
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
c2tarunyofel: on packaging page, you wrote PPA/BZR in third column, why BZR?03:16
yofela) you're lucky catching me at 4am, b) we commit all our packaging to bzr branches too03:17
yofelyou should too, since you don't have commit rights that would be merge requests in your case03:17
c2tarunok :)03:18
yofelthe branches are: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/<project>/ubuntu 03:19
rbelemhi ScottK 04:26
rbelemScottK, i will do the spec tomorrow04:26
c2tarunanyone here ever used google SDK for desktop gadgets?04:32
ScottKrbelem: Great.05:15
jussiSo... theres going to be a little jussi fork running around :D :D :D06:59
* jussi can hardly sit still.06:59
c2tarunI which channel should I ask plamoid related questions?07:02
c2tarunIn which channel should I ask plamoid related questions?07:02
jussic2tarun: user or developer q's? 07:05
c2tarunjussi: developers07:05
jussic2tarun: here or #kde-devel ? 07:05
c2tarunjussi: ohh.. sorry I just asked it on #plasma :( wait let me repaste the question here07:06
c2tarunI am reading a plasmoid tutorial and found the use of this signal http://paste.kde.org/44467/ Can anyone please tell me how this signal is behaving.07:06
jussi#plasma is probably a good place also.07:07
c2tarunnow I have to wait for someone to reply :)07:07
jussic2tarun: keep it mind its early on a sunday in europe, and late saturday in america, you might be waiting a bit...07:08
c2tarunjussi: ohh... its sunday today :( ok, I'll wait07:08
tsimpsonc2tarun: what's confusing you?07:09
tsimpsonand congrats jussi :D07:09
tsimpsonand to the Mrs too07:09
jussitsimpson: :D07:09
c2taruntsimpson: the parameter that is passed in connect.07:10
c2taruntsimpson: I read somewhere in this tutorial that connect can be used to connect signals with slots.07:10
tsimpsonc2tarun: it's a function definition, an inline, unnamed/anonymous function07:10
tsimpsonrather than passing the name of a function, you define the function there and then07:11
tsimpsonit's a common thing in JavaScript07:11
tsimpsonas in JavaScript, functions are objects, and you can pass them around just as any other value07:11
c2taruntsimpson: one more help please, can you please tell how the control flows in a javascript code?07:12
tsimpsonthe same as in C/C++07:13
tsimpsonthere are top-level (or global) declarations, and scopes inside braces {}07:13
tsimpsonthere are also if's and for's etc07:14
c2taruntsimpson: ok, :) thanks07:14
shadeslayerhey :)12:41
shadeslayerjussi: Congrats!!! :D12:42
shadeslayerjussi: remind me to get you a smaller kurta next UDS :P12:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: what did he win?12:48
shadeslayer<jussi> So... theres going to be a little jussi fork running around :D :D :D12:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^12:49
apacheloggerjussi: congrats \o/12:50
yofelcongratulations jussi :D12:50
apacheloggerforks are awesome :D12:50
Blizzzcongrats jussi!12:51
yofelhm... this week is ubuntu open week14:03
c2tarungood evening :)14:04
=== emma is now known as em
c2tarunI wrote this simple plasmoid http://paste.ubuntu.com/601765/ to get the pointer location from mouse data engine, but instead of position I am getting output QVariant(QPoint), what does it mean?16:34
shadeslayerc2tarun: #plasma for plasma questions16:39
c2tarunshadeslayer: ok16:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: tonight i blog!!!!19:18
sheytanapachelogger ping pong need ya  :D19:33
sheytanapachelogger you really want to ping me back now, trust me :D20:19
sheytanapachelogger http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/181/phononc.png20:43
shadeslayer!find glew.h21:00
ubottuFile glew.h found in libglew1.5-dev, nvidia-cg-toolkit21:01
* arpan is away: Gone away for now21:38
DarkwingDuckWow, I hate the firefox update21:59
DarkwingDuckI'm running out of a good browser to use.22:03
yofelwhat update?22:05
DarkwingDuckI have not used Firefox in close to 4 months22:09
DarkwingDuckI can't save open tabs anymore22:09
yofelhm, never really tried that built-in session restore, I've used the session manager addon since long before they added theirs. Works fine even today22:11
* DarkwingDuck shrugs22:24
DarkwingDuckIt was just acting funky for me... Maybe I'll keep using it because everything else is so far behind it.22:24
* ScottK gave up on Firefox awhile ago.22:37
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Did you try chromium?22:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: around?22:39
micahgDarkwingDuck: firefox should save open tabs by default now, there's a config setting to ask like in 3.6 if you like22:40
DarkwingDuckmicahg: I found it22:47
DarkwingDuckScottK: I've been using it for the past few months... it's alright 22:48

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