
ali1234so... bad ram?00:01
penguin42most likely00:01
penguin42reminds me, I need to clean my fan00:01
hamitronI should install a fan00:02
hamitronbefore the weather gets too hot00:02
ali1234pidgin crashed00:03
ali1234system is definitely messed up00:03
hamitronmemtest time? ;)00:03
ali1234i wanna finish watching doctor who first00:05
ali1234apparently i have 3200mb of ram now00:17
hamitronhow much should you have? 4gb?00:17
hamitronin 32 bit mode?00:18
hamitronmaybe worth removing and re-installing modules?00:19
HazRPGalso, evening guys00:19
hamitronhi haz00:19
shaunotrying to play with gnome-shell, but stupid hardware support is getting in the way again :(00:21
hamitronwas there less testing done on 11.04 than normal or something?00:21
penguin42hamitron: No but I think there were bigger changes00:22
hamitronyeh, suppose that would require more testing to make it as smooth as normal00:22
hamitronwhich may have taken too long00:22
shaunoow.  using the UI to remove restricted drivers, deletes your xorg.conf00:24
shaunoalso, every folder in /var/log which isn't readable by a regular user, is fail00:27
shaunozero point having a sudo setup if you have to sudo a shell to even navigate into the directory00:27
penguin42shauno: I guess that's a security trade off00:27
hamitronisn't there the "root terminal" in the apps menu?00:28
shaunoI can't think of anything 'sensitive' which should show up in gdm's logs00:29
Who__ali1234: enjoy Doctor Who?00:30
hamitronali1234: fixed?00:31
ali1234fixed the 3200mb thing yeah00:31
ali1234dunno about memory corruption though00:31
hamitronwhat was it?00:31
ali1234bios setting00:31
ali1234"remap around memory hole"00:31
shaunoI don't care if the logs themselves are world-readable.  I can sudo grep.  but if the directory itself isn't readable, I can't00:32
hamitronsudo cat /dir/file | less ................. doesn't work?00:33
shaunosure.  if you can guess what the file is called00:34
=== aos101_ is now known as aos101
hamitronyhe :/00:35
hamitronhighest cpu tempt for me EVER.....00:35
hamitron40 C00:35
hamitronon this rig I mean00:36
shaunowhat's the free driver for ati ?00:37
shauno(eg, how do I use an ati card without the non-free driver)00:37
shaunowell, the non-free driver just gives me major display corruption.  but removing the non-free driver has left me with no X at all00:37
hamitronthere is a radeon one too00:39
shaunoyeah.  I have both of those, still no go00:40
hamitronwhat card?00:40
shaunohm, something somewhere is still trying to load fglrx00:42
=== aos101_ is now known as aos101
shaunolspci says 'amd radeon hd 6600m series'00:44
shaunoshould probably be trying to use the intel gpu, but I can't turn the ati one off when it's booted thru bios emulation :(00:45
shaunoso the string fglrx doesn't appear in /etc/X11/ or /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/00:46
shaunobut startx just complains the module doesn't exist and dies00:47
hamitroncould you put something in the config to disable the driver ?00:47
shaunono idea.  I'm not familiar enough with the format of xorg.conf to start one from scratch :/00:48
shauno(and still mildly irked that the restricted-drivers UI nuked the conf I had.  means I need to set my trackpad up again next)00:48
hamitronit is kinda rude00:48
shaunoif it wants to assume it owns the config, it should be using the conf.d instead of assuming ownership of the main configfile00:49
ali1234argh mythtv cut the end off00:50
hamitronI dunno why the bbc can't just offer torrents00:51
hamitronbe easier00:51
ali1234i could just watch it on iplayer00:51
ali1234but i see no reason to use up the bandwidth00:51
ali1234and recording it off dvb is better quality anyway00:51
hamitroniplayer killed my XP install last time, not trying it again00:51
ali1234just use the streaming flash version?00:52
hamitronI use that grabber command line thing now00:52
hamitronali1234: does that allow saving it?00:55
ali1234why would you want to?00:55
hamitronno good then :/00:55
hamitroninternet is too slow for streaming00:55
shaunoget-iplayer rocks.  I have it dumping into my dropbox, so I always have a folder full of things to watch at work :)00:56
hamitronnormally download, put on dvdrw, watch on tv in living room00:56
hamitronbetter than sitting at comp desk00:56
hamitronand it plays..... without pauses every 10 seconds00:57
hamitronwhich is a bonus00:57
HazRPGwell okay, seems round 2 of getting natty to work is failing00:57
HazRPGthis is really annoying me now00:57
Who__night all. Thanks for the help on bugs00:57
hamitronnn Who__00:57
HazRPGit won't work on my P4 machine (graphical stuff fails badly... even though I can tell it has fallen back to gnome classic)00:58
Who__enjoy Doctor Who, everyone that hasn't seen it (hint: watch in dar room in empty house for full effect :P)00:58
hamitronali1234: I guess if you can stream from a mid-point, the end missing is not a huge isssue00:58
HazRPGand now it won't even boot up off my core 2 duo laptop :/00:58
HazRPGCD drive has been trying to read away furiously for the past 15 minutes00:59
ali1234it takes ages to load00:59
hamitronthey should of delayed release a little longer.... long enough to test for a bit and warrent another release party ;)01:00
HazRPGonly took 4 mins to load on my P4, why should it take longer on my Core 2 Duo :/01:01
gorddelaying releases just puts pressure on the next release, never a good idea01:01
hamitrongord, guess so :/01:02
penguin42HazRPG: Dislike for your CD drive? More hardware to detect and complain about01:02
gordi had tones of problems with the natty installer, booooo. ended up installing 10.10 and upgradin01:02
penguin42installer problems are particularly nasty01:02
penguin42if it can't get something installed to the point where people can then fix it, then that's a _bad_bug01:03
HazRPGgord: Hmm, so what was the reasoning behind 6.06?01:03
hamitronhehe, having to wipe the whole drive? ;/01:03
gord6.06 needed a lot of tender love and care and was an LTS01:03
gordno one wanted to ship an LTS with bad translations and such01:04
hamitroneasy thing for testers to miss.... when they are not tainted by "other os"01:04
HazRPGgord: Hmm, that makes sense I guess01:04
hamitronI'm really worried about ubuntu atm tbh, I don't feel it is going in the direction I want since 8.04 :/01:05
JGJoneshamitron, I agree...it doesn't yet bloody iron my shirts.01:06
gordironing shirts is our *top* priority01:06
hamitronit maybe isn't going in a bad direction, just not what suites me personally01:07
hamitronand part of me wants to stick with "the distro" of choice01:07
shaunomeh, I give up.  I'll just put fglrx back on and try to deal with the distorted display01:08
shaunohah, that doesn't work either01:09
HazRPGthe only thing I'm disliking - although I dislike other peoples reasoning - is the fact that ubuntu/canonical are doing the "re-invent the wheel" thing. The problem with Linux as a whole is no one wants to support it because there's too many variations, and it took someone to point it out to me for me to realise this01:10
shaunono idea what the restricted-drivers UI has done, but it's made a pretty nasty job of it01:10
hamitronHazRPG: my reasoning for trying to stick to "the distro".... if a large number use this setup on their machines, commercial products will start to support it and appear01:11
HazRPGhamitron: my reason is that too!01:11
HazRPGhamitron: too much choice, comes with too many problems to try to support01:11
HazRPGsomeone had to point this out to me01:12
HazRPGand I can totally see why01:12
hamitronI failed trying to convince someone last night01:12
hamitroncan't remember who it was01:12
HazRPGooo christ... desktop finally booted off the CD01:13
hamitronHazRPG: I just wish the LTS was supported longer01:13
HazRPGonly taken ~30mins to boot :/01:13
shaunoNIH is good fun.  it's why we now have 3-4 variations of bootscripts :/01:13
HazRPGshauno: NIH?01:14
shaunoI get 5 years out of LTS .. plenty long enough01:14
shaunoHazRPG: not invented here01:14
hamitronshauno: 3 years on desktop01:14
* penguin42 realises it's May - wth happened to April?01:14
hamitronI suppose it would be fine if everything didn't change so much01:14
hamitronbut that is not the fault of the distro01:15
HazRPGshauno: heh, this is why I'm glad when I installed ubuntu-server on my home server that I put 10.04 and not 10.10 ;)01:15
shauno3 years isn't too bad.  gives you one year overlap to upgrade to the next LTS01:15
hamitronbut when xorg changes sooooooooo much it breaks things.....01:15
shauno(unless you have an emotional attachment to machines too old to run the next LTS ;)01:15
hamitronit is a nightmare01:15
exobuzzmy biggest problem with ubuntu server, was that they took debian mdadm, made it udev aware, and then didnt touch it for 2 years01:16
hamitronshauno: doubt that ;)01:16
exobuzzso mdadm got well out of sync with kernel features01:16
HazRPGbah, I'm all for not supporting older gear, as long as the things that cause such things to happen can be justified!01:16
exobuzzsoftware raid on ubuntu has had tons of problems01:16
hamitronmy biggest problem with ubuntu server.... it won't boot on my server01:16
exobuzzthat's a minor issue ;-)01:16
hamitron6.06, 8.04, 10.04........ all fail01:16
exobuzzjust to make sure, your server isn't a zx spectrum ?01:17
hamitronit works with another kernel from slackware01:17
hamitronworks with debian kernel too01:17
HazRPGhamitron: seriously ?01:17
HazRPGyouch dude01:18
HazRPGwhat did they change in the kernel :S:S:S:S01:18
HazRPGor rather, what have they turned off :S01:18
hamitronor maybe on01:18
hamitronbut debian does fine anyway01:19
hamitronand slackware before that01:19
shaunohave you tried with a -386 kernel?01:20
hamitronI can't remember01:21
hamitronI did try more for 6.06 and 8.0401:22
hamitronbut when 10.04 did the same, I just gave up straight away01:22
shaunoubuntu's 686 kernels are a bit funky.  they assume a couple of cpu flags that aren't actually in all 686's01:22
hamitroncould be it01:23
hamitronit is a celeron.....01:23
HazRPGI thought the i386 build... was just that :S01:23
HazRPGor is the i386 build just a i686 build?01:24
shaunothe iso labelled 386 just generically means a 32bit x8601:24
* HazRPG recalls seeing something about ubuntu labeling i386 incorrectly01:24
hamitroni386 should use less advanced instructions I'd hope01:24
hamitronCentOS 5 does :(01:24
hamitronI downloaded ALL the cd for it, then found it won't run on 58601:24
hamitronthat was ubuntu's fault01:25
HazRPGam I the only one to think the new scrollbar is hideous in natty? (I realise this is the liveCD and it is just using gnome-classic fallback)01:25
hamitronwell, x.org's fault01:25
exobuzzHazRPG, can be removed01:25
shaunoiirc the 686 kernel assumes bigmem, and then the pae kernel does bigmem64.  not all 686 cpus will actually live up to that01:25
exobuzzHazRPG, i dont like it either01:25
exobuzzi like nothing of the new ubuntu "features"01:26
exobuzzi know i complain a lot too.01:26
shaunoI'm actually liking gnome-shell, except when the ati drivers decide the toolbar would look better in neon pink01:26
HazRPGI don't complain, I'd like to see WHY they did it... it doesn't make sense to just randomly change something without good reason, and I'm yet to see it01:26
JGJonesPersonally I'm not complaining....Ubuntu is working fantastic on my old PC (it's an AMD Athlon 2800+ so that make it erm...well at least more than 5 years old)01:26
hamitronJGJones: old? ;/01:27
HazRPGJGJones: heh, need I show you my screenshot of what happened on my p4?01:27
JGJoneswell I could complain that it's not installing on my RadioShack TRS-80 Model 4 Microcomputer01:27
exobuzzHazRPG, with the "switching" the window icons, they had lots of reasons, and one was "they were to use the right hand size for something else". they never did01:27
exobuzzfelt like "excuses" to be to justify some "bad decisions"01:27
JGJonesffs it comes with DUAL 5 and half inch floppy disk drives.01:27
hamitronI expect ubuntu to run on any 686 comp, basically01:28
exobuzzim not sure ubuntu listens to the users anymore tbh01:28
HazRPGJGJones: have a look: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-tedGRcfQT4DIgUILLn1kQ?feat=directlink01:28
JGJonesHazRPG, that's from a LiveCD isn't it?01:29
HazRPGexobuzz: oh heh, I loved that - as a concept being able to use the real-estate of the window title space seemed like fantastic reasoning - I remember reading that one! I loved that idea! But like you said, I'm yet to see anything of it01:29
HazRPGJGJones: That's what it looked like on my P4, and yes it was a LiveCD.01:30
shaunoexobuzz: I think it listens, but only for a specific variant of 'user'01:30
hamitronthe ones that pay? ;)01:30
HazRPGJGJones: Looks like the LiveCD is running fine on my Core 2 Duo laptop however.01:30
JGJonesHazRPG, I tend to get issues with LiveCD on my old PC, but the Natty one worked - however I've always used alternative install CD.01:30
shaunohamitron: the hypothetical users that'll arrive when the "year of the linux desktop" actually occurs01:30
hamitronalt cd ftw01:30
JGJonesand once installed, it doesn't behave the same as it does on LiveCD anyway.01:31
hamitronshauno: :D01:31
HazRPGJGJones: I always use Alt-CD as a thing, but when I'm really unsure about an install - I prefer to give it a test run inside of a LiveCD first01:31
hamitroncli ftw01:31
HazRPGtempted to whack natty onto a pen drive and see what happens01:32
JGJonesHazRPG, the ONLY problem with my old PC is that its original video card died - it was an ATI Radeon...um...9800? No idea...it was good when it was new! and so the only spare I had was the worst ATI card - Radeon 7000VE01:32
JGJonesso there's no accelrated anything, but Unity 2D works pretty well.01:32
JGJonesalthough will go on ebay and find a better replacement for AGP to replace the graphics.01:33
exobuzzi wonder if anyone who "needs" the mouse accessibility features has tried natty. they will be disappointed https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/76280601:33
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 762806 in mousetweaks (Ubuntu Natty) "[regression] shipped mousetweaks (3.0) does not work with shipped control-center (2.32), needs downgrade" [High,Triaged]01:33
JGJonesif I remember right, I got my PC late 2002/ early 2003 I think it might be Nov/Dec 200201:34
exobuzzthere was plenty of time to fix it before release. but no-one noticed in time01:34
shaunooh wow.  battery usage is obscene :(01:34
JGJonesshauno, yup...I keep thinking my laptops need a replacement battery01:35
HazRPGhmm, I might just try this as a proper install on my laptop - I don't use my laptop for much these days anyway - but I defo aint trying this on my development system at all though - not unless I can warrant a good reason for it01:35
JGJoneswell the macbook does need a new battery...it's dead as a dodo.01:35
shaunoit's estimating just shy of 2 hours. I get 9 under osx01:36
HazRPGI'm all for giving things the benefit of the doubt (I did when the flipped my window icons around!)01:36
exobuzzdo you have to send your macbook back to apple with £200 to get a new battery or do they allow you to replace them yourselves these days ?01:36
shaunodepends how old 'old' is, which odd shape screwdrivers you own, and how attached you are to your warranty01:37
HazRPGokay, well that's a weird place to put a "System Settings" option :S01:37
shaunoHazRPG: hah, yeah I noticed that.  did wonder if they're aware that icon has a very specific meaning01:38
JGJonesthat remind me...doesn't the newer mac's come with a newer better "awesome-built-in" designed screws?01:38
exobuzzapple hardware might be ok, but how do they get away with "2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo01:38
exobuzz2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo [+ £123.00] "01:38
exobuzz2GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x1GB01:38
exobuzz4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB [+ £80.00]01:38
exobuzz8GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x4GB [+ £240.00]01:38
exobuzzhaving a laugh!01:38
shaunotheir bto options are always stir crazy.  always have been :/01:38
JGJonesexobuzz, Apple have very very GOOD marketing team....there's plenty of people that would pay those prices.01:38
JGJonesafter all...it's Apple.01:39
hamitrondo apple let you upgrade memory yourself?01:39
hamitronthat is ok then01:39
exobuzzyou need a credit card to replace ram on mac mini.01:39
exobuzzto open the case up01:39
JGJonesThose RAM upgrade are pre-selected by virgin handmaidens, and kissed by Job himself, and quite frankly, you don't understand the technical stuff behind it so leave it to us :D01:40
exobuzzJGJones, lol01:40
shaunothe new ones are a lot better for that.  the old minis were never intended to be opened :/01:40
JGJonesshauno, oh yes they was meant to be.01:40
JGJonesYou just needed an Apple iHammer.01:40
exobuzzive opened up a few of em01:40
exobuzzreplace hds etc01:40
exobuzzi got a ppc one here.. i just replaced the dead hd with another dead hd. doh01:41
JGJonesmind you...Apple hardware are pretty well made01:41
JGJonesI just don't like OSX or the stupid pricing.01:41
hamitronjust a shame they are out of my budget :/01:41
shaunothe old ones were horrible.  step1 was trying to remove the rubber mat with a wallpaper scraper :/01:41
exobuzzmac users like to forget when mac os was sh*te01:41
exobuzzthey rewrite history01:42
shaunomacos was aweful 10 years ago01:42
shaunothe big difference is, it's had 10 years worth of improvements01:42
JGJonesexobuzz, pff...no you're wrong...they do not rewrite history...01:42
JGJonesthere is no history until Apple does it.01:42
shaunoas I sit here trying to get X working in natty, I can tell you linux hasn't actually moved on since 1998 at all01:42
hamitronshauno: it has moved back....01:43
exobuzzevery forum needs this mac smiley http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/mac.gif01:43
hamitronnow it doesn't have a .conf file to edit \o/01:43
JGJonesI look forward to Wayland01:43
exobuzzJGJones, :)01:43
shaunoit used to be people laughed at apple01:43
shaunonow they bash them like crazy because they're winning01:43
hamitronwhat annoys me.... Apple are actually more restrictive than MS01:44
JGJonesshauno, true. Although I personally don't like OSX myself, but what piss me off is really Apple marketing.01:44
hamitronso I use linux, wanting a better computing market01:44
shaunohamitron: how so ?01:44
hamitronand Apple are gaining01:44
exobuzzi find mac users overly smug and annoying. and most of em can't actually even use their computer, although they would have you believe they are experts :) they deserve all the bashing they get :)01:44
hamitronshauno: telling you the hardware to run their OS on01:44
HazRPGshauno: bah, that really confused me because I clicked it by mistake... since the last option has always been "shutdown" ... and my eye had skimmed over the word "shutdown" took me a second to realise something was opening instead of shutting down01:44
JGJonesthey make damn good hardware, and OSX is...um...I suppose it's good (just not my cup of tea) but Apple marketing...argh.01:44
JGJonesespecially that line "Think Different"01:45
hamitronif they let you use OSX on custom hardware, I may not mind so much01:45
JGJonesffs...every bloody iOS devices LOOK THE SAME.01:45
JGJonessame grid layout etc01:45
shaunohamitron: if they let you use osx on random hardware, it'd completely negate the 'just works' thing01:45
shaunoyou'd have crazy people trying to run it on 200MHz SiS chips and asking why it doesn't work01:46
JGJonesthey're just clones...how are they thinking different when they're just part of a clone army? :)01:46
hamitronshauno: yes, I don't expect the same level of support01:46
shaunoit doesn't matter if they don't support it.  it still makes it look sloppy01:46
JGJonesor that they're first with anything new.01:46
shaunoJGJones: catch there.  they are first01:46
JGJonesFacetime is one - I've had people telling me that Apple was the FIRST to do video calling.01:46
hamitronusing different shaped screws is another.....01:46
shaunolike intel's lightpeak / thunderbolt bus.  has anyone else got that to market yet?01:47
hamitronhow am i to take it apart and clean the dust out, before it overheats and melts?01:47
JGJonesDespite that I've been using video calling over 3G on a Sony Ericsson many years before.01:47
shaunohamitron: my laptop opens with a philips screwdriver.  you're inventing things again01:47
hamitronI read they are stopping people opening them01:47
JGJonesand the last straw was...a mate I was talking to - I've done video calling with him (he had a Nokia)....and he geninuely believe that Apple is the FIRST to do video calls via Facetime.01:48
shaunothey're actually getting easier to open01:48
shaunosince ram & hdd are meant to be user-servicable, and there isn't a door in the bottom to get to them anymore, they've actually made the bottom easier to remove than previous bodies01:48
JGJonesshow him fring doing video calls on Android over 3G. He's telling me...nah, Apple did it first...let me find a hotspot...01:49
exobuzzremember that early apple advert by ridley scott? with apple users being the "individual". now its almost the opposite with the apples being the drones01:49
JGJonesThink Different? I did, I got Ubuntu :)01:49
shaunohave they actually used the think different tagline in the last 10 years?01:49
JGJonesthe best advert was the 1984 one.01:50
hamitronshauno: I do get the Apple way, and understand how it could work.... just don't like 1 company regulating everything01:50
exobuzzJGJones, thats the one im on about01:50
shaunothe fun thing is, there's plenty of technical reasons to hate apple on01:50
JGJonesoh...didn't realise that was by Ridley Scott.01:50
shaunoapparently no-one actually knows them, and just keeps rehashing random crap they've heard from other trolls01:50
HazRPGbah, why do people bash Apple so! They're geniuses in their own right!01:51
JGJonesheh true...01:51
hamitronthe bios is supposed to be weird?01:51
shaunothere is no bios01:51
exobuzzthey say 1984 wont be like 1984.. funny that. with all their "restrictions" on their store.. seems a bit big brother to me01:51
hamitronwell, however it works01:51
hamitronit is different :/01:51
JGJonesand that location tracking thing?01:51
JGJones"oh the users doesn't understand the technical stuff"01:51
hamitronlocation tracking is fine, until they sell the info to ya gf ;)01:52
HazRPGdespite the fact that I could never afford one, and the polish they do to it just isn't to my taste, and the keyboard and mouse clicks drive me insane on skype, (I'd hate to see what happens if I actually own one) - but as a concept, as a true idea... they are geniuses!01:52
shaunoyes it's different.  they use uefi, which is actually a modern standard.  PCs are going the same way too, just much slower01:52
exobuzzi have uefi on my pc01:52
exobuzz(and efi on the joggler)01:52
JGJonesI have...um...BIOS!01:52
JGJonesit's awesome.01:52
hamitronmy main problem is the cost of them01:52
JGJonesit haven't failed me...yet ;-)01:52
exobuzzi have "kickstart" too on my other pc ;-)01:52
exobuzzamiga pc of course. heh.01:53
JGJonesHad a A500 myself01:53
JGJonesit's dead.01:53
shaunobios is 80's legacy.  you wouldn't purposely design a platform with it today.  so they didn't.01:53
exobuzz<3 a50001:53
exobuzzdead ?01:53
hamitronshauno: I agree they are forward thinking01:53
JGJonesthe A500 should never be used as a frisbee by a upset brother.01:53
hamitronand they make some good stuff01:54
exobuzz*sniff*. rip01:54
JGJonesHowever the Spectrum 48K survived just about anything.01:54
shaunohamitron: it's not so much forward thinking.  they just have no attachment to any of the legacy PC stuff, because they never ran on them in the first place01:54
exobuzzJGJones, rubber one just bounced around the room ?01:54
exobuzzok. only the keys were rubber but01:54
shaunoso they can jump straight into the new toys without having to support things that should have been wiped out years ago01:55
HazRPGholy cow, my laptop just had a screen spasm! *goes to attend to it quickly*01:55
JGJonesexobuzz, aye...well the metal casing did fly apart, but just glued it back together...it still worked.01:55
hamitronshauno: there is no reason others can't, is there?01:55
JGJonesNo longer have it as my father found it in his attic and instead of asking me, gave it away01:55
shaunohamitron: problem with legacy stuff is people still use it01:55
HazRPGthis isn't cool!01:56
exobuzzJGJones, i got an old workbench screengrab from 13 years ago from my a1200 http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/wb.png seems small on a modern screen01:56
HazRPGmy laptop is having a mega fit!01:56
exobuzz16 cols01:56
hamitronI am surprised they haven't made a jump when things started to go 64 bit01:56
hamitrondrop old tech then01:56
shaunoI really hoped x86_64 would have no 32bit compatibility.  then they really could have made a clean break01:57
hamitronintel tried it :/01:57
hamitronthey were maybe too early01:57
exobuzzhamitron, ia64 ? or so01:57
exobuzzthey are killing that off now right ?01:58
shaunothat's what apple gain from being draconian about their hardware01:58
hamitronI think so01:58
shaunothey can make clean breaks like that, and have everything else move with it.  because they control the lot01:58
hamitronbut can you upgrade something like a graphics card?01:58
HazRPGshauno: agreed01:58
hamitronwithout it been picky01:58
shaunothat I'm not sure about, don't have a mac pro.  not that rich :)01:59
HazRPGthe only reason I stick to my old hardware that I do, is because I'm too cheap to buy whole sets of everything lol01:59
hamitronthey sell a computer as a product itself, not a load of bits put together with some software slapped on it01:59
exobuzzold hardware ftw01:59
hamitronfar better for the end user01:59
HazRPGmy development/machine I always use, is always upgrade constantly... everything else sits on the backbench01:59
shaunoexobuzz: 640x512?  you should get yourself an indivision card for it :)01:59
exobuzzshauno, heh, or a 24 bit graphics card perhaps :)02:00
shaunohamitron: it's not.  it's far better for tinkerers.  it's not far better for users02:00
hamitronshauno: I think Apple products are better for teh average user that doesn't tinker02:00
exobuzzshauno, ive given jens far too much of my money already. last was the catweasel and the software wasnt "completed". he always does that. cool hardware with unfinished software02:00
exobuzzi might buy his a500 accelerator though02:01
jibadeehaia64 is a rubbish chip .. and now end of the line02:01
shaunoI've had no problem with mine02:01
HazRPGhamitron: I disagree, Apple products are fine for all users... Apple products are just not good for those that want to constantly swap out hardware02:01
exobuzzshauno, with your cataweasel ?02:01
hamitronHazRPG: hence why apple stuff is not good for tinkering?02:02
shaunonah, my indivision aga02:02
HazRPGexobuzz: hmm catweasel sounds familiar... what's the jens?02:02
exobuzzaah ok02:02
exobuzzshauno, well, thats more hardware than software i guess. but yeh its the best option for flicker fixing (plus some extras)02:02
shaunonot my pics, but that's the board I've got.  1024x768 is lovely :)02:03
HazRPGhamitron: yeah but if you tinker with software, terminal, external devices... then your fine with apple products though - those are all tinkerers too02:03
exobuzzive actually got a bvisionppc in my a1200, cept i had a short with it recently and some smoke was made so i have to take it apart02:03
hamitronHazRPG: I don't call that tinkering, I call that end user use :)02:03
shaunono ppc, can't stomach the prices the leeches have on ebay02:03
HazRPGwhen I say tinker with software I meant programmers ;)02:03
exobuzzhttp://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/a1200/ http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/a1200/img_4537.jpg http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/a1200/IMG_4312.JPG02:04
exobuzzmy a1200..02:04
shaunogot an 040 and some more ram in it, but can't justify the ppc02:04
HazRPGand as for external devices, I was referring to developer boards02:04
hamitronHazRPG: I just don't count that as tinkering with the comp02:05
shaunoapple really sell to the people who expect to buy something, turn it on, and use it02:05
hamitronit is technical use02:05
shaunonot the people who want to get in there with a rubber mallet02:05
HazRPGbesides, I'm sure the Apple version of PC's have expansion bays/ports on their PC line-up though02:05
exobuzzshauno, £132 for an indivision. not cheap is it !02:05
shaunoit's not :(02:05
shaunodid make a lovely start to a virgin 1200 tho02:06
hamitronHazRPG: it used to be the case, you had to get specific graphics card chipsets02:06
shaunomeans it'll run with a regular vga monitor, instead of having to find something that'll scan down to 15khz02:06
hamitronbecause of drivers in OSX02:06
hamitronnot sure now02:07
shaunopretty sure that's still the case.  seems popular to buy the PC variant and flash it with the right firmware to turn it into the mac variant  hehe02:07
HazRPGhamitron: I think a lot of companies do actually make Mac drivers too now02:07
hamitronbut MS Windows is more open to custom setups and drivers02:08
shaunothat's been getting much better since steam came out.  being able to benchmark games against the pc variant on the same hardware has really shook up the video support02:08
hamitronand linux02:08
HazRPGfeel bad for my laptop... seems the LiveCD was fine... but the install is going well and truly mental02:08
hamitronbut I would get a Mac notebook without a worry, I don't expect to tinker with a notebook so much02:09
hamitronbut the people I want to bash most......02:10
hamitronX.org :/02:10
hamitronmoving forward so fast and dropping support for old ways of doing stuff02:10
HazRPGpoor graphical support?02:10
hamitronwell, it is the breaking compatibility that bugs me02:11
hamitronI'd have liked them to offer a compile option to choose old functionality02:11
shaunoI would say Xorg need to move forward fast, but I think the reality is, Xorg needs to be taken out back & shot02:12
hamitronbut why not offer that retro option?02:12
shaunoX is the retro option02:12
hamitronthe code is there and working02:12
HazRPGX.org is too old to just move forward, its only going to move forward if someone starts it from scratch02:12
shaunoX11 is designed for timesharing machines.  how much more retro can it get?02:13
hamitronit needs to keep the old methods to do stuff, so old drivers can work02:14
hamitronthe way things are going, MS provide support for older hardware for longer02:14
ali1234putting all the drivers into xorg is part of why it sucks02:14
hamitron10 years ago, linux was a system to replace windows on aging hardware02:15
ali123410 years ago linux was for neeeeeeeeeeeeerds02:15
shaunohamitron: not any more.  these days, xp is the option for computers too old to run linux :p02:15
hamitronand now it is for who?02:15
hamitronshauno: plenty of old comps, ideal to break into the market02:15
shaunoas I said.  it's for the hypothetical users that'll appear during the year of the linux desktop02:15
hamitronappears so02:16
hamitronbut for all these resources it takes, it is not doing a very good job is it? ;/02:16
shaunonope.  but that doesn't matter, because it's not the year of the linux desktop yet :)02:17
hamitronalso, you need the "nerds" to keep it going imo02:17
ali123410 years ago linux didn't even have working USB02:17
ali1234or wifi02:17
ali1234you were lucky if your printer even worked02:18
ali1234no 3d acceleration02:18
hamitronlinux was fine 10 years ago :/02:18
ali1234no, it was rubbish02:18
shaunoprinting should be much better now that you're using apple's cupsys :p02:18
ali1234pretty much everything good on linux today was written by (or written under contract for) either apple or nokia02:19
hamitronit has got easier, yeh, but it has also got wasteful02:19
shaunoI'm curious to see what license apple's replacement for samba is going to be under02:20
HazRPG*cracks open a bottle of bud*02:21
ali123410 years ago i was using fvwm9502:21
ali1234it really really sucked02:21
ali1234but it was the best thing available02:21
hamitronI liked Gnome 1.x tbh02:21
jibadeehai remember my first slackware cd (walnut creek or something) ... got it with a book and loved it.. couldn't get X to work for a few years02:21
ali1234haha same02:21
HazRPGI have a feeling my stand on getting natty to work is going to be an all-nighter job... and waking up in the morning with a bottle of bud in one hand, a screwdriver in the other, tears and blood on my shirt... and a computer taken to bits lying on the floor xD02:21
ali1234even when you did get it to work you got twm02:22
HazRPGhere we go *opens first bottle*02:22
shaunoI didn't mind gnome 1.x with ximian gnome.  stock, it was pretty dire02:22
ali1234because there was no login manager back then02:22
hamitronI don't use a login manager now :D02:22
shaunomost the time I just stuck to blackbox, because I only really used X for opera02:22
jibadeehawindowmaker was my fav window manager .. somewhat like unity i guess02:23
ali1234if you were lucky enough to have a motherboard with supported usb... you would plug something in and... nothing would happen, because there was no hardware manager02:23
hamitronusb is over rated02:23
ali1234you'd have to be root and then mount your usb flash drive manually02:23
ali1234back then, most distros couldn't even install packages from the internet02:24
hamitronbut most of us had 56k modems.....02:24
ali1234you had to download them one at a time and install them manually... doing your own dependency resolution02:24
shaunoyeah.  hyperbole much?02:24
ali1234the only way to get your packages from the internet was to install debian02:24
ali1234which had zero documentation02:25
HazRPGshauno: overly so02:25
shauno10 years ago I had debian potato, and apt-get worked just fine :)02:25
ali1234so everyone used red hat or slackware02:25
jibadeehai remember being able to install from slackware cd but once installed it was a pain to get my external ide cd working02:25
hamitronsuse docs were all German though ;/02:25
HazRPGshauno: potato! \o/02:25
HazRPGshauno: I'm in space :)02:25
ali1234i tried to install debian back then but it would always crash out in the middle of the installer02:25
ali1234because back then even the installers were crap and would fall over if you looked at them the wrong way02:26
hamitronredhat was good02:26
hamitronso was slackware02:26
shaunoapt-cd worked just fine too, so I'd buy the release from linuxemporium, apt-cd the disks, and just use online repos for updates02:26
HazRPGT_____T redhat02:26
ali1234maybe i'm thinking of 15 years ago02:27
ali1234when pcs didn't have cdroms02:27
ali1234and you had to install from 200 floppies02:27
hamitronali1234: it is easy to look back too far02:27
HazRPGI recall how slow cdroms use to be T_T02:27
shauno15 years ago, slackware 3.3's installer was resilient enough that it was quite happy to let me using both floppy drives in lieu of having enough ram to ramdisk off the first disk02:27
HazRPGdamn sight faster than floppies were02:28
HazRPGbut was still just as slow to get anything going on it02:28
shaunoit complained about wanting 4Mb of ram, but it'd handle less with multiple floppy drives :)02:28
hamitronslackware worked on 4Mb ram upto 11.002:28
HazRPGold hardware needs to die at some point :P02:29
jibadeehai remember buying freebsd 4.x ... reminded me very much of slackware02:29
HazRPGhamitron: oh don't worry, my c64 is safe for now ^_^02:29
ali1234i didn't even have an ide cdrom until about 200202:29
shaunoreally, linux wasn't that bad 10 years.  all it's really done since is enjoyed design-by-comittee02:30
hamitronI got my first cdrom drive in 199502:30
shaunoit's basically done nothing interesting since freedesktop.org appeared02:30
HazRPGali1234: I had one that came with a laptop back in 199802:30
ali1234i had a cdrom drive in 1995 that plugged into the sound card and didn't work in anything except windows 3.102:30
HazRPG(I say laptop, it might as well have been a sack of potatoes!)02:30
hamitronmine was ide02:30
hamitron2x \o/02:30
ali1234the whole sound card didn't work in linux, there's a suprise02:30
HazRPGali1234: I'm still yet to see that sound card link-up actually do anything!02:31
jibadeehai remember buying my ide cdrom drive from Morgan computers in Manchester ... needless to say end of the line product ... but it was the best thing since slice bread02:31
HazRPGali1234: I've never ONCE managed to get it to do what it was meant to do :/02:31
hamitron13 years ago I was able to get EVERYTHING working on linux, with some comfig editing02:31
shaunopretty sure the cd player app in windows was the only thing I could ever get to actually play audio straight off the disk02:32
jibadeehaolvwm was my favourite window manager of all time though02:32
* HazRPG edits hamitron's sentence to bold and make 20px the "some comfig editing" then corrects comfig with config!02:32
jibadeehai use to use it on a Sun Sparc02:32
hamitronty HazRPG ;)02:33
shaunowhich is what that cable was doing; offloaded the pcm->audio conversion onto the drive itself02:33
ali1234i managed to build a linux server where "everything" worked02:33
ali1234by buying random components and trying them until i found one that worked02:33
hamitronali1234: this was my desktop machine02:33
ali1234i never got sound working except through the pc speaker driver02:33
HazRPGhamitron: haha, but its true... linux is more about the config than it is about getting it to just work, and it saddens me ;(02:33
shaunoI swear sound on linux has actually got worse02:34
ali1234ha ha ha02:34
HazRPGshauno: ? I don't have any issues with sound02:34
jibadeehashauno, got better for me02:34
hamitronSound Blaster 16 ftw ;)02:34
ali1234it was only a couple of years ago that i was able to have two different programs playing sound02:34
shaunoit used to be I'd just remove esound, rebuild the kernel with oss and no alsa, and be happy02:34
hamitronI never try to listen to 2 songs at once :/02:35
ali1234i never saw oss work correctly ever02:35
shaunonow there's so many layers of abstraction that I have no idea what's going on where02:35
jibadeehablah djhfdkishfwiufhiuehiw02:35
HazRPGhamitron: yeah, but the point isn't to listen to 2 songs at once, the point is some applications try to beep at you for attention02:35
ali1234something would always lock /dev/audio and then no more sound02:35
ali1234or /dev/dsp i think it was called02:35
hamitronok, so it wasn't as good in some ways..... but it was more fun02:36
shaunoI really didn't use X for much, so all I needed oss to do was mpg12302:36
shaunopreferably without esd pretending to be clever, and ending up being 'special' instead02:36
ali1234thinking about it my computer wasn't good enough to play mp3s until about 2002 either02:37
HazRPGdoes esd actually work now??02:37
hamitronI am half tempted to do linuxfromscratch again02:37
shaunohopefully, esd doesn't exist now02:37
HazRPGI recall tinkering with wine, some linux games and esd at one point... and it all failed miserably02:37
shaunoif it does, it should be shot, followed by whoever's been keeping it alive02:37
hamitronoh, wine is amazing now02:37
HazRPGali1234: that video link you sent only just started to play >_<02:38
ali1234well download it then it's html502:38
ali1234it's about 45 minutes long02:38
* hamitron gave up on it02:38
ali1234get decent internet02:38
HazRPGali1234: ah no I mean its been streaming this whole time (uses chrome remember)02:38
ali1234and proper computers02:39
shaunothe trick was oss was just to have a sensible card :)  sblive or sb16.02:39
hamitronlol ali123402:39
HazRPGhamitron: wine is amazing now ;D - I finished portal 2 in wine ;)02:39
hamitronshauno: sblive was out?02:40
HazRPGali1234: I have as fast as I can for my area, and that's 10Mbps02:40
shaunosblive is pretty ancient.  I got one with the first PC I had that didn't have an isa bus (which was the end of my sb16)02:40
HazRPGali1234: I think its because my laptop is still flickering in the background trying to install 11.0402:40
hamitronoh, my first linux pc had no pci02:41
shaunoheh, ditto.  but I did upgrade eventually :p02:41
hamitronmy biggest problem was my serial mouse02:41
ali1234my first linux pc didn't even have eisa02:41
shaunomid-90s my PC was pretty shocking, because I did all my gaming on the miggy, so really saw no point in upgrading the PC02:42
hamitroncom1 was called com2 for some reason.... iirc, there was some onboard modem02:42
shaunoso I had a 386sx16 well into 96-9702:42
hamitronmy first was P12002:42
ali1234haha yeah remember the fun of getting your modem working on linux?02:42
shaunonever had a problem with that, at all02:43
hamitronI bought a proper modem02:43
ali1234first you have to figure out which com port it is on02:43
ali1234then write the ppp scripts yourself02:43
shaunoyou buy a modem.  not a soundcard.  sorted.02:43
hamitronali1234: but it was fun!!!!!!!!!02:43
shaunointernal modem = soundcard on drugs02:43
ali1234then every time you want to go online you had to open a shell, login as root, and run pppd by hand02:43
shaunowvdial :)02:43
hamitronand then I found diald02:44
ali1234and then after it connected, set the ip and dns servers manually, because ppp didn't support msdns back then02:44
hamitronto automate it02:44
hamitronand I ended up with a huge phone bill :/02:44
shaunowe did freeserve's 15 quid a month thing02:44
shaunoso they disconnected you every two hours, but you didnt' pay per-minute02:44
hamitronmy phone bill was £580 something for a quarter :/02:45
HazRPGhamitron: ouch >_<02:45
shauno(they didn't intentionally disconnect you on the 'free' plan, because they got to milk the per-minute that way)02:45
hamitronI lost the use of the phone line for a while02:45
hamitronshauno: they didn't have the 15 quid at first iirc02:45
shaunoI didn't get online till 98/9902:46
hamitronah, I got online about 4 months before freeserve started02:46
hamitronthen switched to them to save the monthly payment02:46
shaunodidn't get online until I started college.  couldn't justify it to the parents before that :)02:47
hamitronI was allowed 1 hour per week02:47
shaunobut once I started college, getting the internet at home was the only way I'd leave the college library before they closed02:48
hamitronthe firewall in linux was a hassle as well, just remembered02:48
hamitronuntil ipchains appeared anyway02:49
shaunonever really used the firewall02:49
shaunotried bastile a few times later on, but never really firewalled on dialup02:49
shaunonever seemed any point to it on dialup.  connection was so slow that if you came under any form of attack, the line dropped dead02:50
hamitronI didn't get into firewalling until free calls on dialup, but then I was disconnected too often, and always had trouble with the Ip changing02:50
hamitronand been a newb, had no clue where to start02:51
hamitronhad to just mod the script by hand each time02:51
shaunoI tried bastille a few times when I was admining on opennap networks, but all it seemed to do was drop icmp02:51
shaunoI'd still drop off line at the slightest sneeze02:51
shaunowhen you're on 56k, ddos really doesn't need two D's :p02:52
hamitronfun times! :D02:52
hamitronI remember really wanting 64k isdn :/02:52
hamitronbut line cost too much02:53
shaunoused to work for a guy who had two 128k lines bonded02:53
hamitronisdn on linux was not so easy either02:53
shaunoscary thing is, that was 2004-5.  he was just very rural02:53
hamitrondialup is more reliable imo02:54
shaunonoo, that's just crazy talk.  imo :p02:54
HazRPGwait, did you just say dialup was reliable!?02:54
HazRPG*falls over in laughter*02:55
hamitronwhen i switched to demon internet, stayed online fine for 6 hours each night02:55
shaunowe used to have that voicemail thing that BT offered, that was hosted at their end, rather than having a box with a tape at your end02:55
HazRPGshauno: heh, we had that too02:55
shaunoit let you know you had a message waiting by pulsing the dialtone, instead of having a constant dialtone02:55
HazRPGshauno: just because I was online all the time xD02:55
shaunoso freeserve would disconnect us every 2 hours, like clockwork02:56
HazRPGshauno: same xD02:56
shaunothen the modem would fail to find the dialtone because someone had left a message.  so I had to go downstairs, listen to the message, then go back and redial02:56
hamitronthem cutoffs were a pain with "large" downloads :/02:56
HazRPGhamitron: download managers \o/02:57
shaunothe modems actually limit how many times you can unsuccessfully redial the same number.  they have to in the UK, to earn the green dot mark02:57
shaunoso if you fell asleep with the internet connected, and someone left a message, the modem would blacklist the isp's number after x many failed redials02:57
hamitronHazRPG: I was young and learning02:57
HazRPGhamitron: so was I!02:58
shaunodialup was pants.  not even rose-tinted glasses can hide that one.02:58
hamitronyou can't have known about download managers at first?02:58
HazRPGhamitron: I'm only 24 dude :P02:58
HazRPGhamitron: I use to beg my dad to get me computer magazines every month or so02:58
HazRPGhamitron: came on a CD one time02:59
HazRPGalong with a web crawler!02:59
hamitronah :)02:59
shaunowget will resume from most sensible hosts quite nicely.02:59
hamitronmy early days were on win9502:59
shauno-c -N -t 0 -T 60 seemed to survive redials02:59
HazRPGweb crawler was my demise on the internet >_< cos all my questions could be asked and answers be had... after being online for several hours at a time02:59
shaunonever had 95. had 3.1, and then skipped windows entirely until XP03:00
shaunonever saw a point to it.  my amiga gamed better than most my PCs03:00
hamitronit was the download "manager" in IE 3 I recall03:00
hamitronoh, I had sega rally03:01
shaunoeg, dune2 in dos, wanted some stupid amount of base ram03:01
shaunoI could never seem to get the mouse _and_ the sound working at the same time, without using too much ram03:01
hamitronI remember having to make sure my autoexec.bat didn't have too much in :/03:02
shaunoworked fine on my amiga :)03:02
shaunodespite the PC having 8 times as much ram03:02
hamitronconventional memory?03:02
shaunono, 4 .. had the 500+03:02
shaunono, you can't change the base ram :(03:03
hamitronmy first pc didn't have the himem.sys loaded to use memory above 640k in dos03:03
hamitronthat stumped me for ages03:03
shaunothat aperture between 640 and 720 is completely unavoidable03:03
shaunoit's crazy stuff like that, which is why the bios needs to die :p03:04
HazRPGali1234: that video is interesting btw03:04
hamitronApple <3 ;/03:04
shaunoI think efi is intel's baby03:04
hamitrontbh, most old stuff is broken now, so may was well dump it03:04
HazRPGefi is intel's baby xD03:04
HazRPGwhich is why it baffles me that their motherboards don't use it as standard yet :S03:05
hamitronI'd like to see native 3d acceleration in an emulated environment in the new systems03:05
shaunoseems to be a recurring theme on the macs.  most the crazy things are implementations of things intel have come up with, and everyone else has been slow to adopt03:05
hamitronwell, I've gone USB 3.003:06
hamitronnot doing that other thing03:06
HazRPGshauno: ppc was IBM though wasn't it?03:06
shaunoI'm waiting to get my hands on a tb drive enclosure :D03:06
shaunoand moto03:06
hamitronI just feel USB 3.0 will be more popular03:07
shaunoit probably will03:07
hamitronnot as good ofc03:07
shaunoit's basically going to be usb vs firewire all over again03:07
shaunoyou have usb to run the cheap plastic toys you're buying from china03:08
shaunoand firewire for grown-up applications that actually need to use the bus properly03:08
hamitronesata I think could be the main problem for USB 3.003:09
HazRPGcan't believe how long its taking to do an upgrade to 11.04 T_T03:09
shaunoesata's too specific03:09
hamitronmost things that need the extra usb speed can use it though?03:10
hamitronfor most people03:10
shaunothe whole reason usb thrives is because you can plug pretty much anything into it03:10
ali1234how do i get apps running in vnc or xephyr to show a menu bar?03:10
shaunoyou can stick monitors on usb.  with 3, you could actually stick half-decent monitors on usb03:10
hamitrondoes USB 3.0 support USB 1.1?03:11
shaunoit should do03:11
hamitronI've only read 2.003:11
HazRPGali1234: am I right in thinking that intel want to actually finally change X.org ?03:11
hamitronbut that may be because they've forgotten about 1.103:11
shaunoheh, they can't forget about 1.103:11
ali1234i dunno03:11
shaunomost keyboards & mice use 1.1.  if you just stop supporting people's keyboards, they'll notice03:12
hamitronshauno: guess so03:12
hamitronshauno: my reason for thinking is, will they just replace all USB 2.0 ports with 3.0?03:12
shaunoit's not like it's just some random junk tech from the 80s that sensible people don't use anymore03:12
shaunomy understanding is that it's been designed specifically to allow that, yes03:13
hamitron80s junk tech? ;/03:13
shaunoI mean they can't just ignore 1.1 because <0.1% of users actually use it03:13
hamitronhmmm, dunno03:14
shaunobecause most keyboards use it, the userbase is suprisingly high03:14
hamitronIT industry seems happy to break something for < 5% of users03:14
shaunoand they should be03:14
shaunoelse we'd all be using 486's still because they'd be too scared to add pentium instructions03:15
hamitronI seem to always be in that minority ;/03:15
shaunowhat I'm saying is, usb1.1 is not a minority, at all03:15
hamitronyeh, so it makes sense03:15
hamitronI am just hoping I can get a fast usb 3.0 device, that is bootable03:16
hamitronor a few03:16
hamitronremove all the hdd from my comp, when I get a small case03:16
HazRPGwoo! finally upgrade, god help me this boots successfully when it restarts03:16
HazRPGah, holy cow it works03:17
HazRPGalthough my existing UI theme fails03:18
HazRPGand dropbox03:18
HazRPGooo no, that's just way too confusing03:19
HazRPG*tries to figure out where my minimized application disappeared to*03:19
HazRPGalso, why does the global menu just hide away until you hover over it :S03:20
exobuzzubuntu natty (final) for the o2 joggler http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/ubuntu/03:21
shaunobecause the person who designed the global menu, has never used a global menu03:21
exobuzzincluding xbmc/squeezeplay and vaapi enabled mplayer03:21
shauno(may or may not be true, but is the only sensible reason I can think of :)03:21
HazRPGooo wow, I must say the extra screen-real-estate is a bonus though for maximized stuff03:22
exobuzzthe global menu is really handy on a small window at the bottom right of the screen on 1920x1080 display. great to get all the extra exercise with my mouse hand03:22
HazRPGnow that I like03:22
ali1234ha ha apport is now popping up an error saying "please don't report bugs without going through tech support"03:22
ali1234there's an option that says "yes tech support refered me here"03:22
HazRPGhowever I wish the menu bar was still there and did that only when you fullscreened03:22
shaunothat's awesome.  one of my gripes with ubuntu is it feels like there is no support anymore03:22
ali1234unfortunately there's no option that says "i asked tech support but my question was ignored or nobody new the answer"03:22
exobuzzi have no global menu enabled now. ubuntu classic all the way. and if they remove ubuntu classic, ill go back to linux mint again03:23
shaunono-one wants to help you fix things.  they just want you to file a bug and leave them alone03:23
ali1234now they don't even want you to file a bug03:23
shaunoit's a silly gripe, but I really don't like the icon top-right03:24
HazRPGexobuzz: ubuntu classic is being taken out in 11.10 according to mark shuttleworth... he posted on a bug about that03:24
shaunothat symbol is actually part of a standard.  it specifically means standby.  an off state that consumes a lot less power, but >0 power.03:24
exobuzzyeh. so i read. nice03:24
exobuzzforce the user . remove their choice heh03:24
HazRPGexobuzz: and here was me thinking linux was about choice xD03:26
shaunothe zero means off, the 1 means on, 1 inside a zero means on/off, and a zero broken by the one means standby.  it's an IEEE standard.  not a fun icon to stick settings behind.03:26
exobuzzHazRPG, ubuntu wants to be the next apple ;-)03:26
HazRPGexobuzz: I can understand WHY they want to get rid of choice (ubuntu one market place, etc... they won't get software developers in, if things are tightened down) but still silly things like classic should remain at least03:26
exobuzzthey are removing right mouse button support in the next release too ;-)03:26
shauno1998 troll is fail :p03:27
HazRPGs/if things are/if things aren't/03:27
HazRPGexobuzz: what!?03:27
HazRPGshauno: 1998 troll?03:27
shaunothe right click thing. prehistoric troll :)03:28
HazRPGshauno: trust me, that top-right system pref. thing is annoying too03:28
shaunoI don't mind it being there.  I mind it being behind an icon that means something else.03:28
HazRPGI like right-click though :(03:28
exobuzzshauno, it was more of a joke than a troll, but it does look like ubuntu is taking a few ideas from a certain fruity vendor03:28
shaunoexobuzz: for sure03:28
exobuzzHazRPG, it was a joke03:28
HazRPGshauno: hmm, its not behind anything else... its actually INSIDE the power icon... which is daft03:29
shaunoif I was mark, I'd buy the design team all macs so they could see how the things they're trying to copy are meant to work03:29
exobuzzyeh. i mean (yes im about to say something nice about apple), they at least implement this stuff properly.03:29
shaunoI've only tried unity-2d, but it felt like they're trying to copy osx from screenshots03:30
exobuzzthis channel is ubuntu-gripe. we will all be banned tomorrow ;-)03:30
HazRPGokay, broken software... dropbox is notifying me that its downloading stuff... but the icon isn't there, hasn't been there since boot... that's just weird03:30
shaunoI absolutely hate unity's global menu bar.  I've been using osx for 5 years, so this isn't a "global menu bar is change, I don't like change".  it's seriously messed up03:30
shaunoI don't like that it disappears; it means when I want to use it, I've no idea where I'm moving the mouse to03:31
shaunoI'm not aiming for the 'file' menu, I'm just waving in it's general direction to find out where the file menu is03:31
exobuzzshauno, sorry , but i have to disagree here. you are meant to remember where all your menu options are. computing shouldnt be too easy!03:32
HazRPGglobal menu bar just means "extra wrist exercise" right?03:32
exobuzzHazRPG, yeh and that wrist is overworked as it is ;-)03:32
shaunoI don't like that it covers the app's name.  I don't like that it only partially covers the apps name.  I don't like that whether it fully covers the app's name or not depends whether the window is maximised :/03:32
exobuzzshauno, http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/unity.png i like how they know i had bad eyesight so give me massive icons in the middle of my screen.03:33
ali1234the best bit about global menu is when unity craps out and just draws a black bar03:33
ali1234and you have to guess where the menu is03:34
shaunoI don't like that moving the mouse from one submenu to another momentarily changes focus to something else, so that highlights in the active window bounce between the "I'm the active window" color and the "I'm not the active window" color03:34
exobuzzshauno, and on a 800x480 device, the icons actually are the same res, and dont fit on the screen03:34
HazRPGexobuzz: *sigh* the connotations implied in that are just wrong, but I'll ignore that and say... I already have RSI from using my computer too much as it is... I don't need another excuse to be zipping my mouse across two screens03:34
exobuzzHazRPG, i was referring to myself :)03:34
HazRPGexobuzz: xD03:35
shaunothe dropbox icon is because it's trying to put an icon in the gnome notification area, which isn't there anymore03:35
HazRPGyou know what, you've just gave me a shocking and disturbing thought... crap what is this going to be like when I try this on my dual-screen setup, its all fun and games on my laptop, but if I were to install this on my PC... wow, this is going to sting!03:35
exobuzzfrom using a mouse for 20 years of course03:35
HazRPGexobuzz: of course xD03:36
exobuzzi like ubuntu classic anyway.03:36
HazRPGexobuzz: haha, just read your comment and saw your screenshot xD03:36
exobuzzmake the panels how i like and all is well03:37
HazRPGxD I think I just woke my sister up from laughing too hard03:37
shaunoI've been using gnome-shell this evening.  it's not too bad, I think03:37
ali1234bug 77458603:37
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 774586 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu) "Applications have no menu when run in a nested X session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77458603:37
HazRPGexobuzz: also, you need to restart apparently (see's red power icon)03:37
shaunoI think I'd like it if I could use a multitouch gesture instead of the hot-corner, but other than that, it makes a surprising amount of sense03:38
exobuzzHazRPG, yeh it was from some days/weeks ago that03:38
shaunosurprising because usually the gnome guys are more attached to what works in theory, than what works in practice03:38
exobuzzshauno, used easystroke btw (unrelated to my previous comments about rsi) :)03:39
exobuzznice on touchscreens03:39
HazRPGshauno: i must agree, from what I've seen of gnome-shell... I'll most likely be using it more in the coming months/years probably03:39
shaunoI barely have the trackpad working atm :/03:39
shaunothere's so much hardware support missing on my new laptop that it really feels just like trying to get a distro going in 1998 again03:40
hamitronmy trackpad isn't upto much :)03:40
HazRPGapparently getting the Unity3D bar to appear is like fighting with the edge of the screen... fun03:40
hamitronI think ubuntu should do a google, and add "beta" onto the end of all their none-lts03:41
shaunoooh, just noticed the missus has gone to bed, so I can go watch dr who now03:41
HazRPGif I recall, weren't they making a "ubuntu tour" thing? Or was that just troll-warez03:41
HazRPGshauno: your misses hates doctor who!?03:42
exobuzzshauno, i bought a laptop with ati gfx and o2 micro card reader in 1995. that was fun on linux. the o2 micro card reader remains unsupported to this day :) the open source ati drivers are ok now, but the proprietory ones dropped support for my card even before they worked properly03:42
hamitronmore to the point.... tell her she will watch and accept it03:42
shaunonaw, she hasn't seen last week's yet, so I didn't think it was fair to put this week's on while she was still downstairs03:42
hamitronah, ok :)03:42
hamitronyou should watch last weeks with her then03:43
exobuzzshauno, btw, as an amiga user. do you hang  out on english amiga board or ?03:43
HazRPGhmm, how hard would it be to install natty to my pc but keep my existing grub and self-contain natty?03:43
shaunocan't type and walk, but you know what I mean03:43
exobuzzamiga.org ? ok.. yeh i know it03:43
exobuzznot as bad as amigaworld.net but :)03:43
hamitronHazRPG: erm, doesn't it give the option to leave the bootloader?03:43
shaunothe alternate asked me where I wanted to put it03:44
HazRPGhamitron: I'm not sure, does it?03:44
hamitronalt cd ftw03:44
shaunoif you put it on ubuntu's partition instead of the mbr, life will be much sane03:44
hamitronback to this again03:44
exobuzzshauno, whats your forum handle ?03:45
HazRPGso if I split a hdd up so place natty on, keep the old grub, and then somehow add natty to the existing grub...03:45
HazRPGthis sounds like a challenge I think :)03:45
shaunoyou could even be really clever, and add a menuentry to your existing conf, which switches root to the natty disk, and does configfile (root)/boot/grub/grub.cfg03:45
hamitronHazRPG: need to just chainload it03:45
HazRPGI have the urge to play with natty on my PC and see how much I can ... err... review... about it03:45
hamitronI think03:46
shaunoexobuzz: just Shaun, but I don't talk there much.  just gives me something to read at work :)03:46
exobuzz:) even03:46
ballI've not had good luck with Natty so far.03:46
hamitronshauno's way sounds more cool03:46
exobuzzshauno, aah yeh found you :)03:46
shaunobeen playing with grub-efi for a couple of days now.  I understand grub2 a lot more than I want to  :(03:47
HazRPGshauno: ah wait, I think I've done that before on my pendrive! I actually know what that is!03:47
exobuzz7 posts in 4 years heh03:47
shaunothat sounds about right03:47
ballTried upgrading fork's Xubuntu box to 11.4 and bricked it.03:47
HazRPGball: join the club xD03:47
ball...then tried a clean install of Xubuntu 11.4...and it failed.03:47
ball...now downloading Edubuntu 11.403:47
ballIf that doesn't work I may roll back to 10.1003:47
shaunoHazRPG: what I'd do, is create a file on my natty partition, called /boot/natty03:48
hamitronthis is as smooth as a debian dist-upgrade03:48
shaunothen search -f --set /boot/natty root03:48
shaunoconfigfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:48
shaunoeasy at that.  then hitting that menuentry will load up natty's config, so it stays up to date with kernel updates03:48
shaunoif the configfile contains menuentries (which it will, that way), it'll repopulate the menu immediately03:49
HazRPGball: its taken me 9hrs and several installs and liveCD tests and messing around to get 11.04 working - slight exaggeration, but I did start in the evening and only *just* got it working an hr ago T_T03:50
HazRPGball: how is fork btw? Been a while since I've seen you around.03:50
ballHazRPG: She's good! We wore her out today with some gardening and walking around the garden centre03:51
shaunobattery's estimating 9hrs13 mins.  it's nice to be 'home' :)03:51
shaunoreminds me, while I've a sensible OS loaded, I should try to rebuild my grub-efi with ext4, so I can see if I can get that to boot natty03:52
hamitrontime for sleep for me03:52
hamitronnn all ;)03:53
HazRPGball: heh aww03:54
HazRPGball: bless :)03:54
ballNow I just have to fix her PC.03:55
HazRPGball: 10.10 ftw if all else fails03:56
HazRPGor even 10.04 if needs be03:56
shaunoawesome, the dvr didn't catch the last 5 minutes of the previous show \o/03:58
shauno(this means I stand a much higher chance of having the last few minutes of this show   lol)03:58
HazRPGhmm, too much inconsistency with 11.0403:59
HazRPGshauno: iplayer \o/04:00
HazRPGvpn for uk ip \o/04:00
shaunoprefer to get it off the cable if I can.  iplayer isn't meant for 40" screens04:00
shaunodon't need vpn, my vps is in london :)04:01
shaunoit does get-iplayer --pvr on cron, and dumps the output in my dropbox :)04:01
shaunoget-iplayer nukes files after a few weeks by default, which suits me just fine.  keeps the dropbox tidy04:02
HazRPGheh nice04:05
HazRPGheh if it wasn't for all the talk of dr.who, I probably would have forgotten to grab the newest episode04:07
ballTime to go and check on my download.04:16
shaunoWonder how long I should stare at a blank screen before admitting I still haven't figured it out04:17
exobuzzxbmc + iplayer plugin works well here (especially with the 3200kbit streams)04:18
shaunoStreaming gets a bit dodgy here. non-uk ip :/04:19
exobuzzjust proxy the handshake and you dont need to vpn04:19
exobuzzie. you ened to proxy the intial xml handshake with the bbc. the cdn are not geolocked for the actual streams04:19
shaunoshould probably try that some day04:20
exobuzz(at least not for the ondemand streams)04:20
exobuzzi maintain the iplayer plugin for xbmc so have spent a lot of time messing with this stuff04:21
shaunoif the handshake bit is on a different netblock, I can just give that a different route04:21
exobuzzyeh. so just vpn the bbc bit to get the auth code.04:22
exobuzz212.58.224.0 - (bbcs range)04:23
HazRPGheh, I shall remember that should I ever move! xD04:30
shaunobit quiet tonight04:31
HazRPGokay, so that episode of dr.who was a bit random O.o04:32
HazRPGI think I might have to watch this again...04:32
HazRPGI think I've just forgotten the plot already :S04:33
HazRPGokay, so how did I forget that intro to the episode :S04:40
shaunothe whole pregnancy bit just confused me.  did she do the doctor?04:42
* ball hasn't seen any of the Eleventh Doctor episodes yet.04:43
shaunoI wonder if glimmerblocker would work on ubuntu.  the daemon half is just java04:43
ballWhat's a glimmer?04:44
shaunoa http proxy for ad-filtering04:45
shauno(and a few other transforms I've added)04:45
shaunoit's meant to be for osx, but since the meat is java, it might work04:47
HazRPGI don't see why it wouldn't, unless it uses osx specific stuff05:02
shaunowell the config ui is kinda specific, but the daemon itself should be fairly sane05:03
shaunoalso, I discovered tnt rocks for fighting forrest fires :)05:03
HazRPGthought you were going off to watch dr.who xD05:05
shaunoI did05:05
shaunothat was 90 minutes ago :)05:05
shauno5am and I've decided I need to build a flooded-farm.  bah.05:06
HazRPGrofl is that what your current project is?05:08
shaunodon't really have a project atm :/05:09
shaunotried to go exploring.  found a new island, and accidentally burnt it down05:10
HazRPGwow, I'm so glad I watched this again05:13
HazRPGsome of this episode is jumbled around like big time!05:13
shaunogoogle reader really needs a killfile05:29
HazRPGlol a what?05:30
shaunoI want to be able to nuke things based on pattern05:30
shaunoeg, hackernews minus any headline that contains 'bitcoin'05:31
HazRPGlol why?05:32
shaunobecause I'm sick of reading about bitcoin?05:32
HazRPGI wish I knew what that was... also why read it then? Just scroll past ;P05:32
shaunoI do, pretty much.  but because I just keep hitting j, I still have to page past them05:33
HazRPGjust noticed there's no labs either, bah  that's stupid05:36
HazRPGhowever, there is a search bar05:37
HazRPGcould you not minus the title out in that?05:37
shaunodunno, I don't use the web page because it's worse :)05:38
HazRPGseems the search bar can be used to minus out headlines xD05:38
HazRPGI just used: -"ubuntu"05:38
HazRPGand it showed everything minus ubuntu05:38
HazRPGwait, if you don't use the web page, then what do you use?05:39
shaunoI use reeder05:39
HazRPGosx app?05:40
HazRPGah wait, no that wasn't a misspelling05:40
HazRPGI was going to say make a plugin, but I doubt you can do that with that app05:41
HazRPGLiferea ftw \o/05:41
HazRPGright bed time for me, early (ish) start for me today05:43
HazRPGthink I've had enough of 11.04 for one day05:43
shaunoyou lasted longer than I did :)05:43
HazRPGits terrible, but I do believe they can still rectify some parts of it for 11.10 maybe05:44
shaunogotta get ndiswrapper working next, but I want to get my trackpad sorted out first so I can actually use the UI05:44
HazRPG(or just install gnome-shell xD)05:44
shaunognome-shell's what I've been working with05:45
HazRPGgnome-shell on 11.04? Or gnome-shell on something else?05:46
shaunoon natty, yeah05:46
HazRPGmight have to try that out on my laptop05:46
HazRPGndiswrapper is the wifi stuff isn't it :S?05:46
shaunoit is.  which is why it's on the todo list :/05:47
HazRPG(too lazy to re-open browser cos I don't really want to open up 30 tabs again)05:47
shaunoneed ndis for the wifi, the trackpad because it's a freaking UI, and grub-efi so I can disable the ati card05:47
HazRPGlaptop without wifi, kinda renders them stupid really05:47
shaunothe wifi's the easy bit, I had it working in beta2 :)05:48
HazRPGtrackpad and grub stuff sounds like more of a challenge05:48
shaunogrub's still being a monumental pain in the rear05:49
HazRPGit always has been ^_^05:49
HazRPGuseful when it works, pain when it doesn't05:49
shaunowell, to be fair, it's not actually grub that's getting in the way atm.  it's the videomodes for the framebuffer05:50
shaunotrying to figure out how to switch to the intel gpu before I start the kernel05:51
HazRPGright, really must dash, long long day ahead of me... dealing with paperwork and govern. related stuff can be a pain sometimes05:51
shaunoI have figured out how to switch the ati off from grub.  haven't found the right values to switch to the intel.  so I end up with no gpu   lol05:52
HazRPGguessing ATI stuff is being a ... at the moment05:52
shaunoI just don't want the ati card running because it sucks the battery dry05:52
HazRPGwell that makes sense really05:53
HazRPGcan that not be switched out OS-side?05:53
shaunothere's nothing under linux that needs it, so if I turn it off I'll run cooler, quieter, for longer05:53
shaunoso far, no.  I lose video when the kernel switches from the efi-vga framebuffer to the radeon framebuffer05:54
HazRPGcos if you can, you could make a script that runs on startup to do that for you05:54
shaunoI'm basically doing peek & poke from grub (inb and outb).  I really don't want to do that from upstart :)05:55
HazRPGah, heh, yeah that will be a nightmare05:55
shauno(and I still need to find the right values either way)05:55
HazRPGbut that's just it, doesn't 10.10 work? Could you not work out the values from that?05:56
shauno10.10 doesn't do gpu switching either05:56
HazRPGyou'd think it would... cos of the new intel CPU chips05:57
shaunowell, there's a catch05:57
shaunoX is prehistoric :)05:57
HazRPGwell yeah05:57
HazRPGfrom the sounds of that video ali1234 linked earlier, looks like intel are on that05:58
shaunofor it to work in X, X has to be able to ...05:58
shaunoa) mirror the display to two completely different cards05:58
shaunob) not <expletive> itself when the cards are hotplugged05:58
HazRPGtrue true05:59
shaunoeg, the radeon driver has to gracefully handle the gpu being powered off05:59
shaunoyou've got dualhead - can you sleep one screen but not the other?06:00
HazRPGI can if I push the power off of one ;D06:00
HazRPGdon't think I can normally though06:01
HazRPGalthough, never really tried06:01
shaunoas far as I can tell, that's all it's doing06:01
HazRPGwell as far as I can see in the NVIDIA X Server Settings... I can turn off a monitor... but it saves to an X conf file and asks you to restart06:02
HazRPGso you can't do it on the fly06:02
HazRPGgotta remember though, my is dualhead on the same graphics card06:02
HazRPGI'm sure it would <wrong-word> if it was on different cards06:03
shaunoas far as I can tell, it's mirroring the display across two cards, then putting one of the two to sleep06:03
shaunoso to switch displays, you wake up the card, poke the gmux to switch to that card as the source, then sleep the first card06:04
HazRPGguessing nothing in the logs shows anything unusual then06:04
shaunoI get 5 seconds worth of kernel log, and then it dies :/06:05
ballI think I officially dislike Natty.06:05
ball(since it dislikes my hardware)06:05
HazRPGball: not the only one, like I said I had a fight with it too06:05
HazRPGball: shauno is still fighting with it, but I think his problem is more due to his hardware being too new06:06
shaunoso I've figured out the gmux lives at offset 0x750.  after that, I've actually no idea what the values in the various addresses are :)06:06
ballThis one has Intel 945, so nothing cutting-edge there.06:06
HazRPGball: I had trouble with the P4 I have... and my laptop that I've finally managed to get running sort of smoothly is core 2 duo06:07
shaunowell, more the problem .. I have no idea what the actual addresses are.  it's not like I've got an address the tells me which gpu.  I have a range of addresses that contain values, and I'm just poking different values into them until it breaks.  then rebooting, and trying different values06:07
HazRPGmight have to faff with the P4 one some more when I get up, see if I can /attempt/ to get it online properly06:07
ballI just spent hours downloading Edubuntu and then burned it to a DVD.06:08
ball...just like Ubuntu and Xubuntu, it doesn't work.06:08
ball(for me, on this box)06:08
shaunoand the grub wiki is still down :(06:08
HazRPGshauno: is there not a mirror for that?06:09
shaunogoogle's cache :)06:09
HazRPGshauno: xD06:09
HazRPGball: what's the issue exactly? I've found you need to faff around with some config to get it up and running so far on my systems06:09
HazRPGworst thing is, I mess around with so much, I don't actually know which of the solutions I did actually fixed it >_<06:10
jacobwwhy would edubuntu work where x/ubuntu doesn't?06:10
HazRPGwhich is why I plan to mess around with it more when I wake up later06:10
jacobwha, you need to track your issues :)06:10
jacobwor solutions, either one of those things :p06:10
HazRPGjacobw: normally I would, but I was just getting beyond frustrated with it lol06:10
jacobwcomputers do that to people06:11
HazRPGsome wouldn't have messed around with it as much as I did though xD06:11
balljacobw: It was wishful thinking, but it's for my daughter's PC so if it worked the educational content might have been helpful06:11
ballHazRPG: Blank screen, nothing happening.06:12
HazRPGthey'd have seen "not working, oh well... *throws in bin*"06:12
HazRPGball: after install, or is that the LiveCD/AltCD ?06:12
jacobwyeah, most people are suprisingly averse to problem solving06:12
ballHazRPG: LiveCD.  I don't get far enough to install it.06:12
jacobwwhat graphics card is in the machine?06:13
HazRPGjacobw: fear of the unknown, and the lack of motivation to find out why it won't work, and even less motivation as to how to fix it06:13
balljacobw: Intel D94506:13
HazRPGball: LiveCD too me half hr to boot up...06:13
ball(It's a D945GCLF mITX mainboard)06:13
HazRPGball: you'd have probably been better off trying with a Alt-disc06:14
HazRPGball: that's how I got my semi-working on my stuff06:14
lubotu3`Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.06:15
ballHazRPG: Is 10.10 more likely to work?06:15
HazRPGball: hmm, I'm running 10.10 right now, and haven't had any issues with it at all06:16
HazRPGball: what was running on it before?06:16
ballXubuntu 10.10 I think.06:16
HazRPGball: then yeah ^_^06:16
ballMight have been an 11.4 Beta06:17
ballI forget.  It has been a few days since I installed that.06:17
HazRPGball: if your willing to give 11.04 another try... I'd recommend the Alt-CD of either ubuntu or xubuntu06:17
HazRPGsince you get more sane results with it than the LiveCD06:18
jacobwball: when do you get the blank screen? when X starts or before?06:18
HazRPGbah didn't want to open my 30 tab browser, but hang on06:18
balljacobw: I got the screen where you choose a language and then choose whether to try it or install it.06:19
HazRPGball: this is what I constantly got with all the LiveCD versions: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-tedGRcfQT4DIgUILLn1kQ?feat=directlink06:19
HazRPGball: see that bit always loads up fine... its after you click "try" that conks out on me06:20
ball...then a blank screen with no icons, no text06:20
HazRPGhave a look at what I was greeted with06:20
ballSlightly different behaviour depending on the variant: Xubuntu loses sync on the monitor.  Ubuntu shows me a desktop with icons but immediately errors out.  Edubuntu goes to a black screen.06:21
HazRPGthe screenshot doesn't do what I actually saw justice though, cos it would flicker like crazy - I'm so glad I'm not epileptic06:21
HazRPGif not, that would have been a bad time to find out >_<06:22
ballHazRPG: Sounds like you're having display issues too then.06:22
jacobwsorry, i didn't realise how long that url was06:23
HazRPGball: two ways I got it working on mine is either a) install 10.10, then upgrade to 11.04 OR b) grab the alt-CD and install that way06:23
ballIt didn't seem like the 11.4 Beta 2 was out very long before they released 11.406:23
ball...was it released before it was ready?06:23
jacobw2 weeks06:24
HazRPGI have a feeling it was, but who knows06:24
HazRPGsome have pure success with it, but for some it just utterly falls apart on them06:24
jacobwi seem to be having pure sucess with it :)06:25
HazRPGwell your not the only one, my old tutor is too06:25
jacobwball: try debian on that box?06:25
HazRPGbut for me, nothing but problems from the start06:25
balljacobw: Will Debian suit a five-year-old girl?06:26
HazRPGjacobw: I reckon he should download the alt-cd first, and check his joys out with that first06:26
jacobwyeah, that's probably a better idea06:27
ballIs there any other (perhaps non-Ubuntu) Linux that might suit her?06:27
jacobwi hadn't realised that unity was probably the motivation for installing 11.0406:27
HazRPGcos at least that way he can try both an "upgrade" option using the alt-cd as a repo, or to just try and install pure from disc06:27
HazRPGjacobw: ah see I knew it was for a small girl ya see ^_^06:28
HazRPGball: if you want to try something new for her... and like the debian way of stuff, you could try out this one: http://www.qimo4kids.com/06:29
ballI don't really know what the Debian way of stuff is.06:30
ball...but I'll try Qimo06:30
HazRPGball: I haven't personally tested it out myself, but I had it downloaded for a few months - I visit the family in Egypt once a year... so I was going to see what it was like before I went over in a couple of weeks time for one of my lil cousins06:31
jacobwthere's little between 'the ubuntu way' and 'the debian way' except that 'the debian way' is usually better documented06:31
HazRPGball: well Qimo is ubuntu-based, but when I say "the debian way" I mean things like sudo, deb packages, etc06:32
jacobwi suppose on the educational front there *is* sugar.. i don't how feasible it is to use that on a small scale though06:32
jacobwthis qimo stuff looks interesting06:32
HazRPGyeah, Qimo has spotted my eye for a few months now, and thought it would work great for some of my lil cousins06:36
HazRPGjacobw: oh, you mean sugar as in the pc for every kid thing?06:39
jacobwone laptop per child06:41
HazRPGI always thought the interface for that looked too scary for a kid06:41
jacobwperhaps it only looks scary to an adult? :p06:41
jacobwi don't know06:41
HazRPGthis just looks more pleasing to the eye though: http://i1-linux.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Qimo-4-Kids_1.png06:42
jacobwit does look good06:43
HazRPGoh well, I really need to get some shut eye06:44
shaunoshould too, but I'm starting to think sticking a pizza in the oven is gonna be a better idea :)06:44
HazRPGball: good luck with Qimo or (X)Ubuntu 11.04, hopefully child process 2.0 will like it either way ^_^06:44
shauno(I'm also thinking that sticking random values into efi addresses may not be a healthy thing, so trying to figure out how to query the current values from within osx)06:45
HazRPGthere must be a way to monitor it in osx06:45
HazRPGbecause surely osx flips between them seamlessly if I recall you saying06:45
shaunoit does06:46
HazRPGshould be a way to grab a debugger of some kind to print out the values06:46
shaunobut it's all done via their api, I haven't tracked down where the switching is actually done06:46
HazRPGalso, pizza ftw! \o/06:47
HazRPGplanning on popping a few chicken sausages in the oven before bed ^_^06:47
HazRPGball: let me know how you get on btw06:47
HazRPGshauno: I'll most likely speak to ya later on at some point06:48
jacobwchicked sausages?!06:48
HazRPGand to jacobw, catch ya later :)06:48
jacobwbye :)06:48
HazRPGjacobw: yeah, can't stand pig related stuff ^_^06:48
HazRPGeven the smell puts me off06:48
jacobwi've seen them slaughered, its pretty disgusting.06:49
HazRPGso have I... think that's where the disgust started xD06:49
HazRPGanyways, food + sleep calls06:50
HazRPGnight all \o06:50
HazRPGlast note: everyone should try chicken sausages... they're so nice!!!06:51
HazRPGor beef!06:51
HazRPGbeef sausages are good too :)06:51
jacobwnight :)06:51
shaunothe sunny side of an all-nighter is the wrong time to be looking at decompiles of kernel drivers :/  shall have to ask around 'n see if the source for this one can be otained07:06
ballDownloaded Qimo, trying that.07:14
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
kvarleyMorning Ubuntu-ers08:27
kvarleyHaving difficulty with pulse audio and games...again. I have to run padsp everytime I want to play Unreal Tournament 2004. Is there not a way to set it to use pulse audio as the driver somehow? It would be of much use to me so I can use glc to record the game.08:28
kvarleyPlease ignore my previous message, I have since solved the problem08:33
kvarleyJust in case somebody looks back on the chat with the same problem, I deleted the openal.so library from my ut2004/System folder and then made a symbolic link to the library which is installed from the repos. (sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libopenal.so /path/to/ut2004/System/openal.so)08:35
kvarleyMooDoo: 0/08:59
MooDoomorning czajkowski :)09:11
czajkowskiMooDoo: howdy09:12
MooDooczajkowski: hows the back?09:20
czajkowskimuch better thanks09:25
MooDooczajkowski: excellent09:29
MartijnVdShowdy popey09:39
MooDoomorning popey09:42
mfraz74any ideas what has happened to the countdowns at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown ?09:53
MartijnVdSthey hit 0 :)09:53
MartijnVdSthe countdown is over09:53
mfraz74shouldn't they say 'it's here'?09:54
mfraz74banner1.png doesn't even exist any more09:54
AlanBellmfraz74: yes, it is an embarrasing cockup09:56
mfraz74AlanBell: only realised when it was still showing "coming soon" on my website09:57
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: fixed your sons pc?10:14
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Whats wrong with it?10:15
TheOpenSourcererThe old UI works but no 3d effects work. Looks like it is suffering from bug 77178810:17
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 771788 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77178810:17
TheOpenSourcererTry and log in with Unity and you get nothing other than the wallpaer.10:17
TheOpenSourcererThe standard desktop has no effects enabled and trying to turn anything on through CCSM causes heaps of #fail.10:18
popeywhat video card is it?10:19
TheOpenSourcererNV37GL [Quadro FX 330/GeForce PCX 5300]10:26
gordthanks for telling me its the 1st of the month all my mailing lists!10:26
jibadeehahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJykX4s9MtQ&feature=related   ... this is quicker than Windows XP on a normal PC10:26
brobostigongood morning everyone10:35
MartijnVdShi brobostigon10:35
brobostigongoodmorning MartijnVdS :)10:35
brobostigonhttp://etbe.coker.com.au/2011/04/30/autism-awareness-free-software/    just found that on planet debian.10:36
brobostigongood morning dwatkins10:36
popey7 tickets left for oggcamp :)10:37
MooDoothought they were sold out?10:37
MooDoowell obviously not lol10:37
popeywe released more10:37
popeythat speccy thing is faked sadly :(10:38
MooDoothink we all worked that one out :)10:39
popeywell. no.10:39
popeyits made to look like it was recorded on a spectrum10:39
popeybut little things give it away10:39
popeylike the R tape loading error should be at the bottom of the screen and should blat out the bottom two lines10:39
popeyand when the colour comes in it should load in blocks not lines10:40
MartijnVdSpopey: your inner geek is showing ;)10:40
popeyeven better10:41
TheOpenSourcererOT but very funny speech from Obama taking a *big* dig at Trump. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9mzJhvC-8E via AlanBell10:52
JustMeDudecan someone pls help, upgraded to 11.04, tried compiz to get transparency back now when I log in I have no top bar or launcher11:11
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=== brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon
jonsainthi all. is it me or is this new release as slow as hell? previous version was very quick on my pc but this new one seems to be lagging somewhat plus when my screensaver kicks in, within a few minutes it locks up and takes ages to get back to the home screen!14:20
brobostigonafternoonings livingdaylight15:27
livingdaylightI was looking for the 64-bit version; once dl-ed it appears as ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso Is that good for my intel system too?15:28
livingdaylightbrobostigon, hi15:28
brobostigonlivingdaylight: as long as your intel system is also 64bit, yes.15:29
livingdaylightok - thx. The amd bit threw me15:29
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constrictordoes anyone use a thinkpad edge here16:01
Azelphurwhat's the proper way to do wifi range extension without having to switch between routers manually?16:04
Ngrange extension?16:16
Nglike, multiple access points?16:16
AzelphurNg: yea but I don't want to have to manually switch16:17
popeyNg: you do that at UDS don't you?16:17
Azelphurcurrently I have a setup where all routers have the same SSID, but my brother whines that his silly windows laptop always connects to the node with the least signal strength (yay windows)16:17
Ngpopey: we sure do :)16:17
popeyAzelphur: mac address filter him out of tha furthest ap?16:18
Azelphurpopey: and lock him in his bedroom and throw away the key? :P16:18
* popey has ordered a GTX 460 \o/16:18
Ngone option would be to turn that AP's transmit power down so the ranges don't overlap so much, but ultimately in a multi-AP-single-ESSID world you are always going to be at the mercy of poor heuristics16:18
AzelphurNg: yea, I'm after a better way of doing it, I don't mind buying some equipment to get it done16:19
AzelphurThere's gig ethernet around most of the house too16:19
popeygive your brother an ethernet cable for his birthday16:19
Azelphurethernet cables for laptops \o/16:20
NgI have both my APs on the same ESSID, except the lounge one also has a separate 5ghz essid for devices I explicitly want to clamp to that AP16:20
knightwisemorning everyone16:20
AzelphurI just want a proper way to be able to free roam around the house, which will involve some kind of repeaters16:20
dwatkinsAzelphur: ethernet over mains?16:20
Azelphurdwatkins: being plugged into an ethernet cable, clearly not free roaming.16:21
dwatkinsAzelphur: sorry I meant could you use two wifi access points, one connected to an ethernet-over-power point?16:21
Azelphurdwatkins: late to the discussion I talked about this above16:21
dwatkinsah ok, I'll read16:21
popeyhmm, i have two access points here, they have different ESSIDs16:22
dwatkinsheh, I see16:22
popeymaybe I should make them the same16:23
dwatkinswow, finally an advantage to living in a tiny one-bedroom flat :D ;)16:23
popeymind you, i upgraded to VM 30MB/s so I will be getting another AP soon16:23
knightwisehey everyone16:23
knightwiseyou guyz remember my podcast copy script right ?16:23
knightwisei'm perfectionising it to use dropbox so i can wirelessly sync to my ipad and ois devices too16:24
knightwisebut have run into a pickle where there there is a problem with an rsync command16:24
knightwisei've posted the output http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1699708&page=216:24
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=== ChrisB_ is now known as Guest28625
dwatkinshow long has Unity been around? It looks like a great solution for some people, although I'm unsure how to turn it off again or get to synaptic.17:01
brobostigonhttp://www.geeksaresexy.net/2011/05/01/the-difference-between-iphone-and-android/  lol17:02
dwatkinsit appears that X is hanging on this Macbook Pro, but I guess that's a separate issue17:02
dwatkinsI like that blog, brobostigon :)17:02
dwatkinsI'm tempted to learn about writing apps for iPhone and/or Android as none of the speedometers I've tried look quite right.17:04
dwatkinsit seems this Macbook Pro doesn't like someone typing 'b' after logging in... X totally hangs17:04
brobostigondwatkins: whats shows up in syslog and xorg log.17:05
dwatkinsyeah, just had a look at the Xorg log, nothing was written to it; seems to do the same in chromium as in chrome, which is wierd. Perhaps it's network access that it hates.17:05
dwatkinsyeah, seems to be chrome[ium] only17:06
dwatkinssorry, chrom[e|ium] ;)17:06
popeybrobostigon: did you know all your posts double up on facebook?17:13
popeyeverything appears twice, once from gwibber, once from identi.ca17:13
brobostigonpopey: i didnt know, no, weird. ah, ok,17:13
brobostigoni will stop gwibber posting to facebook, as identi.ca seems to be doing it.17:14
brobostigonpopey: thankyou for bringing that to my attention.17:16
dwatkinsaha, got it - the USB device ID was wrong in the xorg.conf.d entry17:19
jacobwi've just eaten a whole box of those 'french fancies' :|17:23
dwatkinsnow we just need to fix the fact chrome hangs17:23
jacobwi feel.. fat :p17:23
* dwatkins hands jacobw a wafer-thin mint17:23
jacobwnow you've made me think about the joys of kendal mint cake17:24
jacobwinsensitive clod!17:24
phonex01such amazing food ..... anyone tried Mansaf before ???17:49
phonex01im just done with it i think i ate about 3 kg hahah17:49
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jacobwi've never heard of that before, i've looked it up on wikipedia, it look amazing18:00
twinHow can you kill X at TTY6, while you are at TTY2? - TTY6 is graphically stuck.18:13
twin* ok, managed to kill the other X. Now trying recover the other X such that I do not lose the pieces of information in the given windows.18:18
MartijnVdStwin: if you killed X, those applications will have closed18:20
twinMartijnVdS: I had two Xs running.18:20
twinMartijnVdS: at different displays.18:20
twinHow can you see the processes that are on at TTY7 while you are at TTY2?18:21
MartijnVdSps ?18:21
twin* ps aux does not give an accurate picture18:21
twin* I would like to know why the X just got stuck at TTY7.18:22
twin* I can move mouse. I see Google Maps which I was using. However, I can only move mouse.18:22
twin* answer is probably at log messages18:23
MartijnVdSIt's probably not easily solveable18:23
MartijnVdSyou could try killing google maps (from the other console)18:23
MartijnVdSsee if that helps18:23
MartijnVdSif that doesn't help, I don't know what will18:23
MartijnVdSother than reboot18:23
twinMartijnVdS: true. Killed Chromes but the X is not responding, showing only Google maps.18:27
MartijnVdStwin: kill google maps18:27
MartijnVdS(don't you mean google earth?018:27
twinMartijnVdS: No. I was using Chrome while the X crashed, playing LoU.18:28
twin* had many serial processes going on.18:28
twin* flash blocked however.18:29
twin* JS problem probably18:29
twinhowever, it should not crash like that18:29
MartijnVdSOpenGL is probably the problem18:29
brobostigonwhat does dmesg and xorg logs say, then you can file a bug.18:30
AzelphurAnyone here knowledgeable with the IRC protocol, or know a channel of people who are?18:41
MartijnVdSAzelphur: what are you trying to do? :)18:42
twinbrobostigon: My dmesg and xorg.logs pastebin.com/AXaCNBBM and pastebin.com/cBKbLd5K18:42
MartijnVdSAzelphur: the protocol is a bit ambiguous in places, lots of things are convention18:42
AzelphurMartijnVdS: when a mode is set on a user in a channel, the server sends MODE #channel +o blah18:43
AzelphurMartijnVdS: but if you send a WHO #channel, the modes for the user are sent in a different format, like @ is +o18:43
Azelphurwondering how I convert between the 2.18:43
shaunousually just send version to the server18:44
twinMartijnVdS: Yes, it is a OpenGL issue: see the Xorg.log: couldn't not create pixmap18:44
twinMartijnVdS: fbcon issue18:44
Azelphurshauno: ah yea I see, my server sends RAW 005 which contains PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+18:45
AzelphurI wonder if all servers send that.18:45
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I'd check the source of a client18:45
brobostigontwin: ok, i cant see anyspeific there, so i would go with MartijnVdS, iwould take aquick browse onlaunchpad and see if something has been filed.18:45
MartijnVdSbut maybe I'm strange18:45
shaunomost I'm familiar with do.  eg, freenode has PREFIX=(ov)@+18:45
AzelphurI'll have to pull that on startup then :)18:45
twinbrobostigon: Yes, there are similar reports see with KDE, but I am using gnome + uni*18:46
daubersping AlanBell18:46
shaunoand PREFIX=(yqaohv)!~&@%+ from another network I'm on.  don't recall seeing one where it doesn't work, but can't promise it's actually in the spec18:46
MartijnVdStwin: could it be a (video) memory shortage?18:46
brobostigontwin: i see, ah.18:46
Azelphurshauno: that's should be ok then if it's in the spec :)18:46
Azelphuroh, can't promise18:47
* Azelphur investigates18:47
shaunoAzelphur: that's what I mean.  I'm not sure it is.  it just seems to be defacto.  (most the stuff in version is overloaded)18:47
twinMartijnVdS: Probably, since I had two LoU going on, 10 chromes and one Google map18:47
AzelphurI'll just do it and if anyone complains fix it \o/18:47
twinMartijnVdS: + one firefox with 3 tabs18:48
MartijnVdStwin: don't do that then ;)18:48
twinMartijnVdS: But should it crash like that if there is a shortage of memory?18:48
MartijnVdStwin: lots of programs aren't tested for low video memory18:48
MartijnVdStwin: because it doesn't happen often18:48
twinMartijnVdS: But google chrome has been tested18:49
twinMartijnVdS: and firefox too18:49
MartijnVdStwin: Really? For behaviour in low-memory AND low-video-memory environments?18:49
MartijnVdStwin: I don't think so18:49
twinMartijnVdS: ok, I admit. I am newbie with these tests so I need trust you only for now18:50
shaunofirefox and chrome can be a bit sketchy with poor video support, now that they're trying to move stuff like webgl into the browser itself18:50
shaunoI'd look to see if there's an option to disable that, and see if it changes18:51
MartijnVdStwin: All I know is that it's very hard to test all bits of a program that need a new piece of memory (that happens all over the place) at exactly the moment memory runs out18:51
twinok, thank you guys for your answers! I will try to disable webgl to test shauno's suggestino18:53
twinshauno: Yes, the problem is with WebGL, at least in Chrome. There is a short discussion 14/3/2011 by AdrianST about it in Google forum.18:56
shaunono idea if it's the whole problem in your case, but it does mean they're heavier on vram than you'd expect them to be18:57
HazRPGman, I hate to do this to my favourite operating system... but what's with all the inconsistencies!19:35
HazRPGI'm sure I've counted 3  different types of scrollbars so far19:35
HazRPGand I haven't installed anything out of the ordinary yet19:35
Who__popey: are you about?20:01
HazRPGhmm, how do I find out which localisation I'm using?20:25
HazRPGcos I don't recall the Rubbish Bin being called a "Wastebasket"20:26
HazRPGI'm pretty sure its only my american friends that call it a wastebasket20:26
brobostigoniwould tend toagree, we call it a bin.20:27
DJonesHazRPG: Mine is called "Bin" with "Empty bin" when I right click20:27
HazRPGmine says "Empty Wastebasket"20:27
DJonesHazRPG: Mine is called "Bin" with "Empty bin" when I right click20:27
DJonesBut "Wastebasket" when I click to open20:27
HazRPGoh yeah, in the unity bar its Bin... how odd :S20:28
HazRPGwow... too many inconsistencies >_<20:28
HazRPGits like a HCI nightmare20:28
HazRPG(I hate the fact that I studied HCI... I've noticed I'm nit-picking too much >_<)20:29
gordhello from budapest21:45
brobostigonevening gord o/21:46
gordthe hotel wifi is slow and wired only. heads will roll!21:46
gordi'v somehow managed to fuse my power cable into my laptop... thats a new one21:47
popeyShould have taken a fon with you21:50
popeyshare out the hotel wifi and charge for it21:51
gordyeah i always want to do something like that, mostly just because wired is always better than the crappy wifi21:52
gordwow flash is like 60 odd mb21:56
Davieygord: wait what?  < gord> the hotel wifi is slow and wired only <--- how is it WIFI if wired only?22:01
gord.... shut up thats why!22:01
Davieygord: No wifi in the rooms, as in one cat5 cable?22:01
gordi'v been traveling all day :( words may not make sense22:01
gordno wifi in the room, i'll speak to someone tomorrow, there is wifi, but its behind a pay wall. was assured it was password free (the wired is, not the wifi)22:02
Davieygord: Ahhh... have you asked reception if there is a 'conference code for the wifi?'22:02
gordtomorrow :) i'm tired and this works for now22:03
Davieymind you, was it Orlando or Dallas where it said like 20 USD per 24hrs... and we were told 'they won't really charge you' confidence--22:03
Davieygord: How long was your flight?!22:03
gorddallas, they do that every time at that hotel, they honestly don't charge you :)22:04
gordtwo hours!!! traveling drains me, all the preparation, waiting around, hard work it is22:04
Davieywow, i hope you walked around a bit on the plane... that deep vein thrombosis is a real concern on long haul.22:05
gordyou coming next week Daviey?22:05
Davieygord: Yeah, arrive Wed.22:05
gordoh, i leave wednesday :P22:06
Davieygord: you won't be there for UDS?22:06
gordno no i leave next wednesday, so here for half of uds22:06
gordhonestly, i'm useless the thursday/friday of uds anyway, i don't even remember them22:06
Davieygord: I arrive on the 4th May.  You fly out on the 11th... our paths might cross. :o22:07
gordoooh you arrive this wednesday, gotcha22:07
Davieyfly out = return home.22:07
gordoh geez... this is not g ood22:08
gordthe minibar is full of delicious things, its not empty like normal22:08
Davieygord: blame your roomie.22:08
brobostigonwhat is the uds planning page?22:09
brobostigonor should i just look at the blueprints page onlaunchpad?22:10
gorddepends what you mean by planning, what are you after?22:10
brobostigonjust shedule, dates etc.22:11
brobostigonthank you gord22:13
jibadeehadeja dup is an excellent piece of software22:14
AlanBello/ Pendulum22:26
PendulumAlanBell: hiya22:26
AlanBellgood trip?22:26
Pendulumnot bad22:27
Pendulumgot upgraded for 2nd flight so actually got to sleep lying down for a couple hours on it!22:28
Pendulumhiya mgdm22:28
mgdmow goes?22:29
AlanBellnice, I have never turned left when getting on to a plane22:29
Pendulummgdm: not bad22:36
gordo_O why do you want AlanBell to not have nice things :(22:42
popeyI only turned left once22:43
popeygot free upgrade going to NY22:43
popeyFree upgrade on a free flight \o/22:43
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 773243 in Ubuntu Website "Ubuntu website advertises "Fully compatible with Microsoft Office"" [Undecided,Invalid]22:43
popeywhat do we feel about that?22:43
popeypersonally the wording makes me feel icky22:44
Pendulumgord: was responding to mgdm22:44
popeyI would never say "Our office applications, for example, are fully compatible with Microsoft Office" to someone22:44
popeyit sounds like a lie22:44
gordit is a lie22:44
Pendulumsorry, I've gotten 2 hours of sleep in the last 3622:44
gordit should not say fully compatible with microsoft office because ubuntu is not fully compatible with microsoft office22:45
AlanBellpopey: does libre office or openoffice.org make that claim?22:45
Davieypopey: "fully compatible" needs a list of fail to really answer it IMO.. but as i said the other day, it's 'no fuss!' :)22:46
popeyOk, I can give you three fails.22:47
mgdmquick survey: how much like an early Dr Who "Patented BBC Bad Chromakey™" does http://mgdm.net/final.jpg look? :)22:47
popey1) Publisher22:47
DJonesIsn't MS Publisher included within MS Office.... I didn't think LibreOffice/OpenOffice had anything compatible22:47
popey2) Visio22:47
popey3) OneNote22:47
popeynone of those are in LibreOffice (or Ubuntu)22:47
penguin42popey: Even sticking just to word/powerpoint/excel you couldn't honestly make that claim22:47
gordmgdm, don't really know what i'm looking for22:48
Davieypopey: http://www.libreoffice.org/features/  is what upstream claim, under "LibreOffice is user-friendly:"  Not quite as strong a claim.22:49
Davieypah, AlanBell beat me.22:49
popeyyeah, was reading that22:49
mgdmgord: does the church at the top look photoshopped in?22:50
PendulumDaviey: I had a moment in Kings Cross today thinking I'd seen you. It was very odd (and was definitely not you on 2nd look, just 1/2 glance initially looked similar)22:50
DavieyPendulum: I was there on Friday ;)22:50
gordmgdm, it looks off, but at a glance i wouldn't say its photoshopped22:50
shaunonot sure that bug should be invalid22:51
DavieyPendulum: Was it an unbelievably handsome chap?  I can see how you would have mistaken him for me.22:51
mgdmgord: ah. It's 3 photos blended together to get roughly the right exposure everywhere in the image22:51
popeyPendulum: hang on, you're in the UK, now?22:52
shaunoI think if I'd bought ubuntu as a commercial product on the grounds of promised compatibility, I'd be due a refund22:52
Pendulumpopey: as of noon today22:52
gordPendulum, gone to see the queen yet? you can ask her to tea any time and she has to say yes, its in the constitution22:53
* AlanBell gives shauno a full refund22:53
shaunoheh, I know22:53
DavieyAlanBell: even if shauno bought the cd from the online shop? :)22:53
shaunobut I mean, that statement is misleading enough that if money were to be changing hands, that'd be under statutory rights22:54
shaunoI think marking it invalid with no discussion at all is rather hasty, is all22:54
gordmy shower gel says that women will flock to me, pretty sure you can say that anything does anything22:54
DavieyAlanBell: I bought 100 of these, http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=765 - can you give me a refund... kkthnxbye.22:55
AlanBellgord: it hints at it22:55
shaunoit kinda implies it on tv, but you won't find it written on the package22:55
* AlanBell thinks it is silly to have an argument when everyone is in agreement22:55
gordAlanBell, it literally says the words "unlimited female attention"22:56
gordright there on the container22:56
shaunoright; so to dispute that, you'd have to prove that it is enforcing limits :p22:56
brobostigongood night, sleep well,everyone.22:58
shaunooffice compatibilty is pretty much a myth anyway.  I can create documents on ms office for mac, that don't open properly in ms office for windows22:59
shaunoif ms office isn't compatible with ms office, what chance does anyone else have23:00
VirungaHi, i would know if there are 3rd part drivers for ati 4850 graphic card23:10
Virungafor ubuntu 11.0423:10
Virungabecause i tried to see a movie with preinstalled driver and the vision was not good23:11
AzelphurVirunga: go to system > administration > hardware drivers23:12
VirungaAzelphur: i did it, with ubuntu live cd23:12
AzelphurUbuntu live cds have that disabled I believe, largely because it requires a reboot to install23:12
Azelphurso it'd be wiped on reboot xD23:13
VirungaAzelphur: so i must install ubuntu to know23:14
AzelphurVirunga: check on atis driver page and see if there are drivers for Linux?23:14
lubotu3`For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:15
VirungaAzelphur good idea23:15
VirungaI found driver for my graphic card for linux x86. I have ubuntu 64bit, the driver is good?23:24
Tommeh /delurk23:45
Tommeh /lurk23:45
ali1234argh the scrollbar thing won't let me resize windows from the right edge23:47
Azelphurwoot, broke g++ http://pastebin.com/5dfY6tS4 \o/23:48
Azelphuron my server, 10.04 LTS23:49
ali1234oh dear23:49
Azelphurcan't build ZNC :(23:50
AzelphurI'll do an upgrade, see if that fixes it23:51
popeywhere did you get that tarball?23:52
Azelphurfrom znc.in23:52
Azelphurand it's happening with znc 0.096 too, which I could build before23:53
Azelphurso something has gone wrong o.O23:53
popeywhat did you do?23:53
popeyuntar it, configure, make?23:53
popeyanything else, anything special?23:53
shaunowhat options does configure find?23:54
Azelphurshauno: http://pastebin.com/kirQ1Eyk23:54
shaunohm, mine matches but without c-ares, and succeeds23:56
popeybuilds fine here23:56
Azelphuryea as I said I can't build 0.096 either which I built fine a while back23:56
popeyno openssl no c-ares here23:56
Azelphursomething not ZNC wise has gone wrong23:56
shaunohttp://pastebin.com/EgrxZ4Bn  (succeeds is boring, but there it is - on 10.04.2)23:56
Azelphurmaybe I'll try without c-ares23:56
Azelphurnope, still won't build with --disable-c-ares23:57
Azelphurand with --disable-openssl too :p23:57
shaunoworks on mine with c-ares too.  so the only difference I can see between them is that you're building for x86_64, and I'm not23:58
Azelphurshauno: it's not a ZNC issue.23:59
shaunodidn't say it was.  it's an issue, somewhere, and I'm trying to help narrow it23:59
Azelphurok :p23:59

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