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MTecknologywe can almost have a penguin release :D00:48
MTecknologythat just flew into my mind00:48
MTecknologyperfect penguin ?00:48
arand_MTecknology: I'd rather guess at "precocious pygoscelis" or so ;)00:53
MTecknologyarand_: from the name of this one - it wouldn't surprise me; but i'm hoping for something a little more off the wall this time :P00:54
MTecknologyproud penguin would be nice00:54
arand_MTecknology: Actually, it being unusual words is I'd say a good thing, "natty" makes a better codename than "proud", since it isn't really used in any other context. Oneiric is bad since it's spelly, and 3-4 syllables, though (I think..)00:58
* penguin42 notes a penguin release would be excellent00:59
evfoolIf I have two separate bzr branches of a project in separate directories, how can I merge them?02:27
MTecknologyevfool: do they share a common ancestor?02:34
evfoolMTecknology: branched a project, made some commits, but there were more commits in the project trunk since, and I'd like to update my branch for the latest trunk02:35
MTecknologyevfool: 'bzr merge' should work02:37
evfoolbzr merge where? in my branch dir, something like local-branch$ bzr merge lp:project?02:38
MTecknologyevfool: example.. bzr branch lp:branch1; cd branch1; bzr merge branch202:39
evfoolthanks MTecknology02:40
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Gummm is it me, or is oneiric basically uninstallable when it comes to any SSL related voodoo? seems the current ca-certificates package requires openssl >=1.0.0 but openssl is still 0.9.8...07:09
broderG: oneiric just opened a couple of days ago. it may take some time for the dust to settle07:11
micahgG: ca-certs was sync'd, openssl needs a merge07:11
Gyeah, looks like ca-certificates got synced yeah07:12
Gmicahg: yeah, just realised that after some digging07:12
Gwas hoping to test a merge I was going to propose07:13
micahgG: pull the ca-certs from natty07:14
broderanybody around know about the armel ftbfs from apt? can i assume that someone will retry all of the failed builds once it gets taken care of?07:15
Gmicahg: yep, just trying to remember how to do it with pbuilder, it's been a while07:16
ohsixapport is pretty patronising post release07:17
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cjwatsonbroder: yes, you can assume that08:55
cjwatsonG: I would be astonished if oneiric were installable right now08:55
cjwatsonI have an openssl merge in progress, but it's non-trivial08:55
Gcjwatson: yeah, I was just making sure that I wasn't going crazy08:56
cdbscjwatson: ping09:20
cdbscjwatson: Oneiric is installable09:20
* cdbs is using it09:20
cdbscjwatson: moreover, did an autosync just take place?09:20
cjwatsoncdbs: don't ping me about oneiric being uninstallable a couple of days into the cycle.  it's practically uninstallable *by design* at this point. :-)09:21
cjwatsoncdbs: I'm doing more or less daily autosyncs at the moment, and yes I just did one.09:21
cdbsmakes sense09:22
cdbscjwatson: I didn't ping about it being *not* installable, I was just answering your line: < cjwatson> G: I would be astonished if oneiric were installable right now09:22
cjwatsonoh, you said installable09:22
cjwatsoncdbs: why ping me then?09:22
cdbscjwatson: ignoring the autosync, I was just notifying and correcting you, since G had probably asked you earlier :)09:23
cdbsokay, then, never mind09:23
cjwatsonanyway, I'm sure parts of it are installable and parts not.  we have an automatic report for such things.  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/oneiric_probs.html09:23
cjwatson    armel:74309:23
cjwatson    amd64:67209:23
cjwatson    i386:67809:23
cjwatson(uninstallable counts in main by architecture)09:23
cdbsI dunno after the autosync, before it oneiric was perfect09:23
cdbsokay, /me g2g09:23
cjwatsonI stand by my previous comment. :-)09:23
cjwatsonbefore the autosync, oneiric was mostly natty :-)09:24
cjwatsonso of course it would be generally installable09:24
jsimmonsIt looks like there's a bug in the libglew-1.5-dev package in 11.04, to the point you can't even compile code using it.09:36
jsimmonsI don't know how it could have possibly been missed but anyway.09:37
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lfaraonekenvandine: In natty, I'm not seeing that bug 621953 has been fixed; scrolling via the keyboard still doesn't work.12:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621953 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Can't scroll feed using keyboard" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62195312:01
echo6I'm trying to compile splashutils from source on Narwal, /usr/lib/klibc/include/linux/posix_types.h:47:29 fata error: asm/posix_types.h: No such file or directory12:06
echo6Not sure if this is a bug in libklibc-dev or other? and whether I should report it as such on launchpad12:06
lfaraonelet me see, echo6.12:09
lfaraoneecho6: that's not an Ubuntu package, is it?12:10
echo6splashutils isn't, but libklibc-dev is12:11
LaibschI have a weird pbuilder problem that I hope you can help me with.  I want to recompile the latest grub2 for lucid.  I get an error "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libdevmapper-dev (>= 2:1.02.34) libfuse-dev mtools", yet these should be available as logging in to pbuilder shows: http://paste.debian.net/115542/12:40
geserLaibsch: have you tried to install those packages (in your pbuilder)?12:44
AndreaAzzaronehi, someone can help me?13:00
AndreaAzzaroneregards libglade and gtk13:01
Laibschgeser: you mean to include those packages in base.tgz?  Good idea, I actually hadn't though about that.  Hopefully that will get me to build the package.  I still wonder why the installation from inside the pbuilder run itself doesn't seem to work.13:10
LaibschAndreaAzzarone: Ask your question and you will see if somebody can help you.  libglade and gtk sounds like you want to ask in #ubuntu-app-devel, though13:11
geserLaibsch: I meant to try installing it to check if they're installable or not13:13
AndreaAzzaroneLaibsch, thanks! I already solved my problem ;)13:17
Laibschgeser: yes, the packages are installable: http://paste.debian.net/115629/ (from inside the pbuilder)13:27
geserhmm, then I wonder why you got the error13:27
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Laibschgeser: hehe, yes, me too.  I really don't understand that one.14:36
LaibschI'm now including the packages in base.tgz temporarily. Build the package and then purge them again.14:36
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dupondjedev's are taking a nap ? :16:19
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echo6It would appear Narwal linux-libc-dev: 2.6.38-8.42 is missing /usr/include/asm/ directory18:40
ogra_should be in asm-generic18:44
micahgecho6: now in the multiarch path18:44
echo6yes, i had to create a symlink to ./i386-linux-gnu/asm18:45
Ampelbeinecho6: that defeats the purpose of multiarch, doesn't it?18:46
micahgecho6: you shouldn't need to create the symlink18:46
echo6it was the only way I could compile something from source18:46
micahgecho6: the package is broke then, each arch has the proper path18:47
Ampelbeinthe application should be fixed then18:47
echo6thanks, at least I can contact the author18:47
echo6hmm, the error was generated from /usr/lib/klibc/linux/posix_types.h:47:2918:49
echo6it expects to find asm/posix_types.h18:52
Ampelbeinecho6: what error? If the application uses the correct -I parameter, there should be no problem.18:52
echo6Ampelbein: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rootskel/+bug/76590318:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 765903 in rootskel (Ubuntu) "rootskel version 1.94ubuntu1 failed to build on i386" [High,New]18:53
Ampelbeinecho6: hmm, that should be fixed with newest klibc, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/klibc/1.5.20-1ubuntu619:03
echo6Ampelbein: That is the version I'm using and getting errors with19:08
echo6Ampelbein: Sorry, I see now there is a patch 1.5.20-1ubuntu61.5.20-1ubuntu619:09
ScottKslangasek: It looks like Bug 764096 may be a multiarch related issue.  Would you please have a look.19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764096 in postfix (Ubuntu) "DNS hostname lookups fail in chroot after natty upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76409619:21
cjohnstonIs something wrong with apport retrace?20:40
* arpan is away: Gone away for now21:38
lifelesscjohnston: why do you ask?22:05
calcanyone happen to know why the ubuntu desktop amd64 zsync file doesn't work?22:39
calcit downloads then won't proceed to download the iso itself22:39
arand_calc: Seems like all of the zsync isos fail for some reason..22:46
calcarand_: any idea who should be alerted to the issue?22:51
arand_calc: 'fraid no..23:08
cjwatsoncalc,arand_: you can file a bug on the ubuntu-cdimage project23:31

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