
=== luciano_ is now known as virusuy
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
GWhere is the best place to dive in and help out with MOTU stuff at the moment?05:19
micahgG: at the beginning of the cycle, generally package merges, in this case though, fixing the stuff tagged ftbfs and (natty or oneiric) in universe would probably be best05:22
Gso bugs tagged ftbfs & on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/05:23
micahgG: those and these: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110413-natty.html05:25
Gmicahg: I'm guessing for the natty rebuild ones, it's just a case of verifying that they still ftbfs and if they still do, fixing it then?05:39
micahgG: yeah05:39
micahgG: they should all have bugs filed in launchpad, so just attach a patch or branch to the bug and follow the sponsorship procedure05:40
Gmicahg: i.e. subscribing ubuntu-sponsors ?05:41
micahgG: yeah05:42
Gmicahg: if a natty ftbfs package, also needs a merge for Oneiric, I take it that the merge isn't a solution for natty, and that a seperate fix fro natty would be needed?06:16
micahgG: right, but you can cherry pick the fix for natty and propose if you want06:17
micahgG: but the list I gave you doesn't apply to natty, it's only with gcc-4.6 which is the default in oneiric06:17
Gmicahg: oh, Matthias' rebuild is based on using gcc4.6?06:18
micahgG: yep06:18
micahgG: that rebuild is tagged oneiric in launchpad, the ones tagged natty, you can cherry pick a fix from Debian if it exists06:22
Gmicahg: oh I was confused, because like that link you gave me, zabbix was FTBFS on i386, and looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110413/+buildjob/2473125 everything seemed to pointto natty06:23
micahgG: it used natty since that was the latest suite available, but it had a special toolchain06:24
Gmicahg: ahhh okay, I get it now :)06:25
shijiehello,my codeblocks throws permission denied upon compilation.07:04
shijiecan anybody help me with that07:04
shijiewhen I install it in 10.10, this problem happens too. but I installed other plugins,it worked.07:05
shijie_hello,my codeblocks throws permission denied upon compilation.07:06
shijie_anybody there:-)07:07
oussamaHi, do i need to have the last version of ubuntu to contribute in ubuntu (packaging) currently i'm using ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx thanks08:47
sagacioussama, not necessarily. You can use pbuilder to create an ubuntu+1 environment. correct me if I'm wrong08:49
_rubenpbuilder and sbuilder are common tools for that, yes08:59
_rubenand it's not restricted to "ubuntu+1", it can be used to work with pretty much any version09:00
oussamawhat is "ubuntu+1"09:01
_rubenthe term to indicate the current development version: latest stable + 109:04
=== korn_ is now known as c_korn
Gokay, so for a merge proposal, branched the ubuntu bzr tree for the packaging, so if I understand correctly: Add note to bug, attach my branch to the bug, set In Progress, Unassigned, add ubuntu-sponsors to bug watchlist?11:53
Gerr link my branch, that includes the merge, I should say11:53
=== emma is now known as em
hakermaniaHello all :) I have my application to REVU for a review, but now with Natty, tray isn't working, what am I supposed to do?17:22
micahghakermania: fix the app, we'll review for oneiric, you can request backport to natty17:24
hakermaniaFix the app = Make it an indicator instead of tray?17:58
micahghakermania: well, if it's for GNOME specifically, it would either need to work for GNOME3 or Unity to get into oneiric, if it's a general purpose app, a tray is fine17:59
emwhy does python-pyopencl DEPEND on nvidia??18:10
azeemdoes somehting else implement the opencl API?18:11
emyes i have an amd radeon card18:13
azeemthat wasn't the question18:14
emi dont understand your question.18:17
emthere's something I need python-opencl for. I dont have an nvidia card.18:18
azeemthen maybe that something should depend on python-pyopencl?18:18
azeemif nvidia is the only thing shipping the opencl libraray on which pyopencl depends, it sounds ok to me18:19
azeemI don't see an amd implementation off-hand18:20
azeems/that something should depend/that something shouldn't depend/18:20
hakermaniamicahg: Where can I download oneiric for testing purposes? Or is it too early?18:38
micahghakermania: it's too early for it to be installable18:38
Ampelbeinhakermania: oneiric is to a big part uninstallable currently, see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/oneiric_probs.html18:39
hakermaniamicahg: When/Where the oneiric stable release for testing purposes will be announced?18:40
micahghakermania: oneiric won't be a stable release for 5.5 months :)18:40
hakermaniathen when are we supposed to find the time and fix the app?18:40
micahghakermania: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule18:41
micahghakermania: the alpha releases should at least be installable18:42
hakermaniaSo, we can start from 6.2.11. OK then, thanks a lot18:42
emazeem: I am trying to set up bitcoin mining. I have an amd card. For that I need the pyopencl. I was hoping that I could use the ubuntu repos but it depends on nvidia libs18:48
azeemem: so do you have an opencl implementation from AMD?18:53
emazeem: you mean the amdappsdk thing? Yeah18:55
azeemem: then you can try to create an equivs package of that nvidia thing19:04
emazeem: huh? what do you mean an equivs package?19:58
emazeem: are you a motu?19:58
azeemwhat does that have to do with anything?19:58
micahgem: if the package needs an implementation of opencl to work, it makes sense to depend on a package that provides it20:08
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