
=== robotman is now known as wikirobot
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robotmanare you on here jason?02:50
JasonOHaha I missed that one.03:04
JasonOrobotman Just a sec03:05
JasonOrobotman: MInd joing lubuntu-offtopic ?03:05
robotmanalready did03:06
JasonOOh :)03:06
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UBuxuBUcould someone tell me how to make lubuntu fill up my entire laptop scree...instead of just 60-70%??08:39
mysteriousdarrenmonitor issues?08:46
theholderHI is there a way to stop my laptop going to sleep when i put the screen down?11:01
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tomaszi use now lubuntu , its there gnome too ?15:04
MrChrisDruiftomasz: Depends on which way you installed it :)15:05
EagleScreenI need to install Lubuntu by usb disk15:06
tomaszinstall normal version lubuntu 11.04 from usb15:06
EagleScreeni haven't a CD burner, how do I pass the .iso CD image to an USB?15:07
tomaszEagleScreen,  its there install icon15:07
tomaszEagleScreen,  use startup disk manager15:07
tomaszin administration menu15:07
tomaszit install iso to boot  pendrive15:08
MrChrisDruifEagleScreen: and if you are on Windows, use unetbootin15:08
EagleScreenI uderstand, thanks15:08
MrChrisDruiftomasz: Not by default, but you can always install it with "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"15:09
tomaszwhy lubuntu have big iso 700mb ? here is default less software than ubuntu15:09
MrChrisDruifAlso you can choose to add the option "--no-install-recommends"15:10
tomaszubuntu have for example libreoffice its take a place in iso15:11
tomaszlubuntu dont have15:11
MrChrisDruiftomasz: I do not know, maybe some lightweight apps have gotten a big install size?15:11
MrChrisDruifBig install size != heavy in use15:13
tomaszi dont know, i only ask i am begginer in ubuntu and i see is not so much software in default and here is light lxde but it still 700mb ;)15:13
tomaszmaby install are big15:13
tomaszbut lubuntu is more fast than ubuntu15:14
MrChrisDruifMaybe because gnome is better designed to work with each other, there for taking up less space. I don't know15:14
leszektomasz: lubuntu ships more language support out of the box than ubuntu does15:15
tomaszmaby is more small programs and i dont see it now, more administration than for normal users15:15
leszekso its basically so big because of all the languages supported and help files shipped15:15
MrChrisDruifleszek: Why is that? If even Ubuntu doesn't ship with them? Would make more room for other apps?15:16
tomaszlubuntu have normal tray not like unity ?15:17
leszektomasz: yes normal one15:17
leszekMrChrisDruif: I don't think there is any app missing in lubuntu to fullfill its goal right now15:18
EagleScreenit is easy share folder with samba in Lubuntu?15:18
tomaszlubuntu use ext4 or ext3 ?15:18
leszektomasz: ext4 by default, but you can use whatever you want15:19
tomaszok thanks i see ext3 on pendrive so i ask15:19
leszekEagleScreen: I don't think the gnome sharing assistent is installed in lubuntu, and no pcmanfm does not have an implementation of samba sharing I guess15:19
tomaszis there some nice windows for lxde ?15:22
tomaszOnyx is nice15:23
leszekyou mean window decor ?15:25
leszekyou can find several on box-look.org if you search for openbox themes15:25
tomaszwidgets and window15:25
leszekwidgets are managed by gtk themes15:25
leszekso you need to set them up seperately15:25
tomasznice thx15:26
tomaszhow simple install skype ?15:50
tomaszok i have15:51
tomasznormal dont have in synaptic15:54
tomaszlxde realy fast work ;)15:59
leehello, I am trying to run Lubuntu 10.4 (because of the X.org version required by the touchscreen driver). when I try to boot to the livecd the loading logo appears for about 30 seconds and then the screen goes blank; so I tried booting in safe graphics mode from the cd, and this time I get an "out of range" error from the monitor16:03
leeif I hit ctrl-alt-- twice then the desktop becomes visible, but I have to pan around to see the bottom panel. running xdpyinfo from a terminal claims it's running at 1024x76816:04
leethe monitor supports 1280x1024, so I'm not sure why a) that's not working normally, or b) why I have to pan around the screen to see sections of it at a time. can anybody shed any light on this?16:05
tomaszmaby something with refresh of monitor hmm16:05
lee(ubuntu 10.10 works fine, but has an incompatible version of x.org)16:06
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tomaszits ok when i have opengl render unknown ?16:30
tomaszhow is possible one core works with 1333 and second 1733? ;)16:31
tomaszi have problem with chromium when i do open file in download folder i get new page html16:39
tomaszwhere i can found trash ?16:43
leszektomasz: you get an html page when opening a zip or rar from chromium ?16:43
tomaszno when i open folder where is file , i download *.deb16:44
leszektomasz: trash sits in the filemanager16:44
tomaszoh ok i have trash16:44
leszektomasz: I understand. I think chromium only recognizes dolphin & nautilus as filemanagers16:44
tomaszoh i understand16:45
leszektomasz: hmm... I found a lxde section for pcmanfm in /usr/bin/xdg-open (at the end of the file). Please post the last 20 lines of that file on a nopaste service16:49
tomaszhow install deb.tar file ?16:49
leszektomasz: whats a deb.tar file ?16:50
tomaszin lazarus site16:50
leszeka deb itself is an archive so why is it tarred ?16:50
leszektomasz: seems to me like a tar compressed deb file. Try extracting it with file-roller16:51
tomaszleszek r u speak poland?16:52
tomaszmam ten plik xdg-open16:53
tomaszcase "$DE" in ...16:54
tomaszopen_lxde "$url"16:55
tomaszi need change it for lxde in " "  ?16:55
leszekhmm... try adding this at the end: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601777/16:58
leszeksave the file then with root rights16:59
leszekit should work then16:59
leszekI think we need to fix this for the next release. Please also file a bug for lubuntu on this.16:59
tomaszi change but always open in chromium17:05
tomaszmaby after restart17:07
tomaszhow create boot usb in lubuntu ?17:23
leszektomasz: with usb-creator17:25
tomaszits default soft in ubuntu ?17:26
leszekI think yes17:28
tomaszusb-creator dont work with not-ubuntu iso ??17:32
leszekI don't know, I think it worked in debian17:34
tomaszi know but dont see me iso files17:36
tomaszonly ubuntu iso17:36
leszekyou have to choose the lubuntu.iso that you saved somewhere on your harddisk17:38
tomaszi know but i wont another linux install on usb17:43
tomaszok unbootin works17:47
deitarionMy mother did what she says was a "partial upgrade" a couple of days ago and found her Digikam missing (She's using Lubuntu with KDE bits) and now, when I try to re-install it, it refuses because things like kdebase-runtime aren't going to be installed rather than just pulling them in like it should.17:52
deitarionI'm a Gentoo guy so I don't have enough experience to know what this "Ask your administrator" "But I am the administrator" error really means.17:52
linuxkeitarohey, just upgraded 11.0417:59
linuxkeitaroand lost the auto-login.  Editing /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf doesn't appear to have an effect17:59
linuxkeitaroam I doing something wrong?17:59
siriuslyhere I am wanting a fast window manager but the latest ubuntu for my old box and darn it...my nvidia (driver 96) legacy card wont work.....kind of defeats the object18:02
deitarionFigured it out. Tried using aptitude instead. When aptitude suggested the same solution as apt-get and I picked "no", it then suggested downgrading half of KDE from maverick-security to maverick so the other half (from maverick) would accept it.18:03
tomaszin lubuntu is system monitor?18:36
leszektomasz: yes19:12
leszekjust look at systemtools19:12
KM0201is there a way (if you're familiar w/ gnome or xfce) to combine all my open windows, into a single button (or meni).. on the panel?.. rather than having a row of tabs or icons across my panel19:25
bioterrorI'm not getting this one19:27
KM0201not clear?19:27
bioterroryou want a button which does what?19:27
KM0201ok... on xfce and gnome19:27
KM0201there's a panel button19:27
KM0201and when you click it, you get like a "menu" of open windows.. instead of having them spread all across the panel19:27
Unit193Right click lxpanel "Taskbar (Window List) Settings: check "Combine multiple application windows into the same button"19:28
KM0201it basically keeps the panel from looking clutter19:28
Unit193KM0201: ^^19:28
KM0201Unit193, thats not what i'm looking for19:28
bioterrorKM0201, press middle button on desktop19:28
KM0201that only combines multiple windows of the same program, into one option19:28
bioterrormouse middle button19:28
KM0201bioterror, ah.. ok19:28
KM0201i cna deal w/ that19:29
bioterroris that what you're after?19:29
KM0201yup.. exactly19:29
KM0201it's just i'm used to it being a panel button19:29
KM0201but middle click works fine19:29
KM0201now, how would i go about configuring my mic.19:30
KM0201cuz isn't alsamixer obsolute?19:30
bioterroralsa is not obsolete :)19:31
bioterrorOSS is19:31
KM0201i tried installing pulse audio volume control (what i use in xfce), but it doesnj't seem tow ork w/ lxde19:31
bioterrorlubuntu does not use pulseaudio19:31
bioterrorAFAIK ;)19:31
KM0201that makes sense then19:31
KM0201now if skype works.. i'm gonna probably switch19:33
KM0201you know, usually "fast" GUI's suck.19:35
KM0201they are either to "nerdy"... or they get bloated down19:35
KM0201lxde seems to be a good cross between functional, and fast19:36
KM0201skype works flawlessly19:38
KM0201trying to think if there's anything else i need to test19:39
bioterrorskype never works flawlessly :D19:41
KM0201bioterror, it does in my initial test.. which is all i can ask.. :)19:41
KM0201all right, gonna move some stuff to another partition, and start working on installing19:45
KM0201installatino has started.19:54
tomaszis some weather tray for lxde ?20:32
tomaszor widget20:32
=== MK` is now known as MK``
KM0201anyone know why i would not have sound no sound?  it works fine, but no sound (sound in other apps is fine)21:33
head_victimKM0201: can you explain it a bit better sorry, I'm not following21:35
KM0201head_victim, just realized that didn't make any sense..lol21:35
KM0201Pidgin has no sound, sound in other apps works fine21:36
KM0201i've ot sound enabled.. i've tried changing the default sounds to some saved ones that i have (to see if that was the issue).. and none work21:36
head_victimKM0201: is there some sort of volume control within pidgin?21:36
MrChrisDruifKM0201: Are your sounds muted?21:36
MrChrisDruifYou can mute the sounds from pidgin21:36
KM0201head_victim, yes, and its set to "normal"... (so i should be able to hear it).. and no, sounds are not muted.. checked both of those21:36
MrChrisDruifAlright, then I don't know :D21:37
MrChrisDruifWhen are sounds enabled? Maybe a screenshot of your sound settings might be nice :)21:38
KM0201MrChrisDruif, yeah, weird.. never had this problem21:38
KM0201hang on21:38
KM0201in case its not clear, i'm set to automatic21:41
KM0201tried also21:41
KM0201no joy21:41
KM0201(also, i checked the box that says "sound when conversation has focus"... just so you know21:41
Sc0jtMay be sound drivers : alsa drivers in some programs and pidgin uses oss or null.21:42
KM0201Sc0jt, solution:  http://d.imagehost.org/0366/pidgin_lxde.png21:44
szczurKM0201, i have set it to alsa and it is working for me21:44
KM0201szczur, not for me21:45
KM0201i had it set to alsa21:45
KM0201that picture details what i done21:45
KM0201szczur, google turned up a few hits of pidgin in lubuntu not working.. that was where i found that fix.21:45
Sc0jtwell, i dont use pidgin, it is a generic solution21:45
KM0201Sc0jt, it is.. but it works..21:45
KM0201thats all i care about21:46
tomaszwhat is short to change desktops ?21:48
MrChrisDruifO, right. We use Pidgin as default right? Does anybody know if I can order the tabs when the open (the auto-connected irc-channels I mean)?21:58
MrChrisDruifAutomatically, manually I know ;)21:58
head_victimNo idea :/ I'm an xchat man21:58
head_victimClick and drag? Change the order you add them to the auto join? Umm?22:00
MrChrisDruifThe first, but I don't know how I can reorder the auto-join list22:00
MrChrisDruifThe second *22:01
MrChrisDruifClick'n'drag is manually reordering ;)(22:01
head_victimYeah but does it save it when you close and reopen?22:01
MrChrisDruifNope, otherwise I wouldn't be asking here :)22:02
tomaszhow can i connet to wlan using terminal ?22:02
tomaszi clear openbox22:03
KM0201MrChrisDruif, is there a way to make lxterminal transparent?22:08
MrChrisDruifMaybe, not sure22:08
KM0201i can't figure it out22:09
KM0201if i can't figure out how to do it w/ lxterminal22:10
KM0201how would i make gnome-terminal my default terminal?22:10
MrChrisDruifKM0201: You found the color settings?22:11
KM0201MrChrisDruif, on lxterminal? yes, of course22:11
MrChrisDruifDoes it say transparency anywhere? Which version Lubuntu are you running anyway?22:12
KM0201running 11.0422:12
KM0201but i jsut saw how to do it.22:12
KM0201click the background color, then change the "Opacity" slider"22:12
MrChrisDruifIndeed,I read something about a slider, hence my question about color settings :)22:13
KM0201it's usually listed as like "transparency option" or something like that ... but thats cool22:13
KM0201learn something every da.22:13
MrChrisDruifSo if you look at this page <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/LXTerminal > where would you need to click for transparency and right or left button?22:14
KM0201MrChrisDruif, you click one of the clors.. if you want the background transparent.. click the background22:18
KM0201then move the slider "Opacity"... lower... and  click OK, and you'll see the background go clear22:18
KM0201MrChrisDruif, the opacity slider is not in that screenshot though, for whatever reason22:19
MrChrisDruifMaybe because it's from an older version. This picture you mean http://phillw.net/lxt-2.png22:19
KM0201MrChrisDruif, http://imagebin.org/15121322:20
MrChrisDruifAlright, great :)22:21
KM0201that was the easiest way to explain it..lol22:21
KM0201you know something i never understand22:21
KM0201whenever i install ubuntu, and set my time (Indianapolis, IN)22:22
KM0201on the install process22:22
MrChrisDruifNext time someone asks for transparency I'll direct them to the wiki or help (we're moving them atm)and say the transparency slider is missing from the screenshot :D22:22
KM0201but no matter what, when i install ubuntu, my time, even when i set it properly during install, ALWAYS defaults to America/Adak...22:22
KM0201not a huge deal.. just don't know why it "ALWAYS" does that22:22
MrChrisDruifMaybe a bug?22:23
MrChrisDruifI think you should be looking into ubiquity bugs for this one :)22:24
KM0201MrChrisDruif, i dunno, it does it every single version of ubuntu i install, and i know i set city/state right in the install process, but when i'm actually installed, and i boot. .my time zone is set to America/Adak.. ALWAYS..lol22:24
KM0201MrChrisDruif, what version of lubuntu are you using now (assuming you are)22:25
MrChrisDruifNow none, on my mum's laptop (dual-boot, no worry :P) 10.0422:26
KM0201oh ok22:27
KM0201i gotta roll out22:28
KM0201i'll be backin  abit.22:28
MrChrisDruifAlright, take care :)22:28
kosaidpo|hello guys im wonderin how to get the latest pcmanfm without compilin ??23:15
head_victimkosaidpo|: is it in a ppa somewhere?23:17
kosaidpo|uhmm i found a git repo but  idk if its a good idea , isi t ?23:18
tomaszi install vbox 4.06 and it dont work on lubuntu23:18
tomaszNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)23:19
head_victimkosaidpo|: https://launchpad.net/~lxde/+archive/ppa is what I'd suggest23:19
kosaidpo|head_victim: is it good to use git repo ??23:19
head_victimkosaidpo|: no idea sorry, have never used one23:19
head_victimgilir: can you help kosaidpo|? What's the easiest/best way to test the latest pcmanfm out?23:19
kosaidpo|head_victim: but this one is fo the hole environnement , me i want only pcmanfm : ]23:20
head_victimkosaidpo|: yeah but you can choose to only update pcmanfm23:20
kosaidpo|head_victim: how ??23:21
tomaszok work now, i use : sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup23:22
head_victimkosaidpo|: thought it was fairly simple but trying to find a link that explains it well because apparently it's not as simple as I remember23:24
kosaidpo|head_victim: shud i  add deb in front of the line in source list ??23:25
leeok, this is driving me INSANE! I have a machine that I am trying to get lubuntu 10.4 running on. I keep getting "out of range" errors from the monitor, and I get no GUI in failsafeX mode23:25
kosaidpo|or use the cmmd apt-add-repo ?23:25
head_victimkosaidpo|: which source are you adding?23:25
kosaidpo|the link u gav m23:25
head_victimlee: does the monitor work with other computers?23:25
leeI have used "X -configure" to generate a basic config and edited it slightly (to use vesa instead of intel driver, as using the intel driver appears to hang the machine completely when X starts, and to add a Modeline to the Monitor section, then call it from the Display subsection), run "X -config <path to that config>" and I still get the same result23:27
leehead_victim: yes, the monitor is fine23:28
head_victimkosaidpo|:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lxde/ppa      should work ok23:28
head_victimlee: ok just checking the basics first.23:28
head_victimWhat video card/driver are you using?23:28
kosaidpo|head_victim: ok tnx23:28
leehead_victim: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)23:29
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo|: this one? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm23:29
leealthough there is also: 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)   I believe this is the DVI port which I am not using23:29
head_victimlee: is there anything in dmesg?23:31
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo|: It's maintained by our friendly head-of-dev as far as I remember right :)23:32
MrChrisDruifYup, it's from our head of dev23:32
leehead_victim: there's lots in dmesg, but nothing relating to this as far as I can see23:32
kosaidpo|MrChrisDruif: who ?? head_victim ??23:32
MrChrisDruifNope gilir23:32
MrChrisDruifTry to keep up ;) (Just kidding)23:33
kosaidpo|ahh cus the only name i kno is julien from the ML ;]23:33
head_victimlee: can you pastebin the xorg.conf you changed?23:33
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo|: ML?23:34
kosaidpo|mailing list : D23:34
head_victimlee: I'm hoping it looks something like http://pastebin.com/dxK2DiYu23:34
MrChrisDruifThat's the same ;)23:35
leehead_victim: http://pastebin.com/wc87DTR823:35
MrChrisDruifIf you hover your mouse above it, you'll see it's email adress23:35
kosaidpo|MrChrisDruif: hahah ok i tho its another peson23:36
leewhat's also weird is that I can't ctrl-alt-f# to another console whilst the monitor claims to be out of sync (ctrl-alt-backspace/delete do nothing either, but the machine is reachable via ssh and not under load), also tried ctrl-alt- and + lots of times to no avail23:37
head_victimlee: can you comment out your entries and try the one I pasted? (Assuming your monitor can handle those resolutions, if not change them to something it can EASILY accomplish)23:37
head_victimlee: so it's definitely working just not displaying23:37
leehead_victim: sure, hang on23:37
head_victimlee: no worries, just trying to see if we can get the basics to work23:39
leeahh shit that was stupid, I put that pastebin in/etc/X11/xorg.conf23:40
leethen started it with: X -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:41
leehead_victim: that caused the machine to hang, same as failsafeX does23:41
head_victimSO where is the "out of range" error coming from if not dmesg?23:42
leethe monitor itself is showing that error23:44
head_victimlee: ah ok, laptop or desktop?23:45
leewell, desktop style23:45
leehttp://www.lex.com.tw/product/TW2242H.htm is the machine23:50
head_victimlee: I might have found somethign23:51
head_victimhttps://launchpad.net/~glasen/+archive/855gm-fix and https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27187 should be good reads23:51
ubot5Freedesktop bug 27187 in Driver/intel "[855GM] gtt chipset flush is not cache coherent" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]23:53

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