
luigi_panacheCan anyone here help me get my server back online?00:06
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Macerdo you see the interface at all with ifconfig -a?00:40
Macerhe left00:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #774541 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77454100:51
Vhozardhi guys, i have a lil question01:05
Vhozardanyone know the ram usage of a fresh server install (no extras) ?01:08
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onecrazycatconf.d  -  what is the "official" purpose of this directory?  I've been using Ubuntu for a few years now and I've noticed it in what seems like a lot of config directories under /etc/02:03
jmarsdenonecrazycat: Usually, it allows easy addition of config information by adding a file to it, rather than by editing an existing single config file.  A set of packages can collaborate on configuration more easily this way.02:11
qman__yes, it effectively works like a single config file02:17
qman__so, instead of /etc/example.conf being one huge file full of directives, you have /etc/example.conf.d with several files, splitting it up for ease of use02:18
qman__but the software loads it together02:18
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tsrkIs there any way to do unattended distribution upgrades?04:00
edu_mix07hi very good at all I have a question "ubuntu server" will be good for04:34
edu_mix07work with sendmail .. as a mail server ... or you will know if it is comfortable04:34
edu_mix07to work with sendmail ...04:34
jmarsdenedu_mix07: You can run sendmail, qmail or postfix just fine on Ubuntu server.  Use whichever MTA you are familiar with.04:36
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luigi_panacheHi, all. I upgraded from maverick to natty and now my message of the day isn't working properly. Can anyone help?05:10
ejvanyone know why my ubuntu server, upon login over ssh, displays not one, but TWO "welcome message blocks" ?05:35
MagicFabejv, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/670392 ?05:44
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 670392 in ubuntu "Double motd after upgrade to 10.10 (dup-of: 659738)" [Undecided,New]05:44
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 659738 in sysvinit "Duplicate welcome message in motd" [Medium,Fix released]05:44
ejvim using lts05:53
ejvbut yea, that's it05:53
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jgouldI, for reasons known only to me, decided to install the xubuntu-desktop meta package on my server.  It doesn't really run that well on my server hardware, so I want to remove it now.  the catch is that it installed stuff that removing the xubutu-desktop package (and then doing an apt-get autoremove) hasn't removed.  any ideas on how to get my server install back to the way it was before I did this?07:43
ONEZEROZEROONE01reinstall the server07:43
jgouldthat's what I thought the answer was going to be.  How is 11.04 server?07:44
ONEZEROZEROONE01i dont know07:44
jgouldI think I'll stick with 10.04 LTS then.  is there anything special I'm going to need to do permissions wise to my home and srv directories after the reinstall to make them work correctly again?07:47
_rubenjgould: apt-get autoremove *should* clean up all unneeded dependencies07:48
_rubenymmv, doesnt always work flawlessly for me07:48
jgoulddpkg -l lists a lot of stuff that was installed with the meta package that won't work with out it07:49
_rubeni usualy just copy/paste the list of packages that apt-get install outputs for later reference :)07:49
jgouldNow that, is an idea...07:49
_rubenalso, /var/log/dkpkg/ might hold some hints regarding earlier installs07:51
_rubendpkg even07:51
_rubenim typing like shit today07:51
jgouldok... dpkg.log would be useful if it wasn't 7 billion packages... heh07:55
jmarsdenjgould: Use grep and your knowledge of when you installed xubuntu-desktop to find the relevant few tens of packages.07:57
jgouldor, use the database at packages.ubuntu.com and list what was installed...08:08
jgouldI'm going to resinstall... I'm too afraid that I'm going to break something and not be able to fix it and then have to reinstall again anyway...08:15
uvirtbot`New bug: #774676 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script was killed by signal (Segmentation fault)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77467608:16
genii-aroundDoes the bot show all bugs or does it have some rudimentary sorting for instance and only show some like "confirmed" or so?08:18
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jgouldis there an easy way to do an install via ssh?  I'm comfy on the couch and don't really want to fool with hovering over my server.08:34
genii-aroundjgould: Probably debootstrap or so then08:42
genii-around(  if the target machine has connedctivity )08:43
jgouldI'm half done with it now.  I use a lot of default settings08:46
atdprhsHello everyone, I need support in my ubuntu server which i found later that it has been disconnected by itself while ago08:58
atdprhsI checked around and I found out that my eth0 is not managed08:58
atdprhshow and what does that mean?08:58
atdprhsis there any idea?08:59
atdprhsanyone here?09:02
airtonixis there a terminal like tilda that lets me split the window like terminator does ?09:06
atdprhsHello talntid09:07
talntidallows you to slit screens :)09:07
airtonixtalntid: i don't think screen lets you do what terminator does. i already use it (and byobu)09:11
airtonixscreen is also not a terminal emulator like tilda or terminator.09:11
atdprhsIs there anyone here to help me?09:13
airtonixatdprhs: sounds like you're using ubuntu desktop. because that's an error reported by network-manager (which ubuntu-server doesn't include)09:17
airtonixatdprhs: in any case, you edit the /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf and change 'managed' to true09:19
airtonixatdprhs: it's not a desired thing to do, since network manager should have already picked up your devices and taken over.09:19
genii-aroundI believe whenever the /etc/network/interfaces file is manually altered, the GUI network manager leaves those intact and defers to the settings there and then just reports interface as "unmanaged"09:21
atdprhsI'm using09:45
atdprhshello genii-around09:45
atdprhsi'm using ubuntu server09:45
atdprhsand there is someone I spoke to from kubuntu told me to remove network manager cuz its not supposed to be there to manage since I did the bad mistake using GUI on Ubuntu server09:46
RoyKatdprhs: that is correct, what genii-around said is wrong09:52
atdprhsThanks Royk!10:00
Macerwell... almost done moving all this server stuff around10:01
Maceryou have to love how efnet still requires identd :)10:03
Macerwell. you can tell a quad core opteron 205 based system sure does put my artigo's via C7/1GHz box to shame :)10:12
atdprhscan you help me?10:23
atdprhsRoyK: are you here?10:24
Macerwell.. my works is done here for now... all i need are some hotswap bays for it and it is complete.. hopefully i can get a few hundred days of runtime out of it after i do that10:26
Maceri'm curious as to how well nvraid will adapt to a hard drive breaking :)10:27
Maceri don't even know if nvraid lets you hotswap10:28
* RoyK is10:51
atdprhsRoyk: Are you here?10:52
RoyKsure, but if you have a problem, please ask about it...10:53
RoyKthen perahps I or someone else can help you10:53
atdprhswell, I'm in Ubuntu server which I made a huge by installing GUI on it10:55
atdprhsSomeone is still helping me but we took very on that issue10:55
atdprhsI removed the NetworkManager to avoid it from disconnected my ubuntu server which made the server say that that device eth0 is unmanaged10:56
atdprhsbut I can't put it back to be managed by ubuntu server to be connected to the internet10:56
RoyKedit /etc/network/interfaces and set the IP there10:57
RoyKthen run /etc/init.d/networking restart10:57
atdprhsthere is nothing to edi10:58
atdprhsauto lo10:58
atdprhsiface lo inet loopback10:58
atdprhsauto eth010:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:59
atdprhsI can't paste10:59
atdprhsbecause the server is not connected to the internet10:59
RoyKatdprhs: man interfaces10:59
RoyKlooks good11:02
RoyKnow restart networking11:02
atdprhsgive me 2 min. sorry11:04
* RoyK isn't in a hurry11:04
atdprhslet me restart my router11:07
atdprhsit could be the router11:07
atdprhsI got it worked Royk :D11:13
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maxagazI have run "ssh -D 9998 user@server", then set firefox proxy settings to localhost:9998 and set (in Firefox) network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to TRUE in the about:config, but I can't access to the web then12:23
maxagazwhat's wront in my config ?12:23
maxagazalso, I'm connected directly to the internet without any firewall12:24
maxagazis there something not well configured on the server side (lucid) or on the desktop side (natty)12:24
RoyKhi all. I have a machine I want to use to control an open hotspot - I want to allow people access, but still tell them everything is logged before they get through the initial barrier. any idea if software exists for this? I guess using arptables/iptables may be possible, but then, if something exists already, that'll be easier...12:42
jaundiceanyone have any insight as to why a xen 4.0.1 hvm ubuntu 11.04 amd64 (server or desktop) will not boot using 2.6.38-8 but will using 2.6.35-28. The latest kernel just drops to initramfs (waiting for root..) no amount of waiting helps. the grub boot params are identical. changing from root=UUID= to root=/dev/sdx doesn't help peither.12:59
jaundicefwiw 2.6.38-8 does boot on virtualbox fine13:00
RoyKjaundice: no idea, but AFAIK xen isn't supported anymore13:03
jaundiceubuntu in this context is domU not dom0 i.e it is a guest not a host13:06
uvirtbot`New bug: #774852 in postfix (main) "Postfix 'local' crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77485213:46
uvirtbot`New bug: #774964 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77496417:11
DoonzHey guys i just isntalled ubuntu 10.04 and checked off virtual machine host. Now im looking to find a virtual machine manager gui that i could connect remotely to the server from my windows box for managing and creting virtual machines. any recommendations?17:21
qman__can't say I have any, but to help you find one, the software is KVM/qemu17:26
hggdhDoonz: you can use virt-manager17:27
Doonzhow would that work on a headless server17:28
Doonzfrom what i can tell its a linux only package17:28
RoyKDoonz: with remote X11, virt-manager works as a charm17:30
Doonzok so there is no windows application to connect to the kvm server remotely17:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #774975 in openvpn (main) "Unable to connect to my vpn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77497517:31
RoyKDoonz: download xming and configure putty to do x forwarding17:32
hggdhanother option, a bit more complex, is cygwin17:32
Doonzyeah the last time i tried cygwin didnt go so well17:32
RoyKxming is trivial17:32
paulm9anyone here18:33
qman__yes, 26718:34
paulm9cool beans. any experience with postfix?18:35
qman__some, why not ask the question you actually want the answer to?18:38
paulm9qman: I'm getting SASL authentication failed: authentication unsuccessful when trying to relay mails from postfix to exchange.  Could it be caused by the untrusted TLS connection?18:42
qman__I haven't integrated postfix with exchange myself, but I don't think that's the culprit18:43
qman__if TLS wasn't happy you'd get a different error18:43
paulm9qman_: So then it's either the authentication mechanism or the user/password.18:46
qman__I think so18:46
qman__if TLS was the problem you'd get a connection refused or a TLS error18:46
paulm9that's what i thought.18:47
paulm9i've had success using swaks so I know the exchange server is set up correctly18:49
qman__I've done plenty of work on exchange, and plenty on postfix, but I've never had to make them work together18:52
paulm9qman_:  check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601813/19:00
paulm9this is the successful connection to the exchange server19:00
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paulm9this is the postfix log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601816/19:06
qman__is postfix encoding the user/pass? exchange doesn't take plain over TLS by default19:08
hackeronhey, how do I upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 11.04? - I tried do-release-upgrade but it's saying no new release found -- I assume because 11.04 is not LTS - how do I update to it anyway?19:30
shaunohackeron: you probably need to change Prompt= to normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades19:33
hackeronshauno: ah, thanks!19:33
shaunoI believe there's no direct upgrade path from 10.04 tho, so it'll offer you 10.10 first, then from 10.10 to 11.04 once 10.10 is installed19:34
hackeronthat's fine, thanks :)19:34
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zulSpamapS: gah i have 0 margin of error for my connecting flights next week19:51
AndrewxHello, I'm trying to go from GUI to terminal at boot in Ubuntu Server 10.1019:58
AndrewxHow can I go about doing this?19:58
patdk-lapthere is no gui in ubuntu-server20:02
AndrewxI added one.20:03
AndrewxI think I change an init setting20:03
AndrewxAnd installed the desktop20:03
AndrewxSo I was wondering, how can I revert back to terminal20:03
paulm9qman_: i have smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext20:07
paulm9smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext so I'm guessing that this means that it does encoding.20:07
AndrewxSo, how can I get rid of the gui?20:11
AndrewxIs there an init config file or something?20:12
jgouldI did that and had to reinstall to completely get rid of the GUI20:12
AndrewxWow... I can't re-install so..20:13
AndrewxIs there a way to change the init on boot?20:14
jgouldThere may be a way, but I'm not sure20:14
AndrewxLike a configuration file or something?20:14
paulm9Andrewx: I'd change the rc configs20:14
AndrewxThose are?20:14
paulm9check out: man update-rc.d20:16
AndrewxSo disabling run level 5 will get me a terminal?20:18
paulm9i'm would have thought you just want to get rid of the start up script for gdm20:22
AndrewxI want to change the run level20:23
AndrewxSo it will init 320:23
AndrewxEvery time I boot.20:23
AndrewxThere was a simple way to do this.20:24
AndrewxI forgot how though.20:24
paulm9ah, that would be inittab you are looking for - but i see that that no longer exists because ubuntu runs upstart now20:26
AndrewxSo, how can I configure with this "upstart"20:30
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paulm9looks like the upstart scripts will still look for an /etc/inittab20:36
paulm9I would try putting a id:3:initdefault:20:37
paulm9into the file and see if that works20:37
AndrewxUnfortunately not20:42
Maceri'm fighting with myself trying to decide whether or not i should order some hotswap bays today20:53
SpamapSzul: where are you connecting through? maybe we can get wasted in the lounge together. ;)20:56
zulSpamapS: im home now20:56
paulm9Andrewx: edit /etc/init/gdm.conf where it says stop on runlevel [016]20:57
zulSpamapS: so if you want to come here and get wasted then you are more than welcome20:57
SpamapSzul: werd21:01
SpamapSzul: but I thought you were talking about your connecting flights next week21:01
zulSpamapS: ah...next week..toronto and munich21:02
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paulm9is dovecot required for getting postfix to talk to exchange?22:00
qman__ubuntu has not had an inittab since at least 6.0622:02
qman__to stop the GUI from loading at start, you need to disable the upstart script for gdm (or kdm, or xdm, or whichever one you use)22:03
paulm9qman: the dude left a while back.  fyi it's the /etc/init/gdm.conf that would need to be edited. :-)22:04
qman__ah, I was scrolled up a bit22:04
paulm9qman: is dovecot required for getting postfix to talk to exchange?22:15
qman__I don't know, but dovecot does offer considerably more control over authentication than just straight postfix22:18
patdk-lapI dunno why dovecot would be required or have anything to do with it at all22:21
paulm9patdk-lap: according to the docs, apparently postfix doesn't implement sasl itself.22:23
patdk-lapit only supports dovecot and cyrus22:23
patdk-lapand as exchange doesn't do sasl either22:23
patdk-lapthe only thing I can figure out is your using smtp to talk postfix to exchange22:23
paulm9exactly that!22:24
patdk-lapexactly what?22:24
paulm9exactly stmp client postfix -> exchange.22:25
patdk-lapdid you tell postfix to use client authenication?22:25
raubvogelSame subnet?22:25
paulm9the logs say sasl authenication failed22:25
raubvogelSecure subnet?22:25
raubvogelDo you admin both servers?22:25
paulm9it's a local lan - so "secure"22:25
patdk-lapwhat auth methods is your exchange server allowing?22:25
patdk-lapcause postfix doesn't do ntlm22:26
paulm9no admin on windows side but i have got it to work using swiks22:26
raubvogelYou can have exchange accept all emails from postfix22:27
paulm9does swiks do ntlm then?22:28
Maceruhn. my tyan s2985's cpu 2 is amazingly hot22:29
Maceranybody here with a similar board that knows anything about this?22:29
Maceri updated the bios.. tried re-pasting it... using a different fan etc22:29
raubvogelMacer, would you think your question is better server in #ubuntu?22:30
Macerit is running around 80C and cpu1 is hovering around 6022:30
Maceroh. just figured someone might have a similar board here22:31
raubvogelpaulm9, you want to do mail relay with authentication, right?22:31
qman__sounds like they're both too hot to me22:31
paulm9raubvogel: i believe so yes22:32
paulm9tls and auth22:32
patdk-lapwhat auth methods is your exchange server supporting?22:32
patdk-lapas I said postfix won't do ntlm22:32
patdk-lapso if ntlm is the only method enabled on exchange, it just won't work22:33
raubvogelpatdk-lap, he can telnet to the echange server and ask it22:33
raubvogeler, exchange22:33
paulm9250 -AUTH NTLM LOGIN22:33
patdk-lapjust issue an ehlo22:33
patdk-lappostfix supports login22:33
paulm9but now does login do the base64 encoding ?22:34
patdk-lapgoogle, it tells you :)22:34
raubvogelpatdk-lap, it should say something else to say it can do tls22:34
raubvogelFurther down22:34
patdk-lapif it says auth htlm login, without starting tls22:34
patdk-lapthen he doesn't have to do tls before auth22:35
patdk-lapnot that he should, but22:35
paulm9that's the output22:35
paulm9from swiks22:36
patdk-lapok, so login only allowed after tls22:36
patdk-lapso enable client auth and tls in postfix smtp22:36
paulm9smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes22:37
paulm9#smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = login, ntlm22:37
paulm9#smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = !digest-md522:37
paulm9smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext, mutual_auth22:37
paulm9smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext22:37
paulm9debug_peer_list =
paulm9smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = auth, login, !gssapi, ntlm, static:rest22:37
raubvogelpaulm9, pastebin?22:37
paulm9oops, my bad.  here are the current conf that i have: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602013/22:39
raubvogelpatdk-lap, good link. I need to add it to my list22:39
* patdk-lap fails to see where you enable smtp tls22:41
patdk-lapI see no smtp_use_tls or the replacement for it, smtp_tls_security_level22:42
paulm9patdk-lap: ok, so i've added those but I still get an authentication failure22:48
raubvogelWhat does your mail log file on your postfix box say?22:49
paulm9SASL authentication failed; server[] said: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful22:50
tesseracter_i upgraded to 11.04(desktop, but #ubuntu said to ask here), but the updater said it could not update my grub2 config. most likely this is because of my software raid setup(boot RAID1, everything else RAID 0, installed from the alternative installer on 10.10) anyone have advice where to look about this?22:50
paulm9raubvogel: if i put smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = !ntlm  then it appears sasl authentication fails due to "no mechanism available"22:56
raubvogelWhat about if you set it up plain23:04
paulm9raubvogel: nope.23:06
paulm9looks like the security options were blocking it.23:14
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