
kristian_what's the cool way to backup some really small files to a network something something?00:15
kristian_I have a script that emails them to me... I'd like another option as well00:16
ghostnappaOkay guys, I have a problem. On my main PC, various shmup games seem to be uncontrollable. Most think that I am holding up+left, but rrootage just doesn't move at all. it happens on ubuntu variants, fedora, and every other linux install that I have tried so it isn't just ubuntu exclusive. Testing in a liveCD environment between two seperate PC's reveals that this is only a problem with my PC and not the other00:22
ghostnappaone. This is a problem with native games, WINE, and MAME. But seems to only be effecting games with joystick support. I honestly have no idea where to start searching for answers here, but thought this could be a decent starting point.00:22
ghostnappaI have no joysticks, just using a standard keyboard and mouse00:23
SerialMDKanyone here help me with a problem?00:34
ghostnappaI could try00:35
ghostnappabut I have my own problem to figure out too00:35
ghostnappaso depends what it is00:35
SerialMDKubuntu will not install00:35
SerialMDKi hit install to hdd and the screen goes black00:36
ghostnappa11.04 I am guessing?00:36
SerialMDKi tried many diff cd's and flash drives00:37
SerialMDKall do the same thing00:37
ghostnappainteresting, haven't heard of that problem before. Did you have the same problem on older ubuntu distro's?00:37
SerialMDKi had 9.1 worked fine00:37
SerialMDKupdated to 10.02 and it didnt work00:38
SerialMDKand i did x32 and x64 11.0400:38
ghostnappaI think that may be out of my own reach. You could try the00:38
ghostnappa#ubuntu channel00:38
ghostnappathey have a lot more active people on there than this place00:38
SerialMDKi figured since im a noob id try here first00:38
SerialMDKthank you anyways00:39
ghostnappaNo problem00:39
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neo_How can i install vlc media player on ubuntu 11.04?01:33
neo_please help !01:33
duanedesignhello neo_01:37
duanedesignneo_: you can install it from the terminal using the apt-get command or you can install it using the Software Center01:39
duanedesignneo_: if you click the Ubuntu logo in the top left, and in the Dash type 'sof'. You should see the Software Center.01:41
duanedesignor you can open a Terminal and run the command:  sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc01:41
neo_thank you01:43
neo_downloading ...01:43
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Dangr_Hey there - I upgraded to 11.04 and have dual monitors - however I can't move a window from one monitor to another02:54
Dangr_any ideas as to why that is happening?02:54
Dangr_When I drag the window to the side to move to another monitor it resizes to half the screen size - Windows 7 style02:55
coalwateri think if u install ccsm or something u can control it03:00
helloEARTHcan anyone point me to the right direction to enable ubuntu 11.04 to network with windows?07:10
helloEARTHok, reading up on it right now07:12
virgoi have ubuntu 10.10 Netbook and for some time now my software center doesnt work08:41
virgowhen i execute it, the window never appeares, it only shows on taskbar for few sec08:42
Puck`hey guys09:46
Puck`is there any way i can add the Desktop shortcut to Unity? (:09:46
th^^pfhffpfpf, how hard it can be to capture audio from applications :p09:57
th^^these pulseaudio/soundrecorder guides are just failing for me :p09:57
th^^audacity seems to have nice little dropdown for input source, why the heck normal sound recorder doesn't have this10:01
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eiriksvingrrrr i cant get my flash to play certain videos10:21
JustMeDudehi can someone pls help, somehow I corrupted my top bar and the launcher in 11.04, was messing with compiz to get transparency back11:19
nlsthzn-work:/ 4 minutes and no answer and the person leaves... even a burger at McDonalds takes longer11:39
dr0pb3arquick question. I have 2 networks at home a wired and a wireless, each on their own router with their own staticIP. I understand that network manager chooses the strongest connection and dropps the others temporarily. Is there a way of keeping both connections alive? only the wireless one is used to connect to the internet12:18
dr0pb3arso I need to keep the wireless network alive and running even when the wired connection is running simultaneously12:19
dr0pb3arhope that makes sense12:19
Daniel0108I have to reinstall my ubuntu, because I messed up my firewall config, even when I flush iptables it's still blocking connections :/ Which version should I install? 10.04, 10.10 or 11.04?14:14
dr0pb3ardepends which one you like...14:19
Daniel0108dr0pb3ar: 10.10 and 10.04 :P14:24
dr0pb3arI just updated to 11.04 and am finding the new layout a bit difficult14:25
dr0pb3arit maximises the screen. I find everything a bit less accessible though14:25
Daniel0108dr0pb3ar: I don't like unity, and the gnome in 11.04 is a bit buggy, I'll choose 10.04, it's LT14:26
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Dangr_Hey there everyone - I upgrade to 11.04 - but decided its not for me - I installed using Wubi but would like to go back to 10.10 or 10.04 with Wubi - how can I do that?15:15
Dangr_I saw that putting an iso in the same folder as Wubi was supposed to work - but putting 10.10 cd Desktop ISO in a folder with Wubi didn't seem to work15:16
holsteinyou can uninstall wubis like windows software Dangr_15:16
holsteinjust backup your data15:17
holsteinremove it15:17
Dangr_holstein: Yep I just did that - which is cake :)15:17
holsteinand reinstall whatever version you'd like15:17
Dangr_holstein: well I'd like to use Wubi again - but I can't seem to figure out how to get Wubit to pick 10.10 and not 11.0415:17
holsteinDangr_: you need to get the specific wubi15:18
holsteinor use the wubi thats on the install disc15:18
holstein*if its on the install disc15:18
Dangr_holstein: I suspected as much - any leads on where I can obtain that?15:19
holsteinDangr_: i prefer using the one on the disc15:19
holsteinsince you wont have to go and download the iso15:19
Dangr_holstein: Live CD? or mail order? Is there a difference?15:19
holsteinDangr_: ?15:20
Dangr_holstein: oh my15:20
holsteinyou have to make the live CD15:20
Dangr_holstein: I should have just read a little more....15:20
Dangr_holstein: Sorry :)15:20
holsteinthe mail order one comes to you15:20
holsteinDangr_: no worries :)15:21
Dangr_holstein: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/15:21
Dangr_Its right at the bottom :-P15:21
holsteinall the official iso's should be the same15:21
Dangr_yeah tahts what I thought too - but then I doubted myself15:21
holsteinlive will be different from alternate15:21
Dangr_right right- is it just a difference in desktop environments?15:21
holsteinlive and alternate, the installer is different15:22
holsteinand the alternate has not live environment15:22
holsteinbut you end up with the same thing15:22
holsteinafter installing15:22
holstein*assuming you want that15:22
holsteinfrom the alternate CD15:22
Dangr_ooo ok I see15:22
holsteinyou can do different things15:22
holsteinlike a command line only install15:22
Dangr_One day I'll be man enough to brave that15:23
holsteinno reason15:24
holsteinif you need it, you'll know15:24
holsteinand just do it15:24
Dangr_holstein: right right - thanks for your help as usual - I'll be back in a bit15:24
holsteinDangr_: o/15:25
Dangr_holstein: gonna give this a whirl15:25
MrChrisDruifGood luck Dangr_15:25
preyas1sir i wanna change my wallpaper but i am not able to do it15:32
preyas1through appearance15:32
preyas1instead that a solid color is coming15:32
holsteinpreyas1: 11.04?15:34
preyas1i installed gnome 315:34
preyas1which works perfectly15:34
holsteinhow about changing the wallpaper?15:34
holsteinhows that going ;)15:34
preyas1my wall paper is not changing15:35
preyas1this is the problem which is jst caused15:35
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preyas1when i installed some prrograms15:35
holsteinpreyas1: hmmm15:38
holsteinim not sure what to suggest15:38
holsteinwhere are you getting gnome3?15:38
preyas1after adding it15:38
preyas1my theme was the old one15:39
preyas1i corrected it by using two commands15:39
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holsteini think your going to have to look for help in some gnome channels15:39
holsteini bet the first thing is going to be the version though15:40
iktholstein, rofl15:40
holsteinmaybe need to get the most recent15:40
holsteinor see whats in the ppa15:40
holsteinikt: ?15:40
ikt<holstein> how about changing the wallpaper? <- :D15:40
preyas1i ll find in gnome channels15:41
preyas1can u give me the gnome server15:41
holsteinpreyas1: good luck15:41
holsteinyou can hang here as long as you like though15:41
holsteinim not kicking you out :)15:41
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preyas1i mean what is the name of gnome server like this server name is#ubuntu-beginners-team15:42
preyas1holstein, thx15:43
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Froqdoes anyone know @ what speed a CD can write?  Does it top off @ 1MB/sec?  or what?16:31
Froqnaveed: hello16:44
naveedFroq:) i m here too :) bro16:45
justassimply guide how how install programs ? like install_flash_player__linux.deb   ?16:45
naveedJustas :  there are few way to install it ...16:46
naveedJustas : go to application menu and you will see Ubutu Software center option16:46
Froqhow do I flush out my IP settings?16:46
Sidewinder1justas: Synaptic Package Manager is your friend.16:46
punguyI had trouble with flash player install yesterday when I tried installing from browser. I used synaptic package manager searched for flash and installed the package for flash for mozilla and it worked just fine.16:47
Sidewinder1What punguy said!16:47
Froqhow do I flush out my IP settings?16:48
justasok , i open sunaptic package manager , now what ? (ssorry very new linux user , dont know basic whing s)16:48
Froqnvm I got it... so guys, everytime I try to make my IP a static IP, it messes up... and I lose connectivity. I don't know why.16:48
naveedFroq?  i did not get your point bro? mean you want to change setting ???16:48
naveedJustas: you will see search option16:49
justasyes i see16:49
naveedtype software name16:49
naveedjustas. it will give you list of software and then chose your required software from list and select Install by cliking right on that software16:50
Froqnaveed: well I am trying to set my IP to a static IP but when I do, I lose all connectivity to the internet, I know I have my netmask and gateway correct16:50
Sidewinder1justas: Or click on anything in the list and type flash.16:50
naveedFroq :  hmm it should work bro..i have also static address16:51
Sidewinder1Froq: Why not just leave it "dynamic" it should still bind to whatever IP you're assigned?16:52
Froqyeah, I guess.16:53
Froqhuh.... just wanted to forward my ssh port 22 to the computer, so I can log to it later.16:53
Froqnaveed: so how did you add additional channels to xChat?16:53
Froqnaveed: nvm i got it16:54
Sidewinder1Server-->join channel16:54
Sidewinder1Ot List of cahnnels16:54
naveedfroq: okay16:54
Froqaw.... now i am on both.16:54
Sidewinder1Close one16:54
naveedtruepurple: Hi16:58
truepurpleI need some help with ATI drivers16:58
Froqwhen i st my IPv4 so static, I lose connectivity, anyone know why?16:58
Froqi have all my info set correctly (i believe)16:58
truepurpleth^^: You there?16:59
FroqIP Address:
FroqBroadcast Address: ; Subnet Mask: ; Default route:
th^^truepurple: sup?16:59
truepurplefroq: You sure your ISP is capapable of static?16:59
escottFroq, can you ping numeric addresses?16:59
truepurpleStill having that problem from yesterday16:59
Froqtruepurple: well I am running from my router, so yes my router can do static17:00
escotttruepurple, thats not his ISP thats his router17:00
truepurpleI know that is his internal IP17:00
truepurpleBut he said static, and internal IP being static is a given17:00
Froqyeah I can ping it.17:00
naveeddo you set DNS17:01
Froqnaveed: no DNS set17:01
naveedFroq; you must add DNS IP address17:01
truepurpleth^^: Got any other ideas?17:01
Froqnaveed: o you have too?!  I didn't know that.  lol... lets see if that fixes it.17:01
th^^uhm, not really, except clean install :p17:01
naveedFroq: do this and17:02
truepurpleHow does one move /home from one partition to another BTW? Can one just copy/paste?17:02
escottFroq, without dns you can't convert www.ubuntu.com into numbers to connect to.17:02
th^^truepurple: if you have another partition, you can copy your /home/foo folder there, then mount it as /home when reinstalling17:02
Froqnaveed: I thought my router would resolve teh DNS issue, and send it out.17:02
escotttruepurple, be sure to use the archive flag in the copy to preserve permissions and ownership17:02
th^^foo, your username :P17:03
escottFroq, you are explicitely disabling that by going static17:03
Froqnaveed: wow... what a stupid mistake on my part... that is why I coudl ping it from within the network, but could not reach outside the netwrk... tahnks17:03
Froqescott: that I didn't realize, thanks guys!  what do you recommend I put down as my DNS server?17:03
escottFroq, if you want a pc to have a consistent address your router can map the mac address to the ip and use the rest for dhcp17:03
truepurpleI don't understand, I thought the folder with ones username came before home17:03
Froq@ the moment, I just went with Google,
naveedFroq: ) hahahahah:) good17:04
escottFroq, so you have mac address 01:23:45... assigned to and dhcp leases for and up17:04
Froqescott: yeah, I know it can, and I am rocking DD-WRT, however, when glancing around in there last night I couldn't find it for the life of me... I know it is there, but now I cannot find it.. :/17:04
truepurpleescott: how do I do that17:04
th^^truepurple: you cannot "move" home to it's own partition, you need to make new partitions first, mount somewhere (lets say /foo), then copy your /home/<username> folder to as /foo/<username>17:05
naveedany one try to mount exFAT partition in Ubuntu ??17:05
escotttruepurple, cp -aR /home /newhome17:05
th^^then you can mount this partition which was mounted as /foo in your current installation, as /home when reinstalling17:05
escotttruepurple, you actually want to do that as sudo cp17:05
Sidewinder1truepurple, The default set up is /home/truepurple17:05
truepurpleescott: Sorry to be so dense but I am not understanding most of what your saying17:06
th^^escott: i think the issue here is that he doesn't have separate /home partition, just one big / and he'd need to do reinstall..17:06
Froqescott: I found it! :)  Duh, I just missed it, and I think I will go that way so then it is easier!17:06
Froqthanks guys!17:06
truepurpleI can create another partition17:06
escottth^^, he can do that, his first step is to move the data onto / and then resize17:06
truepurpleThat is not a issue17:06
truepurpleescott: What do you mean by "mount somewhere"?17:07
th^^then create one, format it as ext4, and mount it to *any* /location :)17:07
escotttruepurple, cp -R (recursive) -a (archive preserves ownership and permissions) /source/path /dest/path17:07
th^^or, you can just click the partition in nautilus i guess17:07
th^^ctrl-c your home folder, and paste to new partition17:07
truepurpleescott said I couldn't just move /home to a new partition, I had to mount or something17:08
escottFroq, i think tomato firmware has been getting a bit more support than dd-wrt recently you might try it17:08
truepurplebut the terminology eludes me17:08
escotttruepurple, th^^ said that not me17:08
escotttruepurple, what do you want to accomplish?17:08
Froqescott: o man, really!  okay... I will have to look into changing it over then.17:08
truepurpleoh right17:08
Froqanyone know why DD-WRT is losing support?17:09
escottthe dd-wrt developer wanted to start charging money, and there were gpl violation concenrs17:09
escottat least thats my understanding... i didn't follow it all too closely17:09
truepurpleescott: Nothing yet, I am weighing my options. But one possible option is to move /home to a new parttition I would create to preserve data, then reinstall ubuntu freesh17:09
escotttruepurple, so you have single partition for everything, and you want to split it into / and /home17:10
truepurpleescott: Is it as easy as moving /home to said new partition?17:10
Froqescott: ok.  thank you for explanation!17:10
truepurpleescott: No, I don't need to split the current partition, most of my HDD is unpartitioned17:10
escotttruepurple, you have to create that partition to start with.17:11
escotttruepurple, ok word of warning ANY attempt to modify partitions CAN lead to data lose. make sure you have backups of anything critical17:11
truepurpleescott: Of course, that's obvious and I said so17:11
truepurpleescott: I don't need to modify any partitions!17:11
escotttruepurple, so if you already have your new partition formated you need to mount it17:12
truepurpleescott: Is it as simple as moving /home onto a new partition?17:12
escottso sudo mkdir /newhome; sudo mount /dev/sda# /newhome17:12
truepurpleescott: What do you mean by mount?17:12
th^^rather just copy it17:12
escottsudo cp -aR /home /newhome17:12
escottthen verify that everything in /newhome looks good17:12
truepurpleescott: I don't have the partition yet, but I will, thats not difficult17:12
escottthen you can sudo mv /home /oldhome; sudo mv /newhome /home; modify fstab as needed; reboot17:13
truepurpleescott: What do you mean by mount? What do you mean by mount?17:13
escotttruepurple, mount attaches a device filesystem to the tree17:13
th^^truepurple: you can just click the new partition in file manager17:13
th^^and it "mounts"17:13
th^^then you can copy stuff there17:13
truepurpleescott: Does this need to be done under the new install or the old one?17:14
th^^old one17:14
Sidewinder1truepurple, Open Nautilus, on the left panel right click on the partition and click on Mount.17:14
truepurpleWhat happens if I didn't mount it?17:15
Froqhow do you open an app via terminal in ubuntu?  Like it OsX, it was "open -a Firefox.app"17:15
Sidewinder1No mount; no copy, or anything else.17:15
escotttruepurple, if you don't mount then you are copying files to the same filesystem17:15
escotttruepurple, so they would end up on the same partition17:15
truepurpleescott: So linux can't use any partition it hasn't mounted?17:16
escottFroq, in unity 11.04 click on the ubuntu icon in the top left and type terminal17:16
escotttruepurple, exactly17:16
Sidewinder1Froq: Simply type Firefox in terminal.17:16
Sidewinder1No need for the "open".17:16
truepurpleescott: So how to I tell the new install to use the old /home on the new partition?17:17
Froq_escott, I know that would work, but I just want to knwo how to start apps via terminal in ubuntu?17:17
Sidewinder1truepurple, The new install will do it automatically.17:18
escotttruepurple, new-old-new im getting confused. can we use drive names and partitions sda1 and ubuntu version numbers 11.04 instead17:18
escottFroq_, sorry just type fire[TAB]17:18
Froq_Sidewinder1, ... figured it out!  I was capitalizing my F in firefox!   thz17:18
truepurpleSidewinder1: Because its named /home?17:18
Sidewinder1Froq, No prob.17:19
truepurpleescott: That would be confusing for me17:19
Sidewinder1truepurple, the new install will look for /home/your_user-name and install your home directory there.17:20
Froq_well see ya guys!  have a good day.  Time to go get my study on. :(  PEACE17:20
Sidewinder1Bye Froq_17:20
truepurpleSidewinder1: So I need to use the same user name as last time or it won't work?17:20
Sidewinder1truepurple, Not really; if you've copied all of your home settings to the "new" partition; the new install will create a brand new /home/your_username directory..17:22
Sidewinder1Hope that makes sense.17:22
Sidewinder1It would be best, however to keep the same user name; that way you'll not have any "permission" problems.17:24
truepurpleSidewinder1: If it makes a new directory, what about the directory I copied over from the previous install, andd the files within??17:25
Sidewinder1Directories and partitions are two entirely different things.17:25
truepurpleI know that17:26
Sidewinder1Guess I'm not making myself clear :-(17:26
truepurpleBut you said the new install would create a brand new directory17:26
truepurpleI want it to use the old directory copied over from the old install17:27
Sidewinder1Yes: /home/your-user-name17:27
escotttruepurple, have you already done your new install?17:27
truepurpleNo, I am just learning how to do it right now17:27
escottas im understanding what you are saying you want to have two ubuntu installs on the same computer and then copy the home from the old to the new17:27
escottin which case i would do your new install first17:28
Sidewinder1Then you simply copy from your separate /home/your_username to the new home....17:28
escottthen copy the data17:28
truepurpleescott: No17:29
Sidewinder1escott: Unless I'm misunderstanding him/her, all he's looking for is a separate home dir on another partition17:29
escottSidewinder1, your guess is as good as mine. im horribly confused about what is going on. something was said about a new install17:30
Sidewinder1That way a fresh install can be done without loosing all of the previous user settings?17:30
truepurpleescott: From what I understand, I can copy my /home onto a second partition. Format over my current install of ubuntu  for a new install, then use  the same  /home I copied from before17:30
truepurpleBut someone spoke of the new install making a new directory, rather then using the old one I copy over17:32
truepurpleAt least that is how it sounded to me17:32
escotttruepurple, the new install will create a /home directory, but it can be made empty and your new partition mounted onto that /home17:32
kristian_should I go with a custom install from mini.iso or Lubuntu....?17:33
escottso that when you go to /home in the new system you are actually seeing your partition17:33
Sidewinder1truepurple, Please go here; it's a tutorial to do EXACTLY what you are requesting: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:33
truepurpleescott: Sorry, but I am having a hell of a time understanding what you just said17:34
escottso / is on partition 1 and your home data on partition 2 and /home is a folder on partition 1, but partition 2 is mounted onto /home so that when you go to /home you end up in partition 217:34
Sidewinder1Hope that helps!17:34
escottwhen you mount /dev/sda2 onto /home then /home becomes a window into /dev/sda217:35
Sidewinder1Wow, got quiet, all of a sudden.17:35
truepurpleescott: So how does the new install creating a new directory play into this? That is the thing I have been told that confuses me most17:36
Sidewinder1truepurple, Please see my link, above.17:37
Sidewinder1It explains everything.17:37
escotttruepurple, well there are two approaches you may be able to tell the new install to use the home you plan to create, or you could set it up post install (just modifying /etc/fstab)17:37
Sidewinder1escott, May I PM you?17:39
truepurpleWell that information on the webpage isn't for a fresh install17:43
truepurpleSo if I set it up post install, the new install doesn't create a /home directory escott?17:44
escotttruepurple, lets focus on the problem at hand.. namely copying the data in /home to the new partition17:45
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truepurpleYou told me the command to do that17:45
truepurpleescott: Please help me understand this key aspect of the whole thing, perhaps by answering that question17:46
escotttruepurple, its tough to explain this... its just "how it works" my view on this is run the command, see what it does, come to understand how it works17:47
escotttruepurple, but if you would feel more comfortable with a gui then i'm sure there are gui approaches17:47
truepurpleescott: Ok, lets move on a moment then. Can I have windows use ubuntus /home directory for files too?17:48
escotttruepurple, its not advisable for a number of reasons17:49
escotta) windows can't open ubuntu's prefered filesystem format (ext4)17:49
truepurpleI could use ext3 or ntsf17:49
Sidewinder1Windows can not see an ext-3 or ext-4 without a specific driver for same.17:49
escottb) ubuntu support for windows filesystem (ntfs) while good is not perfect17:49
truepurpleI could install the driver17:49
escottc) ubuntu would have lots of files you wouldn't want windows touching and vice-versa17:49
Sidewinder1But, why would you want to?17:50
escottif you have a big partition of music files you could put those on something like ntfs and share that folder17:50
truepurpleBecause, if I have a game save from linux, I might want to load it in windows and visa versa. I make alot of text files to keep track of information17:50
truepurpleI might want to use open office or something and open those files in either OS, rather then constantly duplicating the information or being able to access them from only one OS17:51
escotttruepurple, its best practice to create a partition in windows (drive letter) explicitly for sharing, and share only files in that folder17:51
truepurpleIts frankly too messy if they can't share the same saves and stuff17:51
truepurpleescott, then can I have linux not use /home at all, but use that instead?17:52
escottso on windows you would save files to d:\ and they would appear in ubuntu's /media/windows or some such17:52
escotttruepurple, i wouldn't recommend that because its too easy for the configuration of your desktop environment (favorite applications, button order, etc) to get messed up by windows17:53
truepurpleHow is that?17:53
escotttruepurple, they are different systems, and they don't understand what is important to each other17:54
Froqwhat files is he wanting to share?17:54
truepurpleSo if I tell say open office in windows to use the same folder as open office in ubuntu to save its files, they might mess each other up?17:55
truepurpleI mean the OS?17:55
truepurpleIf I told the programs to use the same save spots, ubunutu and win7 could get messed up?17:55
Froqtruepurple: why not use Wine & install Office, then have office installed on Windows too, then have ubuntu "auto" mount the windows drive with the data....17:56
FroqIf you are really worried, just partition the documents folder on its own share in windows.17:56
truepurpleBecause why emulate when you can run natively17:56
Froqtruepurple: as long as you plan to run OpenOffice on both machines?17:57
truepurpleAnd I don't think battle for wesnoth would run nearly as nice in a emulation mode17:57
truepurpleIts silly to use wine when I can run the same program natively17:57
truepurpleIf I told the programs to use the same save spots, ubunutu and win7 could get messed up?17:57
Froqtruepurple: it isn't that black & white bro.  the answer would be "maybe"17:58
escottFroq, he wanted to share his /home im more worried his desktop config will get destroyed by accident in windows17:59
escotttruepurple, the problem is this... windows has hidden folders, and so does ubuntu.17:59
escottbut they way they hide them is different17:59
Froqescott: that is why I mentioned not sharing his home.  make an independent partition for them to swap with17:59
Froqescott: yeah, if he does that, I agree, not a good idea.17:59
truepurpleBut the files I want to share wouldn't be hidden17:59
escottif you try to share your home then you will see stuff you shouldnt see17:59
escottand if you delete it then you will break things18:00
truepurpleAnd I don't care about hidden files, I unhide them most of the time anyway18:00
escottso you should create a partition for your shared files18:00
truepurpleGranted it can make finding the files you want harder18:00
Froqtruepurple: yea, just create a partition, not reason not too!18:00
escottunder windows it will be a drive, under linux it will map to a folder18:00
truepurpleSo again I ask, I can have ubuntu save files outside of /home?18:00
Froqescott: couldn't he create a symbolic link in his home folder to the partitioned drive in ubuntu?18:01
Froqtruepurple: yes you can.18:01
truepurpleSo why don't I want windows to use /home? Because of seeing hidden files only?18:02
truepurpleI mean for saving files and stuff18:03
truepurplesaves mostly18:03
escotttruepurple, and the filesystem support isn't as good18:03
truepurplewhich means what in practice?18:03
Froqtruepurple: it would be a pain in the ass18:04
truepurpleIn what way?18:04
escottthey don't know exactly how ntfs works, so they have to make some educated guesses, its possible linux could corrupt the ntfs partition18:04
truepurpleI could use ext3 or 4 you said18:04
escottbut windows cant use ext*18:04
truepurplewith drivers it can you said18:04
escottand the only thing both understand well is fat which is really old and lacks many features you need18:05
truepurpleSomeone else also told me that ext3 can be usuable under win7 with the right driver18:05
escotti would trust windows writing to ext3 less than linux writing to ntfs18:05
escottits just not done18:05
Froqtruepurple: go get the driver, and make it work bro.  Then write up a little "how to" on the wiki... we would all appreciate it!18:06
truepurpleSo if its a different directory, it would still be the same FS, so the problem would still remain the same18:06
Froqtruepurple: it wouldn't be nearly a big deal if the ntfs, or w/e drive was for read only purposes, such as sharing media, but when you start to make changes to the data on the drive, you can run into problems fast, that can result in corrupted files.18:07
escotttruepurple, i think i have a good understand of what exactly you want to accomplish18:07
escottand im happy to give you commands to accomplish that and explain what they mean18:07
escottbut i don't want to continue talking about things like this18:07
truepurpleFirst, what would you have me do?18:08
escottif you want to do something nonstandard you'll have to figure it out yourself18:08
truepurpleYou just said you could help me18:08
escottthe config that will work for you is the following: (1) a partition for /home, (2) an ntfs partition to share data between ubuntu and windows18:09
escottfigure out the sizes you need for those partitions, and make sure you have the diskspace18:09
truepurpleA 2tb HDD, space is not a problem18:09
escottexcellent so open gparted and create a new partition whatever size you need, formated as ntfs18:10
escottthis will be for sharing between ubuntu and windows18:10
truepurpleSo lets say I make a game save in wesnoth, or a save of a letter I am writing in open office, under linux or windows, Where would the file go? Then I could open the same file using the other?18:11
escottunder windows it will be something like d: you can figure that out once you next boot windows18:11
escottunder linux we can set the mountpoint18:11
escottput it wherever you want18:11
escottlet me know when you have finished creating the ntfs partition18:13
truepurpleescott I have other issues to resolve before I can do any of this18:14
truepurpleWhat do you mean "set the mount point"?18:15
escottill explain that when we get to that point18:15
escottor you can read man mount18:15
truepurpleI want to understand the solution, before I do it, it would be a real pain to start all this work only to get to the point where I find it is not what I want and have to undo it all18:16
escottive tried to explain it... but it didn't make sense to you. im hoping that by going through the process the way things work will make sense18:16
escottbut its hard to explain what an abstract concept like a mountpoint is, its much easier to just mount something and see how it works18:17
truepurpleif ubuntu saved files somewhere other then /home, what is the point of having /home then?18:17
escottwhich we can do in about 10 minutes18:17
truepurpleWell, I still need to download and burn a live CD buntu18:18
escotti thought you had an ubuntu system up and running18:18
truepurpleI do18:18
escotthow about i give you a 10 minute mountpoint tutorial18:18
truepurpleBut the way I did it was through unetbootin and netinstall18:18
escottso that you know how that works18:18
escottyou said you had an ext4 partition already made?18:19
truepurpleWell this one18:19
truepurpleMy only partition at the moment18:19
truepurplewith most of my HDD unpartitioned18:19
escottthats fine i just want an empty partition to show you how it works18:20
truepurpleWould this be easy to undo?18:20
escottdo you know what its device name is or partition number18:20
escottvery easy we wont do anything permanent18:20
truepurpleDo I need a live CD?18:20
escottyou need to be in your ubuntu system18:21
truepurpleI am18:21
escottdon't need a live cd i just need a command prompt18:21
truepurpleOk, so we can create a temporary partition from the unpartitioned space from within ubuntu?18:21
escotttruepurple, can you /query me to open up this channel for any other questions18:21
truepurpleI don't know what you mean by that18:22
escottjust /query escott in your irc client18:22
truepurpleNo effect18:22
escottare you getting my messages in the other window?18:23
truepurpleCan create a temporary partition from the unpartitioned space from within ubuntu?18:23
truepurpleoh yeah, I see, its a second window18:24
truepurpleHow is this different from a PM tab?18:24
escottits the same18:24
truepurpleThen why does it have the same channel name, list of people in the channel etc?18:25
truepurpleThey can not see our text, and we can not see theirs?18:25
escottim going to signoff in 10 minutes18:26
escottso if you want to learn how mount works lets cut the chit-chat18:26
truepurpleCan we create a temporary partition from the unpartitioned space from within ubuntu?18:27
escottyes any partition will do18:27
escottif you want to create a new one and delete it later thats fine18:27
truepurpleAnd we can create a partition with a active install of ubuntu? We don't need a live CD?18:28
escottyes run gparted18:28
truepurpleAlright, go ahead18:28
truepurpleSomething is funky with IRC, but if we are that short of time that you can't explain it to me, just go ahead with the instructions please18:30
escottso create a partition with gparted, make it ext4 (doesn't really matter), and take note what partition number it is and what device so its partition 5 on sda in other words /dev/sda5 in linux speak18:30
truepurpleHow do i activate gparted?18:30
escottare you running 10.10 or 11.0418:30
truepurpleI think it is more 11.0418:30
truepurplebut the display is more 10.1018:31
escottwell just open a terminal and type gksudo gparted18:31
truepurpledon't you mean sudo? I've had trouble with gksudo before18:31
escottok then sudo gparted thats fine too18:31
truepurple"command not found"18:32
escottthen sudo apt-get install gparted18:32
truepurpleWhile its installing, do you know anything about ATI drivers?18:32
escottnot really18:33
truepurpleOk it is set up18:34
escottand what partition number is it18:34
truepurpleI mean, gparted is up18:35
escottok sudo gparted then18:35
truepurpleyou mean under "partition"?18:35
escottwhen you create the partition it should say what partition number it is18:35
truepurpleYou mean under "partition"?18:36
truepurpleUnder "partition" it says "/dev/sda1" is that the name your looking for?18:36
truepurpleOK, 118:37
escottand once you have created this partition close gparted18:37
escottand open a terminal18:37
truepurpleWhat do you want me to create?18:38
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truepurplethats the number/name of my current partition18:38
escottcreate a partition. doesn't matter how big, make it ext4 for convenience18:38
escottprobably the smaller the better18:39
FroqSo guys, is it possible to run RAID software from a VM?  I want to run Ubuntu Server, however, I want to use unRAID for my raiding scheme on 3 specific drives.  Is that possible?18:53
Froqhey, does anyone know if you can perform software RAID from inside a VM?  even with normal RAID5, etc.  I just want to have redundancy for all my media, but everything else, I could careless.18:59
pleia2Froq: not really a beginner question :) but wouldn't this be something you'd want to handle on the host side rather than the VM side?19:02
pleia2anyway, I don't see why it would be a problem19:03
Froqpleia2: idk...  haha, I just know I want to have redundancy for my media, and then have another batch of redundancy for my smaller files.  Is it a bad idea to run to intiations of RAID @ once?19:03
Froqpleia2: therefore, I would suspect that certain raids would be better for larger files and certain raids better for smaller files19:03
Froqto - two*19:03
pleia2size of files doesn't really matter a whole lot, how much is being written does19:04
pleia2putting raid on top of raid is a bit silly, what you really want is a single raid with enough fault tolerance that you shouldn't feel the need19:04
Froqwell my major concern was that with something like maybe RAID5, using it for media would increase energy consumption because more drives would be spinning since raid5 woudl divide the files so small.19:04
Froqmedia = bluray rips19:05
pleia2I'm afraid I haven't seen the benchmarks that show this increases energy consumption19:05
Froqpleia2: o well sweet!  I was just htinking theoretically.19:06
pleia2ah, ok19:06
pleia2I'd look for benchmarks if you're that concerned about energy consumption, it's not something I've ever looked into because I've never been overly concerned about it19:07
pleia2theory doesn't always pan out in practice :) particularly with harddrives19:07
pleia2and is can depend on hardware, some controllers are harder on disks than others19:07
FroqWait... some controllers are harder than others... I would use software raid... how does that effect it19:13
pleia2Froq: a controller is just a name for whatever is connected to the disks :)19:14
=== EvilDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
pleia2so it could just be a straight sata controller19:14
Froqpleia2: ok.. so i am newbi-ish with hardware stuff.... I can build a computer and trouble shoot them to most degree, but please expand on that please19:14
Froqo got ya, are are sata controllers the same?!19:15
pleia2the same as what?19:15
Froqthe same on how "hard" they are19:15
pleia2there are lots of ways to connect disks to a motherboard, you can have a raid controller (which usually has a mode where it'll just pass your disks to the OS as just a bunch of disks (JBOD) which you can make into software raid), a SATA controller which just passes the disks along as JBOD, you could have a single SATA wire, but usually there aren't enough SATA connectors19:16
pleia2in theory plain sata controllers should just do as they are told by the OS, but some of them try to do clever things like check the health of disks on their own, which means they are poking at the disks more than other controls might19:18
Froqpleia2: so @ the moment on my computer, I have 4 hdd, 1 320gb plugged into sata port 1 & 2, 3 & 4 HDD = 500gb and are plugged into sata ports 2 3 and 419:18
pleia2ah nice, 4 ports on the motherboard19:18
Froqwith that set up... I would be best to set up software raid, correcT?19:18
Froqawesome, though wy did you state that "...you could have a single SATA wire, but usually there aren't enough SATA connectors"  ...  what are you meaning here, I have a single sata wire.19:19
pleia2so I'd set up software raid for the machine itself, and then depend upon that for your VMs (rather than setting up raid in the VM themselves)19:20
Froqpleia2: ok. however, can I limit which partitions of the disk perform the software raid, or will it just raid everything?19:20
pleia2some motherboards can't handle that many disks19:21
Froqpleia2: okay!  got ya, thanks for the explanation!  which program do you recommend I go with to set up my RAID?19:21
pleia2you can limit which partitions you add to the array19:21
pleia2I always use mdadm, the command line administration tool for raid19:22
pleia2but more often I'm using the alternate installer if I'm installing a new system and configuring raid19:22
Froqthe alternate installer?  not following sir.19:24
pleia2ubuntu has a regular installer and an alternate installer19:24
pleia2the alternate installer allows you do do more complicated things like raid and LVM19:24
pleia2(also, not a "sir" :))19:24
Froqpleia2: ma'am19:24
Froq:)  ?!19:25
Froqpleia2: wouldnt' it be to my benefit to have LVM along with RAID set up.19:25
FroqTherefore, I can add & remove disk more easily.19:25
pleia2I usually do that, but just because I like to be able to resize partitions in LVM19:26
Froqpleia2: yeah, I think I woudl appreciate that ability too19:26
pleia2presumably you'd want to add disks to the raid array itself, not LVM19:26
pleia2you could, but it gets complicated19:27
Froqo so I would always be better to add arrays, instead of expanding a current array?19:27
pleia2no, I mean it's better to expand a raid array than add a physical device to the lvm19:27
Froqo, i wouldn't even have considered it to end up having different effects.  Good to know.19:28
FroqWhere is my journal stored on the disk in ubuntu wiht ext4?19:28
Froqpleia2: so what do you do for a living?19:28
pleia2the journal itself is not really something you access, hard to describe "where" it is19:29
pleia2I'm a sysadmin19:29
Froqok, I was just reading wikipedia, and such, and it made mention that some journals are static, others are dynamic and some move around on the drive htemselves19:30
pleia2yeah, I'm not sure precisely what ext4 does19:30
Froqwhere you sysadmin @?19:33
pleia2Froq: a little tech services provider called linuxforce.net19:34
Froqo nice.  I am just a student @ a university in Des Moines, IA19:35
FroqI really appreciate all the help a ton!!19:35
FroqYah, I want to ccontrol my RAID via CLI.  no other way! :)  right on!19:35
pleia2Froq: sure thing, I need to run off for a bit, good luck :)19:38
Froqpleia2: thanks, peace19:39
truepurpleCan one install drivers when running off a livecd?20:05
truepurplefroq pleia220:08
Froqtruepurple: yes20:08
truepurpleAnd they will work just the same?20:08
truepurpleAs a actual install?20:08
Froqtruepurple: no20:08
truepurpleWhat is the difference in how they work then?20:09
truepurpleWith a driver install from a livecd and that of a install?20:09
Froqtruepurple: well you cannot make changes to the CD as you can the hdd.20:10
truepurpleI know that, but you just said I could install drivers, using space in RAM, right?20:11
Froqtruepurple: idk that ....20:12
truepurpleSomeone on who knows much about livecd's?20:13
easwartruepurple, not much, but reading past few mins of conversation, I MIGHT be able to help20:14
easwarwhat's the trouble?20:14
truepurpleI want to know if I can install a driver running off a livecd20:14
truepurpleI remember reading something about it using ram space20:15
truepurpleI need to be able to test if a driver will work right with X version before installing X version20:15
easwartruepurple, you can20:15
truepurpleWill the driver install and work exactly the same with a livecd as a actual ubuntu installation?20:16
easwartruepurple, yep, pretty sure it will20:16
truepurpleI'd like to get confirmation though since it sounds like you have some doubt, any ideas?20:17
easwartruepurple, the idea is that the LiveCD is built for you to test out your hardware before you install20:18
easwarbut I'm no expert on video20:18
easwartherefore the doubt20:18
easwarthe LiveCD should provide the same environment as an actual install20:18
easwarbut if you're worried about that, you might try a Ubuntu under Windows (Wubi) install20:19
truepurpleUm, I would be even less confident about that being the same, anyway I don't have windows installed at the moment20:19
easwartruepurple, ah20:19
Froqtruepurple: then why not just make the plunge, because @ the moment, do you have anything installed on the hardware?20:19
easwar+1 Froq20:20
truepurpleSort of froq20:20
truepurpleBut its not working right20:20
truepurpleDownloading and burning takes awhile20:20
truepurpleand uses up a DVDr20:20
easwartruepurple, a CD-R20:21
easwaror can try on a flash drive20:21
truepurpleI can't put livecd on a DVDr?20:21
Froqtruepurple: you could, however a CD-R wasted is much less tragic :)20:21
easwartruepurple, you can, but it would be one waste of a DVD-R20:21
easwartruepurple, you do know you can use a flash drive to install?20:22
truepurpleCan one put two versions of a CD live on one disk, like 10.10 and 11.04?20:22
easwardoubt it, never tried it20:22
Froqtruepurple: no idea20:23
Froqtruepurple: though if you got a flashdrive lying around, just use that bad boy!20:25
truepurpleWhy would a flashdrive be better?20:25
easwartruepurple, because you can reuse it?20:26
easwarfor data too?20:26
easwarafter you're done installing20:26
truepurpleWhat burning program would you recommend for ubuntu?20:28
Froqtruepurple: I KNOW!!!20:29
truepurpleI got to test my burner anyway, and I got a bunch of disks to use20:29
Froqtruepurple: tell me how you like it ... since I have never used it20:29
easwarFroq, lol20:30
Froqtruepurple: did you find it ?20:33
Sidewinder1+1 Brasero20:35
truepurpleNo, but haven't looked yet, with a name like that I doubt it would be hard to find20:35
Sidewinder1It's in the Repositories.20:35
Sidewinder1Use Synaptic.20:36
truepurpleSidewinder1: Repositories, that means its already downloaded?20:36
easwartruepurple, no20:37
easwarand you should find it in Applications>>Sound and Video20:37
easwarsince it comes pre-installed with Ubuntu20:37
Sidewinder1truepurple, Not necessarily20:37
truepurpleubuntu software center just as good a method?20:37
Sidewinder1truepurple, Open synaptic and you can tell...20:38
truepurpleah, what easware said was the biggest help20:38
truepurpleYes, it is preinstalled20:38
FroqDidn't know that!  nifty20:38
Sidewinder1truepurple, easwar's correct; if it's installed, that's where you'll find it.20:39
Sidewinder1Better to learn Synaptic20:39
easwar+1 on Sidewinder120:39
easwarSynaptic is the best GUI way to install stuff on Ubuntu20:40
Sidewinder1Synaptic is merely a front-end GUI for apt-get...20:40
Froqeaswar: how do you choose to actually install stuff though, with termianl or gui?20:40
truepurpleWhat program would you recommend for torrenting under ubuntu? Or does a torrent program come preinstalled too?20:40
truepurpleUbuntu software center was good for installing wesnoth, less confusing as to what you were downloading/installing20:41
easwartruepurple, Transmission comes installed20:41
Sidewinder1Froq: either way is fine; I prefer GUI; Synaptic is your friend.20:41
easwarbut I rather prefer Deluge/Vuze20:41
truepurpleHow are those better?20:41
Sidewinder1truepurple, I use vuze, also known as azureus20:42
truepurpleHow is it better then transmission?20:42
Froqtruepurple: transmission is awesome (my opinion.)20:42
truepurpleFroq: Tried that vuze program?20:42
Sidewinder1truepurple, It's not necessarily better; vuse gives more info while torenting20:43
Froqtruepurple: never, but I just like how light of an app transmission is and my exprience with Azureus on windows sucked20:43
Sidewinder1I have bith and used both20:43
truepurpleBut you've not tried it on ubuntu froq?20:43
Froqtruepurple:  no20:44
* easwar has tried all 320:44
easwarliked Vuze, using currently, lots of info and configurability20:44
Sidewinder1I've downloaded over 3 terabytes withy azureus...No problems.20:44
truepurpleOk, i want to download win7, but I need to be able to scan it for viruses, any antivirus you could recommend for this purpose? I also want a antivirus good for scanning windows if it ever goes corrupt, rather then dealing with some recovery disk20:45
easwarSidewinder1, +120:45
truepurpleLight is nice, but this computer is fast,20:45
Sidewinder1Is that the FBI knockin' on the door?...20:46
holsteindownload win7?20:46
holsteinyou cant do that20:46
truepurpleHey, stop pretending to be at my door!20:46
truepurpleIt is digitally possible holstein20:47
Sidewinder1Can't or shouldn't?20:47
* holstein shrugs20:47
holsteinask the vendor20:47
Sidewinder1Two vastly different things.. :-)20:47
truepurpleHey, the way MS treats DIY'rs and overcharges, I feel no guilt. Its not like I download new movies or games like many do20:47
truepurpleSo back to that antivirus20:48
truepurpleAny recommendations?20:48
Sidewinder1The penalties are the same.20:48
holsteindont DL win720:48
Froq**WAIT**  we can talk about pirating in here?20:48
holsteingo to the store20:48
holsteinand buy it20:48
easwarFroq, no, you can recommend software for torrenting20:48
holsteinyou wont need to scan the disc you buy from the store or the vendor20:48
Sidewinder1Anti-virus, try clamav; it is also in the repositories.20:48
holstein*in theory20:48
easwarwe cannot point people to sites to pirate stuff20:49
truepurpleOk fine, I am using it for scanning other win7 stuff, any recommendations?20:49
truepurpleI didnt ask to be pointed to pirate stuff...20:49
easwartruepurple, not saying you did20:49
Sidewinder1Froq: No, we can't.20:49
Froqeaswar: got ya!  so I can mention the possibility of it, however can not say where ot find it.20:49
holsteinAVG has a linux version20:49
easwarjust clarifying for Froq20:49
holsteinand a bootable CD image20:49
holsteinAVG lets you download that one too though20:49
holsteinnot sure how you'll scan that ;)20:50
truepurpleWould you recommend AVG over clamav?20:50
Sidewinder1truepurple, clamav for anti-virus; in the repos.20:50
holsteineither one20:50
easwarFroq, Like holstein said, don't DL pirated stuff, go to the store, and buy it20:51
truepurpleYou like it better then AVG sidewinder1? Do you have experience/knowledge of AVG too?20:51
Froqeaswar: yeah, I love buying stuff, why else do I have a job!20:51
truepurpleeaswar: I already answered that, and your not going to change my mind20:51
Sidewinder1I do not use ANY anti-virus, but those are the two I would suggest.20:51
holsteinstealing software20:52
holsteini used to do it though20:52
easwartruepurple, I'm not trying to :)20:52
Sidewinder1So, it was OH, then...?20:52
truepurpleSidewinder1: If you've never used them, what cause do you have recommend them?20:53
truepurple*to recommend them20:53
Sidewinder1Because I read...20:53
easwartruepurple, mostly other people's recommendations :)20:53
Sidewinder1And research...20:53
easwarthat's how we recommend stuff we haven't used20:53
truepurpleregarding downloading windows, those willing to pay the overpriced and unfair MS computer tax are free to do so.20:54
easwarwe read, research, and provide community knowledge w/o necessarily having first hand experience20:54
holsteintruepurple: ?20:54
Sidewinder1Just 'cause I don't use something doesn't mean I know nothing about it. :-)20:54
holsteinits not tax20:54
truepurpleholstein: It sort of is20:54
holsteinits what the product costs20:54
holsteinits not20:54
holsteinits the cost of the product20:54
holsteinand you're stealing it20:54
holsteinif you're ok with that20:54
truepurpleholstein: No, its what they charge for it20:54
holsteinthen whatever...20:55
holsteinbut dont tell me its OK becuase its tax20:55
holsteinyou're stealing it.20:55
easwarwhich you're supposed to pay too, BTW20:55
easwar*even if it is tax20:55
Sidewinder1Oh, poop; ain't 'gonna go there.20:55
truepurpleNow if you could convince the majority of PC programmers to also program for linux, I wouldn't even need windows, and it would be the same to them20:55
* Laggg is away: He's watering some kush20:56
holsteinyou dont *need* windows20:56
holsteinbut, if youd like to use it20:56
easwarI know it is unlikely20:56
holsteinyou should follw the guidelines20:56
Sidewinder1Froq: And we won't even mention thepiratebay...:-)20:56
truepurpleLinux has not perfected windows emulation...20:56
easwarbut does anyone know anything about Maverick on ARM?20:57
easwarspecifically OMAP3?20:57
truepurpleI know of that site btw, and a better one, not used em yet though20:57
holsteintruepurple: why should it perfect windows emulation?20:57
holsteini hope it doesnt personally20:57
truepurpleSo I can play my games20:57
easwarweren't we changing the subject?20:57
holsteini like that it has its own identiy20:57
truepurpleThe games I bought and paid for!20:57
holsteintruepurple: there are linux games though20:57
holsteinmore and more now20:58
Froqtruepurple: wait... isn't that just game tax!20:58
holsteinyou got what you paid for20:58
truepurpleYeah, but not for every window game out there, and I already have these games20:58
truepurpleFroq:  Failed comparson20:58
holsteinso you probably need to dual boot then20:58
Sidewinder1Side puts the channel on stand-by while he rolls another cigarette...:-)20:58
holsteinand thats fine*20:58
truepurpleYour comparing apples to peanuts20:58
Froqtruepurple: so where are you @ in the your process of using ubuntu from the CD... you liking it?20:59
truepurpleholstein: That is what i plan to do20:59
holsteinbut, you're stealing windows20:59
holsteinif everyone stole it20:59
truepurpleIts the same cost and profit to them as if I just used ubuntu20:59
holsteinor more people did20:59
holsteinthe cost would be crazy high20:59
holsteinfor those who do want to purchase it21:00
Sidewinder1Who in the world would waste their time with winbloze? Stolen or otherwise...21:00
holsteintruepurple: like you said, you cant convince me21:00
truepurpleIf every DIYr out there who MS gave the middle finger didn't pay for windows, they would still have plenty of profit21:00
holsteinyou're stealing it21:00
easwartruepurple, yes, but you're still promoting Windows, and becoming part of the market for Windows programs, which makes our effort to convince the majority of PC programmers to also program for Linux21:00
easwardifficult*, see?21:00
truepurpleHey, if MS was fair to DIY, I would be fair to MS21:01
holsteintruepurple: whats not fair?21:01
holsteinthey sell a product21:01
truepurpleDIY technically have to pay for full retail price of their installs, which is many times what PC manufactures have to pay for the same license21:02
holsteinwhat are you talking about?21:02
holsteinif you start a buisness21:02
holsteinmaking laptops21:02
holsteinor desktops21:02
holsteinyou can get a bulk deal as well21:02
truepurpleThere is a OEM version, but its not recognized as legit by MS, even though they know PC companies sell them21:03
holsteinbulk OEM licences21:03
holsteintruepurple: the have legit MS serials21:03
holsteinthose are legit21:03
truepurpleNot according to what I have read21:03
Sidewinder1Oh, now let's start a debate on intellectual property,,,This should be.... Nah, nevermind.21:03
holsteintruepurple: well, doulbe check what you heard21:03
holsteinthose are legal installs21:04
truepurpleMS has text that says those are ONLY for computers meant to be sold, not for personal use21:04
holsteintruepurple: yeah21:04
holsteinthe vendors can customize te packags a bit21:04
holsteinput the drivers in21:04
truepurpleSo if I buy it for my own computer, its not legal in MS's eyes21:04
holsteinfor the specific devcie21:04
holsteinmaybe wallpaper21:04
truepurpleAnd it comes with zero support to boot21:04
holsteinits still a legit MS install21:04
holsteintruepurple: thats the MS model21:04
holsteinit does come with support*21:04
holsteinthats not part of the cost21:05
truepurpleAnd even the oem is very expensive21:05
Sidewinder1Why don't you guys agree to disagree?21:05
easwar+1 Sidewinder121:05
holsteinim not disagreeing21:05
holsteinim right21:05
holsteinthis is way OT though21:05
Sidewinder1With all due respect, of course.21:05
truepurpleRight or wrong, its disagreeing Mrs semantics21:05
holsteintruepurple: if you would like to continue somehwere else, let me know21:05
truepurpleNaw, you let me know your wrong PoV, I explained my sound reasons, you ignored those reasons, conversations already seen its not so good best minutes21:06
Sidewinder1"im right' I can't believe that you typed that!!! No one has anything else to say...21:06
truepurplePlus yeah, where is a conversation suppose to go from there...21:07
ubot2#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:08
ubot2The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:08
truepurplethanks, but we are done21:08
holsteinwe have #ubuntu-beginners-team as well21:08
holsteinfor OT21:08
easwarrather not21:08
holsteini just got caught up in the 'how do i scan my illegal download for viruses with ubuntu' question21:09
easwarholstein, did you want to type that in -team?21:10
truepurpleThe question was more, what is a good antivirus to run on ubuntu for windows viruses21:10
Sidewinder1AVG or clamav21:10
easwartruepurple, which was answered with ClamAV and AVG21:10
truepurpleI know, I was just correcting holstein21:10
truepurpleDo both of those allow folder/file specific scanning?21:11
easwarno idea21:11
truepurpleI have run across one or two antiviruses that required one to scan whole directories or even partitions21:11
easwarSidewinder1, truepurple is talking about ClamAV and AVG now21:11
Sidewinder1Suits me..21:12
truepurpleAnd for those, I can just type those names into ubuntu software center for download?21:12
easwartruepurple, yes21:13
easwartruepurple, at least for ClamAV, you can21:13
easwaryeah, Synaptic, no idea about software center21:13
truepurpleapparently not avg, how would I get that?21:14
truepurpleAlso, reviews of clamav says it doesn't even check for linux problems21:14
easwarGoogle search and download from AVG's site?21:14
easwarjust a guess21:14
Sidewinder1System-->Administration--> Synaptic21:14
easwartruepurple, doesn't need to check for Linux viruses21:15
truepurpleWell your not saying linux is utterly immune to viruses, are you?21:15
easwartruepurple, I apparently am21:16
truepurpleI see, well there is also this other review "The interface is very simple and compact. Viruses can be scanned, but it lacks the automatic cleaning capabilities that most other antivirus programs have. Most useful on dual-boot machines for scanning your non-Linux partition(s) or checking that USB drives are clean. May sometimes take a very long time to perform scans on lots of files, especially recursive scans."21:16
Sidewinder1truepurple, Please read this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081221:16
truepurpleThe lack of automatic cleaning capabilities is especially worrysome, I have dealt with that before, having to stick around to click some pop up21:17
holsteinits very unlikely21:17
holsteinits a matter of user accounts too21:17
holsteinwith windows21:17
holsteinyou are always running as administrator21:18
holsteinwhich is different than the typical linux setup21:18
holsteinthat help a lot avoiding issues21:18
truepurpleback to liveCD and drivers, drivers often need you to reboot to finalized them, but with liveCD, the driver will be gone if you do that21:22
holsteintruepurple: you wont be able to do what you need to do21:22
holsteinthe graphics drivers*21:22
holsteinusually, you can sneak a wifi driver in21:22
holsteinand test that21:22
holsteinmaybe some graphics drivers if a reboot is not required21:23
holsteintruepurple: like i suggested before21:23
holsteini would probably do a small partition21:23
holsteinand have an install to kinda fiddle with21:23
holsteinand break21:23
escotttruepurple, if you really want to go down that route you would have to mount the iso image on a loopback, and then unsquash the squashfs and customize it and then put everything back21:23
holsteinone that doesnt install grub*21:23
holsteinescott: true21:24
holsteinyou could roll up your own21:24
truepurpleescott: Didn't understand that, sorry21:24
holsteinyou could cherry pick some of those words21:24
holsteinthat escott used21:25
holsteinand google them21:25
holsteinlike squashfs21:25
truepurpleCould I dual boot ubuntu with ubuntu then?21:25
holsteinwhen i google 'ubuntu wiki squashfs'21:25
holsteinone of the first things to come up is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization21:25
Sidewinder1You guys/gals have a nice evening.21:26
holsteintruepurple: with ubuntu/linux, the answer is always yes21:26
holsteinSidewinder1: laterx :)21:26
easwargood evening Sidewinder121:26
FroqSidewinder1: night21:26
truepurpleCould I install ubuntu on one partition, from ubuntu on another partition?21:27
Froqtruepurple:  good question!!!  I know you can with OsX... but can you with ubuntu guys?21:27
holsteintruepurple: what im suggesting is a dual boot scenario21:29
holsteinwith a small 'test' partition21:29
holsteinthat you can blow out easy21:29
holstein*however you want to do that21:29
escotttruepurple, debian provides a bootstrap which you could install in a chroot, not sure if you can leverage up from debian to ubuntu though21:29
truepurpleholstein: That is what I am talking about too, could I install ubuntu onto a different partition on ubuntu, so I could dual boot and boot the second partition/ubuntu to test it21:30
Froqhey guys, I gotta get out of here, stuff to complete.  peace21:31
holsteintruepurple: i want to say yes21:31
holsteinFroq: laterx21:31
holsteintruepurple: im just not clear about what you are saying21:31
holsteininstall ubuntu onto a different partition on ubuntu?21:31
holsteinthats what i dont understand21:32
holsteinim suggesting21:32
truepurpleA separate and unique ubuntu installation21:32
holsteinIF you have ubuntu installed21:32
holsteinyou shrink that doen21:32
holsteinand install beside it21:32
holsteinon the same hard drive21:32
holsteinnot really 'on ubuntu'21:32
easwarholstein, yes, and do it from the installed Ubuntu21:32
easwarthat is what truepurple is talking about21:32
holsteineaswar: OH, like wubi?21:32
holsteini see21:32
easwarholstein, not like Wubi21:33
truepurpleSo ok I am running ubuntu right now, on drive 1. I want to install a fresh new ubuntu on drive 2, another partition on the same drive21:33
truepurpleSo I am dual booted with two ubuntus, the second one just being a test21:33
holsteintruepurple: yeah, and i was imagining that happening from a live CD21:33
truepurpleBut instead of a live CD, from this first ubuntu21:34
truepurpleSo I can just download ubuntu and do the installation here, instead of making a CD21:34
holsteinthats what easwar is talking about i think21:34
truepurpleSo that is possible?21:34
holsteini had in mind using an installation disc21:34
holsteinthats the way i would do it*21:35
easwarholstein, yes, that is what truepurple wants to do21:35
easwartruepurple, I haven't tried it, so I can't say21:35
easwarhaven't read anything about it either21:35
holsteinyeah, it works so well from an install disc21:35
holsteinno reason to do it from the install21:35
holstein+ the hard drive is probably mounted21:36
holsteinunless you have 221:36
truepurpleWell I am not sure which version i would use, if either, I could end up wasting one disk, or both, plus the time required to burn21:36
holsteini was envisioning using the disc you already have21:36
truepurpleI dont have one21:36
holsteintruepurple: how did you install?21:36
truepurpleI installed this with unetbootin netinstall21:37
holsteinso, you *should* be able to do that again21:37
truepurpleWhich basically is a compact program that downloads as it goes21:37
holsteinif you want21:37
truepurpleThen i have to redownload it several times21:37
holsteinits up to you21:37
truepurpleAnd that unetbootin was before 11.04, so id have to redo it maybe21:37
truepurpleCan unetbootin download a version that came out after it?21:38
easwarGoogle suggests putting the kernel and initrd in /boot and editing the commandline in Grub to boot those21:38
truepurpleNo idea what your saying there21:38
holsteinim sure you'll sort it out truepurple21:39
* holstein gotta run...21:39
easwarit is kinda time consuming to explain21:39
easwartruepurple, is this your first Linux install?21:40
truepurpleBeen fearing linux complexity for some time21:40
truepurpleBut necessity made me take the plunge21:40
MrChrisDruiftruepurple: unetbootin can't download a release which isn't in his list. However you can install a ISO manually :)21:40
MrChrisDruifNecessity? =-O21:41
truepurpleId rather not get into that21:41
easwartruepurple, I would suggest you do the installing Ubuntu from Ubuntu beside itself after you've gained some experience with the standard way for doing dualboots21:41
easwarMrChrisDruif, it's his first Linux install21:41
truepurpleMrChrisDruif: Do you know if it is possible to install ubuntu while your operating OS is ubuntu?21:42
easwartruepurple, use a flash drive, install the two Ubuntu's as a dual boot21:42
truepurpleonto a separate partition of course21:42
easwarfrom the Live flash drive21:42
easwartruepurple, it is possible21:42
truepurpleBut its more difficult somehow?21:42
easwartruepurple, yes21:42
MrChrisDruifWoow, I've heard before it's possible to install Arch while running _a_ Linux distro. Never heard about Ubuntu thou.21:43
easwarmore difficult than doing it via flash drive21:43
easwaror CD21:43
MrChrisDruifThat is indeed the case21:43
easwarMrChrisDruif, there is a thread that is not complete, but seems you move vmlinuz and initrd into the boot directory for your current Linux install21:44
truepurpleeaswar: but possibly quicker, flash drives are slow too. What complexity might I encounter?21:44
MrChrisDruifI've not managed it so far...not really attempted tbh21:44
easwarMrChrisDruif, and then edit the boot line in Grub to boot the new kernel and initrd21:44
easwartruepurple, I guess the entire install should take about half an hour21:44
easwarand it is practically a 6 step press Next process if you're not doing anything special21:45
easwarsince you don't have Windows, you don't need to dual boot21:45
truepurpleI mean getting it onto the flash takes some time, its a cheap one21:46
easwarbut you might want to set aside a partition for your experiment of installing Ubuntu from Ubuntu later21:46
truepurpleWhat complexity might I encounter?21:46
easwartruepurple, um, none?21:46
truepurpleFrom installing ubuntu from ubuntu, what complexity might I encounter?21:46
truepurpleYou said I shouldn't do it because it is more complex21:47
easwartruepurple, assuming you're talking about the host Ubuntu being installed on your HDD21:47
truepurpleI don't know if that is what I mean or not21:47
easwartruepurple, your host Ubuntu can be a liveCD, a live flash drive or a Ubuntu installed on your HDD21:48
easwarwhich one are you talking about?21:48
truepurpleI mean running a ubuntu installation program, not as a start up but while ubuntu is my OS21:48
truepurpleNot using my current ubuntu as the installation program, but a separate ubuntu download21:49
easwartruepurple, I said that is more complex than running a ubuntu installation program from a booted CD/flash drive21:49
truepurpleAnd I asked, what complexity might I encounter?21:49
easwartruepurple, that would depend on your previous experience with Linux21:50
easwaror uni21:50
truepurplecomplexity is complexity, what issues might arise that someone new to linux might not be able to handle?21:50
easwartruepurple, well, you could land up with a an unbootable machine21:51
easwarand have to resort to a LiveCD to clean up21:51
truepurpleHow could that happen?21:51
truepurpleYou'd be installing onto a different partition with a separate installer, how could that corrupt your current OS?21:52
easwartruepurple, there wouldn't be an installer21:52
easwaryou would do it by hand, manually21:52
truepurpleId download a ubuntu installer21:52
truepurpleThat is what I was describing21:52
easwartruepurple, there currently exists no automated way to do what you're trying to21:53
truepurpleYou mean id have to set up tables and copy files all by individual commands?21:53
easwartruepurple, I don't know what you mean by set up tables, but yes, you would have to copy individual files across21:54
truepurpleOk, you know that program you download to install off a CD? Why can't I use that program but install off my HDD?21:56
easwartruepurple, are you talking about unetbootin?21:56
easwaror ubiquity?21:57
truepurpleI am talking about this http://www.ubuntu.com/download21:57
easwarit'd need redirecting the installer to an ISO copy on the HDD21:58
truepurpleEither the first or the second download option, downloading it onto my HDD, then running that from my HDD21:58
truepurpleCould that work then?21:58
easwartruepurple, it could, no guarantees, but I don't know how to do the redirection21:59
easwaror even if it is possible21:59
easwartruepurple, best of luck with that22:05
* easwar leaves22:05
truepurpleeaswar: You know anything about ATI drivers?22:05
easwartruepurple, nope22:06
truepurpleok thanks22:06
easwaryou're welcome22:06
Ambrose83I am currently having a problem installing the driver for my printer22:08
Ambrose83Is there anyone who could help me out.22:08
johnny77I'm having major issues with 11.04. If I log into Ubuntu, I get only a background, no panels. If I log into Ubuntu Classic, it appears that a Window Manager is not loaded. Any ideas?22:08
Ambrose83I am unable to find the correct driver so that I can setup my lexmark x4690 printer.  Where can I find this driver and install it?22:24
escottAmbrose83, have you checked the cups website22:24
Ambrose83No I haven't22:24
Ambrose83What is the address22:25
escottcups.org i think22:25
Ambrose83I had previously downloaded the driver from the lexmark website when I run this application it prompts me for the root user's password.  When I type in the password it informs me that it is invalid.22:29
Ambrose83I suspect that the one user account I setup has a different password from the root user?  Since I only set one password I am not sure how to access this.22:30
FroqAmbrose83: the account you set up when installing ubuntu has root access.22:32
Ambrose83i keep getting denied access22:32
escottAmbrose83, ubuntu doesn't have a root user password22:32
escottAmbrose83, try and run the installer as sudo lexmark_installer.sh22:33
escottif that doesn't work you can enable a root user password, but it is discouraged22:33
Ambrose83when you say "lexmark_installer.sh" does this mean I need to provide the full path where the file is located?22:37
escottAmbrose83, it would be the full path, i don't know what their installer is though22:40
Ambrose83That solved the problem.  The printer is up and running thanks for your help.22:44
Froqso i am so excited, I am going to get an i5 unlocked, 4GB of RAM machine this summer!!!  O YEAH!  SMILING BIG23:01
Froqwhy i need it... IDK23:01
Ambrose83What does the cat command do?23:41
MrChrisDruifman cat23:42
coalwaterPaste a file into terminal23:43
escottAmbrose83, concatenate (meant for multiple files cat file1 file2 file3 > combined)23:43
johnny77Does anyone know why unity would not load in 11.04? I upgraded, but only get a background when I log into Ubuntu.23:44
coalwaterHmm i thought it was only good as a fast view contents lol23:45
MrChrisDruifjohnny77: Sorry, I can't help23:45
johnny77MrChrisDruif: thanks for responding... I've just been really frustrated with unity. Very close to doing a clean install of 10.04.23:45
coalwaterprobably unity is failing to load, you should try typing unity as a command on terminal23:46
johnny77coalwater: how would I open the terminal? All I have is a background. Not even alt+f2 works.23:46
MrChrisDruifjohnny77: I saw your question pop up multiple times and saw nobody answer. It's only fair to say I don't know :) Btw, I've switched to Elementary OS, so don't worry about it :)23:47
johnny77MrChrisDruif: what is Elementary OS like? If I'm going to do a clean install...23:48
MrChrisDruifjohnny77: http://elementaryos.org/23:48
johnny77MrChrisDruif: thanks.23:49
MrChrisDruifYour welcome, it's based on Ubuntu 10.1023:49
wdblHi all. In 10.04 I can't stop the password prompt when I interrupt the screensaver or when I resume from suspend or hibernate. I have searched a number of times, but all of the instructions that I find do not work completely. I started over with a clean install in order to try again and I haven't touched gconf-editor yet.23:51
MrChrisDruifwdbl: I don't think it's possible what you want. You can turn of the locking screen when the screensaver starts23:53
johnny77MrChrisDruif: does Elementary OS use the same repos as Ubuntu?23:53
MrChrisDruifjohnny77: At least the same as Ubuntu 10.1023:54
wdblMrChrisDruif: how do you know?23:54
MrChrisDruifwdbl: About the screenlocking or the repos? :P23:54
MrChrisDruifWell, you can turn it on/off in Screensaver settings23:55
MrChrisDruifSystem > Preferences > Screensaver23:55
wdblok that's done and that works23:55
MrChrisDruifBut on Resume/Hibernate you'll probably have to enter your password23:55
wdblnow, I read about people doing that with gconf-editor, but I haven't been able to get it to work. I see _settings_ there that look like they are for doing what I want23:56
wdblbut maybe Ubuntu doesn't use them?23:56
wdblI probably screwed something up the first time because I ran sudo gconf-editor instead of gconf-editor. I'm going to try it out and see23:59
escottwdbl, yes that would not be a root thing23:59

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