
infocop411I thought I'd give a try with the upgrade tool, from lucid to maverick to natty01:00
infocop411(all my data backed up JIC)01:00
infocop411seems to be all clear on maverick, cross your fingers for natty01:01
=== infocop411 is now known as cyberanger
* cyberanger didn't notice that old nick, whoops01:01
wrstcyberanger: you have been leaving and coming back often  lately!03:52
cyberangerwrst: yep, pulled the server for an overhaul03:52
cyberangerworking on the local systems too03:52
cyberangereverything is getting upgraded03:52
cyberangerso I'm just connecting when I'm home for now03:55
cyberangeror forget to logout03:55
cyberanger(and in town, netbook and phone)03:55
cyberangerI know enough is going on lately, I'm not wanting to give the illusion I'm around03:55
cyberangerthis weather, man o man http://www.clevelandutilities.com/03:56
cyberangerright side, two links, one is a photo gallery of this mess03:56
cyberangerthe other a map of what's still out03:56
chibihogoshinoubuntu makes me want to punch people16:03
chris4585chibihogoshino, I have a baseball bat for that purpose17:38
chris4585chibihogoshino, having problems?17:38
chibihogoshinoyeag  i hate plymouth21:25
chibihogoshinowhen i drop to a terminal with alt ctl f1 and login x still logs in too21:49
chibihogoshinowhat up vychune22:35
vychunenothing chibi long time no see long anime hater lol22:36
chibihogoshinoi dont hate anime.. i hate how the channel is run22:37
vychuneoh not #anime i said "long" animes22:38
vychuneanywho anybody upgraded to 11.10 or 11.04 or whatever natty's number is lol22:40
chibihogoshinoi dont think im going to22:41
vychuneme either22:41
chibihogoshinoi hate plymouth and seeing the damned ubuntu logo booting up22:41
vychunewhy is that?22:42
chibihogoshinothe boot up is fucking my login22:43
vychuneuninstall it22:44
chibihogoshinoyou cant22:44
chibihogoshinotry it22:45
chibihogoshinoit tries to remove half the os22:45
chibihogoshinoall i want to do is disable it so the gui boot dosnt start up22:45
chibihogoshinobut. iv edited the grub settings and a few other things and it still starts up22:46
vychunemine one day just didnt want it to come up and until i got Pepperment it didnt show22:47
chibihogoshinoprobably the video drivers22:48
vychuneit was22:48
vychuneold ati mesa card22:48
vychunewrst whats good22:54
vychunewhered ya go23:02
chibihogoshinoits a load23:03
chibihogoshinoi hit alt f2 and it kicked me to a vt but x was still running over it23:05
vychuneoh ok23:09
chibihogoshinoits not good23:11
vychunewhat desktop do you use?23:17
vychuneoh ok23:21
vychunei have im just not using it atm23:22
chibihogoshinoim ?23:23
vychunehave it lol23:24
chibihogoshinotrying to theme plymouth is more frustrating than playing metro 202123:30
chibihogoshinothat game was a pain in my ass and gave me heart burn23:34
vychunei cant find it?23:43
chibihogoshinowhat ?23:43
chibihogoshinoxfce ?23:43
vychunemetro 202123:44
chibihogoshinoits for the pc23:47
chibihogoshinooh its metro 2033 .. heh23:47
cyberangerchibihogoshino: but is it harder than playing metro 2033 in linux?23:48
cyberangerchibihogoshino: were you wanting photos of the damage?23:49
chibihogoshinoprobably not .. i played portal, halflife 1 and 2 fine.23:49
cyberangeraround here?23:49
chibihogoshinodid you post some ?23:50
cyberangerportal, nice23:50
chibihogoshinomy brother got portal 223:50
cyberangerno, but my utility provider did a great job covering a huge area23:50
chibihogoshinoits even more crazy than the first23:50
cyberangercleveland utilities, they linked it on the home page23:51
chibihogoshinocleveland ?23:51
cyberangercool, it took me less than a day for portal, kinda hoping this would be better23:51
cyberangeras in cleveland, tn23:51
cyberanger(I'm in Cleveland, TN Bradley County, TN 50km north of Chattanooga TN)23:52
chibihogoshinoheh.. i was thinking ohio23:53
cyberangernope, nice airport there, grab my bags and head east for 100 miles ;-)23:53
chibihogoshinoi want to see the denver airport23:54
cyberangerin winter?23:54
chibihogoshinoany time23:54
cyberangerwell, take any flight in winter with a transfer there23:55
cyberangeryou'll see a few days of it ;-)23:55
cyberangeractually, it probally would be more intresting in winter23:57
cyberangerdue to seeing the deicing crews work and such23:58
chibihogoshinothe one with the mural ?23:58
cyberangernot sure23:59

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