
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
* nlsthzn-work waves10:20
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
bassemHello, I'm here again :-)17:08
nlsthznbassem: welcome17:13
bassemnlsthzn, thanks17:19
Hadenbojicas,nlsthzn , bassem17:52
HadenGood evening..17:52
nlsthznHaden: alo :)17:52
HadenDid you guys have a meeting?17:53
nlsthznnope... next meeting is the real thing the 4th and then they will decide when the next irc meeting should be17:54
Hadennlsthzn, did you guys here from Omar?17:55
nlsthznI haven't...17:55
HadenAny idea if the location is dubai mall or festival city?17:55
bassemHaden, hi17:57
Hadenbassem , nice to see you..17:58
Hadennlsthzn, bassem , bojicas  all you guys gonna be there this meetup right?17:58
nlsthznHaden: I will always be there (in spirit)17:58
Hadennlsthzn,  not the same :)17:59
bassemnlsthzn, you've received that email because you are admin maybe?17:59
Hadennlsthzn,  I got it too..17:59
HadenThe existing group is dead i think..18:00
bassemHaden, I'll be there, but I don't know where18:00
HadenRoy is a member..18:00
Hadenxnixan,  Hey..18:00
nlsthznAh ok... just wanted to make sure... somebody was going to contact the guy that started it right?18:00
HadenIf Omar doesnt show up we need to fix something else..18:01
Hadennlsthzn, Thar wasnt an official loco i think..18:02
nlsthznHaden: not official but they registered a launchpad account using the preffered naming conventions etc... so we needs it :p18:02
HadenI think we shoul as Roy to get in touch with them..18:03
Hadenbassem, Do you think we should go with an alternate place?18:05
nlsthznis there a problem with the venue for the 4th?18:07
Hadennlsthzn, Dubai mall is too crowded.. very noisy..18:08
nlsthznHaden: perfect then... all pitch up with ubuntu hats and t-shirts and banners and start singing the free software song that rms wrote :D18:08
Hadennlsthzn, Nah.. We wouldn't want you to miss all the fun..18:09
Hadennlsthzn,  Thats cool..18:10
nlsthznHaden: cool... not one of the words I would use to describe it but ok :p18:11
nlsthznHaden: hehe18:13
Hadennlsthzn,  Now that is cool.. Should i put it up on the facebook page?18:13
Hadennlsthzn,  That song is stuck in my head now...18:14
nlsthznHaden: go for it :D18:14
nlsthznI have it on at the moment... almost as addictive as the lama song...18:14
nlsthznbut the ultimate is still BADGER http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgers18:16
Hadennlsthzn, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu418:18
HadenNyan cat..18:18
bassemHaden, it's to far for me, I still don't have a car!18:18
Hadenbassem,  What is too far?18:18
bassemHaden, the place! you asked me about the meetup place right?18:19
nlsthznhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbbA9BhCTko&feature=related hehe18:19
Hadenbassem,  yes.. I was suggesting any alternate location.. anything but dubai mall..18:20
bassemHaden, how many members do you expect ?18:21
nlsthzn... got to get ready for the great sleep :) night all18:22
Hadenbassem, I'm guessing 8 - 12..18:24
Hadenwe could meet at a park.. pizza..18:24
Hadenbassem,  Be back.. see if you guys can come up with something.. will talk to you tom...18:27

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