
qinWhat Xfce using Natty, 4.6?00:00
PauseBazingahey dudes/dudettes, I have a multimonitor question:  I looked at Beta 2 recently and loved it, but there was no way to enable desktop spanning across 2 monitors without manually doing it via the command line.  Has this been changed or is the only option in the Display GUI still Cloned00:00
KM0201qin: 4.8.000:00
qinKM0201: Good news.00:01
KM0201PauseBazinga: whats your graphics chipset?00:01
KM0201ah.. no idea on ATI00:01
KM0201i know w/ Nvidia, its easy00:01
PauseBazingawell, I guess AMD now days00:01
PauseBazingait's easy anyway, just via xrandr CLI00:01
PauseBazingabut it doesn't stick00:01
PauseBazingawhen you reboot00:01
KM0201hmm, sudo?00:02
PauseBazingaknow how to make xrandr's default change?00:02
bin_bash&make is for compiling right00:02
KM0201cuz i know if i run nvidia-setting sw/o root.. the changes aren't saved00:02
KM0201bin_bash: yes00:02
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:02
PauseBazingahmm..not sure if I tried sudo00:02
bin_bashso i'd cd into that folder00:02
bin_bashand then do00:02
PauseBazingagood point bro, I'll give that a go00:02
bin_bash&make skippy-xd-0.5.0 ?00:03
KM0201bin_bash: under most circumstances, you'd cd into the directory, then ./configure    let it look for its dependencies, and make sure you meet them00:03
KM0201then ./make      then let that go(it usually takes a while)00:03
KM0201that should be "make" not ./make00:03
KM0201then after that, you've got some options.. you can run sudo make install00:04
KM0201which will instal the app00:04
bin_bashit says there's no ./configure file00:04
PauseBazingaI've been in a bit of a cluster since Unity took over, searching high and low for a new distro.  Xubuntu is so comfortable after using Ubuntu for so long.  I'm on Kubuntu right now and it's okay but...meh...00:04
bin_bashkde is scheise anyway00:05
bin_bashxfce for the win00:05
KM0201bin_bash: hmm, well thast strange.. then you'd probably just need make and make install, would be my guess00:05
PauseBazingaKDE's purdy, but I'm mostly just not used to the applications.00:05
PauseBazingathat and it's kind of too fancy for my blood00:06
bin_bashno such file or directory00:06
PauseBazingabut I was able to confirm that Pithos works on KDE, that's a plus.  Anyone know if Pithos works in Xubuntu?  It's a Gnome-based program00:07
KM0201bin_bash: you sure your'e cd'd into the right directory?00:08
bin_bashit's not ./make00:08
bin_bashit's just make00:08
bin_bashbut this happened00:08
bin_bashskippy.h:23:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory00:08
bin_bashcompilation terminated.00:08
DeM0nFiRe"Connection Established: [Don't show this message again] [Don't show this messae again]00:08
KM0201bin_bash: yeah, i pointed out above it was just make, not ./make00:08
KM0201it wsa a typo.. scroll up.. :)00:09
bin_bashi missed it :P00:09
KM0201no idea what the compilation terminated means thoug00:11
bin_bashit means it didn't compile00:12
KM0201well duh00:12
zenroxbin_bash, it means i needs the X11 dev libs00:14
bin_bashyeah i know00:14
zenroxjust maken shure00:14
bin_bashexcept i have that00:16
KM0201so did you get it compiled?00:32
DeM0nFiReHahah I picked a bad day to be doing this00:33
DeM0nFiReThe repos are throttled lol00:33
bin_bashKM0201: not yet00:33
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: it's always really bad right at the beginning of a new release00:34
KM0201bin_bash: what are you trying to compile?00:34
DeM0nFiReKM0201: Yeah :P00:34
abrdid anyone consider EASE for the default presentation app?00:34
bin_bashKM0201: skippy00:36
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: done thing you can do, is in synaptic, do a search for the "best server".. rather than being hooked to main server...00:36
KM0201bin_bash: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3051000:38
surreal7zwith what window decorator can I replace emerald with compiz?, because emerald is not working in 11.0400:38
KM0201not sure what version you're compiling (probably newer than that one).. but that might help00:38
bin_bashoh thanks00:39
KM0201surreal7z: i'm curious why you keep trying to get emerald working.. its not surprising that it doesn't work, because it is obsolete00:39
KM0201bin_bash: this looks even easier  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Skippy00:40
surreal7zYES, bit with what decorator can I replace it xD00:40
surreal7zthat was my question00:40
surreal7zxfwm4 replaces all compiz... I just need a window decorator to work with compiz :)00:41
FreeFullSo I upgraded to Xubuntu 11.0400:44
KM0201FreeFull: ok, how did it go?00:44
FreeFullIs there any way to get rid of those ugly resize things in the bottom right corners of windows?00:44
FreeFullThe upgrading went fine00:44
FreeFullThey make terminals look ugly00:45
surreal7zgtk-window-decorator works00:48
FreeFullWhy would I use that instead of xfwm400:48
FreeFullAlso, I'd need to install and use compiz, no?00:49
surreal7zuf... that was not meant for you00:49
FreeFullOh, nevemindthen00:49
FreeFullThe corners show up even if xfwm4 isn't running D:00:51
Dice-Manhi people01:21
Dice-Manwhat's the difference between a xubuntu session and xfce one ?01:21
drcthe menu, iirc01:23
Dice-Manany differences about lightness ?01:23
drcThat' all I remember...but I didn't spend much time in the xfce session01:23
DeM0nFiReI like how mount talks to me in the first person01:24
DeM0nFiRe"You didn't specify a filesystem type. I will try type ext4"01:24
DeM0nFiReYou do that mount01:24
DeM0nFiReHey guys, how can I get xubuntu to stop with the black popup thingy telling me silly things like downloads finished?01:48
KM0201probably a notification area plugin...01:58
well_laid_lawnor in preferences in firefox01:58
KM0201that could be to01:59
bin_bashi'm gonna stop using a gui altogether02:12
KM0201oh dear02:25
bin_bashwhy not?02:44
bin_bashlol u mad canonical?02:44
well_laid_lawncanonical have a non-gui release02:46
bin_bashKM0201: you still using skippy02:46
KM0201bin_bash: not really.. why?02:47
bin_bashi like it a lot02:47
KM0201alt+tab though, was always fine w/ me.lol02:47
KM0201well_laid_lawn: yes, canonical has a non-gui release, its a server install02:47
ballOh dear.03:06
ballI just hosed Fork's PC by letting it try to upgrade itself to 11.403:07
KM0201why do you think it hosed it?03:07
ballKM0201: How is that funny?03:07
KM0201cuz i doubt its as bad as you think.. and who is fork?03:07
ballFork is my five-year-old daughter.03:07
KM0201ball: ok, and how did the upgrade "hose it"03:15
ballKM0201: The screen mode is different and we've lost the panels at top and bottom of the screen.03:23
KM0201thats unity03:34
ballKM0201: Unity is supposed to deprive her of all menu bars?03:35
KM0201well, usually there's a menu when you nmove your mouse allth eway to the left03:35
ballIs there a command to roll back to the previous release of Xubuntu?03:35
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.03:39
KM0201oh wait03:39
KM0201i forgot, you're using xubuntu, not ubuntu.. so unity is not the issue.03:40
KM0201sounds like something went wrong in the upgrade.. what version of ubuntu were you using before?03:40
teepeggI'm having trouble with my hard drive frequently spinning down, is anybody around?03:47
ballKM0201: 10.11 ?03:47
ballhello teepegg03:48
ballKM0201: Sounds about right.03:48
teepegglet me check which version03:48
KM0201i dunno ball03:48
KM0201sounds like you've got an upgrade that went haywaire03:48
* ball nods03:48
teepeggI think it was 10.1003:48
ballNot sure whether to install 11.4 or 10.10, now03:49
teepeggalso, the 32 bit version worked fine03:49
KM0201ball: i'd clean install 11.0403:49
drcKM0201: If you upgrade from xubuntu 10.10 (xfce 4.6.) to xubuntu 11.04 (xfce 4.8) there should have been a question about menus.  Maybe something went wrong here?03:49
KM0201drc: yeah, i initially thought he was talking about *ubuntu*.. thats what i get for beig in multiple channels.. onjce i realized i was in xubuntu.. i corrected myself03:50
drcteepegg: I'd look at your power manager settings03:51
ballUnfortunately I have to take the cover off and hack a CD-ROM drive in every time I reinstall.03:51
drcball: no usb?03:51
teepeggdrc: the xfce power manager makes no mention of hard disk settings03:52
balldrc: Not that I can boot from.03:52
drcteepegg: I was really thinking of somewhere else that talks about spinning down hhd's, but I can't find it...wait a minute03:52
drohmany of you guys run docky instead of the xfce4 panel?03:53
drohmwith 11.04...03:53
ballIs there a Linux distribution made just for children?03:55
pleia2there is qimo4kids and edubuntu03:55
Unit193ball: Like Edubuntu?03:55
ballThat might work.03:56
ballIs there a separate iso for that?03:56
drcteepegg: Power Manager ON AC/Battery (both)...there is a setting to check "Spin Down hard Disks"03:56
pleia2ball: yes, http://edubuntu.org/download03:57
ballpleia2: Thanks.03:57
teepeggdrc: I don't see it, also it looks like I'm running xubuntu 9.1003:58
drcteepegg: 9.10 ? Woah :)03:58
teepeggdrc: clicked "Help" in the Applications dropdown in xfce, and that's what it says03:59
teepeggdrc: I was pretty sure I downloaded 10.10...03:59
teepeggdrc: is there another way I can check this?04:00
drohmdoes anyone know if DropBox works on xubuntu?04:00
teepeggdrc: /etc/issue says I'm running 10.1004:04
KM0201teepegg: well, that would probably explain your issues.04:05
drcteepegg: sorry, was afk (puppy)04:05
KM0201teepegg: you can also lsb_release -a    that will show your version/release04:05
teepeggKM0201: that also says 10.1004:06
KM0201teepegg: then you're using 10.1004:06
KM0201teepegg: whats the output of uname -r04:06
drcteepegg: I have no idea about 10.10...I came from ubuntu to xubuntu in the beta satge04:07
KM0201teepegg: i can't remember specifically,j but i think thats 10.10 as well, i know its not 9.1004:07
drcHe's on 10.10...04:07
teepeggthe power manager says nothing about spinning down hard disks in any of the tabs04:08
teepeggI fixed the issue (temporarily) with hdparm -B254, but I didn't find the examples in hdparm.conf enlightening enough to make it permanent04:09
KM0201teepegg: its on the "battery" botton04:09
teepeggI have a checkbox for "Prefer power savings over performance"04:11
teepeggAnd a slider for "Put the computer to sleep when inactive for:"04:11
teepeggbut nothing about hard disks04:12
teepeggalso, it does it on AC power as well04:12
drcteepegg: must be a 11.04/4.8 addition then...sorry04:12
teepeggI'll upgrade, then. Thanks.04:16
drcteepegg: xfce 4.8 is much better than 4.6, which is why I finally broke down and installed xubuntu 11.0404:17
teepeggdrc: the only thing that bugs me is that the 32-bit version worked fine, but this problem is in the 64-bit version04:19
drcI just installed the 64 bit 11.04 today (after a couple of weeks of the 32 bit)...so far, no problems (uses just a bit more RAM, but that's to be expected.04:20
oboedad55hows everyone like 11.04?04:24
drcoboedad55: Works for me04:24
oboedad55installing it now04:24
oboedad55unity and i didnt get along...04:24
drcxfce 4.8 is great04:25
drcoboedad55: That's why I'm here...not #ubuntu04:25
drcBesides the fact that #ubuntu is so full of questions, one can't follow a single thread anyway :)04:26
oboedad55ok, time to reboot04:26
KM0201drc: you can.. you just gotta really pay attention in there, and if folks don't !tab, forget it04:26
drcKM0201: Sometimes I exagerate for effect....but not by much.04:27
drcThe screen scrolls so fast.....04:27
KM0201drc: it does...04:27
KM0201you gotta have a window appropriately sized to follow everything04:28
KM0201here in #xubuntu, i ca have a fairly small window, and keep track of everything04:28
KM0201not in #ubuntu04:28
drcWell, Bedtime for Bonzo...laters all04:30
bin_bashso in skype my camera is tweaking out04:43
KM0201whats it doing04:43
bin_bashlike it looks normal for a bit04:43
bin_bashbut then it gets all distorted04:43
bin_bashlike a funhouse mirror04:43
KM0201what kinda camera is it?04:45
bin_bashfacetime hd camera04:45
bin_bashit looks normal in cheese04:45
KM0201have you went through the options in skype?04:46
bin_bashlolwhat options04:46
bin_bashrthere arent any for video04:46
KM0201hmm, not really m uch in the "options" relating to the camera04:47
KM0201rthere?   is that another internet meme?04:48
bin_bashno it's a typo04:48
KM0201or a typo?04:48
KM0201is the camera an internal camera on the macbook? i assume it is04:48
jgouldKM0201, what model MacBook?04:49
KM0201bin_bash: how does lspci ( or maybe lsusb)... identify the camera?04:49
KM0201does lsusb? one of them has to04:51
jgouldUnder the Mac OS the camera is a USB device04:51
bin_bashno neither04:51
jgouldSystem profiler lists it as a USB Device, Let me get a live CD up on the MBP04:54
bin_bashmy head looks all stretched out04:55
bin_bashlike a conehead lol04:55
* ball chuckles04:55
KM0201jgould: yeah, so really, lsusb should show something04:55
bin_bashskype was just using 143% of my cpu04:58
* KM0201 <3's macs04:58
ballI used to run some Macs04:59
ballbrb, sandwich04:59
jgouldI want to play with xubuntu on the Early '11 MBP with 8GB of ram XD04:59
jgouldball, I'll take one too!04:59
bin_bashjgould: good luck. heard 8gb ram didn twork well05:01
KM0201jgould: i'm pretty sure hers is really new, but i think its one of the netbooks05:01
KM0201didn't you say yours was onje of those mac netbooks?05:01
KM0201or am i hallucinating?05:01
bin_bashMac doesn't make a netbook05:01
bin_bashthe closest thing to a netbook is the 12" macbook air05:01
KM0201oh i though they made like a mac mini o rsomethng?05:02
bin_bashthat's a desktop05:02
KM0201you can tell i don't hang out at the apple store05:02
bin_bashi admit it. i used to be a total macfag05:02
jgouldI'm actually working on a Mac Mini running a 64 bit version of Natty05:03
bin_bashI'm running the 32 bit version of natty05:03
* KM0201 is on a 6yr old acer laptop right now..lol05:03
jgouldI'm building a usbstick so I can liveboot into natty.05:05
ballI almost bought a Mac mini once.05:07
ball...had a PowerPC one in the basket at Apple.com the day they announced the switch to Intel05:07
DeM0nFiReWhat happened to the system monitor thatused to come with xubuntu?05:07
jgouldThis one was for my wife...05:07
bin_bashI have an iMac G505:08
bin_bashI got it after the Intel machines came out05:08
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: its still there05:08
bin_bashMy dad had about 10 intel iMacs at his office05:08
ballI still sometimes think about the G4 tower.05:08
bin_bashand they sent them all back for G5's05:09
ball...or an Xserve05:09
DeM0nFiReKM0201: Where?05:09
bin_bashso he insisted i get a G505:09
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: right click panel, add to panel, system monitor?05:09
ballI wish I had a panel :-)05:09
DeM0nFiReNot that05:10
DeM0nFiReThe program that had the graphs for CPU and mem usage and stuff, it wasn't a panel thing05:10
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: there's task manager, is that what you want?05:10
jgouldI wish I had a million dollars...05:10
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: thats system monitor (the graphcis)05:10
bin_bashWhy does my head look like a penis in this skype call05:11
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: i'm sitting here looking at it.. i added it to my panel, 3 metering bars, cpu, mem, swap05:11
ballIf I had a million dollars, I'd drive the Trans-Canada highway.05:11
KM0201bin_bash: lol05:11
KM0201ball: gas prices are high, but i don't think you'd need a million bucks to do it05:12
DeM0nFiReKM0201: That isn't what I am talking about05:12
DeM0nFiReIt's not a panel item05:12
DeM0nFiReIt's a program05:12
ballKM0201: A million dollars would mean I don't have to work for a while, freeing up the time required.05:12
DeM0nFiReit was in System -> System Monitr05:12
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: i dunno man05:13
jgouldhmm... My MacBook doesn't see the USB Stick... Let me burn a CD...05:13
* KM0201 laughs05:14
KM0201bin_bash: its not just you.05:14
KM0201jgould: bin needs a USB, and a CD, to boot a live CD..lol05:14
bin_bashjgould: you have to use both simultaneously05:14
DeM0nFiReman this is lame05:14
DeM0nFiReKM0201: FYI it was gnome-system-monitor it's in the repo just doesn't come with xubntu anymore05:15
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: i was gonna ask you if thats what it was05:16
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: to be truthful, it doesn't even work w/ unity anymore05:16
DeM0nFiReYeah I went and looked it up in synaptics05:16
DeM0nFiReIt's working for me right now05:16
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: really?.. it's working in the gnome panel?05:16
KM0201*xfce panel?05:16
DeM0nFiReWell, it's not attached to one of the like taskbar panels if that's what you mean05:17
KM0201thats what i mean05:17
jgouldI wonder if I could cut down on machines and just run the server with a GUI and use it like a workstation... Do a clean install of Xubuntu and install my server packages...05:17
DeM0nFiReWell, I don't want that anyway05:17
DeM0nFiReI wanted it in a window05:17
KM0201i like it docked in a panel05:19
DeM0nFiReYeah well I got enough of a headache as it is without trying to see 8 different CPUs on a 24 x 48 pixel box05:19
jgouldAnyone see any issues with using Xubuntu as a server?05:22
DeM0nFiReWell it has a lot of extra stuff you don't need05:23
jgouldas well as a workstation05:23
DeM0nFiReWell, if you try to do both in one machine, it won't be the best it can be for either, but it'll work05:26
jgouldOur server usually has a load of 0.0 0.0 0.005:27
jgouldIt more or less hands out files in the house.  that's it05:27
bin_bashuse archlol05:28
* KM0201 is getting tired, everything is funny05:28
KM0201i thought turning on a little bit of ac/dc would wake me up05:29
KM0201its not helping05:29
KM0201i'm gonna go nanners when i go back to work05:29
bin_bashmy dog is cute05:29
KM0201lol, well, thats better than an ugly dogs05:30
jgouldbin_bash, run sudo lsusb -v > lsusb.txt05:32
KM0201does that need sudo?05:32
KM0201guess it does05:32
bin_bashno it doesnt05:32
KM0201yes it does05:33
KM0201otherwise, your last 3-4 lines will be "operating not permitted"05:33
jgouldMy facetime camera is on Bus 001 Device 003 ID  05ac:850905:33
jgouldWhy I hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to the terminal to do that, I'm not sure05:34
KM0201you could also install pastebinit, and pastebin it right from terminal05:34
bin_bashgoddamn it's like 9000 lines of text05:35
KM0201bin_bash: thats why he said "lspci.txt" because that shold put it in in a text file in /home05:35
jgouldI can't see another way to get descriptions...05:35
bin_bashand what am i searching for05:36
KM0201bin_bash: or like i said, install pastebinit and pastebin it right from terminal05:36
KM0201like that05:36
KM0201i like pastebinit, handy tool.05:37
jgouldLines 1051-158605:40
KM0201read all those05:40
bin_bashand what am i supposed to do with that information05:42
bin_bashi mena seriously? you want me to read 535 lines of text?05:43
KM0201that says it works out of the box05:44
MK``xchat annoying bug/feature05:44
bin_bashoh it works05:44
bin_bashbut i look like a penis.05:44
KM0201lol, i have n idea why that tickled me05:44
Unit193MK``: What's the feature?05:45
MK``It interprets beep characters people send to you. Very annoying05:45
KM0201bin_bash: dry this....   sudo dv4lstart skype05:46
KM0201actually, that shouldn't need sudo05:47
KM0201now that i think sudo.05:47
KM0201cuz.. its supposed to use v4l(video4linux) codecs for the camera that way05:47
KM0201if i read it correctl05:47
jgouldWireless won't work on the 8,1's under Natty...05:48
KM0201you might get an error.05:48
bin_bashjgould: no there's no driver05:48
jgouldNot yet05:49
bin_bashnot for a while05:49
KM0201bin_bash: you might have to install dv4l before that will work05:50
bin_bashok i installe it05:51
KM0201!info dv4l05:51
ubottudv4l (source: dv4l): Redirect V4L API to access a camcorder from a V4L program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-3 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 148 kB05:51
bin_bashjgould: wireless won't work on the 8,1's at all05:51
KM0201bin_bash: now try running dv4l skype (or whatever i said before)05:52
bin_bashall it does it start skype05:53
bin_bashi;m alrwady in skype05:53
KM0201bin_bash: thats what its supposed to do.05:53
KM0201close skype...05:53
bin_bashmeh i'll do it lter05:53
KM0201and restart it.... w/ dv4lstart skype  that *should hopefully* direct your camera to use v4l05:54
KM0201i'm getting the urge to watch coneheads05:54
bin_bashare you high05:54
KM0201now what would make you think that?05:55
bin_bashBecause that's a great stoner film05:55
KM0201i never knew that ..05:55
bin_bashwatch it high05:56
bin_bashit's great05:56
KM0201i've never done drugs, never had so much as a sip of alcohol, or smoked a cig.. so.. i don't think i'll be watching it high.05:56
bin_bashomg that's so sad!05:57
KM0201not really.05:57
jgouldI'm with you, KM0201, except I have drank, just very infrequently...05:58
bin_bashWow... I'm like... I total drug-head in comparison05:58
KM0201do we need an intervention?05:58
bin_bashI do less drugs than my mom I think05:59
KM0201na, it's just something i decided very young i was never gonna mess w/, and frankly, thats wy i've never so much as touched any of it05:59
bin_bashThat's cool I guess05:59
bin_bashAre you against sex too05:59
KM0201lol, no06:00
KM0201it's not really that i'm "against" drugs, alcohol, etc..06:00
bin_bashcuz if you were, then you'd need an itnervention06:00
KM0201i mean, to really truthful, under most circumstances, if you wanna do drugs, i think thats your business, so long as you're not endangering others.06:00
KM0201same w/ booze06:01
KM0201but.. again, just.. when i hear stories at work from various people, who were probably pretty good guys on the street, and they end up there and their story starts, "Well, I was drunk..." or.. "Well, I was stoned..."  just kinda reaffirms my opinion that i don't want anything to do w/ it06:02
MK``what drugs are we talking about06:02
bin_bashI only got arrested once06:02
bin_bashand I wasn't on drugs06:02
DeM0nFiReI only got arrested once yesterday06:03
KM0201now thats good.06:03
DeM0nFiReI don't remember whether I was on drugs06:03
KM0201before i transferred to the state system, i worked in a very large, county jail.06:03
KM0201and this guy, he was a drnk06:03
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:04
KM0201i didn't know xubuntu had an offtopic06:04
bazhangit does.06:04
DeM0nFiReKM0201: So you were talking about this Xubuntu user who was drunk06:04
DeM0nFiReJust kidding :P06:04
bazhangDeM0nFiRe, lets move on06:04
DeM0nFiRelol, I was just being a jerk :P06:04
KM0201DeM0nFiRe: join off topic and i'll tell you06:05
KM0201MK``: what was your xchat bug? ( i saw you mention it)06:10
jgouldhelps when you type on the right keyboard06:11
MK``<MK``> It interprets beep characters people send to you06:11
bin_bashwhat is a beep character06:11
MK``unicode character 7, ""06:11
MK``the 'bell' control character :P06:11
KM0201what is a unijcode character?06:11
KM0201i guess i jsut dont get it.06:12
bin_bashMK``: and whats the problem06:13
MK``Well it can be used to spam noises, is all06:14
MK``there is a setting to turn it off :D06:15
bin_bashI was looking for that lol06:18
MK``it's /set input_filter_beep off06:20
KM0201well there you go06:22
cornowhat would be the best graphical partition editor to use in Xubuntu?06:25
DeM0nFiRecorno: I just use gparted06:28
jgouldAny one else having an issue with using backspace to go back in firefox/chrome?06:28
cornoDeM0nFiRe, i just installed it, works like a charm yes, tx06:29
DeM0nFiReNo problem06:29
KM0201later folks, bed time06:36
DeM0nFiReNow can someone tell me why Xubuntu changes the bios clock?07:38
SysiDeM0nFiRe: afaik it can't08:03
DeM0nFiReSysi: It does08:25
DeM0nFiReIt sets the BIOS clock to GMT and then adjusts the OS time through software08:26
Sysiit didn't work like that for me, it just adjusted OS in the basis of bios-time08:26
DeM0nFiReThat's not the default behavior of the 11.04 install08:28
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
Sysiwell my HW is always utc so hard to tell08:29
DeM0nFiReWell if your had your BIOS set to UTC/GMT it wouldn;t need to change it to UTC, now would it :P08:29
Sysican't remember.. every os uses internet time so i never even know what HW is running08:31
DeM0nFiReWell, it checks the time from the internet when you install, but it doesn't necessarily sync again after that08:32
Sysiit should08:32
DeM0nFiReEhh, I disagree08:33
DeM0nFiReI think it's a PITA when that happens08:33
DeM0nFiReEspecially when I have 3+ different OSes on one machine08:33
Sysii don't need that many :P08:33
DeM0nFiReEach one having a different way of handling timezones08:33
Sysieverything should work with UTC-hw-clock08:34
DeM0nFiReI disagree08:34
Sysiwhat doesn't?08:34
DeM0nFiReOn a small scale system (i.e. one computer) it's easier to sync to local time08:34
Sysimay be08:35
DeM0nFiRe(Windows sets the bios clock to local time when you install and doesn't do it again unless youo ask it to)08:35
Sysiit still should work with utc-clock08:35
DeM0nFiReExcept it is synced with local time, so when you set it to UTC time, it doesn't adjust for timezone08:36
Sysibad windows08:36
DeM0nFiReI disagree08:36
DeM0nFiRebad *nix08:36
DeM0nFiResyncing to UTC makes more sense on large scale systems or systems that are accessed from multiple timezones08:36
Sysisettings clock may be bad but not being able to adapt to it definitely is08:37
Sysiisn't there option to not set it to UTC on installation?08:37
Sysii can't remember since linux just works and i didn't note when i installed natty08:37
DeM0nFiRelol linux just works and windows doesn't?08:38
Sysidepends, if i liked windows usability i'd propably use it08:38
DeM0nFiReLinux defaults to one thing, windows defaults to another. I think what windows defaults to makes more sense because rather than having 3 different OSes have the same offset, having no offset is easier08:38
Sysithat "default" is just one tap in installer08:39
DeM0nFiReI don't think you can change it in the installer08:40
DeM0nFiReWithout setting your own timezone to UTC08:40
DeM0nFiReYou should be able to change that behavior after install08:40
Sysii'm not sure about that in natty08:40
Sysiyou are?08:41
DeM0nFiReBut *buntu is crazy so who knows if you can in buntu :P08:41
Sysii think i need to check my windows after installin natty08:44
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=== thermi is now known as Thermi
musaraignehi there10:18
musaraigneI think I could use a little help :)10:19
Sysipop a question and somebody with a knowledge ansvers10:19
musaraignerunning latest xubuntu, I have emerald and compiz installed, but when I switch to compiz, no borders on my windows. If trying to force emerald by using the --replace command, I get a segmentation error message in my terminal.10:20
musaraigneother effects in compiz seem to work, if it's any indication.10:21
Sysiemerald is deprecated. try gtk-window-decorator or something else10:22
musaraigneok, where do I get this one?10:22
Sysii don't actually know, i guess it should be in repositories10:23
musaraigneterminal, oh wait10:24
musaraigneit's there10:24
musaraigneapparently listed in my compiz icon so I assume it's there**10:24
musaraigneit's selected10:24
musaraignebut if I put compiz in charge, my windows border are still gone10:24
Sysiyou could try setting to use it in compizconfig-settings-manager10:26
Sysimaybe be compiz is just broken because of unity10:26
Sysior if it's fixable, i don't know10:27
musaraigneI don't think I have unity?10:28
Sysiunity uses compiz so it has maybe been modified "broken"10:29
musaraignefor all I know I have xfwm4 only... I see no hints of the Unity10:30
Sysiit's still same compiz10:31
Sysiin unity you do have window borders, bu i don't know what's used for drawing them10:31
musaraigneI do suppose that if I install gnome completely in this, xubuntu will badly slow down?10:32
Sysierr.. why would it10:33
Sysibut it shouldn't help, since it's just compiz config problem10:33
musaraignebbl probably10:41
musaraignethanks for the help :)10:41
musaraigneohhkay back10:49
musaraignehere's another one10:49
musaraigneI installed W32 codecs from medibuntu, as well as libdvdcss210:49
musaraignestill, when inserting an encrypted movie dvd, I get told it's encrypted and that it can't be played.10:50
musaraignealways worked onother distros...10:51
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== xubuntu011 is now known as Eric_Herman
Eric_Hermangave up on latest ubuntu UI, trying Xfce12:40
Eric_Hermanokay about to reboot to xubuntu ....12:45
kurtulsomeone installed xubuntu on emachines (1gb ram) netbook? is it good on it (smooth)?13:12
theholderok ever since i upgraded to 11.04 my machine randomly freezes14:22
Unit193theholder: Do you have all updates?14:24
Unit193I don't happen to know how to fix that issue. I would wait for another person14:26
KM0201did you figure out your webcam problem?15:11
KM0201bin_bash: you know what i just realized, skippy only searches 1 workspace15:39
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
slow-handgood day16:24
slow-handhow you doing?16:25
Soupermanquite nice young fellow, how about you?16:26
slow-handfine too16:26
slow-handSouperman... i'm seriously interested in move from ubuntu to xubuntu...16:27
Souperman:D you should16:27
slow-handi know, ha...   but...16:27
slow-handdo you know how install compiz in xubuntu 11.04?16:27
slow-handi can't live with out the effects, ha ha ha16:27
slow-handand i'm interested in helping to do something too...16:28
slow-handbut i know i must take it easy16:28
Soupermantho i might be biased toward xfce, you see back in the day i had a computer, a pentium II computer, and it wont boot whit gnome or kde, so one day i found xfce and i could leave behind windows :D16:28
slow-handyeah...  it's great16:29
Soupermanoh im sure you just sudo apt-get install compiz or something like that, lemme find out16:29
Sysicompiz seems to be a bit diffucult with natty16:29
Sysii used kwin at some point16:29
Sysikde window manager16:30
Sysinice effects and pretty easy to set up16:30
slow-handthe, is it true compiz is movin to kde?16:30
Sysiinstalls half of kde of course but worked well16:30
Sysiwhat? compiz has nothing to do with kde16:30
slow-handmaybe i dont' understood that thing i read16:31
slow-handdo you know about a howto or something?16:31
Soupermanslow-hand, have you read this?: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/compiz-based-unity-ppa-for-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html16:31
Sysibut that's about unity16:32
slow-handno, i haven't16:32
hobbscspeaking of switching, i just installed xubuntu for the first time since 8 or 9.  really enjoying it so far16:32
slow-handyeah, is nice16:33
slow-handbut i really need the effects16:33
hobbscunity kept crapping out on this underpowered machine, i may end up putting xubuntu on my laptop as well, even though it handles unity just fine16:33
Sysi!info kde-window-manager16:33
ubottukde-window-manager (source: kdebase-workspace): the K window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2a-0ubuntu5 (natty), package size 1631 kB, installed size 6684 kB16:33
hobbscpidgin was an interesting choice, any reason why they didn't go with empathy?16:33
Soupermanim on 10.04 reinstalled it last week after a serious mbr event where i lost all my previous systems, only had a 10.04 dvd sitting there so i installed it, so nice, so nice16:33
slow-handi want natty cause of the kernel16:34
Soupermanslow-hand, http://www.ubuntu.org.uy/main/node/310216:35
slow-handso, i can install kwin16:35
Soupermanis on spañish but the coding should be understable16:35
Sysiif i wanted effects on xubuntu natty, i'd install kwin and then set it from systemsettings16:35
slow-handhe, well, i'm a spanish speaker...16:35
Souperman:D yo tambien16:36
slow-handja ja ja16:36
* Souperman choca los cinco con slow-hand 16:36
Sysii think nobody has managed to get window borders with compiz on natty16:36
slow-handups, cómo haces eso??16:36
Sysienglish please.16:36
slow-handthat's the problem i had16:36
Sysiinstalling it is very easy but that issue with borders is quite big16:36
slow-handi know16:36
Sysidid you try only emerald?16:36
slow-handthey disappear16:36
slow-handonly emerald?16:37
Sysiwell, kwin should work16:37
Sysidid you try anything to get the borders?16:37
slow-handbut only graphical things16:37
slow-handi mean, from the graphical tools16:37
slow-handi didn't had time to try so much16:38
slow-handso i installed ubuntu16:38
slow-handi got done my thihgs to do, so now i want to try again16:39
slow-handsorry for the insistance, then...16:40
slow-handi install xubuntu... then install kwin16:40
slow-handconfigure kwin as the window manager...16:40
slow-handthen install compiz??16:40
Sysikwin includes effects16:41
slow-handwhat effects does it includes?16:41
Sysilots of them, can't remember list16:42
Sysiof course16:42
slow-handor, the desktop wall..16:42
slow-handthat's what i need16:42
Sysiit's nice but i've learned to live without16:43
Sysior well, i can't find good trigger for it16:44
slow-handyeah... maybe it is a fad... but i like it16:45
slow-handwell...  i'll try a clean installation of xubuntu16:45
Sysiwhy not just xubuntu-desktop16:46
Soupermani have the compiz installed in this machine, but i don't really care to activate it XD i've deleted all the secondary desktops and only have one so its kinda useless for me16:46
slow-handwell, i do need them...16:46
slow-handabout 9 of them16:46
slow-handso i need the expo effect16:47
slow-handthat accelerates the things for me16:47
slow-handand...  the xubuntu-desktop mixes the applications, doesn't it?16:47
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »16:48
SoupermanD: where is the burning application16:48
Soupermanoh found it is brasero, my bad16:48
slow-handxfburn, no??16:49
Sysibrasero is default on lucid iirc16:49
Sysixfburn is better :P16:50
slow-handwell guys, i'll back...16:50
slow-handnice channel16:50
slow-handyou really help people...16:51
slow-handthat's nice16:51
slow-handdoes somebody has another suggestion to the desktop effects?16:51
Souperman:D what else would we be doing here, bothering people who come asking for help? if one does not want to help one shouldnt be on a help irc channel16:51
slow-handyeah...  but i've had bad experiences16:52
Soupermanme too... thats why i try to help. And no, not from me slow-hand i'm more than a n00b on linux stuff most of the time16:53
zenroxslow-hand, compiz is prety much the defacto for desktop effects16:53
Soupermanzenrox, he was trying to know how to install compiz on 11.0416:53
slow-handzenrox, i agree.. but with compiz the window borders disappears16:53
Soupermanslow-hand, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWin , it looks pretty well16:54
slow-handnice...  i'll try it....16:56
slow-handlot of effects16:56
* drc has decided to create a ne *buntu...it'll do <nothing> but will have every effect known to man...he'll call it artsy-fartsy-buntu.16:58
Sysiand then canonical shoots it down with name copyrights16:59
drcWell, then I'll call it Linux Mintsy?17:00
slow-handor drc-buntu17:00
drcnah...I'm not egotistical17:01
slow-handgood point17:01
drcI don't need to spend millions to go into space.17:02
slow-handdoes emerald should work with xfce?17:02
Soupermandrc, we are on space rigth now, dont you know that?17:02
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.17:02
drc<sing>We live on a big blue ball, and I never do think we will fall </sing>17:03
slow-handok, kwin wil be then17:03
slow-handok guys, i'll be back17:11
slow-handthanks a lot17:11
likemindeadEveryone loving Xubuntu 11.04?17:14
Soupermanusing 10.04 :(17:16
Soupermani dont feel like upgrading, that had never gone well17:16
ochosiis anyone else here experiencing troubles with the systray?17:16
Soupermaneven worst i should upgrade to 10.10 and then to 11.04, no thank you, 10.04 works flawlessly17:17
likemindeadThere's nothing like a nice, fresh install. I just have a separate /home anyhow.17:17
Galokdownloaded iso, but haven't got a blank CD :-) so spent all day figuring out how to get around the 'Read me not found' error in order to upgrade on-line. Selected a German server which solved that problem and now 4 mins away from 'getting new packages'.17:18
KM0201i do fresh installs, and don't even keep a separate /home..lol17:18
SysiGalok: usb-stick-install?17:18
Soupermani do have a separate /home17:19
KM0201assuming the machine will boot USB (my main PC won't for some reason)17:19
Galokdho! not sure my old lappy will boot from a usb though.17:19
KM0201Galok: how old is old?.. if its within the last 4-5yrs, it should i would think17:19
KM0201my PC.. i built it about 3yrs ago, and the motherboard has a USB boot option, but for some reason, it will not boot the.17:20
GalokEvo-N115 Compaq, 2001 :-)17:20
KM0201Galok: ah.. thats probably pushing it.. :)17:20
Galokhehe really got my moneys worth out of it.17:20
KM0201yeah, my laptop is 6yrs old, i paid 315 for it.. :)17:21
KM0201i got it at some midnight madness sale at Wal Mart17:21
GalokI've seen lappys on ebuyer.com (not ebay) without an OS (so no MS-tax) for a couple of hundred £ (UK).17:24
KM0201Galok: yeah, occasionally you can find those here17:25
KM0201i bought one second hand, just before i bought this one, it was an offlease, (800mhz, 768mb ram, 40gig hard drive)... it still runs, but i have it running crunchbang linux.. i might put lubuntu on it.17:25
KM0201i use it for a very specific purpose though, and it doesn't move, so its no big deal (really just need it to sit on a bench for some office documents, and occasional internet access)17:26
Caas!thx everyone for this fine piece of work, installing it now on my laptop17:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:30
Caasthx everyone for this fine piece of work, installing it now on my laptop17:31
KM0201Caas: is it a clean install, upgrade, dual boot, nuking windows, or what?17:33
zenroxi nuked my windows17:33
zenroxbut u upgraded from 10.1017:33
* KM0201 has windows in vbox17:34
Caasim installing it next to win7, so my gf can continue using her stuff.. she just doesnt want to switch during her graduation17:34
zenroxno need for win for me i can run the apps i need with playon linux17:34
Caasand its a new install , though i have used xubuntu on and off for quite some versions17:34
KM0201zenrox: my biggest problem, was i have an 80gig Zune (don't shoot me, it was a gift)... no hope at all of getting that thing going w/ linux.17:34
zenroxKM0201, it can17:35
KM0201zenrox: where have you read this?17:35
KM0201i've yet to see a working example.17:35
zenroxKM0201, let me look casue i had one worken17:36
CaasI think you could get it to work inside a VM?17:36
KM0201zenrox: if you plug it in, it will detect it.. but you can't add/remove/play music to it.. (at least as of 10.04)...17:37
KM0201Caas: vbox=vm17:37
zenroxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=496243 <--that migt offer some insite17:38
Caasso it should be able to use a usb and patch that right thru the vbox?17:38
zenroxlast post17:38
KM0201hold on17:40
KM0201Caas: thats how i currently sync it.17:40
KM0201zenrox: thats what i've been doing for 3yrs.. i was talking about natively working in Linux17:42
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
KM0201thats why i keep XP in vbox.17:42
zenroxhmm your stuck then17:43
AnotherPeterHello _ I'm a newbie - am I on the right channel to ask questions?17:43
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
zenroxi wonder if you can install itt? under wine ye17:43
KM0201zenrox: you can run the app under wine, but it won't sync the zune17:44
zenroxAnotherPeter, not technaly but we will hellp you17:44
zenroxwhats the error KM020117:44
KM0201honestly, its been so long, i don't remember17:45
zenroxthe zune software might need .net and media player parts as well17:45
KM0201if you google, you'll find it17:45
AnotherPeterwell i have bought an old Dell laptop on eBay and am wondering whether I can use it to access my PC using remote Desktop - I have no previous Linux experiece17:45
KM0201i've yet to read a single successful post of someone syncing a zune w/ wine17:46
Caasinstall is done, bye all17:46
zenroxAnotherPeter, yes you can17:46
AnotherPeterlooked at Ubuntu but it seemed rather too big for the laptop17:46
zenroxhow big of a hdd AnotherPeter17:47
zenroxof =is17:47
AnotherPeter16 gb in two partitions17:47
zenroxso backly 40gig17:47
AnotherPetermostly full of windows and dell stuff at present but happy to clear out17:47
AnotherPeterno i think it's prob a 16gig hdd17:48
zenroxstill just fine17:48
zenrox20gig unformated17:48
zenroxit dont matter what linux you use17:49
zenroxxubuntu would be nice casue of its low resourses17:49
zenroxit still hase about the same footprint on the hdd as normal ubuntu17:51
AnotherPeterit has a bootable DELL external CD drive and can currently access the internet through a PCMCIA ethernet card17:52
zenroxwow old17:52
zenroxyou might want to try a nother linux all togeather17:53
zenroxsomething like damnsmalllinux17:53
AnotherPeterit is but i only want it for this remote desktop purpose17:53
zenroxcheck out distrowatch.com??17:53
Sysihow much RAM?17:54
AnotherPeterare there any that are GUI based and user friendly?17:54
zenroxAnotherPeter, thare are a tone17:54
AnotherPeter256 mb17:54
zenroxubuntu wont even install with 256m17:54
Sysixubuntu should run on that but lubuntu might be better17:54
AnotherPeterlubuntu worth trying then?17:55
zenroxdont know17:55
zenroxbut check out distrowatch.com17:55
AnotherPeterthanks for your help17:55
Sysiit's pretty liked17:55
zenroxand see if you can find one that suites your needs17:55
GalokAnotherPeter, also take a look at http://www.knoppix.net/ it runs from CD, you don't actually install anything17:55
AnotherPeterit's got a polish version of xp prof at the moment - not desperately slow17:56
KM0201AnotherPeter: why would you not want to try an ubuntu variant?(or have i missed part of this conversation)17:56
AnotherPeterno i'm very happy to try an ubuntu variant17:56
zenroxKM0201, missed that part17:56
KM0201ok, i was just scrolling up..17:56
KM0201yeah, thats an old machine17:57
SysiGalok: as well as any *buntu from install live-cd17:57
AnotherPeterprovided it is reasonably newbie friendly17:57
KM0201AnotherPeter: i'd try lubuntu.17:57
KM0201thats just me17:57
GalokSysi, takes a month for buntu live-cd to get going though. :-)17:57
KM0201i think even xfce will have a little to much bloat for that little ram.17:57
AnotherPeteryes so i discovered galojk17:57
zenroxbut it sounds like this lappy has some old legasy hardware17:57
KM0201AnotherPeter: if you can boot the live cd/test hardware, etc.. you might be better off actually installing, w/ an Alternate Install CD, or maybe even a minimal install cd (although you'd likely need to wire to the router to use these two)17:58
zenroxKM0201, he is wired allread hes using a pcimica wired nic17:59
AnotherPeteri don't know /have forgotten anything about disk partitions17:59
KM0201zenrox: oh ok.. man, i need to clean my glasses, i thought he said it was a pcimica wireless17:59
AnotherPeteri could get/use a pcmcia wireless17:59
KM0201AnotherPeter: are you wanting to partition the drive? and dual boot the machine?18:00
Ailurusjust to say that I find the last version  of xubuntu really impressiven, at least the installation18:00
AnotherPeterbut the drive is currently split in half18:00
KM0201AnotherPeter: so you want to just nuke the drive, and use linux only on it, correct?18:00
AilurusI hope I'llbe able to make it as light as possible so that my netbook will run just like a rocket18:00
AnotherPeterand full of windows/dell stuff18:00
AnotherPeterthat's what i'm considering, yes18:01
KM0201AnotherPeter: well, most linux install cds, have an option to "take over" an entire drive, choose that option, and it will auto partition the drive automatically and install18:01
KM0201i know the buntus do, debian does..18:01
KM0201i imagine most do...18:01
AnotherPeterwell thanks for all that18:01
KM0201AnotherPeter: one final thing18:02
zenroxAilurus, great!!18:02
KM0201if it will detect your ethernet card correctly, a good, VERY light linux distro to use, that is based on Debian 6 (which is basically what ubuntu is based on)... is Crunchbang linux...  http://crunchbanglinux.org/18:03
Ailurusso congratulations to all the dev who are attending this chan! (maybe you zenrox)18:03
KM0201speaking of.. what on earth ever happened to fluxbuntu?18:03
zenroxAilurus, nope not a dev18:03
AnotherPeterok bye for now, and thanks.  - may be back sometime18:03
zenroxKM0201, its still around18:03
zenroxgl AnotherPeter18:04
KM0201zenrox: has it ever been updated?18:04
zenroxprobly not18:05
KM0201zenrox: last i saw, 8.10 was in "testing"...lol18:05
KM0201considering 8.10 is pretty close to, if not, EOL now.. that makes it more or less uselss18:05
KM0201thats really one thing ubuntu lacks18:05
zenroxyou can install fluxbox18:05
KM0201yeah, true.18:05
KM0201i was talking about fluxbuntu though... where the OS installed w/ flux.18:06
KM0201kinda like kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, etc18:06
zenroxya i know18:06
KM0201i wish there was an official openbox port of ubuntu..18:06
zenroxe17 is nice18:06
KM0201never really tried it..18:07
KM0201i've never had good luck installing other GUI's on an install, i don't know why, it just never seems to work right18:07
zenroxthay have it in the repos and works great18:07
KM0201i guess if you really wanted a nice, light, no bones about it install, you could stick e17 on top of a server install18:08
zenroxits a little more flashyer than unity18:08
KM0201i thought e17 was for systems w/ low specs? and its flashier than unity?18:08
zenroxits runs faster than std ubuntu but is flashey18:08
zenroxhi melone18:09
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
zenroxhmm i think i burnt out KM0201's brain18:10
KM0201zenrox: lol, why do you think that?18:11
melonei wonder if anyone can help me with my problem: i get no input-sound from my microphone. The output is fine. I already tried all different combinations in the alsamixer and pavucontrol but the sensitivitybar isnt moving.18:11
zenroxyou whent hmmmmm then dint say any thang18:11
zenroxmelone, do you have more than one sound card installed??18:11
melonei have a sb-xfi and the onboard sound18:12
melonei already tried to disable onboard18:12
zenroxmelone,  disable the onboard in the bios18:12
melonei did that already18:12
meloneand later i tried to get the mic working on the onboard sound but it also didnt work =/18:13
KM0201zenrox: hmm means i'm in deep thought..lol, plus i was in the middle of playing lbreakout   lol18:13
zenroxdidja try reloading the kernel modual for your sound card18:13
melonehow do i do that?18:13
zenroxmelone, also didja search ubuntuforums.org for a fix18:13
melonei already rebootet several times18:13
zenroxif i rember right xfi card has issues but i ant shure18:14
melonei already visited hundreds of pages with google etc... im totally frustrated because i tried for so long...18:14
meloneyeah i read that too so i tried to use the onboard sound for the mic18:14
melonedo you maybe now what those switches in alsa are useful for?18:15
KM0201zenrox: melone the xfi's have had issues in linux for a long time18:15
melonelike iec95818:15
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
melonebut my onboard sound also doesnt give any sound from my mic18:15
zenroxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1063987&highlight=sound+blaster+xfi+soundcard <---didja try that melone18:16
slow-handhi guys18:17
zenroxwb slow-hand18:17
meloneyes i already uninstalled pulseaudio and tried with pure alsa18:17
melonethe problem is not that the card does not give any sound18:17
slow-handfrom xubuntu now18:17
melonethe ouput is fine18:17
zenroxmelone, didja ask in #ubuntu18:18
melonenot yet^^18:18
zenroxtry thare thare are more helpers in thare18:18
zenroxas i dont have the experance with that sound card18:18
meloneok thanks so far =)18:18
zenroxslow-hand, what do you think??18:20
slow-handzenrox, about what?18:21
slow-handoohh..  i like xfce, a lot18:21
slow-handthat's why i'm here...18:22
slow-handis nice18:22
slow-handand lightweigth18:22
zenroxi love it too18:22
slow-handnow i want to install kwin18:22
KM0201so iinstall it?18:22
slow-handguys, there is not a kwin package...18:23
slow-handthere are kwin-style-xxx18:23
slow-handok,    duh!!!18:24
slow-handuuffff....   78 MB on dependencies... let's give it a try18:24
zenroxi needs lotes of kde stuff18:25
slow-handbut, does it slow the performance?18:25
keithpeterHello all - this is a daft question but is the content of the help docs on xubuntu 11.04 available on the web anywhere to link to?18:25
zenroxslow-hand, yes probly18:26
zenroxkeithpeter, no idea18:26
keithpeterAre the xubuntu 11.04 help docs on the web anywhere?18:26
keithpeterI can't find them either.18:27
zenroxhello zetsuboukitteh18:28
zetsuboukittehquick quick question, only a week ago I installed deadbeef on xubuntu by adding the ppa repository and then just apt-getting it18:28
zetsuboukittehbut now I can't succeed in it18:29
slow-handkeithpeter...  did you try the xubuntu wiki?18:29
zenroxzetsuboukitteh, what is deadbeef?18:29
zetsuboukittehdoing the exact same steps (add-ppa-rep->update->install on terminal), but can't find the package now18:29
zetsuboukitteha music player, foobar clone18:29
keithpeterTried the wiki but not obvious if they are there18:29
keithpeterWill google deadbeef18:30
zetsuboukittehjust wondering, I tried mint xfce for a week or so, and I couldn't get the repository add work on it but I just thought something would be a little different on mint or something18:30
zetsuboukittehdon't remember having any problems with it when I installed it on xubuntu just a little ago18:31
Sysisome mint is based on debian, no ppas18:31
zetsuboukittehwell that explains it, but why won't it work on xubuntu now, is what puzzles me18:32
zetsuboukittehI think he released a new beta just now but...does it make a difference?18:32
Sysihow "doesn't work"?18:32
Sysiwhat error?18:33
zetsuboukittehwell I do the add-repo, update and try to install deadbeef, "unable to locate package deadbeef"18:33
zetsuboukittehon terminal18:34
Sysizetsuboukitteh: do you have anything at /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?18:35
drcSouperman: Good password18:36
Soupermaninternet is like that, why bother18:36
zetsuboukittehSysi: yes, I do18:36
Sysiwhat items?18:36
zetsuboukittehalexey-smirnov-deadbeef-natty.list and alexey-smirnov-deadbeef-natty.list.save18:37
zetsuboukittehand natty-partner.list +.list.save18:38
AilurusOne bad point with the last xubuntu : I was  not able to select the packages I don't need or want :/18:38
Ailurusso that the install is extremely long...18:38
Sysilike half an hour?18:38
Ailuruslike an hour on my netbook... Including the update18:39
Sysizetsuboukitteh: weird, but basically ppa:s are unsupported18:39
Ailurusandthen I'll uninstall most of the thingies I don't need...18:39
SysiAilurus: netinstall and then adding what you want would have taken a lot longer18:39
Sysii bet most of the time went for downloading language packages18:40
zetsuboukittehSysi: unsupported?18:40
AilurusI have to reboot18:40
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.18:40
Sysizetsuboukitteh: "it's not my problem" but you might want to ask from #ubuntu18:41
zetsuboukittehSysi: yeah, I'll go ask there. just weird that I could do it few weeks ago with not problems...18:41
zetsuboukittehSysi: thanks anyways18:41
keithpeterHello all, the help docs from xubuntu 11.04 are online at http://bodmas.org/xubuntu-docs/18:42
keithpeterI want to quote from them for a review18:42
keithpeterAny strong objections and I'll pull them off18:42
slow-handok guys...  it's me again...18:45
Soupermansup slow-hand18:45
slow-handhow do i set kwin the window manager??18:45
Souperman>KWin in Xfce: In Xfce KWin must replace Xfwm4, the default window manager. This is done by running 'kwin --replace' (e.g. using the Alt+F2 dialog)18:46
Sysithen rm -rf ~/.cache/session and save session on logout18:47
Sysior add that line to autostart18:47
slow-handis there an autostart file, like openbox??18:47
Sysisettings → sessions and starup18:48
Soupermanif you close the session you should be able to choose kwin on the session log page18:48
slow-handok...  just kwin...18:48
slow-handi mean, no desktop18:48
Soupermanwoooow i can stream directly to an icecast server using audacious AWESOME18:52
slow-handguys, how do i activate the kwin effects??18:54
Soupermanoh, is icecast, and not icecast2 :(18:55
slow-handsouperman, what's the difference?18:55
Soupermanthat my friends internet radio is on a icecast2 server and not an icecast server XD also it ask for an user and a password, usually on ice2 i just have to tell the password because im a recognized user, also it ice you have just vorbis options while on ice2 you have multiple streaming options, like mp3, ogg, flac, and stuff like that18:57
slow-handok, interesting18:58
Soupermanyou know what i really really dislike? drag and drop not working18:59
slow-handmmm....  where is that? audiacious?19:00
Soupermanyes, on the gtk gui, the standard gui does work19:00
slow-handbad thing19:01
Soupermanoh well at least on standard gui i can use my old winamp skins19:01
Soupermanoh yeah :D awesome19:04
bomberdommei have a problem. after installation of xubuntu 11.04 system dosent boot. i just get a blinking "_". when i start in maintenance mode i just get the error msg. : "fixing recursive fault reboot is needed." everytime i use this mode. after a search with G****e i found in the german ubuntusersforum somebody else with the same problem. he fixed it with turning apci=off in grub. so i tried to add acpi=off to the list in grub by hitting "e" i19:04
bomberdommen grub and adding the line. but i didnt heled 11.04 still doentboot on my acer travelmate 290. the livecd boots without a problem(i use it at the moment).19:04
bomberdommesorry my "p" key dosent work 100 %19:05
bomberdommehelped not heled ...19:06
slow-hand:( I don't find how to enable the kwin effects19:07
KM0201slow-hand: can you enable those on xfce?19:09
slow-handthat's what i'm trying19:10
slow-handOr must i start a kwin session??19:10
KM0201i don't know why kwin effects(iirc, thats a KDE tool) on xfce19:10
KM0201slow-hand: most likely19:10
slow-handok... i'll back19:11
Sysikde systemsettings for kde-stuff, need to use alt+F2 since they don't appear in menu19:32
Sysibomberdomme: check your installation cd, or try new one19:34
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
chadihi. I decided to install xubuntu on ubuntu using apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, now I decided to go back to ubuntu, but the login screen and the logo are still xubuntu. Can anything be done about that?19:40
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
Sysiremove xubuntu-gdm-theme and xubuntu-plymouth-something19:41
kurtulchadi: at the login screen, you must be able to select the desktop environment. i use kubuntu, but it's the same everywhere. look for a button on the screen that gives you option to switch to ubuntu.19:46
chadiyeah, but I mean the whole environment, like the background, the plymouth logo. anyway, let me try what Sysi said19:47
chadiis removing xubuntu-* okay?19:48
Sysiif you don't need xubuntu-stuff19:49
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome19:49
chadithank you, interesting link19:52
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
arkanabarwhat's the name of xfce's mouse & keyboard configuring app?20:02
monsterbarkanabar, xfce4-keyboard-settings && xfce4-mouse-settings20:07
arkanabarcool, will that work in lxde?  lxinput segfaults if I try to adjust mouse acceleration.20:08
monsterbno idea, i just switched to Xfce from KDE20:08
monsterbtrial and error ?20:09
drcarkanabar: Have you asked in #lubuntu?  <They> use lxde.20:10
arkanabarthey haven't answered yet about alternatives to lxinput.20:10
drcarkanabar: Patience is a virtue....20:11
arkanabarno doubt, but #lubuntu is a very quiet channel.20:18
drcWell...the chances of getting an answer there are significantly better than in a channel that does not use lxde ;)20:19
arkanabaras may be, but as xfce & lxde are both gtk environments, I reckon what works for one ought to do ok in the other.20:20
Sysigtk is loose connection.. how abou gsynaptics20:20
Soupermanarkanabar, you did try setxkbmap?20:23
arkanabarnot yet.20:24
Sysihurr, aptitude is failing, default browser setting is failing, now rhythmbox is failing20:26
=== emma is now known as em
jgouldI saw emma join the room and wondered if my computer joined using the hostname as the name of the machine...20:28
Sysiand i take it as any of those can't be related to using old /home20:29
arkanabarSouperman, setxkbmap doesn't appear to allow adjustment of mouse acceleration.20:29
Sysigsynaptics is the one with most options20:29
Soupermanno, thats for the keyboard20:29
arkanabargsynaptics:  command not found.20:30
Sysiinstall it20:30
Soupermanfor the mouse use xset20:30
Soupermanxset m20:31
arkanabarSysi, there's a successor:  gpointing-device-settings20:32
Sysibut gsynaptics is shorter to type20:32
SoupermanSysi, do xset 5 120:33
Soupermanxset m 5 120:33
Sysii won't, i have trackball setupped with xor.gonf and touchpad with xinput20:33
arkanabarSysi, more to the point, the successor won't let me set acceleration.20:35
Soupermanoh well then20:44
Souperman:D i love linux, and ubuntu in particular :D installing what i need is so easy :D20:46
Soupermanalso i love how the xfce panels are superior to any specific docking application out there20:57
ronulanis there a specific web forum for posting thoughts and suggestions about xubuntu?21:06
Sysiubuntuforums have xubuntu-section21:06
ronulanI didn't see it21:06
Sysior i'm not sure how it works..21:07
ronulanbasically I just wanted to post a comment about the hard drive space requirements in an appropriate place21:08
ronulanthe way it is now, xubuntu won't install on an eee PC with a 4 gig SSD21:08
ronulanthat just seems wrong...21:09
drcronulan: Fiest thing I'd do it check launchpad to see if a "bug" or "wish List" has been files about the storage requirements.21:10
boinkboinkg'day, i'm setting up my new 11.04 box.  trying to get drivers for my GTX-460 up for my work in blender however when i open proprietary drivers, it reports: This driver is activated but not currently in use. i have updated xorg.conf via NVIDIA21:10
keithpeterronulan df -m gives me 4633 used but that's with openoffice, lyx, tex installed. What does a 'stock' install use anyone?21:10
boinkboinkNVIDIA X server setting but no joy.21:11
Sysiboinkboink: afaik that's common bug that it reports it not used even if it works21:11
ronulanI did an upgrade from xubuntu 10.10 and was able to get to xubuntu 11.04 that way, which makes me think that the limit isn't really the limit21:11
drcboinkboink: It's probably working...mine says the same thing, but checking the Xorg.0.log (?) says it's loaded, and Foobilliards (which requires 3d) work.21:12
keithpeterronulan so when you try a clean install, the installer says not enough space?21:12
Soupermanboinkboink, i had the same problem the other day, what i did was disabled the nvidia drivers i had working and then re enabled them21:12
Sysironulan: you know 4GB is really 3.7.. i'd recommend doing command line install and then adding xfce and app you need21:13
ronulanyes, a clean install of xubuntu 11.04 said not enough space21:13
boinkboinkdrc: ahhh,,  thank you .  ill have a look at the log.  and try that too..  :) i'll report..  tks.21:13
ronulanit shares the same limit as ubuntu 11.0421:13
ronulanwhich seems wrong21:13
ronulananyone have a direct link to where in launchpad I should be to submit a bug21:14
keithpeterronulan well, stock install looses openoffice and evolution but adds gimp back in... maybe its a bug like drc says21:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:14
ronulanI kinda find gimp to be a bad choice for a default intall on something like xubuntu21:15
boinkboinkdrc: Souperman: welp, the X log reports that i'm using the unified NVIDIA driver.  also i note that the 'compositor' option in WM tewaks is not avail..21:16
Soupermanboinkboink, try disabling the nvidia drivers, reboot, re enable, reboot21:17
drcboinkboink: I'm not sure if there is a bug filed, but I know that "the powers that be" are aware of the problem21:17
keithpeterronulan yup mtpaint would go better with abiword and gnumeric.21:18
Soupermanmaybe when upgrading some dependencies got broken21:18
boinkboinkokey! goog,  the only option i have is to remove the driver, no disable, but will remove and reinstall..  i'll report.21:18
Soupermanthats what i did21:19
Sysixfce compositing settings don't care whar driver you're using21:19
boinkboinkSouperman: thought so :)21:19
drcronulan:  : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/21:20
boinkboinkSouperman: drc: will check out to bounce X..  bbl.21:20
ronulanbug filed,. thanks guys21:23
* drc pines for the days one could install FreeBSD on a 212MB hdd and lots of room left over.21:24
Sysii think you still can21:25
boinkboinkdrc: Souperman: bummer, that didn't work, gonna bounce again after re-installing xorg.conf21:27
drcSysi: Yup, says minimum of 100 MB :)21:27
boinkboinkSouperman: still no joy.  did you remove the driver in the proprietary drivers window or via synaptic?21:30
drcboinkboink: Don't worry about what it "says"...it's a bug...worry about if it's working21:31
boinkboinkX log says it is not working.21:31
boinkboinkx log reports "unified" driver.21:32
drcOK...I have <no> idea what a "unified" driver is21:32
boinkboinkit's the open source driver for NVIDIA gpus that does not fully support compositing in later chips like the 46021:33
Soupermanboinkboink, no i just used the jockey driver installer that xubuntu comes whit21:33
boinkboinkyou got me now w/ 'jockey' :)21:34
drcjockey == Additional Drivers21:34
Soupermanrun sudo jockey-gtk21:34
boinkboinki'll give that a go!21:34
drcboinkboink: http://pastebin.com/ASpPesHt  My Xorg.0.log21:35
boinkboinkdrc: rr21:35
boinkboinkdrc: you have it at http://pastebin.com/sT4E9yBg21:40
drcboinkboink: Any thing to check...change your /etc/X11/xorg.conf "nologo" from true to false, restart X and see if the nvidia logo flashes on the restart (it'll be obvious)21:40
boinkboinki'll give it a go,,  tks..21:40
drcboinkboink: Yeah, I saw that...my guess is you're using the nvidia driver21:40
boinkboinki hope that puts it to rest :)21:41
boinkboinkdrc:  hmmm, term 'nologo' not found in my xorg.conf.  should i put it into the driver section?21:42
drcboinkboink: I put a couple of hours here (with people that really know what they're doing) checking this...I satisfied :)21:43
drcboinkboink: Do you a "full" xorg.conf (as in nividia-xconfig made)?21:43
boinkboinkyes, i have a copy you can inspect at http://pastebin.com/sT4E9yBg21:44
drcboinkboink: That's your log, not the /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:45
boinkboinkdrc: i'll make a copy of the avail too:)21:45
boinkboinkdrc:  http://pastebin.com/B2u4zCUM21:47
drcboinkboink: I'd put    Option"NoLogo""False" under  Section "Device" and restart X...the nvidia logo should flash.21:49
drcBut I have to leave for a while...puppy obiedence class (I have to be trained :)21:50
boinkboinkdrc: ahhh,  now i find the correct driver in in Xlog..  not sure which restart brought it up..  also, found GLX starting up.  looks like it is working now. but will put nolog in the config.  brb21:51
drcthe final check is to install foobilliards (or some variation of the name) from repos...run it, and if it works smooth;y, the 3d driver <is> loaded21:51
boinkboinkalso hyper torus screen saver is a good indication.  very gpu heavy..  thank you..  brb21:53
boinkboinkdrc: did'nt see a logo but i'm sure that it21:58
drcok...could be my card set specific...good, have fun.21:58
boinkboinkdrc: 's working now..  correct driver noted as starting in Xlog now.21:58
drcoff to class21:58
boinkboinkdrc: k,  thanks for your help!21:58
boinkboinkSouperman: yes would be funny but frustrating..  :)22:00
R_HrdbnsHello, anyone good with the sound stuff here?22:02
zenroxmaby whats the questio22:03
R_HrdbnsI Upgraded, and ALSA stopped mixing22:03
R_HrdbnsI only get sound from one app at a time22:03
boinkboinkSouperman: i can get 600fps out of the hypertorus, need full GLX for that! :)22:04
zenroxyou probly have to del the conf file you made and rebuild it or uninstall all the alsa and reinstall it22:04
R_HrdbnsI never made a config file22:05
Sysido you have pulseaudio?22:05
zenroxthats my guess R_Hrdbns22:05
R_HrdbnsI have tried to reinstall/purde all the alsa packages22:06
R_HrdbnsI do not have pulse audio installed that I know of22:06
Sysips -e | grep pulse22:06
R_HrdbnsSysi: Nothing22:07
Sysiso you don't22:07
R_HrdbnsDo I need to install it?22:07
R_HrdbnsALSA should mix automatically, right?22:07
R_HrdbnsThe dmix stuff was deprocated22:07
R_HrdbnsWell, I guess I'll just have to purge everything but the basics and just install the xubuntu meta package22:09
R_HrdbnsShould be close enough to a clean install22:09
=== mike is now known as Guest96896
R_HrdbnsRight, thanks for the assistance.22:11
s|gnalHi! How can I autostart an application (goldendict) on startup and minimize it to the tray?22:12
s|gnalI've configured goldendict in Menu | Settings Manager | Session and Startup | Application Autostart, but don't know how to send it to the tray.22:13
mikeatvillagedoes the usual  -iconify  switch work?22:17
mikeatvillagewell, it was just a guess22:20
s|gnalthanks. I would have expected that there is some standard way of doing this.22:24
Hezyhi everyone, I'm having a problem with MPEG4 files - no sound. I guess it's a missing codec issue, but I can't figure out which one. Anyone had this problem?22:25
zenroxinstall xubuntu-restricted-addons and xubuntu-restricted-extras22:26
zenroxmake shure you have the universe repos enabled22:26
Hezyzenrox: I'll take a look to see if I have it all22:27
MACscrso i hate unity with natty, so if figured i would check out xubuntu, but i really rely on nautilus bookmarks and i like gnome do. Is there alternatives for xubuntu?22:28
zenroxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 <--check this out too Hezy22:28
zenroxthunar does all the same bookmarks MACscr22:28
zenroxthay are just on the right hand side insted of a menu22:29
zenroxerr lefthand22:29
MACscrof a menu? maybe i used the wrong term. I have like 50 sftp/ftp bookmarks that i use to easily access sites that i work on. I dont see them listed anymore in the menu22:32
MACscralso, after i just rebooted, my monitors arent in extended mode anymore either. They are just cloning each other22:32
zenroxMACscr, also you can still run nautalis under xubuntu22:32
Hezyzenrox: I have these two meta packages installed, so this is not the source of my probelm :(22:32
zenroxHezy, check out the link i gave you22:33
zenroxMACscr,  you need to reconfiguer your gfz card22:33
zenroxas in how its set up22:33
MACscrzenrox: odd why it worked fine when first used it22:34
MACscrer, that it22:34
zenroxMACscr, on the ftp bookmarks just use nautilus on xubuntu22:34
zenroxMACscr, its casue xfce/xubuntu uses a difernt config file than gnome22:34
MACscrdo i have to use xrander to fix the monitor issue?22:34
MACscror is there a gui for it22:34
MACscri didnt see the options under the display settings22:35
zenroxwhat didja use to the first time you set it up22:35
zenroxalso what card22:35
MACscrzenrox: it worked out of the box with gnome22:35
Hezyzenrox: thanks. I'll try it and see if it solves the problem22:35
MACscrati 485022:35
zenroxstart your ati control manager22:35
zenroxset it up thare22:36
MACscri dont have one, i use the open source drivers22:36
zenroxthen i cant help you22:36
zenroxi am a nvidia user no real experance for the opensource drivers22:36
zenroxi knwo the offical ones tho22:37
MACscrok, so if i can continue to use nautilus, how do i access it? i had it installed before the switch22:37
zenroxshould be on the menu22:37
zenroxlet me look for it22:37
zenroxhmm not on my list but you can do run program and input nautilus --no-desktop22:38
zenroxand for quicker access you can make a launcer on the desktop22:40
ronulanupdate on my system requirements problem22:42
ronulanI also tried to do an install of lubuntu and it said I needed 5.4 gb free space22:43
ronulanisn't lubuntu supposed to be even more lightweight than xubuntu and ubuntu?22:43
ronulanso, I think this must be a bug22:43
zenrox5.4gig free of hdd space22:44
ronulanyes, does that sound right?22:45
ronulanI guess I don't get what lightweight means22:45
drcronulan: I;m not sure you understand what a "bug" is...it's <not> something you don't like.22:45
zenroxlubuntu just means more lighter wight on the system resources22:45
drcronulan: It mean light weight <running>, as in RAM and processors.22:46
zenroxstill has about same footpront on the hdd22:46
zenroxunless you go to something like damnsmall linux22:46
drcronulan: I'd go to distrowatch and checkout all the distro's to see if there is one you can use.22:47
ronulandrc, I understand what a bug is22:47
ronulanit didn't seem to me that the install was accurately reporting the system requirement22:47
ronulanwasn't reporting that is22:48
mikeatvillageNot heard of lubuntu, I'll d/l and install for a look, still hunting for a ubuntu that fits my needs and tases :-)22:48
zenroxwell it was reporting the right info22:48
ronulanI'm not so sure, talking with a guy in #lubuntu and he says it only intalls 1.6 gig of data22:49
drcronulan: I appologize, I thought you meant that the fact that lubuntu wasn't a light weight as you thought was a bug.  Sorry.22:52
ronulanit's ok, it's a confusing problem for me to describe22:52
drcronulan: But I'd still go to distrowatch and read up on the lightwieght distros...might find exactly what you want there.22:54
linuxxnuthey im having trouble with 11.04 the cpufreq doesnt do anything22:55
linuxxnutor dosnt actually change the freq22:56
Soupermanits my opinion that deluge should be the default xubuntu torrent manager23:35
Soupermanso, why does ristretto doesnt let me change the wallpaper from it?23:50

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