
cjohnstonmhall119: had one die last night02:23
cjohnstonhttp://www.wftv.com/news/27729954/detail.html <-- mhall119 that was my call02:25
bluebAnyone around?16:24
bluebAnyone there?17:24
pak33manybody from orlando way going to the melbourne natty release party later today?18:07
pak33mon my way to melbourne, wheeeee21:35
pak33mgotta kill banshee first running at 100% cpu, awful :(21:36
jimmahbout to the pizza place. anybody else there already?22:43
jimmahanybody alive in here23:13
jimmahwhat about that pak33m guy, he around anymore23:15
=== adrian is now known as Guest87211
Guest87211hi im adrian23:28
jimmahhey adrian, read you loud and clear. sounds like your right next to me :)23:28
Guest87211hey pak33m23:48
=== Guest87211 is now known as coolguy9x
=== coolguy9x is now known as adrian81
=== adrian81 is now known as orozcoadrian
=== orozcoadrian is now known as climbatizer
=== climbatizer is now known as adrian1181
=== adrian1181 is now known as climbatizer
jimmahhey adrian1181 23:54

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