
tonyyarussobah, I wish he wouldn't keep logging off :S02:33
sparklehistorytonyyarusso: It is rather difficult to answer questions when he disappears afterwards.02:35
_diablo-serverHello all. anyone here at the installfest16:55
tonyyarusso_diablo-server: Not yet, but I'm about to head on over.17:34
tonyyarussoHow's turnout?17:34
_diablo-servertonyyarusso: all full up again17:45
_diablo-serverpeople filtering in and out, but good times17:45
_diablo-serverHola ColinHarrington17:45
_diablo-serveryou coming to the installfest?17:45
ColinHarringtonNot this time around17:45
ColinHarringtonYea, but I'm home playing with my kids instead so it'll work out17:46
_diablo-serverColinHarrington: fun! enjoy that then. probably more important than hanging out with the nerds :)17:48
tonyyarussoall right, off I go17:50
ColinHarrington_diablo-server: I'm hanging out with future nerds.17:53
_diablo-serverColinHarrington: morph them well17:59
_diablo-servero/ FloatingGoat18:05
FloatingGoatwhens the party again O.O18:05
_diablo-serverFloatingGoat: ongoing now18:06
_diablo-serveruntil 518:06
_diablo-serverat TIES18:06
FloatingGoatOH SHEt18:06
FloatingGoatI thought it was at 618:06
FloatingGoatokay well im going to get a phone there18:07
_diablo-serverFloatingGoat: nah, come over though, there are like 30 people right now18:07
FloatingGoatso i may be a little late O.O18:07
_diablo-servernp np, get here when you get here18:07
_diablo-serverI'll be gone from 2-3:30ish, but I'll be back after18:07
_diablo-serverfrom 3:30 till 518:08
_diablo-serverbut everyone will be here18:08
FloatingGoat\okay cool18:12
FloatingGoatim just about to head out in like 5 mins18:12
FloatingGoatso i will be there in about 20-3018:13
FloatingGoat_diablo-server: how are you talking, if you're there?18:16
_diablo-serverFloatingGoat: they have wireless...18:21
_diablo-serverand I'm ssh'd to my server at home18:21
FloatingGoat_diablo-server: hey, in hopkins right?18:25
FloatingGoat_diablo-server: I dont think we're on the same page here O.O18:30
FloatingGoat_diablo-server: where are you?18:32
FloatingGoatwell i'm going to hopkins18:36
_diablo-serverFloatingGoat: no! this is the one in st paul18:42
_diablo-serverlarpenteur and snelling18:42
_diablo-serverFloatingGoat: tonyyarusso just said that the hopkins one is in the evening18:46
Jay-CeeThe Hopkins meet up is at 6:00.....Right?19:05
tonyyarussoJay-Cee: Yes, 6:00 is correct.19:16
Jay-CeeThanks Tony, I look forward to meeting everyone attending19:17
=== Takyoji is now known as Takyoji[laptop]
fisch246less than 4 hours :D20:08
Takyoji[laptop]And it took me 2 hours to get to TIES, after missing a turn--twice (different turns, of course)20:12
fisch2462 hours >.>21:54
fisch2461 hour23:02
fisch246tonyyarusso: i'm assuming you're at the PU party right now... but if you're not... you ready to party it up :D23:02

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