
ncweberAnyone on tonight?03:55
ncweberI was curious if anyone's upgraded to Ubuntu 11.0404:00
jbichayes, I've been running 11.04 for months04:03
jbichatrying to decide to upgrade?04:03
ncweberNo, I upgraded, day before yesterday. Sort of getting people's feelings about it.  Myself, I'm lovin' it (don't sue me McDonald's).04:08
jbichaI'm ok with Unity or Gnome3 at this time04:09
jbichait has some design & polish issues but I expect 11.10 will be even better04:10
ncweberWell, I was loving Unity in 10.10, so this is more like icing on the cake for me.04:18
ncweberMy only trouble with Unity in 10.10 was the constant crashing.04:30
jbichaah, Unity still crashes but hopefully that will keep improving04:36
jbichaand Unity in 11.04 is a lot faster than on 10.1004:36
ncweberDefinitely.  Especially on netbooks.  It was achingly slow in 10.1004:41
ncweberAs for crashing, it hasn't yet on me.04:41
jbichabcurtiswx: thanks for getting me going on quilt, it took a bit of time to figure it out but I think I've got the basics of it now22:11
jbichaI was surprised I had to use quilt edit and it wasn't smart like bzr to just pick up changes edited from anywhere22:12
bcurtiswxyeah quilt is smart, just a pain to learn22:36

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