaking unity in ways they dont want you to.... yet.13:30
ubuntuc s13:30
pumeustDamienCassou says $ crontab -e, won't that work?13:30
KNUBBIG!gnome3 > kjesle13:30
ubottukjesle, please see my private message13:30
botcityKNUBBIG, thankyou i will look into that !13:30
KNUBBIGbotcity: no problem :) Worked fine for me13:30
SoothsayerWhat's the keyboard shortcut for the launcher ?13:30
DamienCassoupumeust: use 'crontab -e' to edit your crontab file13:30
LjLpumeust: "crontab -e" will let you edit the user's crontab, yes13:30
KNUBBIGSoothsayer: Alt + f213:30
pumeustDamienCassou, thanks i'll try it13:31
mvipAnyone know when/if "do-release-upgrade" will work from 10.04 to 11.04?13:31
mvipRight now I'm just getting 'No new release found'13:32
KNUBBIGmvip: did you tell your system to look for non-LTS-releases?13:32
mvipKNUBBIG: no, 11.04 is a LTS release, isn't it?13:32
Picimvip: no.13:32
KNUBBIGmvip: no13:32
mvipoh, damn =)13:32
Picimvip: LTSes are released every 2 years.13:32
heedluhow do I add widgets to the toolbar in natty? right clicking no longer seems to work.13:32
mvipoh, that explains a bit13:32
mvipok, then I don't need to update. Thnx guys13:33
Dr_Willisheedlu:  you install various indicator-applets. the old applets domnt work13:33
pumeustok i typed 'crontab -e'. it just takes me to the editing part which is where i was. i wanted to know how to save the changes13:33
jattheedlu: in unity?13:33
infamousgood morning/afternoon all13:33
Picipumeust: Once you save and exit that, the changes are saved.13:33
LjLpumeust: Ctrl+X13:34
ajininfamous: good night back!:-D13:34
jattheedlu: widgets/applets are not supported in unity13:34
Picipumeust: You should see a message after you exit: 'crontab: installing new crontab',  then its done.13:34
Rigorm0rtisIn unity is there any way to separate a maximized window's titlebar from the main panel?13:34
pumeustpici oh ok i was reading info where that said if i just exit no changes will be made...maybe that's different13:35
jattRigorm0rtis: no13:35
ajinmy ubuntu11.04 resolution suddenly changed after i logged off, do you know why? it was strange13:35
Picipumeust: you need to save without your editor though.  It'll save to a temp file and automagically install the crontab as you exit.13:35
Rigorm0rtisCould I at least change the titlebar text color then? With the New Wave theme it is Black on dark gray for the main panel.13:36
ajinhello, anyone can help?13:37
BlouBlouajin: if you ask something first, sure :)13:37
infamousask away ajin13:37
ajinwel, my ubuntu11.04 resolution suddenly changed after i logged off, do you know why? it was strange13:37
BlouBlouajin: Is it working fine now?13:38
rverripsHi All - I've got a weird thing happening in a fresh install of 11.04 - When I goto "About Me ..." and make changes, they aren't saved (There's no SAVE button, only Cancel?)13:38
muneebwhat's solution for flash player in Natty??13:38
usr13ajin: What did it change to?13:38
pumeustPici, so i cant do it in the terminal?13:38
chewyboy000Im updateing yo version 11.0413:38
ajini redifined, it works well now13:38
green_I sant get compiz to work after doing the upgrade on either ubuntu classic or with unity any suggestions?13:39
muneebwhat's solution for flash player in Natty 64bit??13:39
usr13ajin: Ok very good13:39
Picipumeust: Thats not what I said.  crontab -e, make changes. Save, exit.13:39
BlouBlougreen_: I had to change nvidia drivers, I'm using open drivers right now and works fine with compiz13:39
chewyboy000Go to Ubuntu Soft Ware center an type "flash"13:39
Incarus6muneeb, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/flashplugin-installer13:39
protohi all13:39
ajinusr13: well, my lap-top resolution should be 1024*800, the X sunddenly changed it to 1024*67713:40
protoi got a strange question13:40
usr13muneeb: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin13:40
protoi found the the ubuntu on chip.de13:40
infamousso apt-get upgrade will upgrade the current os server 10.4 to 11.?? but what would one use to upgrade from server to desktop?13:40
pumeustPici,  sorry when you said i need to save without my editor i thought maybe that mean the terminal13:40
physically_fithow do i remove my username from the top bar? there's no option to do it now.13:40
chewyboy000Hey usent13:40
knickinfamous: use do-release-upgrade (as root)13:40
protoi tried it with wibu the setup start then i get a error13:40
Soothsayerhas Nautilus changed too?13:41
muneebIncarus6, usr13 well i was getting errors for nspluginwrapper so i was unable to install so i was thinking is there any alternative?13:41
protosomethin linge partition not set ?!13:41
wrinkliezhey doods. is there a reason why my nvidia driver is "activated but not currently in use"?13:41
usr13muneeb: apt-cache search adobe |grep flash   #If you wanted to search for yourelf13:41
jribinfamous: if you want desktop and you are on the server, you just install the ubuntu-desktop package13:41
lucydarrowHi, I cannot download restricted extras and vlc from software center or apt. It gives error that problem with fetching, while my connection is okay, and also the repo address, I tried main server.13:41
jribwrinkliez: restart?13:41
usr13muneeb: apt-cache search flashplayer13:41
wrinkliezhey doods. is there a reason why my nvidia driver is "activated but not currently in use"?13:41
jriblucydarrow: « sudo apt-get update »13:41
muneebusr13, thanks13:42
jribwrinkliez: restart?13:42
wrinkliezoops. jrib: sorry. tried restart. going to remove and tr again13:42
chewyboy000If you want wubi you have to go to google and search wub i10.10 and select the surgeforce link13:42
wrinkliezaccidentally pushed up before enter, stupid small netbook XD13:42
jribwrinkliez: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:42
Soothsayerwhat is that version of Nautilus that allows me to launch a terminal for the current location, etc?13:42
infamousthank you knick trying now13:42
usr13muneeb: apt-cache search flashplugin13:42
protochewyboy000: is the wubi from ubuntu.com not working ?13:42
pumeustLjL, thanks, ctrl + x worked13:42
wrinkliezjrib: i will, thanks13:42
jribSoothsayer: nautilus-open-terminal13:42
knickinfamous: you might need to install it, im not sure if it comes by default13:42
physically_fitwho's having trouble with unity 2d? the launcher doesn't appear when i move the mouse to the left.13:42
lucydarrowjrib: Okay, will try later later, currently downloading Skype.13:43
chewyboy000there is an error from wubi on ubuntu.com13:43
Picichewyboy000: There is nothing wrong with the one on Ubuntu.com13:43
Soothsayerand how do I make Nautilus more minimal ?13:43
usr13muneeb: I ment for you to search for flashplugin  rather than flashplayer13:43
Soothsayerremove icons, etc13:43
Piciproto: Exact error messages would be very helpful for us to help you figure out how to fix this.13:43
Picichewyboy000: Why do you say that?13:43
chewyboy000i used wubi from ubuntu.com and it said "failed to get files"13:43
muneebusr13, i got it.. but both results show Adobe's solution.. which i  think wont work on my system13:44
physically_fitis it possible to remove my username from the top bar? there's no option to do it now.13:44
linxehBunneh: :P13:44
protoPici: something about partition not set ! it says i shall try it with the partition tool but how i cant find it ?!13:44
Vardanhi all13:44
Piciproto: 'something about...' isn't an extact error message.13:44
chewyboy000proto: thats the problem im having13:44
ajinanyway, ubuntu11.04 is terrific!13:44
Vardanpeople is there any configuration place where can I configure left side bar speed?13:44
ajini love UNITY!13:45
infamousok knick the do returns no new releases found even with the --mode=desktop argument added any ideas13:45
protook i try to remember ....13:45
misse-ajin: I'm happy for you13:45
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
physically_fityou must love it13:45
m|kaelwill it screw up unity if i install gnome3? or can i run them both parallel?13:45
Dr_WillisVardan:  check the ccsm unity plugin13:45
Soothsayerwhat's the SHORTCUT key for the launcher13:45
Dr_Willism|kael:  they break each other i hear.13:45
tesdsfsfdfdshello i have a question, i dont like unity, which alternatives are there ?13:45
jribtesdsfsfdfds: classic? gnome3?13:45
Dr_Willistesdsfsfdfds:  claddic gnome desktop is there..13:46
knickinfamous: What version shows up with 'cat /etc/lsb-release' ?13:46
Dr_Willisclassic :)13:46
tesdsfsfdfdsgnome3 i dont like too13:46
tesdsfsfdfdsbut classic is super13:46
wrinkliezm|kael i heard the same13:46
geirhatesdsfsfdfds: You mean the run dialog? Alt+F213:46
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james296can anyone tell me if its possible to configure how fast the mouse scroll wheel scrolls through anything?13:46
m|kaeli guess i have to test gnome3 in vm then13:46
izinucstesdsfsfdfds: kubuntu w/ the kde interface.. you can have them both loaded at the same time and choose on login which you want to use13:46
infamousubuntu 10.04.1 LTS13:46
tesdsfsfdfdsinfamous: why dont 10.04.2 ?13:47
Soothsayerhow do I restart Nautilus ?13:47
geirhatesdsfsfdfds: Oops, sorry, wrong nick13:47
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  try killall nautilus, then rerun nautilus13:47
geirhaSoothsayer: By launcher, you mean the run dialog? Alt+F213:47
izinucstesdsfsfdfds: that's actually what infamous has..13:47
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knickinfamous: have you performed an 'apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y'  as root?13:48
zap0how do you make it use a different mirror?    im trying to upgrade and it gets 404 on 4 packages13:48
knickinfamous: i.e. the latest updates?13:48
Dr_Willisheh. thats handy...13:48
coz_ hey guys,, just out of complete confusion , what is  this?  http://susegallery.com/a/vkjufU/ubuntu-1111-beta-213:49
coz_understand I just woke up lol13:49
usr13zap0: You could edit /etc/apt/sources.list13:49
Soothsayershortcut for launcher again?13:49
Dr_Williscoz_:  misssnamed file perhaps.13:49
VardanDr_Willis:  should I install it, or it installing automatically?13:50
KNUBBIGSoothsayer: Alt F213:50
coz_Dr_Willis,   phew I thought I moved into the future :)13:50
Dr_WillisVardan:  install what?13:50
zniavre_coz_,  haha13:50
Dr_WillisVardan:  its not installed by default..13:50
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:50
Incarus6back. Unity is disappointing in 11.0413:50
Glaciahello: quick question. Is there an easy guide out there to teach how to SSH to different devices?13:50
coz_Incarus6,  how is it disappointing for you?13:51
togglesAnyone know how to configure unity? I'd like to setup Super + N = File->New13:51
zap0usr13, ok, found it,  where can i get some alternative mirror addresses?13:51
Dr_WillisGlacia:  ssh ip.of.device.number13:51
Dr_WillisGlacia:  thats about all there is to it. :)13:51
Incarus6coz_, it's not working for me (and gnome looks ugly and is old) :D I'm using KDE, just wanted to test Unity13:51
togglesor maybe someone could tell me how to start a new copy of terminal without requiring three keys13:51
infamousim going to try something thanks13:51
GlaciaDr_willis: how do i find the ip of said device13:51
usr13Glacia: man ssh13:51
Dr_Willistoggles:  ccsm has some settings in the unity plugin.13:51
GlaciaDr_willis: via terminal13:51
mikebotIs there any way to increase the performance of ubuntu? For some reason it is running slower than my windows :? (I installed it on the same partition.)13:52
Dr_WillisGlacia:  check the device. or scan your network with nmap or other tools.13:52
Soothsayerfound it, it's the Super button13:52
coz_Incarus6,   so you tried calssic gnome or Unity with the side launcher?13:52
togglesDr_Willis: ccsm?13:52
wrinkliezis there a way to get firefox using the overlay scrollbars?13:52
togglesDr_Willis: Grazie, found with apt-cache13:52
Incarus6coz_ both, gnome classic is working as usual, and Unity isn't shown up correctly13:52
SoothsayerHow can I 'remove' the maximize button13:52
Soothsayerits quite redundant13:52
KNUBBIGtoggles: compizconfig-settings-manager installable via sudo apt-get install13:52
GlaciaDr_willis, I am trying to sshd to my android phone... i know it can be done since android is a linus based OS and I have a terminal13:52
togglesKNUBBIG: Grazie13:53
mikebotAlso, how can I access my windows folders whilst in ubuntu?13:53
coz_Incarus6,  mm which video card do you have there?13:53
studentzHelp  Ubuntu Natty Nvidia driver activated but no currently in use ??13:53
Dr_WillisGlacia:  you need a ssh server on the phone.  and theres tools for android to show the phones ip#.13:53
Soothsayerstudentz: ignore that13:53
Incarus6coz_ I can just see the files on my desktop in Unity, nothing else (no menus, etc, except the right click menü), opening these files is working. Im using Nvidia with the proprietary driver (GT220)13:53
usr13!sources | zap013:53
ubottuzap0: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:53
KNUBBIGmikebot: if you're not on some complicated disk layout, they should be visible in nautilus by default13:53
mikebotKNUBBIG: Where though?13:53
zap0usr13, thank you.13:53
studentzsoothsayer I have huge screen resolution I cannot ignore it :(13:53
coz_Incarus6,  move your curso to the upper left corner of the screen,, see if the launcher pops up for you13:54
Soothsayerstudentz: no, i didn't say that.13:54
Glaciaummm help my screen is flashing uncontrollably13:54
Soothsayerstudentz: Go to NVIDIA X Server Settings13:54
KNUBBIGmikebot: for me they're under devices in nautilus13:54
mikebotKNUBBIG: Wait, and I might be on the same complicated disc--I'm not sure... I installed it on the same partition..13:54
Glaciawhat the hey is going on13:54
Soothsayerstudentz: if that dialog opens, means your drivers are installed.13:54
Incarus6coz_, I did that, nothing appeared (I'm currently in KDE)13:54
KNUBBIGmikebot: okay, that sound complicated to me. Not even sure how that is possible13:54
tashkasMC-Router API already in use; Errno(98): Address already in use  <--- can somebody fix this?13:54
BelinrahsI posted on forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742650 , I installed 10.10 on my hp g62x, WLAN didn't work, followed a guide online to compile and set up ralink driver. I can see networks, when I try and connect to one the animated WiFi icon on the top bar freezes if I click it13:54
ossemikebot, what do you mean by "on the same partition"? Did you install it from within Windows?13:55
Belinrahsbtw natty I can't even compile the driver so i reverted to 10.1013:55
mikebotosse: Yes.13:55
mikebotOh and I found them in13:55
coz_Incarus6,  thats sort of odd but not completely,, i have seen Unity not start up correctly  for me and many others,,  not sure what the issue is but apparenlty you are a kde  lover so I suppose its not too important :)13:55
KNUBBIGah ok :D13:55
studentzSoothsayer it says " you dont appear to be using the Nvidia X driver"13:55
tomasza wiecie o tej opcji w nowym chrome ?13:56
Incarus6coz_, I am open for other desktop too ;) (But I don't like the concept of gnome and it is hard to handle with dualscreen)13:56
Pici!pl | tomasz13:56
ubottutomasz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:56
jrib!pl | tomasz13:56
ossemikebot, if they are visible from 'Computer' you probably have the side-pane in the File manager turned off :P Try pressing F913:56
AceKingIs there anyway to install an indicator to see what programs are open and running?13:56
tomaszaaa sorry13:56
studentzSoothsayer "run nvidia-xconfig asd root" I should do that??13:56
Incarus6coz_, nevermind, just wanted to test unity, but seems to be released to early ;)13:56
rokyronnieI use ALSA with 5.1 output, and after a song it's done in audacious my subwoofer remain with no sound, I've to select something different and then select again 5.1 output to get sount again13:56
lars_bauercant find my camera on asus A3000. its a ali13:56
Soothsayerstudentz: just run it from the GUI13:56
usr13AceKing: It is already there.  service13:56
knickAceKing: go to your terminal and type 'top'13:56
raymondjtoth3in ubuntu 11.04 how i iinstall the intel witeless 3945 abg driver?13:57
mikebotosse: I do; thank you. Also, is there a way to increase the performance (speed)? Like, can I change effects or anything?13:57
knickAceKing: or 'man ps'13:57
lars_bauer/dev/video0 not found13:57
coz_Incarus6,  this is true , however I have dual monitors here,, a while back  unity was useless on dual monitor set ups,, its still sort of that way but now uses that darn global menu on both monitors13:57
mikebotSeems to be much slower than 10.1013:57
raymondjtoth3im in classic mode13:57
AceKingusr13, knick, thanks13:57
usr13AceKing: for applications (rather than services) try    ps aux13:57
Welshy-Robhi my keyboard and mouse is not responding when i boot up into windows however is perfectly okay in ubuntu, i was thinking this was maybe a registry error?13:57
* Incarus6 is going to remove ubuntu-desktop from his computer13:57
studentzSoothsayer I used Jockey and It did not work13:57
KNUBBIGcoz_: it runs fine on dual-display for me13:57
raymondjtoth3how i install the intel wireless driver for 3945 abg?13:57
Soothsayerstudentz: did you try opening the Nvidia X Server settings?13:57
KNUBBIGis there any way to execute a terminal command from within irssi?13:57
* wli is interested in going through the packaging system to drop a 64-bit kernel package (additionally patched/customized/etc.) on a 32-bit install. This must be an FAQ but google's defeating me.13:58
usr13raymondjtoth3: It should already be working13:58
studentzI did and It shows That I should run nvidia-xconfig13:58
raymondjtoth3uslr3 its not did disro update and didnt come in13:58
ossemikebot, if you go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual effects you can choose 'None'. That should help13:58
swebcompbiz could not be install inside ubuntu unity  ?13:58
Dr_WillisKNUBBIG:  /exec  - check the irssi docs for mor einfo  on it.13:58
mikebotosse: Thank you13:58
usr13raymondjtoth3: lspci    #And see how it is actually identified13:58
KNUBBIGDr_Willis: thank you13:58
zap0can i get some help upgrading?13:58
Incarus6coz_, thats what I like at KDE. Both screens got their own task bar and the window list just lists these windows, which are on the same screen13:58
Incarus6zap0, yes13:59
yaccAny idea where to find libsvn-mirror-perl for Lucid?13:59
mikebotosse: Only see Theme, Background, Fonts13:59
studentzSoothsayer I did and It shows that I should run "nvidia-xconfig"13:59
usr13raymondjtoth3: It was working before you upgraded?13:59
raymondjtoth3Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)13:59
raymondjtoth3usr yes it was13:59
zap0Incarus6, the local mirror has 4 packages missing (404).  how do i make this upgrade/update manager use a different mirror?14:00
Incarus6studentz, I had the same problem. Run jockey and enable the driver with that14:00
Soothsayerosse: how come I don't have that tab?14:00
yaccsvk from universe depends on it, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsvn-mirror-perl seems to show only packages up to karmic?14:00
_Platypus_Does anyone else suffer a Widescreen effect up booting up?14:00
knickzap0: edit /etc/apt/sources.list14:00
AceKingusr13, knick, But is there a way to show in the panel which programs are open? I'm really trying to give this a shot before I switch back to Classic Ubuntu14:00
ossemikebot, then probably you don't have any desktop effects at all, because somehow it's not supported. Do you know what graphics card you have?14:00
raymondjtoth3usr13,  what i do yes it was14:00
Dr_Willis!find mirrorselect14:00
Belinrahs_Platypus_: not quite sure what you mean by a widescreen effect?14:00
KNUBBIGIs it normal that there's no start splash while booting?14:00
Incarus6knick, thank you14:00
studentzSoothsayer I did it twice and no solution14:00
ubottuPackage/file mirrorselect does not exist in natty14:00
knickAceKing: I'm not really happy yet with the new interface either... :14:00
raymondjtoth3usr13,  do i need backports14:00
knick:-( *14:00
wli(Essentially to get rid of highmem overhead, maybe tweak some config options, and whatever patches I write on a whim.)14:00
Soothsayerstudentz: hmm..14:00
yacchttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libsvn-mirror-perl <= does not show even the Karmic package.14:00
Soothsayerstudentz: try the other driver then14:00
AceKingknick, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one14:01
manu-UBDoes anyone knows how to install a correct driver for ubuntu on a fujitsu siemens laptop ?14:01
Soothsayerstudentz: did you pick the one with (Recommended) while choosing the Additional Drivers?14:01
knickAceKing: still tryin to find out how to get my buttons and icons back, and how to place new things in that annoying sidebar..14:01
daxrocSoothsayer: did you get it sorted after ?14:01
studentzSoothsayer Yep14:01
Glaciaweird i dont know what just happened14:01
raymondjtoth3usr13, you still here14:01
_Platypus_Belinrahs: When I load, and hit the login screen, I will have a section of black on both sides of the screen.14:01
zap0knick, where do i get a list of alternate mirrors?14:01
Soothsayerdaxroc: get what sorted?14:01
mikebotosse: No, but this is pretty bad... (I've had other versions on this computer). Also, there are some problems with clicking "OK" and "yes" and "No" in diaglog boxes14:01
Dr_Willisusing the launcher - guide i just saw ---> http://omgubuntu.co.uk/natty/#launcher14:01
daxrocSoothsayer: Dual monitors14:01
GlaciaDr_willis, on my phone I connect to username@ip address right>?14:01
knickzap0: google "apt sources.list ubuntu <yourversion>"14:01
Incarus6coz_, http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/incident.png14:02
Soothsayerdaxroc: yes, its working fine now14:02
Dr_WillisGlacia:  thats the normal ssh way yes.14:02
raymondjtoth3guess i get no sireless?(14:02
studentzSoothsayer also I run nvidia-xconfig and I got stock after grub. So I restarted as a single mode14:02
Belinrahs_Platypus_: you need to set your screen resolution to a widescreen format14:02
raymondjtoth3any thing i do to fix this14:02
daxrocSoothsayer: how did you get it working ?14:02
usr13raymondjtoth3: iwconfig14:02
dmsupermanWhat's the easiest way to tell apt to pull a package not from a specific repo?14:02
dmsupermanie ignore packge-name in repo-name14:02
usr13raymondjtoth3: What does that say     iwconfig14:02
GlaciaDr_willis, do i have to do anything on my computer side first14:02
KNUBBIGIncarus6: hahaha :D14:02
AceKingknick, I hope they redesign this. It looks like a lot of people aren't happy with this14:02
gkahnhi, anyone can tell me how to download lib64qt3 for Ubuntu 10.04?14:02
Soothsayerdaxroc: ok one thing I did was this http://joeslifewithubuntu.blogspot.com/2010/12/update-on-nvidia-96-driver-with-ubuntu.html14:02
sipiorwli: given that you'd need to rebuild the whole of binutils, and likely glibc as well, it would be vastly simpler just to move to a proper 64-bit install.14:02
Dr_WillisGlacia:  you need ssh client installed  :) but thats a default on ubuntu systems14:03
manu-UBanyone could help me with my graphic driver problem?14:03
coz_Incarus6,   cute14:03
Dr_WillisGlacia:  and the phone needs a ssh server installed.14:03
ossemikebot, did you find the Visual Effects tab,?14:03
janjissHi! How can i make my server to start up on boot? I have nginx wich is located in /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx14:03
mikebotosse: No14:03
knickAceKing: I used to have an all customized menu, with the tools i preferred and all, but that seems to have gone.. Now if I need a program I just have to type it14:03
Dr_Willisjanjiss:  quick and dirty way. run it from /etc/rc.local14:03
Glaciai am using irssi on my phoe14:03
Soothsayerdaxroc: and I realized that the Nvida X Server settings window has all the other configuratiosn I need to do. Like enabling the second monitor.14:03
Soothsayerbrb, need to logout, login14:03
_Platypus_Belinrahs: So that should make it where it remains full screen? And how would I do that? Under System Settings?14:03
Glaciait is a ssh server client14:03
KNUBBIGssh server client?14:03
raymondjtoth3usr13 that it14:03
Dr_WillisGlacia:  i  use some android specific irc clients.14:03
janjissDr_Willis: I need to 'ln' it?14:03
osseSoothsayer, I don't know why you don't have that tab.14:03
AceKingknick, I know, it's like they took a step back in a way14:04
Dr_Willisjanjiss:  no.. edit rc.local add it near the end.14:04
usr13raymondjtoth3: Did it say "No wireless extensions"  on all devices?14:04
Belinrahs_Platypus_: Just a moment14:04
janjissOk, thanx14:04
wlisipior: Um, the stock compiler and binutils already build 64-bit kernels.14:04
raymondjtoth3that everthing14:04
raymondjtoth3from that comnmand14:04
_Platypus_Belinrahs: No problem. Thank you for taking the time to help me.14:04
sipiorwli: yes. but how do you plan on loading shared libraries with a broken loader?14:04
raymondjtoth3usr13,  what i do thanks to get this fixxed14:04
Belinrahs!resolution | _Platypus_14:05
ubottu_Platypus_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:05
usr13raymondjtoth3: So it DID say "no wireless extensions"  on all devices?14:05
jw_are there a lot of 11.04 upgrade issues today?14:05
Dr_Willisjw_:  servers are getting a heavy load.14:05
Belinrahs_Platypus_: That link should help you fix your resolution14:05
KNUBBIGjw_: I updated two computers and experienced no problems14:05
* cousin_mario upgraded to natty yesterday and screen effects on gnome disappeared: any hints?14:05
Incarus6jw_, no, everbody is making a fresh Installation14:05
wershow do I enable the three finger activation of Unity MT grab? I'm on a MacBook Air14:05
usr13raymondjtoth3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168910014:05
raymondjtoth3just whats there14:05
Incarus6Dr_Willis, I used a local mirror with full speed14:05
Belinrahs_Platypus_: if you need more help, mention me again and I'll see it14:06
zap0is there a UI way to change the data in  /etc/apt/source.list14:06
usr13raymondjtoth3: In the link I just sent you, we see that someone else had a problem with it and they used commands   sudo rfkill unblock all14:06
Soothsayeranyone using ubuntu tweak on 11.04 ?14:06
ossemikebot, then I don't know. Sorry. Maybe it will help if you install Ubuntu not from within Windows, but that can be a bit complicated if you're not experienced with creating partitions and so on14:06
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  i was during beta. not tried it this week14:06
usr13raymondjtoth3: and      rfkill list all14:06
Incarus6zap0, yes, a graphical editor with su rights14:07
_Platypus_Belinrahs: Thanks :)14:07
usr13raymondjtoth3: but I don't know what that was all about.  Maybe something to it.  I don't know.14:07
Soothsayerwhy did I read somewhere chrome was a part of this Ubuntu ?14:07
mikebotosse: It's that lenovo doesn't know how to make computers very well, came shippsed with the maximum number of partitions all already used.14:07
mikebotosse: OK, thank14:07
knickSoothsayer: didn't say it was part of it, but compatible with.14:07
Dr_Willismikebot:  ive seen that on Other brand PCs also.14:07
Incarus6zap0, but try "nano", its an easy command line editor, simpler then vim14:07
Soothsayerknick: i don't see it in the software centre14:07
shaneo_can someone give me a hand with gnome3 i hate it and want ubuntu classic back14:07
knickYou might have to manually download it14:08
zap0Incarus6, i didn't mean a text editor.14:08
Dr_Willisshaneo_:  use the ppa-purge command to remove it prehaps.. and reinstall ubuntu-desktop14:08
Tetsuo55having the running apps on the left sure takes getting used too14:08
Psychobudgieshaneo_, you will have to reinstall14:08
Incarus6zap0, you can change the sources in the software center too14:08
shaneo_reinstall ??14:08
shaneo_as in my while OS14:08
swebcompiz could not be install inside ubuntu unity  ?14:08
Psychobudgieshaneo_, you know that whole warning about not being able to roll back changes made when you enable the ppa, they weren't joking14:09
Soothsayerhow do I make Ubuntu (with Unity) as the default option during login?14:09
shaneo_no didnt see it14:09
SoothsayerI picked Gnome classic once.. and it is that by default :@14:09
shaneo_downloaded it through ubuntu tweak14:10
wlisipior: Eh? 32-bit emulation works fine.14:10
shaneo_so well it looks like im using gnome3 than14:10
Incarus6Soothsayer, did you boot unity one time since then?14:10
pfarrell_hi! I'm trying to upgrade, but when I click upgrade in the update manager, it just goes grey, freezes, and then says "could not download release notes"14:10
shaneo_cause i am not reinstalling and losing all my data14:10
pfarrell_is the server down?14:10
sssstavrSoothsayer just select it once and it will then stay as default14:10
JohnFluxpfarrell_: I get that error too, and came to ask the same thing :)14:10
ossemikebot, if you use a so-called extended partition instead of a primary partion you can have as many partitions as you like. The extended partitions works as a "frame" you but logical partitions. But still it means you have to remove one of the partitions you have now.14:10
sipiorwli: you haven't tried it, have you.14:10
Soothsayersssstavr: its not!14:10
Incarus6shaneo_, whats the exact problem?14:10
pfarrell_JohnFlux: are you also in GB, by any chance?14:11
BelinrahsDJRoby4: hello, can we help you?14:11
JohnFluxpfarrell_: yes14:11
Incarus6Belinrahs, he left14:11
pfarrell_I suppose it must be the gb server14:11
pfarrell_maybe I'll try another one14:11
fubuloubuhi, I just upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.0414:11
wolf__how can i start my webcam on ubuntu ?14:11
BelinrahsIncarus6: Thanks14:11
wlisipior: I've done it on Debian before. Not a hitch.14:11
shaneo_Wolf: use cheese14:11
DaniaGuyt s I had electricity cut during upgrade to 11.04 and now on boot i'm getting Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)14:11
fubuloubuhaving an issue getting unity to start14:11
sipiorwli: then what's stopping you?14:12
trijntjesweb, unity is a compiz-plugin, but it conflicts with some other plugins if thats what you mean14:12
Incarus6!cheese | wolf__14:12
Incarus6wolf__, try cheese, ubotto doesn't know that14:12
DaniaGuys I had electricity cut during upgrade to 11.04 and now on boot i'm getting Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)14:12
shaneo_wolf: sudo apt-get install cheese14:12
wolf__every time i try it it saysmy screen should me 860*don't know what14:12
Incarus6wolf__, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/cheese14:12
sweb trijntje, i want to instal simple compiz wizard. ubuntu give me an error14:12
jAguAr`i need help w/ upgrading ubundu from 10.10 to ll.0414:12
wolf__how i can use it14:12
wlisipior: Something about deb/apt kernel packaging has changed in the interim.14:12
shaneo_just click it wolf duh14:13
Belinrahswolf__: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install cheese14:13
Belinrahswolf__: it will install the program in your applications menu14:13
GlaciaWow i think my graphics card went on the fritz14:13
trijntjeDania, yeah, I would expect something to get damaged if you cut power during upgrade.14:13
usr13Glacia: What happened?14:13
trijntjesweb, what is simple compiz wizard?14:13
Incarus6shaneo_, do you plan to downgrade to gnome 2.32 from gnome 3 again?14:13
psypher246hi all, has anyone experienced this issue in natty, I can't hold ctrl down and left click and selectively select files in nautilus, shft works but not ctrl14:13
gshipleyHey guys - 11.04 in nautilus browsing to windows file share I get speeds of 25 megs a sec.  When I mount that same share with cifs or smbfs I only get 4 megs a sec.  Any ideas why nautilus is much faster (fuse ?) that my mount?14:13
JohnFluxRiddell: are the GB servers down?14:13
wolf__i'll try14:14
Glaciausr13, screen froze and then started to flash .... could see and type but not click on anything14:14
Daniatrijntje,  ya how should i diagnose it?14:14
GlaciaDr_willis, i tried to connect to my computer in my ssh client on my phone but its not connecting to anything14:14
usr13Glacia: what video card?14:14
trijntjeDania, it might be easies to reinstall, do you have a backup of all your data?14:14
SkeiJohnFlux, I failed to get the UK server to do anything. I selected "best server" for an upgrade, and it worked fine when it gave me another one.14:14
osseI just booted up with a USB stick with the 64-bit Natty images. Have they moved the "try or install directly" choice to the GRUB menu or is there something wrong with my imagethingy??14:14
JanusmanCan I update a WUBI 10.10 into 11.04?14:14
Glaciausr13, stock on an old xp tablet14:14
JohnFluxSkei: I'm currently trying just "do-release-upgrade"  and that seems to work14:14
Soothsayerhow do I get the "Places" menubar option?14:15
trijntjeDania, I dont know how to diagnose it, maybe someone else can help you with that14:15
Daniatrijntje no but can log to hard drive via console14:15
swebtrijntje, th UI application that you can set the effect of desktop.14:15
JohnFluxpfarrell_: read Skei's reply?14:15
usr13Glacia: Can you ping it?14:15
sipiorwli: if you want a 64-bit kernel, just install a 64-bit distro, and save yourself an enormous amount of trouble. or don't, your business, of course.14:15
BelinrahsJanusman: in ubuntu you should be able to upgrade normally14:15
wlisiopr: The hope was to get the source/patches/etc. for the Ubuntu kernel and drop my own things in the patch queue.14:15
swebhow can i resize and configure Unity panel in Natty ?14:15
sipiorwli: i see.14:15
trijntjesweb, compiz config settings manager, I should install fine in natty14:15
Incarus6shaneo_, pls confirm14:15
Belinrahs!upgrade | Janusman14:16
ubottuJanusman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:16
sssstavrSoothsayer: have you tried system -> administration -> login in screen ?14:16
JanusmanBelinrahs, thanks =)14:16
BelinrahsJanusman: anytime14:16
jAguAr`i need help w/ upgrading ubundu from 10.10 to ll.04 please14:16
wlisipior: It's what I did with all the other distro kernels (including Debian several years ago).14:16
Glaciausr13, no my ssh client on my phone just shows connecting..... and nothing14:16
JanusmanBelinrahs, didn't see anything mentioning WUBI there though.. but I guess it'll work (backing up first) =)14:16
nishanthi need help in fixing my compiz setting back....i lost my toolbar and the side dock14:16
afederhaving just tried ubuntu for the first time in a year - what a fabulous release. thanks devs.14:16
sipiorwli: then go do that.14:16
BelinrahsJanusman: Should be a completely normal upgrade, I'm using Wubi and I upgraded normal14:17
RichardJIf I install a proprietary driver for my graphics card (ATI/AMD FGLRX) and that results in not being able to boot, what could I then do about it?14:17
SoothsayerI just removed the minimize and maximize button from the titlebar and only kept the close. Double clicking titlebar minimizes the window instead... looks cleaner :)14:17
RichardJis there a simple way to remove a restricted driver via the rootsheel?14:17
trijntjejAguAr`, what kind of help?14:17
olefowdieHello all, has anyone got a bootable USB stick working with Macs?14:17
Omegasoreau: did starting gnome-panel manually work?14:17
usr13Glacia: Ctrl-Alt-F614:17
JanusmanBelinrahs, awesome. Thanks14:18
lucydarrowjrib: done with that update, but still doesn't work.14:18
NunyaIncarus6 I seem to be stuck on this now: http://i51.tinypic.com/rkym9x.png14:18
wrinkliezi accidentally removed my home folder button from the unity sidebar, how do i put it back? :S14:18
lucydarrowjrib: I tried sudo apt-get install vlc14:18
JohnFluxSkei: where is that option to select the fastest server?14:18
jriblucydarrow: pastebin output14:18
Incarus6Nunya, this stupid cups. type "sudo stop cups && sudo start cups"14:18
wolf__how i send an invitation to some one to start my cam ?14:18
jAguAr`trijntje, i just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, and tried upgrading to 11.04 and it came back with the error 'Marking the upgrade (E:Error, pkgProblemResolver:: Resolve generated breakes, this may be caused by held packages.)'14:18
BelinrahsNunya: off topic, but I really like how you have your interface set up :)14:19
SkeiJohnFlux, in Settings, I think it's the Sources tab, perhaps.14:19
jAguAr`trijntje, i need to know how to fix this issue14:19
SkeiJohnFlux, there's an option to select "Best Server" which tests all of them and returns the best choice.14:19
SoothsayerWhat are good add-ons that help with a dual monitor setup?14:19
karlohow I can fix the problem with fullscreen videos on youtube (I have 2 monitors) ?14:19
Incarus6jAguAr, you used foreign repos, pls paste /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log14:19
nishanthcan someone tell me how i can get my dock and toolbar back?14:19
trijntjejAguAr`, what does it say when you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in a terminal?14:19
NunyaIncarus6 I salute you, it worked!!!  \o/ mmmm14:20
usr13karlo: Upgrade to the latest flashplugn14:20
muneebhi, i have installed ati drivers but i'm not getting Unity... even if i select it in Login i'm getting old style14:20
wolf__how i send an invitation to some one to start my cam ?14:20
heedluwere is the alt+f2 key binding defined?14:20
Nunyasaid force reload failed but kept going14:20
Incarus6Nunya, reuse that command if it cups stucks the next time ;)14:20
lucydarrowjrib: here it is: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WYTeHWxP14:20
wlisipior: You missed the part (perhaps deliberately) where either Ubuntu, newer deb/apt kernel packaging, or something makes apt-get source linux-image have very unintuitive results.14:20
Nunyaok will do, thanks!14:20
olefowdielike all of the ways Ubuntu/Canonical says work... do not work, nor do things that I would imagine should work.14:21
=== TopRamen_EVO is now known as GlaciasEvo
GlaciasEvousr13, ummm whay did you do to my pc14:21
olefowdieI can boot from external CDROM, but trying to boot from a USB stick never works, at least not if I want persistence.14:21
cousin_mariothis release is quite buggy14:21
jAguAr`Incarus6, that is a huge file...14:21
jriblucydarrow: try a different mirror?14:21
SoothsayerLike I want a taskbar in my second monitor14:21
Soothsayerits too much to scroll all the way to the left14:21
usr13karlo: http://trryhend.startlogic.com/14:21
usr13to manually install ^^^14:22
lars-eirikI'd like to load the classic  Gnome-menus, bey there is NO options at the login-screen. Is there any other way to to this ?14:22
Dr_Willisolefowdie:  you can do a full normal install to a flash drive - if its big enough14:22
Incarus6jAguAr`, I know, I don't need the whole file, better paste "cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | grep Broken"14:22
lucydarrowjrib: Okay, changing to US mirror.14:22
karlousr13, tnx14:22
SoothsayerWhat are good tools to use along with  a dual monitor setup?14:22
Dr_Willislars-eirik:  when you enter your user name. No menus at the bottom of the gdm screen?14:22
SoothsayerLike I need a taskbar in the second monitor14:22
GlaciasEvousr13, how do I get out of what you put me in14:22
muneebHELP!!  i have installed ati drivers but i'm not getting Unity... even if i select it in Login i'm getting old style14:22
SoothsayerIt's too annoying to travel all the way to the left to unity taskbar14:22
usr13GlaciasEvo: Do you have login option now?14:22
myrkraverkHello people.14:22
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  normal classic gnome lets me do that. but ive not tried Unity on my dual monitor setup. You coul dinstall a dock like docky or awn, or others14:23
usr13GlaciasEvo: login and restart gdm14:23
SoothsayerDr_Willis: will that restrict it to that monitor only?14:23
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?14:23
sipiorwli: i ignored it because i assume you're clever enough to figure it out. you haven't really stated what the problem with deb packaging was, so it is difficult to offer useful recommendations.14:23
myrkraverkI had trouble booting up the amd64 10.10 live CD.  Is there a chance it's been updated since I downloaded it some months ago?14:23
GlaciasEvorestart gdm?14:23
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  most docks have that setting.14:23
usr13GlaciasEvo: Yes14:23
lars-eirikDr_Willis Only bottom menus, but no choises for loading the classic menu14:23
thelonecabbagetrying to use usb-create-gtk to create a bootable image on an external eSATA drive, and it's not detecting the drive14:23
SoothsayerDr_Willis: then im assuming I've to get rid of Unity dock on the left?14:23
thelonecabbageanyone know how to get it to notice it?14:23
usr13GlaciasEvo: /etc/init.d/gdm restart14:23
GlaciasEvosorry I'm rusty as heck with ubuntu.... been over a year sorry14:24
usr13GlaciasEvo: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart14:24
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  since it auto hidea. i dont see much reason to get rid of it.14:24
antonio_hello! can anyone help me with my resolution on ubuntu 11.04? :)14:24
Incarus6myrkaverk, are you using "new" hardware?14:24
sipiorwli: in other words: unintuitive in what way?14:24
SoothsayerDr_Willis: which dock would you recommend? I need something like the one on Windows 714:24
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  try them all out.14:24
muneebHELP!!  i have installed ati drivers but i'm not getting Unity... even if i select it in Login i'm getting old style14:24
SoothsayerDr_Willis: name them again please?14:24
Incarus6!cn | jml__14:25
ubottujml__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:25
myrkraverkIncarus6: It's a 4 or 5 year old laptop.14:25
mongy!buttons > mongy14:25
ubottumongy, please see my private message14:25
wlisipior: There used to be a debian/ dir in there with a set of patches to apply; now there's no patch set to put my code in.14:25
GlaciasEvousr13,  ok now how do I get connected with my ssh14:25
franciel!buttons > mongy14:25
ubottumongy, please see my private message14:25
usr13GlaciasEvo: What?14:25
Incarus6myrkraverk, you could try a live cd, but there is no gwarranty that it will work14:26
usr13GlaciasEvo: Try Ctrl-Alt-F7   and see if it's back to normal.14:26
t-rexi have ati5650 and after installing the driver i cant run unity14:26
antonio_help! i have a sis671/771 graphic card and i like to configure it on my ubuntu 11.0414:26
GlaciasEvousr13 the whole reason I'm here was to try and connect my phone to my pc via ssh14:26
Nunya1 minute left  :O14:26
Incarus6!paste > jAguAr`14:26
ubottujAguAr`, please see my private message14:26
fillayuis unity better than gnome14:26
usr13GlaciasEvo: I though you had the flashing screen.  Sorry.  You need to install openssh-server14:27
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?14:27
BlouBloufillayu: unity works with gnome14:27
=== mike is now known as Guest73628
muneebhow to re-enable  Unity ???14:27
usr13GlaciasEvo: sudo apt-get install openssh-server14:27
Puchatyanyone tried powerXpress with new ati drivers?14:27
fillayuBlouBlou   how to keep the unity panel always in the front14:27
Glaciathe openssh on my pc or phone because i already have an ssh client on my phone14:27
BlouBloufillayu: I don't use it14:27
BlouBloumuneeb: go to gdm and choose 'ubuntu session'14:28
fillayuBlouBlou  u use what?14:28
usr13Glacia: On the pc14:28
Janusmanso if I already have the alternate ISO image, how long should I expect for an upgrade to take?14:28
BlouBlouI use classic-session, not unity14:28
Puchatyno ati hybrid gpu users?:)14:28
Glaciausr13, i thought ubuntu came with it already installed14:28
sipiorwli: simply adding the directory doesn't work?14:28
muneebBlouBlou,  but how to go to gdm.. i tried from login screen14:28
Dr_WillisGlacia:  you need a ssh server on whatever you are connecting TO...  ubuntu comes with a ssh CLIENT..14:28
timekillerhi guys, just dropped in to ask if anyone else has a problem with 11.04 and dual monitors (no wallpaper, white background) - and if there is a known fix ?14:28
julian__guys i have a little trouble :S14:28
* wli needs to get back on the net to have better methods of investigation than IRC.14:29
Glaciaoh i see14:29
BlouBloumuneeb: that's exactly GDM14:29
Janusmanjulian__, just ask =)14:29
GlaciaOk so how do i get that on my pc14:29
Puchatyi have a little trouble too14:29
julian__how do i activate the windows efects on unity?14:29
usr13GlaciasEvo: sudo apt-get install openssh-server14:29
sipiorwli: i take it that's a no? :-)14:29
usr13Glacia: sudo apt-get install openssh-server14:29
muneebBlouBlou,  but i'm not getting Unity even though i selected i get old style Ubuntu14:29
Janusmanjulian__, I think you should get the compiz manager14:29
NunyaIncarus6 I have to close to finish up now, hopefully I wont need to come back... thank you again!!14:29
usr13Glacia: Or go to synaptic and install it.14:30
lars-eirikDr_Willis: Never mind. I got it working by changing the default login theme in the control panel.14:30
Dr_Willis!ssh | Glacia14:30
ubottuGlacia: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:30
julian__how get it?14:30
BlouBloumuneeb: change classic-session and select Ubuntu-session14:30
Incarus6Nunya, you are welcome14:30
julian__how can i get it*?14:30
inflexjust upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 - keyboard doesn't come up anymore, if you remove the keyboard and plug it back in, it works again (USB).14:30
myrkraverkIncarus6: Is there a chance an installation will work better than a live cd somehow?14:30
spicyHello I have a question. I have an Intel machine and I wish to download the new 64bit version of Ubuntu, but when I try to download the 64bit it downloads the AMD version (I have an intel processor not an AMD processor). Where is the Intel 64bit version of Ubuntu?14:30
Belinrahsanyone with wifi experience could you look at my post, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742650 -- I would be very grateful - thanks!14:30
Dr_Willisinflex:  i just had that happen to my usb mouse on the live cd.14:30
myrkraverkspicy: It's the same thing.14:30
Incarus6myrkraverk, you could try a live cd, but there is no warranty that it will work14:30
Al-Bawihi there , i have a problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 , it says The upgrade has aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far are kept.14:30
myrkraverkspicy: I'm using amd64 solaris on an intel machine.14:30
inflexDr_Willis: yes, the mouse did stop once, but it's come back reliably since the last 3 boots14:30
myrkraverkIncarus6: ok.14:31
julian__berinrahs AMD its called 64 bits procesors14:31
Dr_WillisAl-Bawi:  servers are hitting heavy load. and are not stable.14:31
wlisipior: Typically there was a script in there that applied the patches starting from virgin kernel source (or some approximation there of).14:31
muneebBlouBlou, after upgradation it gave error  like it doesnt support 3d... but after then installed drivers but still  no luck14:31
myrkraverkspicy: plus, it's politically correct to call the platform amd64 since they invented the platform.14:31
Incarus6myrkraverk, I allways prefer new software over old, otherwise I would use Debian14:31
Janusmanjulian__, look at "Install Compiz Config Settings Manager" under http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/04/12-things-i-did-after-installing-new.html14:31
inflexDr_Willis: haven't found any google hits on 11.04 usb keyboard failure yet :(14:31
muneebBlouBlou, i did that alrady but nothing happened14:31
myrkraverkIncarus6: Haha, ok.14:31
Al-BawiDr_Willis , you mean that i should try any time later?14:31
BlouBloumuneeb: You need to have 3D rendering14:32
Glaciausr13, ok i need the sudo apt-get now what14:32
spicySo it doesn't matter if I run an AMD 64bit on an Intel machine? Okay then, I'll download AMD 64 bit14:32
Glaciaok i did*14:32
cfc_{Pawpad}hi every one14:32
* izinucs is thinking there's something going on with the ubuntu one servers..tomboy isn't syncing14:32
cfc_{Pawpad}what is the package called for quicktime ?14:32
Glacianvm i got to go14:32
roelandhey fellas, i got an ubuntu box (through Linode) and it keeps randomly getting stuck at 100% cpu usage (400% actually?). i am unable to pull up the site , or access the console (via putty) the only way to fix it is to log into the linode web manager and reboot it.14:32
izinucscfc_{Pawpad}: to play it in a browser?14:32
roelandwhat are some things i could do to diagnose this14:33
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cfc_{Pawpad}actully i use SL14:33
spicymyrkraverk thanks for clearing things up14:33
Incarus6roeland, 400%? Do you use a quad core computer?14:33
usr13Belial`: What freezes?  Network Manager?14:33
sinistradroeland you can try the 'top' command to see which process is consuming your resources14:34
roelandi believe so yes incarus614:34
Guest73628does anyone no how to turn laptop keyboard backlight of?14:34
Janusmananyone using dual monitors have any issues with 11.04? asking before I upgrade.14:34
roelandproblem is.. i cant get in via console14:34
roelandso i cannot run top14:34
muneebBlouBlou, how do i get Unity 2D? i installed it but i dont see it in GDM14:34
usr13Belinrahs:   What freezes?  Network Manager?14:34
usr13Glacia: It should work now if you installed it.14:34
[snake]How can I get my keyboard to type ina different language in libre office?14:34
mtlifehey i used openbox for lxde for a while, now when i log in to gnome (11.04) there are no window borders! How can I fix this?14:34
Soothsayerwhy can't I execute a file? ./crclient -u gives --> bash: ./crclient: No such file or directory14:34
sinistradroeland, I see your dilemma14:35
BlouBloumuneeb: I don't know14:35
roelandso. the problem occurs.. i get notification from linode14:35
roelandwebsite is down. console is down14:35
roelandi reboot from web ui14:35
m|kaeli have some problems making chromium my default browser in 11.04 can anyone help?14:35
lgp171188Hi all, I am using Ubuntu Natty with Nvidia proprietary drivers. I had an issue with the plymouth splash screen getting displayed in low resolution which I fixed by setting the correct resolution through GRUB_GFXMODE parameter. But I am getting a purple screen instead of a splash screen for a long time and the ubuntu splash comes up for a second before GDM starts. How to make the splash display instead of the plain purple screen?14:35
Incarus6roeland, sure all 4 kernels are at 100%? Usually when a process hangs my computer just one core is affected (100%) -> 25% of all cores and the system is still usable. Do you use the 64bit version?14:35
roelandbut i cant troubleshoot the cause14:35
usr13Soothsayer: See that the executable bit is set for it.14:35
t-rex[snake] u should change it from the keybord settings from prefrences14:35
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roelandits on a vps at linode , i dont know the specs14:35
Soothsayerusr13: -rwxr-xr-x 1 dayson dayson 29580 2003-05-01 21:38 crclient14:36
Soothsayerusr13: isn't it?14:36
sipiorwli: hmm, i see the problem. i don't suppose pulling the kernel source via git is an option? has to be a package?14:36
usr13Soothsayer:  try sh        sh crclient14:36
Piciroeland: You may want to ask at #linode at oftc as well, they might have a more linode specific solution to getting to a console.14:36
wrinkliezdoes chrome / chromium have support for overlay scrollbars?14:36
roelandyah i am askign there. doesnt look like anyone knows how to go back and diagnose it14:36
Soothsayerusr13: crclient: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected14:37
LeapoAm I going nuts, or did Ubuntu 11.04 seriously zap my laptop's battery?14:37
izinucscfc_{Pawpad}: not sure what SL is.. quicktime is part of the restricted package (ubuntu-restricted-extras) .. there's also http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/utils/quicktime-x11utils14:37
usr13Soothsayer: file crclient      #See what it really is.14:37
cousin_mariohi, again14:37
roelandis there any way to log cpu usages and memory usage?14:37
roelandat least temporarily?14:37
yellabs-r2lgp171188 , i cant give an solution, but i had the same kind of issue, i just turned of the splash so that the cool text shows and nothing more.. untill it boots into the desktop.. :)14:37
Piciroeland: Oh, I see you're there already, nevermind.14:37
Soothsayerusr13: crclient: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped14:37
jw_I upgraded, after the reboot it says the disk drive for /home is not ready yet... has someone seen this yet? Quick fix?14:37
cousin_marioI'm having problem with the nvidia binary drivers: http://pastebin.com/6204GA6J14:37
sipiorwli: actually, looking at the docs, it seems to be possible to simply add a debian/patches directory to the ubuntu kernel source packages (which already have the ubuntu-patched source). might be worth a try.14:37
jhwroeland: syssat14:37
matt[vic[Hello, after installing 11.04, my broadcom wireless stopped working. lspci -> broadcom BCM43225, STA drivers installed, in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf if I add "blacklist acer-wmi", I can see the wireless services around me, but I cannot connect to them.  Please help!14:37
jhwroeland: sysstat14:37
mtlifehey i used openbox for lxde for a while, now when i log in to gnome (11.04) there are no window borders! How can I fix this?14:38
LeapoI can't get more than 45 minutes out of 11.04 no matter what I try. 10.x had no trouble getting over 2 hours out of the same battery, and Windows easily goes over 3 hours :-/14:38
[TK]D-FenderHi, I installed 11.04 on an XP2500+ with a crappier video card.  When I did it firs ttold me I was too low end for Unity and got kicked back to Gnome 2.32 classic.  I have jsut replaced the video card with an ATI Radeon 9200 SE which I'd like to think would ahve been enough for the basics... but when restarting I don't seem to be getting the new interface.  Any tips?14:38
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roelandok jhw, i will look at that14:38
usr13Soothsayer: where did you get it?   (It appears to have an error.)14:38
[snake]םל ןא 'םרלד14:39
cousin_mario[TK]D-Fender: did you select ubuntu instead of ubuntu-classic at the login?14:39
jw_I upgraded, after the reboot it says the disk drive for /home is not ready yet... has someone seen this yet? Quick fix?14:39
saimanojany good browser for ubuntu otherthan firefox and chrome?14:39
Soothsayerusr13: let me download and try again14:39
lucydarrowjrib: Thanks, US repo worked, still wondering why main sever caused me a problem. :)14:39
cousin_mariosaimanoj: opera?14:39
matt[vic[opera is not bad14:39
matt[vic[Hello, after installing 11.04, my broadcom wireless stopped working. lspci -> broadcom BCM43225, STA drivers installed, in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf if I add "blacklist acer-wmi", I can see the wireless services around me, but I cannot connect to them.  Please help!14:39
sipiorwli: in other words, they took out the patch script because the source is already patched.14:39
ortsvorsteherseamonkay is also okay saimanoj14:39
wlisipior: I'm off the net right now and will be for a while, otherwise no. I probably need to get off my phone to do some things, too.14:39
saimanojopera is there for ubuntu14:39
izinucs[TK]D-Fender: on the login screen click your user name and then look at the bar at the bottom of the screen that appears.. you can switch to the unity interface there.. if that doesn't work you might have to reconfigure your video by using the menu on the rescue kernel on boot.14:39
[TK]D-Fendercousin_mario: Yup... no proprietary drivers offered in that box either BTW14:39
saimanoji dont know yet14:39
sipiorwli: best of luck with it.14:39
[TK]D-Fender(the admin box that is)14:39
Kartagiswhen I edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to read ChrootDirectory %h and restart ssh, users can't log in. why?14:39
studentzI upgrade from Maverick to natty But the windows manager is not metacity :(  How I can change the windows decorator??14:40
mtlifehey i used openbox for lxde for a while, now when i log in to gnome (11.04) there are no window borders! How can I fix this?14:40
=== BATMAN is now known as Guest34634
Incarus6Leapo, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_kernel_regress2&num=414:40
spyzerhey all i just installed ubuntu 11.04. In my xorg.conf I do not see any section for open source radeon driver. The only thing i see is glx. Please gimme a hand14:40
matt[vic[mtlife, try "metacity --replace" in a terminal14:40
denndaDid anybody manage to get natty installed on a macbook pro 13"? When upgrading it left me with a kernel panic. Would like to know if clean reinstallation would work14:40
roelandwill sysstat use up alot of resources14:40
Guest34634i'd like to know if anybody out there is having issues with their system after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04?14:40
LeapoIncarus6: Ah...so it's time to format.14:40
m|kaelhow do i change the background to the login in natty?14:41
jw_Guest, Yes!14:41
jw_I upgraded, after the reboot it says the disk drive for /home is not ready yet... has someone seen this yet? Quick fix?14:41
nmvictorwow, seems like Natty is loaded with enough bugs, from no working wireless drives to windows with no borders, God knows if a broadband modem will work. Sorry guys, hope someone helps with your probs, sometimes its safe to hold that breadth for a while and give the new distro a try after two weeks or so14:41
spyzerhey all i just installed ubuntu 11.04. In my xorg.conf I do not see any section for open source radeon driver. The only thing i see is glx. Please gimme a hand14:41
mtlifematt[vic[: well that worked, but when i quit metacity (keeps running in terminal doesnt close) the borders are gone again?14:41
LeapoNo sense using the new version if it's going to drain my battery that fast14:41
AceKingCan someone tell me how to install the Kubuntu desktop on Ubuntu without having to do a reinstall? I know it can be done, I just don't know how14:41
denndajw_: i have seen this and am not aware of a fix (havn't looked either tho)14:41
wlisipior: That'll make it a headache to do certain things vs. the old list of patches. More detail will have to wait for net access, I guess.14:41
cousin_marionvidia-current has a broken dependency I don't know where to find: any hints?14:41
matt[vic[mtlife, do you use compiz?14:41
izinucsAceKing: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:41
nerdy_kidGuest34634: I used the CD to upgrade, and it wiped my server and all my apps.  Booting the CD and selecting upgrade is NOT equivalent to distupgrade apparently...14:42
mtlifematt[vic[: i think yes, because i upgraded to 11.04 and installed the nvidia drivers14:42
AceKingizinucs, thank you!14:42
jw_thank you Dennda!14:42
lgp171188yellabs-r2: I was doing the same till the previous release. Now that I realized I could have a proper high resolution splash screen I want to get it working, but I get to see it only for a brief second after seeing the empty purple screen for a boringly long time :)14:42
matt[vic[try typing ccsm in a terminal14:42
Incarus6Leopo, it could be also Unity, did you try gnome instead? Im not sure if unity consumpts more power, because of the effects14:42
denndajw_: if you do find a fix, let me know ;)14:42
saimanojopera is not in ubuntu repository.14:42
izinucsAceKing: remember you'll be able to switch interfaces on the login screen14:42
spyzerplease anybody14:42
LeapoInarus6: Yes, first thing I did was ditch Unity, it's terrible14:42
nmvictorI want to dist upgrade from the command line, any I dea what I can do?14:42
cfc_{Pawpad}sl is known as second life14:43
matt[vic[mtlife, any luck with "ccsm" in a terminal?14:43
t-rexATI 5650 card , after installation if the driver still cant function the catalyst utility14:43
AceKingizinucs, Great, I appreciate it. I was trying to get used to this new desktop, but it is terrible14:43
coz_nmvictor,   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:43
jw_I did see something about editing fstab but can't tell if that's the be all end all fix for this issue14:43
coz_nmvictor,  rather  do you want to change ubuntu versions ?14:43
coz_nmvictor,   then that command is not it,, I forget the proper command for and actual version upgrade14:43
izinucsAceKing: yes.. and no.. depends on your work style.. I'm gonna miss the configurable bars14:44
LeapoOnly other time I've seen the battery drain this quickly was when Fedora had some horrible glitch that loaded the video card fully non-stop14:44
matt[vic[Hello, after installing 11.04, my broadcom wireless stopped working. lspci -> broadcom BCM43225, STA drivers installed, in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf if I add "blacklist acer-wmi", I can see the wireless services around me, but I cannot connect to them.  Please help!14:44
nmvictorcoz_, yea, apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't work.14:44
spyzermay anybody please help me out14:44
Soothsayerusr13: hmm.. same thing again14:44
coz_nmvictor,  not for version upgrade14:45
feisarpants... updating from 10.10 to 11.04 using the alternate cd has broken my system14:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:45
spyzeri need help with xorg14:45
mtlifematt[vic[: cssm command not found, install it?14:45
Soothsayerusr13: downloaded from a different source too14:45
Soothsayerdo you think it has something to do with me being on 64-bit ?14:45
mtlifematt[vic[: i meant ccsm14:45
crcidsi actualizo a la nueva version , se pierden los datos de 10.1014:45
coz_!upgrade | nmvictor14:45
ubottunmvictor: please see above14:45
AceKingizinucs, I hate the fact that you don't have an indicator to which programs are running. You have to search on the sidebar which is temperamental14:45
usr13Soothsayer: May be useful info here:   http://kb.cyberoam.com/default.asp?id=372&Lang=1&SID14:45
spyzerit doesn;t have a device section with radeon mentioend in it14:45
leagrishello, I get wrong keyboard layout for French azerty <alt> characters. Can you help fix this?14:45
matt[vic[mtlife, yes, the command is "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"14:45
coz_!upgrde | nmvictor14:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:45
=== JamesUbuntuNatty is now known as JamesJRH
coz_nmvictor,    For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:45
captaindav_I did tasksel install lamp-server on fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 but I can't find php.ini, its not in  /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini where my 10.04 php.ini was located.14:46
MrCraighello #ubuntu14:46
matt[vic[mtlife, I just did something weird, did you say something recently?14:46
serenehello #ubuntu14:46
matt[vic[hello, serene14:47
rafaelhelo serene14:47
muneebdpkg: error processing nspluginwrapper (--configure):14:47
muneeb subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 13914:47
mtlifematt[vic[: haha no, installed compiz config... now running it, what do i need to look for?14:47
matt[vic[anyone know a good irc client?  I'm using ircii and it's pretty fail14:47
izinucsAceKing: how have you found the sidebar tempormental?14:47
mich2000_will upgrading to ubuntu 11.04 using the update manager delete all my data??14:47
jw_gah.. 4 hours to download 700mb :(14:47
serenerafael,  hi~14:47
muneebcan anyone help with nspluginwrapper error?14:47
matt[vic[mylife. go to "Window Decorator".  Are you using 11.04. or 10.10?14:48
serenematt[vic[,  I am using xchat  ,but i am new here14:48
matt[vic[xchat!  that's the one mint have.  I like that one14:48
ScottR3how do i disable this auto-snap-maximize feature in 11.04?14:48
rafaelhi every body14:48
AceKingizinucs, When I run the mouse over it, it appears and disappears before I can click on an item14:48
jw_xchat seems cool!14:48
serenematt[vic[, I am using ubuntu~14:48
leagriswrong keyboard layout in french, can you help?14:48
rcconfhow can I record a streaming video that is not saved in Firefox cache?14:48
mtlifematt[vic[: 11.04 upgraded today14:48
matt[vic[mtlife, one moment please, I need to check something14:49
Soothsayerhow do I access the /root directory through Nautilus ?14:49
usr13serene: Ok, well the way it works is, you ask questions, and someone elese trys to answer / help14:49
UserXusing 11.04. How do i connect to another ubuntu share on my network?14:49
rcconfSoothsayer: gksudo nautilus14:49
gtklockerI wrote an article about custom kernel compilation in Ubuntu if someone wants to have a look https://twitter.com/#!/gtklocker/status/6369258117071667214:49
izinucsAceKing: install compiz config settings manager and change the settings so it never disappears.. the only time mine "goes away" is when I have a program full screen14:49
UserXSoothsayer: click 'File System'14:49
matt[vic[mtlife: under the "Window Decorator" plugin, what does the line "Command:" say?14:50
AceKingizinucs, I will try that. Thanks14:50
SoothsayerUserX: where is that?14:50
sssstavrmatt[vic[: i use xchat too..it's pretty good and lightweight14:50
sereneuser13, ok14:50
UserXSoothsayer: on the left panel (if you have it)14:50
jriblucydarrow: it's a pool of servers not just one server I believe14:50
Soothsayerby the way, the super user in Ubuntu is the same as the username created while installing right?14:50
mongyScottR3, use ccsm and edit the 'grid' options14:50
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LjLSoothsayer: sort of. the first user created gets put in the "admin" group, which means it can use "sudo"14:50
UserXSoothsayer: no the 'super user' is 'root'14:50
usr13Soothsayer: Yes14:50
jribSoothsayer: the user you created during install is in the admin group which can sudo by default14:50
matt[vic[soothsayer:  sper user is known as "root"14:50
cousin_marioLjL: hi there14:51
mtlifematt[vic[: /usr/bin/compiz-decorator14:51
ScottR3mongy: great, thanks. just didn't know where to look!14:51
LjLcousin_mario: hi14:51
sereneleagris,  system->preferences->keybord14:51
cousin_marioLjL: do you happen to be a happy nvidia user?14:51
usr13jrib: Good explaination14:51
ScottR3mongy: ahh.. ubuntu is once again not irritating! thanks!14:51
mtlifematt[vic[: window decorator doesnt show up in the default view btw, had to do advanced search14:51
LjLcousin_mario: i have an old Nvidia card, FX5200... it's done its work, but saying i'm "happy" might be excessive, i guess i'll be happy when we have free drivers that work fine14:51
matt[vic[mylife:  hmmm... okay.  We can brute force it by adding a new startup application.  Hold on.14:51
Soothsayerso if i need a terminal as root14:51
Soothsayeri do a14:52
Soothsayersu root?14:52
jrib!root | Soothsayer14:52
ubottuSoothsayer: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:52
tjadercan I add more than one user using preseeding?14:52
MrCraigwhat is meant by "There is no application installed for executable files"?14:52
LjLSoothsayer: no, "sudo -i"14:52
usr13Soothsayer: sudo su -14:52
LjLSoothsayer: but most of the time just use "sudo command", it's better14:52
Harkins_I was installing Natty last night with update-manager, it crashed 90% of the way through the 'install' step. Machine unbootable. I'm creating a Live CD now, could anyone suggest recovery steps to inspect and reinstall packages? I don't know how to do that, don't want to wipe and start over.14:52
cousin_marioLjL: I meant "happy" as in "working with the binary driver after the upgrade to natty".14:52
AceKingizinucs, I'm curious, can you update a computer running Ubuntu 10.10 to KUbuntu 11.04? The reason I ask is that I have Ubuntu 10.10 on my parents computer, and they will be totally lost with this.14:52
usr13sudo -i works too14:52
muneebare you able to run flash site in Natty 64bit?14:52
LjLcousin_mario: ah, i'm afraid i haven't used natty :) i'm still on Hardy :P14:52
Soothsayerye, just experimenting14:52
leagrisserene, yes so?14:52
Soothsayersudo su is nice14:52
ScottR3AceKing: you don't have to use Unity. I turned it off because I didn't like it14:53
jribeol > LjL14:53
matt[vic[mtlife: go to system -> preferences -> startup applications.  Once there, click add, name it "Start my Window Decorator" and put as the command "/usr/bin/compiz-decorator --replace"14:53
cousin_marioAceKing: I don't recommend that. 11.04 has more bugs than a pack of stray St. Bernard.14:53
matt[vic[Unity is crap.  Dunno what they are thinking14:53
nmvictorMrCraig, just that, simple english. Right click the file in question, select "Open with other application" and select an application you believe can handle that file type.14:53
mtlifematt[vic[: mm while im sure that will make it work, why isnt it there in the first place?14:53
sereneleagris, there is a layouts,   and use add14:53
ScottR3matt[vic[ makes me happy to see someone in the know hates it too14:53
AceKingScottR3, I thought I read that people were having some problems using the Classic Ubuntu desktop.14:54
tomaszi have some idea14:54
matt[vic[mtlife, I'm not sure - it must be something when you messed around with the other window manager14:54
MrCraignmvictor, it's an exe, one I've just compiled and linked - it should run stand-alone.14:54
ScottR3AceKing: can't speak for them, personal experience only... dropped back down, no issues so far14:54
_trineI have just tried the new ubuntu, the new layout is terrible14:54
tomaszcan developes add opera mini 4.2 to ubuntu default ?14:54
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
leagrisserene, yes, the french layouts are there, the problem is the disposition is wrong confirmed by preview14:54
AceKingScottR3, Ok, thanks!14:54
jon_athonfor anyone using XChat, how do I make "Hide Join/Part Messages" the default?14:55
matt[vic[trine:  indeed, it's terrible14:55
tomaszits the best browser for user with 3g14:55
MrCraigI'll ask the compiler guys, maybe it's doing something odd :)14:55
nmvictorWow! Distribution upgrade, Calculating changes, really taking years ... Will I ever finish this upgrade process?14:55
ScottR3AceKing: to drop back down, just select "Ubuntu Classic" at the login screen14:55
AceKingcousin_mario, Are you talking about 11.04 in general having problems?14:55
izinucsAceKing: yes but it's a multi step process.. first install kubuntu-desktop on 10.10.. then go through the upgrade process.  if you have them setup with a separate /home directory (hopefully), you can simply reinstall 11.04 overtop which is infinetely faster and more insured of a positive outcome. Keep in mind kde is similar to older gnome but you'll still be giving instructions14:55
mtlifematt[vic[: could it also have to do with something that i had 10.10 lubuntu installed instead of the regular ubuntu?14:55
sereneleagris, you mean when you press a key, it turns out to be another?14:55
_trinematt[vic[, I have scrapped it and am now install 10.10 again14:55
izinucsAceKing: also if you havent used it yet.. you might set them up on teamviewer so you can remote in easily and "show" them how to do things.14:55
nmvictor11.04 is full of crap, reminds me of Karmic, the most bugged ubuntu release ever14:56
matt[vic[mtlife, possibly, I'm not sure.  I have never used lubuntu.  I would have assumed switching sessions would keep your window decorators though14:56
matt[vic[mrlife, oh!  it might be that you are still on the lubuntu theme.  try going to system -> preferences -> appearance and selecting a theme there14:56
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  demand a refund.14:56
ScottR3nmvictor - i'm starting to get that feeling too...14:56
jatt 11.04 is beta14:56
rigvednmvictor: sts versions generally are...consider sticking to LTS versions only14:57
ScottR311.04 was released yesterday jatt14:57
sect114can anyone help? trying to update 10.10 to 11.04 on a powerpc mac, keeps failing withing this message '   Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/natty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)'14:57
jribjatt: 11.04 is no longer beta14:57
matt[vic[mtlife, the lubuntu window decorator might have been uninstalled when you dist-upgraded14:57
jattthey just don't label it as such14:57
matt[vic[11.04 is alpha14:57
visheshI earlier had integrated graphics card on my computer. I  installed a new external graphics card today. The problem is X server not loading. Its just command line. I tried to do  Xorg --configure, but nothing happened. How do I fix this?14:57
gtklockerI wrote an article about custom kernel compilation in Ubuntu if someone wants to have a look https://twitter.com/#!/gtklocker/status/6369258117071667214:57
Dr_WillisLubuntu uses openbox - a window manager. Not a window decorator.14:57
leagrisserene, no. The layout is wrong for all the <altgr> characters14:57
AceKingizinucs, Thank you! I never heard of teamviewer, is that a remote desktop program? I do have a logmein account, but unfortunately it doesn't work with Linux14:57
Incarus6!Natty | matt[vic[14:57
ubottumatt[vic[: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110414:57
cousin_marioAceKing: indeed I am14:57
jattit's a release to test experimental features, shuttleworth himself said so14:57
cousin_marioAceKing: I'd wait a couple of months if I were you.14:58
Dr_Willisjatt:  every non LTS basically fits that.14:58
ScottR3jatt: -_-14:58
LjLjrib: send me the !eol again when i'm actually asking for some support :P14:58
matt[vic[ubuottu: I'm aware what the official release is.  It just runs like an alpha.14:58
bazhangjatt, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here14:58
leagrisserene, <altgr>3 on main should give a sharp symbol but instead it gives ² (upscript 2)14:58
gtklockerI wrote an article about custom kernel compilation in Ubuntu if someone wants to have a look https://twitter.com/#!/gtklocker/status/63692581170716672 *ON NATTY*14:58
mtlifematt[vic[: already tried applying theme before i got here... :)14:58
izinucsAceKing: yea.. logmein uses .net for some stuff.. yick!  teamviewer is like logmein.. great for getting through firewalls etc. it's also free..14:58
* jrib makes note14:58
matt[vic[mtlife alrighty.  well after adding that startup application, try logging out and in again14:58
TER0RRum hi guys a have a qustion. It still recommended to use 32bit version or should i use 64 ?14:58
leagrisserene, preview of the keyboard map confirm the alternate characters are all wrong14:59
[snake]how do I switch back to gnome on 11.0414:59
izinucsAceKing: and has a great following..14:59
Dr_WillisTER0RR:  i use 64bit on 64bit systems.14:59
jatt[snake]: in the login window you can choose classical14:59
AceKingizinucs, I appreciate all your help today! I learned a lot14:59
soyoIN 11.04 YOU CAN SEE YOUR BACKROUND PICTURE JUST BARELY IN THE TERMINAL!! Sorry for yelling but that is the hotness. Those little penguins are genius.14:59
mtlifematt[vic[: ok ubuntu classic seems to be working fine now... mayb you can help me with my unity issue too14:59
[snake]jatt, yeah that's where I looked at first but I didn't find it... let me double check >.>15:00
Dr_Willissoyo:  that feature has been  there for ages..  just not  the default settings.15:00
izinucsAceKing: np :)15:00
mtlifematt[vic[: when i login with unity (ubuntu default) the launcher as well as the panel are not displaying15:00
sereneleagris, Ah..   sorry, I got no idea about that,  wish someone will help you~15:00
lucydarrowjrib: Thats explains it. Thanks. See you later I hope.15:00
Incarus6mtlife, same for me, Unity isn't working for you15:00
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leagristhanks serene15:00
soyoDr_Willis: lol well it is now and I <3 it15:00
matt[vic[mtlife: have you installed all the drivers?  Unity is bad, and your graphics card needs to have OpenGL support15:00
sereneleagris, you are welcome15:00
mtlifematt[vic[: yes i have installed the drivers, gallium 0.4 ones.15:01
jattopengl for icons and windows lol15:01
ikonia /last jatt15:01
bazhangjatt, thats enough15:01
mtlifematt[vic[: why is it bad? seems like a config issue to me15:01
Harkins__update-manager crashed 90% of the way through installing and now my system doesn't boot - how do I begin to fix this?15:01
jribHarkins__: chroot, investigate, possibly dpkg --configure -a, sudo apt-get install -f, may be helpful15:02
mtlifeIncarus6: why wouldnt it work for me?15:02
matt[vic[mtlife: Unity made some poor design choices in my opinion, but I don't really know how to get it working if it isn't already15:02
Dr_Willissoyo:  i hate it and always disable it.15:02
Incarus6mtlife, because it doesn't support your graphic card?15:03
mtlifematt[vic[: any idea how to completely reinstall unity without reinstalling the whole system?15:03
sect114have a 'failed to fetch' message when updating to 11.4 - what do i do now?15:03
vibhavI love Unity...15:03
Dr_WillisUnity2d seems to work decent for my low end cards15:03
Dr_Willissect114:  could be servers are overloaded.15:03
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?15:03
mtlifeIncarus6: what does it need except opengl?15:03
matt[vic[mtlife, I'm switching to xchat.  My name is FizzixNerd now15:03
soyoDr_Willis: But when its super subtle... I didn't even notice until like three weeks later.. I thought it was burnt into the monitor I had to check another blank screen, LOL15:03
vaxinatedhello world15:03
sect114Dr-Willis: thanks, im just imapatient15:03
vibhav<sect114> this is a Internet prob....the servers must be overloaded...try another server15:03
mtlifeIncarus6: it isnt giving me a warning, nor is it swithcing to the classic desktop15:03
mtlifeFizzixNerd: so any idea how to reset the configuration for unity?15:04
FizzixNerdmtlife, you could try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure unity"15:04
vibhav<sect114> But I recommend a fresh install15:04
sect114vibhav: thanks - fresh install from a DVD?15:04
Incarus6mtlife, some people say it is working with proprietary drivers but it isn't working with some proprietary drivers, so another requirement would be open source drivers. same for me, mtlife, Unity isn't stable yet15:04
daxrocHaving problems with an nvidia quadro nns 295, only one monitor is being detected , Has any one seen this ?15:05
vibhav<sect114> DVD - i f you want all languages preinstalled,  cd - if you want English.15:05
daxroc *nns -> nvs15:05
vibhav<htheman> yes?15:05
sect114vibhav: thanks for the advice!15:05
maximmwith 11.04 will you be able to move around your windows soon ?15:06
vibhav<sect114>  No problem!15:06
maximmand will is support 2 monitors soon ?15:06
mtlifeIncarus6: when i run unity from console it quits with the message "found no decorator to start segmentation fault"15:06
mtlifeFizzixNerd: I get "found no decorator to start segmentation fault" when i run unity from terminal15:06
FizzixNerdmtlife, it sounds like it's the same problem for both gnome and unity then - a window decorator problem15:06
shoxzybeen trying to SSH music into an ipod touch 4g and cant get it to work. trying to connect by going to Places > Connect to Server but its not working. Using a Touch 4g, Jailbroken and Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. Any advice?15:07
janikhi @ all15:07
maximmi don't think 11.04 has a window manager15:07
vibhav<mtlife>  Try running this command:15:07
vibhavunity --reset15:07
vibhavAlso, make sure you have the compiz-gnome package installed. This package contains unity-window-decorator. Run this command to ensure that compiz-gnome is installed:15:07
vibhavsudo apt-get install compiz-gnome15:07
FloodBot2vibhav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
maximmrather it doesn't work yet15:07
jribshoxzy: "isn't working" is too vague to give meaningful advice15:07
shoxzywell it comes up with no route to host15:07
bazhanghtheman, dont paste that here15:08
Asad2005alltray firefox doesnot show atray icon in natty. Any idea?15:08
shoxzyssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host15:08
jribshoxzy: did you install an sshd on the ipod?15:08
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vibhav<mtlife>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600766/15:08
jribshoxzy: are you sure that's the right ip?15:08
shoxzyyep it says on sb settings thats the ip15:08
shoxzyit was working the other night15:08
vibhav<mtlife>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600766/15:09
AceKingizinucs, one more question.. I'm installing the Kubuntu like you told me in Terminal. Setup is asking if I want to use GDM or KDM, which should I choose?15:09
jribshoxzy: try reconnecting to your network on your ipod15:09
mtlifevibhav: trying it now15:09
vibhav<AceKing> KDM15:09
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?15:09
maximmanyway to move or grab windows in 11.04 or can they only been static now ?15:09
AceKingvibhav, Thanks!15:09
greenteashould I install the new ubuntu on a test machine?15:09
mtlifevibhav: genius... its working!15:10
vibhav<AceKing> No problem!15:10
bazhangircbot, hi15:10
vibhav<mtlife> Thats good15:10
vibhav<mtlife>  :D15:10
FizzixNerdsee you later guys15:10
FizzixNerd /wave15:10
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mtlifevibhav: thank you, seems like some package dependencies are wrong!15:10
shoxzystill getting no route to host :/15:10
izinucsAceKing: kdm for kde and gdm for gnome/unity .. choose kdm .. when you switch to unity it should switch to gdm.. kubuntu doesn't use compiz15:10
vibhav<mtlife>  No problem!15:10
mtlifevibhav: should be automatically installed with unity imho :), but thx!15:10
vibhav<mtlife>  No problem!15:10
coz_rcconf,  there is a firefox plugin named   video  downloadhelpr15:11
AceKingizinucs, Ok Thanks again!15:11
coz_sorry  that is old15:11
izinucsAceKing: kubuntu/kde has also had "gestures" built in for some time15:11
coz_apologies guys15:11
maximmanyway to use a window manager in 11.04 ?15:11
maximmi can't move anything and i have no menu15:11
Incarus6mtlife, yes. did you try unity-2D?15:11
coz_maximm,  ah,, compiz is the window manager15:11
vibhav<maximm> try unity --reset15:12
maximmcoz well i can't grab windows and move them around15:12
vibhav<maximm>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600766/15:12
mtlifeIncarus6: I already got it working thx to vibhav, i missed the package compiz-gnome for some reason!15:12
MehrabI wanna install a package in offline mode, so I need the list of dependencies, but I can,t create it on my own pc because the package list is not updated. is there anyone who installed 11.04 here to help me with that15:12
coz_maximm,  open ccsm and make sure the Move window plugin under  window management category is en abled15:12
mtlifeIncarus6: but thx for the input15:12
ScottONanskiMan, this build of Ubuntu is uber buggy.15:12
heedluis there anyway to many hide the launcher? It doesn't always seem to auto-hide15:12
mekwalltop - 16:13:26 up 1074 days,  6:31,  2 users,  load average: 53.07, 52.88, 45.52 ... hrm15:13
vibhav<heedlu> maximize the windows....15:13
mekwallnot feeling very well :P15:13
tharsishello !15:13
heedluvibhav: doesn't always work.15:13
AndroUser2no way15:13
Incarus6mtlife, thx for that information15:13
vibhav<heedlu> lemme seee.....15:13
tharsisi would like to send some keyboard events using a sh script.. is it possible ?15:13
Bp0n0x58Hello all15:14
sukima_Anyone know why after installing an adobe air app that it is removed every time I upgrade?15:14
vibhav<heedlu> refer to http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-0415:14
heedluvibhav: it works sometimes, but I see someone else has the same problem and submitted a bug report for it.15:14
vibhav<heedlu> refer to http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-0415:14
mekwallwhy would top show this high load?15:14
mekwallsar reports: all      0.08      0.00      0.21      0.21      0.00     99.5015:14
schnufflemekwall: any qustions?15:14
SERGioooohello there15:15
schnufflemekwall: type shift P, to see which process is genrating that load, maybe your system is swaping?15:15
schnuffle!anyone | SERGioooo15:15
ubottuSERGioooo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:15
maximmwill unity support 2 monitors ?15:15
leagrisHere is the keyboard layout I get for french and it is wrong for all alternate selection what is causing that? http://demo.ovh.com/fr/fd9f8149af57dfaf95b5d839fcdf4eb5/15:16
vibhav<heedlu> anything happened?15:16
escotttharsis, events to what? an x client?15:16
tharsisescott, yes15:16
SERGiooooschnuffle:  :)15:17
escotttharsis, xsendkeys15:17
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:17
SERGiooooDoes anyone know this gwibber work??:D15:17
heedluvibhav: yep15:17
heedluvibhav: thanks :)15:17
vibhavheedlu : No problem!15:18
AceKingizinucs, At the risk of sounding stupid, what are built in gestures?15:18
SERGioooohow this *15:18
trijntje_nattyHi all, is it possible to take your upload/download statistics from transmission to your next install?15:18
tharsisescott, i don't have xsendkeys, and i can't install it15:18
Incarus6Can someone in maverick pls paste "apt-cache policy libavdevice52"?15:18
maximmanyone able to get unity going on two monitors ?15:18
NyvenZAgood day15:18
schnuffleSERGioooo: HAve you problems installing t or using it?15:18
trirnothHello all. Is there a way to see when I initially installed Ubuntu? I know I've done at least one dist upgrade - maybe more. Debating whether it's time to do a clean install.15:18
ActionParsnip!info libavdevice52 maverick | Incarus615:19
ubottuIncarus6: libavdevice52 (source: ffmpeg): ffmpeg device handling library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.6-2ubuntu6.1 (maverick), package size 78 kB, installed size 212 kB15:19
NyvenZAhas anyone else had a problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and the Makefile of the Linux headers has the incorrect version in?15:19
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escotttharsis, you don't have root?15:19
SERGiooooschnuffle:  I have a tech prob with it15:19
vibhav<trirnoth> when a new release is out..I recommend a  clean install15:19
SERGiooooit is not syn ching15:19
schnuffleSERGioooo: then explain it othrwise help will be hard15:19
osseHave they moved the "try or install directly" choice to the GRUB menu or is there something wrong with my imagethingy??15:20
Incarus6ActionParsnip, are packages from "maverick-updates" repo automatically updated or is that a backport repo?15:20
vibhavany more questions?15:20
SERGiooooschnuffle:  I keep adding accounts successfuly but gwibber stays blank:D15:20
Mehrab_is there anyone who can run grabpackages.py script in 11.04 and send me dependency list of a package please?15:20
SERGioooono messages nothing15:20
schnuffleSERGioooo: you mean syncing to twitter?15:20
tharsisescott, i don't have internet on this computer. But i do have root. I can't really install anything15:20
trirnothvibhav - great advise except I try to space them out every so often .... work computer and takes a long time to get everything back the way it was.15:20
ActionParsnipIncarus6: it says its in the main repo, if you enable the updates one it may be different, I'm on Natty presently15:21
SERGiooooschnuffle:  tried twiiter facebook buzz15:21
NyvenZAanyone with  Unity not esponding issues on 11.04 that have been able to resolve it >15:21
trirnothLet's say then it's more out of curiosity than anything else.15:21
SERGiooooI get nothin15:21
vibhav<trirnoth> Ya right.But a fresh install is better than an upgrade...15:21
SoftTimurHello all, I just upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04. It is odd that after pressing Alt+F2, I could not launch "about:config", could anyone help?15:21
ActionParsnipSoftTimur: you don't run about:config in dash, you use it in browsers..15:21
schnuffleSERGioooo: your internet connection is fine? I'll have to install it to check15:22
NyvenZAI upgraded to 11.04 and now my XOrg starts up with all the icons stretched and the input doesn't work.15:22
Incarus6ActionParsnip, jAguAr` got a depedency error when upgrading to Natty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600759/ . all package numbers looks normal and I can't see any reason why it should output that "InstVer" error15:22
SoftTimurActionParsnip: I do not see what you mean15:22
NyvenZAcan't clik on anything or use the keyboard in the X15:22
NyvenZAI can get to a console though15:23
ActionParsnipSoftTimur: about:config is used in web browsrs to show config, if you run it in an ALT+F2 dialogue it won't do anything (as far as I am aware015:23
NyvenZAany one that might have any ideas/15:23
Incarus6SoftTimur, about:config is a Firefox command, correct?15:23
tdnAfter installing Ubuntu 11.04 and enabling the restricted Broadcom STA wifi driver, the wifi network stops working after a while. How do I fix this?15:23
usr13Incarus6: You put it in the URL line15:23
usr13and hit enter15:24
ThrikyOut of interest, what happens if I'm downloading/updating/upgrading packages via SSH and my connection to the server dies? Am I in for trouble?15:24
vibhav<tdn> in the network settings you have chosen Automatic or manual?15:24
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SERGiooooschnuffle:  sorry got dc15:24
Incarus6usr13, I know that, but thank you15:24
Dr_WillisThriky:  good idea to use screen when doiung that sort of task15:24
SERGiooooschnuffle:  can i copy paste the error from terminal15:24
BlouBlou!paste | SERGioooo15:24
ubottuSERGioooo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:24
Dr_WillisThriky:  of course if screen gets updated... and is killed..15:24
ThrikyOkay I'll look into screen15:25
escotttharsis, well lineakd has all the stuff you need xsendkeys/xevtest. what happens when you cat into the keyboard device? maybe you can create a fake keyboard device that pipes text through it. you could also try15:25
SoftTimurActionParsnip: I do not know how to use about:config in a Firefox command15:25
ThrikyI did imagine doing this via SSH is asking for trouble15:25
Dr_WillisThriky:  ive seen people get locked out of systems doing that yes. :)15:25
ActionParsnipIncarus6: you could remove openoffice until the update is done, it will reduce downloaded apps as well as errors15:25
trirnothI had goog'd for this before but just found it. For all that are sitting on the edge of their seats .... ls -al /var/log/installer/syslog    date seems to match what I expected to see.15:25
PiciThriky: I always upgrade via ssh.  As long as it doesn't die during the install part, you should be fine.15:25
ActionParsnipSoftTimur: you can run:    firefox about:config15:25
noidea693Hey @ll15:25
escotttharsis, http://www.doctort.org/adam/nerd-notes/x11-fake-keypress-event.html15:25
Incarus6ActionParnsip, Im pretty sure lines 2 to 12 are causing that problem15:26
TheNuts;;ident BitterTea15:26
Incarus6TheNuts, :D15:26
escottThriky, more simply you could use nohup15:26
noidea693what's the recommended way to install TOR + proxy (privoxy, for example) on ubuntu 11.04?15:26
noidea693I found several ways, but those dated back to 2006 etc. ...15:27
usr13SoftTimur: It is to change configurations for firefox, you right-click and choose to modify15:27
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl15:27
usr13SoftTimur: It is to change configurations for firefox, you right-click on a particular entry and choose to modify15:27
SoftTimurActionParsnip: I see what you mean, but I want to do this http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-make-the-panel-transparent-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/15:27
SERGiooooschnuffle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600775/15:27
vibhavanybody with any problem???15:27
NyvenZAcan you assist please ?15:27
vibhav<NyvenZA> Yeah15:28
Mehrab_anyone with 2 minutes of time and a 11.04 install? Please!15:28
vibhav<Mehrab_> Me15:28
NyvenZAI upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 last night15:28
vibhav<NyvenZA> and?15:28
NyvenZAMy XOrg starts up15:28
escott!help | Mehrab_ NyvenZA15:28
ubottuMehrab_ NyvenZA: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:28
gwallace42Yep...can't get 11.04 to boot up.  Getting error "Disk Drive / is not ready yet or not present.15:28
coz_NyvenZA,  cook15:28
SoftTimurActionParsnip: and I could not launch about:config as the link shows15:28
vibhav<NyvenZA>  then?15:28
schnuffleSERGioooo: How did you install gwibber?15:28
coz_NyvenZA,  rather  I meant cool15:28
NyvenZAbut the icons on the screen are stretched and I can't clik on anything15:28
noidea693ah ok, thank you very much15:28
ActionParsnipSoftTimur: how about if you type it in the address bar of the browser?15:28
vibhav<NyvenZA>  Screen Resolution?15:29
NyvenZAI can't use the keyboard in x15:29
NyvenZAit is a dual screen setup15:29
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: what video chip do you use?15:29
SERGiooooschnuffle:  it was a clean installation ver 11.0415:29
NyvenZAand it uses the NVidea drivers15:29
escottNyvenZA, nvidia/ati or intel? have you tried an external usb keyboard/have one available15:29
NyvenZAlet me get the res quickly15:29
SoftTimurActionParsnip: it does not do anything15:29
usr13SoftTimur: hit enter15:29
vibhav<NyvenZA> does it work with one monitor?15:29
SoftTimurusr13: it does not show anything15:29
escottgwallace42, at what point in the boot15:30
ActionParsnipSoftTimur: strange, usually it does: http://www.askdavetaylor.com/1-blog-pics/firefox-about-config.png   something like that15:30
Incarus6NyvenZA, are you running KDE?15:30
trirnothAnyone try to install 11.04 in Parallels (mac vm software) ? whether using the ISO or a burned disc, get's to the actual installation point then states that disc cannot be found.15:30
usr13SoftTimur: Do you have a warning window come up?15:30
Mehrab_vibhav : thanks. i'd be quick. I wanna install a package in offline mode and I need dependency list. would you mind running grabpackages.py and send me the result list?15:30
NyvenZAnope default Unity15:30
IgashuSo, how have peoples' experiences been with in-place updates from 10.10 to 11.04?   I have not had the best experiences with things going smoothly in the past...15:30
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: remove the proprietary driver, reboot then install the driver and reboot again15:30
NyvenZAActionParsnip: I tried that already15:30
ActionParsnipIgashu: I always clean install15:30
vibhav<Mehrab_> which package you want to install15:30
usr13SoftTimur: Maybe you need to restart firefox?15:30
gwallace42escott: It is attempting to load init_bottom scripts and I get that message15:31
SoftTimurActionParsnip: yes I have that, but it is different from what the link shows15:31
maximus_Does anyone know what command I can use as a keyboard shortcut to Suspend my pc (without su)15:31
escottSoftTimur, there is no http:// in front of about:config, and you should get a warning where you have to say "I'll be careful"15:31
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: you may want to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig   then restart X15:31
IgashuActionParsnip, that's my inclination as well15:31
vibhav<NyvenZA> what is your screen resolution?15:31
ThrikyIs there a trivial way to automatically jump into screen when connecting via ssh? (ie: execute command 'screen')15:31
Mehrab_vibnav : network-manager-gnome   . nad you can find the script here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6924258&postcount=115:31
escottgwallace42, does it drop you to a busybox shell?15:31
NyvenZAin my xorg.conf : Srceen: Metamode CRT-0 Nvidia-auto-select +0+0, CRT-1: nvidia-auto-select +1280+015:32
SoftTimurActionParsnip: well, I see your point15:32
SoftTimurActionParsnip: but isn't it odd that I could not launch about:config by Alt+F2 as the link shows?15:32
gwallace42escott: the last line on the screen is Continue to wait, S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.  S skips everything in FSTAB, while manual drops me to root prompt on a read only file system.15:32
NyvenZAActionParsnip: I am trying that now15:32
SERGiooooschnuffle:  i just installed ubuntu 11.0415:32
diaoerhi everyone when i add JAVA_HOME into /etc/environment when i run eclipse it got wrong15:32
maximus_escott_, hey! you helped me before, was wondering if you know a command I can use to suspend natty without su...want to add it as a keyboard shortcut15:32
gwallace42escott: have been waiting since I got here, nothing is happening.15:33
vibhav<NyvenZA> try unity --reset15:33
NyvenZAvibhav: it looks like it is 128015:33
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* Binary_Wolf is back.15:33
tharsisescott, your last link works perfectly. Thank you so much15:33
ActionParsnipSoftTimur: i've never ran it from ALT+F2, always from with the browser15:33
vibhav<NyvenZA> try it with one monitor....15:33
escottgwallace42, so you have the busybox shell (M manual recovery open)15:33
NyvenZAvibhav: will try that next15:33
escottgwallace42, and do you know what the / mountpoint is?15:33
gwallace42escott: sorry, name didn't click..but yes I can get to the shell15:33
SoftTimuractually, what I am trying to do is... to move the panel on the top of the screen to the right side...15:33
escottrather what the drive is15:34
NyvenZAvibhav: I have tried the --reset earlier today and that didn't work either15:34
SoftTimurdoes anyone know how to do it?15:34
gwallace42escott: the mount point is /dev/sda115:34
schnuffleSERGioooo: try launching gwibber-service before launching gwibber15:34
Incarus6ActionParnisp, ah, its opens "about:config" as a link with the default browser, and that was firefox for him15:34
dazappaI have a lovely samsung netbook, upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and the brightness of the LCD is unaffected by changing the brightness. In the live CD of 11.04, this works! Should I try installing from scratch?15:34
escottgwallace42, (a) is there a /dev/sda1 (b) what are the contents of /proc/partitions (c) can you fsck /dev/sda115:34
econdudeawesomeHoly cow the Unity desktop interface is a bowl of suckage. How do I get back my normal Gnome2 session where things work, like Docky and Adobe Flash nsflash plugin and compiz?15:35
NyvenZAholy crap text font on boot up is totly screwed, if I try and boot with just one screen in now15:35
escottecondudeawesome, ubuntu classic from the gdm login screen (after putting your name in)15:36
usr13escott: gwallace42   Best not to fsck a running file system.15:36
SERGiooooschnuffle:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600788/15:36
escottusr13, he is in his initrd15:36
inertialI'll make the effort to try unity for a few days...15:36
econdudeawesomeescott: In Ubuntu classic my metacity won't work, and my gnome menu won't popup with alt+f115:36
* NyvenZA tries to use the other monitoer olone on startup15:36
maximus_escott, hey! you helped me before, was wondering if you know a command I can use to suspend natty without su...want to add it as a keyboard shortcut15:37
gwallace42escott: (a) yes there is a /dev/sda1.  (b) there are 4 entries in /proc/partitions (sda, sda1,sda2, sda5) sda2 has a block count of 1 (c) I ran fsck.ext4 on /dev/sda1 while booted from LiveCD.  Found a couple issues and it fixed them.  Rebooted after and same result.15:37
NyvenZAok, only on one screen now and can still not click on anything or use keyboard shortcuts.15:37
escottmaximus_, don't use suspend myself15:37
Fredjemaximus_:  you can try this: echo <password> | sudo -S commando15:38
NyvenZACTRL + Alt + F1 does work so I can get to a console at least15:38
step2maximus_, the menu option doesn't work?15:38
maximus_escott, ty15:38
schnuffleSERGioooo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/unity-lens-gwibber/+bug/75883915:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 758839 in unity "Lens doesn't start on login" [High,Triaged]15:38
escottusr13, do you know how the initrd transfers into the true root? is it just a bind mount?15:38
maximus_Fredje, will try that15:38
escottgwallace42, sda2 is an extended partition with a single logical (sda5 for swap) inside it. blockcount 1 is normal15:39
usr13escott: I don't know... sorry15:39
maximus_step2, too lazy to use the mouse every time, when i'm running out the door its cool to have a button to press..my old logitech had one, new kb doesnt15:39
gwallace42escott: I recognized the others, just not sda2...15:39
usr13escott: What is he trying to do?15:39
escottgwallace42, can you check the output of mount to confirm sda1 not mounted15:39
ramb0Hey, I need some help with natty.. Have just upgraded from maverick and the log in buttons just dissapeared =/ Its like that image but without the password field and the Cancel and Log in buttons.. any advice?15:39
usr13escott: gwallace42 df15:39
escottusr13, he is stuck in initrd because drive was not ready15:40
step2maximus_, there prob is one (but not sure if without su) but I don't know it, maybe google will help :)15:40
maximus_step2, thanks15:40
Mehrab_vibhav : network-manager-gnome   . and you can find the script here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6924258&postcount=115:40
escottgwallace42, sounds like a race in your boot with initrd wanting to mount the rootfs and the pci not being fully initialized. we probably need to put a delay in for your hardware15:40
SoftTimurhello all, does anyone know how to unlock the top panel and move it in ubuntu 11.04?15:40
escottgwallace42, confirm that you can mount the sda1 partition with mkdir /mnt/rootfs; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/rootfs15:41
step2SoftTimur, you mean with unity?15:41
gwallace42escott: according to df and /proc/mounts /dev/sda is mounted to /15:41
schneidmasterHey, does anyone know how to modify application launchers in natty? (ie, change the command)15:41
SoftTimurstep2: I do not see what is "unity"?15:41
escottgwallace42, sda or sda1?15:41
step2SoftTimur, the new default desktop with one panel on top and one on the left15:42
SoftTimurstep2: I just do not like the position of the top panel, I want to put it on the right15:42
escottgwallace42, can you ls the contents of /home then? do you see your home folder15:42
NyvenZAvibhav: ok, on one screen teh same thing happens, the icons are just not stretched15:42
gwallace42escott: i see everything in my /home directory.15:42
step2SoftTimur, I got that but I need to know what you are using. if you are in unity you can't move it15:42
NyvenZAI think ramb0 anad I have a similar probblem15:43
escottgwallace42, hmmm well thats weird15:43
SERGiooooschnuffle:  so it;'s not yet fixed/15:43
SoftTimurstep2: what do you mean by "in unity"?15:43
schnuffleSERGioooo: apparently15:43
HerCuryschneidmaster: here's a related link that might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/34597/how-do-i-make-a-custom-launcher-for-terminal-applications15:43
ramb0NyvenZA, I didn't read your problem >.< I can't just log in into natty :(15:43
gwallace42escott: I tried the previous command to mkdir rootfs in /mnt and mount to that, but can';t as fjile system is in read-only mode.15:43
NyvenZAramb0: I upgraded and I just get the desktop15:44
NyvenZAno login15:44
NyvenZAI can't click on anything and I can't use the keyboardshortcuts15:44
escottgwallace42, yeah you don't need to do that. i thought sda1 wasn't getting mounted15:44
pensioncan someone take a look at
slimjimflimanybody know the best way to install eclipse pdt on ubuntu?15:44
step2SoftTimur, I told you ... it's a desktop environment that is new with one panel at the left (that autohides) and one on the top. there is still the option to choose the old environment on login15:44
NyvenZAI do see that if I move my mouse over where the login should be , the edit cursor appreas15:44
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity15:44
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escottgwallace42, mount -o remount,rw / and see what it says15:45
gwallace42escott: this is all very odd.15:45
schneidmasterHerCury: not really actually.  I just want to modify the Skype launcher so it executes the command "webcamWrapper.sh skype" instead of "skype" (as this is the script I used to solve my inverted-webcam bug)15:45
ramb0NyvenZA, have you tried reinstalling GDM ?15:45
schneidmasterI could make a custom launcher but then I just have two launchers in unity15:45
nphasewhat do you guys suggest for setting up an ftp server?15:46
NyvenZAnot yet,15:46
step2schneidmaster, you can remove the other one. making a custom one prob. easier than modifying15:46
NyvenZAramb0: have you ?15:46
nphasedefiantredpill: cool thx15:46
nphaseso not proftpd?15:46
escottgwallace42, if you can remount you could try sudo init 5 to see if you can get to a gui15:47
ramb0its not my computer which has the problem, it's my uncle's computer, who is in another state :P can't just tell him "reinstall GDM"15:47
maximus_Fredje, AWESOME! i used      bash -c "echo 559 | sudo -S pm-suspend"    and it works perfectly (= If i ever meet you i'm buying u a beer!15:47
escottgwallace42, you don't even need the sudo15:47
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schnufflenphase: profpd does the job, I use it15:47
NyvenZAIt is my work PC so now I can't work15:48
=== grawcho___ is now known as grawcho
SoftTimurstep2: I see... is there a quick way to go back to the classic/previous layout?15:48
Fredjemaximus_: Nice that it works for you!15:48
nphaseschnuffle, defiantredpill: proftpd > vsftpd?15:48
maximus_Fredje, lol yes i just published my password...blonde moment15:48
nodiehi, I've installed 11.04 this morning and I'm using Unity, I suppose that I've activated some type of keybind and now the bar at the left is always on15:48
escottgwallace42, i wonder if the device could have been mounted in between the error message and the time it took us to start running commands in the busybox shell15:48
nodieI want it to appear and disappear15:48
Fredjemaximus_: lol!, I did not even notices:P15:48
escottgwallace42, have you ever waited to see if the error will disappear on its own?15:49
defiantredpillvsftpd is what ubuntu recomends in the server guide, i used it before, config is not too bad. never used proftpd15:49
schnufflenphase: don't have enough experience with vsftpd o judge15:49
nodiehow can I do that?15:49
Aikarnodie: if i was gonna keep unity i woulda asked you how you did that, i hate auto hide, but im ditching unity15:49
codebeakerhi all, why doesn't 11.04 include postgresql 9.x ?15:49
nodieAikar, I don't know what I did!15:49
nodieand I hate it there, it's distracting15:49
schnufflenphase: if ubuntu suggests vsftpd then use it15:49
HerCurynodie: install ccsm and select autohide from unity plugin section15:49
maximus_Fredje, only have a simple one coz ubuntu wants one...so no biggie. Thanks for ur help. chow15:49
Aikarsudo apt-get remove unity && sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator!15:49
nphaseschnuffle: i dont know what it suggests15:50
nodieHerCury, what is ccsm ??15:50
step2SoftTimur, choose 'logout' (top right menu i think) then at the login screen there is a bar at the bottom where you can choose15:50
escott!ccsm | nodie15:50
ubottunodie: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:50
schnufflenphase:  defiantredpill: vsftpd is what ubuntu recomends in the server guide15:50
dd214Is there a way in Unity to open multiple terminals?  I have the terminal docked in taskbar, but if I want to open more than one terminal, I've got to use the Unity search to open a new terminal window...15:50
gwallace42escott: Waiting gives 2 messages: spaming Maintenance Shell and init: moutall main process terminated with status 315:51
rigveddd214: Ctrl+Alt+T15:51
Mehrab_vibhav : sorry to bother again, but have you got my reply?15:51
defiantredpillDoes anyone know where to find the list of patches in the ubuntu kernel. (not the one big diff)15:51
vibhav<Mehrab_> I was AFK for some time15:51
schneidmasterI figured it out if anyone cares lol.  Themes&tweaks -> main menu lets you edit launcher commands15:52
t67In Epiphany when I go to Edit > Personal Data > Passwords, I see nothing, but my passwords DO show up in seahorse.15:52
ramb0NyvenZA, I have told my uncle to reinstall GDM :p let's see what happens..15:52
NyvenZAok, this is just stupid, on reboot, I get my desktop being displayed, but I can't click on the icons, When I move the mouse around, on the screen around the middle of the screen the cursor chnages to the edit icon. So the login windows looks like it is there, but ic an't login to it.15:52
t67How come Epiphany Edit > Personal Data > Passwords is empty?15:52
gsp2009good morning folks. Anyone here now running natty, with twinview? is it normal to have the top panel duplicated on both screens?15:52
Dr_Willisgsp2009:  ive heard that dual screen + unity can be quirky15:53
joruim running the livecd of 11.04 and suddenly i can only use mouse, no more way of clicking windows etc. ideas?15:53
escottgwallace42, init 5 didnt do any good?15:53
biffbaxterHa...anything with unity can be quirky :)15:53
FredjeDr_Willis: Thanks for the info then I will wait with upgrading my laptop15:53
Vhozardhow can I view boot messages ?15:53
gsp2009Dr_Willis, ok.. thanks.. this is not good news for me..15:53
NyvenZADr_Willis: and gsp2009 I also have issues, but i am trying it on one screen now and still have issues15:53
vibhav<dd214> right click on terminal and click on "OPen Terminal"15:53
Mehrab_vibhav : ok, so I repeat: network-manager-gnome   . and you can find the script here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6924258&postcount=115:54
escottgwallace42, im just curious if you can resume the boot from this point or if it is completely borked15:54
gwallace42escott: it ran through some options, and dropped me to a terminal login.15:54
step2Vhozard, depends which ones ... 'dmesg' for one15:54
escottgwallace42, ok15:54
gsp2009NyvenZA, everything else works fine for me it seems. Just a little weird having the panel twice.15:54
Vhozardthe one that you see on startup, step215:54
somethinginteresVhozard: dmesg from terminal?15:54
Dr_Willishttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/become-a-natty-power-user-in-no-time-using-this-unit-keyboard-shortcuts-wallpaper/   Worth checking out for unity beginners15:55
chopini think my gvfs on 10.04 is screwed up ... won't connect to a smb share.  anyone know where to look / what to do?15:55
escottgwallace42, is udevd --daemon running15:55
Vhozardhow can I scroll in it from within terminal?15:55
mikebeecham1Hi guys...I've removed the recommended nvidia drivers, rebooted and now I have no display. I can get into ttyl...can anyone help me get display back?15:55
gwallace42escott: Glad I decided to to my master backup of my work data yesterday.  But I hate having to reinstall VBox and winXP again.15:55
Xelihello, i'd like to change from kde to unity, can i use the same documentation as when one would switch from kde to gnome?15:55
vibhav<Mehrab_> I gtg sorry!15:55
usr13Vhozard: shift PageUp15:55
v_vwhen i use the liveCD  to install 11.04, it supports unity. but the installed ubuntu on my laptop doesn't, how to enable unity ?15:55
escottgwallace42, well the drive seems fine so you should be able to copy the system image around (if you don't mind moving multi gig files around)15:56
rpkCan someone tell me how to disable gpg key validation in synaptic?15:56
escottgwallace42, and i've been told that there is an install option for presevering /home15:56
Dr_Willisv_v:  install the unity2d package perhaps.15:56
usr13rpk: why?15:56
gwallace42escott: Cant say, my login is not working.  I have logged in on a terminal before, but its not working today .15:56
Dr_Willisv_v:  or install the proper 3d drivers for the laptop15:56
escottgwallace42, my suspicious is that the boot is going too fast there seems to be nothing wrong with the drive15:57
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rpkAdding ppa repositories doesn't respect my proxy settings as set through network manager15:57
semitonesso -- what are the common questions that people ask about nattttty15:57
FredjeTheAnachron: Hi15:57
rpkAnd I'm done trying to hack config files to fix it15:57
rpkusr13: I don't care if my packages are verified, I want it to just work15:57
escottgwallace42, if it were me I would see if there is some what to slow down the boot process. i know you could do it by gunziping the initrd, and adding a sleep somewhere between when udev starts and the remount happens15:57
escottgwallace42, there may be a better way though15:57
usr13rpk: sudo apt-get update15:57
rpkusr13: GPG error: The following signatures couldn't be veriefied because the public key is not available ....15:58
NyvenZAarg, why the hell does the kernel source MakeFile file have the wrong version in?15:58
gwallace42escott: i tried one of the older kernels in grub just to see if it makes a difference, but that didn't.  I may just have to download the image on my laptop and re-install.  I will check grub and see if the is something in there that can slow the boot process.15:58
rpkusr13: Therefore, I'm fine turning off all of gpg, I just need to know how to disable it15:59
NyvenZAit has and the kernel that comes with natty is
gwallace42escott: thanks for the help man...appreciate it.  Have a good one15:59
escottgwallace42, goodluck15:59
NyvenZAI can't recompile the vboxdrivers now15:59
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semitonesNatty's keyboard is less responsive than maverick's -- anyon equess why?15:59
escottgwallace42, the initrd process isn't that bad, just annoying, you just unzip, loop mount the file, make your changes and then mkinitrd and replace15:59
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:59
usr13rpk: Your problem may be in sources.list16:00
rpkYes, I often add ppas with add-apt-repository16:00
denndaWhen you hit super in unity, it gives you these nice numbers for the apps. That doesn work for Chromium. Is there a fix? Also, how is that number-feature called?16:01
rpkusr13: because add-apt-repository does not use the proxy settings, it can't handle getting the gpg key16:01
axisyshow do I put lvm on ubuntu desktop ? I do not see LVM option16:01
rpkusr13: therefore any ppa I have will fail to install / update.  Obviously this makes ubuntu unusable.  Therefore I would like to disable gpg verification of my packages16:01
Rigorm0rtisHello. I'm having some trouble with Thunderbird and Unity. I can't access the main menu for the application. Any know what's going on?16:02
usr13rpk: If your proxy configuration is correct, apt should use it too.16:02
izinucsaxisys: lvm is part of the alternate install cd.. and not on the desktop live cd16:02
ActionParsnipdennda: works here, clean install natty16:02
lgp171188Hi, I found in Ubuntu Natty that Gwibber supports only Twitter, Identica and Facebook accounts though actually Gwibber supports more social networks. Why?16:02
DasEiaxisys: use manual partitioning, use extended ones, that sets up lvm16:02
usr13rpk: Can you ping a valid domain name?   try this;  ping av.com16:02
ActionParsniprpk: you may need to add the config in apt.conf16:02
Dr_Willislgp171188:  perhaps theres some plugins it needs installed.16:02
exchgris anyone else missing a ton of indicator applets?16:03
usr13rpk: ActionParsnip may be correct.  I don't know.16:03
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DasEiexchgr: I did and switched back to gnome16:03
usr13rpk: ActionParsnip But I've used a proxy before and never had to do that.16:03
axisysizinucs: no wonder why I did not see it16:03
exchgrDasEi, how do I go about doing that?16:03
ActionParsniprpk: in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy     put     Acquire::http::Proxy "http://proxy:8080";16:03
cbarthow do you add applets to the top unity panel?16:03
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heedlucbart: you really can't16:04
axisysDasEi: i guess with alternate iso correct?16:04
linuxcanale in ita16:04
ActionParsnipusr13: i've hadto add it in the past, then i stopped using proxy16:04
DasEiexchgr: under powerbutton > set default session > gnome-classic16:04
lgp171188Dr_Willis: Exactly. I see now that there are packages to add social networks. But I am wondering why these networks which were present, were moved to plugins while Twitter, Identica and facebook escaped? Guess it is due to popularity16:04
heedlucbart: they are called indicators now, and they are not the same16:04
Dr_Willislgp171188:  and disk space.16:04
exchgrDasEi, thanks16:04
tjiggi_fo!it | linux16:04
ubottulinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:04
DasEiaxisys: best, yes, more options there16:04
ActionParsnipusr13: rpk: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+question/132016:04
usr13ActionParsnip: I guess not all proxys are equal :(16:04
denndaActionParsnip: just did the very same thing16:05
rpkActionParsnip: yeah, I'm at work.16:05
axisysDasEi: are you saying desktop live may have lvm option as well?16:05
NyvenZAhow can i change back to classic login / gui fromthe command line. I can't see the login screen to select it there16:05
ActionParsnipusr13: i guess, I used polipo, nice and simple16:05
somethingintereslinux !lang-it16:05
Dr_WillisNyvenZA:  you could edit the .dmrc file I guess.. but im not sure what belongs in there for classic desktop16:05
wazzuphow can i find out my cpu temp in ubuntu ??16:05
denndaActionParsnip: ok i had to restart chromium16:05
cbartcan you atleast change the order of the icons on the left panel?16:05
rpkActionParsnip: not sure that applies, we don't have to authenticate, but I added it so I'll see if it works16:05
hodgesIs the Launcher in nutty narwhal fixed or can I move it?16:05
lgp171188wazzup: You need to install sensors16:05
usr13ActionParsnip: I see....  Thanks info16:05
wazzupok will try16:05
Sylphidhey all....having a problem with front panel audio, if i start audio it everything defaults to rear panel however if i run aplay /some/audio.wav and start another track durring the aplay it goes to the front panel, any tips on how to toggle between front and back panel only?16:05
ActionParsniphodges: it's natty, not nutty16:05
lgp171188wazzup: sensord and sensor-applets16:06
hodgesActionParsnip, I was close for guessing.16:06
DasEiaxisys: should, if you choose manuall partit. and then set up extended partitons, that will be done with lvm, also if you use default > whole disk, it's lvm16:06
ActionParsniphodges: its stuck on the left now, it may be movablelater16:06
gnychishow can I enable Unity in the Preferences or Administration?16:06
noteventimeAnybody have any idea whether there have been any changes in natty relating to xmodmap? It no longer wants me to disable caps lock.16:06
wazzuplgp171188 : when i search for sensors > i get 100 matches16:06
DasEiaxisys: the alternate gives more options, though16:06
ActionParsnipdennda: does the button flash if you use thesuper key to launch the app?16:06
mnoyceI'm getting quite annoyed with applications seemlingly defaulting to opening maximised, e.g. Totem. Is there anyway to turn this maximise behaviour off?16:06
axisysDasEi: default whole disk is LVM? i did not know that.. will it put /boot on separate slice as well?16:06
rpkActionParsnip: actually, my proxy settings are already there from network manager16:07
denndaActionParsnip: kind of, yes16:07
lgp171188wazzup: the package names are 'sensord' and 'sensor-applets'16:07
ActionParsniprpk: i see16:07
denndaWhen you press meta in unity, it brings up this search dialogue. How do you map that to another key combination?16:07
DasEiaxisys: no, boot is under root in default unless you use encryption16:07
tjiggi_fowazzup, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto16:07
usr13ActionParsnip: rpk   It seems to me that if you can ping a valid domain name then the proxy is not the issue.  Am I right in my assumption?16:07
DasEiaxisys: so is home16:07
axisysDasEi: i use only my home dir encrypted.. so i guess i will be ok16:08
usr13rpk: Did you try pinging   av.com ?16:08
rpkusr13: no, I can't ping out as well16:08
denndaThe default behavior annoys me to no end16:08
somethingintereslinux: Ubottu !it16:08
usr13rpk: Ok.  I'm convinced.  You are on the right track.16:09
rpkusr13: However, I can get tot the internet through firefox or chrome16:09
Sylphidusr13, ping would not go through the proxy, it would follow the default route16:09
thebishopanyone get the Synaptics clickpad to work in Natty?16:09
usr13Sylphid: Depends on the proxy.16:09
rpkSylphid, usr13, yeah afaik thats correct, ping should ignore my proxy16:09
rpkhowever, apt-add-repository should not, but does16:09
Vhozardhow can I add vga=xxx to grub ?16:10
ActionParsnipusr13: ping uses a different protocol so may be different16:10
usr13Sylphid: There are different types of proxys16:10
ActionParsnipVhozard: add it in /etc/default/grub in the quotes with:  quiet splash16:10
rpkoh, and as an aside, how am I supposed to get to windows under other windows in unity?16:10
ActionParsnipVhozard: then run: sudo update-grub16:10
Vhozard<--- used to editing /boot/grub/menu.lst16:11
koichiroseHello, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and many firefox icons don't show up anymore, including the back button, stop button and the firefox icon itself (!). How do I fix it?16:11
rpklike if I have this chat windows open with chrome over it, and I get a notification that someone replied16:11
usr13Sylphid: There is HTTP Proxy  and Transparent Proxy etc.16:11
Sylphidusr13, ping will only ever go through the proxy if it is also the default route16:11
noteventimerpk: I think the new bar thing gives you a list of all available windows for each application as a popup (similarly to the way gnome can group similar windows)16:11
rpkhow do i switch back to chat without minimizing chrome16:11
rpkyeah, but I have two monitors and its all the way on the left16:11
Dr_Willisrpk:  i just alt-tab a lot.16:11
maximmhow do i support 2 monitors ?16:11
maximmi can only use one atm since the upgrade16:11
rpkand with the new bar I have no way to select which specific windows i'd like to open16:12
bl4ckcomb`maximm, make sure you have the correct display driver16:12
Dr_Willisrpk:  the omgubuntu blog site has a wallpaper- keyboard shortcuts thing.  may be in there.16:12
rpkit pretty much sucks right now :(16:12
usr13Sylphid: With a Transparent Proxy, it will be the default route.16:12
maximmthe other is enabled but unity isn't runnin on it and it is just my wallpaper16:12
bl4ckcomb`maximm, what card do you use?16:12
rpkDr_Willis: already looked at that already16:12
Sylphidusr13, correct16:12
maximmi had it setup before it sees my nvidia16:12
Dr_Willisrpk:  if you have 3 terminals  open and 1 icon. and click on that icon it should do a layout of all 3.16:12
usr13Sylphid: What he has is probably HTTP proxy.16:12
ActionParsnipVhozard: grub2 doesn't use that now, editting the grub file will add the option to all future kernels for you16:12
Sylphidusr13, agreed16:12
maximmjust no window decorator or menus on the second screen16:12
chadiHi. This could be a serious problem. While ubiquity was downloading new packages before installing, i hit skip, and it hanged. What do I do now?16:12
rpkusr13, ActionParsnip: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-properties/+bug/44340416:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 443404 in Software Properties "gpg doesn't get the right proxy configuration (dup-of: 516032)" [Medium,Confirmed]16:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 516032 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "add-apt-repository doesn't work behind a proxy" [Undecided,Fix released]16:13
noteventimerpk: It doesn't give you a list of available windows when you hover/right-click the relevant icon? (I haven't used Unity a lot, just remember from trying it out when it was new).16:13
bl4ckcomb`maximm, there is a settings manager for nvidia in apt16:13
maximmyeah i have it16:13
rpkusr13, ActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159326816:13
maximmmy monitor is enabled16:13
rpkboth of those detail my issue exactly16:13
LiiinCan the ROOT block an user to set "OTHER USERS" PERMISSION ?16:13
maximmjust no menu or window decorator16:13
sdegutis/me cant do actions yet :(16:13
shane4ubuntu1ok, getting more used to unity, when an app is full screen how to I move it to my other screen?16:13
LiiinI mean example 770 66016:13
LiiinALWAYS 0 at the end16:13
denndaActionParsnip: altho that feature is kind of buggy i have the feeling16:13
ActionParsniprpk: then add the ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list    then manually import the key16:13
Liiinis it possible?16:13
NyvenZAok, I have now tried to install lightdm as a replacement for gdm and when I start it, i just get a black screen16:13
bl4ckcomb`maximm, do you use some kind of desktop composition?16:13
rpknoteventime: no, thats what i wish it did16:13
NyvenZAI then stopped lightdm again and just ran startx16:14
ActionParsnipdennda: not sure, could log it16:14
chadiis it safe to kill ubiquity?16:14
Dr_Willisshane4ubuntu1:  the ombubuntu blog site has a wallpaper image listing the shortcuts16:14
rpkActionParsnip: I can't do that for every ppa all day long.  Thats why I want to just disable gpg16:14
shane4ubuntu1also on pidgin I have no scroll bar to scroll down on this thing, or up.16:14
NyvenZAI get the desktop icons appearing and the mouse, but no menus, side bar and rightclick mensues16:14
Dr_Willisshane4ubuntu1:  look closely.. the scroll bar sort of auto-hide in a lot of apps now16:14
bl4ckcomb`maximm, maybe you should recheck your xorg configuration or read your messages log for compiz errors16:14
ActionParsniprpk: if you go to the ppa page, you'll see the key and you can copy / paste the text to a file then run:  sudo apt-key add file16:16
usr13rpk: Did you do as ActionParsnip said and add the config line appropriately?16:16
maximmyeah will do some digging thnx16:16
rpkActionParsnip: invalid gpg keys letting malicious software be installed isn't a real world problem16:16
shane4ubuntu1Dr_Willis: I'm sorry, not another desktop, I have dual screen and want to drag it over to the other screen16:16
rpkusr13: yeah16:16
chadiPlease help me guys, I am stuck in the middle of the installation :/16:16
ActionParsniprpk: well you have a workaround til it gets sorted16:16
rpkusr13: it was already there, apt-add-repository doesn't respect that setting16:16
NyvenZAwhen I try and click on an icon and trag it, the mouse Icon changes to a drag icon, but nothing actaully happens to the icons ont he desktop16:16
Dr_Willisshane4ubuntu1:  if full screened. they are proberly locked. you would need to un-max them  Perhaps a compiz keybinding coulkd do it without unmaxing them first16:16
rpkActionParsnip: its been open since early 9.04 builds16:16
ActionParsnipchadi: if it hasn't finished then you will have half an OS16:16
mtlifewhy is there a debian splash screen in grub AND in gdm when i upgraded to 11.04?16:16
ActionParsniprpk: yikes16:16
rpkActionParsnip: I had the same problem in 10.1016:16
shane4ubuntu1Dr_Willis: as for the scroll bar, right, but in pidgin it just doesn't exist, when I scroll over to where it should be and get the arrows, there aren't any.16:16
shane4ubuntu1Dr_Willis: thanks.16:16
CoolCoderhi. I have upgraded my system to ubunto 11.x (new version .) I need to use the old theme of 10.x .what should i do? because there is no taskbar and all in new version. so i am feeling unconfortable to find the programs16:16
Dr_Willisshane4ubuntu1:  i dont use pidgin. so no idea. :) could be a bug.16:16
ActionParsniprpk: glad I stopped using a proxy16:16
gtklockerhttps://twitter.com/#!/gtklocker/status/63692581170716672 RT if you like it >.<16:16
maximmcoolcoder use classic mode16:16
ActionParsnipshane4ubuntu1: on the buddy list window or the channel window?16:16
rpkActionParsnip: yeah, I'm at work unfortunately.16:16
CoolCoderwhere do i get this?16:16
maximmchange it at the login screen16:16
shane4ubuntu1Dr_Willis: for the full screen app, I was hoping to get around that, but thanks, also for the pidgin thanks anyway.16:16
Dr_Willissounds like we need a new faq factoid. :)16:16
DasEiCoolCoder: switch back to gnome16:16
shane4ubuntu1ActionParsnip: for the channel window16:17
CoolCoderDasEi:any help?16:17
DasEiCoolCoder: : under powerbutton > set default session > gnome-classic16:17
DasEiCoolCoder: : then re-login16:17
ActionParsnipshane4ubuntu1: yeah I've got one on the main window as well as the user list16:17
Dr_WillisDasEi:  heh.. never noticed that.. looking now.16:17
shane4ubuntu1after about a day of using Unity, and breaking it twice, I'm getting more accustomed to it.16:17
ActionParsnipshane4ubuntu1: i'm using uity though16:17
shane4ubuntu1ActionParsnip: yeah, I'm on unity too16:18
ActionParsniprpk: i see, then all I can suggest is use the workaround16:18
usr13rpk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/51603216:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 516032 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "add-apt-repository doesn't work behind a proxy" [Undecided,Fix released]16:18
shane4ubuntu1ActionParsnip: when I go over the users, a scroll bar (arrows) pop up, but not so for the channel window.16:18
CoolCoderDasEi: under power button there is no such option.16:18
Asad2005alltray firefox doesnot show atray icon in natty. Any idea?16:19
shane4ubuntu1ActionParsnip: ahh, found it, on the users list, it is only towards the top, and the channel list only towards the bottom on the left hand side of both they appear.16:19
ActionParsnipshane4ubuntu1: nice16:19
shane4ubuntu1ActionParsnip: odd, but they are there, thanks.16:19
rpkusr13: They didn't previously verify the gpg keys16:20
rpkusr13: you could bypass the invalid keys by default, so it wasn't a problem16:20
rpkusr13: it no longer responds to the --allow-unauthenticated switch though16:20
koichiroseHello, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and many firefox icons don't show up anymore, including the back button, stop button and the firefox icon itself (!). How do I fix it? I already tried to reset to default toolbars16:20
DasEiCoolCoder: : right top, there should be a symbol to power down..16:20
NyvenZAdoes unity REQUIRE 3d >16:20
DasEiCoolCoder: : ..systemsettings, loginscreen16:21
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: yes16:21
NyvenZAthat might be my problem then16:21
ninjaisome applications (eclipse, libre office) still have the menu items on the windows instead of the top panel.  What gives?16:21
ChogyDankoichirose: do you have all the toolbars enabled?16:21
ActionParsnipkoichirose: set a new theme and it should be ok16:21
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NyvenZAis there a 2d version or something I can do to make it work on older hardware >16:21
mtlifewhere can i change gdm theme in ubuntu 11.04?16:21
koichiroseChogyDan, yes. I see empty buttons.16:21
rpkHow did they release unity with so many high priority bugs open?16:21
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koichiroseActionParsnip, a new ubuntu theme you mean? But I like my human ^^16:22
SkeiHey everyone. I've just upgraded to 11.04, and when I boot, my screen just stays black. I'm now under an earlier kernel which seems to work, but I got an error saying I didn't have the hardware to run Unity, and I should select something else. Any ideas ?16:22
usr13rpk: Are you looking at post#15 ?16:22
rpkEvery problem I have with it returns a launchpad bug listed as high priority, but still open16:22
CoolCoderDasEi: Its locked. dont know why, and i am the admin16:22
CoolCoderDasEi: ok ok16:22
NyvenZASkei: i also seem to have this problem16:22
somethinginteresSkei: do you have the hardware to run it?16:22
ActionParsnipkoichirose: no, the issue is with firefox, so you need a firefox theme.If you keep to the context of the question, that would have been clear16:22
NyvenZAstill looking for a solution16:22
DasEiCoolCoder: : :)16:22
rpkusr13: thats actually already been fixed by default, in 10.10 I believe16:23
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: what video chip are you using?16:23
Skeisomethinginteres, I assume so. i5, GTX 560, 8 GB RAM. It's a new box.16:23
NyvenZAnvidia 830016:23
SkeiNyvenZA, are you running under an older kernel for now, then ?16:23
elxordihi, can someone help my with a graphics issue on my ubuntu 11.04?16:23
rpk(I've gone through like 5 different bug reports, and tried almost all of the suggestions for config hacks.  Newer reports for more recent versions just don't get replied to)16:23
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ActionParsnipSkei: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/16:23
nanovanyya se pudo activar unity de nuevo!! :D graias16:23
mtlifewhere can i change gdm theme in ubuntu 11.04?16:23
somethinginteresSkei: hmm you should post in  #ayanta as well16:23
usr13rpk: How about post#9  ?16:23
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: install nvidia-current and it will be fine after a reboot16:24
agonzalezHi everyone, I am here to find help with my NVIDIA GT330M, I installed the latest driver (270.46) now the X does not work16:24
NyvenZASkei: I tried it, but then X didn't even start16:24
OsmodivsWhy can't I upgrade to 11.04 from terminal? I am typing the right commands: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:24
ActionParsnipagonzalez: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    andreboot16:24
OsmodivsAm i missig somethig?16:24
ChogyDanOsmodivs: it is: sudo do-release-upgrade16:24
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: yes thats not the command16:24
OsmodivsOh, thank you16:24
Osmodivsmy bad16:24
usr13Osmodivs: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:24
NyvenZAi  installed the nvidia 270.41.06 and also seem to have issues16:25
agonzalezi already tried that, the same thing happened with Ubuntu 10.1016:25
spacebug-is there a way to change the default keybindings for unity? (if they conflic with my own)16:25
Osmodivsusr13, They say that's NOT the right command16:25
SkeiNyvenZA, those are the drivers I need, too.16:25
usr13Osmodivs: What command?16:25
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: then try: nvidia-17316:25
SkeiActionParsnip, NyvenZA, trying nvidia-current, will let you know.16:25
NyvenZAActionParsnip: Actually I have a 7300 not 830016:26
Osmodivsusr13, dist-upgrade, it's do-release-upgrade16:26
katorzhi. How can I do to have the Unity interface ?16:26
NyvenZAActionParsnip: whre can I get that ?16:26
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: try: sudo apt-get install nvidia-173    may help16:26
DasEiagonzalez: logout to terminal, try to run : sudo nvidia-xconfig, restart gdm (sudo service gdm restart)16:26
elxordikatorz: sudo apt-get install unity16:26
lucas-argim having problems during boot... ubuntu 11.04 gives me some irq problem and then cap locks keeps blinking and ubuntu wont boot... i have to reboot 2-3 times to make it boot... what would be the problem?16:26
katorzelxordi: I'm on a live usb persistant16:26
OsmodivsE: Invalid operation do-release-upgrade16:26
Rigorm0rtisHello. I'm having some trouble with Thunderbird and Unity. I can't access the main menu for the application. Any know what's going on?16:27
NyvenZAok dl'ing16:27
SylphidOsmodivs, sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade16:27
ActionParsnip!upgrade | Osmodivs16:27
ubottuOsmodivs: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:27
gnychishow can I enable Unity in the Preferences or Administration?16:27
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: instead of trying to guess, why not read the upgrade documentation16:27
elxordikatorz: which ubuntu version?16:27
NyvenZAActionParsnip: how will I force that driver to be used?16:27
ActionParsnipNyvenZA: udev will make it so16:27
katorzelxordi: the 11.0416:27
DasEilucas-arg: seems kernelpanic, check your bios setting an rebuild intramfs16:27
usr13rpk: Server may simply be flooded atm  This is probably not the best time...16:28
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lucas-argDasEi: what am i supposed to look in my bios? its all in defaults...16:28
NyvenZAso i must make sure it is corect there before reboot?16:28
elxordikatorz: on live, there's already the unity interface activated, if it doesn't show up, maybe the problem is that your graphic doesnt have the correct drivers on live16:28
lucas-argDasEi: it was working all ok until last kernel upgrade16:28
vibhavanybody with any problem?16:28
OsmodivsActionParsnip, I want to use the terminal to see what's happenning, otherwise I could just use the Update Manager GUI16:28
rpkusr13: Its only with non standard ppas, because the default ones come with signatures included. Its just ridiculous that this hasn't been fixed yet, and that people are just ignoring ubuntu forum posts about it16:29
usr13Osmodivs: Ok, well, they both prolly work still16:29
elxordivibhav: me, graphic issue. Interested? :P16:29
Monotokourm...whos Vera?16:29
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: there is the server method listed, use that16:29
vibhav<elxordi> Yeah16:29
evilsushiis there a alternative cd download for ubuntu 11.04?16:29
DasEilucas-arg: make sure you can access grub's menu, and cd into boot and do : sudo updateinitramfs -u of your current kernel16:29
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:29
katorzelxordi: I tried to install nvidia drivers but there's nothing16:29
vibhav<evilsushi> Yes16:29
ChogyDanOsmodivs: do you have update-manager-core installed?16:30
OsmodivsActionParsnip, Server!? I do not have a server16:30
evilsushidoes it offer the lvm encryption such as previous alternate installs?16:30
mtlifewhere can i change gdm theme in ubuntu 11.04?16:30
vibhav<elxordi> Whats your problem??16:30
elxordivibhav: i've runned glxgears, and gives me good framerate, but graphics arent smoother. That's with latest Ati drivers. any ideas?16:30
NyvenZAActionParsnip: ok, now I get a login screen at least16:30
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: yes but the server method uses cli as that is all it has, no x server16:30
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ChogyDanOsmodivs: or ubuntu-standard16:30
vibhav<elxordi> lemme see16:30
lucas-argDasEi: ive done it... sudo update-initramfs -u && sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/sda16:30
DeadmanIncJSis this a general chat for ubuntu or just for tech support type stuff16:30
elxordikatorz: if you install them live and you restart, the canges doesnt apply. You must install ubuntu on hard disk16:30
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade16:30
SoftTimurHello all, does anyone know how to tile windows under ubuntu 11.04? for instance, place a window on the left or right half of the screen...?16:31
PiciDeadmanIncJS: Just tech support. General chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:31
elxordivibhav: i've googled for a while and found nothing :(16:31
SkeiActionParsnip, installing nvidia-current allowed me to boot into my new kernel. Thanks very much.16:31
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: copied and pasted from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades16:31
DeadmanIncJSk, thanks buddy16:31
usr13DeadmanIncJS: Tech support.  General chat is on #ubuntu-offtopic16:31
evilsushiDeadmanIncJS: #ubuntu-offtopic16:31
ActionParsnipSkei: coolio16:31
SkeiActionParsnip, now I need to install the dev drivers instead, and see if it holds out :P16:31
ActionParsnipSkei: your call, gl16:31
SkeiAlso going to switch back to Classic Desktop, I think...16:31
DasEilucas-arg:good aproch, maybe enable grub's beep and have a loonger timeout, so you can easy use an older kernel, case problem resists16:31
rpkAlso, does anyone know if they fixed the ubi-partman installer bug?  My dad couldn't even install on x64 last night.16:31
katorzelxordi: but there's no driver16:31
katorzI can't try to instal them16:32
OsmodivsChogyDan, I dunno, but I typed  apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade, but it is just upgrading Python 3.116:32
lucas-argDasEi: ill try downgrading the kernel then...16:32
ActionParsniprpk: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:32
DasEilucas-arg :  (/etc/default/grub) *16:32
elxordikatorz: what graphics device has your computer?16:32
rpkActionParsnip: yep, also ran the test cd for defects from the cd itself16:32
gmitrevhi guys, anyone has any idea why my network applet is missing after the update?16:32
ActionParsniprpk: and memory test?16:32
lucas-argDasEi: all there is default also...16:32
vibhav<elxordi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/600825/16:32
ChogyDanOsmodivs: I dunno, pastebin?16:32
rpkActionParsnip: yeah.16:32
vibhavwhats your problem chadi?16:33
rpkIts great that they want to release every 6 months, but someone should really introduce them to the idea of tested configurations and blockers16:33
denndaIs it me or does unity totally fuck up with gvim?16:33
katorzelxordi: a 8400 gs nvidia card16:33
ActionParsniprpk: in the livecd, update the gparted and ubiquity packaes from the repos, may help16:33
arrow203Good morning, I just did an online, inplace upgrade of 10.10 last night to 11.04.  Now, on first boot, I receive an error and it hangs - udevd-work[90]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v000010DEd000001D7sv00001179sd0000FF31bc03sc00i00' unexpected exit with status 0x000916:33
vibhav<dennda> WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!16:33
Renskihaving an issue with my netbook which has ubuntu 10.10 installed on it. everytime I run ifconfig wlan0 down the entire machine locks up16:33
DasEilucas-arg :  beep and longer timeout can make choosing other kernel easier,case ongoing panics16:33
chadivibhav: I killed ubiquity, and restarted it; it's fine now - thank you for asking16:33
denndavibhav: STOP SCREAMING!16:33
lucas-argDasEi: weird bug16:34
rpkActionParsnip: so boot into the livecd and try updating packages before running the installer?  i'll have him try that later tonight then16:34
arrow203my guess is there's some sort of driver issue due to the modprobe - forgive me, I'm not especially familiar with Linux... advice?16:34
elxordivibhav: cool, i can understand now. anyway, with the 11:04 update, all system has not smooth graphics... either with radeon driver16:34
DasEilucas-arg :  not occuring in my vm16:34
elxordikatorz: wait a second, please16:34
vibhav<elxordi> Ok16:34
ActionParsniprpk: yeah it may solve bugs and such16:34
elxordivibhav: so, if that happened to you, what would you do?16:35
vibhav<elxordi> Leave it as it is.....As i know the graphic capabilities of my card.16:35
lucas-argDasEi: i installed a 64bits version of ubuntu and now i have a 32bits kernel instead???? how can i see what my ubuntu version is??16:36
evilsushihow hard is it going to be to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?16:36
elxordivibhav: well, that f*** me a little, because with previous ubuntu my card was great16:36
compdoccan be easy, but sometimes it blows up16:36
vibhav<evilsushi> I recommend a fresh install16:36
DasEilucas-arg :  ups, uname -a and lsb_release -a16:36
denndaAlso there is some considerable lag in unity, e.g. in vim and terminal starts behaving laggish as well16:36
evilsushiyeah thats not an option16:36
vibhav<elxordi> ohh.16:36
sipiorevilsushi: an upgrade is very straightforward.16:36
rpkActionParsnip: There are open bugs for the exact issue, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/75772016:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 757720 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubi-partman crashes with exit code 141 during live install" [Medium,Incomplete]16:37
denndabut in vim it is not at all funny16:37
Vhozardis Landscape commercial ?16:37
PiciVhozard: Yes.16:37
vibhav<evilsushi> A liitle prob in the upgrade can screw the whole system16:37
Vhozardanything like it thats free ?16:37
evilsushidoes 11.04 have a LTS?16:37
vibhavHi Pici16:37
arrow203anyone?  re: modprobe crash above?16:37
xanguaevilsushi: no16:37
vibhav<evilsushi> no16:37
Picievilsushi: No. 12.04 will be the next LTS16:37
elxordikatorz: tell me what happens, from the point you choose "Try ubuntu without install", until the point the desktop is loaded, please16:37
vibhavHi Pici16:37
DasEievilsushi: no, lucid is lts16:37
evilsushievery 2 years16:37
rpkHow is that rated medium?  Its an install failure.  You can't even install ubuntu due to the error. :/16:37
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)16:37
Picidennda: I find unity to be not compatible with the way I work. You can still choose Classic Ubuntu from GDM.16:38
lucas-argDasEi: it says i686... im sure i had 64bits installed...16:38
Picivibhav: hi16:38
ActionParsniprpk: maybe updates will help16:38
Nastyahi there!16:39
The-StingerUpdated 10.10 to 11.04. But now I don't have any sound in Minecraft.16:39
fsvieirahello, I just installed the last ubuntu, and I would like to install a session manager to choose betewn gnome and unity, I installed gnome and gdm but there is no choice in login...how can I solve this ?16:39
DasEilucas-arg :  cat /proc/version another place to look16:39
wizardsi install gnome3 but ... unity and gnome3 for me ist very similar  :( its devil dream16:39
xanguafsvieira: select 'classic' session16:40
rpkActionParsnip: yeah.  Oh, and sorry about raging in general.  If it isn't obvious already, I develop software for a living, and I can't stand to see such poor QA in such a core open source project16:40
DasEifsvieira: it's undeer the powerbutton > systemsettings > loginscreen16:40
lucas-argDasEi: Linux version 2.6.38-8-generic (buildd@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu3) ) #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 201116:40
ActionParsniprpk: no worries dude :)16:40
xangua!gnome3 | wizards16:40
ubottuwizards: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.16:40
wizards:D nice bot :D16:40
jdahmcan I create a dock "launcher" entry for applications that don't show up under "applications"?16:40
katorzelxordi: I have a x64 ubuntu. So nothing special, I just installed pidgin to chat. There was no boot screen (the one with my name). I landed directly on the desktop.16:40
DasEilucas-arg :  32 then16:40
denndaPici: Yes, the thing is I want to use unity16:41
lucas-argDasEi: weird... i might be confused... ill try installing -pae then16:41
denndaTo get familiar with it16:41
fsvieiraok I will try16:41
Picidennda: Good luck then :)16:41
gtklockerUnity is awesome16:41
elxordikatorz: and the desktop, i supose, is the default gnome desktop... isnt it?16:41
NyvenZAok, now I am just get frustrated. i installed lightdm, and now I can get to the login screen. I can select sessions and I have tried classic, Classic (no effects) and ubuntu recovery and all of them boots Unity and I can't do see anything change in the X sessions..16:41
katorzelxordi: yes exactly16:41
jacobsonHey, I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 beta 2 before the release of the 11.04, and now i'm wondering if is there a way to upgrade from 11.04 beta2 to 11.04 stable16:41
NyvenZAI can click on an icon and drag it, but the icons stats on the screen16:42
incoghow would you fags feel if i told you i can crash all ubuntu versions, including natty with a remote string16:42
NyvenZAif i restart the session, the icon has moved to where i dragged it too16:42
elxordikatorz: have you considered intalling it? maybe from the live doesnt let you to install any nvidia drivers knowing you must reboot16:42
Atluxity_mighty impressed incog16:42
gtklockerhttps://twitter.com/#!/gtklocker/status/63692581170716672 Ubuntu custom kernel compilation (my article)16:42
compdocjacobson, I would think apt-get would see the released version as a new update16:42
incognot really, apt is just that bad16:42
vibhav<incog> Do it! and send me the string16:42
adelie42I am using gnome-shell. When I search for applications, specific applications are listed. How do I add an app (custom script) to that index?16:42
adelie42tried putting it in /bin and restarted session, but that didn't help16:43
Atluxity_I have a bug with my newly upgraded ubuntu. I started xchat, unmaximised it, right click, sendt to workspace 4. Now my xchat has no minimize button or close cross or unmaximize button at the top :\16:44
gmitrevhi guys, anyone has any idea why my network applet is missing after the update? It connects just fine but there is no indicator applet for it?16:44
vibhavdo it incog16:44
katorzelxordi: yes but I did a live usb persistant to test unity because I have to install graphic drivers and to reboot. Impossible without a live usb persistant.16:44
karlowhat is command for logout ?16:44
jdahmI have some applications that aren't installed through apt that I would like to inclue in my dock on unity.  Can I add them?  How do I add them?16:45
elxordikatorz: maybe a better way to test that is with virtualbox16:45
katorzelxordi: I prefer to wait several days to upgrade to the 11.04 version.16:45
DasEikarlo: depends, out of gdm ? or logout from what ?16:45
elxordikatorz: i agree with you. i've updated right now and i'm kinda f**** lol16:45
katorzelxordi: yes, the last solution... did you install th 11.04?16:46
karlofrom computer16:46
vibhavany body with a problem??16:46
ActionParsnipjdahm: make a launcher for it then drag the launcher to the dock16:46
DasEikarlo: logout or exit or ctrl-D16:46
gmitrevanyone has any idea why my network applet is missing after the update? It connects just fine but there is no indicator applet for it?16:46
katorzelxordi: what's the problem with your ubuntu ?16:46
jdahmActionParsnip: how do you make a launcher?16:46
adelie42ActionParsnip: How do you make a launcher in gnome-shell?16:47
ActionParsnipjdahm: use alacarte or right click desktop16:47
adelie42ActionParsnip: Or unity for that matter?16:47
karloDasEi, not working, I tryed that in past :/16:47
elxordikatorz: well, everything works. But graphics performance doesnt work much great. Not smooth.16:47
YounderYes, seems safe mode works. But with the NVidea proprietary driver .nothing works. Not entirely sure it it is just me and that I have the right diagnosis yet..16:47
DasEikarlo: you want to shutdown from commandline ?16:47
ActionParsnipadelie42: same method, use alacarte16:47
lacrymologyhow do I find out what video drivers am I using?16:47
lacrymologyand how do I change my screen resolution?16:47
ActionParsniplacrymology: sudo lshw -C display16:47
karloDasEi, no, I wanna logout user from ubuntu16:48
DasEikarlo: sudo shutdown -h now, or sudo service gdm stop to just get to the commandline16:48
cablopi need a suggestion in a software to detect Wireless Networks and the channel they're using, not kismet, kismet is more than what i need, i just need to know, available networks, channels in use and signal strenght, just to help in choosing the wireless channel of a wlan16:48
The-Stingerdont have any sound in Minecrafter after updating 11.04. Anyone know a sollution?16:48
adelie42ActionParsnip: THANK YOU!!!!16:48
DasEikarlo: sudo logout >userHere>16:48
karloDasEi, tnx16:48
Sylphidcablop, iwlist16:48
vibhav<gmitrev>  refer to http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-applet-missing-from-notification-area-in-ubuntu-10-04.html16:48
ActionParsnipcablop: sudo iwlist scan     will show all that16:48
lacrymologyActionParsnip: driver=nvidia means I'm using the propietary driver, right?16:48
ActionParsniplacrymology: yes16:48
ActionParsniplacrymology: the open drivers are nv and nouveau16:49
cabloplet me try16:49
NyvenZAok, I want to try and remove unity totally and see if I can can info X properly16:49
NyvenZAwhat woul be the best way to remove unity?16:49
cablopSylphid, ActionParsnip will i lost wlan connectivity with that command?16:49
Sylphidcablop, nope16:49
katorzelxordi: In my mind, I'll wait at least a month before to install it lol. Thank you for your help. ;-)16:49
elxordikatorz: You're welcome. I'm sorry i couldn't help you much more. But i hate graphic drivers on ubuntu lol16:50
cablopSylphid, ActionParsnip thanks a lot16:50
lacrymologygood, then, how do I change the resolution? when I open System/Preferences/Monitors it complains that "it appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics vendor's tool instead?" and if I click 'yes' I don't find anything to change the resolution16:51
cablopis there any gui for that? i can use this, but barely i can ask others to use CLI16:51
lacrymologyoh wait16:51
lacrymologyfound it16:51
elxordimy graphics arent smooth with ubuntu 11.04, and they where on 10.10, with ATI latest driver. Why's that???16:52
areayjust upgraded to natty, but i have no unity -- my desktop hasn't changed at all16:52
Kouta-kun i upgraded to natty and my install broke so much i'm switching distros16:52
Doonzhey guys im using rsync to copy data from one raid array to the other. When i run rsync a 2nd time it retransfers all the files. how do i make rsync stop doing that16:52
Doonzim just using the -vr options16:52
chadiI highly dislike unity. It's not even optimized for touch screens! Can I not use it?16:52
DirtyDawgKouta-kun: to which distro?16:52
jdahmActionParsnip: ok I added it in alacarte16:52
elxordiareay: try intalling it with sudo apt-get install unity16:52
cablopany GUI tool able to scan Wireless Networks giving me signal strenght, channel in use, and the like? (iwscan is ok for me, but...)16:53
jdahmActionParsnip: it's still not in the applications menu in unity16:53
chadiareay: video drivers16:53
KNUBBIGHey, I remember someone asked that already today but I didn't get the solution: When I click "Shutdown" in 11.04, it just simply logs me out instead of really shutting down, but "sudo shutdown -h now" works fine. Any ideas or do I have to search the log?16:53
vibhav<cablop> "Wifi Radar" in Ubuntu Software Center16:53
areaychadi: afaik my video drivers are installed and working correctly. i didn't get a message to say unity wouldn't work16:53
ActionParsnipjdahm: when you run it, right click the app and select "Keep in launcher"16:54
cablopvibhav: giving it a look16:54
vibhav<cablop> GL16:54
spungois there a mini iso for 11.04 available? I can only find 10.1016:54
oussamathere a CD iso16:54
vibhav<spungo> on cd and dvd iso16:55
oussamaabout 650 Mo16:55
areaychadi: also pressing alt+f2 and running unity produces something but it's totally unusable16:55
areayand i have to hide my gnome panel to see it16:55
venikcannot upgrade to 11.04-- "Could not calculate the upgrade"...16:55
qkithi guys, wonder what package i needed to install so i can connect to my windows xp share folder?16:55
yuskhanzabhello all. need help here how to undo the "complete lock panel" in ubuntu after updating to natty?16:55
venikthis bug has been there for 5 years...16:56
elxordiqkit: samba packages16:56
ActionParsnipvenik: do you have "ubuntu-desktop" package installed/16:56
jenhelo ?16:56
venikit worked fine on another machine (32 bit)16:56
elxordiqkit: and then, on nautilus, press ctrl+l and write smb://16:56
venikI removed Ubuntu-desktop16:56
chadiareay: then I am sorry, I do not know16:57
venikmade no difference16:57
perlsyntaxHas anyone have prob with install ubuntu 11.04?And seem like it take longer then ubuntu 10.10 not sure why.16:57
Liiinumash and chmod works in the same manner?16:57
yuskhanzabhello all. need help here how to undo the "complete lock panel" in ubuntu after updating to natty?16:57
ChogyDanvenik: please don't use enter as punctuation16:57
areayi just upgraded to natty and i don't have an option to use unity. pressing alt+f2 and running unity brings up an unusable unity, i can see menus but they do nothing16:57
KNUBBIGHey, I remember someone asked that already today but I didn't get the solution: When I click "Shutdown" in 11.04, it just simply logs me out instead of really shutting down, but "sudo shutdown -h now" works fine. Any ideas?16:57
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elxordiareay: another option is ckeck if unity is activated on compiz settings16:57
calrikwell my ubuntu 110.04 just finished downloading and upgrading, just about to reboot wish me luck there are no hiccup16:57
spungoFound it >> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso16:58
vibhav<cablop> tried?16:58
areayelxordi: i don't appear to have a unity plugin in compiz. is there a package for that?16:58
cablopvibhav: thanks, i think it is good enough, we can go iwlist when wanted more detail :)16:58
perlsyntaxcalrik,How ong does it tke to install it?16:58
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qkitthanks guys16:58
ActionParsnipvenik: that's why then, you need the metapackage to be able to update16:59
vibhav<areay> your graphic card must not be supporting it, but you can install its 2d version.16:59
elxordiyeah, but is dependency with unity package, so if it's installed, the option must be on compiz settings16:59
greylurkAh, Unity is much better with the up-to date Nvidia drivers.16:59
areayvibhav, i've heard others reporting that they see a message that tells them unity is unsupported. i have seen nothing like this16:59
elxordiareay: yeah, but is dependency with unity package, so if it's installed, the option must be on compiz settings16:59
venikI removed the ubuntu-desktop AFTER the upgrade failed, because someone suggested that it might help16:59
vibhav<areay> what does your error say?17:00
BinaryManis there something wrong with all of the 64-bit natty iso images?17:00
venikperhaps I should reinstall ubuntu-desktop (and face Mecca)17:00
ActionParsnipvenik: i see, i believe it's needed so the updater knows what is going on17:00
areayvibhav, i get no error at all. i have no option to use unity as an interface. also running unity inside of gnome produces ugly results17:00
BinaryMani've tried the same image from two different mirrors, burned it with two different machines, and the CD dies when trying to load the initrd17:00
venikit cannot be the explanation, since in all my first attempts the ubuntu-desktop was there17:01
greylurkBinaryMan I installed from Natty 64 bit image last night.  Worked ok, except for some partionioning confusion.17:01
elxordimy graphics arent smooth with ubuntu 11.04, and they where on 10.10, with ATI latest driver. anyone can help me to solve it?17:01
jdahmActionParsnip: seems to not work for this app17:01
areayelxordi, unity is installed, but searching for 'unity' in compizconfig returns no results17:01
BinaryMani can't get it to _boot)17:01
ActionParsnipjdahm: strange17:01
BinaryMani even had another guy burn the image with his computer.17:01
jdahmActionParsnip: when I click on the icon I made, it pulses for a second and then nothing shows up and it stops pulsing17:01
ChogyDanvenik: wait, do you have ubuntu-desktop?  and did you try to login with unity?17:01
venikI upgraded for the past 4 or 5 versions, with no need for clean installation, but now I probably reached the end of the line17:01
exfilemeugg ubuntu reminds me of windows 9517:02
vibhav<areay> post me a screenshot of that....17:02
NyvenZAhow can I see all the versions of the nvidia drivers that are installed?17:02
NyvenZAis ther an apt-get command for that?17:02
mikebeechamguys, how do I access the 11.04 grub menu from bootup?17:02
jdahmexfileme: umm? how so?17:02
venikthe upgrade never finished-- I got the error message mentioned above (COuld not calculate the upgrade)17:02
SeRVeR01hello there , when i play any game under wine  can't get rid of the top title bar any ideas  ? thanks17:02
ChogyDanvenik: try installing ubuntu-desktop17:02
elxordiareay: wait, please, i'll check17:02
SkeiActionParsnip, got it working now, thank you.17:03
exfilemei upgraded to the new version and all of a sudden the Nvidia driver don't want to work. Strangely enough, the new update works better on the experimental 3D drivers save for that the icons dont appear in the Launcher bar17:03
ActionParsnipSkei: no worries :)17:03
schweegihow can i install the CalDav integration in evolution on ubuntu 11.04?17:03
xanguamikebeecham: keep Shift pressed when booting17:03
mikebeechamxangua: thx17:03
perlsyntaxi hope ubuntu work good with android:)17:04
exfilemeanyone else having problems with 11.04?17:04
TheCynicno problems at all exfileme17:04
spungoexfileme: everyone :P17:04
larstorbenexfileme no17:05
exfilemespungo: thanks17:05
perlsyntaxexfileme,whaat type of probs?17:05
areayvibhav, http://img848.imageshack.us/i/screenshotevv.png/17:05
z0mbyk1dhey, how do i restart inetd?17:05
SkeiDoes anyone know about integrated graphics support on 11.04 for a 1155 chip ?17:05
z0mbyk1d 1430 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd17:05
venikdoing it now, although with little hope, since that is how I started17:05
areayvibhav, i've set the top panel to auto-hide17:05
exfilemeanyone having better luck with the experimental drivers and Unity over Nvidia drivers?17:06
elxordiareay: i couldn't find the package to fix that. If it can help, i have it under the Desktop section on compiz settings manager17:06
dios_mio/topic #17:06
spungolooks like unity is about as welcome as a fart in a space suit.17:06
elxordimy graphics arent smooth with ubuntu 11.04, and they where on 10.10, with ATI latest driver. anyone can help me to solve it?17:06
mikebeechamguys...for some reason all I am seeing in additional drivers of 11.04 is (driver activated, but not currently in use). How can I resolve this?17:06
areayelxordi, nope, it's not in there :(17:06
ChogyDanmikebeecham: which driver?17:07
JanusmanJust upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 (I'm on WUBI) however, uname -r says I'm still using an older kernel... how do I use the new one?17:07
mikebeechamChogyDan: hi mate! (version current)17:07
Janusman(also, on boot time the boot menu didn't show the new kernel)17:07
larstorbenJanusman: reinstall it.17:07
venikInstalling ubuntu-desktopo installs a lot of useless junk, like Empathy and Telepathy, etc., but I shall swallow it17:07
elxordiareay: maybe some package is missing. i'll give you a list of unity packages that i have installed, wait please17:07
ActionParsnipJanusman: try:  sudo update-grub    do you see the new kernel listed/17:07
Janusmanlarstorben: you mean, instead of upgrading I should reinstall everything? =)17:07
ChogyDanmikebeecham: hi  :)17:08
larstorbenyes Janusman: that would be good :)17:08
larstorbendo you use gnome or kde17:08
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=== dragonlive is now known as dragonlive24
areayelxordi, it seems that's not my only problem. my sources.list is for maverick even though i've never had maverick installed. i upgraded from lucid to natty17:08
mikebeechamChogyDan: yeah, I'm using the recommended proprietary drivers17:08
JanusmanActionParsnip: yes, in fact it was there before running sudo update-grub, it's there after. I'll reboot and see if it shows.17:09
ActionParsnipJanusman: np man17:09
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ChogyDanmikebeecham: yeah, I have the same issue.  Not sure if it is accurate though.  It looks like 'nvidia' driver is the one in use17:09
cablopwell guys17:09
cablopanother question17:09
elxordiareay: :S people recommend to update to next inmediate version.... would you like my sources.list?17:10
areayelxordi, yes please, ty17:10
cablopcompared to 10.10 is 10.04 much better or just a few  improvements?17:10
dd214how do I find a file by Wildcard search from a terminal command?17:10
cablopi mean 11.0417:10
mikebeechamChogyDan: yeah, but I have no hardware acceleration, which means I cannot use compiz etc17:10
vagvafhello people, do u know how can i set universal hot keys?17:10
velcroshoozareay, probably part of your problem. you cant skip versions unless its lts to lts - you should have upgraded to 10.10 then 11.0417:10
elxordiareay: wait ;)17:10
ayeceecablop: it's an incremental change as always.17:10
davidshen84hi, i just got 11.04 desktop install. it seems the compiz package is not installed by defualt?17:10
ChogyDanmikebeecham: what driver is being used according to this?  sudo lshw -C video17:10
greylurkcablop lots of changes... Unity is definitly something to get used ot.17:10
cdavisAnyone know where I can download a .deb of shc for natty?17:11
TheoreticianIs Ubuntu 11.04 stable enough to run?17:11
mikebeechamChogyDan: sec17:11
ayeceeTheoretician: yes17:11
greylurkTheoretician I only installed it last night, but it seems to work fine, on a fresh install17:11
cablopmmm unity by default? then better i keep in 10.10 for a while... i disliked unity because it had a unable to hide bar at the left17:11
davidshen84hi, can anyone tell me how to zoom the desktop? like in 10.0417:11
areayvelcroshooz, i just used the update manager. it doesn't give an option to choose which release to upgrade to17:11
eiriksvincan somone tell me why Ubuntu cant find my nVIDIA card?17:11
vibhav<areay> try "unity --reset"17:11
NyvenZAnot to shoot it down, But I have been having massive graphics issues17:11
eiriksvini cant update to natty becuase of it17:12
ActionParsnipcablop: you can boot to a traditional desktop if you want....default means nothing17:12
greylurkcablop the left bar autohides17:12
elxordiareay: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600848/17:12
TheoreticianAre there any downsides to upgrading?17:12
mikebeechamChogyDan: does not tell me driver...only gfx card17:12
elxordiareay: tell me if it works for you ;)17:12
NyvenZAeiriksvin: don't know, but I have same problem17:12
ActionParsnipeiriksvin: do you have one of those switchable video chips?17:12
eiriksvinNatty is cool, but just switch to classic mode... the new gui is unstable17:12
greylurkTheoretician You'll need to build new muscle memory in terms of where things are, and how to use the window manager.17:13
ChogyDanmikebeecham: is there a "configuration" line?17:13
mikebeechamsorry ChogyDan: Driver=Nvidia17:13
eiriksvinyeah it says i cant even use it17:13
Theoreticianeiriksvin the new gui is bad? why?17:13
cablopi just liked the bar was like the win7 taskbar17:13
elxordiareay: also, try with "update-manager -d" on the terminal before. let's see if it offers you the possibility to update17:13
perlsyntaxi shock they din't upgrade perl in ubuntu.17:13
areayvibhav, unknown option: --reset17:13
areayi think i broke ubuntu lol17:13
areaynow do-release-upgrade is upgrading me to natty. even though i'm already theoretically using it17:13
eiriksvinbars dissappear and stuff17:13
greylurkperlsyntax i'm surprised that Natty still includes Eclipse Ganymede.17:13
areayelxordi, it seems that update-manager is working. i'm gonna let it finish. ty for your help:)17:14
cablopi disliked i cannot configure two panels as clasic one on top and below and move their items17:14
juzzy__hey, ive updated to 11.04 - how may I place a my old weather widget dock thing onto the upper bar again??17:14
ChogyDancablop: use classic17:14
juzzy__there is not context menu17:14
elxordiareay: you're welcome :) good luck!17:14
zomborhi, are the live cd's supposed to be working with intel i3+H61 machines?17:14
perlsyntaxgreylurk,Is that the newer one?17:14
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eiriksvinis there a way to update my nVIDIA driver?17:15
greylurkperlsyntax no, the newest is Helios.17:15
aetarichey updated to 11.04 and my nvidia driver updated with it, it says it's activated but not currently in use.17:15
cablopsigh, i'll like the apps left bar with the classic panels and so on xD17:15
cablopin fact i just want the left bar from unity :P17:15
cablopany sound or video issues?17:15
venikwhy does it take forever on WAITING FOR HEADERS?17:15
eiriksvincablop>its a bit buggy still, give it a month or so17:16
cablopthat crappy pulseaudio becomes just noise and cracks and bleeps after a while, but alsa cannot deal tih my mic17:16
NyvenZAso far most complains seem to be NVida and Unity related17:16
greylurkcablop Mine installed just fine with an NVidia Card and onboard sound on an ECS motherboard ( don't have the specs handy right now )17:16
cablopmmm i see17:16
exfilemei like the unity interface, I just wish the icons  would appear and the bar would hide like it's supposed to.17:16
cablopafaik the cracky crappy sund it is an issue related to laptops netbooks17:17
aetaricmine is just not playing nice17:17
jMCgHey folks.17:17
greylurkcablop it sounds like people are having trouble with upgrades on NVidia hardware though.17:17
eiriksvinwe installed Natty on my Moms comp, and it updated nvidia fine, and it did it all on its own, but mine says i have no driver17:17
e01how can i add partitions to be automounted in natty, because in current installer, there is no option to using custom locations for mounting17:17
cablopwhen the kernel uses some event instead of time management in order to save battery17:17
* NyvenZA is trying Nvidia drivers direclty from Nvidia now17:17
NyvenZAbusy installing17:17
ActionParsnipeiriksvin: may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig17:17
cablopi always used nvidia drivers in ubuntu17:17
cablopi mean17:18
greylurkeiriksvin were you upgrading yours or was it a fresh install?17:18
jMCgI'm having trouble grasping exactly what stuff is put in /usr/lib and what is put in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -- and why. -- Can someone point me to a possible explanation?17:18
cabloporiginal drivers17:18
exfilemei couldnt get drivers downloaded from nvidia to install :(17:18
venikboot in 10 seconds... waiting for heareds-- eternity17:18
eiriksvintrying xconfig17:18
cablopubuntu is free but its main focus is be usable rather than OSS17:18
TheHackOpsHey guys17:18
JoshDreamlandHey all; increment the number of people that are so dissatisfied with Unity as to throw their computer out the window, for me17:19
SkeiAnyone know much about 1155 graphics cards under Natty ?17:19
eiriksvineiriksvin@ubuntu:~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig17:19
eiriksvin[sudo] password for eiriksvin:17:19
eiriksvinsudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found17:19
TheHackOpscablop, Which is why it works better that most other distros17:19
ActionParsnipcablop: I just use what gets the job done. I don't care if its OSS or not17:19
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ActionParsnipeiriksvin: then install the nvidia driver from the repo17:19
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, What are you trying to do?17:19
JoshDreamlandCan someone direct me as to finding the Appearance preferences?17:19
abhishekhi guy's17:19
cablopActionParsnip: same here :)17:19
JoshDreamlandOr any preferences at all, really?17:19
TheHackOpsJoshDreamland, pm me17:19
arandJoshDreamland: Shutdown button17:19
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cablopi want the answer of finding prefs too17:19
TheHackOpsarand, no trolling17:20
aetariceiriksvin, system > administration > additional drivers17:20
mikebeechamHi...can anyone advise on why 11.04 proprietary drivers are "activate, but not in use"?17:20
eiriksvinthank you17:20
arandTheHackOps: Same to you sir.17:20
greylurkJoshDreamland in unity prefs is under the applications.17:20
TheHackOpscablop, USC > ccsm17:20
aetaricmikebeecham, nvidia?17:20
mikebeechamaetaric: yessir17:20
cablopmikebeecham: license terms, meaning you as a person actively enable them17:20
aetaricmikebeecham, having the same issue17:20
mikebeechamcablop: how?17:20
* NyvenZA want to break something 17:20
MnCChow do i get compiz working again ?17:20
NyvenZAstill no luck with these damn drivers17:21
JoshDreamlandI miss GNOME so bad it aches. I had to launch pidgin from a terminal17:21
cablopif thinks are like 10.10 just ticking the active checkbox17:21
TheHackOpsto many people on tonight who to help first17:21
wrinkliezis there a way to change the default ubuntu  lense? when i bring up the dash, for example, i dont even use email so could i change it?17:21
mikebeechamcablop: where is the checkbox?17:21
eiriksvinok, downloading and installing recommended driver17:21
mikebeechamthere is no active checkbox in 'Additional Drivers'17:21
cabloplet me check mikebeecham17:21
arandJoshDreamland: cablop: TheHackOps: System settings are in the shutdown menu.17:21
mikebeechamcablop: would appreciate it...thanks17:21
greylurkJoshDreamland I kind of like typing to find my programs... it feels like im in a CLI again.17:21
JanusmanActionParsnip: I'm finding I have to manually edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg to have the new kernel in the boot menu... hoping that works (again; I'm using wubi)17:21
TheHackOpswhats the offtopic channel again17:22
TheHackOpsi need to rant about unity17:22
cablopwhy system settings in the shutdown menu????17:22
MnCCdid they remove gnome ? .. that would prob explain why compiz isnt working17:22
JoshDreamlandgreylurk: no, it feels like windows 717:22
JoshDreamlandThank you, arand17:22
greylurkJoshDreamland wouldn't know... i don't use Windows 7.17:22
eiriksvin<TheHackOps> many of us do17:22
vibhavany problems anyone?17:22
WLUrandomly my laptop freezes the screen with horizontal lines and nothing can be done except a hard reboot. This is been occurring  with 9.04, 9.10, and now 10.04. The laptop is X61T lenovo tablet with GMA 950 I don't know it it a video card problem or something else, any help is greatly appreciated17:22
TheHackOpsJoshDreamland, Don't mention that17:22
JoshDreamlandunfortunately, none of those preferences are "Show all of my programs"17:22
cablopMnCC yup it seems unity uses its own windowmanager, not the compiz one17:22
TheHackOpsjust revert back to 10.10 like i did17:22
TheHackOpsall good17:22
JoshDreamlandI feel like I'm suffocating.17:22
abhishekany body help me to upgrade my ubuntu 10.1017:23
cablopmikebeecham: afaik you get somehow to the additional drivers panel17:23
vibhav<abhishek> I ca nhelp17:23
apersondoes xargs work with bash functions?  I'm trying send the output of xargs to a function, but it's not working17:23
vibhav<abhishek> I can help17:23
eiriksvinim just gonna use classic mode, no need to revert back:)17:23
MnCCcablop, i can use compiz .. with the --replace option .. but how do i make that stick permanently ?17:23
JoshDreamlandWhoever thought this panel to the side with six programs in it was useful was obviously a mac user17:23
cablopmikebeecham: then select the one you want to enable and click on the activate button, it will disable the free one and enable the restricted driver17:23
aetariccablop, accept the is no check box in that17:23
NyvenZAok, I uninstalled UNITY, I uninstalled ALL the NVIDIA drivers, I then downloaded the latest NVDIA drivers from NVIDIA direclty. I rebooted and lightDM comes up. I can login, bit only the icons on the desktop are displayed, i can't interactect with them or do anyting else. No window manger loads...17:23
eiriksvinNatty classic mode is clean as a whistle17:23
TheHackOpshow do i pm someone in irc again i forgot17:23
aetariccablop, and it doesn't enable it17:23
dotlegendi am trying to copy data from a home folder (suse os) how can i properly take ownership and copy data to new external drive??17:23
arandaperson: Full command and desired outcome? (pastebin if necessary)17:23
cablopno checkbox, sorry, was confused17:23
NyvenZAIt looks like the Xorg is the problem not unity17:23
gartralWLU: have you tryed switching VTs>X with alt-f6/alt-f7?17:23
TheHackOpshow do i pm someone in irc again i forgot17:23
cablopafaik, if you use nvidia you will have a long way to go17:24
mikebeechamcablop: Yes, normally this would be the case, but I've downloaded, installed and booted usinf the nvidia drivers, but I am being told they are activated, but not in use!!17:24
gartralTheHackOps: /msg nick words17:24
JoshDreamlandhow can I trade unity back for GNOME?17:24
cablopfor 10.04 and 10.10 you need to delete nuveau drivers first, then install the nvidia ones17:24
ScottONanskiI'm using Unity with the Nvidia proprietary 270. drivers.17:24
MnCCanyone know how i can make the compiz --replace permanent ?17:24
TheHackOpsnono start a private chat17:24
ScottONanskiWorks great.17:24
mikebeechamcablop: no you dont!17:24
dotlegend<JoshDreamland>logout and choose gnome old17:24
JoshDreamlandthanks, dotlegend17:24
* aetaric wonders if hacking up some x11 will solve his issues17:24
gartralJoshDreamland: logout, select name, theres a little dropdown that should read "ubuntu" change it too "ubuntu classic"17:24
greylurkHow do I install Oracle Java?17:24
arandTheHackOps: You should avoid /msg ing people in this chat anyways.17:25
eiriksvin<JoshDreamland> go to ur login screen, at the bottom choose Classic Mode as ur session17:25
xangua!java | greylurk17:25
ubottugreylurk: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:25
cablopMnCC not sure, but try installing the CompizFusionIcon, and change settings from there, it'll change the settings for you17:25
eiriksvindoh, he beat me to it17:25
TheHackOpsarand, going to help the people i know a solution to bcz its busy hour at the moment17:25
mvdirI am getting the following error trying to install from a ppa in ec2: "Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:"17:25
rauchyHey guys. If I've been running 11.04 beta, and ran 'apt-get upgrade', am I actually running the release?17:25
MnCCcablop, im on it =)17:25
arandTheHackOps: Then please do so in this channel so that everyone can chip in.17:25
greylurkOracle java isn't showing up in Natty though.17:25
cablopmikebeecham: i did that in 10.10 to enable the nvidia drivers, i removed many nouveau content17:25
abhishekhello vibhav are u there17:26
xangua because ppa.launchpad.net:http: is not a ppa raunchy17:26
gartralrauchy: yes! welcome too the stable17:26
eiriksvinand he even had it "right" it is called Ubuntu Classic17:26
TheHackOpsits hard to see whats going on the chat is running so fast17:26
WLUgartal: No I have not what does this do?17:26
TheHackOpsbut ok what ever17:26
cablopbecause a broken reference in somepackage makes nouveau lanch and then you cannot use the nvidia drivers17:26
JoshDreamlandI feel so invaded ;_;17:26
xangua!enter | TheHackOps and please don't make it worse ;)17:26
ubottuTheHackOps and please don't make it worse ;): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:26
arandTheHackOps: Unless you ask and they confirm that you want a pm, of course.17:26
* NyvenZA is ready to start sobbing17:26
gartralTheHackOps: ues /lastlog TheHackOps17:26
rauchygartral: thanks. but I didn't get any "Newer version of Ubuntu" notification, which I'm used to from previous releases.17:26
cablopgreylurk, enable all repos, then try again17:26
TheHackOpsI have a solution to the nvidia, go to there website and download the linux drivers they work fine17:26
vibhav<abhishek> Yes iam there17:26
arnabhi - my ubuntu doesn't show any higher resolution than 1024x768 - i am running ubuntu in virtualbox. can i get a better resolution?17:26
gartralrauchy: yea, the put those on the chopping block17:27
* vibhav is ready to help17:27
NyvenZATheHackOps: I just tried it and it doesn't work for me17:27
MnCCbtw .. my update to 11.04 wrecked: fingerprint reader, compiz, virtualbox, xbmc, shutdown/reboot from gui  .. lots of work todo17:27
abhishekso, plz help me about upgrade17:27
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, Error?17:27
ScottONanskiTheHackOps: That's what I'm using. Downloaded, and installed them this morning.17:27
* eiriksvin says brb got a turtle head poking out... :D17:27
cablopTheHackOps: yes, that solves the nvidia thing, but with a cost, each time you upgrade your kernel they recomplie something and your old kernels won't work for gui17:27
CQarnab- my ubuntu guests resize as I resize the window, with the guest additions isntalled17:27
rauchygartral: ok, off I go to enjoy my new 11.04 :-D17:27
rauchygartral: thanks17:27
NyvenZATheHackOps: nope, no errors that is why I am ready to cry17:27
JoshDreamlandMy God, even the scroll bars are unusable17:27
NyvenZAI can login17:27
vibhavabhishek you want to upgrade to 11.04 or 10.10?17:27
ScottONanskiDidn't even remove the old drivers. lol17:27
arnabgod.. you're right CQ! thanks17:27
JoshDreamlandHow do I get my old scroll bars back?17:28
NyvenZAI selected classic, noeffects , safemode17:28
NyvenZAall of them17:28
NyvenZAI get to the desktop17:28
NyvenZAthe icons are there17:28
JoshDreamlandYou know, the ones that did more than just indicate where I am17:28
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, What problems is it causing, cablop, thats what happens when the kernal updates all the time...17:28
NyvenZABut I can't interact with the desktop17:28
gartralMnCC: the virtualbox ptoblem is probably because the kernel drivers didn't get recompiled..17:28
arnabso is there any way to get the classic menus back?17:28
mikebeechamHi...can anyone advise on why 11.04 proprietary drivers are "activate, but not in use"?17:28
cablopfor everyone, i suggest you to install the classic gnome desktop, then tweak it until compiz and drivers are working properly17:28
lgp171188Hi, I am using Natty. I find that even when I am connected to the internet, my me menu status set to available, still there is no textbox in the me menu to post. What is the issue?17:28
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cablopthen move to unity and make it works17:29
dotlegendi am trying to copy data from a home folder (suse os) how can i properly take ownership and copy data to new external drive??17:29
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, Does not sound like a display driver issue, did you update the kernel or something?17:29
JoshDreamlandNow the thing died. I'm so angry about this new release, I could kill someone. Or go write an angry blog.17:29
ScottONanskimikebeecham: Download and install the proprietaries from Nvidia's site.17:29
ScottONanskiThey work much better.17:29
TheHackOpsScottONanski, he did17:29
CQarnab: log out, and then after you select yout username onteh login page, look atht e bottom of the screen and select ubuntu classic17:29
zomborhello, im trying to install ubuntu, and i get the bootloader, but when i select "install" i just get a blank screen. im trying to install it on an intel i3 H61 machine, anyone know how to get it to work?17:29
cablopNyvenza do that, move to classic gnome and deal with it until compiz works17:29
xangualgp171188: did you add a twitter account to gwibber¿¿17:29
NyvenZATheHackOps: ok, I tried to update the vboxdrv earlier and it comaplined that the worng version of the header files are installed17:29
MnCCgartral, in my case i had no source/headers/generic files .. after downloading i was able to recompile17:29
xanguai think gwibber now uses lens, not sure lgp17118817:29
cablopNyvenza not all headers are installed by default17:30
lgp171188xangua: Yes. I have twitter, facebook and identi.ca accounts added. In fact I get notifications for all those accounts17:30
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, Ok, then did it crash after that17:30
TheHackOpsor stop working17:30
JoshDreamlandI can't scroll. I can't see where my cursor is. This release is fucking drowning. Good bye.17:30
aetaricso i need to uninstall the opensource nvidia drivers?17:30
NyvenZAcablop: how do I change to the classic gnom?17:30
mikebeechamScottONanski: are they different from the one that came with 11.04?  And is that an easy install?17:30
floop_hi all17:30
cablopaetaric i suggest you to install the proprietary ones17:30
NyvenZATheHackOps: I have had no craches17:30
ScottONanskiYes, mike.17:30
TheHackOpsWho the hell idea was unity anyway, its a bad idea17:30
aetariccablop, they already are17:30
ScottONanskimike. pm me. and bring a pen.17:31
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, I mean is that when it stoped working17:31
cablopNyvenza afaik sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop17:31
mikebeechamScottONanski: will do"17:31
NyvenZAI just can't believe that they relieased it with so many issues17:31
abhishekhello  vaibhav17:31
arandzombor: If you press F6 and remove "quiet splash" from the boot line, does it display any instersting errors?17:31
NyvenZAXorg and Virtual box stoped workign uppon upgrading to 11.0417:31
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, Im confused are you on clasic or unity17:31
arandzombor: Alternatively, does the alternate install CD work better?17:31
NyvenZAcurrently on the default unity17:31
cablopthe best time was when they launched 6.06, they do a good work to release something with no errors17:31
NyvenZATheHackOps: want to try and go back to classic now17:32
TheHackOpstry what cablop said17:32
NyvenZAto see if that works17:32
zomborarand: let me try your first suggestion17:32
zomborarand: i havent tried the alternate install17:32
spungoNyvenZA: got the latest vbox?17:32
cablopafter that ubuntu seems to be, try, and deal with it until you got used to what WE believe it is good for you17:32
TheHackOpsNyvenZA, sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop17:32
DasEiNyvenZA: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27668927/gnome17:32
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: don't use it then17:32
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, What?17:32
spungoNyvenZA: 4.0.6 iirc17:32
nit-witcomplain somewhere else please17:32
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: you can use classic desktop if you dislike unity17:32
gartralTheHackOps: unity is... "fun" <grumble>17:32
floop_nvidia drivers on ion2 not working :( Asus vx617:33
zomborarand: without quiet boot, a bunch of stuff scrolls by, then i get a blank screen17:33
NyvenZADasEi: what was that ?17:33
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Im not using it, i just love to help out the community and this seems to be the biggest problem among new people17:33
cablopbut, besides ranting, my suggestion is this to solve all unity and nvidia and compiz issues17:33
ActionParsnipfloop_: install nvidia-current and reboot, failing that, install nvidia-173    and reboot17:33
TheHackOpsand old timers aswell17:33
eiriksvinbrb restarting17:33
NyvenZAspungo: I am rebooting system all the time can't use something else right now17:33
Kevin147I upgraded yesterday, and now my desktop is saying the following: "Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions."17:33
DasEiNyvenZA: a link on howto switch back to gnome17:33
MnCCcompiz-fusion didnt do the trick ..17:33
xineleh my dad seems to like unity, and if ubuntu wants more desktop users i think it was a good move imo17:33
NyvenZAcablop: I get  "e: unable to locate package gnome-desktop"17:33
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: I don't see an issue personally17:33
TheHackOpsMnCC, Problem?17:34
cablopinstall the classic gnome, you already know it, then configure compiz, drivers and so on until they work, then when everything is working fine move to unity17:34
YounderHmm seems  the video controller and PCI controller both use irq 16 no wonder it fails.. (11.04 failed to start window manager correctly, nvidea card seemed the culprit)17:34
NyvenZADasEi: what format is it. the file name was just gnome17:34
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Where not meant to talk about that in here, it hogs the channel17:34
jaymeskellerHi, I have a problem with g15daemon under 11.04. When I attempt to start it up, it hangs, telling me that it couldn't find "/dev/input/uinput". I have attempted to use "/dev/uinput/", but it hangs. Any ideas, or just file a big report?17:34
feisarman... I'm having no luck with 11.04, the upgrade screwed up my system and now a fresh install is stuck in an error loop17:34
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: mind you, I use a lot of LXDE these days17:34
MnCCTheHackOps, yeah .. cant get compiz to work17:34
DasEiNyvenZA: ic, second, changing it17:34
TheHackOpsMnCC, Specificaly what won't work17:34
NyvenZAActionParsnip: the 173 nvidia had the exact same results17:34
tarunnoHello guys17:34
arandzombor: Hmm, I guess the kernel work, but possibly it stumbles when it initialises video drivers or something, I don't know then I'm afraid, you may want to try the alternate install CD, or look up your particular computer model and video card model and see if there are known issues there..17:34
BinaryManfeisar: better luck than me. i can't get a livecd environment from the burned iso.17:34
tarunnohappy release to all17:34
tarunnoI have a question17:35
cablopgive me a second about enabling the old gnome desktop17:35
TheHackOpsMnCC, Or just compiz won't work at all17:35
DasEiNyvenZA: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27668927/gnome.txt17:35
apersonarand⍈ sorry, rsibreak made me take a break: http://pastie.org/184778517:35
feisarBinaryMan: that's not good to hear17:35
MnCCTheHackOps, it doesnt work17:35
zomborarand: im just using the built in video of the processor17:35
tarunnoI read the Cannonicals official blog earlier17:35
Kevin147Can anyone help me?17:35
TheHackOpsMnCC, 11.04 i assume?17:35
TheHackOpsKevin147, Shoot17:35
apersonarand⍈ that's an example, though what xargs is doing doesn't matter too much, it's the fact that it's not recognizing the function17:35
DasEi!details | Kevin14717:35
ubottuKevin147: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:35
tarunnothey said there won't be any netbook version in 11.0417:35
Kevin147I did already....:17:35
Kevin147I upgraded yesterday, and now my desktop is saying the following: "Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions."17:36
tarunnobut I can see a torrent file for 11.04 in Ubuntu site17:36
MnCCTheHackOps, yeah .. when i use --replace the window manager .. voila .. but dont know how to make that stick permanently17:36
tarunnowhy is that?17:36
NyvenZADasEi: I can't get into the GUI,  I installed LightDM and on the login screen I see the option for classic. It goed the same problem17:36
ActionParsniptarunno: i don't see how the two are linked17:36
TheHackOpsMnCC, how are you making changes17:36
abhishekhello dear any one help me to upgarde my ubntu 10.10 in 11.0417:37
tarunnoActionParsnip, which two?17:37
apersonarand⍈ I'd guess it's because xargs uses a separate shell?17:37
TheHackOpsMnCC, For compiz i use ccsm (found in software center) then open term and type sudo ccsm17:37
ActionParsnip!upgrade | abhishek17:37
ubottuabhishek: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:37
DasEiNyvenZA: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm && sudo service gdm start17:37
SpaceBasshas anyone tried to compile x264 on 11.04? keeps failing on my server install17:37
TheHackOpsMnCC, sudoer seems to work17:37
ActionParsniptarunno: the lack of netbook and the torrent you can download ubuntu with17:37
cablopto open the classic gnome i think this wpuld be the guide http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-04-natty-login-to-classic-gnome-2-desktop17:37
dd214anyone use a CAC?17:37
MnCCTheHackOps, used compiz settings manager17:37
aperson!anyone | dd21417:37
ubottudd214: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:37
ActionParsnipdd214: what is CAC?17:37
gartraldd214: CAC?17:37
dd214Having trouble finding my CAC reader17:37
charlie_hi, i have a question about xubuntu, an easy one i guess.17:38
aperson!ask charlie_17:38
gartralcharlie_: then ask!17:38
maximmanyone get unity running on two monitors ?17:38
cablopin fact i tried unity in 10.10 and classic gnome, and, classic gnome saves the more space for you on a netbook screen, unity waste space.... ironically (at least in 10.10)17:38
TheHackOpsMnCC, go into terminal and type sudo ccsm17:38
aperson!ask | charlie_17:38
ubottucharlie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:38
dd214ActionParsnip, CAC = Common Access Card17:38
NyvenZAsomething happend17:38
NyvenZAI used unity --replace17:38
DasEiNyvenZA: so ?17:38
TheHackOpsMnCC, go into terminal and type sudo ccsm17:39
charlie_i just installes xubuntu 11.04 everything ok but xubuntu automatically mounts my windows volume on my desk17:39
NyvenZAgave a lot of test on the screen and the X start didn't work17:39
arandaperson: Hmm...17:39
NyvenZAI CTRL + C the unity--replace17:39
MnCCTheHackOps, no go =(17:39
NyvenZAand then when I went back to X17:39
TheHackOpsthere should be a huge WARNING DO NOT UPGRADE17:39
NyvenZAthe icons I clicked on had opned apps17:39
TheHackOpsMay cause loss of sleep17:39
tarunnoActionParsnip, in this page it shows a torrent file for downloading "ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso" http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download17:39
apersonarand⍈ got a better way I can read lines from a file and run that function per line?17:39
NyvenZAand I can iinteract witht he icons on the desktop now17:39
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: ccsm with sudo isn't a good idea17:39
tarunnoActionParsnip, which seems like a deadlink17:39
cablopNyvenza check this one http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-04-natty-login-to-classic-gnome-2-desktop17:40
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Fixed my flash Uber lag17:40
ActionParsniptarunno: I always use: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/17:40
DasEi!yay | NyvenZA:17:40
ubottuNyvenZA:: Glad you made it! :-)17:40
timrcanyone with a tp experiencing weirdness with the battery indicator?  the indicator reports the correct time remaining but shows the battery as a red outline (which I thought was to indicate power is getting low)17:40
jaymeskellerHi, I'm having problems with g5daemon under 11.04. It hangs with the error "/dev/input/uinput cannot be found". I tried to fix it by changing the setting to "/dev/uinput" but no go. Any ideas?17:40
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: sudo isn't to be used with GUI apps, use gksudo17:40
TheHackOpsIf you know what your doing its a rly good idea17:40
timrcer forgot to mention I'm running 11.0417:40
Maceranybody know where i can find ubuntu documentation on setting up coda?17:40
einseenaiguys, if i upgrade to 11.04, will it brake my classic gnome?17:40
NyvenZAI don't currently have a window manger running but i can now atleast interact17:40
dd214I'm slowly going through dmesg to find CAC, but no luck17:40
cablopeinseenai, afaik... yes17:40
tarunnoActionParsnip, I use the mirror hosted in my country17:40
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: sudo will run it as root, which won't change the users settings, it will change root17:40
DasEiMacer: look in the forum17:40
cuppsyOn a fresh install of 11.04, Empathy disconnects from Windows Live every hour or so when inactive. Anyone have any idea why that would happen?17:40
Kevin147alright what ever, no one is gonna help me -_- thanks anyway17:40
Dr_Willisjaymeskeller:  i noticed some of my USB  devices not working/seen untill i unplug/plug them back in. :(17:40
NyvenZAok,so now it is not a driver issue anymore, but it looks like an unity issue17:40
MacerDasEi: tried. dont see much17:40
NyvenZAgnome here i come17:40
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Well you learn something new every day17:40
Maceri was hoping for a wiki17:41
ActionParsniptarunno: I use torrents, much faster and allows you to give back to the community17:41
arandaperson: I think the end result of that is «« scmd say bash -c "screen -p 0 -S minecraft -X eval 'stuff \"$*\"\015'" »» Which I guess is not what you are after really?17:41
aperson!patience | Kevin`17:41
ubottuKevin`: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:41
charlie_i dont want xubuntu to put windows volumes on my desk at startup. How can i fix it?17:41
timrceinseenai, you should be able to select "classic mode" when you login17:41
apersonarand⍈ it is, I'm sure of that17:41
MnCCTheHackOps, tried gksu .. but still no luck ..17:41
einseenaicablop, thx17:41
DasEiMacer: I don't have experience with it, also #ubuntu-server or #httpd might be places to ask17:41
TheHackOpsMnCC, Wierd with gksudo mine got reset and won't stick anymore lulz17:41
apersonarand⍈ that function is just a base for a bunch of other commands, it works fine17:41
Dr_Willischarlie_:  i think thats handled by the xubuntus file manager.   But it may be an all or nothing 'show icons of not' setting.  theres #xubuntu you can ask17:42
Macerfor coda? :)17:42
DasEiMacer: server-related channel17:42
A_JHey all, i want to Upgrade to Natty, i have a question : I have a Hard copy of Ubuntu:Linux 10.04 LTS Version, will I be able to reffer it, cause it's brand new. and i could not find any books on 10.10, so i presume i won't find anything on natty17:42
cablopeinseenai recommendation was for me to wait at least one month before tryin to upgrade17:42
arandaperson: I guess you could just use "for i in file.list; do somethingwith "$i"; done"17:42
Maceri guess coda would be a good fs to use for httpd17:42
Asad2005alltray doesnot work with firefox in natty any help ?17:42
NyvenZAcablop: I don't have menus to click on, this doesn't really help17:42
Macerok thx17:42
TheHackOpsI got a problem i need help with while im here, Anyone know about fixing the epic fullscreen lag with flash17:42
JonMarkGoHi all, I was upgrading to 11.04 and it asked me to reboot to complete the update. I rebooted and now I get "Kernel panic - Unable to mount root fs"17:42
Dr_WillisAsad2005:  the icontray thing i think has basically been removed.. i dont think alltray would work at all17:42
cablopNyvenza, they replaced the menu for a button with all on it17:43
wadYay, I got my 11.4 installed and running! Using it now. But.... where is the SYSTEM | PREFERENCES menu?17:43
MnCCTheHackOps, going for a reboot17:43
charlie_join #xubuntu17:43
cablopcheck the guide i gave you to get the old menus back17:43
ChogyDan1mikebeecham: even though I have the same issue as you, glxgears works.  So I think my card is working  *shrug*17:43
TheHackOpsMnCC, Go for it17:43
cablopNyvenZA: check the guide i gave you to get the old menus back17:43
tarunnoActionParsnip, I download the ISO from mirror and then share that in our local tracker to BitTorrent it ;)17:43
Dr_Williswad under the power button at top right.. for some reason17:43
wadDr_Willis, There they are, thanks!17:43
NyvenZAcablop: I tried it, I can't get the classic to display on login17:43
MnCCTheHackOps, prob. wont do shit in my experience with ubuntu.. but it seems to help with windows17:43
einseenaitimrc, thx, i know, but is this classic mode the same that gnome in 10.10?17:43
Asad2005Dr_Willis: but it is already working with other apps i tried it with calculator app ok17:43
ActionParsniptarunno: same sort of deal17:43
Dr_WillisIm still not sure of the logic of putting that menu item under the Power button..17:43
cablopok, then let me check it NyvenZA17:43
A_Jany1 ?17:43
ActionParsniptarunno: using torrents in the first instance means less faff17:44
ChilaquilesHey, Does someone knows how to make the bar appear on the bottom of nautilus? it doesn't appear anymore, Im talking about the bar where the arrow to go back and the other arrow appear17:44
A_JHey all, i want to Upgrade to Natty, i have a question : I have a  Hard copy of Ubuntu:Linux 10.04 LTS Version, will I be able to  reffer it, cause it's brand new. and i could not find any books on  10.10, so i presume i won't find anything on natty17:44
DasEi!ask | A_J17:44
ubottuA_J: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:44
Asad2005i am in classic not unity17:44
apersonarand⍈ I suppose, I was trying to avoid cat'ing the file :)17:44
cablopNyvenZA: it should be there, in the login called ubuntu classic17:44
ChilaquilesHey, Does someone knows how to make the bar appear on the bottom of the file,edit,view appear in nautilus? it doesn't appear anymore, Im talking about the bar where the arrow to go back and the other arrow appear17:44
A_JDasEi: check now ?17:44
rcmaehlAfter about 3 clean reinstalls of 11.04 and hundreds of updates it appears MOST of the bugs are out of 11.0417:44
einseenaicablop, thx a lot -)17:44
arandaperson: Hmm, with the one you used, you may want to enclose the bash string in $() to extract the result of running that command17:44
apersonarand⍈ yep, I know ;) thanks17:45
NyvenZAcablop:  the option is there. i select it, i login and then i get stuck17:45
NyvenZAI can't interact with the desktop17:45
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Does your flash lag in fullscreen on things like youtube17:45
DasEi A_J: you can use the updatemanager, and won't need lucid's cd then, just internet17:45
asddfsasdhello, if i upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10 will i lose my software, will it become incompatible?17:45
ActionParsniprcmaehl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+bugs  says 329 bugs in Natty17:45
asddfsasdi already see bookmarks and data will remain but what about software?17:45
SkeiSilly question, but, is there some equivalent of the Device Manager ? I'm not sure my second video card is being detected and failing, or not being detected at all.17:45
TheHackOpsasddfsasd, Don't do it17:45
rcmaehlActionParsnip: cimpare that to ysterday17:45
MnCCTheHackOps, well that didnt do shit ..17:45
mateoburHello all17:46
TheHackOpsasddfsasd, If you had to ask that the problems will become endless17:46
A_Jumm, DasEi u got it wrong17:46
mateoburI'm having a lot of problems with the repositories in 11.0417:46
DasEi A_J: rephrase please17:46
asddfsasdwhy? TheHackOps i didn't get your answer :s17:46
mateobura lot of indexes aren't found, so a lot of packages are not present17:46
A_JDasEi: i wanted to know if i can use a 10.04 LT Book for refrence to Natty17:46
cablopok Nyvenza, but you are in the classic gnome, the one you know and you can fix it, then, try alt+f1 to reach the menu, or alt+f2 to run apps and run ccsm17:46
DasEimateobur: use synaptics to find best mirror17:46
mateoburi.e. Err http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main amd64 Packages17:46
mateobur  404  Not Found17:46
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: its fine here on my Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS  as well as my desktop system on Nvidia 6150 onboard17:46
TheHackOpsasddfsasd, Beacuse it really buggy and if you don't know about ubuntu that mich don't try it yet17:46
mah454Hello ...17:47
cablopNyvenZA: alternatively you can install compiz fusion icon to select default windows manager and so on17:47
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Im plauged then17:47
mah454I downloaded ubuntu-11.0417:47
kcin1 is there skype for arm?17:47
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: are you running 64bit OS?17:47
A_J!ask mah45417:47
TheHackOpskcin1, arm?17:47
mah454why ubuntu switch to ubity desktop ?17:47
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Yea17:47
ActionParsnipmah454: you can use classic desktop if you wish17:47
* rcmaehl has about 300-ish shortcut keys to remap17:47
asddfsasdTheHackOps, ah i see then well thanks for te answer17:47
DasEi A_J: ah, yes quite far, but natty comes with unity and some software is gone btw. changed, but that's still a good refrence, why not stay on lucid ?17:47
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: tried 64bit flash?17:47
A_J!ask | mah45417:47
ubottumah454: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:47
cannonballQuick question, is there an easy during the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 to keep Gnome instead of being switched to Unity?  Or is that just a decision that's made for you?17:47
NyvenZAok, once, I get unity killed off , i can interact with the desktop17:47
A_JDasEi: well ?17:47
ActionParsnipkcin1: check on the skype site17:48
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, yea i used a script to get that sandbox thing or whatver it is17:48
rcmaehlcannonball: gnome is still there i think17:48
NyromithHello. I didn't like unity and want to migrate to xubuntu (several computers). Is there a possibility that Canonical will drop the support for xubuntu because it's not popular?17:48
TheHackOpsthe beta 3 .so plugin17:48
cablopcannonball, before login reselect ubuntu classic in login menu17:48
TheHackOpsfor firefox17:48
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: there is a ppa with 64bit flash on the omgubuntu site17:48
abhishekcan i restore my ubuntu in previous day17:48
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, How well does it work?17:48
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: its the smae file for ALL browsers, not just firefox17:48
ChilaquilesHey, Does someone knows how to make the bar appear on the bottom of the file,edit,view appear in nautilus? it doesn't appear anymore, Im talking about the bar where the arrow to go back and the other arrow appear17:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: works fine here17:48
cannonballcablop: you're talking about after a successful upgrade. That sounds easy enough, thanks.17:48
kcin1ActionParsnip:only i386 6417:48
DasEiNyromith: not planned, netbook will disappear17:48
A_JHey all, i want to Upgrade to Natty, i have a question : I have a  Hard copy of Ubuntu:Linux 10.04 LTS Version, will I be able to  reffer it, cause it's brand new. and i could not find any books on  10.10, so i presume i won't find anything on natty17:48
ActionParsnipkcin1: then no, its only for those17:49
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, brb ill try it now17:49
mah454ubottu where i can ask question for this ?17:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:49
cablopnetbook are not going to dissapear17:49
ActionParsnipkcin1: skype is proprietary so you will only get it if skype make it17:49
A_JActionParsnip: please have a ;ppl17:49
dotlegendi am trying to copy data from a home folder (suse os) how can i properly take ownership and copy data to new external drive??17:49
kcin1ActionParsnip: but maemo has a package17:49
ActionParsnipkcin1: then try using it in some way17:49
JotHi! I have experienced very annoying problem. Ubuntu 11.04 does not recognize my monitor. As result, I can't set proper resolution and refresh rate -.- I have tried everything I found on Internet. I'm not gonna give up but it's second day since I have been using new ubuntu and still I can't set basic things.17:49
eigbaHello all17:49
damicitacan natty 32 vercion be install on a 64 bit computer ?17:49
maximmanyone able to get unity to run on two monitors ?17:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
A_JActionParsnip: please have a look at my question17:49
rcmaehlJot: have you tried xrandr17:49
dryicebombdamicita: yes17:50
ActionParsnipA_J: what does "reffer" mean?17:50
JotI'm not sure17:50
XylchI have ubuntu installed on half of my hard drive, the other half is a blank partition. I wanna know if it's possible to install a fresh copy of 11.04 onto my my blank partition from within ubuntu (My CD Drive is broken and my laptop doesn't support USB boot).17:50
Dr_Willismaximm:  i keep hearing it has issues..17:50
rcmaehlJot: open terminal sudo xrandr 00auto17:50
cablopNyromith: afaik xubuntu didn't have the support that gnome orkade had, so... i suggest you to use classic ubuntu instead, it is gnome, but gnome works so nice in a netbook17:50
chadican I enable multitouch in natty on the classic theme?17:50
rcmaehlJot: open terminal sudo xrandr --auto17:50
A_Jrefer*, typo17:50
damicitaok thank you17:50
wadhmmm... went to the compiz preferences, and enabled the desktop cube, and enabled OpenGL, and then all the window borders vanished. I can't move windows around anymore.... ideas?17:50
kcin1ActionParsnip:thanks,i just thought there would be a package on ubuntu ports17:50
calrikmaximm: I have but its not that great17:50
cablopNyromith: well at least in Atom netbooks, dunno in arm or eee17:50
rcmaehlwad: it disabled the unity plugin17:50
Dr_WillisNyromith:  it seems Lubuntu just 11.04 got released also. It works niocely on netbooks as well.17:50
ActionParsnipA_J: you can boot to it to help fix things, if thats what you mean....17:51
eigbaHow is everyone liking unity? I like the overal layout however it's going to take a lot of modifying for me17:51
maximmnot liking it much17:51
wadrcmaehl, ah, thanks. I reenabled it... still now window happiness.17:51
mateoburcould someone please share a working sources.list for 11.04 with me using pastebin?17:51
chadieigba: I don't like it, going back to classic17:51
ActionParsnipeigba: its ok17:51
eigbaI perfoer gnome 3 for sure17:51
rcmaehlwad: restart x17:51
A_JActionParsnip: i'm, basically using the book to learn funtions of ubuntu, so incase i upgrade.. will that become obsolete17:51
DasEiActionParsnip: the question was if a lucid manaual will still fit for natty, I already answered it17:51
wadrcmaehl, okay, thanks!17:51
calrikit sucks for multiple monitors17:51
maximmyeah i need to switch to gnome 317:51
DasEi A_J: ah, yes quite far, but natty comes with unity and some software is gone btw. changed, but that's still a good refrence, why not stay on lucid ?17:52
Atluxityeigba, I like it. Especially when I read myself up on the hotkeys17:52
A_JDasEi: what about CLI ?17:52
ActionParsnipDasEi: oh i see17:52
A_JDasEi: is that the same17:52
ActionParsnipA_J: they will be pretty much the same17:52
craigbass1976Anyone know how to shrink the size of thunderbird's font in the thread (I think that's what it's called) pane?  I can shrink it in the actual messages, but not there or in the mail folders pane17:52
calriksingle monitor it isnt bad17:52
rcmaehleigba: it's ok but I recommend setting the unity shortcut key to ctrl+super17:52
rcmaehlinstead of just super17:52
cablopNyromith: I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Compaq Mini netbook with compiz enabled and classic interface, able o launch a Virtualbox with Windows XP on it and using the whole hard drive encrypted, performance is nice17:52
apersonarand⍈ hmm.. if I $(cat $SPATH/motd) it runs on every word of the file, but if I quote it "$(cat $SPATH/motd)" it only runs on the first line17:52
eigbaIm defantly having fun tinkering with it, Not sure if its something im gonna keep though17:52
Jotrcmaehl: I typed your cmd in terminal and now it's spammed with things like -display -help -o etc17:53
A_Jok thankyou DasEi and ActionParsnip , one last thing is the updater stable, or is they needed to take a back-up..17:53
DasEi A_J: yes, basically, as said some soft has changed, for info look up chanelog natty, there is a bunch on the net, or simply stay with lucid and test natty in a vm for now17:53
rcmaehlJot: a gui terminal or a tty terminal?17:53
Jotgui one17:53
ActionParsnipA_J: you should have a backup ANYWAY17:53
Dr_Willisaperson:  bash is expanding the variables once vs twice i think17:53
ChilaquilesHey, Does someone knows how to make the bar appear on the bottom of the file,edit,view appear in nautilus? it doesn't appear anymore, Im talking about the bar where the arrow to go back and the other arrow appear17:53
rcmaehlJot: aare you sure you typed "sudo xrandr --auto"17:54
rcmaehlminus the quotes17:54
A_JActionParsnip: gonna be a tad difficult considering i have 3tb running.. anyway is it likeley to fail by personal experince ?17:54
eigbaI wonder if they plan on putting gnome 3 in the repos? probably not?17:54
robin0800Chilaquiles, its in the view menu17:54
DasEi A_J: hard to predict, some people have trouble, the majority obvoiusly not, or the channel would be overcrowded from it17:54
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/17:54
arandaperson: I'm not sure I know much more than you how to fix it at this point, I'm afraid..17:54
kcin1are there other repositories for ports apart from ports.ubuntu.com?17:54
NyvenZAwhat is the apt-get command to list for instance all the compiz packages that can be installed?17:54
cablopChilaquiles dunno, maybe we don't have that issue, anyway try looking in the menus to see if you disable it by mistake or something17:54
apersonDr_Willis⍈ hmm.. I just want to pass this function every line of this file as an argument17:54
Chilaquilesrobin0800: I don't see anything in the view menu17:54
apersonarand⍈ thanks for the help17:54
JotI would copy the text from terminal but it's impossible or I'm doing something terribly wrong17:54
xangua!gnome3 | eigba17:55
ubottueigba: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.17:55
A_Jok thankyou ActionParsnip  and DasEi, will try17:55
Jordan_Uaperson: You are misunderstanding. In the quoted case the entire file is being run as a sigle "command" (with no arguments, just treated as a file path)17:55
Chilaquilescablop: I already did17:55
DasEi A_J: ask if trouble17:55
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:55
rcmaehlUbuntu 11.04 definitely takes getting used to17:55
lgp171188Hi, I have gwibber accounts configured and working, memenu status is set to available but still there is no textbox to broadcast the status message. Any ways to get it working?17:55
hanazuki_how do i get raido tray working in ubuntu natty ?17:55
A_Jyes DasEi ty17:55
BrowserThe server natty are off?17:55
scorch2i am insatlling 11.04  it has gotten to generating grub.cfg and has stopped.  my cpu has been pegged about 10min.  any ideas?17:55
cablopChilaquiles: here it is called main toolbar, click it17:55
rcmaehlhanazuki_: radio tray?17:55
Sree_Hello all. Recent ubuntu user - a beginner here. I messed up installing Ubuntu on dell 610m laptop. The vista it came with it is gone and my wife wants it back with vista on it. Could somebody please help? I have the reinstallation DVD from Dell available...Thanks in advance17:55
cablopChilaquiles: View > Main Toolbar check it17:55
eigbaI think people comming from mac will enjoy 11.04 lol17:55
Jotrcmaehl: I typed 00 instead of ---17:55
Ahmucki need help with unity17:55
DasEiBrowser: natty is released, and can be d/l 'ed17:55
Chilaquilescablop: It's already checked17:56
rcmaehlJot: oh17:56
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, Downloading from the ppa since the deb package didn't work17:56
hanazuki_rcmaehl,  yes i upgraded from 10.10 to natty but now it wont start17:56
rcmaehlJot: its' only 2 -17:56
calrikI really dont like the fact cant right click desktop to enable better desktop effects any more17:56
robin0800Chilaquiles, its the location bar17:56
Ahmuckhow do you modify the top and side bar?17:56
Jotnow it says it failed to get size of gamma17:56
rcmaehlhanazuki_: was it removed in the update?17:56
A_JSree_: use a partion manager, wipe the HDD clean, considering you have no data, and then install Vista17:56
ActionParsnipA_J: what if a drive motor fails, where is your data?17:56
DasEi!download | Browser17:56
ubottuBrowser: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:56
Browserno DasEi17:56
A_JActionParsnip: good Point..17:56
cablopChilaquiles: try reloading window manager or logging off then in again... but it is a weird issue17:56
Chilaquilesrobin0800: They are all checked17:56
scorch2i am insatlling 11.04  it has gotten to generating grub.cfg and has stopped.  my cpu has been pegged about 10min.  any ideas?17:56
hanazuki_rcmaehl,  oehh i cant confirm that17:56
Ahmucki also need to change the resolution for the monitor, but can't find a resolution changer anywhere17:56
apersonJordan_U⍈  http://pastie.org/1847865 is the relevant parts of the script17:56
mastertogoin Unity, is it possible to mouse in to other workspaces? e.g. when the mouse touches a screen edge, move into the next workspace in that direction?17:56
eigbaNothing wrong with a new desktop enviroment comming out, however they should put gnome 3 on the repo also17:56
TheHackOpsA_J, in your head17:57
Chilaquilescablop: I restarted Ubuntu and it didin't work17:57
cablopand i agree17:57
A_JActionParsnip: i really don't understand how how to back up so much data, without going into Raid 017:57
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  under the 'power button' theres a menu item17:57
hanazuki_rcmaehl,  it says its installed17:57
arandSree_: For reinstalling windows, see ##windows, but it's presumably just a matter of booting the CD...17:57
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  dont ask me why they put it there.17:57
Chilaquilescablop: I even Reinstalled nautilus17:57
BrowserI cannot update the repository in Natty: I write: sudo apt-get update ...17:57
ActionParsnipA_J: you will be paying thosands for professional and non-garunteed data retrieval, contrast with a couple hundrd for some USB storages....17:57
Sree_A_J: Could you please help me on how to get the partition manager onto the machine with ubuntu?17:57
xgt001hey any1 getting good battery backup in natty?17:57
cablopMAc people would like new ubuntu's .... anyway mac users got used for OTHERS to decided what's the best for them17:57
robin0800Chilaquiles, try setting them off and then back on17:57
Ahmuckis there a way to make unity double wide?17:57
ActionParsnipA_J: raid 0 isn't needed, raid 0 gives spped, not capacity17:57
A_JSree_: have you installed ubuntu and it is working ?17:57
A_JActionParsnip: raid 1 my mistake17:57
ceoam have install wine and am need run ms office 200717:57
TheHackOpsSree_, Search gpart in the software center17:57
DasEiBrowser: ic, open synaptics, use find fastest server17:58
Goliathhey i just installed ubuntu. any must packages to get?17:58
Chilaquilesrobin0800: nothing...17:58
NugeIs it possible to force a recursive wget on a directory?17:58
ceoam have install wine and am need run ms office 2007  but have problem or error like this The file '/home/ceo/Desktop/Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise/setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit. can helpp17:58
A_JTheHackOps: he can't wipe his OS clean with that17:58
eigbaMaybe there will be a new forked named Gubuntu? with gnome? lol17:58
xgt001hey any1 getting good battery backup in natty17:58
DasEiBrowser: you can ping all repos under sources17:58
TheHackOpsA_J, Lies...17:58
mastertogoin Unity, is it possible to mouse in to other workspaces? e.g. when the mouse touches a screen edge, move into the next workspace in that direction?17:58
ActionParsnipA_J: I just found some 3Tb NAS for 120 GBP, pretty cheap. Is your data worth that?17:58
Dr_WillisGoliath:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-04/17:58
ceoActionParsnip, am have install wine and am need run ms office 2007  but have problem or error like this The file '/home/ceo/Desktop/Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise/setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit. can helpp17:58
cablopceo mark it as executable, via Nautilus or chmod17:58
scorch2i am installing 11.04  it has gotten to generating grub.cfg and down to found /boot/memtest.bin and has stopped.  my cpu has been pegged about 15min.  any ideas?17:58
predyceo openoffice is free17:58
TheHackOpsA_J, Jking17:58
bleachhi guys, I'm trying to record from my webcam using vlc. I managed to set up the video capture specifying the name of the device /dev/video1 but I'm not sure which is the name of the audio device, can anyone please help me get it?17:58
apersonmastertogo⍈ should be able to set it in ccsm17:58
Sree_A_J: Yes.17:58
TheHackOpsSree_, Boot into a live CD17:58
ActionParsnipceo: chmod +x home/ceo/Desktop/Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise/setup.exe; wine home/ceo/Desktop/Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise/setup.exe17:58
ceopredy, openoffice bad and not good17:58
robin0800Chilaquiles, then i am out of ideas then it works ok here17:59
Dr_Willisceo:  or do from command line 'wine /path/to/installer.exe'17:59
Chilaquilesrobin0800: the last thing I did was try to install nautilus Elementary but it didin't work17:59
BrowserDasEi: fail too17:59
mastertogoaperson, ccsm?17:59
Jordan_Uaperson: Why are you using bash -c instead of just running the command?17:59
GoliathDr_Willis: ty17:59
ActionParsnip!appdb | ceo may want to check compatibility too17:59
ubottuceo may want to check compatibility too: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:59
cablopceo, anyway, office 2007 will give you some trouble to run on wine, try a virtual machine instead17:59
eigbaIm comming from Arch linux, this channel moves fast lol17:59
Sree_I considered wiping the drive clean but did not know how to get it in ? as a package in itself ? via usb? Thanks again.17:59
ceooke thanks ActionParsnip and am will try you step Dr_Willis17:59
calrikoverall unity find for a netbook not great for a desktop17:59
apersonJordan_U⍈ it doesn't send the command to screen otherwise17:59
rcmaehlokay what to I add to grub.cfg to my tty terminals aren't like 50x20 charaters17:59
CQhello, virtualbox guestadditions want to have kernel headers... is there a generic package to insdtall to always have the headers installed?17:59
DasEiBrowser: what happens if you try ?17:59
robin0800Chilaquiles, thats probably whats broken it17:59
scorch2i am installing 11.04  it has gotten to generating grub.cfg and down to found /boot/memtest.bin and has stopped.  my cpu has been pegged about 15min.  any ideas?17:59
A_JActionParsnip: yes proably, but i need to expand again this week, and have 4 ITB internal Already17:59
A_Ji mean external17:59
yuskhanzabhow to undo the "complete panel lock" after update to natty narwhal? can someone help me here17:59
DasEi!headers | CQ17:59
mastertogothanks =)17:59
ubottuCQ: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages17:59
Sree_TheHackOps - okay...I will look for gpart.17:59
ActionParsnipceo: 2007 gets a platibum rating :)17:59
Chilaquilesrobin0800: you know any way to fix it?17:59
A_JSree_: U have the install iso for windows ?18:00
Chilaquilesrobin0800: do you know if is possible to delete it?18:00
rcmaehlit's like vga=7somehting18:00
arandeigba: That's why there's #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chat ;)18:00
Dr_Willisyuskhanzab:  not seen/heard of a way to unlock it.. yet.18:00
mikebeechamguys for some reason when I log in I do not see the unity desktop under "Ubuntu", but if I log in under "Classic" gnome appears18:00
ActionParsnipA_J: Well I warned you , I have my "I told you so" sign ready18:00
TheHackOpsSree_, Boot into a live CD, if you need to wipe your hard disk that is currently active18:00
scorch2i am installing 11.04  it has gotten to generating grub.cfg and down to found /boot/memtest.bin and has stopped.  my cpu has been pegged about 15min.  any ideas?18:00
Jordan_Uaperson: It seems like you're trying to work around problems rather than understand them.18:00
CQDasEi: I know that, my question was different: is there a GENERIC package to install to always get the headers instlled when a new kernel is installed?18:00
GoliathDr_Willis: how to update the system?18:00
KNUBBIGHey, I remember someone asked that already today but I didn't get the solution: When I click "Shutdown" in 11.04, it just simply logs me out instead of really shutting down, but "sudo shutdown -h now" works fine. Any ideas?18:00
cannonballscorch2: repeatedly asking the same question is not good.  If nobody answers, it likely means nobody knows.  I've never seen it, so I don't know either.18:00
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: if you don't have 3D accelleration, youo won't get Unity18:00
robin0800Chilaquiles,  install elementary properly then uninstall it18:00
cablopCQ check them manually in synaptic (if 11.04 still have it) it depends on your installed kernel and architecture, but you'll find it called linux-headers-XXXXXXX18:00
apersonJordan_U⍈ that's line is mostly pulled from an existing, well established script18:00
DasEiCQ: once you done it, next will be pulled as dependency, too, yes18:01
BrowserDasEi: E: encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/list/ es.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binariy-i386_Packages18:01
Chilaquilesrobin0800: I did like 20 times18:01
apersonJordan_U⍈ I didn't ask for help with the part that already works ;)18:01
TheHackOpsI hate flash18:01
A_JSree_: download and burn this on an CD18:01
TheHackOpsits so mean to me18:01
mikebeechamActionParsnip: how do I tell if 3D acceleration is activated?18:01
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: what video chip are you using?18:01
TheHackOpsA_J, is that the prebuilt ubcd18:01
Dr_WillisGoliath:  with the package manager tools.18:01
Dr_WillisGoliath:  or sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade18:01
yuskhanzabbefore this upgrade, im using ubuntu-tweak to lock and unlock the panel. now after i update the system, its been lock. how can i undo this back? if there a way can someone tell me..?18:01
robin0800Chilaquiles, where did you get elementary from?18:01
Chico1986hello everyone, having some issues with wireless on a macbook, could anyone help?18:01
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga18:01
cablopTheHackOps: install FlaskBlock for Firefox and for Chrome... i hate flash too xD\18:01
mikebeechamActionParsnip: sec..18:02
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, i think some ati radeion mobility18:02
acidflashhello everyone18:02
Chilaquilesrobin0800: from the repository18:02
A_JTheHackOps: no, it's an idependent bootable ISo18:02
DasEiBrowser: sudo apt-get clean && sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get update18:02
A_Jwith many tools18:02
TheHackOpsi don't know18:02
scorch2cannonball ok but what should i do?  interupt the install process and resart?18:02
ActionParsnipTheHackOps: if you are using the proprietary driver it should be ok18:02
acidflashi would like to have upstart launch a software called squid LAST in the order of things to launch18:02
TheHackOpsA_J, So it doesn't use windows like ubcd18:02
acidflashwhat is the way to do that18:02
robin0800Chilaquiles, think you need a ppa for natty18:02
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, You would think so....18:02
DasEiacidflash: put it in rc.local18:02
ChilaquilesI don't have natty18:02
MnCCwell compiz is broken as .... only logical option left was to remove it ..18:02
A_Jno, it's dosbanes TheHackOps18:02
ActionParsnipacidflash: remove squid from the startup apps and then add the command to run squid as you desire in /etc/rc.local18:03
A_Jdos Based*18:03
acidflashDasEi: it never gets to the line18:03
cannonballscorch2: any way to figure out what it's trying to do?  I know in CentOS you can switch terminals to a shell and look around and see processes and such.  I don't know how Ubuntu does it.  I'm not really an Ubuntu guy.18:03
mikebeechamActionParsnip: 01.00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 (GeForce 7600GT) (Rev a2)18:03
Dr_Willisacidflash:  check   the services /etc/init/WHATEVER.conf file and edit it perhaps.18:03
ceoActionParsnip, thanks you step work, am can isntalll the msoffice,. but whare / how to run ms word because wine no on linst application menu ?18:03
MnCCis there a way to revert back to gnome ?18:03
DasEiacidflash: btw can also set squid to start in daemon-mode18:03
A_Ji use Hiren's Boot CD TheHackOps but is not scritly legal18:03
Dr_WillisMnCC:  gnome classic is on the login/gdm screen as an option18:03
TrentonAdamshi guys.  How do I get rid of unity in ubuntu 11.04?18:03
jiltdilwhich is best software for desktop recorder available in  natty18:03
Ahmuckwhat options are there for the unity button menu?18:03
cablopTrentonAdams: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-04-natty-login-to-classic-gnome-2-desktop18:03
arandTrentonAdams: Login with classic session18:03
Ahmuckit's stacking icons.  is there a way to get two button menus18:03
DasEiTrentonAdams: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27668927/gnome.txt18:03
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  install ccsm and check out the unity plugin.18:03
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: ok under the system -> admin menu there is the hardware driver installer, tell it to install the nvidia driver and reboot, you'll have nice 3d accell and you'llbe able to boot to unity18:04
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  not seen that option18:04
MnCCDr_Willis, going for it =)18:04
TrentonAdamscablop: thanks18:04
mikebeechamAction, I dont see any menus18:04
mikebeechamI should do this from common?18:04
txomon!ask Andy8018:04
robin0800Chilaquiles, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/phew-nautilus-elementary-revived-in-time-for-ubuntu-natty/18:04
acidflashDr_Willis: there is no squid.conf in /etc/init...18:04
KNUBBIGHey, I remember someone asked that already today but I didn't get the solution: When I click "Shutdown" in 11.04, it just simply logs me out instead of really shutting down, but "sudo shutdown -h now" works fine. Any ideas?18:04
A_J!ask | Andy8018:04
ubottuAndy80: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:04
jiltdilbest s/w availabe for desktop recording available?18:04
mikebeechamI mean, classic ActionParsnip18:04
ceomikebeecham, see at out side18:04
mikebeechamceo: sorry?18:05
scorch2i am installing 11.04  it has gotten to generating grub.cfg and down to found /boot/memtest.bin and has stopped.  my cpu has been pegged about 15min.  any ideas?18:05
Andy80txomon, A_J what?! I just said hello :D18:05
Chilaquilesrobin0800: I don't have Natty18:05
DasEiBrowser: doing now ?18:05
txomonKNUBBIG, you have to press ALT (in gnome 3)18:05
Ahmuckwhy is the unity bar hiding to the side?18:05
sereneI've downloaded a NV driver from its website, ended with .run,  what should i do to run it?18:05
jaymeskellerHi, I have been looking for an answer to the g15 crash. It seems that uinput is missing from /dev. Any ways to fix it?18:05
cablopA_J he is saying hello, not asking to ask :P18:05
TheHackOpsActionParsnip, The wierdest thing is that HP Supports this laptop as an "Official Linux Laptop"18:05
TheHackOpsso all the drivers are made for it18:05
TheHackOpsfor ubuntu anyway18:05
Chilaquilesrobin0800: I have Maverick18:05
AugustuenIs there a way I can have FFmpeg not use as much CPU?18:05
KNUBBIGtxomon: I'm on unity18:05
Augustuenit's making my system overheat18:05
txomonAndy80, oki18:05
ceomikebeecham, oke thats fine18:05
Jordan_Uaperson: cat "$SPATH/motd" | while read line;18:05
txomonKNUBBIG, ah ok18:05
mikebeechamceo: I dont understand?18:05
A_Jlol Andy80, i just corrected txomon command, idk what happaned.. err Welcome \o/18:05
greylurkscorch2 what process is running?18:05
TheHackOpsthat was strange the chat just stopped18:05
DasEiAugustuen: you could alter it's nice18:05
BrowserDasEi: fail too, mmm i am going to remove the es.ubuntu....... repository18:06
DasEi!nice | Augustuen18:06
ubottuAugustuen: 'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.18:06
scorch2greylurk  what do you mean?  ps x returns a bunch18:06
ceomikebeecham, be understand oke... am will help you18:06
remlabmhas the 11.04 netbook been released yet?18:06
xgt001Augusten: same here18:06
KNUBBIGHey, I remember someone asked that already today but I didn't get the solution: When I click "Shutdown" in 11.04 + unity, it just simply logs me out instead of really shutting down, but "sudo shutdown -h now" works fine. Any ideas?18:06
A_JDasEi: any idea, what language ubottu is coded in18:06
mbeierlAugustuen: "nice" is a way to make programs yield the CPU to other programs ... to be "nice", but if there's nothing else going on, it will still use 100% cpu and make it hot18:06
cablopBrowser ubuntu 11.04? use main repos for a while until all repos are in sync, it will took a feww weeks or a month depending where you are18:06
mikebeechamceo: might be better if you dont help, your english is terrible18:06
mikebeechamI wouldn't understand you18:07
Jotis current unity still in beta? or is it intentional I can't type anything in firefox while running chatzilla? -.-18:07
KNUBBIGremlabm: no more difference between desktop and netbook afaik18:07
vibhav<remlabm> there is no 11.04 netbook english18:07
Dr_Willisremlabm:  yes i saw the torrents of it.. not sure how it differs from the desktop ed. now.18:07
TopRamen_EVOusr13 you there18:07
greylurkscorch2 try top... What is pegging your CPU?18:07
Pici!botclone | A_J18:07
ubottuA_J: ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)18:07
=== shaneo_ is now known as shaneo
Andy80a quick question: which package does contain the Natty's battery applet? I need to report a bug on it but I don't know package name....18:07
Dr_Willisanyone else notice theres a netbook and desktop torrent files. or are they the same iso now?18:07
bleachhi guys, I'm trying to record from my webcam using vlc. I managed to set up the video capture specifying the name of the device /dev/video1 but I'm not sure which is the name of the audio device, can anyone please help me get it?18:07
remlabmok thank you very much18:07
KNUBBIG!info supybot18:07
ceomikebeecham, oke, thats fine, what i can help you, and don be terreble18:07
A_Jdamn u have a command for that too ty Pici18:07
ubottusupybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB18:07
TrentonAdamsanyone know how to make the language selector icon show the country code like it used to?  When I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 it went away, and now I'm on 11.04 and it's still not there in gnome218:07
KNUBBIGso it's Python :D18:07
PiciDr_Willis: The netbook torrent is a broken link, I've reported a bug for it.18:07
vishAndy80: gnome-power-manager18:07
Dr_WillisPici:  so its Not supposed to be there i take it?18:08
PiciDr_Willis: Correct.18:08
GoliathDr_Willis: i get those errors from update http://pastebin.com/xPu1WKYv18:08
txomonKNUBBIG, pressing a button in gnome is not the same as putting a command in terminal (really yes, but it isn't managed in same way) shutdown18:08
vibhavany prob anybody?18:08
vibhavany problem anybody?18:08
ceoGoliath, need update back18:08
TheHackOpsIm going to try the 32 bit 10.2 flash release18:08
vishAndy80: it sends the info and indicator applet just displays what it is asked18:08
Dr_WillisGoliath:  servers are massivbly loaded right now.. so any errors may be due to them being down/slow18:08
TheHackOpsand see if its better18:08
KNUBBIGtxomon: yes ok but wyh doesn't the shtudown button work18:08
jaymeskellerHi, I have been looking for an answer to the g15 crash. It seems that uinput is missing from /dev. Any ways to fix it?18:08
GoliathDr_Willis: ok give it a look18:08
scorch2greylurk  how do i tell?  i just have gkrellm telling me that.  99% cpu usage no drive blinking stuck at generating grub.cf18:08
DasEiA_J: irc bot, either c++ or phython I GUESS, #ubuntu-offtopic will know18:08
Ahmuckis there a way to customize the top bar?  left click does nothing?18:08
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  not really any way to customize it. that ive seen18:08
vishAhmuck: nope18:08
vibhavany problem anybody?18:09
* vibhav is ready to help others!18:09
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  i imagine there will be articals on doing it in a few days18:09
TheHackOpsvibhav, FLASH18:09
txomonKNUBBIG, try looking in what that button calls18:09
TheHackOpsvibhav, PM plz?18:09
Ahmuckcan i say bad things now?18:09
vibhav<TheHackOps> Yes?18:09
TopRamen_EVOdr_willis and usr13 if and when either one of you have time please send me a query. thanks18:09
cuppsyAnyone had issues with Empathy disconnecting from Windows Live Messenger every hour or so?18:09
bp0how to get rid of the extra shutdown/logout in the system menu?18:09
Ahmuckfor example, the text is dark and no way to read it18:09
Sree_A_J: I am getting to a mirror site and am on a slow connection...so bear with me and thanks for the help. Thanks HackOps too.18:09
shaneocan someone help me with a script for xchat18:09
GoliathDr_Willis: how can i enable local servers?18:09
TheHackOpsvibhav, can i pm you please18:09
greylurkscorch2 go to a terminal, type "top" and see what's on the top of the list.18:09
Andy80vish: yeah, the problem is that I see TWO lines with battery info and then "Preferences" when I click on the icon :) so... it's a  gnome-power-manager bug or a indicator's one?18:09
* Ahmuck needs a double unity bar for this to work18:09
shaneoits a copy and paste text what do i save the file as18:09
apersonJordan_U⍈ thanks, it's modified to this now: http://pastie.org/1847910 and it works perfectly18:10
Dr_WillisGoliath:  you mean make your own repository?18:10
vishAhmuck: which applet? if it is a problem, you can report a bug about that18:10
vibhavoh yes <TheHackOps>18:10
vibhavTheHackOps , you can PM me18:10
* nyven is at the point of breaking PCs here18:10
Nickname_<jaymeskeller> Hi, I have been looking for an answer to the g15 crash. It seems that uinput is missing from /dev. Any ways to fix it? using it now in natty but had to edit /dev18:10
soreauOk why the hell is a terminal popping up and starting orca all by itself? I exit the terminal and it opens again and starts talking! How can I disable this???18:10
greylurkscorch2 sometimes pressing "m" to sort by memory usage is also helpful.18:10
Dr_Willisshaneo:  xchat scripts would be loaded by xchat i imagine.  You may want to check the xchat homepage/docs. and #xchat18:10
scorch2greylurk xflux, xorg,18:10
xgt001is it true tat in natty the battery life is reduced18:10
apersonJordan_U⍈ I haven't used read much, so I always trip up on it. that, and I hardly use <18:10
nyvencablop: you still here?18:10
GoliathDr_Willis: no use another server not the main18:10
Ahmucknot an applet.  i have 20 icons on unity bar and it's stacking them.  don't need them stacked.  don't want the bar hidden18:10
A_JSree_: np, just burn that(4X), boot it up and select parrtition Managers,and delete your entire hdd sytem and make a new NTFS partiotion for windows18:10
DasEiBrowser: from the time, I can tell you didn't use synaptics to find your best mirror, natty is up and fine18:10
* vibhav is ready to help others!18:10
Dr_WillisGoliath:  they are all experiencing high load.18:10
DW-10297Anyone know where you can get the netboot media for 11.04 server?18:11
=== nyven is now known as NyvenZA
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110418:11
bp0how to get rid of the extra shutdown/logout in the system menu?18:11
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  you mean the left side panel?18:11
* TrentonAdams is ready to be helped. :P18:11
DasEivibhav: great , bakshish ;)18:11
Ahmuckyes, left side panel18:11
vibhav<DW-10297> there is no ubuntu netbook edition18:11
scorch2what is xflux?18:11
Sree_A_J: Thank you. WIll do so and report back in about an hour.18:11
A_Jin natty^18:11
DW-10297Good thing I didn't say netbook18:11
greylurkscorch2 never heard of xflux.18:11
Pici!unr | DW-1029718:11
ubottuDW-10297: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.18:11
Ahmuckleft click for menu options don't work, all i get is options for the applet18:11
jiltdilhow to remove not installed(residual config ) from ubutu package man as the apply button is freezes18:11
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  not seen a way to hide those yet either.18:11
spungoDW-10297: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso18:11
DW-10297I said netboot18:11
A_JSree_: i won't be here, but good luck18:11
NyvenZATheHackOps: I have not tried to install compiz, using it without unity and as soon as I run a window manger, I can't interact with the desktop anymore18:11
vishAndy80: indicator-applet18:11
AhmuckDr_Willis: heh, mine is hidden, i'm trying to get it back18:12
PiciDW-10297: ah.. misread, sorry.18:12
DasEiscorch2: flux is another windowmanager for x18:12
A_Jand i'm sorry your leaving your ubuntu, Sree_18:12
* vibhav is ready to help others!18:12
xgt001there is a bug filed in launchpad about the poor performance regressio18:12
DW-10297perfect, thank you18:12
soreauHey guys I opened sound preferences and now at the same time, a terminal popped up and it's running orca apparently because it's talking. When I close the terminal it opens itself again and starts orca again! How can I disable this?18:12
vishvibhav: you can just answer questions people are asking here..18:12
spungoDW-10297: welcome.18:12
DasEiscorch2: http://fluxbox.org/18:12
vibhavvish Yes18:12
DW-10297spungo: there is no "server specific" media right?18:12
greylurkscorch2 what's the %cpu for flux?18:13
txomonsoreau, try ps -eF | grep orca and kill those processes18:13
Sree_A_J: I have an old system from the pentium days that I want to rebuild and startup with ubuntu on that again....This messing with my better half's pc was my mistake....live and learn - they said.18:13
robin0800DW-10297, wrong18:13
eigba_Fluxbox might look bare at the beggining but it can be configured trough config files to be a really nice desktop enviroment18:13
scorch2greylurk i killed it .  i know what it is.  now cpu is normal.  but install is still frozen18:13
DasEiAugustuen: please ask for pm, I almost have overseen it; with nice you can set how much cpu time a process can access, yes18:13
A_JSree_: aah, okie.. tbh i have a windows mac and ubuntu pc, ubuntu doesnt need much power.. so best to use the oldest pc18:13
DasEiman nice18:13
spungoDW-10297: not afaik18:14
greylurkscorch2 not sure that was a good idea, but give it a bit to empty out request queues and such.18:14
FoolsRunDoes anyone here actually like 11.04? I really like it and I'm losing my mind reading the squeeky wheels bitch all over the internet.18:14
scorch2greylurk stuck at generating grub founf image memtest.bin18:14
eigba_Brb, I just farted out a butt turd18:14
txomonFoolsRun, I do18:14
Sree_A_J - that was the reasoning I used...just have to dust it off and start afresh looking from drivers and such....but thank you for the encouragement.18:15
NyvenZAsorry, to say this, but so far my experince with natty has been horrible. all the previous versions worked witout a glitch, I upgraded from 9.04 all the way to 10.10 and now this upgrade ruined everything18:15
FoolsRuntxomon: cool, me too.18:15
robin0800FoolsRun, I like unity 2d18:15
scorch2greylurk it just a program i insatlled to adjust the screen colors18:15
DW-10297There doesn't appear to be a separate server netboot image?18:15
NyvenZAhow do i get unity 2d to work ?18:15
txomonNyvenZA, define everything18:15
Jotdoes anyone know the secrets of setting resolution and refresh rate in new ubuntu? :X18:15
Guest53463hi where can i install a plugin for gedit? ...what is the location?18:15
spungoFoolsRun: 11.04 is dissapointing, imo. Especially unty.18:15
A_JSree_: ubuntu mostly needs no drivers18:15
Jotspungo: +118:15
NyvenZAWrong Kernel version in the Make File that came default withthe kernel headers18:15
GoliathDr_Willis: what is the command to get ubuntu restricted extras?18:15
Dr_WillisNyvenZA:   i just install the unity2d package and select it at the GDM screen18:16
robin0800NyvenZA, you have to install it first18:16
FoolsRunWhat is disappointing about Unity? I think it makes everything easier for new users.18:16
NyvenZAso I could not compile vboxdrvs18:16
jimcooncaton default 10.10 I'm doing some automation -- how to I keep Update Manager from popping up? Would rather have just a notification icon.18:16
Sree_A_J: I had some issue with finding wireless drivers on the Heron...18:16
NyvenZAGDM doesn't work18:16
XceptNhow can I add a custom launcher in Unity (11.04(18:16
JotFoolsRun: that you can't set proper resolution and refresh rate for your monitor18:16
NyvenZAI installed lightdm and that works18:16
NyvenZAI can get a log screen then18:16
scorch2greylurk now i have xorg, gkrellm, natty, running18:16
Dr_WillisGoliath:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-04/  has a link to do that.. no need to type anything. its 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package i belive.18:16
A_J!vbox | A_J18:16
ubottuA_J, please see my private message18:16
BrowserAnybody could past the apt source list of natty ?18:16
NyvenZAwith GDM the Dosktop icons are diplayed, but the GDM window is invissble18:17
soreauHey guys I opened sound preferences and now at the same time, a terminal popped up and it's running orca apparently because it's talking. When I close the terminal it opens itself again and starts orca again! How can I disable this?18:17
vibhav<XceptN> lemme tell you18:17
xgt001Goliath: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:17
NyvenZAwhen i move the mouse over the locations there the login nd password should go the mouse curor changes18:17
NyvenZAto edit icon18:17
NyvenZAbut my keyboard doesn't work18:17
txomonGuest53463, I tried in ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins18:17
OrsHi, I am unable to find the 'Contacts' shortcut, which is part of Evolution, in order to access my contacts. I do not want to use the mail client just 'Contacts'. Anybody has an idea?18:17
Guest53463txomon, also for kubuntu?18:17
FoolsRunJot: I haven't had any trouble using nvidia-settings18:18
NyvenZAif I run unity --replace and then kill it from a console the window manger is killed, but the xorg keeps running18:18
NyvenZAthen my keyboard works and I can interact with the icons on the desktop18:18
scorch2if the natty install gets stuck is it possible to restart it from where it froze up?18:18
txomonGuest53463, gedit...18:18
txomonGuest53463, try it18:18
vibhav<XceptN> when you use the application right click the icon-> keep in luancher18:18
JotFoolsRun: maybe because ubuntu recognizes your monitor18:18
Guest53463i want to install this plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gedit-fileset/18:18
FoolsRunscorch2: did it get stuck stopping CUPS by any chance? I had mine stop there a few times and just manually killed CUPS to fix it.18:18
josephnexusa friend of mine just installed 11.04 and it wondering how to clear recent documents... i've figured out how to do it it in most places, but totem doesn't seem to store it in recently-used and i'm not finding any where to clear it since there is no places menu anymore18:18
NyvenZASofar I have not been able to get into my Xwindows18:18
josephnexusany ideas?18:19
JaredisAwesomeI was trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 last night and my stupidass hit shutdown during the middle of the upgrade. Now whenever I boot its telling me I'm missing some drivers, and that Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode (though i cannot make it past that dialogue). Whenever i try to boot into recovery mode it doesn't seem to fully boot properly either. Is there anything i can do to fix this upgrade? Or should I just downlo18:19
Guest53463txomon, there is no gnome2 here!18:19
doogluswhen I update it tells me "natty InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2"18:19
doogluswhat do?18:19
scorch2foolsrun no.  at generating grub18:19
surreal7zis there any problem with Emerald on ubuntu 11.04 because xubuntu 11.04 has a bug with it.18:19
TrentonAdamsMy gnome looks like the old windows now, with really deep looking buttons and text boxes.  Is that a feature of the newer gnome in 11.04, or can I get looking the way it used to?18:19
Jotwell, trying to get any efficient help here is like trying to set resolution in ubuntu 11.0418:20
NyvenZADr_Willis: what is the unity 2d package name >18:20
FoolsRunNyvenZA: unity-2d18:20
Dr_WillisNyvenZA:  unity-2d  :)18:20
Dr_Willislogical name for a change18:20
NyvenZAi tried unity2d18:20
NyvenZAwill try that18:20
dooglus!info unity-2d18:20
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB18:20
Dr_Willistry apt-cache search unity18:20
FoolsRunHey, unity-2d will work in NX, right?18:21
Dr_Willisor the TAB completion feature. heh18:21
NyvenZAthat is installing thanks18:21
robin0800NyvenZA, unity-2d-settings18:21
bp0how to get rid of the extra shutdown/logout in the system menu?18:21
frag4nowhi all. where are stored ubuntu packages after fetch?18:21
bp0how to get normal scrollbars again?18:21
eigba_I hope the complaints continue flowing into the Ubuntu team, unity is fine but they should officially support gnome 3 also. I know it can be compiled and installed regardless but they should offically support it18:21
NyvenZAnow, how will i configure it to use the 2d version in place of the 3d verison with out using gdm ?18:21
surreal7zis anybody using Emerald in ubuntu 11.04, because in xubuntu 11.04 it doesn't work?18:21
POVaddctdoes 11.04 already use wayland as gfx system or still xorg?18:21
soreauHey guys I opened sound preferences and now at the same time, a terminal popped up and it's running orca (because it's talking and says so). When I close the terminal it opens itself again and starts orca again! How can I disable this?18:22
txomonGuest53463, I meant that it is gedit... somewhere in your home must be /*/gedit/18:22
robin0800eigba_, it was not ready in time18:22
dooglusfrag4now: /var/cache/apt/archives/18:22
rumpe1POVaddct, xorg18:22
frag4nowdooglus: thanks18:22
BrowserDasEi: fix, i use sudo rm /var/lib/apt/list/*18:22
FoolsRuneigba_: I disagree. I think it's a good idea to focus on Ubuntu being one thing. Part of what's offputting about linux is how fragmented it is.18:22
POVaddctrumpe1: thanks18:22
spungoeigba_: I would prefer gnome 3 to gnome 2 + unity18:22
dooglusfrag4now: "locate .deb"18:22
frag4nowdooglus: doh! :P18:22
JaredisAwesome I was trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 last night and my stupidass hit shutdown during the middle of the upgrade. Now whenever I boot its telling me I'm missing some drivers, and that Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode (though i cannot make it past that dialogue). Whenever i try to boot into recovery mode it doesn't seem to fully boot properly either. Is there anything i can do to fix this upgrade? Or should I just downl18:22
Guest53463txomon, there is not gedit in home!18:22
mikebeechamOk, so I can see in Additional Drivers that I'm being told "Activated, but not in use"...can anyone help get these working? I have no unity at the moment18:22
dooglusfrag4now: "sudo apt-get clean" will delete them and free a bunch of space.  you don't need them once they're installed18:22
bp0how to get rid of the extra shutdown/logout in the system menu? how to get normal scrollbars again? how to get rid of the very heavy shadow from the foremost window? how to fix the resize handle overlapping?18:23
eigba_spungo, Yes same here, I think unity os cool for new users but not for long time linux users18:23
DasEiBrowser: nice if it works then, and mind changing your sources, fastest mirror can safe a lot of time18:23
NyvenZADr_Willis: do you know what I need to edit to use the 2d version in place of the 3d version ?18:23
frag4nowdooglus: noooooooooooooo :) I have two ubuntu and i don't want to download upgrade packages two times ;)18:23
robin0800bp0, all bugs I think18:23
DasEimikebeecham: nvidia I guess ?18:23
dooglusfrag4now: look into apt-cacher.  that's what I use to only download each package once18:23
frag4nowdooglus: ^18:24
txomonGuest53463, I meant in some folder inside your home, is a gedit folder18:24
mateoburI'm suffering an error trying to install gnome318:24
Dr_WillisNyvenZA:  your .dmrc file perhaps. No idea what it should be.18:24
dooglusfrag4now: each of my computers points to the 'server' in its sources.list, and the server caches the .deb files, so each one is only downloaded once18:24
dooglus!info apt-cacher18:24
ubottuapt-cacher (source: apt-cacher): Caching proxy for Debian package and source files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.12ubuntu1 (natty), package size 79 kB, installed size 316 kB18:24
mikebeechamDasEi: actually, just discovered that the unity plugin with CCSM was not enabled :D18:24
DasEimikebeecham: you can activate the recommended from the jockey-gui, then have to stop gdm and run : sudo nvidia-xconfig, then start gdm again18:24
robin0800NyvenZA, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/unity-2d-gets-a-ppa/18:24
serealWhen doing do-release-upgrade I'm getting "gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found"18:25
frag4nowdooglus: and what if i copy by my hand packages...deb packages are i386...they work with ever arch...18:25
mikebeechamDasEi: what is Jockey-gui?18:25
Ahmuckso, without multiple unity bars, it's a bit borked for me18:25
dooglusfrag4now: some .deb files are arch-independant.  some aren't18:25
dooglusfrag4now: apt-cacher will take care of that for you18:25
DasEimikebeecham: the gui listing available drivers, it's called jockey-gtk18:25
bp0this was a big mistake.18:25
Ahmuckopening konversation, i have to go through and drive down the bar to the bottom to get it back without the taskbar18:25
Lopyshokhi all .help me with the sound ... don't work in ubuntu18:26
mikebeechamDasEi: ahhh, well it's in there that shows that I have 'activated, but not currently using" the drivers18:26
Ahmuckit's a neat start, but clunky18:26
frag4nowdooglus: i'll copy packages and apt-get will download package dependant only...it's the same18:26
DasEimikebeecham: see above, xconfig...18:26
NotIpsumjwheare: thanks18:26
Guest53463txomon, what about /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins ?18:26
Dr_Willisanyone else noticed some weirdness in the 'Applications lens' (in the left side bar the mag glass with the +)  Its Got 'apps availiable for download' and for some reason its showing 'xubuntu-restricted-extras' whats the logic behind showing me that :)18:26
DasEimikebeecham: you can activate the recommended from the jockey-gui, then have to stop gdm and run : sudo nvidia-xconfig, then start gdm again18:26
A_Jcan i upgrade from 10.10 32bit to 11.04 64bit ?18:26
Lopyshokhi all .help me with the sound ... don't work in ubuntu18:26
NyvenZArobin0800: my GDM doesn't work18:26
JotI have been trying to set resolution and refresh rate proper for my screen which ubuntu doesn't recognize for 2 days searching on Internet for info, this low refresh rate hurts my eyes, please help!18:27
NyvenZAI get can't see anything of GDM18:27
Jordan_Uaperson: You're welcome.18:27
XeliDid anyone manage to install xbmc? installing by adding de ppa etc does not work for me, could anyone point me in the right direction?18:27
Lopyshokhi all .help me with the sound ... don't work in ubuntu18:27
txomonGuest53463, I supose that you may have something similar in your home18:27
=== Wolf is now known as Guest11198
Guest53463i dont see it18:27
A_Jcan i upgrade from 10.10 32bit to 11.04 64bit ? DasEi18:27
txomonGuest53463, that would be 4 everyone18:27
mikebeechamDasEi: the drivers ARE activated, but I am being told they are not being used. I've rebooted a numbers of times, but nothing changes18:27
dooglusfrag4now: if the package name has _i386.deb at the end, it's Intel.  if it has _all.deb, it's independent18:27
Dr_WillisA_J:  you cant upgrade from 32bit to 6418:27
robin0800NyvenZA, you have a terminal?18:27
Lopyshokhi all .help me with the sound ... don't work in ubuntu .... obody  help me18:27
Jotmikebeecham: I have excatly the same with my drivers18:27
A_Jhmm ok Dr_Willis.. ty18:27
frag4nowdooglus: i386 it's a kind of arch18:27
DasEiA_J: not recommened, either use pae or a fresh install, see :18:28
frag4nowthe common to any pc18:28
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:28
NyvenZArobin0800: yes18:28
frag4now"any standard"18:28
Guest53463how can u display hidden files?18:28
DasEimikebeecham: see above, xconfig...18:28
s5fsGuest53463: ls -la18:28
serealXeli: I was able to do install xbmc, you gotta be a bit more specific on what the problems were.18:28
A_Jpae ?18:28
FoolsRunDoes anyone have a "best way" to move an Ubuntu installation from one hard drive to another?18:29
txomons5fs, ls -laR | grep *gedit*18:29
A_JDasEi: pae ?18:29
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:29
DasEiGuest53463: or ctrl-h in nautilus18:29
serealXeli: also check #xbmc-linux they might be more specific18:29
txomonGuest53463, in gnome is with CTL+H18:29
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
DasEiA_J: it's a specialised kernel to adress more ram, the server-kernel also delivers it18:29
ubuntu_userI have 20 gb free space on my HDD, how to i use it to install UBUNTU 11.04, i am on installer.18:30
Chilaquileshey guys how can I make the view that I have in nautilus the default view, because every time I open it I have to add the panel that is not appearing18:30
mikebeechamDasEi: where? link?18:30
bp0will there be cdemu for natty?18:30
Goliathhey is gnome3 included in the last ubuntu?18:30
serealWhen doing do-release-upgrade I'm getting "gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found"18:30
VhozardWhats this? "Fast TSC calibration failed"18:30
DasEimikebeecham: you can activate the recommended from the jockey-gui, then have to stop gdm and run : sudo nvidia-xconfig, then start gdm again18:30
Dr_Willisbp0:  you can mount ISO files if you need to get to their contents..  what are youy trying to do with cdemu?18:30
tomatobrosGoliath,  no it's not18:30
robin0800NyvenZA, sudo apt-get install unity-2d18:30
akashm1990Should I download a .tar.gz version of revenge of the titans, or a .deb version? (Ubuntu 10.10)18:30
NyvenZAok, so now things are getting worse, When I now try and get to a console, the mouse stays on the screen and the text cursor flashes on the screen and then I am dead in the water18:30
NyvenZArobin0800:did that already18:30
mikebeechamman alive DasEi what's wrong with you? You've posted that 3 times, and I've already told you that the drivers ARE activated18:30
Dr_Willisakashm1990:  eitehr one shoudl work. tar.gz you can install inyour users home dir.18:30
DasEimikebeecham:stopping gdm (logs you out!) sudo service gdm stop , start18:31
robin0800NyvenZA, log out18:31
Ahmuckunity bar works great for touch screen, not so great for mouse18:31
xinelinstalled 11.04, after boot a purple screen comes up and nothing happens, what should i do?18:31
akashm1990Dr_Willis, ok, doesnt make any difference then?18:31
DasEimikebeecham:before they won't be used, you kept asking that18:31
mikebeechamDasEi: I know!!! The drivers are activated, I've stopped and started gdm, but I'm still being told that the drivers are currently not being used18:31
A_Jumm, pae is not installed by default and this command is not workin18:31
A_Jsudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae18:31
NyvenZArobin0800: I restarted PC18:31
DasEimikebeecham:and ran sudo nvidia-xconfig ?18:31
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! What is the program that allows one to use the mouse in a tty shell?18:31
bp0Dr_Willis, it's not the same18:31
jbeattyecondudeawesome, gpm18:32
Nickname_using pae & nvidia aok18:32
Jotmikebeecham: I bet you won't find solution to your problem here :p18:32
scorch2is there any experts here on the install process?  its frozen for me18:32
acidflashthis is what i did, i made a small bash script to check if hte squid.pid exists.. if it doesnt... then start the service.. i added that to crontab and it checks it every minute....18:32
A_JDasEi ?18:32
mikebeechamJot: I wont find it with DasEi18:32
robin0800NyvenZA,  at the log on screen choose unity-2d18:32
NyvenZAnow I just a black screen after the syste loads18:32
Dr_Willisrobin0800:  he has no login/gdm dont work. :() if you are using unity-2d you could tell him whats in your .dmrc file.18:33
ubuntu_userI have 20 gb free space on my HDD, how to i use it to install UBUNTU 11.04, i am on installer.18:33
NyvenZArobin0800: you don't seem to understand, i don't get a login screen18:33
DasEiA_J: yes ?18:33
NyvenZAit is just a blank screen18:33
FoolsRunI want to move my Ubuntu install to a newer, larger hdd. Anyone have a good howto on this?18:33
ahayzenHi upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 via LiveCD .. all going well..but now it has stopped at 'Restoring Previously Installed Packages' ... there is no activity on the HDD or CD ..but the network like does seem to be active .. is this an issue or do i just have to wait???18:33
Dr_Willisubuntu_user:  the installer can resize existing partitions to make a new one  you can install too. Unles syou have a really weird drive layout18:33
A_Jumm, pae is not installed by default and this command is not workin18:33
A_J23:04 < A_J> sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae18:33
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txomonscorch2, could be18:34
scognitoit's about 3 years I don't use IRC for help lol :)18:34
Goliathhey is gnome3 unstable?18:34
scorch2txomon ?18:34
ubuntu_userDr_Willis:  can i just select that free space to install18:34
txomonscorch2, which is your problem+18:34
Nickname_black screen =nvidia driver?18:34
jiltdili have i nstalled "radio tray" but clicking to it doesnot openig it?18:34
scorch2txomon my upgrade to natty is frozen18:34
NyvenZANickname_: probably18:34
Dr_Willisubuntu_user:  ubuntu installs to a partition.  it needs to resize what you got. to make a new partition. that can take quite a bit of time  - depending on yoru system.18:35
mikebeechamJot: is this a problem with the drivers, or with Ubuntu?18:35
NyvenZAgoing to uninstall the NVidia one and install the ubuntu one agian18:35
Dr_Willisubuntu_user:  you could use windows to resize your windows partitions tomake some 'unallocated' space and tell ubuntu to install to the unalocated space18:35
VustomIs the launchpad PPA down for anyone else?18:35
A_Jcan som1 help me install PAE this command is not working18:35
A_Jumm, pae is not installed by default and this command is not workin18:35
A_J23:04 < A_J> sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae18:35
DasEiA_J: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   (new kernel needs reboot), then try again18:35
Dr_WillisVustom:  yes it is down here.18:35
scognitoanyway I've just installed 11.04 and on my geforce go 7400 the only driver working seems nouveau (it worked with unity on previous beta installation). the problem is that compiz doesn't start at login now (fresh installation)...any hint?18:35
ubuntu_userDr_Willis:  i have 4 gb ram with i518:35
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scorch2txomon i stoped at generatin grub.cfg18:35
econdudeawesomethanks jbeatty--Jeff Beatty of Wisconsin?18:35
ahayzenHi upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 via LiveCD .. all going well..but now it has stopped at 'Restoring Previously Installed Packages' ... there is no activity on the HDD or CD ..but the network like does seem to be active .. is this an issue or do i just have to wait???18:35
Goliathis gnome 3 unstable?18:35
VustomDamn.. I want to install my applets. :'(18:35
Goliathwill break?18:35
Jotmikebeecham: I would like to know, maybe that's the reason I can't set resolution18:35
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Dr_WillisVustom:  i tried it abouit 5 min ago.. got timeouts18:35
Nickname_main source of black screen is usually weirk nvidia/kernel issue, do text install, update then retry18:35
A_Jty DasEi18:35
joakoIs there some user-friendly CLI tool for package management? I'm trying to use aptitude but to find an installed package and remove it seems impossible18:35
DasEiGoliath: can happen, yes18:36
jiltdilhi radio tray is not working18:36
txomonscorch2, that means you have to select between your local config or the packets config18:36
DasEi!gnome3 | Goliath18:36
ubottuGoliath: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.18:36
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A_JDasEi: that should install it ?18:36
txomontry if you can see another window out there18:36
A_Jcorrect ?18:36
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VustomWell, I came here to ask a question, theres another audio application out there thats like PulseAudio and starts with an a, anyone know what it's called..18:36
jiltdilhow to fix Radio tray as clicking to it doesnot opening it?18:36
VustomI need it for my Xbox 360.. D:18:36
DasEi Goliath: fine in my vm, though, own risk18:36
A_Jwhat does it do Vustom  ?18:36
mikebeechamJot: if I found out I'll let you know18:36
VustomAdjust volume(s) in Ubuntu18:37
ubuntu_userhow many partitions do i make of that 20 gb and of which types18:37
DasEiA_J: that should make it possible, yes18:37
VustomIt's more complex then the standard stuff.18:37
NyvenZAI see a re-install of ubuntu 10.10 coming my way18:37
botcityVustom, alsamixer18:37
A_Jthank you DasEi will brb after reboot18:37
mikebeechamEasy question - within unity my 4 workspaces have been set into a grid (2 up and 2 down)...how can I change it back to 4 in a line?18:37
VustomWhat do I type to get alsamixer in the terminal again -.-18:37
Vustomsudo apt-get alsamixer?18:37
DasEiA_J: sudo apt-get install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae18:37
botcityVustom, alsamixer!18:38
VustomIt's already installed. >:)18:38
flametai1Hey guys quick question, I upgraded from 10.04 to 11.04 but I don't have the fancy new menu, and launcher, how do I get this? lol18:38
econdudeawesomeVustom: try typing als and pressing "tab" a couple of times to see what packages are available18:38
Nickname_using natty with classic (normal gnome) no hassels unity not worth the hassel18:38
econdudeawesomeVustom: autocompletion rocks18:38
A_JDasEi: what command did you give me earlier18:38
botcityVustom, yes18:38
Nickname_and usung radiotray18:38
DasEiA_J: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   (new kernel needs reboot), then try again18:38
A_Jokie ty18:39
A_Jinstalling pae now18:39
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  i dont think you do. you could play with the CCSM settings on the general tab18:39
botcity!sound | Vustom18:39
ubottuVustom: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:39
A_Jhow do i reboot kernal ?18:39
ubuntu_userhow do i do that?18:39
A_Jreboot pc ?18:39
Dr_WillisA_J:  yes.18:39
flametai1Anyone know how to at all?18:39
Chilaquilesanybody here that uses clutterflow in Nautilus that can help me please?18:39
subcooli need help with this command for x11vnc -"/usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :0" --------- The command creates a loop, opening infinite number of sessions.18:40
Dr_Willisflametai1:  check th GDM login screen. see if theres a unity/gnome-classic items18:40
VustomIt's a setting I've got to change when I make a new install of Ubuntu; that's all. :318:40
mikebeechamDr_Willis: boooo18:40
mikebeechamthanks anyway!18:40
VustomSo my Xbox 360 sound can stream through my PC and into my headphones, along with mic.18:40
flametai1Dr_Willis, there's only Ubuntu option o-o18:40
flametai1Or Ubuntu classic18:40
Dr_Willisflametai1:  ubutu is unity.. classic is old gnome18:40
necreoho do you pin windows on top now with unity?18:40
Nickname_classic = no headaches :)18:40
cucujoideahello, thanx for the new ubuntu. I have a question regarding the installation: i have the 11.04 .iso file (on ubuntu 10.10), right clicked on it and integrated it as a "drive" which is shown on my desktop. can i upgrade from it without burning the cd? if yes, how can i point the package manager to it?18:41
joakoI can't do anything with package management because I always get: ia32-sun-java6-bin : Depends: sun-java6-jre (>= 6.24-1build0.10.10.1) but it is not going to be installed18:41
joakoAnd I can't remove ia32-sun-java because of the same issue18:41
flametai1When I tried booting into the OS after the upgrade, it said my hardware wasn't capable of Unity? But I don't see why it wouldn't18:41
Dr_Willisnecreo:  right cliock  on the title - use the menu items18:41
flametai1Dr_Willis, When I tried booting into the OS after the upgrade, it said my hardware wasn't capable of Unity? But I don't see why it wouldn't18:41
Dr_Willisflametai1:  you need your 3d drivers for your video card18:41
flametai1Dr_Willis, Aaaaaaaaaaaah okay, I was unsure if I did or not considering Compiz ran without it18:42
necreoDr_Willis: doesn't really work nicely with chrome but ok18:42
nyquist333Dr_Willis - Will my compiz settings work if I upgrade to 11.04?18:42
rumpe1cucujoidea, it's much easier to just boot from it18:42
Dr_Willisflametai1:  unity uses compiz.. unity-2d does not.18:43
middleHELP: When i boot into Ubuntu it hangs on: 'Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom .. done.'. I was previously suffering Black screen issues so i uninstalled Ati's proprietry driver and now after re installing it, it is hanging not even reaching the black screen stage. Thanks18:43
cucujoidearumpel: does that allow an upgrade without complete reinstall?18:43
Vustom11.4 scared me at first, but I'm starting to like it. :318:43
Dr_Willisnyquist333:  some compiz settings can break unity it seems.18:43
mikebeechamunity is not worth the hassle18:43
Dr_Williscomplaining about unity is not worth the hassle. :)18:43
A_JDasEi: does after installing pae a reboot required18:43
middleOh yeah and if i upgrade will it insall unity?18:43
Dr_Willismiddle:  yes it will.18:44
nyquist333I don't understand, if I use GNOME will my compiz settings be there? Or would unity change them.18:44
middleah maybe i shan't upgrade then18:44
VustomIf you don't like Unity just switch to Ubuntu classic..18:44
Dr_Willisnyquist333:  thers only one set of compiz settings.. so yes. one would affect the other I think.18:44
ubuntu_useris there anybody who could help a new one18:44
DasEiA_J: yes, to avoid such, checkout ksplice18:44
nyquist333Dr_Willis - So, after upgrading, I should disable unity?18:44
nit-witmiddle, can you get in with low graphics mode18:44
Dr_Willisnyquist333:  if you dont want it.. select the classic desktop18:45
A_Jwhats that DasEi18:45
rumpe1nyquist333, if you want to be sure: just backup your compiz-config (located in $HOME/.compiz)18:45
Nickname_switch desktops but keep checking updates18:45
dncrashi think i tried to run unity 2d with compiz because now i have no titlebars on windows and no taskbar. any way to reset unity to default ?18:45
nit-witdncrash, did you modify compiz18:45
nyquist333I'm trying 11.04 in a VM first, and I've backed up my base system.18:45
NyvenZAdncrash: i tink unity --reset18:45
middlenit-wit: No im trying to boot in safe mode and it just hangs at the afformentioned command. there is occasionally other stuff after it like [4.7993847] firewire etc... but no it won't progress18:46
NyvenZAbut I had no luck with that18:46
mrdatMacUbuntu 11.0418:46
IdleOneubuntu_user: no swearing please18:46
dncrashmodify it ? no, how could i modify it. thanks nyvenZA18:46
eigba_dncrash, I did the same thing, what i did was delete the config files from my home direcotry to fix it18:46
JotDifficult question: how can I change resolution in ubuntu 11.04?18:46
tully-how do you enable remote desktop on natty from the command line? can you still use gconftool-2?18:46
A_JDasEi: kslice is paid :\18:46
dncrashty, i'll try that too18:46
NyvenZAdncrash: that serts all settings18:46
A_Jbrb, reboot18:47
VustomAnyone know how to enable the new scrollbars in Firefox?18:47
ScottONanskimamma say... mamma saw... mamma ma koo saw.18:47
progre55hey guys. A friend has installed ubuntu using the windows installed (wubi, or what was that) and now I'm about to install him natty from a disc. But I dont see the ubuntu partition. How do I delete/uninstall/remove the previous installation?18:47
middleI am thinking of booting intoa live disc and re-uninstalling the drivers18:47
Cryp71cIs there any plan for an official package for gnome3 in Ubuntu, since Unity is the default now?18:47
DasEiA_J: it's in repo and can be used free18:47
DasEi!info ksplice18:47
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-4 (natty), package size 1244 kB, installed size 3084 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 arm armel armhf)18:47
eigba_dncrash, I deleted the .gnome2, gconf, and gconfd file lol it fixed it for me18:47
Nickname_nice website for noobies & pros webupd818:47
macoprogre55: wubi doesnt install to a partition, so there isn't one18:47
arnabhow can i check the 3d performance?18:47
macoprogre55: his old ubuntu is just a very very large file on the windows partition18:47
progre55maco: so how do I remove it?18:47
subcoolok- so.. anyone?18:48
DasEiarnab: triplegears18:48
dncrashty eigba. if unity --reset doesn't work i'll delete those files18:48
macoprogre55: same way you remove any program in windows, the add/remove applications window18:48
progre55maco: oh I see, so is that okay if I just delete it?18:48
scorch2ok my computer is broken.  an some one help please18:48
progre55maco: thanks18:48
macoprogre55: np18:48
karthupgraded to 11.04 on virtualbox, got guest additions installed. My unity icons appear to be scaled 32x32 icons, and all the fonts are blocky. anyone else run into this?18:48
TheHackOpsgoodnight people18:48
mintuxI have problem when I record desktop with gtk-recordmydesktop and compiz cube .what should I do?18:49
TheHackOpsmintux, tell us the problem18:49
arnabcan't find the tripple gears18:49
scorch2help please any.  i had to restart becausw install froze.  now system wont boot18:49
mintuxthe effect when I rotate cube has problem when record my desktop18:49
TheHackOpsscorch2, Re-do the install18:49
IdleOnescorch2: restart the install18:49
navalisDear All, good Day. Did anyone experienced, that after upgrade to 11.02 the system not halting down? Freezes with dark monitor? but sys.block remains working.\18:50
rumpe1mintux, which problem exactly? (check your log files)18:50
middlePROBLEM: Was suffering a black screen on boot > Uninstalled Ati Drivers > Rebooted > Re-Installed Ati Drivers > Rebooted > System hangs at 'Begin: RUnning /scripts/init-bottom ... done.'18:50
andromedaHi question if I have 11.04 beat do I need to to something to jump to final release???? thx18:50
scorch2my computer wont boot now18:50
Cryp71cAnyone? 11.04 + Gnome3?18:50
A_JDasEi: Kspice is A Paid app ?18:50
popey!gnome3 | Cryp71c18:50
ubottuCryp71c: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.18:50
TheHackOpsScorch2, PM18:50
johanharHelp, where is compiz :S I installed 11.0418:50
rumpe1andromeda, no, just update18:50
timHaving trouble upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04.  How can I resolve error "Failed to fetch http://..." Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.canonical.com:http' (-5 No address associated with hostname)?18:50
mintuxthe movie has leap when I rotate desktop in output movie18:50
johanharHow can I find out what window manager is currently active??18:50
Cryp71cpopey: who'se working on those experimental packages? Is there any hope for them to eventually become stable?18:50
popeymintux: sadly a flaw with recordmydesktop18:51
andromedarumpe1, THX! that what I thought !18:51
arnabhow do i find out how much space is being used?18:51
johanharHow can I find out what window manager is currently active??18:51
popeyCryp71c: click the link and you can see the team responsible18:51
STALKERthere is a girl with whom you can learn !!!!!!!!!???????????18:51
wadAny of you guys know what I need to enable in the CompizConfig Settings Manager in order to be able to resize windows once again?18:51
DasEiA_J: what do you mean with paid ? free to use18:51
popeymintux: recordmydesktop isn't very good at recording 3d stuff18:51
subcoolCan someone please tell me why this commond: /usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :0 " out offhttp://www.kubuntuguide.info/index.php/Maverick#X11VNC_Server creates a vncserver loop?18:51
mintuxpopey: so what should I do?18:52
A_JDasEi: on the website says paid, can i have a link please, or a terminal18:52
DasEi!info ksplice18:52
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-4 (natty), package size 1244 kB, installed size 3084 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 arm armel armhf)18:52
johanharHow can I find out what window manager is currently active??18:52
mintuxI have pretension about linux and 3d desktop at university18:52
popeymintux: i run natty in a vm and use ffmpeg to record rather than recordmydesktop18:52
popeymintux: do it live rather than recorded :)18:52
mbeierlsubcool: is there already a display running on ":0" ?18:53
mintuxnot working when I input video projector compiz doesn't show18:53
STALKERis a girl?18:53
rubydiamondGuys what should be the 'gateway' and 'dns-nameservers' in /etc/network/interfaces .. if there is none18:53
middleI am goign to have to go to the forums to get an answer to this aren't i XD18:53
mintuxI tried it before18:53
IdleOneSTALKER: do you have a support wuestion related to Ubuntu?18:53
rumpe1johanhar, ps x18:53
karthAnyone have any thoughts on fixing all of unity looking really blocky?18:53
A_Jsom1 apt-get for ksplice18:53
mbeierlrubydiamond: that unfortunately depends on your ISP or network provider.18:54
subcoolmbeierl, idk18:54
A_Jnvm got it18:54
STALKERIdleOne No18:54
A_Jty DasEi for the name of the program18:54
subcoolmbeierl, how would i find out?18:54
rubydiamondmbeierl: from where can I read it18:54
mbeierlsubcool: try changing :0 to :118:54
rubydiamondmbeierl: I have a linode slic18:54
EinisSup guys, how is 11.04?18:54
raven_11.04 how to cange to gnome 3.0?18:54
IdleOneSTALKER: then please don't ask if there are any girls here. This is not a dating service.18:54
johanhardont like it :D18:54
johanharcompiz is gone18:54
A_JEinis: good18:54
johanhari had it all set up18:54
EinisHmm yeah18:54
middleHmm wierd... rebooted twice and it works : S18:55
FloodBot1johanhar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
DasEiA_J: np, have less reboots ;)18:55
EinisI had a feeling it would be18:55
A_Jwhat is Compiz ?18:55
keithtoo1rubydiamond: gateway and dns servers are usually listed on your router/modem config screen18:55
mbeierlrubydiamond: I cannot answer where as it comes from your network.  Do you use DHCP or is your address statically assigned?18:55
A_JDasEi: how do i reboot the terminal but, what command ?18:55
DasEi!info compiz | A_J18:55
ubottuA_J: compiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.4+bzr20110415-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 52 kB18:55
johanharA_J: my window manager18:55
DasEiA_J: sudo reboot18:55
mbeierlkeithtoo1: thanks... I suddenly have to run, can you continue with rubydiamond, please?18:55
rubydiamondmbeierl: dhcp18:55
keithtoo1sure - I love networking problems18:55
A_Jokie ty DasEi18:56
STALKERIdleOne Who are you and where you live18:56
subcoolbrb- lol- Thanks mbeierl; ill be back if it doesnt work18:56
IdleOneSTALKER: I am IdleOne, where I live is not Ubuntu support related.18:56
IdleOne!ot > STALKER18:56
ubottuSTALKER, please see my private message18:56
Lopyshokpeople help me ... no ssound ;((((]18:56
middleand now i reboot and nada.....18:56
raven_11.04 how to cange to gnome 3.0?18:57
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popey!gnome3 | raven_18:57
ubotturaven_: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.18:57
=== ihadthegun is now known as yaaar
Lopyshokpeople help me ... no ssound ;((((]18:57
middleturn your speakers on18:57
Lopyshokhow i can start18:57
middlepress the button18:57
IdleOne!sound > Lopyshok18:57
ubottuLopyshok, please see my private message18:57
WolfsherzLopyshok: repeating your request wont get you help faster...18:58
mar7arhi, does anyone knows how install glge to enable webgl on ubuntu?????????????,18:58
raven_popey, possible to get my panels back with unity?18:58
popeyraven_: you can logon to classic mode instead, choose that at the logon screen18:58
STALKERIdleOne I listened to you Russian where you live? just wondering18:58
IdleOneraven_: yes, logout and select Ubuntu Classic at the login screen18:58
=== cory__ is now known as _cory
timHaving trouble upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04.  How can I resolve error "Failed to fetch http://..." Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.canonical.com:http' (-5 No address associated with hostname)?18:58
johanharUnity: where is the good old menu with preferences etc+18:58
raven_IdleOne, popey ok tnx18:58
IdleOneSTALKER: Please stop asking where people live.18:58
popeyjohanhar: top right of the screen, bottom of the menu under the power button18:59
IdleOneSTALKER: if you feel like chatting please join #ubuntu-offtopic18:59
_coryYo, does anyone know how to pull back up a window that has been minimized with 11.04?  Xchat wants to open a new instance every time I click it...18:59
Nickname_lopyshok run alsamixer and check cards (sometimes uses wrong one)18:59
johanharpopey: thx18:59
A_JDasEi: sudo reboot causing normal reboot18:59
wipmonkeyI keep hoping kubuntu will get better so I can switch to that..18:59
mattyh88hey, can't i choose a belgian azerty keyboard with an english installation for ubuntu server?18:59
_corykubuntu seems clunky and slow for me compared to ubuntu.  I'm having some difficulties getting used to the new interface tho19:00
IdleOnewipmonkey: get the kubuntu live cd and try it out.19:00
nyquist333Ok, this is not cool. Can I safely remove zeitgeist and still have 11.04 work properly?19:00
DasEimattyh88: can19:00
johanharI enabled a plugin in compiz and unity collapsed :S19:00
DasEimattyh88: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup19:00
wadSo I fiddled with the CompizConfig Settings Manager settings a little bit, and managed to get kind of messed up. Is there any way to reset all of these things to their defaults?19:00
IdleOnedob_: ask19:01
mattyh88i see okay, but at installation .. i choose my location & the language i wish to install ubuntu in19:01
mattyh88but now i get a list to choose a keyboard layout from but azerty isn't listed19:01
Chilaquilesanybody here that uses clutterflow in Nautilus that can help me please?19:01
A_JDasEi: well ? any idea's.. sudo reboot causin a normal rebbot19:02
botcitywad ccsm >> preferences >> reset19:02
middleIs there anyone here who is an expert on teh Ubuntu boot procedure?19:02
dob_i am running my system via rescue cd now when accessing my software raid devices after some time i get this error: ata1: hard resetting link .....19:02
DasEimattyh88: the whole installation is complete with repos first, not all language fits on the cd19:02
timNo one willing or able to help?19:02
Odayhow do i use "SCP" if the source is my machine's home folder, and the destination is a server's root home folder?19:02
JotI can't set proper resolution and refresh rate, ubuntu doesn't recognize my screen so I can select screen default resolution and refresh rate19:02
DasEiA_J: what do yozu want to restart ? x ?19:02
wadbotcity: Thanks!19:02
demlasjrhello. I need some help if somebody can help me please. I'm trying to connect to my wireless network but I can't make it working with WPA2 Personal. Please help19:03
dob_after a restart it sometimes works and sometimes not19:03
A_Jumm, the termminal19:03
AerHi, just have a quick question if no one minds :) I dual boot Ubuntu 10.4 with Windows XP and from all the updates my grub menu has got quite long now lol19:03
Aeris there an easy way to clean up my grub menu and remove old kernels I no longer need to save space and shorten the grub list ?19:03
gabriel___too bad it would be tiring and take a while to take screenshots of my compiz settings and send them to you. There is need of a way to save a compiz profile and include extensions like emerald19:03
mersaultAnyone tried to get Natty to install inside of a Xen HVM domU? I'm having problems wherein it can't find the NIC or the HD, but with 10.04 the same config works fine.19:03
DasEiA_J: close and reopen ? makes no sense, or the desktop (aka x ?)19:03
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Jotcan anybody here help me? I have been looking for solution for 2 days, I don't even wanna know how long it takes to set more advanced options ...19:04
middlenvm i googl-fe'd it19:04
gabriel___sry, that last was in response to <johanhar> I enabled a plugin in compiz and unity collapsed :S19:04
Nickname_WPA  can be issue with some wireless,  test without security then wep   if ok the software issue19:04
_coryJot: what is your problem?19:04
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zvacetAer: in synaptic search box type linux-image and remove these with lower number it is good to have 2 kernels just in case19:04
gabriel___hello dark inert gass19:04
ahayzenHi upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 via LiveCD .. all going well..but now it has stopped at 'Restoring Previously Installed Packages' ... there is no activity on the HDD or CD ..but the network like does seem to be active .. is this an issue or do i just have to wait???19:05
demlasjrsomebody can help me please ? :)19:05
Aeri already tried that zvacet :s then i ran soemthign like "sudo update-grub2"19:05
Aerand restarted and nothing changed :(19:05
_corydemlasjr: Try asking your question first19:05
Jot_cory: I can't select default screen resolution and refresh rate in x server nvidia settings19:05
dob_can somebody help me?19:05
botcitygabriel___, can you access ccsm19:05
A_JDasEi: u said ksplice will not make me reboot that much.. how do i do a hot reboot. cause sudo reboot is a normal reboot19:05
demlasjr_cory I already asked :) I need some help if somebody can help me please. I'm trying to connect to my wireless network but I can't make it working with WPA2 Personal. Please help19:05
FroqHELLO!!! I am new here.19:05
bp0how do I remove ubuntu one?19:05
gabriel___don't even know what it is... botcity19:06
_coryjot: so you have proprietary nvidia drivers installed?19:06
Nickname_demlasjr WPA  can be issue with some wireless,  test without security then wep   if ok the software issue19:06
Aershould i not use "sudo update-grub2" after removeing old kernels ?19:06
zvacetAer: if you removed kernels it must be change in grub command is sudo update-grub19:06
Jot_cory: max res and refresh rate I can set is 1152x864 60Hz19:06
Dr_WillisOday:  i always have to google for scp examples.  its somthing liek scp user@host:/home/username otheruser@otherhost:/path/to/go19:06
_corydemlasjr: ah sorry I missed it.  What type of error are you getting?19:06
Aerok thanks19:06
darkargoni also upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and now my internet connections is very very slow, can someone help me?19:06
Aerill try it now19:06
Jot_cory: screen default is 75Hz 1280x102419:06
sec_goatis the a command from terminal to see network activity on ubuntu 10.0419:06
gabriel___botcity pm me k this is confusing for me... thanks19:06
Nickname_I have same problem with a couple of wifi stcks, where another will work19:06
JediMasterhi guys, since upgrading to natty from maverick my dns server has stopped working, I'm running maradns, which runs fine from the command line but the /etc/init.d/maradns script produces no output at all (and returns 0 from $?) yet it doesn't run, nothing at all in syslog, any ideas? (Yes, I've checked there's no /etc/init/maradns.conf file)19:07
Dr_WillisAer:  i think grub gets updated automatically after you remove them.19:07
Jot_cory: yes I have nvidia drivers installed19:07
_coryjot: ah so ubuntu is outputting a higher res then your monitors will display?19:07
IceTrAiNHi folks..  is there anywhere else that Enable3Button for mouse is listed?? It's not located in my xorg.conf19:07
demlasjr_cory: No error, it's like I'm typing the wrong password. the network was hidden and I changed it to visible, but same problem. It's a problem as Nickname_ said ?19:07
Aerhmm ok19:07
_raven_how to record sound card output?19:07
DasEiA_J: once you set up ksplice properly, there is no more reboot needed for kernelupdates, a reboot is a reboot, cold would mean "pull the powerline" (don't do that)19:07
Aerill give it another try then19:07
johanharI cant configure the launcher. System settings -> launcher : gives only a little popup box where to point my mouse when to open it19:07
mordofgreat.. emesene no longer shows up in Unity - is there a way to change that?19:07
Jot_cory: nope, opposite19:07
A_JDasEi: how do i set up ksplice19:08
_Neytiri_is there a way i can disable the history -c command so users cant clear there history19:08
geekyogiI did a foolish thing.. I installed linux kernel of server on desktop.. and now I don't even get the login screen19:08
nastjuidI switched my desktop switching method to Desktop Cube, and chose yes to enable opengl, and the other windows that popped up, but I"ve lost my window borders and can no longer move or resize windows. Setting things back in ccsm does not fix this. any ideas?19:08
Dr_Willis_Neytiri_:  proberly not. they could always just delete the .history file.19:08
botcitycompizconfig settings manager in ubuntu software centre which manager are you using ?19:08
geekyogiany suggesions, to start using the old kernel19:08
_Neytiri_no i have that append only19:08
_corydemlasjr: Yeah I've had similar issues in the past.  I can't remember what I did to fix it tho lol.  I want to say I tried changing to a different type of security, have you tried that?  Or would it be too big of a hassle for the other users?19:08
Jot_cory: I used to work on 1280x1024, 80 Hz on windows with this screen19:08
nastjuidbotcity: was that to me?19:08
DasEiA_J: http://www.ksplice.com/uptrack/using19:09
mordofi took emesene off of unity, but i want it to show again - anyone know how to re-enable that?19:09
botcitynastjuid,  no sorry19:09
Dr_Willis_Neytiri_:  theres a limit to that size of the file. they could just write till its hit its limit i guess.. I dont see the point in this task really...19:09
mordofeven when i open it as a task, it's not showing anymore19:09
_coryjot: have you tried setting your res to auto?19:09
engammalskoMy update manager froze when trying to upgrade to 11.0419:09
demlasjr_cory I can try it. Maybe WPA will be ok....I don't want to change to WEP because I have some which will love to use my network :D19:09
Jot_cory: sure, auto res is 1024x76419:09
Jot_cory: ubuntu doesn't recognize my screen19:10
_corydemlasjr: Yea try that and see if that works19:10
zvacetgeekyogi:  install it from synaptic and boot in it when you see grub19:10
Aerok i just removed the older kernels is there a command I can use to view my grub list without having to restart ?19:10
nastjuidah, sweet got the defaults back19:10
IceTrAiNHi folks..  is there anywhere else that Enable3Button for mouse is listed?? It's not located in my xorg.conf19:10
popeyAer: sudo update-grub should list them19:10
geekyogizvacet, I'm unable to get synapic19:11
Aerok thanks19:11
_coryjot: hmm, yea the nvidia x server settings doesn't recongize mine either.  But it does detect the correct res.  What happens when you goto monitor preferences?19:11
engammalskoSo, anyone knwo why update manager froze when upgrading to 11.04?19:11
_coryjot: ubuntu's monitor preferences not nvidias19:11
A_JDasEi: looks complicated will see later, thank you for all your help good nite mate19:11
geekyogiI would like to remove the newer installed kernel.. and start using the previous kernel19:11
Aerit worked thanks guys :)19:11
engammalskoIs there an alterive update?19:11
Harkinsis it possible to reinstall to a broken system without wiping /home?19:11
sernylanIs there a way to determine what build options were used in an ubuntu package?19:11
Tetsuo55is there any way to display the wire-less connection quality in unity? gnome used to show signal strenght when hovering over the icon19:11
zvacetgeekyogi:  witch version do you run and did you upgrade or it is fresh install19:11
mordofanyone know why a program that's currently open won't shwo up in unity?19:11
A_Jnn all and ty DasEi19:12
ChessTeachi want to set up raid0 on my computer, but I couldn't find the option in BIOS. It is a brand new computer, do some newer computers not support RAID?19:12
vheggood evening - can i get help here? My system dosn't have a boot menue after update to 11.0419:12
l8aGood evening. I joined ubuntu from xp. All went fine, there is only one problem. I dont find something like (unter xp) the "minimal battery power","desktop" etc shemas. Have ubuntu nothing like that? My cpu getting to hot sometimes; under xp i just use "minimal battery.." shema and all goes fine, but under ubuntu I did not find something like that (to make cpu cooler (slower)).19:12
Psychobudgiemordof, I had the same issue yesterday with xchat19:12
geekyogiit was an upgrade.. everything on 11.04 was working fine.. to my mischief.. I installed kernel 2.6.38 server edition.. and now I don't even see the login screen !zvacet19:12
mordofPsychobudgie: did you manage to figure it out?19:13
TangaroaChessTeach: You might need to look into software RAID if you don't have a RAID controller.19:13
Psychobudgiemordof, icon dissapears and can only open it with alt-tab. Report it as a bug19:13
mordofPsychobudgie: i have several bugs to report, i don't know where to report them19:13
Psychobudgiemordof, Only fix I found was to restart unity19:13
mordofPsychobudgie: how do i do that?19:13
Jot_cory: I have an option to set 1280x1024 res in ubuntu monitor preferences but when I select it and try to apply it it says it's not possible19:13
engammalskoHi, I can't install ubuntu 11.04 with update manager. Can anyone help me?19:13
stefgChessTeach: you can (and should) use software raid (mdadm). the real question is: why would you want it?19:13
ChessTeachTangaroa: do my sata hard drives need to be in consecutive slots? one is in slot 1, and the other 319:13
ChessTeachstefg: speed19:13
Psychobudgiemordof : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs19:13
nit-witengammalsko, what is happening?19:14
Psychobudgiemordof : read that, it's pretty straight forward19:14
TangaroaChessTeach: I don't know. Sorry.19:14
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mordofPsychobudgie: kk,, how do i restart unity?19:14
engammalskonit-wit: My updata manager froze.19:14
zvacetgeekyogi: why server kernel if you use desktop19:14
l8ais there no way to limit the cpu under ubuntu (its a mobile cpu)?19:14
merlotanyone know how to switch the default desktop from kdm to gdm?19:14
nit-witengammalsko, could you extrapolate what froze means when how and where.19:15
Psychobudgiemordof, I just logged out and back in19:15
stefgChessTeach: no gains to be expected. Transfer rate is nothing versus access time. This won't help. all you get is a statistically doubled risk of data loss19:15
demlasjrI think I need modem reset...brb19:15
karthunity looks terrible. gigantic icons, very blocky. anyone else see this?19:15
Harkinsanyone really familiar with grub? Any idea what device.map is supposed to contain if grub whines about not "finding a GRUB drive for /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt"?19:15
engammalskonit-wit: I turns grey and it's not responsing. So I need to kill the updata manager process.19:15
Psychobudgiemordof, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat-gnome/+bug/77252419:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 772524 in xchat-gnome (Ubuntu) "When minimising xchat or xchat-gnome the unity icon disappears." [Undecided,New]19:15
engammalskonit-wit: Can i upgrade with shell?19:15
zvacetkarth: all the time  :(19:15
Psychobudgiemordof, does that sound familiar?19:16
vanguardis there some easy way to copy data via ftp with a script (like on does with cp or rsync)19:16
karthzvacet: anything that can be done about it?19:16
nit-witengammalsko, so your in the process of upgrading and the screen has greyed out is the copputer froze altigether19:16
lgp171188hi all, I am using gwibber in natty and added google buzz account, but the statuses aren't fetched and the timeline remains blank. Any clues?19:16
stefgChessTeach: rather look into lvm... you can still stripe volumes over physicl disks, but the real adavntage is manageability19:17
flametai1Can somneone help me? I clicked on some house icon and now no window has a frigin bar to click on to move it around?19:17
zvacetkarth: I would like to know too just decrease icon size will be good19:17
engammalskonit-wit: Just the program forze. Not the computer.19:17
vhegno one that can help me? If i boot my system, the screen shows: "out of screen" ??19:17
ChessTeachstefg: really it won't help much? is that because i am not able to do the raid through the bios?19:17
perlsyntaxHow do i get a dell Truemobile 1150 to work on ubuntu 11.04 it try to connect then it deconnect for some reason?19:18
nit-witengammalsko, have hyou downloaded the changes and it is in the install portion, or the download?19:18
karthzvacet: yeah, if it would just not try to scale that would be fine19:18
DrShoggothso yeah,  unity sure is somthing...19:18
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TangaroaI want to temporarily switch a wireless pc from dyn to static IP. Killing dhclient also shut down the wireless connection, and something respawned the dhclient process. What is going on behind the scenes, and how do I give my computer a static IP if ifconfig & iwconfig & killall dhclient won't do it?19:18
perlsyntaxanyone know how to get a Truemobile 1150 to work in ubuntu?19:18
ScottONanskiHow do I edit the Unity menu bar? I'm trying to drag other folders from my Home directory to it, but no dice.19:19
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AcriaxHi, I'm about to install the latest Ubuntu as a virtual machine on my 64 bit windows 7 computer. Should I install the 64-bit or 32-bit version of Ubuntu? Is 64-bit as stable as 32? I'm just looking for what would be fastest and most stable.19:19
BelinrahsAcriax: 64 is as stable as 32, it's what I use, never an issue19:20
zvacetkarth: I don´t know any thing about unity customization it will be nice to have some link19:20
nit-witAcriax, try both and let us klnow.:)19:20
demlasjr_cory ?19:20
AcriaxBelinrahs okay thank you :)19:20
perlsyntaxanyone know how to get truemobile to work in ubuntu?19:20
TimeDude32 for windows 64 for mac19:20
demlasjrI start to reconnect and the network connection button dissapeared19:20
Acriaxnit-wit I'll start out with 64-bit. :)19:20
TimeDudemac has bigger cpu19:20
demlasjrhow to add it back ?19:20
Tophis the only reason one would go 64 bit is to address more ram?19:20
txomonToph, more efficiency also19:21
TimeDudeac 64 is more powerfull but it is ram consuming19:21
Mac_Weberis there any way to install tomcat7 using apt-get?19:21
stefgChessTeach: bios raid or (proper) mdadm raid is actually the same, only the means are different (the CPU is doing the processing anyway). Bios raid is for dumb OS's which don't have software raid, you don't need that in linux. But either way: raid0 on desktop systems isn't worth it. you pay a price for nothing. you might get a bit more transfer rate, but the real limiting factor is access...19:21
stefg...time. consider a SSD if you are a speed junky19:21
Tophtxomon,,, i see19:21
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to get a truwmobile 1150 pc card to work???19:21
mayank_kGuys, I just upgraded to 11.04 and the wireless stopped working. Can somebody please help me with this?19:21
zvacetAcriax:  no need for 64 in vm only if you can give more then 3GB ram to vm19:21
nit-witperlsyntax, have you looked at the additional drivers in the menu?19:21
AcriaxTimeDude yes I figured as much. Wonder if there even are any benefits in using 64-bit on a vm though19:21
TimeDudewho here loves the terminal in mac/ubuntu19:21
perlsyntaxnit-wit,You mean the hardware driver19:22
perlsyntaxi try that19:22
Acriaxzvacet but I have more than 3gb available for the vm :)19:22
TimeDudeno terminal the app bash or shell19:22
nit-witperlsyntax, says additional drivers in mine19:22
txomonToph, but it is a problem for packages, most of them are done for 32 bits19:22
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zvacetAcriax:  ok then get 6419:22
perlsyntaxit have not been working from 9.10 ubuntu and up.19:22
TimeDudeac go to 3219:22
Tophtxomon,,, till now, i have always avoided 64 bit19:23
facelessloserhi has anyone tryed to install klibido under ubuntu 11.0419:23
nit-witperlsyntax, yeah yours sounded familiar.:)19:23
thejonbanybody else having trouble connecting to repos in maverick?19:23
perlsyntaxi think it odd19:23
_corydemlasjr: Hey did that work for you?  I went afk for a min19:23
Tangaroamayank: Anything in your dmesg? You might also need to reinstall the firmware19:23
perlsyntaxnit-wit,You know how to fix it?19:23
rafaelhello, I have posted the following post in ubuntuforum, can anybody help me with this matter> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174335319:23
flametai1Can somneone help me? I clicked on some house icon and now no window has a frigin bar to click on to move it around?19:24
txomonToph, depending of what you are going to use the computer, maybe, looking forward compability, stay in 32bit19:24
perlsyntaxif i am right i need the lan-ng fireware19:24
Tetsuo55help the left launcher bar wont go away19:24
Tetsuo55what can i do19:24
velcroshoozthejonb, if its just slow, its the traffic the mirrors are getting hit with since 11.04 was released.19:24
stefgChessTeach: rather do a clever partition layout and use lvm. having /var and / on different spindles helps a lot19:24
Tophtxomon,,, in what way is 64 bit more efficient?19:24
mayank_kThe "enable wireless" option is dithered, how can i get it enabled19:24
nit-witperlsyntax, what OS are you running?19:24
zvacetthejonb: servers are hot maybe try different server19:24
TimeDudetoph usally if u get a ubuntu app they are a very broad app and they probally do 6419:24
BarsukWhich video converter is the best for Ubuntu?19:24
perlsyntaxubuntu 11.0419:24
karthzvacet: installed compizconfig-settings-manager, and changed the icons from 48 to 32... not blocky anymore19:25
nit-witperlsyntax, did you find additional drivers?19:25
thejonb:velcroshooz  that's what i figured.  tried installing 11.04 last night and hated it, so now i'm setting up 10.10 again.  can't install any software because i can't connect to repos ha19:25
demlasjr_cory it's not working :(19:25
perlsyntaxi not sure what driver i need.19:25
karthzvacet: now I just have to figure out how to get the fonts to not look like... uh. crap.19:25
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stefgBarsuk: i'm tempted to give you the !best factoid, but in this particular case handbrake wins hands down19:25
cbx333hey guys19:25
BarsukWhich video converter is the best for Ubuntu?19:26
cbx333where did handbrake go :(19:26
stefg!best | barsuk19:26
ubottubarsuk: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:26
txomonToph, in every way, the only way it is not, is when you dont have a program for 64 bits (few ones, but could be)19:26
nit-witperlsyntax, additional drivers would tell you if one is found to be available for install19:26
zvacetkarth: so I have to use compiz for that?19:26
TimeDudei just reallized19:26
Barsukubottu, so which converter are you using?19:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:26
TimeDudei can acsess anyones computer19:26
perlsyntaxBut what driver do i neeed that question.19:26
Tophtxomon,,, ok,, i didn't realize that19:26
cpgeekUpgrading to 11.04 broke my ability to compile the vmmon vmware module for vmware server. Any ideas?19:26
LAcancpgeek, ya go back to 10.10 :)19:27
demlasjrcan somebody help me to make my wireless network functional please ?19:27
LAcandemlasjr, whats up?19:27
perlsyntaxnit-wit any ideas19:27
zvacetcpgeek: probably linux-headers19:27
botcityTangaroa, nm-applet will restart services you stop !19:27
velcroshoozcpgeek, vmware usually has to put out updates for new kernels when they are released - my guess is they have not addressed the kernel in 11.0419:27
demlasjrI can't conenct to my network, I tried with WPA and WPa2...it's like when the key is wrong :( LAcan19:28
thejonbso someone suggested i change servers.  not sure how to do that.19:28
karthzvacet: compiz is required for unity. you have to go into the settings manager and you can change the icons to their actual size19:28
LAcandemlasjr, i think u have to use the hex key and not the plaintext pw19:28
nit-witperlsyntax, yes and it starts with you actually reading what I have asked and answering it.:)19:28
BelinrahsI hate to ask but would someone look at my forum post and maybe make a suggestion? It's WiFi related19:28
zvacetkarth : just a sec19:28
demlasjrLAcan that's one that I didn't tried yet :)19:28
nit-witBelinrahs, link19:28
karthzvacet: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager, run ccsm in terminal, in the filter, search for unity, go to experimental, and change launcher icon size from 48 to 3219:28
perlsyntaxi did read it:)19:29
lgp171188Hi, I am using Ubuntu 11.04. I have nvidia proprietary drivers enabled and I use classic gnome. I have an issue where some times while placing the mouse over a button and trying to click it, it doesn't work as the focus is not correctly on the button. Has anyone faced such an issue?19:29
Belinrahsnit-wit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174265019:29
varunvyasHI all19:29
nit-witperlsyntax, well read it again it is a question?19:29
subcool_can someone help me with y /usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :0 creates a loop19:29
demlasjrLAcan so I need to switch the password to hex, but then I need to add it normally or editing the file19:29
perlsyntaxbut how do i do that19:30
demlasjrLAcan I want to tell you that I have hex just for WEP, not WPA19:30
perlsyntaxi told you i try that no drivers came up.19:31
perlsyntaxthat why i asking the question19:31
nit-witperlsyntax, I dont have natty open right now but in the panel is a squarq with a + sign click it and search19:31
varunvyaswhen I upgreading to 11.04, it stuck at insalling upgrd19:31
geekyogisolved by modifyting the grub.cfg19:31
perlsyntaxi give up19:31
awhitehatterthe global menu is a little too OSX-ish, anyone else feel the same?19:32
rafaeldear ralink: I have read your post and cannot help you19:32
FFForeverIs there a simple way to kill unity and get gnome back?19:32
nikolai`FFForever, At the login screen, Select Ubuntu (Classic)19:32
awhitehatterFFForever, you can login with it19:32
thejonbi'm having trouble connecting to repos in maverick because of traffic i guess.  can anybody tell me how to change servers?19:32
nikolai`To set this as the login default, change the system menu19:32
Nickname_logout and change :)19:32
FFForeverniko, O.o! Thanks :)19:32
Belinrahsnit-wit: I'm still on IRC so if you don't want to reply to the thread I can see you here19:32
FFForeverunity is really nice, but it has some display issues with my screen19:32
RussellAlanwhat is the command in terminal to renamel a drive?19:32
cormynI'm willing to give Unity a chance, but how do I add my toolbar widgets again, like my stock ticker and system monitoring?19:32
RussellAlana media driver19:32
rafaelwill you please read mine, if you can help me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174335319:33
mayank_kCan somebody please help me with my wireless network issue?19:33
Tangaroabotcity: thanks19:33
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alien-007i can rip a movie at 37x speed but i can only burn at 2x,,why is that ?19:33
sta11I have a laptop with 2.0Ghz AMD and 1GB RAM, would you guys recommend me Ubuntu 11.04 for the laptop? I heard it slower than previous versions of Ubuntu19:33
alien-007no matter what program i use19:34
mayank_kIt's not recognizing the networks after I upgraded to ubuntu 11.0419:34
=== ForeverAway is now known as FFForever
Tangaroaalien: sounds like a hardware limitation. Reading and writing are different operations19:34
FFForeverThanks niko! I am in gnome again19:34
nit-witBelinrahs, I looked I can't really tell what might be causing a freeze up sorry.19:34
thejonbstall:  i didn't find it to be slower.  it's just different.  if Unity slows you down, you can always do Unity 2-D or log in under the Ubuntu classic desktop19:34
Belinrahsnit-wit: Thank you all the same for looking! :)19:34
Nickname_<mayank_k>   readup on backport drivers19:35
akashm1990does anyone here play revenge of the titans?19:35
ohsixsta11: did you hear that from someone with your exact machine, and did he tell you all the circumstances that made it slower? if not, you weren't told much, and should just see for yourself19:35
akashm1990need some help installing it19:35
alien-007Tangaroa: ok thanks,,i guess i change to ligthscribe19:35
alternate1Yesterday 11.04 became offically stable correct? so why no alternate iso beyond April 26th19:35
axl3guys, check out: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/773182    any help appreciated19:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 773182 in unity "Unity won't work with nVidia Gefroce 410M" [Undecided,New]19:35
FreeTheBeeakashm1990 I have it installed19:36
akashm1990FreeTheBee, PM?19:36
FreeTheBeehaven't played more than a little bit19:36
sta11thejonb About the 2D option, do I need to download Unity 2D manually after I install Ubuntu 11.04, or it is there by default?19:36
user82just 4 interest: is the natty boot time also significantly shorter than maverick ones on your computers19:37
mattyh88how can i change keyboard layout pls?19:37
mattyh88in ubuntu server19:37
alternate1why no ppc alternate after april 26th? every other architecture is up to date19:37
DasEiuser82: yes, but the major jump was lucid19:37
RussellAlanplease someone help, how do i rename the sdcard /media19:37
thejonbstall:  you'll have to install it manually.  i don't know off hand how to do that, but a simple search on ubuntu forums should point you in the right direction19:37
user82okay..did not start with below lucid so i cannot tell but i read it19:38
arnabwhat do i do to get a kde desktop? do i need to install kubuntu over the ubuntu?19:38
user82but for my netbook it made ~2/3 of the old time19:38
Nickname_just kde19:38
DasEiuser82: the old sysinit was improved , so there is more in parallel going on at boot, that did the trick19:38
axl3arnab: kubuntu.sedktop19:38
axl3arnab: kubuntu-desktop19:39
linuxtechIt seems ppa.launchpad.net not doing well under the load today.19:39
tibroxI'm using natty and mysql server can't start.  How do I fix this?19:39
mattyh88i'm using this sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup but I can't really change keyboard layout .. it's still qwerty .. and i need azerty19:39
DasEiuser82: consider least lucid, if that's a factor for you, stable, less bugs, long supported19:39
jester7Hello all.  I have been using Natty Since the last alpha and just saw that the overlay scrollbars are now default, but not for me.  How do I turn this on?19:39
thejonblinuxtech: tell me about it.  i've been trying to install something via ppa for the last hour and i can't connect19:39
arnabahh thanks!19:39
tripelbgood morning.. just barely PDT. I've got basic ubuntu understanding problems.19:39
tripelbjester7 Natty is in another channel19:40
ipohi , please help me!19:40
jester7...I don't think it is19:40
user82DasEi, i set up my computer 3 times in 5 months now..lts is not a big deal for a small surfing only machine19:40
KrisDouglasI have had to switch to the IFL mirrors19:40
Pumpkin-Natty is here now. It's been released.19:40
arnabis there any way to figure out how much space a particular package (with all its dependencies) will take up?19:40
Belinrahstripelb: what are you talking about? lol19:40
DasEimattyh88: check in synaptic if your desired language is fully installed, then re-try19:40
tripelb!natty |jester719:40
ubottujester7: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110419:40
qinmattyh88: try: setupcon19:40
ipoI cant run ubuntu on fujitsu laptop!19:40
zvacetkarth: all I see when I type unity in filter is Ubuntu unity plugin or something like that19:40
tripelbNot a sexy problem: When I am on filesystem A I cant copy files from filesystem B (no permissions). When I boot into filesystem B I cant even SEE filesystem A. 10.0419:40
jester7tripelb: right :)  ubuntu+1 does not work19:40
tripelbI've been asking this for daze!19:41
KrisDouglasipo, what is happening?19:41
tripelbok jester7 I have been informed.19:41
DasEimattyh88: also sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade may be of use, another thing, can I pm you ?19:41
tensorpuddingif you put icons in /usr/local/share/icons, will the system be able to find them?19:42
Jotdoes anybody here know how to solve xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default?19:42
mattyh88DasEi: sure19:42
tensorpuddingwhat else do you have to do to make it work?19:42
=== daniel__ is now known as Drone4four
Nickname_just for anyones interest, also running natty on a hanvon bc10 touchpad or whatever they call them now :)   touch works GREATTTTT19:42
^Spider^upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 doesn't work for me; I get something similar to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/756329   -   How may I debug the problem?19:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 756329 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." [Undecided,Invalid]19:42
DasEiuser82: your choice, dist-upgrade should be no problem19:43
middlei fixed it some how btw.. thanks for beign there19:43
Mr_Proper_Is it just me, are all the repository servers struggling since natty came out?19:43
Mr_Proper_Lots of timeouts19:43
RRU_Sciguyany idea as to when the sleep/resume issue shall be fixed?19:43
proqwhen I run gnome, the mouse settings that I change don't take effect in other window managers.  how do I get them to stay on?19:43
bimyeah, apt-get -y dist-upgrade is great ;)19:43
velcroshoozMr_Proper_, high traffic. its going to be like that for awhile.19:44
botcitytripelb, there are so many details missing19:44
RRU_Sciguyproq: I dunno if the window managers share that cfg setting19:44
Mr_Proper_velcroshooz: Figured :) Tried a few, found one that seems more reliable, though slower, so I'll try that for a while19:44
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semitonesdoes ubuntu have a really stylish digital clock screensaver somewhere19:44
tripelbHello, I have stuff on an ubuntu installation on one disk. And I want to copy it to another ubuntu installation on another (my main) disk. I dont care if it is become a second user on my main disc or what. I just want to clear the 10G disk. Now what do I do to get a comrad to assist me. It keeps telling me that I dont have permission. I can log into either disk.19:45
TheHackOpscya later guys19:45
Froqcan silvermoon handle netlfix yet?19:45
tripelbbotcity belinrahs does that help?19:45
Froqcan Silvermoon handle netflix yet?19:46
TheHackOpstripelb, if you want full permisions type su19:46
ross_is there such thing as  the best mobile broad access card for linux?19:46
TheHackOpsFroq, Try it.....19:46
ejv!patience | Froq19:46
ubottuFroq: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:46
Belinrahstripelb: why did you mention me? not sure how i fit in here...19:46
semitonesFroq, more like netflix can't handle silvermoon19:46
RRU_Sciguytripelb: sudo for short-term root priv19:46
tripelbTheHackOps, I need context. for the...19:46
ross_will meerkat work with 4g usb modem?19:46
FroqTheHackOps: I tried it 2 months ago & no luck.  didn't know if anythign has changed.  that is what is keeping me form going linux only in house19:46
TheHackOpsross_, Generic or a supported one19:46
hoikenhello all19:46
ChessTeachhow does lvm work? do I install ubuntu on one hard drive, then install lvm and it begins using the second drive?19:47
TheHackOpsFroq, What is keeping you19:47
ross_thehackops: can you please list some examples?19:47
LAcanare the firefox repos just broke today cuz of the update or what? i got one patched at 8am but no luck since then19:47
TheHackOpsross_, Its 5Am and i have been up all day and night on irc helping out19:47
TheHackOpsill be on tomoro19:47
tripelbbelinrahs I was mistaken. I had the wrong context in my mind for your comment to me which was actually about my assertion that natty was not in this challel so please forgive me and be amused and my runon... :)19:47
TheHackOpsor post in the forums19:47
TheHackOpsi need sleep i have a big day tomorow19:47
VarthHas anyone figured out a way to make Google Chrome play nice with the Unity panel? I have window management buttons on the window and the panel when maximized, using either of Google chrome's titlebar modes.19:47
fliegenderfroschtripelb: if you want to do it in a graphical way, just press alt+f2 and enter "gksudo nautilus", then you should have a file manager with admin privileges19:47
Belinrahstripelb: no problem19:47
tripelbTheHackOps, later thanks19:47
RRU_SciguyTheHackOps: GET SOME SLEEP MAN!!!19:47
FroqTheHackOps: my geeky side.  I like linux19:47
botcitytripelb, 10gigs can you use a usb stick? may be easier19:47
pythonedGreetings, I am running ubuntu and would like to donate a hdd to a friend. How can I format it to leave no trace on it? Just like it was brand new...?19:48
ohsixVarth: chrome draws its own decorations, t heres not much you can do about it19:48
RRU_Sciguypythoned: reformatting the disk will erase the data19:48
tripelbbotcity, yes I can. I still want to fix the issue. I'll take it to "ubuntuforums" and use the "good old american bailing wire" trick that you suggest. :P19:48
ejvpythoned: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXX bs=1K19:48
TheHackOpsFroq, I am linux only and i don't have any problems, RRU_Sciguy, The community needs support thats the only way to get new people so i pull my weight arround here to say thanks for the epic free os19:48
botcitypythoned, shred command19:48
fliegenderfroschpythoned: i usually use "ultimate boot cd" for this19:48
ipoKrisDougal:  when I boot the CD , I se just a background!@19:49
pythonedRRU_Sciguy:  No, it will not...it will overwrite some portions of the HDD online.19:49
traeodd... why would I need 2G for a USB thumbdrive under Ubuntu when if I create the same one on Windows it only needs 1g (to make the same said USB thumbdrive system)19:49
fliegenderfroschRRU_Sciguy: reformatting does leave traces19:49
Varthohsix: I actually got it figured out, It does work with the use native titlebar mode. I just didn't have it maximized like I thought I did. >_< Thanks for the input.19:49
jiltdilgui iptables for natty?19:49
rannmannpythoned: the dd method is my favorite.19:49
akashm1990I downloaded the revengeofthetitans .tar.gz from Humblebundle.  When I extract it , and try to run it using ./revenge.sh, nothing happens. Have tried chmod 777 revenge.sh and sudo ./revenge.sh19:49
RRU_SciguySo does merely deleting19:49
TheHackOpsRRU_Sciguy, I once stayed up for 3 days fixing some guys ubuntu install19:49
* tripelb gives kudos to thehackops and hopes to know you more. (thinking 5am where is that?) goes to look at a map.19:49
michaelshi! i installed 11.04 on a macbook 2,1 i don't the the "at" to work (on the "G"-Key).... Anyone an idea?19:49
jiltdilplease tell me the GUI iptables for natty?19:49
RRU_SciguyTheHackOps: wow19:50
pythonedrannmann:  Does it work fine? i mean can i retrive data once I used that command?19:50
TheHackOpstripelb, Shout out from australia19:50
TheHackOpsRRU_Sciguy, or whoever asked it. If you format and then overwright 32 times there is no trace19:50
rannmannpythoned: that overwrites the entire drive with 0's.  There is literally nothing on it.19:50
ipoI have problem on booting ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!119:50
RRU_SciguyThe best way to remove all traces without destroying the disk is to bleach it19:50
ipoplease help!!! :(19:50
pythonedrannmann:  As I said I would like to donate I want to alter everything that was on it...19:50
TheHackOpsBecause the magnetics will be different completly19:50
pythonedrannmann:  Sweet, thank you so much sir!19:50
TheHackOpsand Forensic recovery relies on that19:51
ohsixjiltdil: install the gui for ufw19:51
fliegenderfroschpythoned: dd deletes the data securely, if you want to be totally sure use it multiple times, but after one run it should be really hard to get data even for forensics19:51
GeekyAdamhey all. friends ubuntu netbook edition wireless card stopped working. physical switch is on, but ifconfig only shows eth0 and lo. where do i start?19:51
jiltdilohsix:ok thanks19:51
brewsterwhere can i go for hardware related questions?19:51
botcitytripelb, is the hdd encrypted ?19:51
semitoneswhat does the command "cd" do when used this way? cd && bzr get lp:~b0h3m4/+junk/noflipqlo19:51
strigoi66can anyone tell me where to get wifi driver for acer aspire 5000 laptop?19:51
ohsixjiltdil: it only does simple block and allow rules, but you can add custom rules to be applied with them (man ufw-framework)19:52
ipoeverybody please help!19:52
pestilencesemitones: changes to your home dir19:52
fliegenderfroschpythoned: for added fun, use if=/dev/random :)19:52
strigoi66for 11.0419:52
semitonespestilence, thanks19:52
pestilencesemitones: note that you pasted two commands separated by &&19:52
jmcantrell_anyone using natty on a lenovo t420 or t520? i'm trying to see how compatible it is19:52
pestilencesemitones: don't know what bzr get lp:~b0h3m4/+junk/noflipqlo does19:53
pythonedfliegenderfrosch:  But if the person takes the hdd to a special data lab ..will the folks there be able to see what's on it?19:53
thejonbi'm getting a 404 not found when trying to connect to the nautilus elementary ppa.  is it down?19:53
Picithejonb: ppa.launchpad.net is overloaded. Try again later.19:53
DasEijmcantrell_: on the t420 lucid is fine, though it's a mate's box19:53
pythonedfliegenderfrosch:  after I run the command like 3 times:)19:53
nexus6__is there a download problem ? i just get 45kb/s and have already tested on other download sites19:53
thejonbPici: figured.  thanks.19:53
RRU_Sciguypythoned: Deleting a file just erases the headers on the clumps (on window$ at least) the files are still there though19:53
michaelshi! i installed 11.04 on a macbook 2,1 i don't the the "at" to work (on the "G"-Key).... Anyone an idea?19:53
botcitypythoned, if your that paranoid i would torch it in the back yard19:53
jmcantrell_DasEi, know of any pain points when installing or does everything just work? any hardware that doesn't work?19:54
pythonedbotcity:  Sadly I want to donate it:)) can't torch it...19:54
IdleOnenexus6__: the servers are over loaded it will settle down in a couple of days hopefully19:54
botcitypythoned, man shred19:54
nexus6__is there not alternative download?19:54
RRU_Sciguypythoned, the only way to truly destroy data making it completely irrecoverable is to destroy the disk itself19:54
fliegenderfroschpythoned: if you overwrite the data several times with random data, it should be impossible even for specialists to get data, if i recall correctly, i have read an article that even overwriting once  should be enough19:54
DasEijmcantrell_: not that I new, the touchpad might need some extra work19:54
pestilencebotcity: shred isn't useful for journaled filesystems19:54
IdleOne!torrent | nexus6__19:54
pestilencehe's better off with dd19:54
ubottunexus6__: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:54
DasEiwhomie: löle19:55
mikeeapythoned: try this iuse it on all my drives  http://www.dban.org/19:55
KrisDouglasIf you open Synaptic package manager, go to repositories in the menu, and then where it says United Kingdom, or wherever, click change, then click other. Then click "select best server" and it will choose the fastest one available.19:55
IdleOnenexus6__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Metalink19:55
BUGabundodeb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt oneiric main restricted universe multiverse19:55
KrisDouglasAlways works when a new release comes out.19:55
BUGabundooh well19:55
whomiedo you think I should use Ubuntu or SOLARIS for a home server?19:55
BUGabundolet the fun begin19:55
jmcantrell_i just want a laptop where everything works great out of the box. anyone have any suggestions?19:55
IdleOneBUGabundo: oneiric ?19:55
red2kicwhomie: Debian. :)19:55
pythonedmikeea:  thanks19:55
pestilencewhomie: gentoo19:55
whomiewhy Debian?19:55
whomieor Gentoo19:55
zenlunaticjmcantrell_: system7619:55
red2kicwhomie: Why Ubuntu or Solaris? ;)19:56
whomiewhat are the differences between them19:56
pestilencewhomie:  you are in a ubuntu room.  what do you think?19:56
botcitypestilence, oh sorry is there an updated version like shred2.019:56
whomieI was recommended Ubuntu by 1 person19:56
DasEiwhomie: rather a question for ##linux, ubuntu support here19:56
jmcantrell_zenlunatic, do you own one?19:56
nexus6__whats the name of the german channel?19:56
mikeeapythoned: welcome19:56
whomieand SOLARIS by another19:56
fliegenderfroschpythoned: if you use a tool like "boot and nuke" from the ultimate boot cd, you can select different modes which correspond e.g. to security standards of the american department of defense19:56
zenlunaticjmcantrell_: no i buy used thinkpads19:56
whomieI think Solaris sounds better but that's just me :)19:56
DasEinexus6__: #ubuntu-de19:56
nexus6__thank you19:56
pythonedfliegenderfrosch:  :)) sounds great for a paranoic like me19:56
jmcantrell_zenlunatic, what models of thinkpads and what's the experience like?19:56
pestilencewhomie: distro flame wars belong elsewhere.  next question19:56
Arraritahello, is there someone who can help me?19:57
DasEinexus6__: can pm me, if you want19:57
whomiepestilente what's a distro?19:57
DasEi!details | Arrarita19:57
ubottuArrarita: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:57
whomiesorry for noob questions hehe19:57
zenlunaticjmcantrell_: mostly anything works... just google ibm certified thinkpads19:57
mayank_kok so I have got the "enable wireless" enabled by downloading backports19:57
Arraritaon my laptop, I upgraded the new version, 11.0419:57
zenlunaticjmcantrell_: ibm sells them with a 1 yr warranty19:57
pestilencewhomie: ubuntu is a linux distribution.  so is debian and gentoo.  i was being facetious when i recommended gentoo19:57
_Mr_Proper_Looks like ppa.launchpad.net is what is dead. If I exclude that from my sources, I can proceed with the rest normally19:57
whomiewhat does that mean :P19:57
botcitypythoned, i think we all get that way from time to time 0.o19:58
mayank_khowever it's still not able to search the wireless network19:58
mayank_kiwconfig shows this http://paste.ubuntu.com/600919/19:58
pestilencewhomie: just install ubuntu already ;)19:58
Arraritait won't boot up, and I have tried to re install using the cd, and it still won't work, I don't know what to do?19:58
RRU_SciguyI do have a problem however, in 10.10 sleep/resume worked properly. In 11.04 on resume I get stuck at a screen with just a command-prompt-cursor like symbol in the top-left corner19:58
biffbaxterwhomie: I am biased, but give wattOS a try...its ubuntu based running LXDE :)19:58
psykidellicSo I have a server app (written using Python/Twisted) that is loaded up through /etc/init.d. The machine is an OpenVPN client and it seems if I start the app before OpenVPN loads up tun0, all my network communication faolure with: Connection Timed Out. If I restart my server app, it works correctly for the same code/machine.19:58
ipoKrisDouglas: When I boot that CD , I see just a background!19:58
ArraritaI see the background first, and then it goes black and nothing19:59
jmcantrell_zenlunatic, ubuntu says that a lot of the thinkpads are "certified", but there's notes about needing pre-installed images. what's that mean?19:59
benccwhen trying "sudo apt-get update" I'm getting Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/... Hash Sum mismatch19:59
benccSome index files failed to download. They have been ignored or old ones used instead19:59
benccis there something to do about it?19:59
benccmaybe clean the apt cache?19:59
ArraritaI tried to reinstall the last version using the cd, and that won't boot either20:00
Kevin147I'm having trouble with 11.04. I start up my desktop, and it goes to this grub> thing. It says to hit TAB to show commands and stuff...how do I fix this? someone please help!20:00
ArraritaI can't even get to the grub20:00
TheHackOpsOk can i clear something up before i get off20:00
ipoKrisDouglas: are you there?20:00
TheHackOpsAustralia is no a freaking outback bushland all across the board20:01
RRU_SciguyTheHackOps, I know that, my mums from Melbourne20:01
TheHackOpsI know america thinks we are but trust me were much more developed that most of america20:01
RRU_SciguyAnd I live in America20:01
arnabhow do i figure out how much space will be required to install a package, or will be freed up if i remove a package?20:01
Mjiighi, trying to do a "sudo do-release-upgrade", 2 packages keep giving me 403 Forbidden error every time i run it. Any help20:01
TheHackOpssome guy pm'ed me asking how i get fiber optic internet in the outback20:01
nit-witKevin147, http://pastebin.com/y1gnRdQm let us know if you get in20:02
RRU_SciguyPeople have asked my mom how long it took to drive here20:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:02
Arraritais there another way to get help, I cannot follow this?20:02
zenlunaticjmcantrell_: no idea can you link me20:02
pestilencearnab: it tells you when your run apt-get install....20:02
RRU_SciguyAnd some even asked what lang they speak in Australia -.-20:02
TheHackOpsRRU_Sciguy, Go into offtopic i want to talk20:02
LjL!support | Arrarita20:02
ubottuArrarita: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com20:02
Mjiigthe packages are xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-750dpi20:02
jmcantrell_zenlunatic, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201102-732620:03
zenlunaticjmcantrell_: msg me20:03
arnabahh ok, thanks - am using ubuntu after more than a year - i almost forgot about aptitude and apt-get20:03
Arraritathank you, I will try that20:03
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
benji_"Linux ubuntu-desktop 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux" is 32 or 64 ?20:03
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RRU_SciguyTheHackedOps, I am there (#off-topic)20:03
Mjiigbenji_: 32 bit i believe20:03
wadIn general, I'm liking the 11.4 release. But there are a couple of issues I've noticed around my dual-monitor configuration: It doesn't play nice when I have one monitor positioned above the other.20:04
zomboranyone know the status of the GMA 2000 intel graphics chip? im having a hell of a time getting even a display to come up20:04
strigoi66where do I get drivers for wifi on acer aspire 5000 running natty20:04
benji_Mjiig, I would say so also, is there a better command to know that ?20:04
TheHackOpsRRU_Sciguy, no your not20:04
CiberLugohow i can put the clock in notification bar in natty?20:05
sundjinnkarihello all How do I get unity back after installing gnome 3?20:05
RRU_SciguyTheHackOps, i got an unavailable error with offtopic20:05
Kevin147nit-wit: Sorry, I am not very good with the grub stuff.. so like, run "prompt for grub2"?20:05
LjLRRU_Sciguy: /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:05
RRU_Sciguyah, lol20:05
RRU_Sciguyi did off-topic20:05
TheHackOpsyou won20:05
sundjinnkarihello all How do I get unity back after installing gnome 3?20:06
warpiyo, does anyone have a tip of "IRC BOT" application for ubuntu?20:06
benccwhen fetching from repositories I'm getting several Failed20:06
benccwhy is that?20:06
nit-witKevin147, #1 is the header the decription # is the start of the commands20:06
Pici!info supybot | warpi20:07
ubottuwarpi: supybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB20:07
nit-witKevin147, start at #220:07
Kevin147nit-wit: ok.20:07
sundjinnkarihello all How do I get unity back after installing gnome 3?20:07
truepurpleI have tried to upgrade ubuntu to 11.04, I restarted my PC but it has loaded to a mostly blank screen with a couple scraggly lines of dashes at the top20:07
Mjiigbenji_: can't think of one, what's wrong with uname?20:07
KrisDouglassundjinnkari, gnome 3 breaks unity, I don't know of a way to restore what happens afterwards.20:07
warpiubottu, thx!20:07
Mjiighi, trying to do a "sudo do-release-upgrade", 2 packages keep giving me 403 Forbidden error every time i run it. Any help20:08
Mjiigthe packages are xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-750dpi20:08
nit-witKevin147, you can do it when you hit tab it is to complete so if you hit the tab where stated and nothing comes up start again, you don't have to reboot to try again.20:08
benji_Mjiig, nothing, it would be nice to actually see 32 when it is20:08
benji_but I can live with that20:08
BarsukWhich video converter is the best for linux?20:08
BarsukI want to convert film to my mobile format mp420:08
Kevin147nit-wit: oh alright I see... on the "linux /boot/vmlinuz<tab> nothing comes up20:08
Mjiigbenji_: someone more competant than me could probably knock together a bash function to do that20:09
Nickname_winff handbrake20:09
Mjiigbenji_: i'll givce it a go20:09
ipoeverybody thanks for helping!20:09
milen8204Could anyone help me to mount my old /home partition to my new one /home :D, because I had preinstal my ubuntu20:09
nit-witKevin147, the first line #2 has to be with the correct partition. Also the spaces a critical as well.;)20:09
isibiliri install 11.0420:10
truepurpleI have tried to upgrade ubuntu to 11.04, I restarted my PC but it has loaded to a mostly blank screen with a couple scraggly lines of dashes at the top20:10
nit-wittruepurple, tried ir did upgrade20:10
isibilirbut dont work unity because don't install 8400gs vga driver and  i dont find driver20:10
milen8204truepurple,  same as me20:10
Mjiigbenji_: uname --machine | grep i686 >/dev/null && echo "Your one a 32 bit machine" || echo "Your on a 64 bit machine"20:11
Mjiigi think that works20:11
milen8204truepurple, I had the same problem20:11
benji_Mjiig, haha you rick20:11
truepurplenit-wit: Well I downloaded the files, got to the stage where it was suppose to install the upgrade, but I got this instead20:11
Mjiigno problem20:11
FurryIn Natty, can I add my own applications to the Launcher?20:11
Mjiigi rarely get to test my (limited) bash skills20:11
zvacetisibilir: did you look under system>admin additional drives if you can install it from there20:11
swebubuntu 11.04 === damn operating system20:11
milen8204truepurple, I had preinstal20:11
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! |
truepurplemilen8204: I will create a thread on this problem too and link you to it for you to contribute20:12
swebi install it on eee pc ausu 904 hd, linux suppor20:12
isibiliradd.. drivers dont open20:12
FurryLjL, missed the last | I think20:12
swebafter some restart the theme of gnome will be broken20:12
moltendorfHey everyone, quick question, just did a test swap to ubuntu 11.04 over SSH, but the network performance seems to be very, very slow; namely using SSH, connecting is quick, but when it prompts me for password, it takes a good 15 seconds to respond. Attempting to log in through the physical console results in no delay.20:12
milen8204truepurple,  ok20:12
truepurplemilen8204: What do you mean by preinstall? You bought a computer already like this?20:12
Blakviperhi, ne1 have time to review with me a problem? I've just installed ubuntu, with winXP, it freezes at the login screen20:12
moltendorfAnyone know how to fix this?20:12
swebwindows 7 work on eee pc well20:12
isibilirand i find ubuntu software center a diffrent add.. drivers and install but sam20:12
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! Release party in #ubuntu-release-party | Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient
Kevin147nit-wit: its saying no such partition20:13
hf_acidFurry: yes, if you find the application via the unity search you should be able to drag and drop it onto the side there20:13
joepausing natty/unity release, apps won't stay pinned to the Launcher. I right-click, choose keep in Launcher, logout, login, and it's gone. I formatted and reinstalled, same problem. it doesn't matter whether I'm logged in as a normal user or as root, same problem. Any ideas?20:13
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! | Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient
milen8204truepurple, I had 10.10 then i have undated, and my laptop fails20:13
truepurplenit-wit: Are you able to help?20:13
=== joel is now known as Guest38432
nit-wittruepurple, to be honest the description is confusing. The update upgrade should happen with not turning the computer off. Is the a failed upgrade, so you thought your computer was okay then restarted to the situation now?20:14
vanguardI just upgraded to Natty and now my Desktop Effects lag seriously (was fine with ATI driver in Maverick), my window decorations are gone. How can I get everything back into a working state?20:14
truepurplemilen8204:  Did you try to upgrade to 11.04?20:14
milen8204truepurple, than I downloaded a new 11.04 and burned it on disk and I made a new instalation20:14
swebunity desktop === damn new feature for dummies20:14
milen8204truepurple, yes20:14
blurghHas anyone managed to get global menu working in Eclipse?20:14
truepurplenit-wit: Of course you need to restart your PC when upgrading from 10.10 to 11.0420:14
kate__Anyone got time to answer a question about why I can't get my image cd to work>20:15
milen8204truepurple, I had installed it20:15
swebany one can answer me ?20:15
truepurplemilen8204:  And you also only see a bit of dashed lines at the top of the screen with the rest blank?20:15
vanguardI just upgraded to Natty and now my Desktop Effects lag seriously (was fine with ATI driver in Maverick), my window decorations are gone. How can I get everything back into a working state?20:15
milen8204truepurple, I restarted and then nothing happed20:15
nit-wittruepurple, yes if you had a good upgrade. the way you have described it is confusingto me at least.:)20:15
qinvanguard: compiz --replace ??20:15
truepurplemilen8204: What do you see on your screen?20:15
Kevin147nit-wit: its saying no such partition20:15
hazureI'm encountering a problem where many applications just show a white screen when started (after logging in for a bit). They seem responsive, but just white. Ditto with the lockscreen (full screen goes white, but the password can be put in).20:16
botcitykate__, did you checksum the image ?20:16
csuwldcatI am getting the dreaded sudo: must be setuid root20:16
milen8204truepurple, sing UBUNTU and 4 points under it :D20:16
truepurplenit-wit: I will explain it in a thread and link you to that thread20:16
csuwldcatbecause I AGAIN tried to chown the /usr dir20:16
nit-wittruepurple, cool20:16
kate__It starts but then pauses and tells me 'undevd 83: worker unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100' and then I can't move20:16
milen8204truepurple,  and that was for an hour20:16
truepurplemilen8204: it says the words "sing UBUNTU"?20:16
csuwldcatapt-get was trying to mod a file in the dir and sudo before the command wasn't working20:16
isibilirhow can install nVidia 8400GS driver20:16
kate__I thought maybe it was a bad image, but I downloaded a new one and it still does it20:17
csuwldcatso I was like "well it is telling me that I have to be the owner, even with pseudp"20:17
milen8204truepurple, no tghe starting words Ubuntu I know20:17
DasEiisibilir: use jockey-gtk20:17
ivancphello, I can't see the volume icon in my ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 2.x.... how to restore that icon?20:17
qinkate__: Did you burn in to CD, and how?20:17
csuwldcatso now I have no root abilities on sudo20:17
botcitykate__, did you checksum the image or burn at the slowest speed?20:17
csuwldcatand no ownership of /usr20:17
demlasjrso...nobody know to fix the wireless problem...guess I need to switch to windows...:((20:17
isibilirDasEi: HOW TO USE jockey-gtk20:17
kate__I right clicked the image and selected 'burn to cd'... whatever it did for that.20:17
csuwldcateverything I have seen says to reisntall20:17
tripelbRepeat(I got interrupted)I cant copy files from disk A to disk B (got no permissions it says)  Neither one is encrypted. When I am on drive A (the installation I use all the time 1T, new) I can see drive B and look at things but I cant copy files because I dont have permission. But I can edit a file and resave it on that disk. (botcity are you still interested in this question?)20:17
DasEiisibilir: sudo jockey-gtk20:18
vanguardqin: is it normal that it does nothing for a while after imgsvg?20:18
DasEiisibilir: choose recommended, activate, and ..20:18
kate__I burned a 10.04 LTS image with the same process, no problem.20:18
isibilirok i will try now20:18
DasEiisibilir: stop gnome, do a : sudo nvidia-xconfig, start gnome20:19
csuwldcatso are you really telling me that when I get feedback from an install command that says I need to be an owner of a file, and that flag is raised ***even with sudo*** and I own the file, it cause a state where the only answer is reinstallation?20:19
csuwldcatwhat an epic fail20:19
okenobi_hello world ... i'm upgrading to 11.04 ... hardly wait to see the outcome20:19
zvacetkate__: did you downloaded with torrent20:19
DimaVI have just upgraded my 10.10 server box to 11.04, but I guess grub installed incorrectly and now i am not getting past the "bash-line editing" cmd grub. I am in a live cd now. help?20:19
qinvanguard: No clue... I am afraid my Natty updrade is nto done yet.20:19
isibiliri am new user ubuntu and linux20:19
blurghHas anyone managed to get global menu working in Eclipse? Or is it depending on developers to fix it?20:19
csuwldcatubuntu and linux are really cool20:19
isibilirhow :)  can i stop20:19
moltendorfI just successfully did a swap to Ubuntu 11.04 Server (from another operating system) over SSH, everything seems to work fine, but since the swap SSH seems to be very sluggish. Could this be due to my network settings being incorrect? I'm not quite sure what everything in this file does (namely the "network" and "broadcast" values). /etc/network/interfaces: http://pastebin.com/Y8irAjdS20:19
kate__No, from the main Ubuntu page.20:19
botcitytripelb, one min!20:19
Kevin147How do I find out which partition has the OS on it?20:20
qinisibilir: Stop hwat?20:20
csuwldcatbut if you want it to progress beyond the parent's basement, shit has to get more intuitive than this20:20
csuwldcatso reinstall?20:20
isibilirstop gnome20:20
cache_surplushello, im trying to ubuntu 10.10 32bit on a windows xp laptop. when i boot to cdrom, windows xp continues to rule the mbr. how can i load linux on this laptop the best practice way, that will work 100% of the time. thanks  also, it seems older hardware doesnt allow the cdrom to pass xp boot usually,, at least the past 4 boxes i have tried....20:20
moltendorfKevin147: /etc/fstab should show this.20:20
qinKevin147: df -h  or  dfisk -l20:20
Ahmuckhow do i get unity off and gnome back on20:20
FurryCan I add my own application to the Launcher?20:20
moltendorfKevin147: edit, oops20:21
zvacetkate__:  download with torrent fromhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/20:21
qinisibilir: sudo service gdm stop20:21
AhmuckFurry, yes20:21
Furrycache_surplus, have you tried disabling the Hard Drive from the boot order?20:21
AhmuckI'd like to drop back to gnome, how?20:21
cache_surplusi have not... however, it is set to boot from cdrom currently20:21
DasEi!pm | isibilir20:21
ubottuisibilir: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:21
qinisibilir: it will drop you to terminal20:21
zvacetkate__:  point download to the folder with existing natty iso so torrent will just check files20:21
Kevin147Well, i mean, I'm on the grub thing, and the link that nit-wit gave me, says X for partition #... I don't know how to find that out on the grub20:21
cache_surplusi have tried the basics, it should just start the install... sighs...20:21
FurryAhmuck, how?20:21
Samo502Hey everybody, I have a booting problem20:22
isibilirsorry friends20:22
nit-witKevin147, X=partitionumber20:22
DimaVI have just upgraded my 10.10 server box to 11.04, but I guess grub installed incorrectly and now i am not getting past the "bash-line editing" cmd grub. I am in a live cd now. help?20:22
DasEiqin:nice, thank you for guidind isib.20:22
isibilirbut i want to install 8400gs driver20:22
kaffienwhy is it that when i installed the nvidia drivers for my laptop i all of a sudden lost twinview?20:22
kate__Enter the URL in Transmission, you mean?20:22
Kevin147nit-wit: Ok so the # is 0?20:22
MC8Howdy; how does one configure the Unity sidebar thingy? :)20:22
Samo502Grub refuses to boot into my Windows partition, even if I choose to boot into it it still boots into Ubuntu20:22
zvacetkate__:  after that run https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:23
qinDasEi: He wanted to stop gnome, Should scroll more?20:23
Ahmuckis there a proceedure for removing unity?20:23
jmcantrell_on the ubuntu certification page, does anyone know what it means when it says "pre-installed only"20:23
DimaVi hope i am not missing anyone replying to me20:23
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DasEiqin: it's about nvidia driver and nvidia-xconfig out of x20:24
FurryIs there a way to add my own applications to the Unity sidebar?20:24
zvacetkate__:  if you already have natty iso point torrent download there so the torrent can check files20:24
qinAhmuck: Use rather google, than this channel (atm).20:24
nit-witKevin147, the partition if looked at with gparted would look something like the sda1  the 1 is the X boot a live cd and open gparted and write down the partition. This can be found from thegrub> but I don't know the command20:24
fliegenderfroschAhmuck: do you want to completely remove it or just use the traditional desktop? if it’s the latter, just chose "traditional gnome desktop" at login20:24
Kevin147nit-wit: alright.. good thing I remember it, its sda120:25
Samo502Hey, I need help with a booting issue20:25
Samo502it's a bit urgent20:25
KrisDouglasSamo502, what is the problem?20:25
botcitytripelb, how where you transferring files20:25
Kevin147nit-wit: sweet, that worked.. alright, which file now?20:25
Samo502KrisDouglas: I can't boot into windows, it boots into ubuntu even if i choose to boot into windows20:26
Ahmuckqin: why?20:26
Samo502it's probably a menu.lst problem20:26
Ahmuckisn't this the ubuntu channel?20:26
vividis it just me, or is launchpad totally tits up20:27
botcitytripelb, did you mount them?20:27
okenobi_Samo502 i think you have grub2 and not grub 120:27
nit-witKevin147, are you in natty20:27
qinAhmuck: Coz, Unity removal method is uncertain 1 day after release (give it a time).20:27
KrisDouglasSamo502, that's a new one. Have you done a fresh install of Ubuntu or is it an upgrade?20:27
hazureAnyone know of a rendering issue with unity showing only white screens for gnome apps?20:27
Ahmuckunity is a good start, but it's built for tablets, not desktops20:27
taseis there still as much traffic as yesterday on the cannonical servers ?20:28
tiagotiagoI tried upgrading from 10.10 to 11.somthing and it failed, it said somthing about running dpkg --configure -a but it didn't work , i tried doing that myself and i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/600935/ in response, what should i do?20:28
Samo502KrisDouglas: Upgrade, I've had Ubuntu for a while. Though I haven't updated in a little while20:28
okenobi_Sam0502, don't forget to mention what version of ubuntu you have20:28
Ahmuckand needs to be thought out a little more for the desktop20:28
PiciAhmuck: You can choose Ubuntu Classic from GDM, removing unity itself may be a bit messy.20:28
kate__This is gonna make me sound like a moron. cd /Downloads says the folder doesn't exist.20:28
ExtaseHello all. I'm having troubles instaling 11.04 in a Acer Laptop. The display backlight turns off as soon as ubuntu CD boots, and i can't see nothing. Any clue?20:28
=== tiagotiago is now known as TiagoTiago
kate__I'm already in my home folder.20:28
rpkIs there anything new in ubuntu 11.04 that would prevent java rmi from working?20:28
Kevin147nit-wit: yes, I upgraded, then clicked restart on the thing when it finished, and came upon this problem. I did all that stuff, now its doing like a bunch of info stuff or w/e20:28
Ahmuckis there a way to get ubuntu classic from the install menu?20:28
qinAhmuck: Once more, you have Option to choose Classic Gnome Session.20:28
rpkSomething blocking the port perhaps?20:28
fliegenderfroschkate__: try cd Downloads (without /)20:28
Samo502okenobi_: it's 11.04, and even though it should be in #ubuntu+1 i figure it's not so much natty related as grub related20:28
KrisDouglasAhmuck, it gets installed with Unity20:28
qinAhmuck: You mean in live session, no20:28
Ahmuckdoes the option stay as a saved value, or must i always go through an extra click to get past unity20:29
nit-witKevin147, If your in Natty run sudo grub-install /dev/sda then sudo update grub make sure the hd is sda20:29
blurghAnyone has experience in manipulating the global menus? (The non-working ones)20:29
FurryGuys, can I add my own apps to the Unity sidebar?20:29
rpkI upgraded from 10.10, and I can no longer connect to weblogic running on my machine20:29
qinAhmuck: Saved20:29
blurghFurry: Sure, just drag em over there20:29
sudiptaI have installed natty today...and installed graphics drivers for nVidia card....but after that neither Unity nor Ubuntu classic seems to work...currently with no effects.......any HELP?20:29
Kevin147nit-wit: thats the thing, I don't have access to the command line.. but I remembered, it is sda1, and I did that, and then all the kernels popped up20:29
laughtrip i just upgraded my ubuntu box 10.04 > 11.x ... i'm getting a weird error ... can't mount my data drive ... when i do  dmesg | tail ... it tells me /dev/sda has "bad geometry" (block count exceeds size of devices). any idea how to fix that?20:29
Furryblurgh, I'm trying to add an executable .jar file though20:29
Kevin147nit-wit: I picked the 38 one, the highest number of all of em, so that should work20:29
Samo502Synaptic shows my grub version to be 0.97-29ubuntu6120:30
laughtripi tried mounting it as root using  sudo mount /dev/sda ... then the system tells me it's not in /etc/fstab .. so i look in there and sure enough it is not in there ...20:30
nit-witKevin147, yeah if your getting them from the first tab20:30
blurghFurry: Hmm, dunno how that's done20:30
astrostlhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/ slow for everyone?20:30
jmcantrell_on the ubuntu certification page, does anyone know what it means when it says "pre-installed only"20:30
rpkhmm, actually I can't connect to my machine on any port, but can still ping it20:30
Kevin147nit-wit: when I did tab, there was like 5 others, there was 22, 23, and a few more I don't remember20:31
qinFurry: .jar is run by java20:31
sudiptaI have installed natty today...and installed graphics drivers for nVidia card....but after that neither Unity nor Ubuntu classic seems to work...currently with no effects.......any HELP?20:31
okenobi_Samo502: I have the same grub ... let me investigate a little20:31
=== tiago is now known as Guest41978
Samo502okenobi_: http://pastebin.com/Dty7FGWn that's my menu.lst20:31
nit-witKevin147, so after the kernel line 3 correctly spaced root=/dev/sda120:31
Samo502okenobi_: i ran computer janitor yesterday and i think it changed some stuff, it had to be that because i didn't run an update or anything of the sort20:32
qinsudipta: Did you test it in live session, if yes what sessin did you get (Unity or Classic)?20:32
joepaanyone else unable to pin apps to the Launcher in Unity/Natty?20:32
Ahmuckso that i don't sound like an ogre, unity has it's pluses.  it was simple, and the desktop switcher was genius.  previously i had already set my desktop up in gnome in a unity type of configuration.  the disappointment with unity however was the complete loss of configuration options20:32
DimaVI have just upgraded my 10.10 server box to 11.04, but I guess grub installed incorrectly and now i am not getting past the "bash-line editing" cmd grub. I am in a live cd now, and confused20:32
HAKMASTERhey!! quick question, i'am installting Ubuntu 11.0.4 and during the installation when i'm doing parition resize, i can't mount it to other than the default mount listed name!! how i can fix this? thanks in advance20:32
qinAhmuck: agree20:32
sudipta<qin>no I havent.....but on booting for the first time..it displays Unity can not be started....20:33
Guest41978escreva português20:33
TiagoTiago_Sorryp did somthing i shouldnmt have and had to reboot20:33
Samo502okenobi_: maybe an update would help? being that an update changes menu.lst it might fix my booting perhaps?20:33
Kevin147nit-wit: yes, thats what I did.. I did this exactly: linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic root=/dev/sda120:33
nit-witKevin147, is Ubuntu the only OS?20:33
Guest41978escreva português20:33
Kevin147nit-wit: Yes20:33
okenobi_Samo502: i doubt it20:33
ardchoilleIs there a known issue with nautilus not respecting themes in 11.04?20:33
kate__File checked out ok... burning a new cd, this time at the lowest speed possible. We'll see. I really don't want to have to sit through a 4 hour upgrade to 10.10, then another 4 to 11.04.20:33
rgoytacazUbuntu 11.04 Installing Mysql errors out, can any1 take a look? http://pastie.org/184838420:33
=== TiagoTiago_ is now known as TiagoTiago
Guest41978você me entende?20:34
nit-witKevin147, did you type the kernel or use the tab20:34
jmcantrell_on the ubuntu certification page, does anyone know what it means when it says "pre-installed only"20:34
coz_ardchoille,  not that I am aware of ,, you mean a theme from system/preferences/appearance ...yes?20:34
qinsudipta: ok, you would want to remove (propably faulty) driver, try: jockey-text in terminal20:34
okenobi_Samo502: this is menu.lst entries for win http://pastebin.com/RhRF7eSr20:34
botcityHAKMASTER, they are should be drop down windows20:34
sudiptaqin:yeah then20:34
Samo502okenobi_: would my rootnoverify be different or is it likely the same?20:34
Kevin147nit-wit: I did tab, which showed: linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.3<STOP> then I looked at the list, saw the latest one, which is 2.6.38-8-generic, typed 8, hit tab, and it showed up20:35
TiagoTiagoOi Guest20:35
ardchoillecoz_: Ah, ok, thanks. I designed my own GTK themes and it's not accepting any of them, nor is it respecting default themes.20:35
swebany one can asnwer me : http://askubuntu.com/questions/38159/install-on-asus-eeepc-with-stupid-big-problem20:35
qinsudipta: try update and install driver again (via Menu > System > Admin > Hardware)20:35
HAKMASTER<botcity> yes but  i want to choose another partition name then the default ex: /media/data20:35
okenobi_Samo502: what rootnoverify do you have?20:35
coz_ardchoille,  it may something in your themes  that is causing the issue,, not sure though20:35
Samo502okenobi_: (hd0,2)20:35
raven_WHY there is an open connection to screenshots.ubuntu.com?20:36
coz_ardchoille,  did you compress your themes and try instaling from that tar.gz,,, yes?20:36
Samo502okenobi_: is the second number related to the numbers in /dev/sda#?20:36
nit-witKevin147, okay so use the 1 in place of both X's in the commands then start from the beginning of the command set and use the tab complete as notated20:36
TiagoTiagoIs there an installer i can run on Windows to install Ubuntu (on another partition) ?20:36
qinsweb: Are you asking about "some gnome themes are broken"?20:36
HAKMASTER<botcity> have you experience like this issue before?20:36
ardchoillecoz_: It isn't respecting the default themes like Clearlooks, Ambiance, Dust or Radience either. Maybe due to upgrading instead of a fresh install.20:36
sudiptaqin:I have installed the recommended driver ....and  Additional Driver tab says The driver is activated but not currently in use20:36
rgoytacazUbuntu 11.04 Installing Mysql errors out, can any1 take a look? http://pastie.org/184838420:36
truepurplenit-wit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10739837#post1073983720:37
nit-witKevin147, here ios a reload of grub2 from a live cd as well.20:37
confusedguy25Can somebody help me, Ubuntu won't boot properly.20:37
nit-witKevin147, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20220:37
Kevin147nit-wit: alright, I did all that stuff... it did a disk check, but now a black screen? õ.õ20:37
raven_WHY there is an open connection to screenshots.ubuntu.com?20:37
botcitykate__, my burn got corrupted because i burned too fast !20:37
qinsudipta: To start driver you need to reboot20:37
nit-wittruepurple, thanks I will look20:37
coz_ardchoille,  oo something is definitly up then,, did you already install your themes ..yes?20:37
confusedguy25When I choose Ubuntu from the boot menu, it says error and then I get some type of GRUB command prompt.20:37
confusedguy25I am on 10.10.20:37
sudiptaqin:yaeh...I did that20:37
coz_ardchoille,  and was this happening "before" you attempted to install your themes?20:37
kiko__eu falo português20:38
swebqin, no theme is in appearance list but when i click on it nothing happened. the theme style is gray with old icons style.20:38
brainproxyI've got a XenServer 5.5 and have used the 64bit server ISO for ubuntu 10.04 when creating a new VM; however, I find that the server ISO for 11.04 can't be used to boot a new VM on my XenServer20:38
nit-witKevin147, do you know the graphic card20:38
sudiptaqin:but nothing happens.....unity and classic show with a blank screen20:38
ardchoillecoz_: I did a network upgrade. I have had my custom themes installed for about a year and they work fine in gnome 2.x UI20:38
okenobi_Samo502: YES, if it is sda3, then it is hd0,220:38
Kevin147nit-wit: no, I just bought this desktop a few months ago... so yeah20:38
confusedguy25Does anybody know how to fix Ubuntu??20:38
coz_ardchoille,  ah then I am puzzled,,  it could be the install is not complete?   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:38
qinsudipta: Well, better remove it then, also check your card for support (for maverick drivers you will get certain answer).20:38
rpkcan someone point me at any basic troubleshooting steps for not being able to connect remotely into ubuntu?20:38
Kevin147nit-wit: should I shut it off (hold power button) and start it up again?20:38
Samo502okenobi_: so then, being that my windows partition is sda1 then hd0,0 would be correct...20:38
spajderixi installed unity-2d, uninstalled it after 10 minutes of using, and now in unity-3d i have no window decoration, does anyone know how to make it right?20:38
ardchoillecoz_: I went back to the gnome 2.x UI via login screen, it's all good. I don't like having to move my mouse just to use menus anyway.20:38
Samo502okenobi_: scratch that20:39
swebqin, i think ubuntu have a big problem on this version20:39
okenobi_Samo502: correct!20:39
ardchoillecoz_: ah, ok, will try the update/upgrade again20:39
Samo502okenobi_: was looking at the wrong partition, it's sda320:39
MethedMananybody know how to configure a samba print server20:39
qinrpk: you mean ssh?20:39
Samo502okenobi_: so therefore hd0,2 would be correct!20:39
truepurpleUpgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, I have come into a strange blank screen, here are the details- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10739837#post10739837 can anyone help?20:39
okenobi_Samo502: ok .. so it is correct!20:39
rpkNo, I need to connect to an oracle weblogic application over rmi20:39
sudiptaqin:on right click "Change Desktop Background "  has no Visual Effect tab20:39
qinsweb: Hectic start ;)20:39
ardchoillecoz_: nothing to upgrade, it looks like it was complete20:39
rpkI can't get into the weblogic console either, qin20:39
Samo502okenobi_: I notice mine is missing the makeactive line, and the rootnoverify is 0,2, hmm20:40
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:40
nit-witKevin147, yeah just boot a live cd and follow that grub link that should get you in, otherwise there is a bootscript that is quite helpful that can be run from a lve cd then put in a pastebin for us to look at.20:40
rpkqin, I can however ping the computer and get a response back from that20:40
okenobi_Samo502: I had a similar problem though with win7. I couldn't install it on something different than sda1 ...20:40
coz_ardchoille,  mmm then I am puzzled,, you say you installed 11.04  via net install?20:40
sexygurl2furlcan somebody please help me?20:40
qinsudipta: Yes, lack of acceleration, update and check your card20:40
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:40
rpkqin: it worked yesterday, on 10.1020:40
coz_sexygurl2furl,  i didnt see your post,, would you mind posting again??  if I can i will help20:40
nit-witKevin147, bootscript http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/20:40
sexygurl2furlUbuntu won't boot correctly.20:40
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:40
sudiptaqin:but 10.10 works well with the card.....20:40
sexygurl2furlWhen I try to boot UBuntu from the boot menu, I get a GRUB command prompt.20:40
ardchoillecoz_: yes, and my themes were working yesterday in gnome 2.x and still work today. But nautilus doesn't respect them in Unity20:41
sexygurl2furlDoes anybody know how to fix this?20:41
ivancpI can't see the volume icon at top in my ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 2.x.... how to restore that icon?20:41
okenobi_Samo502: if the win partition is sda3, hd0,2 is correct! put makeactive and give it a try!20:41
HAKMASTERhey!! quick question, i'am installting Ubuntu 11.0.4 and during the installation when i'm doing parition resize, i can't mount it to other than the default mount listed name!! how i can fix this? thanks in advance20:41
jmcantrell_on the ubuntu certification page, does anyone know what it means when it says "pre-installed only"20:41
Kevin147nit-wit: no need, I just shut it off, started it up, and it is working now. Thanks!! :)20:41
qinsudipta: Card often droping from support, but you can try also mesa drivers20:41
swebqin, unity is for kids not usefull. i thinks cononical must zoom on stability and hardwares not on some funy tools like unity. ubuntu required stability not stupid problem after v 1120:41
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:41
botcityHAKMASTER, why are you partitioning to none default for the install? i would do a spare partition no need to call it anything special20:41
coz_ardchoille,  oh so ONLY nautilus is not respecting them,,,,yes?20:41
ArachonI was wondering in which folder an smb share is mounted, I can't find it in /media20:41
Geekydude4If someone could talk to me in person not on the main window I need help (it will take 10sec.)20:41
Samo502okenobi_: hmm, i need to change my default as well. being that a lot of my other boot entries got deleted the default is way higher than the partition number20:41
ardchoillecoz_: correct, other apps are fine in Unity20:41
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:41
Geekydude4If someone could talk to me in person not on the main window I need help (it will take 10sec.)20:41
nit-witKevin147, cool the tux angles have answered.;)20:42
MethedMananybody know how to configure a samba print server20:42
qinrpk: Do you have access (phisical) to server?20:42
Samo502okenobi_: give me a few minutes, i'll try it out and get back to you20:42
sudiptaqin:trying for the last time to boot into unity20:42
tripelbbotcity. yes. that was automatic. I didnt have to do anything. Remember I said that I can boot on A, read a file on B, open it, edit it, save it. Thus B is mounted.20:42
swebqin, so what can i do to change gnome setting ? change appearance ?20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
rpkqin: yes, I'm on it20:42
okenobi_Samo502: good luck20:42
ardchoillecoz_: how much trouble would I cause myself to try an uninstall/reinstall of nautilus?20:42
Geekydude4If someone could talk to me in person not on the main window I need help (it will take 10sec.)20:42
HAKMASTERbotcity if want to create another parition ex: /media/data a separate parition other then /20:42
milen8204how to make classic appearance to ubuntu 11.04 any one knows ?20:42
TiagoTiagoIs there an installer i can run on Windows to install Ubuntu (on another partition) ?20:42
rpkqin: I'm actually remoting into the other servers over rdp and vnc, and trying to connect back into it20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
Asdfg_I was wondering if you can still use Windows if you install Wubi20:42
HAKMASTERbotcity i used to do it with Ubuntu 10.x and it works fine20:42
FloodBot1Asdfg_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
tripelbAsdfg_, yes, but if you BOOT from WUBI you cannot use Windows. If you BOOT from Windows, you cannot use WUBI.20:42
coz_ardchoille,  ok  I may have to log into Unity to test this one,, if it is the same for me then it is most likely a bug,, hold on a few minutes20:43
Geekydude4If someone could talk to me in person not on the main window I need help (it will take 10sec.)20:43
ardchoillecoz_: kk, thank you20:43
sexygurl2furlhey coz_ can you help me?20:43
coz_ardchoille,  well hold on until I return20:43
Tonus!ask | Geekydude420:43
ubottuGeekydude4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:43
raven_WHY there is an open connection to screenshots.ubuntu.com?20:43
botcityHAKMASTER, sorry not sure then!20:43
veloryHello I'm using natty, I want to start Guake Terminal everytime I open ubuntu. But I couldn't find in preferences any idea ?20:43
harovalihi , i'm trying to set up a wireless modem, and I put all the configuration in NetworkManager . However, the option to connect to the network it should enable, does not appear in left-clicking in the doble arrow menu. ANy hint ?20:44
sexygurl2furlDoes anybody here know how to fix my problem?20:44
rgoytacazIs there a way to go back to post-install state in Ubuntu?20:44
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BlouBlousexygurl2furl: what problem?20:44
ardchoillevelory: you need to put an item in starup programs for guake20:44
Geekydude4Looking at C code in terminal. How do you exit? It says ^X but what does that mean?20:44
TiagoTiagoDamn, after it failed to upgrade to 11.somthing i can't boot Ubuntu anymore :(20:44
qinrpk: You want to start with basic sevice (ssh | nc) and monitor connection on server, on Natty ckeck lan and resolve.20:44
ardchoillevelory: System > Preferences > Start up Applications20:44
sexygurl2furlBlouBlou, Ubuntu won't boot right.20:45
BlouBlouGeekydude4: 'ctrl + c'20:45
ArachonI was wondering in which folder an smb share is mounted, I can't find it in /media20:45
escottGeekydude4, ctrl-c or q20:45
veloryardchoille:  thanks.20:45
truepurple nit-wit : Any ideas?20:45
TiagoTiagosays somthing along the lines of "the drive for / is not ready to mount"20:45
Geekydude4Will that exit all terminal or just that screen?20:45
qinsweb: You need to know that Unity do not have that rich configuration as Gnome, yet.20:45
veloryardchoille:  and one more thing is, for e.g. f12 is opening volume like in Mac. But in Mac OSX I can change F keys to functions20:45
velorycan I do that here ?20:45
escottGeekydude4, just the program you are using to view20:45
nit-wittrucMuche, I'm typing20:46
botcitytripelb, which ubuntu are you on ? your hard drive partitions should come up ???GB file system in places20:46
sexygurl2furlCan somebody please help me this urgent!!!20:46
swebqin, how can i completly remove it and use stable gnome v like 10.1020:46
nit-wittruepurple, I'm typing sorry trucMuche20:46
ardchoillevelory: hmm.. I don't know, never messed with those20:46
kurtulsexygurl2furl: did it ever work?20:47
veloryardchoille:  because now in guake I have to press shift + f12 instead of f12 :)20:47
Geekydude4Thank you! its ctrl+x20:47
BlouBlousweb: you don't need to remove anything. Just go to GDM menu (in where you select users), click on yours, and below, see a small box, in there, change ubuntu session and select 'classic-session'20:47
veloryI changed it because f12 was only opening volume20:47
sexygurl2furlkurtul, yes can i pm you?20:47
qinsweb: Do not remove Unity, just, at login Chose Classic Gnome (bottom bar, after to choose user, before password)20:47
ardchoillevelory: I seem to remember that being an option within guake, try the guake settings20:47
GNUtoohi, my ssh key is as user, how can I mount an sshfs directory, I tried sudo -E, HOME=/home/gnutoo sudo -E,sudo etc....20:47
coz_ardchoille,   ok I am on unity ...let me test the themes ,, hold on20:47
truepurplenit-wit: "trucmuche"? I found another thread of someone describing something similar http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174207120:47
swebqin, i need stable v of gnome with good support20:47
GNUtoothat thing should have taken 2 s and it's like 15min that I'm at it20:48
BlouBlousweb: did you read what I told you?20:48
qinsweb: Gnome in Natty is stable (I thinks same version what Maveric)20:48
coz_ardchoille,  looks like nautilus is respecting the themes here :(20:48
zomborhas anyone gotten ubuntu working with an intel i3 with the GMA 2000 video? i can't seem to get anything to display20:48
coz_ardchoille,  this has to be something on  your end20:48
nit-wittruepurple, good luck I hope hyou get to the bottom of it I see to many ouliers to really tell what is up20:48
plustaxis it difficult to add windows 7 to my ubuntu 10.10 machine?20:48
swebqin, BlouBlou, i know but on ubuntu classic also i cant change appearance . all themes are same with old icons style and gray color of paneles20:48
tripelbbotcity I'm a bit unclear but I can try: 10.04,gnome. B is a 9.8G filesystem. It's not 10.04 but it's something earlier. I think. Can I tell without booting into it?20:48
ardchoillecoz_: Ah, good to know. I'll try a fresh install of 11.04 next week. Thank you very much for the info :)20:48
plustaxI want to dual boot and add windows to it20:48
TiagoTiagoWubi doesn't install Ubuntu the same way the bootable cd/dvd does, right?20:48
nit-witplustax, if you have partition space  no20:49
coz_ardchoille,  no problem.. if you can ,, download the minmal install cd20:49
BlouBlousweb: Then go to System >> Preferences >> themes or something like that20:49
qinsweb: Did you get themes, are they installed?20:49
nit-witplustax, what is installed now20:49
ardchoillecoz_: I think I am going to buy a cd or dvd from shop.canonical.com, I like to support Ubuntu as much as possible.20:49
tripelbhow can I tell what ubuntu is on a disk without booting into it. where do I look? I can read the disk.20:49
* TiagoTiago sighs20:49
harovalihi , i'm trying to set up a wireless modem, and I put all the configuration in NetworkManager . However, the option to connect to the network it should enable, does not appear in left-clicking in the doble arrow menu. ANy hint ?20:49
plustaxnit-wit I have ubuntu 10.10 installed only20:49
coz_ardchoille,  ok cool...although the minimal install cd I think is about 12 megs20:50
BlouBlouLjL-Temp: maybe -bbbb ? :P20:50
coz_ardchoille,  not likely a download error and especially if you burn at 1x20:50
nit-witplustax, do you know the partition amount limitations on a single HD20:50
BlouBlouerr, LjL: ^20:50
LjLBlouBlou: can't do that from the gui, and i'm not going to type all these addresses manually20:50
ardchoillecoz_: That small?! Nice. You have a good point20:50
zvacetnit-wit: 4 primary20:50
plustaxnit-wit I do not. I'm not very good at linux20:50
coz_ardchoille,  yes it also installs via the net,, and is completely up to date when finished20:51
jfroebegetting used to Unity on 11.04..  anyone have a link to the key bindings?20:51
OY1Ri just bootrd up mu laptop and get Busy box v1.153 ubuntu 1:1.15.1 ubuntu built in shell (initframfs)_20:51
MethedMani am having trouble getting my windows machine to connect with the samba print server on a linux machine.  any help would appreciated20:51
OY1Rrunning ubuntu 10.1020:51
botcitytripelb, in places  it should show you the partition 9.8GB double click it ..is that what you did ?20:51
isibilirhi i come back )20:51
coz_ardchoille,  the only th ing to remember is when asked what you actually want to install   use the Space bar to choose and the arrow buttons to scroll..not the ENTER button20:51
GNUtoofixed with ssh-agent20:51
zvacetnit-wit: but you can have 3 primary and one extended and inside extended one make more partitions20:51
ardchoillecoz_: kk20:51
swebBlouBlou, qin, i'm expert ubuntu user. i'm php programmer that i can compile complex mod, module and plugins for LAMP. i know where can i change the theme. System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme. all theme in list like Dust, Ambiance and etc.. gnome still have old icons and old colors. gnome looks like completely splinted20:52
TiagoTiagoCan i install Ubuntu from Windows the same way it is done with the bootable installer disk?20:52
qinTiagoTiago: No20:52
coz_ardchoille,  I have that cd on my maverick install in dropbox  I could try to upload to speedyshare if you want20:52
Kingsy101guys how do I set a static local IP address on my local machine?20:52
isibilircan you tell someone how can i install nvidia 8400gs driver?20:52
ardchoillecoz_: I don't have any blank media ATM, will buy some in a few days. Thanks though :)20:53
Stava1Can I make it so that the sidebar in unity dont automatically (never) hide?20:53
Kingsy101ifconfig tells me its changed from to I need to change it to perminatly20:53
isibiliri am new user ubuntu (linux)20:53
ardchoillecoz_: may I pm you?20:53
kate__Tried my live cd again. It shows me lines of code in my BIOS font, like it's working, and then says 'udevd - work (84): /sbin/modprobe -bv pci:(string of letters and numbers which I did write down) unexpected exit with status 0x0009.20:53
coz_ardchoille,  sure20:53
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a2c4n9e1trying to install natty, but when i got to the partition thing, i can't set the mount point manually. any idea why?20:53
OY1Ri just bootrd up mu laptop and get Busy box v1.153 ubuntu 1:1.15.1 ubuntu built in shell (initframfs)_ (i thing the battery died while in hibernation)20:53
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Kevin147nit-wit: One thing I did notice tho, xchat is a little laggy? õ.õ20:53
silverptHello all. I'm having trouble instaling 11.04 on a Acer Aspire Laptop. As soon as ubunto CD boots the display backlight turns off. any clue?20:54
extraclassicKingsy101: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-static-ip/20:54
ubuntu_hey, I'm installing ubuntu 11.04 from a USB stick. When I click on the install icon in the live session, it unmounts the hard drive (or, I assume it does, as it goes from my desktop) and, although it's just unmounted it (it's /dev/sda) it asks whether I want to unmount it. Whatever I click, when it gets to the partition screen, it doesn't give me the choice to install it to hd, only the memory stick it's already on.20:54
isibilircan you tell someone how can i install nvidia 8400gs driver?20:54
trismStava1: yes, in ccsm, under the unity plugin Hide Launcher/Never, you may need to install compizconfig-settings-manager first20:54
okenobiTiagoTiago: I got the same error you did. I'm now trying to upgrade from command line20:54
botcitytripelb, also it does not matter which ubuntu was on the partition as long as it was not encrypted20:54
Stava1trism, thanks20:54
zvaceta2c4n9e1: did you choose manual way or whatever it name is20:54
nit-witKevin147, I thought it was my walnut sized brain.;)20:54
sexygurl2furlCan somebody please help me fix Ubuntu, it won't boot properly.20:54
qinisibilir: Mostly we use jockey to obtain driver, jockey-txt with no gui, but nvidia drivers from web should have install notes or script.20:54
okenobiTiagoTiago: seems to work ... I'll keep you posted!20:55
sweb qin, any idean ?20:55
MC8Is it possible to make the Unity sidebar float right?20:55
MC8(as opposed to left?)20:55
isibilirqin: how?20:55
Kingsy101extraclassic - yeah I was looking at that but, my interfaces file only contains 2 lines20:55
erichammondI've already gotten used to having the application menu in the top bar (unity) but I noticed that Emacs does not currently work this way.  Each window has its own menu still.  Are there plans to make this consistent?20:55
a2c4n9e1zvacet: i chose erase ubuntu and then i clicked advance partitioning20:55
Kingsy101it looks NOTHING like that example20:55
Kingsy101should I just add a "address" line ? and thats it ?20:56
TiagoTiagookenobi: opened a program i shouldn't have and had to reboot and now it won't boot, it complains about / not being ready to be mounted or somthing20:56
isibilirqin: i dont find really20:56
qinsweb: Puzzled, hm, if you say that gnome do not let you do something, update would be first reaction.20:56
truepurpleUpgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, I have come into a strange blank screen, here are the details- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10739837#post10739837 can anyone help?20:56
qinisibilir: Find what?20:56
kate__Repeating: "It shows me lines of code in my BIOS font, like it's working, and then says 'udevd - work (84): /sbin/modprobe -bv pci:(string of letters and numbers which I did write down) unexpected exit with status 0x0009."20:56
z0mbyk1dhey, I am on karmic server right now20:56
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z0mbyk1dhow should i upgrade to natty?20:57
tripelbbotcity, I dont know how to copy files from that drive to this drive. I dont have permissions. I know the password to both drives. I would do it in terminal if I knew how to copy cirectories and subdirectories. I dont think the cp command works for that, does it?  Then could I use sudo? That doesnt make sense because root on A wouldnt have permissions on B. Of course I know the password to B, it's mine and I can boot from it. (I must l20:57
tripelbaugh right, heh. This is such a tangle of nothing.)20:57
isibilirqin: how can install nvidia drivers20:57
z0mbyk1dwas there an l release? i forget20:57
kate__It's a properly burned live cd with an image file that checked out.20:57
Neo_hi, how can i change Xserver drivers directory?20:57
z0mbyk1dkarmic... maverick... natty?20:57
zvacetkate__: did you check md5sum of your iso20:57
swebqin, how can i reset gnome setting completely ?20:57
isibilirqin: can you send me a link for nvidia 8400gs driver ubuntu 11.0420:57
a2c4n9e1zvacet: anything?20:58
akashm1990I downloaded the .deb file of Revenge of the Titans, installed it using ubuntu software center. Now, when I try too launch it using the software launcher nothing happens. Using Ubuntu 10.10. Any ideas?20:58
qinisibilir: In console, type: jockey-text, need connection to Internet, if no driver is detected, try to search for mesa support for your card.20:58
silverptHello all. I'm having trouble instaling 11.04 on a Acer Aspire Laptop. As soon as ubunto CD boots the display backlight turns off. any clue?20:58
extraclassicKingsy101: you'll need the netmask and stuff20:58
qinkate__: It would be easier to try Usb approach.20:58
kate__The hash checked out with "ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso" which is what my image file is.20:59
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ubuntu_hey, I'm installing ubuntu 11.04 from a USB stick. When I click on the install icon in the live session, it unmounts the hard drive (or, I assume it does, as it goes from my desktop) and, although it's just unmounted it (it's /dev/sda) it asks whether I want to unmount it. Whatever I click, when it gets to the partition screen, it doesn't give me the choice to install it to hd, only the memory stick it's already on.20:59
zvaceta2c4n9e1: you should see your partitions and decide on witch one you will install and mark partition as root and ext420:59
Kingsy101extraclassic - so change    iface lo inet loopback   to     iface lo inet static     and then insert the other info below ?20:59
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Kingsy101extraclassic - is that right ?20:59
qinsilverpt: You mean no display or dimmed?21:00
extraclassicKingsy101: you need to leave loopback but add another entry for static21:00
Kingsy101extraclassic - ah ok21:00
zvacetkate__: I don´t know try to lower speed or different cd21:00
truepurpleUpgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, I have come into a strange blank screen, here are the details- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10739837#post10739837 can anyone help?21:00
a2c4n9e1zvacet: i see all my partition. and i want to make new partition table from scratch. i'm planing to have root, /var, /cache, /cache121:00
stevecammy desktop keeps on reloading and is in an unusable state, is this a common prob, ive ran the upgrade to 11.04 and im using gnome21:00
coz_stevecam,  no it is not that I am aware of21:01
coz_stevecam,  how did you install this,,, via live cd ,,,yes?21:01
zvaceta2c4n9e1: if you don´t have valuable files on them delete all partitions and start making new21:01
qinubuntu_: Make sure your HD is mounted21:01
jbeattyhttp://goo.gl/hFaWK Ubuntu press release; try Ctrl-F "Linux". :/ This is embarrassing. Shame on you, Canonical.21:01
stevecamvia the update screen21:01
a2c4n9e1zvacet: but when i want to make a mount point for the /cache and /cache1 i was unable to do so, due to the mount point option can't be manually edited21:01
stevecamno cd21:01
coz_stevecam,  ok this is an upgrade from maverick to natty...yes?21:01
mbroekerstevecam, what kind of gpu do you have?21:02
a2c4n9e1zvacet: i'm making a new partitionin...like i said21:02
botcityi have two file systems like yours one with 11.04 and 9.10 and i used the file manager to transfer pics and files from one to the other maybe its encrypted?21:02
stevecamnvidia, and it was 10.10 to 11.0421:02
ohsixjbeatty: do you need help? you might try #ubuntu-offtopic otherwise, this is a help channel21:02
zvaceta2c4n9e1: why cache can you use media or something like that21:02
jmcantrell_on the ubuntu certification page, does anyone know what it means when it says "pre-installed only"21:02
mbroekerstevecam, i had the same problem today. your card is not able to run unity and your card is not blacklisted21:02
coz_stevecam,  what you might want to try is going to system/administration/additional drivers... remove the driver,, reboot  and then install it again21:03
Neo_hi, i compiled xf86-video-ati from git and i installed it in a non canonical directory and now i don't know how to make the system load this driver in this directory instead of the deafult one; can anyone help me?21:03
stevecamcoz_, im unable to do that, i will have to do it through CLI21:03
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a2c4n9e1zvacet: i can use any name for the new partition, but the problem is the installer won't let me type manually. i have to choose from the drop down list21:04
jbeattyohsix, people who need help normally are newbies. Just wanted these people to know that the Ubuntu project is profiting on the backs of developers they don't even credit in their press releases.21:04
raven_WHY there is an open connection to screenshots.ubuntu.com?21:04
truepurpleUpgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, I have come into a strange blank screen, here are the details- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10739837#post10739837 can anyone help?21:04
mbroekerstevecam, add "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-proposed restricted main multiverse universe" to /etc/apt/sources.list and perform a full-upgrade21:04
ohsixjbeatty: #ubuntu-offtopic21:04
tripelbtruepurple I appreaciate your pose21:05
ohsixNeo_: well, you should have looked at your other options before building it yourself; for example, the xorg-edgers ppa already builds it almost daily, and it installs it in the right place / works; so if you can clean up the mess, try the ppa21:05
Piciraven_: If you're looking at Software Center, thats where it gets its application screenshots from.21:05
zvaceta2c4n9e1: so choose whatever you want and don ´ know if you can type name manually21:05
tripelbtruepurple I appreciate your prose21:05
jon7i just installed a clean version of 11.04 on my laptop, when i boot the system a black screen comes up and the cursor blinks, nothing else happens. is there some crap i can hack in /boot/grub/grub.cfg?21:05
raven_Pici, ok21:05
blurghHas anyone managed to get global menu working in Eclipse? Or is it depending on developers to fix it?21:05
HAKMASTER<truepurple> why you don't try a clean install21:05
okenobiTiagoTiago: try to use a CD and then to chroot (do you know what I'm talking about) ?21:05
truepurpleHAKMASTER:  I don't have it on disk21:05
KrisDouglasif you had an NVIDIA driver (proprietary) and installed 11.04, you wont be able to boot. You have to SSH into your machine, wget the nvidia driver and reboot.21:05
HAKMASTER<truepurple> ohh , well i always prefer a clear install rather than upgrading =)\21:06
TiagoTiagokinda, i have a general idea of what chrooting is, but no idea how it is actually done21:06
stevecammbroeker, why de.ubuntu?21:06
botcitytripelb, try drag and drop with nautilus?21:06
stevecamis that just a mirror location?21:06
coz_truepurple,  can you burn a disk there?21:06
tripelbwhy dont you try to tell me how to repartion my drive .. I need to squeeze stuff together so I can repartition. Like defrag. But I dont know how. I have used ONLY 15% of 884G21:06
Neo_ohsix, ok thanks, then i'll try to install it in the default directory21:07
mbroekerstevecam, yes, use your own line. just activate the proposed repo21:07
truepurplecoz_:  I can not burn any disks unless it is possible to revert back to 10.10 or otherwise get ubuntu to work21:07
okenobiTiagoTiago: http://goo.gl/eXUtz21:07
ohsixNeo_: ehh, just use the ppa21:07
tripelbbotcity. I dont have permission. that's what it tells me when I do that. I have done that already.21:07
VustomIs it just me or when I select to keep launchers in Unity 3D (Ubuntu 11.4) they don't stay there when reboot?21:07
TiagoTiagoI've been without my desktop machine for months, and just moved in to a new place, gotta search for virgin media and download an image21:07
tripelbbotcity, how come you dont believe me?21:07
ohsixNeo_: theres another ppa they run that just has stable driver updates in it as well21:07
a2c4n9e1zvacet: the options only "/", /boot /home, /tmp, /usr, /var, /srv, /opt, /usr/local can't i use other than that?21:07
coz_truepurple,   well it should work,, what are your system specs?   cpu   video memory21:07
truepurplecoz_: I listed it in the thread link21:07
zvaceta2c4n9e1: I don´t think so21:07
truepurplecoz_:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10739837#post1073983721:08
tripelbTiagoTiago, that's a question? what are you using, a laptop?  What is a virgin media?21:08
botcitytripelb, i do21:08
vividhow do i configure the unity panel?21:08
stevecammbroeker, ok thanks21:08
KrisDouglasvivid you can't.21:08
a2c4n9e1zvacet: so if i need other partition name other than that, how can i do that?21:08
Neo_ohsix, my purpose was to install ubuntu natty graphics driver(mesa too) to ubuntu 10.1021:08
tripelbbotcity, what can I do to copy the files or move the user to my A drive.21:08
KrisDouglasvivid, compiz config settings manager has some basic options21:08
TiagoTiagothat is not how you call it in English?21:08
vividKrisDouglas, i cant? thats pretty opposite of free as in freedom21:08
KrisDouglasvivid, tell me about it.21:08
coz_truepurple,  ok that seems like it definitly should work,, the only think i personally would question is the ati card since I know nothing about ati21:09
tripelbTiagoTiago, call what? you mean a brand new optical disk?21:09
zvaceta2c4n9e1: I really don´t know21:09
a2c4n9e1used to be able to name custom mount point for partition :(21:09
TiagoTiagoblank disks21:09
Neo_ohsix, that's because i noticed that thoose drivers works better than theese21:09
ohsixNeo_: then you add the sources and use package pinning; but it is still somethingn you don't want to do, there were 2 xorg abi updates that natty rolled in iirc21:09
a2c4n9e1zvacet thanks21:09
tripelbTiagoTiago, cool. Did you get a new desktop?21:09
KrisDouglasvivid, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:09
KrisDouglasthen search for Unity on the left hand side21:09
truepurplecoz_:  With facing these strange blinking dashes, does that mean it is not installing?21:09
vividi just want to right click and delete or add21:09
vividchange the order21:09
KrisDouglasyou can only change things like hiding and key combinations though21:09
kate__Tried it with a USB... same error. Different work[number] but the same long string of letters/numbers and message.21:10
a2c4n9e1anyone know how to use custom mountpoint name for a new installation??? please....21:10
JasonnHow do I uninstall a program I installed through compiling?21:10
KrisDouglasvivid, you can't do that21:10
tripelbI have 2 Ubuntu installations on different drives, what can I do to copy the files or move the user to my A drive.21:10
TiagoTiagobought new mobo video card and case, got all the parts yesterday21:10
vividKrisDouglas, pretty much a total fail then, looks like were being pushed to proprietary "use it our way"21:10
armor-64can someine tell me how to hide the sidebar on ubuntu 11.04?please help21:10
ohsixNeo_: unfortunately due to changes in natty the ppa stopped doing daily builds for maverick and older some time ago; otherwise you could just use it for updated drivers for mav as well21:10
KrisDouglasvivid, I saw it in a "Oh they obviously haven't finished it yet" light.21:10
Jasonnarmor-64: What day number is it today?21:10
zvacettripelb: boot in live cd and with gparted shrink your partition and on unallocated space make new one21:11
vividyet published it as the default environment21:11
stevecamarmor-64, place a thick piece of stickytape over the left hand side of the screen?21:11
KrisDouglaswhich begs the question, why give it to users as the default then??21:11
kate__I pressed enter to interrupt normal cd start and selected 'try ubuntu without installing' and a line of green illegible letters started scrolling down like I was suddenly in the Matrix.21:11
fosser_joshvuze problem in 11.04 vuze: Depends: azureus but it is not going to be installed. same problem faced during 10.04 last year. why this is so21:11
Neo_ohsix, ok i'll try it; thanks21:11
zvaceta2c4n9e1: sorry I was not much of help  :(21:11
EnissayHi all, can anyone help me to get the streaming link of a channel from it's page on facebook please?21:11
jmcantrell_anyone use a thinkpad t420 or t520?21:11
Metaxaarmor-64: If you maximize the window you are working in, it auto-hides21:11
johnathanok, so... I am trying to install the Japanese input on iBus, but i keep getting this message: http://pastebin.com/DdVcWxw321:11
armor-64no i mean hide it foreve21:11
Jasonnfosser_josh: #vuze21:11
KrisDouglasvivid, tip... in the login screen options, change boot to Ubuntu Classic :)21:11
johnathanand it doesn't install afterwards21:12
coz_truepurple,  blinking dashes... I suppose you could try  rebooting holding down the left shift key to get to grub menu,, hit   "e"  to edit the kernel stanza adding   nomodeset  just before quiet splash and see if it boots then21:12
vividhow do i install gnome-shell in natty?21:12
vividor gnome 3.0 ui21:12
fosser_joshJasonn: but is repo problem21:12
coz_truepurple,   not sure that will help but cant hurt either21:12
Metaxaarmor-64: You want to completely remove it?21:12
ohsixvivid: there's a ppa, but it's not really supported here21:12
stevecamvivid, i thought that it was gnome-terminal21:12
coz_stevecam,  it is gnome-terminal21:12
KrisDouglasjohnathan, I think you can use apt-get -f install (or am I completely wrong?)21:13
truepurplecoz_:  Could it possibly be installing at the moment behind this blank screen? If it is installing at this moment, restarting could screw it up21:13
HAKMASTERUbuntu 11.0.4 looks like MAC21:13
vividso we avoid using the new gnome ui to present our own and then dont even include gnome's?  sounds sketchy21:13
DasEiEnissay: can try, pm me21:13
coz_truepurple,  actually, probably not21:13
a2c4n9e1zvacet: come on... its okay, we're all learning here. perhaps someone else know about my problem21:13
jmcantrell_anyone use a thinkpad t420 or t520?21:13
armor-64Metaxa : Yes,i want to use Ubuntu classic without it21:13
KrisDouglastruepurple, unlikely, its just your desktop can't load. You have to ssh into your machine and install the graphics driver in text mode.21:13
johnathanKrisDouglas, I haven't tried that... if you wanna gimme the exact snax for it, i can try it21:13
coz_truepurple,   it would be showing an idication of what is being installed if it were installing and you have a text terminal / black screen with cursor blinking21:13
coz_truepurple,   seems something is hanging21:13
johnathanKrisDouglas, I am still a noobie at codes for terminal21:14
zvacetfosser_josh: do you have universe repo enabled21:14
ohsixvivid: we? ubuntu still ships gnome2, if you want it use the classic session; newer versions will include gnome3 after it's had some time to breathe, it was only just released21:14
Metaxaarmor-64: Have you logged out of Unity and switched to Classic?21:14
tripelbzvacet, how much can I shrink it and not destroy any files. I read that ext4 spreads files out on the HD, unlike NTFS21:14
kate__This is what I get if I let it just run: "udevd - work[84]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00001002d00009591sv000017AAsd00002116bc03sc00i00' unexpected exit with status 0x0009"21:14
vividohsix, yet it was included in past releases21:14
ohsixvivid: it was not21:14
Rehanwow i guess a watched ubuntu install never finishes. Left it on overnight and it had actually installed w/o erroring out this time.21:14
KrisDouglasjohnathan, Solution seems to be detailed in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132790721:14
zvaceta2c4n9e1: tnx for comfort21:14
kate__And then it stops.21:14
vividohsix, check that....http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-shell&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all21:14
fosser_joshzvacet: yah21:14
truepurpleKrisDouglas: Well, I was having trouble with my video card drivers before updating even, I had a corrupted driver I couldn't remove, and was not sure what driver to use21:14
zvacettripelb: you will se how nuch21:15
truepurpleKrisDouglas: What is ssh?21:15
armor-64Metaxa : yes to see if it change my setting on the top bar21:15
ohsixtripelb: filesystems already store everything all over the disk; theres really no distinction between filesystems in that regard, you're probably thinking of extents which are new in 421:15
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ohsixvivid: i said gnome321:15
vividgnome-shell = gnome-shell = gnome321:15
tarekhi all I have a problem and i want help21:15
Metaxaarmor-64: Let me try a few things21:15
zvacetfosser_josh: both packages are from that repo I don´t see reason why they do bot install21:15
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a2c4n9e1okay, simple problem, can i have two partition with the same mount point? how will i address each partition?21:16
Olsonhello, I have ubuntu 11.04, upgrade from 10.04, the dialogue here show my NVIDIA display driver is not in use, is this just because I use the "classic no effects" setup, or does it need further investigation:  http://www.pasteall.org/pic/1171521:16
KrisDouglastruepurple, its remote shell (like remote desktop but it gives you a terminal.) sadly, if you don't know what that is, its likely to not be installed, and thus your install could be hosed.21:16
MACscrthis probably being asked a lot the past two days, but can we not upgrade to 11.04 until all the PPA's we use upgrade to netty as well?21:16
ohsixvivid: gnome-shell 2.31 was from 2010, and was a development release21:16
kate__I get the same error using a cd or a usb.21:16
tripelbzvacet, OK. I didnt know that. I keep learning stuff late. I started on a learning about linux website this week. -- I have another question if you would be so kind. (separate line)21:16
armor-64Metaxa : OK21:16
tripelbzvacet - I have 2 Ubuntu installations on different drives, what can I do to copy the files or move the user on the other to my main drive I have booted up on?  Thanks and thanks.21:16
ohsixvivid: gnome-shell might be the distinctive feature of gnome3 _now_, but that doesn't mean it was then21:16
RyanCMI'm running 10.10 amd64, and it's not letting me upgrade to 11.04. Anyone able to help?21:16
zvacettripelb: you will see how much space is used so let shrinked partition in bigger then that21:16
KrisDouglastruepurple, In fact there is one option21:16
fosser_joshzvacet: is there any solution. coz last year i faced same problem but then later that problem is fixed21:16
Guest30692Hello, ive upgraded to 11.04 and enjoyed unity but only until i rebooted, now it loads into old design, and if i log out user, im getting alot of gfx glitches,though there is none, if i dont log in (its auto logged in)21:17
KrisDouglasyou could put grub into Single User Mode, remove the nvidia driver and see what happens21:17
TiagoTiagobrb gonna see if i can find a blank disk on the unpacked boxes21:17
vividohsix, so why isnt gnome-shell in the repos now?21:17
melloHi, i'm using my music library that is on my NTSF partition. In rhythmbox it loads all songs, in any other musicplayer it doesn't, anyone got an idea?21:17
zvacetfosser_josh: I don´t use vuze so I don´t know21:17
ohsixRyanCM: open software properties and have it display updates that aren't lts releases21:17
tripelbzvacet, OK I understand what you have told me to do so I will go do it today.21:17
TiagoTiagoHm, wait, can i install from a 2GB usb stick?21:17
johnathanKrisDouglas, i can't seem to find "Software Resources"21:17
KrisDouglastruepurple, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/21:17
zvacettripelb: ok21:17
jmcantrell_anyone using a system76 lemur ultrathin?21:17
banderl0gwow..1.8k users21:18
ohsixvivid: because its dependencies aren't, gnome3 is not; gnome-shell 2.31 ran largely on top of gtk2 and all that stuff, for the developer previews21:18
johnathanKrisDouglas, Would it be the same as the Software Center?21:18
tripelbzvacet, did you get my second question (that I have been asking for days here, lol)21:18
truepurpleKrisDouglas: I never get to a grub screen though21:18
tripelbzvacet - I have 2 Ubuntu installations on different drives, what can I do to copy the files or move the user on the other to my main drive I have booted up on?21:18
johnathanKrisDouglas, nvmnd, found it21:18
coz_truepurple,  ooo even if you hold down shift?21:18
kate__Repeat: When booting from live, it stops and I get this message: "udevd - work[84]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00001002d00009591sv000017AAsd00002116bc03sc00i00' unexpected exit with status 0x0009"21:18
melloHi, i'm using my music library that is on my NTSF partition. In rhythmbox it loads all songs, in any other musicplayer it doesn't, anyone got an idea?21:19
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RyanCMohsix: No, it's says there's a new version, etc. But when I click the upgrade button, it says i'm not connected to the internet.. but obviously I am.21:19
DiosjoeHello, ive upgraded to 11.04 and enjoyed unity but only until i rebooted, now it loads into old design, and if i log out user, im getting alot of gfx glitches,though there is none, if i dont log in (its auto logged in)21:19
truepurplecoz_:  I will try holding down shift21:19
kate__Checked the hash on the image before burning, burned at low speed on cd, tried with cd and usb.21:19
zvacettripelb: not right person for that kind of question21:19
Guest23133what do you guys think about the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE USB Modem 551L for ubuntu? anyone recommend other usb modems?21:19
ohsixRyanCM: ah well you should have said that :] most people would interpret your original question as the button you're expecting not being present21:19
sudiptahow to test whether my nvidia card will support unity?21:19
truepurplecoz_:  KrisDouglas  Ok, got to a grub menu, I see a "previous linux version" option, should I pick it?21:20
KrisDouglasYes, actually.21:20
Olsonwhat to do about this please? screenshot:  http://www.pasteall.org/pic/1171521:20
RyanCMohsix, yeah, that was my bad. you still got any idea why it would be saying that?21:20
ipohello everybody!21:20
KrisDouglastruepurple, worth a try21:20
ipoI cant install ubuntu on fujitsu latop21:20
engammalskoHi, how do I change my 11.04 menu back to the 10.10 menu? The one with two panels.21:21
ipoplease help me!21:21
ohsixRyanCM: not really; it sounds like a generic failure message that is clobbering the real message21:21
_Mr_Proper_Just upgraded to 11.04 - I've switched to ubuntu classic, but the menu that used to be under 'Appearance' to choose the visual effects level has disappeared.. Where has it ogne?21:21
RyanCMohsix: i could imagine so. i'll try rebooting. thanks for your replies.21:21
a2c4n9e1how to make custom partition mount point in 11.04 owhhh ubuntu never got this stiff before.... :(21:21
Olsonengammalsko, when you log in, choose "classic" rather than "unity"21:21
ohsixengammalsko: pick the classic session on the login screen21:21
coz_engammalsko,  log off   put your pass word in but before you hit enter  just below change to classic session21:21
engammalskoAha, is that all?21:21
zvacetengammalsko: onlogin screen>session<ubuntu classic21:21
coz_engammalsko,  or classic   (no effects)  and yes that's it :)21:21
lcbwow... 1800+ happy users in here :o21:21
diablosravenim having issues with inconsistant hdd detection21:22
truepurpleKrisDouglas: It says "It seems you do not have the hardware required to run unity. Please choose ubuntu classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional environment"21:22
Olsoni need happy giving!21:22
a2c4n9e1lcb: -1 for me!21:22
engammalskoOk, is there anything better with the new menu? Or is it just personal taste?21:22
diablosravencan anyone help me21:22
botcitykate__, did you use the alternative cd last time ?21:22
RyanCMohsix: do you know if it's possible to upgrade via terminal?21:22
lcba2c4n9e1, ok, sorry, let me take you off the balance :)21:22
ohsix_Mr_Proper_: that was just to switch the wm to compiz or run ccsm, you can do that yourself too :] they have tests for compiz now, i think it just automatically runs if it can, then you would need to edit the settings with ccsm21:22
zvacetlcb: I don´ know about happy if we are here  :)21:22
KrisDouglastruepurple, accept that message, that's fine.21:22
a2c4n9e1lcb: lol. i was a happy user until natty ^_^21:22
ohsixRyanCM: yes, but i haven't used it21:23
KrisDouglasIt should get you into a GUI21:23
DiosjoeHello, after updating to 11.04 i could use unity, but after first reboot after the update, it jumps straight to the old design, if i log the user out, i get a lot of graphic disortion, mouse pointer missing etc, though if i relog in i have a slight chance of getting unity back, until i reboot... help please21:23
truepurpleKrisDouglas: It didn't give me a option to choose ubuntu classic, but I loaded into a desktop, now I will see what happens if I restart21:23
lcba2c4n9e1, just use classic desktop. you get the same as before21:23
lcbzvacet, :)21:23
TheRedOctoberHi folks.  Is there a way to have multiple users (on a muti-head/multi-input system) login as the _same_ user and run firefox?  Unfortunately I get the "Firefox instacne already running" popup21:23
_Mr_Proper_Under additional drivers, it says the nvidia driver is activated but not in use.... If I run glxgears, it runs awfully and not smooth at all.. Sounds like I need to switch something over to be accelerated21:23
botcitykate__, and  the alternative cd this time ?21:23
scottj`is there a part on the standard / hierarchy where I can create "files" that are in ram or swap not disk and don't remain on reboot?21:23
subcoolcan someone help me with y /usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :0 creates a loop21:23
KrisDouglastruepurple, i would recommend installing the latest nvidia driver from the guides on the Ubuntu wiki21:23
a2c4n9e1lcb: i don't even get to the dektop yet. i'm still going to partition my hard drive for ubuntu21:23
kate__Same thing.21:23
shugyoshahy , I have issues with playing video in full screen with all players ( Totem ,vlc, mplayer) since a go from 10.09 to 11.04, the images makes lines like it can't refresh fast enough21:23
RyanCMI've got a problem. When i click the upgrade button it tells me I don't have an active internet connection.. but, obviously, i do.21:24
a2c4n9e1lcb: but stuck, unfortunately21:24
truepurpleKrisDouglas: I have only one mouse to swap between these PCs, is there a hotkey for restarting?21:24
shugyoshacan enyone help me ?21:24
ohsixTheRedOctober: no, they cannot share firefox profiles, you can create multiple ones, but it sounds like you have a problem you're trying to brute force21:24
kbrosnanTheRedOctober: not without them each having a seperate profile21:24
Rehanshugyosha: whats your issue?21:24
ipoKrisDouglas : hey! are you there?21:24
truepurpleKrisDouglas: Except I am using a ATI radeon 685021:24
KrisDouglasI am here21:24
lcba2c4n9e1, so....? you need a nife? :) j/k what happened?21:24
armor-64Metaxa : have you found anything?21:24
KrisDouglasuse up and down keys, truepurple21:24
TiagoTiagoThe ISO is both a live disk and a installer, right?21:24
kate__If I toggle the keyboard at the first purple screen, which does appear, it lets me pick a language and gives me a couple of options, but whether I choose try or install, it doesn't work.21:24
truepurpleKrisDouglas: You would recommend nvadia drivers for a ATI card?21:24
RehanTiagoTiago: yep21:24
coz_TiagoTiago,  it should be yes21:24
shugyoshaRehan > I tried to explain21:24
KrisDouglastruepurple, sorry, assumed you were on NV21:24
a2c4n9e1lcb: can you lend me a chainsaw instead? lol21:25
ohsixRyanCM: there are logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade you could look at, i'm not sure if they'd have been written to by the time you get the message you are getting, but it's worth a look21:25
coz_need to break here,, be back later21:25
kate__When I just pick 'install,' the green matrix letters start scrolling down the purple screen.21:25
KrisDouglastruepurple, the same guide is available for ATI21:25
ipoKrisDouglas: I say when I boot that CD , I see just a background and a pointer of mouse!!21:25
Metaxaarmor-64: Nothing so far, was doing some research but not finding much info on it21:25
Rehanshugyosha: i just joined the channel :P21:25
a2c4n9e1lcb: i need to name a custom mountpoint for my partition, but the installer won't let me do so. any workaround for that21:25
lcba2c4n9e1, a jackhammer, that's the only thing i use for hard-to-solve issues21:25
TiagoTiagoIf i use that universal installer thingy to place the iso on a usb stick, will i be able to install using that?21:25
TheRedOctoberohsix: roger, i just want to have one login to rule them all....the desktop is locked down.  it is just for data input via firefox21:25
botcitykate__, what did you use to burn?21:25
shugyoshahy , I have issues with playing video in full screen with all players ( Totem ,vlc, mplayer) since a go from 10.09 to 11.04, the images makes lines like it can't refresh fast enough21:25
zvaceta2c4n9e1: i know it is not what you want but reinstall 10.10 and make partition as you like after that install natty on root and do not format other just thout21:25
shugyoshafor you Rehan21:25
RyanCMohsix: there's nothing in this directory.21:25
kate__On the cd? Or the USB?21:25
KrisDouglasipo, sorry, right. It seems there is either a problem with the machine or the disk if it is not loading past that point21:25
RehanTiagoTiago: yeah, thats how i did it21:26
TiagoTiagoi wanna use a USB stick to install on a HDD partition21:26
KrisDouglasI would recommend trying to burn another disk (or running the disk check from the pre-boot menu on the disk)21:26
lcba2c4n9e1, why don't you install 11.04 and do the changes afterwards?21:26
a2c4n9e1lcb, its not that hard to solve. coz i did it bfore in prev version21:26
ohsixRyanCM: then you'll need to look in /tmp, if logs still aren't there, then your machine isn't able to even fetch the upgrader21:26
botcitykate__, cd21:26
kate__Well, I'm in 10.04lts... I right clicked on the iso and chose 'write to disk' and set it to the lowest speed.21:26
truepurpleKrisDouglas: You think a driver update could fix this problem?21:26
KrisDouglastruepurple, certainly so.21:26
TiagoTiagohow big does the stick needs to be?21:26
d3vlininstalled natty x64 yesterday, booting shows only a big purple square, no logo. In syslog I see plymouth-splash terminating. Any clues? nvidia-current21:27
lcba2c4n9e1, previous were grub2, too21:27
a2c4n9e1so, 11.04 don't let me make own mountpoint? wow. i wonder why...21:27
ohsixrye: and if that's the case, you don't have an internet connection for all intents and purposes ... cuz you can't get the file from ubuntu's servers for the upgrade :D you could try changing your mirrors, i'm not sure where it gets the upgrader bundle21:27
armor-64Metaxa : hmmm......i was using classic edition so far,ichange to ubuntu (normal to see if there will be changes)and now it have stuck in ubuntu classic,can i hide it somehow and use the top and bot bar as in ubuntu 10.10?21:27
KrisDouglasThe problem you are experiencing, truepurple, is the display server cannot load on your card because of an updated kernel.21:27
kate__I burned the 10.04 disk at the same time, and it worked.21:27
a2c4n9e1lcb, does 11.04 not using grub2?21:27
mellohi, I try to load my music library into clementine from an NTFS partition, though roughly half of the songs are not being imported.. But they are visible in rhythmbox21:27
ipoKrisDouglas: what else I can do?21:27
sojacan someone help me with grub? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10735364#post1073536421:27
truepurpleKrisDouglas: How do I remove the corrupt old driver then? Could we please speak in PM? Less work keeping track of the conversation21:27
d3vlinthe installer CD had a wonderful fullscreen ubuntu splash (1920x1080?)21:27
zvaceta2c4n9e1: newest is nor always best that is why21:27
botcitykate__, gnomebaker is what i used21:28
KrisDouglasipo, other than burning another disk, and trying a USB boot. I am unsure. How much RAM does the machine in question have?21:28
ohsixmello: it's probably clementine, not the filesystem, though you could rule out the filesystem by copying all of them to another filesystem and trying the same thing, but it's not the filesystem21:28
lcba2c4n9e1, yes. the help page for grub2 is pretty good and there are some scenarios, probably what you need too. hold on..21:28
a2c4n9e1zcvacet: couldn't agree more on that... :)21:28
ipoKrisDouglas: 421:28
Metaxaarmor-64: From what I have read so far that doesn't seem to be an option. Wish I could have been more help.21:28
TiagoTiagothe previous upgrades didn't had so many issues, did they? They all went smoothlly for me....21:28
botcity!burn | kate__21:28
melloohsix that's what im trying. Weird thing is, that i think clementine is not the only player having issues with it.21:28
ubottukate__: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto21:28
d3vlinI tried to get more verbose info during boot by removing quiet splash from /etc/default/grub but no luck, still showing the purple square21:28
KrisDouglastruepurple, see pm21:28
kate__I burned this latest one exactly according to that page... I also made a USB installer and they both show the same message.21:29
ohsixmello: did you remove all songs from rhythmbox to see if they all loaded when you readded them?21:29
a2c4n9e1hmm... i think i'll reinstall the 10.10 now21:29
DiosjoeHello, after updating to 11.04 i could use unity, but after first reboot after the update, it jumps straight to the old design, if i log the user out, i get a lot of graphic disortion, mouse pointer missing etc, though if i relog in i have a slight chance of getting unity back, until i reboot... help please << anymore information needed?21:29
subcoolCan somoen please tell me why this string causes a loop? ::::::::::: /usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :021:29
DiosjoeThis is my gfx dios@Dios1:~$ sudo lspci | grep ATI21:29
Diosjoe01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X700 (PCIE)21:29
a2c4n9e1can 10.10 be upgraded using usb flash drive?21:29
armor-64Metaxa : no it's ok man thanks for the help,it seem i will format becouse i hate it,are you using it anyway?21:30
melloohsix i should try.. but i'm pretty sure I reimported my library several times in rhythmbox.21:30
ohsixmello: rhythmbox keeps track of songs that have been added and just checks if they're still there; which is different from loading them all originally, it may have worked at one point in the past & rhythmbox may have been able to load all of them, then the disk became damaged21:30
kate__Yet my image file checks out and I downloaded it three times from three different mirrors to be sure.21:30
harovalihi , i'm trying to set up a wireless modem, and I put all the configuration in NetworkManager . However, the option to connect to the network it should enable, does not appear in left-clicking in the doble arrow menu. ANy hint ?21:30
botcitykate__,  what laptop is it or what pc ?21:30
kate__Thinkpad T50021:30
Metaxaarmor-64: I'm giving it a shot. I was one of the lucky ones that had everything work well for me21:30
melloohsix im now copying them, and i'll import in both clementine & rhythmbox21:30
lcba2c4n9e1, look at this -> http://goo.gl/0qRRN and this -> http://goo.gl/uMAgK <- better if you do it instead of someone who don't know for real what's going on in there.21:31
subcoolPRETTY PLEASE21:31
ipoKrisDouglas: 421:31
Olsonis this bad? everything seems to work ok, but I sometimes do get glitches with new 11.04:   http://www.pasteall.org/pic/1171521:31
Metaxaarmor-64: Firefox4 although is having some problems staying full screen.21:31
a2c4n9e1lcb: ok let me read that first. hang on...21:31
ohsixmello: if you want a clean test run rhythmbox with --dry-run or --rhythmdb-file <newdb> so it wont' use the original database of song information21:31
lcba2c4n9e1, i'm hanging / on21:31
armor-64Metaxa : xaxaxa nice, thanks again!see ya around21:32
kate__I was running 10.10 on it. I tried to upgrade and it wouldn't boot properly after that. I had to tell it to run a 'previous linux version' but then it ran 11.04. I wanted to do a clean install so I could just start my computer.21:32
melloohsix: thanks for the tip, but i just reinstalled maverick ;)21:32
melloohsix: thanks for the tip but i just reinstalled :)21:32
lcbsubcool, what's going on with that ' PRETTY_PLEASE ' package?21:32
_Mr_Proper_I'm running ubuntu classic, but still get those new off-window scrollbars - is there a way to disable them?21:32
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tripelbzvacet, thanks21:33
DiosjoeHello, after updating to 11.04 i could use unity, but after first reboot after the update, it jumps straight to the old design, if i log the user out, i get a lot of graphic disortion, mouse pointer missing etc, though if i relog in i have a slight chance of getting unity back, until i reboot... help please << anymore information needed?21:33
a2c4n9e1lcb, ah.. costumising grub menu. nice info. thanks, gonna try that later after i'm done with basic 11.04.21:33
a2c4n9e1anyway, lcb,can 10.10 be upgraded using flash drive containing the 11.04 installation. coz my connection is not that lightning fast and its late nite21:33
lcba2c4n9e1, see... am i good at construction work or not? ;)21:33
zvacettripelb: yw21:33
tripelbguest23133 (what a headache to type) is there much difference between modems? as long as you dont get a winmodem.21:33
diablosraveni just installed 10.10 and im going to be installing xbmc but i cant until i get fstab working right every time i reboot the hdd are detected differently can anyone help me21:34
kate__I have like half an hour to get this started before I leave it for the weekend... probably gonna let it upgrade to 10.10 while I'm away and get back to it on Monday.21:34
lcba2c4n9e1, yes it can. use unetbootin to "burn" that flash21:34
MrToadHey guys, is there a general chit-chat channel or is that allowed here?21:34
diablosravenpm pls21:34
ArachonMrToad: #ubuntu-offtopic21:34
ArachonI think21:34
tripelbI'm staying with 10.04 and it works. HAHA21:34
MrToadAh great, thansk Arachon21:34
a2c4n9e1lcb, that summarize why you have all those tools with you. jackhammer and that knife.21:34
lcba2c4n9e1, stop, look and wait, though...21:34
MnCCmy taskbar is completly gone .. anyone know how to get it back ?21:35
Rehanguys is there a way to use Unity without the keyboard to find an app?21:35
phibxryou still aren't able to install the official google-chrome deb by double clicking it and letting it run in software center? that issue was reported weeks ago. :/21:35
guntbert!pm | diablosraven21:35
ubottudiablosraven: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:35
a2c4n9e1lcb, ok, i'm gonna head straight to the crime scene now. thanks alot21:35
subcoolCan somoen please tell me why this string causes a loop? ::::::::::: /usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :021:35
Rehanphibxr: i just did, it worked fine for me21:35
jmcantrell_anyone using a system76 lemur ultrathin?21:35
apatheticsheepa friend of mine stopped by with her netbook which someone was kind enough to install kubuntu on, but she cannot connect to any wireless networks. she was once able to but can no longer.  iwconfig shows the interface and the gui has my wifi configured but ... it doesn't seem to even try to connect.  anyone able to help with this?21:35
MnCCmy startmenu and taskbar are gone ?21:36
diablosravenubottu, im trying to keep up but i cant21:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:36
MnCChelp pleaze21:36
Nightshade_thats unity21:36
lcba2c4n9e1, update and fix 10.10 as it should be, before. do ' sudo -i ' then ' apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get check && apt-get -f install && apt-get autoremove && apt-get clean '21:36
SeRVeR01hello there what client for yahoo support voice chat ?21:36
phibxrRehan, when I click "Install" after a clean install, it works for a second and goes back to the product description screen with the "Install" button. facing the same issue on two laptops and one netbook. :S21:36
kneauxSafe to assume I can't upgrade directly from 10.04 to 11.04?21:36
guntbertdiablosraven: you can tell your client to ignore the join/part messages21:36
ohsixMnCC: pick the classic session from the login screen21:36
lcba2c4n9e1, then go for it; upgrade21:37
phibxrRehan, using gdebi works just fine though.21:37
armor-64Metaxa : i found the solution,whana hear it?21:37
MnCCi dont have that on the login screen21:37
Nightshade_okay i have a question about unity21:37
diablosravenitll have to wait till i come back i guess21:37
milliganJust installed 11.04 on a laptop here. When booting the new system, the computer hangs at at the Ubuntu logo, with the dots underneath it. Booting an older kernel will work.21:37
Metaxaapatheticsheep: Do you know the maker of the wireless chip?21:37
MnCCi can choose users, thats it21:37
ohsixMnCC: at the bottom, after you click on your name21:37
Rehanphibxr: i have no idea what gdebi is :P21:37
a2c4n9e1lcb, so i need to update 10.10 first. ? ouch, its gonna be a long night21:37
zvacetkneaux: no you can not21:37
Nightshade_why is there no place for the "taskbar" applications21:37
jnlsnl_hmmt he ubuntu font looks much thinner in a pdf than on openoffice =(21:37
cannonballIf an init process says it's "stop/waiting" (initctl disable ufw), does that mean it's going to start next time it reboots or is that not indicated by that output?21:37
Metaxaarmor-64 sure21:37
lcba2c4n9e1, that's a must!!!!21:37
MnCCgonna try it21:37
phibxrRehan, the package that was used before software center was associated by .deb's. :)21:38
JoeCoolDeskI upgraded to 11.0421:38
JoeCoolDeskThat was a mistake21:38
lcba2c4n9e1, for everyone, not only for you. so, don't feel a privileged user21:38
Metaxaarmor-64: Sure, what did you find?21:38
kate__botcity, are you thinking it's just a problem with the laptop?21:38
Nightshade_JoeCoolDesk you want classic?21:38
ohsixJoeCoolDesk: if you don't have a question or need help, #ubuntu-offtopic21:38
apatheticsheepMetaxa: Atheros, AR9285 is what lspci shows.21:38
a2c4n9e1lcb. hahaha.. i shouldn't remove the partition table in the first place.21:39
SomelauwShould I already upgrade to 11.4. I really don t care about unity or anything?21:39
lcba2c4n9e1, why?21:39
JoeCoolDeskNow it's sitting on startup "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present"21:39
Nightshade_is there any way to get the taskbar notifications back?21:39
SomelauwSince I will use awesome anyway.21:39
cannonballAh, initctl show-config.  Thanks.21:39
ActionParsnipSomelauw: if what you have works, why fix it21:39
lcba2c4n9e1, you want to remove everything from that disk, is that your idea?21:39
z0mbyk1dhow should i upgrade to natty server from karmic server?>21:39
zvaceta2c4n9e1: we learn something every day  ;)21:39
armor-64Metaxa : if someone dont like it he have just to type (sudo apt-get remove unity)that works for me,and now i am using ubuntu classic version without the side bar!21:39
Metaxaapatheticsheep: Under additional drivers is her card listed?21:40
botcitykate__,  im thinking you may have to disable the graphics from bios .. maybe try the normal iso ?21:40
apatheticsheepMetaxa: lsmod shows ath9x several times.21:40
DiosjoeHello, after updating to 11.04 i could use unity, but after first reboot after the update, it jumps straight to the old design, if i log the user out, i get a lot of graphic disortion, mouse pointer missing etc, though if i relog in i have a slight chance of getting unity back, until i reboot... help please << anymore information needed?21:40
a2c4n9e1lcb, i was erasing my partition table before deciding to install 11.0421:40
kate__Normal iso?21:40
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a2c4n9e1zvacet: yup lesson learned21:40
lcba2c4n9e1, is that an upgrade or "fresh" install?21:40
Metaxaarmor-64: Nice. In a month or so will you give gnome3 a try?21:40
Somelauwsince maybe it is worht it21:40
botcityyou said you use the alternative iso cd21:40
sre-suIs there a command to lock the screen than a keyboard shortcut?21:41
ohsixJoeCoolDesk: did you use lvm for / or have some other ad-hoc setup?21:41
apatheticsheepMetaxa: where would i find "additional drivers" I am more familiar with shell than gui.21:41
kate__I used both. Someone earlier suggested trying the alternative.21:41
kate__So I did.21:41
a2c4n9e1lcb: it was a proxy box anyway, and the setting was backed up. so i thought why not start using 11.04 fresh from the bedshed. :D21:41
lcba2c4n9e1, btw, if you are "playing" with the partitions better first backup your /home and probably /etc and /usr21:42
guntbert!who | kate__21:42
ubottukate__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:42
armor-64Metaxa : gnome3?i haven't hear of it....what's that?21:42
Metaxaapatheticsheep: System->Admin-> I bvelive21:42
apatheticsheepMetaxa: nvm i found it there's a search in the K-menu21:42
kate__botcity, sorry21:42
a2c4n9e1lcb, i'm trying to RE-installing my pc with the new ubuntu21:42
guntbert!gnome3 | armor-6421:42
ubottuarmor-64: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.21:42
lcba2c4n9e1, you might not need /etc and /usr ... it's just in case you have some configs and packages you would like to take a look afterwards21:42
JoeCoolDeskohsix, I'm just dual-booting with windows21:42
botcitykate__,  maybe the normal iso and press f6 and disable the graphic s21:42
ohsixJoeCoolDesk: what is /?21:43
TiagoTiagoIf i install using the ISO will it erase all the files or if i already have the partitons ready it will just copy over the files involved in the install?21:43
JoeCoolDeskThe root of the filesystem?21:43
a2c4n9e1don't like the term upgrading, coz i thought it might leave some mess21:43
ohsixJoeCoolDesk: dual booting shouldn't matter or anything, how your filesystem is assembled might have been would be21:43
apatheticsheepMetaxa: it says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" is this a gui for ndiswrapper?21:43
kate__botcity, I'll give it a shot. Have to leave to do it, so thanks for your help.21:43
a2c4n9e1but then i was wrong, its better upgrading with this realease21:43
botcitykate__, ok21:44
lcba2c4n9e1, and in my opinion, before installing whatever, use the  new image or another live linux and go to those dirs and compress , with nautilus, for example21:44
aj00200I am having probelms with the windows not being resizable (particularly Firefox). Does someone know how to fix this?21:44
JoeCoolDeskohsix, it was working yestreday and it's not today after the upgrade.  The windows partition works so it's not the HDD21:44
KyubeySo yeah21:44
ohsixJoeCoolDesk: i didn't say it was, but if you want to be beligerent i've got other things to do21:44
lcba2c4n9e1, then copy to another media, of course21:44
guntbertz0mbyk1d: karmic -> maverick -> natty21:44
KyubeyI just noticed sound isnt working on my laptop under natty21:44
guntbert!upgrade | z0mbyk1d21:44
ubottuz0mbyk1d: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:44
KyubeyBut I checked, and it appears natty uses palseaudio now21:44
KyubeyI have a wierd sound card, I think only ALSA works on it21:44
KyubeyDoes anyone know how to fix it?21:45
a2c4n9e1lcb, the conf and package are well backed up every week bfore, so i thought nothing to worry about starting a new installation from scratch.21:45
ohsixKyubey: pulseaudio uses alsa to output sound, it's not an alternative21:45
guntbertsre-su: you question was not clear for me - what di you want to do?21:45
ohsixKyubey: open the volume control and go to the hardware tab, do you see any devices?21:45
mick_laptophi everyone, I installed ubuntu on an Acer laptop and everything was going just fine (for a few days) - now it is acting funny (started w/ X not really working like it should etc.). Now i get "No init found" and a busybox prompt21:45
a2c4n9e1now i need to install 10.10 first, make my custom mount point and update, clean, and upgrade to 11.0421:45
KyubeyI cant do that ohsix21:45
lcba2c4n9e1, so burn the flash and you both (you+distro)  will be happy ever after21:46
mick_laptopwhen i try to reinstall (w/ a cd or usb) I can't get passed that prompt21:46
exaltcan i move the dash bar ?21:46
a2c4n9e1lcb, but in your oppinion, will it worth it?21:46
sudiptahow to test whether my nvidia card will support unity?21:46
sre-suguntbert: Got it myself.. I was searching a command like <qdbus org.kde.krunner /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Lock21:46
sre-su> to lock screen21:46
lcba2c4n9e1, the change/upgrade?21:46
z0mbyk1dguntbert: i'm just using do-release-upgrade21:46
Kyubeywhen I go to sound preferences, it says "Waiting for the sound system to respond"21:46
ohsixKyubey: that's the first step, find out how to do it so your sound can be fixed21:46
apatheticsheep"network connections" module in KDE, when i click add under wireless, and then scan, shows my network.  this would indicate to me that the drivers are loaded for the wireless card.21:46
nanovanyhow can I know if my video card works on ubuntu 11.04?21:46
ohsixKyubey: ok, are you using kubuntu?21:46
a2c4n9e1lcb, i mean, upgrading to 11.04 at the momment, with the freshly launched?21:46
guntbertsre-su: understood, glad you found it21:46
TiagoTiagoThe disk i'll be installt 11.04 already got dualboot set to boot Linux and Windows, is my Windows partition under any risk if i install Ubuntu  again?21:46
KyubeyI'm using the standard unity ubuntu21:47
guntbertz0mbyk1d: but you *must* not jump over releases21:47
ohsixKyubey: ok, open a terminal and run fuser -v /dev/snd/* paste teh output if there is any to paste.ubuntu.com21:47
lcba2c4n9e1, of course it is. you get everything up-to-date. if you like a couple of ppl don't like unity use classic desktop option at login21:47
apatheticsheepbut I see no way to connect to said wireless network.  I type in my WPA key and select auto connect but it doesn't connect21:47
botcity!hardware | nanovany,21:47
ubottunanovany,: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:47
ny51bernCan someone help me install ubuntu 11?21:47
ActionParsnipKyubey: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh21:47
a2c4n9e1lcb, thanks alot for the opinions.21:48
zvacetTiagoTiago: no if you do it carefully21:48
z0mbyk1dwow ok so i need to go to 10.04 then to 10.10 then to 11.0421:48
TiagoTiagoperhaps it would better if there was some triage going here so the flow of text wasn't so fast, i'm having a hard time keeping up, specially if i try to do anything else :(21:48
a2c4n9e1ny51bern: how can you be helped?21:48
z0mbyk1dguntbert: you can't anyway, apparently21:48
ohsixActionParsnip: i got this one, and that'd be 100% useless in this case, have to start at the top, pulse is failing to start or blocked on opening the devices21:48
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lcba2c4n9e1, or use unity + some fancy menu utility, like "avant window navigator "21:48
shane_Hello ubuntu chat21:48
engammalskoI have no window menu after configuring compiz.21:49
ActionParsnipohsix: if you want, the output is dead handy though21:49
ny51berna2c4n9e1: ive already gotten pretty far, but the installer has prompted me asking "What do you want to do about modified configuration file grub?"21:49
JoeCoolDeskohsix, what aare you talking about?21:49
engammalskoI don't have the close, minimize, maximize etc.21:49
a2c4n9e1lcb, so i got 3 unmounted partition in 11.04, how to make it auto mounted?]21:49
lcba2c4n9e1, or... add to startup applications ' gnome-menu ' and you'll have the bottom gnome panel.21:49
exaltHELP ubuntu 11.04 is turning my laptop fan into a furnace!21:49
guntbertz0mbyk1d: what you *can* or *can't* is not the question - what it does to your system makes the difference :)21:49
KyubeyActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/600961/21:49
ActionParsnipa2c4n9e1: add it in /etc/fstab21:49
lcba2c4n9e1, sorry, ' gnome-panel '21:49
cardamoon11.04.  I laughed.21:49
shane_This is the 3rd time I've installed ubuntu, and maybe the 10th time i've tried installing the fglrx drivers from th ati website and I get the same error every time; X11: extension GLX not found;21:49
z0mbyk1dguntbert: yeah21:49
Kyubeywait, it cut off a line21:49
ohsixKyubey: ok, don't worry about pasting the rest, you have flash player interfering with pulse21:50
aj00200I am having probelms with some windows not being resizable (particularly Firefox and the terminal). Does someone know how to fix this?21:50
a2c4n9e1ny51bern: whats the options? i never see that..21:50
z0mbyk1di'm backing up all the configs that are likely to be overwritten21:50
engammalskoCan anyone help me restore my window panel?21:50
lcba2c4n9e1, you have the answer on those tutos i gave you21:50
KyubeyFlash player is interfering with pulse?21:50
lcba2c4n9e1, pretty explanatory21:50
KyubeyHow do I fix this?21:50
asteigengammalsko: Do you know why it disappeared?21:50
ohsixKyubey: yeah, so close whatever is using it, pulse goes to sleep by itself after a while and something can open the device directly under it21:51
engammalskoNo, but it have happend before, asteig21:51
asteigengammalsko: Upgrade, etc?21:51
a2c4n9e1ActionParsnip: how to get the uuid21:51
samtateMy laptop sound works fine in Ubuntu including soundmenu and stuff, but when I plug in my external speakers, the sound cuts off from the laptop ones, but nothing comes out of the external ones. Any help?21:51
Odayis there an "easy" GUI CVS that you know of?21:51
ActionParsnipa2c4n9e1: run:  sudo blkid21:51
HAKMASTERhey!! quick question, i'am installting Ubuntu 11.0.4 and during the installation when i'm doing parition resize, i can't mount it to other than the default mount listed name!! how i can fix this? thanks in advance21:51
ohsixKyubey: well, i'd stop using nspluginwrapper, but that doesn't really have anything to do with it; just kill flash and pulse will do everything itself21:51
engammalskoasteig: I upgraded to 11.04, but it has happened with 10.10 too.21:51
mick_laptopi took out the hdd - truying again21:51
Odaybecause "man cvs" is causing me nightmares21:51
asteigengammalsko: Gnome or Unity?21:51
phibxrWhy did #ubuntu+1 become invite only?21:51
ActionParsnipsamtate: what make and model is the system?21:51
ActionParsnipphibxr: because natty is released21:52
Odaymaybe you haven't identified your nickname, phibxr21:52
ohsixphibxr: it's not going to be "supported" for a while, it's oneiric21:52
guntbertphibxr: because natty is released21:52
shane_Im using Ubuntu 11; Trying to install FGLRX; I get the same problem everytime; X11: GLX extension not found21:52
asteigengammalsko: Did you JUST upgrade? If you just upgraded to 11.04, you need to manually switch back to GNOME.21:52
KyubeySo I cant get sound while using flash? o.o21:52
a2c4n9e1 ny51bern: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 & http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1296225 credit to lcb21:52
phibxracnot, ohsix, guntbert, ah, thanks. :)21:52
mcphailHi all. My 64 bit natty CD can't install grub anywhere. Proceeding without installing grub leads to "irrecoverable error" about 5 minutes later. Installation medium is not corrupted. Any ideas?21:52
engammalskoasteig: I changed to Ubuntu-classic when loggin in, So I have the 10.10 menus etc.21:53
ohsixKyubey: you can, but like i said; pulse goes to sleep when theres nothing to do, and that means a bad app can open and hog the device under it21:53
lcbOday, i think it depends your usage of it. on "software center " type cvs21:53
FLeiXiuSAll of my window decorations are gone in ubuntu 11.04 classic display.  This means no minimize / maximize, etc..,etc21:53
ny51berna2c4n9e1: theres a bunch. "install the package maintainer's version" "keep the local version currently installed" "show the differences between the versions" "show a 3 way diff b/w available versions" "do a 3 way merge b/w avail versions (experimental)" "start a new shell to examine the situation"21:53
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Odayi am doing that now already, lcb21:53
ohsixKyubey: you should use the native 64bit plugin, it's less problematic21:53
asteigengammalsko: Okay, cool. Did you lose just one panel or all panels?21:53
ActionParsnipKyubey: what is the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf21:53
nanovanythanks I will checkit!21:53
a2c4n9e1ActionParsnip: can you gimme example of fstab line for reiserfs filesystem?21:53
cache_surplushello, im trying to ubuntu 10.10 32bit on a windows xp laptop. when i boot to cdrom, windows xp continues to rule the laptop...21:53
lcbOday, :)21:53
engammalskoasteig: But that's not my problem. It's my window bar. I don't have the window panels.21:53
aj00200FLeiXiuS: do they need to be re-enabled with compilz?21:53
Odaylcb, there is CVS and Subversion, and Subversion is NOT a CVS?21:53
engammalskoasteig: I mean, close, minimize, maximize etc.21:53
ActionParsnip!fstab | a2c4n9e121:53
ubottua2c4n9e1: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:53
Odayis CVS a brand? lcb21:53
FLeiXiuSaj00200, I've gone through and replaced the display manager with compiz/metacity...notta.21:54
shane_cache_sureplush: sounds like the bootloader didnt install probperly or your boot partition isnt set21:54
engammalskoasteig: I have the top and bottom panels.21:54
samtateActionParsnip, its an Advent 5411 - a bit rarer, but still uses a common-ish sound card21:54
ohsixengammalsko: sounds like you need to enable the window decorator plugin in compiz21:54
engammalskoohsix: how to?21:54
shane_Anybody have a link to installing FGLRX on fresh install NAtty21:54
a2c4n9e1ActionParsnip: ok thanks21:54
engammalskoohsix: Under which category?21:54
ny51berna2c4n9e1: I have no idea what those links mean. I'm pretty dumb when it comes to these things..21:54
ohsixengammalsko: it's an option like any other in ccsm; can you actually move windows and switch their order at the moment? compiz could have crashed too21:54
a2c4n9e1i'll be away for awhile21:55
lcbOday, no, but you have packages in there for almost everything. try it and the ones you don't like it remove it. don't forget ubuntu is not like windoe$, so no garbages afters21:55
FLeiXiuSaj00200, allow m e to rephrase, I have decorations but they dont do anything.21:55
KyubeyActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/600966/21:55
phibxrohsix, sounds like he's running ubuntu-classic.21:55
ActionParsnipsamtate: try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad     to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      and reboot, may help21:55
Odaysure there are garbages, lcb..that's why autoremove and deborphan are there :P21:55
ohsixengammalsko: "effects"21:55
samtateActionParsnip, OK thanks21:55
ohsixphibxr: you can't disable the decorator separately with metacity21:55
engammalskoohsix: I can use the cube, move windows, use effects etc.21:55
aj00200FLeiXiuS: ouch. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to fix it. Maybe use this as an opportunity to learn to use keyboard shortcuts for everything21:55
lcbOday, well, not so much as on the other one. you are right though. check their pages for features then21:56
mcphailHas anyone managed to install 64 bit natty from the live cd or am I the only one with problems?21:56
FLeiXiuSaj00200, thats how i've been surviving the past 2 days.. getting old ;-P21:56
engammalskoohsix: I have a "fönsterram" option which means "window frame" could that be right?21:56
JPetersonI upgraded to 11.04 on what I thought was a plain vanilla 10.10, now I'm stuck on the grub command prompt21:56
ActionParsnipKyubey: try:  sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flashsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer21:56
ohsixengammalsko: could be21:56
syn3rgyNatty looks really ... em different. I need to have my system monitor in the top panel. How do I do that?21:56
maxflaxIm getting "ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve" when trying to upgrade to natty21:57
TheBuntuhow do i set 11.04 beta 2 to upgrade to the stable21:57
samtatesyn3rgy, Dont use unity is the answer21:57
banderl0gseconded above question21:57
FunnyLookinHatHey what is the key combo to grep for a tab ?21:57
ActionParsnipTheBuntu: just run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade21:57
=== platypus is now known as Guest1199
FunnyLookinHatgrep "something[TAB]bleh"21:57
engammalskoohsix: Yep, it was right. It works now ^^21:57
=== Guest1199 is now known as _Platypus_
FLeiXiuSFunnyLookinHat, \t21:57
lcbTheBuntu, just upgrade normally21:57
TiagoTiagobe back in a bit21:57
syn3rgysamtate Yeah I have a feeling you might be right.21:57
samtatesyn3rgy, It doesnt support the notification area21:57
ny51bernlcb: you got any ideas for me? a2c4 credited you with 2 links but idk what they mean21:57
FunnyLookinHatFLeiXiuS, that's what I thought - hmmm...21:57
FLeiXiuSFunnyLookinHat, or use cut/awk.21:57
traeodd...  so on Unity I have to have an icon ON the desktop as well as ON the launcher?  that's ridiculous.21:57
ohsixsyn3rgy: in unity the top bar is not really a panel, it just looks like it; if you want the panel pick the classic session on the login screen, after you click on your username21:58
engammalskoCan I change the scroll to classic scroll?21:58
FLeiXiuSfunctor, You cant really grep for a 'tab' but you can grep for pattern matches.  Or use awk/cut to separate the data.21:58
lcbny51bern, check the scenarios there, you might get the one you need21:58
KyubeyActionParsnip Error: need a repository as argument21:58
maxflaxIm getting "ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve" when trying to upgrade to natty21:58
zvacetTheBuntu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:58
FunnyLookinHattrae, Why do you say that?  You only need icons on the launcher if that's all you want,21:58
JPetersonTo be clearer I get the "Ubuntu 11.04 upgrade stuck on grub 1.97 beta 4 CLI" problem!21:58
ny51bernlcb: I'm not sure what GRUB i have21:59
ActionParsnipKyubey: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash21:59
syn3rgyohsix yeah I think Ill do that. Is there anything that Unity has for an advanced user of *nix systems that I should know about?21:59
engammalskoCan I change the scroll to classic scroll?21:59
traeFunnyLookinHat: how can I add a launcher to the panel in unity WITHOUT adding it to the desktop first.  And, giving it a custom icon on the panel.21:59
functortab fail21:59
lcbny51bern, btw, a2c4n9e1 receives a commission on every user i try to help, that's why21:59
juzzy_HELP! all my file folder try to open with gedit text editor!21:59
SudoGhost-AwayIs there a way to make it so that the unity sidebar thing is always shown?21:59
TheBuntualready did dist-upgrade....so it must be there21:59
JPetersonwhy wont it boot?21:59
KyubeyActionParsnip, done21:59
ny51bernlcb: i think I have grub 2, they only lst 1.9921:59
juzzy_HELP! all my file folder try to open with gedit text editor!21:59
traeFunnyLookinHat: cause when I remove it from the desktop, it goes away from the panel.21:59
ohsixsyn3rgy: not really; it's just different, i wouldn't try to look for things i'd just try and use it as it was intended, as close as you can like a new user21:59
FunnyLookinHattrae, Click the ubuntu icon in the top left, search for your app, and then click & drag it to the panel...21:59
samtateSudoGhost-Away, Install ccsm and tell me when your done21:59
FunnyLookinHattrae, To customize it further, right click ti.22:00
ActionParsnipKyubey: ok then install flashplugin64-installer22:00
samtateSudoGhost-Away, paste apt:ccsm into your browser and press enter22:00
lcbny51bern, check the commands for grub :P that's how i learn22:00
engammalskoCan I change my scrolls to the classis scroll?22:00
traeFunnyLookinHat: odd... I only get "keep in Launcher" when I right click22:00
lcbny51bern, on those pages there is one with the list of commands22:00
FunnyLookinHattrae, Oh hmmm22:00
SudoGhost-Awaysamtate, Not found22:00
FunnyLookinHattrae, The other option is to create a folder of custom launchers in your home folder.22:00
FunnyLookinHattrae, And then link those to your unity panel22:01
traeFunnyLookinHat: lol22:01
FunnyLookinHattrae, suffice it to say: http://i.imgur.com/zdIIa.png22:01
traeFunnyLookinHat: yeah it's a fix... but.... sheesh... I hope Miguel didn't make these Gnome3 decisions  or I'll have to beat him and Nat.22:01
lcbFunnyLookinHat, i like your hat. reminds me one i saw today on the wedding in london22:01
KyubeyActionParsnip, installed22:01
Kyubeynow what?22:01
SudoGhost-Awaysamtate, installing "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm)"22:01
FunnyLookinHatlcb, Hah!22:01
ActionParsnipKyubey: ok try flash22:01
ny51bernlcb: i really am not sure what to do..22:02
SudoGhost-Awaysamtate, installed22:02
KyubeyI need sound :(22:02
samtateSudoGhost-Away, sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager22:02
FunnyLookinHattrae, I have a feeling the customization of Unity will be a big player in 11.10 - it's silly that you have to install ccsm just to adjust Unity's panel22:02
samtateSudoGhost-Away, Oh OK22:02
ActionParsnipFunnyLookinHat: what'swrong with it?22:02
syn3rgyohsix think Ill install Gnome 3 and just give that a spin. I spend 95 % of my time in emacs and the other 5 in a term. This is just to much rainbows and ponies for me.22:02
FunnyLookinHatActionParsnip, What's wrong with what?22:02
traeFunnyLookinHat: seriously though, I appreciate the need for something new and flashy, but I'm not so sure why we had to push this alpha software out with 11.0422:02
KyubeyActionparsnip, flash is playing fine22:02
samtateSudoGhost-Away, Now open it by pressing Alt + F2 and typing ccsm22:02
traeanyway :(22:02
KyubeyActionparsnip, now, what about my sound?22:02
=== th1 is now known as M0TRN
SudoGhost-Awaysamtate, done22:03
ActionParsnipKyubey: sweet, thought you were only missing sound in flash22:03
FunnyLookinHattrae, If you want to run Gnome - you can do so... simply select "Gnome Desktop" on the login screen...22:03
d3vlinupdate-initramfs broken in natty? I don't get any feedback/update, immediately returns to prompt22:03
ActionParsnipFunnyLookinHat: the image22:03
FunnyLookinHattrae, No need to force yourself to use it unless you like it.22:03
samtateSudoGhost-Away, Go to the unity section22:03
FunnyLookinHatActionParsnip, Lots of wasted space...  :)22:03
TiagoTiagohm, gotta go, 8mll see if i can come back later let you guys know how things went22:03
banderl0gHow can I tell if my natty Beta 2 has been fully upgraded to the final release?22:03
traeFunnyLookinHat: I may try though...   I do like you, in spite of your funny hat.22:03
samtateSudoGhost-Away, And I dont have natty with me, but it has a purple circle logo; easy to see22:03
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:03
FunnyLookinHattrae, Hah!  Sounds good22:03
OY1Rim having problems booting when i try i get this error > http://paste.ubuntu.com/600969/ im running 10.1022:03
SudoGhost-Awaysamtate, done22:03
ActionParsnipbanderl0g: run updates, no updates mean it is stable22:03
lcbny51bern, look, handling grub is not difficult. difficult and very risky is trying to help someone remotely, because you can easily screw everything. go slowly and with patience and you'll get it.22:04
banderl0gok, then it seems it is, thanks ActionParsnip22:04
traeFunnyLookinHat: thanks for the hack work-around, I thought of that but felt very dirty to even try it.  lol22:04
KyubeyActionparsnip, no, I said that I cant adjust my volume/unmute and when I try to go into sound preferences it tells me it's waiting for the sound system to respond22:04
SudoGhost-Awaysamtate, got it, thank you ver much22:04
phibxrFunnyLookinHat, I agree that it's a bit silly that you need external packages to configure the behavior of the default GUI. I still like Unity though. :P22:04
=== sudipta is now known as UbuntuLove
samtateSudoGhost-Away, No problem. Its annoying that it isnt like that by default, but oh well22:04
lcbny51bern, unless someone else want to give a try, with this "confusion" in the #chan22:04
ohsixActionParsnip: things are opening the sound device under pulseaudio22:04
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Odayanyone use TKCVS?22:04
Odayi have no idea what to enter in "Module" when specifying the CVSROOT22:05
lcbticks? my cat22:05
lcbOday, :)22:05
traeI've been using Linux for a long time, what 95?  And well... I've never seen as silly of a move as this in a major distro for the default UI.22:05
lcbOday, that's a good one22:05
UbuntuLoveUnity Does not support propietary nvidia driver....any help?22:05
FunnyLookinHatphibxr, I like Unity too - I'm mostly hoping that they nail it the second time around in 11.10 with configuration options.  :)22:05
ActionParsnipFunnyLookinHat: then replace gnome-panel in your gconf-editor to be something else and it will go, you need the panel to hold thefile, edit menus of each app unless you make the system put them in the traditional place22:05
traebut anyhoo... I'll drink a cup of STFU.  :)22:05
OdayTKCVS is good, lcb? or my question? :P22:05
ohsixtrae: if you don't need help, #ubuntu-offtopic22:06
lcbOday, the package22:06
engammalskoPLEASE HELP!!!!!22:06
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:06
Odayok lcb22:06
engammalskoI can't move my windows anymore.22:06
ohsixtrae: there was a long long long review period before the release22:06
engammalskoI used this command: sudo su22:06
engammalsko echo “export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0″ > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80overlayscrollbars22:06
Odaygreat news, engammalsko22:06
KyubeyActionParsnip, you have any ideas?22:06
lcbengammalsko, don't yell.. there is ppl sleeping here22:06
botcityUbuntuLove, of course it does22:06
FunnyLookinHattrae, ohsix yeah and the review process even involved a vote to back off Unity till 11.1022:06
ohsixengammalsko: moving windows is another compiz plugin22:06
d3vlinupdate-initramfs broken in natty? I don't get any feedback/update, immediately returns to prompt22:06
traewill head over there to save this channel some traffic22:07
zomborhas anyone got sound working with an intel H61 i3 processor on board audio? when i do alsamixer it says "cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument"22:07
ohsixFunnyLookinHat: you'll find that any time that question is asked it will always put something like unity off, into perpetuity22:07
taseHow do I verify the integrity of a 10.10 Live CD ?22:07
lcbtrae, don't worry. in time the transit police would be here22:07
d3vlini.e. # update-initramfs -v or -h doesn't show anything22:07
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:08
engammalskoohsix: Thanks.22:08
* mcphail is giving up on the 64 bit live cd and trying the alternate cd.22:08
ohsixtase: with md5sum, compare it to the version on the website; or use the "check disk for errors" entry on the initial boot menu22:08
JasonnAnyone know how to start atheme services?22:08
engammalskoBut, how do I change scrollbars?22:08
engammalskoTo classic scrollbars.22:08
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traegrrr you guys aren't even over there for me to talk to you ;)22:08
fdsfhow do i create a password file?22:08
taseohsix, there is no boot menu on this CD22:09
apersonI'm trying to turn a list that separated by newlines into a a comma delimited list, sed 'N;s/\n/, /g' doesn't seem to be working right22:09
JPetersonif I do ls /grub there is no grub file!22:09
SoothsayerI was running the internet upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04... during the installing process, my screen went blank.. and it kinda froze.. so I switched off my laptop directly.22:09
lcbmaxflax, i took a quick look. do sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get -f install22:09
SoothsayerNow when I boot, "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present". I'm getting this at Boot.22:09
Dominaterhow do i resize the bar on the left hand size where the icons are?22:09
engammalskoOr more importent. Why can't I use ctrl+alt+t to open the shell? I have looked up my hotkeys and it's right but it doesn't work.22:09
ohsixtase: the thing that asks for your language? you might need to press a key to display it22:09
alaruzI have an issue with the nm-applet. I have a laptop with 2 users. However only the first user logging in gets to use the nm-applet and choose wireless networks and more. I need to kill the nm-applet with sudo to be able to use it with user nr 2. Is this a known bug or should I report it, if so how?22:09
maxflaxlcb - ok22:09
a2c4n9e1lcb, you know, i finally come around with my partitioning problem. thanks to ActionParsnip and you... ^_^22:09
kapare_QUESTION Ubuntu 11.04:  Radeon X1900 XT and I have this problem: glxinfo ==  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"22:09
figure002hello. i've just burned the new ubuntu to a cd and i'm ready to install it *next to* ubuntu 10.10. but i don't want it to overwrite my grub from 10.10. is there a way to tell it to use the grub settings from 10.10?22:10
Dominaterhow do i resize the bar on the left hand size where the icons are?22:10
lcbmaxflax, you didn't upgrade your system before 11.04 :(22:10
ohsixalaruz: it should work with both, but the changes would be mutually exclusive, it would get the authentication/wifi information only from one however22:10
lcba2c4n9e1, :)22:10
Dominaterhow do i resize the bar on the left hand size where the icons are?22:10
* Kyubey sighs22:10
Kyubeylet's start again, I guess22:10
NeosanoHello guys, I'm installing ubuntu on usb flash drive, is it a good idea to create a swap partition or not?22:10
lcbkycka, from zero22:10
z0mbyk1d24 minutes left of package downloads to go from 9.10 to 10.0422:10
a2c4n9e1and now i have a problem installing opensshserver22:10
maxflaxlcb - what do you mean?22:10
z0mbyk1djesus i didnt realize this machine was so far behind22:10
lcbmaxflax, did you?22:11
ohsixDominater: install ccsm and edit the settings for the Unity plugin in it22:11
KyubeyEveryone, I'm having trouble getting sound to work in natty. I cant adjust the volume or unmute it, and if I click sound preferences, it tells me "Waiting for sound system to respond"22:11
samtateActionParsnip: What did you tell me to do before?22:11
ohsixKyubey: i told you what the problem is22:11
Dominaterohsix, thank you22:11
a2c4n9e1it keeps telling me the openssh-client version is higher than the openssh-server needed22:11
maxflaxlcb - my 10.10 is a initial install - no upgrade22:11
ohsixKyubey: what part of the answer did you not like?22:11
taseohsix: .... my language ? yea ok there is "Try Ubuntu" and "install ubuntu", its a GUI, which button/key ?22:11
lcbmaxflax, also type sudo dpkg -a22:11
samtateActionParsnip: To do with my sound card, and putting something into some file. Because I lost it :P22:11
poiponddIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   poipondd DragoRosso1982 Glacia estudiantes okenobi samtate ogra_ Neosano phibxr mikeea vich68rus ExplodingPiglets Soothsayer schweegi CadeSkywalker rheilol figure002 LMJ subcool wolfger akavlie engammalsko alaruz gnugr FrankyJoe klaus mocha0ra22:11
poiponddIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   crazyrohila JPeterson maxflax hudnix basti Worror cardamoon sebner htek tremolux jibadeeha ssfdre38 ny51bern pfifo zatan mcphail jibun PolarPanda Kyubey DaZ ActionParsnip Juo andjons Somelauw FORTHELULZ Cobi hypetech tupper IdleOne Necrocyber 22:11
poiponddIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   Diosjoe amishra m96fa Pro-Racing manio jono l1nuxman_ MACscr mue nyoger lcb guntbert mdel mongy fwefef hobbsc vgusev DarkEra phaedra osqui ceed^`away acnot Robert_Zenz r41 KM0201 quick_nick jorgeu pr0ton tomog999_ bonhoffer Evixion Stameni Lmu22:11
poiponddIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   jfroebe boolean MUILTFN Arachon MethedMan Maratich starlatch logick Kalki Pretto danjac BlouBlou Roots JaakkoV frith HAKMASTER adac jdeslaur_ laughtrip evri2 tommis xiong iloveyou beachbum_Bob Squidy dob_ trism engled kaffien elex armyriad jen22:11
poiponddIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   JanCI ilers-tp koff_syrup stiltwater GasbaKid BenBE Afteraffekt mick_laptop joe75 hoppyite iceflatline andrejpan psykidellic gsfai__ andersbr altin Da|Mummy biffbaxter rubydiamond ProNihilist gwu jdobrien awhitehatter nexus6__ sluther bieber c22:11
poiponddIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   rgoytacaz TimR macs zniavre zilla markskilbeck sephiap DrShoggoth crescendo Harkins LjL AbTuX _Neytiri_ Shaun Jaac xerora tensorpudding mersault di_giorgio lars_bauer exalt kokonoula_ shaneo poplins c0mp13371331337 [ND] technikfreak ammr senor22:11
slutherOh not again.22:12
PolarPandaCooooome on!22:12
z0mbyk1dfreenode staff!22:12
ohsixtase: there should be a message just after the cd boots that offers to select a language, try, install, or test the disk22:12
Soothsayerwtf was that?22:12
ActionParsnipsamtate: (21:55:26) ActionParsnip: samtate: try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad     to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      and reboot, may help22:12
Arachon"And Freenode staff"?22:12
* Arachon shrugs22:12
samtateActionParsnip: Cheers again :P22:12
ActionParsnipsamtate: np22:12
zomborhas anyone got sound working with an intel H61 i3 processor on board audio (Realtek ALC887)? when i do alsamixer it says "cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument"22:12
NeosanoHello guys, I'm installing ubuntu on usb flash drive, is it a good idea to create a swap partition or not?22:12
MACscrthere is zero logic to that statement. I really hate spammers22:12
lcbmaxflax, before upgrading to 11.04 we need to update/grade our previous installation22:12
Kyubeyohsix - the part where you were fixing flash and not my sound at all22:13
z0mbyk1d'immediate forgiveness'   jesus, forgive me immediately22:13
ohsixActionParsnip: that's not the best advice to give without also telling them to report a bug if it does work, if they roll with it and don't report a bug it might never be fixed22:13
lcbmaxflax, upgrading not meaning dist-upgrade22:13
* mongy logs ActionParsnip and calls it ubuntu-bible.doc22:13
ohsixKyubey: flash is the problem, it's opened the sound device under pulse22:13
maxflaxlcb - the sudo dpkg -a doesn't work - says it needs a action to do22:13
ohsixKyubey: kill flash and pulse will start, but you'll probably run into the problem again in the future22:13
FORTHELULZwho said my name22:13
lcbmaxflax, it works, try to reboot22:13
FunnyLookinHatzombor, GO AWAY22:13
Kyubeyohsix - I dont have flash running right now22:13
lcbmaxflax, wait...22:13
ohsixKyubey: i've used the native plugin and have not had that problem in a very very long time, and nspluginwrapper is garbage22:14
zomborFunnyLookinHat: FIX MY PROBLEM22:14
ActionParsnipmongy: hehe22:14
KyubeyIt's still not letting me adjust the sound22:14
crazyrohilaNeosano: why not you can make swap it's not bad idea :-)22:14
ohsixKyubey: ok, then repaste the output of fuser -v /dev/snd/*22:14
arandforthelulz: Spammer22:14
FunnyLookinHatzombor, SUDO RM -RF /22:14
_Mr_Proper_Something is borked with my video card-- Normal display is fine, but if I open up a movie file, everything has a blue tint. The additional drivers window says the nvidia driver is 'activated but not currently in use'22:14
FunnyLookinHatNOBODY TYPE THAT22:14
_Mr_Proper_Can anyone help?22:14
alaruzohsix: I can confirm that it is also how it seems to work. (networks added one one user is also stored on the other) how ever since this is a laptop it tends to be moved around. :) e.g. if user 1 logs in and (has control of the applet?) and later switches to user 2, how can that user add a new wifi network without first killing the applet?22:14
FunnyLookinHat_Mr_Proper_, Try a reboot after activating the driver?22:14
Neosanocrazyrohila, well, some people say that it will kill my thumb drive faster22:14
FunnyLookinHat_Mr_Proper_, Also - do you have an Optimus card or something similar?22:14
ActionParsnip_Mr_Proper_: http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu22:14
Kyubeyohsix http://paste.ubuntu.com/600976/22:15
_Mr_Proper_FunnyLookinHat, Have done, and I've tried both current- and 17322:15
lcbmaxflax, when the system is booting press SHIFT after the bios messages. you'll get the choice of kernels. select recovery. then you'll get a menu. select first CLEAN, then DPKG, then GRUB lastly failsafeX22:15
crazyrohilaNeosano: nope22:15
ohsixalaruz: they can and should be able to add it for themselves, since the nm-applet they run provides all the information for networkmanager to do the work22:15
quick_nickwhat was that all about?22:15
_Mr_Proper_Ta, I'll check the link out, its an nVidia 8800 GT22:15
melloohsix: I tried importing my library in rhythmbox clementine and exaile22:15
ActionParsnip_Mr_Proper_: you ot seen that link?22:15
maxflaxlcb - ok22:15
ohsixKyubey: ok you have yet another problem with a browser plugin opening the device under pulseaudio22:15
Neosanocrazyrohila, uhhm, ok, thanks22:15
quick_nickdude has nothing better to do than to?22:15
lcbmaxflax, no precipitations, do it calmly22:15
ohsixKyubey: keep killing it until it says pulseaudio in the output of fuser -v /dev/snd/*22:15
melloohsix: rhythmbox=3772, clementine=2650,exaile=around 230022:16
_Mr_Proper_ActionParsnip, I have now, I'll have a try with -recommended22:16
Ubuntuunity does not support propietary nvidia card in my system...any help...pls22:16
JPetersonif I do "boot" then "no kernel is loaded"22:16
ActionParsnip_Mr_Proper_: not websearched before asking? I found that in a matter of seconds..22:16
JPetersonif I do linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro22:16
lcbUbuntu, disable it and use generic while there is no update on those22:16
_Mr_Proper_I wasn't searching for blue hue, I was searching for something else22:16
bsmith093can i control the speed of ripping an audio cd to avoid skipping and jumping files22:16
ohsixmello: are they all mp3 or are there wma, ogg, flac and stuff all in there22:16
samtateActionParsnip: I'm afraid that didnt work22:16
alaruzohsix: Thats the thing, they are able to do that seperately. But the applet only seems to be "available" for one user at the time. e.g. on the second user the area where the applet is supposed to be is blank on the panel.22:16
Kyubeyohsix, now when I type that command it doesnt display anything22:16
curiousxHi all =)22:17
ActionParsnipsamtate: try model=laptop  instead22:17
ohsixKyubey: ok then try opening th emixer22:17
cardamoonSpeaking of, do you think the Narwhal upgrade dohick will seizure if I cancel it in the middle of its fetch?  I thought I'd be gone longer than I was, so I'd rather wait for the download later.22:17
JPetersonthen "cannot open root device sda1"22:17
melloohsix: i already thought of that: there are some flac and ogg in there, but not up to 1K22:17
raylee_is linux very secure os22:17
Kyubeyohsix - how do I do that? Do you mean the sound preferences? (I cant open that)22:17
shesek_Hey. Any idea what I should add to my /etc/apt/sources.list for the armel port sources (on Maverick) ?22:17
curiousxcan helpme, how can i restore the menu bar in ubuntu 11.04 ?22:17
shesek_I can't seem to fidn that anywhere22:17
ohsixraylee_: linux is an important but small part of what people would call an "OS"22:17
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rgoytacazthats why i dont like religion, there are too many fanatics, I'm all inclined to believe in good will and thats it.22:18
lcbraylee_, is it raylee_ , i mean, really is22:18
qinraylee_: Yes, less than BSD22:18
Ubuntu<lcb>am in now ubuntu classic (no effect)...is this a bug?22:18
z0mbyk1danyone have any clue why logrotate will not actually rotate one log i have? when i manually run it (forced) it says it's rotating anc compressing it but it doesn't actually do anything...22:18
FoolsRunHey, Unity-2d doesn't seem to autohide. Am I missing something?22:18
ohsixalaruz: that's probably right, it's one device; it cant' really be shared, but i dno't know how it decides which gets the wheel22:18
lcbubottu, because the system didn't recognize 3d22:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:18
curiousxmi menu bar desapear how can i restore ? please helpme =)22:18
ohsixKyubey: ok open a terminal and run pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio22:18
ForeverBuzzedHow can I enable sun-jre? The help docs pulls up a link that opens the software center that says sun-java6-jre does not exist22:18
curiousxi am in ubuntu 11.04 with unity22:19
taseis it possible to run gnome from live cd ?22:19
taseon 11.0422:19
_Mr_Proper_Did the trick, thanks, no more blue hue :)22:19
curiousxexcuse me i not american =(22:19
phibxrwhen you get a blue arrow in the upper left corner, how can you identify the window demanding attention?22:19
cardamoonIt's not 11.04.  It's 10.10.  11.04 is a know bug. FYI.22:19
Soothsayeris ext4 file system faster than ext3?22:20
MnCCafter two hours of surgery i finally have a working version of 11.04 ..22:20
Kyubeyohsix, http://paste.ubuntu.com/600978/22:20
ActionParsnip_Mr_Proper_: simple stuff.all I searched for was: ubuntu blue tint in video22:20
lcbUbuntu, after removing the proprietary driver on "Additional Drivers" do failsafeX and reconfigure graphics22:20
samtateActionParsnip: No, sorry22:20
Ubuntu<lcb>yeah ...but the driver is installed(worked with 10.10)....all i get is a screen with launcher but the cursor22:20
alaruzohsix: Okey perhaps I have misunderstood how the applet really works. I migrated from vista to 10.10 this fall on my laptop, but even after natty-upgrade yesterday this issue is still present for me. I had the same user setup in windows without does issues.22:20
html_inprogresshello ? english?22:21
DiosjoeHello, after updating to 11.04 i could use unity, but after first reboot after the update, it jumps straight to the old design, if i log the user out, i get a lot of graphic disortion, mouse pointer missing etc, though if i relog in i have a slight chance of getting unity back, until i reboot... help please << anymore information needed?22:21
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. Is there anyway to make nano word wrap without linebreaks?22:21
_Mr_Proper_Is there an easy way to see if hardware acceleration is actually working? My original issue was that the additional drivers window says the nvidia driver is activated but not in use...  Things seem a little sluggish :)22:21
ActionParsnipsamtate: ok try: options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1       instead22:21
Ubuntu<curiousx>with nvidia driver installed22:21
lcbUbuntu, i know but there are some issues, among xorg not working with some graphics22:21
curiousxcan someone help me ?22:21
ny51bernlcb:  theres a help button on the dialog when it asks me to choose that says " a new version of config file /etc/default/grub is avail, but the version installed has been locally modified22:22
Soothsayeris ext4 file system faster than ext3?22:22
_Mr_Proper_glxinfo | grep rendering == direct rendering: Yes, so I guess to some extent its working22:22
ny51bernlcb: that help?22:22
lcbcuriousx, i'm one among more curiousx on what to help22:22
samtateActionParsnip: I'm just adding this to the bottom of the file right?22:22
BlouBlouSoothsayer: it is22:22
ohsixalaruz: i'd presume that the current foreground user would get access, it might be a bug if that isn't the case22:22
html_inprogresswhats the 10.04 ubuntu channel?22:22
BlouBlouhtml_inprogress: You're on it22:22
ohsixSoothsayer: it's faster in some circumstances, theres no comppsite number and it's also slower in some circumstances22:22
DiosjoeCan anyone help me with me gfx issues22:22
BlouBlouDiosjoe: Sure, ask it22:22
lcbny51bern, yes, sure22:22
ActionParsnipsamtate: yes, remove the one you tried before each time22:22
Ubuntu<lcb>will this be fixed soon...'cas i heard this issue in the internet22:23
SoothsayerI screwed up my laptop while upgrading.. now it can't find the mount for /22:23
Soothsayerreformatting the whole thing22:23
ohsixKyubey: well there's your problem, pulse is refusing to start because you don't own your home directory, or it's permissions are too lax22:23
SoothsayerDo I have to define swap space during installation ?22:23
KyubeyHow do I not own my home directory?22:23
lcbUbuntu, hopefully yes, because i'm a junk computer colector22:23
karthanyone know how to modify unity so it doesn't do font scaling?22:23
alex_j #ubuntu22:23
ohsixKyubey: are you running it as root?22:23
ny51bernlcb: any ideas?22:23
lcbny51bern, yes, update22:23
DiosjoeBloublou,ive been running ubuntu fine, until i updated to 11.04. After upate it booted nicely with the new design. But after first reboot, it loads into old design, though works without glitches, unless i log out, then the gfx screws up22:23
Kyubeyoh, woops22:23
ohsixit's a user level service22:24
KyubeyI typed sudo as an automatic thing22:24
ActionParsnipKyubey: if you use sudo as little as possible, you won't break file ownerships22:24
RockjQ: This new unity stuff, the tool bar at the top is rather annoying , I want the tool bar to be attached to my windows again so I can still continune to use "focus with mouse move" .. how do I fix this in unity?22:24
ohsixit'll be a fun day when that does something really bad22:24
lcbny51bern, backup your /home dir to play on the safe side22:24
Kyubeyohsix, I ran the same command as normal, it said it "Failed to kil daemon: No such file or directory"22:24
Diosjoeif i login again, through the gfx mess, i might be lucky to have the new design back up, with no glitches, but still if i reboot it goes back22:24
NeosanoDiosjoe, in my life I did 3 upgrades, none of these decisions were good.22:24
ny51bernlcb: theres no option to update..?22:24
ohsixKyubey: then it started normally?22:24
DiosjoeNeosano, so your saying format, install straight to 11.04 instead of updating22:25
haroonI need help22:25
ohsixRockj: you probably wan't the classic session then, pick it on the login screen after clicking on your name22:25
Kyubeyohsix, huh?22:25
Ubuntulcb:why is it not working after all...canonical says it is for netbooks...with less requirement....and yet it seems not to work(my one frnd had the same problem)22:25
haroonI just installed 11.0422:25
samtate_ActionParsnip: Still no :/22:25
html_inprogresswell thats a whole lots of confusion,, i tried like 5 min ago and  there was like 88 ppl on that irc, and no one around did they  move it?    (#ubuntu)22:25
Kyubeyohsix, it said it failed to kill the daemon because there's no such file or directory22:25
ActionParsnipharoon: please use one line22:25
alishahhi, what is the most lite weight browser available in ubunutu?22:25
ohsixKyubey: pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio tries to kill it, then run it again22:25
NeosanoDiosjoe, well, you can upgrade, but be prepared for some things to get fucked up22:25
=== Ubuntu is now known as Ubuntu123
ActionParsnipsamtate_: do you reboot in between?22:25
Kyubeyohsix, yeah, but it's saying there's no such file or directory22:25
DiosjoeNeosano, well i guess thats what happend22:25
samtate_ActionParsnip: Yeah of course22:25
Kyubeyohsix, when it tries to kill it22:26
ohsixKyubey: that is fine, forget it, just run pulseaudio -vvv and see what it isays22:26
Rockjohsix: hm, ok. ill try that. so ubuntu still got gnome?22:26
kapare_Hello, does anyone have ATI card with ubuntu 11.04 and OpenGL working??22:26
DiosjoeWell, ill format and reinstall it soon22:26
samtate_ActionParsnip: Unity is just really fast at starting22:26
Diosjoethough i must give PROPS to all devs22:26
Diosjoeon ALL improvements22:26
BlouBlousamtate_: It depends of your hardware22:26
Diosjoei already love 11.0422:26
ohsixRockj: yea, ubuntu still is 99.99% gnome, unity is a plugin for compiz which is an alternative window manager22:26
SoothsayerDo I have to define swap space during installation ? Does sawp require a separate partition?22:26
ActionParsnipsamtate_: hehe, all I can recommend is you find the option you need for your make and model system22:26
ohsixSoothsayer: it doesn't require a separate partition, but you should use one if you can22:26
samtate_ActionParsnip: How can I find my sound card. Is there a command?22:26
haroonI just installed 11.04 at my labtop lenovo B560 .Wireless was working in 10.04 using broadcom now wireless isn't working please help22:26
ohsixSoothsayer: so you can hibernate to it22:26
html_inprogressalishah,  in what way ? lite ram its firefox22:27
Soothsayerohsix: ye, I want to hibernate it22:27
Soothsayerohsix: I have 3 gb of ram on this laptop.. so how much swap space?22:27
scorch_Is there any way to continue an aborted 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade?22:27
Soothsayer4 GB ?22:27
Kyubeylots of text22:27
ohsixharoon: install the firmware with b43-fwcutter or use bcmwl-kernel-source22:27
Rockjohsix: but ubuntu dev's really should look at moving the "toolbar" top back to the windows agains, other then that unity looks sweet22:27
=== samtate_ is now known as samtate
ActionParsnipsamtate_: most are just intel compatible things, there is an alsa-info script on the sound troubleshooting documentation, it will tell you a lot22:27
Kyubeyand it doesnt appear to be done22:27
Soothsayeror shall I make it 4.5 GB in case I plan to upgrade to 4GB?22:27
NeosanoSoothsayer, you can change the size later22:28
ohsixSoothsayer: sure, i did 6 because i have a lot of stuff that lives on swap most of the time22:28
resixianis there not yet an 11.04 netbook edition?22:28
blurghIs there any way to get global menus fixed in applications that not yet have it implemented?22:28
arandresixian: It was merged with desktop22:28
NeosanoSoothsayer, but yeah, swap must be a little bit bigger than your memory22:28
resixianarand: ah, there is still a link on the alternative dl page22:28
tauntaunIs there anyway to encode a DVD onto my ipod using Rhythmbox?  If not, can another application do it?22:28
SoothsayerNeosano, ohsix ok. And what file system should it use? ext4?22:28
resixianarand: thx22:28
alishahhtml_inprogress: I tried firefox, its not lite enough.. I just want one with cookies js n flash support no fancy features?22:28
Kyubeyohsix, it stopped, it's not done yet, but new text isnt printing anymore22:28
Kyubeyohsix (but I dont have a new prompt22:29
NeosanoSoothsayer, for swap?? there's no filesystem for swap22:29
ohsixRockj: well, there was a design and they fleshed it out, and a review period that was long and before the rerlease so theres not much to say about it now :\ they might bin it if it's no good ;]22:29
ohsixKyubey: ok pulse is running now22:29
arandresixian: I think the fault link has been noted already..22:29
ohsixKyubey: try and open the mixer22:29
NeosanoSoothsayer, for you system you'll be good with ext422:29
Kyubeyit worked!22:29
SoothsayerNeosano: I'm creating a partition here using gparrted for it.22:29
pattysmattyhow do i enable vlc player or divx player for firefox?22:29
ohsixKyubey: ok now close the mixer, hit ^C in the terminal, then open the mixer again22:29
truepurpleHow do I install flash for 64bit ubuntu?22:29
NeosanoSoothsayer, just choose SWAP, it doesn't ask for filesystem22:29
haroonI installed it from synaptic but no change22:30
samtateIn Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, sound works fine on the internal speakers, but plugging in external ones cuts it out22:30
html_inprogressalishah,  restate your question, i dont understand22:30
Kyubeyohsix - now it says "waiting fo the sound system to respond"22:30
scorch_Is there any way to continue an aborted 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade?  It froze on me and I had to reboot.  now it says on bootup drive "/" not ready and my system will not star22:30
pattysmattyhow do i enable divx player for firefox?22:30
ohsixKyubey: fuser -v /dev/snd/* again22:30
alishahI want a browser that takes lesser ram and processing thn firefox n chrome.22:30
Diosjoescorch_ i think no22:31
alishahhtml_inprogress: want a browser that takes lesser ram and processing thn firefox n chrome.22:31
Kyubeyohsix, doesnt print anything22:31
Neosanosamtate, it's your laptop feature, you can't change this behavior22:31
samtatealishah: Midori by elementary team22:31
SoothsayerNeosano: that's in gparted?22:31
samtateNeosano: Was that a joke? It worked in Windows22:31
Soothsayeror during installation ?22:31
alishahsamtate: thanx buddy will check it out.22:31
ohsixalishah: it all comes down to what you browse pretty much regardless of the browser; the internet is getting more complicated22:31
Rockjohsix: hm, so what you are saying is that they had a design issue about it, and they dropped it and implemented it just as faulty as it is done in OS X? or do you mean it's design document is long over due and accepted a long time ago? if the last one, can I still submit a ticket and hope for it getting fixed in the future?22:31
Neosanosamtate, oh, then try alsamixer or gamix22:31
html_inprogresspattysmatty,  you can have divx player for ubuntu?22:31
scorch_Diosjoe, so I have tostartover from scratch?22:31
trismtruepurple: if you mean the preview 64bit one here  http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html you can just unzip it and copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugins and it should work with both chromium and firefox22:31
ohsixKyubey: then pulse isn't autospawning properly by itself, did you do anything funny like try and get it to run in system mode or mess with it's config files?22:31
pattysmattyhtml_inprogress, well at least a codec...22:32
pattysmattythat plays those22:32
Kyubeyohsix, no22:32
truepurpletrism:  How do I copy it to there?22:32
maxflaxlcb - didn't help much22:32
Kyubeyohsix - I installed this last night, all I've done is install xchat and set a few compiz shortcuts22:32
perlsyntaxanyone know how to get a truemobile pc card that wireless to work on ubuntu?22:32
html_inprogresspattysmatty,   ghow  do i get that?22:32
alishahohsix: I don't mind if it loads pages a bit slower, i don't want it to affect other apps am running with it.22:32
Diosjoescorch_ if this installation was aborted under operation, at some random point you have stopped the process,i dont think the can compare the builds and fix the errors22:32
ohsixRockj: i said the time for input has mostly passed for things like that, it's not faulty it's just new22:32
samtateIn Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, sound works fine on the internal speakers, but plugging in external ones cuts it out. Any advice?22:33
maxflaxlcb - to bad that log doesn't tell what the problem is.. is a really crappy logging feature22:33
pattysmattyhtml_inprogress, idk... i accidentally deleted mine a hwile back22:33
pattysmattyit sucks though22:33
DiosjoeLike if your installing a game or something else scorch_22:33
webstrandWhy is the distribution upgrade trying to remove a bunch of my games?22:33
NeosanoSoothsayer, oh, when it asks for file system choose linux-swap22:33
NeosanoSoothsayer, that's for swap of course22:33
Diosjoeif you plug the power, it messes things up22:33
ohsixalishah: then you need to use something like links that doesn't even load images or anything but text; but seriously once you start doing anything else you're pretty much loading what you browse regardless of what's doing it22:33
SoothsayerNeosano: baa, i chose ext422:33
trismtruepurple: either using nautilus or if you are in the same directory with it: mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins; cp libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins22:33
Soothsayerand im already in the installer..22:34
DiosjoeScorch_ where you updating or installing from scratch?22:34
perlsyntaxsomeone got to know something on wlan-ng driver22:34
pattysmattyhow do i get the divx plugin22:34
truepurpletrism: How do I even find that directory?22:34
Rockjohsix: obiously it is faulty when you drop functionality that has been in unix systems since their beginning.( Being able to focus windows just by moving your mouse ...)22:34
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:34
NeosanoSoothsayer, don't worry22:34
SoothsayerFixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!22:34
mrstockswwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhh 11.04 whaaaaaaaat22:34
Soothsayerwhat is that message?22:34
ohsixKyubey: well if nothing has been messed with it should be auto spawning; i don't know what to say22:34
mrstocksall the menus are like.... left and right22:34
NeosanoSoothsayer, after installation you can run live cd and change your partitions any way you want22:34
resumenesany spanish=22:34
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my upgrade log  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:34
mrstocksi cant see the control panel to move them22:34
samtateIn Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, sound works fine on the internal speakers, but plugging in external ones cuts it out. Someone told me about a script on the alsa website the other day that I could use to fix it, but I cant remember what it was22:34
trismtruepurple: ctrl+h in nautilus shows hidden directories, and ctrl+L lets you type in paths22:34
KyubeyI'm gonna try restarting22:34
ohsixRockj: no, they didn't remove anything; it's entirely new, that's a red herring22:34
resumenesany spanish to talk?22:34
tauntaunIs there anyway to encode a CD onto my ipod using Rhythmbox?  If not, can another application do it?22:35
z0mbyk1dapparently not many people read about the changes in natty before they upgraded... getting so goddamned sick of people whininc about how they dumbed it down22:35
ActionParsnip!es | resumenes22:35
ubotturesumenes: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:35
z0mbyk1di am enjoying the upgrades personally, but then again I only run server edition!22:35
ohsixRockj: and even asserting it was a good idea when it was added "in the beginning" is another red herring, you simply like it, therefore it is a good idea22:35
tauntaunIn other words, is there something like iTunes for Ubuntu?22:35
ActionParsniptauntaun: use soundjuicer22:35
Soothsayerok, i rebooted and that error went away.22:35
SoothsayerStrange stuff with the 11.04 installer.22:35
alishahsamtate: Can you tell me the name of the browser again please. am using irssi n i don't know how 2 scrol up.22:35
Mac_WeberI followed this tutorial to install tomcat. However, it is not auto starting at boot. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/installing-tomcat-6-on-ubuntu22:35
Diosjoetauntaun tried googling, Itunes linux22:35
ActionParsniptauntaun: or you can use rhythmnbox or banshee to put songs onto it22:35
samtatealishah: Midori22:36
Rockjohsix: you still break compability with work flow that's been working since the "80's". Now your doing the same mistake as Apple have done, making the toolbar stuck at the top so your unable to access it at all if your using auto focus by mouse...22:36
Mac_WeberI'm on ubuntu 10.04. How to fix it?22:36
alishahsamtate: thanks :)22:36
ohsixRockj: i sympathize but it's not a useful way of thinking if you want to improve it, you simply want what you like and use added to the new thing, which kind of defeats the purpose a little22:36
z0mbyk1dMac_Weber: did you update-rc.d\22:36
KM0201tauntaun: itunes alternatives under linux aren't very good IME... i eventually just started runing xp in vbox, and syncing my ipod w/ itunes22:36
conicalis it a bad, bad idea to try and use my ubuntu box as a DNS server for my home intranet?22:36
ActionParsniptauntaun: some versions of itunes will run in some versions of wine22:36
Neosanotauntaun, like someone knows what is itunes, lol, I never got a point of it.22:36
ohsixRockj: it's a mistake from your perspective22:36
truepurpletrism:  ~/.mozilla the ~ is what ever your name is listed as? Then create a directory called plugins and just drop the file in?22:36
Mac_Weberz0mbyk1d: just type update-rc.d?22:36
ohsixRockj: it's a design decision from someone elses perspective22:36
z0mbyk1dMac_Weber: type man update-rc.d22:36
ActionParsnipconical: not at all, it will speed up the web :)22:36
z0mbyk1dand learn a bit22:36
z0mbyk1dyou need to define what runlevels tomcat should start at22:36
trismtruepurple: yep, ~ is your home directory, so if your username is truepurple, it would expand to /home/truepurple22:36
escottconical, your router will usually want to be a dns, but you might be able to turn it off22:37
conicalis there an "easy" way to do it22:37
z0mbyk1dlook under /etc/init.d too to see if tomcat created a script for itself22:37
pattysmattyfirefox4 is shit22:37
ActionParsnipconical: I put a dns server on allmy systems as tey will cache resolutions, speed up the web nicely22:37
ohsixharoon: installed which one? b43-fwcutter has a script you need to run to do it, and bcmwl-kernel-source would need a reboot, or at least an rmmod ssb & b43 then modprobe wl22:37
z0mbyk1ddepending on how it was installed it may not have22:37
conicali can point the router to my home machine22:37
Kyubeyohsix, guess what? Restarting fixed it XD22:37
ActionParsnippattysmatty: keep it family friendly please22:37
trismtruepurple: but ~ is automatically expanded, so you can actually type a ~22:37
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escottconical, rather i mean dhcp22:37
Kyubeyohsix, I think it might be because I was hibernating22:37
ny51bernlcb: is that "install the package maintainer's version"22:37
tauntaunWell I have Rhythmbox running, but I have no sense of where to find a 'rip' command, like the 'encode' of iTunes.  Any ideas?22:37
Neosanoconical well maybe you need something smaller than ubuntu?22:37
ohsixpattysmatty: if you need help or have a question please ask, otherwise take offtopic things to #ubuntu-offtopic22:37
Rockjohsix: bad design decision then if I may say so ;-)  But does this Unity have a project side so I at least can make a ticket about it?22:37
ny51bernlcb: option22:37
scorch_Diosjoe updateing22:37
ohsixKyubey: highly unlikely re: hibernating22:37
conicala second machine to just do dns22:37
ActionParsnipconical: you'd tell yoursystems to use the DNS system first, you can set interfaces to DHCP (address only)22:37
z0mbyk1dok, quitting in prep to reboot into 10.04 on this server22:38
pattysmattyActionParsnip, how do i get a divx codec running in firefox???22:38
mrstocksWhere is my menu!!!!!22:38
z0mbyk1dgot a long way to go before i am on natty hehe22:38
truepurpletrism then just create that directory with that name and plop the file in?22:38
Kyubeyohsix - anyways, it's working now22:38
KyubeyThanks for your help :)22:38
Diosjoescorch_ ok, then i would really say, better get reinstalling from scratch22:38
mrstocksthe admin, apparenance and stuff22:38
ActionParsnipconical: could install a caching proxy too so you don't have to download from the web when you need content if  the newest files are stored already22:38
Neosanoconical, maybe this will help? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/best-distro-for-dns-server-435160/22:38
mrstocksi have pointless ones22:38
conicalit's probably better to stay away since I don't fully understand it, and doing it improperly could rip a hole in the universe22:38
Karen_mwhat's the best flowcharting software for ubuntu?   Know how there is freemind, I was hoping there is something lightweight like it to do flowcharting.22:38
ActionParsnippattysmatty: no idea, I don't use it22:38
samtateIn Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, sound works fine on the internal speakers, but plugging in external ones cuts it out. Someone told me about a script on the alsa website the other day that I could use to fix it, but I cant remember what it was22:38
ohsixRockj: theres ayatana which is the cabal running the show, but they're designers and programmers, i don't think they're much accepting that sort of idea, they have a concept already; you at best can ask for them to account for your use-case, if you provide it22:38
ny51berncan any1 help with installing ubuntu 11?22:38
conicalwell, more like bring down my home network, but close enough22:38
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my upgrade log  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:38
samtateny51bern: I can, what do you need?22:39
ActionParsnipsamtate: do you have the alsa link it made?22:39
samtateActionParsnip: What do you mean?22:39
scorch_Diosjoe, ok that sucks,  Ill lose everything22:39
ActionParsnipsamtate: you ran the alsa-info script, right?22:39
ny51bernsamtate: ive gotten pretty far (updating from 10 to 11, but a dialog popped up asking :What do you want to do about the modified configuration file grub" ?22:39
samtateno, you didnt tell me too22:39
Diosjoescorch_ how many GB data you want to save?22:39
truepurpletrism: Then just create that directory with that name and plop the file in?22:39
ohsixKyubey is going to be back next time pulse closes & doesn't auto spawn :[22:39
samtateActionParsnip: You didnt tell me to, so I havent22:40
ActionParsnipsamtate: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh22:40
trismtruepurple: yes, exactly, just copy and paste it there22:40
=== ForeverBuzzed is now known as ForeverDrunk
scorch_Diosjoe,my home directory.  can 28 GB.  can I copy it to a External and then copy my whole home dir over ontop of the newly installed?22:40
Diosjoescorch_ how about using the live cd and taking copys of anything you want to say,22:40
trismtruepurple: after you extracted it that is, it should be called libflashplugin.so22:40
deuteriumhm can i convert my ubuntu 10.04 ext4 partition into a ext2 partition? i think i can't shrink my vmware image if the partition is formatted as ext4.22:40
Rockjohsix: that's my plan, I would love to hear their input on it. As it seems ubuntu is making Unity the default window manager, I better give them a heads up about the issue ASAP. All the people ive learned linux over the years, they have loved the "mouse focus" feature and other neat features that is pretty common in the world of *nix compared to Windows.22:40
AndrewEMTok one quick question... how do I switch the video driver from the nouveau driver to the proprietary NVidia driver (its installed and activated but the Additional drivers app says its not currently in use)?22:40
Diosjoescorch_ put in your ubuntu and boot in live, copy your files,etc external22:41
samtateActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=fa638cc776341f0bf3ac4f750616a7469bd7390b22:41
Rockjohsix: so may I ask what this ayatana is? website? tracker? *opens google*22:41
ActionParsnipAndrewEMT: You may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig22:41
scorch_Diosje ok then after I install I can just opy mysaveed home directory over the new home directory?22:41
AndrewEMTthanks ActionParsnip will try that22:41
AcriaxHi, how do I switch from the classic ui to Unity on the login screen? I can't find any button of the sort22:41
JPetersonwell this 11.04 upgrade seems to have went well22:41
truepurpletrism: The file I want to copy is called libflashplayer.so?22:42
JPetersonfirst I had to recover grub from the live cd22:42
JPetersonthen I get "error no suitable mode found"22:42
AaeRohn*pokes around* My scanner isn't working... I got the driver and everything, and the printer part of it works, but it doesn't scan... can anyone help?22:42
scorch_Diosje then I whoould just have to reinstal the prgrams realted22:42
JPetersonand not a single line of boot text22:42
SoothsayerInstaller crashed. We're sorry, the instalelr crashed...22:42
Diosjoescorch_ yes isee no problem in that22:42
ActionParsnipsamtate: try:options snd-hda-intel model=auto22:42
ActionParsnipsamtate: or options snd-hda-intel model=laptop22:42
truepurpletrism: The file I want to copy is called libflashplayer.so?22:42
scorch_Is there a 11.04 music version?22:42
samtateActionParsnip: We already tried the second one remember22:42
mrstocks10.04 thinks im a retard do you want to "Check your email?" "Listen to music?" do i have the mum edition?22:43
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scorch_what it called22:43
ActionParsnipsamtate: then try the first.,...22:43
AndrewEMTok, so that will switch it right? Just reboot not ActionParsnip22:43
scorch_ubuntu studio 11.04?22:43
Diosjoescorch_  what do you mean, music version22:43
ActionParsnipAndrewEMT: you can restart X or reboot22:43
Diosjoeoh no22:43
AndrewEMTok, thanks bud... appreciate the help :)22:43
samtateActionParsnip: ok in a sec22:43
DiosjoeBut there is loads of linux audio tools, etc audiocity22:43
Micc0I guess they all need to hear from a woman who's ex-boyfriend tracked he through her phone and assaulted her.22:43
Soothsayerfreak, what was that22:43
swattoIm trying to download the upgrade and only downloading at like 70kb/s - is that normal?22:43
Diosjoemaybe prologic or cubase supports linux22:43
AaeRohn*pokes around* My scanner isn't working... I got the driver and everything, and the printer part of it works, but it doesn't scan... can anyone help?22:44
mrstockshow do you move the menu?22:44
strigoi66_please help... need wifi drivers for acer aspire 5000 on ubuntu 11.04 look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/60097522:44
aj002009/w 5622:44
karthanyone know a way to disable font scaling in unity? my title bar is really screwed up, everything looks 8 bit22:44
Mac_Weberz0mbyk1d I tried "update-rc.d tomcat start 99 2 3 4 5 S . stop 0 1 6 ." as described in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1188880&highlight=tomcat+autostart Did not work yet22:44
Diosjoe swatto - Yes22:44
swattoDiosjoe, a good so its not my connection playing up then?22:44
Diosjoe swatto - from .DK i downloaded from a 50MB line and got in the start between 15-45 KB/s and then in the end came to 150-200 but only a litle22:45
ohsixRockj: i think you're making the common fallacy of assuming that your use is the same as an uncounted number of users22:45
Diosjoeits not your connection, its routing + alot of people getting data fra the ubuntu network22:45
maxflaxI have problem upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and this is my upgrade log  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600970/22:45
swattoDiosjoe, ahh ok22:45
samtatewhy is firefox so fricking bad?22:45
DiosjoeMany updating, downloading images, getting drivers, fixingetc22:45
phibxrswatto, use the torrent, gave me 1MB/s. :)22:45
ohsixRockj: while that may be true, you can only make the case for yourself; not use these untold number of people to seemingly firm up your position22:45
swattophibxr, how would i go about doing that? shall i cancel this upgrade tool thing then?22:46
lcbmaxflax, sorry, i have visitors here. try going to recovery again (SHIFT | - select the 2nd kernel  option from the top = recovery mode | go to the end of the new menu and select "root prompt" and type ' sudo dpkg --configure -a ' see if that helps.22:46
scorch_Diosjoe:  Just found it...  its there:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/11.04release_notes22:46
phibxrswatto, oh, you're upgrading. nevermind then. no idea. :)22:46
ny51bernsamtate: any ideas?22:46
AndrewEMTok still says its activated but not in use... sheesh22:46
DiosjoeNice scorch22:46
samtateny51bern: LOL22:46
phibxrswatto, i usually keep my /home partition intact and perform clean installs instead. :)22:47
ny51bernsamtate: ?22:47
samtateny51bern: you cant install ubuntu22:47
ny51bernsamtate: why not?22:47
samtateny51bern: i dunno, i made that up22:47
ny51bernsamtate: well thanks for ur help =.=22:47
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AaeRohnanyone available to help with a printer/scanner issue?22:48
samtateny51bern: i would help you, but i dont know22:48
petebHai guys, is there a specific gnome3 channel?22:48
ohsixAaeRohn: they might, but you need to tell them the issue first22:48
Rockjohsix: ok, but I still would love to submit the ticket - so where would be the best place to do so? And is there any other Unity intro/tutorial with common usages? Unity looks like OS X but is there like shortcuts for minimizing windows like in OS X etc?22:48
ActionParsnipAaeRohn: askaway22:48
samtateAaeRohn: me22:48
trismtruepurple: yes, that is correct22:48
samtateAaeRohn: whats the matter?22:48
ActionParsnipRockj: press Winkey + D22:48
DiosjoeIm going to buy a touchscreen monitor now that unity works this great22:48
lcbbtw, what i wrote before goes for every unfinished upgrades. hopefully it works22:48
truepurpletrism: Thanks, I see you said that earlier, but I missed that in the sea of text22:48
RockjActionParsnip: that minimizes every window ActionParsnip . Possible to minimize only the selected window pr. default?22:49
ExplodingPigletsxkill is not working on firefox22:49
trismtruepurple: it's okay, it's really flying because 11.04 just came out22:49
ExplodingPigletsI opened one of these unclosable meatspin links.22:49
harovalihi , where do I set the default console font ?22:49
harovaliin ubuntu 11.0422:49
AaeRohnwell I did try a couple times... I have a Brother MFC-6490CW and the printer works fine, but the scanner does not... I have both the printer, and scanner drivers for this model for linux, but it still doesnt work22:49
Soothsayer"Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed"22:49
AcriaxHow come my top bar is all grey and boring? Is obsidian-coloured and cool-looking right after I log in, then it flickers and changes to the old boring one.22:50
ExplodingPigletsCan somebody help me? I am tiring of seeing a spinning phallus jumping around my computer22:50
Soothsayerwhy do I get that message while it boots into the 11.04 installer ?22:50
truepurpletrism: I also need help with setting up a ati driver for me radeon 6850 so I can use 11.04, can you help me with that?22:50
computergeeksjwJust installed ubuntu and booted up fine. I selected the option to install the proprietary driver and selected the new driver (instead of the installed but inactivated driver). After rebooting, the system locks up after login. I can move the cursor but can't click on anything.22:50
trismtruepurple: better to ask the channel, I don't have any ati cards22:50
ExplodingPigletsWell, thanks for the help guys.22:50
AndrewEMTanyone know why despite my running sudo nvidia-xconfig it still says the driver is activated but not currently in use? Am i missing something here?22:50
computergeeksjwIt's an nvdiia card22:50
strigoi66_Hello, how do I get wireless drivers for natty on acer aspire 5000 laptop I have tried the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60097522:50
truepurpleAnyone able to help me set up a driver for a radeon 6850?22:50
mrstocksanyone has teamviewer to me with a UI question?22:51
Diosjoeare you using ATI card?22:51
ExplodingPiglets sarcasm :Unknown command22:51
Diosjoeis it installed already, but not working correctly?22:51
computergeeksjwDiosjoe: Nvidia22:51
truepurpleIt is installed, but its abilities are limited, I can not set it past 800x600, and apparently may be the reason 11.04 won't load for me22:51
AaeRohnActionParsnip, samtate: (in case you didnt see it, forgot to add names) well I did try a couple times... I have a Brother MFC-6490CW and the printer works fine, but the scanner does not... I have both the printer, and scanner drivers for this model for linux, but it still doesnt work22:52
ActionParsnipRockj: There is a custom command section, you may be able to put a code in one then assign a shortcut to run that command. I'd ask in #compiz22:52
Diosjoecomputergeeksjw sorry dont know about nvid22:52
mrstocksi can't find the "allow the menu to move" in 10.04 its driving me mad!22:52
ActionParsnipAaeRohn: what is the output of:  uname -m22:52
Diosjoetruepurple, what?22:52
truepurpleDiosjoe: It is installed, but its abilities are limited, I can not set it past 800x600, and apparently may be the reason 11.04 won't load for me22:52
computergeeksjwAnyone else?22:52
lucasSomeone please help... I try to build a custom live cd with nvidia drivers on it. Is there any way to automate at bootup the process of chosing the nvidia driver instead of nouveau? If so is there a way to have mesa for computers which haven't nvidia?22:53
Diosjoemrstock under preference, try Launcher & Menus22:53
AaeRohnActionParsnip: i68622:53
teehvihi, updated to 11.04 and firefox 4 doesn't show my bookmarks toolbar. any idea where could i find it?22:53
AndrewEMTok, maybe I'll uninstall and reinstall the driver... maybe that will help...22:53
Diosjoetruepurple, can you do sudo lspci | GREP ATI22:53
bassohow can i add /usr/games to my x sessions?22:53
Tetsuo55_2i hope canonical is keeping the devs active during this weekend, unity has some really annoying bugs that make the desktop unusable22:53
truepurpleDiosjoe: You want me to type that in a terminal? What does it do?22:53
ActionParsnipAaeRohn: so you installed: http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/dlf/brscan3-0.2.11-4.i386.deb22:53
Diosjoeit tell us about your gfx card22:54
computergeeksjwIs there a way to boot up and log in without activating the driver? Is that recovery mode?22:54
Diosjoetruepurple, yes in terminal, first write sudo su, enter your code, then lspci | GREP ATI22:54
AaeRohnActionParsnip: the only drivers available for the printer/scanner, so yes22:54
fholmesWhat is the best way to configure the SATA controllers in my BIOS?  As AHCI devices?  Or just standard IDE devices?22:54
mrstockscan i revert to the old distro version?22:54
cache_surplushello, im trying to ubuntu 10.10 32bit on a windows xp laptop. when i boot to cdrom, windows xp continues to own the laptop...22:54
mongyDiosjoe, lowercase grep22:54
n3glvquick natty question, on remix it was possible to use ubuntu desktop instead of unity, is that feature still in natty?22:54
truepurpleDiosjoe: May we please talk in PM?22:54
SoothsayerAnyone experienced the "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!" ?22:54
cache_surplususb not an option22:54
Soothsayern3glv: yes22:55
cache_surplusnetboot not an option, no pxe22:55
DiosjoeThanks mongy22:55
DiosjoeYes true22:55
karthn3glv: @ login screen, select ubuntu classic22:55
Soothsayern3glv: you can pick it during your login screen22:55
lcbSoothsayer, boot from live cd or usb and check the file-system22:55
n3glvcache_surplus: sounds like an issue with grub installer22:55
lucasn3glv: It is, running classic desktop right now22:55
Soothsayerlcb: i've booted.. reformattinig it to ext3 now22:55
n3glvok Soothsayer so, same as unr, just hit the user then select at bottom?22:55
cache_surpluscdrom boots, verified by disabling hd with switch+1 on pheonix bios set up22:55
cache_surplusn3glv: oh?22:55
samtate_ActionParsnip: Any more suggestions?22:55
lcbSoothsayer, why ext3?22:55
lucasSomeone please help... I try to build a custom live cd with nvidia drivers on it. Is there any way to automate at bootup the process of chosing the nvidia driver instead of nouveau? If so is there a way to have mesa for computers which haven't nvidia?22:56
ActionParsnipsamtate_: keep searching for those options, one will make it fly22:56
cache_surplusn3glv: i think its a bios proprietary issue,,, maybe your right, can you help assist in trbshting?22:56
karthn3glv: if classic doesn't work, try  classic without effects, had to to get it to work on an old machine.22:56
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: how did you make the install CD?22:56
n3glvcache_surplus: beyond me, but yes check bios setting22:56
samtate_ActionParsnip: What should I even search for?22:56
Soothsayern3glv: yes22:56
Soothsayerlcb: for some reason ext4 has never worked on this laptop.22:56
ohsixlucas: you can't distribute that22:56
ActionParsnipsamtate_: alsa-base.conf then the model of your system22:57
lcbSoothsayer, oh... weird22:57
tauntaunOK, I've figured out how to copy a track from CD to Rhythmbox's Music folder.  Now how do I get it into my iPod?22:57
cache_surplusActionParsnip: the cd boots right up when hd is disabled in bios22:57
Soothsayerlcb: tried it on 10.10 too.. used to not format.. this time it formatted to ext4.. but the installer crashed22:57
cache_surplusActionParsnip: that should answer that22:57
tauntaun(...I've tried a number of things, none of which work.)22:57
ohsixlucas: and instaling the proprietary nvidia drivers involves a lot of ugly, you can't generally have both; but there are a bunch of python scripts that try and pick the right one to use22:57
lcbSoothsayer, what utility are you using to format?22:57
cache_surplusActionParsnip: furthermore, i have tried multiple os, cd's, burn speeds so forth...22:57
n3glvmy other small beef is that on this old pc, I stuck in the 11.04 disk, it said there was upgrade, I said ok, and it's getting EVERYTHING via my slow interrnet, has not hid the cd at all22:57
slashnamesc0mp13371331337 mssssm_ Dominater Whitor jkarlos surreal7z slashnames coolkid25 ardchoille codebeaker fholmes Stameni1 jotbe n3glv nardea samtate_ int3nz0r SaneWarning kkartas Prodego sre-su lucas mfilipe miniuser m3t4lukas GasbaKid Tetsuo55_2 peteb wilbur_cobb TheCynic sechrist computergeeksjw BostX PaulEycks DBO rtghuzhg alles-wird-gut rheilol_ Spacewalker Egonis shamino_ mirco Micc0 Micco m00se davidcalle Tohuw Acriax AaeRohn Ja22:57
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: i see, maybe you need a bootoption. Is the system a branded PC or laptop22:57
n3glvwhat's the point to offering upgrade from cd if it then uses the internet?22:57
cache_surplusActionParsnip:  xp will only load on this, and also, oh.. um22:57
Stameni1join #what ?22:57
Stameni1what ?22:58
lucasohsix: This is not to distribute... Only for my own personalised usb-stick22:58
ActionParsnipn3glv: did you use the alternate cd?22:58
cache_surplusActionParsnip: there is cdrom, hd, net, floppy, thats it22:58
wilbur_cobbturning gentoo into ubuntu step by step... can it be done?22:58
m3t4lukaswhat is slashnames?22:58
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: what make and model is the system?22:58
n3glvActionParsnip: no, normal narwal desktop i38622:58
cache_surplusActionParsnip: toshiba satellite, an older one, prolly with usb 1.0 ports22:58
wilbur_cobbnot really my serious intention, just asking for the hell of it22:58
ardchoilleslashnames: Please don't highlight people like that22:58
ohsixlucas: then why can't you just install ubuntu to the usb stick, then install the nvidia drivers?22:58
ActionParsnipn3glv: then that won't work. The upgrade doc clearly states you need the alternate cd22:58
karthm3t4lukas: apparently, a bot that is designed to irritate people.22:58
n3glvcache_surplus: for usb try looking for usb options like enhanced or 2.0 vs 1.122:59
coolkid25ActionParsnip: Can you please help me fix Ubuntu?22:59
n3glvActionParsnip: I find this out, after starting a NINE HOUR UPGRADE!22:59
Soothsayerlcb: gparted22:59
cache_surplusn3glv: one moment ok,,, ActionParsnip for a second22:59
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: what model satelite?22:59
ActionParsnipn3glv: researching is useful22:59
cache_surplusActionParsnip: 3005-s307, part# ps302u-019xdx22:59
Rockjhm, gnome3-session depends on a package named gnome-shell which isn't in the repos?22:59
cache_surplusActionParsnip: im not that fast22:59
Soothsayerbrb reboot22:59
cache_surplusn3glv: explain. thanks23:00
lcbSoothsayer, delete and then format ext4?!... (try setting the bios to defaults and also detecting properly the disks23:00
lucasohsix: tried this method, but when I go to a computer with an ATI card I haven't acceleration...23:00
wilbur_cobbnine hour upgrade? mehehe, we gentoo users laugh at that23:00
n3glvmeh, I just expect that when it's sensing a cd with newer version and offering to upgrade, that it would do it from CD media23:00
cache_surplusthere is no usb boot option in bios23:00
n3glvwilbur_cobb: ricer! <wink>23:00
toto654hi everyone...i jsut found out ubuntu 11-0423:00
ActionParsnipn3glv: if you want to clean install you have the right cd23:00
computergeeksjwIs there a way to temporarily disable loading of graphics drivers?23:00
cache_surplusActionParsnip: agrees23:00
toto654why you all talk about gnome3 but its unity23:00
cache_surplusi have the right os23:01
ActionParsnipcomputergeeksjw: add the bootoption:  modulename.blacklist=123:01
ohsixlucas: the proprietary drivers are decidedly not nice, it's probably a situation you'll have to live with if you use them23:01
n3glvcomputergeeksjw: interrupt grub loader, init=023:01
n3glvooops 123:01
n3glvif u want networking, init=323:01
ohsixlucas: nouveau ships with natty, maybe you can get by without any proprietary drivers23:01
cache_surplusActionParsnip: ill wait, thanks...23:01
strigoi66Help please, need wifi driver for natty on acer aspire 5000 laptop I have tried the following( http://paste.ubuntu.com/600975 )23:01
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: try setting the sata to ide mode, look in BIOS for options23:02
lucasohsix: till maverick I made a script that copied or removed an xorg.config in the case there was an nvidia driver23:02
lucasohsix: Now I see xorg.config got obsolete23:02
rgrits not obsolete at all23:02
ohsixit was obsolete then23:02
AaeRohnanyone who can help with scanner issue that's not being occupied with somoene else at the moment?... My scanner (MFC-6490CW) will not work with Simple Scan, or Xsane Image Scanner, even though I have all the drivers installed... this is part of my income, so I need the scanner to work23:02
ActionParsniplucas: its not, if one exists it will be obeyed23:02
cache_surplusActionParsnip: ok, ill try that... that might be it..23:02
Neosanosudo apt-get install firefox will install firefox 4 or 3?23:03
ohsixyou can still put configuration options in an xorg.conf but you shouldn't want or have to; if something is broke it's probably a bug23:03
shane4ubuntu1ok, on movie player (totem) the right arrow key used to advance 1min and the left went backwards 10 or 30 seconds, they don't work anymore?????23:03
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: if you also try the boot option:  noacpi   it may help23:03
ActionParsnipNeosano: which release ?23:03
rgrobsix : there are loads of bugs.23:03
NeosanoActionParsnip, I'm on 11.0423:03
ActionParsnip!info firefox natty | Neosano23:03
testbehello please help me23:03
ubottuNeosano: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 13770 kB, installed size 28684 kB23:03
ohsixrgr: i'm confident you're filing them instead of just complaining about them23:03
testbei bought a new pc23:03
n3glvstrigoi66: you try lspci or dmesg|more to find out the manufacturer of the wifi?23:03
testbeand i want install ubuntu on23:03
Calyhi folks23:03
ActionParsnipNeosano: its in a default install so isn't required to be ran23:04
ActionParsnip!download | testbe23:04
ubottutestbe: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:04
ninjaijust came from beta, fresh install of 11.04.  I get a weird scale icon in the bottom right corner of some windows (google chrome), and sometimes a blue triangle in the top left corner when I use unity.  WTF?23:04
testbeyes and23:04
NeosanoActionParsnip, haha. well I'm on lubuntu. :D ok thx23:04
rgrohsix: You would be correct on the former. Stop misleading people. There are oodles of cases where an xorf.conf is required. It is not true to say its obsolete.23:04
strigoi66n3glv: no, will try now .23:04
ohsixrgr: the bugs are cases where people need to do workarounds, the default should work23:04
lucasActionParsnip: Believe me, it worked... It was scripted to do a delete during bootup, or to copy a customized xorg.config.nvidia in it's place23:04
testbei dont want to use unity or gnome 323:04
ActionParsnipNeosano: I see, nice.Lubuntu kicks ass23:04
rgrohsix: this is simply not true.23:04
ohsixrgr: if you need one, you are doing something wrong, full stop23:04
RockjAaeRohn: is it a usb scanner? open up a terminal, type dmesg , take note of latest "timestamp" on the last entry. Plug in your scanner and type dmesg again, does it seems to register and be handed of to any device?23:04
rgrohsix:  then you dont know what youre talking about.23:04
NeosanoActionParsnip, yeah, especially the last version :>23:04
testbei dont want to use unity or gnome 323:04
Calyi updated to 11.04 today, and it totally  fucked up my system, no it won't even boot from CD =/23:04
=== al3x is now known as al3x-afk
ohsixrgr: i do, sorry to break it to you23:05
rgrxorg.conf contains a lot more than nvidia info and xrandr doesnt work on many cards.23:05
computergeeksjwActionParsnip: how do I add that?23:05
ActionParsniptestbe: gnome3 isn't part of ubuntu default. You can boot to traditional desktop if you don't like unity23:05
ohsixrgr: you'll notice that the manual pages for the xorg drivers are still there so you can add workarounds in exceptional situations23:05
ActionParsnip!bootoption | computergeeksjw23:05
ubottucomputergeeksjw: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:05
daniel__i dont know whats wrong i had wifi before the upgrade but now i have no wifi (10.10 - 11.04) it doesnt evan glow the little led light that says wifi23:05
rgrand if you set up multiple mointor then the nvidia settings writes to xorg.cof still. You're talking through your arse.23:05
ohsixrgr: you say "many", but it's just nvidia's proprietary driver re: xrandr23:05
OY1Rcan anyone help me fix this boot up problem, i cannot boot Ubuntu 10.10 >  http://paste.ubuntu.com/600969/23:05
testbeactionParsnip: do you know if you can limit the desktops to 123:05
AaeRohnRockj: that's a long list >.> *starts looking through for the scanner*23:05
testbein unity23:05
n3glvtestbe: at user prompt screen click user, then select in text at bottom of screen, ubuntu desktop23:05
rgrLook, I use use nvidia for years on multi monitor. I know you're wrong.23:05
Calydaniel__: seems i'm not talone then...23:05
ohsixrgr: that is an exceptional case with the proprietary nvidia driver, and that's nvidias problem, complain to them23:06
ActionParsniptestbe: sure, in ccsm23:06
ardchoillergr , ohsix Can you take that to another channel please?23:06
Neosano!info kupfer natty23:06
ubottukupfer (source: kupfer): fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0+v201-2 (natty), package size 413 kB, installed size 1964 kB23:06
Neosanoold :<23:06
bastiis there an easy tool to merge a srt subtitle into a mkv video file?23:06
rgrohsix: it is the users problem.23:06
ohsixrgr: that's great, you know nvidia's driver is awful; good on you23:06
ohsixrgr: users have nouveau and xrandr23:06
ActionParsnipohsix: works great here :)23:06
testbeactionParsnip: then i thing i like unitz23:06
cache_surplusActionParsnip: ok, no sata option, also, at boot i press <C> to force boot cdrom, xp splash still loads...23:06
daniel__Caly, why would they make an update that goes backwards theres no up about this blows im using my phone to tether right now ...23:06
arandOY1R: What kind of filesystem setup do you have?23:06
testbemy problem always if i maximed an window23:06
testbeit was on another desktop23:06
RockjAaeRohn: just look at the botton, "dmesg" shows you system messages (important ones basically) , I wanted you to type it once before you plugged in the scanner just to notice what has already been printed, then a second time after you have plugged it in. That way you could easily see what is new messages ;-)23:06
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: did you try the boot option?23:06
daniel__i dont know whats wrong i had wifi before the upgrade but now i have no wifi (10.10 - 11.04) it doesnt evan glow the little led light that says wifi23:06
Calydaniel__: i'm using Trisquel on another computer...23:06
testbeactionParsnip: then i thing i like unity23:07
ohsixActionParsnip: multiple monitors & static config?23:07
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: could try booting usb instead23:07
testbeit was on an other desktop23:07
OY1RArachon, it's the 10.10 default i think it's ext423:07
MaxudHello I am force installing 32 bit driver for printer on 64 bit system, and I get many dependence errors, what I need to install23:07
ActionParsnipohsix: only got one monitor for 4 PCs23:07
testbemy problem always if i maximed an window23:07
rgrlucas: bottom line is that xorg.conf is NOT obsolete. There are cases where you can get by without one. Its still a transition time. Idiots saying "blame nvidia" are on a moral crusade and not one to actually help you.23:07
cache_surplusActionParsnip:  no usb option23:07
Soothsayer11.04 installed this time.. looks like some issue with ext423:07
OY1Rarand, , it's the 10.10 default i think it's ext423:07
testbeit was on an other desktop23:07
daniel__Caly, we shouldnt have to lol its not like were playing with a beta why did we lose our wifi ?23:07
ohsixActionParsnip: then you don't get the pleasure of what we're talking about23:07
lucasc'mon guys I'll accept nouveau made some good progress, but it's way slower than the prop thingy23:07
arandOY1R: Try reinstalling grub.23:07
ohsixrgr: you're on a moral crusade my friend23:07
ActionParsnipohsix: I use xorg.conf, yes23:07
ohsixlucas: indeed, but now it's in wide use23:07
arand!grub | OY1R23:07
ubottuOY1R: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:07
n3glvcache_surplus: some pc do not show the option unless device is connected/has a disk in it23:07
cache_surplusActionParsnip: i am wondering if i need to make a usb 1.0/1.1 boot disk and try that... maybe it will show up as a HD23:07
Calydaniel__: that's not all i lost, i cant even boot up23:07
ActionParsnipohsix: no, it works well23:07
ohsixActionParsnip: my condolences23:07
daniel__i dont know whats wrong i had wifi before the upgrade but now i have no wifi (10.10 - 11.04) it doesnt evan glow the little led light that says wifi23:07
rgrlucas: nouveau is garbage compared to the ndiai one. Look up using sgfxi for your nvidia setup.23:08
daniel__Caly, why whats wrong with that23:08
cache_surplusn3glv: i tried usb install first before cd, usb first then cd always for me23:08
Calyi do get the ubuntu boot screen for a ew seconds when i turn it of... =(23:08
testbeActionParsnip, do you think, in 11.10 is still an gnome 2 _23:08
ActionParsnipohsix: the xorg.cof file is older than ubuntu, it works well so I use it :)23:08
cache_surplusim wondering if i should try a usb 1.0 flash drive, since this an oldddd laptop23:08
ohsixrgr: nvidia is garbage because it doesn't do xrandr 1.2+23:08
Calyi just get a bunch of test / terminal boot sequence stuff23:08
ActionParsniptestbe: it is23:08
ohsixrgr: but one is free and can be improved23:08
jon_geehey guys any of you experience this error after 11.04 install? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed"23:08
n3glvcache_surplus: on some pc I have to go into the boot options page (f-10 or 12) to see the cdrom as bootable23:08
ninjaican you change the 'shortcuts' in the unity menu?23:08
rgrActionParsnip: ohsix is talking nonsense. In many many many cases you need an xorg.conf. It is NOT obsolete : end of story.23:08
jeff__can someone help me with a question about compiz23:09
cache_surplusi need a tool set of disks/usbs/1.0/2.0 it seems to have any luck with installing ubuntu on any box sighs...23:09
daniel__so is ubuntu 11.04 not done yet and should i have wated to download it ? because i have no wifi at all23:09
ohsixrgr: in many EXCEPTIONAL cases, you may need one23:09
cache_surplusn3glv: im done with the basics, i need the work around23:09
lucasrgr: that's correct about nvidia. If nouveau comes that far, I will surely use it... After all I am an avid open-source fan too, but if something works good I have to accept it23:09
Soothsayeris it possible to virtualize my dual-bootable Windows 7 within Ubuntu ?23:09
ActionParsniprgr: i know its not obsolete.  preeching to the choir dude23:09
MaxudHello I am force installing 32 bit driver for printer on 64 bit system, and I get many dependence errors, what I need to install23:09
Calyand i fet a fail message from "*Stopping automatic crash report generation23:09
Soothsayerso I don't have to restart to go back to windows23:09
n3glvcache_surplus: might need to use the alternate cd23:09
vividrgr, thats correct, not having one does not suffice for specialized video setups23:09
ohsixrgr: but you don't want one if you aren't in an exceptional situation, it's highly higly contraindicated23:09
rgrAh ok, I cant stand people misleading others in a help channel as he is doing.23:09
AaeRohnRockJ: okaaay... did so... but how is knowing what th emessages say help me get the scanner working?23:09
jon_geeany one get this error after 11.04 install " hey guys any of you experience this error after 11.04 install? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:09
cache_surplusn3glv: nope, been there done that,, your right, but im past that stage23:09
shane4ubuntu1no one know of totem?  I can't even drag the slider to go forward or backward on a file, very odd, is that a bug?23:09
AndrewEMTOk, have tried everything I know here... the NVidia driver still come up activated but not currently in use under the additional drivers app23:09
n3glvcache_surplus: make sure there is nothing that's 'protecting' your boot sector23:09
rgrlucas: sane as. I write code for FSF but I use what works.23:09
daniel__does anyone here know anything about the reason why internet wouldnt work if i had it before the update and dont know23:10
ActionParsnipMaxud: you will need to pull down the deb for the deb, extract the file and copy .so file to /usr/lib3223:10
cache_surplusthis is the second laptop i have had an issue with the past month for a customer23:10
RockjAaeRohn: paste the info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23:10
rgrdaniel__: ipv6 possibly.23:10
jeff__is compiz disabled when you install ubuntu with the Wibi installer23:10
cache_surplusn3glv: have you used freebsd? that wouldnt even allow me to load it23:10
ohsixrgr: if you're literally talking about an xorg.conf being loaded and read, you're right; it still does that23:10
jon_geeany one get this error after 11.04 install " hey guys any of you experience this error after 11.04 install? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:10
daniel__rgr, whats that ?23:10
coreireHey, I'm having a little trouble with grub. I have Ubuntu 11.04, Windows 7, and Mandriva 2010.2 installed. I installed ubuntu last and installed the bootloader along with it. When I choose Windows 7 from the menu the system immediately reboots. I've tried the system tools on the Windows 7 disc and it says it can't find any problem with the windows installation. Any ideas on what I should do? Thanks23:10
Calyehrmm... is 11.04 a really fubar update?23:10
rgrdaniel__: google23:10
cache_surplusim pretty sure this is a bios hardware issue or something proprietary23:10
n3glvcache_surplus: last freebsd I used was 2.2.223:10
ohsixrgr: i thought you were just talking about being on a help channel23:10
ActionParsnipjeff__: if the default packages can give 3d accelleration then compiz will be used23:11
cache_surplusn3glv:  well,,, its improved since then lol23:11
ohsix!google | rgr23:11
ubotturgr: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:11
n3glvof course, first slackware was 0.0.923:11
g0tResults for | rgr on Google:23:11
cache_surplusanyway, im gonna try to find a usb 1.0 next... ill be back23:11
n3glv56 floppies to get the libs to compile the kernel23:11
rgrI told him what area to look for. ipv6.23:11
orbitingUm, just upgraded to Natty. Anyone else using eclipse?23:11
karthCaly: It's not really making it easy23:11
jon_geeany one get this error after 11.04 install " hey guys any of you experience this error after 11.04 install? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:11
cache_surplusand also the #hardware room suggested i upgrade the bios .. typical23:11
klunky999hello everyone23:11
n3glvcache_surplus: seen a few usb sticks that would not boot23:11
Calykarth: huh, what?23:11
ohsixrgr: if you have information you want to provide, provide it; google provides results almost unique to each user, it will find different things than a google search you run will23:12
=== al3x-afk is now known as al3x
klunky999im with problems with ubuntu and windows 7 grub loading already posted here23:12
karthCaly: a lot of people have had frozen installers, and unity doesn't work for a lot of people,23:12
strigoi66n3glv: this is what i got from lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/60100723:12
daniel__rgr, so what do i do with this ?23:12
karthCaly: so, while it works great when installed fresh, upgrades are really not pleasant right now.23:12
Calykarth: so what do i do about it?23:12
AaeRohnRockj: ok, now what?23:12
cache_surplusjust a heads up, the last box i did, i even did a zero the drive with a maxtor 4.0 disk,,, that did not fix the issue23:12
jeff__I have an ATI 6970 card and installed the ATI CCC driver, but I don't seem to have Compiz support. Is it still located in the change apperance menu ?23:13
n3glvstrigoi66:  Broadcom Corporation BCM431823:13
ohsixActionParsnip: what do you use xorg.conf for, adding modes?23:13
cache_surplusn3glv: regarding your mbr fix23:13
RockjAaeRohn: paste the link here so I can take a quick look.23:13
rgrdaniel__: who knows. I dont know the details. Look up ipv6 issues with Ubuntu. It *might* be the issue. I am merely giving you a pointer. ipv6 often fubars debian and ubuntu updates.23:13
n3glvu may have to play with google to find broadcom driver stuff23:13
karthCaly: What I'm oding... come in here, post your problems, and hope someone has some ideas.23:13
ActionParsnipohsix: I only use one mode23:13
AaeRohnRockj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601009/23:13
orbitingjeff_ I have an nVidia card. Compiz is crapping out on me as well.23:13
ohsixActionParsnip: if it's not probed by edid or something else that'd still be one ...23:13
Calykarth: yeah.. i wasn't goint to update before i moved stuff to mu NAS, but then last morning i got a big fat popup suggestin i do, so i did anywaas... quite a mean suggestion23:13
rjaguar3_I've been having lots of display issues with 11.0423:13
strigoi66n3glv: Thanks for the point in right direction.23:13
daniel__rgr, lol ok23:13
ohsixrgr: if you're not helping people it's probably not best to send them off in random directions either23:13
ActionParsnipohsix: yes, it needs one. Its an old monitor23:13
coreireAlso, i've tried "update-grub" but it's still the same23:14
truepurpleSince I updated to 11.04, my tomboy notes program has disappeared, how do I get it back? Would the files I made with it still be around?23:14
ActionParsnipjon_gee: do you have an onboard video chip and an agp / PCIexpress video card23:14
jon_geehey guys any of you experience this error after 11.04 install? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:14
ohsixActionParsnip: roger, that's why i asked; it's a far more common special case than any of the other ones, and only needed for drivers that don't do xrandr :]23:14
karthCaly: yeah,  with the tiny amount of bandwith that people are getting for the install, its not cool that we all get it so fast.23:14
n3glvtruepurple: synaptic?23:14
Calyohsix: good going.23:14
AndrewEMTok, nvm then... sheesh23:14
truepurplen3glv: I don't understand23:14
n3glvtruepurple: may need to enable older repos23:14
ohsixCaly: hm?23:14
syn3rgyUnity imho was a bigger mistake then Vista was fro Microsoft.23:14
klunky999im with problems with ubuntu and windows 7 grub loading already posted here http://askubuntu.com/questions/38201/grub-problem-with-windows-7 , if anyone can help would be awsome \o23:14
truepurplen3glv: How do I do that?23:15
ohsixsyn3rgy: #ubuntu-offtopic for opinions, this is a help channel23:15
n3glvtruepurple: system > synaptic package manager23:15
jeff__no, my mb board doesn;t have onboard graphics23:15
jon_geeany onehey guys any of you experience this error after 11.04 install? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:15
Calyohsix: i meant telling rgr to stop with that ignorant shit23:15
n3glvtruepurple: u can search in synaptic for apps23:15
ohsixCaly: shrug, people rarely know they're the exception to the rule when they're talking about their own habits23:15
KNUBBIGgood evening everyone :)23:16
Calygood evening chybbt23:16
RockjAaeRohn: by the looks of it, it seems to regonize your printer/scanner as a usb storage disc, interessting.  Let me do some research about your scanner23:16
Mac_WeberI want to switch from apache2 to apache2-mpm-worker. If I do 'apt-get remove apache2' then install apache2-mpm-worker will it keep the old configuration? (such as vhosts)23:16
truepurplen3glv: I can't make heads or tales of what is in synaptic package manager, but I can't find any tomboy notes anyway23:16
AaeRohnRockj: alright23:16
RockjAaeRohn: while im searching, you might want to see if the instructions in this forum post helps you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119555223:17
aj00200Mac_Weber: I'm not sure, but you could always make a copy just in case23:17
n3glvtruepurple: synaptic lists all the software on the pc, and can download/install more from the repository system23:17
klunky999im with problems with ubuntu and windows 7 grub loading already posted here http://askubuntu.com/questions/38201/grub-problem-with-windows-7 , if anyone can help would be awsome \o23:17
Calyis there some way i can fore a safe start something, and reverse this fubar upgrade?23:17
truepurplen3glv: Scratch that, found it, now what?23:17
n3glvit's like a super version of the ubuntu software thingy23:17
Karen_mdoes upgrading to 11.04 break anything?23:17
Mac_Weberaj00200: what folders shall I copy?23:17
n3glvhit reload first truepurple23:17
syn3rgyohsix true. I use ccsm extensively. I really need the 3D cube to work with the 3D windows due to the fact that I have 6 VM running all at once. Seems the not even Gnome will work with the cube now? Is this correct?23:17
ActionParsnipCaly: run:  sudo apt-get -f install23:17
giampaoloafter installing 11.04 google-chrome no longer restore last closed session. Any idea?23:17
CalyKaren_m: i'd say hell yeah23:17
CalyActionParsnip: need a promp first...23:18
aj00200Mac_Weber: I don't know. I figured you knew which files you needed to save.23:18
Karen_mcaly, why is that?23:18
Karen_mso skip 11.04 for now?23:18
ActionParsnipCaly: boot to root recovery mode, or chroot from livecd23:18
ohsixsyn3rgy: it should, compiz changed but not to that degree23:18
Neosano!info vuze natty23:18
ubottuvuze (source: azureus): Multimedia BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB23:18
SoothsayerKaren_m: not necessarily23:18
CalyKaren_m: ah, yrah, do that, wait a while, seems there is just a bunch of shit hitting folks that upgrades...23:18
truepurplen3glv: Mark for reinstallation? My saved notes should still be there, right?23:18
SoothsayerKaren_m: ye23:18
aj00200Karen_m: I guess Unity is just a matter of personal preference. If you like it, you keep it, but you can always switch back to Gnome, even on 11.0423:18
n3glvumm, yeah, think so23:19
jon_geehey guys any of you experience this error during installation of new 11.04? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:19
ohsixsyn3rgy: you'll just need to set it up again as compiz changed from .8 to .9 and while theres a settings migrator, it does not migrate a lot of things, and .9 has all new settings23:19
SoothsayerKaren_m: I JUST experienced an upgrade issue23:19
Karen_mSoothsayer, what?23:19
Soothsayerformatting my whole laptop because of it23:19
truepurplen3glv: Do I select mark for reinstallation?23:19
CalyActionParsnip: how do i boot to root recovery mode?23:19
computergeeksjwActionParsnip: what was the boot option again?23:19
n3glvtruepurple: I think so23:19
tjiggi_foKaren_m, try it on a live CD first23:19
klunky999anyone can help me about grub  with ubuntu and windows 7 please ?? im desesperate23:19
Karen_m10.10 sucked for my laptop, it would not use my wireless properly!  I wonder if 11.04 will work :)23:19
syn3rgyohsix I guess I just need some time. Seems not to long ago that anybody that was not lynx, bitchX etc was just "blinky" junk.23:19
n3glvtruepurple: may want to browse your dir, see if you can find files that u want to save23:19
SoothsayerKaren_m: and plus, the download rate for the packages is really slow, so wait for a few days maybe?23:19
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
CalyKaren_m: he also had a problem23:19
jon_geehey guys any of you experience this error during installation of new 11.04? "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed""23:19
n3glvtruepurple: but I think it should work23:19
* n3glv sheesh23:20
RockjAaeRohn: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html#MFC-6490CW is some .deb packages you could download. But there is also some brother-* packages in ubuntu's repositories but Im unsure which one fits your scanner/printer hm.23:20
n3glvBEGGING EVEN23:20
stittelHi! If I try to install the package "nvidia-96" on 11.04, Synaptic wants to remove the X server. What's going wrong there?23:20
ohsixRockj: re: usb devices showing up as storage, they often do that now, and the disk mode contains drivers, then the drivers tell it to switch to the actual device; linux does that too, but it needs to know about the device to switch its mode, usb-modeswitch has a database of them, but this new device may need adding23:20
Calyas did i, as did daniel23:20
syn3rgyn3glv what question is that?23:20
cache_surplushow can i tell if i have a 1.0 or 2.0 usb stick plugged in? whats the command23:20
syn3rgyn3glv what question is that =P23:21
truepurplen3glv: I did that, but it still doesn't seem to be installed, do I need to reload?23:21
n3glvhis recursive thing23:21
Kevin`n3glv: probably need to give them a link to a 'how to ask good questions' page23:21
klunky999anyone can help me about grub  with ubuntu and windows 7 please ?? im desesperate23:21
n3glvtruepurple: wondering if just the shortcut is missing23:21
computergeeksjwActionParsnip: what was the boot option you suggested about module blacklist23:21
ohsixstittel: -96 uses the old server abi and nvidia said they're not going to be updating them, so it conflicts with the server with the new abi23:21
Calyklunky999: furmat c:23:21
AaeRohnRockj: that's the printer driver I installed, there's also a scanner driver for my MFC, and both are installed, and it still doesnt work23:21
Calyhalps with windws issues23:21
klunky999Caly: ... im looking for solutions... really ...23:21
ActionParsnipcomputergeeksjw: modulename.blacklist=123:21
KNUBBIGCaly: be patient23:21
truepurplen3glv: Well when I try to add it to my panel, its not listed as a option23:22
ActionParsnipcomputergeeksjw: you can blacklist whatever you want23:22
syn3rgyklunky999 windows will over write grub. Use a VM or install it first23:22
cache_surpluswow this room is way to busy,,, l823:22
ohsixAaeRohn: if it only shows up as a usb drive, it needs to be added to the modeswitch database so it can be told to act like the actual device23:22
KNUBBIGklunky999: just tell your problem and we'll se who can help you23:22
AaeRohnRockj: printer works perfectly, scanner doesnt23:22
Kevin`klunky999: you want to fix grub after installing windows second?23:22
stittelohsix: If it can't be made working, why is "nvidia-96" even available as a package? I mean, this is a fresh default installation without any additional repos.23:22
n3glvtruepurple: if u know the app name u could try launching it from command line (terminal)23:22
daniel_would some one be bale to help me find out why my wifi wont work the 11.04 update after it was already working in 10.1023:23
ohsixstittel: it does work, it just conflicts with the only server api available, so yea ... heh23:23
ActionParsnipAaeRohn: did you install the deb I gave?23:23
klunky999no, i had windows 7 installed, everything perfect, now i installed ubuntu 11.04 on a diferent partition, but same disk, ... when i log on grub now, i cant use windows, it just goes back to grub23:23
AaeRohnohsix: do I still need to if it half-works? printer part of it works fine, the scanner part is what I'm having trouble with23:23
n3glvdaniel_: may be missing a propriatary driver23:23
ActionParsnipdaniel_: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C network23:23
syn3rgyOh SNAP one thing I hated with GDM (Gnome) was that I had to recompile it to work with Multiseating. Will Unity Multiseat??????23:23
truepurplen3glv: I wouldn't know how to do that, how do i search for a file?23:23
ohsixstittel: ask nvidia to support the new abi in older drivers, iirc they've already refused; you might have to live with an older release or nouveau23:23
stittelohsix: What's the purpose of installing nvidia-96, when I don't have an X server after that? :)23:23
n3glvtruepurple: ask google about a program called 'slocate'23:23
Kevin`klunky999: what's the entry for windows?23:23
klunky999how i check that Kevin`  ?23:24
CalyActionParsnip: how do i boot to root recovery mode?23:24
n3glvit can search the hard drive for a file name23:24
Kevin`klunky999: pastebin it since it's probably a few lines23:24
RockjAaeRohn: so only scanner doesn't work?  Are you in the scanner group?    Check by typing   "groups <your_username>" in the termianl to check your groups.23:24
AaeRohnActionParsnip: I've had both printer and scanner drivers installed for a few days now23:24
tully-perl -e '$_="aeC ya rnco acIfp ucae,sr s";$_.=$1,print$2while s/(..)(.)//;' |sed 's/,/\n/23:24
stittelohsix: Well, I can understand why it's not supported anymore. But in that case there should be no nvidia-96 package in the repos.23:24
Kevin`klunky999: /boot/grub/grub.cfg, or is it .conf23:24
ohsixstittel: good question, but that's the conflict on the package, has been for a long time; there just hasn't been a new server until natty23:24
klunky999just a min man23:24
ActionParsnipCaly: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root23:24
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
Kevin`klunky999: oh, and did you delete a small useless looking windows boot partition when you installed ubuntu?23:24
daniel_ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/601015/23:24
RockjAaeRohn: sudo adduser <your_username> scanner    should put you in the scanner group at least, that might give you the correct/enough permissions for the scanner program to detect your device maybe?23:24
coolkid25Can somebody please tell me how to fix Ubuntu?23:24
ohsixstittel: you could probably report a bug and have it removed for natty23:24
ActionParsnipAaeRohn: tried a few scanning apps?23:24
KNUBBIGcoolkid25: what's your problem?23:25
tully-coolkid25, might help if you said the problem23:25
AaeRohnRockj: checked, and nothing says scanner or printer... I am the only user on this computer23:25
klunky999Kevin`:  no i choosed the option run windows 7 with ubuntu together23:25
ohsixAaeRohn: ah no idea, i was reading into it something you hadn't said; my bad23:25
ActionParsnipdaniel_: sudo lshw -C network     the C is capitalized23:25
ninjaii cant remember where i changed this before... but i need to remap F10 (as it pulls down menus from sys tray), where can i do this?23:25
[snake]Can I use different languages (in this case hebrew, which must go right to left) in the terminal?23:25
AaeRohnActionParsnip: I've tried Simple Scan, Xsane Image Scanner, and GIMP23:25
stittelohsix: Well, thanks anyways.23:25
truepurplen3glv: So ubuntu doesn't come with a file search option?23:25
coolkid25tully-: Ubuntu won't boot, when I choose ubuntu in the boot menu, all I get is some kind of GRUB command prompt.23:25
ActionParsnipAaeRohn: hmm, are there any bugs logged?23:25
n3glvtruepurple: u need to do updatedb first23:25
ohsixRockj: udev/consolekit should already be applying the correct permissions to those things without him needing to be put in some group23:26
n3glvtruepurple: then locate tomboy23:26
arch_is_awesomeHello, anyone know what packages I need to use a dvd?23:26
tully-coolkid25, you do an update, fresh install, any recent changes?23:26
Rockjohsix: I'm sure how you fix setting devices in correct usb-mode tho :/  Always got it fixed by either fixiing permissions to the device/being in correct group or getting the correct debian package which contains neccery drivers.23:26
arch_is_awesomeI have dwd+rw-tools23:26
AaeRohnRockj: no scanner group23:26
ohsixstittel: sorry theres no good news, does nouveau not work for you? it's getting a lot of attention with this release and should start improving even faster23:26
n3glvarch_is_awesome: k3b is cool23:26
arch_is_awesomeI tried to install libdvdcss but it is not there.23:26
di0xarch_is_awesome, libdvdcss223:26
truepurplen3glv: What is "updatedb"? So ubuntu doesn't come with a file search program?23:26
AaeRohnActionParsnip: only in the Xsane, "Invalid arguement"23:26
Kevin`[snake]: normally yes, but files are named what they are named, it could be.. interesting23:26
RockjAaeRohn: hm, ohsix says that should be fixed automagically at booting if things are setup propertly. hm.23:26
klunky999here it is Kevin`23:26
ohsixarch_is_awesome: run /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh23:26
daniel_ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/601024/23:27
_Geri_is something app-store like thingie in ubuntu, where i can sell softwares?23:27
arch_is_awesomePackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:27
Rockjohsix: wouldn't hurt for him to try  a "sudo adduser <his_username> scanner" ?23:27
makaveli0129ok my trash can says it's full but everytime i try to empty it my system slows way way down i tried from command line using rm -rf ~/.Trash/ and that completes with no error any idea on how to empty trash?23:27
stittelohsix: It's marked as "highly experimental" and this is for a computer that will go to clueless people in another country without me being available for support. :)23:27
n3glvtruepurple: the slocate app needs to be installed23:27
CalyActionParsnip: ok, so i choose root - Drop to root shell prompt?23:27
coolkid25tully-: I upgraded Ubuntu last night to 10.10, and it worked fine then, and this morning.23:27
=== mikec is now known as Guest11028
tully-upgrade to 10.10 or 11.04 because thats the one that just came out23:27
AaeRohnRockj: as I ad, it's been a few days with these drivers and MFC23:28
arch_is_awesomeohsix: Thank you so much.23:28
CalyActionParsnip: or netroot (...with networking"23:28
AaeRohnas I said*23:28
arch_is_awesomeohsix: Did it add medibuntu?23:28
[snake]Kevin`, I see what you mean... I found a multi-lingual terminal, but it is too simple and I don't know how to make it left to right.23:28
ohsixarch_is_awesome: no, it just grabbed one package from it23:28
guntbert!trash | makaveli012923:28
ubottumakaveli0129: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.23:28
demlasjrhey guys does anybody have idea why my pc's screen is turning black or orange each 10-15 minutes ?23:28
coolkid25tully-: I am on 10.10.23:29
Calytully-: uptadating to 11.04 seems to be why this chan is now super active... many get tehir sysstem fucked up by it..23:29
ohsixdemlasjr: intel or nvidia?23:29
n3glvdemlasjr: power settings or screen save?23:29
guntbertmakaveli0129: it seems they move it around a little :-))23:29
n3glvdemlasjr: sleep mode?23:29
ActionParsnipCaly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:29
Kevin`klunky999: show the output of fdisk -l23:29
Kevin`klunky999: actually there seems to be a bug there, or someone changed it, since it doesn't have the partition numbers..23:29
Kevin`klunky999: oh right, nevermind23:29
tully-Caly, many dont do it right either23:29
demlasjrATI ohsix23:29
demlasjrno....working on it..23:29
[snake]Kevin`, I meant right to left :P23:29
VanillaliteCan anyone else get chrome/ium to stay as the default browser or is this a known bug?23:29
superlouHas anyone had trouble installing 11.04 AMD64 with nvidia.  Freezes on something about nvidia_current that seems to have been fixed a while back.  I can install "successfully" by telling ubuntu to skip before it gets to that part of configuration, but I'm not sure exactly what gets skipped and if I'll regret that later.23:29
klunky999Kevin`:  what u want me to do ?23:29
demlasjris freezing in black or orange23:29
makaveli0129guntbert: so can i just rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash$23:29
demlasjrneed to restart from the button23:29
aj00200Are there any customizations which can be applied to the launcher such as size or having them "tilt" backwards at the top and bottom?23:29
[snake]Wow... I can't even tell my left and right without thinking about it... this is a sad day.23:30
Calytully-: a popup askes yo "do you want to update to the latest version bla bla.. "   one press "OK" and that is wron?23:30
Cream2011Ive been trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 off my usb drive, however when I go through the installation process it gets to the point where it asks me for my computer name, password, etc and finishes installing to where it says "Ready when you are" in the progress bar.  When I get to this point, it doesnt allow me to click the "Forward" button =/  I already deleted my crappy windows 7, and now the only way I can use my netbook is t23:30
coolkid25tully-: are you there?23:30
guntbertmakaveli0129: I suggest you first look what is there: ls -l ~/.local/share/Trash  (no $ !)23:30
aj00200Cream2011: your message got cut off at "my netbook is t"23:30
guntbertmakaveli0129: and then your command (without $) will be fine23:31
Cream2011through my flash drive23:31
Kevin`klunky999: fdisk -l23:31
demlasjrso I guess no idea :)23:31
alteregoahello mr ubuntu23:31
guntbert!enter | Cream201123:31
ubottuCream2011: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:31
klunky999Kevin`:  dont show nothin23:31
makaveli0129expunged  files  info23:31
Kevin`klunky999: as root, or with sudo23:31
alteregoahow long does it take to update from maverick to narwhale?23:31
giampaoloam I the only one who just HATES the new gui and switched back to classical them after a couple of hours?23:31
makaveli0129is the files listed in there23:31
RockjAaeRohn: Im plugging in my scanner here to check some command line tools.      are you able to type   "sane-find-scanner" in your terminal? does it detect any scanners?23:31
guntbert!pastebin | makaveli012923:31
ubottumakaveli0129: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:31
klunky999Kevin`:  sorry im noob :)23:31
shane4ubuntu1anyone know of a good timer for ubuntu?  I used to use the tea timer on the panel, but well, that no longer exist with unity any timely timer tips??  :)23:32
tully-coolkid25, no23:32
cannonballMy 10.10 -> 11.04 upgrade went very well.  However, for some reason, my rhythmbox only sees two of the 10 or so RSS feeds that I have.  Has anybody come up against something similar?  I suspect something in ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml is corrupted, but it _looks_ fine to me.23:32
alteregoahow long is the update? 1hour?23:32
klunky999Kevin`:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/601029/23:32
coolkid25Can somebody help me fix Ubuntu? It won't boot right, when I select it in the boot menu, all I get is some kind of GRUB terminal.23:32
aj00200Cream2011: does the "try" feature work on the Live CD?23:32
Guest11028i updated with no problems23:32
KNUBBIGalteregoa: depends on many things, very bad to predict23:33
Cream2011Its a netbook, I dont have a cd.23:33
AaeRohnrockj: it detected23:33
Cream2011but yes23:33
alteregoai didnt install that much23:33
alteregoaa relative clean ubuntu23:33
aj00200coolkid25: does it give some type of error code that you could look up?23:33
RockjAaeRohn: interesting, could you pastebin the results for me in a pastebin?23:33
guntbertmakaveli0129: ah there are folders, so ls -lR ~/.local/share/Trash23:33
Cream2011I am using the "try feature" on my usb drive.23:33
demlasjrrepeat: each 20 minutes my laptop screen is turning black or orange, especially when the CPU is more solicited (around 70%-90%). The only way I can start or fix it is to restart the whole pc...it's frustrating :|  Video card: ATI Radeon with the drivers installed, Ubuntu: 11.0423:33
KNUBBIGalteregoa: also depends on the load of the server, your internet connection, your hdd speed and your CPU speed23:33
coolkid25nott anymore aj0020023:33
daniel_woul anyone know why my internet isnt working it worked before i updated and it isnt evan showing the led wifi light on evan if i toggle fn + F2 i looked at available drivers and it says the wirless one is being used idk how that it since i dont have wifi23:33
truepurplen3glv: You still there?23:33
Kevin`klunky999: looks like that entry should work, since it's what the mbr would normally do23:33
coolkid25now i just have a terminal23:33
coolkid25a grub terminal.23:33
alteregoawell my hdd speed is 7200 rpm23:33
tully-demlasjr, update to manufacturers driver23:34
RockjAaeRohn: http://paste.ubuntu.com23:34
mdmkolbeIn Unity the panel at the top (i.e. the thing holding the ubuntu button, the app menu and the indicators), keeps disappearing and leaving behind a black area of the screen whenever I start tweaking settings (e.g. in CCSM).  It remains that way until I restart.  Is there a better way than restarting the machine to get it back (e.g. restart or give a kick to some "panel" process)?23:34
karthanyone know how to disable compiz font scaling?23:34
alteregoaand the cpu speed is aprox 300'000 miles per second23:34
aj00200coolkid25: if you restart to you get an error code again? This is key to debugging it23:34
CalyActionParsnip: well, i wasnt looking to fix my wifi, i was looking to reverse the 11.04 upgrade that fucked up my boot, i don't get to GUI..23:34
alteregoaor km/s23:34
AaeRohnrockj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601030/23:34
Kevin`klunky999: I don't suppose you can run the two commands in the file in grub and say what it gives back23:34
klunky999Kevin`:  but dont, i just click windows 7 to load up and ig ends again in grub manager ...23:34
dibsI need help, can't upgrade   :E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.23:34
KNUBBIGalteregoa: cool so you got some kind of light processor? would be km, then23:34
Kevin`klunky999: that's why I want you to type it in, so it doesn't return23:35
Kevin`klunky999: although it would normally show something anyway, you might me missing it23:35
NickUK`Yo - I'm currently having an issue when booting into my Ubuntu 11.04 USB - The screen just goes all fuzzy like static but still static.23:35
klunky999ok so what i do ?23:35
truepurpleDoesn't synaptic package manager know where the files of the programs it lists are? Is it possible to use synaptic package manager to find the files of the programs it lists?23:35
klunky999Kevin`:  ok so what i do ?23:35
RockjAaeRohn: while I read some documentation, try this while waiting for the **** of it:     sudo adduser <username_on_your_pc> scanner             then logout and login again so it starts a new session.(reboot shouldnt be needed afaik aslong as you restart the session) See if xsane detects your scanner then.23:36
workolá boa noite23:36
KNUBBIGalteregoa: I can just tell you that the simple installation of the packages took 3 hours on my laptop and one hour one my desktop, you have to add download time23:36
makaveli0129gunbert: i just did rm -rf files from that directory23:36
coolkid25aj00200: nope23:36
dibsIs this where to get help?23:36
guntbert!pt | work23:36
ubottuwork: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:36
demlasjrI'm trying now -tully, ty !23:36
guntbert!tab | makaveli012923:36
ubottumakaveli0129: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:36
klunky999Kevin`:  just tell me what to try and i do it23:37
Kevin`klunky999: press c, then enter the lines it shows for windows starting at insmod. you don't need to enter the uuid one if you don't want, since it's annoying23:37
guntbertmakaveli0129: and, are you satisfied with the result?23:37
AaeRohnrockj: there is no scanner group23:37
truepurpleDoesn't synaptic package manager know where the files of the programs it lists are? Is it possible to use synaptic package manager to find the files of the programs it lists?23:37
aj00200coolkid25: hmm, I'm not sure where to go from here if you don't have an error code. You may have to reinstall23:37
RockjAaeRohn: actually,   try   scanimage -L    in the terminal .23:37
Kevin`klunky999: normally i'd do that in kvm so you can get a screenshot, but that's not easy to explain23:37
klunky999Kevin`:  but you mean when i load grub ?23:37
AcriaxI was playing around with compiz and somehow managed to disable the top bar and all gui elements except the icons on the screen when in Unity mode. Many keyborard-shortcuts don't work either, like bringing up the console. Help me, how can I fix this?23:37
RockjAaeRohn: brb, plugging in my scanner, easier to help you figure out of the stuff then ;)23:37
ActionParsniptruepurple: the package system knows, yes23:38
KNUBBIGAcriax: try booting into classic ubuntu and reset everything to default in the compizconfig-settings-manager23:38
truepurpleActionParsnip: So how do I use it to take me to said files?23:38
NickUK` I'm currently having an issue when booting into my Ubuntu 11.04 USB - The screen just goes all fuzzy like static but still static.23:38
AcriaxKNUBBIG good idea23:38
bobopolosI've been trying to bridge wlan0 and eth0, i follow steps found, ifconfig, route -n, and brctl show display reasonable results, but i cant ping anything on the eth0 side of the bridge. any advice? should i temporarily disable "network manager" or some other service that may be interfering?23:38
ActionParsniptruepurple: do you want to know what files are in a package?23:38
daniel_woul anyone know why my internet isnt working it worked before i updated and it isnt evan showing the led wifi light on evan if i toggle fn + F2 i looked at available drivers and it says the wirless one is being used idk how that it since i dont have wifi23:38
ForeverDrunkHow come there is no curl php5 package?23:38
Kevin`klunky999: yes when at the grub menu23:38
AaeRohnRockj: it says: device `brother3:bus7;dev1' is a Brother MFC-6490CW USB scanner23:38
jdsbluedevlhi, just installed Natty, noticing that the Unity desktop is not functional at all23:39
joepais it possible to remove the mail icon in the natty/unity system tray?23:39
truepurpleActionParsnip: No, I want to locate tomboy notes since its missing from my panel, and missing as a option to add to my panel23:39
jdsbluedevlit flashes my icons for a second, then goes blank23:39
ActionParsniptruepurple: then run:  which tomboy23:39
igitihihi there! I'm trying to restore my mbr (dual boot with xp). Can anybody help please?23:40
coolkid25aj00200: but i will lose all of my data! cant i just do a command in the terminal to see what is wrong?23:40
Cream2011Anyone know why, for some reason, the installation of ubuntu Netbook 10.10 Rmx wont complete for me? I've tried using it from a pen drive and from an external HD, both arent allowing me to complete installation at the same point.23:40
truepurpleActionParsnip: Do what now?23:40
bizerklurkerEvery time I login, I get the same default icons despite removing them and adding new ones ( by right-clicking on apps like skype and pressing "keep in launcher.") I hope I have explained my problem thoroughly - I am a ubuntun00b. Is this just a bug, is it fixable, or am I missing something here?23:40
RockjAaeRohn: try   scanimage -x 100 -y 100 --format=tiff >image.tiff23:40
aj00200coolkid25: sorry, I am not familiar with the terminal. Maybe try using a live CD to copy your files to an external source or even Ubuntu One if you have enough space on it and then restore them after a resinstall23:40
timholumhello, does anyone know of a way to change how the search menu operates in 11.04? I would like it where if I type \\ it smb connects to
RockjAaeRohn: just checking if it's able to scan anything.23:40
ActionParsniptruepurple: run the command in terminal and it will tell you what binary is ran when you run tomboy23:41
truepurpleActionParsnip: What command?23:41
ActionParsniptruepurple: the command is:  which tomboy23:41
dibsI can't get past setting new software channels when trying to upgrade to natty. Help??23:41
ohsixtimholum: did you try smb:// ?23:41
coolkid25ActionParsnip: Can you help me with the GRUB terminal?23:41
AaeRohnRockj: scanimage: open of device brother3:bus7;dev1 failed: Invalid argument23:41
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:41
dark-matterI updated to 11.04 and my nvidia driver on my dell d630 won't work.  I can get command line, but no GUI23:42
dark-matteranyone have ideas?23:42
ActionParsnipdibs: can you give the output of: sudo do-release-upgrade23:42
truepurpleActionParsnip: All it says is "/usr/bin/tomboy"23:42
jdsbluedevlanyone else have problems with the Unity desktop?23:42
_jamso, the intel wireless N bug that affected maverick and claims to be fixed is not fixed23:42
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:42
Calydark-matter: welcome to my world...23:42
timholumohsix: yup, it opens firefox to http://smb://
Calysame here23:42
ActionParsnipdark-matter: uninstall the nvidia driver, boot then reinstall the driver then reboot23:42
dark-matterCaly: NOO!!!!!23:42
dibsActionParsnip: will try thanks23:42
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:43
stravantI upgraded and in the new UI none of my windows have menus. Like, the menu underneath the window title in the window frame, what's that menu called? I'm looking for a solution but I don't know what it's called.23:43
ActionParsniptruepurple: then thats the binary, is that not what you wanted?23:43
dark-matterActionParsnip: ok23:43
ohsixtimholum: nice; haha, well i don't have much to add sorry, that format uri would work in nautilus23:43
dark-matterCaly: did that work?23:43
truepurpleActionParsnip: The binary?23:43
lollabhello, I have HP elitebook 8440p and I would like to enable fingerpint scanner for sudo privlige, any help?23:43
dark-matterCaly: what ActionParsnip suggested23:43
Calyi'm here on my other computer running Trisquel to get help with that same problem23:43
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:43
truepurpleActionParsnip: What do you mean by binary?23:43
Calydark-matter: not so far23:43
daniel_hello i cannot get my wifi to work for the life of me i push fn +f2 wont turn it on i hceck avaiable drivers shows that my wifi card is in use (evan htough i have no wifi) and i went to and made sure i had all the broadcom packages installed but still no luck in getting it to work evan though it worked before i updated23:43
coolkid25Can somebody help me fix Ubuntu? It won't boot right, when I select it in the boot menu, all I get is some kind of GRUB terminal.23:43
relikwhen i try to do "ls *.mpg" i get this error message: ls: invalid option -- ' '23:43
timholumohsix: ya, I am assuming the program to search is written in python, I just have to find where to write a patch23:43
ActionParsniptruepurple: yes the binary is the actual file executed when you run the command23:43
relikany idea what causes this?23:44
workhi, how disable touch screen in ubuntu 11.04?23:44
coolkid25ActionParsnip: Can you please help me? I heard you are the best.23:44
RockjAaeRohn: checking stuff here, trying to figure out how to communicate with my scanner on the commmand line.23:44
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: hardly23:44
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:44
coolkid25The best, and humble.23:45
relikwhy does ls *.avi works but ls *.mpg does not on Ubuntu?23:45
tully-bizerklurker, change the default settings23:45
KNUBBIGAcriax: if you're still having troubles, try http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html23:45
workhi, how disable touch screen in ubuntu 11.04?23:45
ActionParsniprelik: check case23:45
xanguarelik: installed codecs¿23:45
xanguawork: don't touch the screen¿23:45
kwtmrelik: What does "ls *.mpg" do on your system, and what do you expect it to do?23:45
aj00200relik: you might want to check that your files are not called *.MPG (note the case) or *.mpeg23:45
relikkwtm: show me files with mpg23:45
relikaj00200: i get an error message when i do ls *.mpg23:46
kwtmrelik: Ahh, I see your line from above.  Almost missed it.23:46
relikthats the problem23:46
AcriaxKNUBBIG okay, I will try that next. Resetting the compiz settings didn't help23:46
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: if you boot to livecd, chroot to the installed OS and manipulate grub23:46
lollabI forgot to say, fprint does't see any device,23:46
Cream2011I cant complete installation from my usb drive :(23:46
ojiihi everyone23:46
RockjAaeRohn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601034/23:46
kwtmrelik: Okay, you should not type  "ls - "23:46
truepurpleActionParsnip: Does ubuntu not have a built in feature for finding a file on either ones hard drive, or the page they are lookng at?23:46
coolkid25ActionParsnip: Where do I get a live CD?23:46
relikkwtm: i know23:46
ActionParsniprelik: try:   ls | grep -i ".mpg"   ,ay work23:46
xanguacoolkid25: ubuntu.com23:46
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:46
relikjust ls *.mpg causes problems23:46
ojiifor some reason the interface language in my login screen is in japanese, but after I login everything is in English (as it should be), how can I change/fix the language in my login screen?23:46
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: its the CD you installed with23:46
workhow disable touchscreen in ubuntu 11.04, is not wacom now?23:47
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:47
kwtmrelik: However, if one of your files is named "- something.mpg", then   ls *.mpg   will turn into   ls -   something.mpg  which will generate that error.23:47
ActionParsniptruepurple: there are search apps. I'm unclear as to what you are after23:47
coz_work,   wacom drivers are installed23:47
coolkid25ActionParsnip: I installed 10.10 via ubuntu update manger23:47
coz_work,  I dont have touch screen to see if it is wacom driving that23:47
ActionParsnipwork: if you unload the module driving it, it will cease to work23:47
kwtmrelik: Type this instead:    find -name '*.mpg'     (don't forget those single quotes) and see if you have any funny filenames.23:48
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:48
BrixSathow do i install a prism isl3886 pci card on ubuntu?23:48
arianitanyone having their GDM randomly restarting on Natty with Unity23:48
truepurpleActionParsnip: Something like windows search command, and/or like a browsers or text files find a particular word on this page command.23:48
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: then download the ISO, MD5 test it then make a bootable USB or burn it to CD23:48
igitihiIs anybody able to help me restore my grub menu? I can't boot into Ubuntu anymore... Please, it's urgent!23:48
bizerklurkerthe question to answer ratio 10 : 123:48
coz_bizerklurker,  are you right clicking an application icon when it appears in the launcher and  choosing to keep it in launcher?23:48
coolkid25after i burn it what do i do ActionParsnip ?23:48
ActionParsniptruepurple: there are search apps like beagle23:48
bizerklurkercoz, yes23:48
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: boot to it23:48
truepurpleActionParsnip: Built into ubuntu?23:49
demlasjrrelated with the black screen...same problem even with the last driver :|23:49
ActionParsnip!info beagle | truepurple23:49
ubottutruepurple: Package beagle does not exist in natty23:49
relikmaybe its a feature but i consider that a bug23:49
coz_bizerklurker,   mm  that's odd, it should hold on to them... I am not on natty right now so I cant test23:49
coolkid25how would i do that ActionParsnip23:49
KNUBBIGman so many ppas with no natty versions, kinda annoying on apt-get update :)23:49
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: boot to the cd you burn23:49
kwtmrelik: For example, if someone decided to name a file "- This is such a great movie -".mpg  then you will have problems if you do not know enough about bash.23:49
truepurpleActionParsnip: Doesn't ubuntu come with any of its own search functions?23:49
coolkid25but how? :x23:49
bizerklurkercoz_, okay. thank you.23:49
relikkwtm: how can you wor around it?23:49
coolkid25ActionParsnip: In the settings of the computer?23:50
ActionParsniptruepurple: I believe nautilus has one.I always use the find command in CLI23:50
lightstepi installed ubuntu 11.04, and i want to use a chat program other than empathy23:50
daniel_hello i cannot get my wifi to work for the life of me i push fn +f2 wont turn it on i hceck avaiable drivers shows that my wifi card is in use (evan htough i have no wifi) and i went to and made sure i had all the broadcom packages installed but still no luck in getting it to work evan though it worked before i updated23:50
coz_KNUBBIG,   I use  y-ppa-manager  it is helpful it only looks for ppas for the running ubuntu version23:50
kwtmrelik: Well, you start with that find command I told you about.  What result did you get?23:50
lightstepis there a way to change the chat program in unity?23:50
relikkwtm: it works23:50
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: how do you mean?23:50
AaeRohnRockj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601035/23:50
relikbut it does not work for vlc23:50
truepurpleActionParsnip: Where is it then?23:50
relikvlc .mpg23:50
KNUBBIGcoz_: oh I have that installed too, but didn't know it had that function. Thanks!23:50
lightstepthe one run when clicking "chat" on the letter-image menu?23:50
workwhat name drive touchscreen in 11.04?23:50
daniel_hello i cannot get my wifi to work for the life of me i push fn +f2 wont turn it on i hceck avaiable drivers shows that my wifi card is in use (evan htough i have no wifi) and i went to and made sure i had all the broadcom packages installed but still no luck in getting it to work evan though it worked before i updated23:50
kwtmrelik: <sigh> I know it works.  What does it say?  Are there any filenames that start with "-" or some other unexpected character?23:50
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:50
relikkwtm: yes23:50
kill3Hmmm. What should I do when kernel panic. Im trying to install 11.04?23:50
mdmkolbeIn Unity the panel at the top (i.e. the thing holding the ubuntu button, the app menu and the indicators), keeps disappearing and leaving behind a black area of the screen whenever I start tweaking settings (e.g. in CCSM).  It remains that way until I restart.  Is there a better way than restarting the machine to get it back (e.g. restart or give a kick to some "panel" process)?23:51
ActionParsniptruepurple: in nautilus, little magnifying glass icon...23:51
Mahjonggshould I wait some more to upgrade to natty? production workstation here...23:51
relikthere are some movies with weird characters in them23:51
coz_mdmkolbe,   ok  did you try restarting x?23:51
workwhat name drive touchscreen in 11.04?23:51
daniel_hello i cannot get my wifi to work for the life of me i push fn +f2 wont turn it on i hceck avaiable drivers shows that my wifi card is in use (evan htough i have no wifi) and i went to and made sure i had all the broadcom packages installed but still no luck in getting it to work evan though it worked before i updated23:51
ActionParsnipMahjongg: I'd wait a while then, wait for the early bugs to be knockedout23:51
MahjonggActionParsnip, like around a month's time?23:51
RockjAaeRohn: scanimage -L  gives? mind pasting that line too? does it give you "brother3:bus7;dev1" as device?23:51
ActionParsnipwork: if you run:  lsmod     what is output, use a pastebin to host the text23:52
karthMahjongg: yeah, I'd give it a few weeks at the least23:52
kwtmrelik: Okay, please try   ls ./*.mpg    which is actually the correct way to list it.23:52
ActionParsnipMahjongg: sounds reasonable23:52
mdmkolbecoz_: no, but my guess is that log out and back in will also fix it.  I'd just like to avoid having to stop and restart all my apps.23:52
truepurpleActionParsnip: Ok thanks, on to my next subject, getting a good ATI driver for my 6850, can you help?23:52
RockjAaeRohn: try the same command again but put the brother3:bus7;dev1 in quotes like  "brother3:bus7;dev1" after -d argument.23:52
DimaVHello. I just did an upgrad from 10.10 server to 11.04, but i screwed up grub/booting in the process. i have LVM on the system. can i get help restoring the boot? i have a live cd on hand.23:52
bizerklurkerhow do I get my launcher icons to stop reverting to default upon every login in unity?23:52
Calydark-matter: yo, i got a half-solution at least...23:52
kwtmrelik: Another way is   ls -- *mpg   for those who don't like the  ./*mpg23:52
ActionParsniptruepurple: check the hardware app. I don't use ati chips23:52
dark-matterCaly: what did you do?23:52
reliki'll try23:53
Calydark-matter: hold shift at boot, choos earlier linux version23:53
coz_mdmkolbe,   well if you restart x properly  with     ctrl+alt+F1,,, log in ,, then   sudo restart gdm    ,,, that would be the best way because it shuts down gnome  and apps properly23:53
dark-mattergood suggestion23:53
truepurpleActionParsnip: I don't know what you mean by "check the hardware app"23:53
coolkid25ActionParsnip: What would I do to boot to the CD? Just turn on my pc to it? Also, would I have to reinstall and lose all my data?23:53
BrixSatow do i install a prism isl3886 pci card on ubuntu?23:53
kwtmrelik: By the way, this is expected behaviour in bash.  While the novice may not expect it, it hardly counts as a bug.  Quite a number of things in bash would break if this were not the behaviour.23:53
=== SudoGhost-Away is now known as SudoGhost
workhow uninstall drive touchscreen in 11.04?23:53
Calydark-matter: now it boots to GUI at least...23:53
howardQuestion about upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04: I have a 10.10 system, ran update manager and pressed the Upgrade button.  It gives me the Release Notes, and when I hit Upgrade again, it waits for a couple of seconds and then droppped me back to Update Manager.  My other laptop upgraded just fine.23:53
MahjonggActionParsnip, actually I recently upgraded to maverick from LTS, and I am punching the walls that I made that decision. LTS was perfect... Now I am having sleep probelms... Would natty be better with respect to sleep wake up stuff?23:53
coz_work,   I dont know,, exactly,,, it should be wacom but I am not sure23:53
ActionParsniptruepurple: in system -> administration. Instead of asking almost immediately, try a little research so you find out maybe for yourself.You will be moreautonomous23:53
coz_if it is not wacom we are in trouble :)23:54
lollabanybody get this finger print scanner works on ubuntu ? HP 8440p Elitebook23:54
karthhoward: had the same thing on a couple of boxes, retried 5-10 times, finally worked. the servers are pretty heavily loaded. :)23:54
kwtmrelik: If it really bothers you, you can rename the files.  So you could say    mv "- this movie has a weird name -.mpg"  "Name_without_weird_characters.mpg"23:54
ActionParsnipMahjongg: you fixed what wasn't broken. On production systems I would always use the LTS23:54
daniel_hello i cannot get my wifi to work for the life of me i push fn +f2 wont turn it on i hceck avaiable drivers shows that my wifi card is in use (evan htough i have no wifi) and i went to and made sure i had all the broadcom packages installed but still no luck in getting it to work evan though it worked before i updated23:54
coolkid25ActionParsnip: The terminal says that no kernel is loaded, is there a command to fix thaf?23:54
howardkarth: was there any diagnostic messages I can see?23:54
RockjAaeRohn: you had this scanner working earlier did you? What version of ubuntu did you run then?23:54
coz_DimaV,   I didnt see your post to respond  sorry23:54
ActionParsnipcoolkid25: you need the livecd which is what I was telling you before, remember23:54
workhow uninstall drive touchscreen in 11.04?23:54
MahjonggActionParsnip, I see. I'll probably go and install LTS again23:55
dark-matterwahoo failsafe graphics mode!!!23:55
DimaVcoz_, I just did an upgrad from 10.10 server to 11.04, but i screwed up grub/booting in the process. i have LVM on the system. can i get help restoring the boot? i have a live cd on hand.23:55
coz_DimaV,  ah ok  hold on23:55
relikthat solved the problem23:55
truepurpleActionParsnip: I have already done a bunch of research on this subject and what about system-> administration?23:55
kwtmrelik: Now you know that ls * is wrong. :)23:55
demlasjrhey guys, related with the black screen: http://www.mailrepository.com/ubuntu-bugs.lists.ubuntu.com/msg/3662666/23:55
aguitelanyone try gnome3 in natty ?23:55
workhow uninstall drive touchscreen in 11.04?23:55
demlasjris this solved or how much take to fix it....23:56
bizerklurkerCan someone please answer my question?: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/15487523:56
coolkid25alright thanks ActionParsnip :D23:56
demlasjror I need to go back to 10.1023:56
coz_DimaV, ooo the page I wanted to link you to is down ,, hold on23:56
benccwhat package do I need to run a jar file on natty? I thought that libreoffice already require jre23:56
ActionParsniptruepurple: sure but now you have new information23:56
DimaVcoz_: holding on23:56
AaeRohnrockj: I didnt have Ubuntu before, my Win XP crashed and I had no disc, and no money... so I got Ubuntu and upgraded as much as I could...23:56
truepurpleActionParsnip: What new info?23:56
coz_DimaV,  go to the #grub channel    they may have another link for reinstalling grub23:56
ActionParsnipbencc: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/23:56
KNUBBIGbencc: either openjdk-jre or sun-java6-jre23:56
KNUBBIG!java > bencc23:56
ubottubencc, please see my private message23:56
* DimaV goes23:56
workhow uninstall drive touchscreen in 11.04?23:57
Calydark-matter: did you get the seme popup as me then? GConf error: Failed to contact configuratio server...23:57
ActionParsniptruepurple: about the hardware driver app:  23:53:56) ActionParsnip: truepurple: in system -> administration23:57
christhecoolboyI need Ubuntu help, since I have switched to Ubuntu 11.04, My Microphone no longer works...23:57
AaeRohnrockj: WinXP crashed and burned*23:57
xangua!java | bencc23:57
ubottubencc: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:57
karthhoward: not really, sometimes it flashed up a note about not being able to contact the server, other times, nothing.23:57
ActionParsnipwork: if you can give the output of the command I gave, I can advise23:57
tomatobroshey guys i just install 11.04 and i want to know is  "fglrx" in repo have tear free or i have to install from amd.com ?23:57
demlasjrany solution for this bug ? http://www.mailrepository.com/ubuntu-bugs.lists.ubuntu.com/msg/3662666/   BLACK SCREEN23:58
RockjAaeRohn:  I see. Anyway, Ubuntu is a good choice anyway so lets see if we can figure this out ;-)23:58
coz_work,   open a termina.  type   gpoint-device-settings23:58
coz_work,   I believe there is a setting for  "touchfreeze" in there23:58
dark-matterCaly: Not yet23:58
coz_brb   nature call :)23:58
dark-matterCaly: it is still loading23:58
truepurpleActionParsnip: What about system adminstration?23:58
AaeRohnRockj: I'll be back, I have to run something around the block23:58
zero_If I wana run perl script as service . how to do it ? I mean I have a vps which runs ubuntu server and I want to run a perl script without stoping even tho I exit from the terminal session23:58
KNUBBIGtomatobros: you should enable the proprietary drivers in the hardware admin section and then it should download it without you requiring to get it from amd.com but23:59
RockjAaeRohn: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/brother-mfc-240c-intermittent-scanning-issue-632801/   , looks like someone else have had this invalid argument thing popping up on your type of scanners. Try turn your scanner off and on again and see if it gives a better result.23:59
KNUBBIG!ati > tomatobros23:59
ubottutomatobros, please see my private message23:59
ActionParsniptruepurple: in that menu there is an application to install 3rd party drivers23:59
dark-matterIt is frozen loading at: Checking Battery State23:59
Cream2011Anyone know why I cant complete installation for 10.10 on my Netbook?23:59
ojiifor some reason the interface language in my login screen is in japanese, but after I login everything is in English (as it should be), how can I change/fix the language in my login screen?23:59
tripelbhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-vHrS4s14Q  Feels good to admit it.23:59
christhecoolboySince I have updated to 11.04, my Microphone no longer works... How could I fix this?!23:59
howardkarth: thanks for the info.  I'm glad that I am not the only one.23:59
dark-matterbut i can do alt+f1 to get to a prompt23:59
workWhat command ActionParsnip?23:59
bizerklurkercan someone please answer my question https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/15487523:59
tomatobrosKNUBBIG,  thx23:59
Calydark-matter: mkay, you said failsafe? i choose to "boot woth earlier linux version"23:59

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