
* darkmatter continues to randomly poke the hornets nest for poor vish. lol ;p00:35
darkmatterat least it's keeping me distracted from getting all nerved up :D00:35
darkmattercoz_: vish: hold my hand at the doctors office on tuesday! lol00:41
coz_ok dude  I would if I were there00:42
darkmatterjust kidding. won't need it. just a routine checkup. found a small, previously not present, unidentified skin lesion earlier today.probably nothing, but doing my usual and getting it checked out anyway00:44
coz_darkmatter,   are you sure this will be ok??00:51
darkmattercoz_: "hoping". most lesions aren't malignancies, but, because of my prior condition, have increased chance of said issues, so playing it extra safe.00:54
darkmatterI try not to worry about such things. gets me a little anxious. but whatever.00:54
darkmatterworrying won't make it one or the other. It would just drive me crazy. lol00:54
coz_darkmatter,  well I am even more worried now ,, my sister died a 10 days ago from pancreatic cancer,, they found it and 2 weeks later she was gone00:55
coz_screenshot of natty    http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot-I6w8QYT8.1304121342.png00:56
darkmattercoz_: little spot. just under my wasteline. so hopefully nothing bad *shrug* it could just be a mole. those popup sometimes. but since some moles aren't visually distinguishable from melanoma and such > dr. appointment.00:58
darkmatterprobably nothing. but I'n really obsessive about such things, and thats not a bad thing00:58
* darkmatter looks00:58
coz_ok cool ,, you know your body  better than anyone00:58
darkmattercoz_: nice. not really a unity fan. but nice desktop :)00:59
coz_darkmatter,  its ok ,, put the launcher in to autohide and use one of my cairo dock themes in its place01:00
coz_darkmatter,  way nicer that way :)01:02
darkmattercoz_: I believe: even in alpha. all the buzz on the net about natty was "howUkil2LuncharKrap?' ;p01:04
coz_darkmatter,  it was and still is,.,  it does boot like lighting though ,, although as usual,, the developers all have laptops and they have been removing an essential kernel thingie to detec my scsi drives on boot01:04
coz_damn them to hell   lol01:05
darkmattercoz_: last kernel update puts my monitor to sleep halfway through boot in F15. lol01:06
darkmatterso it gets to nap befor gdm01:06
coz_damn developers  ,, seriously... leave things that work alone01:06
darkmattercoz_: but it's beta, so an acceptable tradeoff, as long as they FIX it01:06
coz_darkmatter,  an it fedora  so unlikely it will stay broken01:07
darkmatterthey tend to fix bugs. daily. even long after a stable release01:07
darkmatterthats one think I like about them. busy beavers01:07
coz_darkmatter,  I may try out fedora again,, I like the phylosophy they have ,, and they tend to be ahead of the game and moreexperimental especially with video stuff01:10
darkmatterwell.. I'm going to break for a bit. watch some tv01:11
coz_ok guy  rest up done worry01:11
=== FLOZz_ is now known as FLOZz

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