
moylanhi, passed on to infoturtle that you were looking for him.01:09
=== VampiricPada is now known as VampiricPadraig
airurandohow are you moylan20:28
moylangetting by, yourself?20:29
airurandohope Friday wasn't too troublesome doe you after thursday.20:29
airurandoI'm grand20:29
airurandojust finished up my 3 day weekend.20:29
airurandoat work that is...20:30
moylandidn't go far on friday and have been taking it easy since.20:30
moylanat work over the weekend?  is that normal?20:30
airurandoshift pattern20:31
airurandowork fri sat sun every second weekend20:31
airurando12 hour shifts20:31
moylan12 hour shifts.  that can't be good.20:31
airurandothats why I needed to get away early on Thursday night.20:31
airurandoIts not too bad20:32
airurandoon the plus side this week I only work Wed and Thurs20:32
moylanso at least it has it's upside.20:33
airurandomoylan: did you read my mail re the June Geeknic20:33
moylani saw an email about the geeknic.  something about not clashing with togs weekend thingy.  i went to the first 2 geeknics but haven't been to one since.  mobility issues.20:34
moylanit did raise something that i think would be nice.  a central database/calendar of events in an area.20:40
airurandoI think opensourceireland was started for that purpose20:43
airurandoits a .org20:44
moylanperhaps but that is a very narrow interpretation of events.  the people you are also trying to attract are young, nerds and gamers.  so you'd need to see concerts/gaming events/cons that might conflict.20:44
moylanand thats only a small example.  there are many other events that might draw off potential interested parties.20:45
airurandogood point.  I'm thinking too narrowly.20:45
airurandobut then again if we look hard enough we'll never find a free weekend.20:46
moylanbut it would be easier to organise when you can balance the event against possible conflicts.  just as a gamer i go to sessions with other gamers and to quote the expression 'it's like herding cats.'20:48
airurandoI hear ya21:00
airurandoIts just knowing where to draw the line.21:01
airurandoand more importantly, what bloody events are on.21:01
moylanbut it would be nice if there were a central point/calendar of all events no matter how trivial.21:01
airurandothats why I sent the mail out.21:01
moylanwonder if there is some way to poke something like google calender to show such?21:09
airurandomoylan: It would take a far wiser man than me to figure that out.21:13
airurandoperhaps you?21:13
moylansame here.  i must learn learn web scraping or using an api to access such information but my concentration levels at the mo are low.21:14
airurandohi jpich21:15
airurandoheh first IRC contact.21:27
jpichIs it? naaah :O21:30

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