
igitihipenguin42: What if I boot into a mini_Linux using this cd? Could you help me with the terminal commands?00:01
penguin42igitihi: No, if you can boot into your installed Ubuntu then I might be able to help00:01
igitihipenguin42: Unfortunately I can't. Thanks anyway!00:02
jacobwMez: have a look at 'incognito' by david eagleman00:04
igitihipenguin42: Hey, I managed to boot into Ubuntu!00:08
igitihipenguin42: How do I restore the grub now?00:08
penguin42igitihi: Try running update-grub and see if that manages it00:09
penguin42although I'm not sure that will actually reinstall it if needed00:09
jacobwupdate-grub will do that00:09
igitihilet's see...00:10
igitihihmmm... nope, I get an irrelevant grub menu which lists older ubuntu versions that simply don't exist anymore!00:11
igitihisince both OS are intact, is there a way to build a new grub menu so that I can use both?00:12
penguin42grub-install should do a basic install of grub, and I would have thought doing an update-grub after that should find your other OS00:14
igitihiHere's the problem: I can boot into ubuntu using the superGrub cd. When I boot form the hard disk, I get a boot menu that points to older versions of ubuntu than my current one and so I can't boot00:15
igitihiI think the mbr is messed up. Any ideas to get it right?00:16
jacobwif the mbr was messed up you wouldn't get to grub00:16
igitihibut I get to a wrong bersion of grub (apparently) that points to other versions of Ubuntu than the existing one00:17
penguin42igitihi: update-grub should update all that to be the ubuntu you have installed - that is assuming you've booted into the ubuntu installation you think you have00:18
igitihithat's what I did, I booted into 9.1000:19
igitihibut the menu I get when I boot from the hard disk points to 8.04!00:19
igitihiand doesn't work of course00:19
igitihiso, my ubuntu partition is there and works fine but I just can't boot into it normally00:20
gordhttp://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wsdatap/v3r8m1/index.jsp?topic=/xs40/convertingbetweenjsonandjsonx05.htm - haaaaaaaaaah hahaha - ibm is funny!00:33
zerosumgamekeep getting a fetch error when trying to upgrade, anyone else getting that error too?01:03
zerosumgame http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xulrunner-2.0/xulrunner-2.0-mozjs_2.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu1_i386.deb01:11
zerosumgameit says i dont have permission to access01:12
=== zerosumgame is now known as kaz
=== kaz is now known as kaz1
=== kaz1 is now known as kaz56
hamitrondamn it02:25
hamitroncat is been sick after eating slugs02:25
Azelphurhamitron: why did your cat eat slugs?02:35
hamitronI dunno02:35
hamitronit eats silver fish too02:35
Azelphuryou should probably talk to your cat about that. :p02:35
hamitronmy rail to volcano nearly done02:37
hamitronnot sure if to sleep or complete it :/02:37
Azelphurrail volcano?02:38
hamitronmy volcano in minecraft now has a train station in it02:39
Azelphurfun :D02:39
hamitronit is done and works02:55
hamitronnn o/02:56
=== Cepheus1 is now known as Cepheus
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] My Dream Ubuntu One Feature - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/04/30/my-dream-ubuntu-one-feature/04:14
knightwisemorning !06:17
knightwisehey GingerDog06:54
knightwisemorning to ya06:54
* MartijnVdS plays some spachechem07:04
dwatkinsGood morning folks09:02
jibadeehamorning dwatkins09:07
MooDoomorning all09:34
* MartijnVdS fills up the kettle09:42
MooDoomilk 2 please :)09:43
=== serial is now known as Guest64803
jonsainthi all. is there any reason why my pc is telling me its going to take about 7hs to download the new release?10:30
Guest64803because its 700MB in size10:30
Guest64803for the cd iso anyhow10:30
scoundrel50ahi, got a problem, with Natty installation, its the appearance. I like the Mac4Lin Theme, with the controls on the left of the screen. Now, when the window is Maximized, in the top bar, it shows the controls on the left, but if you Minimize the window, it shows the control buttons on the right, how can I get it to stay on the left. Plus, is Mac4Lin have support from Natty?10:31
jonsaintbut ive had others before and its took no time, especially since i got 50 meg download speed10:31
Guest64803have you tried running in classic mode scoundrel50a?10:31
Guest64803try connecting to a different server, some of them are slooooow10:31
scoundrel50anot yet, I will give it a go now, what do you want me to look out for when I try looking in classic mode10:32
MartijnVdSjonsaint: try getting the .torrent, it'll be loads faster10:32
Guest64803unity will bet at the top level in ubuntu mode, unity isnt enabled in classic10:32
scoundrel50aok, rebooting now, I'll msee what it looks like10:33
Guest64803you could have logged out and selected from the window manage selection menu :)10:33
scoundrel50aoh, I didnt know that its now rebooted, much better, I do prefere the classic view, yay, and dropbox is back,10:35
scoundrel50aI'll see if I can get Mac4Lin working again now10:36
scoundrel50ayay, got my Mac look back, brilliant. Thank you10:40
Guest64803cool :) enjoy!10:40
MartijnVdSUnity isn't mac look enough? :)10:41
Guest64803each to there own i guess, one of the wonderful thing to free/libre and open source software... can do with it what you want :)10:41
jibadeehaunity looks nothing like mac10:41
Guest64803its similar wouldnt you say jibadeeha?10:42
jibadeehaokay i retract that statement after thinking about the global menu10:42
MartijnVdSand the dock10:42
MartijnVdSor whatever it's called in unity10:43
Guest64803did you all upgrade on thursday?10:43
MartijnVdSI upgraded months a go10:43
Guest64803to 11.04?10:43
MartijnVdSYeah, the development version10:44
Guest64803me too :)10:44
scoundrel50aok, I suppose what I meant was the Mac4Lin theme I liked, I dont know much about Mac software, have used it a few times, but itsw this theme I like, plus, I like my FDropbox icon in view10:44
scoundrel50aIn Maverick, you have the option in appearances of choosing visual effects, in Natty, that option isnt there. How can you work out what visual effects you can get on you computer without it?10:46
Guest64803are you using compiz scoundrel50a?10:52
scoundrel50aI dont think so, I'll see if its installed.11:01
scoundrel50aok, got compiz installed and working, brilliant thank you. :)11:07
kaushalCan someone please guide me about Networking Issues ?11:08
kaushalis this the right place ?11:08
kvarley kaushal: Please state your problem, then if anybody knows how to solve your problem they will answer you. :)11:12
kaushalkvarley: sure11:12
kaushalI have a Networking issue between the telco and our end, telco says there is no issue at their end11:13
kaushaland blame us the issue is at our end11:14
kaushalso the issue is there is round about 20% - 30 % of packets11:15
kvarley kaushal: Can you access the internet from any computer inside your network? What does you router say about your connection status? (Your router page can be accessed via a web browser if you are using a router, usually it will be or some other combintation)11:15
kaushalkvarley: nope11:15
kaushalits a SMPP protocol11:16
kvarley kaushal: Networking isn't really in my field of knowledge, sorry. If you don't get a response in this channel shortly you may want to ask in #ubuntu - It's the main Ubuntu support channel and is generally more active than this LoCo11:16
kaushalkvarley: ok11:18
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:19
kvarleybrobostigon: 0/11:19
brobostigonkvarley: o/11:20
kvarleybrobostigon: hows it going?11:20
brobostigonkvarley: not bad, tired, and my mind hurts. and you?11:20
kvarleybrobostigon: You need more coffee xD And not too bad, just battling with Unreal Tournament 2004 - it won't show any of my mods in the menu :/11:21
brobostigonkvarley: i have my first coffee of the day here. hmm, :( not good.11:22
jibadeehaon my second here but still in bed11:22
kvarleyjibadeeha: Nice11:23
kvarleyjibadeeha: I started off with an espresso, might be time for another11:23
jibadeehai am feeling a bit worse for wear11:23
jibadeehaespresso sounds good to me - i need a shot of that11:23
brobostigonfingers crossed,  hope theyshow click on bbc news.11:27
brobostigonunlikely i reckon, :(11:28
=== choffee_ is now known as choffee
jibadeehawhat is on click?11:29
brobostigonjibadeeha: it is a technology news program.11:29
jibadeehaah yes just wondered if there was something special on it this week11:30
brobostigonno click, :(11:31
brobostigonclick got ditched again, for insignificant populerist news.11:35
gordclick still exists?11:39
gordwho was watching it?11:39
brobostigonme, trying to watch it, but it got ditched, for insignificant populerist claptrap.11:40
gordi might suggest that is what click was anyway ;)11:40
gordalthough the last time i saw it was when that older guy got replaced with some newer guy11:40
brobostigongord: click is a good techprogram.11:40
oimonbrobostigon: you like it? i've always found it pretty lame12:09
oimonMS-centric and behind the curve12:09
oimonwhen they make tech things mainstream they lose the tech audience and also the mainstream audience IMO12:09
brobostigonoimon: ms centric. i have pretty much, found them good at mentioning and reporting onother systems.12:10
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Elisabeth Sladen - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2011/04/19/elisabeth-sladen/12:15
=== denny- is now known as denny
gordwhats the key combination to remove any mention of royal or wedding from my internet?13:07
Pendulumgord: the x in the corner of your browser :P13:10
gordPendulum, aha, i'll just have to use my backup internet then *opens a directory labeled "pictures_of_funny_cats"*13:13
phonex01How can i change folders and files properties of FAT23 and NTFS files through ubunt ? like changed hidden to un-hidden ?13:17
nigelbgord: hrm, you could technically write an extension that reads the content of your page and if royal wedding is found redirects to you kittens ^-^13:18
gordshould be a version of adblock that does that13:19
MartijnVdSgord: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DJPFRJA-Po13:27
gordooookay, 10.10 won't even boot13:30
OmNomDeBonBonWhat did everybody have for breakfast today?13:43
popeyexobuzz: http://www.jonnor.com/2011/04/introducing-maliit-on-screen-keyboard-in-gnome-3/13:44
MartijnVdSpopey: is that gnome shell?13:45
gordthats a nice keyboard13:45
gordMartijnVdS, the keyboard isn't, the bar at the top is13:45
MartijnVdSgord: That's what I meant, sorry13:45
nigelbgord: nothing beats Swype :)13:45
exobuzzpopey, interesting. ill have to try that one13:46
exobuzzsee how it compares to florence13:46
gordi stopped using my swipe like thing with the latest android, the new keyboard is great13:46
nigelboh neat13:46
nigelbI used an iPhone and an Android phone.13:46
nigelbI had great difficulty with the iPhone keyboard13:46
gordyeah, i don't like the ipad keyboard either, others do though so iruno13:47
nigelb(which I did find odd, I thought Apple were great in UX)13:47
gordapple are great in UX, for people who like that kind of UX, but there are a lot of us that need something different, yay market choice13:47
gordinteresting, so yeah 10.10 will install fine, but 11.04 goes insane13:50
gordmust be that evil unity thing13:50
* gord writes a big blog post13:50
HazRPGI is not impressed: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-tedGRcfQT4DIgUILLn1kQ?feat=directlink13:51
HazRPGthat's what it looks like on the computer next to me13:51
MartijnVdSHazRPG: what? the keyboard or unity?13:51
MartijnVdSHazRPG: what is "it"? :)13:52
HazRPGMartijnVdS: the screenshot is of the desktop of 11.04 being blurly and unusable13:53
nigelbgord: didn't you write a few lines of code for that evil unity thing?13:54
HazRPGMartijnVdS: that's not even on a virtual machine, that's on my spare machine!13:54
MartijnVdSHazRPG: blame gord13:54
gordi think i'm the first guy in the commit logs for unity :)13:55
nigelbgord: exactly! a 'few' lines :p13:55
MartijnVdSnigelb: one or two13:55
HazRPGonly reason I managed to get a screenshot uploaded, was because I constantly had to move windows around so that I could refresh its screen long enough to read things13:55
nigelbMartijnVdS: yeah, we don't count the zeros that come after the one or two :p13:55
MartijnVdSnigelb: zero is nothing anyway13:56
HazRPGMartijnVdS: not in programming!13:56
gordokay, lets see how well an 10.10 upgrade to 11.04 goes, i bet it goes swimmingly14:00
HazRPGthe upgrade will be fine, whether it runs properly is another issue14:05
* brobostigon crosses fingers for HazRPG 14:06
TheOpenSourcerergord - The upgrade I did on my son's PC didn't go swimmingly at all. :-(14:09
gordwell this is straight, "as installed" 10.10 to 11.04 - i mean, that should be fine14:12
gordi never really trust upgrades when i change the packages14:12
czajkowskiDaviey: you here14:25
brobostigonafternoonings livingdaylight :)14:58
TonyPHi. Does anyone know how I can get Unity running in 11.04.  It works with a live USB with beta but not after upgrade from 10.10.15:02
MartijnVdSTonyP: Log out, then select it from the menu on the login screen (might only appear after selecting your user name)15:12
TonyPMartijnVds: Sorry, should have said that does not give me Unity (just a message first time about hardware)15:15
MartijnVdSwhat kind of graphics card do you have?15:15
TonyPATI Radeon Xpress 200 integrated15:16
TonyPBut remember, the live USB *does* give me Unity15:17
MartijnVdScheck if you're using the same driver on the live usb15:17
TonyPBoth seem to use 'radeon'15:17
MartijnVdSTonyP: can you run the command on that page?15:18
MartijnVdS/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p15:18
TonyPGives me 'Segmentation fault'15:19
MartijnVdSthat shouldn't happen15:19
MartijnVdSit does explain why it doesn't work though15:19
MartijnVdSsounds like things weren't installed correctly/fully15:19
MartijnVdSDid it offer you to install "better drivers"?15:20
TonyPLooks like it ran OK the one time hen I first booted into 11..0115:20
MartijnVdSTonyP: Hence my question about installing other drivers :)15:20
TonyPNo offer for better drivers15:21
MartijnVdSTonyP: can you check if any packages matching "fglrx" are installed?15:21
MartijnVdSTonyP: or even better15:21
MartijnVdSTonyP: pastebin the output of "jocket-text -l"15:21
MartijnVdS"jockey-text -l"15:22
TonyPMartijnVdS: jockey-text -l gives me nothing. fglrx is installed.15:25
MartijnVdSTonyP: System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers15:26
MartijnVdSTonyP: can you open that15:26
TonyPMartijnVdS: gives me nothing15:28
MartijnVdSTonyP: it should at least ask for your password15:28
MartijnVdSand then open a window15:28
MartijnVdSit might take a while to open15:28
TonyPMartijnVdS: No just does 'searching for available drivers' then opens the window with 'No Proprietary drivers are in use on this system'15:31
MartijnVdSit really sounds like you installed "wrong" bits of a driver somewhere15:32
MartijnVdSor some GL library15:32
MartijnVdSI'm not really an expert in this area :|15:32
hamitroncould it be related to someone needing to re-install ubuntu-desktop last night?15:37
MartijnVdSit could be a corrupt .so on the hard disk15:38
MartijnVdSbut that would be scary15:38
MartijnVdSor corrupt RAM15:38
MartijnVdSslightly less scary, but still scaryish15:38
MartijnVdS\o daubersman15:41
dauberspopeys website seems to be nerfed15:41
MartijnVdSthe front page works15:42
MartijnVdSpopey: your blog is b0rken15:42
daubersMartijnVdS: Front page doesn't work for me :(15:43
TonyPMartijnVdS: Thanks for your help for now - I'll have a look round for other stuff15:43
MartijnVdSdaubers: "popey.com" works for me, static html-ish thingy15:43
daubersMartijnVdS: Ah, I had a www. in the front and that doesn't15:43
MartijnVdSah without the www the blog also works15:44
daubersYes :)15:44
MartijnVdSpopey: correction, it's only slightly broken :) -- with www it doesn't work, without it works fine.15:44
MartijnVdSpopey: however, blog.popey.com redirects to www.popey.com/blog and is broken :)15:44
brobostigonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/601343/  can someone give me a hand with the if statement please.15:49
KrisDouglasHas Google Calendar been dropped (support wise) from Evolution?15:49
MartijnVdSKrisDouglas: let me check15:49
KrisDouglasI can no longer click New>Calendar and then select Google.15:50
MartijnVdSKrisDouglas: I have "Google Calendar" as an option in the "New calendar" dialog15:50
KrisDouglasWhat version of Evo are you on?15:51
MartijnVdSKrisDouglas: 2.32.2-0ubuntu715:51
KrisDouglas2.32.2 on 11.04 doesn't give me the option15:51
KrisDouglasWhat the hell.15:51
MartijnVdSKrisDouglas: maybe you need evolution-plugins as well?15:51
KrisDouglasat least I'm not going insane.15:51
KrisDouglasI have those.15:51
MartijnVdSKrisDouglas: or if you have that, enable the plugin in the plugins dialog15:51
* MartijnVdS waits15:52
KrisDouglasI am going mad. Sorry I had installed the evo experimental plugins, not the standard ones. Thank you :)15:53
MartijnVdSnp :)15:53
oimonbrobostigon: are yo allowed to do that? if Ne >= Ney and <= Ne15:53
brobostigonoimon: iamnot sure, thatis why i amasking, but the if statement, nneeds to check for those two states,15:54
oimonwhat are you trying to check?15:55
oimonif ( (Ne >= Ney) AND ?? )15:55
popeyMartijnVdS: www.popey.com now fixed15:56
popeythanks daubers too :)15:56
MartijnVdSpopey: \o/15:56
brobostigonoimon: if Ne is greater than or equal to Ney, and Ne is less than or equal to Ne(y+1) , otherwie dont go anyfurther.15:56
oimonwhat's Ne(y+1) ? Ne isn't a function AFAI see. do you mean the array ne[] ?15:58
brobostigonoimon: the variable Ne, plus whatever y is, + 1.15:58
brobostigonoimon: i amtrying to convert my dads mathematics here.15:59
MartijnVdS#maths :)15:59
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i understand the mathematics, tht isnt the issue, it convverting it into c, which is the problem,16:00
oimonare you trying to multiply Ne * (y+1) ?16:00
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I missed the start of the conversation, sorry16:00
MartijnVdSWhat are "Ne" and "Ney"?16:01
brobostigonMartijnVdS: simple variables, within the equation i am trying to convert,16:01
MartijnVdSNe[y], Ne[y+1]16:01
MartijnVdSthose look like array access..16:02
MartijnVdSbut it looks all wrong :)16:02
brobostigonuse a comma, ok, let me try.16:02
MartijnVdSno wait :)16:02
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i will scan my dads mathematics for you.16:02
MartijnVdSI meant, you use the name "Ney" without declaring it first :)16:02
brobostigonMartijnVdS: Ney is declared, up top.16:03
MartijnVdSah yes.. but isn't the language case-sensitive?16:03
brobostigonit is,yes.16:03
MartijnVdSalso.. it's a programming language -- useful names are allowed16:03
MartijnVdSWhat do "Ne" and "I" mean? and "g", "x" "a", "e", "ex" etc.16:04
brobostigonMartijnVdS: Ne* and I* and entries within an array,16:04
oimonprob best to scan the page of Maths :P16:05
brobostigonthat is what i am doing.16:05
MartijnVdSthe goto 1:/if bit looks like an infinite loop, in the right (wrong?) conditions.. you never refresh your variables between gotos :)16:05
oimoni've never used goto in C before16:05
MartijnVdSoimon: I have, but I think he wants a while or a for here16:06
oimoni haven't used C properly for over 10 years but it comes back eventually16:06
MartijnVdSI use it from time to time16:06
MartijnVdSmostly hacking on existing code though16:06
brobostigonthere we go, a link to the scanned document.16:10
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: You'll want to use:16:11
MartijnVdShow do you write that in C16:12
MartijnVdSmy head is in Perl mode :)16:12
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's a standard loop though: y=y+1 until ne(current) >= ne[y] AND ne(current) <= ne[y+1]16:13
oimonsomething like:  while ((Ne >= Ney) && (Ne <= Ne*(y+1)) ) {y++;}16:13
MartijnVdSoimon: no it's Ne[y] and Ne[y+1] I think16:13
oimonah, the lower case array ne[ ] ?16:13
MartijnVdSso it becomes:16:15
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: is this about val or speed? :)16:15
MartijnVdSah read "Ne x"16:15
MartijnVdSenginespeed :)16:16
brobostigonNex, is going to be a point within the array.16:16
MartijnVdSI think it shuold be:16:16
oimoni have my 1yr old son on my lap so finding it hard to join in :P16:16
MartijnVdSwhile ((Nex >= ne[y]) && (Nex <= Ne[y+1])) { y++; }16:17
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: instead of the goto/if/y+1 lines16:17
brobostigonMartijnVdS: so not just the if statement replace thqt with, but the whole block?16:18
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: those 3 lines should be replaced with the one16:18
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: note that it doesn't cope with Nex > (maximum value in ne[])16:19
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: (oops, bug in my line: replace Ne[y+1] with ne[y+1])16:19
brobostigonMartijnVdS: like http://paste.ubuntu.com/601352/16:19
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: (this reads like obfuscated code ;))16:19
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: like that, yes (but see my correction)16:20
oimoni should take up coding again...doing it at uni put me off :P16:21
oimonthen writing boring stuff like hash tables and data feed handlers in my 1st job made it even more dull..don't think linux was around in those days though16:22
MartijnVdSoimon: pre-1991?16:22
brobostigonMartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601354/16:23
brobostigonlike that?16:23
oimonMartijnVdS: let's say it didn't hit my radar until 199916:23
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: yes16:23
oimonrh5.1 manhattan was my first one16:23
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: What are you trying to do? (high level)16:24
brobostigonMartijnVdS: engine speed relativeto the wheel speed, based on the curve, with the values in those two arrays.16:26
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: both reading and writing? Robotics? :)16:26
ali1234gradient on a straight line?16:27
ali1234tip: work out what the maths is actually doing and then use standard functions16:27
brobostigonMartijnVdS: car control, hydraulics.16:28
brobostigonali1234: i know what the maths is doing.16:29
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: again, start with naming the variables "properly" -- give them names that explain what they contain16:34
MartijnVdSit'll help you write the code -- if you can say "if(speed > speed_bracket[current_speed_bracket]) { }", that's much more understandable than "if (x > y[z]) {}"16:35
ali1234this code is supposed to calculate Ix based on Nex16:36
ali1234is the relationship really a straight line as implied by the graph?16:36
brobostigonali1234: yes.16:37
ali1234then there is no need for so much curve16:37
ali1234Ix = m*Nex+c16:37
brobostigonMartijnVdS: that is what i thought i had done, named them appropriatly, based ontheir relationship to the array.16:37
ali1234simply derive m and c based on what you have, and the job is done16:37
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Sure but are you going to remember what "Ix" and "Nex" are next week? Next month? :)16:37
ali1234Ix is a random point on the I axis and Nex is a random point on the Ne axis16:38
brobostigonali1234: let me rite that down, and try it,16:38
ali1234i have nfc what I and Ne are but it doesn't matter16:38
MartijnVdSali1234: But what do I and Ne mean?16:38
ali1234don't know, don't care :)16:38
oimonsomeone should :)16:38
ali1234if it said X and Y instead, it would be a lot easier to understand16:38
* MartijnVdS doesn't want to read ali1234's code :P16:39
ali1234the question i have is why is there ne[] and Ip[]?16:39
brobostigonthey a random letter, to represent them, nothing more16:39
ali1234what those numbers in the arrays for?16:40
brobostigonali1234: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601362/16:40
brobostigonali1234: they represent the points on that graph,16:40
jonsaintthis new o/s is killin me! how the heck do i mount my secondary drive using this thing??16:40
ali1234you only need two points if it is a straight line16:40
Azelphurjonsaint: you click on it in the file browser.16:40
ali1234let me check if those points all fall on a line16:40
ali1234they don't16:41
oimondon't look like it16:41
ali1234each segment is presumably a straight line though16:41
brobostigonali1234: my dad gave me those array figures, so i am assuming they are all there, for a good reason.16:41
jonsaintdaft question but wheres filebrowser on this new one?16:41
Azelphurjonsaint: on the side bar, it's the big file icon, in yellow.16:41
ali1234brobostigon: so you have a series of points and you are basically interpolating them, correct?16:42
brobostigonalt + f2,then enter nautilus,16:42
brobostigonali1234: yes.16:42
jonsaintits not there16:42
oimonlinear interpolation?16:43
ali1234oimon: according to the doc, yes16:43
jonsainti got files and folders but its not in there either16:43
Azelphurjonsaint: if the drive isn't showing up in the file browser then something isn't right, maybe install gparted and have a look at it.16:44
brobostigonali1234: that document i scanned is the mathematics i have been given, by my dad, and spent several hours earlier trying to explain it all.16:44
ali1234brobostigon: lolz16:44
ali1234you should use openservo for this16:45
ali1234this is all it does16:45
brobostigonali1234: let melookthatup, onminute.16:45
ali1234interpolate on a graph and then output a pwm signal to reach the desired position16:45
jonsaintAzelphur, you mean files and folders on the left in the bar?16:45
Azelphurit should say the drive label or X GB File system16:45
ali1234it does cubic spline interpolation though, so smooth changes16:46
jonsaintAzelphur, very strange because everything worked fine before i upgraded.16:46
Azelphurfun, I upgraded and can still see all my drives16:46
oimonjonsaint: you could try mounting it manually16:46
brobostigonali1234: that sounds right, yes.16:47
jonsaintAzelphur,  all it says in files and folders is recent, downloads and favourite folders. thats all thats in there16:47
Azelphur(16:44:28) Azelphur: jonsaint: if the drive isn't showing up in the file browser then something isn't right, maybe install gparted and have a look at it.16:47
brobostigonali1234: so would your "Ix=m*Nex+c" work ?16:48
MartijnVdSAzelphur: why gparted if the standard disk tool works :)16:48
ali1234yes once you calculate m and c for the current line segment16:48
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I'm stuck in the past :D16:48
MartijnVdSali1234: s/calculate/lookup16:48
Azelphurjonsaint: system > administration > disk utility will work too instead of gparted16:48
ali1234you have to calculate them at least once16:48
brobostigonali1234: ok, whatare m and c?16:49
Azelphursee if it shows up in there :)16:49
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: magnitude and a constant :)16:49
ali1234the gradient and constant16:49
ali1234don't they teach this stuff in school any more?16:49
brobostigonumm, ok.16:49
jonsaintAzelphur, how do i get to system lol. i got used to the old way but this has thrown me16:49
brobostigonali1234: no.16:49
Azelphurjonsaint: just type disk utility after clicking the ubuntu icon in the top left :p16:50
ali1234brobostigon: get some graph paper16:50
brobostigonali1234: got,16:50
ali1234ok draw two two axis and a line like the chart you already have16:51
brobostigonali1234: done.16:51
ali1234or indeed like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Linear_Function_Graph.svg16:51
ali1234now mark any two points on the line16:51
jonsaintAzelphur, many thanks. its there! but do i need to do this everytime i restart the pc?16:51
MartijnVdSali1234, brobostigon: http://www.khanacademy.org/video/linear-function-graphs?playlist=ck12.org%20Algebra%201%20Examples16:52
ali1234brobostigon: next, measure the vertical (y) distance between the points16:52
brobostigonali1234: done.16:52
ali1234and the horizontal(x) distance16:52
ali1234now do y/x16:52
ali1234now repeat for two different points16:52
ali1234on a straight line, y/x is always the same16:52
Azelphurjonsaint: you mounted it ok from disk utility but not nautilus?16:52
ali1234this is called the gradient, or m16:53
jonsaintAzelphur, yes. i used that disk utility16:53
ali1234now look at where the line crosses the y axis16:53
ali1234this is called c16:53
brobostigonali1234: yes, makes sense,soits is the difference between those twopoints?16:53
Azelphurjonsaint: I'd be very tempted to file a bug, if it shows up and mounts fine in disk utility but nautilus something must be up.16:53
ali1234now you know m and c you can calculate the y value at any x, by y = mx+c16:53
brobostigonali1234: my line crosses on the 0 point.16:53
ali1234brobostigon: doesn't matter it is true for any line16:54
jonsaintAzelphur, well im very new to ubuntu (only been a few months) so getting used to one system then having this is like learning all over again lol16:54
ali1234as long as it's not paralle to y axis16:54
brobostigonali1234: oh, i see,16:54
ali1234then it explodes to infinity16:54
Azelphurjonsaint: you do know you can use the old layout if you like16:54
ali1234(division by zero)16:54
brobostigonali1234: makes moresense now.16:54
Azelphurjonsaint: unity is just a default, you can do whatever you want :)16:55
jonsaintAzelphur, how? never knew you could16:55
MartijnVdSali1234: check that Khan academy video16:55
Azelphurjonsaint: at login, there's a drop down box, change it to classic desktop.16:55
jonsaintAzelphur,  ah right il check that out. many thanks!16:55
ali1234brobostigon: so anyway, you have a list of points, each two adjacent points form a line, for which you calculate m and c16:55
ali1234then you interpolate between them using the forula16:55
brobostigonali1234: isnt the equation my dad has givenme, in the middle of my scan,doing that already?16:55
Azelphurmyself I don't use gnome-panel or unity, I'm running a hacked up monstrosity consisting of 8 instances of cairo-dock and no nautilus desktop xD16:55
ali1234brobostigon: yes, in a mixed up round about way16:55
ali1234brobostigon: this is why i said, understand what the maths is doing and then implement it using standard functions16:56
ali1234like y = mx + c16:56
ali1234instead of trying to implement it as one big crazy function16:56
brobostigonyes, simpler aswell.16:56
ali1234once you do this you can later swap out y = mx+c for a cubic interpolator instead16:56
ali1234it's a drop in replacement, it just needs to consider the two previous and two following know points16:57
ali1234if you're controlling a motor with the output and you use linear you'll get a bump when you cross a point16:58
ali1234cos the graph has a corner there16:58
ali1234with cubic that won't happen16:58
brobostigonok, letme and write it down.16:58
ali1234your pseudo code will be like:16:58
jonsaintAzelphur, just tried it on a reboot and i got no option to change, the only thing i got was some other things like to make the screen bigger etc16:58
ali12341. find the known points either side of Ix16:59
Azelphurjonsaint: it's there, you have to click on your username at the login screen, then it's next to the language dropdown16:59
ali12342. y = linear_interpolate(previous, next, x);16:59
brobostigonali1234: dothe same with Nex16:59
jonsaintAzelphur, when i click on my username it logs in16:59
ali1234oh yeah you are supposed to do it the other way around16:59
Azelphurjonsaint: passwordless login? :P17:00
Azelphurjonsaint: ubuntu button, type login screen17:01
Azelphurchange the default session there17:01
jonsaintsuperb. done it! many thanks yet again!17:02
jonsaintchat soon!17:02
* brobostigon is confused. :(17:02
brobostigonali1234: sorry, but i am still alittleconfused.17:08
=== denny- is now known as denny
brobostigonnew Dr Who, in 50 mins, :)17:10
ali1234brobostigon: what are you confused about?17:10
ali1234brobostigon: you know how to calculate points on a line now right?17:10
ali1234so implement this function:17:10
ali1234int linear_interpolate(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, x) {17:11
ali1234given two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), calculate the y value at x on the line the twooriginal points fall on17:11
brobostigon(x1/y1) * (x2/y2)17:12
brobostigonno, thats boit right,17:13
brobostigonyes, that is right, becaue you are working out the difference, and then * them.17:14
jonsaintcan anyone recommend a firewall. currently got firestarter but since upgrading its moved it and now its telling me that eth0 is not connected to the net even tho it is??????17:15
gordhttp://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm is a good resource on what i think your trying to do17:15
gordjonsaint, why do you think you need a firewall? you probably don't :)17:15
jonsainti thought i did??17:15
gordyou don't :)17:16
ali1234brobostigon: y = mx+c17:16
jonsaintalso because i got a passwordless log in, it asks for my keyring password once im in but since upgrading its asking me twice for it??17:17
gordyou need a firewall on wndows because its full of viruses and malware, we don't have such a problem on ubuntu, your perfectly safe to run without any firewall, 99.9% of ubuntu users don't run with a firewall17:17
gordjonsaint, yeah thats a bug, one that i'm gonna try and make sure gets fixed next cycle. i have to put my password in 4 times at least, up to seven17:17
jonsaintah right. cheers, il keep my eyes open for an update on that one17:18
brobostigonali1234: ah, umm, i was miles away.17:18
gordcan all the people currently update/upgrading please stop? i'm getting just terrible speeds17:22
Azelphurnoted :P17:22
AlanBellMyrtti: is it an exopc that you have?17:24
X3Nwhat would you call the play pause fwd/back keys?17:26
popeymedia keys17:26
X3Nwould that include volume keys?17:26
popeycollectively they're "media keys"17:26
gordwhat about the email key?17:27
X3NI need a way of describring the play pause fwd/back keys which doesn't include the volume keys17:27
brobostigonali1234: thank you for your help, i am guarenteed to have more questions.17:27
popeymedia control keys?17:27
X3Nhmm yeah17:27
X3Nthough it's a volume control key17:28
X3Nmedia actions?17:28
X3NI'm writing a patch for g-s-d to be able to pass volume control keys to applications17:29
X3Nthough some apps don't want to control their own volume so I need a way of grouping actions and volume keys separetely17:30
X3Ncontrol keys will probably work17:31
=== beth67` is now known as beth67
marek__hi all17:46
marek__any1 got some time to help me with some nfs related problems ?? please17:46
marek__any one home?17:49
brobostigonyes, but i know zero about nfs, sorry.17:50
MartijnVdSdoctor in 1017:50
gordprinter took in half a piece of paper then claimed that it was out of paper17:54
gordprinters are basically drunk toddlers17:54
brobostigonlol.weird behaviour,17:55
gordand now its printed a giant size bordering pass17:56
daubersmarek__: Whats the problem?17:58
MartijnVdSdoctor in 017:59
MartijnVdSWhoa @ Doctor </spoilers>18:47
nigelbgord: lol, did you see the giant boarding pass?18:48
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: https://twitter.com/#!/DalekThay/status/6366921723648409718:48
MichealHDr.Who was great18:51
MartijnVdSMichealH: can't wait for the rest of the series now :)18:52
MichealHMe either :)18:52
MichealHA new time lord?18:52
MartijnVdSMichealH: no spoilers for some other people here please :)18:52
hamitrondon't make me close the window :/18:53
MartijnVdSsome people watch later18:53
MichealHhamitron: I will stop now :P18:53
MichealHIt was just a quick spoiler i should not have made, sorry18:53
MartijnVdShamitron: All I have to say is.. it's GOOD18:53
hamitronI am looking forward to tonights18:54
MichealHhamitron: You really should18:54
olyhi guys, just noticed the card reader on my studio 17 no longer works in 11.04 anyone got any suggestions on what may need doing ?18:58
brobostigonMartijnVdS: :)18:58
MartijnVdSDr Who confidential on BBC3 now18:59
* Azelphur gets bored of these making of the making of the making of shows on TV19:00
Azelphurthe xfactor and similar ones are funny19:00
Azelphurthey are recruiting to do a show for the queen, so they make a TV show about the recruiting process, and then they make a TV show about the making of the TV show about the recruiting process19:00
* popey has let wifey watch silly dancing programme19:01
popeyso i will watch doctor who later19:01
Azelphurso they are making a show about the making of a show about the making of a show.19:01
Azelphuroh wait, I had one too many makings there19:01
hamitronnot for long..... they will steal your idea19:01
Azelphurit's a show about the making of a show about a show.19:02
Azelphurhamitron: haha19:02
hamitronI also hate the way they seem to put more of the same thing on, knowing people watch it19:02
hamitronsome things it gets to the stage where it is a lifestyle, keeping up with them19:03
hamitrongeez, 6gb hdd space left19:06
hamitronthis is your fault Azelphur19:06
gordi have 700mb free space on this computer19:06
hamitronyou are a bad influence on me19:06
hamitronI dunno how we do it :/19:07
hamitronlife used to be good with 1Gb hdd19:07
hamitronsuppose it still is when i don't go crazy19:07
livingdaylightis everyone rocking on 11.04 now?19:08
hamitron10.04 baby ;/19:08
gordonjcplivingdaylight: nope19:08
gordonjcplivingdaylight: won't touch it with someone else's stolen ten foot shitty stick19:09
livingdaylightgordonjcp, woah?19:09
livingdaylighti'm backing up here, before making the move19:09
hamitronit is often good to let others "test" it first ;)19:09
popeyits also good to form your own opinion19:09
livingdaylightare people reporting back with issues on this one? gordonjcp, or why?19:10
gordonjcplivingdaylight: 11.04 is by far the worst desktop experience I've ever had in any OS19:10
gordonjcplivingdaylight: but don't let me put you off19:10
hamitronANY? ;/19:10
gordlivingdaylight, gordonjcp just doesn't like it, just try it for yourself and as popey says, form your own opinion19:10
gordonjcphamitron: any19:11
livingdaylightgordonjcp, is that unity you're not liking?19:11
gordonjcplivingdaylight: all of it19:11
gordonjcpalthough Unity is impossible for me to use19:11
livingdaylightgordonjcp, sheesh, surprising to hear.19:12
gordonjcpsound is broken19:12
gordonjcp... but that's the usual pulseaudio borkedness19:12
livingdaylightby the way is there an option during install to disable unity, or is that done afterwards?19:12
popeyat logon time19:12
gordonjcplivingdaylight: you can log in with classic desktop19:12
gordyou should prolly try it before assuming you don't want it...19:12
=== OmNomDeBonBon is now known as MarquessDeBonBon
gordonjcpyeah, give it a go19:12
hamitronwhen we say "ubuntu".... do we mean the desktop OS or the basic "core"?19:13
popeydepends on the context19:13
PsychobudgieI'm on 11.04 with gnome 319:13
gordonjcphamitron: well, as a distro I don't like Ubuntu, for a variety of reasons19:13
Psychobudgieit's da bomb19:13
gordonjcphamitron: mostly due to the sheer cackhandedness with which it's put together19:14
gordwell thats just untrue19:14
popeyhere we go19:14
brobostigonPsychobudgie: interesting, there arent many of us. gnome3 and gnome-shell improves alot upon gnome2.19:14
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, I completely agree19:15
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: fix the stuff you already use19:15
brobostigonPsychobudgie: the workspace management to start.19:15
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: it works perfectly.  It requires jack19:15
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, way better than unity to boot19:15
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: pulseaudio is entirely incompatible with it19:15
popeythe jack and pulse developers have been working together to make that a non issue19:15
popeythats upstream from us19:16
Psychobudgielike the fact I can use mouse or keyboard to manage stuff and not have how I use the desktop forced on me19:16
gordonjcpright, but I still don't want pulseaudio cluttering stuff up19:16
gordonjcphaving the choice would be nice19:16
hamitronyou do have the choice19:16
gordonjcpit doesn't do anything particularly useful for me19:16
gordonjcphamitron: well, yes, use a different distro19:16
livingdaylightgordonjcp, sounds like you already have a negative bias against Ubuntu; not discounting your experience though19:16
hamitronyeh ;)19:16
brobostigonPsychobudgie: i think the start time is about the same.19:16
gordonjcphamitron: unfortunately I'm stuck supporting my stuff for people who want to use it in Ubuntu19:17
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, even if there is any difference it really is splitting hairs19:17
gordonjcphamitron: and many of them aren't technically-minded enough to know why pulseaudio is a Bad Thing19:17
brobostigonPsychobudgie: i agree, i simply prefer gnome-shell as it fits the way i work better, than with unity.19:17
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, I personally prefer the whole gnome-shell experience to that of unity. Unity just doesn't feel right. Gnome 3 feels professional and well thought out19:18
popeywell thought out?19:18
popeyyes, they based their "thought" on Unity design documentation!19:18
gordonjcpPsychobudgie: is there a way to get a gnome 2-like taskbar in gnome 3?19:18
hamitronpopey: called "market research"? ;)19:19
popey(which is flattering)19:19
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, not that I know of19:19
popeyhamitron: called 'waiting to see what the competition comes up with'19:19
gordonjcpPsychobudgie: :-/19:19
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: run xfce :P19:19
gordonjcpPsychobudgie: that's the major thing that breaks Unity for me19:19
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: yeah, I guess19:19
Psychobudgiedon't need one in g319:20
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I still think it's pretty boneheaded of both Canonical and Gnome to suddenly break with convention and make a desktop with "mystery meat" navigation19:20
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: But it's COOL and NEW19:20
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: it looks so dated, it's like a website from 199619:20
penguin42gordonjcp: Have you tried KDE lately?  I think you get the option of Jack instead of Pulse and it's in many ways closer to Gnome2 desktop feel than either Unity or Gnome 319:20
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: research says it sucks so it must be good!19:20
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: (I can't stand either one, can you tell?)19:20
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: true19:20
gordonjcppenguin42: not a huge KDE fan, and GTK apps are still very very broken in KDE19:21
gordonjcppenguin42: and no, I'm not about to rewrite every bloody thing to use Qt19:21
* hamitron likes LXDE19:21
penguin42gordonjcp: I used to share that view, but KDE has got better and Gnome worse19:21
gordonjcppenguin42: <shrug>19:21
gordonjcppenguin42: all the software I use is Gtk-based19:21
brobostigonkde is utter fail, it just breaksthe way iwork, and think.19:22
gordonjcpand that doesn't work well in KDE19:22
penguin42gordonjcp: Just saying, it may be worth another look19:22
gordonjcpPsychobudgie: what do they have instead of the taskbar in Gnome 3 then?19:22
Psychobudgieswipe the mouse to the top right19:23
Psychobudgieswipe the mouse to the top left rather19:23
brobostigonPsychobudgie: or hit superkey. :)19:23
Psychobudgieand that's pretty much all you need to do19:24
gordonjcpright, but what does that do?19:24
brobostigonand then go over to the workspace management, to manage your windows,19:24
* gordonjcp hasn't actually got gnome 3 installed19:24
Psychobudgieanything that is open displays on the screen and you click what you want19:25
gordonjcphm, sounds messy19:25
gordonjcpmuch the same as unity; you've got to whoosh the mouse around the screen quite a bit and then play guess-the-square19:25
brobostigongordonjcp: you can do it all without mouse though, all onkeyboard,19:26
Psychobudgiein what way is moving the mouse to the top left messy?19:26
hamitronmy parents are newbs and won't be whooshing anything ;D19:26
Psychobudgieit's seemless19:26
penguin42gordonjcp: Unity still has the workspace shortcuts that unfortunately Gnome3 seems to have removed a lot of19:26
Psychobudgieunlike unity in which I'm surprised the stiching isn't showing19:26
gordonjcppenguin42: yeah, but they broke alt-f2 which annoys me19:27
gordonjcphamitron: yeah19:27
gordonjcphamitron: I'm leaving 10.04 on my Mum's computer until it's absolutely out of support19:27
gordonjcphamitron: then I've no idea what19:27
brobostigonpenguin42: ctrl + alt left-right key, is all the work spaceswitching needed,19:27
gordonjcpthere's no way in hell I can possibly explain how to work Unity to her19:27
penguin42brobostigon: It can't do up and down in gnome3 as far as I can tell and hasn't got the send to left/right/up/down19:27
brobostigongordonjcp: alt + f2 still works ingnome-shell, i use it allthe time.19:28
hamitrongordonjcp: it is always a problem upgrading for some things though.... I still have 8.04 on a few machines19:28
=== ocean is now known as Guest31250
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, no guessing the square, tells you what it is in plain english below the live preview if the window is too small19:28
Psychobudgieunlike unity19:28
Psychobudgiewhich doesn't19:28
gordonjcpPsychobudgie: hm, in the screenshot I was just looking at, there wasn't a caption below19:28
gordonjcpyeah, unity sucks for that19:28
gordonjcpyou've got to mouse over everything to find out what it is19:28
Guest31250hi guys,is it possible to have genome desktop on ubuntu 11.04?19:28
brobostigonpenguin42: there is no left right workspace, it all workspace stacked ontop, and with right click, ou canmove windows upwards-downwards betweenworkspaces.19:29
penguin42brobostigon: Yeh - that's my problem19:29
penguin42brobostigon: I happened to like the 2d workspace layout a lot19:29
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, http://www.gnome3.org/19:29
brobostigonpenguin42: 2d layout, i dont see what you mean.19:29
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, plenty of vids of it working as I describe19:30
penguin42brobostigon: Workspaces on a 2d grid rather than just up and down19:30
hamitronGuest31250: yes19:30
penguin42brobostigon: I typically run with 9 workspaces in a 3x3 configuration19:31
gordonjcpthat page is all videos :-/19:31
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, yes I know19:31
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, that's the general idea19:31
gordonjcpthey don't make a lot of sense to me19:31
Psychobudgiegordonjcp, you watch one, see it working in real time, go 'woo' and install it19:31
brobostigonPsychobudgie: i could do the same inone massive row ingnome-shell aswell, and use the workspace  switcher, like normal, to change betweenthem19:31
gordonjcpI don't really know what I'm looking at19:32
brobostigonPsychobudgie: sorry, that was meant for penguin4219:32
brobostigonpenguin42:  i could do the same inone massive row ingnome-shell aswell, and use the workspace  switcher, like normal, to change betweenthem19:32
brobostigonpenguin42: also, when it was a grid, i frequently got lost as to where things where. soputting them in one row, is good for me.19:33
penguin42brobostigon: But could I set them up so that the workspace switcher had them arranged in 2d? I get used to the layout (e.g. webbrowser in bottom right) and it's less moves in 2d than along a 1d19:33
Psychobudgiehere's the thing, when I installed gnome 3 I really really thought I would hate it, I mean, I hated unity and from looking at screenshots I thought it would be much the same. The thing is, it is nothing like unity. It is far superior in almost every way thinkable. Screenshots do not do it justice19:33
popey!gnome3 | Guest3125019:33
lubotu3`Guest31250: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.19:33
brobostigonpenguin42: not in a grid, no. it would have to be in a numbered kindof, row layout.19:34
gordonjcpPsychobudgie: can you get rid of all the little squares?19:34
penguin42brobostigon: Yeh and that's my problem; I've used the grid layout for probably 15 years19:34
hamitronpopey: is it just the "gnome" packages to install Gnome 2.30?19:34
brobostigonpenguin42: ok, the gnome-shell layout forme works better, but we allwork diffeently.19:35
popeyhamitron: i dont understand your question19:35
brobostigonok, brb, food.19:35
hamitronpopey: gnome2 can be installed by running "apt-get install gnome"?19:35
penguin42brobostigon: Nod, the thing that frustrates me is that by removing the _ability_ to layout in 2d it breaks it for me; there was nothing in gnome2  that forces you to layout in 2d and most don't by default - it just removed the choice19:35
popeyhamitron: que? on natty you get gnome 219:36
hamitronpopey: oh, ok19:36
penguin42anyway, food19:37
hamitronI thought unity replaced it19:37
popeyhamitron: no we ship gnome19:37
Azelphurhamitron: lol19:37
popeyhamitron: unity is a shell for gnome, but not gnome shell19:37
popeyis the standard answer19:37
hamitronah ok19:37
Azelphurhamitron: 1.2TB used atm :D19:38
Psychobudgieunity is a shell for gnome 2, gnome-shell is a shell for gnome 3, hence installing gnome-shell breaks unity19:39
Psychobudgieor something like that19:39
hamitronI'm just glad there is over a year till I switch to 12.0419:40
popeynot really Psychobudgie19:40
popeywell kinda19:40
popeyhamitron: heh, I'm on 10.04 here19:40
Psychobudgiesee, kinda19:41
hamitronupgrading every 2 years is tooo often for me19:41
Psychobudgiewhich was my point, you can't run gnome 3 and unity as unity sits on gnome 219:41
brobostigonPsychobudgie: gnome-session from theppa, breaks the loading of unity from gdm, so you canonly load gnome-shell right now. directly from gdm.19:41
hamitronbut you can load the old gnome shell?19:42
popeyPsychobudgie: thats not the whole story19:42
Psychobudgieyeah I know19:42
brobostigonhamitron: in fall-back mode,yes.19:42
PsychobudgieI'm trying to put it in simple terms19:42
popeyoh in simple terms..19:43
PsychobudgieI could go into dependancies19:43
Psychobudgiepopey, hahah19:43
hamitronor from the other side "we use unity now, so get used to it" ;/19:43
popeyNote: Slackware is still available19:43
MartijnVdSso is xubunut19:44
popeyand soon lubuntu by the look of it19:44
Psychobudgiegubuntu cometh19:44
popeynot with that name it wont19:44
AlanBelland the gnome3 stuff is already in Oneiric apparently19:44
popeythats already been reject by trademarks19:45
MartijnVdS"Ubuntu Proper"19:45
ali1234so how are people taking it in the forums and stuff anyway?19:46
ali1234are there huge whine threads?19:46
popeygnubuntu was rejected by RMS19:46
Psychobudgiethey aren't exactly united by it19:46
popeyali1234: ubuntu-users is sporting some whingers19:46
Psychobudgieyou see what I did there ^^^^19:46
popeybut no more than usual19:46
DJonesIs gNewSense still being updated/developed19:46
ali1234mailing lists aren't very representative19:46
popeybasically no19:46
ali1234anyone checked the forums?19:47
Psychobudgiehow about calling it debian19:47
PsychobudgieI think that's really catchy19:47
ali1234that's where most people would go to complain i guess19:47
popeyyeah, i expect so19:47
popeyi dont use forums19:47
popeylots of questions on AU though19:47
ali1234questions like "how do i get rid of this thing?"19:48
AlanBellPsychobudgie: there is *nothing* wrong with choosing to use debian19:48
popeynot as many as you think19:48
ali1234is that because they all get marked as dupes?19:48
popeynah, they show up even if they're duped19:48
Psychobudgiepopey, thats down to people already knowing how to get rid of it ;_19:48
* popey shrugs19:49
popeyI'm in it for the long term19:49
popeyI see this as a blip19:49
popeyalthough I expect the next month or so to get a bit rocky19:49
ali1234ah here we go. 234 page thread on ubuntu forums19:49
Psychobudgiebring 11.10 forward by a few months19:49
hamitron11.10 has to be pushing forward too19:50
hamitronready before the next LTS19:50
popeygiven 11.10 repo is already open, and has a load of stuff in, it's getting there19:50
Psychobudgieis unity in it though?19:51
ali1234i thought ubuntu+1 didn;t happen until after UDS?19:51
Psychobudgieheh :p19:51
popeyit opened the day of natty release19:51
Guest31250popey, so ubuntu, is it going to drop genome support completly19:51
popeyno Guest3125019:51
ali1234that's not what happened in the past though right?19:51
hamitronI am tempted to download 11.04 just to see what is what :) all this moaning has got me interested19:52
popeyyeah, this is earlier than usual IMO19:52
popeythere was a lot of interest in getting it open early19:52
Psychobudgieif I was mark shuttleworth, which I'm not, cause if I was I wouldn't be in here with us losers, I would drop the whole unity experiment back to notebooks and go with gnome 3 but that's just me19:52
popeyaint gonna happen19:53
ali1234gnome 3 is even worse19:53
Guest31250popey, I woul dlike to use ubuntu 11.04 with the genome version which came in default with 10.10. is that possible?19:53
Psychobudgieno it's not19:53
popeyGuest31250: gnome 2 or gnome shell?19:53
hamitronif unity takes off, is gnome2 gonna be supported for a *long* time then?19:53
Psychobudgieali1234, I've been using it for the last 2 weeks and it's miles better than unity19:53
AlanBellhamitron: nope19:54
hamitronso unity will move to gnome3?19:54
Psychobudgieali1234, unity feels like Amiga workbench 3.11 with toolmanager only not as flexible19:54
AlanBell11.11 will have gnome3 underpinnings19:54
popeyPsychobudgie: thats nice19:54
AlanBelland it will probably not have the classic gnome pannels19:55
Guest31250popey, i am using 10.10 + the genome 219:55
popeymy mum would love amiga workbench circa years ago19:55
Guest31250popey, gnome 219:55
ali1234lol workbench19:55
Psychobudgiepopey, Workbench was the bomb19:55
popeyGuest31250: 11.04 ships with gnome 219:55
popeyPsychobudgie: it was, for 18 year old boys in their bedroom19:55
Psychobudgiepopey, Dopus though was killer19:55
shaunothat's not the first time I've seen people describe unity that way :/19:55
hamitronand hopefully 12.04 will be a stable gnome3+unity after lessons learned with 11.1019:55
AlanBellhamitron: that is the idea19:55
ali1234actually unity does feel a lot like workbench19:56
ali1234mainly because of the global menu though19:56
AlanBellwell 11.10 should be pretty solid too19:56
ali1234and the lack of any reasonable way to minimize things19:56
Guest31250popey, i tries the live version of 11.04, it gave me unity interface to try. can i choose gnome 2 while installing?19:56
Psychobudgieoh, don't get me started on the monstrosity of the global menu19:56
Guest31250popey, tried19:56
AlanBellGuest31250: you can choose it on login19:56
popeyGuest31250: once installed you can choose gnome 2 (classic) at logon time19:56
brobostigonok, if unity is going to be built on gnome-shell, then will we have the option to have normal gnome-shell and then unity?19:56
AlanBellGuest31250: so on odd days of the month you can use unity and even days classic gnome19:56
Psychobudgieit's awful19:57
popeybrobostigon: its not19:57
Psychobudgieit's, douglas adams should be describing it, awful19:57
popeybrobostigon: unity will be based on gnome 3, not gnome shell19:57
brobostigonpopey: AlanBell justsaid, unity will be build with gnome3 in part.19:57
popeythats what i said19:58
brobostigonpopey: ok, so you will be able to switch still between both freely?19:58
popeywhich is not what you said19:58
ali1234gnome 3 is just gtk319:58
Psychobudgieshould be able to run either if that is the case19:58
Guest31250popey, AlanBell,  so does the option pop every time (to choose unity/gnome2) when i login?19:58
popeyyou said unity will be based on gnome shell19:58
ali1234with same old apps19:58
popeywhich it will not19:58
ali1234except now they have a resize gripper19:58
brobostigonpopey: i simplymisinterpretated,sorry.19:58
popeynp :)19:58
shaunounity is a shell.  gnome-shell is a shell.  so it's gnome3 + your choice of shell, not -shell ontop of unity or vice, versa19:58
brobostigonpopey: :)19:58
popeyfun fun fun19:58
* popey is making ribs and potato wedges btw19:58
hamitronit does sound fun :)19:59
hamitronmajor changes to move the distro forward hopefully19:59
hamitronrather than sticking with the same old known stuff19:59
ali1234something new will appear19:59
ali1234it's inevitable20:00
hamitronwe have a unityless ubuntu till 2013 anyways20:00
hamitronif people choose20:00
ali1234some people might switch to arch and debian but they won't improve any20:01
hamitronwhy you say arch?20:01
ali1234because it's flavour of the month20:01
hamitronah :)20:01
Guest31250popey, sorry to bother u...i am a noob. so am i going to two options when ever i login to 11.0420:01
ali1234nobody at all will switch to fedora or opensuse20:01
popeyali1234: +120:01
ali1234because those distros are extremely unfriendly20:01
kvarleyali1234: I tried but proprietary stuff is a pain with it20:02
hamitronI tested fedora not long ago, seemed pretty quick20:02
kvarleyali1234: And no awesome community like Ubuntu has20:02
popeyGuest31250: everyone is welcome here, no need to be sorry20:02
popeyGuest31250: yes, install 11.04 and you have two options, if your 3d card supports it, you get unity, if not, then you get gnome 2 'classic'20:02
popeyGuest31250: and you can optionally force it to logon as gnome 2 if you want20:02
ali1234even debian has a more friendly community than fedora/opensuse20:02
hamitronarch is hardly friendly :/20:03
ali1234yes it is20:03
hamitronit is? :-o20:03
popeymy dinner is ready!20:03
Psychobudgiegoto the fedora homepage and click on the community link and look at that photograph20:03
hamitrono/ pops20:03
Psychobudgiewhats not to love20:03
Davieypopey: slacker.20:03
kvarleyAnybody here have Unreal Tournament 2004?20:04
* hamitron does20:04
Psychobudgieif anything we are all slightly less bad looking20:04
AlanBellGuest31250: it is a menu at the bottom of the screen after you click your name in the chooser20:04
hamitronprefer orig UT though :/20:04
gordcool, i attached an ethernet cable to my laptop to put some movies on it, but had to stretch the cable so its taught at about knee level across a doorway. there is *no* *way* this can go wrong20:04
Guest31250AlanBell, thanks a lot.20:04
kvarleyhamitron: Going to start hosting a server for a few mods of it. I love the mods but not many players play on them so going to make some videos and try and get publicity because they are good linux games20:04
kvarleyhamitron: Are there any mods for the original one?20:05
hamitronkvarley: I never play mods tbh20:05
Guest31250popey, thanks a lot...I hope I can go ahead and do it now :-)20:05
hamitronI consider it a major hassle having to install such things20:05
ali1234so because of all this i predict a new distro will appear and start eating into ubuntu's market share before the end of the year20:05
ali1234kind of like how ubuntu took all gentoo's users when it came out20:06
hamitronali1234: choice is no bad thing, just hope it retains compatibility20:06
* gord adds that quote to his tomboy notes, will bring it up again at christmas20:06
ali1234let's hope your tomboy doesn't crash and delete all your notes like mine did20:07
hamitronwhy is unity a problem if you can choose not to use it?20:07
ali1234i use ubuntu because i don't like tweaking things20:07
ali1234if i wanted to tweak things i would still be using gentoo20:08
hamitronbut you are still happy with the ubuntu base?20:08
ali1234meh not really20:08
ali1234i don't care about the base20:08
ali1234as long as it doesn't use rpm20:08
Psychobudgieubuntu got a lot of users early on as it was one of the first distro's to be as simple as you wanted it to be20:09
hamitronbut you'd be happy to use Gnobuntu (or whatever)?20:09
ali1234only if it had gnome-panel20:09
ali1234if it was gnome shell, i'd rather use unity20:09
Psychobudgiemandrake had made in roads on that front but went bankrupt at the wrong time and woosh their userbase went to ubuntu in droves20:09
ali1234mandrake was always rubbish20:09
hamitronMandrake was also less stable20:09
ali1234they tried to do the same thing as ubuntu by making it simple20:10
ali1234but they did it in a way that made it harder to use if you're not a noob20:10
PsychobudgieMandrake tried to do what ubuntu did before ubuntu did20:10
hamitronbefore a lot of the software was ready20:10
ali1234ubuntu actually has a well polish command line interface20:10
PsychobudgieMandrakes problem was that when they messed up they tended to really mess up20:10
ali1234mandrake never had that20:10
ali1234you use the graphical tools, or you are on your own20:10
ali1234opensuse is exactly the sameway20:11
ali1234you use yast, or you are on your own20:11
hamitronI get the feeling ubuntu sticks closer to its roots too20:11
ali1234actually i may be wrong about people going to fedora20:12
hamitronI remember the hassles of redhat rpm and mandrake rpm confusion20:12
ali1234systemd might actually turn out to be good20:12
hamitronimo, a fresh install of fedora felt more fresh than ubuntu20:12
Psychobudgieali1234, it still has the same problems though with it rigidly sticking to opensource20:12
ali1234why is that a problem?20:12
ali1234that's a good thing20:13
Psychobudgieali1234, ask someone who is having an issue with flash, ati drivers, nvidia issues, pdf problems, codec issues20:13
PsychobudgieI can go on if you like20:13
ali1234i don't care20:13
ali1234i literally do not care20:13
ali1234if you buy that stuff and it doesn't work, complain to whoever you bought it from20:14
Psychobudgiethat's the spirit20:14
ali1234yes, yes it is20:14
gordwow. soundkonverter is way better than sound converter20:15
hamitrontoo many k's ;/20:15
Psychobudgiethat addition of a k and subtraction of a c makes it sound more awesome20:16
hamitronsounds like a QT app to me20:16
teja2011i am using 11.04...but i was having a problem in new look of ubuntu i tried to enable desktop cube in compiz den something gone wrong dats it i can see any panels and shortcuts...help me20:16
gordwell sound converter couldn't handle utf-8 strings and converts one song at a time. soundkonverter handles utf-8 strings and converts as many cores as you have at a time20:17
AlanBellis Qt going to be in Oneiric?20:17
penguin42AlanBell: Why wouldn't it be?20:17
gorddepends, hard to find the cd space20:17
AlanBellI mean on the CD20:17
gorddepends if we go for the 1gb image i guess20:17
gordwait till post uds20:17
hamitron1gb on a cd?20:17
gordno cd20:17
hamitronoh noes :/20:18
gordits been thrown around for years, but i doubt desktop will go for it20:18
* AlanBell hunts for the blueprint for that one20:18
gordactually i hate soundkonverter20:18
gordas it also does not work20:18
gordit it failed eight times faster20:18
hamitronI had better sort out my netbooting20:18
gordi just want to put some mp3's on my phone =\ this is what you get for using flac!20:19
* hamitron just uses mp320:19
Psychobudgieme roo20:20
ali1234possible candidate for new "popular" distro: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=chakra20:20
Psychobudgieflac is just too awesome for me20:20
ali1234arch based with a nicely configured kde, or so i'm told20:20
Psychobudgiemaybe if they rename it to flak it would be even more awesome20:20
hamitronI can't run i686 on all my machines :/20:20
hamitronmy latest toy is only i586, hehe20:21
gordoh for crying out loud, its because we are shipping that crippled ffmpeg20:21
gordthe one that can encode barely anything20:21
ali1234it's not hard to install the good one20:21
ali1234you have a choice etc20:22
ali1234choice is good20:22
penguin42hamitron: What hardware is that toy?20:22
hamitron"crap or good?" ;/20:22
Psychobudgieunless it involves unity in which case it's bad20:22
hamitronpenguin42: a SiS cpu20:22
hamitronpenguin42: http://www.parkytowers.me.uk/thin/VXLpercio/index.shtml20:24
hamitronI should maybe get a new toy, had this one too long for a newest toy20:24
penguin42hamitron: I like your classification of power when off20:25
hamitronit isn't mine20:25
penguin42hamitron: Still, it's a bit modern compared to my P9020:26
hamitronyes, it will be replacing my P120 as it happens20:26
hamitronjust not decided how to set things up yet20:26
hamitrontbh, my intention was to replace the P120, I will probably end up running both :/20:27
ali1234check it out: http://distrowatch.com/images/slinks/zevenos.png20:27
gordjust fyi, you want the package libavcodec-extra-52 to encode mp3s20:27
ali1234beos inspired?20:27
hamitronit is just how things seem to work out20:27
=== emma is now known as em
hamitronI never liked BeOS20:27
ali1234hardly anyone liked it, that's why it failed totally20:28
j0nrhey folks...20:28
hamitronmy friend bought it20:28
j0nris there a channel for natty probs?20:28
hamitronit was supposed to be good for image editing20:28
hamitronhere is good for natty prob20:28
ali1234hamitron: considering that photoshop was and is the defacto standard for image editing, i'm not sure why anyone would think that20:29
PsychobudgiebeOS was originally scoped for the savior of the Amiga then people realised it was awful and that was that20:29
hamitronali1234: I just remember reading it at the time ;/20:30
PsychobudgieI still have nightmares about the beBox20:30
hamitronI actually still have the free BeOS downloads that were made available20:30
hamitronjust cuz I download and collect stuff for the hell of it20:31
hamitronBeOS4Linux.tar.gz and BeOS5-PersonalEdition.exe20:32
ali1234actually the main thing keeping me on ubuntu is launchpad20:34
ali1234it's miles better than any of the other bug trackers that the others use20:34
ali1234especially bugzilla which is horrible20:35
hamitronand we thought it was cuz you loved us..... ;/20:35
* brobostigon shakes fist, gpu hang, :(20:37
hamitronI wonder if me buying this low powered replacement device is more green than just using what i already had20:45
gordhow do you mean?20:45
hamitronwell, the SiS 200MHz uses less power than the P12020:46
hamitronbut the making of the SiS device will have emited carbon20:46
hamitronso will it save enough power to pay for itself in carbon emissions?20:47
hamitronthe best thing about it, is the space on my desk it will save :)20:48
hamitronhaving some usb ports is a bonus too20:49
AlanBellis there an easy peasy way to do a network install?20:49
ali1234boot live usb, run the script off the forums20:50
ali1234switch other machine to pxe mode20:50
AlanBellooh, what script?20:50
ali1234dunno, i found it on google20:51
ali1234probably doesn't work for natty20:51
hamitronthat is a feature that would be handy to have on the livecd imo20:51
hamitronTiny Linux has a script on it for such use20:52
gordjust noticed how silly it is that when you plug android into usb it asks you if you want to turn off usb storage... no, i want to turn it on so i can copy files!20:53
brobostigonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/715096 again, :(20:54
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 715096 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i945gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000011)" [Undecided,New]20:54
czajkowskigord: any idea http://twitter.com/#!/angeliotum/status/6404598697623552020:54
gordczajkowski, nope, trackpads sound like an X thing, no idea though sorry20:55
gordxorg, trackpad events come through that i think20:55
czajkowskiahh ok20:56
gordi just noticed that i replaced the default "famous authors" screensaver on my kindle with mega-drive game covers. i am a huge nerd.20:57
hamitronAlanBell: this looks cool http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/di-netboot-assistant20:57
czajkowskigord: yes this is something we've all known for some time20:58
AlanBellthanks hamitron20:58
gordmy desktop machine isn't up todate, but i really hope we didn't ship a nautilus with an appindicator for copying files with a cursor as the icon20:59
hamitrontime for more coffee21:01
hamitron\o/ brb21:01
gordhrm i can copy at about 1MB/s on my wifi, i'm betting some peoples broadband connections are better than this21:07
balor__czajkowski, CyanogenMod21:12
czajkowskibalor__: yeah I really dont want to root phone21:13
czajkowskibalor__: you're a bit long in the tooth today21:13
balor__czajkowski, My DSL is acting up21:14
AlanBellbalor__: is celebrating the narwhal21:14
ali1234that joke is going to get made so much when 11.10 comes out21:24
MartijnVdSali1234: celebrating the ocelot? huh?21:26
ali1234"natty is getting long in the tooth so i'm upgrading to 11.10 HURR HURR HURR"21:26
hamitrondo you need a special bluray writer for BD-RE DL disks, or is any BDRW drive ok?21:28
jacobwnatty is another release with no templates by default :|21:28
MartijnVdShamitron: yes. One of those.21:28
MartijnVdSjacobw: templates?21:28
hamitronMartijnVdS: which? :)21:29
jacobwnautilus > right click > create document > 'no templates installed'21:29
gordheh yeah21:30
MartijnVdShamitron: dunno21:32
MartijnVdSjacobw: so put some files there21:32
exobuzzadmiral popey21:33
popeypip pip21:33
gordpop pop21:34
MartijnVdS<o even, if he's admiral now :)21:34
hamitron14 quid for a 50gb storage disk seems ok(ish)21:35
gordi guess, is it really worth investing in 50gb of storage though?21:35
MartijnVdSmaybe he means on-line storage?21:35
popeyi want to upgrade the disk in my virgin v+ box21:35
MyrttiAlanBell: yuo21:35
AlanBelland here too21:36
hamitronwell, I'm thinking 50gb is better than 4.5gb21:36
AlanBellMyrtti: akk was playing with it with ubuntu21:36
Guest34716popey, are you there?21:36
popeyGuest34716: i am here21:36
Guest34716popey: (and any macbook pro owner: have you seen this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77408921:36
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 774089 in Ubuntu "Booting fails 3 times, works every fourth time after new install of Natty Narwhal amd64 on Macbook Pro" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:36
MyrttiAlanBell: I'm fairly sure it's a bit more useful with Ubuntu than MeeGo :-)21:36
Guest34716longlong story short, to 'fix' that bug, Apple propose a logic board replacement21:36
gordreally want to upgrade my storage on my network. but it would require a raid or something :(21:36
popeyGuest34716: yes, i recommended that bug was filed21:37
MyrttiAlanBell: (or rather, vanilla MeeGo, WeTab OS is actually quite nice if you ignore the Germanic point of view of the world it has)21:37
Guest34716popey: I just added to it. Who should it be raised with?21:37
Guest34716popey: because it looks like it is easy to fall in to that trap - I basically did a broadly default install and it broke21:38
Guest34716popey: do you know of any non logic-board replacement fix?21:38
=== Guest34716 is now known as Who__
ali1234oh wow that's a bad one21:39
ali1234can't be anything on the hard drive if you swapped it21:40
ali1234therefore it must be some hardware/firmware issue21:40
Who__ali1234: exactly. it really shouldn't happen like that!21:41
ali1234why do people buy them?21:41
* hamitron is ill at the thought21:42
* popey covers his macs microphone port21:42
popeylest it might hear ali1234 and his bad words21:42
Who__ali1234: they work great until you try and put Ubuntu on them ;)21:42
* popey hugs his macbook pro21:42
ali1234popey: it might get mad and stop working for no reason and then you'll need a logic board replacement21:42
popeyapparently so21:42
hamitronMacs are good products when used as designed to be21:42
ali1234wouldn't want that to happen...21:42
Who__popey: not too close, as above - dont' want anything to happen to the firmware21:43
ali1234well if i had a mac and this problem this is what i would do21:43
hamitronsell it?21:44
ali1234first i would make a list of every single piece of hardware in it21:44
ali1234then i would read the driver code in the kernel for each one21:44
ali1234i would be looking for anything that has built in firmware21:44
ali1234particularly ethernet21:44
ali1234(there was a bug in previous kernel that killed e1000 ethernet cards)21:44
ali1234i have a hunch that it might be something similar here21:45
popeyyeah, that was fun21:45
ali1234because EFI probably tries to boot from ethernet21:45
ali1234i mean it boots from HD too but that's clearly not the problem if you swapped21:45
ali1234so ethernet boot rom is the other possibility21:45
ali1234if the ethernet card is acting weird that might crash EFI21:45
Who__ali1234: yea, that's a good suggestion, I'll add to bug report when I get the cmoputer back21:46
ali1234it might not even be "killing" the eth as such21:46
ali1234but it might simply be something like the driver "touches" the firmware and then EFI doesn't like it any more, even though it still "works"21:46
ali1234if you see what i mean21:46
ali1234the previous bug did get fixed btw, a tool was released that undid the damage21:47
ali1234but it took a while21:47
ali1234i wonder if merely booting the livecd is enough to cause this?21:48
Who__ali1234: uncertain, and currently without a fix it's an expensive thing to test :(21:53
Who__as I note in the bug report, debug was cut short because of taking it to Apple Store :(21:53
ali1234according to the lspci it's got: 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: nVidia Corporation MCP79 Ethernet [10de:0ab0] (rev b1)21:56
ali1234related? : http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=108374721:59
popeyWho__: if you have logs I'd respond to that bug report, colin watson actually knows what he's talking about, so may be able to help22:44
shaunohm; how do you actually install the gnome3 ppa?  the list lp looks like I should be installing the gnome-desktop3 meta, but it doesn't appear to exist22:48
lubotu3`Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.22:49
popeygnome-shell by the look of it22:50
shaunofun fun .. unmeetable dependencies22:51
gordi don't think that factoid is scary enough22:53
gordcan we put monsters in it?22:53
shaunoit probably should be scary if there's no downgrade path :/22:53
gordyeah, its basically just unstalling random libraries from what will be in O in to natty, thats not a good idea22:54
shauno(to be fair, most the scary parts of that factoid are taken almost verberatim from the lp page it references)22:54
gordcan't hurt to wait a few months for O to be more stable can it? :)22:54
shaunoI'm just nosey :)  I honestly don't expect natty to be stable.22:55
shaunoand I don't just mean that to troll.  given the size of the changes they're making, it looks like they had the choice of either having a release that was destined to teething pains22:56
shaunoor skip the 6 month cycle.  which is a scarier prospect22:56
shaunotrying to figure out where this gir1.2 package is meant to be coming from without X installed is kinda fun.  just had to add universe because elinks isn't in main :(22:59
shaunohah, and universe fixed the problem anyway23:02
shaunouff .. wondered why that was going so slow.  ie.archive is using heanet :(23:08
AlanBellso with a computer that won't run unity3d should I run unity-2d instead?23:16
AlanBellor is that still in a run-for-the-hills kind of state?23:16
gordits not as feature-full as unity 3d and it might overwork the cpu if its a slow cpu23:22
gordbut it should be usable23:22
kingofswordshi any1 use zteblade for modem23:25
AlanBellwow, unity-2d is a *lot* better than I thought it would be23:29
shaunonot sure I should have installed gnome-shell without ubuntu-desktop :/23:30
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.23:32
HazRPGbrobostigon: night :)23:32
brobostigonHazRPG: good night, :)23:33
ali1234mplayer: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libXt.so.6: undefined symbol: _XtCopyFromParEnt23:49
ali1234that's new23:49
ali1234also, seeking in mpegs is broken in gstreamer again23:49
* hamitron cuddles his LTS release with no new bugs added23:51
ali1234this is odd because mplayer worked last time i used it23:51
ali1234and i don't recall any updates23:51
ali1234oh well time to install vlc i guess23:57
penguin42ali1234: I'm curious about the capitalisation in that symbol23:58
ali1234ParEnt vs Parent?23:58
ali1234i copy pasted it23:58
ali1234google only knows about Parent23:59
penguin42there's an _XtCopyFromParent in that library23:59
ali1234uh oh23:59
ali1234tried to report a bug, firefox reported the same error23:59
ali1234i think my system is fubar23:59
penguin42almost looks like a 1 bit corruption23:59

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