
locodir-userhey ppl - first time on irc 03:19
locodir-userlooking for ubuntu release party in canada - long gone now03:20
locodir-useri guess i will look elsewhere03:20
openiduser424darcy - johnJ here 03:27
openiduser424learning about ubuntu & irc03:27
openiduser424not sure why i am here as openiduser42403:28
openiduser424and i am probably in the wrongroom03:30
MagicFabhi all06:30
MagicFabI am helping kickstart the Haitian Ubuntu LoCo06:30
trinikronoMagicFab: very nice , is there a loco team there already?06:31
MagicFabczajkowski, popey as members of the council can you accept its membership to https://launchpad.net/~locoteams ?06:32
MagicFabtrinikrono, no, as I said I am helping :)06:32
trinikronoyea dont worry they will06:32
trinikronoonce you applied the team06:32
trinikronoi am across in trinidad and tobago06:32
MagicFabI have, that's why I am here.06:33
trinikronoi am starting a loco here also06:33
MagicFabtrinikrono, oh, how nice :)06:33
trinikronowe are almost neighbours06:33
MagicFabgood luck then :) I am here for a week only,but we have planned a few events: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaitianTeam06:34
trinikronoi was wondering how none of the other islands have no loco teams06:34
trinikronoi am guessing MagicFab that haiti is french speaking06:35
MagicFabtrinikrono, and Creole06:35
MagicFabtrinikrono, interesting question. Here no one has heard anything about any free software (except Firefox reigns :)06:36
trinikronoyes it is a common thing down here06:38
trinikronowe have a computer society that gives out ubuntu cd's though06:38
trinikronoso we get help06:38
MagicFabtrinikrono, do they have a website ? I'd be curious to see that.06:39
trinikronoMagicFab: this is it http://www.ttcsweb.org/06:40
trinikronofor software freedom they burnt copies of lucid and gave it out in a mall06:40
YoBoYMagicFab: if they need french cds we can provide them (low price for the other teams)06:42
YoBoYgood morning :)06:42
MagicFabYoBoY, can you email me ? Just a quick shout so I remember https://launchpad.net/~magicfab06:46
* MagicFab - dead, must sleep06:46
MagicFabYoBoY, tx for the offer06:46
YoBoY    No public address provided. :D06:46
YoBoYforced to use the lp form06:47
trinikronohows the frenchies going yoboy06:47
YoBoYfine thanks :)06:47
YoBoYand for your team ?06:48
trinikronowell i did a ubuntu hour today, and maybe a bit of a release party06:48
YoBoYgreat :) how many people ?06:51
trinikrono4 lol06:52
trinikronoi am getting better06:52
YoBoYyes :D06:52
YoBoYand don't be ashame, in Paris I've also done Ubuntu Hours with 5 people :D06:53
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trinikronomaybe :D20:21
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