
orysskierpage: so I *guess* this will be motherboard: http://poteflon.pl/paste/269200:01
orysSIR_Taco: you are in US?00:03
SIR_Tacoorys: Canada00:03
orysah, off course00:03
oryshockey :-)00:03
SIR_Tacoyes... hockey... haha00:03
SIR_Tacoit's a valid stereotype00:04
orysI will try to see that bios again00:04
orysand then I have one (or two, if I fail) more issues, if someone is NOT watching hockey ;-)00:04
SIR_Tacoit has to be there somewhere orys... unless it's an old motherboard and it's a jumper... which would suck00:05
skierpageorys, at every one of those levels you can try to set the preferred sound card, e.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture tells you (badly) how to configure Alsa ~/.asoundrc.00:05
SIR_Tacoand he's gone00:05
SIR_Tacoskierpage: I was really trying to keep him/her away from messing with files if at all possible00:05
sirlinuxHello every1 how may i make the updates on kubuntu 11.04 directly from the terminal ( the cmds ) ? thanks00:06
SIR_Tacosirlinux: to upgrade to 11.04?00:06
sirlinuxnop i just need the updates00:06
sirlinuxlike apt-get update00:06
sirlinuxbut, he just show/download but does not install them ..00:07
SIR_Tacosirlinux: "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"00:07
sirlinuxupgrade ?00:07
sysop3hey guys you someone add the xml file form https://svn.reviewboard.kde.org/r/5271/diff/?expand=1 to the kate package?  its for brightscript a language for a linux based DVP00:07
sirlinuxi dont need upgrade dude, just update00:07
SIR_Tacosirlinux: I realize that, just try it00:08
sirlinuxi just installed it, and i need some updates for it to fix some bugs00:08
sirlinuxthanks sir_taco :)00:08
slinker1SIR_Taco: speaks truth sirlinux :)00:08
SIR_Tacodude lol00:08
sirlinuxso ... someone remember that cmd ?00:09
James147SIR_Taco: update updates the package lists - so taht the package manage knows about new apckages and new versions of packages - dist-upgrade upgrades any newer packages00:09
sirlinuxi will appreciate it :p00:09
James147sirlinux: ^^00:09
sirlinuxwell i just tryied something new <-- lost on kubuntu rofl00:10
SIR_TacoJames147: yea, but that's my routine and works well00:10
James147sirlinux: so "sudo apt-get update" (find out what need to be upgraded) then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" (to actually upgrade things)00:10
SIR_TacoJames147: but if you're using the CLI.... you have to do the "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to find out what is going to be upgraded00:11
sirlinuxOkey james i did that, lets see if kubuntu will crash ^^00:11
SIR_Tacoand gives you the Y/N option00:11
SIR_Tacoorys: did it work?00:12
orysSIR_Taco: well, partially00:12
orysI have now system sound00:12
James147SIR_Taco: I was talking more about the packagemanage ^^ update and the package manager know what needs to be upgraded (though dosnt really care till you tell it to)00:12
orysbut speakers test does not bring anything00:12
orysskype makes sounds with some interferences (like throuhg very poor phone line)00:13
sirlinuxwell yes sir_taco i know that00:13
orysand Kadu (a communicator) does not makes any sounds at all)00:13
sirlinuxbut i was thinkin if i hit that upgrade cmd will upgrade my kubuntu version to a new one ..00:13
orysbut as for bios, I managed to find, it was in one submenu I missed last time.00:13
orysand it's now removed.00:13
sirlinuxi told ya i'm kinda scared of this kubuntu :P00:13
sirlinuxi'm old school guy heh00:13
SIR_Tacoorys: my speaker test doesn't make any sound either.... with the 'bomb' icon in the middle I would like to think its a work in progress haha00:14
orysSIR_Taco: that might be something00:14
orysalthough I have people there, not bomb00:14
James147sirlinux: dist-upgrade will only upgrade packages... (well, and install new dependencies and remove old dependencies as well ^^) but wont upgrade you to the next version of kubuntu00:14
orys(IRC makes sounds, hurray)00:14
SIR_Tacosirlinux: no problem, I've been using linux for about 15 years now00:14
markithi, kubuntu 11.04, kopete setup, my laptop webcam turns led on, but image still black. Any idea about how troubleshoot?00:14
SIR_TacoJames147: he/she said they weren't upgrading to the next version00:15
SIR_Tacoorys: excellent00:15
orysmarkit: +1, I got the same problem :D00:15
SIR_Tacoorys: more problems?00:15
sysop3markit, try using xawtv to view it00:16
orysSIR_Taco: just discovered webcam one, but the more important one is that grub does not comes up00:16
markitorys: oh, mmm :( so probably a bug somewhere00:16
orysso I have no choice to boot windows.00:16
sysop3and it views it in thier you know its a kopte issue00:16
orysmarkit: except that I have this problem in skype, so I would search further than kopete ;-)00:16
SIR_Tacoorys: 'sudo apt-get update grub' doesn't work?00:17
skierpagedist-upgrade "Package Changes" lists 185 package changes, I want to save them. I can't copy the list and it doesn't seem to be in /var/log/dist-upgrade.00:17
SIR_TacoI mean "sudo update grub"00:17
James147SIR_Taco: i was trying to confirm that the command wouldnt do that :)00:17
orysSIR_Taco: I don't know, haven't tried it yet ;-)00:17
SIR_TacoJames147: ok, fair enough :)00:17
orysSIR_Taco: well, no. orys@orys-dom:~$ sudo update grub00:18
orys[sudo] password for orys:00:18
oryssudo: update: command not found00:18
James147SIR_Taco: and sudo apt-get update <package> is an invalid command is it not?00:18
James147"sudo update-grub" ^^00:19
SIR_Tacowell it was something like that haha00:19
orysnow better :D00:19
orysOk, I am rebooting to give you answer :-)00:19
SIR_Tacogood luck00:20
markitsysop3: seems that is a permission problem on /dev/video0 (I'm running it from console, and does not start)00:20
yofelskierpage: why do you want to save them? if you need the changes for a package you can always look them up00:20
yofelor do you mean the list of packages that will be upgraded? That should be logged to /var/log/apt/history.log after the upgrade00:21
fayazhi, my akonadi isn't working ever since my dist-upgrade00:21
skierpageyofel, I just like to make notes about package changes ; I'm always looking to reduce my installed packages.00:22
orysis it possible that new grub is really hi-res? :)00:22
orysbecause what I have after system screen00:22
skierpageyofel, thanks for the tip, I knew about /var/log/dpkg.log but not apt/history.log00:23
orysis my monitor telling me "input signal out of range" untill splash screen shows.00:23
markitorys: I've seen that the device is of group "video", but the user does not belong to that group00:25
markitorys: I'm tryint to add it and test again00:25
orysmarkit: ah, keep me posted00:25
orys( i found what was wrong with no sound in kadu, if anybody interested :P)00:25
SIR_Tacoorys: could be, but it shouldn't (or atleast isn't supposed to) try a resolution outside of your monitor's range00:25
orysSIR_Taco: and what if it does?00:26
SIR_Tacoorys: requires some manual grub file editing I suppose00:26
orysI am sick when I have to use vim ;-)00:27
SIR_Tacoorys: I use nano, because I'm lazy haha00:27
orys(luckily I don't have since I discovered how to use mc own editor :-) )00:27
markitorys: ehm, trying to find the right command to add an user to a secondary group, lol00:28
SIR_Tacoorys:  you don't get the grub OS selection menu?00:28
orysinput signal out of range00:28
SIR_Tacomarkit: wrong problem00:28
orysjust after that screen you go to bios from.00:28
orysSIR_Taco: he deals with webcam.00:28
SIR_Tacook, sorry, falling behind in this conversation it seems haha00:29
markitorys: rebooting the laptop, let's cross our fingers :)00:30
orysfingers crossed ;-)00:30
James147markit: sudo usermod -a -G GROUP USER00:30
James147markit: make sure when useing that command you use -a (append) or you can drop yourself out of the admin group and lose sudo rights :)00:30
markitJames147: thanks, is the syntax I've used, fortunatly00:31
markitorys: mmm kopete is even worse... now does not turn the cam led either00:32
markits/turn/turn on00:33
orysmarkit: good luck00:33
orysI think I will take a break for now00:33
oryslast time I was talking on skype using camera was about year ago00:33
orysI think I can survive without it :-)00:33
orysso only grub00:33
orysand some minor stuff to do00:33
oryslike that when I turn on the system the desktop is loading my pics for slideshow too long :-)00:34
orysit was never the case ;-)00:34
orysbut unless I will get fed up of this, I will propably ignore it :-)00:34
SIR_Tacostill trying to figure out the grub issue orys00:34
markitxawtv now starts, but shows a black screen00:34
shane4kubuntuhas anyone had any problems with k3b?  I tried to burn a DVD iso, and it failed, this has happened a few times lately.00:34
orysSIR_Taco: ah, that's nice :-)00:35
orysI take that match is boring? :)00:35
orysSIR_Taco: there is just the moment when I know to give up00:35
orysthat moment came when you said "it's about manual editing the file" ;-)00:35
SIR_Tacoit just started a minute ago.... the last minutes are the most exciting anyway00:35
SIR_Tacoorys: yes, but I'm very stubborn haha00:36
orysSIR_Taco: last time I was stubborn I had to reinstall system00:36
orysso I better stick to my old rule "don't touch as long as it's running, unless you have someone who knows what he's doing handy" ;-)00:36
george_Hello. I'm getting this message Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-george" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. What is wrong?00:36
SIR_Tacoorys: ok fair enough00:37
orysSIR_Taco: so although I am very thankful for your help, it's the moment when I can only wait, and I won't blame you if you prefere your game :-)00:38
SIR_Tacoorys:  you can install "kde-config-grub2", it might point you in the right direction00:38
oryslet's seee.00:38
SIR_Tacoorys: it's not so much the game, it's the beer :P00:38
James147markit: you need to logout and backin for group changes to take effect00:39
orysSIR_Taco: I have my beer and i am on the PC. I don't need any game to drink it ;-)00:39
orys(I already had two, which means I won't go to the supermarket now :P)00:39
markitJames147: I've rebooted :)00:39
* James147 was just making sure :)00:39
SIR_Tacoorys: true... but it's a good excuse :)00:39
markitJames147: in fact now does not tells about permission problems00:39
orysbtw: this tool to configure ntfs discs does not working at all.00:40
markitJames147: yes, thanks , is a common error00:40
shane4kubuntuhas anyone had any problems with k3b burning disks?  I burn a DVD iso that is only 2GB and k3b reports an error, and it didn't finish, looking at the output log, it says everything is fine??00:40
SIR_Tacoorys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1280943 that's a possibility00:41
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: what's the error?00:42
shane4kubuntuSIR_Taco: it just says it didn't burn (I think) but then I check the output log, and it shows burning and buffer size for the full 2GB?  very odd.00:43
orysSIR_Taco: first try this what I clicked in the settings and then I will try yours.00:43
shane4kubuntuand when I put the disk in the drive, afterwards, it shows all the info as if the disk burned completely.00:43
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: so the disk burns successfully?00:44
shane4kubuntuSIR_Taco: well, I'm checking md5sum's now to confirm that, but seems to have.00:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: are you burning images or files? have you set the disc to close, or and open session?00:46
SIR_TacoI mean disk image, not photos00:46
shane4kubuntuSIR_Taco: image, I actually just accidentally clicked on it in dolphin and it popped up to burn the iso, so I did it that way, I believe the disk is set to closed.00:47
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: with an image it should be00:47
SIR_Tacoorys: success?00:47
shane4kubuntuSIR_Taco: I usually burn all mine to closed.00:48
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: as you should unless you're using it like a floppy00:48
orysSIR_Taco: well, not.00:48
orysBut I just discovered that this is only resolution problem00:48
orysI have invisible grub00:48
orysI pressed arrow and enter00:48
orysand I was in Windows :D00:48
shane4kubuntuSIR_Taco: ohhh, I think I figured it out!, I had copies set to 3, that is why it is telling me it failed, I only burned one copy.00:49
orys(that actually might be a good option to have secret Windows, especially that it's a student's copy and I am no longer a student, haha :P)00:49
SIR_Tacoorys: what kind of a monitor do you have?00:49
oryshp1502 (I am smart, it's written on it!)00:49
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: sometimes the simple answer is the real answer :)00:49
shane4kubuntuSIR_Taco: those are the ones I usually overlook too, thanks though!00:50
SIR_Tacoshane4kubuntu: no problem00:50
SIR_Tacoorys: ok... don't know of any problem with them and their EDID (long story... my monitor forgets what it's supposed to do quite often)00:51
shane4kubuntuOk, tried md5sum /dev/cdrom twice and it gives "Input/output error"  trying it now with sudo, any thoughts, or other ways to check md5sum of the disk?00:52
orysSIR_Taco: actually as long as I can get into windows, I don't care ;-)00:52
orysso all my major problems are solved00:52
orysmostly thanks to you, guys.00:52
SIR_Tacowell thats good then00:53
orysbut wait, there is some actuallisation just popped out00:53
orysthere is still a good chance that everything will go f*cked up again :D00:53
shane4kubuntuok, sudo gives me same error, any other methods?00:53
SIR_Tacowith machines thats a very good chance00:53
markitmmm v4l2ucp shows a green preview screen... uvcvideo or the kernel must have some troubles00:54
orysSIR_Taco: this is because they make it more and more complicated00:54
orysthis developers have nothing to do obviously00:54
orysthey should do a system once00:54
orysand then leave it alone :-)00:54
orysmy laundry! It's time to take it out.00:55
claydohshane4kubuntu: you don't md5sum the drive, you md5sum the iso image file00:55
orysBack to the analog world, I am affraid.00:55
orysso thank you all, especially SIR_Taco, James147 and wols_ ;-)00:55
SIR_Tacoorys: not a problem00:55
shane4kubuntuclaydoh: actually I did md5sum the iso, and then you check the disk to assure that is fine.00:56
SIR_Taconow off to the hockey game.... and beer :)00:56
shane4kubuntuclaydoh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM00:56
claydohshane4kubuntu: sorry, never noted that section before.00:58
shane4kubuntuno prob claydoh, I just want to make sure my disk was burnt correctly.00:58
oryshey, guys, I connected my shell to asimov.freenode.net, but I can't see you on the channel, what I do wrong? ( I use irssi and I am already logged to IRCnet)00:58
claydoh shane4kubuntu you can check it from its boot menu as well00:59
shane4kubuntuclaydoh: actually this is a different disk, I thought k3b was giving me trouble, I will just assume it is good.00:59
claydohstill, boot it and check it from the boot menu01:00
fayazhi, my akonadi has stopped working after my dist-upgrade01:07
fayazi tried looking for a fix and found a similar case, but no solution was given...01:08
sysop3markit, did you figure it out?01:10
fayazthis is my akonadi error output http://pastebin.com/Jx017qAb01:11
fayazsame as that given in the forum...01:11
fayazi think the error originates from line 901:12
fayazbut how do i fix it??01:12
orysok guys01:14
orysthat's all from me (for now) ;-)01:14
orysthanks again and see you later ;-)01:14
markitsysop3: no :(01:14
markitsysop3: any further idea/suggestions? I've seen 2.6.39-x is not in any ppa01:15
markitbut not sure is a kernel module error01:15
markitsysop3: I could try to boot from the live cd and see if works with it01:16
* fayaz found a fix myself http://brahmalok.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/akonadi-error-solved/01:33
markitsysop3: tried with a Ubuntu 11.04 cd I had here, and wecam does not work either ("cheese" program)01:44
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
the_hoserHello, I just upgraded Kubuntu to 11.04, and I screwed up (nvidia drivers and pae kernel...), the instructions in the changelog say to select recovery mode, but my bootloader doesn't even give me a menu.  It boots straight into a blue screen with garbled lines running across the top and bottom.  any suggestions?02:19
keithzgI'd recommend booting with a Live CD, and then with the live cd editing the grub setup so that it doesn't automatically boot02:25
* keithzg has always hated this trend to hide "ugly" menus like GRUB from the users...sure, it makes booting look nicer, but when things inevitably go wrong it more than makes up for that in ugliness)02:26
chris_Hay Guys02:36
=== chris_ is now known as Guest9636
Guest9636Hay i was just wondring if some one could help me with finding my mp3 player on kubuntu02:37
Guest9636is anyone here02:38
chris_____any one speak on here??02:43
chris_____I need help i cant find where my mp3 player is on this computer it is pluged it but nothink comes up what should i do?02:46
fayazchris_____: try dmesg|tail02:47
chris_____whats that02:47
fayazand see if it say anything about your device...02:47
chris_____how do i do that02:47
fayazopen a terminal...02:48
the_hoserwee, that was fun.  nouveau driver screwed booting up big time :-D02:48
chris_____done that02:48
fayazconnect your mp3 player once more... just to be sure...02:48
fayazthen run "dmesg|tail" in the terminal02:48
fayazit will give 10 lines of output...02:49
chris_____[   51.572547] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions02:50
Daskreechchris_____: What mp3 player is it?02:50
chris_____on all of them02:50
chris_____some cheap thing off ebay but it worked with windows it dont have anythink u need to install u just put the music into the music folder and it works02:50
fayazchris_____: does the mp3 player detect it's connected?02:50
chris_____it just comes up that it is chargeing02:51
fayazdoes it light up or anything?02:51
chris_____unless there is a program like itunes where i can put my music of my ipod nano02:51
fayazpastebin your complete dmesg output...02:52
fayaz*pastebin* it!!02:52
chris_____[   15.688027] HDMI: available speakers: FL/FR02:52
chris_____[   15.688033] HDMI: supports coding type LPCM: channels = 2, rates = 44100 48000 88200, bits = 1602:52
chris_____[   23.752019] eth0: no IPv6 routers present02:52
chris_____[   30.659625] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=002:52
chris_____[   45.049537] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.02:52
FloodBotK1chris_____: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
chris_____[   51.572547] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions02:52
fayazsend the output of only "dmesg"02:54
fayazwithout the |tail02:54
chris_____sorry i press somethink02:55
chris_____do u want me to repaste bin what it says now yh02:55
kyle__heres a question,   when i boot up kubuntu my font size is huge, much to big to even fit in the text boxes, i forced 96 dpi once in kubuntu which fixed it, but the log on screen is still huge. any ideas?02:55
fayazchris_____: no... what you sent me is the last lines of dmesg...02:56
fayazi'd like to see the full output... run "dmesg"02:56
fayazchris_____: can you send me "fdisk -l" too?02:59
chris_____nothink comes up02:59
fayaz"fdisk -l /dev/sda"03:00
chris_____Cannot open /dev/sda03:00
god3hi I just want to give kubuntu a try.03:00
fayazkyle__: tried tweaking fonts from system settings?03:01
fayazgod3: go ahead... :)03:01
god3I also when to connect to the internet, while installing 11.0403:01
kyle__yes, thats how i got kubuntu looking normal. its just the log on screen that is still huge03:01
god3How do I connect to the Internet using wifi?03:02
fayazkyle__: no idea... :(03:02
fayazchris_____: try "sudo fdisk -l"03:03
fayazgod3: is your wifi hardware properly detected?03:03
god3I click on the system tray,and find a wifi which I might be able to.  But don't know how to enable it03:03
god3fayaz: No, the hardware is ok.  but don't know how to invoke it, to start to connect.03:04
fayazgod3: you need help configuring it? that would depend on your network...03:05
god3fayaz: It's configure I think, is just it say 'not connected'03:05
god3fayaz: I even type in the username and password for that connection.03:06
fayazgod3: just clicking it should connect you...03:06
god3fayaz: I click on it, I did. It's seems nothing happen.03:07
god3fayaz: I could only edit it. but not start it!03:07
fayazdoes it say it's trying to connect?03:08
god3fayaz: no. nothing happen when I click on it.03:08
fayaztry clicking on the available networks...03:08
god3fayaz: I'll try that, on another avaiable connection or networks, and try to get a screenshot if I can.  But I need to logout from here first and reboot the CD again.03:10
god3fayaz: I wonder if there is a command line to start the wifi connect?03:11
fayazgod3: there are... but i'm not well versed in those...03:11
fayaziwconfig and wicd are two of those...03:12
fayaztry looking for their manuals?03:12
god3fayaz: it can scan all the avaiable wifi, but i just don't know how to start the connection.03:14
fayazgod3: are you using the system tray thingy? or something else?03:15
god3the system stray thing03:15
god3so I suppost to just click on the avaible connection right fayaz?03:16
fayazgod3: yeah... that's how it usually connects... when you click it, it'll show the loading icon and all...03:18
kyle__anyone know why my fonts are huge on the log on screen,  like to big to fit in text boxes?  ive forced dpi to 96 to make it workable in kubuntu itself, but the log on screen is still huge. any ideas?03:23
fayazkyle__: go to system settings -> login screen :)03:26
kyle__tried that03:27
kyle__doesnt work03:27
fayazkyle__: oh :(03:28
kyle__i had to set all font sized to 4 just to make them small enough to deal with03:28
kyle__but the menu fonts are still huge03:28
kyle__like under the shut down menu03:28
kyle__it only does it on this monitor which is running 1920x108003:28
kyle__and gnome has never had this problem.  only kde03:28
kyle__is there like a general dpi setting which is loaded on boot, before my proced dpi is loaded after login somewhere?03:29
fayazkyle__: yes... /etc/X1103:30
kyle__maybe ill poke around in there and see what happens03:30
fayazkyle__: poke carefully :)03:31
kyle__but if that were the case would it not also affect gnome?03:31
kyle__because gnomes font sizes are fine03:31
kyle__even the gdm font sizes03:31
fayazkyle__: yeah... unless gnome has its own settings or something...03:32
kyle__but kdm's are huge03:32
kyle__hmm ok03:32
fayazjust a theory03:32
fayazkyle__: you can simply use gdm... if its working properly for you...03:33
kyle__well the thing is normally i would03:34
kyle__but i always use kde, so when i went to 11.04 i went straight kubuntu03:34
kyle__in 10.10 i installed ubuntu then kde03:35
kyle__so is there a way to get gdm on this kubuntu machine now?03:35
kyle__without installing gnome?03:35
fayazbefore that, just try a different login theme... otherwise, i think you can install gdm separately... without too much gnome...03:36
shane4kubuntukyle__: you should be able to just install gdm, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:36
shane4kubuntuthe dpkg will let you choose between kdm and gdm, what is the prob?03:37
kyle__so sudo apt-get install gdm  then sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm???03:37
kyle__my problem is the fonts in kdm are super huge03:37
kyle__ive tried tweaking them everywhere and it makes no difference03:37
kyle__but its only kdm03:38
kyle__gdm when i had it installed worked just fine03:38
shane4kubuntukyle__: hmm, that is odd, do you have nvidia, or ati?03:38
shane4kubuntuI have nvidia, and without the other drivers installed, everything was very very large on my desktop03:38
kyle__yeah im nvidia03:39
kyle__but it only happens on this screen03:39
kyle__which is 40"03:39
shane4kubuntukyle__: did you install the nvidia drivers? I think they are extra drivers or something03:39
kyle__the "restricted" ones?03:39
shane4kubuntuyep them ones.03:40
kyle__i checked and the driver from nvidia says it is installed but not currently in use03:40
shane4kubuntuahh, set that up to be in use, and see if that helps first, you will have to reboot to have them enabled, I bet that will fix the prob.03:41
kyle__sorry , "activated but not currently in use"03:41
kyle__how would i do that03:41
shane4kubuntukyle__: if that doesn't fix it, then a bug report needs to be filed.03:41
kyle__im not sure how to make it "in use" lol03:42
shane4kubuntuKmenu -> Applications -> System -> Additional Drivers03:42
kyle__im there03:42
kyle__only gives me the option to remove it03:42
shane4kubuntuI have two choices, on mine, in the top white part03:42
kyle__i only have 103:42
shane4kubuntuclick on that, to select it, and the button at the bottom says activate, with the green light, I just clicked on mine, and it wouldn't let me,03:43
shane4kubuntusays something about my xorg.conf not being right or something03:43
kyle__yeah the only options i get is remove and close03:44
shane4kubuntubut I overwrote my xorg.conf because I have dual screens and didn't realize it was messed up, that is odd03:44
kyle__should i maybe try removing then reinstalling it?03:44
shane4kubuntukyle__: that is about the extent of my knowledge of that thing, that is all I ever do, I bet when I reboot, I will have a messed up system, because I overwrote my xorg.conf with the dual screen setup. :(03:45
kyle__wow that sucks03:45
kyle__hope it doesnt03:45
shane4kubuntuwell, I can work around it and get it straightened out, my fault for overwritting without backing up that file.03:46
kyle__well thanks for your help03:46
kyle__ill try reinstalling it and see what happens03:46
shane4kubuntuYeah, I would look into getting that driver installed and activated, that is going to be the key.03:47
kyle__k im gonna go check it out,  thanks again03:48
shane4kubuntuno prob, wish I had more info for you.03:48
god3fayaz: I can connect from Kubuntu 11.04 using wireless now, thanks.03:49
god3I am installing 11.04 at I irc!03:54
kyle__ok so any ideas why my nvidia driver says its activated but not in use?03:55
god3which type of file system should I choose?  There are so many!03:56
shane4kubuntugod3: stick with either ext3 or ext403:57
shane4kubuntuthey are both stable, and well used, ext4  I don't think file recovery is available03:58
shane4kubuntuext3 and 4 are both the 'standard' for ubuntu, I think they moved everything up to 403:58
god3should I use swap, I have 3G main memory03:58
god3How big of swap should I use for 3G memory?03:59
shane4kubuntuI don't understand it, but yes, they still recommend using swap, you can spare 1-2GB or even 3 is what is recommend for that, perhaps old school, same as ram amount03:59
kyle__lol mine is 60g lol04:00
kyle__and i got 8 g ram04:00
kyle__but i just used an old 60g hd for it04:00
shane4kubuntukyle__: your swap is 60GB?  :) lol04:01
god3kyle__: what! you use 60G for swap?04:01
kyle__i just used the whole drive04:01
kyle__i didnt know what to set it to04:01
yofelwell, usually you don't need more than 1G swap with 3G RAM, unless you like having dozens of apps open at the same time04:01
kyle__so i figured the more the better?  i dunno i could totally be wrong04:01
kyle__im still pretty new to linux04:02
yofelonly for hibernate you need as much swap as you have used memory04:02
shane4kubuntuyofel: was the old school method double the amount of ram?04:02
kyle__but i also have 4 tb of hd space so conserving space wasnt an issue for me04:02
shane4kubuntuthat was probably when ram never toped more than 512mb04:02
yofelthat was the old school one yes, but only makes sense for <=1G04:02
shane4kubuntuI always set mine about 2 or 3 gb, because I never really knew how much to set it to, and wasn't going to double my 4gb ram.04:03
god3I duo boot Windows, Mac, now installing Kubuntu, so for not touching the orginal boot loader(dev/sda), I guess I should install the boot loader in dev/sda5, correct?04:05
shane4kubuntugod3: just as a personal note, put /home on a separate partition, than /  that really helps when going to do a re-install04:05
shane4kubuntugod3: hmm, only if you know how to configure the bootloader on sda to get it to load sda504:05
kyle__yeah i jsut have grub replace my windows loader04:06
kyle__works fine04:06
god3shane4kubuntu: or I could choose the boot patition when I boot the system.04:06
shane4kubuntumy concern is the Mac part, I'm not sure how that works, I know Linux picks up Windows ok.04:06
shane4kubuntugod3: true, I've never messed with that though.04:07
kyle__most people dont believe me when i say i have xp 32 and 64  as well as win 7 and ubuntu and kubuntu  and they all work off grub just fine04:07
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cjaeSo theres pop up notes but what are the other similiar applets called?04:07
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kyle__hmm is there a command to see what video driver i am currently running?04:09
yofelyou can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what X uses currently04:10
TaggnostrI uninstalled compiz after the update because I was having some problem (e.g. no borders around the windows) and now the pc stop loading just before the KDE icon appears in the login screen with the 5 icons04:12
kyle__so would  this be the driver that is working??   NVIDIA GLX Module  270.41.0604:12
yofelthat's the nvidia driver in natty right04:13
kyle__no idea04:13
god3I also create /home partition, how big should it be ? I get 70G for Linux.04:13
Taggnostrduring the installation the updater also crashed but even if there was the bug report window open it continued till the end (it did the cleanup and restart, but it might have interrupted the installation)04:13
Taggnostris there a way to restore/reinstall kde?04:13
kyle__im just trying to figure out if an nvidia driver is working  since the restricted driver  in "additional drivers" says it is activated but not in use04:13
Taggnostr(or the whole kubuntu)04:14
kyle__Taggnostr: i tried updating 10.10 and it failed as well, i had to download the cd and reinstall the whole thing04:14
kyle__that was the only way i could get 11.04 to work. and the installer was quite buggy for me04:15
Taggnostrkyle__, do I have to format it or can I just reinstall it over the one I have now?04:15
kyle__im not sure04:15
TaggnostrI guess you formatted then?04:15
kyle__im afriad im no expert by any means,  im still new to linux myself04:15
kyle__no i actually had a few hundred gigs of free space04:15
kyle__so i just installed it there04:16
Taggnostrdo you still have the "broken" installation?04:16
kyle__yes but it does boot and work still04:16
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: it is best to format for a clean install, you can reboot, and see if it boots, if not, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:16
god3install process:  copying file ...04:17
Taggnostrshane4kubuntu, I'm trying the options that I get on the login screen (the one with the password) to see if there's something that works04:18
kyle__i think i found my dpi font problem04:18
god3I hear there is Unity for Ubuntu, how about Kunity, or it not the right question?04:18
kyle__it says in xorg.o.log   that it defaulted to dpi of 304 based on my monitors edid04:19
kyle__so how could i change that?04:19
shane4kubuntugod3: I believe that Unity can be run on Kubuntu, but honestly I ran from Unity. :)04:19
shane4kubuntukyle__: let me see if that is set in xorg.conf04:20
yofelgod3: take that to the KDE folks, kubuntu tries to stick to KDE as much as possible and makes sense04:20
kyle__DPI set to (304, 304); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config04:20
kyle__NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1920 x 108004:20
kyle__i think thats teh problem04:20
shane4kubuntukyle__: I don't really see that in mine, but that doesn't mean it can't be set there.04:21
god3I just want to give Unity a try, so after I install Kubuntu, how do I install Ubuntu so that I could pick it when I logout.04:22
kyle__shane4kubuntu: ok, well is there a way to force a dpi in xorg?04:22
kyle__because all this stuff is from auto setttings04:23
kyle__NVIDIA(0):     "nvidia-auto-select"04:23
kyle__NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (304, 304); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config04:23
shane4kubuntukyle__: I'm not sure, I have always disliked messing with xorg.conf files.04:23
god3installation process configuring locales 8%04:23
kyle__ok well im gonna google and see what i come up with04:23
shane4kubuntucjae: these aren't pop up, but Basket is a nice note app04:24
kyle__LOL seems im not the only one with this problem04:24
kyle__according to google04:24
Taggnostrso with the 'default' mode it stops while loading the kde icon, with 'KDE Plasma workspace' same thing, with 'Failsafe' it starts loading and get back to the password screen04:26
Taggnostris there a way I can get to a terminal? I'm now stuck at the password screen04:26
kyle__start console session?04:27
Taggnostryep, just found04:27
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: ctrl-alt-f3   or f1 or f2 or f4 or f5 or f1-7  usually f7 or 8 brings you back to the desktop04:27
god3shane4kubuntu: alt-f7 get back to desktop, or alt-f804:28
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: if your upgrade was messed up, probably run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade first04:28
shane4kubuntugod3: yes, one of the two, it always was f7, but lately on my box, it is f8  the is, "ctrl-alt-f8"04:29
TaggnostrI tried that already (from the gui) when it restarted and said there were no updates (well, except tuxguitar)04:29
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:29
TaggnostrI tried that and said 0 upgrade, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded04:30
shane4kubuntuok, I would sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to make sure all was installed correctly04:30
SIR_Tacowow, I'm completely lost now haha04:31
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: did you have kubuntu before, or did you switch from gnome?04:31
shane4kubuntuok, ooh, thought of another, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:32
kyle__thats wierd,  my xorg.conf is only like 4 lines long??04:32
Taggnostralways 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed04:32
Taggnostrmaybe I should try to add compiz back?04:33
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: how about install kubuntu-desktop?04:33
SIR_Taco kyle__ that's normal, it auto-detects most of it04:33
Taggnostrshane4kubuntu, that too04:33
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: oooh, how about install -f04:33
shane4kubuntuthat should fix any broken packages,04:33
c2tarunanyone here ever used google SDK for desktop gadgets?04:33
shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: also sudo apt-get check04:33
shane4kubuntuthat should check to make sure all the packages are there.04:33
Taggnostrcheck didn't complain about anything04:34
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god3rekonq is very fast!04:34
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shane4kubuntuTaggnostr: hmm, not sure, sorry, I'm off.04:34
TaggnostrI tried too install compiz back04:34
shane4kubuntunight all.04:35
Taggnostrshane4kubuntu, thanks for the tips04:35
SIR_Taconight shane4kubuntu04:35
skierpageMy Natty Narwhal upgrade failed! "The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a)."04:35
SIR_Tacoseems I came back at a fun time?04:35
c2tarunskierpage: how did you start the upgrade?04:35
skierpageThe last error reported was '"Could not install nspluginwrapper" subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 139'04:36
skierpagec2tarun, Software Updates > click Upgrade to natty 11.04.04:36
c2tarunskierpage: and what release are you using now?04:37
skierpagec2tarun, Maverick 10.10.04:37
skierpageI've installed nightly Firefox and SeaMonkey betas and Flash players myself, so I'm not worried about this problem, so should I reboot and see what happens, or try to fix nspluginwrapper first, or ??04:37
c2tarunskierpage: it should have worked :/ you considered for a fresh installation?04:37
c2tarunskierpage: well thats your call. did you had your system backed up before starting upgrade?04:38
skierpageI've managed to upgrade Karmic - Lucid - Maverick without problems.  No backup, home is on a separate backed-up partition.04:39
c2tarunskierpage: hmm.... hang around, may be someone have a better suggestion.04:39
skierpageThanks.  Like I said, I don't care about the reported flashplugin failure, so I just need the "update fu" to push ahead anyway.04:41
SIR_Tacowhat's the problem skierpage? just got back04:42
skierpageSIR_Taco, my Software Update from 10.10 to 11.04 failed.  The last error reported was '"Could not install nspluginwrapper" subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 139'04:43
skierpageI run nightly Firefox and SeaMonkey betas and install Flashplayer myself, so I don't care about this failure.  So how do I tell it to push ahead anyway?04:44
skierpagesudo apt-get dist-upgrade --force --continue --no-worries ?!04:44
skierpageHmm, I dismissed the "Could not install the upgrades" alert and now it says "The upgrade has completed but there were errors during the upgrade process."04:45
skierpageSo maybe I should just reboot and see what I get :-)04:45
kyle__lol ok so that didnt go so well04:46
kyle__good thing i have my old linux install so i could fix my xorg.conf04:46
SIR_Tacoskierpage: if it chokes on flashplayer, I would temporalily remove it, update, then re-install it04:47
skierpageSIR_Taco thanks!  OK, trying `sudo aptitude remove flashplugin-installer`04:49
Paytamtoday I update my laptop os(Laptop model: HP Pavilon dv6-2190us and previous os version kubuntu 10.10),but since then I have encounter several problems. I don't know what happen and why. That's all appear since update04:50
Paytam1)the color of my wireless LED is red which indicate that it is off, but it is on.04:50
Paytam2)Several of times I forced to restart the system, because it hangs and the LED of caps lock start blinking.04:50
Paytam3)I think when the installation process finished, a dialog appears and shows "exit code 1" what does it means04:50
skierpageHmm, got "The following packages will be removed", listing 37 internal packages with {u} after them.04:50
skierpageI've seen that damn confusing {u} stuff before, it was a bitch figuring out what it meant and I've forgotten.04:51
god3I just installed Kubuntu!04:51
Taggnostris there a way to reinstall the plasma workspace and/or kde?04:51
skierpageCan't google for '{u}' :-(04:52
SIR_Tacoskierpage: if you do: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' does it show any different04:52
Paytamthe Kpackage show me that a newer version is available and I clicked it and it start downloading and installing it04:52
SIR_TacoEveryone please realise that it's hockey playoffs in Canada.... please excuse me :)04:54
skierpageSIR_Taco, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2 not fully installed or removed."  It complained about nspluginwrapper is not configured yet, problems with flashplugin-installer.04:54
SIR_Tacoskierpage: ok try : 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'04:55
skierpageBlame Canada!  Blame Canada!  With all that hockey hullabaloo and that bitch Anne Murray too!  It's not even a real country anyway.04:55
Paytamthis is the result of executing "sudo  dpkg --configure -a"04:58
PaytamSetting up nspluginwrapper (1.2.2-0ubuntu9) ...04:58
Paytamplugin dirs: :/var/lib/flashplugin-installer/04:58
PaytamAuto-update plugins from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins04:58
PaytamLooking for plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins04:58
PaytamSegmentation fault04:58
FloodBotK1Paytam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
skierpageWhoa, "Setting up nspluginwrapper (1.2.2-0ubuntu9 ... Segmentation fault.".04:58
skierpageHey Paytam, that's the same error I'm getting.04:58
god3In my Dolphin, the linux hard drive is label as 78 GiB Hard Drive, how do I rename it to Kubuntu?04:58
SIR_Tacowho the heck an I helping? haha04:58
SIR_Tacoso you're both stuck there?04:59
SIR_Tacowhat if you install it manually?04:59
skierpagegod3, perhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=423245 helps.05:00
Paytamis there any one else who have the same problem as me?05:03
god3skierpage: thanks.05:04
kyle__well that was an easy fix that took forever ot figure out05:04
SIR_TacoPaytam: seems that skierpage has the same problem05:04
skierpagePaytam, not your LED and wireless problems after reboot, but I have the same nspluginwrapper failure.05:05
PaytamI try to execute the "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and it start to download firefox05:05
TaggnostrI tried to remove/reinstall a few things but it still get stuck just before loading the kde icon in the screen with the 5 icons at the beginning05:05
SIR_Taco Paytam and it doesnt finish?05:06
PaytamI don't want to use firefox,so I cancel the process,You mean I should let it execute completely?05:07
Taggnostranything else I can try?05:07
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: that made absoluntely no sense to me05:07
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, what exactly?05:07
Taggnostryou know the screen that appears after the login, with 4 icons and a bigger kde icon? it just loads the first 4 icons and then gets stuck there05:08
skierpageSIR_Taco, dunno how to install manually.  I think dpkg is running /var/lib/dpkg/info/nspluginwrapper.postinst which runs nspluginwrapper -a -v -u.  Is there a way to get dpkg to run in verbose mode?05:08
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: ok...I get you... can you do CTRL-ALT-F1 ?05:08
skierpagePaytam, then try removing the firefox package, but I'm not sure how.05:09
Taggnostrit asks me to login from the terminal05:09
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, and I can login fine from there05:10
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: try pasting your last bit of dmesg to paste.ubuntu.com05:10
PaytamI removed the firefox and again run the dist-updgrade command, this is the result05:12
PaytamSetting up nspluginwrapper (1.2.2-0ubuntu9) ...05:12
Paytamplugin dirs: :/var/lib/flashplugin-installer/05:12
PaytamAuto-update plugins from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins05:12
PaytamLooking for plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins05:12
PaytamSegmentation fault05:12
FloodBotK1Paytam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
wolsPaytam: you were told to stop that before05:12
wolsPaytam: read what the bot tells you05:13
wolswhat do you need nspluginwrapper for?05:13
SIR_TacoPaytam: remove flashplugin, and try again05:13
skierpageI retried `sudo aptitude remove flashplugin-installer` and this time it quietly removed flashplugin-installer and nspluginwrapper, so I think I'm good to reboot and see.05:15
SIR_Tacoskierpage: you should be good to go05:15
skierpageI tried to strace to see what was causing Paytam and my "Segmentation fault", but couldn't see it.  And no core dump anywhere.  Hmmmm.05:16
Paytamwhile I try to remove flashp plugin I encounter this problem05:16
Paytamsubprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 13905:16
SIR_Tacoskierpage: with a proprietary driver, you wont find much05:17
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, the last bit of dmesg just mention something about the network, but everything seems ok (it just says "link is not ready" and then "link becomes ready")05:17
SIR_TacoPaytam: have you tried ' sudo dpkg --configure -a'?05:18
wolsthe error is most probably in your X logs or the kde logs, not kernel logs05:18
Daskreechpeople are talking05:19
wolsPaytam: what is the first error you get when trying to remove the flashplugin?05:19
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, I see no erro in the last 50 lines of dmesg05:19
skierpageGot it: in dmesg, "nspluginwrapper[21494]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fc511ae7378 sp 00007fff8593cd68 error 4 in libnpgoogletalk64.so[7fc511ab8000+5d000]"05:20
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: my head is working.... but it's a little soggy with beer at the moment (hockey playoffs)05:20
PaytamI removed successfully flash plugin,and issue dpkg --configure,but this time this error shows:  dpkg: error processing nspluginwrapper (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 13905:21
skierpageMy guess is nspluginwrapper is incompatible with this proprietary googletalk plug-in (which I never use anyway).05:21
SIR_Tacoskierpage: possible.... but should install anyway05:22
skierpagePaytam, the command that worked for me was "sudo aptitude remove flashplugin-installer".  I get confused between dpkg, aptitude, etc.05:22
Paytamwhat is nspluginviewrapper? I use empathy as my instant messaging05:22
wolsPaytam: there is an error BEFORE that05:22
wolsPaytam: it's crap software that allows a 32bit plugin (like flash) work in your 64bit firefox05:23
wolsand since adobe finally has a 64bit flash plugin, it's useless anyways05:23
SIR_Tacomore-or-less haha05:23
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, in case you missed earlier: 1) during the upgrade kpackagekit crashed during the installation phase, the bug report window appeared but then the installation went on with the cleanup and reboot fine (not sure it finished the installation); 2) after the reboot it was working more or less fine, but I had no border on the windows, so, since I already had some conflict with compiz, I uninstalled it and at the next reboot it couldn't load kde05:24
Taggnostranymore (stuck at the kde icon)05:24
PaytamI execute sudo dpkg --remove flashplugin-installer to remove this package, before that I use kpackage to remove that package but it returned error that can not remove it05:24
wolsTaggnostr: can X run with any other windowmanager?05:24
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: ah, ok... was that an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?05:24
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, yes05:25
skierpageI'd file a bug about the Segmentation fault but I'm not sure if it belongs in dist-upgrade or nspluginwrapper.05:25
wolsPaytam: do you think we are psychic and see all your errors magically from afar? paste the FULL output of your dpkg command in a pastebin05:25
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: and it didn't finish correctly?05:25
wolsskierpage: it belongs to nspluginwrapper normally. dist-upgrade is no program05:25
Taggnostrwols, I tried all the options in the login screen (i.e. default, kde plasma workspace, and failsafe). The first two get stuck at the kde icon, the failsafe one gets back to the login screen shortly after the login05:26
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: can you boot into "recorvery console" with networking?05:26
wolsTaggnostr: I asked for another window manager... say fluxbox or such. started with "startx" preferably05:26
wolsTaggnostr: it sounds like X is borked. check your Xorg.0.log05:26
wolsTaggnostr: don't use kdm at all right now. close kdm and try to run X manually05:27
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, except for the "crash" it complete everything, I'm not sure that it installed everything though, but I tried sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and upgrade/update/clean and everything looked fine05:27
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, I think so05:27
Taggnostrwols, I'm not sure I have other window managers, startx starts loading the 5 icons and gets stuck to the kde icon too05:28
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: ok, if you can get into the recovery sonsole and get your networking going... I would try "sudo do-release-upgrade" and see if it will complete the  update (you can add "-d" do the end if it complains I guess)05:30
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, actually where do I find that? I can do "console login" from the login screen, and I think there the network works05:30
wolsTaggnostr: that's why §deity gave you apt-get: so you can install other WMs if needed. besides: you have another wm already. xwm or such. X comes with it.05:30
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: well either way, so long as you can get to a console of some sort.05:31
wolsTaggnostr: you start normally. then when the login screen comes up you press ctrl+all+f2, login there, kill the kdm process and then you can debug your X/kde problem05:31
skierpageHeh, can't debug it any more since I successfully removed nspluginwrapper. thanks all.  off to reboot05:31
wolsskierpage: why would you want to reboot?05:31
TaggnostrSIR_Taco, the do-release-upgrade says no new release found05:32
SIR_TacoTaggnostr: ok, so at least we know the upgrade went 'ok'05:32
wolsTaggnostr: from the vt 2, you run startx. it should "crash" or whatever again just like before. if it does, go back to vt 2 and check the output there05:33
Taggnostrwols, I killed kdm and did startx05:33
SIR_Tacowow... I should just go to work lol05:33
skierpagewols, because I just possibly successfully upgraded to Natty Narwhal, despite the failure in nspluginwrapper/flashplugin blah blah!05:34
wolsskierpage: good luck05:35
Taggnostrwols, if I come back where I did startx the only thing I see is "the XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: warning: type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols. Ignoring extra symbols. Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server05:35
SIR_Tacoyou want to be my Cheif wols? lol05:35
skierpageThe seg fault could be because /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins has libnpgoogletalk64.so -> /opt/google/talkplugin/libnpgoogletalk64.so , so nspluginwrapper tries to load the 64-bit google plugin and chokes.05:35
wolsSIR_Taco: Cheif?05:35
skierpagethanks wols.  kthxbye05:36
PaytamI'm not sure that it again flood or not, I use the paste.ubuntu.com and IRC log, please excuse me in advanced if it flood again05:36
wolsTaggnostr: there is LOTS more. X is very very chatty when it starts. again: use another window manager to test if it's a X problem or a kde problem05:36
Paytammatthew@matthew-HP:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:36
PaytamReading package lists... Done05:36
PaytamBuilding dependency tree05:36
PaytamReading state information... Done05:36
PaytamCalculating upgrade... Done05:36
FloodBotK1Paytam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:36
Paytam0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:36
SIR_Tacowols: I'm just joking around, I'm a Fire fighter05:36
Taggnostrthe only 'suspicious'  thing05:36
Taggnostrwols, how can I start with another wm?05:36
wolsPaytam: for the last time: do not paste in here. paste at paste.ubuntu.com05:36
wolsTaggnostr: just install one05:37
PaytamI just use that site I don know what happened05:37
wolswhat happened is that you didn't use that site05:37
Taggnostrwols, what about xwm? can I use that? or what else can I install?05:38
PaytamI use that site and set the syntax to IRC log, and then enter the paste! button05:38
wolsTaggnostr: fluxbox for example05:39
Taggnostrok, and how can I start it?05:39
Taggnostrif I type fluxbox it says couldn't connect to XServer05:40
wolsyou start it with startx as before05:40
SIR_Tacono, sorry Taggnostr, not directed at you05:40
wolsone way is to create a ~/.xinitrc with only the line "fluxbox" in it05:40
wolsTaggnostr: but "startx" only putting out one line as you said above cannot be right at all05:42
Taggnostrit's also available in the login screen among the options, and it started fine05:42
wolsTaggnostr: then you have a kde problem. dunno where kde puts its logs :(05:43
Taggnostrcan I remove kde and reinstall it?05:44
wolssille me. yes, ~/.xsession-errors is the place05:45
Feldegastwhen i use synaptic to update packages, it shows me the changelogs of changed packages, when i use kpackagekit, it freezes at the point of showing the change logs and the process has to be killed as it does not continue05:46
Daddyits good05:46
Daddyi mean it is a good sign buddy05:46
god3it seems that we don't need to install build-essential just to what to get gcc etc, it's already there05:47
Daddyso what you wanna do05:47
Taggnostrwols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601610/ is the content of .xsession-errors05:48
SIR_Tacois that rhetorical?05:49
Paytamno one could help me? I'm still waiting05:52
SIR_Tacowhat's the problem Paytam? I've been back and forth05:55
SIR_Tacoflash plugin?05:55
Paytam@SIR_Taco: you suggest me remove the flash plugin and then upgrade,but i faced error, the content is in this place http://paste.ubuntu.com/601611/05:57
SIR_TacoPaytam: possibly this problem?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/36379905:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 363799 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "package nspluginwrapper 1.2.2-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139 (dup-of: 357965)" [Undecided,New]05:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 357965 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "MASTER package nspluginwrapper 1.2.2-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: wrapper update crashes when gcu-plugin is installed" [High,Triaged]05:59
SIR_Tacothanks crazy bot thing06:00
wolsPaytam: have you tried to remove nspluginwrapper with dpkg?06:02
Paytammy major problem is in this address http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1744753   , right now I use failsafe mode to login and access my computer,I don't know why06:02
Paytamyes I use dpkg remove06:02
SIR_Tacoyou can be my Cheif for sure lol06:02
wolsPaytam: not in your paste06:02
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wolsthe bug is already known it seems: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/77453906:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 774539 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "package nspluginwrapper 1.2.2-0ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 139" [Undecided,New]06:05
wolsPaytam: have you removed the google-talkplugin package? NOT with apt-get, but with dpkg06:06
Paytamwols: The previous suggesstions were remove flash plugin. I use dpkg to remove it. now I have google talk web allpication  for prism. Do you suggest me to remove that?06:09
Paytammy problem is why several of time my laptop hangs, something happend like deadlock or starvation problems. I've never faced such problem in kubuntu 10.1006:10
igneriouswhat is the path of Dextop Themes06:10
wolsPaytam: the package to remove is "google-talkplugin"06:11
SIR_Tacodont listen to me06:11
Taggnostruhm, maybe it's working06:12
wolsPaytam: as a search of the ubuntu bugtracker would have shown you. it's a known bug. if you don't have the google-talkplugin installed, it's another plugin. so check what other plugins you have installed for your browser(s)06:12
Taggnostrwhere "working" means that it didn't get stuck at the kde icon and now everything is white with a blue bar on the top and nothing works06:13
TaggnostrI think I'll give up for now, thanks for the help SIR_Taco and wols06:14
igneriousin which folder does the desktop themes are kept06:15
SIR_Tacothanks Taggnostr, it's after 1am here, I should be sleeping anyway :)06:15
wolsignerious: "dpkg -L <package name of the theme>06:16
igneriousno I want the path of the folder06:17
wolsand I told you how to get it06:18
wolsdpkg keeps a database of every file installed, including themes06:18
Paytamwols: do you think I should format my system and re-install the new version? I think some packages not download correctly and this is the source of my problem?06:20
wolsPaytam: no06:21
Paytamso what's your suggestion?06:21
wolsI told you what to do above. twice. if you don't listen, I don't care06:21
PaytamI use chrome as my web browser and empathy as my instant messenger, I clear prism, but nothing happened. No my chrome doesn't have any plugin righ now06:24
wolsI did not tell you to "clear prism" and all that other drivel. I talked to you about a, probably, installed plugin. I didn't say anything about chrome either06:26
wolsis it so hard to read what I wrote above?06:26
Paytamwol: thank you any way.06:29
gartralhow do i remove the bouncy ball.. it wont stop long enough for me too hit the x06:42
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skierpageBack and running 11.04, rebooted into it fine!07:33
skierpageDolphin crashed on first close, NepomukServiceStub crashed and Crash Reporter can't figure out how to install its debug symbols.07:33
wolsgood morning07:46
Graf_WesterholtGood Morning :)07:46
skierpagebug 429805 (maybe) and bug 77466407:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429805 in KDE Base "dolphin crashed with SIGSEGV in QAbstractScrollArea::viewport()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42980507:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774664 in kdebase-runtime (Ubuntu) "Crash Reporting Assistant can't get debug symbols for nepomukservicestub crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77466407:54
skierpageFWIW, my upgrade failed because nspluginwrapper crashed loading libnpgoogletalk64.so during flashplugin-installer configuration.  I removed nspluginwrapper and flashplugin-wrapper.  Yet I have working Flash Player 64-bit plugin, I think straight from Adobe.07:58
wolsas I said: nspluginwrapper is mostly crap now that there is java and flash for 64bit08:00
KeshlThere is? o_o08:04
KeshlHow would I grab that? Do I need to do anything special?08:05
Graf_WesterholtKeshl, you can find Adobe Flash Player 64 here: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/square/08:08
KeshlFor Linux? o.O Woudln't that be in the package manager?08:09
Graf_WesterholtMaybe you can try flashplugin64-installer but I am not sure about this.08:12
tsimpsonthe 64bit version is reportedly more buggy than the 32bit version08:14
tsimpson(flash anyway)08:15
genii-aroundMine refuses to maximize08:15
clashingwaveHello Umm I can't seem to get the network manager to auto connect on startup in kubuntu 11.04. Has anyone else had this problem if you have, do you have a fix for it. thank you08:16
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Fleckcan anybody install fglrx on natty?08:35
Fleck11.04 that is08:35
Graf_WesterholtHello, atdprhs.08:54
atdprhsI have a question08:55
atdprhsabout Ubuntu server08:55
Graf_WesterholtYou should ask somebody else. :)08:55
genii-aroundatdprhs: There is also #ubuntu-server specifically08:55
atdprhsthanks :-)08:56
atdprhsjoin #ubuntu-server08:56
Graf_WesterholtHello, chris_rc1.08:57
chris_rc1does sb know, which module handles pc-card/pcmcia (for old cards)?08:57
wolssb is?08:59
chris_rc1sorry, 'somebody'08:59
chris_rc1there is a specific module for that, but i cannot remember its name09:00
atdprhsnobody answers there genii-around09:02
Graf_WesterholtMost people are sleeping now. :)09:06
Spaz_Dynamicis there a command or way to remove old packages that aren't needed anymore (such as files that were dependencies for programs no-longer installed)? and what is the way to purge all uninstalled programs' data/settings files?09:08
Graf_Westerholtapt-get autoremove09:08
genii-around-- purge I believe also works with autoremove09:10
Graf_Westerholt"man apt-get" helps sometimes. ;)09:10
Spaz_DynamicGraf_Westerholt: didn't think about that. xD09:11
Spaz_Dynamicits also 4 AM again... why does this keep happening to me?09:11
atdprhsHello, is there anyone here can help me in something related to Ubuntu Server? and it might not even be, it could be in general...?09:16
Graf_WesterholtJust ask.09:17
atdprhsMy eth0 has dropped suddenly and after I walked around09:17
atdprhsI found that it became unmanaged which I don't know why  that that happened09:17
atdprhsand I'm stuck on making the device be managed again so my ubuntu-server can connect back to internet09:18
atdprhsthere is an article that I found on google but it's not helpy or maybe it is but I can't deal with it, can you help me with it Graf_Westerholt?09:19
Graf_WesterholtSorry, atdprhs, I have no idea.09:19
wolswhat's in your interfaces?09:19
atdprhswhat do you mean?09:19
wolsyour interfaces file. you run a server after all...09:19
atdprhsI'm new at this...09:20
FloodBotK1atdprhs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
wols /etc/network/interfaces09:20
atdprhscan I pm you wols?09:21
atdprhsI got auto lo              ifaceauto eth0  lo inet loopback                        iface eth0 inet static                       then my ips09:22
atdprhsiface lo inet loopback sorry09:23
wolsuse a pastebin, putting everything on a single line destroys the information09:23
atdprhsI can't paste.ubuntu because my server is not connected :(09:23
wols"auto lo              ifaceauto eth0  " looks very very wrong however09:24
atdprhsthe other line that i wrote is wrong09:24
atdprhslet me rewrite09:25
wolsis there a single line "auto eth0" with nothing else on this line?09:25
atdprhsauto lo09:25
atdprhsthere is09:25
atdprhsand there is auto lo at first line that is not commented09:25
atdprhsthen iface lo inet loopback09:25
atdprhsthen auto eth009:26
wolsand what happens if you "/etc/init.d/networking restart" ? (hopefully ubuntu still has this)09:26
atdprhsI tried it09:26
atdprhsbut wait, let me try again09:26
atdprhsat the first time09:27
atdprhsWARNING: ifup -a is disabled in favour of NetworkManager09:27
atdprhsset ifupdown:managed=false09:27
atdprhsI did change that to true while ago according to that article09:28
wolsdo you have X running on this "server"?09:28
atdprhsX --> GUI?09:28
wolsyes a gui09:29
atdprhsI'm using it yes09:29
wolswhat for?09:29
atdprhsTo make things easier for it09:29
wolshave a nice day and good luck09:30
atdprhsWell, I was microsoft  software engineer, and I decided to move into ubuntu09:30
atdprhsbecause I started like it09:30
atdprhsand i'm developing php site wols09:30
wolsjust a hint: you're doing it wrong09:30
atdprhsI don't mean to me rude honestly, I on't understand you09:30
atdprhsand why?09:31
atdprhsreconfiguring the server is too hard...09:33
atdprhsis there anyway that I can make this server run now09:34
atdprhsand later on another machine, i can do that?09:34
wolsdon't use network-manager (imho) and use the normal interfaces settings, since you use a static IP anyways it seems09:34
atdprhsyes I'm using static IP09:35
wolsand if you still have problems: paste the interfaces file09:35
atdprhshow can I stop NetworkManager? and remove it?09:35
wolsman apt-get09:36
atdprhsunable to locate NetworkManager?09:38
atdprhsI got it09:39
atdprhsits removing it09:39
atdprhsnetwork has been disabled09:40
atdprhswhat do I do wols?09:40
wolsyou restart it as I told you above09:40
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atdprhslet me check09:42
atdprhsno internet09:43
atdprhsno connection still09:43
wolsand what did the command to restart it put out?09:44
atdprhsI don't understand?09:45
keithzgWhat the hell? Even from the Alternate CD, the Kubuntu installer doesn't see any of the hard drives on this computer . . . but, for example, GParted when installed on the Live CD sees them fine.09:45
wolskeithzg: what hdd controller?09:45
wolsatdprhs: please paste the FULL output of the commanda cat /etc/network/interfaces  and   /sbin/ifconfig09:46
atdprhsi don't know09:46
keithzgwols: sadly I don't know, it's an old P4 I recently took ahold of, possible they're in some sort of RAID array I'm not aware of.09:46
wolskeithzg: lspci will tell you09:46
keithzgwols: not sure, it outputs both an IDE controller and a RAID controller09:48
wolskeithzg: which one(s)? and what does dmesg say?09:48
atdprhsI don't have internet connection on the ubuntu server to paste it on ubuntu site as you told me09:49
atdprhsI'll have to type each line here09:49
wolsno. paste.ubuntu.com09:49
atdprhsI pasted the first one09:50
atdprhs(I technically typed it all excluding the commented lines)09:51
wolslooks fine so far. your router is and you cannot ping it from the server?09:51
atdprhslet me check09:51
keithzgwols: RAID is an MBFastTrak133 Lite, and IDE is an Intel 82801DB; dmesg doesn't seem to have anything relevant, but admittedly I'm having a hard time since I don't quite remember how to get the output of a program like dmesg so that I can navigate up and down through it (on the alternate CD right now)09:52
wolsyour current IP is as seen via /sbin/ifconfig -a?  and your ethernet is eth0 (also ifconfig)09:52
atdprhslet me check sbin and paste it there09:52
wolskeithzg: dmesg|less  and you don't have any raid controllers09:52
atdprhsI can't understand anything from it09:53
keithzgwols: ah, right...and are you sure? When I start up the computer, after the initial POST and all it definitely waits a bit and talks about a RAID array09:53
wolsatdprhs: it tells you what IPs are currently set for what interfaces09:54
atdprhsits like ^?ELF^A^A^A^@ and stuff like that09:54
papa_salut a tous09:54
wolskeithzg: sure. but it's a fakeraid. it's make believe BS09:54
atdprhsI typed that command vi /sbin/ifconfig09:54
wolsatdprhs: no. /sbin/ifconfig -a  is something a program09:54
kavurtin my acer laptops, turn off button takes 30 seconds to work. i press the button, after 30 seconds i start seeing effects of it. ??09:54
wolsatdprhs: that was wrong. no vi09:54
atdprhsI have eth0 and eth1 and lo09:55
atdprhseth0 is yes the same ip09:55
keithzgwols: ah, I see, but could that indeed be the problem? I mean, fake raid + missing drives = coincidence? I think not!09:55
wolsatdprhs: what ethernet cards are in that server?09:55
wolskeithzg: possibly. as I said, see dmesg what the kernel sees and what not09:55
atdprhsI enabled eth1 which is built-in interface when I got eth0 not there09:56
wolsatdprhs: dmesg |grep eth |less09:56
atdprhsI enabled eth1 from bios09:56
atdprhsit says that it renamed network interfaces eth0 to eth0-eth109:57
wolskeithzg: http://www.coofercat.com/node/48609:58
wolsatdprhs: add another stanza for eth1 in your interfaces file and use IP (if free) for it09:58
wolsthen either one will work. don't forget the auto eth1 line of course09:59
atdprhs(I need my server to take because I configured my router to forward my static ip to that IP
wolsI dunno what you changed but it could be that udev played around with eth numbering09:59
wolsatdprhs: for debugging the problem you don't. right now any IP will do. if you got a connection to the router, _then_ you can set the proper one10:00
atdprhsso I go to /etc/init.d/networking and then edit it, right?10:00
wolsyes. and you restart the networking again afterwards10:01
atdprhsbut which config file do I edit to give eth1 the iP?10:01
atdprhsI forgot the file10:01
wols /etc/network/interfaces10:02
atdprhsso I add auto eth1 below the eth0 part and do the same but give eth1 ip
wolsbasically yes10:04
wolsor you can simply change "eth0" to "eth1" everywhere and restart networking10:05
wolsthen ping the router IP10:05
wolsheck, you could even unplug the cable and plug it into the other network card...10:05
atdprhsthats ok10:06
keithzgwols: actually, after disabling the raid controller in BIOS, the installer now prompts me to choose the driver for the raid card (huh?)10:06
atdprhsI didn't actually plug the other cable10:06
atdprhsto eth1 :D10:06
atdprhsin the first place :D10:06
atdprhslet me plug it10:06
FloodBotK1atdprhs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:06
atdprhssorry flood10:07
atdprhsnot working wols10:08
wolsagain: what is the output of ifconfig -a ?10:08
atdprhsit doesn't say the ip of eth1 that it is
wolsthen you didn't restart the network10:09
atdprhsnow it says the ip10:09
atdprhspinging again but it pings from
atdprhshow to ping from
atdprhspinging from is unreachable10:11
* keithzg thinks this has probably been enough "trying to install Kubuntu to an ancient, idiosyncratic computer" for one night . . . but'll be back, because for some reason it's rather fun :)10:11
wolsI suggest you keep only one ethernet card in your PC. remove or disable the other one10:12
wolsthen configure that with the static IP. you can check the ip via ifconfig.10:13
atdprhsi can disable eth110:13
atdprhsfrom bios again10:13
simi_is the Get new stuff for plasma theme broken in 11.04?10:15
atdprhsI disabled the eth110:16
atdprhsI edited the interfaces10:21
atdprhsI restarted it but it says that ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth110:21
atdprhsnow, it doesn't say that after unplugging it10:22
atdprhsso now its totally disable10:23
wolsof course. if there is no eth1 anymore, it cannot set the IP for it...10:23
wolsso you can remove it from the interfaces file10:23
atdprhsI removed it10:23
atdprhsfrom the interfaces10:23
atdprhsand I restarted the network10:23
atdprhspinging is still unreachable10:24
Graf_WesterholtConnect the plug. ;)10:24
wols dmesg |grep eth10:25
atdprhsno, eth0 is still connecte10:25
atdprhsthere is a part of it says that renamed network interface eth0 to eth0-eth110:27
atdprhsby the way10:27
atdprhseth1 was given which has been disabled, when I pinged, it started pinging from that ip10:28
atdprhseth0 and the only eth0 has .2 at the end10:28
wols dmesg |grep eth10:28
atdprhsI did that wols10:29
wolsdo you think I am psychic?10:29
wolsyou obviously does, since you apparently think I can see the output of that command magically10:30
atdprhswould you give me 15 min. to retype what I read into paste?10:31
atdprhsbecause its too long?10:31
Magnussondoes anyone know how i can edit kickoff to go up one level when i hit backspace and/or move down to the bottom of the list with pagedown?10:38
enroldhi all10:39
atdprhsCan't you just ask me questions regarding it and tell you if yes or no?10:39
wolsatdprhs: ifconfig -a  what interfaces are listed?10:40
atdprhseth 0 and eth110:41
atdprhsand lo10:41
wolswhy is there a eth0 when you "disabled it in BIOS"?10:41
atdprhsI don't know, I thought I disabled it, let me check back again10:42
atdprhsmaybe there is something missing10:42
wolsis there any reason why you need two network cards in there?10:45
atdprhsnow, the eth1 is not there10:46
atdprhsnetwork is unreachable10:48
delaccan someon give me a comprehensive guide for editing kateui.rc or any of the kde xmlgui files?10:48
atdprhsI figured something and I fixed it10:54
atdprhsbut still destination is unreachable10:54
wolsthen you didn't fix anything, did you?10:54
atdprhsumm a small mistake in interfaces...10:54
atdprhsbut didn't really fix much10:54
wolssupposedly this network worked some time ago, right? what did you change to make it not working?10:56
atdprhsI don't know10:56
atdprhsI didn't do anything10:56
atdprhsit just got disconnected suddenly because when I tried to connect back today, i couldn't but it was working properly10:57
wolsdoes your router have dhcp?10:57
atdprhsthe last thing I did as I remember was trying to play around with the Remote viewer on ubuntu 10.10 desktop on my laptop (this laptop that I"m using now) to connect to my server and see this tool10:57
atdprhsbut I remember afterwards, I was using test my website connected to mysql on ubuntu server10:58
atdprhsthen I closed everything left normally like everytime10:58
atdprhsso any idea wols?10:59
* wols points to question above?11:00
atdprhsit  has11:02
wolsthen run sudo dhclient eth011:03
atdprhsactually pinging from my laptop to the server is not working also11:03
atdprhsits doing a dhcpdiscover on eth to port 67 interval 1211:05
atdprhsand still loading11:05
atdprhsno DHCPOFFERS recieved11:05
atdprhsno working leases in persistent database - sleeping11:05
Graf_WesterholtMaybe you can try a live cd and see if it works.11:05
wolsthat means it has no connection to your router. most probably not a ubuntu problem11:05
wolsas Graf_Westerholt said, plug in the cable, check for broken cable, etc11:06
wolscould be a router config problem as well11:06
atdprhslet me un-plug then plug11:06
atdprhsand also check another cable11:07
wolswhen you unplug, you can check dmesg. sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log       many drivers tell you if there is an ethernet signal, and tell you if the cable is plugged in or not11:07
atdprhsI'll restart the router11:08
wolswhat good will that do?11:08
atdprhset me check dmesg11:08
wolsmore important is to check if the router has a log, where you can see if new clients are connected for example11:09
atdprhsi think I'll need to reconfigure the router11:09
atdprhsbecause I forgot its password11:09
atdprhsso I can check that11:09
atdprhsplease give me 10 min.?11:09
atdprhsI'll be right back11:10
atdprhsit worked!!!!11:12
atdprhsI restarted the router11:12
atdprhsand it worked!!!!11:12
atdprhsIt was it11:12
FloodBotK1atdprhs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:12
atdprhsThank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wols!11:13
Graf_WesterholtTwo hours of work for nothing. *gg*11:14
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atdprhswell, I'm very appreciated for wols being patient with me, the problem is that i'm new at ubuntu, I'm used on windows11:15
atdprhsTh eproblem is when I plug the other eth1, it worked and it shown me that its plugged, the problem was back at the eth0 which saying that its unmanaged11:16
atdprhsnever thought it could be the router!11:16
atdprhsTo be honest, I loved ubuntus, specially that latest upgrade 11.0411:17
atdprhsthat's why I'll try my best to be good in them11:17
atdprhswols, are you here?11:17
atdprhsare you ok?11:18
Graf_Westerholt*g* atdprhs11:18
atdprhsWell, I'm happy people, and I"m sorry wols...11:19
Graf_WesterholtRule 1: First check plugs and router. ;)11:19
atdprhsI will never miss that again!!! never ever hahaha11:19
atdprhsReally appreciated everyone!11:19
atdprhsThanks :-)11:19
Graf_WesterholtRule 2: Try a live CD.11:20
atdprhsthat's a good idea11:20
atdprhsRule 3?11:20
Graf_WesterholtI do not know rule 3 ;)11:22
atdprhsJust a question, since you guys are really awesome!11:23
atdprhsits stupid but I need to ask it because I've been living with that since long time ago11:23
atdprhswhy none of Gmail, yahoo and hotmail connect in the ubuntu desktop messenger11:24
Graf_WesterholtI have Kopete and works fine.11:24
atdprhswell, google works, but yahoo and msn have the problems11:25
atdprhswait, let me check the name of the messenger11:25
atdprhsI don't know11:26
atdprhsits embathy11:26
atdprhsgot it from help11:26
atdprhsDoes Kopete tell you the configure it has for those account types?11:26
Graf_WesterholtWhat do you mean?11:27
atdprhsfor example11:27
atdprhsbecause I don't know, it might be the  ports11:28
Graf_WesterholtKopete knows the port for Yahoo.11:28
Graf_WesterholtJust typed in name and pw and connected.11:29
Graf_WesterholtDo you get error messages?11:30
atdprhsand the msn?11:30
atdprhsI fixed the yahoo part11:30
atdprhsit was saying authentication erro11:31
Graf_WesterholtPW, name wrong?11:31
atdprhsThank you!11:31
atdprhsit was the name11:31
atdprhsthe msn, i did't do anything except applying it again with the same options11:31
atdprhsI remember I tried a lot with those accounts for so many days till I lost hope11:32
Graf_WesterholtYou are not very used to work with computers?11:32
atdprhsnot with Ubuntu11:32
atdprhsI've been using computers since i was 811:32
Graf_WesterholtHow old are you now?11:33
atdprhsI'm 21 and I work as a software engineer by C++/C#/PHP/ASP.NET and so many others, but all on windows11:33
atdprhstrust me, I really tried with the messenger so many times11:33
atdprhsI think they fixed it in 11.04 because I just upgraded before I talk to you guys11:33
Graf_WesterholtI used Ubuntu 10.10 with the messenger with Yahoo.11:34
atdprhsthe yahoo could be my mistake because I didn't know that I have to remove @yahoo.com11:34
Graf_WesterholtI just tried that ;)11:35
atdprhsand it worked for you?11:35
atdprhsalright, is there a way I can specially share my screen for you to check it out?11:36
atdprhswait, let me retry it11:36
atdprhsauthentication failed11:36
atdprhsauthentication failed again Graf11:36
Graf_Westerholttry to ping the server.11:37
atdprhsI removed @yahoo.com and it worked11:37
Graf_Westerholtfail or work?11:37
atdprhsit worked after I removed @yahoo.com11:37
atdprhsbut if I put @yahoo.com, it fails11:38
Graf_WesterholtAnd now you are connected with yahoo?11:38
Graf_Westerholtok :)11:38
atdprhsI was commenting on your sentence about it works with you if you type @yahoo.com11:38
atdprhsit doesn't work that way on my side11:38
Graf_WesterholtI never wrote it works with the @-part.11:40
atdprhsI got you wrong then11:41
atdprhsmy bad11:41
atdprhsat hotmail, in the mail ubuntu one app, do you use pop3 or pop?11:42
atdprhsI mean pop3.live.com?11:42
Graf_WesterholtI do not use hotmail.11:43
Graf_Westerholtpop3.live.com auf port 995, SSL. Postausgangsserver (SMTP): smtp.live.com auf Port 25, SSL11:45
atdprhsthank you!11:51
atdprhsI made it work11:51
atdprhsI had to type pop3.live.com:99511:51
atdprhsand smtp.live.com:2511:52
Graf_WesterholtWas just a quick search at the www.11:52
atdprhsits my mistake for not searching good enough...11:52
atdprhsWhat ubuntu are you using Graf_Westerholt?11:53
Graf_WesterholtKubuntu 11.0411:53
atdprhsis kubuntu same as ubuntu?11:54
bazhangkde4 versus gnome atdprhs11:54
bazhangatdprhs, the underlying parts are the same though11:55
Peace-atdprhs:  you wanna see what kde can do ?11:55
Peace-atdprhs: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/gnome-defaltt-panel-kde.gif11:56
PasNoxhell since the natty upgrade my keyboard is still in qwerty instead of azertym changing the keyboard in system settings > input devices does not help11:57
PasNoxany hint of a system file i can change to force that ?11:57
Peace-atdprhs: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/kpack.gif11:58
PasNoxand the apple alu iso keyboard mapping is not correct11:58
atdprhsits nice that you can edit the layout by code...11:59
Peace-atdprhs: that was me :)12:01
atdprhsNice panel editing, it looked really awesome after you're executed your code12:02
atdprhsPeace: Is it there in Kubuntu if I downloaded the 11.04?12:03
atdprhsPeace: you all work together in the OS and release it?12:04
Peace-atdprhs: you have only to copy and paste my code on destkop console12:04
Peace-atdprhs: that's all12:04
skaftihey can someone advise me how to shar between my kubuntu stationery and ubuntu laptop12:04
Peace-atdprhs: but before you have to remove your standard panel12:05
Peace-skafti: rigth button on a folder12:05
Peace-skafti: share12:05
skaftiyep done that12:05
Peace-skafti: have you installed samba?12:05
Peace-doesn't work ?12:06
skaftithe folder is shared on the kubuntu machine but it does not appear on the laptop (ubuntu)12:06
Peace-skafti: ok you did the job on ubuntu machine too ?12:07
Peace-atdprhs: well you can read this12:07
Peace-atdprhs: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/kde-configure-panels-in-gnome-way-configure-kde-desktop-for-each-user/12:08
skaftisamba is installed on the laptop12:08
Peace-atdprhs: you don't need even to modify stuff just run the script12:08
Peace-skafti: configureted wel ?12:09
Peace-skafti: same workgroup?12:09
atdprhsPeace: nice article!12:10
atdprhsPeace: I see12:10
atdprhsPeace: is that javascript?12:11
skaftiwhen i try to start samba in kubuntu i get  KDElnit could not launch gksu could not find gksu executable12:11
atdprhsPeace: or actionscript?12:11
Peace-atdprhs: plasma use javascript12:12
bigbrovarI guess this is the upteen time I would be asking this here. hope I lucky enough to get a confirmation or solution at best :) .. has anyone be able to get google akonadi resource to work, as in sync with google calendar and contact rather than give invalid password error when in fact I typed in the right password ?12:12
Peace-atdprhs: there are default javascript on your computer , netbook layout, multimedia layouyt12:12
Peace-atdprhs: standar layout.js12:12
bigbrovarskafti: it should be kdesudo not gksu12:13
Peace-atdprhs: i did gnome style12:13
atdprhsgnome style the one that I'm using now?12:13
atdprhsPeace: you are talking about the Ubuntu 11.04?12:13
Peace-atdprhs: nope12:13
skaftiwhat is my next step then ?12:14
Peace-atdprhs: i mean a javascript i have created to make kde looks like gnome12:14
Peace-for panels i mean12:14
Peace-you can do more12:14
mah454_How i can use ssh connection in dolphin ?12:14
Peace-atdprhs: for example this is kde with some stuff xD https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_5TpWn9MxsFs/TY-PU-GVb7I/AAAAAAAAAMk/Fsr0-gwrdes/s720/GNOMIFIED.png12:15
Graf_WesterholtI prefer an Apple Layout. ;)12:15
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: you can do that too12:16
Graf_WesterholtAlso with code?12:16
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: also with code12:17
Peace-you need of x bar widget12:17
Peace-a panel on the top12:17
atdprhsApple layout is not that far from both Ubuntu and Kubuntu I guess12:17
Graf_WesterholtYour screenshot looks a bit lika mac.12:17
Peace-mm then cairo doc12:17
Peace-with kde you can do everything12:17
Peace-even seven12:17
Peace-well if you want mac style you need cairo doc12:18
Graf_WesterholtIt would be great to chance the layout with a single mouse click. :)12:18
atdprhsActually I don't think 7 will look nice on Linux12:18
Peace-atdprhs: or well there was a package12:18
Peace-run that script you get a user with seven layout12:19
atdprhsPeace: I seen many packages that copies windows themes on linux but none of them was nic12:19
Peace-ok lets see on video12:19
atdprhsThe way Ubuntu and Kubuntu looks give linux a new taste, like a new personal way to show the operating system linux which make it look better12:20
atdprhs11.04 in ubuntu surprised me with it's stuff and I'm enjoying it for its' new personal way, like unique and easy, you know what I mean Peace?12:21
bigbrovarmah454: u can do that from the Network section of dolphin's left sidebar, click on the "add network folder" and choose ssh.12:21
Peace-atdprhs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFHf2bAv2hY12:21
Peace-well vistar7 i guess must be fixed right now12:22
* bigbrovar I wonder if #kubuntu is really a support channel or a place for idle chat. smh12:22
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: i wil try to create mac style in these days12:23
Peace-we will see12:23
Graf_WesterholtYou do not have to, Peace-12:23
Graf_WesterholtIt was just a question.12:24
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atdprhsPeace: I think Ubuntu and Kubuntu are best in their own styles, copying aren't as nice as when it comes to their own styles, right?12:27
Graf_WesterholtBut it would be no problem to have a Mac- or seven-style for people who like it.12:29
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Graf_WesterholtI think there are Mac-styles on the web.12:30
Peace-atdprhs: well it's noot correct12:31
Peace-if you are a new user you can benefit with a similar interface12:32
Peace-with the older system you used12:32
atdprhsPeace: that's a good point, me personally, I'm new at Ubuntu and I'm fighting to understand it in it12:32
atdprhs's own style12:32
Peace-well that's the point12:33
atdprhsPeace: I use Ubuntu for it being fully completely Ubunty12:33
Peace-you should not fight12:33
atdprhsPeace: Well, I'm struggling in it, because I loved it12:33
atdprhsPeace: I'm not familiar with Unix systems at all12:34
atdprhsGraf_Westerholt: Peace left?12:34
Graf_Westerholt[13:34:25] <-- Peace- has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).12:35
atdprhsJust confirming...12:35
atdprhsI didn't sleep since yesterday12:35
Graf_WesterholtTime to sleep. ;)12:35
atdprhsI have somethings to finish before I do...12:36
atdprhsif I closed the XChat, will I lose the three channels opened at the left side of the XChat?12:36
Graf_WesterholtYou can do it better after you slept.12:37
Graf_WesterholtI think you will lose them.12:37
atdprhsyou are right, but since I didn't sleep since yesterday and I slept now, I will wake up late which is not preferable since I will want to wake up in the morning12:38
delachow to change firefox to use kde's default icons. It is ok otherwise, but seems to find elementary arrows from somewhere...12:39
bigbrovardelac: the problem I have always had with firefox is that its too gnome centric. but there are projects which tries to fix these. There is a firefox theme for example which bring the UI elements and style of oxygen to firefox. I think u can find it in kde-look.org12:41
atdprhsI'm gonna go do anything that would prevent me from sleeping12:44
atdprhsthanks everyone12:44
Graf_Westerholtok atdprhs12:44
minsiki need help with my broadcom driver12:47
minsikwifi driver.12:47
shadeslayer!broadcom | minsik12:47
ubottuminsik: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:47
minsikanybody help me w/kubuntu12:47
shadeslayer!sunday | minsik12:48
* shadeslayer wonders what the factoid was12:48
ubottuIt's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.12:48
shadeslayerminsik: ^^12:48
Peace-minsik: ok i am here for wifi12:49
bigbrovarminsik: what problem are u having12:49
minsiki'm using kubuntu 11.04 via wubi,12:49
Peace-o wubi12:50
minsikwhen I try to activate turn on Wi-Fi,12:50
bigbrovarminsik: let me guess the system freezes?12:50
minsiki cannot check the box for turning the wi-fi on...12:50
Peace-minsik: are you scared to isntall kubuntu aside windows?12:50
Peace-minsik: mm12:51
Peace-minsik: wait12:51
bigbrovarPeace-: PLEASE if u have nothing to offer in form of help to please be quiet!12:51
minsikthis is my netbook,12:51
minsikso it doesn't have a cd-drive...12:51
bigbrovarminsik: I had issues with broadcom too12:51
Peace-minsik: cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state12:51
Peace-minsik: give me the output12:51
bigbrovarand its not just me, lots of others too. I was able to track my issues and most issues by other to  the buggy  opensource broadcom driver which comes with natty12:52
minsikPeace: NetworkingEnabled=true WirelessEnabled=true WWANEnabled=true12:52
Peace-minsik: ok12:53
Peace-minsik: lsmod | grep bc12:53
bigbrovarminsik: did get to use the additional driver tool to install your wireless driver or it worked out of the box after u install kubuntu 11.04?12:53
Peace-minsik: please see this to post fast your commands http://blip.tv/file/4876138?filename=Nowardev-PostareUnoScreenshotVelocementeConKde4625.m4v12:54
minsikbigbrovar: yup.. the STA driver...12:54
minsikpeace: pressed it, and nothing has came out...12:54
Armi^hi all. Where can I find the config file thats contains all the keyboard shortcut key combos in kde?12:55
Peace-Armi^: why?12:55
Peace-Armi^: anyway i guess ~/.kde/share/config12:55
Peace-something like that12:55
minsikbigbrovar: the STA changed nothing...12:55
Armi^Peace-: I have a lot of weird key cominations all of a sudden. Alt for instance suspends my pc :P12:56
Peace-maco: lsmod | grep -i b4312:56
Peace-Armi^: i guess it's here http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/01/plasma-desktopoK1648.jpg12:57
Armi^Peace-: k thnx m812:57
minsikpeace: i think that my chip is not the chip that is included in STA...12:59
minsikyup... the STA doesn't do any thing12:59
Peace-lspci | grep -i Network12:59
minsikpeace: more seems like bcm4329...13:01
minsikpeace: and it is not included in both sta and b43...13:01
Peace-minsik: post the output13:02
Peace-minsik: please13:02
minsikpeace: sorry, but output of what?.....13:02
Peace-minsik: lspci | grep -i Network13:03
minsikpeace: 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)13:03
Peace-you have 431313:03
Peace-minsik: try this https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/m-a-a-i-broadcom-sta-871533/13:05
minsikpeace: ok.. thnx. i will try this...13:05
kurtuli need help. http://pastebin.ca/2052500 this computer's wireless doesn't work13:06
Armi^Peace-: I renamed the old shortcut file and restarted. Tried the alt-F2 combo and although the run window came up my pc also went suspended. So that didn't work. Is it posssible that there is another config file somewhere? I beleave btw that it all started when I used the kde 4.6 ppa in 10.1013:07
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Peace-Armi^: mmm you did something of weird to the system13:09
Peace-Armi^: try to reinstall kde13:09
Peace-i guess some configuration files i mean the system on e13:09
Peace-are wrong13:10
Peace-this should not happen13:10
Peace-Armi^: btw try kubuntu 11.0413:10
Peace-kurtul: 2:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PH rev 01)13:11
Peace-kurtul: you have that13:11
danielSo I turned tapping off for my laptop, but its still tapping, and its driving me insane cause if I gently touch the touchpad while typing it messes things up.13:11
Armi^Peace-:  I'll reinstall kubuntu then. Have been upgrading it sinds 5.something ;-P Maybe a fresh start is a good thing now and then.13:11
Armi^Peace-: thnx again13:11
Armi^Peace-: btw I am running 11.04. Always bleeding edge :-)13:12
kurtulPeace-: yes, i do13:12
Peace-kurtul: run this on konsole jockey-kde13:13
kurtulPeace-: can i run it with live usb?13:14
Peace-kurtul: well yes13:15
Peace-kurtul: your wifi doesn't work because you need firmware i guess13:15
minsikpeace: doesn't work..... guess 11.04 doesn't like 'STA' driver....13:15
kurtulPeace-: jockey-kde will fix it or we'll need something else to do? the computer is not with me right now, that's why i'm asking.13:16
Peace-kurtul: you have to try13:16
Peace-broadcom need firmware + driver opne13:16
kurtulPeace-:  thanks.13:16
Peace-or ndiswrapper + driver windows13:16
kurtulPeace-: thanks a lot. jockey-kde fixed my problem13:40
Peace-kurtul: :)13:41
Peace-kurtul: install kubuntu in a partition...13:41
Peace-doesn't use wubi then...13:42
Peace-it's a waste of time13:42
Graf_WesterholtWhy did somebody developed wubi?13:42
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: well for windos user that are soo much scared about linux13:42
Graf_WesterholtShould use a vm.13:43
kurtulPeace-: why do you think that i used wubi13:43
Peace-kurtul: :D because maybe i was wrong , someone has asked me for help before13:43
Peace-and .. he said he was unsing wubi13:43
Graf_WesterholtWho is scared about Linux should not use it.13:43
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: that is not trie13:44
Peace-becasue for example if you lost all your data13:44
kurtulPeace-: :) no, it wasn't me. actually i only use linux.13:44
Peace-doing something of wrong on partiotion13:44
Graf_WesterholtTherefore you have a backup.13:44
Peace-:) you know how to do that13:44
Peace-a noob no13:44
* Peace- i has to log out to see the mac style13:45
Graf_WesterholtPeace-, take a sceenshot.13:48
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: ?13:51
Graf_WesterholtYour Mac style.13:51
Graf_WesterholtTo show. :)13:52
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: working on it http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/01/plasma-desktopLJ3696.jpg13:53
Peace-i don't remember what i did before xD13:53
Graf_WesterholtI like Mac. :) Want to have one :)13:53
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: i did something like that one time http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7970/shotv.png13:54
Peace-but i dont remeber well xD13:55
Graf_WesterholtThat is great with the transparency window.13:55
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kurtulin my two different acer laptops, when i press on the hard turn off button (according to my setting it should shutdown the computer), it takes upto 30 seconds for kubuntu to start shutdown process. is it a bug?14:13
kurtulbut on my viao, it starts right away.14:14
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BluesKajhey James14714:30
James147hey BluesKaj14:30
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clashingwaveHello Umm I seem to be having a problem where my wlan doesn't auto connect to my network at boot up any more, can anyone give my a hand with this or a workaround for now?15:04
BluesKajclashingwave, does the network show up in NM ?15:07
clashingwaveyes it does15:07
clashingwaveI have it set to auto connet like I always did, but it doesn't seem to be working in kubuntu 11.0415:08
BluesKajand you're using the same settings etc , clashingwave..which wifi chip?15:08
clashingwaveI think its an intel chip15:09
xieyiI found no thermal_zone in /proc/acpi in 11.04. How can I read cpu temperature now?15:10
clashingwaveis there a command I can use that will tell me what wifi chip  I'm using?15:11
BluesKajclashingwave, have you checked the settings in knetworkmanager ? I have to ask15:12
clashingwaveYes, I have, its set to connect automatically15:13
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yofelxieyi: byobu uses /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input here15:13
xieyithanks I'll try it15:14
BluesKajno I mean open knetworkmanager and make sure all the settings like your pw etc are enabled15:15
clashingwaveYes there all enabled, I can connet just fine, it just wont autoconnet at startup anymore15:16
BluesKajclashingwave, open a terminal and do: iwconfig wlan0 up15:17
BluesKajor whatever your wlan dwesignation is15:17
James147BluesKaj: that wont do anything if he can already connect15:18
James147BluesKaj: problem is the autoconnet at login if i understand correctly15:18
BluesKajJames147, it might15:18
James147BluesKaj: no, autoconnect is handeled by the network manager... if he can conenct then the interface is already up ^^15:19
James147the problem lies with loging in not trigering a connect15:19
clashingwaveShould I paste in the output of that command?15:19
James147clashingwave: there was output?15:20
BluesKajclashingwave, yes , I'm interested15:20
clashingwavehttp://paste.kde.org/45217/ Heres the output15:21
minsiki need help with wi-fi on kubuntu.15:21
minsiki cannot connect to wi-fi.15:21
James147clashingwave: ^^ yeah, that just says the low level tools are working15:22
minsikanyone help me....15:22
James147!details | minsik15:23
ubottuminsik: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:23
wolsminsik: for starters, tell what wlan chip you have15:23
minsiki installed the windows driver since i have laptop with broadcom, and i don't see a checkbox to trigger wi-fi now..15:23
James147^^ as well as the encrtpyion type, how it failes...15:23
minsikthe box that says enable wi-fi connection....15:23
wolsminsik: pretty much all broadcom chips are supported natively now15:24
James147minsik: you dont need the windows drivers for brodcom anymore15:24
minsikyup... but i first used STA, and it didn't work...15:24
wolsminsik: so can you finally tell us what chip you have?15:24
minsikso, i installed the windows driver...15:24
BluesKajclashingwave, what does sudo dhclient wlan0 , output15:24
James147BluesKaj: again... thats sued to get the ip... which he already has if he can connect15:25
minsikblueskaj: nothing....15:25
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BluesKajJames147, it doesn't matter , it will trigger a response that we can look at15:25
James147clashingwave: only think I can possibally think of is a problem some where withthe settings... best way to root hta out is to careate a new user and see if it works as expected for them15:26
BluesKajminsik, that post was directed at someone else15:26
minsikwols: my chip is bcm4313...15:27
clashingwaveOKay Thank you =]15:27
clashingwaveI have to go to work, so I'll have to try that after words15:27
minsikblueskaj: where is that post....?15:27
BluesKajminsik, clashingwave, what does sudo dhclient wlan0 , output15:28
clashingwavethank you for your time and help =]15:28
minsikblueskaj: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device ...15:28
BluesKajclashingwave, I have another suggestion that may set your connection at login15:28
BluesKajclashingwave, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:32
minsikBluesKaj: how can i do...?15:32
James147minsik: my guess is that its not working because the windows sdrivers arnt working.... I would use the native ones15:33
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:33
minsikhow can i disable windows drivers?15:33
James147no clue :p15:34
minsikJames147: i used sth ndls something....15:34
wolsminsik: uninstall and purge the ndiswrappers15:36
minsikwols: just use sudo apt-get remove ndlswrappers?15:37
minsikwols: ummm. how..... ;;; i'm just a beginner to this.....15:38
wolsthen I suggest you read more documentation15:38
wolsespecially how to install and remove packages15:38
wolsprivoder you installed ndiswrapper via packages15:38
minsikwols: i used konsole to install this...15:39
sourcemakerwhat is more secure in encryption... sha512 or whirlpool?15:43
James147dont know about whirlpool but sha hasnt been broken to my knowledge15:44
James147sourcemaker: why do you care?15:44
sourcemakerJames147: just playing around with truecrypt and luks :-)15:45
James147^^ being more 'secure' isnt always what you want... soemtimes you need speed over a small (usually theritical) lost of security15:45
James147sourcemaker: best thing you can do then is to read up on them if you care and make an imformed desision... if your just playing then it dosnt really matter15:46
James147if you dont care enough to do that then go with the default15:47
sourcemakeris it realy required to use lvm when the whole patition should be encrypted?16:05
sourcemakerusing LUKS16:05
george_Hello. Is safe to run sudo apt-get autoremove?16:11
Graf_WesterholtNever had a problem.16:12
Graf_WesterholtOh, once I HAD a problem.16:12
Graf_WesterholtIt removed my language files from OpenOffice.16:12
Graf_WesterholtBut normaly there is no problem.16:15
Graf_WesterholtIt shows you all package  that will be removed and ask you to confirm.16:16
george_Thanks... but is going to remove LOTS of packages. I've just intalled Kubuntu 11.04, so I'm not sure.16:17
James147george_: can you pastebin the list?16:18
george_James147: Sure. Here it goes: http://paste.kde.org/45301/16:20
delactrying to modify kate's menubar. If I add additional menus to the xml structure in kateui.rc, they will always pop up at the end of the menubar. Is there some more toplevel ui.rc file that determines the order for the menubar?16:20
James147george_: that dosnt look like allot :016:20
James147george_: and non of them look like they will break anything16:20
Graf_WesterholtIs that Spanish or portuguese?16:22
george_James147: Yeah, but it seems that it WILL remove packages related to sound and video. I'm not sure to do that. Actually I'm having trouble to run audio stream on chrome, ff and opera. VLC plugin fails or asks me to open with an app.16:25
george_Graf_Wesrholt: Portuguese.16:25
Graf_WesterholtI'd like to learn it. :)16:25
James147george_: most likly because newer lib that handel them have been installed^^ they should be safe to remove16:26
george_Graf_Wesrholt: That's nice. Why don't you give http://www.livemocha.com/ a try?16:27
george_James147:Ok, I'll do it. Thanks.16:27
Graf_WesterholtDo I have to pay?16:27
george_Graf_Wesrholt: No.16:28
Graf_WesterholtThx. :)16:28
Graf_WesterholtI know a girl in Rio de Janeiro. I would learn from her. :)16:28
Graf_WesterholtBut the site is a good idea.16:29
george_Graf_Wesrholt: Nice. Where are you from?16:31
Graf_WesterholtYou are from brasil?16:32
=== emma is now known as em
george_Graf_Wesrholt: Yes.16:33
george_James147: dpkg --audit returns nothing. But I'm still not able to play audio stream.16:34
James147but you have audio?16:35
george_James147: Sure lol.16:36
=== james is now known as Guest48172
Graf_WesterholtHi, iElle.16:39
anon43987Hi, I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 LTS. It says on Wikipedia that the support would end on 2011.5.12. Would the repository still be available for updating/installing on my 8.04?16:39
iElleI've just upgraded to 11.0416:39
iElleWorks without problems,nice release16:40
topylianon43987: you can directly upgrade to 10.04 lts i suppose16:40
rats__So far I agree iElle16:40
yofelanon43987: it won't get any updates anymore. And the archive will be moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com16:40
topyliugh. sorry16:40
anon43987@topyli: I know, it's just 8.04 is the version directly with KDE 3.5, which i prefer to kde 416:41
iElleI don't know why I can't connect to EFNET16:41
topylianon43987: well you do have to upgrade16:41
yofelhm, *have to* isn't quite right, it's strongly recommended, but if he wants he can still use hardy. It won't recieve any security updates though anymore16:42
topyliyofel: that means you have to upgrade :)16:42
yofelnot that there were any of those for kde3 apps for a while16:42
topylii'm intrigued by owncloud and would like to test it, but i can't find much documentation :(16:44
anon43987well, i'm using 8.04 KDE 3.5 in a Virtualbox, and the speed now is blazing fast. In a virtualized environment, and no important data, I'm just trying out apps like amarok.16:45
anon43987so security wouldn't be a priority right now.16:45
anon43987say, if later, I want to install vlc on my 8.04, shoule I add old-releases.ubuntu.com to my sourcelist? would that work?16:46
topylianon43987: you can run old versions, sure. just don't connect it to the internet16:46
anon43987well, thanks, guess i'll wait till 5.12 and see what happens.16:50
jacgHi i have problems with my kubuntu 11.04 and the intel 950 video card, the opengl is very slow17:04
wolsopengl is always slow with this card. you sure it's not just the normal slowness this chip is famous for?17:05
c-c-m_hello, can anyone tell me how can I correct a translation in KDE?17:14
James147c-c-m_: http://www.kde.org/community/getinvolved/translation/17:17
c-c-m_thank you!17:18
sourcemakerich habe a problem with my external usb device...17:30
sourcemakerit's encrypted with luks but I don't know which file system is used...17:30
sourcemakerfdisk -l show me HPFS/NTFS... but mount and df -T tells me ext4... what's right?17:31
Graf_WesterholtYou have to format the encrypted partition.17:31
sourcemakerGraf_Westerholt: sure... and made it very late in the night some month ago... and I still can't remeber... if I have fromat the partition or not...17:32
sourcemakerGraf_Westerholt: I just want to know.. how to determine the file format which is used...17:32
Graf_WesterholtI am not sure about that.17:33
sourcemakerGraf_Westerholt: well... it seems really the wrong information from fdisk... the second usb device is known as fat32... and it's ext4 formated....17:34
Graf_WesterholtI cannot help you with that, but here are some clever guys. :)17:36
sourcemakerGraf_Westerholt: thanks man17:36
Graf_WesterholtBut all are still sleeping.17:36
sourcemakerIt's May the 1th.... there are all drunk :-)17:36
Graf_WesterholtI am afraid you are right.17:37
tommishi, is there oxygen .msstyles theme for wine?17:39
wolssourcemaker: tried "file /dev/devicename" on it?17:42
sourcemakerI tried fdisk -l /dev/device and df -T and mount17:43
sourcemakeri guess... that fdisk is wrong17:43
wolsalso, fdisk and the like simply read the byte in the partition table to see what it is, so you can have a 0x0a partition (which means ntfs) but there is a ext3 partition there in reality. linux doesn't care about such a thing.17:43
wolswindows however might even crash when it sees something mislabeled like that (or delete your data)17:44
Graf_WesterholtLOL Windows :)17:44
sourcemakerwols: ok thanks... so there reason is... that I did't remove and recreate the parition after I bought the usb device...17:45
sourcemakerwols: but the reall file system is like mount says... ext4...17:45
sourcemakerwols: thanks man...17:45
tommishi, is there oxygen .msstyles theme for wine? anybody?17:52
namapoka_userHow to install adobe flash player. Which package to download and what program to install? I tried all options failed.18:02
Graf_WesterholtDid you try „sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer“18:04
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!18:08
chachanguys, you know when you open many applications and the task manager start showing just the icons?. Is there a way to set this even there's one open application?18:08
DoctorPepper i need some help  ,  i am using  the bespin kde style  with Xbar plasmoid + a module  for  gnome-global-menu  intergration  ,  i find  myself   having  the global  menu  integration into   to Xbar only  when starting gtk apps form  konsole   but no integration when starting them from the k menu18:10
sithlord48going for broke , upgrading to natty no smart prep.. not removing the ati driver either.. (stress test...)18:14
sithlord48and using kpackage kit for it .. lol18:17
Graf_WesterholtHello, Peace-.18:33
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: hei18:33
c-c-m_hello, does anybody know how to use OwnCloud?18:35
Graf_WesterholtHello, george_.18:36
george_Graf_Westerholt: Hello.18:37
Graf_Westerholtc-c-m_, did you read http://owncloud.org ?18:37
george_When I try to update usind Kpackagekit, I get this: E: Error http://archive.canonical.com natty/partner amd64 Packages18:37
george_407 Proxy Authentication Required. What should I do?18:37
c-c-m_yes, but I do not quite understand18:38
Graf_Westerholtc-c-m_ what do you not understand?18:38
c-c-m_it's supposed to be integrated in Kubuntu 11.04, but I don't see it anywhere18:38
c-c-m_even after installing it from packagekit18:38
Graf_WesterholtYou now what c-c-m_ is?18:38
c-c-m_if I'm not wrong is a server that allows to sync files and have control versions18:39
Graf_WesterholtI think would you have to do is set up the server.18:40
ep11.04 how do i add a directory to the PATH for a single users or all users?18:40
george_Forgot  it. If I disable manual proxy on Rekonq, the problem is gone. But I don't think that set a manual proxy on Reconq should mess whith Kpackagekit, anyway...18:41
epah an FAQ in the topic18:42
Graf_Westerholtc-c-m_ https://www.packagecloud.com/?au=owncloud18:42
c-c-m_I've seen my mistake18:42
Graf_Westerholtc-c-m_ maybe you can get you owncload there.18:42
James147c-c-m_: owncloud is a web application... its designed to be run on a server and run by a web server18:42
c-c-m_I didn't use the installation script18:43
c-c-m_It seems that installing it from kpackageKit only downloads the dependencies18:43
c-c-m_(php5, mysql...)18:43
c-c-m_but you have to install a script18:43
c-c-m_which I didn't do18:43
James147no, it will have installed the files forit as well... but it is only of use if your running a webserver18:44
c-c-m_there's something I don't quite understand: how am I suppose to share files?18:45
c-c-m_I mean: even if I use packagecloud, how am I to upload files to server?18:46
c-c-m_using FTP?18:46
c-c-m_and what about using my own computer as a server?18:46
tsimpsonyou need a web server to use opencloud18:46
c-c-m_how am I to sync between the other computers?18:46
tsimpson"cloud" is meaningless, it's just a fancy file storage system18:47
James147tsimpson: i would say ambiguous not meaningless :)18:47
tsimpsonif you're not referring to the meteorological phenomena, it's meaningless...18:49
c-c-m_there's a hint on the bottom of owncloud which says: "mount it via webdav like this: webdav://localhost/owncloud/webdav/owncloud.php"18:49
c-c-m_what does that mean?18:49
c-c-m_(I'm new to this)18:49
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
epi guess, since i want to add my own personal bin directory to the path variable,  I just need to edit .bashrc  This is all , correct?18:52
tsimpsonyou can put that into dolphin to use the website like a "remote drive", or you can install something like davfs2 to actually mount the remote service to the filesystem18:52
tsimpsonjust like you can with samba (smb/cifs)18:52
James147but all that is pointless unless your running it remotly18:53
tsimpsonep: it's usually in ~/.bashrc, but commented out at the bottom18:54
delacany way to hide the "plugin toolbar" on the bottom of the kate?19:09
sithlord48the "terminal" and "find in file buttons " thats what i got at the bottom of kate19:10
delacsithlord48: those are both plugins19:11
Aloneahow do I get chrome to see that Java is installed? I type in java -version in my terminal and I get one19:11
sithlord48thats what i was unsure of19:11
delacsithlord48: and I would like to hide the bar19:11
delacsithlord48: without actually removing the olugins19:11
sithlord48you can uncheck show sidebars in view.. but it will also not show the left side bar19:12
sithlord48thats looks like it  they are in "Sidebars" only it seams19:13
delacsithlord48: well, that suits me well :) thanks!19:14
sithlord48delac: your welcome :D19:14
Aloneaok, maybe I should ask, how do I get java into my env?19:15
sithlord48have you installed the java plugin?19:16
sithlord48iirc its the package named sun-java6-plugin (let me check that )19:16
sithlord48oh wait i can't (upgrading..)19:16
Aloneasithlord48: er, whats the difference between java and java plugin? I get a version for java when I check in terminal19:16
sithlord48idk plugin is for browser?\19:17
Aloneasithlord48: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-ea-b139)19:17
sithlord48i have no idea. but if you install medibuntu and the "kubuntu-restricted-extras" package both java and flash are part of that , with more codecs just be sure you can see the liscese agreement since you need to agree to them.19:19
Aloneasithlord48: but not java 1.7 I don't think, however, like I said, its not showing up in my env. where can I add to it? something like JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/19:20
sithlord48Alonea:  that im not sure but if you look in teh ubuntu docs you should find it19:21
BajKwhat is the reason that I cannot access the other computer's shares? I used that new easier samba config thing and now I see the share, I set "everyone" and my username to "Full access" but it always asks for a password and neither Guest nor the user name on my or the other computer work19:22
BajKit used to work right away in maverick19:22
BajKand the samba configuration in systemsettings (kdenetwork-filesharing package) is missing. In maverick you could configure samba right from systemsettings -> Share, which is now not possible anymore19:23
Aloneasithlord48: I only ask because I kept finding different things. .bashrc, .bash_profile, and there was one other. I couldn't find anything consistent19:23
sithlord48im not sure what to tell you since i don't know myself19:24
BajKI justa wanted to copy a screenshot over ._.19:24
BajKtoo good I have apache already configured and can use my upload tool19:24
BluesKajBajK, did you try the 'add network folder' method ?19:29
BajKadd network folder?19:29
BajKBluesKaj: this does the same19:30
BajKask for a authorization but it doesnt accept mine19:30
BajKin Maverick you had to know that you need kdenetwork-filesharing but once it was installed everything worked perfectly19:31
BajKin Natty they added some "usability things" but now sharing doesnt work right away anymore19:31
BluesKajBajK, I have to ask if fileshare is enabled on the target pc19:31
BajKBluesKaj: ?19:31
BajKyou mean if the folder is shared?19:31
BajKsamba is installed, yes19:31
BluesKajthe pc you want to connect to yes19:32
Newbeehello folks19:32
BajKBluesKaj: yes19:32
NewbeeI wanted to do an upgrade from maveric to natty, but it says: "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade"19:32
NewbeeHow can I find out what problem occured?19:33
BajKI rightclicked on the respective folder, chose Properties, Share, "Install Samba"; ok, blablabla, ok, done, close properties, reopen them, Share, "Share as Samba (MS Windows)", entered name, set both users shown (Everyone and me) to "Full acceess", ok and wanted to access from the other pc19:33
BajKthe other computer sees the share but clicking it results in a credential dialog which doesnt accept my user and password19:33
BluesKajif the other pc is alinux machine just use ssh in the add network folder method , ..samba to me is a pita unless you're connecting to windows pc19:33
BajKI just want to share a folder. period.19:34
BajKand copy files over by just dragging them19:34
BluesKajdragging ? never tried that, I always just used copy & paste19:35
BajKer whatever19:35
BajKdolphin window19:35
BajKsplit view, left the local folder, right the remote folder19:35
BajKdrag file from left to right, choose "copy" and thats it19:35
BluesKajis the othjer pc a windows pc or linux19:35
BajKboth are linux19:37
BajKboth are running natty Kubuntu 11.0419:37
BajKand dont tell me to use nfs or ssh or whatever19:37
BajKI want Samba since I always used it and it always worked perfectly19:37
BajKtheres just that problem with the authorization19:38
BajKit doesnt even accept the authorization if I access a local folder via samba (i.e. if I access the folder I shared from the PC it is on)19:39
BajKit seems everything Kubuntu developers add to the stock KDE is just a mess and ruins everything19:40
BajKKDE - works fine. Kubuntu's KDE - partially english, things dont work, thngs look different, dialogs are non-HIG-conform, etc19:40
Graf_WesterholtWhat is HIG?19:41
BajKHuman Interface Guidelines19:42
BajKjust look at jockey-kde and bugreport compared to the original KDE applications..19:42
BajKBluesKaj: so, what do you recommend? use NFS?19:42
BluesKajok , BajK in the runbox : kdesudo kate ~/.ssh/known_hosts ... clear that key on both pcs , then try again , it will ask for a new one when you try to connect again , say yes19:44
BajKgreat, now we have that linux user friendliness again. mom19:44
BajKBluesKaj: it's empty on both pcs19:44
BajKthe file19:44
BajKer and what has ssh to do with that?19:45
topylissh has nothing to do with samba19:45
keithzgHonestly, I've never found Samba to be anything other than a PITA myself . . . I actually loved going over to using sftp (which you can do graphically in the file manager just fine) since Samba/WindowsSharing was always failing between Windows versions19:45
BajKcan't you just stop telling me how bad samba is? the natty developers f****d that up, not me. It worked PERFECTLY in maverick but now with that pesudo-user-friendly sharing in Natty, they have ruined it.19:46
keithzgOh, fair enough.19:46
topyliBajK: if your machines are all linux, you might as well use ssh though19:46
BajKssh? that console thing?19:46
* keithzg was just saying that it can fail for many other things too19:46
BajKyes, they are all linux19:46
BluesKajsamba to me is clunky on linux , the smbclient is the underlying engine but it works well with ssh , so you can set up a direct folder using dolphin networking add network folder, without samba19:46
keithzgBajK nonono, that's just one way19:46
BajKI just want to copy a file over to another computer like if I would copy a local file19:47
keithzgYeah, you can do that with ssh19:47
topylisshh includes sftp and works perfectly in dolphin19:47
BajKif just that Samba configuration kcm would work in natty19:47
BajKI could check credentials19:47
keithzgin dolphin, just go to sftp://computername19:47
keithzgbam, done, don't even need to set up specific shares19:47
topyliyou need to run sshd though19:47
BluesKajkeithzg, right that's another way19:47
keithzgwell sure19:47
BajKand what about my initial problem? the authorization thing?19:48
keithzg...but ssh is so damn useful I always do ;)19:48
topyliyep :)19:48
BajKI enter my username and my password (both are the same on both pcs)19:48
BajKbut it doesnt accept it19:48
BajKeven smb://localhost/public doesnt accept the local password19:48
BajKand I have set both "Everyone" and "bajk" to "Full access"19:48
keithzgIs there still a copy of the old samba config?19:49
BajKboth are fresh installs19:49
James147BajK: if you dont like the new dialogs... dont use them, the old config files are still there19:49
keithzgoh, huh....19:49
topyliweird though, samba works just fine here19:49
BajK(Because I doubt this distribution updater works more reliable than this samba config thing)19:49
topyli(the server is my router)19:49
BajKJames147: I dont want config files19:49
BajKI want an easy to use, WORKING graphical configuration frontend19:49
BluesKajBajK, install openssh-client , thinkm the server is installed by default already19:50
keithzgHonestly you aren't going to find one necessarily since that's probably not where the problem is.19:50
BajKthe only downside in maverick was that the config utility wasnt installed right away, so if you knew it, you installed it and were set. Now in Natty they did whatever and ruined it (hey, they can squeeze patience on the CD)19:50
BajKBluesKaj: openssh-client is already installed19:50
keithzgI run some samba shares myself, and mysteriously although stuff like XBMC can connect to them fine, no windows installs can... not to harp on it, but as said, sftp already works and is graphical in the file manager.19:51
BajKBluesKaj: and now?19:51
BluesKajtheninstall openssh-server19:51
BluesKajon both machines19:51
BajKnext thing: what is wrong with that policykit thing? why even HAVE a "Remebmer authorization" checkbox?19:51
BluesKajso you can copy back and forth19:51
BajKok installed on both19:52
BajKok and how can I now share files and access them?19:52
keithzgJust go to the url sftp://ipaddress or sftp://hostname19:53
BajKNo connection. Failed to resolve hostname bajk-desktop (Name or service not known)19:53
keithzg(the latter might not work if your router doesn't pass along hostnames, which I know some normal routers lazily don't)19:53
BajKah ok19:53
BajKgot it19:53
BajKnow I just need to tell my mom to do the same19:54
James147keithzg: or sftp://sshaliasnamee :) ^^ assuming you ahve one set up19:54
BajKssh alias name?19:55
BajKprinting is using that other cups network thing?19:55
BajKand can I see the computers around me like in samba? or do I always have to TYPE sftp:// ?19:56
James147BajK: you can assign aliases to ssh so that you dont have to type in the same options every time... ie it lets you type "ssh aliasname" rather then "ssh username@434.321.543.324"19:57
BajKand HOW?19:57
James147^^ can bundle options as well if you use the same ones allot (ie -X for xforwarding)19:57
BluesKajBajK, open dolphin/network/add network folder ,choose ssh, fill in the requirements ...try that , then it will remember the username and pw when you choose the remote folder19:58
James147BajK: basically: http://www.innovatingtomorrow.net/2008/01/21/type-less-ssh-aliases19:58
keithzgjames147: for now I think he's really just using it for file transfers in Dolphin, so X11 forwarding not being that useful ;)19:58
keithzgBajK: yeah, printing over the network the built-in way is cups...if you're lucky and you have the computer with the printer set to share printers, the others may even automagically detect over the network19:58
keithzg(at least, mine did last time I set such things up, which was a nice surprise)19:59
BluesKajoh well, to each his own , but having a network folder to choose is eadier than using aliases IMO19:59
gomiboywhy nobody mentioned nfs? :320:00
BluesKajaliases are good for the cli20:00
yofelhe did mention NFS20:00
yofelbut that's trickier to setup than samba IMHO20:00
gomiboyi don't think so, but, well...20:01
BluesKajsmb/ssh ftw20:01
keithzgPersonally I use sshfs, but I'm not going to advocate that here since that's a whole 'nother level of complexity to the problem, heh20:03
* James147 has to use smb as hes on a network with windows computers :(20:04
* yofel uses a samba/nfs mix here20:05
keithzgJames147: my old housemates all used Windows, but no matter what we did we could never get their Vista computers to see my samba shares...so ironically, they just used sftp clients haha20:05
yofelhehe, filezilla FTW :)20:05
James147keithzg: yeah.. only problem with that is I cant seem to stream over sftp :(20:06
keithzgJames147: that's why I use sshfs, actually20:06
BajKgreat, and digikam doesnt save scanned files when saved using sftp20:07
keithzgWait what? What exactly do you mean?20:08
BajKinstead of sftp://bajk@ it saves at file:///home/bajk/Scan1.jpeg20:08
BajKor well, it doesnt save, it just writes a corrupt file there20:08
keithzghuh. Apologies, I've never used sftp for anything like that (I just use sshfs for my permanent shares), didn't know of any issues like that.20:09
BajKand that policykit is also so annyoing20:10
BajKand I thouhgt VIstas UAC horrible20:10
keithzgYou mean the prompting for password? UAC is just annoying, since it doesn't even make it more secure...they were, ironically, modelling it after stuff like PolicyKit.20:11
BajKbut Uac doesnt ask you EVERY SINGLE TIME20:11
BajKwhy even bother having a "Remember authorization" checkbox?20:11
BajKit works on NONE of my computers20:11
BajKso, you install for example an application and uninstall anotehr and upgrading20:11
James147BajK: but nether does it authenticate you... amkes it pointlessly anoying...20:11
BajKyou get FOUR PROMPTS for your password20:11
BajKone for INstalling an signed package, one for installing an unsigned package, one for uninstalling and one for updating20:12
keithzgWell, that's odd. I tried it once on a computer I didn't care about and the remembering worked fine . . . but I usually use Synaptic or such, which just prompt for pass when you start the program and that's it.20:12
James147not sure why it seems to expire the session immedently though... that part is anoying20:12
BajKback when I started wth Kubuntu it worked20:14
BajKin Jaunty there was even a policykit thing in systemsettings20:14
BajKthen with my new computer I instaled 10.04 freshjly (without keeping my files and stuff, so a new polkit config) then the trouble began20:14
BajKand that tool is even removed now..20:14
James147BajK: that tool was removed because it didnt work with the new backend they switched to which was deprectated as far as I know20:16
BajKand how can I make it remember the authorization?20:16
BajKit is fine that it expires after like 10 minute (like sudo)20:16
BajKbut not EVERY TIME20:16
BajKi install digikam, click ok, and remember "oh i need kolourpaint", click that, and again it wants my password20:16
=== el2ro_ is now known as el2ro
BajKeven for UPDATES now it wants it, it didnt to that back then20:16
delachow to open executable files with left click in Dolphin?20:18
delacI mean open in some other program like Kate.20:19
BluesKajBajK, open dolphin/network/add network folder ,choose ssh, fill in the requirements ...try that , then it will remember the username and pw when you choose the remote folder20:19
BajKI have that already20:20
keithzgdelac: sure you don't want to just left-click and choose "open with" and choose kate? Or drag-drop into an open Kate window?20:20
BluesKajhmmm what , it works20:20
BluesKajBajK, you don'r have it if it doesn'tr work20:20
BajKwhat has that do to with policykit?20:21
BluesKajwhat's your obsession with policykit20:21
delackeithzg: what I'm trying to achive is more in line of: not accidentaly running scripts I just want to read20:21
BajKthat it is annoying as hell?20:21
BajKthat it doesnt remember the password I entered 5 seconds ago?20:21
BluesKajthen don't use it20:22
markithi, I would like to know / understand how to play mp3, dvd and wav using only Free software ignoring patents issues. The kubuntu-restricted-extras unfotrunatly installs proprietary Flash player among other. Any idea?20:23
BajKBluesKaj: and how?!20:23
markitIn short, I want to use only software that is Free Software (GPL / LGPL)20:23
BajKmarkit: then dont tick the "Install proprietary driversr" thing on install :D20:23
James147markit: for mp3 try lame ^^ i think that is open20:24
keithzgdelac: if you right-click on a file, go to properties, across from "Type: whatevertypeitis" there should be a wrench icon, click on that and you're editing the default programs for that filetype20:24
BajKah misread your question20:24
markitBajK: I'm talking about command line (aptitude) or kpackagekit20:24
BajKmarkit: ah20:24
BajKthere is a filter for that20:24
BajKright of the search bar20:24
BajKyou can click "Filter" and choose Free -> Only free software20:24
James147!gnash | markit20:25
ubottumarkit: gnash is Gnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/20:25
markitJames147: I don't need flash players, I need wav and dvd at the moment20:25
markit(thanks, I've already installed gnash)20:25
markitand was looking for an easy way to install all relevant Free software20:25
markitwithout the risk of enable proprietary repositories or install proprietary program20:25
markit(I have to send instructions to a friend)20:26
markiti.e. non-free-codecs  package seems good, but as far as I understand, I have to enable mediabunto repo, correct?20:26
markitsomething kpackagekit does not list...20:27
markitso I'm confused20:27
keithzgshouldn't have to, for DVDs there's a script likely already installed20:27
keithzgIf the package libdvdread4 is installed, running "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" from the command line should pull in the right packages for reading dvds without enabling any extra repos.20:28
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markitkeithzg: but is a 2 step procedure20:29
markitkeithzg: if I would have said "install whatever you want I don't care about freedom" kubuntu autolatically would have done this (and also the bad things like proprietary software)20:30
markitso woundering if there is a "easy" way to do what I want without injecting proprietary spyware in my computer20:30
keithzgmarkit: ...but, I mean, this is the way.20:30
markit(or the computer of my friend in this case)20:30
markitkeithzg: ah, the only way, ok20:30
markitthen I have to find the single packages for mp3 and wav, I suppose20:31
markita long "hunting" procedure20:31
keithzgmarkit: libdvdread4 is probably already installed, if not it's in the main repos; the script just pulls in the decss and such libs which Ubuntu can't host direct for the aforementioned patent reasons20:31
markitwondering in what part of kubuntu the list of what to install is keept20:31
delackeithzg: unfortunately changing the file associations don't help. Dolphin still just runs the file if it is set as executable.20:31
markitkeithzg: sure, I understand and would be able to do , but my friend is less "techie"20:31
markitkeithzg: trying some kubuntu installation I've seen that you have a "popup" asking you if you want to install dvd support (don't remember the exact words)20:32
markitand it does it automatically, without you having to open the terminal20:32
markitso wondered if there is a package that does it in a single step20:32
keithzgmarkit: yeah, it's possible that something like that exists, but honestly then you'll have to give them complex instructions, whereas the command is just "copy-paste this into the terminal, then later press enter again."20:33
markit"what is a terminal?"20:33
markit"where is the "ok" button?" "what is 'enter'?"20:34
markitetc :)20:34
keithzgyou're going to have that problem with the GUI method then too!20:34
markit(just exagerating a little, but you know what is the average level out there)20:34
markitkeithzg: lol, probably, but will not be "because GNU/Linux is so difficoult you have to open that black window"20:34
keithzgOh, yeah, sure. But that's why I often go with the CLI way, since it's way harder something to get people like that to navigate through complex windows20:35
keithzgmarkit: that, I shan't argue with; people associate text == hard, regardless of the actual circumstance *sigh*20:35
epon 11.04 need to add ~/bin to the $PATH variable.   ~/.profile has code for this (not commented out btw)  I added these lines to ./bashrc, rebooted.  Didn't work.  How do I do this?20:36
markitkeithzg: I've been shocked that I had to boot choosing a different kernel, and when he saw the grub menu said "hope you don't think I will have to use something like that!"20:37
markitand me "is just a matter of press "enter" or wait 10 senconds, where is the problem?"20:37
markit"but is HARD"20:37
markitI think M$empire has reduced brain capabilities of PC users to 0 or so20:37
* markit is in rant mode20:38
keithzgApple is to blame too . . . they won't even LET you cut and paste using keyboard shortcuts in their file manager anymore, WTF?20:38
keithzgep: that's odd, have you tried then running bash deliberately from the terminal (I know, should be already the shell you're using, but still....)20:40
keithzgmarkit: looking at it, kubuntu-restricted-extras doesn't seem to actually depend on any version of flash, so you should be able to pull that one in safely for mp3s20:42
keithzgmarkit: looks like it's kubuntu-restricted-addons that includes flashplugin-installer. If you just look at the dependencies there, that should tell you what packages you need to install to get everything but avoid flash.20:43
epkeithzg: omg  i thought i previously created the 'bin' directory... but i didn't :-)  I'm gonna retry this20:43
markitkeithzg: I've done an aptitude show kubuntu-restricted-extras20:44
markitand tells about flash and other "nice" proprietary things, as far as I understand20:44
markitkeithzg: mmm dependencies, good suggestion20:44
Zer0_1022can anyone see this20:44
markit(I'm on debian, my netbook has kubuntu, let me test there)20:44
Zer0_1022hi everyone20:45
keithzgZer0_1022: see you "loud and clear"20:45
markitbtw, is so far successful upgrade 10.10 -> 11.04 rate good?20:45
keithzgmarkit: yeah, if you look at the dependencies for kubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-addons, between the two you should be able to work out which packages you actually want20:45
Zer0_1022nice , i just kubuntu installed last night , been trying for a month to get it working20:45
markitkeithzg: I've got the idea, very useful suggestion, thanks a lot20:46
keithzgmarkit: No problem. Before I run off, in regards to the upgrade, I have BIG problems on the one comp I've tried it on20:46
markitkeithzg: (still booting) but as far as I remember was not for "wav" file format20:47
Zer0_1022i was trying to install maverick meerkat but i could only get to the text login screen and when i finally got the desktop up it gave me some kind of error and i looked online and they said the best thing to do was a fresh install20:47
markitkeithzg: oh, better wait some days then20:47
Zer0_1022so i downloaded natty narwhal and had it installed and was on kubuntu in less than a hour20:47
keithzgmarkit: I was running the PPA for 4.6 on that computer, which was probably the root of the issue, but yeah, best to wait if there's no dire need20:47
keithzgZer0_1022: heh, nice20:48
markitI've 4.6 ppa too! :)20:48
Zer0_1022i tried to get 10.10 working for at least 3 weeks20:48
* keithzg runs out the door... never enough time in the day!20:48
Zer0_1022i had some questions and was trying to find somewhere i could get some answers in real time and ended up here20:49
markitkeithzg: mm tehre is the warning "you should not install these packages directly..."20:50
Zer0_1022could someone help me out for a min20:51
Zer0_1022i just have a couple of questions20:51
Zer0_1022about KU20:52
=== Smit is now known as who727
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OerHeksZer0_1022, just ask, maybe someone knows the answer :-)20:54
Whoguys my kubuntu installation is stuck restoring previously installed packages at 90%20:55
Whofor about 30-45 mins20:55
Zer0_1022cani run .exe files on kubuntu. i downloaded a screensaver and its a .exe file and im not sure how to open it20:55
Whois that normal20:55
Zer0_1022and , will it work if i install it20:55
wolsWho: probably not20:55
OerHeksan .exe is a windows-executable, ubuntu does not use those files.20:55
Zer0_1022i didnt think so , the site i got it from was supposed to be for kde or so i thought20:56
wolsZer0_1022: no you can't. you run run it under WINE but screensavers in .exe files are usually malware anyways20:56
OerHeksif you want to use windows programms, other than screensaver, Wine is the answer20:56
wolsWho: on which package is it stuck?20:56
Zer0_1022what is wine20:56
brianIs anyone on that would be willing to help me with an issue20:57
wolsbrian: never ask to ask20:57
Whowols: how to check that ?20:57
=== brian is now known as Guest86473
Guest86473Well so20:57
Zer0_1022how do i get screensavers for kubuntu20:57
Whocause i only see a progress bar20:58
wolsWho: top might tell20:58
wolsWho: run pstree then you see what children there are for your gui packaging app. then use ps or top to check the commandlines of these children processes20:58
Guest86473I installed Ubuntu 10.10 awhile back.  That went fine.  My computer has the whole GRUB thingy goin on.  So on my GRUB menu are Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7.  Now I installed 11.04 on my Windows system, so the Ubuntu 11.04 is on the Windows Boot Loader.  How do I fix it so that the ubuntu 11.04 is the grub and the ubuntu 10.10 is gone?20:59
wolsZer0_1022: kde-look.org has some. and apt-cache search screensaver  should give you some too20:59
Guest86473Would just creating an Ubuntu 11.04 then deleting the Ubuntu 10.10 partition and installing 11.04 work21:00
OerHeksi was checking http://kubuntu-art.org/ but they don't provide screensavers, kde-look doos indeed21:00
wolsGuest86473: do you really have two ubuntu partitions?21:00
Guest86473Yeah, it's a whole big mess.  I made a mistake.21:01
Guest86473I'll try to explain21:01
Whowell its look ubiquity or Knotify21:01
Guest86473So, in my windows disk manager, I deleted the Ubuntu 10.10 partition to start with a fresh 11.04.  That was a bad idea.  I soon realized that corrupted my GRUB.  So I couldn't boot into WIndows after that.  To fix that I reinstalled from an old 10.10 disc.21:02
Guest86473So thats why the 10.10 partition is existant.21:02
Whowols: well its look ubiquity or Knotify21:02
wolsWho: you can kill the processes if you want and restart you upgrade later. ideally with apt-get upgrade or such21:03
Guest86473I think I might just try restarting with a Ubuntu 11.04 disc21:03
Guest86473Gotta go grab a blank one to burn though21:03
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wolsGuest86473: first thing you should do is make backups :)21:05
PasNoxi m using a french apple aluminium keyboard zith natty and kde is running in qwerty mode21:05
PasNoxit was working fine before the upgrade when running maaverick21:05
Guest86473wols: Yeah, all I really have to back up are some projects I was playing with in Visual Studio.  And my music library, but I have a copy of that with me at all times on my Droid 2.21:06
PasNoxthe tty are running fine in azerty ... any idea i m desperate right now21:06
gomiboyPasNox: open system settings --> Input devices and add your keyboard layout21:09
areichmanhello. Just wanted to say thanks to everybody here. I just installed 11.04 and had a great system up and running in less than an hour with no hassles. Thanks for all the work that was put into it21:09
PasNoxgomiboy: already done does not works21:10
PasNoxit only works when i switch to generic 105 keys then back to apple21:10
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george_Hello. Rekonq does not play any videos, but there is sound. Any way to fix it? Thanks.21:13
Guest62421привет всем21:14
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tommishow can i sing buttons on my mouse to functions on kde?21:18
kalibHow can I disable this kdewallet? I hate this ... everytime asking me for a password... :/21:21
gomiboykalib: System settings -> account details -> wallet -> disable21:23
ruan...is the "run command" option on desktop for doing bash commands?21:23
ruanbecause i just did "sleep 4h 25m && wget url" and it suspended my machine twice21:23
brian_Does anyone here know how to switch from the GRUB bootloader back to my Windows 7 boot loader?21:25
kalibgomiboy, thanks21:25
gomiboyruan: :) try deactivating powerdevil plugin in it's conf21:25
wolsbrian_: you boot from a windows CD, go into the repair console and run fixmbr and fixboot21:26
gomiboybrian_: win7 boot loader can't boot linux21:26
wolsgomiboy: it can21:26
wolschainloading is always possible21:26
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ruangomiboy: thanks.21:26
gomiboyif you install grub on partition... maybe :)21:27
wolsyes, linux needs its own bootloader as well, cause otherwise it can't boot21:27
ruanadding grub to win7 bootloader?21:28
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Zer0_1022can anyone tell me how to get screensavers for Kubuntu 11.0421:33
gomiboyruan: anyway i'd use an 'at' command instead of sleep 4h :)21:33
Zer0_1022im new to Linux and im trying to get some screensavers21:33
tommisZer0_1022: goto kde-look.org21:34
arpanZer0_1022: Kmenu -> System Settings -> Display & Monitor -> Screen Saver21:36
arpanZer0_1022: once you go there, there should be a pop up in notification area asking if you want to install set of default screensavers.21:37
* arpan is away: Gone away for now21:38
mbishopI upgraded to 11.04 the other day, and now Amarok streams don't display the stream info properly21:38
mbishopany idea/fix?21:38
shadeslayermbishop: possible regression in amarok?21:38
shadeslayerthe guys at #amarok might be able to shed more light on this21:39
Zer0_1022arpan , i went there and when the popup opened i closed it and now it wont pop back up21:39
mbishopshadeslayer: alright, I'll ask21:39
ricardosomeone help me to use virtualbox21:40
wolsricardo: you need to ask more specific questions if you want help21:41
ricardowols: I tring to install win7 but the virtualbox but the boot dont open with iso21:42
Ademanwith the livecd I'm getting a monochrome dialog box stating kstartupconfig4 either doesn't exist or errored, the error code is 127 (not verbatim) `sudo service kdm restart` produces the same error21:44
Ademan-kubuntuodd, I just rebooted and tried again and had no problem21:59
Ademan-kubuntuIt's been a long time since I've used KDE but this is great, it feels very polished, and is running well from the LiveCD on an ancient machine. My compliments to the KDE and Kubuntu teams21:59
James147bah and after all that it crashed right at the end22:03
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tommisif i diss able kwin, and enable it again, my panel loses transparency even though kwin is running, how can i fix this behavior?22:14
James147tommis: disable kwin?22:17
tommisJames147: yes22:20
James147tommis: what do you mean be that... if you kill kwin you lose the ability to focus on things and it becomes almost impossible to actuallt start it again22:20
tommisshift alt f2 is the keycombo22:21
tommisit isn't that hard...22:21
James147tommis: so desktop effects... thats only part of kwin :)22:21
tommisaah okay22:21
tommissry, i am a newbie22:22
James147so your saying after you reenabled the desktop effects the panels stays non transparent?22:22
James147tommis: hmm... well I would suggest creating a new user and see if the problem happens for them as well22:24
tommisthis is a clean install22:24
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* James147 wonders why he always seems to suggest that as a debugging step for weird problems like this :S22:25
James147tommis: even a clean home drive?22:25
James147tommis: then system settings > desktop effects > advanced... you could try playing wth thouse settings22:28
James147possibally disabling the functionaly checks22:28
tommisit is weird that all the other stuff turns back transparent22:31
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aguimaraeshey there, i've just installed kubuntu on my vaio laptop but i can't seem to dim the screen brightness, the system recognizes the command but it doesn't really do anything. any ideias?22:45
delacdoes dolphin have any way to search hidden files?22:59
Ademan-kubuntuso I stupidly set my bouncing ball widget to auto bounce, and set the amount wayyy too high, now I can't click on it to delete it. Is there a "proper" way to get rid of it or do I just kill whatever process is running it?23:04
James147Ademan-kubuntu: well you cant kill it ^^ its part of the plasma-desktop process and killing that will also kill your desktop :)23:05
Ademan-kubuntuJames147: thanks, sounds like I don't want to just kill the process, is there a plasmoid manager or something that I can use to properly get rid of it?23:06
Ademan-kubuntuJames147: eh, finally managed to catch it haha23:08
James147Ademan-kubuntu: unfortunately not that I know of... Though a palsmoid manager dosnt sound like a bad idea for a project :)23:08
brontosaurusrexany ways to center widget on screen? or keep it centered?23:10
Ademan-kubuntuI don't know, but in that same vein, some sort of alignment tools would be really nice for aligning widgets, right now I'm just trying to eyeball alignments, and that's OK I guess, I dunno...23:11
James147^^ there is the desktop grid activity23:11
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epi installed open-jdk, unfortunely there's a sound issue with a java app I run.   Is there an  help-file for either intalling both open-jdk and sun's jre?23:27
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:27
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »23:27
epJames147: i can install sun's java via those instructions but what do I do about the open-jdk i already installed?   Purge it?  Remove it?   WHat's the specific aptitued command?23:31
James147ep: if it conflicts then it will be removed if not then you can ignore it .... if you want to make sure its removed then your can remove it.... if you want to make sure its pruged then you can purge it23:32
epJames147:  what's the difference between purge and remove ?23:32
James147purge removes associated config files23:33
James147generally removed is used if you know you want to reinstall it... or dont care about old configs... purge is used if you want to remove the configs23:34
James147either to reinstall it cleanly or if you dont want old configs on your system23:35
epno risk of it removing something some other app needs?23:35
James147ep: the risk is they will be uninstalled with it23:36
epok, thanks23:36
James147ep: to avoid that install the replacment first...23:36
Ademan-kubuntuhow does rekonq handle javascript? The Wikipedia page rekonq.kde.org both don't mention it23:37
James147ep: if they conflict then the old will be removed and the new installed... but what depends on it wont be touched23:37
epJames147: one final thing.   Do i substitute "natty" for "maverick"  in the repository url given in those instructions?23:42
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epJames147:  I should of read the help file better because it would of told about running update-alternatives and selecting the java version i want to use.  You know how ppl are with help files :p    Anyway life is good now, thanks.23:53

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