
Rocket2DMngonna go pick up my pizza, bbiab00:00
jbichamdke:  I filed bug 773105 re: using firefox's start page by epiphany & others00:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 773105 in ubuntu-website "start.ubuntu.com should redirect based on user's language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77310500:19
Captainkrtekhey guys02:16
CaptainkrtekIs there a way to set opacity of the top bar in Ubuntu Classic? cause if not, when you have a dark background you can't read the test of Applications, Places, etc.02:22
Captainkrtekany commiters around?03:26
Captainkrtekif so: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~steven.richards/+junk/gnome-help/revision/155303:29
jbichaCaptainkrtek: do you have bluetooth?03:47
Captainkrtekjbicha, yes04:58
Captainkrteklittle dongle04:59
Captainkrtekjbicha, ^05:16
Captainkrtekhey nhandler05:55
nhandlerHello Captainkrtek05:55
Captainkrtekhave a patch if you wish to apply it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~steven.richards/+junk/gnome-help/revision/155305:55
Captainkrtekjust reviewed a few pages05:55
nhandlerCaptainkrtek: I don't have commit access and I'm about to head to bed05:56
Captainkrtekoh okay05:56
Captainkrtekjust saw your mask saying ubuntu.member05:56
nhandlerYeah, I'm an Ubuntu Member, but not part of the core doc team05:58
Captainkrtekthought I was as well, no mask for me :P05:58
Captainkrtekhow do you get the ubuntu/member/nickname mask?07:46
tsimpson!member | Captainkrtek07:52
ubot2Captainkrtek: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership07:53
tsimpsonbecome an ubuntu member, and you get a hostmask cloak07:53
Captainkrtekahh cool07:58
Captainkrtekguess I'll have to wait 6 months :|08:00
MadpilotCaptainkrtek, if you just want to mask your IP in the meantime, Freenode will cloak you. #freenode and ask.08:00
Captainkrtekwell I already had an unaffiliated and now I have the donor one08:00
Captainkrtekso I'm good for now08:00
MadpilotCaptainkrtek, you're currently showing your IP, not a mask, fwiw. Not identified to services right now?08:01
Captainkrtekoh whoops08:01
Captainkrtekthought I had my ns ident in my xchat onconnect08:02
Captainkrtekoh still there...08:02
Captainkrtekyeah im cloaked now08:06
mdkemorning all09:58
j1mcI'm not sure what to do with this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/77457517:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 774575 in ubuntu-docs "package ubuntu-docs 11.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: パッケージが非常に矛盾した状態に陥りました。 削除を行う前にこのパッケージを再インストールすべきです。" [Undecided,New]17:15
Rocket2DMnis bug 651707 actually an ubuntu-docs one? Or does that belong to the installer package (debian-installer?)21:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 651707 in ubuntu-docs "brltty refers to http://access.ubuntu.com/braille but that doesn't exist" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65170721:08
mdkeRocket2DMn: no, I think that is invalid for ubuntu-docs21:29
mdkehey j1mc21:30
Rocket2DMnmdke, quick question about images.  I'm going through those in libs/img/.  There are some that are not mentioned in any of the /C/ directories but still have references in po files21:32
Rocket2DMnwhy would that be, and is it safe to remove the image?21:32
mdkeRocket2DMn: yes I guess it is safe, the English has probably moved on since the image was added. But I wouldn't bother working on that, as none of the files will be in Oneiric21:35
mdkeRocket2DMn: removing images that aren't used in the package isn't worth doing for an SRU either21:35
mdke(as it doesn't affect the binary package)21:35
Rocket2DMnmdke, i'm looking at bug 681679 - i was going to add them to the fix-urls.sh script and add the images that arne't even currently there21:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 681679 in ubuntu-docs "Incorrect image urls on help.ubuntu.com Applications page" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68167921:36
Rocket2DMnthe others i was going to update to use the correct image, some are outdated21:37
Rocket2DMni was just going to do it for all images that are being used21:37
mdkeRocket2DMn: cool, yes adding images and fixing links is definitely worth doing :)21:37
Rocket2DMnno string change is associated with any of that21:37
Rocket2DMnis it a problem if i remove the unused images?21:38
Rocket2DMni already have them marked21:38
mdkenope, wouldn't have thought so21:38
Rocket2DMnok i'll just go ahead and do it21:39
mdkedo you think that we should keep the revision history from gnome-user-docs in our oneiric ubuntu-docs branch?21:48
mdkepro: possible greater ease in merging from upstream master (perhaps unlikely to happen and may require manual work anyway)21:49
mdkecon: it's about 130,000KB download21:49
mdkeI think myself that it may well be appropriate to start afresh this time21:50
mdkewe can't take revision history from both ubuntu-docs and gnome-user-docs; gnome-user-docs is more relevant to the work we will do in oneiric but I think it's probably better to start without revision history given the size21:51
Rocket2DMnmdke, if we dont think we will ever need to reference the history, then dont take it if its a problem21:52
Rocket2DMnas long as we still have the history for the natty branch, we should be ok21:53
mdkeyeah, we would still have it there21:53
jbichabzr really needs a light checkout option, Ubuntu distributed development is cool because you can fix something easily22:07
jbichabut if you have to download a few hundred MB slowly first, it's not as cool22:08
jbichathe Desktop Team cheats and only has the debian/ directory in bzr which confuses newbies like me22:09
jbichabut I think I figured it out now22:09
Captainkrtekhey jbicha submitted some more diffs22:14
CaptainkrtekI have to go though, mountain biking :-)22:15
jbichaok, have fun!22:16
shaunmmdke: hey, you were talking about glossary terms the other day, yes?22:19
shaunmI have a back-of-the-brain idea for an extension, would allow us to do things like a quick definition popup on hover, click through for more details22:20
shaunmall aggregated in a very mallard-y way. actually kind of a mix between a glossary and an index22:20
shaunmhow interested would people be in this?22:21
shaunmum, put another way, I've got three extensions I'm working on: facets/tagging, conditional processing, and the glossary stuff22:22
shaunmtell me how you'd prefer I prioritize22:22
jbichawhich is more useful to users?22:24
mdkeshaunm: I think that sounds pretty cool - I think the glossary thing could be quite important myself22:30
mdkeshaunm: what's an extension?22:30
j1mcshaunm: facets/tagging. is that like providing keywords?22:43
Captainkrtekhow's it going everyone?23:37

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