
AlanBellpleia2: did you have a blog to get out?19:53
pleia2AlanBell: actually working on it right now :)19:54
AlanBelltoday is apparently bloggin against disablism day19:54
pleia2oh wow19:55
* pleia2 better get her blog post on the subject out too!19:55
AlanBellso just wanted to get something out today19:56
AlanBellthink I am going to do a blog about the speech dispatcher open mary driver20:15
pleia2ok, sent20:16
AlanBellgreat, thanks20:17
macomy post's up20:21
macoi did a combination text-and-video blog post about sign language & accessibility for hearing impairments20:21
macoshould be on planet shortly20:22
AlanBellpleia2: http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/the-invisible-exhibition-at-uds/20:31
pleia2AlanBell: yay, thanks!20:31
pleia2already have 8 people signed up even before announcing it anywhere :) here's hoping for 20 so we get the group rate20:32
AlanBellhope so20:32
AlanBellI did consider at one point flying out for just that20:33
pleia2AlanBell: oh, quick edit, can you add this after the ticket prices link: "A couple community members will be handle paying for the tickets up front, and once we know how much final costs are we will let you know and you can pay us at UDS."20:37
pleia2thank you :)20:37
AlanBellin euros?20:38
pleia2hungary uses a different currency20:38
AlanBellso it does, the Forint20:39
AlanBellso do you want Forint?20:39
pleia2just say "cash" I can accept USD, not sure how euros are taken there (I know some bordering countries use them even if not officially)20:39
pleia2but actually I can accept euros too20:40
AlanBellyeah, just checking you are not going to land yourself with a problem ending up with $400 or so in Forint on the Wednesday20:41
pleia2yeah no worries, I'll make it work20:41
AlanBellpleia2: bit of an issue . . . 20:46
AlanBellthe ask mark Q&A session is on Wednesday evening20:46
AlanBellbut that is at 21:0020:47
pleia2there are bound to be conflicts20:47
pleia2monday, tuesday and friday are all taken too20:48
AlanBellwould there be time to get back for that if people wanted to?20:48
pleia2and we're doing touristy stuff thursday night20:48
pleia2if people want to get back for it we'll just put them in the first tour group who goes through, they'll be out by 7:45 with plenty of time to go back20:48
pleia2we should probably talk about it in person at UDS rather than making the blog post longer though20:48
AlanBellOK, great20:48
AlanBelljono should mention it in his intro bit after the keynote (or before or whenever it is)20:49
pleia2Mark is all over the place at UDS, it's not a compelling reason for me to return early ;)20:49
pleia2yeah, jcastro told me to remind him about it on Monday20:49
=== leoquant is now known as Guest31826
jbichafor bug 651707, does anyone have suggestions for a better webpage to point people to?22:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 651707 in ubuntu-docs "brltty refers to http://access.ubuntu.com/braille but that doesn't exist" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65170722:48

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