
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
snailmoring all21:35
ibeardsleemutter mutter .. the upgrade to natty broke my ldap auth on my workstation22:30
* Atamira cant even upgrade to 10.10 22:31
Atamiradont wanna do a fresh install22:31
ibeardsleewhy can't upgrade?22:32
Atamiraunable to get 3 needed files on the nz server22:34
ibeardsleeuse nz2.archive.ubuntu.com ?22:34
ibeardsleeare they font files?22:34
ibeardsleeI had a problem early on with a couple of files that seemed to be fonts .. uninstalled them and then all went well22:37
mwhudsonit seems that hiding on the south island for natty release week wasn't actually necessary22:48
ajmitchthe release wasn't that bad22:56
ibeardsleegoes well on the workstation at home and my laptop22:56
ibeardsleenot so flash on my work pc22:56
mwhudsoni had to use ppa-purge repeatedly to get the upgrade to work at all22:57
mwhudsonbut that falls somewhat in the "i was asking for trouble" end of things22:57
ibeardsleeahh yeah had to do that once myself22:57
ajmitchmwhudson: yeah, I'm not surprised when that happens22:58
mwhudsonit was a bit non-obvious what the problem was22:58
ajmitchtrying to work out a proper upgrade path from some random set of PPAs is a bit tricky22:58
mwhudsonfor me it was xorg-edgers which i only had enabled for a month around the time maverick was released22:59
ajmitchthe only system I upgraded, I did manually with apt-get & installing a subset of updated packages at a time23:00

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