
canthus13bah. I'm gonna have to test it in a different distro. Natty is slower than shit in a vm.00:14
dmcglonehi all02:29
BiosElementcanthus13: Kubuntu is waiting for you. ^_^02:52
BiosElementHey dmcglone, no one likes you here. >.>02:52
canthus13BiosElement: Meh. No KDE for me. :(03:04
canthus13And apparently the slowness is an upstream issue.. Debian testing is running nearly as slow on the install. :(03:04
BiosElementcanthus13: Nvidia?03:04
BiosElementBleh, vbox hates me :P03:05
canthus13I've never had issues with it until now.03:07
BiosElementSometimes stuff runs uber slow in vbox for me >.>03:08
BiosElementAnd god, just watching #ubuntu gives me a headache in under 5 minutes >.>03:08
dmcgloneBiosElement:  are you sure about that?03:09
dmcgloneI can't even get Ubuntu 11.04 to even boot03:09
BiosElementdmcglone: I can give it a shot. I know last time It worked, though slowly.03:10
dmcgloneit drops down to a shell on me and will not go anywhere03:11
BiosElementdmcglone: Works fine for me, but it's probably a system specific problem03:20
dmcglonethats weird03:20
BiosElementVBox adds in tons of weird problems though03:21
dmcgloneI tried 2 different ISO's and got the same03:21
dmcgloneI wasn 't using vbox03:21
BiosElementAhh, hmm03:21
dmcgloneI was booting from a USB stick03:21
BiosElementdmcglone: beta or latest?03:21
BiosElementI know the beta had some problems booting from usb03:21
Cheri703random note: apparently you CAN use gnome 2 and/or ubuntu classic instead of unity03:22
BiosElementcanthus13: Yes, you can. It's just FUD that you can't. >.< They had to ship it since Unity is 3D only03:22
dmcgloneAh ha 3D thats probably my problem03:22
BiosElementIt should fallback though03:23
canthus13Cheri703: You can. sort of.03:25
canthus13Cheri703: It's a nasty, ugly mess, but you can use ubuntu 'classic'.03:25
BiosElementcanthus13: It is? I was just using it in vbox the other day, it wasn't anything to write home about.03:25
dmcgloneit doesn't03:25
dmcgloneit goes to an (‌initramfs) shell03:26
canthus13BiosElement: I was using it in 'classic' mode. As soon as I enabled ccsm and turned on cube, everything fell apart. It's like they boobytrapped it to convince people that unity is better.03:26
BiosElementI didn't use ccsm, perhaps it's a driver issue? I know the nvidia drivers are really sucking as of late. >.<03:27
canthus13BiosElement: No. It's a sane default settings issue.03:27
canthus13BiosElement: And it was in vbox. no nvidia drivers.03:27
canthus13heck, this machine has intel graphics, so no nvidia anywhere.03:27
BiosElementcanthus13: Odd. I actually didn't have any problems with 'classic' in vbox. Unity was a fail for me though >.>03:29
Cheri703I just thought I'd mention it for those who didn't know03:30
Cheri703I'm still fairly out of it right now, don't mind me03:30
BiosElementDon't mind us Cheri703, we randomly debate/argue over things. ^_^03:30
Cheri703heh, no problem03:30
dmcgloneI'd love to try it, but obviously it's not gonna work for me03:31
Cheri703I seriously just came out of a like 5 hour weird health thing that happens (generally NOT this long, so I'm all bleh)03:31
BiosElementNotice to ANYONE who designs or has any input in the design of a 'product' homepage. A friggen video does not replace a description of what your product does. I will not waste the time to find out. >.>03:32
* BiosElement is a lazy bugger03:33
Cheri703completely agree03:33
Cheri703especially a video that plays automatically03:33
canthus13dmcglone: Did you upgrade vbox to the latest version?03:33
BiosElementIf you play a video automatically, I'll just close the page.03:33
canthus13dmcglone: ..Or are you installing on a real machine?03:33
dmcglonewell if it's what they want :-/03:33
dmcglonecanthus13: trying to run a live desktop on my netbook03:34
canthus13dmcglone: Ah.03:34
dmcgloneit should run just fine03:35
dmcgloneI guess i'll have to start getting used to an alternative soon :-/03:40
dmcgloneI'll bring my stuff to the meet tomorrow and show it off03:41
BiosElementWhich meet is that? >.>03:49
dmcglonecbus library main03:51
dmcgloneyou'll be there right?03:51
BiosElementAhh hell, I'd totally forgotten about it. Yeah, what time? *goes to set alarms* >.>03:51
dmcglone1 - 5pm I'll be there about 12:3003:52
BiosElementAight, I'll try to roll outta bed before 3pm like I did today >.<03:52
BiosElementI'll aim to be there around 12:30ish as well03:53
dmcgloneit's in the 3rd floor board room03:53
BiosElementI'll wear my Ubuntu Hat so just jump me if/when you see me heh03:53
dmcgloneOk I'll wear my hearing aid, so scream if you see me03:54
dmcgloneactually I can hear a mouse piss on cotton.... LOL03:55
Cheri703still no one (afaik) going down from my area or north of me :(03:56
dmcgloneI wish I knew someone from up there03:56
BiosElementBlah, I used to be up in your area...glad I'm not to be honest >.<03:57
dmcglonecolumbus rules huh?03:57
BiosElementHah, yes, yes it does. :P03:59
dmcgloneyou gonna bring an 11.04 install so I can get a glimpse since I can't here :-/03:59
BiosElementdmcglone: Hah, I don't have 11.04 unity installed on 'anything' at the moment. >.< I'll bring along my Google netbook though if anyone's curious. It's actually a great little netbook for trips04:00
Cheri703:( I want to gooooo!04:01
Cheri703itsafork: around?04:01
BiosElementAwesome Phishing fail04:01
BiosElement"If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours of submitting this form, please resend it from the address listed above."04:02
dmcgloneOk I'm interested in seeing that, I'm going to Myrtle beach in july, it might come in handy for me04:02
BiosElement^hah, so if they fail to steal your account within 48 hours, they'll get another chance every 2 days04:02
dmcgloneCheri, your in mansfield correct?04:02
Cheri703yeah dmcglone04:05
dmcglonedang 3 hours :-/04:06
BiosElement3 hours to Mansfield? Nah. >.>04:07
dmcglonethat means picking you up is out of the question04:07
BiosElementAhh, heh04:07
Cheri703I'm about an hour north of cbus04:07
Cheri703maybe like an hour 1504:07
BiosElement2:30 hours there/back04:07
dmcglonean hour04:07
dmcgloneare you close to lake erie?04:07
Cheri703no, I'm about halfway between columbus and cleveland04:07
dmcgloneI thought cleveland was in mansfield04:08
BiosElementNot even hah04:08
dmcgloneI see04:09
dmcgloneI still don' think I could pull it off :-/04:10
BiosElementShame we don't have more people up north04:11
Cheri703no problem dmcglone, I appreciate the thought04:11
dmcgloneIf I didn't have to help my brother in law in the morning, I could do it :-/04:12
Cheri703random side note: I can't register for an identi.ca account because the captcha box isn't there -_-04:14
Cheri703and it says "captcha doesn't match!"04:15
dmcgloneYou gotta use IE ;-)04:15
Cheri703I DOUBT identi.ca requires ie04:16
BiosElementidenti.ca fucks up their captcha on a regular basis04:16
dmcgloneit was a joke.. LOL04:17
dmcgloneI had to use IE to reserve the room for tomorrow04:17
Cheri703I want to make an account for my business because the "OhioLinux" account will dent about me :)04:18
BiosElementReminds me04:18
BiosElementI figured out my next web project. An app for managing events. Starting with registration/payment and moving on with more planning features04:19
dmcglonecool BiosElement04:20
dmcglonePHP right?04:20
BiosElementWell there seems to be a gap in the market, it'd be great for F/OSS events and it's also not difficult to monetize so I can continue eating.04:20
BiosElementdmcglone: *cough* *choke*04:20
dmcgloneah come on you know you love PHP04:21
BiosElementdmcglone: Actually, nice thing is Python has an advantage in this respect04:24
dmcgloneit does?04:25
Cheri703oooo, speaking of python04:25
BiosElementIt'd be easy to deploy it with a basic ubuntu netbook without needing any packages and servers installed04:25
Cheri703my brother and I collaborated on a project :)04:25
dmcglonewhat is it Cheri703?04:25
BiosElementAwesome Cheri70304:25
Cheri703for forum users: it's always annoying to resize pictures to meet the requirements for a forum, you have to adjust, save, check, adjust, save, check, etc04:26
Cheri703he wrote a thing to auto-adjust pictures to match the requirements04:26
Cheri703you just drop it into a folder, run it, and it outputs little forum versions of all of the pics into a new folder04:27
dmcglonesounds like what imagemagik does04:27
dmcglonemost forums resize on the fly now04:27
BiosElementIt is, but ImageMagik is a pain04:27
Cheri703well, it automates the repeat part04:27
Cheri703not the forums I use04:28
BiosElementdmcglone: phpbb by default doesn't IIRC04:28
dmcgloneI've never use phpbb :-/04:29
dmcglonewelp, I'm gonna get some shut eye04:30
dmcgloneg'night all04:31
BiosElementNight dmcglone04:31
dmcglonesee y'all tomorrow04:31
dmcglonenight :-)04:31
canthus13I'm annoyed. Wife's wireless broke... and i fixed it.  But I don't know how or why.  Nor do I know why wicd keeps starting up even after I uninstalled it.05:38
canthus13It works, but it pisses me off that it works for no good reason.05:51
* Cheri703 is downloading 11.04 for live attempts05:56
* canthus13 cringes.05:58
Cheri703I know06:00
Cheri703but last time I touched unity was the 10.10 netbook release, so I'm curious what changes have been made06:01
Cheri703some people think it's great06:01
canthus13Some people think crack is great.06:01
Cheri703I'm annoyed, I'm probably going to be awake really late :(06:07
BiosElementUnity is at least one release too early and 50 usability studies early.06:21
Unit193BiosElement: I take it you don't like Unity?06:25
BiosElementI love the look of unity, but using it is a step backwards and I can't see why it has to be so weird.06:26
Cheri703I think they completely cut off a HUGE pool of potential users06:27
Cheri703OLD PEOPLE06:27
Cheri703who don't want/need to upgrade their computers to win7, but need something more functional than xp06:27
BiosElementQuestion is, is that even a market ubuntu is aiming for? It seems to me Ubuntu is trying to be more then just a windows replacement06:28
canthus13Eh? You forget bug #1.06:29
Cheri703true, but that was a LARGE portion of the people I've gotten to use it...people who are barely computer literate06:29
Cheri703and it was simple enough to use06:29
BiosElementcanthus13: Not really, that's a goal, but you can go about it different ways.06:29
* BiosElement is really the oddball in these dabates06:32
BiosElementI'm willing to bitch up a storm about it, but I'll defend the attempt. >.<06:32
Cheri703ha, while libreoffice is opening, and the splash screen is up, the upper left says "openoffice.org"06:39
BiosElementCheri703: Must have an old version06:41
Cheri703I guess06:41
BiosElementReminds me, hear about Oracle's balony "Ok kids, come back we'll be good now?" Statement?06:41
Cheri703so unity looks ok...I guess06:41
Cheri703I just poked at it for a few minutes06:42
BiosElementhehe I was laughing so hard when I read that06:42
Cheri703probably won't be switching06:42
Cheri703if I needed a netbook interface (which I've pondered going back to), I'd probably use 10.04's06:42
Cheri703which is annoying because there are things I like about 10.10, but I don't like 10.10's unity06:42
BiosElementSo don't use it, you can use Classic.06:42
Unit193BiosElement: Doesn't Kubuntu have a netbook edition?06:43
BiosElementUnit193: Yes, it does. In fact Kubuntu's netbook edition is now rolled into the desktop edition.06:43
Cheri703hmm...I like gnome though :/06:43
Cheri703BiosElement: classic netbook?06:44
BiosElementCheri703: Ubuntu netbook should let you use classic gnome or the ubuntu netbook thingy.06:44
Unit193BiosElement: How does that work?06:44
BiosElementUnit193: Via plasma, you select the interface you want. It's a really cool system actually.06:44
Cheri703BiosElement: 10.10 netbook uses unity, OR normal desktop-y stuff, as far as I know, not unity, normal desktop, or 10.04's netbook style interface06:45
BiosElementCheri703: Sure? I can poke around later, I don't have a decent net connection to checkout the iso currently or I would.06:45
Cheri703I may still have the iso, give me a bit :)06:45
Cheri703I'll check06:46
Cheri703ahh, I deleted it because I had no use for 10.10 unity06:46
BiosElementHeh, I gotta get to sleep in a little bit, going to scrounge up bus money and charge my netbook for tomorrow >.>06:47
Cheri703:) have fun! I wish I could be there :/06:48
Cheri703>.< ubuntu.com only has 11.04 and 10.1006:49
BiosElementHah, don't worry about it Cheri703. I don't think you'll miss much. >.>06:49
BiosElementCheri703: There should be archives of them06:49
Cheri703found it06:51
Cheri703so how would I choose? I know there's the session chooser at the login screen generally, but (I thought) there was only unity and regular06:52
Cheri703I'll poke at it06:52
BiosElementIt 'should' let you choose.06:53
BiosElementIf it doesn't I'd be suprised.06:53
Cheri703in theory :/06:53
BiosElementWell you're around late jgould07:53
BiosElementIn the day that is heh07:53
jgouldoh.  I managed to hose my server install,  Was doing some research and found out about the LUG for Ohio07:54
BiosElementAhh, awesome. What area are you in?07:55
BiosElementAhh, you should come downtown to the Main Library for our little release party thingymajig we're doing...well, 'today' I guess it is.07:56
jgouldMaybe I could convince the missus to come down.  she can go find the braille books on the first floor.  I actually can't run any flavor of ubuntu on my current laptop, but my Mac Mini is running Xubuntu 10.04 and my server is running 10.04 LTS07:58
BiosElementjgould: We can help out if you have any problems, or at least agree it sucks and point you in the right direction. ^_^07:59
BiosElementjgould: it's in the 3rd floor board room and we'll be there around 1-5pm, though some of us are arriving a bit early. I'll be wearing my ubuntu hat so we shouldn't be too difficult to spot.08:00
jgouldI think the only thing that won't work is wireless.  (That's kinda important, heh)08:00
jgouldI'll talk it over with the Missus tomorrow.  (Would y'all accept a new member that uses a Mac?) ;)08:01
Cheri703of course :)08:01
Cheri703not everyone here uses ubuntu full time08:01
BiosElementHah we don't care what system you use really. If we banned all other os's, I'd have to leave since I have a win install on a partition >.<08:02
BiosElementErm...I mean my 'friend' has a win install on a partition...08:02
BiosElementI mean, I'd never actually use windows...*cough**gag*08:02
jgouldWindows 7 is the best version that I've seen come out of Redmond in years08:09
BiosElementI'm with you there. It's still years behind linux though. >.<08:10
jgouldFor the way I work, the Mac is good middle ground08:10
BiosElementI can't speak much about macs, besides that their gui is annoying but their usability is awesome. >.>08:11
jgouldI prefer the GUI on the mac.  to me it's one of the better ones out there...08:12
BiosElementBy GUI I'm referring to the bland nature, not that it's bad. It'd just bore the hell outta me.08:13
Cheri703BiosElement: I only have options for "desktop, desktop safe mode, and netbook (in 10.1008:13
BiosElementCheri703: Bugger.08:13
Cheri703going to run updates just to be sure08:14
jgouldI like simple GUI's.  I have ADHD and too much shiny will really distract me08:14
BiosElementSimple doesn't have to be boring though. :P *eyes unity* *coughs*08:15
BiosElementOh dear god.08:16
BiosElementSomeone call the Canonical PR Dept. ask them to kindly tone down their adverts...08:16
jgouldI installed Ubuntu 11.04 on the Mini and then about shot Unity, and went back to XUbuntu08:16
BiosElementFooter "Only on Ubuntu", 3 outta 4 of those are not even ubuntu specific.08:16
BiosElementjgould: You can use Gnome classic without unity.08:17
jgouldI've never been fond of Gnome either08:17
BiosElementI get the feeling unity is going to progress rapidly into something usable. If it doesn't...well, me and my kubuntu buddies welcome all new cabal members08:17
jgouldI've always like XFCE08:17
* BiosElement has never liked gtk >.>08:17
jgouldanyone ever done a reinstall of Ubuntu with /home remaining?08:18
BiosElementBut /home has to be on a sep. partition08:18
jgouldanything I should be concerned with regarding premissions?08:18
jgouldit is08:18
BiosElementI 'think' you can actually leave it in place and get away with it, but I wouldn't risk it.08:18
BiosElementjgould: Not really, as long as the usernames are the same08:19
jgouldanyone use HandbrakeCLI?08:19
BiosElementHeard of it. Don't think I ever used it.08:20
jgouldIt takes my server something like 4 hours to rip a DVD...  My Mac (with the GUI) can do ti in 2 hours.  I think the processors have something to do with that... (Server is single core, Mac is Dual Core, but somehow appears as a Quad Core. (It's an Intel Core i5_08:22
BiosElementProcessor and DVD Drive speed have 'everything' to do with it.08:23
jgouldthought so08:23
BiosElementProcessor is probably more the bottleneck though for DVD's, since you're also probably transcoding it.08:23
jgouldI'll still use the CLI version on the server, Rip right to the directory that it belongs in.  (Unless it's some really complex thing like a TV show or something...)08:24
BiosElementYeash, I 'barely' have enough change for the bus tomorrow heh. Lucky me. >.<08:24
Cheri703I pull out my bus money and keep it separate :)08:25
BiosElement+100 for that Cheri70308:25
jgouldMy wife could ride a fixed route for free... (none service where we are...) she has an ADA card.08:25
BiosElementI'm the idiot you 'don't' see counting his coins to make sure they're all there. >.<08:25
BiosElementI get antsy so I sit there counting the same 3-5 coins haha08:25
jgouldI can understand that08:26
Cheri703up here it's $1.50 per ride, and $3 for a day pass, so I pull out bus money $30 at a time, $20 in ones, and a roll of quarters08:26
BiosElementCheri703: Any idea who all else is going to be there?08:26
Cheri703no clue, I'm not :(08:26
BiosElementCheri703: Lucky you, that's cheap. The day pass is actually resonable.08:26
Cheri703there is that roll call email that went around08:26
BiosElementHere it takes at least four trips to make it even. >.>08:27
BiosElementDon't get me started on the monthly pass. Basically you have to take the bus EVERY day of the week to save anything. heh08:27
Cheri703we can get a month pass for $4008:27
BiosElementI think ours was $50, not sure though. Been ages since I checked.08:27
Cheri703but for us (since husband is unemployed, and I'm self/un employed) $30 will last both of us a month or more08:27
BiosElementThey also raised it to 1.75 >.<08:27
Cheri703he walks a lot08:28
BiosElementHeh, the only money I get are donations for projects (Which I really can't touch unless it's directly related.) and whatever money I can beg off my parents. >.< Ugh for the job search heh.08:28
BiosElementCheri703: Walking's good. >.> But where I live, the best place to walk too is the gas station, an asian market, Microcenter...that's about it.08:29
jgouldBiosElement: With Mainstream, the monthly pass is closer to $70.   I think we figured out that it takes 25 days worth of single trips (home-work, work-home) to make it worth it08:29
BiosElementjgould: Ouch. >.<08:29
jgouldBiosElement: Up on Bethel (Or around there>)08:29
BiosElementjgould: Yes, I am. :P Near Centennial High.08:29
Cheri703I used to live off dierker08:30
Cheri703back in the day08:30
BiosElementReminds me, I gotta fix my email setup soon >.<08:30
jgould*nods* If I lived any closer to Microcenter, I'd probably be there every day...08:31
BiosElementI'm debating dumping my linode server for the time being so I'm moving the two important email addrasses over to google apps. >.<08:31
BiosElementjgould: When you're broke as sin, it's not hard to avoid it. :P08:31
BiosElementGives me more reasons to work on my projects. >.<08:31
* BiosElement has to work on his evil mastermind plot to takeover the world08:31
jgouldI go in, look around, go "Oooh I'd like to have that, and that and that" and walk out empty handed...08:31
Cheri703jgould: same here08:32
Cheri703that and a few food options are what I really miss about columbus08:32
BiosElementCheri703: Gyros and Hamburgers are pretty good in Mansfield.08:32
BiosElementOtherwise, it's better here >.>08:32
Cheri703what was your preferred hamburger place?08:33
BiosElementI STILL can't find a damned good Gyro place hah.08:33
Cheri703referring to athens?08:33
Cheri703in mansfield08:33
BiosElementCheri703: The Mansfield Diner was pretty good. And yes Cheri703 hah, probably the only Gyro place.08:33
jgouldis it bad that I have to label discs i386 or amd64?08:33
BiosElementNot really.08:33
BiosElementI probably should. I don't mark i386, only amd64.08:33
Cheri703there's a place on campus (OSU) that is decent, and a place on cleveland ave just south of 270 (I think) yanni's or something08:33
BiosElementCheri703: I think there is, I keep forgetting though. And Hmm, I think I know where you mean.08:34
BiosElementOh wait shit, I should plug my netbook in so I have a charge08:34
BiosElementI think I've left it in idle since Anime Punch last weekend08:34
BiosElementYep I did08:35
BiosElementAnd yep, 15% battery life left. Awesome08:35
Cheri703you should have plenty of time to charge08:35
jgouldwe need kinetic charging systems for our laptops, but the shaking may not do the hard drives much good...08:35
BiosElementYep, I should Cheri703.08:35
BiosElementjgould: Solid State Drive :P08:35
Cheri703were you referring to coney island diner BiosElement ? or where is the mansfield diner?08:36
BiosElementCheri703: Maybe Cony Island, It's been a bit. Wasn't there a Mansfield Diner at the Square? Or used to be anyway?08:36
Cheri703there is one on the square and one on north main08:37
Cheri703I'll have to check them out :)08:37
Cheri703where in mansfield did you live?08:37
BiosElementSquare then hah. They have different owners IIRC.08:37
BiosElementAhh, just off the bottom of the Hill on Madison Rd.08:38
Cheri703ah, ok08:38
Cheri703I live near hedges school08:38
BiosElementAh, Cool. I think I remember where that was. It's been a bit since I've been in mansfield.08:38
Cheri703we like it up here, it's VERY different than cbus, but good :)08:40
BiosElementHah, I don't think I could ever live in a small town again.08:40
BiosElementNot after actually making something of a place for myself in Columbus08:40
jgouldI've lived in Columbus my entire life08:41
BiosElementI was born in Columbus and lived here until I was about 10, then lived in mansfield till I was eh, 14-15, then moved back to Columbus.08:42
BiosElementAnd the minute people start talking about where they're from, it gets very very quiet. :P08:47
jgouldI was in the kitchen making a server. :P08:47
BiosElementAnd LMFAO, has anyone read the ubuntu.com/legal page?08:47
BiosElement"For example, Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Debian is a trademark of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Windows is allegedly a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd."08:47
BiosElementNote the "allegedly". hah08:48
BiosElementOk, that just made my night hehehe08:48
jgouldMaking a server is kinda like making a pizza... :)08:49
BiosElementNot really08:49
BiosElementPizza tastes better08:49
jgouldDoes that mean that, in theory, Micro$oft could sue anyone that installs windows (the glass kind)?08:49
jgouldTrue, that, BiosElement08:49
BiosElementjgould: Not really. Since trademark law, last I looked, requires confusion and damages.08:50
BiosElementI doubt someone who orders windows for their house thought it was windows the os.08:50
jgouldYou havent' met too many people that use windows, then, have you? :P08:50
BiosElementHah, Sadly I have..08:51
jgouldMy dad and aunt keep using IE even after I've told them not to, told them why not to, and installed at least firefox for them... and then they complain to me when their systems are screwed up...08:52
BiosElementRename firefox to IE, port all their settings over, leave it for a week. It's not nice and I wouldn't always recommend it, but as long as you're willing to take the blame for the trick, it's worth a shot :P08:53
jgouldDidn't think of that08:54
* BiosElement has an evil mind08:54
jgouldThe icon is different.  Dad would know instantly, his IE is set up rather funny08:56
BiosElementAhh heh08:56
BiosElementYay, dropbox finally stopped telling me to go to hell08:57
jgouldwhy was it doing that08:57
jgouldI haven't used dropbox in years.  I use sugar sync now08:58
BiosElementAhh, it didn't like me for whatever reason heh.08:58
BiosElementI'd use ubuntuone if it didn't have shitty kde support08:59
BiosElementI mostly only use it for encrypted ssh keys, encrypted gpg keys and encrypted password databases. >.<09:01
BiosElementSo really, I don't care that much about security09:01
jgouldI wonder if I could find a replacement for Aperture that runs under Linux09:04
BiosElementdigikam possibly09:05
BiosElementProbably the best f/oss photo management system09:05
BiosElementPerhaps not quite as good as Aperture, but I'd say it's the best I've ever seen for win/lin.09:06
jgouldhmmm... Just reinstalled the server and I need to rescue it already09:13
jgouldI fucked up the grub install.  It needed to go on the other hard drive09:14
jgouldHell, I should probably go to sleep... It's 5am09:38
BiosElementSo should I09:39
BiosElementNighty night09:39
jgouldNight gang09:44
BiosElementMorning folks. ^_^15:22
* jacob is sitting outside library :p17:48
Cheri703have fun! I wish I could be there :/17:49
Unit193+1 Cheri70317:50
Derath-Srvrunit, you coming?18:13
Unit193Derath-Srvr: I really want to...18:15
Unit193Derath-Srvr: I can't get there...18:15
Unit193BiosElement-gOS: You don't connect to your Quassel?18:32
BiosElement-gOSNah, on my google laptop. >.>18:33
* Unit193 noticed18:33
BiosElement-gOSGreetings from the Ubuntu Library Meetup. ^_^18:33
Unit193How is it going?18:55
BiosElement-gOSPretty good. 7 people so far18:57
Unit193"I tried the much-hyped Kubuntu and felt that it is to Linux what Vista is to Windows!"18:58
BiosElement-gOSDErath said to go and stuff it19:02
BiosElement-gOSAnd I'll second that haha19:02
Unit193I didn't say that...19:14
Unit193Derath-Srvr is Kubuntu?19:14
* thafreak is stealing jacob's bandwidth19:21
BiosElement-gOSYay for irccloud19:39
Unit193Welcome to IRC jacob, thafreak19:40
jacobhey hey19:41
Derath-SrvrSup all19:42
Derath-SrvrWoohoo for screen + irssi!19:42
Unit193Hello Derath-Srvr! +1 screen + irssi19:43
Unit193You're Kubuntu?19:44
Derath-SrvrWell, been preferring kde :)19:44
Derath-SrvrI like the menu and settings a lot more19:44
Unit193OK. Get back to having fun!19:44
Unit193Welcome back jgould_!19:47
Unit193Or not....19:48
BiosElement-gOSQuiet here heh20:16
Derath-Srvrthat's because we're all talking across the tables lol20:16
Derath-SrvrAnd it's always quiet in the chat until about 10pm anyways...20:17
BiosElement-gOSHaha, True heh20:17
Cheri703good turnout?20:20
jgouldabout 10 of us20:20
Derath-SrvrFor the most part... yeah about 10-13 of us...20:21
BiosElement-gOSHeroic Bug Report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/48615420:23
_bbbfix it or i will never use ubuntu again!20:30
Derath-Srvrtime to change nics21:22
jacobhello notfed21:22
* thafreak is out for now21:23
asdfasdfasdfjacob is a troll21:27
Derath-SrvrAt one time a very hair troll21:28
BiosElement-gOSAbuse of prowers! Bad jacob! ;P21:28
Unit193BiosElement-gOS: Watchout21:28
Unit193You're next ;)21:29
Derath-SrvrYep, Bios may be next21:29
BiosElement-gOShehe, not within throwing range >.>21:29
Derath-SrvrDoesn't have to throw, he's got a big boot21:29
Derath-Srvr"lol You're lucky I'm too lazy to type that stuff in again"21:29
Unit193Hello itsafork-netbook21:31
itsafork-netbookhey duder!21:31
Unit193Having fun?21:32
itsafork-netbookSURE AM! WISH YOU WERE ABLE TO MAKE IT21:32
BiosElement-gOSYAY FOR CAPS LOCK21:33
Cheri703september generally21:36
itsafork-netbookSEPTEMBER 9-1121:37
Cheri703supposed to be ohiolinux.org but it's not coming up for me21:37
Cheri703that's annoying21:38
Cheri703the call for presenters went out a while ago21:38
notfedum i think i registered still really not sure about that21:39
notfedhi jon21:39
itsafork-netbookHI JAY21:40
itsafork-netbook*SMACK JAY UPSIDE THE HEAD*21:40
Cheri703did anyone end up coming from outside of columbus?21:40
itsafork-netbook1 FROM AKRON, 2 FROM PICKERINGTON & 1 FROM BEXLEY21:42
Cheri703ah, ok21:43
Cheri703that's cool21:43
itsafork-netbookOK BYE21:44
dmcgloneI probably made it home before everyone else22:28
* Cheri703 was at home before dmcglone 22:36
jgouldI think I will have to learn how to use weechat...22:40
dmcglonejgould: I was thinking the same22:41
jgouldI just installed it and am working off my Server box at home.22:41
dmcglonejgould: let me know what u think... after i eat ill check it out22:43
jgouldSo far, I like it.  I saw it at the LoCo get together earlier today22:44
dmcgloneYeah I think jacob was using it22:45
jgouldJacob was using it.  Looked nice on the projector22:46
dmcgloneI installed it but can't find it23:02
jgouldit's run from a terminal23:11
dmcglonewhats the command? I used "weechat"23:15
jgouldI need to learn more about the power of screen...23:16
dmcglonewhat do you mean?23:19
jgouldthe commadn screen23:19
jacobcheck out `byobu`, it's installed by default on server systems (and maybe on desktop too)23:20
jacobit's a bunch of nice screen customizations to make a super-powerful and easy to use shell23:20
jacobDerath-Srvr: set your irc bits btw23:20
jacobi'll email you some usage tips and whatnot later this week23:21
dmcgloneI got it running, now I'm looking for the info on how to use it23:21
jgouldI need to learn how to use it as well.  Is it possible to install live packages when running a live CD?23:25
dmcglonejgould: it's possible, but the packages will be lost after reboot23:29
jgouldthat's fine.  I just need to get the wireless drivers and test them on this MacBook Pro23:29
dmcglonejacob: whats freenodes port #?23:31
jacob6667 by default, unless you want ssl23:31
jgouldAny one know what happens if you try to dual boot Linux and Mac OS without rEFIt?23:31
dmcglonethats what I was thinking23:31
dmcglonedmcglone: can't join a chat for some reason, what am I doing wrong23:40
dmcgloneI type /join #ubuntu.us.oh and I don't get anything23:43
jacob/join #ubuntu-us-oh23:43
jacob-, not .23:43
dmcgloneah shit23:43
dmcglonedidn't work either for some reason.. Hmmm23:44
dmcgloneError with command "join" (try /help join)23:47
jacobodd, it should just work like that23:47
jacobmake sure you're connected to the server (/connect)23:47
* jacob needs to leave for a bit to go finish some work, back later23:48
david1That was it jabogb23:48
jacoboh hey hey, it works :)23:48
david1yeah If forgot to connect like you said23:49
jacobanywho, back on later :)23:49
david1jgould: did you manage to get it running?23:50
=== david1 is now known as dmcglone
dmcglonenow to learn all the tricks :-) looks like jacob may have created some kind of monster today ;-)23:53
dmcgloneI'll be back, I'm gonna go pick me up a USB stick23:57

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