
kaushalMy Server Disk space is 100 % Full, whats the easiest way to find out which directory has consumed space ?00:46
kaushalI do cd / and du -hsc *00:46
pmatuliskaushal: and?01:16
kaushalpmatulis: it doesnot exit01:19
kaushalpmatulis: Any better suggestion ?01:23
SinnerNyxTrying to disable screen blanking in ubuntu server 11.0401:24
pmatuliskaushal: try again - sudo du -sh /*01:31
pmatulisSinnerNyx: screen blanking?  is that like cow tipping?01:31
SinnerNyxpmatulis: no01:32
kaushalpmatulis: ok01:32
SinnerNyxpmatulis: its that thing where the screen turns black after 5 minutes or so of inactivity01:32
SinnerNyxpmatulis: dunno if thats the official term but google turned that up a few times01:33
pmatulisSinnerNyx: purely a natty phenomenon?01:33
SinnerNyxpmatulis: Not at all. I figured out how to fix this in 10.10, but I don't remember exactly where. Now I'm doing a clean install and it happens again, so I'm trying to fix it01:34
SinnerNyxpmatulis: Actually I think I solved it :S. Only issue is where can I place a 'setterm' command on system start up, instead of on login?01:35
pmatulisSinnerNyx: upstart job i would imagine01:36
SinnerNyxpmatulis: sorry.. still a newb. How would I do that?01:36
SinnerNyxpmatulis: I just did 'man upstart'01:37
SinnerNyxpmatulis: lemme try to figure this out, and I'll get back to you if I need help01:38
pmatulisSinnerNyx: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/8056/disable-screen-blanking-on-text-console ?01:44
SinnerNyxpmatulis: hmm ok so I have no boot.local...02:11
SinnerNyxpmatulis: as to upstart, what 'start on' statement would I want?02:11
binaryhatim using a static ip on my server does not auto reconnect when my router goes off/on03:09
binaryhatpower failure03:09
Macergood evening03:19
uvirtbot`New bug: #773786 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.23-6ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77378603:26
Macerironically enough i was going to install openldap03:43
ScottKIt probably doesn't to that in all cases.03:44
Macerwell. i am not going to try til tuesday03:46
Macerwant to try setting up ldap and kerberos03:46
Macerto make a user/grp authentication server03:46
Macerso i dont have to add the same users and groups to 3 boxes03:47
Maceri remember trying to do it a couple years back and almost having a stroke03:49
Macerbut might as well try it again :)03:49
=== shirgall is now known as Guest22577
SinnerNyxis shirgall still here?04:30
SinnerNyxGuest22577: are you still here?04:31
Guest22577SinnerNyx: I'm here, why do you ask?04:33
SinnerNyxGuest22577: This is going to sound really strange.. but are you in Israel?04:33
Guest22577SinnerNyx: no, Portland OR04:33
SinnerNyxGuest22577: lol, sorry, it's just my sister's name is Shirley Gall. Curiousity got to me04:34
SinnerNyxsorry my bad. have a good one04:34
=== Guest22577 is now known as shirgall
quentusrexAnyone aware of an issue with 11.04 and kvm bridged networking?05:49
talntidfor what its worth, it works on mine, using Xen05:49
quentusrexI've run into two rather big issues with 11.0405:50
quentusrexCan't install the ati fglrx driver, and kvm networking isnt' working05:50
quentusrextalntid, it seems that only ipv4 isn't coming up.05:56
quentusrexAnyone know what would cause a KVM guest to only bring up the ipv6 address? and ipv4 not come up.06:03
uvirtbot`New bug: #773869 in apache2 (main) "package apache2-mpm-prefork 2.2.17-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: vereistenproblemen - blijft ongeconfigureerd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77386907:12
uvirtbot`New bug: #773872 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77387207:12
uvirtbot`New bug: #773891 in libaio (main) "package libaio-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/libaio.h', which is also in package libaio:i386 0.3.104-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77389108:01
=== southord is now known as d0s
uvirtbot`New bug: #773984 in nmap (main) "package nmap 5.21-1~build1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77398410:56
Moobyfr_I'm looking to have some synchronious start , espcially for the NFS part which seems to be up before the network is ready12:10
Moobyfr_(I get "svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97" in the logs)12:22
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
uvirtbot`New bug: #774046 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77404613:02
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
Maceranybody here use racist routing?13:57
Macerneed a howto.. been looking but most guides are old13:58
zcothi all. good place for a discussion about home development server for LAMP/FTP?14:13
zcotI have permission probs with apache there and ftp over there and then /home/zcot/ ? How I can use ftp for the apache clan website files?14:19
alainganyone know where i can ask for some ms windows help? I'm having problems with ftping files bac kfrom my ubuntu server to my windows 7 machine. I reckon its a permissions problem on windows 7 as my other xp machine works fine.14:31
alainganyone know where i can ask for some ms windows help? I'm having problems with ftping files bac kfrom my ubuntu server to my windows 7 machine. I reckon its a permissions problem on windows 7 as my other xp machine works fine.14:38
uvirtbot`New bug: #774114 in postfix (main) "Ubuntu 11.04 postfix cannot perform rDNS queries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77411414:41
serge_hm, installed a fresh postfix instance on lucid, and /var/mail and its contents were owned by group 'man', not mail (so mutt_dotlock failed)15:10
serge_i guess i'll try to reliably reproduce on monday...15:10
sorenkirkland: Oh, that.15:43
sorenkirkland: Um.. Let me just read your blueprint real quick.15:44
sorenOh, no blueprint.15:45
sorenkirkland: Well, at the session at the maverick UDS (wow, has it been that long) we sort of decided it would be at least an interesting experiment. I was going to have a way to tell dpkg to use something other than its internal conffile handling for a particular conffile.15:47
sorenkirkland: That "something" could be ucf, puppet, chef, or /bin/true or whatever you want.15:47
sorenkirkland: mvo was there and he though it sounded like a fine idea. I just never really got around to actually implementing it.15:48
Davieysoren: did you document the session outcome anywhere?15:49
sorenDaviey: I suppose it's possible.15:50
Davieysoren: UDS Maverick was Belgium, right?15:50
sorenDaviey: Yup.15:50
sorenIt's at least as possible that I left the notes in Gobby and never got around to putting them elsewhere. Belgium has a lot of strong beer, you know.15:51
Davieysoren: I know too well. :(15:51
sorenThere should be a big warning label on the country.15:51
Davieysoren: If you come across some notes, can you shout about them please? :)15:52
Davieysoren: There should be a big warning label... if country-has-srong beer and soren == within 5 meters: get-too-drunk()15:53
sorenDaviey: I could probably reconstruct the gist of it from memory.15:53
sorenIn spite of the deceptively strong beer.15:53
Davieysoren: FOSDEM hurt me.15:53
sorenDaviey: I hear you. I never thought I could feel that bad for that long.15:54
nealmcbserge_: Bug #141346 in Ubuntu: “/var/mail/{name} wrong permissions” https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/14134615:56
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 141346 in ubuntu "/var/mail/{name} wrong permissions" [Low,New]15:56
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 141346 in ubuntu "/var/mail/{name} wrong permissions" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14134615:56
nealmcbI also had the locate executable with group "avahi": -rwxr-sr-x 1 root avahi 35432 2010-03-24 06:35 /usr/bin/mlocate15:57
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 281471 in mlocate "Unable to use 'locate' to locate files mlocate.db permission denied" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:58
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
ruben23hi guys anyone have experiecn setting up a VM guest server on a ubuntu server host using KVM..16:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #774214 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77421416:52
RoyKruben23: sure, what your problem?16:55
ruben23 RoyK: i created VM guest- no success on assigning bridges and my guest i can reach it from my host16:57
RoyKhave you setup bridging in /etc/network/interfaces ?16:57
ruben23RoyK: i dot know if its correct or not- i want to start from the first step16:58
RoyKpastebin the output of 'ifconfig'16:58
ruben23how do i do bridge on the interface- i got one ethernet card only16:58
RoyKruben23: you create a bridge, typically br0, that bridges traffic from VMs to your physical nic, typically eth016:59
RoyKlooks right17:02
ruben23ok whast next..? step..17:04
RoyKpastebin ifconfig output17:04
ruben23ok just a minute17:05
ruben23 RoyK:--->http://pastebin.com/zfq5NEaj17:11
RoyKlooks good as well17:14
RoyKruben23: how did you try to make the vm?17:14
ruben23im following this, but i want to start aghain back, becasue its pretty missed up---> http://www.howtoforge.com/virtualization-with-kvm-on-ubuntu-10.1017:15
RoyKruben23: do you have X on the server or X on the client?17:16
RoyKif so, using virt-manager may be easier17:17
ruben23how do i check it..?17:17
RoyKwhat sort of client are you using?17:17
ruben23im using host ubuntu server 10.10 - terminal only no gui17:17
RoyKis client windows?17:17
ruben23RoyK: client means..?17:18
ruben23the VM guest..?17:18
RoyKno, your pc17:18
ruben23im using windows 7 im ssh to my host server ubuntu-server 10.1017:18
RoyKtry installing xming on windows, and you should be able to run remote X sessions17:19
RoyKthat way, you can use the virt-manager gui, which is trivial17:19
ruben23ok ill do it now just a second17:20
ruben23RoyK: done installing xming17:22
uvirtbot`New bug: #774242 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77424217:26
RoyKruben23: with xming in place, you should be able to configure putty to forward X11 traffic, and that way, you should be able to run X11 apps on the server and get the GUI on your desktop17:27
RoyKor PC if you like17:27
ruben23ok how would that be done17:28
ruben23ill google17:28
serge_nealmcb: thanks17:29
nealmcbserge_: :)17:29
serge_nealmcb: i'd best store that bug#, maybe i'll take it on monday17:29
serge_nealmcb: unless you know what the prob is17:29
nealmcbnope - a mystery17:29
nealmcbbut if you can confirm it that would help17:30
serge_will do17:30
ruben23 RoyK: any link idea on making ssh froward X11..? to the ubuntu server17:31
RoyKruben23: it's the other way around - putty uses ssh to open for forwarding X11 to your PC, where xming is the "x server". Whatever X11 app you start on the server, will make the app connect to your X11 server (xming)17:33
RoyKgoogle "xming putty"17:33
ruben23ok i see it i just need to enable X11..17:36
RoyKon the server, you'll need to install virt-manager17:37
RoyKthat'll probably include a shitload of X libs, but that won't hurt unless you have a microscopic root partition17:38
ruben23yes done install virt-manager now17:41
RoyKhm... wierd - I just ran an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and after rebooting and logging in, it still tells me 14 packages can be updated17:41
ruben23 RoyK: next point i should do..?17:44
RoyKwhen virt-manager is installed, try to run it17:44
RoyKsudo virt-manager17:44
RoyKas your user17:44
RoyKif you su to root first, the DISPLAY variable is lost, and no X will work17:44
ruben23done running17:47
RoyKit came up?17:48
ruben23what should happend..? i run it whihc im using putty-ssh to my server17:48
RoyKas you can see, virt-manager is running in the front17:52
RoyKto check if X11 works, run something like xeyes17:52
RoyKor xterm...17:53
ruben23RoyK: so it sok i run this viret-manager - im currently ssh on the server-im not locally on its creen17:57
RoyKruben23: so am I - that 'lamia' box is 50km from here17:58
RoyKruben23: did you get X11 working18:06
ruben23 RoyK: im downloading the iso of ubuntu server for my guest vm then if done ill run the virt-manager18:07
RoyKtry virt-manager now18:08
RoyKjust test if  it runs and shows up on your PC18:08
ruben23RoyK:  i see errors--------------------->http://pastebin.com/ekTXuYyY18:15
RoyKruben23: echo $DISPLAY18:15
ruben23just blank screen respond18:15
ruben23when i run that18:16
ruben23illl run virt-manager again.>?18:16
RoyKthen I guess the putty config is bad18:16
RoyKruben23: if DISPLAY isn't set, it's usually the ssh client not doing its things correctly18:17
ruben23RoyK:  i have tried again and the menu i see on you screenshot18:19
ruben23i see it now18:20
ruben23whast should i dot next18:20
RoyKso you have virt-manager on screen?18:20
ruben23yes it is18:20
RoyKconnect to localhost18:20
RoyKthat'd be the kvm server18:20
RoyKafter that, you should be able to create a VM18:21
ruben23i will create Vm now..?18:21
ruben23i click on create vm, i see on the menu- erro- no active connetion18:22
RoyKdoes it look like that?18:22
RoyKdoubleclick localhost18:23
ruben23connection: what should i choose- local remote18:23
ruben23and its asking me for hostname18:23
RoyKor just choose local18:24
ruben23i got error unable to complet install-internal error exited while reading console char device redirected to18:37
ruben23/1/ open /dev/kvm: permission denied18:37
meltingwaxhow can i give a normal user access to /dev/video0?18:37
ruben23Royk: thats my error, what should i do now..?18:38
RoyKdid you get connected to qemu?18:38
qman__meltingwax, add the user to the 'video' group18:39
RoyKclick "new"18:40
ruben23i get conencted but when finished setting and create teh Vm that error appear, permission problem18:40
ruben23yes done18:40
ruben23i have click finished then that error appears18:40
RoyKwhat errors were those?18:40
ruben23Unable to complet install- internal error: Process exited while reading consiole: char device redirected to /dev/pts/1/open/dev/kvm: permission denied18:42
meltingwaxqman__: thanks18:42
RoyKruben23: did you start virt-manager with sudo?18:45
ruben23i guess the iso user is not permitted i will chown it now as root18:46
RoyKruben23: give me the output of 'ls -l /dev/pts/1/open/dev/kvm'18:48
RoyKI've never seen this error before, though18:48
RoyKruben23: on which ubuntu version are you?18:48
ruben23ubuntu -server 10.1018:50
ruben23i dont see any directory for 118:50
RoyKruben23: any particular reason you're on 10.10? most servers should be on LTS18:53
ruben23i get 2 permission denied error--> char device redirected to /dev/pts/1 open /dev/kvm: permission denied ---> qemu: could not open disk image /root/ubuntu server 10.10.iso : permission denied18:55
ruben23ubuntu server 10.10 is not supported yet..?18:55
RoyKit is supported18:56
RoyKbut for servers, using LTS releases is safer18:57
ruben23i cant proceed to permission denied casuing to stop18:57
RoyKlast LTS release was 10.0418:57
ruben23this is just fro testing18:57
ruben23i will do LTS for teh prodcution in time18:57
ruben23what could be possible casuing teh permission denied18:58
RoyKno idea, really - I'm using kvm on 10.04 and it just works18:58
RoyKpost a bug18:58
ruben23its workig now but so lagged i cant even move the cursor.. the screen freezing sometimes19:11
RoyKruben23: your pc ok, or is it just the connection?19:13
RoyKruben23: X11 uses a wee bit of bandwidth19:13
uvirtbot`New bug: #774314 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77431419:16
ruben23Royk: no more setting fro my bridge network..? in my guest or host like ipforward to maek it work..?19:19
ruben23becasue i worry my guest might not reach the WAn side again and become uncreachable19:21
uvirtbot`New bug: #774322 in sysstat (main) "Sync sysstat 10.0.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77432219:26
RoyKruben23: it should work well out of the box unless you have ufw configured19:30
RoyKuf you have ufw configured, you need some hacks to make it let traffic to/from the guests work19:30
RoyKruben23: how many IPs do you have?19:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #774333 in ocfs2-tools (main) "Sync ocfs2-tools 1.6.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77433319:32
ruben232 public IP19:34
MrMist1hdparm.conf seems to be skipped during boot. The spindown parameters isn't applied to the drives. Any ideas how to fix it?19:51
MrMist1I'm probably doing something wrong..19:51
RoyKruben23: did you get it running?20:32
Maceralright.. got my new cpus20:37
Macer$80 ebay ftw20:37
Macerwonder if an opteron 285 is even worth that much anymore :) .. meh... from 1.8x2x2 to 2.6x2x2 is a nice bump. 800 per core20:38
Macerprobably the fastest this server will ever see.. i don't think they made anything faster for socket 94020:38
ruben23RoyK: its still installing thew guest OS i will let you know when done20:44
Macerno amd-v on 285s20:50
Maceri think i missed it by one generation of core20:50
Macer:( ah well... let me install them and see if ebay is really what it is cracked up to be20:51
ruben23RoyK: you there..?21:20
* RoyK listens to Rage against the machine and won't behave too well21:32
RoyKruben23: did it work?21:37
ruben23 RoyK: stiil installing last part now21:37
ruben23how do i save image os i can copy and rebuild exactly a vm guest exact copy21:38
ruben23RoyK: why the install is taking so long..?21:42
Macerthink i have a bad dimm21:43
RoyKruben23: just copy the image21:44
RoyKit'll be in /var/lib/libvirt/images21:45
uvirtbot`New bug: #774415 in exim4 (main) "package exim4-config 4.71-3ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77441521:46
Macerevery time i put the dimm in the entire bank gets cut off21:49
ruben23RoyK:upon finished install how to remove the iso image that it wont boot on it..?21:50
ruben23still when the VM guest is restarted21:50
RoyKruben23: do it from virt-manager21:52
RoyKruben23: you can set boot priority from there21:52
ruben23RoyK: i just finshed installing the server when its rebooted i get disconnected21:53
RoyKcan you ping the guest? or find it with virt-manager?21:55
ruben23im on virt manager but- isee this error Error: VNC connection to hyperviosr host got refused or disconnected21:56
ruben23what that means..? i see the server on virt manager still running, but when i double click on the virtual server i got that error21:57
RoyKno idea - I just tested ssh'ing into my box and started virt-manager21:59
RoyKssh'ed from another box and started virt-manager again - works21:59
ruben23RoyK: i tried on the ssh shell- still i cant ping the ip of the guest VM..22:00
RoyKthat sucks22:00
ruben23RoyK: should i chnage the connection of the console..?22:04
ruben23this sucks i cant connect to my guest, and its running already22:07
Macerstupid ram22:08
Macersystem is only counting to 409622:09
Macerhalf the mem22:09
ruben23RoyK: the nic card for the bridges ther are choices e1000, rtlk, virtui- what is you settings..?22:09
quentusrexAnyone know how to install the ATI binary driver on a headless ubuntu server?22:13
quentusrexI keep running into issues with the driver not installing properly.22:14
quentusrexSuch as: Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly22:14
Macerssh to it22:17
jmarsdenquentusrex: Why would you need a commercial binary video driver on a headless machine?  Seems... unnecessary :)22:20
Macerhm... it picked back up22:21
Macerguess this is what memtest+ is for22:21
quentusrexjmarsden, I'm trying to use the server as an openCL computation node22:23
quentusrexand for the opencl 1.1 support you have to have the new binary driver.22:23
jmarsdenquentusrex: Ah, OK...22:23
quentusrexjmarsden, I'm working on a few GPU ports22:24
uvirtbot`New bug: #774452 in php5 (main) "php-pear: pecl install reports Call to undefined method PEAR::raiseErro()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77445222:37
ruben23RoyK:. you there23:22
uvirtbot`New bug: #774500 in postfix (main) "postfix build does not have documented support of sqlite" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77450023:41
RoyKruben23: back23:48
Macerwell. my ebay cpus worked23:53
ruben23 RoyK: i know the rason i cant ping becasue when i conenct to VM- it boots then freeze up during boot23:53
Macerrunning my ubuntu server 800x4 faster heh23:53
ruben23so its not totally boot up, i dont know why its not booting23:53
luigi_panacheHi all, I've upgraded my 10.10 headless server to a 11.04, and now it refuses to connect to the internet in any way. No amount of playing with ifconfig,ifup, etc. will get either ethernet interface up, and I can't seem to find any indication that something went wrong at boot time.23:56

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