
coz_hey all01:58
thorwilfrom a quick skim, this looks like a great introduction to visual design: http://www.visualmess.com/10:11
coz_ by the way ,,, good day all  :)13:35
coz_who the hell is Ikonia?14:01
vishcoz_: why? whats wrong?14:07
vishcoz_: hez an op,  quick with the guns ;)14:07
coz_vish,  oh  I was doing support in #ubuntu and he asked me to "stop saying that"  which was on ly  to one user   " I hope you didnt use  rm -rf / "14:08
coz_vish,  i simply asked what he meant buy that14:08
coz_vish,   he woldnt explain so I confronted him in another channel14:08
coz_vish,   he felt ...because he is ops that what he says is the final word  however ,, someone with ops also needs exceellent people skills14:09
coz_vish,  i cannot tolerate bad op  people skills,, there should be a point system for opts  :)14:09
vishcoz_: well, you could mention that in #ubuntu-ops14:10
coz_vish,  nah ,,, I have been down this route before,,,  if I were a troll.. or intolerable in some way when i do support ,, i can understand14:10
coz_vish,  but i try my best to be as open and friendly and give full explanations  regardless14:11
coz_vish,    so  he goes on my  caca list   lol14:12
coz_for now anyway :)14:12
vishcoz_: yea, ikonia can be a bit quick on the trigger often..14:12
vishcoz_: caca?14:12
coz_vish,   caca is italian for  merde or   shit14:12
coz_ :)14:13
coz_we had a few "quick trigger" people in #compiz at the beginning including a developer14:13
coz_vish,  I had to threaten to leave the support team if something wasnt done14:14
coz_but it turned out that most of the developers and support team agreed with me,, and devs have no control over support channel now14:14
coz_well now there are only 2 of us left as support  :(14:15
coz_vish,  he said he would explain later "why"  but in my opinion ,, the explanation has to come with the request  otherwise you only alienate people14:16
vishcoz_: i think some of the ops have highlights for that command, and he might not have read the context14:18
coz_vish,  well he may have been correct ,, but that wasnt the issue,, it was  an outright "demand"  with no explanation,, I cant tolerate that,, it alienates people,, and as much as I was offended by it,, and its results as making me look foolish,, it was more damaging to others  in the channel,,14:19
coz_that was what made me angry,,, an op MUST have exceptional people skills or he shouldnt have ops14:20
coz_vish,  well thank you very much for letting me vent my feelings :)  I appreciate it  for sure14:21
vishnp.. :)14:22
* darkmatter does flappy arm motion in the direction of coz_17:49
coz_hey buy17:49
coz_hey guy17:49
darkmatterwhat are you up to this fine sunday?17:50
darkmatterI say "fine" because our "spontaneous, one day winter" has ended. lol17:50
coz_darkmatter,  arguing in #ubuntu-offtopic with a few idiots  that seem to think they know everythin and of course that means I am wrong in their eyes lol17:53
coz_oh boy ,, that ikonia guy is a real PITA18:49
tsimpsoncoz_: insulting people is not CoC friendly18:58
coz_tsimpson,  well this is true which is why I mentioned that18:58
coz_tsimpson,  I am a very calm guy,, i generally get along with everyone,, no grudges or foul play or foul mouth,,, and I have decent people skills,,  withouth them no one should have ops,,, or evern do support18:59
coz_and I also realize people have bad days19:00
coz_I myself have one today as a result of ... someon on irc,, but I have let it go for the most part,, although i have already gotten PM's about particular behaviors with individuals19:00
coz_so apologies to all offended by my statement,, i will not let it happen again19:01
tsimpsonif you have an issue with someone, try and work it out with them first. we're all human and sometimes forget that real people are at the other end of our messages19:02
tsimpsonif that fails, you can either let it go, or take it up with soma authority, in this case the irc council19:02
tsimpsonmy point being, trying to work things out is a good thing :)19:03
coz_tsimpson,  yes ,, unfortunately ,, reasoning with this particular person brought out more offensive behavior19:03
coz_on his pare19:03
coz_on  his part19:03
coz_tsimpson,  I agree with you totally,, there are moments... as i am sure you have experienced,, when rational talk  does nothing to put out flames19:04
coz_so I just go on assuming nothing has happened.. best way to undermine arrogance anyway :)19:05
darkmattercoz_: often rational behaviour incites more flames. lol19:09
darkmatter"quit ignoring my excellent insults you b***!" goes the offending brain :P19:09
coz_darkmatter,  boy that's is unfortunately the truth19:09
coz_darkmatter,  and :)  to second comment :)19:09
coz_I just find this kind of behavior puzzling,, especially for someone with ops  or doing support,, the key is the user not the supporter or ops19:10
coz_I think the responsiblility is somewhat humbling  not ego boosting19:10
darkmattercoz_: It's usually some level of narcissism that causes it. although sometime the person is just a... hmmm... how to word this as channel-friendly?19:13
darkmatter"gaping donkey butt"? ;)19:13
coz_darkmatter,  I like that ,, "gaping donkey butt"  gdb19:13
vishso i ran into gdb, err … darkmatter, and we discussed the irony of life …19:15
* darkmatter beats vish with a blackjack19:16
* darkmatter is deciding whether or not to start on gtk work today19:17
coz_ be back in a bit19:49
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