
BUGabundogreat reading fta00:11
BUGabundoyour blog posts00:12
ftaoh, thanks00:12
ftahm, unity is able to show the chromium downloads..00:16
ftanot sure how it happens00:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Firefox 4.0.1 10.04-10.10 http://is.gd/5Fyywu | Thunderbird 3.1.10/Seamonkey 2.0.13 in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.17 (8.04-10.10) Firefox 4.0.1 (11.04)/Thunderbird 3.1.8 in Stable Releases | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1
martin___Hello all10:29
martin___Firefox 4.0.1 crashed on Kubuntu 11.04 ... not possible to restart it ... is there a solution ?10:30
LLStarkshey, do those new gcc 4.5 optimizations apply to distros or just the mozilla tarballs?21:07
OmegaIs anyone else having flash problems in fx?22:25
OmegaI get white bars on videos.22:25
micahgfta: if you get a chance, could you please kill hardy/karmic for the mozilla dailies and enable oneiric?22:31
micahgOmega: nope, which version?22:31
Omegafx 4.0.1 flash 10.2 r15922:34
micahgOmega: what video card, wfm with nvidia and intel22:36
micahgOmega: which release?22:39
OmegaOf Ubuntu? 11.0422:39
* micahg fires up a flash video22:40
micahgOmega: wfm22:42
micahgii  xserver-xorg-video-intel                       2:2.14.0-4ubuntu722:43
Omegamicahg: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/1742222:47
Omegafor an example of a video on which the bars show up22:47
micahgOmega: yeah, in full screen it's fine, in the browser window it flickers22:48
OmegaThe same video works fine in chromium (which uses the same flash plugin as firefox, no?)22:48
micahgOmega: yeah, it might not be a flash issue22:49
OmegaThat's what it looks like for me.22:49
micahgOmega: it's certain videos, hulu seems fine22:50
OmegaI'm not fortunate enough to experience hulu ):22:50
micahgOmega: wow, I was testing in 6, it's much worse in 422:57
OmegaSo we've had a regression with 4.0.1?22:58
micahgOmega: idk, did it work in 3.6 or 4.0?22:58
Omegaor flash 10.2 r159 does something funky22:59
OmegaWell, I have never encountered it before.22:59
micahgit's not flash since it plays fine in opera22:59
micahg*most likely22:59
ubot2Mozilla bug 638029 in Graphics "Some Flash 10.2r152 apps don't refresh the "Flash window" properly." [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]23:05
micahgOmega: could be an nspluginwrapper issue23:07
micahgOmega: I assume you're on 64 bit?23:08
OmegaHmm, it does look like an nspluginwrapper issue.23:12
micahgOmega: well, the hope is that it can die in oneiric :)23:14
micahgor at least my hope is that23:14
OmegaIt is fixed in central you say?23:15
micahgOmega: no, just a little better23:15
LLStarksmicahg, flash is still making me sad. sometimes i have to open two tabs of the same flash video content to get just one of them to load23:26
micahgLLStarks: nspluginwrapper?23:28
micahg32 bit?23:28
micahgweird, that should be good23:30
micahgLLStarks: if you have a reproducible use case, feel free to file a bug23:31

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