
sveinseAny activity here?12:56
sveinse(apparently not). Anyways: Anyone familiar with the SD FAT bootloader in OMAP(3) ?12:56
sveinseAre there any channels discussing TI OMAP?12:57
armin76#omap ? :D12:59
armin76there was one...12:59
armin76sveinse: also #beagle could be of help13:01
easwarI'm trying to boot Maverick on a BB xM20:06
armin76gl :D20:07
easwarand the boot stops at * Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support [OK]20:07
easwarI tried a search and there is only one thread on the BeagleBoard Google Group20:07
easwarwhich has not been solved20:07
easwarand Maverick doesn't seem to want to show up on my LCD monitor20:08
easwarany ideas?20:08
easwararmin76, gl?20:08
easwarI followed the OMAPMaverickInstall instructions on the Ubuntu Wiki20:09
easwarand edited the boot.scr to include console=ttyS2,115200n8 serialtty=ttyS2 option in the cmdline20:10
easwararmin76, you've tried?20:15
easwardid you run into the same issue?20:15
armin76easwar: sorry, i don't use ubuntu nor i have a bbxm :)20:15
armin76easwar: ubuntu support tends to happen on workdays20:15
easwararmin76, ah20:15
easwararmin76, why the gl then?20:16
armin76gl = good luck20:16
easwararmin76, ya, I got that after thinking it over for a min20:17
* easwar will try tomorrow21:01
ericb2just for  the record : since I upgraded the Natty, no way to boot on my BeagleBoard21:05
amstanhello, about to try installing on a gtab21:30
amstanwish me luck21:30
rsalvetiericb2: do you get at least the boot log?21:38
ericb2rsalveti: nothing:  the two leds never stop to be on .. nothing happens21:46
ericb2rsalveti: I have no other information, and I'll try to boot using the serial, to figure out what happened. But sure, something is guilty in the upgrade21:47
Nekosteev, can you do me a huge huge favor and work out a way to modify /etc/update-manager/release-updates so it changes the setting to prompt=never ?22:25
rsalvetiericb2: hm, seems you can't even boot your kernel22:29
ericb2rsalveti: looks like22:29
rsalvetiwhen only one led is on it's when it failed to load your x-loader22:29
ericb2rsalveti: I'll try the serial tomorrow22:29
rsalvetiwhen one is on, then it blinks with both on it's u-boot that's running22:29
rsalvetiso it could be that it failed to update your kernel properly, then you're now unable to boot22:30
ericb2rsalveti: I really wonder what happened. Everything was find after the apt-get upgrade22:30
amstanwhat's the difference between the kernel flavours that you offer, which one should i pick? dove, omap, omap4, versatile22:48
Nekodove is for dove, omap is for omap3, omap4 is for omap4, versatile is for arm reference boards (or qemu)22:50
Nekoif you got a beagle, omap is the one you need22:50
amstani have a samsung gtab, it's similar to the tegra22:51
Nekothen there is no kernel for you22:52
computerwiz_222We have access to another kernel.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=90350522:53
computerwiz_222(I'm with amstan)22:53
computerwiz_222Any thoughts on that?22:55

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