
YoBoYgood morning14:16
minimalseekerI am trying to do a minimal install of natty from the alternate cd and I have some questions18:17
minimalseekerI am having a couple issues: a) my ethernet is not being recognized during boot and install. It is a JMicron MC250 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 05) and the driver is here -> jme- at ftp://driver.jmicron.com.tw/Ethernet/Linux/18:24
minimalseekerb) If I ignore this error and go through with the command line install using the alternate cd, the base system installs and then a whole sequence on "select and install software" runs as well. If it is a minimal installation, I dont understand why this second part should run in a command line install.18:25
minimalseekerc) After the whole installation completes, and the system reboots, I am greeted with a blank turned off screen. I googled to find that the blank screen is a result of a conflict with the ATI driver. http://byedesigns.com/2011/04/01/ubuntu-10-10-blank-screen-after-install-solved/18:27
nigelbminimalseeker: you should try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners they are both support channels. while this channel is for loco team coordination18:28
minimalseekeroh! sorry...18:28
minimalseekerI will logout now.18:28
minimalseekerthanks for letting me know.18:29
nigelbNo no, just ask in the other channel18:29
minimalseekerthanks, I will join the other channels. 18:29
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