
someone235how can i make it open it with the default associated app?00:00
SeanInSeattlelcb: It doesn't seem to be changing its response, regardless of the choice that I make on that screen, and yes I did prefer the default.00:00
Limadazvacet, hope so! Thanks again.00:00
lcbSeanInSeattle, next should be OK, then Cancel, then Restart X00:00
zvacetLimada: yw00:00
lcbSeanInSeattle, just do that. you wont see any changes00:01
Limada;), bye!00:01
jubei-zaEvildaemon, you could manually reassign your ip setup on network interface to have no default gateway or dns server. You can also use iptables firewall but this is quite complicated.00:01
someone235<someone235> when i try to open a file from the recent document, ubuntu is trying to open it with nautilus and say "Could not display "/home/someone235/blabla.docx\nThe location is not a folder."00:01
someone235<someone235> how can i make it open it with the default associated app?00:01
SeanInSeattlelcb:  that's really confusing... there's no messsage saying "you've reconfigured your graphics to the default / generic setting"?00:01
xorptHi there.00:01
Evildaemonjubei-za, which netowork interface?00:02
someone235sorry if i wrote this msg b4, cuz i think i had a lag & it didn't sent00:02
lcbSeanInSeattle, i know that failsafeX is a bit confusing . it's really badly done, yet. look...00:02
SeanInSeattlelcb: that worked btw.... it logged me in.  Should I reconfigure the graphics again using the normal tools?00:02
xorptCan someone see on Ubuntu Natty if when you open transmission if shows active in the sidebar?00:02
jubei-zayou want your wireless interface to have network communication, but not out to the internet - then you would edit ipconfig of wan0 or somthing like this00:02
lcbahh ok SeanInSeattle. tell me where are you now00:03
hiexpoEvildaemon, is it just a wireless network you are trying to setup ?00:03
EvildaemonWill the option "link local only" work?00:03
rzx237nimrod10: go to synaptic package manager and select firefox, then select menu Package > Force version00:03
SeanInSeattlelcb:  I've logged in to normal ubuntu, and I can see the unity UI now... so it looks normal.00:03
luigi_panacheDoes anyone here know how Ubuntu handles ethernet interfaces? I think it's related to avachi or something called that, but I also see network manager in my rc.d folder...00:03
lcbSeanInSeattle, great. but you are using generic drivers. now... reboot00:03
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M3l7D0wNis there any unity dev here?00:04
SeanInSeattlelcb: ok.  will do.  "pls wait, processing."00:04
hiexpoEvildaemon, just go to places?network   > do   you have networking already set in other box ?00:04
jakerueok after 10.10 to 11.04 all I get are seg faults from nautilus, firefox, etc.  What are some possible solutions to this?00:04
lcbSeanInSeattle, don't worry, i have about 50 yrs ahead. i'll wait00:04
SeanInSeattlelcb:  using the normal grub entry?00:05
lcbSeanInSeattle, yes00:05
M3l7D0wNI'm trying to add a compiz option for unity....00:05
lcbSeanInSeattle, keep going00:05
M3l7D0wNI need some help00:05
EvildaemonI specifically don't want it to connect to the internet though, hiexpo.00:05
xorptCan someone please let me know if transmission is currently showing up as active in the sidebar under Ubuntu 11.04?00:05
mammamiaciao a tutti00:06
mammamiaany italian?00:06
hiexpoEvildaemon, ok open places network and you will see the network   and there will be no internet that way00:06
SeanInSeattlelcb: booted to graphical login screen, login normally?00:06
zvacet!it | mammamia00:06
ubottumammamia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:06
phzinhohello, good night everybody00:06
lcbSeanInSeattle, yes00:06
Juestmammamia: speak english or go there00:06
luigi_panachexorpt: Transmission, when launched, shows up in the sidebar.00:07
fennng_shared with samba, but from win, don't have access right, how to use chown cmd to make it work.00:07
hiexpoEvildaemon, i do not remember  how to set it up but i onlydid it with a printer and it was pretty simple task00:07
SeanInSeattlelcb: darnit!  its haning on the login.  It doesn't seem to be a graphics issue, at this point.... effing piece of crap....00:08
lcbSeanInSeattle, now type in terminal ' sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk '00:08
SeanInSeattlelcb: now its frozen...00:09
EvildaemonSolved, I made it work.00:09
phzinhoi updated my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 but now an error of the grub appear on startup "grub_env_export".. anyone know how to fix it? :/00:09
SeanInSeattlelcb: I know.... :(00:09
JuestBarnabas: hey, so?00:09
nimrod10rzx237, thank you seemed to be working altough after install firefox says this            XML Parsing Error: undefined entity00:09
nimrod10Location: chrome://mozapps/content/profile/profileSelection.xul00:09
nimrod10Line Number 53, Column 1:00:09
lcbSeanInSeattle, look...00:09
SeanInSeattleI believe its because I didn't reconfigure the graphics after booting into failsafe.00:09
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EvildaemonThanks all.00:09
lcbSeanInSeattle, you are going to do this in this sequence00:10
SeanInSeattlelcb:  yes, I will.00:10
JuestBarnabas: seems there's trouble with fstab when using lilo00:10
Juestso i need to witre lilo.conf by hand or do something (fix) with fstab00:10
BarnabasJuest, why not use grub, its the standard for Ubuntu?00:10
lcbSeanInSeattle, sudo -i  then: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get check && apt-get -f install00:11
rzx237nimrod10: dont worry, it ussually appear when the connection to destination address is fail00:11
techfighterminaldoes anyone know a good linux native converting software so i can upload my vids to youtube00:11
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lcbSeanInSeattle, then ' sudo dpkg -a '00:11
rzx237nimrod10: bug in firefox I guess00:11
MoaHi ! After installing Natty, the display on my is green/pink but is perfect on my monitor. I tested many different configurations without success. All was working perfectly under Maverick. Does anyone have an idea please ?00:11
isarltechfighterminal: Try handbrake.00:11
IdleOnetechfighterminal: there is winff in the repositories.00:11
Juesti need to know where's grub config not /etc/default/grub00:12
lcbMoa, what display graphics00:12
nimrod10rzx237,  I guess I won't be using firefox for a while00:12
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isarltechfighterminal: Here's Handbrake's website: http://handbrake.fr/00:12
JuestBarnabas: i need to know where's grub config not /etc/default/grub00:12
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AmpelbeinJuest: /etc/grub.d00:12
lcbMoa,  did you install the proprietary? ( sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk )00:12
hiexpotechfighterminal, in which you will need ffmpeg   also winff is a frontenf to ffmpeg00:13
lcbMoa, try it00:13
lcbMoa, then reboot, don't forget00:13
luigi_panacheI tried getting help on ##linux but it says I can't send the message or something...00:13
techfighterminalthanx will try...00:14
luigi_panache"Cannot send to channel"00:14
Moalcb, no proprietary drivers00:14
Barnabashmm I think the grub package is more or less self configuring, to the degree, where it detects your installed kernels - I am not sure though, anyone feel free to confirm this00:14
hiexpoluigi_panache, register in freenode00:14
isarlI've been having some trouble with my graphics after updating to 11.04. It seems like nouveau isn't being used, or isn't working properly, or something. I don't appear to have any hardware acceleration.00:14
lcbluigi_panache, check the topic, probably that's not the help chan00:14
SolnseI hope somebody can point me in the right direction, since upgrading to Ubuntu 11, it hangs on loading, the last thing I see is "checking battery state..." and it just hangs there. I think it has to do with my graphics driver because I can load into failsafe graphics mode, and I also see [fail]  on starting load fallback graphics devices. Can somebody help please?00:15
lcbMoa, so your issue is having the display with strange colors?00:15
mikinanuqSolnse: is it nvidia?00:15
lcbMoa, is that a portable computer?00:15
SolnseATI Radeon 385000:15
MoaTV display is green/pink but the monitor display is perfect. They are behind a hdmi splitter00:15
MoaThe same config worked perfectly under Maverick.00:16
JuestBarnabas: i am trying to locate grub configuration that update-grub generates00:16
mikinanuqSolnse: hmm I had the same thing but I have nvidia... I had to go in recovery mode and apt-get install linux-headers-generic.. then works fine00:16
jsebeanhow can I make a program launch on startup every time i login on Ubuntu?00:16
lcbSolnse, use the Catalystic Control Center to configure it, not the option "Monitors"00:16
Soupermanso a lot of people is having problems whit the nvidia thing then00:17
pragmaticenigmaMoa: does it work when just the tv is plugged in, not using the splitter?00:17
hiexpoadd repos for video simple fix00:17
MoaDuring the system boot the TV image is perfect until unity or gnome starts00:17
jsebeanhow can I make a program launch on startup every time i login on Ubuntu?00:17
BarnabasJuest if you edit that one I think you changes will dissapear every time a new kernel is installed00:17
Juestjsebean: use startup programs to add/edit/delete startup programs00:17
Solnsemikinanuq: I get permission denied...00:17
hiexponvidia anyways an i think ati also has it00:17
lcbbtw, everyone should see if there is the graphics utility installed and so use it, instead of Monitors...00:17
Moapragmaticenigma, exactly the same:with or without splitter00:17
Solnsenm, i forgot sudo00:17
JuestBarnabas: then how do i force it to keep it00:18
luigi_panacheI registered I think and I still can't send to the channel.00:18
inaxiohello i just downloaded the 11.04 update and dislike the new launcher on the side, how can i make it so my system looks like it did pre-update (eg normal bar at top, no launcher)00:18
jsebeanJuest: I do that, and it works the first time i login, but then it gets removed and i have to add it to startup programs again, any ideas?00:18
pragmaticenigmaMoa: you may have already said it but what is the graphics card?00:18
Juesttry running gksudo gnome-control-center00:18
Solnselcb: I'm sorry I don't understand... where do I find the catalyst control?00:19
OsmodivsEverytime I login my monitor resolution is messed up, it is 1024x768, I always change it as root to 1440x900, wich is the Max res for my monitor, but everytime I login, the resolution is back to 1024x768. I must say that months ago I tweaked Xconfig to install a Tablet-Pen with no succes, I want to delete it because I do not needed anymore, does anyone knows what needs to be deleted so I have my Xconfig file back to normal??00:19
Moapragmaticenigma, Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL96000:19
hihihi100how do I change the boot screen? I have every plymouth package installed, but solar does not work 11.0400:19
BarnabasJuest, it produces a menu.lst file probably in /boot somewhere00:19
BarnabasJuest : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:19
lcbSolnse, under Applications check Catalystic00:19
jsebeanhow can I make a program launch on startup every time i login on Ubuntu? I add it to startup programs, and it works first time i login, but when i logout and log back in its removed and i have to add it to startup programs again, any ideas?00:20
pragmaticenigmaMoa: I unfortunatly have no experience with the intel chipsets...00:20
Juestgot it00:20
lcbjsebean, Startup Applications00:20
BarnabasJuest, remember the menu.lst is a generated file00:20
Solnselcb: I get an initialization error when trying to open the Catalyst Control Center: No ATI graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly00:20
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Moapragmaticenigma, thanks anyway00:20
jsebeani did that and it works the first time00:20
jsebeanbut once i log out and back in it gets removed00:21
lcbSolnse, disable the proprietary driver, reboot, enable it again00:21
Juestis grub.cfg00:21
inaxiohello i just downloaded the 11.04 update and dislike the new launcher on the side, how can i make it so my system looks like it did pre-update (eg normal bar at top, no launcher)00:21
inaxioi do not have much idea how to change this00:21
Solnselcb: do you know of a walk-through page for that?00:21
Ampelbeininaxio: select 'ubuntu-classic' at the login screen00:21
OsmodivsAnd I have this on the terminal:  WARNING:  Unable to find CorePointer in X configuration; attempting to add new CorePointer section.   WARNING:  The CorePointer device was not specified explicitly in the layout; using the first mouse device    WARNING:  Unable to find CoreKeyboard in X configuration; attempting to add new CoreKeyboard section.   WARNING:  The CoreKeyboard device was not specified explicitly in the layout; using the first keyboard dev00:22
jsebeanhow can I make a program launch on startup every time i login on Ubuntu? I add it to startup applications, and it works first time i login, but when i logout and log back in its removed and i have to add it to startup applications again, any ideas why this happens i dont want to have to keep adding it to startup applications?00:22
inaxioampelbein: will try, thank you00:22
pylixcan you format a drive natively from the terminal?00:22
luigi_panachepylix: Yes. Use mkfs.00:22
JuestBarnabas: got it /boot/grub/grub.conf00:22
JuestBarnabas: got it /boot/grub/grub.cfg*00:22
lcbSolnse, type in a terminal -> sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk and tell me if is anything loaded or disabled00:23
carminehi guys00:23
=== carmine is now known as Guest78791
jsebeanhow can I make a program launch on startup every time i login on Ubuntu? I add it to startup applications, and it works first time i login, but when i logout and log back in its removed and i have to add it to startup applications again, any ideas why this happens i dont want to have to keep adding it to startup applications?00:23
lcbjsebean, i told you.... Startup Applications, then add the command00:23
Solnselcb: no proprietary drivers are in use on this system00:24
Guest78791help! ubuntu unity on 11.04 is very odd00:24
jsebeanlcb: you didnt read the rest of what i said00:24
jsebeanhow can I make a program launch on startup every time i login on Ubuntu? I add it to startup applications, and it works first time i login, but when i logout and log back in its removed and i have to add it to startup applications again, any ideas why this happens i dont want to have to keep adding it to startup applications?00:24
lcbSolnse, and nothing in there to be enabled?00:24
unforgiven512I can not get my wifi to work on my laptop. I have the driver enabled in "Restricted Drivers" correctly. I've rebooted multiple times. I've tried disabling, rebooting, re-enabling, rebooting. I've tried '$ sudo rfkill unblock all", no luck.00:24
Solnselcb: however I can choose to activate ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver on this window00:24
lcbjsebean, that's not normal. what app is that?00:24
Soothsayerafter I make changes to my /etc//hosts, what do I have to do to activate it?00:25
Guest78791is there a way to move that bar in a different position? maybe in the bottom of the screen?00:25
lcbSolnse, activate it00:25
SoothsayerI added a line "   webly.lh"  to my /etc/hosts/00:25
Soothsayer/etc/hosts  **00:25
lcbguest, no00:25
Solnselcb: it's downloading and installing. thank you... so when I reboot all should be good?00:25
hiexpounforgiven512, what kind of wifi card is it      > first ?00:25
Guest78791what a sadness00:25
unforgiven512It shows up under '$ lspci' as 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)00:25
lcbSolnse, if not good DO NOT USE "Monitors" but the Catalystic Control Center00:26
Solnselcb: ok.00:26
ohzieHey guys00:26
hiexpounforgiven512, open terminal and run   iwconfig00:26
OtorisIs it just me or does Unity look terribly huge and bulky, I also have no clue what apps I have cause there is complete list of them :(00:26
Solnselcb: rebooting to try. thanks again.00:26
unforgiven512lo and eth0, no wlan000:26
sleehey,  I used  sudo checkinstall..  and whenever I use apt-get , I get WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!00:27
sleeis there a fix?00:27
Guest78791Otoris, me too00:27
unforgiven512It worked fine under 10.10, I did a full wipe and fresh install, btw00:27
jonteHey. I just installed ubuntu 11.04, and I'm trying this Unity thing.. There's a neat search bar, but it doesn't find anything useful.. Can I make it index my drive? (Searcning for 'Makefile' yields nothing, when I'm actually right now looking at a Makefile in my terminal..)00:27
ohzieI have a friend who lost his password, and I had him put a 1 on his initrd line in grub, to boot into single user mode, and it booted him to his username instead of to root. What is the current way to do what I am trying to help him do? :(00:27
ayrtonhow do i change the look of 11.04 back to the look of 10.1000:28
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lcbpls... don't private me. my wife takes the keyboard away from me00:28
OtorisLogout and select gnome classic00:28
janisozaurayrton, choose 'ubuntu classic' at login screen00:28
unforgiven512ayrton: At login, please select ubuntu classic00:28
Ampelbeinayrton: choose 'ubuntu classic' at login screen00:28
Guest78791quote ayrton00:28
bvierrahey all, just updated to 11.04, using "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller" and openGL for compiz causes the background not the refresh00:28
ayrtonlol nice support , but some1 told me that but i dont see it00:28
lcbshe's very jealous00:28
bvierrabasically drag a window around and you see its trail for a while00:28
Ampelbeinayrton: when you choose your user, there is a listbox at the bottom00:29
unforgiven512hiexpo: lsmod returns wl and lib80211, I think there should be ssb, mac80211, and cfg80211, perhaps?00:29
ayrtonok ill try it this is anoying00:29
hiexpounforgiven512, try sudo modprobe BCM431100:29
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janisozaurayrton, you have to log out if you are logged in and click on your user name, so that the password box is shown, then look to the bottom of th screen00:29
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
unforgiven512hiexpo: not there00:29
syn3rgyHow do I change the names of the icons on the dock bar. I have 6 firefox profiles. Now they all say Firefox Web Browser.00:30
janisozauris there a ubottu !factoid for 'how to switch to ubuntu classic'?00:30
unforgiven512bcm203x, bcm3510, bcm5974, bcm63xx, bcm_wimax00:30
OtorisWasn't Chrome/ium supposed to replace firefox in this update?00:30
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity00:30
syn3rgyNo firefox 400:30
lcbjanisozaur, logout and select ubuntu classic00:30
janisozaurOtoris, no, they are going to evaluate it for 'o' version00:30
janisozaurlcb, read my question again00:31
hiexpounforgiven512, than you don't have the driver so you need to get it   >   so best place would probally be aircrack-ng    :000:31
thorstenmzcan someone verify this bug in unity + compiz? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/76995700:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 769957 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity panel turns black when enabling/disabling Compiz plugins" [Undecided,New]00:31
ghostnappaOkay guys, I have a problem. On my main PC, various shmup games seem to be uncontrollable. Most think that I am holding up+left, but rrootage just doesn't move at all. it happens on ubuntu variants, fedora, and every other linux install that I have tried so it isn't just ubuntu exclusive. Testing in a liveCD environment between two seperate PC's reveals that this is only a problem with my PC and not the other one. This00:31
ghostnappais a problem with native games, WINE, and MAME. But seems to only be effecting games with joystick support. I honestly have no idea where to start searching for answers here, but thought this could be a decent starting point. I have no joysticks, just using a standard keyboard and mouse00:31
unforgiven512hiexpo: I don't understand. I installed the driver from "restricted drivers", it worked totally fine, out of box on Ubuntu 10.10. Taking a step backwords, are we?00:31
coz_thorstenmz, yes I can verify that... probably a nux issue,, I now that logging off and back on fixes it00:32
JuestBarnabas: hey, still00:32
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
syn3rgyghost I am still reading chapter 2 of your post00:32
Juestbah, froget it00:32
torchiehow do I know when I'm running unity 2d or 3d00:32
ghostnappaOh right, sorry00:32
hiexpounforgiven512, no cause now you are on 11.04 right ?00:32
lcbjanisozaur, looks like isn't00:32
unforgiven512hiexpo: I am on 11.04, yes. But, why is there a regression from 10.10?00:32
BookmanSince upgrading to 11.04 I seem to have lost my 3D capability on my ATI Xpress200.  Seemed fine before the upgrade.  Not sure how to correct.00:32
luigi_panacheHow do I manually bring up an interface?00:33
ayrtonok ty but now how do i change grub boot loader to boot with ubuntu pae so i can use all my ram?00:33
ayrtonboot it first instead of non pae00:33
hiexpounforgiven512, i don't know why i am not a dev for ubuntu      >    but do you want to have somethingthat will last for 3 years with no problem ?00:34
=== chad is now known as Solnse
Solnselcb: thank you very much, now in Ubuntu 11 for the first time. will have fun learning the new GUI00:34
BarnabasJuest, did you get it working?00:34
Juestworking what?00:35
syn3rgyayrton are you sure your chipset supports extended memory management?00:35
DanCaranyone know anything about these update connection problems?00:35
BarnabasJuest, grub?00:35
SerialMDKanyone here help me with a problem?00:35
unforgiven512hiexpo: I'll probably just tinker with it more, and see if Ic an fix it.00:35
syn3rgyayrton look in your BIOS00:35
Ampelbeinayrton: 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring GRUB 2'00:35
syn3rgyayrton there should be a "switch" to turn it on00:35
ayrton... i just need to set another kernel as default boot..00:35
syn3rgyayrton the kernel is not the whole story often.00:36
hiexpounforgiven512, ok good luck with that i was going to suggest you using 10.04lts i use it with kernal and it is great and very fast00:36
ayrtoncan i modify grub boot loader00:36
Ampelbeinayrton: see the link I gave you, it has the instuctions. tl;dr version: edit /etc/default/grub00:36
janisozaur!classic is The default interface since 10.10 is !unity. You can switch back to regular !gnome by selecting 'Ubuntu classic' in the box at the bottom while having your user selected on login screen.00:36
lcbjanisozaur, :)00:37
Jordan_Uayrton: Easiest thing to do is just remove the non-pae kernels.00:37
ayrtongive link without quotes00:37
Ampelbeinayrton: ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring GRUB 200:37
JuestBarnabas: are you getting any PMs?00:37
janisozaurlcb, this should help some people, I hope so :)00:37
AntilectI uninstalled GRUB today00:37
Antilectwas pretty hard for a noob like me00:37
lcbjanisozaur, yea00:37
SoobNauceI am of the opinion that grub is evil00:38
arand_ayrton: Normally the pae kernels are set to boot first per default..00:38
BarnabasJuest, no none - but feel free to ask here00:38
janisozaur!classic is The default interface since 11.04 is !unity. You can switch back to regular !gnome by selecting 'Ubuntu classic' in the box at the bottom while having your user selected on login screen.00:38
SoobNaucebut my experience was painted by the fact that I forgot to give myself root access on the debian install that used it00:38
JuestAntilect: how do you uninstalled it?00:38
JuestBarnabas: really?00:38
ayrtonarand its not00:38
AntilectI had to use a Win XP install disc00:38
ayrtoni have to hold shift and boot into the pae kernel00:39
Antilect1. boot from it, 2. Choose repair, 3. Use MBR or FIXBOOT coomand00:39
Antilectthen it's gone00:39
Antilecttype HELP for commands00:39
AntilectFIXBOOT and MBR I think00:39
SerialMDKanyone here help me with a problem?00:39
arand_Antilect: Well, true, that's quite offtopic here though.00:39
Ampelbein!anyone | SerialMDK00:39
ubottuSerialMDK: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:39
syn3rgyantilect the cure for Windows is format C00:39
Juestoh lol00:39
SerialMDKi try to install 11.04 and get a black screen00:39
rzx237ayrton: /etc/default/grub on GRUB_DEFAULT=0 I guess00:40
Antilectsyn3rgy not the cure for GRUB thou00:40
lcbSerialMDK, how come?00:40
hiexpoexcuse me chan ops i know what i am about to say is wrong   but    >>   Juest you have been wasting peoples timehere for two days now it is obvious you are to stupid to use linux  >   so quit wating peoples time here and return to your click n go windoz thanx00:40
SerialMDKiidk i tried 32 bit and 64 bit00:40
SerialMDKseveral cd's and flash drives00:41
SerialMDKall black screen00:41
MrHatteri just upgraded my desktop to 11.04 and now i can move the mouse around but nothing works. no buttons, no keyboard, nada.00:41
OsmodivsEverytime I login my monitor resolution is messed up, it is 1024x768, I always change it as root to 1440x900, wich is the Max res for my monitor, but everytime I login, the resolution is back to 1024x768. I must say that months ago I tweaked Xconfig to install a Tablet-Pen with no succes, I want to delete it because I do not needed anymore, does anyone knows what needs to be deleted so I have my Xconfig file back to normal??00:41
Jordan_Uhiexpo: That is indeed not apropriate and I ask that you do not insult users in the future if you wish to remain in this channel.00:41
OsmodivsAnd I have this on the terminal:  WARNING:  Unable to find CorePointer in X configuration; attempting to add new CorePointer section.   WARNING:  The CorePointer device was not specified explicitly in the layout; using the first mouse device    WARNING:  Unable to find CoreKeyboard in X configuration; attempting to add new CoreKeyboard section.   WARNING:  The CoreKeyboard device was not specified explicitly in the layout; using the first keyboard dev00:41
christhecoolboyThe Problem I have is that my mic is not listed after the 11.04 upgrade, it now has "Internal Audio Analogue Stereo" Instead... I have a MSI AE2020, The Sound card is a Nvidia MCP79 and the computer requires Snd-hda-intel to have Auto to have sound, loads more were tested in 10.10, http://paste.ubuntu.com/601047/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/601054/ should give you more Information that can help fix it, the Mic is built in to the computer...00:42
hiexpoJordan_U, ok i know00:42
hiexposorry   Jordan_U00:42
SerialMDKno one can tell me why install black screens?00:42
Juesthey Barnabas https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#File Structure00:42
lcbSerialMDK, write the nicks of ppl you are talking to so they are highlighted... is that an 11.04 ISO?00:43
jonteHey, can I get some help with the Unity search?00:43
MrHatterupgrade to 11.04, no keystrokes or mouse buttons, anyone know where i can start ?00:43
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ yes an iso and tried from flash drive 32 and 64 bit00:43
compubombis it worth me upgrading to 11.04?.. my system right now on 10.10 is pretty stable, no issues what so ever.00:43
lcbSerialMDK, what happens?00:43
hiexpoJordan_U, thanks   ":)00:44
MrHattercompubomb, dont do it!00:44
tripelbhi! how do I get tibetan letters? I get chinese, etc but squares for tibetan00:44
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ i click install to hdd and it goes black00:44
lcbSerialMDK, besides the monitor being off :)00:44
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ im not that stupid...00:44
compubombI'm just wondering what the major benefits are.00:44
lcbSerialMDK, how do you click install?00:44
=== ugisozols is now known as zz_ugisozols
BitsMasterA little problem here00:44
tripelbcompubomb not yet - unless you do it in a separate partition OR have "too much time on your hands" and want to learn and fuss.00:44
MrHattercompubomb, well it just hosed my system.00:44
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ its like 3 down in the list when i boot the cd00:44
compubombMrHatter: i'm just wondering what the major benefits are.00:44
jonte.. And can I add applets to the top unity bar? I need the CPU frequency applet00:44
BitsMasterI want to remove a package00:44
lcbSerialMDK, i was kidding, bro00:44
OY1Rafter getting this error > http://pastebin.com/i2ZahWqH (mount /dev on /root failed invalid argument), i was told to reinstall grub, now when i reboot i only get a grub prompt_ anyone ? using ubuntu 10.10.00:45
LjLcompubomb: different interface for starters, which you might or might not like... honestly if youre 10.10 is fine and you don't need new software, why upgrade.00:45
hiexpoBitsMaster, what package you want to remove ?00:45
compubombMrHatter: i have a default install on my pc, so no other partitions other than linux00:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BitsMasterbut apt-get installs other packages automaticly00:45
lcbSerialMDK, how did you load that iso image to the flash?00:45
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ universal usb loader00:45
MrHattercompubomb, mine was an ordinary default system too. now i have to figure out how to fix it.00:45
rzx237compubomb: you need to try yourself, use USB disk or Live CD to try 11.04, somehow it is awesome00:46
compubombLjL: yah, that is what i was thinking, other than it would be nice to get open office 3.000:46
BitsMasterso apt-get remove chromium, the following packes will be removed (...) the following packages will be installed (...)00:46
BitsMasterI don't want to install new packs00:46
lcbSerialMDK, format the flash and load the image with unetbootin. format the drive you are going to install with ext4.00:46
BitsMasterI want to just remove the packages I specified00:46
BitsMasterAnyone has an idea?00:46
hiexpoBitsMaster, are you familar with pastbin ?00:46
janisozaur!cn | Osmodivs00:47
ubottuOsmodivs: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk00:47
BitsMasterI will paste it00:47
SusannaHi there, updated Ubuntu and now graphical output is dead slow when second monitor is connected00:47
OY1RBitsMaster, you could select them in senaptic package manager00:47
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hiexpoBitOperator, ok pastebin the output of that00:47
hiexpoBitsMaster, :000:47
SusannaSwitched to gnome 3, no difference. Seems to be a driver issue?!00:47
lcbSusanna, what graphic adapter or driver installed?00:47
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ that still dont explain why cd's wont work00:47
lcbahhh, Susanna gnome 3 is not supported yet00:48
SusannaHi lcb, using the intel one00:48
OsmodivsI hate Unity00:48
lcbSerialMDK, CD or FLASH?00:48
EvildaemonIs the authentication protocol currently used by gshare secure?00:48
OsmodivsI want Gnome3, Like everybody else00:48
Susannalcb: well, tried with Unity as well but was the same problem00:48
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ i tried both, burned through like 10 blank cd's so far00:48
Jordan_U!gnome3 | Osmodivs00:48
ubottuOsmodivs: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.00:48
syn3rgyWhere can I get the source code for Unity ? C++ not C ?00:48
lcbSusanna, type in terminal ' sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk ' and see if any driver is needed00:49
Nuc134rB0tHello everyone i need some help installing natty. It wont recognize my partitions from an IDE drive.00:49
lcbSerialMDK, always with the same ISO image?00:49
janisozaursyn3rgy, apt-get source unity00:49
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ no i downloaded it new everytimg00:49
BitsMasterIt drives me crazy, even in Synaptic it auto-installs the packages00:49
lucashi! I want to install grub2 on external usb disk. Is there a way to use uuid's instead of conventional device naming like root=/dev/sda?00:49
janisozaursyn3rgy, no 'sudo'00:49
EvildaemonSrialMDK, have you md5'ed the ISO yet?00:50
lcbSerialMDK, if your computer handles booting from flash you don't need to haste CDs00:50
Susannalcb: "No proprietary drivers are used on this system"00:50
Juesthow do i fix fstab iusses? i am having troubles with UIDs00:50
syn3rgyjanisozaur is there a git server I can clone or pull it from?00:50
BitsMasterI can't be deselected, and Lubuntu-desktop is beeing removes too... :X00:50
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ i think the flash drive is screwed and i have tons of cd's so i dont care00:50
lcbSerialMDK, that's weird and first time seeing something like that. better trying what i told you. download the ISO from ubuntu official00:50
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ i had 9.1 and tried to upgrade to 10.02 and that failed too00:51
lcbSusanna, is that a first run after upgrading?00:51
SusannaJuest: ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/00:51
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ i did dl from ubuntu.com00:51
Susannalcb: Yes00:51
janisozaursyn3rgy, sorry, no idea. try at #ubuntu-devel00:51
Susannalcb: well I did reboots already00:52
syn3rgyJust wondering is there ANYBODY here that actually likes Unity? Wonder if Canonical is listing to its users. Maybe they are idk.00:52
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ is it possible my ~>computer<~ just wont run it?00:52
lcbSusanna, might need to reboot. sorry one thing.. was that an upgrade or fresh install?00:52
Susannalcb: upgrade00:52
syn3rgyjanisozaur Ill take a look over there thx00:52
livecd_guyI'm in 11.04 livecd right now.. why can't I see the unity desktop?00:52
janisozaur!classic | lcb00:52
ubottulcb: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.00:52
janisozaurlcb, :)00:52
Susannalcb: please don't tell me to reinstall00:52
as2000_I like Unity. Like anything else, it just takes getting used to.00:52
PalinBachman2012i like UNITY00:52
PalinBachman2012i didnt at first, tho00:52
Jordan_Usyn3rgy: bzr get https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/unity/ubuntu00:53
lcbSerialMDK, try gurning the flash with unetbootin. if so you'll get more options to check if is a monitor or graphics falt00:53
lcbSusanna, , please reinstall00:53
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Juestuuids are right in fstab, but lilo thinks is not ordinary, why?00:53
lcbSusanna, j/k :p00:53
Juestany lilo channel????00:53
syn3rgyJordan_U thx going to grab a copy asap00:53
ayrtoni cant find how to mod the boot order in grub200:53
Jordan_Usyn3rgy: You're welcome.00:54
lcbSusanna, did you do the upgrade as it should - updating previous ubuntu, fixing the system and not interrupting the upgrade process?00:54
lucashi! I want to install grub2 on external usb disk. Is there a way to use uuid's instead of conventional device naming like root=(hd0,2)?00:54
Jordan_Uayrton: Remove all your non-pae kernels.00:54
bastidrazorJuest: there is a #lilo channel00:54
Susannalcb: I reckon it is a bloody driver issue and will be solved over time (http://bit.ly/mLhpDN). Why do you think a reinstall will solve the issue00:54
ayrtoni dont want to remove them00:55
silentz0rhello, i just upgraded to natty (11.04) and my laptop has been behaving weirdly. The shutdown promt pops up and shuts down after 50 seconds even if I press cancel a million times, and now the laptop doesn't even boot up (i press the power button and it starts for 2 seconds, then dies instantly).00:55
Susannalcb: The update ran without any issue00:55
tjiggi_foayrton, get Startup Manager from Synaptic (it'll be in applications when installed) and set the order from there00:55
Susannalcb: and everything worked well before00:55
lcbSusanna, i was kidding, as i said right after it. don't need to reinstall00:55
tripelbhi! how do I get tibetan letters? I get chinese, etc but squares for tibetan00:55
Juesti am wanting to remove a broken gnome, i can't why?00:55
lcbSusanna, do the failsafeX. you now how?00:55
ayrtonalso were is visual effects in 11.0400:56
Susannalcb: Yes, I'll try00:56
lcbSusanna, do the default, to start00:56
zenlunatictripelb: just curious.  does it work on windows00:57
lcbSusanna, SHIFT after bios messages and before grub, recovery, failsafeX and blah blah... i think you know00:57
asdf_mscwhere can i get updated 32 bit libraries for 64 bit ubuntu?00:57
ayrtonwere are visual effects in 11.04?00:57
syn3rgyayrton ccsm needs to be reinstalled.00:58
lcbayrton, check under Themes & Tweaks00:58
Jordan_Uayrton: Why don't you want to remove them if you don't use them?00:58
tripelbI dont know about windows zenlunatic - I am reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1192750 but that's 2 years ago. Also I've got seamless chinese and hebrew (never did anything) so I am expecting that it is not really hard.00:58
rzx237ayrton: it is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, although it say do not edit the file, I bet you can edit it carefully00:58
Omegasyn3rgy: https://code.launchpad.net/unity00:59
tripelbzenlunatic, I dont know anything about tibetan text in windows (correction of my sentence)00:59
zenlunatictripelb: never heard of it but id be impressed.  thats a small language00:59
syn3rgyOmega thx for that tip.01:00
silentz0ranyone? I really need my laptop to be on at least.01:00
botcitysilentz0r, how did you upgrade ?01:00
karma_policei cannot get ubuntu 10.10 to connect to my g1 tethered wifi..01:00
xaos11I'm trying to make btnx launch upon boot or login. It requires root to run properly, and I tried putting the command in the sudoers file but it doesn't help when I put the command in startup items. With the sudoer entry, I am able to execute the command as normal user without sudo, as btnx -b, or /etc/init.d/btnx start, but not as a startup entry. I checked execute permissions on the rc2.d entry but for some reason it isn't working. If I01:00
silentz0rbotcity: had 10.10, the system upgrade popped up, I pressed upgrade01:01
OmegaDid it get interrupted?01:01
tripelbre languages, I went into languages. it told me language support is not installed completely. I chose to install it. (this is ubuntu 10.04) will report what happens... zenlunatic01:01
silentz0rnope, laptop was untouched01:01
xaos11I don't really know how to check the log files to know if something interrupted it01:02
karma_policei cannot get ubuntu 10.10 to connect to my g1 tethered wifi. is there something special you have to do in order to connect to an ad-hock network?01:02
zenlunatictripelb: good luck, thats a niche01:02
lcbsilentz0r, what do you get when booting?01:02
zenlunatickarma_police: man iwconfig01:02
silentz0rlcb: nothing, laptop doesn't boot. If I unplug the power and plug it back in, it boots for 2 seconds with a blank screen and then it's off01:03
tripelbubuntu help did not help me. how do I see the print queue. is there an icon for it. I ended up with two copies.01:03
karma_policewhat then?01:03
silentz0rlcb: same thing happened yesterday but it booted somehow after 2 hours of trying to boot01:03
lcbsilentz0r, and that is happening only after upgrading or did it before?01:03
zenlunatickarma_police: ad_hoc is ad_hoc it shouldnt matter what device is hosting it01:03
zenlunatickarma_police: are you getting an ip address, first off01:03
silentz0rlcb: nope01:04
tripelblanguages is NOT it for getting text fonts.01:04
lcbsilentz0r, press F8 while booting and select the HD, then press SHIFT while booting01:04
karma_policei can connect to wireless networks using ubuntu.. i can dual boot and connect to phone using windoz.. just won't connect on ubuntu01:04
zenlunatickarma_police: youre not helping me01:05
nsurhi all. anybody has tried natty 11.04?01:05
zenlunatickarma_police: "connect to wireless networks" is kinda vague01:05
zenlunatickarma_police: are you getting an ip first off01:05
karma_policei'm not sure.. booted into windows right now in order to get on the net01:05
lcbsilentz0r, got it??? first we are trying to boot on the correct media; then we are going to the grub menus01:05
silentz0rlcb: I did get it, but the thing is nothing shows up01:06
silentz0rlcb: just a blank screen for less than a second01:06
silentz0rlcb: then it dies01:06
lcbsilentz0r, what type of portable is that?01:06
silentz0rlcb: Acer Timeline X 4820 TG01:06
karma_policei'm using 10.10 with a usb wireless nic...01:06
silentz0rlcb: looked up the thread on ubuntu forums as well, nothing mentioned01:06
silentz0rlcb: furthermore, when I unplug and replug the power supply, it start automatically!01:06
lcbsilentz0r, is F8 the correct key for selecting the media to boot? i guess so...01:06
IdleOnetripelb: System > Admin > Printing > click on printer > view print queue01:07
silentz0rlcb: this would inquire BIOS to start01:07
silentz0rlcb: but BIOS doesn'01:07
[4-tea-2]Natty! \o/01:08
hiexpohey IdleOne how you been ?   awhile01:08
lcbsilentz0r, do this.... unplug the power cord. remove the battery. press the power button for about 20 seconds. then put everything back on. then boot. press the key to go to bios and select defaults. save and reboot.01:08
IdleOnehiexpo: good thanks.01:08
jonteGuys.. The search feature in unity.. Is there any information on it? How can I make it index my files?01:08
zenlunatickarma_police: okay i see youre not going to troubleshoot01:08
lcbsilentz0r, remove CDs, USBs before...01:08
botcitysilentz0r, have you a live cd just to see if it boots.01:09
silentz0rlcb: i tried holding it down for 5 secs, gonna try 2001:09
ArachonI have a lot of hidden directories in my home folder, that carry the name of some installed programs (e.x. ".xchat" ".armagetronad"), would I be correct in assuming that these folders contain config data for said programs?01:09
nsurhave you tried natty?01:09
lcbsilentz0r, but in that order i told you, it's important01:09
silentz0rbotcity: i can put it on my flash drive01:09
carl-mArachon: yes. sometimes they also have cached data and similar things put there by the program01:09
amews_ajHas the TASKbar been removed in Ubuntu 11.04 ? Replaced by the "dock" ?01:09
IdleOneArachon: correct01:09
r0fs3ck5Tell me, is natty LTS?01:09
syn3rgyWho are the core developers of Unity ?01:09
[4-tea-2]So, please tell me, am I the only one with video/audio issues? (vdr+xine: "No Signal", xbmc: very slow framerate video, no audio)01:10
IdleOner0fs3ck5: no it isn't01:10
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)01:10
Arachoncarl-m: Right, so, essentially, if I want to back up my savegames, this would be the place?01:10
silentz0rlcb: doesn't boot up with the battery on01:10
ArachonI realize this will vary between programs, but generally01:10
r0fs3ck5IdleOne: ty01:10
carl-mArachon: it depends on the game. Some games use /var/games01:10
lcbsilentz0r, remove the battery. and try again with the cord. something's wrong with that computer, not natty01:11
silentz0rlcb: it's crazy, it boots up on it's own when there's no battery01:11
pr3d4t0rQ. Can you please tell me which utility will run a memory test on a running system that will report a faulty SIMM?  Headless 1U server in co-lo, Dapper.  Thanks in advance.01:11
silentz0rlcb: nothing was wrong until I upgraded01:11
silentz0rlcb: and as I told you, the shutdown prompt was up and I even if I selected cancel it would promt me again01:11
syn3rgyI mean "normal" linux and BSD list who does what ie http://www.debian.org/intro/organization#officers . I want to know who is the core team for Unity.01:11
LxndrI have music on my iPod and want to use a program to extract music from the iPod to my hard drive. Does a program like that exist for ubuntu, and if so, where can I find it?01:11
silentz0rlcb: and eventually shut down01:11
lcbsilentz0r, strange... can you elaborate a bit lol... you remove the battery and the power cord and still boots?01:11
gkahnhi all, a query: I am following a tutorial to compile a kernel, and tells me I have a requirement lib64qt3-devel, but can not find in ubuntu. Does anyone know which repositories should I aim for to download? or what would the equivalent file gnome desktop?01:11
silentz0rlcb: no, i remove the cord and the battery, then plug the cord and it boots up01:12
[4-tea-2]pr3d4t0r: from userspace: memtester, but you might also have a memtest entry in your grub menu.01:12
silentz0rlcb: ofc it doesn't boot with no power source :P01:12
silentz0rlcb: I wouldn't complain AT ALL if that was happening :D01:12
mjshi all...i need to know about website ripping?01:12
pr3d4t0r[4-tea-2]: Checking on both - thanks.01:12
lcbsilentz0r, ok. did you press the key to go to bios setup?01:12
silentz0rlcb: yes, can't01:12
[4-tea-2]pr3d4t0r: not sure if dapper has either ;)01:12
silentz0rlcb: it doesn't go as far as BIOS01:13
silentz0rlcb: just a second, maybe less, of blank screen01:13
syn3rgyI saw this happen to Red Hat back in the 90's...01:13
pr3d4t0r[4-tea-2]: Installing memtester - thanks.01:13
lcbsilentz0r, sorry to ask, are you sure is the correct key? on acer i believe if F2 isn't? or DEL01:13
[4-tea-2]pr3d4t0r: yw01:13
mjswget is the way to go?01:13
silentz0rlcb: i tried DEL as well01:13
silentz0rlcb: to enter BIOS settings. Nothing works01:13
EnekkHello everyone, I hate to bother, but I was hoping someone could tell me if there was a way to reduce/disable the active window shadows in 11.04.01:13
tripelbIdleone, can I make some kind of shortcut to that. (In windoze for instance it appears in the taskbar drawer when you have something in it. I think.)01:14
silentz0rlcb: it looks as if the BIOS doesn't even load01:14
lcbsilentz0r, DEL, ESC, F8 ... one of those, not sure on that machine01:14
[4-tea-2]mjs: if you feel comfortable on the command line, wget is all you need.01:14
Enekk(I already tried the Compiz window decorations plugin in ccsm)01:14
goldfirewho had some difficult to install ubuntu 11.0401:14
lcbsilentz0r, that's really strange. do you have anything in the CD drive or USB?01:14
tripelbidleone I've forgotten that at least twice before.01:14
Juestumm, how to force monitor detecion01:14
[4-tea-2]mjs: it does recursive retrieval, optionally spanning hosts01:14
silentz0rlcb: nope01:14
Juestor list the modules?01:14
Juestmodules that can be modprob ed01:15
needlezhey, got a quick question, what is the deal with trying to install dofus on ubuntu 11.04?? dofus is a program that uses adobe air to install, it wont install at all for me.01:15
mjs4-tea-2, ok...so how to assign target directory?01:15
Juestneedlez: install air first01:15
syn3rgyIs there anyway for me to get my 3D cube desktop back. I have a VM on each desktop.01:15
tripelbProgress towards "seeing" Tibetan characters. I googled differently and ... http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=1829c03d30fa52bf&hl=en01:15
coz_guys I have a issue finally,, since lucid my cursor will ,, without warning ,, jump around the screen,, any solutions?01:15
lcbsilentz0r, you need to discharge  that computer. remove the battery, the power cord, wait a while then.01:15
needlezalso, has anyone had any glitches or issues with the screensaver?? rss-glx and nvidia graphics cards?01:15
carl-mneedlez: screensaver crashed for me earlier today, after upgading. I disabled it01:16
[4-tea-2]mjs: cd target; wget ... will result in a target/www.myserver.com/...01:16
syn3rgyneedlez what card and divers?01:16
syn3rgyneedlez is it pre CUDA ?01:16
lcbsilentz0r, in any case, go to that model's site and see if there is any known issue. i believe it is a coincidence what's going on. not really 11.04 fault01:16
silentz0rlcb: I hope so, I really like ubuntu and don't wanna go back to g4y M$01:17
mjs4-tea-2, one sec..01:17
lcbcoz_,  try changing the mouse. that happened w me too and solved01:18
r0fs3ck5mjs: sudo mkdir website, cd website, wget www.website.com01:18
Josesordohello all... Gnome 3 or Unity? .. what do you think?..01:18
[4-tea-2]mjs: man wget is your friend - especially the section on Recursive Retrieval Options.01:18
IdleOnesilentz0r: please don't use the term gay as a pejorative also try to keep it family friendly as possible in here. thank you.01:18
njbairI added a filezilla launcher to the unity dock and when I open filezilla the dock doesn't show it as running.01:18
syn3rgysilentz0r Debian Squeeze is really nice ... ZERO blobs in the kernel now. Stable as heck etc. Don't go back to MS01:18
pr3d4t0r[4-tea-2]: Would you recommend any number of tests, or just one?  AMD64 3 GHz.01:18
carl-mJosesordo: they both seemed odd to me, so I switched to xfce01:18
coz_lcb,  well the mouse has been changed many times with the same issue,, regardless of the manufacturer01:18
pr3d4t0r[4-tea-2]: I meant test runs.01:18
coz_this has been consistently happening since lucid01:18
silentz0rIdleOne: that's why I used the non existant word g4y.01:18
coz_amoung other things :(01:18
lcbsilentz0r, for now we only really need to have that machine turning on... ubuntu or other distro or OS is irrelevant at this point01:18
EnekkSorry I might have missed if someone answered my question, I hit the wrong thing and killed chat (derp)01:19
nsursilentz0r: reboot then hit BIOS (f2/f12/dell) key right away repeatedly until you have the BIOS manager. hope will help01:19
Name141Is it possible to make a startup flash disk within windows without booting to a CD?01:19
IdleOnesilentz0r: obfuscation of a word does not change the meaning and intent.01:19
silentz0rlcb: know that01:19
trollboyso, is there a handy link on how to customize the new menu bar on ubuntu?01:19
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ it still black screens using unetbootin01:19
silentz0rIdleOne: you never know the intent, unless the author tells you what the intent is.01:19
[4-tea-2]pr3d4t0r: I usually let memtest run for a couple of hours (e.g. over night) with changing test patterns.01:19
lcbcoz_, i was using an asus mouse on a non asus machine. changed it and problem solved01:19
IdleOnesilentz0r: ok. I am not going to debate this with you. Just please don't do it again.01:20
Josesordocarl-m, xfce can use compiz and some docky?01:20
r0fs3ck5trollboy: which ubuntu?01:20
pr3d4t0r[4-tea-2]: Coolio - thanks.01:20
=== Laggg is now known as LagggAWAY
trollboyr0fs3ck5, I just upgraded to 11.0401:20
trollboyNaughty Narwhal?01:20
IdleOnetrollboy: unfortunately there isn't much customization available to you.01:20
silentz0rIdleOne: I get what you're saying, but I have a quite big issue and you point out something completely irrelevant which doesn't help.01:20
luchinociao a tutti01:20
lcbSerialMDK, i'm really sorry and i understand how you are. from my side i'm out of ideas :(01:20
[4-tea-2]trollboy: check your spelling, it's obviously Nutty Narwhal01:21
mythoshi, may someone is able to answer. do somone know with which compile-parameters the ubuntu 10.10 binaries are build (except glibc, i know they are optimised for i686)?01:21
carl-mJosesordo: I think so; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20387701:21
trollboy[4-tea-2], sorry01:21
r0fs3ck5trollboy: feature still in development01:21
IdleOnesilentz0r: it is relevant to the atmosphere we in the ubuntu community try to keep in our irc channels.01:21
[4-tea-2]trollboy: ego te absolvo.01:21
lcbIdleOne, could you try silentz0r pls pretty pls01:21
akharrisHey, I'm on a Macintosh, And my sound isn't working. There is a infared beam coming from my headphone jack and when i go under sound in system settings i dont know what to do. Running 32bit 11.04 17inch Macbook pro01:21
r0fs3ck5trollboy: but you can try01:21
njbairwould anyone recommend a GUI FTP client besides filezilla?01:21
IdleOnelcb: I said please twice. :)01:21
trollboyr0fs3ck5, stil in development?  But I thought I got the stable release?01:21
akharriswhat do01:21
Enekk@Name141: Yes, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#Installing%20Ubuntu%20on%20USB%20drive%20using%20Windows01:21
lcbIdleOne, noooo.. with his issue01:22
lcboops, IdleOne sorry, i mean SerialMDK01:22
IdleOnetrollboy: you did get the stable release but it is not feature full as you would hope at this point.01:22
trollboyoh well01:22
trollboyI'll wait01:22
silentz0rlcb: he probably won't, as I said a bad word while in a bad situation.01:22
[4-tea-2]njbair: I prefer the command line, but sometimes I use nautilus for ftp/ssh file transfer.01:23
Name141Enekk: I downloaded the AMD 64 bit ISO and for some reason this machine wont boot with it01:23
[4-tea-2]njbair: nautilus is your standard file manager on Ubuntu01:23
akharrisHey, I'm on a Macintosh, And my sound isn't working. There is a infared beam coming from my headphone jack and when i go under sound in system settings i dont know what to do. Running 32bit 11.04 17inch Macbook pro01:23
lcbIdleOne, i believe is a hardware issue.. but, just in case you have more ideas.. the comp don't even boot01:23
asdf_mscwhere can i download 32-bit development libraries for 64 bit?01:23
carl-mName141: I had all sorts of trouble with the 64bit iso today01:23
r0fs3ck5trollboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162395001:23
mjs4-tea-2, perfect!!!...thank you much...!01:23
[4-tea-2]mjs: yw!01:23
carl-mName141: does it have any sort of error message?01:23
Name141carl-m: my new system doesn't have drives yet01:23
tripelbnow that I have a font where do I put it for it to be "installed"?01:23
lcbsilentz0r, was my mistake referring to you, sorry01:23
tamerHello, I am trying to load the uinput module but it's not working. No errror messages are given. Any ideas?01:24
Name141carl-m: was hoping to see hot it ran Ubuntu (live)01:24
silentz0rlcb: ah, nvm01:24
needlezsyn3rgy: sorry, its a nvidia 310M, and using the screensavers don't crash just I noticed a strange line that seperates the screen half like01:24
carl-mName141: sure; but what sort of error do you get, if any?01:24
akharrisAny1 here on Macbook or any apple product running Ubuntu 32bit 11.04?01:24
LxndrI have music on my iPod and want to use a program to extract music from the iPod to my hard drive. Does a program like that exist for ubuntu, and if so, where can I find it?01:24
Name141carl-m: It just sits there black, can't move the mouse or anything01:24
EnekkName141: You might want to download the 64 bit alternative iso, maybe it is a weird driver issue?01:24
needlezJuest: KK, ill try that im gonna uninstall it right now then try that01:24
carl-mLxndr: I used to be able to do with with rhythmbox, but for some reason I can't seem to do it with banshee now.01:24
snowdrop1akharris: Im on a Macbook Air (3,2)...running Ubuntu  11.04, but its 64.01:24
Name141Enekk: If I'm doing it over, I'm getting the 32bit01:25
Name141I don't have the bandwidth to do it over and over01:25
akharrissnowdrop, do u have any problems with sound?01:25
EnekkName141: Is your machine in fact not 64 bit?01:25
Name141Enekk: this machine is E216001:25
syn3rgyneedlez that card is a good card in laptops. Also supports cuda. Don't see what there should be a problem01:25
carl-mdo you get a mouse pointer? Is the machine set to boot from the cd drive?01:25
Name141Enekk: the new one without drives in it yet is Athlon II X401:25
akharrissnowdrop1: Do you hav problems with your sound?01:25
tamerGuys, anyone managed to enable auth via the fingerprint reader?01:25
syn3rgyneedlez did you install the Nvidia drivers?01:25
snowdrop1akharris:  I did get an issue with sound (had no sound) after updating my perfectly working 10.10 to 11.04...but I solved it just a few minutes ago by removing the mactels sound-stuff01:26
Josesordocarl-m, I dont know.. XCFE seems old version.. I prefer install gnome 3.. I will try.. xD01:26
lcbSerialMDK, just occurs to me. do you have on that laptop a reset "hole"?01:26
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ im installing on a desktop01:26
carl-mJosesordo: whatever you prefer, it's up to you.01:26
akharrissnowdrop1: Do you think you could walk me through with that? im new to Ubuntu and want to fix my no sound problem01:26
snowdrop1akharris: PM.01:26
EnekkName141: Well, google tells me that the the E2160 is 64bit, I'd guess the other is as well01:26
Name141Enekk: maybe bad download ?01:27
lcbSerialMDK, hmmm so the other option is resetting CMO01:27
mdelpr3d4t0r: memtest+01:27
needlezsyn3rgy: no drivers where provided when i installed ubuntu 11.04,  didn't even have to activate them01:27
mdelpr3d4t0r: boot to grub and select it01:27
EnekkName141: but it sounds like you hit a graphical issue if you just got a black screen.  Try the alternative isos01:27
lcbSerialMDK, did you ever do that? is the pc case open?01:27
SerialMDKi have a reset switch01:27
Name141Enekk: It's not really a graphical issue if the USB isn't responding and I can't get to the desktop lol01:27
carl-mneedlez: the drivers are usually done automatically, if you selected the box for non-free software at the beginning of the install01:27
lcbSerialMDK, no, that's not that one, in this situation01:27
Name141Enekk: The "try/install" screen doesn't even come up before it scews up01:28
tripelbHowto Install FONT? now that I have a font where do I put it for it to be "installed"? Help wont load what I choose. goes to arrow curosr to show it's done. Then click choice again and help vanished. Ubuntu fail. (did it twice)01:28
EnekkName141: That is why I think drivers, maybe graphics, it has a fully graphical install environment01:28
syn3rgyneedlez ahhh OK. You are using the VESA drivers then. If you Activate the Nvidia ones then your problems should be gone.01:28
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ cmos?01:28
needleznvidia 270.41.06, also sometimes when i click a window it wont totally grab it correctly01:28
carl-mName141: try the 32bit, see if it works better. I had to burn three discs before I managed to get one that worked today01:28
shiftingcontrolI am doing distro update,if my pc gets shutdown because of power when processing installing the upgrades what will happen ?01:29
Name141carl-m: I'll have to wait till about 3 AM then01:29
carl-mName141: what time is it for you locally?01:29
Name141carl-m: 7:27 PM01:29
needlezalso adobeair isnt in my synaptics.. not sure why this is a 64bit edition01:29
MrHattershiftingcontrol, hell would reign down.01:29
carl-mshiftingcontrol: usually you can just reboot and start again01:29
carl-mName141: that sucks01:29
lcbSerialMDK, resetting the CMO. you need to find (manual/user guide) a jumper to reset it. also you need to remove the battery from the motherboard.01:30
Name141carl-m: that's hughesnet caps.01:30
syn3rgyIts 2:29am here01:30
shiftingcontrolMrHatter, carl-m:after restart i should start d/l again to update ?01:30
SerialMDKlbc, i have a switch that clears it without removing battery01:30
syn3rgysudo shutdown -hP now01:30
carl-mshiftingcontrol: how are you doing the update the first time?01:30
Name141carl-m: I suppose I could use the 32bit 10.10 on a USB stick for now to test the machines workability , sensors (temps) and all for now.01:30
bjsnider!find vmwgfx_drv.so01:30
ubottuPackage/file vmwgfx_drv.so does not exist in natty01:31
newbie112Hello, can anyone tell me what has happened to my comp? My keyboard does not work in Terminal except for the enter button01:31
shiftingcontrolcarl-m, Update manager01:31
EnekkAnyone out there know how to remove the active window drop shadows in 11.40 on classic mode?01:31
lcbSerialMDK, so try it. but look at the manual to see the exact procedure01:31
Name141carl-m: I suppose I'd only have 3.2 GBs of RAM01:31
Name141of the 401:31
bjsnider!find vmwgfx_dri.so01:31
tripelbHowTo Install a font -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts -- dhu.. double click on the extracted font file.01:31
ubottuPackage/file vmwgfx_dri.so does not exist in natty01:31
SerialMDK~>lcb<~ ok ill try it01:31
lcbSerialMDK, on a last case scenario remove the HD and at least we know if is or not a 11.04 issue. i'm pretty sure isn't01:32
jerriyQuestion: my sudo failed (can't update, can't install apps cant do nothing) Can someone tell me how on earth I should work01:32
MrHatteri just upgraded to 11.04 and have know desktop input, ctrl-alt-f2 works, but nothing on the desktop, mouse moves around, but no clicking or keyboard stuff. where do i start ???01:32
carl-mshiftingcontrol: sometimes you have to run dpkg --configure --pending or similar. but I would start by just trying the update again, assuming the system will boot01:32
newbie112can anyone tell me why my keyboard stopped working in terminal01:32
shiftingcontrolcarl-m, Thanks01:32
carl-mif it won't boot, I would do what I would recommend in the first place: don'ty upgrade, just install clean01:32
newbie112it works otherwise01:32
bobbydHey, is there any way to move the window close icon to the right when a window is maximized in 11.04 and using unity?01:33
Enekkbobbyd: Check out Ubuntu Tweak (google for it) I think it'll do that (not sure if it will for Unity)01:33
Name141Enekk: I just use UNetbootin to try the 64bit ISO ?01:34
jerriyCan sb help me I have a sudo problem01:34
unforgiven512Figured out my wlan issues, switched from wl to b43, works fine now :)01:34
fishhatwhat happpend?01:34
bobbydEnekk, that only seems to work when not maximised01:34
fishhatsudo problem01:34
victorhugo289sudo problem :P01:34
EnekkName141: Yeah, it installes the iso to your flash drive and then you can boot off of that01:34
needlezgot adobeair 2 for 64 bit, had to do it myself as they dont release packages for the 64bit01:34
jerriyfishhat: yes I can't update/install and all that01:34
Enekkbobbyd: oh, sorry then mate01:34
fishhatwhat are you running?01:35
bobbydNp, thanks anyway :)01:35
carl-mjerriy: what is the problem?01:35
newbie112can anyone help me?01:35
bjsnider!find vmwgfx_drv.so maverick01:35
ubottuPackage/file vmwgfx_drv.so does not exist in maverick01:35
carl-mnewbie112: it works in other applications?01:35
asdf_mscapparently i need to 'install 32-bit development libraries', where might i find them?01:35
needlezok, even with me installing it, as a 64 bit myself it still wont install Dofus ... what is goin on here,01:35
newbie112everything else except terminal01:35
Enekkbobbyd: I think it might be hard because of the unity menu thing - it literally occupies the space that a right sided control would01:35
carl-mtry making a new profile in terminal to see if it's something in the profile preferences01:35
carl-mfile->new profile01:36
Juest!help | newbie11201:36
ubottunewbie112: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:36
jerriythe problem is what i stated: can't do anything (unable to resolve host"01:36
Juest!repeat | newbie11201:36
ubottunewbie112: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:36
Juestwell lol01:36
carl-mjerriy: what command are you typing that it says that?01:36
syn3rgyI too say "good by and thanks for all the fish"01:36
jerriysudo apt-get update  (for example)01:36
carl-mjerriy: please run this: sudo whoami01:37
Name141Enekk: how would I know how much space I could tell it to save for saving across reboots ?01:37
carl-mdoes it say "root" ?01:37
trollboywhat about killing the autohide?01:37
lcbnewbie112, unplug and plug the kb01:37
needlezalso, its lagging horribly on updating xchat here, it took like 5 minutes and its lagging something terrible01:37
bobbydEnekk, that's what I thought, but it's really annoying to be forced to do that if I want to use unity, I'll just go back to classic mode then01:37
trollboyI use synergy and I keep just popping over to the other screen instead of activating the menu?01:37
Name141Enekk: It's a 7.64 GB flash drive ( " 8 GBs " )01:37
EnekkName141: You don't really need much, the thing is that it will partition the free space and you can always save to that.  Maybe set it to 1 or 2 gigs01:38
trihopedoes anybody know how to open another browser window from the launcher icon once you already have one open?01:38
newbie112whats a kb?01:38
jerriycarl-m: I cant "sudo" so "sudo whoami" is no go01:38
morellihi why would unity display little static(as in tv static) screens everywhere where an icon or menu should be?01:38
EnekkBobbyd: I left unity for classic too, not worth the pain01:38
lcbnewbie112, keyboard01:38
Name141Enekk: I told it 2000 MBs01:38
newbie112its not pluggable01:38
carl-mjerriy: when you run 'sudo whoami' it says something about resolving the host?01:38
newbie112i tried a new profile and looked at the preferences but it didnt seem to be anythingin there01:39
Enekkname141: that's more than enough01:39
bobbydYeah, it's a shame though as it's got potential01:39
asdf_msc32-bit dev libraries, anybody know where to get them?01:39
carl-mthis is before it asks for a password?01:39
Enekkbobbyd: true, give it a release cycle or two01:39
newbie112i just upgraded to natty narwhal01:39
newbie112maybe that has something to do with it01:39
jerriyno after01:39
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lcbnewbie112, you might need to reconfigure it then.01:39
newbie112the terminal was working01:39
newbie112i got up to the point where it wants you to input your password to get your encrypted key to store01:40
trihopehow do you open another browser window from the launcher icon once you already have one open?01:40
newbie112and it stopped working01:40
Name141Enekk: seems to be taking all day on "filesystem.squashfs"01:40
ChogyDantrihope: can you just click it again?01:40
jerriycarl-m: I've tried to sort out the issue by reading stuff on the net and stuff like /etc/hosts but I can't see what's wrong01:40
morelliwhy would unity display little static(as in tv static) screens everywhere where an icon or menu should be?01:41
lcbnewbie112, it worked before???01:41
asdf_msctrihope: Ctrl+N on the open window01:41
Enekkname141: it does because it is making a 2000 meg container, give it time01:41
trihopenope, that's not working01:41
trihopek hold on01:41
newbie112yes the terminal was working01:41
newbie112now I am at the point where it wants to randomly generate a key01:41
lcbnewbie112, restart then. did you try it?01:41
carl-mjerriy: can you run 'gksudo gnome-terminal' successfully?01:41
Name141Enekk: okie dokey it's moving again01:41
newbie112so I clicked run action now01:41
ChogyDantrihope: also try right clicking the launcher01:41
newbie112it pulls up the terminal01:41
newbie112and suddenly only enter works01:41
asdf_mscChogyDan: doesn't do it01:41
EnekkName141: I tend to install from the USBs, if this fails you really should try the alternative ISO when your cap is up as it has a non graphical installer01:41
newbie112no i will restart01:42
lcbnewbie112, yes01:42
newbie112restart terminal?01:42
newbie112yea i did that01:42
trihopeChogyDan: I tried clicking it and it does nothing01:42
lcbnewbie112, the computer01:42
jerriycarl-m: no I can't gksudo01:42
Name141Enekk: I just want to make sure the motherboard isn't DOA , or processor, or RAM..01:42
newbie112but i will restart the computer if this it what you are thinking01:42
Name141Enekk: Before I go ordering a hard drive and DVD burner01:42
newbie112oh ok01:42
jerriy(process:5324): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.01:42
needlezok, so i just got kicked from my session also, like seriously someone got a good debian based derivative that works unlike ubuntu 11.04?? and not mint just transferred from it because its updates never worked properly01:42
asdf_msctrihope: are you using chrome or firefox?01:42
EnekkName141: Understood.01:42
lcbnewbie112, you can log off and on again. if doesn't work restart01:42
trihopeasdf_msc: i guess it's a little more complicated than that. I created a launcher for chrome incognito01:43
bastidrazorneedlez: 10.04 works well and is freakishly stable01:43
Name141Enekk: the 'setting up persestince" is taking forever now01:43
carl-mjerriy: can you post the exact error, and the contents of /etc/hosts, to a pastebin?01:43
EnekkName141: You might also want to go download The Ultimate Boot CD and run some burn in tests on your hardware, but that will need to be made a CD01:43
asdf_mscyes, that's not quite what you were asking01:43
trihopefor some reason it has regular chrome open and when I click on the launcher for icognito it won't open a new browser01:43
EnekkName141: Yeah, sorry about that, the whole making space thing takes for freaking ever01:43
KNUBBIG!pastebin | jerriy01:43
ubottujerriy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:43
morelliwhy would unity display little static(as in tv static) screens everywhere where an icon or menu should be?01:43
Name141Enekk: OK, so it's not 'hung' ?01:44
trihopeasdf_msc: for some reason it has regular chrome open and when I click on the launcher for icognito it won't open a new browser01:44
bastidrazormorelli: bad reception?01:44
EnekkName141: Likely not, I've seen it take upwards of 10 minutes before01:44
trihopeasdf_msc: i tried the ctrl+n and it did open a new browser but it's not icognito.  brb01:44
morellibastidrazor: funny, but it looks like memory from gpu in graphical form;)01:45
eosshello, i have installed portal 2 on wine and i am getting intense flickering in the video when playing, ive google searched this problem and i am coming up with nothing, i am sure my graphic card drivers are updated01:45
eossi have radeon hd487001:45
needlezbastidrazor: cant use 10.04 i have i7 toshiba laptop that wont allow any kernel before 2.6.35 to run properly , hence 10.04 uses like 2.6.32 i think so i can even get it to install01:45
morellibastidrazor: raw memory from gpu in graphical form;)01:45
trihopeasdf_msc: back01:46
bobbydEoss, video like movies? Or just the 3d scene?01:46
eossi mean the game01:46
eossthe sequence movies seem fine its in game01:46
botcitymorelli, is it a fresh install from cd ? or a upgrade from update manager01:46
eossswitching to windowed mode helps but not fully still unplayable, in non-windowed its very insane flickering01:47
bobbydOk, how about using winetweaks to instal the official d3d libs?01:47
=== Rehann is now known as Rehan
jerriycarl-m: /etc/hosts ········> http://paste.ubuntu.com/601536/01:47
bastidrazorneedlez: what a crapy laptop01:47
morellibotcity recent upgrade when it asked i agreed01:48
trihopeasdf_msc: if i click on the regular chrome launcher it will open new regular browser, but the indicator triangle shows up on the icognito launcher even though I don't have icognito window open01:48
eossbobbyd: not sure how to do that, ill do some research01:48
Rehanis there a way to run the sensors-applet with a flag?01:48
EnekkName141: I am going to have to run now.  Anything else I can answer before I do?01:48
carl-mjerriy: what output do you get from 'hostname'01:48
morellibotcity: recent upgrade when it asked i agreed01:48
morellibotcity: gpu is ati asus ah 345001:49
jerriycarl-m: "myhost"01:49
trihopeasdf_msc: fixed it. I just ran "unity --replace" and it showed up and launcher seems to be working fine now01:49
carl-mjerriy: ok, making progress. now, run '/sbin/ifconfig lo' and tell me if you see "inet addr:"01:49
duffmyveranyone have any ideas how to fix either the brightness keys or my intermittent wifi problems on a samsung n150, running netbook edition? i have wifi working, but it'll only work sometimes - have to keep  rebooting my machine until it works01:49
duffmyveri'm a real linux noob...01:50
GamingDroidis there no 11.04 version for LTS?01:50
carl-mGamingDroid: no, 11.04 is not LTS01:50
bazhangGamingDroid, no01:50
KM0201GamingDroid: whyw ould there be?01:51
jerriycarl-m: inet addr:  Mask:
carl-mjerriy: the problem seems to be you have in /etc/hosts but you need to have
EnekkName141: Well, I hope not.  Good luck and remember, if you really want to test your new hardware go download the Ultimate Boot CD and run some of the testing tools on there.  I always do it with new hardware.01:51
duffmyveranyone have any ideas about the wifi on a samsung n150?01:51
OtorisAnyway to shrink the gigantic size of this obtuse launcher?01:52
carl-mOtoris: stand farther away from the screen?01:52
saegeis there no option to add shortcuts on the desktop from unity?01:52
GamingDroidSo when is the next LTS release?01:52
OtorisHa! seems like it would work.01:52
bazhangGamingDroid, 12.0401:52
GamingDroidSo it is released every 2-years?01:52
carl-mOtoris:  I don't like it either, but I couldn't see any direct way to configure the size or the color01:52
carl-mmaybe someone else here knows01:52
jerriycarl-m: meaning I need to add "myhost" to the first line in etc/hosts?01:52
carl-mjerriy: or just change the to
trihopehow do i change icons on the unity launcher (the image)01:53
carl-mI can't guarantee that's the problem, but it seems like something that's not right01:53
botcitymorelli, does it boot up ok ?01:54
jerriyI'll try that and will be back (certainly if it didn't work out ;), carl-m01:54
linuxmonkeywere would i find the md5 hash to make sure a cd i downloaded is authentic01:54
needlezbastidrazor: crappy is an opinion and point of perspective, to me it isn't crappy however, when an OS like ubuntu goes and changes all things and half those things are buggy and not just with my laptop but multiple machines in my home, i believe it is an OS issue01:54
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
botcitylinuxmonkey, from the site you got the image01:55
carl-mOtoris: if you install the compiz settings manager, it's under 'Unity plugin' -> 'Experimental'01:56
bastidrazorneedlez: prior releases, before 11.04, work outstanding on the vast majority of comptuers. if your laptop can not run pre 2.6.35 kernel.. it _is_ crappy01:56
Otoriscarl-m: Thanks, I'll look into that01:56
=== test5 is now known as Rehan
carl-mthe package name is compizconfig-settings-manager and the program name is than ccsm01:56
needlezbastidrazor: then most i7 laptops would be crappy under that statement, which is very untrue, like i said crappy is an opinion not fact, and i have multiple i7 computers which don't like kernels before 2.6.35...01:57
linuxmonkeybotcity,  no i found it anyways. i downloaded it off newsgroups and just wanted to check the checksum01:57
eossok no idea how to improve my situation with regards to graphics problems in wine, any halp appreciated01:58
morellibotcity: i hard restarted it onece and it showed me this static, hard reset again, only first screen showed, so tty1 remove unity, restart ubuntu told me that my hardware can't  use unity(douh unity was gone by that time), another hold, restart gdm01:58
bastidrazorneedlez: apples and oranges.01:58
ChogyDaneoss: have you checked the wine app page for your app?01:58
Logan_eoss: /join #winehq01:59
=== LagggAWAY is now known as Laggg
morellibotcity: and now i'm using classic01:59
needlezwell, it looks like maybe a distro change is in order guess i could try fedora, maybe the got the wifi cards working this time02:00
twiggy_can someone tell me how to make the ubuntu unity launcher stop hiding when i have a program open?02:00
aeon-ltdneedlez: you might wanna try linux mint, they're kinda known for more compatibility stock than other distros02:00
kippershi all!02:01
eossChogyDan: yes i checked, this bug is not there02:01
needlezaeon-ltd: just was using mint, however had an issue with repos with them they wouldn't always update correctly02:01
kippersis anybody here?02:01
honssonwhat's ubuntu?02:02
needlezthats y i went back to ubuntu figured 11.04 might be good, since mint just didn't wanna work for me02:02
ChogyDaneoss: if it is just wine, then you should ask in #winehq02:02
bazhanghonsson, you know that02:02
kipperscan i get some support?02:02
carl-mhonsson: not much, really02:02
honssonbazhang: i actually don't know02:02
l00pb4ckare the ppa's still down?02:02
jonrafkindi accidentally removed the 'logout/shutdown' button from my gnome-panel, how do I get it back?02:02
kippershow can i stop my wireless from dying all the time? soetimes it works, but often it won't connect, even if it sees networks02:03
carl-mkippers: there are a lot of people here; just ask your question and someone will respond02:03
Juestjonrafkind: use add panel02:03
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com honsson have a read02:03
ChogyDanjonrafkind: try adding indicator applet session02:03
jonrafkindi have the indicator applet already02:03
Juestshutdown applet?02:03
dxdemetriouIn indicator applet when I create a profile for vpn connection id does not let me to save it without password (with Marverick I could).02:04
ChogyDanjonrafkind:  session <02:04
greenlanterncan't install ubuntu 11.04 with unetbootin, after getting the file in pendrive with unetbooting , rebooting with usb first priority boot device, it's not booting ubuntu-11.04 , i get a message "Verifiying pool data" , and it's waiting for long time , can anyone point me where is the mistake ?02:04
honssonbazhang: so its an os02:04
kippersi haven't a clue about all this linux stuff, but it seems to run much better on my netbook than win7 does )02:04
Julito35which is the channel of argentina?02:04
jonrafkindChogyDan, oh sorry you wre right, session is different from just the regular applet02:04
bazhangJulito35, #ubuntu-ar02:04
jonrafkindits confusing because there are like 4 indiciator applet things :p02:04
arooni-mobilehey folks doing: LilArooni ~: sudo cat "65" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl  => bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl: Permission denied02:04
ChogyDanjonrafkind: yeah, i think it is confusing too  :)02:04
botcitytwiggy_, i think its part of the new unity! i thought it was the launcher and menus app. if you push to the left it pops up02:04
arooni-mobilehow do i change the ttl on ubuntu? doing bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl: Permission denied => Permission denied02:05
sakurambooive installed a few games, but they do not show up in the games menu in unity, is there a way to manually add them?02:05
jonrafkindill go with the shutdown applet, thanks Juest !02:05
arooni-mobilesorry for repeaqt02:05
honssonJUST SAYING02:05
FloodBot3honsson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
Jordan_UHow can I make Google Chrome the default browser that is launched when clicking links in gnome-terminal (e.g. for irssi)?02:05
kippersdoes anybody know how i can fix my wireless probs?02:05
ivancphow to upgrade to gnome3?02:05
jonrafkindkippers, install wicd. network manager is garbage02:05
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l00pb4cki get errors when i try to do any updates am i the only one?02:05
greenlanterncan't install ubuntu 11.04 with unetbootin, after getting the file in pendrive with unetbooting , rebooting with usb first priority boot device, it's not booting ubuntu-11.04 , i get a message "Verifiying pool data" , and it's waiting for long time , can anyone point me where is the mistake ?02:05
Jordan_U!gnome3 | ivancp02:05
ubottuivancp: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.02:05
kipperswicd? how do i install it?02:05
jonrafkindsudo apt-get install wicd02:05
ahmed_How to revert back to unity after identifying my driver? the ubuntu choice in the login always logging to gnome ?!!02:06
JuestJordan_U: just set it as default, have sense-browser command in preferred apps?02:06
OtorisJordan_U Go to your power off button and at the bottom of that menu click system settings -> preferred applications02:06
Jordan_Ugreenlantern: Have you ever been able to boot from USB on this machine?02:06
kippersok, installing wicd now )02:06
JuestJordan_U: and also, set the browser itself as default02:06
greenlanternJordan_U: yes02:06
jonrafkindand then you can uninstall network manager: sudo apt-get remove network-manager02:06
jonrafkindbecause having both installed at the same time will break stuff02:07
Jordan_UOtoris: Thanks. That worked.02:07
morellibotcity: any idea why i had this tv-like static?02:07
kippersok, will do ) i do really like ubuntu on my netbook, although it is a bit ugly :P but, as the guy who recomended itsaid, it runs like hot shit off a stick )02:07
ahmed_Guys after my VGA driver identification I can't login to unity, always logging to classic gnome while I choose "ubuntu" from login window, ANy suggestions ?!02:07
jerriycarl-m: ···> http://paste.ubuntu.com/601539/02:08
bazhangkippers, no cursing02:08
sakurambooalso, every time i launch gnome-terminal, it tells me that byobu-launcher isnt installed, why is it looking for byobu and how do i get it to stop saying that?02:08
carl-mjerriy: but still the same error, error resolving host myhost02:08
twiggy_botcity: that only has 2 options neither of which stop it from hiding02:08
Jordan_Ugreenlantern: What were you able to boot successfully from USB?02:08
greenlanternJordan_U: yes, 1 year ago02:08
botcitymorelli, is your ati driver correctly installed ?02:09
kippersok, after installing wicdand removing network manager, do i need to restart?02:09
Jordan_Ugreenlantern: What (as in what OS, installed to the USB how) were you able to boot successfully from USB?02:09
jerriycarl-m what should it be then?02:09
carl-mjerriy: is that right - that you still have the error?02:09
IdleOnekippers: probably, yes.02:09
morellibotcity: what do you mean 'correctly' it works now and worked before unity02:09
carl-mafter that change, I'm not sure what's up02:09
rgrsakuramboo: check you're really launching gnome-terminal and if so then check your bashrc that it isnt attaching.02:10
carl-myou haven't edited /etc/sudoers or anything like that, right?02:10
botcitytwiggy_, there maybe a an option in ccsm i dont know.02:10
kippersthanks for your help, trying it all now )02:10
kjxl9im following a tutorial at:http://www.ehow.com/how_7729420_use-ps3-controller-ubuntu.html02:10
arooni-mobilehow do i change the ttl on ubuntu? doing bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl: Permission denied => Permission denied02:10
greenlanternJordan_U: i installed ubuntu 9.04 with unetbootin.exe02:11
morellibotcity: i got simmilar tv-like static only on boot screan never when the desktop loaded fully02:11
jerriycarl-m: yes http://paste.ubuntu.com/601544/02:11
carl-mjerriy: but does it pop up a terminal?02:11
botcitymorelli, so it works fine with classiic not with unity?02:11
Rehanstupid dropbox keeps not auto-starting at boot02:11
sakuramboorgr: im launching `gnome-terminal` from a terminal, the terminal opens fine, but reports that error, i can still use it, though. and there are no references to byobu in both $HOME/.bashrc and /etc/bash.bashrc02:11
jerriyWhat do you mean "pop up a terminal" I can "open" the file02:12
morellibotcity: yes, but why? you know i wanted to try this 'unity' and stuff02:12
jerriyif it wasn't a sudo file02:12
carl-mI mean, does it run gnome-terminal, or prompt for a password, or just do nothing?02:12
kippersok installing wicd hasn't worked at all - before, i could see wireless networks, even if i couldn't connect, but now t sees nothing02:12
morellibotcity: but it does not work for me, and i don't know why02:13
Julito35I have problems with AVIDEMUX, with mp4 720p videos, anyone can help me?02:13
kjxl9when i type in a certain command, this comes up "unable to retrieve local bd_addr from 'hcitool dev' (line break) please enable bluetooth or speccify and address manaly"02:13
harovalihi, how can I tell ubuntu bot to update the clock over the network time protocol ? (because I'd like to set the time manually for a while)02:13
jerriyit does nothing (after it shows the warning or whatever (and if it is for example synaptic or auto update then i tick in the sudo password but then it doesn't even say "sorry" like in terminal02:14
harovalii mean not to update , not bot02:14
carl-mand 'sudo whoami' still says it can't resolve the host?02:14
KNUBBIGis it possible to write a message in pidgin via the terminal? Would be nice for a drop down terminal while being on another workspace02:15
kippersany ideas on how i can get my wifi working now? wicd has complete;y murdered what little conectivity i had02:15
the67pc /msg NickServ identify leirbag02:15
sakurambooKNUBBIG: if i remember correctly, there is a terminal version of pidgin available02:15
jerriycarl-m: it now says "Sorry, try again." but hat's cuz I rebooted (if i tried the third time it will again say can't resolve the host02:15
the67pc /msg NickServ identify <password>.02:15
carl-mjerriy: on my system, if I remove the line from /etc/hosts, I get the error message, but it also runs the command for me02:15
kjxl9i need some help02:15
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: cool, thanks I'll see if I find something02:15
kjxl9when i type in a certain command, this comes up "unable to retrieve local bd_addr from 'hcitool dev' (line break) please enable bluetooth or speccify and address manaly"02:15
dxdemetrioufrom "indicator applet" the "vpn" where it stores the "private key password"? It doesn't accept to be empty.02:16
kippersany ideas on how i can get my wifi working now? wicd has complete;y murdered what little conectivity i had02:16
sakurambooKNUBBIG: i used it before, some time last year, it was actually pretty cool. very good use of the ncurses library02:16
carl-mjerriy: like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601545/02:16
kippersany ideas, anybody?02:17
kippersany ideas on how i can get my wifi working now? wicd has complete;y murdered what little conectivity i had02:17
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: I found a program called finch, did you use that?02:17
KNUBBIG!info finch02:17
ubottufinch (source: pidgin): text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.7.11-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 217 kB, installed size 676 kB02:17
kjxl9 im following a tutorial here: http://www.ehow.com/how_7729420_use-ps3-controller-ubuntu.html. when i type in "sudo ./sixpair, this comes up "unable to retrieve local bd_addr from 'hcitool dev' (line break) please enable bluetooth or speccify and address manaly"02:17
sakurambooyes, thats it02:17
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: thanks a lot :)02:17
sakuramboono problem :) enjoy it, its very nice02:17
botcitymorelli, you may be able to try it but you will have to disable your graphics card. i think that is what is causing the static you could try a live disk. may work better that way possibly!02:18
kipperscan anyone tell me at least where to get some info? i'll past my q again:02:18
kippersany ideas on how i can get my wifi working now? wicd has complete;y murdered what little conectivity i had02:18
jerriycarl-m: no I don't get any of that. It's just waiting for the sudo command02:19
sakurambookippers: does wireless work if you use the terminal?02:19
kjxl9 im following a tutorial here: http://www.ehow.com/how_7729420_use-ps3-controller-ubuntu.html. when i type in "sudo ./sixpair, this comes up "unable to retrieve local bd_addr from 'hcitool dev' (line break) please enable bluetooth or speccify and address manaly"02:19
ChogyDankippers: what card?02:19
carl-mwhat do you mean waiting?02:19
needlezother thing is that i want the auto window resizing feature that 11.04 offers just not sure if anyother distro has that ability02:19
morellibotcity: thanks for help :)02:19
kippersno wi-fi at all now02:19
pksadiqkjxl9: have you enabled your bluetooth?02:19
kippersdunno what card, or how to find out on linux, im using a samsung n15002:19
KNUBBIGwow except that it doesn't seem to recognize my skype it's pretty awesome :)02:19
silwalPlease start Google Chrome as a normal user. If you have previously run Google Chrome as root, you will need to change the ownership of your profile directory.wat shud i do?02:20
sakurambookippers: open a terminal, does the card show up when you type `lspci`?02:20
l00pb4ckkjxl9: i had to restart the bluetooth service to be able to use it02:20
pksadiqkjxl9: what does sudo hcitool scan          gives ?02:20
kippersit worked a little until i installed wicd, but wouldonly connect on about 1/4 of boots02:20
jerriyit means it asks me to type the password (try again... and again...02:20
l00pb4ckkjxl9: sudo service bluetooth restart02:20
sakurambooKNUBBIG: glad you like it, it saved me a few times in the past when i couldnt forward X11 over ssh ;)02:21
kippersyeah, RTL8129e is the model, i think02:21
kjxl9it sais no suck device02:21
kjxl9and i have my controller plugged in02:21
carl-mjerriy: that sounds like you are typing the wrong password?02:21
sakurambookippers: is the device listed in `iwconfig`?02:21
carl-mdo you have auto login, or do you type the password to log in?02:21
jerriyWhere do I get it right?02:21
katsrcevery time i build GIMP i get a segfault when i try to launch it , anyone know what could be causing this?02:21
carl-mby the way, it seems that both and work for me, so that was not the problem02:21
pksadiqkjxl9: just unplug the device and replug and so the same ./si....   as you did before02:22
kippersyeah, it is. i thought maybe it'd be a driver problem, but it's wierd, as it DID kinda work, but not very well02:22
jerriyI login with my account02:22
sakurambookippers: can you use `iwconfig` to set up your wireless connection?02:22
silwal Please start Google Chrome as a normal user. If you have previously run Google Chrome as root, you will need to change the ownership of your profile directory . Can anybody help me im in bt-4 R2???02:22
kippersi've no idea how02:22
kjxl9still nothing02:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:22
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: :-) I recently got to like irssi as I can start it in guake and "take it" to every workspace which is sometimes required when having only one display available :)02:22
DatzHi, I just want to use Gnome2 and not unity. How can I remove just unity? "aptitude purge unity" ?02:23
IdleOnesilwal: #backtrack-linux02:23
carl-mso you run su, and it gives that error, then you type the password, and it says 'Sorry, try again', and you try again. if you do it trhee times, what does it say?02:23
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: so thanks for the tip :)02:23
botcitykatsrc, build gimp ?02:23
pksadiqkjxl9: do sudo service bluetooth restart         and then try sudo hcitool scan02:23
ny51bernUbuntu 11 freezes at login screen any ideas?02:23
RehanDatz: i think you can choose to login to Ubuntu Classic for the non-Unity version02:23
katsrcbotcity: compile it from source02:23
sakurambooKNUBBIG: look into using screen with it, you can ssh into the machine from anywhere, run `screen -raAd` and bring your irssi connection right up without skipping a beat02:23
DatzRehan: it is causing problems though02:23
kjxl9says no ddevices still even though it is plugged in02:24
katsrcbotcity: even the PPA's cause segfault02:24
crimton11.04 doesn't see eth0 anymore, anyone have this?02:24
DatzI guess I'll try and purge unity and see what it does02:24
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: oy, nice idea, thanks. Instantly going to start it on an available server :)02:24
RehanDatz: what happens?02:24
katsrci'm using Matt Walker's PPA: https://launchpad.net/~matthaeus123/+archive/mrw-gimp-svn02:24
DatzRehan: ok so it wants to also remove ubuntu-destop02:24
senatortomanyone well versed in C willing to take a look at some code I have that I'm having trouble debugging?02:25
Datzso that is;nt good02:25
sakurambooKNUBBIG: yeah, i dedicated an old Dell laptop, slapped slackware on it and all it does is listen on port 22, i run screen and irssi on it02:25
ny51bernUbuntu 11 freezing at login screen. any suggestions?02:25
ABCZYI need help with ubu8ntu02:25
Datzny51bern: try safe mode02:25
carl-mABCZY: don't we all02:25
sakurambooKNUBBIG: thats how im on here right now, im ssh'ed into it from my main desktop, its great, never have to sign off :)02:25
kipperssakuramboo: sorry, i ahvent a clue how to set it up with iwconfig02:25
ny51bernDatz: how do i boot in safe mode?02:25
CalePulseaudio is completely broken on my machine (only shows single master greyed out volume control pegged at zero). Is there a convenient PPA or something for adding back the gnome volume control panel applet in 11.04?02:25
Cale(the one which works with alsa)02:25
Datzny51bern: do you see a grub boot menu?02:25
sakurambookippers: check your pvts02:25
botcitykatsrc, i see.02:25
Datzbefore you get to teh login?02:25
KNUBBIGsakuramboo: I got an online backup server running debian, so I'll use that. Thank you very much this is a great idea :)02:25
Stameni1hello, how do i forece file system check fsck on next reboot ?02:26
kjxl9should i try rebooting with the controller plugged in?02:26
Stameni1hello, how do i force file system check fsck on next reboot ?02:26
ny51bernDatz: yeah i get beyond there. I should press power button and go back to there?02:26
sakurambooKNUBBIG: my pleasure :)02:26
needlezhey, what is the program name that allows for the resizing of the windows when dragged the right left or top??02:26
Jordan_UStameni1: sudo touch /forcefsck02:26
Datzny51bern: yes02:26
Stameni1Jordan_U, thank you02:26
Datzor ctl atl del02:26
Jordan_UStameni1: You're welcome.02:26
ny51bernDatz: okay doing that now. anything to look for/do ?02:27
DatzJordan_U: do you know if there is a way to remove unity and just keep Gnome 2 desktop?>02:27
ny51bernDatz: gave me a recovery menu02:27
Datzny51bern: nope, just boot to safe-mode02:27
Jordan_UDatz: I do not know.02:27
DatzJordan_U: ok thanks02:27
ny51bernDatz: lots of options in this menu.02:27
Datzny51bern: try the latest kernels ssafe mode02:28
pksadiqkjxl9: sorry , i was away, may you can try a reboot too with the device plugged02:28
Datzny51bern: that won't solve your problem, but hopefully you'll be able to log in02:28
RehanDatz: can you highlight me?02:28
Datzny51bern: I had a freeze before the login, and I was able to boot to safe mode. Now I just want ot remove unity02:28
DatzRehan: sure02:29
RehanDatz: thanks02:29
Rehanwas just testing something Datz02:29
Datznp ;)02:29
jerriycarl-m: su: Authentication failure02:29
ny51bernDatz: don't see that option. i got: resume normal, try to make free space, repair broken packages, run in fail safe graphics mode, reboot into file system check...02:29
malvmy keyboard doesnt have a windows key. Is it possible to rebind the windows key to another key?02:29
Datzny51bern: ah, ok you have another menu, not grub02:29
ny51bernDatz:  its called the recovery menu. any ideas?02:30
Datzny51bern: was just there myself repairing grub. but I don't know what your problem is/02:30
trailoryohow can I hotkey workspaces? or swap with for instance holding mouse1&2 + dragging?02:30
nit-witny51bern, that is the menu from the recovery02:30
bullgard4Cale: In Ubuntu 11.04, at login, you can select GNOME 2. There you will have the GNOME volume control applet.02:30
ny51bernI'm not sure. It just feezes right when I hit the login screen02:30
Datzny51bern: might have to sit tight, I can't really can't help you with that.02:31
botcityis a mtrr problem fixable ?02:31
ny51bernnit-wit: any ideas?02:31
ny51bernDatz:  thanks, maybe book in 'repair broken packages' ?02:31
nit-witny51bern, I was trying ti find what the problem is can you tell me again02:32
haroonIn my unity desktop 11.04 alt+f1,alt+f2,alt+f3..alt+f7 isn't working according to shortcuts defined it. It switch me to tty consoles02:32
ny51bernnit-wit: ubuntu11 frozen at login screen02:32
ny51bernnit-wit: boots fine, just when its time to input password, im frozen02:32
eosshow do i find what version of my graphics card02:32
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ny51bernnit-wit: im on a dual boot with windows xp02:33
carl-mjerriy: try typing your password at the prompt just to make sure it appears correctly02:33
KNUBBIGbrb ;-)02:33
uberfrauhey guys, I'm trying to install a gedit plugin, and since I didn't have a ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins path, I made it in terminal, but it doesn't show up in Dolphin. What can I do? (Kubuntu 10.10 user btw)02:33
DatzRehan: I'm going to try and purge unity, and install "gnome-desktop-environment02:33
DatzRehan: I'll let you know how it goes :P02:33
KNUBBIGyey it works02:33
Juestdatz: ubuntu-desktop02:33
carl-mjerriy: try 'su jerriy' ( or whtevery your username is) and see if that will accept your password02:33
Juestor are you in 11.04?02:33
KNUBBIGis there an option to execute a command upon login via ssh?02:34
nit-witny51bern, have you tried alow graphics boot in02:34
DatzJuest: hum?02:34
ny51bernnit-wit: hvnt tried anything. im kinda an idiot with ubuntu.02:34
DatzI gyess I don't need to purge unity02:34
ny51bernnit-wit: how should i do that?02:34
Datzjust remove02:34
pksadiquberfrau: the paths that start with . (a period) is hidden , may be there is an option in the 'view' menu to view hidden,02:34
nit-witny51bern, have you installed graphics drivers in the past?02:34
ny51bernnit-wit: don't think so.02:35
aussaI'm trying to build some program, while the "make" command an error ocurrs, I asked for help at the program home page, and they told me to: "take the command where it tries to compile OSGXmltokenizer.cpp and replace -c with -E". I don't know how to do that, where should I look? what do I do?02:35
haroon In my unity desktop 11.04 alt+f1,alt+f2,alt+f3..alt+f7 isn't working according to shortcuts defined it. It switch me to tty consoles02:35
Jordan_U_aussa: What are you trying to install?02:35
DatzAlthough it doesn't want to let me remove unity without removing ubuntu-desktop02:35
pksadiqharoon: alt+ctrl +...02:35
Jordan_U_!ubuntu-desktop | Datz02:35
ubottuDatz: k/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.02:35
escottaussa, in the makefile look for the OSGXmltokenizer target, look up until you see a line with gcc -c and try to change that02:35
KM0201Datz: i believe thats just a meta package.. you'll see a lot of packages remove that02:35
jerriycarl-m: su username   >> Passworld: >>     su: Authentication failure02:36
DatzKM0201: is there a minimal gnome2 desktop?02:36
botcityKNUBBIG, .bashrc file i think , on the computer your sshing into.02:36
Rehanis there anyway I can make my laptop's touchpad not take any input while i'm typing? getting so frustrated with accidentally palming the touchpad and it messing me up02:36
nit-witny51bern, at the grub menu hit e then use the keyboard arrows to navigate ti the splash at the end of the kernel line and replace it with nomodeset the crtlx to boot to a command line boot in then hit startx02:36
carl-mjerriy: that is very odd; you should be able to su to yourself02:36
KNUBBIGbotcity: okay, thanks, will try that02:36
DatzKM0201: nevermind, I'll search02:36
KM0201Datz: if you're using 11.04, it should be installed by default, log out, at sign on screen, clcik your username then click "Sessions" and set it to Gnome classic02:36
sidgehello all, my google-fu has failed me...how do i make dvd-roms automaont to a set mount point like they used ie /media/cdrom002:36
Calebullgard4: I've already selected "Ubuntu Classic" and gotten the standard panel. The problem is that the only provided volume control is the pulseaudio one built into the indicator applet02:36
[4-tea-2]Rehan: duct tape?02:36
carl-myou actually type your password to log into the computer, it does not log you in automatically - is that right?02:36
pksadiqjerriy: did you try sudo -i ?02:37
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
DatzKM0201: yea, but I want it gone :P02:37
uberfraupksadiq, I don't think I created the directory with a . in it, and when I enabled 'show hidden files' it didn't pop up. Maybe I created the directory incorrectly in Konsole? There is documentation by the plugin writer if that would help? ;o02:37
Rehan[4-tea-2]: ha ha, any real solution that you know of?02:37
KM0201you want what gone? unity?.. so uninstall it.. thats no tgonna effect gnome02:37
DatzKM0201: there is freezing, and I have to boot to safe mode02:37
DatzKM0201: there is some driver issue02:37
sakurambooive installed a few games, but they do not show up in the games menu in unity, is there a way to manually add them?02:37
bullgard4Cale: Just a second.02:37
[4-tea-2]Rehan: nope, sorry. If there was, it would probably be in the Accessibility area.02:37
haroon In my unity desktop 11.04 alt+f1,alt+f2,alt+f3..alt+f7 isn't working according to shortcuts defined it. It switches me to tty consoles . for example alt+f2 should start unity lense for run command but It isn't working02:37
pksadiquberfrau: the .local is hidden, it is in your home directory02:37
DatzKM0201: I'm not going to be able to run unity here02:37
jerriycarl-m: sudo -i  >>> [sudo] password for mypc: >>> Sorry, try again.02:38
KM0201Datz: ok.. so don't run it?02:38
uberfraupksadiq, what? o.O02:38
pksadiqharoon: try ALT+CTRL+F1....F702:38
DatzKM0201: so I'm going to remove it02:38
nit-witharoon, I think you have to assign the keys but alt f2 is a system setup02:38
KM0201Datz: ok, if thats what you want to do.02:38
Calebullgard4: For the last few versions of ubuntu, I've been forced to recompile the gnome-media package without the pulseaudio stuff in it.02:38
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KM0201Datz: the other option is to install one of the "lighter" desktops.. depending on the specs of your machine.. xfce or lxde02:38
ny51bernnit-wit: splash at end of kernel line?02:38
twiggy_can someone tell me why fatrat won't show up in the top-right corner of my screen now? ktorrent does, transmission does, but fatrat won't do it.02:39
nit-witny51bern, the word splash02:39
DatzKM0201: well it's a VM, so no unity, but gnome2 without unity works fine02:39
Jordan_UI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 (upgraded) with the proprietary nvidia driver and compiz and other 3D apps are incredibly slow (compiz is almost unusable).02:39
DatzI guess I could probably run unity but ..eh02:39
Calebullgard4: But that's being a bit temperamental now, and I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to go about removing pulseaudio and setting things up nicely wrt. panel applets for volume control and mixers etc.02:39
KM0201Datz: ok, well thaen thats your answer02:39
haroonnit-wit, how can I defilsne it in system setup please little detai02:39
luigi_panacheHi, I'm looking for some help cross-compiling for a mips system. Is this a good channel to ask, or is  elsewhere better?02:39
ny51bernnit-wit: replace the word splash with "nomodeset" ?02:40
pksadiqharoon: its already defined . just do as above I said to get ttys02:40
Cale(I'm thinking that surely removing pulseaudio must be common enough a request that other people have encoded their solutions in the form of a package or something :)02:40
Datzluigi_panache: this channel is going to be a bit busy as 11.04 was just released, might ask somewhere quieter02:40
sidgejordan, have you turned off desktop effects under appearance?02:40
nit-witny51bern, that is the ticket.:)02:40
KNUBBIGhm when I ssh into the machine, .bashrc somehow doesn't get executed, only when I manually invoke bash, although the shell I'm using on login is bash. Any ideas?02:40
bullgard4Cale: On my Natty system the DEB program package »gnome-media« is installed also.02:40
pksadiqharoon: it cant be changed02:40
carl-mjerriy: for some reason it does not seem to be accepting your password. I have no idea why. you could try resetting it (in recovery mode) and then try sudo again02:40
ny51bernnit-wit: okay this stuff is dangerous no?02:40
luigi_panacheDatz: I'm realllly new to irc. How do I search channels on here?02:40
haroonpksadiq ,I did same happens02:40
ny51bernnit-wit:  im a little scared :)02:41
nit-witharoon, I haven't spent anytime doing key assignments I know no more then you.02:41
escottKNUBBIG, you have to have a login shell i think it is ssh -i02:41
pksadiqharoon: Its default to every linux02:41
Calebullgard4: If you right click a blank space on your panel and choose "Add to Panel...", do you see Volume Control among the listed applets?02:41
KNUBBIGescott: sorry, didn't understand that?02:41
nit-witny51bern, ah the change your doing is not permanent a per session02:41
carl-mKNUBBIG: it runs mine02:41
sakurambooKNUBBIG: check permissions? should be -rw-r--r--02:41
Datzluigi_panache: there is a special way on larger networks, /list is the usual way. Go as in #help , I forgot02:41
ny51bernnit-wit: okay. changin it now what do i do with ctrl x?02:41
carl-mtry putting 'echo bashrc' at the top and ssh again02:41
CaleOr do you only have the indicator applet?02:41
PascalcmoiHi, I updated to ubuntu 11.04 and now the computer do not boot (always return to grub even the recovery mode) what cause that02:42
escottKNUBBIG, if you just ssh john@host "command x" then command x is run but not as a login shell. ie profile, bashrc, etc are ignored02:42
luigi_panacheDatz: thanks02:42
carl-mKNUBBIG: are you running a shell over ssh, or running some other program?02:42
Datz luigi_panache no problem02:42
haroonctrl+alt+f1 is default but why it took me on tty console when I press atl+f102:42
KNUBBIGcarl-m: over ssh02:42
carl-mKNUBBIG: I mean are you running some other program over ssh02:42
nit-witny51bern, crtl-x is the command to boot from there to a command to login then run startx to start the desktop02:42
carl-mrather than just 'ssh hostname'02:42
KNUBBIGescott:ah oky, thanks, will look into that02:42
KNUBBIGcarl-m: no just ssh hostname -l login02:42
Jordan_UI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 (upgraded) with the proprietary nvidia driver and compiz and other 3D apps are incredibly slow (compiz is almost unusable). Sometimes I get full speeds and after a few minutes of playing Armagetron Advanced my FPS will instantly drop to where it looks like a slideshow. Any ideas for troubleshooting this?02:42
jerriycarl-m: For what reason? That's the question. I have already changed the password in the GUI lemme see what happenes02:43
CalePascalcmoi: I had to install linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic-pae02:43
ny51bernnit-wit:  so im pressing ctrlx on my keyboard? whats startx?02:43
sidgethis is chaos, i need a better chat client, back in a bit02:43
bullgard4Cale: No.02:43
leoechevarriahey guys, i've got a little question: i've just installed 11.04, logged into ubuntu-classic by default, installed nvidia-current (i'm using geforce 6150 on a desktop), rebooted, but it's still running ubuntu-classic by default, even if i select just ubuntu from gdm login screen, any idea? i wanna try out unity!02:43
jerriyHow do I change user password from the command line?02:43
carl-mjerriy: I'm sorry, but I don't know02:43
nit-witny51bern, so crtl-x boots from your edit to a command line. there you boot in, the startx starts the desktop from there.02:44
carl-mfrom the command line you use the command 'passwd'02:44
sakuramboojerriy: `sudo passwd`02:44
PascalcmoiHi, I updated to ubuntu 11.04 and now the computer do not boot (always return to grub even the recovery mode) what cause that02:44
carl-mbut it will ask for your old passwd first02:44
leoechevarriajerriy: do 'sudo passwd user'02:44
belinrahsis it possible to change the indicator in the top right of the screen from my username to my full name?02:44
CalePascalcmoi: I don't know how I managed to get to a terminal, I basically mashed F1, Esc, Delete a bunch while it was starting up, and then hit control-alt-F1 :P02:44
carl-msakuramboo: he already can't run sudo02:44
CalePascalcmoi: and then installed the linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic-pae package, and that fixed it02:44
ny51bernnit-wit: how do i press start x?02:44
CalePascalcmoi: Do you have an nvidia card?02:44
carl-mjerriy: you are typing your password, not the root password, right?02:44
nit-witny51bern, you just type it then het enter02:45
dustin_leoechevarria, try logging out and when at login screen usually at the bottom you can select your desktop environment after clicking your name02:45
CalePascalcmoi: yeah, I think you're seeing the same problem I was -- does it just get stuck on the stupid splash screen with 5 red dots?02:45
leoechevarriadustin_: isn't the 'ubuntu' session the unity one?02:45
nit-witny51bern, did you login02:45
dustin_leoechevarria, since 9.10 mine autologins to last session02:45
jerriysakuramboo: leoechevarria: forget the "sudo" part (my problem is namely that I can't sodo nothing02:45
Tophcarandraug,,, i'm having the same problems as Pascalcmoi ,, i have a Radeon card,, any ideas?02:45
ny51bernnit-wit: no, pressed ctrlx and my comp is blank purple..02:45
leoechevarriajerriy: sorry for that, i just caught up in the middle of the conversation02:45
PascalcmoiCale no nothing02:45
bullgard4Cale: What is the reason that you have been forced to recompile the gnome-media package without the pulsaudio stuff in it?02:46
dustin_leoechevarria, I would think so but I have a kustom Gnome desktop so I havent used unity at all02:46
nit-witny51bern, okay it is hit the crtl key hold it down and tap the x02:46
=== Rehan_ is now known as Rehan2
uberfrauokay, i figured out wtf i did wrong02:46
belinrahsCan I change where it says my username (belinrahs) to my full name on the top right corner of the regular GNOME desktop?02:46
shcherbakjerriy: Is it yuor system? Means can you access grub?02:46
uberfrauhow do i find ~/.local/share in Dolphin?02:46
uberfrauGUI makes it easier >_>02:46
Juestbelinrahs: yes you can, just add another applet02:47
ny51bernnit-wit: still hanging purple.02:47
shcherbak!test > Rehan202:47
dustin_uberfrau, under view you should have "show hidden files"02:47
ubottuRehan2, please see my private message02:47
Calebullgard4: Because pulseaudio is basically completely broken on my hardware for whatever reason. It gives me only a single master volume control (no separate controls for the dozen or so things my hardware supports), and pegs my headphone volume to 0. In the latest Ubuntu, the master volume control is even greyed out.02:47
jerriyYes scherbak: I'm the ultimate admin/boss of the pc. Btw I have found out that my root also requires password (don't you guys ask my how on earth this happened) i'll just have to do all that bin bash thing and get round this02:47
uberfraudustin_ i do :/02:47
belinrahsJuest: if you don't mind my asking, what applet, and how is it added? synaptic?02:47
Tophuberfrau,,, View> show hidden files02:47
dustin_uberfrau, you selected it?02:48
leoechevarriadustin_: i keep selecting the session 'ubunt' but still it runs gnome 2.3.x02:48
shcherbakjerriy: can you post output of: groups <your username>02:48
pksadiquberfrau:  in terminal you may also do cd to that path and then do dolphin ./      or nautilus ./ to open that directory02:48
leoechevarriathe last option says something about "user defined session", but i really don't know how to set that up02:48
nit-witny51bern, when you do the boot this way all you should see is text until the command line did you remove the word splash insert nomodeset leaving the space in front and after then hold down the crtl key then tap x02:48
KM0201leoechevarria: does your machine support 3D?02:48
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?02:48
juanqui#ubuntu -ar02:49
shcherbakfelipeh: Hey02:49
ny51bernnit-wit: i did as u asked...can we do undo this? not sure what to do now =.=02:49
carl-mshcherbak: he can't even su to himself, so the problem is deeper than that02:49
uberfraupksadiq, i'll try that, and then i can go back to see why i can't see it in Dolphin right now =)02:49
leoechevarriaKM0201: i've just installed nvidia-current, and running glxgears works fine02:49
KNUBBIGHm it still runs the command only when I manually invoke bash02:49
ny51bernnit-wit:  still stuck on this purple..should i hold down power button?02:49
KM0201leoechevarria: dunno, that doesn't make sense02:49
felipehespañol ingles?02:49
escottleoechevarria, glxgears is very deceptive always look at glxinfo02:49
nit-witny51bern, it sounded to me that you tried to hit crtlx all at the same time they are run the way I described02:49
KNUBBIG!es | felipeh02:49
ubottufelipeh: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:49
shcherbakjerriy: Ok, what users did you created on your system, and is it Ubuntu?02:50
felipehno problem hahhahaha02:50
ny51bernnit-wit: no, i rly didnt... what should i do now?02:50
carandraugToph, I think that message was directed to Cale, not me02:50
leoechevarriadammit, if anybody talked to me, please repeat it because i closed irc unintentionally02:50
Jordan_UI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 (upgraded) with the proprietary nvidia driver and compiz and other 3D apps are incredibly slow (compiz is almost unusable). Sometimes I get full speeds and after a few minutes of playing Armagetron Advanced my FPS will instantly drop to where it looks like a slideshow. Any ideas for troubleshooting this?02:50
Tophcarandraug,,, true,,, sorry02:50
uberfrauoh it was in Home02:50
PascalcmoiToph: do you run synergy?02:50
nit-witny51bern, hold down crtl-alt-prtsc the slosly typr reisub02:50
felipehwhere are you from ?02:50
dustin_leoechevarria, I am looking at it on http://scottlinux.com/2011/03/05/ubuntu-11-04-change-from-unity-to-classic-gnome/ link there02:50
belinrahscan I change the title of the Me Menu to my full name? It's currently my username02:51
escottleoechevarria, run glxinfo (mesa can easily handle glxgears these days)02:51
uberfrauoops, sorry to whoever said that, i misunderstood what you meant by it, i'm a newbie ;d02:51
jerriyshcherbak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601550/02:51
uberfrauwas in home o.O02:51
Juestfelipeh: #ubuntu-es02:51
ny51bernnit-wit: held those buttons, something suppoed to popup?02:51
Rehanbelinrahs: yes you can get ubuntu-tweaks02:51
carandraugToph, no problem. Just wanted to want you since you probably want to say it again with the proper nickname prefixing it02:51
Rehanbelinrahs: it will let you change it to your display name rather than username02:51
nit-witny51bern, that is a soft reboot if it does not work just power off it is linux that is not a big deal.02:51
leoechevarriaescott: what's the line i got to usually grep in glxinfo to see if i got acceleration?02:51
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leoechevarriait puts out a lot of info :P02:51
belinrahsRehan: default repositories?02:51
leoechevarriaoh there i go02:52
TophPascalcmoi,,, Pascalcmoi ,, no02:52
bullgard4Cale: At the outset you asked: "Is there a convenient PPA or something for adding back the gnome volume control panel applet in 11.04?" My answer now is: You need to fix your PulseAudio first from the ground on. And only after having done so ask for "adding back the gnome volume control applet".02:52
Rehanbelinrahs: no i dont think so...just google ubuntu-tweak and download the deb02:52
leoechevarrialeo@orleans:~$ glxinfo | grep render02:52
leoechevarriadirect rendering: Yes02:52
belinrahsRehan: ok thanks02:52
nit-witny51bern, no hold down the 3 keys the reisub about a sec between each one and it may do a soft reboot02:52
ChogyDanJordan_U: what is your cooling like, have you checked the temps?02:52
shcherbakjerriy: and output of (paste here): whoami02:52
escottleoechevarria, the vendor and render version strings02:52
Jordan_UChogyDan: Probably bad with all of the dust currently in it :) I'll check that out.02:53
leoechevarriaescott: render YES, vendor NVIDIA02:53
nit-witny51bern, is this a fresh install or a upgrade and are there any other OS's on the computer02:53
escottmine say OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ironlake Mobile GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT yours should say something about NVIDIA02:53
jerriy shcherbak: my username02:53
ny51bernnit-wit: i got windows xp. nah i boot into ubunt11 yesterday fine02:53
Calebullgard4: I'm fairly convinced that will require my contributing code to the PA project, which seems excessive in comparison with just disabling it and using the features that ALSA already provides, which I know are sufficient for me :)02:53
ny51bernnit-wit: updated yesterday02:53
carl-mjerriy: just one more time, try: su USERNAME -c whoami02:53
carl-mreplacing USERNAME with your username02:53
ChogyDanJordan_U: I heard there is some sort of kernel regression causing increased temps/power usage02:53
carl-mit will ask for a password02:53
carl-mif it works, you will see it print your username again02:54
ny51bernnit-wit: can i just hold power button, cuz i think itrs frozen... or will that screww up everything02:54
scxi have untypical problem02:54
MustardCU1Is it possible to run an error check after login?02:54
scx^^ who is it?02:54
nit-witny51bern, power button is fine02:54
ny51bernnit-wit: yeah to which part :) ?02:54
ny51bernnit-wit: haha ok02:54
shcherbakjerriy: ok, try to just: sudo cat /etc/hostname > /etc/hostname_check02:54
ny51bernnit-wit: should i trty to boot again?02:54
nit-witny51bern, are you a ubuntu forums member02:54
ChogyDanJordan_U: wait, nm, that was for at idle02:55
haroonone more problem. UbuntuOne isn't working. It said An internet account is requried but I am already on internet02:55
ny51bernnit-wit: nope..02:55
ny51bernnit-wit: should i be?02:55
Juestwhy most process are sleeping?02:55
jerriyYer on to something shcherbak: bash: /etc/hostname_check: Permission denied02:55
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leoechevarriaescott: dustin_ any idea :\? it seems i got 3d acceleration, and choosing the right session02:55
sidgeJuest thats normal, those processes have nothing to do02:56
belinrahsRehan: ubuntu-02:56
BiosElementJuest: They're waiting for when they're needed. If they're not running, they wouldn't know when they're needed.02:56
nit-witny51bern, I know the IRC seems more efficient but at times it isn't always. I would a join there and post at least to have a few irons in the fire beyond this I am not sure where to go.02:56
belinrahsRehan: ubuntu-tweak worked perfectly thank you02:56
ny51bernnit-wit: okay thanks. i appreciate you help02:56
Rehanbelinrahs: awesome. i don't know much about ubuntu but thats one thing i've learned02:56
jerriycarl-m su username -c whoami >>> su: Authentication failure02:56
bullgard4Cale: I believe that your conviction is wrong. You do not need the PPA in order to re-build your (ALSA) sound system including PulseAudio.02:56
Dangr_Hey there - I upgraded to 11.04 and have dual monitors - however I can't move a window from one monitor to another02:56
nit-witno prblem02:56
dustin_leoechevarria, well I am going to start the upgrade now and I will be albe to tell you for sure soon02:56
Dangr_When I drag the window to the side to move to another monitor it resizes to half the screen size - Windows 7 style02:57
belinrahsRehan: you had me fooled ;)02:57
SeanInSeattleHey all.  I've got a quick unity question for all you peeps that just recently upgraded to 11.04... How to add an application that I've unpacked (e.g. /home/apps/eclipse) outside of the debian package mgr?02:57
MustardCU1@Dangr Gnome, Unity, or something else?02:57
Datzny51bern: were you having the freezing problem earlier?02:57
Calebullgard4: I was really asking if there's a PPA of packages suited for people not wanting to run pulseaudio02:57
dustin_leoechevarria, or you may hear me cussing at my computer from anyplace in the world..... ;)02:57
Dangr_Unity - sorry should have mentioned that02:57
shcherbakjerriy: No aksing for password? Hm, well, you said that root have password on your system, how?02:57
CaleOr any external package repo, really.02:57
ny51bernDatz: still am02:57
SeanInSeattle Correction:   How to add an application that I've unpacked (e.g. /home/apps/eclipse) outside of the debian package mgr to the unity launch panel?02:57
haroonne more problem. UbuntuOne isn't working. It said An internet account is requried but I am already on internet02:57
Dangr_MustardCU1, Unity - sorry should have mentioned that02:57
escottleoechevarria, i didnt catch all that was happening. unity 3d won't come up?02:58
leoechevarriadustin_: don't take such a work if it's not necessary02:58
MustardCU1it's okay02:58
leoechevarriaescott: right02:58
Datzny51bern: did you try the failsafe graphics mode on the recovery menu?02:58
bazhangharoon, ask in #ubuntuone02:58
bullgard4Cale: Ah! I see. I do not know if such a PPA exists. Sorry.02:58
MustardCU1@dangr_ i don't use Unity though, sorry02:58
ChogyDanharoon: do you have an ubuntuone account?  have you plugged in the details?02:58
sidgeI have my chat working better now.  how do i get whatever part of ubuntu that automounts to put the mountpoint where i want it?02:58
escottSeanInSeattle, if you start it you may be able to pin the icon to the panel02:58
gartralIs SVN on Natty hosed?02:58
Dangr_MustardCU1, crud - yeah so far I dont think I will either :-/02:58
ny51bernDatz: no, im not even really sure what that means. but i just booted and it worked.02:58
bazhangCale, check the PPA search at launchpad02:58
dustin_leoechevarria, I want to make the upgrade anyway but dual screens make upgrading a pain at times02:58
ny51bernDatz: not sure i didn anything differently..02:58
BiosElementgartral: No?02:58
escottleoechevarria, and have you tried manually starting compiz02:58
leoechevarriaescott: dustin_ i just created a new user and tried to load unity and said something like "you don't have the necessary hardware to run unity, select ubuntu-classic from the login screen'02:58
jerriyI type "sudo cat /etc/hostname > /etc/hostname_check" and I immediately get bash: "/etc/hostname_check: Permission denied"02:58
Dangr_However I have another issue - my wireless cards download speed is brutally slow - but upload speed is fine02:58
ny51bernnit-wit: just booted and it worked.. rlly weird02:58
GarryFreWhen I right-click on anything, I get a popup window where the color of the text is almost the same color as the background color. Since I don't even have the words for these objects, I can't seem to find out how to change these items by googling. Hard to ask a machine a question if you don't have the words.02:58
leoechevarriaescott: not actually, don't know really well what unity is based upon02:59
Datzny51bern: strange. well at least it's workin now. Let's hope it stays that way02:59
escottleoechevarria, what nvidia card is it?02:59
dustin_leoechevarria, check your proprietary drivers02:59
carl-mjerriy: yes, you should get permission denied for that02:59
Dangr_Any ideas as to why my wireless download is so poor but upload is fine?02:59
ny51bernDatz: yeah u had the same issue? what did u do?02:59
Dangr_It was working just fine on 10.1002:59
shcherbakjerriy: Sorry, my bad, just run: sudo cat /etc/hostname (">" do not take sudo)02:59
haroonne more problem. UbuntuOne isn't working. It said An internet account is requried but I am already on internet02:59
ny51bernDatz: turn on and off to make sure its good.02:59
bazhangharoon, #ubuntone02:59
KNUBBIGtook another machine, works there fine. yey02:59
carl-mjerriy: but for the 'su' one, it should work. that is not going through sudo. something is wrong with your password, or something is wrog with your authentication setup02:59
ny51bernDatz: im going to *02:59
bazhangerr #ubuntuone haroon02:59
carl-mI am surprised you can log in02:59
leoechevarriaescott: dustin_ it's a geforce 6150, integrated02:59
escottGarryFre, jump lists? popups from the panel?02:59
leoechevarriadrivers seem to be installed ok02:59
mastaofdisastahey guys, my laptop has a illuminated keyboard.  On windows when I press it it lights up, if idle for 5 seconds it turns off.  how do I get this working with ubuntu?03:00
Datzny51bern: ok.03:00
mastaofdisastait even works with grub, not with ubuntu03:00
tortoiseHola. I'm having issues loading certain pages in firefox. I believe it is because the URL contains unknown characters. I'm thinking this is because firefox has not been updated in awhile, due to missing repositories, but I'm not sure how to fix the repositories. Can someone give me a hand with this?03:00
Datzny51bern: right now I'm where you were before.03:00
bazhangharoon, ask there03:00
jerriyI something is definitely wrong with my authentication setup. I know that for sure03:00
jerriyI just dunno how to sort it03:00
uberfrau:S I copy + pasted the contents of the tarball download (the gedit plugin, and yes i extracted it into tmp)into ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins , and restarted gedit, but the plugin isn't available in the list under preferences. What should check/what could I have done incorrectly?03:00
haroonone more problem. UbuntuOne isn't working. It said An internet account is requried but I am already on internet03:00
dustin_leoechevarria, did you check your proprietary drivers?03:00
GarryFreactally its happenign with any popup list, like the lists under file, view, etc in firefox03:00
ny51bernDatz:  just hangs on the login page?03:00
Datzny51bern: I'm contemplating debian :p03:01
escottleoechevarria, you could pastebin the glxinfo output, but i'm not really sure what to look for03:01
bazhangharoon, ask in #ubuntuone please stop repeating03:01
Datzny51bern: before then for me03:01
dustin_leoechevarria, they are usualy disabled on upgrade03:01
Calehttps://launchpad.net/~dtl131/+archive/ppa  <-- !! this looks exactly like what I want03:01
shcherbakjerriy: What about: sudo cat /etc/hostname (are you asked for password?)03:01
ny51bernDatz: ahhaa. rebooting, lets hope this actually works03:01
leoechevarriadustin_: what do you mean by checking? i installed 11.04 from stracth, then installed nvidia-current package03:01
PascalcmoiI have updated to 11.04 via synaptic and once the system reboot, it cant load any kernel. When i choose a kernel, the screen become black and after few seconds im back to grub menu03:01
MustardCU1@Pascalcmoi recovery kernel?03:01
dustin_leoechevarria, ok sounds like you have the correct drivers then and they are enabled03:01
PascalcmoiMustardCU1: even this one03:02
escottPascalcmoi, what about a kernel that used to work03:02
leoechevarriadustin_: i think they are03:02
ny51bernDatz:  ugh its stuck again =.=03:02
tortoiseI'm getting this specific message every time I try to update: "03:02
tortoiseFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozzilateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found03:02
tortoiseSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:02
linuasus6Hi when I restart computer grub doesnt seem to work it said file not  found how to restore grub please is the grub of linux mint so I gues is grub 2 no^03:02
KNUBBIGtortoise: that means that the ppa probably doesn't have any packages for lucid lynx yet03:02
mastaofdisastahey guys, my laptop has a illuminated keyboard.  On windows when I press it it lights up, if idle for 5 seconds it turns off.  how do I get this working with ubuntu?03:02
escotttortoise, thats a pretty old ppa you may want to purge it with ppa-purge (its for lucid lynx)03:02
GarryFreTortoise, sometimes I get that if I don't do reload packages.03:03
Datzny51bern: safe mode, recovery, failsafe x, reconfigure graphics restart03:03
Pascalcmoiescott yes older kernel work but not the new one and the new recovery one03:03
dustin_leoechevarria, unity may have a small glitch on your system03:03
KNUBBIGtortoise: you sure you don't got a type there= maybe should be mozillateam instead of mozozilateam?03:03
Pascalcmoiescott: what can i do via the older recovery kernel to fix everything03:03
ny51bernDatz: idk how to do that stuff :/03:03
jerriyshcherbak: yes I'm asked for passworld03:03
Datzny51bern: if that recovery menu comes up agian, i'll be in the options03:03
shcherbakjerriy: And you know your password?03:03
leoechevarriadustin_: i will not make much of a trouble of it...i just wanted to try it but then install gnome 3 any way :P03:04
Rehanhow can I reverse the steps If I did this command from terminal: "echo "options psmouse proto=imps"|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf; sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse"03:04
uberfrauguize? ;o03:04
PascalcmoiMustardCU1: the old recovery kernel work. what can i do to fix that and what you think cause that03:04
Datzny51bern: just select safe mode when you get to the grub menu03:04
tortoiseescott: where could I find a newer ppa?03:04
escottPascalcmoi, well you could remove the newer kernel and continue to boot the older one. if it is spontanteously rebooting like that thought, I don't know how to trace the issue, except to start building your own kernel03:04
escotttortoise, is there a reason you don't want to use ubuntu firefox03:04
dustin_leoechevarria, well I am doing my upgrade now so I hope some luck fallows me today03:04
MustardCU1@Pascalcmoi I would update and hope something fixes it.  It's all i got, sorry03:05
kyle__i have a question about my fonts sizes in kubuntu,  i know this is a ubuntu channel but theres only 1 person in kubuntu talking and he cant help me03:05
KNUBBIGtortoise: use Opera! *ducksandruns*03:05
tortoiseescott: Oh, I thought I was03:05
ny51bernDatz: no safe mode option... "recovery mode" ?03:05
jerriyshcherbak: I am here posting under that username so doesn't that mean I know and "it knows"?03:05
Datzny51bern: yep all working here now03:05
kyle__when i boot up kubuntu my font size is huge, much to big to even fit in the text boxes, i forced 96 dpi once in kubuntu which fixed it, but the log on screen is still huge. any ideas?03:05
leoechevarriadustin_: good luck with that :P03:05
dustin_I have a Gnome-plasma hybrid desktop on one screen and a standard Gnome on my TV so I hope it doesnt go all "funny" on me03:05
Datzny51bern: are you saying there is a recovery mode?03:05
escotttortoise, no a ppa is for testing software or for things that are configured differently from stock ubuntu03:05
Datzor screen*03:05
ny51bernDatz: yes, not safe mode.03:05
Datzny51bern: ok, then there is a failsafe x option or somethiong like that?03:06
ny51bernDatz: there is 'recovery mode' there isnt a safe mode03:06
Datzshould be midway03:06
Rehanhow can I reverse the steps If I did this command from terminal: echo "options psmouse proto=imps"|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf; sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse03:06
ny51bernDatz: idk..03:06
dustin_leoechevarria,  ty for the luck wishes03:06
akharrisHey guys, I'm running 11.04 32bit, if i install the 64bit what will the diffrences be?03:06
tortoiseescott: is ubuntu ff in the software center?03:06
shcherbakjerriy: sudo should accept password from "username" user03:06
Datzny51bern: what is third option down?03:06
ny51bernDatz:  i got 6 options on boot list..03:06
escottRehan, remove the options psmouse line from /etc/modprobe.d/psmouseconf. and sudo rmmod psmouse03:07
jerriyshcherbak: login accepts but sudo doesn't03:07
escotttortoise, yes03:07
shcherbakjerriy: Ok, one sec03:07
kyle__anyone have any idea what the problem is?03:07
ny51berndatz: starting from top to bottom> ubuntu with linux, ubuntu with linux (recovery), previous linux versions, mem test 86+, mem test serial console, windows xp03:07
escotttortoise, you will want to look at ppa-purge then use synaptic to install firefox03:07
Datzny51bern: does it say recovery menu at the top, or grub?03:07
Datzny51bern: ah ok, try recovery mode. my fault03:07
MustardCU1@Pascalcmoi reinstalling 10.10 would also work, of course as long as you know that works.  Just make a new partition and copy anything you need from the 11.04 Ubuntu over to the 10.1003:07
akharrisDiffrence between 32 and 64 bits?03:08
tortoiseescott: where is ppa-purge?03:08
=== KNUBBIG is now known as n4zroth
leoechevarriawhat's the best way to install gnome3 in ubuntu 11.04 guys :P?03:08
escott!ppa-purge | tortoise03:08
ny51bernDatz: top top of screen says " gnu grub version 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu303:08
GarryFreescott Actually it seems any list like under the main menu in Firefox ...   like Click file and all the choices have to be moused over so I can see the text.03:08
uberfrauand i just tried `make install` and it failed (Error 1) :/03:08
Datzny51bern: ok, try the recovery mode03:08
ny51bernDatz: k, going into recovery mode03:08
ny51bernDatz: bunch of options like before.. which was the one to choose?03:09
escotttortoise, sudo apt-get ppa-purge. just look over what you plan to do first, because in the meantime you wont have a browser03:09
tortoiseescott: that's fine, if anything I have chrome03:10
akharrisWhat is the Diffrence between a 32 bit of 11.04 and a 64 bit version of 11.04?03:10
pksadiq!gnome3 | leoechevarria03:10
ubottuleoechevarria: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.03:10
linuasus6Hi when I restart computer grub doesnt seem to work it said file not  found how to restore grub please is the grub of linux mint so I gues is grub 2 no^ the grub is suppose to be on /boot partition03:10
ali1234how do i get apps running inside xephyr to show a menu bar?03:10
leoechevarrialet's break everything! wohoo!03:10
escottGarryFre, it should be white font on black background. have you looked at the theme?03:10
Datzny51bern: failsafeX03:10
ny51bernDatz: okay, doing that now03:11
PascalcmoiI have updated to 11.04 via synaptic and once the system reboot, it cant load any kernel. When i choose a kernel, the screen become black and after few seconds im back to grub menu <== im wrong, the system reboot each time i choose the kernel03:11
shcherbakjerriy: First type your password in terminal prompt to see if it is correct, otherwise you can try to make new admin from recovery to fix last one, check if password is ok, first.03:11
PlndObslcnsjoin /#cinelerra03:11
ny51bernDatz: "ubuntu is running in low-graphic mode"03:11
Datzny51bern: ok03:11
uberfrau:S I copy + pasted the contents of the tarball download (the gedit plugin, and yes i extracted it into tmp)into ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins , and restarted gedit, but the plugin isn't available in the list under preferences. What should check/what could I have done incorrectly?03:11
ny51bernDatz: normal ?03:11
tortoiseescott: is it named ppa-purge? It's not finding the package03:11
Datzny51bern: not yet, but getting somewhere03:11
ny51bernDatz: press "okay"?03:11
escottakharris, the wikipedia page explains the differences between 64 and 32 bit architectures. you can see if you have 64 bit by looking for "lm" in the flags section of your /proc/cpuinfo03:11
ny51bernDatz: k now i got bunch of options03:12
escotttortoise, are you running lucid?03:12
akharrisescott: ty03:12
Datzny51bern: something like default config03:12
Datzuse that one03:12
jerriyshcherbak: what do you mean type your passworld (just type that alone?03:12
Datzshould be first I think03:12
ny51bernDatz: dont have that..03:12
ny51bernDatz: heres what i got03:12
tortoiseescott: yes03:12
Datzwhat is the first one?03:12
escottakharris, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6403:12
shcherbakjerriy: Yes to see it in terminal, also try: gksudo gedit03:13
ny51bernDatz: "run ubuntu in low graphics mode for just one session" "reconfig graphics" "troubleshoot the error" "exit to console login" "restart x"03:13
Datzny51bern: reconfigure03:13
linuasus6ok so if I reinstall ubuntu and put the grub on boot partition the grub will see linux mint and windows 703:13
mastaofdisastaI have a backlit keyboard.  is there a way to make this work on linux?03:13
ny51bernDatz: ok03:13
Datzny51bern: then default03:13
boomdraw11.04 FTW!:P03:13
dustin_mastaofdisasta, it should just work as a regular keyboard03:14
jerriyshcherbak: gksudo gedit resulted (after me typing password): (process:13892): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.03:14
ny51bernDatz: okay, tried doing defualt but everytime i click 'ok' takes me back to that option03:14
xiambaxhas been running ubuntu+1 since forever03:14
Datzny51bern: ok click cancel, what are the options?03:14
jerriyAnd then: Using the fallback 'C' locale.03:14
xiambax11.04 is old sauce to me03:14
dustin_mastaofdisasta, the backlighting is usualy done with an led that is built in and needs no drivers03:14
shcherbakjerriy: Are you in virtual terminal?03:14
boomdrawunity is not bad...idk why ppl are complaining so much :)03:14
ny51bernDatz:  back to this: "run ubuntu in low graphics mode for just one session" "reconfig graphics" "troubleshoot the error" "exit to console login" "restart x"03:14
Datzrestart x03:15
mastaofdisastadustin_: on windows the backlit keyboard lights up only when I push buttons.  after idle for 5 seconds it turns off03:15
ny51bernDatz: click ok?03:15
Datzny51bern: I think it should work now.yes03:15
slyAnyone available to help me with a problem?03:15
escotttortoise, ok well then it makes some sense to have a ppa if you want firefox 4, otherwise you are stuck with 3.2? but the mozillateam hasn't released any packages or has changed names. maybe someone else has packaged firefox 4 for lucid03:15
ny51bernDatz: login screen.. trying now03:15
dustin_mastaofdisasta, have you tried it on ubuntu yet?03:15
ny51bernDatz: rozen :(03:15
ny51bernDatz: frozen03:15
mastaofdisastayes I'm on ubuntu now but it doesn't work.03:15
Datzny51bern: strange. well try and restart. if that doesn't work. try low graphics mode for one session03:16
escottmastaofdisasta, what laptop is this?03:16
dustin_mastaofdisasta, mu backlit 10key pad worked right out of the box03:16
jerriyshcherbak: For all I know I could be in extraterrestrial terminal.03:16
ny51bernDatz: okay. restarting now03:16
Datzny51bern: for me reconfiguring to default x config worked03:16
escott!help | sly03:17
ubottusly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:17
shcherbakjerriy: I mean do you have Gui, you know desktop, etc?03:17
slyescott: I wanted to see if someone was available before I explained the whole ordeal.03:17
uberfrauis my question too stupid to respond to or something? X_X03:17
ny51bernDatz: it worked but you know what i noticed?.. on the bottom toolbar of login screen it looks crappy. like black splotches03:17
akharrisUpgrading to 64 bit worth it? Or should I stay put on 32 bit?03:17
ny51bernDatz: like it isnt loading correctly03:17
jerriyYes I'm logged into my ubuntu partition and in a gui environment right now03:18
slyI'm attempting to figure out why my internal mic and speakers aren't working.03:18
akharrisAnybody here on a Macintosh Computer? I'm having a problem with my speakers, PM me please!03:18
nimrod10akharris, if you don't have a specific need for 64bit I'd stay on i386 for now03:18
shcherbakjerriy: And if you type your password in terminal you have right one ?03:18
dustin_sly what kind of laptop is this? make/model03:18
Datzny51bern: strange03:18
a7i3nSly - do you have them turned on in firmware?03:19
Datzny51bern: did you upgrade, or do a fresh install?03:19
ny51bernDatz: upgrade03:19
GarryFreescott yes, you are right, the theme is correct, white text on black backround. Its firefox itself, its the culprit. Looks like I need to fiddle with the firefox theme.03:19
akharrisSly, My speakers dont work either!03:19
tortoiseescott: should 3.2 load pages such as: http://novemberblue-.tumblr.com ? Because, to be honest, that's the only thing that I seriously want to fix. There are only a few features in ff4 that I would not want to lose.03:19
KNUBBIGwow irc with iphone and issh :-) successful day  good night all03:19
slydustin_: Inspiron 154603:19
escottGarryFre, ubuntu has some additions for firefox including a theme package. you might reinstall those/check that they are enabled03:19
uberfrauguys... ._.?03:19
slya7i3n: Not sure what you mean by that.03:19
slyakharris: That sucks. :(03:19
FishFaceGarryFre: Just wondering since I had the same problem, how video memory do you have?03:19
Datzny51bern: did you have any graphics drivers loaded before?03:19
kenneth_anyone else have problems after switching to ubuntu 11.4?03:20
ny51bernDatz: how would i know?03:20
Datzny51bern: well, you would have loaded them before.03:20
escottsly, if you have a brand new laptop with intel processors hda_analyzer.py from the alsa group can be helpful03:20
ny51bernDatz: i didnt do anything manually..03:20
akharrisHow do i fix my speakers they dont work! Macintosh/MacBookPro/17in/mid-2008/2gbRAM/2.5GHz Processor,Intel/Nvidia Graphics card. 11.04 32bit. PLEASE HELP :(03:20
slyescott, it's AMD.03:20
ny51bernall i did to edit ubuntu was edit grub so that ubuntu was first choice, and added a custom theme.03:21
linuasus6please how to restore my grub03:21
Datzny51bern: humm, well I'm not sure what I can help you with anymore. I'd personally try looking through the recovery options for something03:21
akharrisHow do i fix my speakers they dont work! Macintosh/MacBookPro/17in/mid-2008/2gbRAM/2.5GHz Processor,Intel/Nvidia Graphics card. 11.04 32bit. PLEASE HELP :(03:21
Juestlinuasus6: are you with the system running?03:21
ny51bernDatz: okay, well i posted on forum so maybe i'll get something ther. thanks tho!03:22
linuasus6im on a live cd atm03:22
jerriy shcherbak: I just hit control-alt-F5 and opened up terminal in max mode and was asked to login so I typed my username , then typed my password I did and it went OK :P03:22
pbandcheezwhizupdated to Natty.  I didn't like how Unity was dealing with my dual monitors.  Installed Gnome-shell.  I got the theme to work correctly, but it seems the window decorations are not.  I ran "/usr/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-check-accelerated; echo $?03:22
pbandcheezwhiz" and acceleration is working   Thoughts?03:22
Juestlinuasus6: try reinstalling grub in the system03:22
escottakharris, first check alsamixer command line that nothing is muted03:22
linuasus6ya how03:22
Juestbut maybe no way with live cd03:22
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Juestupgrade system03:22
nit-witlinuasus6, can you paste bin the output from sudo fdisk -lu03:23
slyescott, I also tried the alsamixer and it showed internal mic as being 100%.03:23
uberfrau :S I copy + pasted the contents of the tarball download (the gedit plugin, and yes i extracted it into tmp)into ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins , and restarted gedit, but the plugin isn't available in the list under preferences. What should check/what could I have done incorrectly?03:23
=== necromancer is now known as necromancer`bzy
dustin_sly I am not finding known issues for your laptop but have you checked your sound settings?03:23
escotttortoise, yeah the old version of firefox is fine03:23
carl-mlinuasus6: did you update to 11.04 when this happened?03:23
linuasus6no im on 10.0403:23
Juestakharris: do this, stop randomsound03:23
tortoiseescott: Okay, I know this is a stupid question, but what would be the smoothest way to revert back to 3.2?03:23
slydustin_, I've checked alsamixer to make sure it wasn't muted (as I just mentioned to escott). It said it is at 100%.03:24
dustin_sly sorry I am late to the conversation reading up it seems escot has you where I was going to send you03:24
slyIt's alright.03:24
GarryFreFishFace I have 1gb03:24
linuasus6pastebin.com is ok03:24
Juesthey, to make sound work make sure that there's only one audio server daemon running03:24
slyIt was working when I did the fresh install for 11.04, because I could see it in the normal sound preferences dialog from the sound menu.03:24
shcherbakjerriy: Once more, in gnome-terminal: type your password to see it letter by leter, to know if it is problem with encodind. Second in tty5 (where you just logged in, test: sudo cat /etc/hostname and check if sudo takes your password).03:24
FishFaceGarryFre: OK. Thanks. Mine was much lower03:24
dustin_sly stick with escot he is pretty good with laptop stuff he has helped me in the past03:24
Juestand make pulseaudio as system03:24
uberfrausomeone please answer my question, or at least say why it isn't a good question =/03:25
slyI mean. It shows that it has an internal mic, so I know it's recognizing it. I just don't get why it's not picking up any sound.03:25
shcherbak*many typos (coffee time)03:25
linuasus6here http://pastebin.com/SyujP3hU03:25
aussahi, how do I know a "make" command was succesful?03:25
FishFaceuberfrau: uberfrau Just a guess. Did you do it as root?03:26
escotttortoise, you have to purge the ppa which involves uninstalling firefox, and removing the ppa from your apt-sources, and then reinstall firefox03:26
MustardCU1Is there anyway I could run this without sudo? sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=30 it needs sudo to access /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.0/config though03:26
GarryFreescott thanks, I found the theme choices in add on manager and switched to a theme. It looked like no theme at all was being applied - none were set to be in use.03:26
root_hello world!03:26
uberfrauFishFace, do what as root? o.o03:26
newb_Hello! Ubuntu natty come with gnome 3?03:26
MustardCU1Newb_ no03:26
escotttortoise, the ppa-purge script merely automates the removal and makes sure that nothing else installed by that ppa03:26
newb_MustardCU1: Can I install gnome3 on natty?03:27
shcherbakuberfrau: who owns tars and what pernissions (should not plugins be untared), and do not spam, please.03:27
MustardCU1newb_ yes03:27
escottaussa, it should generate an executable you can run (and shouldn't finish with lots of errors)03:27
MustardCU1i'll get the link03:27
KM0201newb_: you can... but during beta, results were very mixed... (lots of lockups, etc..) YMMV.03:27
shcherbaknewb_: via PPA, yes03:27
Juestis possible to install gnome3 inside 10.10 with gnome unistalled?03:27
nit-witlinuasus6, which partition is the install you want to have the boot03:27
MustardCU1newb_, here you go http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-303:28
Juestfor example with kubuntu03:28
phillipeout of range hf 30 70 vf 50 160?03:28
MustardCU1Newb_, backup your stuff first03:28
linuasus6nit-wit /boot is sdc503:28
uberfraushcherbak: https://github.com/kassoulet/gedit-focus-autosave#readme and i did extract it03:28
jerriyTHE DEVIL! THAT'S it shcherbak: I just noticed that my keyboard isn't typing what's on the keyborard03:28
shcherbakJuest: Maybe, try to mach source, and experiment, you are likely to be first.03:28
escottnewb_, the gnome3-ppa tends to break unity (or so i have heard)03:28
astoryI'm seeing banshee use 100% of a processor 0- I could't find any references online to this, does anybody else have this problem?03:28
MustardCU1escott, it did for me03:28
tortoiseescott: okay, where is the *right firefox to install? Because I feel like there is an overwhelming amount of packages to install for ff?03:28
KM0201escott: that was my experience... not to mention, it wasn't reliable at all.03:29
astoryescott: yeah, it did when I tried it03:29
uberfrauand sorry about the spamming, i've been at this for 1.5 hours and want to get back to Ruby :/03:29
Juestwhy and what's mach source?03:29
shcherbakjerriy: Hurray, check settings in gnome-terminal03:29
KM0201MustardCU1: so why are you recommending it?.. why not say yes, it can, w/ some caveats, instead of "yes, and a link"03:29
gartralwhatever happened too the secuirty and encryption gui in ubuntu?03:29
shcherbakjerriy: or.. man locale03:29
Juest!repeat | uberfrau03:29
ubottuuberfrau: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:29
MustardCU1KM0201, i never did03:29
nit-witlinuasus6, cool here is a link to a grub reload from a live cd it is grub2.https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20203:29
escotttortoise, there should be only one firefox listed in synaptic after you remove the mozillateam ppa03:29
KM0201MustardCU1: you said yes it can, and gave him the link03:29
MustardCU1KM0201, they asked for it so i gave it to them03:30
MustardCU1KM0201, well Gnome 3 works03:30
nit-witlinuasus6, is the sdc a external03:30
kyle__anyone know why my fonts are huge on the log on screen, like to big to fit in text boxes? ive forced dpi to 96 to make it workable in kubuntu itself, but the log on screen is still huge. any ideas?03:30
gartralMustardCU1: "Works" and "Works well" have ENTIRLY different meanings!03:30
slyescott, you have any clue to another solution besides going into the alsamixer direction, since I've already been there?03:30
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:30
linuasus6ya nit-wit is for that I made a /boot partition03:30
newb_MustardCU1, KM0201, shcherbak, escott: Really thanks for info! I will try the link! Last question: Can I install Unity and change from Unity/Gnome-shell when I want from this PPA? Asking this based on escott question about break unity...03:31
escottuberfrau, is that the correct place to put the plugin? (i have no idea), you might check on #gnome?03:31
KM0201newb_: again, my experience, gnome-shell broke unity, when i tried to remove gnome-shell, unity remained broken.. this was during beta, i ended up just reinstalling03:31
nit-witlinuasus6, cool jus load it as the two commands show and the second command to the sdc mbr does this make sense03:31
uberfrauescott, yes it is correct03:31
MustardCU1Newb_, didn't work for me but once Gnome 3 was gone Unity was working again03:31
astoryKM0201: unity un-broke for me03:31
escottsly, i only know my trick for intel hda devices03:31
astorybut I used purge-ppa03:32
uberfrauthe ubuntu page on gedit says as much03:32
slyAh, fml.03:32
KM0201astory: you're lucky... there were several in the beta channel that ended up reinstalling when they tried to remove it...03:32
jerriyshcherbak: wait I'm trying to find out how to find the right key to my password03:32
JuestKM0201: here it happened the same, installed gnome3-session and gnome-shell and it broken whole gnome03:32
Juestin 10.1003:32
kyle__hmm ok03:32
kyle__anyone know why my fonts are huge on the log on screen, like to big to fit in text boxes? ive forced dpi to 96 to make it workable in kubuntu itself, but the log on screen is still huge. any ideas?03:32
shcherbakuberfrau: Make all three files owned by root:root and set to 775, after you done, restart gedit, and see if python is running (in htop?).03:33
Juesttry in accesibility settings in login03:33
kyle__i have03:33
shcherbakjerriy: What key is it?03:33
kyle__no work03:33
FishFaceuberfrau: Cant help you much on that. If you are root and you do the make , make install blah blah, and it doesn't work, then something is broken. Good luck on that.03:33
linuasus6nit-wit the grub is the linux mint grub, ubuntu is on sdc4 I think03:33
shcherbakjerriy: ;)03:33
kyle__the font problem only happens with kde,  gnome and gdm are fine,   kde and kdm are huge03:33
aussahow do I know where the error is while "making"?03:33
jerriyI'm looking for french E03:33
uberfrauwhen i do the make install, it says the files already exist where they should be (Error 1)03:33
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uberfraushcherbak, how do i do your recommendation?03:34
gartralwhatever happened too the secuirty and encryption gui in ubuntu?03:34
uberfrauand i was not root when i did the make...i was in the directory which contains the files?03:34
escottaussa, you have to scroll through the errors and find the first one03:34
nit-witlinuasus6, use the same cd of the insta and  In the terminal sudo mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt  then  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdc03:34
Juestkyle__: try tweaking kde03:34
nit-witlinuasus6, *install03:35
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?03:35
kyle__ive gotten kde to look fine now03:35
kyle__it just kdm03:35
kyle__and it only happen on this monitor03:36
kyle__if i hook up my 22" it looks fine03:36
kyle__this is a 40" @ 192003:36
tortoiseescott: I'm honestly not sure which one I'm supposed to be installing. There's one titled "firefox" but I believe it's even older than 3.2. There is also xul-ext-ubufox, I'm not sure what this is though?03:36
shcherbakuberfrau: Forgot make, just copy all three files to mentioned in readme directory, chown and chmod03:36
judgetcan LVM be added after 10.04 server install?03:37
newb_MustardCU1, KM0201, shcherbak, escott: OoOps, system restart from distro upgrade! i back soon03:37
uberfraushcherbak O_O i have never really done this stuff, sorry i'm dunno how to do this stuff...the three files = ?, the readme directory, chown, and chmod are where?03:37
MadRobotHi all03:38
shcherbakjerriy: Bad think is cannot find french keyboard...03:38
gartralSTUUUPID question, if i wanted too install kde.. without using the kubuntu-desktop meta-package, what would i apt-get?03:38
MadRobothow do I configure compiz without having to switch to the old interface?03:39
linuasus6nit-wit http://pastebin.com/Vrw2S4U503:39
jerriyshcherbak: I got the mofo it's é03:39
bullgard4gartral: That is a bad idea.03:40
Andre_Gondimhow I do increase my workspace?03:40
KM0201linuasus6: tat error is obvious, are yo on a lvie cd?03:40
s093294Hello, anyone able to assist getting hdmi enabled, Thinkbad edge. I have the tv set on the hdmi channel and pluged in the cable but cant select the tv as monitor03:40
shcherbakuberfrau: From link you gave me, skip makefile, read README, get other 3 files, copy them to ~/.share/local/gedit/plugins (you will need to use sudo), and restart gedit, make directory ~/FilesAreHere and put all 3 files there.03:40
KM0201linuasus6: did you follow the instructions to mount the drive?03:40
greenlanternin ubuntu 11.04 i can't get gnome-panel, there is no gnome-panel03:40
gartralbullgard4: why?03:40
shcherbakjerriy: ;)03:40
bullgard4Andre_Gondim: My workspace is the whole screen. Yours not?03:41
linuasus6km201 I just copy what nit-wit send me03:41
uberfraushcherbak: i did read README before asking this stuff, i'll try to accomplish your fix, thanks03:41
aussahow do I record the make output to a file?03:41
bullgard4gartral: Because KDE is a complicated program consisting of many components.03:41
shcherbakuberfrau: I am here in case of trouble.03:41
Andre_Gondimbullgard4, I have 4 workspace in natty, how do I set more ou less as I want?03:41
jerriyshcherbak I am now updating the bugger and will log out (cuz terminal is still showing the wrong keyboard set up (the gui is fully working and needless to say THANK YOU SO MUCH03:42
greenlanternin ubuntu 11.04 i can't get gnome-panel, there is no gnome-panel03:42
KM0201!grub2 | linuasus6: well, i wasn't paying attention, but nit-wit is competent... try reading the link to 'restore grub2 after windows"03:42
ubottulinuasus6: well, i wasn't paying attention, but nit-wit is competent... try reading the link to 'restore grub2 after windows": GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:42
bigrob21hey whats  up sexi  ladys03:42
trismAndre_Gondim: in ccsm under general options03:42
tortoisecould someone tell me if this is something good to go by? http://www.khattam.info/howto-install-firefox-4-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-and-10-10-maverick-meerkat-2-2011-04-07.html03:42
shcherbakjerriy: Welcome ;)03:42
shcherbakaussa: Record sound?03:42
greenlanternand why is it called Gnome 3, from About Gnome i got gnome version 2.32.103:42
KM0201linuasus6: cuz it looks like you were running that command, on a drive that wasn't mounted03:43
greenlanternin ubuntu 11.04 i can't get gnome-panel, there is no gnome-panel03:43
neothecathello.  i usually use netbeans, but it seems a bit sluggish on 11.04.  i am using open-jdk 6.  is another java recommended with the newest ubuntu?03:43
aussano, I mean, save all the process to look for errors... :S03:43
SuperstarI'm having problems with FTP. I regularly get disconnected. Is there any alternatives that allow direct editing on the fly?03:43
cheeguyhmmm need a lil help with drivers for ubuntu03:43
uberfraushcherbak: WOW, i think i mixed up local and share in the path! OMG D:03:43
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bullgard4Andre_Gondim: Right-click on the the icon in the lower right. > Preferences > Number of workspaces > 5.03:44
MustardCU1cheeguy, like?03:44
greenlanternand why is it called Gnome 3, from About Gnome i got gnome version 2.32.103:44
greenlanternin ubuntu 11.04 i can't get gnome-panel, there is no gnome-panel03:44
uberfrauWindows experience bites me in the ass again! (local_low is probably what I was thinking)03:44
=== carandraug_ is now known as carandraug
greenlanternand why is it called Gnome 3, from About Gnome i got gnome version 2.32.103:44
greenlanternin ubuntu 11.04 i can't get gnome-panel, there is no gnome-panel03:44
cheeguycannot use my mousepad or my wireless card03:44
greenlanternand why is it called Gnome 3, from About Gnome i got gnome version 2.32.103:44
greenlanternin ubuntu 11.04 i can't get gnome-panel, there is no gnome-panel03:44
FloodBot1greenlantern: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:44
KM0201greenlantern: stop03:44
linuasus6km0201 is on the desktop mounted I dont know why it said is not mounted the error talking of /dev03:44
KM0201first, gnome3, is not in Ubuntu 11.04.. read the release notes03:44
shcherbakaussa: If you think of debugging, there is many thinks, what process?03:45
MustardCU1cheeguy, if your not already plug that computer into the internet using a wired connection and update.03:45
greenlanternKM0201: where is gnome-panel ?03:45
greenlanternKM0201: which docs ?03:45
nit-witlinuasus6, copy and paste bro03:45
KM0201greenlantern: if you';re using unity, its not there03:45
MustardCU1cheeguy, also check for additional drivers03:45
DingGGuhow to install apache2 module mod_cband on ubuntu?03:45
greenlanternKM0201: what's unity ?03:45
linuasus6nit-wit http://pastebin.com/Vrw2S4U503:45
MustardCU1KM0201 Unity is basicly Gnome for Ubuntu 11.04 but well... isn't Gnome03:46
cheeguyare there drivers developed for the vaio series?03:46
gartralbullgard4: ok, as long as I can switch back.. and it doesn't auto-replace gdm03:46
aussaI want to look for erros in a "make" command, it is too long03:46
DingGGuhow to install apache2 module mod_cband on ubuntu? version:10.0403:46
nit-witlinuasus6, make sure the sdc drive is the first read in the bios, unless it is a external and you know the key propmt boot03:46
MustardCU1gah, sent it to the wrong person!03:46
greenlanternKM0201: which docs ?03:46
KM0201MustardCU1: basically and "is" is totally different, i've used the gnome3 live cd.. and its a lot different from unity03:46
Jordan_Ulinuasus6: Can you pastebin the output of "mount"?03:46
akharrisAnybody here know how to use HDA Analyzer? I REALLY need some help!!!!!!03:46
uberfraustupid thing i discovered in the process of trying to install this gedit plugin:03:46
shcherbakaussa: make will give you errs anyway, man make is good start, tho.03:46
nit-witlinuasus6, I gave two commands look closer03:47
greenlanternKM0201: where is gnome-panel ?03:47
greenlanternKM0201: where is gnome-panel ? Jordan_U03:47
owner_how  do  i speed up my laptop?03:47
uberfrauwhen i do `cd ~`, it just takes me to home/user03:47
aussaI want to pastebin it03:47
KM0201greenlantern: stop being annoying.. if you're using unity, there is no gnome panel, now go read the release notes on ubuntu.com03:47
Inphernalgreenlantern: I don't think 11.01 doesn't use Gnome03:47
MadRobotWhere do I find the new Application Panels Indicators/03:47
akharrisAnybody here know how to use HDA Analyzer?!?! I really need help please!!!!!03:47
shcherbakuberfrau: same will: cd as cd ~ does03:47
Inphernal* I don't think 110.4 uses Gnome* lol03:47
linuasus6nit-wit I put install after sdc03:47
Jordan_Uuberfrau: That's what it's supossed to do. What were you expecting?03:47
s093294How can i check that my hdmi output is configuret, nothing happens when plugging the tv cable in it.03:47
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader03:48
uberfraui thought ~ was root? :(03:48
nit-witlinuasus6, first command sudo mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt03:48
owner_hey sexi03:48
Jordan_U!language | owner_03:48
ubottuowner_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:48
InphernalI've looked onlien, but couldn't find any solutions, just other people experiencing the problem03:48
greenlanternInphernal: are you sure ?03:48
uberfraui know i have more files than the contents of `cd ~`03:48
nit-witlinuasus6, then run the next one you ran reboot to the OS and run sudo update-grub03:48
greenlanternInphernal: ubuntu doesn't have ubuntu ?03:49
greenlanternInphernal: ubuntu doesn't have ubuntu/gnome ?03:49
owner_fuck off bye03:49
tortoiseI'm  having an issue loading pages with unkown characters in firefox 4, and would love some help fixing this. I'm running 10.0403:49
greenlanterndoes ubuntu use gnome3 ?03:49
bisonwhat is E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:49
bullgard4gartral: Instaling KDE will not automatically auto-replace gdm. But having installed KDE you cannot simply "switch" back to having no KDE. Because Ubuntu has made too many metapackages. This would mean rather much effort by hand.03:49
KM0201greenlantern: no, it uses unity..03:49
Inphernalgreenlantern: "11.04 is considered to be a major release for Ubuntu because it represents a significant departure from the default GNOME UI to the new Unity UI."03:49
uberfrauhow do i get to the very top level?03:49
skarufuedoes anyone know the sudoers syntax. i need to allow one user to execute one specific command as one specific user other then root without entering a password. and i wonder if anyone speaks that synthetic language this config is written in.03:49
shcherbakuberfrau: try, pwd, tree (may need to install), la, man ls03:49
greenlanternunity UI sucks03:50
KM0201Inphernal: lol, death to reading!03:50
KM0201greenlantern: then don't use it03:50
uberfraushcherbak, what? O_O!?03:50
shcherbakuberfrau: cd / (what is root directory)03:50
bullgard4bison: Your apt package system is not all right. Check it.03:50
greenlanternKM0201: how can i get default gnome-panel03:50
Inphernalkm0201: Haha it does scroll pretty fast xD03:50
uberfrauso ~ is home, / is root, k03:50
KM0201greenlantern: ..03:50
uberfraunow that i know that, back to trying to install the plugin =)03:50
shcherbak!resetpanel | greenlantern03:50
ubottugreenlantern: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:50
MadRobotKM0201, how do I use the panel-indicators?03:50
MadRobotKM0201, where do I find them?03:51
bisonbullgard4: how?03:51
uberfraugreenlantern: halt! *German glare* :D03:51
KM0201Maddogm: on unity?.. you install them from synaptic.. if you mean the panel applets, they don't wrk on unity, you have to be using gnome classic03:51
linuasus6nit-wit http://pastebin.com/PnAEAqFD03:51
shcherbakgreenlantern: Oup, missed statement "Unity sucks so much"03:51
nit-witlinuasus6, http://pastebin.com/69bWgwsW03:51
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader03:51
KM0201Maddogm: i think you can create a panel.. and add the panel applets to it.. but th top panel.. you won't be able to add applets to it... unless they are indicator applets03:52
bullgard4bison: Try '~$ update-manager'.03:52
skarufueI rewrote that with commas: Does anyone know the sudoers syntax. i need to allow one user to execute, one specific command, as one specific user, other then root, without entering a password. and i wonder if anyone speaks that synthetic language this config is written in and can help me out.03:52
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Ultimate_Chaosi figured it out03:52
MadRobotKM0201, oh, I see. That's quite disappointing if you ask me. Thanks though.03:53
sahilmy unity not woking after i messed with dm03:53
Guest75965guys how can i add applications to start up at every boot in gnome 303:53
Ultimate_Chaosmy netork device isnt managed03:53
uberfrauoh, shcherbak, when exactly will i have to use sudo? did you mean if i'm copying+pasting using Konsole?03:53
Ultimate_Chaoscause it was on a NAT03:53
bisonbullgard4: nothing happens03:53
nit-witlinuasus6, you ran the commands backwards just reboot and follow my last pastebin if this does not work post the bootscript in a pastebin.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/03:53
KM0201MadRobot: Gnome is getting away from the panel applets, and moving towards indicator applets.. it's honestly not surprising...03:53
Ultimate_Chaoshow do i take it off the nat?03:53
sahilcan any1 help me?03:53
MadRobotKM0201, how do I add them to the indicator?03:53
aussawhat do I need to build with scons?03:54
bullgard4bison: What do you mean by: "Nothing happens"?03:54
KM0201MadRobot: if an indicator applet is available.. msot fo the time, you install them from synaptic03:54
greenlanternhow can i get gnome-panel by default no unity ?03:54
greenlanternhow can i get gnome-panel by default no unity ?03:54
greenlanternhow can i get gnome-panel by default no unity ?03:54
FloodBot1greenlantern: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:54
KM0201someone kick that clown03:54
greenlanternhow can i get gnome-panel by default no unity ?03:54
MadRobotKM0201, no need to add anything at all?03:54
Inphernalgreenlantern: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-GNOME-3-on-Ubuntu-11-04-194085.shtml03:54
KM0201MadRobot: nope.. just install them in synaptic, and it will get added to the indicator applet tray (up by the clock)03:55
Jordan_Ugreenlantern: If you flood the channel by repeating questions like that again you will be removed and possibly banned.03:55
Guest75965guys how can i add applications to start up at every boot in gnome 3 there doesn't seem to be an option in system setting, is there a  command i can use03:55
greenlanternInphernal: i don't need gnome 303:55
skarufueunity is awesome!! be haitin03:55
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bisonbullgard4: when i type update-manager03:55
greenlanternJordan_U: how can i get gnome-panel by default no unity ?03:55
=== dabbis2 is now known as dabbish2
LinuxMonkeygreenlantern, when you login select ubutu classic on the bottom03:55
sahilunity not working after i messed with gdm03:55
Jordan_Ugreenlantern: I don't know. Please stop asking me.03:55
sahili reverted it but no panal /launcher03:55
shcherbakskarufue: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/hddtemp-and-normal-user-484609/ what may help you03:55
kyle__any ideas why my nvidia driver says "activated but not in use" ??03:55
nit-witlinuasus6, Actualy my pastbin is inncorrect the x in the second command should be a c I wil do it again hold on03:56
greenlanternJordan_U: how many days are you using ubuntu ?03:56
bison'~$ update-manager'.03:56
shcherbakuberfrau: Where are files you downloaded?03:56
greenlanternLinuxMonkey: hi03:56
skarufueshcherbak: thankyou but no03:56
greenlanternLinuxMonkey: how can i get gnome-panel default03:56
InphernalAnybody know how to fix "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." when upgrading to 11.04 from 10.10 64bit03:56
skarufueshcherbak: my question was very specific i have that exact specific problem03:57
greenlanterni want to remove unity , but it prompts me to remove ubuntu-desktop03:57
nit-witlinuasus6, sorry about that, http://pastebin.com/h3ufspVU03:57
skarufueshcherbak: sudoers syntax is just inanely hard03:57
LinuxMonkeygreenlantern,  just select ubuntu classic on the login screen....it will stay default unless you change it again03:57
Jordan_U!ubuntu-desktop | greenlantern03:57
ubottugreenlantern: k/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.03:57
doomroboIs there a decent sticky-notes desktop widget for unity?03:57
Ultimate_Chaosoh um03:57
jbichaInphernal: Ubuntu 11.04 definitely uses GNOME and please don't encourage people to use the Gnome 3 PPA03:57
greenlanternLinuxMonkey: i want to remove unity03:57
shcherbakskarufue: Reduce priviledges on certain application, right?03:57
skarufuegreenlantern: removing ubuntu-desktop is not a problem it is just a metapackage everything will work fine03:57
jbichadoomrobo: did you try Tombody?03:57
Inphernaljbicha: I wasn't encouraging, I thought that's what he was trying to do03:57
bullgard4bison: If you typed '~$ update-manager' and the program Update manager did not appear, then something serious is at fault. Please check your dmesg.03:57
doomroboI don't like Tomboy03:58
uberfraushcherbak: i extracted them and somehow they are located at /tmp/kde-Sophia/03:58
nit-witgreenlantern, what desktop do you want03:58
MadRobotKM0201, It's not about the indicator-applets themselves. What actually disappointing is having to add them from Synaptic (or the terminal).03:58
linuasus6nit-wit I unmount partition on desktop to do it in the right order but now it said that mount special device doesnt exist03:58
jeregonhello can any one tell me how to copy my old server (use to be on windows seven) to my new one (ubuntu server)? (its all in a flash drive)03:58
doomrobosomething like knotes03:58
shcherbakuberfrau: There was nothing to extract03:58
BiosElementgreenlantern: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28050/how-do-i-use-use-the-classic-gnome-desktop03:58
KM0201MadRobot: i agree.. i always kinda liked "right clicking the panel" and adding them.03:58
KM0201made it simple03:58
greenlanterni removed unity, aptitude remove unity03:59
uberfraushcherbak, oh ;s03:59
KM0201MadRobot: not to mention, some of the panel applets, have not been properly implemented into indicator applets yet (like system monitor)03:59
nit-witlinuasus6, I have never seen that error open gparted and look at the partitions03:59
uberfrauare you sure O_O!!?03:59
doomrobojbicha does knotes work for unity?03:59
MadRobotKM0201, thanks to this issue alone, I assure you that quite many of those who interested in Ubuntu will walk away from just because of that.03:59
skarufueschcherback no exactly this:  i need to allow one user to execute one specific command as one specific user other then root without entering a password. its in /etc/sudoers something along the lines of user All=(otheruser) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/command03:59
skarufueshcherbak: but not exactly that03:59
nit-witlinuasus6, post it if you can treally the bootscript is what I need03:59
jbichadoomrobo: Tomboy is installed by default, I don't think knotes will work right with the notification icon03:59
shcherbakuberfrau: there is whole code, it is script in python: https://github.com/kassoulet/gedit-focus-autosave/blob/master/focus_autosave.py04:00
KM0201MadRobot: maybe.. it'll just take some adjusting to... unity kept giving my machine issues, so i just switched to xfce, which is similar enough to ubuntu.04:00
KM0201classic gnome04:00
linuasus6nit-wit I think I need to restart sdc is not in the list of gparted04:00
doomrobojbicha Tomboy doesn't let me "stick" notes to the desktop, is there anything for unity that can?04:00
uberfraushcherbak, i don't get your point04:00
bisonbullgard4: ok, lots of detail, where should i paste it04:00
nit-witlinuasus6, if it is a external yeah reboot I have to be off for about 5-10 min04:01
MadRobotKM0201, I think I might do the same. :\04:01
jbichadoomrobo: not that I'm really aware of, you'll just have to try stuff and see04:01
jbichathere's an app named "The Board" which may be what you want but it's not packaged for Ubuntu yet (next release)04:01
Inphernaltrying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader04:01
KM0201MadRobot: xfce4 is slick.. i like it... disable compositing, and its very fast (or if you've got a newer PC, it'll be fast w/ it)04:01
bullgard4!pastebin | bison04:01
ubottubison: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:01
KM0201MadRobot: but its not as user friendly as gnome.. but i have used it before, and like it04:01
MadRobotKM0201, Yeah,04:02
jbichaInphernal: I'm guessing you have several PPAs04:02
MadRobotI'm switching back to gnome.04:02
skarufueDoes anyone know the sudoers syntax. i need to allow one user to execute, one specific command, as one specific user, other then root, without entering a password. and i wonder if anyone speaks that synthetic language this config is written in and can help me out.04:02
shcherbakuberfrau: From link I gave you, yes you right there is tar (too lazy with clicking.)04:02
MadRobotSo how do I switch back to Gnome.04:03
dabbish2was just reading about Mark Shuttleworth, respect04:03
uberfraushcherbak, it's okay, you're trying to help <304:03
shcherbakuberfrau: OK, locate focus_autosave.py04:03
dabbish2what a guy04:03
Inphernaljbicha: I'm pretty sure I removed all but the original ones, how can I check and let you know which I have04:03
jbichaInphernal: you could paste.ubuntu.com your sources.list04:03
uberfraushcherbak, i just told you where i extracted them to (pretty sure i accidentally clicked on something wrong when choosing the extraction location/files with ark)04:04
bisonbullgard4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601578/04:04
shcherbakuberfrau: cd to that directory04:04
uberfrausure, sec04:04
jbichaInphernal: /etc/apt/sources.list04:05
doomrobojbicha knotes seems to work04:05
Inphernaljbicha: Got it, kept opening in a funny window not allowing me to copy. http://paste.ubuntu.com/601579/04:05
harushimodoes ubuntu have python 2.7 on repositories?04:06
Logan_!classic | MadRobot04:06
ubottuMadRobot: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.04:06
jbichaharushimo: yes, python 2.7 is default for 11.0404:06
uberfraushcherbak: k, in the directory that i extracted the tarball into now =)04:06
jbichaInphernal: oh I forgot that PPA repos aren't stored in that file04:07
jbichaI'm not really sure how to walk you through upgrading safely; I think it's the PPAs that are causing an issue but not sure04:08
harushimoI'm running 10.04 LTS04:08
harushimois it available for that04:08
shcherbakuberfrau: OK, just pulled gedit to make sure it works, cd kass<TAB>04:08
uberfrauwait what?04:08
Logan_!info python lucid | harushimo04:08
ubottuharushimo: python (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 144 kB, installed size 640 kB04:08
Inphernaljbicha: I'm looking in the repositories section in synaptic package manager, and it seems the wine, firefox, and a couple other http://ppa.launchpad... are still there, even though I clicked remove on all of them, is there a specific way I need to do this?04:09
bisonbullgard4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601578/04:09
harushimoI know python 2.6.5 is for lucid. why isn't only available for unity and lucid04:09
harushimoI mean not lucid04:09
uberfraushcherbak, I'm confused as to what you want me to do now04:09
jeregonhello can any one tell me how to copy my old server (use to be on windows seven) to my new one (ubuntu server)? (its all in a flash drive)04:10
Logan_harushimo: Python 2.7 wasn't built to work on Natty, or the other way around.04:10
jeregonthis are files im talking about04:10
pksadiq!info python2.7 lucid | harushimo04:10
jbichaInphernal: sorry, I'm just not sure how to walk you through the upgrade safely04:10
ubottuharushimo: Package python2.7 does not exist in lucid04:10
harushimothat make sense04:11
Logan_harushimo: You can build from source, but that's not really recommended.04:11
jbichaI've forced upgrades on my computer but I don't think that's good advice for me to be giving here04:11
Inphernaljbicha: That's ok, thank you for trying04:11
kyimount your flash drive and cp them over04:11
bisonwhat is E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:11
Ultimate_Chaoscant restart form the terminal04:11
Ultimate_Chaosi need to thoiugh04:11
MadRobotHi all04:11
shcherbakuberfrau: are you KDE?04:11
Juestsudo reboot04:11
Ultimate_Chaoshow do you do it?04:12
JuestUltimate_Chaos: try that04:12
jeregonkyi: sorry but im new were exactly is the flash drive mounted?04:12
Ultimate_Chaosooh okau04:12
kyiit prolly will automount04:12
shcherbakUltimate_Chaos: sudo reboot04:12
pksadiqharushimo: search for launchpad PPAs for python 2.7 for lucid04:12
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader04:12
jeregonkyi: ok but what directorie?04:12
kyi /media/NAME_OF_DRIVE04:12
mrlHi, I'm having an issue since upgrading to 11.04, my startup screen is 'Out of Range'. Wouldn't be an issue, except something is hanging during bootup, and I can't see what it is.... Is there a way to change to change the resolution in a config file etc (can use a live usb ok).04:12
uberfraushcherbak: yes04:12
jeregonmy crive is not named04:13
Logan_harushimo: I found a PPA, if you want to try it out: https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/deadsnakes04:13
kyiit will be called something in that directory04:13
harushimothank you04:14
tortoiseHey, how easy is it to upgrade to 11.04 (from 10.04) without losing all of my files?04:14
shcherbakuberfrau: Can you post on paste.ubuntu.com output of: locate gedit (dont know path for plugins in kde)04:14
harushimoi'll try it out04:14
harushimothank you04:15
uberfraushcherbak, sure, but keep in mind i have to create the path for plugins i think04:15
bisonwhat is E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:15
shcherbakuberfrau: Just plugin directory in right place04:15
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! I messed up my unity a little bit. I was playing around in CCSM and tried to enable ring-switcher. Now my top panel is just black--nothing there. Any ideas?04:16
uberfraushcherbak, ? so you don't want the paste to see the path of gedit? or am i misunderstanding you04:16
agbagbis somebody here?04:16
shcherbakuberfrau: Yes I want04:16
luigi_panacheSo after upgrading the server from 10.10 to 11.04, I get a bunch of error messages concerning message of the day.04:16
agbagbplease i need help :S04:16
Gus81hello, i need help for ubuntu 11.0404:16
luigi_panacheAnyone know how fix that?04:16
s093294I cant change display output to hdmi, it dont show up in the monitors settings. Anyone have any idea ?04:16
uberfrauk sec04:16
Juest!guidelines | agbagb04:17
ubottuagbagb: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:17
Gus81my english is very bad, i speak spanish, sorry04:17
cfeddeyour english is better than my spanish.04:17
Gus81Juest, si, no consigo solucionarlo04:17
sony_how can i add application to startup at boot, there does'nt seem to be an option in system settings ps i'm on gnome 3 there is no system preference sessions04:17
Juestgus raja04:17
shcherbakuberfrau: Skip it, just cd to directory with untared pligin04:17
JuestGus81 PM!04:18
tortoisedo I need to upgrade to 10.10 before I upgrade to 11.04?04:18
agbagbi have an issue with my monitor, when i was trying the lice cd, my monitor turns off the backlight, and i can't see anythig please help04:18
luigi_panachetortoise: AFAIK upgrading from an LTS distro always works.04:18
peeps[lappy]what is the default theme in 11.04?  I upgraded from 10.10 and having some issues with very low contrast between font and background, just wanted to see if I was using the right theme04:18
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! I messed up my unity a little bit. I was playing around in CCSM and tried to enable ring-switcher. Now my top panel is just black--nothing there. Any ideas? I am still able to access the buttons/info up there, just all black04:18
luigi_panachetortoise:  Or at least, it'll run04:18
uberfraushcherbak, go to the directory which contains the tarball? o.o04:19
agbagbi have an issue with my monitor, when i was trying the live cd, my monitor turns off the backlight, and i can't see anythig please help04:19
tortoisealright, and just another question until I think of another. Does this page load for you guys http://novemberblue.-tumblr.com ? If yes, what browser/distro are you usin?04:19
* Juest kicks Gus8104:19
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader04:19
shcherbakuberfrau: Rather untarred stuff, or unpask it04:20
MK```tortoise: need to remove the dash04:20
jeregonkyi: its not in that directory04:20
MadRobotWhy removing compizconfig-settings-manager from the repositories??! :S04:20
agbagbi have an issue with my monitor, when i was trying the live cd, my monitor turns off the backlight, and i can't see anythig please help04:20
uberfraushcherbak: so you meant the location of the extracted files?04:21
bisonwhat is E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:21
shcherbakuberfrau: Yes04:21
DingGGuhow to upgrade 10.04 to 11.04?04:21
econdudeawesomebison: I had that error a bit ago. Perhaps something has a lock on debconf?04:21
agbagbi have an issue with my monitor, when i was trying the live cd, my monitor turns off the backlight, and i can't see anythig please help04:21
InphernalDingGGu: Run Update Manager04:21
gartralDingGGu: do-dist-upgrade04:21
luigi_panachetortoise: I can't get it with lynx on Ubuntu 11.04 server04:21
uberfrauk shcherbak i'm there04:21
trismMadRobot: it's in the repos04:22
=== strangemk2 is now known as void1
MadRobotDingGGu, Trust me dude. No offense to the Ubuntu team but 11.04 simply sucks. Big time. -_-04:22
sahilcan any1 help me i crashed my unity04:22
zoidfarbHey, I'm nterested in switching from Ubuntu to Xubuntu. I've already installed xubuntu-desktop, does anyone know what gnome packages I can remove?04:22
shcherbakuberfrau: can you ls (if you see kassou... cd into it)04:22
bisonecondudeawesome: did you fixed it04:22
zoidfarbOr can you give me a link for switching to Xubuntu without doing a full reinstall?04:22
uberfraushcherbak, sec04:22
MadRobottrism, When I tried to install simple-ccsm, it said there are some unmet dependencies. That was one of them.04:23
uberfrauoh shcherbak, i am already in kassou...04:23
tortoiseMK```: Then the page isn't found?04:23
uberfraui typed cd when in the above directory, and just copy+pasted in the name of it lol04:23
MK```no it worked for me tortoise, without the dash. With the dash, 40404:23
trism!info compizconfig-settings-manager | MadRobot04:23
ubottuMadRobot: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1181 kB, installed size 5756 kB04:23
shcherbakuberfrau: sudo cp * /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/04:24
tortoiseMK```: Oh I just tried it with the dash. And yes it does work, however it's the wrong page.04:24
uberfrautrying, sec04:24
TrevorBradley2Help!  Whats the new keyboard command in mythbuntu 11.04 to bring up the applications menu?04:24
MadRobottrism, It's already installed??04:24
tortoiseMK```: the page works fine in W7, so I just don't understand why it won't load in ubuntu?04:24
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader04:25
shcherbakuberfrau: thats it, you can remove makefile, and readme from /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/ and any other stuff you downloaded.04:25
trismMadRobot: although it does appear that simple-ccsm is broken at the moment04:25
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
dtulchinis there a way to fix ubuntu 11.04 from the live-cd?04:25
uberfraushcherbak: nothing happened when i did that command, other than asking me for my pw04:25
econdudeawesomeFor all those that read the logs and are in a similar situation: disable and reenable expo, resolve the errors in favor of expo, disable ring switcher, logout, log back in, good to go04:25
MK```no idea tortoise04:25
MadRobottrism, Oh I see.04:25
TrevorBradley2Alternately, whats the keyboard command to start up the virtual mouse?04:25
nit-witzoidfarb, take a look at this and the playing round section in the lower left. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce04:25
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agbagbPlease help me. My problem is with Ubuntu 11.04, when i was trying the Live Cd / Live USB, just when the Ubuntu Splash appears, My monitor turns the backlight off, nad i can't see anything on my monitor, but if i connect another monitor to my laptop, Ubuntu loads normally, I have tried the dist-upgrade also, but i got the same issue, so i've lost my System. Please somebody can help me?04:26
=== necromancer`bzy is now known as necromancer
MadRobottrism, it seems like everything is broken at the moment. The whole Ubuntu system is broken at the moment. :P04:26
KM0201agbagb: what is your graphics device?04:26
tortoiseDoes anyone have any clue why Firefox 4 won't open pages with hyphens in them on Lucid? Because I feel like I'm the only one that has ever had this issue.04:26
dtulchinis there a way to repair ubuntu 11.04 from live-cd?04:26
MK```zoidfarb: perhaps removing the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, but I don't know if I can recommend that safely heh04:26
KM0201dtulchin: depends on what you need to repair04:27
shcherbakuberfrau: good, ls -l /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/ to see your plugin04:27
dtulchinall the packages04:27
agbagbKM0201 please wait :) i'm searching04:27
dtulchinduring upgrade...possible that packages got damaged04:27
dtulchinmy internet fell04:27
TrevorBradley2No love for those of us  with mouseless systems, I guess.  I can't even use alt-f2 to open a terminal!?!04:27
dtulchinduring the upgrade04:27
uberfraushcherbak, i restarted gedit, and the plugin 'focus autosave' is in the list, but it's blacked out04:27
nit-witdtulchin, what happend when hyou boot can you get a command line04:28
symaxianIs there a bug with 11.04/Unity/Nvidia 270 with using a second monitor as a separate x screen?04:28
linuasus6nit-wit http://pastebin.com/rav4u1M804:28
symaxianTwinview works but the other fails04:28
nit-witlinuasus6, cool04:28
uberfraushcherbak, maybe the path in that command needs to be replaced with the path in the README?04:28
dtulchineverything loads fine...for some reason my sources.list didnt get updated04:29
Gus81anyone can help me?04:29
MK```zoidfarb: still there?04:29
GulfstreamI am experiencing issues playing DVDs. I installed the plugin, and the video slightly works, but the image doesn't look good and the audio skips. How do I fix this?04:29
dtulchinnit-wit: my sources list didnt get updated04:30
dtulchinnit-wit: any ideas?04:30
uberfrauGulfstream, do you have codecs n stuff?04:30
nit-witlinuasus6, run this script and pastebin it.04:30
shcherbakuberfrau: See it, one moment04:30
uberfraushcherbak, sure =D04:30
Gulfstreamuberfrau: Yes04:30
jeregonhello can any one tell me how to copy my old server (use to be on windows seven) to my new one (ubuntu server)? (its all in a flash drive)04:30
nit-witlinuasus6, darn mouse http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/04:31
uberfrauGulfstream: idk, i've never had issues with any file formats thus far (Kubuntu 10.10 user)04:31
symaxianeasiest way to restart x?04:31
dtulchinis there a way to fix 11.04 completely?04:31
uberfrausure it isn't your hardware?04:31
Gulfstreamuberfrau: I think it may be the hardware04:31
n2diywhen I mouse over a todo item in korganizer the info box displays black text on a black backround, where can I change this?04:31
nit-witdtulchin, how do you know this you didn't answer my actual question04:31
dtulchini can run command line04:31
Gulfstreamuberfrau: should I try to clean the lense?04:32
TrevorBradley2Is there a new list of keyboard shortcuts for 11.04 somewhere?04:32
nit-witdtulchin, cool can you actually boot in?04:32
uberfrauGulfstream: you could try playing the same sort of stuff with a different distro04:32
dtulchinnit-wit: yes04:32
uberfrauand idk about lense cleaning, so I can't advise you on that04:32
Gulfstreamuberfrau: the video didn't work no matter which movie or OS04:32
TrevorBradley2The only shortcut I can seem to get working in mythbuntu is alt-f4 to log out of the system.04:33
uberfrauoh, then that is a strong indication that it is hardware04:33
nit-witdtulchin, so are you sure it actually started to load the upgrade and didn't fail at the download04:33
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader04:33
agbagbKM0201 i have Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500MHD adapter04:33
dtulchinnit-wit: it failed during the downloading of the upgrade04:33
linuasus6nit-wit is example script with what I replace it04:33
dtulchinnit-wit: i then restarted it and finished04:34
uberfrautry to see if there is any sort of pattern to the disruption to the video, and see if it matches commonly reported symptoms of issues online. That's all i can say really, i'm no expert, i just read a lot of random information.04:34
agbagbmy laptop is a Acer eMachines E525-902G16Mi04:34
KM0201agbagb: i'm not sur eon that device, i kinda thought intels "just worked" w/ linux (at least mine does)04:34
TrevorBradley2ping check, is my irc working at all?? :)04:34
nit-witlinuasus6, the bootscript is run to generate a text file to pastebin04:34
InphernalTrevorBradley2: We see you04:35
TrevorBradley2Thanks Inphernal.04:35
nit-witdtulchin, cool I was just going to give you a command to inlock t and finish hopefully.;)04:35
TrevorBradley2I'm a sad narwhal today I guess. :(04:35
linuasus6nit-wit so I download the thing04:35
ohsixo hai04:36
sahilmy unity crashed no help from irc either!04:36
agbagbKM 0201 mmm but its so odd that issue, any suggestions?04:36
dtulchinnit-wit: when i boot from the cd, i get options: try ubuntu, and install ubuntu...nothing about repairing ubuntu04:36
agbagbKM0201 mmm but its so odd that issue, any suggestions?04:36
nit-witlinuasus6, yeah download the script on the live cd drag it to the desktop and run this command.sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script*.sh04:36
KM0201agbagb: you can try starting the kernel w/ some variables, like maybe nomodset   or something lik,e that, see if that gets your display to work04:36
nit-witlinuasus6, opps this command sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script*.sh04:37
nit-witdtulchin, I thought it was fixed04:37
shcherbakuberfrau: OK, plugin do not load, will try to find different version, Don't you want to use vim?04:37
dtulchinnit-wit: i am running a damaged 11.0404:37
TrevorBradley2I'm wondering if I screwed up the install over keyboard shortcuts not working... Is it abnormal for them not to be?04:38
DingGGugartral: end?04:38
nit-witdtulchin, there is no real repair for a whole system, you may need to just back it up or use the UBuntu Forums to be honest I wont really touch it to many outlires04:38
annathok. I just installed 11.04 and I already broke unity. >_< I tried to enable desktop cube through compiz-config. broke some stuff. Tried to reset back to defaults using that, and now I can't seem to get the top/side bars back. I can get windows to come up by using different methods such as creating launchers on my desktop, so I've got chrome and a terminal, but I can't get the top and side bars to show up again04:38
linuasus6nit-wit http://pastebin.com/zHNd4DTf04:38
nit-witlinuasus6, cool hold on04:39
uberfraushcherbak, plugin didn't load, what do you mean? :o and idk about using vim yet, while I'm still learning to program :/04:39
shcherbakuberfrau: And have bug: http://mailrepository.com/desktop-bugs.lists.ubuntu.com/msg/3519748/04:39
linuasus6is 6 years I use ubuntu but they change 4 time the grub, thank for helping nit-wit04:40
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TrevorBradley2Guess I've got to figure this one one on my own... :(  thanks for your ti,e04:40
uberfraushcherbak, oh...this plugin was featured in a link from the official ubuntu site, under the entry for gedit :(04:40
alien-007my empathy dont have the option to save or not save logs,,can i upgrade,,is not on sypnatic04:40
Adyscan anyone running chrome pastebin me their /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list? I lost mine04:41
dtulchinnit-wit: thats dissapointing04:41
alien-007it just save logs,,i dont like that at all,,can i add repository for empathy in sypnatic so i can get an update04:41
dtulchinnit-wit: so my only other option is to reinstall an entire os?04:41
uberfraushcherbak, this plugin isn't critical, it was more about the process of learning how to install plugins, which i sort of know how to do now (though i haven't created the requisite directory yet)04:41
duckx0ri have a computer running ubuntu 10.10 on it and it was working fine up until a few days ago when the USB keyboard stopped working however it does work in the BIOS. How can I troubleshoot this?04:42
uberfrauif you could find another plugin that does the same thing, i would love it, however04:42
dtulchinduckx0r: is it a desktop or laptop?04:42
uberfrauand should i look into vim? ;o04:42
shcherbakuberfrau: Well, this one was fatal...04:42
nit-witdtulchin, reload or wait for help that may not appear the IRC is sort of specialized for specifics, the forums may be motr helpful04:42
duckx0rdtulchin, desktop04:42
uberfraushcherbak, well it shouldn't be featured on that site then D:04:43
dtulchinduckx0r: have you recently upgraded anything in your computer?04:43
Name141How do I install flash on AMD 64bit ?04:43
duckx0rdtulchin, nothing for months04:43
zoidfarbMK``, removing that meta-package doesn't automatically remove the things it depends on04:43
linuasus6nit-wit nice this script I have see something similar for grub but not like that04:43
uberfrauand the reason i'm not using a fully featured environment is that i want to learn how to just focus on the code with a plain text-editor first...04:43
dtulchinduckx0r: try a different usb port04:43
nit-witlinuasus6, I don't see the OS in sdc5 but the grub menu is there I am not sure what is going on, you may want to opost the script at the Ubuntu forums if you get no answers here.04:43
shcherbakuberfrau: That may be version problem04:43
duckx0rdtulchin, yes04:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:44
linuasus6nit-wit theres no os on sdc5 is a /boot partitions04:44
InphernalOops, sorry lol04:44
uberfraushcherbak, i have no idea04:45
nit-witlinuasus6, why are you using a boot partition04:45
uberfraui did just spend almost 3 hours trying to do this :(04:45
duckx0rdtulchin, i just switched to tty1 and I see that error messages about USB are being spit out every 10 seconds or so04:45
uberfrauat least i learned a couple of things about the file system :/04:45
linuasus6because this external disk when I plug to every pc I can boot on linux04:45
freaky[t]hi all. how can i put a java application into my launcher somewhere?04:45
jetoleHey guys. I just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and I don't know if I am in unity or gnome3 but does anyone know how I can revert to gnome2 / the gnome I had before the upgrade?04:46
freaky[t]jetole: log out and then select ubuntu classic in gdm on the bottom04:46
freaky[t]and then log back in04:46
jetolefreaky[t]: thanks. Let me try04:46
linuasus6jetole no upgrade isnt reversible04:47
thebighamHow can i find the mouse # for the buttons on my mouse?04:47
uberfraushcherbak, thanks for the help anyhoo. I'm using pidgin, and i'm going to leave this open as a tab  in case i have any questions =)04:47
duckx0rdtulchin, looks like it's probably a hardware problem, unfortunately04:47
nit-witlinuasus6, I'm not familiar with boot partitions, but in the partition has to be the grub files normally in the OS, basically.04:48
fr00gI'm using Unity 2D, can anybody tell me if it's possible to enable a full screen Dash?04:48
jetolefreaky[t]: thank god that did the trick04:48
jetolelinuasus6: see freaky[t]'s comment04:48
* vultraz has found some 11.04 bugs04:48
vultrazwho to talk to04:48
huynh98Hi. I have a quick question. Is there any way to improve the predictability search results for alt-f2 for executables. It seems to have gotten worse from 10.10 to 11.0404:48
freaky[t]jetole: np ;D04:49
huynh98predictability of*04:49
jetolefreaky[t]: seriously. That freaked me out. I knew ubuntu was moving to unity but I kind of didn't expect a change on upgrades04:49
abhinavjetole: actually gnome3 upgrade isn't reversible. But 11.04 doesn't upgrade your gnome 2 go gnome3 by default. Gnome3 can be installed only by adding PPA04:49
moonchildhey guys04:49
linuasus6nit-wit so what I do reinstall ubuntu so I will have a new grub04:49
dreamonHello. since update to natty getting -> resume: could not stat the resume device file /dev/sdb7 -> thats right swap is /dev/sda7 -> changed /etc/fstab and /etc/uswsusp.conf to correct path.but still brings at boot /dev/sdb7 .. confused04:49
moonchildI have a couple of questions about the new version of ubuntu04:49
freaky[t]jetole: ;)04:49
bimbleI have a problem that my box won't come out of suspend:  (11.04)  box powers up, but no response from screen or keyboard/mouse.  Havn't found a solution yet, has anyone seen similar?04:50
jetoleabhinav: thats fascinating not that I asked04:50
moonchildspecifically whether it is possible to disable the global menu bar while using the unity UI04:50
jetoleI don't get it. freaky[t] answered my question followed by two people who seem to think it couldn't be done. weird04:50
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader04:50
vultrazwhere do i report 11.04 bugs?04:51
freaky[t]jetole: ;)04:51
nit-witlinuasus6, no but it is hard to tell what is actually there a lot is missing, you will really be best served at the Ubuntu forums.04:52
freaky[t]vultraz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs04:52
jetoleInphernal: run this and tell me if you get results: dpkg --get-selections | sed -e '/hold$/!d'04:52
moonchildcan anyone tell me if its possible, or link me to instructions on how to disable the global menubar piece of unity?04:52
abhinavjetole, was just clarifying that we *can* revert from unity to gnome-2 as folks have mentioned - which is what a lot of us have done first thing after upgrading. Both unity and gnome2 are installed. However, if we upgrade that gnome2 to gnome3, then unity is broken, plus gnome3 cannot be easily moved back to gnome2. (This is for your as well as other's benefit, as I had the same confusion couple of days back)04:53
nit-witlinuasus6, take a lok at my set up you will see what  mean. http://pastebin.com/XaJeWzgr04:53
Inphernaljetole: Nothing04:53
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:54
jetoleInphernal: well that was just checking for any packages on your system which may have had a hold on them so if nothing then I don't know what the next step would be to debug it04:54
moonchildI actually do want to kick the tires on unity, but *don't* want it to feel more like OSX than widows04:55
abhinavpersonally the worst thing that unity did was remove the properly working gnome-panel with some broken stuff, and moreover, super-space (which was my gnome-do shortcut) was broken.04:55
jetoleInphernal: on the other hand, you would have got one line for every package with a hold so we would have known what to remove the hold from but since you got nothing then not sure04:55
Name141what's the nvidia package?04:55
Name141nvidia-latest ?04:55
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Inphernaljetole: =[04:55
Name141never mind I just got it from 'other drivers'04:55
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s093294anyone who resolved the issue with i915 not detecting hdmi port ?04:56
jetoleName141: for 11.04 it's nvidia-current but I would install the binary from nvidia. Ubuntu is always behind on the latest nvidia driver04:56
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Inphernaljetole: Someone told me it could be my PPAs? But they weren't sure how to check?04:56
Guest29994I am a high school student. We went to hold a speech (or call a party)to introduce ubuntu/linux.Could you give me some advice?04:56
linuasus6nit-wit you got 2 grub04:57
nit-witlinuasus6, you mean the sda6 burg04:57
vultraznew GRUB seems to send signal to the numlock key to turn it on at boot04:57
jetoleInphernal: and neither am I so good luck and hope someone else has a... wait, ppa, I thought you meant ppc for a sec, no I don't think that would be it. third party repos are automatically disabled during the upgrade04:57
moonchildGuest29994: I'd start by telling people everywhere that linux actually runs04:57
vultrazso it's hard to enter a password04:57
Name141jetole: how do I install it from the repos04:57
vultrazon a laptop keybpard04:57
jetoleInphernal: meaning ppa's are automatially disabled during the upgrade04:57
bimblehow do I roll back from 11 to 10?04:57
vultrazbecause most keys get locked04:58
n2diywhen I mouse over a todo item in korganizer the info box displays black text on a black backround, where can I change this?04:58
linuasus6nit-wit no sda5 sda904:58
moonchildGuest29994: start with something like 'its in your android phone, in your wireless router, yada, yada'04:58
tortoiseI'm currently running Windows Vista on one partition and Lucid on another. Could anybody link me to a decent guide for upgrading to 11.04 without ruining that?04:58
jetoleName141: what I meant is I wouldn't install it from the repos if I were you since ubuntu usually doesn't have the latest. go to nvidia.com and download the linux driver. If you really want to install it from the repos which is the ubuntu version then type: sudo apt-get install nvidia-common04:59
Inphernaljetloe: Allright, I'll keep looking. Thank you04:59
vultrazalso sometimes it turns on mute and I have to shutdown and turnon04:59
vultrazturn on*04:59
jetoleInphernal: keep in mind we have determined two things. It isn't a package on hold and it isn't a ppa. At least you're narrowing the list of what it could be05:00
nit-witlinuasus6, not sure I understand sda5 is xubuntu natty sda9 in oneiric05:00
Guest29994Oh,how to introduce where Linux better than of different form Windows05:00
george57I just upgraded. I dont see unity anywhere. I assume I have to have it run at start up?05:00
jetoleGuest29994: what?05:00
vultrazalso yesterday at boot Unity disappeared and I got the non-unity 10.10 interface05:01
sahilcan ny1 help?my unity crashed after i messed with gdm05:01
vultrazwhy is natty so buggy?05:01
meLonNext time wait a few months, vultraz :P\05:01
jetolevultraz: because it was just released05:01
Guest29994Oh,how to introduce where Linux better than or different form Windows05:01
jetolevultraz: if you want stable your best bet is 10.04.0205:01
nit-witlinuasus6, brb05:02
* vultraz likes devel version05:02
* vultraz doesn't like 10.0405:02
meLondevel = bug, vultraz .  #ubuntu-offtopic05:02
linuasus6nit-wit ok Im stuck anyway05:02
jetolevultraz: 10.04 is stable. 11.04 is not devel.05:02
waKKuhi folks..05:02
waKKuhelps to debug this problem: http://pastebin.com/Pw3qd8SV ? ...05:02
jetolevultraz: long story short I don't care if you like 10.04 or not. You asked for stable05:02
waKKuhow can i see where the script is failing ?05:03
jetolevultraz: and if you like the dev version then expect it to be unstable05:03
* vultraz does, just not this much05:03
Guest29994I think linux is designed for science05:03
karthick87When ever i access a windows machine through VNC from ubuntu. The icon changes and notifies the user that someone is logged into the system.Is it possible to hide that notification?05:03
vultrazGuest29994; lol05:03
jetole11.04 is a final release / not a dev version but it's also very new. It has passed beta and all the RC but I bet in the next 18 months of it's life it will receive thousands of patches05:04
celthunderkarthick87: that's a security feature.05:04
KM0201karthick87: that would be a setting on the windows machine i imagine.. not sure you can disable it though05:04
vultrazjetole: I think so too05:04
Inphernaljetole: Yeah, slowly05:04
Guest29994am i wrong?05:04
jetolevultraz: so now you know why it's not "stable"05:04
vultrazjetole: ya05:05
vultrazjetole: we'll probably have 11.10 before 11.04 is really stable05:05
Name141is there something to 'benchmark' the cpu rather than just stress it like stress --cpu 8 , ?05:05
vultrazanyway I don't mind it has nice interface05:05
Max-PHi, does anyone know how to grow a partition directly in the partition table? A resize on my ext4 partition failed, the superblock says a size, but the partition is a block smaller in the MBR. Ideas? Thanks05:05
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jetolevultraz: I run 10.04 on all of the servers I manage, on my home desktop and on my laptop and am running, as of 20 minutes ago 11.04 on my office workstation. 10.04 is pretty damned good IMHO and only a idiot would run 10.10, 11.04 or 11.10 on a server05:06
nit-witlinuasus6, I have a arch install that has grub legacy but chainloadda with grub2 automatically.05:06
jetolevultraz: 10.04 is LTS or long term support release which comes out every two years and is designed to be stable from the ground up. The downside is it doesn't always have the latest software05:06
jetoleI'm going for a smoke. be back in 1005:07
* vultraz has 10.04 and 11.04 on two partitions05:07
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MK```sorry for the delay zoidfarb, you can check out: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce05:09
Pascalcmoilookin at askubuntu and ubuntuforum what i can see is that 11.04 have A LOT of bugs05:09
pamelacould someone please help me figure out how to run a terminal command at startup every time i boot?05:09
DingGGuhelp me for install mod_cband T.T05:09
celthunderpamela: .bashrc or .profile or in inittab05:10
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader05:10
celthunderpamela: depending on the command and who you want to run it as and at what init level05:10
Pascalcmoi11.04 seems A LOT buggy...05:10
pamelai start conky with a terminal command due to the theme im using with it, i just want it to startup with my system05:10
celthunderPascalcmoi: so start submitting bug reports05:10
Pascalcmoicelthunder: did you update05:11
pamelacelthunder, im looking for step by step help please, im a little new to this05:12
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celthunderPascalcmoi: i don't even look at my ubuntu comp...it's a server and i havn't touched it other than to fix a thing or two ...i use arch day to day05:12
celthunderpamela: probably in your gui's startup scripts then05:12
Pascalcmoianyone having problem with 11.0405:13
MK```Pascalcmoi: that's what this channel is for :P05:13
MK```pamela: before X starts?05:13
pamelacelthunder, im sorry, but that doesnt really mean anything to me...05:13
MK```or during05:13
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pamelamk``` after boot, once everything up, i just want to send a terminal command automatically05:14
celthunderpamela: add it to your .xinitrc05:14
nit-witpamela, startup application conky in the command line05:14
pamelacelthunder, i appreciate your help but could you please assume im going to ask "how" after everything you say...?05:15
MK```I was just going to suggest xinit05:15
celthunderpamela: open a terminal nano ~/.xinitrc find the uncommented line (the one not starting with a #) and add your conky line before that one05:15
Jordan_Ulinuasus6: Follow this guide for re-installing grub: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide05:15
B_K_Ncelthunder: how to change time in xubuntu?05:16
celthunderB_K_N: ntp05:16
pamelacelthunder, i typed "nano ~/.xinitrc" and i have a black file  looking thing05:17
ubuntuguyWhat code do I put in the terminal to use ibam?05:17
pamelacelthunder, and there is nothing in it05:17
MrokiiHello. I have switched to Ubuntu Classic in 11.04. Is there a way to activate the global menu there as well (like in Unity)?05:18
celthunderwell assuming you want the right time ntp and set your timezone in sysconfig/tzdata05:18
dFshadowanyone got unity working properly within VMWare on a Macbook?05:18
newb_hello! I'm with the new Gnome3 in my ubuntu (I'm was here some time ago), but how can I change my window theme now? I can't find the option at gnome control center, my fonts are horrible and my wintow theme is worse...05:19
MK```pamela: one moment05:19
celthunderpamela: try adding it to .bashrc or .profile then05:19
Ultimate_Chaosi m here to ask about any optional system updates05:20
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader05:20
HomuHomuHomuraCan I recover my ubuntu by selecting the upgrade installation in tke live cd install?05:20
celthunderHomuHomuHomura: depends what's broken05:20
celthunderInphernal: so what packages are being held05:21
jetolecelthunder: no packages are being held. I already made him do a check05:21
MK```pamela: copy the xinitrc file in /etc/X11/xinit to ~/.xinitrc, that is the default file it uses if there is none in ~05:21
celthunderjetole: ok05:22
MK```then add your line05:22
celthunderthanks MK```05:22
PascalcmoiI installed ratpoison and i cant see any dropdown box or orther widget to choose a different window manager05:22
Pascalcmoiin 11.0405:22
celthunderInphernal: jetole did you md5 your packages, any of them just crashing out? what happens if you install a few at a time05:23
nit-witpamela, you can open startup application hit add name it put conky in the command and your done.05:23
HomuHomuHomurawhat do you mean by broken?05:23
celthunderHomuHomuHomura: uhm what're you recovering from05:23
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celthunderif you're recovering something i'm assuming something is broken05:23
MK```Pascalcmoi: did you install it from the software center?05:24
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HomuHomuHomuraa failed upgrade on ubuntu05:24
jetolecelthunder: As far as I helped was I made him check for held packages (dpkg --get-selections | sed -e '/\thold$/!d') and confirmed that PPA was not the issue since upgrade disabled third party repos when you upgrade05:24
celthunderHomuHomuHomura: then yeah05:24
Secluded1anyone had a problem with libreoffice? i used lo-globalmenu in 11.04, problem is the window menu is gone in the global menu in libreoffice calc, but when i removed lo-globalmenu, it returned!!!05:24
PascalcmoiMK```: with apt-get05:24
MK```hm. have you tried running it from a terminal to make sure it is installed correctly?05:24
jetolecelthunder: and that's as involved as I got05:24
JoseeAntonioRHello! I'm having some troubles with my Intel video card... I did a hardware test, and it says that it uses the Nouveau driver instead of the Intel driver... What can I do to fix this error?05:25
celthunderjetole: ok sorry for highlighting you then05:25
jetolecelthunder: np05:25
newb_And finally, I'm running gnome-shell or unity?  I think is g-s,  but the activities panel is strange from default gnome-shell....05:25
celthunderJoseeAntonioR: rmmod <whatever nvidia driver is loaded< modprobe i915 or whatever intel driver applies05:25
PascalcmoiMK```: it echo ==> ratpoison: There can be only ONE.05:26
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: if you are using /etc/X11/xorg.conf then you can edit that file. Ubuntu also has another means for configuring this but I don't know what it is since I use a pretty custom xorg.conf myself05:26
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jetolecelthunder: rmmod shouldn't apply. In order for the card to use it, part of X has to invoke it which means it should be reloaded next time he starts X05:27
MK```Pascalcmoi: run ratpoison --replace05:27
jetolecelthunder: for example if I have Nouvou listed in xorg.conf then it will load that driver each time I start X05:27
celthunderjetole: eh it'd fix it for the current session at least05:27
JoseeAntonioRcelthunder It says module i915 is in use05:27
b1j3n1s3vcan someone point me in the direction I need to go to learn about 54e?05:27
jetolecelthunder: nah X needs the driver when it starts. You can't really change the driver mid session05:27
JoseeAntonioRjetole I don't use xorg.conf because it gives me a lot of problems.05:27
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: well this isn't one of them. lol05:28
PascalcmoiMK```: unrecognize option05:28
celthunderJoseeAntonioR: blacklist the module you don't want05:28
celthunderand it won't load it05:28
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: http://goo.gl/72RPO05:28
JoseeAntonioRcelthunder The problem is that i don't know what module i don't want...05:28
ketan-tadahow to add taskbar in ubuntu 11.0405:28
MK```not sure Pascalcmoi :( I do not use ratpoison05:29
MK```you'd need to kill your current wm and then run it05:29
slyOkay, guys..05:29
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: the module is nouveau but blacklisting probably won't help either. Sorry celthunder. I'm not trying to step on your feet here05:29
onelinercan the unity bar get corny widgets like the gnome eyes?05:30
slyI added ~/.pulse/client.conf, and disabled autospawn for Pulseaudio, so ALSA could take over for it.05:30
PascalcmoiMK```: it like if i cant choose any other window manager even if they are installed05:30
slyALSA works fine, but it's not showing anything in sound preferences on Ubuntu.05:30
jetolecelthunder: the problem is that X thinks it should use this driver so we need for X to think it should use the proper one05:30
Inphernalcelthunder: I check, I don't think there's any05:30
celthunderjetole: fine by me lol i'm just listing off solutionsas thhey occur...i set every module i want loaded on boot and blacklisted the rest05:30
onelineror more practical ones like the system graph with cpu usage real time display?05:30
slyAnyone have any idea on how to fix that?05:30
JoseeAntonioRjetole celthunder And what can I do? Creating and editing xorg.conf worked in 10.10, but it doesn't anymore...05:30
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: run: sudo lspci05:30
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: then put that on pastebin.com and send me the link05:30
billytwowillycan anyone point me to a howto get get aac support working in gtkpod in natty?05:30
sahilm fucked!05:31
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: xorg.conf works in 11.04. I am using it now05:31
celthundersly: try alsamixer05:31
jetolexorg.conf should always work and should always be the over ride afaik05:31
JoseeAntonioRjetole But for me it doesn't ): http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601601/05:31
slycelthunder: I know that.. but is there a way to get it to where Ubuntu will show it in the sound menu again?05:31
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: xorg.conf still works in 11.0405:31
MK```Pascalcmoi: I do not use ratpoison, the wms I use all support replace05:31
slyBecause I can't use my multimedia keys to turn the volume up & down without it working.05:32
Inphernalcelthunder: Any idea what else I should check?05:32
linuasus6thank Jordan_U it look like it will work let see I will restart05:32
celthunderInphernal: no not really sorry05:32
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: can you restate what you're trying to do for me?05:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:32
ejvneed sugegstions (not urgent) i'm getting TWO, not one, TWO "welcome to ubuntu server" message blocks upon login over ssh. what has gone wrong?05:32
ejvsuggestions* even05:32
MK```Pascalcmoi: I need to leave, sorry :( hopefully someone else can help you05:32
Pascalcmoinp MK``` thanks05:33
celthunderPascalcmoi: what's your issue sorry wasn't reading05:33
JoseeAntonioRohsix I did a hardware test, and it said it was using the Nouveau driver, but I have an Intel chipset, so I want to use the Intel driver.05:33
celthundersly: ok what gui are you using?05:33
celthundersly: and what's your default audio controller alsa or pulse?05:33
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: sudo lspci -n | sed -e '/00:02\.0/!d'05:34
jetolethen paste that one line05:34
celthunderand either way i'm fairly sure your multimedia keys shouldn't be affected by which...05:34
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: that's really odd, your server is running right now with the nouveau driver?05:34
Pascalcmoicelthunder: well, i installed another wm (ratpoison) and compiz-gnome package is installed but gdm do not give me choice05:34
slyI just changed it to use ALSA as default.05:34
Pascalcmoionly username/password05:34
celthunderPascalcmoi: oh that's easy05:34
celthunderadd a .desktop file05:34
abhinav_hi guys, does anyone know how to increase drive size by decreasing another dirve's size?05:35
celthunderfor ratpoison05:35
JoseeAntonioRohsix I'm using Ubuntu Desktop.05:35
slyBut when I go to "sound preferences", it says "Waiting for sound system to respond"05:35
celthunderabhinav_: partition resize05:35
jetoleabhinav_: yes I do and it's usually not easy05:35
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: open a terminal and run glxinfo, copy its output to paste.ubuntu.com05:35
celthundersly: is something else locking up audio device? (fuser /dev/snd05:35
Juestsly: check that there aren't multiple sound servers running05:35
Syrinx_`abhinav_: you have to unmount both drives, and resize them05:35
JoseeAntonioRjetole http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601603/05:35
Pascalcmoicelthunder: you mean 'touch ~/.desktop'05:35
InHisNameI was upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 and just before done accidently went into reboot.05:35
celthunderPascalcmoi: no you have to make one one sec05:36
illmortalHey guys... after the update from 10.10 to 11.04.. my dual monitors are not being recognized correctly. They're seen as one large screen... how do I get it to detect correctly outside of the display settings manager?05:36
Ultimate_Chaosso much people05:36
InHisNameWell, I did sudo dpkg --configure -d     then followed with sudo apt-get -d install  or something like that.   All clean....05:36
slyJuest: I made the ~/.pulse/client.conf with autospawn=no that is supposed to disable it from autospawning itself.05:36
slycelthunder, not that I'm aware of. Pulse is supposed to be completely disabled, afaik.05:36
Ultimate_Chaosi didnt see the response to my question05:36
Juestwell, you frogetting to disable service05:36
Juesttry to stop service05:36
InHisNameNow when I reboot normal,   choose 2.6.35-28 and big UBUNTU print on screen with cycling red dots under it.   3-7 seconds.  Then screen cycles  out-sync---in-sync   3x     THEN nothing more for very long time  30 minutes ?   Why wont it finish booting ?05:36
JoseeAntonioRohsix http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601605/05:36
Juestalso, pluseaudio runs in per-user mode05:36
linuasus6thank nit-wit will see now if is work by restart05:37
Juestand randomsound must be enabled05:37
InHisName can boot in recovery to a login prompt.   But no gui works.   Keyboard seem disabled when starting gui then hangs only powerbutton shutdown works.05:37
celthunderPascalcmoi: ok so do this vi /usr/share/xsessions/ratpoison.desktop05:37
illmortalsame here InHisName... I hit ALT+CTRL+DEL and it reboots instantly.. then I choose, "previous version" and it loads 11.04 anyways o.O;05:37
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader05:37
newb_ops, closed wrong window05:38
InHisNameillmortal: my keyboard does not work, so only pwr button can shutdown.05:38
illmortalew ><;05:38
slyWow. That was lagtastic.05:38
slyDid you guys get my last messages?05:38
celthunderPascalcmoi: and then add this text to it http://pastebin.com/Scs4N6Zy05:39
celthunderPascalcmoi: replace the executable line05:39
slycelthunder, did you get my last message to you?05:39
Ultimate_Chaosnneds to seperate the rooms05:39
Ultimate_Chaosthat ubuntu is numbered05:39
meganerdwhat generates the system status when you log in via ssh?05:39
Ultimate_Chaosless in one channel05:39
newb_Now I'm really confused about gnome3 here. I can't change my fonts? And about the window theme? This here is gnome-shell or unity? or both? My applications place it's different frrom official gnome-shell, but all the other things sounds like it...05:40
celthundermeganerd: it's in /etc/issue /etc/motd and /etc/banner or whatever files are mentioned in your sshd config05:40
Pascalcmoicelthunder: I was installing xfce and it do not appear in the gdm screen05:40
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: ok you aren't using nouveau, or the intel driver; where did you read that it was using the nouveau driver?05:40
celthundersly: ok05:40
illmortalman it's weird being borderless lol.. I gotta get used to this.05:40
newb_MustardCU1, KM0201, shcherbak, escott: you here?05:41
celthunderPascalcmoi: so change it to xfce ...05:41
meganerdcelthunder: no, I am referring to the system status, mounted partitions, number of updates etc.05:41
Zenguy_pchow can I create a encrypted partition for /tmp or any other folder?05:41
Pascalcmoicelthunder: i cant there is no place in the screen to choose that05:41
celthundermeganerd: yeah...it's a script in /etc/ that sshd calls05:41
celthunderPascalcmoi: add the file i just told you to..if it doesn't exist...05:41
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: sudo lsmod | grep -e 'i[89]'05:42
meganerdcelthunder: where?  It is not in /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:42
JoseeAntonioRohsix I did System Testing, and in the results it said that I was using nouveau driver.05:42
Pascalcmoicelthunder: wow, you mean it the new way to use more than one wm in the 11.04? wtf05:42
Pascalcmoiit like 'forcing us to use unity'05:42
sheldoncould someone tell me how to get a menu on my secondary Xscreen? after I upgraded to 11.04 it went away, and now there is only a couple icons on that screen05:42
celthunderPascalcmoi: idk05:42
JoseeAntonioRjetole http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601608/05:42
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: odd, that might be a bug in system testing; theres no visible to the OS nvidia card in there05:43
celthunderand meganerd i edited it out on my server...i forgot where...it was in /etc though05:43
illmortallol sheldon im in the same situation with that as well05:43
InHisNameHOW TO finish upgrading to 10.10 where the gui portion hangs ?   I can login text mode in recovery.05:43
JoseeAntonioRohsix But my general problem is that my monitor isn't detected. I cannot change my resolution, it's stuck in 1024x76805:43
illmortali have dual monitors... but the right monitor is acting as the main.. and my display manager is claiming i have 1 large screen instead of two <_<05:43
newb_KM0201: Today you told me some info about install gnome3 here. I have it now, but I want confirm what is happening. I don't know if I'm running unity or shell. Do you have gnome3 yet?05:43
celthunderPascalcmoi: i just listed a possible solution if it doesn't work...oh well...if it does...yay05:44
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: sudo modprobe i81005:44
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: just tell me if it gives you an error or anything05:44
KM0201newb_: no,, i removed it cuz it caused so many problems.. you should be able to tell the difference between unity and gnome-shell05:44
celthundernewb_: ps x |grep gnome-shell05:44
celthunderjetole: he said he was using i91505:44
Pascalcmoicelthunder: well i see it now, thanks a lot for your time05:44
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: i see that theres only software rendering going on, so likely no gpu drivers are being loaded, did you boot with nomodeset or do anything related?05:44
Pascalcmoicelthunder: last question05:44
celthunderPascalcmoi: ok so it worked?05:44
JoseeAntonioRjetole Nothing.05:45
Pascalcmoicelthunder: yes xfce is there now05:45
JoseeAntonioRohsix I did a normal boot.05:45
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: oh nevermind, thats i810 hw05:45
ohsixJettis: afaik i915 still handles i810 on the kernel side05:45
jetolecelthunder: I must have missed that part as I was looking into his problem. JoseeAntonioR so you're problem is resolved?05:45
ohsixjetole: ^05:45
Pascalcmoicelthunder: on unity i cant use ctrl+alt+fkey to switch between terminal... this sequence is capted by unity05:45
celthunderPascalcmoi: idk unbind it in unity...i use xmonad...so i don't have that issue05:46
illmortalI wonder if my 11.04 is hanging due to video card drivers..05:46
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: all i've heard about i810 is it not really working for 3d or anything as of the last year or two; i don't know what to say05:46
hossCan someone tell me how to make compiz-fusion run automatically?  As of right now I have to run the icon and then reload the window manager every time I boot.  I know that I can put the icon in the startup list but will I still have to reload the window manager?05:46
Pascalcmoicelthunder: ok thanks!05:46
celthunderohsix: i810 can work for 3d...kms is broken though05:46
Pascalcmoicelthunder: last another question hehe05:46
jetoleohsix: yeah I have read that his card is i810 and I have also read that there are a list of issues with i81005:46
JoseeAntonioRjetole ohsix Do I need to restart X to see if there are any changes?05:47
jetoleJoseeAntonioR: you can try05:47
celthunderohsix: jetole JoseeAntonioR disable kms?05:47
ohsixcelthunder: that may have been true 2 years ago (before support for anything but kms was dropped in the intel drivers)05:47
JoseeAntonioRcelthunder How do I do that?05:47
ohsixi810 might still be a special case but i don't think so05:48
jetolecelthunder: thats an option but I don't think it applies though I could be wrong05:48
JoseeAntonioRI'll try restarting X05:48
celthunderohsix: ok i stopped using that comp a while ago...was just a remembering05:48
newb_KM0201, celthunder: from ps I have g-s running, and no proccess with na me unity. But g-s is strange here, different from standalone testing (tested with a pendrive boot). The buttons "+" and "-" to add/remove new desktops aren't here anymore and applications panel works like in unity: full screen. And the desktops are in a right bar now. If this is a theme, how can I back to default theme?...05:48
newb_...There are nothing at gnome-control-center...05:48
illmortalanyone have a full english version of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171921805:48
JoseeAntonioRIf it doesn't works, and my screen goes black, what can I do in the console?05:48
illmortalI can't understand what I need to do to fix my login issue.05:49
celthunderillmortal: what's your login issue05:49
fisch246any common issues in Natty i should keep out for or fix?05:49
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader05:49
illmortalcelthunder... it seems to be a common one... simply, at the splash screen (where it shows an image of ubuntu + loading bar) it just stays there.. then I hit ALT+CTRL+DEL and it reboots instantly. From there, I choose, "previous version" and it loads quickly... and looks like 11.04 is loading05:50
celthunderillmortal: ctrl alt f1 login and dmesg tail /var/log/syslog.log05:51
illmortalthat's all?05:51
illmortalor you need me to paste bin it or something?05:51
celthunder(dmesg and the tail part are two different)05:51
celthundereh just want to know what it's stopping on05:51
nyquist333Ok, I'm trying 11.04 in a VM. I've removed Zeitgest. I've used gnome-conf to turn off thumbnail cache, but the .thumbnails dir is still being created. How do I disable ALL thumbnail caching?05:51
illmortalalright.. ill reboot in a minute then.05:51
illmortaldo I need to log in via recovery, celthunder?05:52
celthunderwell if it reboots instead of throwing you in a terminal yes05:52
monekfyghHow can I make gnome tell me how much battery I have left?05:52
JoseeAntonioRI'm back, with no results.05:52
illmortalok celthunder.. gimme one minute brb05:53
celthundermonekfygh: not a gnome thing but acpi / apmtool05:53
ohsixnyquist333: if you're going to disable all of the caching you need to disable all of their generation in the first place05:53
ohsixnyquist333: are you having a specific problem?05:53
monekfyghCelt, I'm currently using that, but I hate clickig the terminal all the time05:53
monekfyghHow can I make launcher for it/05:54
iam126I wonder if perhaps I might not be totally hated for asking if anyone CANNOT see http://godmode.cc showing up?05:54
iam126having strange intermittence issue05:55
nyquist333ohsix: I've gone to a lot of pains setting up 10.10. I don't like anything tracking my usage, or indexing or thumbnailing my photos and yes porn.05:55
ohsixnyquist333: i can probably help you with t he original problem05:55
ohsixnyquist333: hurf05:55
monekfyghHow can I make launcher for acpi so I don't have to check terminal everytime to check my battery?05:55
Pascalcmoicelthunder: thanks for the --replace that is a good tips ;)05:55
nyquist333gconf-editor used to work.05:55
celthunderiam126: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://godmode.cc/05:56
celthunderPascalcmoi: replace what?05:56
JoseeAntonioRcelthunder ohsix jetole I'm back, with no results.05:56
Pascalcmoicelthunder: well i switch from unity to xfce with --replace05:56
ohsixnyquist333: whats the scenario where this information you're concerned about gets disclosed? maybe something can be done about that05:56
iam126celthunder: thanks for your help, that will intermittently fail - do you know what test that tool performs underneath the surface?05:56
celthunderiam126:idk probably ping/traceroute05:57
celthundernslookup then ping then traceroute05:57
celthunderwould be the order i would test in05:57
celthundermaybe switch traceroute and ping05:57
iam126celthunder: roger that, same here, thanks for the quick peer review I appreciate it05:57
iam126celthunder: I have many different clients using that test regime so I am glad for corroboration - weird error to troubleshoot05:58
celthunderiam126: ok what's the issue ?05:58
celthunderiptables running on the server?05:58
celthunderbad routing at a router?05:58
celthunderARP/RARP working properly?05:58
nyquist333In the past I've actually redirected .thumbnails, .macromedia and tmp to a ram drive using /dev/shm. But it's a pain. Setting .thumbnails to root and read-only may also work. I don't understand why all this tracking stuff is turned on automatically.05:59
ohsixnyquist333: it's not tracking you, even if it might be called tracker05:59
ohsixor zeitgeist06:00
nyquist333I understand, but your talkig to someone who deletes his recently used file and marks it read-only so it can't be updated.06:00
iam126celthunder: my team has changed its multi-homing routing strategies and optimized at the router level to rule out intermittence there, iptables also checked and not blocking traffic; I am technically running ubuntu 10.10 so this is "channel legit," it is odd because certain networks cannot see a certain IP subnet, but can see another, on the same virtual image06:00
illmortalCTRL+ALT+F1 fails, celthunder.06:00
iam126celthunder: we pretty much have it narrowed down to being a combined issue caused between outside networks and that configuration change at the router level, but now I need to do regression testing06:01
celthunderillmortal: boot to init 3 does that work?06:01
celthunderillmortal: from there run startx and see if that fials06:01
iam126celthunder: sort of like trying to raise the dead to see if the person was really alive to start with06:01
iam126celthunder: except trying to kill something that ought never have been alive :)06:01
smwnyquist333, where is that file?06:01
nyquist333How do I protect privacy in Ubuntu when there isn't a single place to turn off history or thumbnails?06:01
GuyCanadaso, totally off topic but is anyone watching the fights? i cant get them, did GSP just lose?@!?#06:01
illmortalI select, "2.6.38-8-generic", then it loads up the latest splash screen (black, blue, gray with blue loading bar), and it just hangs until I hit  CTRL+ALT+DEl06:01
nyquist333smw: Hold on...06:01
ohsixnyquist333: i talked with ebassi about getting a blacklist aqdded for that, but it's Hard(TM), i want it so video i'm logging doesn't push out useful entries in the recently used list06:01
iam126no GSP won06:01
celthunderiam126: if you're using cisco hw for the routers i can probably help a bit06:01
iam126as did machida06:01
GuyCanadaiam126: oh ok thanks you, ive been hearing rumblings06:02
iam126GSP beat Shields06:02
nyquist333sudo chattr +i .recently-used.xbel06:02
iam126GuyCanada: no06:02
celthunderillmortal: edit grub when booting to boot to init 306:02
nyquist333It's in your home dir. But it moved to .local/shared in 11.0406:02
celthunderillmortal: you could also use init 1 but..either way from there login as your user and type startx06:02
monekfyghGuess no one could help :l06:03
ohsixnyquist333: you aren't protecting your privacy doing that ... le snoop on your fils and you leave your session unlocked with many people to poke around on it06:03
iam126celthunder: thanks, our grid is pretty large and my guys are on salary so if they cannot fix it i need to fire people, otherwise I would take you up on that06:03
ohsixnyquist333: use inotify-watch from inotify-tools to do the cleanup you want06:03
celthunderiam126: i need a new job so lol :) feel free i'd gladly throw in a few hours free for something worth it in the end06:03
nyquist333Well, if I have photos on a flash drive, and I only use the flash drive once, it shows up in .thumbnails.06:03
nyquist333So that sucks.06:03
iam126celthunder: fill out godmode.cc!06:04
iam126celthunder: since it works06:04
iam126celthunder: for now :)06:04
nyquist333ohsix: I'll check that out.06:04
tyrhello, can someone help me with my wireless card?06:04
ohsixnyquist333: theres also a record of the volume in gconf for your view preferences ;]06:04
FalstafI like gnome ... is there some reason for the change in GUI.06:04
celthundertyr: whats your card chipset and issue with it also any network managers used /modules/etc06:04
illmortalnot sure what you mean celthunder... choosing between init 1 and 306:04
nyquist333I think there is an issue in 11.04. gconf is not letting me turn off thumbnail caching.06:04
iam126celthunder: I would gladly take you up on that because I have infinite work ahead for next several years06:05
iam126celthunder: all capacities of technical ninjality06:05
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bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?06:05
celthunderiam126: move to pm?06:05
karthick87How to install flash player in ubuntu?06:05
tyrcan someone help me please?06:05
ohsixnyquist333: you could always use a guest session, it's wiped out after log on; theres going to be an unbounded list of things to clean up06:05
celthunderillmortal: in grub push e and then go to kernel line and edit it to add a 1 or a 3 at the very end (with a space after last line made) then ctrl x to boot it06:05
xust-has anybody had any issues installing 11.04?06:05
celthundertyr: read up and answer above questions06:05
xust-random restart during installation...06:05
bullgard4!wireless | tyr06:06
ubottutyr: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:06
illmortalok celthunder.. will try right now06:06
celthunderkarthick87: 64 bit or 32 bit06:06
slycelthunder, you still around?06:06
sameerkofAnyone know how to use themes after installing gnome3 shell ... ?06:06
karthick87celthunder: 32 bit06:06
ohsixnyquist333: check out /apps/nautilus/desktop-metadata06:06
nyquist333ohsix: Clean up is nice, but I would really like it if nothing was ever written to the disk.06:06
xust-is there a way to pull up what may be erroring here when the system restarts suddenly at about 60% through the installation of 11.04 64-bit?06:06
cthuljewSo, any word on a hack that'll let us change applet order in the Unity panel?06:07
bullgard4karthick87: You can install Firefox. In Firefoy you can install a Firefox add-on for flash player.06:07
ohsixnyquist333: i hope you don't have a swap file ;] really if you take this to the reaches of silly ness it will be quite silly06:07
nyquist333No, no swap file.06:08
razor__used the live cd couldnt find the system setting where is it06:08
ohsixnot a good idea06:08
nyquist333ohsix: Wow, desktop-metadata is even worse!! I thought windows was bad!06:08
xust-anybody running 11.04 on a single core? lol06:09
adsasdhi du ei!!!06:09
ohsixnyquist333: it's just the volume name and some things06:09
bullgard4sameerkof: No.06:09
xust-this is VERY laggy during installation, and restarts after a while every time...the system is stable...06:09
ohsixnyquist333: it's not bad to remember where things are06:09
ohsixnyquist333: it's just to keep the user from having to set it again, over and over06:09
JoseeAntonioRI'm having troubles with my monitor. It isn't recognized, and I'm stuck in 1024x768. What can I do?06:10
nyquist333True, and some videos. Could be worse? It's just some music vidoes.06:10
celthunderkarthick87: then it should be as easy as adding whatever repo flashplugin is in to your sources.list and apt-get update apt-get install flashplugin06:10
themacg33kHey guys, I'm trying to boot into the 10.04 Ubuntu PPC installer on a G5 iMac... it doesn't boot into the disk. :(06:10
razor__I used the live cd on a p4 512 ram system.  worked well no unity desktop which is cool06:10
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: it's not just your monitor; it's not using an accelerated  driver, that may be the only mode06:10
xust-This is an Opteron 144 with 2gb of RAM...06:10
nyquist333I guess the only real way to keep things locked down is to use full disk encryption. There's just too many leaks. Or run from a LiveCD.06:10
Aikaranyone know how to get HTC EVO to mount sd card when in ubuntu? plugging in usb only charges and doesnt give me option to mount06:10
ohsixJoseeAntonioR: you on't get a solution but you might try asking in #intel-gfx what the status of the driver for your hw is06:11
ohsixnyquist333: ugh are you joking about encryption06:11
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader06:11
kneauxHow do I get panel preferences in 11.04?06:11
InHisNameHOW TO finish upgrading to 10.10 where the gui portion hangs ?   I can login text mode in recovery.06:11
JoseeAntonioRohsix Well, thanks!06:11
ohsixkneaux: use ccsm from compizconfig-settings-manager, the unity plugin06:12
cthuljewkneaux: Does not exist, more or less.06:12
cthuljewOh, unless you mean the sidebar.06:12
ohsixkneaux: if you mean the thing at the top that looks like a panel, it's not a panel :\06:12
cthuljewohsix: Yeah, so, when do we get a hack that lets us configure the top not-panel?06:12
tyrcan someone help me with instructions i dont understand?06:13
ohsixcthuljew: configure what?06:13
nyquist333ohsix: why? It's the best way to keep windows from tracking things. Enterprise environments want this level of privacy to protect IP.06:13
kneauxam I correct in assuming I'm not the only one lamenting the new management06:13
cthuljewohsix: Well, the order of the applet on the top right, for instance.06:13
PythonPupJoseeAntonioR, worst case, google for the xorg.conf values for your monitor06:13
ohsixnyquist333: humans are the weak link, encryption is no panacea & encrypting everything is a liablity06:13
razor__not liking natty!!!!06:13
ohsixrazor__: this is a help channel06:14
kneauxhow do I invoke compizconfig-settings-manager?06:14
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PythonPuprazor__, Then don't use it.  Go back to a stable lucid.06:14
cthuljewkneaux: Click top left, type compiz, it'll show up.06:14
ohsixkneaux: after it's installed run ccsm from a terminal or alt+f2, it's also in system -> preferences06:15
kneauxi spent all this time learning exactly what's in linux, and now ubuntu wants me to guess.06:15
slyAlright, guys.. So I still can't get sound preferences to work.06:15
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tyroshix, can you please help me in understanding some instructions?06:16
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nyquist333ohsix: Performance liability? Ubuntu privacy mix is a very good idea for maintaing and handling confidential data. A law firm may not want a case # to be viewable in some cache somewhere. How do you keep things from leaking?06:16
razor__ok staying with 10.10 maybe next release will try06:16
razor__see ya06:16
tyrsomeone please help me06:16
ohsixnyquist333: no, liability, encrypting everything means its all as valuable as the most valuable thing in it, or as useless the rest in it06:17
tyri cannot understand some instructions06:17
sameerkofwhat should i do there is no "Appearance" option no theme option only one software installed with gnome3 gnome tweak tool now how i am suppose to add themes.06:17
nyquist333ohsix: In any case. I think I will open a lauchpad case for the tumbnail cache that used that can't be disabled.06:17
Guest67776we do it06:17
PythonPuptyr, ask your question.  If someone can help, they will.  Don't ask to ask a question.06:17
ohsixnyquist333: things "leak" only if you let them, if it's important for it not to show up on a computer perhaps its prudent not to involve a computer06:17
nyquist333ohsix: Very true. I've had this argument in several design discussions. However, most places just make every thing equally important and encrypt it.06:18
tyrPythonPup, I cannot understand the instructions here http://sampbar.com/2009/04/broadcom-bcm4318-ubuntu-intrepid/06:18
researcher123I have 11.04 & 10.10 CD image. Want to upgrade from 10.04. How to proceed?06:18
kneauxohsix, what's ccsm?06:18
kneauxoh nvm.06:18
ohsixnyquist333: you control assets that  are important and segregate them, you don't mix them with other stuff then put a bandaid over it06:18
* themacg33k baps Ubuntu06:19
themacg33kWhy won't you start up >:|06:19
nyquist333I can give you many examples where a computer has to be involved and the data needs to be all contained. The computer should not be the enemy logging everything making it impossible to clean up history. Firefox has a privacy mode it would be cool if the OS also had one.06:19
slyDoes anyone know how I would set ALSA to be controlled by the sound preferences in Ubuntu's sound menu?06:19
Jordan_Uresearcher123: Unless they are the alternate install images they won't help at all in upgrading.06:19
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader06:19
slyI keep getting a message "Waiting for sound system to respond"06:19
researcher123Jordan_U: How d i know that06:19
themacg33knyquist333: Agreed06:19
Jordan_Uresearcher123: What are they named?06:20
Secluded1how come the "window" menu doesn't show up in LibreOffice when you enable the lo-globalmenu in 11.04?06:20
tyrcan someone please simplify these instructions? http://sampbar.com/2009/04/broadcom-bcm4318-ubuntu-intrepid/06:20
ohsixnyquist333: firefox also supports pkcs1106:20
researcher123Jordan_U: named "ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso"06:20
Jordan_Uresearcher123: That won't help in upgrading. You can do a fresh install preserving your home directory though.06:20
IdleOne!broadcom | tyr06:20
ubottutyr: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:20
PythonPuptyr, maybe  could answer a specific question, if you have one.  I never use ndiswrapper.  I think it is a bad idea.  I'd go get a better wireless card, that is really supported in Linux.06:21
Jordan_Utyr: What version of Ubuntu are you using?06:21
PW-toXicHi!  I have just enabled desktop cube and cube rotate on 11.04  and everything disappared from the GUI... i reenabled the Unity plugin and now i have no window manager! there are no window borders or window icons like close or no gnome top panel - how can i recover?06:21
IdleOnetyr: i think the link ubottu just gave you will be of more help to you.06:21
nyquist333ohsix: Is that good or bad? I think you can do smart card log on with linux? I've never set it up.06:21
ohsixnyquist333: it's good06:21
researcher123Jordan_U: I dont want earlier application available on 10.04 to be removed with fresh install of 11.04.How can it be done06:21
xust-while installing system on 64-bit 11.04, the system restarts suddenly. no error. just a restart...06:21
tyrI am using the latest one 11.0406:21
sahil_well can i have support about virtual box here?06:21
Jordan_Uresearcher123: Use update-manager.06:21
PythonPupPW-toXic, log oout and back in.06:21
Jordan_U!upgrade | researcher12306:21
ubotturesearcher123: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:21
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researcher123Jordan_U: I tried but no options for that06:22
ohsixnyquist333: if your browser will contain important information you can't keep out of it, it's a good thing to use06:22
PW-toXicPythonPup, I rebooted - didnt work06:22
tyrI cant even find System etc with the new unity interface06:22
nyquist333ohsix: Are you a ubuntu developer?06:22
Jordan_Uresearcher123: Read the links ubottu gave you. You probably need to enable non-LTS upgrades.06:22
ohsixtyr: top right menu, with your login name; click it and pick settings06:22
xust-is anybody going to answer what might be going on with my installation???06:22
ohsixnyquist333: no06:22
researcher123Jordan_U: ok.Im trying06:22
sahil_can i hav help about virtual box here?06:22
PythonPuptyr, click on the icon in the top left and type a few characters of the command you want06:23
bazhangsahil_, #vbox06:23
kneauxare the only settings for unity available through compiz06:23
tyrthanks oshix06:23
PythonPupPW-toXic, restart the system.  After you type your name at the login, choose Gnome at the bottom of the screen.06:24
nyquist333ohsix: I was just wondering why this trend of Zeitgeist and file indexing has been going full speed ahead. I installed konversation recently, and next thing i know I've got 2 new indexers running in my home directory, by default! Is this normal now a days?06:24
Jordan_Utyr: In the system settings select "Additional Drivers".06:24
sahil_<bazhang> no1 is at vbox06:25
nyquist333Some Zeitgeist developers don't seem to understand why someone doesn't want to use it. The trend seems to be if you want privacy somethings wrong with you.06:25
tyrjordan, i have tried that before when i was using linux mint06:25
researcher123Jordan_U: its working.Thanks06:25
bazhangsahil_, there are 235 users there06:25
tyrit would not download the drivers for the wireless card06:25
Jordan_Uresearcher123: You're welcome.06:25
rondinellican someone help me, please? about a problem with my wi-fi in Ubuntu 11.04 (Atheros AR9285)06:25
linusasus6please for the grub is it better I put it on sdc or on my /boot partition? (wich is sdc5 a dedied boot partition) Im on the install process right now06:25
Jordan_Utyr: You'll need to be connected via ethernet or copy the drivers over on a flash drive.06:26
tyrin 11.04, it shows only my modem for activation, there is no wireless card to be seen in additional drivers06:26
ohsixnyquist333: i have no idea what people consider normal, but my grandma expects to be able to search here computer & is quite coonfused when it doesn't include email and other things she's done06:26
PythonPupsahil_, My virtualbox bachine is running the upgrade at the moment, so I can't verify things.  But, I use vbox a lot and I'll try,  What is your query?06:26
Jordan_Ulinusasus6: Always install grub's boot sector to the mbr.06:26
linusasus6so it mean sdc06:26
ohsixnyquist333: if the stuff is on your computer you don't need indexing or caching to find it; it's still on the computer06:27
Jordan_Ulinusasus6: Yes.06:27
xust-alright! I made it past the "you must restart your computer to use your new installation" !!! then it locked up while stopping services?06:27
tyrJordan_U can you show me were to download the drivers for broadcom 431806:27
ohsixi have porn and other things on my computer i'd be a bit embarassed about, but it's a calculated risk06:27
xust-what is wrong with 11.04???06:27
nyquist333True, a unified search is cool, but I should be able to turn that off. You can't have every feature and have the same privacy profile. I understand that.06:27
ohsixxust-: is there something wrong? do you have a question?06:28
ohsixnyquist333: if you store it and your storage leaves your custody theres little to do06:28
xust-yes! i've been trying to install 11.04 64-bit for the past few hours, and it has restarted each time, getting a little further every time...06:28
xust-but not completing the installation06:28
PythonPupxust-, Wayland is not working yet.  There may be a few other problems.06:28
tyrJordan_U  where can  download the drivers from?06:29
xust-It's acting like the system is unstable for the most part, but it's rock solid06:29
PW-toXicPythonPup, i rebootetd into ubuntu classic and my top and bottom panels are there as welll as my window decorations - however when I reboot into ubuntu with unity, my top panel is back there, but I still have no window manager.. any window i open is sticked to the top left corner and there are no close or min/maximize icons in the top panel06:29
PythonPupxust-, Don't expect any software to be bug free.  Ubuntu is pretty good.06:29
xust-random reboots/locking up.06:29
ohsixPythonPup: who mentioned wayland?06:29
xust-how is the support for ULi chipsets? was the very little support that existed in previous versions dropped or anything?06:29
rondinelliwhy I cant find package "linux-backports-modules-wireless-maverick-generic" in Synaptic Ubuntu 11.04?06:30
nyquist333ohsix: thanks for the info. I have to go. I'll keep playing with 11.04.06:30
ohsixrondinelli: because natty isn't maverick, do you still need the backports?06:30
Jordan_Utyr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20No%20Internet%20access06:30
ohsixrondinelli: it's net-natty now06:30
PythonPupPW-toXic, I had that problem a few times in beta testing.   I waited for an update and then I usually got it working.06:30
sahil_pythonpub: well i hav installed xp in vbox (ubuntu natty 32 bit)the sole purpose is to practice c programing with respect to bgi but the problem is i cant make the turbo c into full screen  as it normally happens in xp06:31
PW-toXicPythonPup, i think ill just reinstall ubuntu.. thats probably faster than fiing this ;)06:31
ohsixrondinelli: but the backports in mav were from the natty kernel, you probably don't need them now06:31
PW-toXicPythonPup, i will stop testing compiz with unity ;)06:31
PythonPupohsix, someone asked what is wrong with Natty.  So, I mentioned one thing wrong with it.  A bit of a silly answer, but it was a silly question.06:31
linusasus6Me I will stick with ubuntu 10.04 and wait for the 12.04, too much issues with 11.0406:31
ohsixPythonPup: a very silly answer, it implies it's useful at al06:32
tripelb10.04 upgrade has improved my resolution. maybe nvidia forgot to tell me I needed to reboot to see the wonderful changes I made. Better.06:32
PythonPupPW-toXic, If your hardware is having problems with compiz, that could be a good idea.06:32
kevinyounghi all06:32
PW-toXicPythonPup, im running on virtual box and i didnt have any issues with 10.1006:32
nyquist333linusasu6: Quick update. What issues are you seeing with 11.04? I have to go, but would like to know.06:33
rondinelliohsix: I found some forums on the Internet that it was necessary to install this package to run the Atheros AR9285 wifi.06:33
PythonPupPW-toXic, I like the vbox in 11.04 much better than the one in 10.1006:33
tripelbwhat did the 10.04 upgrade do for me? anybody know?  (if you arent "locked" onto natty)06:33
PW-toXicPythonPup, why?06:33
ohsixrondinelli: were these instructions for maverick?06:33
jrt4Do I need to do a distribution upgrade from 11.04 alpha2 to the 11.04 release?06:33
sahil_pythonpub:well i hav installed xp in vbox (ubuntu natty 32 bit)the sole purpose is to practice c programing with respect to bgi but the problem is i cant make the turbo c into full screen  as it normally happens in xp06:33
PythonPupVirtualBox 4 and up have better mechanisms for exporting and importing VMs.  I move VMs between machines a fair amount.06:34
Coty91jrt4: You're up to date as long as you've installed the latest updates.06:34
Jordan_Urondinelli: Does wireless not work for you out of the box in 11.04?06:34
PythonPupsahil_, Have you tried Control-F06:34
ohsixjrt4: a regular apt-get update style upgrade should carry you all the way06:34
sahil_no...cntrol x...06:35
illmortalbleh init 1 and 3 both fail to boot =\06:35
ohsixJordan_U: fwiw i've seen a lot of people having trouble with ath9k stuff in 11.06:35
jrt4Coty91, So I'm not going to be perpetually tracking a development version? i.e. Once it gets to 11.04 release, it will no longer be downloading development updates like it was before?06:35
sahil_wait trying06:35
rondinelliJordan_U: no, my Atheros AR9285 cant connect, keeps asking for password repeatedly.06:35
ohsixJordan_U: nobody ever got back to me after trying the backports in natty06:35
cachedIs there any chance Ubuntu will be switching back to GNOME? I don't think I can recommend it as a useful distro for beginners as long as Unity is the default UI06:35
JoseeAntonioRJust posted my question in Launchpad. If anyone knows any way to help me, please answer there. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/15519206:35
Coty91jrt4: Correct. It will be just like you installed the final release.06:36
ohsixcached: they didn't switch from gnome06:36
jrt4Coty91, thanks06:36
xust-w00t. I have a desktop!06:36
xust-and unity! and restricted drivers!06:36
PythonPupohsix, backports in natty would be pretty much empty at this point.  It will only be useful once the Oneiric cycle gets going.06:36
ohsixcached: they wrote a plugin for compiz and made a session to start it with it in a new session06:36
cachedohsix: they effectively did, UI-wise06:36
ohsixPythonPup: ehh06:36
ohsixcached: na; that's just the WM06:36
linusasus6cached when gnome 3 will be supported on ubuntu everything will be fine06:36
ohsixcached: 99.99% of the rest is the same06:37
tyrI cannot copy files to my home folder, what is the solution06:37
xust-quick question! any suggestions for a hardware stress test for 11.04?06:37
bisonany suggestion, cairo-dock or docky?06:37
cachedohsix: either way, it's a terrible design06:37
PythonPupcached, for some people using Natty, I would recommend they use Gnome.  Everything is installed.  You just have to select it upon login.06:37
ohsixcached: the time for those comments passed a long time ago06:37
fritolayI prefer docky.06:37
sahil_pythonpub:u perhaps dsnt understood my questn...the vbox does goes to seamless mode/fullscreen but the turbo c program installed in xp in vbox doesnot become full screen06:37
InphernalBoth of them suck06:37
ohsixcached: plus we don't really "help" with past design decisions06:38
sahil_it seems sticked to 640*48006:38
illmortalanyone have a how to on fixing the broken upgrade of 11.04? I can log using previous version 2.6.35-28 but fails on 2.6.38-8. Using previous version seems to be loading up 11.04 though since it's using Unity GUI06:38
slyhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/155193  << Problem I'm having, if someone can help.06:38
tyrPythonPup how do I copy files to my home directory?06:38
cachedohsix: I was asking if there's a chance it'll switch back or not. I'm wondering if I should just start completely ignoring Ubuntu from now on or not.06:38
cachedohsix: I wasn't asking for specific help06:38
PythonPupxust-, no problem.  glad to help06:39
linusasus6well will see now if my install is good06:39
PythonPuptyr, how are you trying to copy?06:39
tyrsomeone please tell me how to copy files to home directory. I cannot paste them06:39
jeregonhello guis i whant to start ubuntu with out gui any i dea on how?06:39
tyrcopying from downloads to home06:39
bazhang!nox | jeregon06:39
ubottujeregon: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:39
PythonPupJust open up a terminal and use cp.  What happens then?06:40
ohsixcached: you can switch back, right now unity is where the action is06:40
ohsixcached: the old session with panel & nautilus goodies will remain06:40
tyrPythonPup, how do I copy to home?06:40
PythonPupohsix, for 11.04, true.06:40
thienshould i setting resolution by xorg.conf or by xrandr commands in gdm startup scripts ? which is better ?06:41
gartrali installed KDE, and i was playing around with widgets, and enabled the bouncing ball with auto bounce, how the #$%^ do I stop it? it's on crack!06:41
meganerdthien: xrandr06:41
ohsixPythonPup: lets not speculate, and by lets i mean you :]06:41
meganerdthien: xorg.conf does not really do anything anymore06:41
cachedohsix: I'm aware, but it looks like I can't be recommending Ubuntu from now on to people who will be asking both me and others for help. Maybe Fedora's the way to go06:41
PythonPuptyr, for example, to copy a file from Downloads called  thisfile, do   cd ~   then cp Download/thisfile .06:41
ohsixthien: xrandr if your driver can do it06:41
thienthanks for your help06:42
ohsixthien: if you still need to do it you'll probably need extra for other outputs too06:42
PythonPupohsix, no speculation needed.  The official announcement was that Gnome would be removed from 11.10.06:42
ohsixPythonPup: nein06:42
ohsixPythonPup: unless ubuntu is rewriting the 99.99% left that composes their user facing desktop06:43
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." after waiting a while during "setting new software channels" step of upgrader06:43
ohsixPythonPup: gnome is a huge collection of software, which the shell is a small but important part06:43
xust-NVidia drivers "activate" but aren't in use. 6600le on 11.04. thoughts?06:44
PythonPupohsix, Gnome is certainly more than the shell.06:45
tyrPythonPup, are you sure you gave the right syntax for copying?06:45
Pascalcmoiis there a runlevel for text-only06:45
ubuntuguyDoes anyone use system monitor indicator?06:45
ubuntuguyHow can I make my computer start up with it?06:46
tyrPythonPup, it gave the message: cp: missing destination file operand after `Download/broadcom-wl-'06:46
arquebusubuntuguy- r-click on the toolbar and click "add to panel"06:46
thieni wanna set xrandr commands in gdm startup scripts, what file do i have to edit?06:46
ubuntuguyarque, I'm using natty06:46
PythonPuptyr, sure.  But your file may have a different name.  Do a man cp to get the syntax.  It is just cp source destination    at its basics.06:47
freeman_ubuntuguy, do you think it would work in startup applications?06:47
ubuntuguyYeah, why wouldn't it?06:47
freeman_are you using unity?06:47
ubuntuguyI just don't know how to add it06:47
freeman_top right click the button and the last option06:47
PythonPuptyr, you must have left of the . at the end.  . indicates the current directory.06:47
freeman_system settings06:47
tripelboops, my computer cant see my phone. it could before the upgrade. wassup. java phone06:48
freeman_under personal its near the end06:48
ubuntuguyStartup applications06:48
ubuntuguyyeah ik06:48
ubuntuguybut how do I add it?06:48
Jordan_Uubuntuguy: The command is "gnome-system-monitor".06:49
freeman_was just about to type that :D06:49
ubuntuguyJordan, that's for the system monitor indicator?06:49
freeman_ubuntu forums if you need a place to look ubuntuguy06:49
ubuntuguyThe one that goes on the panel?06:49
thienhow to setting xrandr commands in gdm startup script?06:49
chreestopheranyone  care to help a linux newb who is having some simple problems?06:50
Jordan_Uubuntuguy: No. I don't know about the indicator.06:50
PythonPupubuntuguy, do you have gnome-session-properties?  try running it.06:50
ubuntuguyYeah, I want to add the indicator06:50
freeman_chreestopher, you can just ask your question :)06:50
chreestopherhow do I setup a sudo password for a user?06:51
ubuntuguyGnome session properties, for the indicator? I don't think that would work06:51
kneauxso what do i do to change the commands the panel launchers run?06:51
chreestopheri dont know the correct terminology yet, but i hope you understand what i mena06:51
PythonPupchreestopher, It is their regular password.  Whether they can use it depends upon their role.  Are they an admin.06:51
tyrPythonPup, I right clicked the files and asked to copy to home directory. but they were instead copied to home/username.06:51
freeman_chreestopher, you want to add someone to the "sudoers" file06:52
kneauxor change the shortcuts in the dash...or add launchers to the docky thing...06:52
chreestopherok, ill google that, should be able to get  it06:52
tyrPythonPup, is there any other way to  copy these files? I am a new user and I can't understand your commands06:52
kneauxnone of the things normal operating systems allow me to do with no questions asked seem to be possible in this new ubuntu06:52
freeman_chreestopher, ill keep looking. let me know if you find it06:52
tyrPythonPup, In linux mint i think there was a way to open the home folder as the admin and then copy06:53
PythonPuptyr, Most people would call home/username their home directory.  You may not have permissions to copy to /home.  If you really mean /home, then do the cp as sudo.06:53
chreestopheri just found a tut on google freeman, thanks though06:53
freeman_np :)06:53
shijiehello, I installed codeblocks,but it doesn't work06:53
NikolayTheThirdWhy is moving windows around so slow now in 11.04 compared to 10.10?06:54
xust-NVidia drivers "activate" but aren't in use. 6600le on 11.04. I've tried both versions that show up in the proprietary drivers window. what's going on?06:54
shijieit throwed "sh XXX permission denied " error upon compiling06:54
PythonPuptyr, probably.  Their are lots of ways to do it.  You can open a nautilus root shell, or use sudo , or open a root terminal shel;l and copy.06:54
shijiecan anybody help me?great appriciated06:54
linusasus6finally after hour of help thank I have copy paste in my email what you tell me, but the reinstallation solution was way faster  I'm happy to be on my ubuntu 10.0406:54
freeman_linusasus6, dont always have to be on the cutting edge06:55
micahcowanSo... the app launcher. Where does it store its data?06:55
badbandithello, I just upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 and I am not liking the UI changes at all... is there any way to use the previous UI or downgrade back to 10.10?06:56
shijiebut before I upgraded to 11.04, codeblocks works well.06:56
crlcan81log out06:56
crlcan81badbandit: log out then select ubuntu classic06:56
ohsixbadbandit: pick classic from the login screen at the bottom, after clicking on your name06:56
badbanditI feel like the saying " if its not broken, dont fix it" was ignored06:56
micahcowanI have the "terminal" app there, but it's gnome-terminal, not xterm, even though I edited it to the correct value as far as gnome is concerned06:56
ohsixbadbandit: it's not broken if it's a new thing :]06:56
freeman_badbandit, yes i agree but i think its kind of fun figuring it out06:57
badbanditohsix: true, and maybe its because Im just used to the old UI but there are a few things that just don't seem as intuitive06:57
crlcan81I agree freeman, they had their reasons for it.06:57
ohsixbadbandit: it's hard to unlearn06:57
PW-toXicHi,  suddenly both of my raid drives (raid5 and raid1) started a rebuild.. is this normal? Im getting afraid06:57
linusasus6freeman the issues of grub was due of the order I install my 2 distribution and the wrong place I have put the grub , by placing grub on sdc grub is mounting on sdc5 anyway the error I did before is too install grub directly on sdc5 instead of sdc06:58
ohsixPW-toXic: there should be a log somewhere that indicates why they started rebuilding06:58
mah454I have big problem with ubuntu-11.04 . where is minimize to tray ?06:58
ohsixmah454: that was something an app did06:58
PW-toXicohsix, and where?06:58
shijieany body know about codeblocks compilation errors?thanks06:59
crlcan81on multimedia system selector, is it better to autodetect, alsa, or pulseaudio?06:59
WindowsIs this the correct Ubuntu channel?06:59
mah454ohsix minimize to tray for xchat client ...06:59
ohsixmah454: most apps that put garbage in that area aren't in the whitelist so their icon doesn't show06:59
xust-NVidia drivers "activate" but aren't in use. 6600le on 11.04. I've tried both versions that show up in the proprietary drivers window. what's going on?06:59
xust-NVidia drivers "activate" but aren't in use. 6600le on 11.04. I've tried both versions that show up in the proprietary drivers window. what's going on?06:59
xust-how many times do I have to point this out before somebody even acknowledges me06:59
ohsixPW-toXic: /var/log, and dmesg if it was recent06:59
elvis2hi all, i just updated to 11.04, how do i change the taskbar in the left, to be on the bottom?07:00
Jordan_Uxust-: If nobody has an answer then nobody will answer.07:00
tyrPythonPup, nothing has happened after following the instructions in the page. Let me restart and confirm07:00
micahcowanshijie, better off with a different chan. Not really a package-building chan. #ubuntu-motu, if it's an ubuntu package being built.07:00
xust-alright. done with ubuntu. haven't had functional nvidia drivers since 10.04!07:00
ohsixxust-: some people might expect you to ask nvidia for support for their drivers, too07:00
Jordan_UWindows: This is the Ubuntu support channel, yes.07:00
micahcowanThey may help, even if it's not, shijie07:00
* freeman_ stares at Windows 07:01
mah454ohsix what ? unity have not system tray ?07:01
crlcan81xust: I have the same problem too, different drivers, but they're not in use either.07:01
xust-which graphics card?07:01
freeman_mah454, i dont think so07:01
WindowsCool thanks! I'm slowing making the switch from Winblows to Ubuntu07:01
crlcan81xust: gts 25007:02
xust-hm. 6600LE here.07:02
xust-time to give linux mint or opensuse a try :|07:02
PW-toXicohsix, it just says "md: data-check of RAID array md0"07:02
crlcan81freeman yes they have the system tray, it's just limited. you can alter it to work as standard.07:02
WindowsI've tried Mint and Open suse but always come back to Ubuntu. Guess I have a soft spot for it :P07:02
linusasus6before ubuntu 8.04 I was always updating only if it was LTS then I try to install every 6 month update I had lot of issues now I know that will continue to install LTS only07:02
PW-toXicohsix, this happens regularly within several weeks...07:02
freeman_Windows, you came at the right time. we're all learning the new version too :P07:02
PW-toXicohsix, why does he need to rebuild for a check?07:03
ohsixugh that crap apport asks you with ubuntu-bug is awful07:03
linusasus6is by our error that we learn07:03
WindowsHa ha sweet! I'm really liking 11.0.4 been using it since the beta07:03
blackstaranyone knows how to re-enable missing logs files on natty?07:03
ohsixPW-toXic: no clue07:03
PythonPupcrlcan81, it is better to choose the audio system that works best.  That is why there is a choice.  At least, that is one big reason.  I usually choose pulseaudio, but some people don't think it is stable enough.07:03
crlcan81That's what I was asking pythonpup, which one is stable/best quality?07:04
crlcan81also have another odd issue with the audio seperate from that..07:04
casey_Does anyone know how to use pen pressure in GIMP?07:04
mah454freeman_ I use xchat client for IRC , when I close xchat use minimize to tray . but I can not find it in unity desktop !07:04
freeman_mah454, i just use minimize07:04
mah454freeman_ I only minimize ?07:05
bisonany suggestion, cairo-dock or docky?07:05
PythonPupcrlcan81, it depends upon your system.  I told you what I normally choose.07:05
crlcan81well at least I figured out part of the audio issue I'm having.07:05
micahcowancasey, better off asking in a gimp-related chan or forum07:06
freeman_instead of closing i choose the button beside x07:06
casey_micahcowan: any where to point me to?07:06
micahcowanthere's most likely a #gimp. Otherwise fish around.07:06
* crlcan81 has where his pulseaudio doesn't always recognize pnp on his keyboard. alsa lists it as usb audio, which is what it is.07:06
thauriswulfaQUESTION: I just done a ubuntu 11 live boot but there' s no unity, its gnome , how to run unity now07:06
chreestopherthanks buddy, I got it working , adding users to sudoers that is07:07
chreestopheri forgot your name though07:07
freeman_casey_, cant you just use opacity?07:07
chreestopherfreeman, thats who it was, thanks for the help07:07
* freeman_ raises hand07:07
=== AJC_Z0 is now known as AJ_Z0
freeman_glad you got it working :D07:07
crlcan81it's a USB gaming keyboard with audio input/output jacks on one side, and usb on the other.07:07
thauriswulfaQUESTION: I just done a ubuntu 11 live boot but there' s no unity, its gnome , how to run unity now07:07
chreestopherme too, this time around for some reason things are clicking much better in my head than in the past when ive tried to learn to use linux07:08
PythonPupthauriswulfa, It is likely your hardware does not have the needed 3d support.  If it is nvidia, you could probably install it, add the proprietary drivers and then you'd get Unity 3d.07:08
freeman_chreestopher, you can never know it all, haha07:08
mathewsthauriswulfa: unity comes only when u installed it07:08
WindowsOh shit I just realized. My name is Windows. It suppose to be Windows Sucks wtf? lol07:08
thauriswulfamathews: but it worked on another machine07:08
crlcan81you gotta do _ if you want space07:09
chreestopherI myself am an IT professional, mostly experienced with windows sides of things including AD etc as well as general IT support for medical practices as well07:09
PythonPupWindows, please watch your language here.07:09
WindowsMy bad won't happen again07:09
freeman_chreestopher, cool, im a student and i did my linux final exam today :P07:09
chreestopherim trying to expand my knowledge because the government is giving out tons of money to train for healthcare IT profesions , and ive already got a bit of background in the field, would just love to go as deep down the rabbit hole as i can07:09
crlcan81any idea how to get pulseaudio to recognize pnp aka headphones from a usb keyboard after logging out and logging back in?07:09
mathewsthauriswulfa: u look on the panel whether it shows any circuit board symbol07:09
sandGorgonhmm.. does anybody else have an issue with the home screen of dash - I mean I would have preferred the home screen to have application categories like earlier "Accessories", "Games", etc.07:09
mathewsthauriswulfa: click if it there and install the driver07:10
chreestopheranyways, just felt i would give you guys a bit of an intro , its the least I could do in exchange for the support07:10
crlcan81Every time I log out and log back in it causes the autodetect to stop recognizing the headphone jack on my keyboard as able to support audio.07:10
ASDF_Can I restore my ubuntu after a failed upgrade using the live CD installation upgrade process???????????07:10
elvis2how do i move my launcher in 11.04?07:10
freeman_chreestopher, once you get comfortable with ubuntu you should go with more advanced distributions07:10
mathewsthauriswulfa: unity needs display driver to be installed07:10
thauriswulfamathew: its not there07:10
thauriswulfamathews: its not there07:10
freeman_you will run into problems which will make you learn more07:11
freeman_always keep ubuntu though haha07:11
WindowsI do have a problem though with XBMC. I run dual displays (26" lcd tv and 22" lcd monitor) I run XBMC on the TV which works great until I load up XBMC. XBMC doesn't seem to pick up my TV. Figured this was graphics card related and not XBMC. Any ideas?07:11
chreestophermy end goal is to learn pentesting , as eventually i would like to get cissp07:11
ASDF_Can I restore my ubuntu after a failed upgrade using the live CD installation upgrade process???????????07:11
ASDF_i need to restore it07:11
chreestopheras healthcare has a huge need for security in their technology ...07:11
chreestopherso i plan on learning more advanced distros once I get comfortable07:11
mathewsthauriswulfa: go to system and look in preferences07:11
PythonPuphealthcare has some security.  I am shocked.  I thought they were all Windows.07:12
ASDF_You guys are not helping............................................................07:12
mathewsthauriswulfa: then additional drivers and click and run07:12
ASDF_I nned help guys!07:12
thauriswulfamathews: one more problem, when i boot and try to install using usb  pen drive it gives some errror no 5  ,is something wrong with iso file,?07:12
chreestopherim liking it so far because im really starting to look at things differently already, only a few weeks in, and my mind is seeing and thinking about things in a more logical way , or atleast it seems that way07:13
freeman_ASDF_, can you be more specific... like an error message when you boot?07:13
* crlcan81 sticks with autodetect..07:13
crlcan81So whatever the issue with my headphones it's not directly related to my sound layer system.07:13
mathewsthauriswulfa: I dont know about error no507:13
ASDF_It syas missing /tmp files during bootup07:13
thauriswulfaASDF_ so any solution?07:14
sonictkwoohoo, upgraded to natty narwhal...and ubuntu goes to a blank screen (but with the gradient background) after choosing the kernel to boot from. Can't bring up Terminal or anything. :(07:14
mathewsthauriswulfa: usually when installed Ubuntu log in in to gnome desktop07:14
ASDF_My upgrade failed and cannot bootup07:14
thauriswulfaQUESTION:when i boot and try to install using usb pen drive it gives some errror no 5(some fault on hard disk or cd drive) ,is something wrong with iso file,?07:15
crlcan81Does anyone have experience with headphones not working properly after a log out?07:15
sonictkhmm now it just goes to a blank screen with a blinking cursor. no boot07:15
mathewsthauriswulfa: after u installed u can select it on each login page.Select ur usename and password and before u press login select the preferred desktop from the bottom panel07:15
ASDF_Can i restore ubuntu via the live cd upgrade process?07:15
thauriswulfamathews: but its not installled07:15
ohsixcrlcan81: you don't own the audio device after you log out, what sound can you make? :]07:15
sandGorgonanybody know how to configure Unity to show installed-programs on the home screen - especially if it is put in categories.07:16
arquebusASDF- if you got that far in the install process, the partition has been formatted, there is no previous ubuntu to go back to07:16
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ASDF_Hello I got plenty of important files in my ubuntu, i need to fix it ASAP07:16
mathewsthauriswulfa: thats what I said on live cd it log in to only gnome desktop and needs display drivers supporting 2d or 3d07:16
freeman_ASDF_, you can try it.07:16
ASDF_But will it work?07:16
Jordan_UASDF_: You can access you files from a LiveCD.07:18
ASDF_When i boot up it says disck drive / is not ready yet or not present07:18
mathewsanybody here know that Ubuntu 11.04 miss vpn service07:18
newb_Hello! egtk gnome theme is missing into ubuntu? This is the default theme for gnome3? Here the default gnome3 theme is missing, and  think it's egtk...07:18
linusasus6I still have one issue from the sound, when earphone or headphone are plug the sound come from speaker at the sametime07:18
ASDF_Jordan_U : I know that07:18
ohsixmathews: networkmanager still does vpns, maybe you need to install the package for the type you need?07:18
ASDF_but i want to restore the system07:18
xanguanewb_: better stick with unity07:18
ASDF_it identifies itself at Ubuntu 11.0407:19
linusasus6but you help me alot today so it will be for next time thank have a great nite all07:19
sonictkhmm I changed my boot options to show whats happening during boot, it seems to get stuck at Loading...please wait...but it's been like what? 5 minutes? no change07:19
freeman_linusasus6, good night and good luck :)07:19
ohsixnewb_: gnome3 is only available as a ppa right now, and is not really suppotred here07:19
mathewsohsix: I installed openvpn and restart the system but it says vpn service failed to start on the moment I click the vpn connection.Even it does not try to connect07:19
newb_xangua: for awhile it's only a testing...07:20
newb_ohsix: ok :(07:20
freeman_newb_, i think you can use gnome2 :P07:20
ohsixnewb_: someone might answer if it's not too specific to gnome3 but it's still a pot shot here07:20
* crlcan81 is talking about logging out and logging back in.07:21
mathewsohsix: the same way I did in 10.10 but it was working there07:21
freeman_ASDF_, how's it going?07:22
ASDF_God dammit this is not even helping me07:22
freeman_did you try looking for an option in the live cd?07:22
ASDF_yeah it syas upgrade to naty natawall07:23
ASDF_will it fix my PC ?07:23
thegoodcushionIs it too early for me to ask what the stance is on Unity/GNOME in 11.10?07:23
freeman_does it recognize it as 10.10 ?07:23
ASDF_no 11.0407:23
sonictkhmm after booting in verbose mode I seem to be stuck on boot at the line "Begin: running /scripts/init-bottom ... done07:24
ASDF_its recognize as 11.0407:24
ChronicSyncopethegoodcushion, are you asking if they're going to remove it?07:24
mathewsASDF: can u log in to it?07:24
ASDF_cant log in07:24
thegoodcushionChronicSyncope: Well, I'm asking what's happening.  I like GNOME and I don't like Unity07:24
PythonPupthegoodcushion, I have seen an announcement that the Gnome desktop will not be in 11.10.  I don't know all the details.07:24
freeman_how far in the upgrade did you get07:24
ASDF_it says missing /tmp files during bootup07:24
ASDF_up to xfont07:24
ASDF_then the terminal stalled07:24
mathewsASDF: then u can copy whatever in ur hard disk07:25
ASDF_and its says 28 mins remaining07:25
freeman_mine took a long time.. but i did a fresh install07:25
ChronicSyncopethegoodcushion, just use "classic gnome" when you log in07:25
thegoodcushionChronicSyncope: yeah but it might not be there07:25
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mathewsASDF: on upgrade the documents r not deleted and u can take it back on running a live cd07:26
ChronicSyncopethegoodcushion, honestly, if it disappears I would switch distros, on the other hand it's very easy to install gnome07:26
freeman_thegoodcushion, i think you can still get a pakage in software center07:26
thegoodcushionyeah ChronicSyncope I'm with 10.04 right now because of that07:26
PythonPupthegoodcushion, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/739812/comments/5 for confirmation07:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 739812 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Medium,Confirmed]07:26
ASDF_mathews: the files are still there07:26
newb_xangua, freeman_, ohsix: anyway, thanks for help :) Restarting the system here to do some tests07:26
freeman_newb_, good luck07:27
uabn93If I upgrade ubuntu, will I be able to keep my settings and applications?07:27
mathewsASDF: so u do run a live cd and save the documents before u do any further test07:27
ASDF_can access it using the live CD07:27
PythonPupuabn93, For the most part, yes07:27
freeman_ASDF_, yes07:27
ASDF_mathews: Save inside live CD?07:27
ChronicSyncopeuabn93, of course, if you update it internally07:27
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mathewscannot save inside live cs but in a separate hdd07:28
freeman_ASDF_, do you have an ipod or something07:28
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?07:28
mathewsASDF:cannot save inside live cd but in a separate hdd07:28
PythonPupuabn93, there are usually a few applications where support is dropped between releases.  But, very few and they are usually things that are not used much.07:28
ASDF_freeman: iphone or ipad?07:28
thegoodcushionPythonPup: that's interesting, but it's hardly a definitive statement on the matter07:28
sebastianhi to all, i have a question. I have installed the ubuntu 11.4, but unity is not of my like and i want to return to the old look, is a way to do that?07:29
PythonPupthegoodcushion, I generally take Marks word as a decision.  But, you can decide for yourself.07:29
mathewsASDF: a restore of upgrade is not possible I think07:29
thegoodcushionPythonPup: Oops, I didn't check the author's name07:29
freeman_ASDF_, not very much space but i think so.. mine is 160 gigs but i use separate data partition07:29
thegoodcushionPythonPup: okay, I think you're right07:29
mathewssebastian: it is possible07:30
PythonPupsebastian, It is easy.  Just log out.  Log back in , but before you type your password, look to the bottom of the screen and select Gnome.07:30
freeman_sebastian, when you log in at the bottom look for classic gnome07:30
mathewssebastian: u got it from Pythonpup07:30
sebastianthe problem is that i put "start automatically" in the installation07:30
adzyhello all!07:30
uabn93PythonPup: I also have a laptop and had to manually compile wifi drivers and I also installed burg. Do you think that'll remain too, if i upgrade?07:30
sebastianthe system dont as me my password07:30
KM0201sebastian: probably cuz you set it to auto login07:31
ASDF_How about I create a partion on my HDD and transfer the documents into the new partition and do the upgrade07:31
uabn93Oh..and printer drivers07:31
PythonPupuabn93, probably.  You might have to do a make install again.07:31
red2kicASDF_: Burn them to the DVD is an option too.07:31
adzyanyone have trouble booting from live cd? my just hangs up no matter what menu option i select07:31
ASDF_but my files are 10GB plus07:31
* freeman_ smiles07:32
sebastianyes, i set it in auto login, how can i do to the system for it ask me my password again?07:32
freeman_do you want a password?07:32
ASDF_the only way to make a new partition and move my home folder there07:32
red2kicASDF_: Only 10GB plus -- Luck you. I have 100GB plus.07:32
mathewssebastian: go to the system and select login screen07:32
chronosgood night. have someone booted livecd at a notebook with nvidia GTS 360m ? I getting a 'zebra' screen here07:32
freeman_sebastian, open a terminal and type: passwd07:32
PythonPupadzy, I have one system that would not boot from the Natty live cd.  I used the alternate CD and it worked fine.07:32
ASDF_Will it work?07:32
red2kicASDF_: Hard drives are inexpensive. Just saying.07:32
chronosand booting from a usb stick07:33
freeman_red2kic, partitions are free :)07:33
adzyPythonPup, whats the alternate CD ? a seperation ISO download?07:33
PythonPupsebastion, it will login when you boot.  So, then logout.07:33
arquebusASDF- did you have your home directory on its own partition on the previous install?07:33
red2kic!alt | adzy07:33
ubottuadzy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:33
ASDF_The idea of Distribution Upgrade in Ubuntu is probably the stupidest idea ever..................................................................07:34
freeman_i love you ubottu07:34
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uabn93PythonPup: thanks07:34
adzyred2kic, thanks ;)07:34
PythonPupadzy, yes, it is another CD installer.  I usually use it becasue it has more options for disk setup.  During the testing cycle, I try both CDs so I can report errers.07:34
freeman_ubottu i love you07:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:34
ASDF_Especially online upgrade07:34
ASDF_It better to burn an iso and upgrade it07:34
mathewsASDF: ur statement is not correct07:35
ASDF_Very little risk involved07:35
ASDF_Anything can go wrong with the distribution upgrade07:35
sonictkyay I got narwhal to boot...by booting into the older linux kernel07:35
ASDF_The online one07:35
hardcoldIsn't SDL installed with Ubuntu?07:35
freeman_ASDF_, you dont have to choose it :P07:35
hardcoldI just tried to compile a game but it said I didn't have SDL07:35
sonictkapparently 2.6.38 doesnt like my netbook X_X07:35
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?07:36
hardcoldHow can I install SDL?07:36
mathewsASDF: on immediate upgrade after a release makes the problem07:36
adzyPythonPup, I'm using it now in Vmware now, so ill use this i guess until i get alternate installer thanks ;)07:36
PythonPuphardcold.  sdl is a library.  You may have to add it.07:36
hardcoldPythonPup, how do I add it?07:36
ASDF_Stpid upgrade07:36
kevinamadeusdoes natty comes with a task manager?07:36
ASDF_next time when new version release, ask everyone to burn it an iso and install it07:37
ASDF_kevinamadeus: Yes07:37
hardcoldPythonPup, I had 11.04 beta 2, which had it, but I just did a clean install 11.04 and it does not seem to07:37
freeman_kevinamadeus, in the search look for system07:37
PythonPupkevinamadeus, try alt+tab07:37
freeman_system monitor its called07:37
kevinamadeusahh system monitor!07:38
kevinamadeusfreeman_: thanks!07:38
PythonPuphardcold, give me a moment07:38
freeman_kevinamadeus, no problem, took me a second to find it too :)07:38
ASDF_always fail07:38
* freeman_ whispers, "don't use it"07:38
red2kicASDF_: Debian. Can't go wrong with SOLID OS.07:38
ASDF_ever since 4.0407:38
thegoodcushionThis Unity business will ruin Ubuntu07:38
Jordan_U!ot | ASDF_07:38
ubottuASDF_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:38
mathewsASDF: pls stop07:39
ASDF_red2kic: you must be joking07:39
uabn93Ok guys, I'm about to upgrade. I always hear of upgrade failures. Wish me luck.07:39
PythonPupthegoodcushion, I am concerned, too.  But, I hope not.07:39
freeman_uabn93, remember to backup your files07:39
bullgard4kevinamadeus: Yes.07:39
ohsixASDF_: your statement doesn't match my own experience, perhaps it's an opinion?07:39
red2kicASDF_: Ho ho ho?07:39
kz3can anybody help me in installing "metasploit" on ubuntu07:39
ASDF_uabn93> If you wanna upgrade download the iso07:39
uabn93freeman_: check :)07:39
ohsixuabn93: purge any ppas you use :]07:39
freeman_uabn93, good luck :D07:39
thegoodcushionPythonPup: Seriously, Ubuntu has been the most popular distro for years now.  With this Unity business, it's finished07:39
ASDF_and istall it07:39
PythonPuphardcold, open up synaptic and search for libsdl.07:39
uabn93ohsix: why is that?07:40
thegoodcushionI reckon I'll stay with Ubuntu 10.04 until it becomes too old, and then upgrade to debian with GNOME07:40
ASDF_Online upgrade is very unstable07:40
ohsixASDF_: please don't discuss your failures in here unless you can assist someone to  figure out what it is07:40
ASDF_anything can happen07:40
hardcoldPythonPup, doing now07:40
ohsixuabn93: ppas are unsupported 3rd party software, a good way to break things07:40
ohsixASDF_: that's not true07:40
PythonPupthegoodcushion, You are too harsh.  For the next 6 months, there is no problem.  If Uniuty bothers you, just use Gnome.  Let them work out the bugs a bit.07:40
kz3can anybody help me in installing "metasploit" on ubuntu07:40
ohsixkz3: no07:41
mathewsASDF: people r not getting so angry when they buy a windows cd for many $ and fails07:41
ASDF_kz3: sudo apt-get install metasploit07:41
hardcoldPythonPup, now what?07:41
thegoodcushionPythonPup: I'll stay with 10.04.  I'm doing coding mainly so it's not like I need a recent release07:41
red2kicmathews: They just go out and buy new machines instead.07:41
ASDF_Im angry why nothing has been done to fix that07:41
uabn93ohsix: will do that just to be safe. thanks 4 the info07:41
thegoodcushionWho's using GNOME 3?  Why can't Ubuntu use GNOME 3?  GNOME 3 looks good to me07:42
freeman_thegoodcushion, i do my coding in a virtual machine07:42
red2kicthegoodcushion: I'm about to. I'm on TTY at the moment.07:42
kz3ASDF_: it says unable to locate package metasploit07:42
Jordan_UASDF_: Continuing to rant here will not help anything, though it may get you removed from the channel.07:42
ohsixuabn93: :] anything you manually install in directories managed by the package manager can cause troublr too07:42
PythonPuphardcold, if you found good choices there.  Install them.  I don't have a Natty system here.  I have a few at home and I will have one here in about 90 minutes.07:42
thegoodcushionfreeman_: I used to do it in a VM too, only issue was I couldn't get the printer to work from the VM07:42
ASDF_kz3: go syamtic package manager07:42
mathewsthegoodcushion: every new system is a headache on start up but get ok after we experience it07:43
freeman_what vm program07:43
hardcoldPythonPup, It shows libsdl1.2debian as being installed07:43
ASDF_freeman: Virtual machines07:43
freeman_vmware or?07:43
ppk_can anyone direct me to a page that will show me how to get flash + firefox + audio to work properly?07:43
hardcoldPythonPup, what is the website to paste things for this chat? I'll just post what terminal is saying07:44
PythonPupthegoodcushion, Fedora uses GNOME 3.  I agree with Mark that it was a risky choice to go with GNOME 3.  Or, at least it is fair to say it looked like that early on.  It seems to have worked out, but it has its own odd behaviours.07:44
ASDF_freeman: VMware or Virtualbox07:44
thegoodcushionAnother issue - has anyone played SuperTux from ubuntu and got the sound to work?  I can't get sound to work in Supertux07:44
freeman_hardcold, www.pastebin.com07:44
Jordan_U!google | Infatuas07:44
ubottuInfatuas: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.07:44
ohsixppk_: you shouldn't have to do anything for that07:44
thegoodcushionPythonPup: the current version of Fedora?07:44
freeman_ASDF_, vmware.. i have a license07:44
ohsixppk_: perhaps you should describe your problem instead07:44
PythonPuphardcold.  pastebin.com  will work.  Their are a bunch of pastebins and any of them are fine.07:44
pooltablehi is there a way to compare other Linux distributions i am not happy with 11.4 set up but like that it is easy to up date any one can help ???07:44
ppk_its crackly, and it makes the sound in vlc stop.07:45
ASDF_Just asking, why ubuntu dumped gnome andd use unity instead?07:45
PythonPupthegoodcushion, No, the one in Beta.07:45
freeman_ASDF_, i think it was to appeal to more people07:45
thegoodcushionPythonPup: Okay, good.  I'm running Fedora 14 and it has GNOME 2.  I don't like the Fedora look and feel as much as Ubuntu07:45
Jordan_UASDF_: This is a support channel, not a discussion channel. Please keep on topic or move the conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic.07:45
ASDF_freeman_: and its not working, instead it backfires07:45
thegoodcushionPythonPup: But if Ubuntu continues to move toward unity and away from GNOME, I'm going to Fedora or Debian07:46
hardcoldPythonPup, http://pastebin.com/sq1nNh5c07:46
uabn93ppk_: do you use 64 bit?07:46
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Etheraeljust upgraded to natty and desktop env is almost entirely hosed. Looks like although the ati drivers are reportedly installed they are almost completely useless, 14 fps in glxgears and compiz won't even run at all, what gives?07:46
ChronicSyncopewhy is classic gnome so ugly when i right click on things?07:46
PythonPupthegoodcushion, I like Ubuntu better, too.  But, if you want to try GNOME 3, thge Fedora 15 beta is a good place.07:46
ppk_i installed flash through the software installer07:46
mathewsthegoodcushion: still u can add the PPA for gnome 3 in ubuntu07:46
freeman_ASDF_, you can always switch shell07:46
thegoodcushionPythonPup: I'm coding a Wikipedia bot so I want to only use release software07:47
ohsixppk_: did you attempt to disable or remove pulseaudio?07:47
ASDF_10.10 is probably the best07:47
freeman_or distro07:47
thegoodcushionPythonPup: I can't run my code on beta anything07:47
ohsix!best | ASDF_07:47
ubottuASDF_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:47
Ignatusi can't adjust the volume in my brand spanking new natty system. volume indicator says no label, and clicking prefs gives a waiting for sound system to respond message07:47
ppk_hmm...no. do i just apt-get remove it?07:47
ohsixppk_: no, i asked what you might have done; it was not instructive07:47
uabn93ppk_: maybe try getting the 64 bit version of flash. youtube has some tutorials07:47
Ultimate_Chaos HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ultimate_Chaos! We all love you!07:47
PythonPupthegoodcushion, GNOME 3 is very new.  So, you can try the beta or wait.07:48
Ultimate_Chaossomeone sent that to me07:48
ohsixppk_: vlc should not be blocking anything if pulse hasn't been messed with, or vlc has been configured to do a bad thing07:48
ppk_is the one in the repo not 64 bit?07:48
Ultimate_Chaosoh crap07:48
Ultimate_Chaoswrong channel07:48
red2kicUltimate_Chaos: It's okay. We all love you.07:48
ppk_oh yeah, i remembereed i set vlc to use alsa instead of pulse becuase it was cracling/07:48
freeman_happy birthday !! lol07:48
PythonPupohsix, the vlc in Natty has some serious problems.07:48
ohsixPythonPup: i'm not interested in anything but specifics07:49
EtheraelWhy was this release made when it seems that things are still very broken?07:49
PythonPupIt is a vlc problem, not a Ubuntu problem.  The memory leaks are bad on OpenSuse 11.4, too07:49
Ignatusi have sound working, and alsamixer displays al channels. what's up with my indicator then?07:49
freeman_Etherael, tradition dictates it must be released this month07:49
red2kicEtherael: Time-based releases, I imagine.07:49
hardcoldI'll spend some hours ding things that should take 10 seconds with a functional OS tomorrow I guess07:49
ppk_i spose i can go back to pulse in vlc, but how to i stop the crackling07:49
ohsixppk_: if it uses alsa and opens hw:0 it will make a mess, make it use pulse & lets find out what the crackling is07:49
Etheraeldamn, wish I knew it was a fake release before I upgraded.07:50
ppk_ok going to change it back now07:50
Etheraelis there a way to rollback quickly?07:50
Etheraelshort of a full backup restore?07:50
freeman_i dont think its that broken07:50
ohsixPythonPup: good to know, i don't recommend people use vlc anyways ;]07:50
Etheraelit's totally unusable.07:50
PythonPuphardcold, did you install the libsdl 1.2 or greater and then reboot?07:50
ppk_so i set vlc to default of to pulse?07:50
red2kicEtherael: Upgrading = :(07:50
red2kicEtherael: Clean installion = :)07:50
Etheraelcompiz won't run, anything that touches opengl subsystem is thoroughly hosed.07:50
red2kicEtherael: It's just my opinion, keep that in mind.07:51
freeman_i always clean install07:51
ohsixppk_: yes, or don't change the defaults at all07:51
Maaheshow do you set the terminal bell? I'm using zsh and urxvt, and I can't remember how to set this variable. echo -e -n "\a" produces no output07:51
ppk_yep so the fuz/hiss/crackly is back07:51
thegoodcushionAlright, let me start a debate: Is it true that 10.04 is less likely to have bugs, or have fewer bugs, than 11.04?  Or is the benefit really that one does not need to upgrade/relearn things/upgrade hardware/etc?07:51
Ignatusclean install = :/07:51
ohsixthegoodcushion: this is not the place for debate, this is a help channel07:52
Maahesisn't vlc the only free media player with hardware accel07:52
ZykoticK9Maahes, mplayer07:52
thegoodcushionIt seems to me that no release is every truly stable.  There are always bugfixes and new releases etc07:52
Maahesthegoodcushion: neither of those things is really a true statement.07:52
ppk_N.B. it also pops when i adjust the volume with my keyboard07:52
ohsixppk_: ok post the output of pacmd ls to a pastebin07:52
PythonPupMaahes, Doen's Mplayer have hardware accel?07:52
red2kicthegoodcushion: What distro did you try?07:52
freeman_you can go to #ubuntu-offtopic07:53
Infatuaswell, i think that's a valid question from "thegoodcusion"; help directive07:53
PythonPupMaahes, Doesn't Mplayer have hardware accel?07:53
Maahesits very particular to your hardware/software environment07:53
ohsixthegoodcushion: the "stable" part is a steady version of the software that receives backports and fixes07:53
MaahesPythonPup: I wouldn't be the one to know, since I asked if vlc was the only one.07:53
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thegoodcushionred2kic: I went from 9.04 to 10.10 and I went back to 10.04 rather than use 11.04 because I like GNOME07:53
jo-erlendthegoodcushion, I use 10.04LTS on my desktop. It's very stable and I'm going to use it until may-june 2012.07:53
uabn93ppk_: I like using xbmc. great media center. great software. you should try it.07:53
red2kicthegoodcushion: ASDF_: Others:  You kept forgetting about LTS -- That's at 10.0407:53
Maahesthegoodcushion: 10.04 has gnome.07:53
PythonPupMaahes, so, take my question as a hint and check.07:53
mathewsmany people here waits to get their answer for their doubt.so pls fill here ur debate07:53
jo-erlendthegoodcushion, Classic Ubuntu in 11.04 uses gnome-panel. It's just a matter of choosing the session once. It takes about 3 seconds.07:54
Maahes11.04 also has gnome07:54
mathewsmany people here waits to get their answer for their doubt.so pls dont fill here ur debate07:54
Maaheshow do you set the terminal bell? I'm using zsh and urxvt, and I can't remember how to set this variable. echo -e -n "\a" produces no output07:54
bazhangmathews, noted07:54
freeman_its true he's been asking for a long time07:54
bazhangthegoodcushion, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please07:54
thegoodcushionok I'm going to offtopic channel07:55
* Maahes wishes still that there was a non-trivial ubuntu support channel, so I could ask questions about terminal settings and gconf that were likely to get answered in the same day they were asked in07:55
Jordan_UMaahes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcanberra/+bug/48615407:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 486154 in metacity (Ubuntu) "System beep broken in Karmic despite heroic efforts to fix it" [Medium,Triaged]07:56
freeman_lol thats funny07:56
kz3someone please help me install metasploit on ubuntu 10.1007:56
sebastiansorry, a question. Anyone knows why in ubuntu 11.4 i have not the option to add graphic effects in the windows (ej: you mve the windows and it defforms itself while you move it)?07:57
NictraSavioskz3 i will :)07:57
a2jtrying to compress folder on samba share, getting "No such file or directory" error. any ideas?07:57
NictraSavioskz3 White hat hacker at your serverice :)07:57
MaahesJordan_U: ....that's fricken evil07:57
phibxrsebastian, did you install compizconfig-settings-manager?07:57
freeman_sebastian, open terminal and type: ccsm07:57
ppk_just checking ohsix did you see my paste bin link? http://pastebin.com/9GNgCHmN07:58
kz3NictraSavios: thanks dude07:58
bullgard4sebastian: You probably did not activate or install compiz.07:58
NictraSavioskz3,  Simple, Get it , http://www.metasploit.com/download/ , And then RTM http://dev.metasploit.com/redmine/projects/framework/wiki/Install_Linux07:58
sebastianups, the installation dont do it i see......07:58
PythonPupsebastion, and there is no such thing as Ubuntu 11.4.07:58
freeman_there is no spoon07:59
Infatuaslolz, NictraSavios07:59
sebastianno ubuntu 11.4? xD07:59
PythonPup11.04 is the version of the latest07:59
sebastiani will search for compiz07:59
ohsixppk_: ok, first thing to test, add tsched=0 after load-module module-udev-detect in /etc/pulse/default.pa, restart pulse with pulseaudio -k07:59
raminguys, how much performance is lost when you upgrade to natty? Rather than just installing a fresh new system07:59
PythonPupit is year, followed by 2 digit month07:59
freeman_sebastian, in terminal type: ccsm07:59
PythonPupramin, none08:00
ohsixramin: there are gains and losses with shifts between versions; you didn't ask a question anyone can answer08:00
mathewsramin; do a fresh install rather try for an upgrade08:00
freeman_ramin, they are having that debate right now in #ubuntu-offtpoic08:00
sameerkofcan anyone tell me why i am unable to write in my file system ?08:00
ohsixramin: find someone who has ran benchmarks on eachversion against a feature you care about08:00
mathewsfreeman: u said it08:00
PythonPupsameerkof, Maybe it is a CD.08:00
=== guy is now known as Guest12966
raminI'm kind of rather just surprised at some of the speeds08:01
hell_need help on speakers08:01
raminperformance is a little low08:01
freeman_mattews, i am kind of reading it right now :P08:01
sameerkofPythonPup, not its not .. :P its installed in my hd .08:01
multi_iois there any video editor that works reliably?08:01
raminmaybe it's only because there is so much compiz involved08:01
bullgard4!sound | hell_08:01
ubottuhell_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:01
ohsixmathews: as much as you hear about failed upgrades, you never hear the circumstances or why; so if you could hold off on recommending that here i'd appreciate it08:01
Jordan_Uramin: There should be no performance differece between upgrading and installing fresh, unless before you upgraded you installed a lot of resource intensive services.08:01
multi_ioavidemux produces stuttering sound here when using the resize filter08:01
MaahesJordan_U: other than getting the source and applying that patch is there any other way to change this? i.e. ppa?08:01
sebastiani already have the "compiz", but when i go to the terminal and type "ccsm" it says that the "ccsm" is not installed08:01
pooltableis there a linux mint channel ???08:01
PythonPupmulti_io, I have used PitiVi for some light editing on Ubuntu08:01
Jordan_U!mint | pooltable08:02
ubottupooltable: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:02
freeman_sebastian, does it tell you how to get it08:02
raminI see, thanks guys, I'll keep looking around08:02
mathewsohsix:I agree u08:02
bullgard4pooltable: 3 question marks in a row are two too much.08:02
sameerkofwhy i can't paste anything in my system file folder :S08:02
ohsixsebastian: ccsm is in compizconfig-settings-manager, didn't it say that along with the error message?08:02
uabn93why isn't that new kernel in 11.04 available in 10.10?08:02
freeman_sebastian, in terminal: sudo apt-get install ccsm08:02
pooltablebullgrad4 sory finger slip08:02
sebastianthanks, i have not read all the message08:03
ohsixuabn93: because that's not what happens, new versions of any given package are generally not available after a release08:03
PythonPupsameerkof, Do you mean /bin or similar?  It is owned by root and you are trying to paste as a user.08:03
pooltablei have 11.4 but do not like the new set up08:03
op_ampHi, when I tried to update to Natty, I got following error. Can not mark xubunut-desktop for upgrade. http://i.imgur.com/ypYh2.png08:03
freeman_sebastian, no problem :)08:03
ohsixuabn93: if you have a real reason to want the new kernel there are things you can do, but i only recommend it if you can't get your video to work; and only to help finding a fix to backport08:03
MaahesJordan_U: or actually, is there a way to get the bell to load a system sound to ubuntu?08:04
actionmannnUbuntu11.04 32bit "Time&DateSettings" BROKEN       I cannot set/adjust time and date preferences. Any1 confirm this ?08:04
Jordan_Uop_amp: How are you trying to upgrade?08:04
PythonPupuabn93, There are issues when you move between major kernel versions.  Ubuntu never does this during a release and support cycle.  Fedora does and things sometimes break.08:04
op_ampJordan_U, update-manager -d08:04
carandraugHi! I've been contributing for several projects. They all use different revision control systems. I have SVN, git, mercurial and bazaar and I'm starting to confuse them. I just tried to do a git update on a hg repository. Is there any program that checks which system is the correct and translates to the correct thing?08:04
Etheraelwhere is the super+a hotkey configured? it's gobbling something else I want to use and I need to disable it.08:04
Jordan_Uop_amp: The '-d' shouldn't be needed as 11.04 has been released.08:05
bullgard4op_amp: Your error message clearly states at least 3 measures to take. Did you do all of them?08:05
Maahescarandraug: you might try #git, since git has plugins for all those repository types.08:05
Etheraeland how do I disable launcher?08:05
sameerkofi want to paste files in /usr/share there is no paste option and when i try to change permission it says u are not the owner to change these permission ? well i am using admin account ?08:05
ohsixop_amp: -d is only for upgrading to development versions08:05
pooltableirc://freenode/%23linuxmint-help how do i join this ?08:05
uabn93So when upgrades are available through update manager they are just minor and not as big as the one available in 11.04 right?08:05
uabn93kernel upgrades08:06
Jordan_Ubullgard4: The only measure suggested in that error message is filing a bug report.08:06
Maahespooltable: /join #linuxmint-help08:06
ohsixcarandraug: theres no real way to translate the different commands08:06
InumediaI'm trying to run a terminal command from a launcher on Maverick, yet when I run the launcher it just doesn't do anything.08:06
hell_any one else running on a vaio?08:06
InumediaYet the command I used, works perfectly in the terminal.08:06
PythonPupsameerkof, if youy really know what you are doing there, try doing it in a root nautilus shell.   Go to a terminal prompt and type    sudo nautilus /usr08:06
InumediaWhy does it not work from the launcher?08:06
freeman_Etherael, have you tried compiz settings?08:06
ppk_ohsix_ should the restart have any output?08:06
Jordan_UInumedia: What command?08:06
Etheraelfreeman_: Where in compiz settings? launcher is a compiz thing or.. ?08:06
ohsixcarandraug: as has been suggested already, you might just import anything into git for local work; that's what i do, even if i'm preparing patches for projects with other cvs08:06
ohsixppk_: nope, see if the crackle is still there08:07
InumediaJordna_U: "java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -cp ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame"08:07
InumediaWithout quotes, of course.08:07
freeman_there is a commands section in it08:07
bullgard4uabn93: No.08:07
ppk_its gone, but the volume control appears to be gone08:07
freeman_bindings etc08:07
carandraugMaahes, I don't want to convert them all to one. I was looking more for one program that would look into the directory I was messing with and "translated" correctly. For example, urcs update /path_to_local_repo. It would check which system is on that repository and then do hg update or git pull according08:07
Jordan_UInumedia: The launcher is not a shell, '~' will not be expanded to your home directory.08:07
InumediaAlright, thanks.08:07
PythonPupuabn93, correct08:07
actionmannn"Time&Date Settings" BROKEN I am unable to adjust the date/time in Ub11.04 32bit08:07
Jordan_UInumedia: You're welcome.08:07
op_ampbullgard4, I didn't quite understand the causes. The last one might be the root of the problem as I did build some packages from source code. Removing them.08:07
bullgard4Jordan_U: No. Please re-read. Three more are suggested.08:07
Maahescarandraug: um, an IDE might do it, possibly eclipse or emacs...actually almost certainly emacs.08:08
uabn93bullard4: are you tying to throw me off? lol08:08
freeman_Inumedia, try reporting it as a bug. it might be included soon08:08
Maahesif you like that OS.08:08
freeman_Inumedia, i think its a good idea :)08:08
ohsixbullgard4: still doesn't matter; he stated he wanted to upgrade to natty not a development version08:08
Inumediafreeman_: Care to give me a link to where I'd report it? :P08:09
vabigoonhi, is there any way to force terminal not to close after running program in python, started by activator?08:09
Jordan_Ubullgard4: It's late for me so I may be missing something obvious but what other measures do you see suggested in http://i.imgur.com/ypYh2.png ? Please list them.08:09
ohsixppk_: pulse might have not restarted from the sounds of things, see that it is; config might have got mangled with the edits08:09
ohsixppk_: try running pulseaudio -vvvv08:10
freeman_Inumedia, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/08:10
carandraugohsix, oh! Now I see what they mean. Thanks08:10
ppk_ main.c: Unknown command: tsched=008:10
ppk_ main.c: Unknown command: tsched=008:10
ppk_ main.c: Failed to initialize daemon.08:10
carandraugMaahes, hmmm.. I love gedit. Wonder if there's a plugin for gedit that does it. Thanks08:11
freeman_Inumedia, look at bug #1 on the site https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/108:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]08:11
freeman_for a laugh :)08:11
ohsixppk_: add it on the same line as the udev-detect one08:11
EtheraelI can't believe how badly this is broken, for a pushed update on an LTS o_O.08:11
mathewspls help me to connect VPN. I did as I was doing in 10.10 but here it not working but says VPN service failed to start08:11
freeman_Etherael, what exactly are you having problems with08:11
PythonPupEtherael, 11.04 is not an LTS08:11
Inumediafreeman_: I'll let you know when it loads :P08:11
Etheraelfreeman_: I was having problems with getting any kind of opengl working, now it appears to work, just extremely badly.08:12
Etheraellike random compiz crashes, unable to enable cube plugin.08:12
ppk_like so? http://pastebin.com/vtcUbt8L08:12
Jordan_UEtherael: 11.04 is not LTS, and is not offered as an upgrade from 10.04 LTS.08:12
Etheraelframerate under 20fps08:12
Etheraelon a HD 587008:12
Maahescarandraug: probably not, gedit has a fairly limited plugin selection. Especially compared to Eclipse/Vim/Emacs08:12
freeman_im not having any problems with opengl.08:12
ohsixppk_: yep08:12
EtheraelJordan_U: So the .04 = LTS convention no longer holds?08:13
tsimpsonEtherael: that's not a convention at all08:13
Jordan_UEtherael: There never was such a convention.08:13
Inumediafreeman_: Hah. :P08:13
PythonPupEtherael, It never held.  The LTS releases are every other year.08:13
ohsixEtherael: sounds like no driver for acceleration is being loaded, look and see if it says "software" in the output of glxinfo08:13
tsimpsonEtherael: LTS are released every 2 years usually08:13
Jordan_UEtherael: 7.04 and 9.04 were also not LTS.08:13
ppk_re did -k and no output then re did -vvvv and got this  http://pastebin.com/s2fKxRe108:14
Etheraelohsix: I don't think so http://pastie.org/185270708:14
html_inprogressmy dvd /iso burner stop work:(08:14
Etheraelit just looks like fglrx is a spectacularly bad performer.08:14
Etheraelno idea why.08:14
Etheraelwas working fine back in 10.1008:14
ohsixno idea brah08:15
Etheraelhell with this, I'll just install the latest fglrx from the ati site, if it's still royally broken I'll do a full restore and stick to 10.10.08:15
ohsixppk_: right, part of that is the reason for checking if it goes away with tsched too08:15
ohsixppk_: except disabling tsched also covers another bad driver problem with timing & wakeups, that after you suspect you have it, theres another tool to confirm08:16
ppk_so what should i do next08:16
ohsixppk_: try what you did befre and see if it crackles08:17
freaky[t]how do i set the default program used for .torrent files?= it uses ktorrent because i installed kubuntu-desktop but i want it to use transmission ...08:17
ppk_sorry, in confused, do i leave tsched in the config file?08:17
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
brandonc503_hey all08:18
Maahesis there a way to get the bell (as a terminal environment, I am not using gnome-terminal) to load a system sound to ubuntu?08:18
brandonc503_how would i go about trying to use Dreamweaver on my windows comp, to edit files live on my linux box?08:18
green_I'm having troubles with my sound, with banshee playing in sound preferences applications there is no meter like thing and tere is no sound, any ideas? it worked before btw the codec is alc26008:19
freeman_windows cannot read the filesystem ubuntu uses08:19
PythonPupbrandonc503_, Install wine and try running it under that.08:19
freeman_you would have to make a ntfs partition08:19
brandonc503_i want to use dreamweaver to access my server like i use it to access godaddy server i have08:19
celthunderbrandonc503_: install an ftpd08:20
Solnsejust set up your server info in dreamweaver  the same you set up godaddy info08:20
Madpilotbrandonc503_, there is apparently a plugin to allow Windows to read ext3 and ext4; I don't run Windows anymore so I know nothing more than that.08:20
jrt4brandonc503_, Use sshd not ftpd08:20
brandonc503_the ftpd is what im looking towards08:20
brandonc503_sshd huh.. googleing08:20
Solnsebrandon, you are simply trying to access a different web server, your own, instead of godaddy right? On your windows box... you simply set up the info in dreamweaver for the ftp the same you did for godaddy.08:21
ppk_ohsix: im back sorry08:21
=== jeremy is now known as Guest43953
ohsixppk_: yes, and pulse is running, play some sounds08:22
mathewspls help me to connect VPN. I did as I was doing in 10.10 but here it not working but says VPN service failed to start08:22
=== Guest43953 is now known as stoggi
ohsixfreeman_: right clck on a torrent file, properties, open08:22
EtheraelNope, that broke opengl utterly, ok, doing a full system restore, after I just copy the files back over this partition, what's the command to tell grub to install again etc?08:22
Cavisty^gerberwhy does discovery channel fucking start ad shows at 3 am?08:22
Cavisty^gerberand not later?08:22
Cavisty^gerber3 am isnt that late08:22
FloodBot3Cavisty^gerber: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:22
mathewswhat service I need to install to get it.I did openvpn as in 10.1008:22
brandonc503_i dont have ftp set up on my linux yet08:22
ppk_yeah appears to be working. still crackles when i move the volume dial. but otherwise seems solid08:22
html_inprogresswhats wrong with my software dvd burner? ubuntu 10.0408:22
ohsixfreeman_ -> freaky[t]08:23
Cavisty^gerberand i wanna watch tv right now08:23
freeman_ohsix, im so confused lol08:23
freaky[t]ohsix: yes i want to set the default program used as i said ...08:23
freaky[t]ohsix: i dont want to have to first browse to the .torrent file and then rightclick08:23
Jordan_U!ot | Cavisty^gerber08:23
ubottuCavisty^gerber: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:23
ohsixppk_: ok theres a problem with the driver for your device on that machine, remove the tsched stuff & restart pulse again08:23
freaky[t]ohsix: i want to open it right from my browser08:23
Hoythi , how can i load a kernel module automatically and sepcify a parameter for it ?08:23
ohsixfreaky[t]: i can't help what you don't want; i told you how to do it08:24
ppk_ok, done08:24
Hoyti'm looking for the configuration file , seems /etc/modules doesn't support parameters08:24
ohsixHoyt: look at the files in /etc/modprobe.d for examples08:24
freaky[t]ohsix: no u didnt08:24
freaky[t]ohsix: nm08:24
ohsixfreaky[t]: ;]08:24
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
Hoytdone , thanks08:25
freeman_has anyone found out a way to show desktop on dock?08:25
freaky[t]ohsix: sorry u were right i didnt read correctly08:25
ohsixppk_: read the whole thing, tool to test is about halfway down http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/BrokenSoundDrivers08:26
ohsixfreaky[t]: no harm no foul08:26
freaky[t]ohsix: thanks for oyur help08:26
freaky[t]how do i open a java program from within the gnome taskbar or shortcut bar ... i would like to add it but dont know how08:28
freaky[t]wait i think i got it08:28
freeman_if you find out let me know08:28
red2kicTesting Gnome3. Hmmm!08:29
red2kicfreaky[t]: Use Launcher. Put the proper command in it.08:29
jo-erlendyou can add sortcuts to the dash by adding .desktop-files to /usr/share/applications, but is there a personal way to do it? That is, to add .desktop-files to a folder in your home and make them appear in your dash?08:29
ppk_ohsix: i get this error when i try to run the gcc command, http://pastebin.com/aEBUTvw208:30
freaky[t]red2kic: yes i did that thanks08:30
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.08:30
ohsixppk_: apt-get install libasound2-dev08:31
freeman_jo-erlend, create a folder?08:31
brandonc503_Seems i need to make a user on my comp and set the home directory.. is there a typical folder i should make as its home direcotry?08:31
jo-erlendfreeman_, pardon?08:31
brandonc503_...for ftping08:31
freeman_how do you add .desktop-files to /usr/share/applications08:32
=== cosmosincognita is now known as adsx
DirtyDawgi have found that alot of people laugh (lol) when i say that i use Ubuntu, why is that? anyone know, i like it :(08:32
adsxdoes anyone know how to completly remove  unity and install gnome3 ?08:32
red2kicDirtyDawg: Who were those 'alot of people' -- Windows users? Lol.08:33
DirtyDawgGentoo users08:33
Jordan_U!ot | DirtyDawg08:33
ubottuDirtyDawg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:33
red2kic!gnome3 | adsx08:33
ubottuadsx: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.08:33
red2kicadsx: Consider it a warning. :<08:34
adsxhas anyone tried it ?08:34
freeman_buckle your seat belts lol08:34
DeejayRoby4hello guys, I'm having a problem with the installation of natty because it tells me that it finds a Error installing the grub and it offers me three choices: do not install ubuntu, do not install grub, and try to reinstall it, but the problem is that if I click ok nothing happens08:34
adsxcan anyone comment what actually happened ond doing so ?08:34
ohsixppkare you using 10.10 or 11.04?08:35
Rehanis there a way to theme a single icon in gnome's panel? (don't want to change my entire theme, just want to make one system tray icon fit into it)08:35
ohsixRehan: theres a way to overlay local icons ettings but i don't know what it is, i'd read the icon spec on fd.o D:08:36
Rehanohsix: cool, whats fd.o ? Also, do you ever sleep? :P08:36
DeejayRoby4hello guys, I'm having a problem with the installation of natty because it tells me that it finds a Error installing the grub and it offers me three choices: do not install ubuntu, do not install grub, and try to reinstall it, but the problem is that if I click ok nothing happens08:36
ohsixRehan: freedesktop.org08:37
ohsixRehan: soon, soon08:37
Rehanohsix: haha nice, what timezone are you in08:37
Rehanohsix: cool, same here, in SF08:37
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, That is not a good error.  I'd try installing 10.10 and seeing if that worked.08:37
DeejayRoby4nobody knows?08:38
Guest__could I get some help..08:38
BiosElementGuest__: Just ask the question. ^_^08:38
ohsixDeejayRoby4: more specifically, nobody answered08:38
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, Most likely, it indicates a problem with the disk.08:38
Rehan!ask | Guest__08:38
ubottuGuest__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:38
ppk_ohsix: i got this error http://pastebin.com/NXbTULi008:38
Fleckanyone can install fglrx on natty?08:39
Guest__could i GET ONE OF YOU TO TEST OUT 08:39
Guest__my shell..08:39
html_inprogresswhay is it?08:39
PythonPupFleck, anybody who wanted to and had a ATI video card.08:39
Guest__and beta test the first ever public Zx86/64 beta server?08:39
ohsixppk_: you need to run it on the idlest machine possible08:39
Guest__173.13.234.122 port 202... **08:40
DeejayRoby4@ohsix not true  @PythonPup Maverick is working08:40
ohsixppk_: but that could signal another driver problem too08:40
Flecki whant, and cant...08:40
Guest__por t 20023 telnet08:40
ppk_how long should it take?08:40
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?08:40
Guest__take about 10 minutes.08:40
ppk_and what will the result be?08:40
Guest__I'd really appreciate it.08:40
Cairo|Machas anyone seen anything like this before?08:40
Guest__173.13.234.122 20023 telnet08:41
Flecksmileys :D ?08:41
Guest__you wont have to login.. I'll do that for you..08:41
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, You are using the released version of 11.04, I hope.  There was a bug that was fixed related to grub in the alpha versions.08:41
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, maverick works correctly08:41
Guest__it tarts off as a guided tour then you get to play.08:41
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, yes, the release version08:42
Soothsayerwhat's the shortcut to launch Nautilus (preferably with home directory opened) ?08:42
SoothsayerJust like how Ctrl + Alt + T opens terminal08:42
ppk_doesnt matter il do it and il be back.08:42
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, Are you trying a fresh install of 11.04 and having the problem there?  Or, is this an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?08:43
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, it is a fresh install08:43
Etheraelis there another way to do hotkey binding for workspaces? it looks like the compiz cube / rotate cube plugins are completely hosed in natty08:43
PythonPupSo, seeing that it does not work, have you tried upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04?08:43
Etheraelie super+shift1 = go to workspace 108:43
ohsixcadmium: ati or intel?08:44
ohsixCairo|Mac: ati or intel08:44
Cairo|Macintel i think08:44
Etheraelah, found one.08:44
Etheraelphew, a usable system again.08:44
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, I can't it's elementary os and still I could not, because I just rewrote the partition table08:44
Etheraelfor anyone else experiencing graphics hell with natty on fglrx, set v-blank to off.08:45
Cairo|Macohsix: intel08:45
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, Do a fresh install of 10.10 and then upgrade.  I know it takes a while., but it is my only suggestion at the moment.08:45
cadmiumintel I think08:45
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, the image (in italian) http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2elwlma&s=708:46
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, I see nothing.  I don't run javascript.  The site may use it.08:46
ohsixCairo|Mac: what was supposed to be on the screen? i've seen corruption like that but with defined contents08:47
Cairo|Macits the alt-F1 screen08:47
ohsixin what?08:47
Cairo|Macforgotten waht its called08:47
Cairo|MacUbuntu 11.0408:48
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, now? http://oi51.tinypic.com/2elwlma.jpg08:48
ohsixthe ctrl-alt-f1 screen?08:48
ohsixalt-f1 opens the applications menu08:48
virgoi have ubuntu 10.10 Netbook and for some time now my software center doesnt work08:48
virgowhen i execute it, the window never appeares, it only shows on taskbar for few sec08:48
Cairo|Macohsix: yeah that08:49
ohsixvirgo: open a terminal and try running it from there (software-center) it will show some output08:49
ohsixCairo|Mac: post the output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com08:49
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, You could try it.  /dev/sda is most likely correct.  But, I am telling you that once you get to this point, you most likely will not have a bootable system.08:49
SharanFuck Unity08:50
SharanFuck Gnome shell08:50
Cairo|Macohsix: i wouldnt be able to copy and paste it...08:50
Cairo|Mac1) its text mode08:50
Cairo|Mac2) i cant tell what the text is08:50
Cairo|Mac3) i dont have a text browser08:50
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, One option for now might be to continue without a bootloader and then boot from the CD again and tell it to boot from the first hard drive.08:50
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, you do not understand the problem, I can not click ok08:50
ohsixCairo|Mac: no need to paste it from text mode, unless its all you can get08:51
DeejayRoby4PythonPup nothing appears if I click ok!!08:51
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, tab to it and press enter.08:51
ohsixSharan: #ubuntu-offtopic08:51
Cairo|Macohsix: yes it is08:51
ohsixSharan: this is a help channel08:51
DeejayRoby4PythonPup I've done it!!08:51
ohsixCairo|Mac: sounds more severe than i can help you with at the moment08:51
Cairo|Macohsix: kk08:51
ppk_ohsix i ran it again on a compleatly idle system and same error exactly, but it did run longer and made a bigger log file 150mg vs 790mg08:51
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, Are you ok now, or do you mean you tried that and it did not work?08:52
ohsixppk_: ok08:52
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, I've troed that and it did not work08:52
virgoohsix: i did paste the output to there http://paste.ubuntu.com/601637/08:52
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, I've tried*08:53
ohsixvirgo: it looks like it's having a problem loading an icon08:53
virgothat what it says in estonian also :p08:54
Ubuntu_userI found a bug in NATTY.08:54
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, So, you'll have to power cycle the machine and try repairing grub2, if you want.08:54
virgoso, can i reinstall it or something?08:54
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:54
ohsixppk_: you should have enough information to start askingn about possible problems and getting them fixed on the alsa mailinglist08:54
atdprhsI'm stuck on something in Ubuntu server 10.10, is there anyone here have 5 minute free?08:54
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show me any entries. Does this mean that there are no Ubuntu classrooms in May, 2011?08:54
ohsixbullgard4: find nhandler and ask him?08:55
ppk_can you tell me how to do that?08:55
Ubuntu_useratdprhs:  just ask your question08:55
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, I can try this way but the install is not completed!08:55
PythonPupatdprhs, Ask your question and if someone can help with it, they will speak up.08:55
bullgard4ohsix: Not practical. He stands for the community there.08:55
ohsixppk_: you send an email :] you could ask in #pulseaudio, coling or one of the other people might be able to help; or even file & follow up for you, but right now i've got to go to sleep08:55
atdprhsmy Ubuntu server were running good but suddenly it lost connection when I tried to connect to it later08:55
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, right.  That is why I said earlier, I would recommend installing 10.10 and upgrading.08:55
atdprhsbut I found out after walking around in it08:55
atdprhsthat my eth0 is not managed?08:56
ohsixbullgard4: hm?08:56
atdprhshow? and  why? I don't understand :S08:56
ppk_thanks for all your help!08:56
Ubuntu_userI found a bug in NATTY.  It is unable to  execute .sh file.08:56
ohsixppk_: thanks for probably getting the driver fixed! :D08:56
ohsixbullgard4: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nhandler08:56
PythonPupUbuntu_user, I execute lots of .sh files under Naty.  So, I proved you wrong.08:56
Ubuntu_userPythonPup:  have you tried jdk 6 or netbeans 7.008:57
PythonPupUbuntu_user, did you make your files executable?08:57
Ubuntu_userPythonPup:  lol, ofcourse yes08:57
PythonPupUbuntu_user, please.  I would not install java.08:57
ohsixPythonPup: you can skip that step too08:57
bullgard4ohsix: Ah, this is a practical way. I will use it. Thank you for your help.08:58
ohsixUbuntu_user: the sun jdk/jre is in the partner repos08:58
Ubuntu_userPythonPup:  But it wont even install08:58
Cairo|Macohsix: if it makes a difference there was some problem with samba4 when it was updating08:58
ohsixbullgard4: i've found all the ubuntu related people imminently contactable ;]08:58
PythonPup Ubuntu_user What won't install?08:58
tomtithave just completed a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04. opened xchat from main menu entered my password only to be inform invalid password?08:59
ohsixUbuntu_user: netbeans 6.3 is in the repos too08:59
virgoi did reinstall my software center but still gives same error. Here is the install log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601639/08:59
PythonPupUbuntu_user, as ohsix said, enable the partner repository, then search for java and install.08:59
Ubuntu_userPythonPup:  jdk 6 or netbeans 7.008:59
bullgard4ohsix: I have written to the designer of Ubuntu's Update Manager but have not received an answer from him.08:59
Ubuntu_userohsix:  even netbeans 6.9 is there...08:59
ohsixPythonPup: with 11.04 you don't even have to do that, software-center knows how to enable sources that aren't enabled to get at packages08:59
PythonPupohsix, OK.  I prefer Synaptic.  But, that is good to know.09:00
Ubuntu_userohsix:  if you dont use chmod in 11.04, it gives error09:00
Samo502hello everybody09:00
PythonPuphello, Samo50209:00
ohsixUbuntu_user: i didn't mean running it like ./09:01
ohsixUbuntu_user: i mean sh ./whatever09:01
Ubuntu_userohsix:  i tried the same package in 10.10 worked fine but in 11.04 it dont09:01
Ubuntu_userohsix:  okazzz09:01
virgoohsix: reinstalling software center didnt help, http://paste.ubuntu.com/601639/09:01
ohsixvirgo: install the icons it's looking for09:02
thauriswulfaHELP: after many unsuccessfull installation attempts of ubuntu 11.04 I am tired now, Tried booting using dvd, cd, usb drive, even burned dvd at 2x speed as said in the error I got while installation. now I have no os on my system. Even replaced the ram slot as I found about the error on launchpad, but still getting that error no 5 input output error09:02
ohsixUbuntu_user: nothing changed with the shell that would break running it directly, other things, maybe; but not the shell starting it09:02
ohsixUbuntu_user: you should use the jdk/jre in the repos, and netbeans 6.3 if it's sufficient; they will track and update installed files and you don't have to make a mess09:02
PythonPupthauriswulfa, download 10.10 and see if it installs OK.09:03
SirDidiis there a more comfortable way to up and download files via ssh besides scp and sftp?09:03
Ubuntu_userterminal stucks at "running installation wizard" after some time returm to normal state. And no wizard launches09:03
atdprhsand PythonPup09:03
Samo502SirDidi: what do you mean more comfortable?09:03
Ubuntu_userohsix:  7.0 has better intellisense and php support09:03
PythonPupSirDidi, you could look at sshfs09:03
atdprhsi didn't get any reply to my problem :-( from you...09:04
Ubuntu_useratdprhs:  ??09:04
Samo502Ubuntu_user: i love Eclipse myself09:04
SirDidiPythonPup, i know but on the server is no sshfs and i cant install it09:04
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, maybe I've figured out the problem! could be because I use a nvidia raid 0?09:04
SirDidiSamo502, for example scp has no autocomplete09:04
Ubuntu_useratdprhs:  ahh i told you that you post question if anybody knows it they will surely answer and i dont use server or manage it09:04
PythonPupOn the server, you just need sshd.  On the client, you use sshfs, SirDidi09:05
atdprhsthank you...09:05
SirDidiPythonPup, oh nice09:05
Ubuntu_userSamo502:  dear my main question is to resolve this problem and not the software alone09:05
chreestopherwould anyone care to help me to get my sound up and running in my linux distro?09:05
airtonixI'm looking for a terminal like tilda that lets me split the window like terminator does.09:06
Samo502Ubuntu_user: i know, i was just putting it out there09:06
Ubuntu_userSamo502:  yeah thanks i do have it btw...:-)09:06
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, perhaps.  If that is it, it would be good of you to report the bug.09:06
SirDidiPythonPup, Samo502 thx09:06
Ubuntu_userits awesome for C++09:06
kblinhi folks09:06
Samo502i've never been able to get far in C++ with ubuntu myself09:07
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, what can i do for install?09:07
miststlkrPythonPup: Funny this should come up, I came in to ask about setting up another ssh account which has limited access to files, preferably an account which has read-only access.  I think maybe I don't understand how to set up user permissions correctly to do this09:07
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, can you wipe out everything currently on the disk?09:08
PythonPupmiststlkr, sounds like good news, then.09:08
Ubuntu_userahh i use it and its great, i use it for gtk09:08
virgohow do i install this icon for my software center? http://paste.ubuntu.com/601643/09:08
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, i've done it09:08
kblinI've recently switched my ubuntu system to a new hdd, leaving my win7 install on the old hdd. for some reason the grub2 config misdetects which partition the win7 system is installed on, any idea on how the os prober script does the detection?09:08
Ubuntu_userbut the main problem is still there why netbeans 7.0 does not launch09:08
Ady^i cam here in order to talk about ubuntu 11.0409:09
Jordan_Ukblin: What makes you think that it has misdetected?09:09
Ubuntu_userdo i need some updates or what09:09
Samo502kblin: i'm not sure what file that grub2 reads to accomplish something similar to menu.lst, however,09:09
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miststlkrPythonPup: would I have to create a new ubuntu user account that only has the permissions I want this ssh user to have, then have them log in accordingly?09:10
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, good, I would go into the bios and remove the nvidia raid.  That is not a very good raid, anyway.  Download the alternale Ubuntu installer and setup a linuxraid(used dmraid, I believe)  It should work reliably.09:10
Ady^i'm just me or there is some one else who is not plesed with the new changes in ubuntu 11.04 especialy unity?09:10
kblinJordan_U: firstly it doesn't boot, secondly, win7 is on the second partition of the drive and the os prober sets root to hd(1,1), and last but not least it sets the UUID of the first partition09:10
PythonPupmiststlkr, Yes, that sound exactly right.09:10
Samo502kblin: if you want to find out what hd(#,#) your partition is on go to say, GParted, and it'll have /dev/sda1 sda2 etc09:10
Ubuntu_userkblin:  are you able to geton to win 709:10
kblinSamo502: I know it's on /dev/sdb209:10
axscodeubuntu+1 requires invitation, anyways, guys i cant find  System->Preferences->Sound->System Beep.09:10
miststlkrPythonPup: thanks.  I will go read up on how to set the permissions the way I want.   cheers!09:11
Jordan_Ukblin: What happens when you try to boot?09:11
PythonPupmiststlkr, I don't use sshfs often, but I do use scp and ssh all the time.  That is how I do it with those and I expect shfs to beghave similarly.09:11
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me  fix it?09:11
Samo502kblin: i can't say what it is  exactly, but the 2 means it's going to be hd(#, 1)09:11
axscodei tried echo -e " \a" seems not working also..09:11
Saammicnahed mu pointer to black in natty but it rmains white...how i fix this?09:11
kblinI can only boot win7 if I boot from the second hard drive09:11
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, no, I can't, later, I want to install windows in dual boot mode and in any case the hardware raid is faster09:11
Samo502kblin: i'm not sure what # sdb would apply to09:11
Jordan_Ukblin: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?09:11
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, that is not really a hardware raid.  That is part of the problem.09:12
shiftingcontrolI had upgraded 10.10 ->11.04 ,f4 is hanging ,i just opened google and left the page for a minute,f4 gets hung,all short cut stopped working,did any face similar problem ?09:12
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, a 3ware card is real hardware raid.09:12
kblinJordan_U: sure, let me reconnect the ubuntu disk that I unplugged to boot win7 and look at what win7 thinks it's world should look like09:13
Samo502kblin: i don't use grub2 i use 1.7 or 1.9 something, so i can't quote to you exactly what it would be ^_^09:13
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, I do not think I understand, the raid is done entirely on the chipset09:13
kblinSamo502: grub2 is at version 1.9something09:13
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, a 980a chipset09:13
oussamaHi, what does chroot do??09:13
Samo502kblin: mine still uses menu.lst, and i don't think 2 does.09:13
miststlkrPythonPup: I've never heard of shfs, only use scp, ssh and sftp... Ideally what I want is a separate account for someone which will only allow them read-only access to specific directories.  essentially a secure samba share over the internet, now that I am thinking it through09:14
Ubuntu_userkblin:  are you trying to dual boot win 7 & ubuntu09:14
miststlkrPythonPup: given that thought, do you thin k there may be an easier way to do this?09:14
genii-aroundoussama: It CHanges ROOT to the directory you specify09:14
MrCraigmorning all09:14
PythonPupPythonPup, not really.  But, this is not the place.  Go google on hardware raid.  You have a software raid done by the bios.  They tell you it is hardware raid, and I used to think that, too.09:14
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu [from 11.04 beta 1 to 11.04 official release0, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me fix it?09:14
shiftingcontrolMrCraig, hi09:14
oussamaexample plz09:14
shiftingcontrolUltimate_Chaos, even i have the problem09:15
PythonPupmiststlkr, sshfs is the filesystem based on ssh09:15
Ultimate_Chaosit goes through the pre login stuff really fast09:15
Ultimate_Chaosthen after i log in09:16
jeijaoussama: if you want to fix your system from a live cd, you chroot in to the system09:16
kblinUbuntu_user: yes, but keeping each system on it's own hdd09:16
Ultimate_Chaosit seems nothing is happening09:16
kblinUbuntu_user: and not futzing with the windows drive's hdd09:16
Ubuntu_userokay so two HDD??09:16
genii-aroundoussama: When you chroot to for instance /mnt  and you do chroot /mnt   then it's new root path is /mnt/ and looks for all system binaries in /m,nt/bin as example.09:16
Ultimate_Chaosthen after ten minutes icons load09:16
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, If you only have 2 drives in the raid array, a used 3ware controller is fairly cheap and I would buy that and use it on Windows and Ubuntu.  I don't work for or benefit in any way from your buying a 3ware controller.  They just work very well.09:16
Ultimate_Chaosthen 1 mintue everything else09:16
Ultimate_Chaosthen the system runs super slow09:17
MrCraigJust got done with a system upgrade, and the new kernel won't  boot - not sure how I go about debugging the problem - any tips?09:17
mysteriousdarrenphilipballew:how are you?09:17
Ubuntu_userkblin:  maybe you could try out easyBCD09:17
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, at this moment I can't buy anything09:17
Ultimate_Chaosany ideas?09:18
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, What should I do to make a software raid09:18
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, the idea of raid 0 is a little scary, though.  It is anti redundant.  A failure on any drive and you are stuck.  If you really need to combine drives, go with 3 drives and raid 5.  Some redundancy is a good thing.  Drives do fail.09:18
tasslehoffI'm struggling to get my MacBook Pro keyboard layout right. Shift, Alt & Cmd keys work out of the box, but I have no way to choose 3d level, which I need to get curly/square brackets.09:18
oussamaok thank you09:18
Samo502well everybody i'm gonna watch anime then bed so i'm off for now09:18
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, There is no good way to do a software raid that is reliable and works on Windows and Linux.09:18
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
tasslehoffIf I choose "left alt and win is swapped" in layout options, Cmd starts working as Alt, and Shift + Cmd gives me 3d level. Alt does not, however, start to function as Cmd did.09:19
Ultimate_ChaosOS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 64-bit Uptime: 1day 6hrs 19mins 40secs Total Memory: 3834.9MB Available Memory: 2269.23MB09:19
Ady^i have a major question09:19
nomicosHey there. Can someone help me?09:20
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DeejayRoby4PythonPup, so if I make a raid software will work only on Linux?09:20
airtonix!ask | nomicos09:20
ubottunomicos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:20
Ady^if ubuntu version 11.04 sucks that much why it was released with so many bugs and inconveniences?09:20
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, If you need starage space that either system can see, setup a samba server on Linux on mirrorored or raided drives.  Share it to the Windows and the Linux system.  That can be fast and reliable09:20
Ady^unity is so buggy and etc..09:20
Ady^and etc etc..09:20
Ady^it sucks big time compare to 10.1009:21
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu [from 11.04 beta 1 to 11.04 official release0, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me fix it? It starts reall fast to the login but is slooow after login.09:21
Ady^can't you see it?09:21
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, there are software raid that works fine in Windows and there is software raid that works fine in Linux.  They are not the same software raid.09:21
airtonix!troll | Ady^09:21
Jordan_U!ot | Ady^09:21
ubottuAdy^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:21
Ady^i'm not trolling09:21
Ady^i'm comlaining09:21
Ady^it's a differences//09:21
Jordan_UAdy^: This is a support channel, not a complaint channel. Take rants elsewhere.09:22
Ady^i don't like the new changes with unity..09:22
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, I do not want space. I want speed, especially on Windows because I play09:22
nomicosHow can I install 11.04 on computer with 10.10 (also I need to minimize 10.10 '/' mount point size)?09:22
Ady^why is so buggy?09:22
PythonPupcomplaints here is trolling.  If you have a specific problem, ask about it.09:22
Ultimate_Chaosman f u c k e e  a g a i n09:22
Ady^well let's talk about unity09:22
parasoli upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. went smooth :)09:22
Ady^a big problem the way i see it..09:23
Jordan_U!language | Ultimate_Chaos09:23
ubottuUltimate_Chaos: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:23
Ubuntu_userUltimate_Chaos:  no swearing please09:23
Drknzzhi Everyone! How can i temporarily disable 3D acceleration in Ubuntu 11.04? Fusion-icon doesnt seem to be working09:23
Ultimate_Chaoslooking for help09:23
Jordan_UAdy^: This is not a discussion channel. Ask / answer support questions or leave.09:23
chreestophercan someone help me, im trying to get my sound to work, I load the alsa mixer and it shows the typical sources my card is capable of using, but when i turn the volume up, no sound comes out.... any ideas?09:23
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu [from 11.04 beta 1 to 11.04 official release0, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me fix it? It starts reall fast to the login but is slooow after login.09:23
PythonPupDeejayRoby4, Do you want the system to support Linux?  Or Windows?  As I said, if you need both, software raid is not a good option.09:23
Ultimate_Chaosim not trying to spam09:23
Ultimate_Chaosbut there09:23
Ady^ok i have some question then if it's a suport channel..09:24
Ady^why can't i move icons in unity in the order i want?09:24
html_inprogresscan i get some help ?09:24
DeejayRoby4PythonPup, you're right, maybe expect too .... Well think about and decide09:24
jodlajodlahello, can someone in 11.04 go on indicators (mail, music, ...) with mouse pointer (fast) and tell me if showing him white indicators in background of menus? thanks!!09:24
Ultimate_Chaosim not ignored09:25
nmaxchatHello, I am new @ linux. Can someone help me install drop box ?09:25
nmaxchatI need: GTK 2.12 ou ultérieure/Later09:25
nmaxchatGLib 2.14 ou ultérieure09:25
Ultimate_Chaosi just gotta be patient09:25
Ultimate_Chaosbut i have togo soon09:25
nmaxchatHaha did not get floodbot09:25
Ultimate_Chaosi need it soon09:25
Ubuntu_userSo what could be the problem that natty does not launch my sh programs09:25
mahfrkkhai. where can i get a complete list of unity quicklists?09:25
gacI tried installing 11.04 this morning and failed. Everything seemed to go OK, but when I rebooted, it appeared that the bootloader wasn't installed properly (I just got my motherboard's generic "no bootable device" message). /var/log/syslog during the installation says that grub-install worked though. Anyone else having similar problems?09:25
Dr_WillisAdy^:  move what icons where?09:25
Ady^how can i chose to place icons in the order i want in unity?09:25
jodlajodlahello, can someone in 11.04 go on indicators (mail, music, ...) with mouse pointer (fast) and tell me if showing him white indicators in background of menus? thanks!!09:26
Dr_WillisAdy^:  click, hold a moment or 2. and then you can drag them around on the side panel.09:26
Ultimate_Chaosohhh plz plz plz09:26
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: Are you making your sh programs +x ?09:26
Ultimate_Chaosim in a hurry09:26
omidphey guys if i run apt-get upgrade will i do the sames as the upgrade in  system ---> Admistration --> update manager ---> upgrade?09:26
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  yes09:26
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Ady^why vlc and audacious must be full screned in order to see menius?09:26
Dr_Willisomidp:  it should.09:26
Ady^is there some kind of bug?09:26
Jordan_Ugac: Do you have more than one hard drive?09:26
nmaxchathow to I know if I have GTK installed ?09:27
jodlajodlais here anybody with 11.04?09:27
omidpbecuz its more fun in terminal09:27
gacJordan_U: no, I've just plugged in a spare SATA drive on its own for the Ubuntu installation09:27
Dr_WillisAdy^:  the menus for vlc show up here when i move to the top panel.09:27
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: Do they have the #!/bin/bash     shebang as first line?09:27
kblinJordan_U: http://kblin.org/code/RESULTS.txt is the result of the  boot checker script09:27
Dr_WillisAdy^:  they just dont appear untill i move to the panel.09:27
green_anyone else having sound issues in 11.04? worked in 10.10 but nothing in 11.04 can someone help?09:27
PythonPupomidp, No, they are not the same.09:27
jeijagac: you could try to fix it with the super grub cd or the ubuntu live cd09:27
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: ( or /bin/sh or other shell as you like )09:27
Jordan_Ugac: Is that drive listed in your BIOS?09:27
omidpthen wat should i do?09:27
Ultimate_ChaosAUTOPOST 30SECS09:27
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  i have not made that program, its netbeans 7.0 and jdk 609:28
jodlajodlaplz help -.-"09:28
stefggac: that explains it. grub and the bios seem to disagrre wht the boot drive is09:28
Ady^how can i chose full efects like i did in ubuntu 10.10 in customization?09:28
gacjeija: I could, but if this is a bug then I would rather know so I can file it. I don't really need it to work as I'm not a fulltime Ubuntu user :)09:28
PythonPupomidp, Upgrade in update manager is a version upgrade.  apt-get upgrade installs updates.09:28
gacJordan_U: yes, it is09:28
Jordan_U!ccsm | Ady^09:28
ubottuAdy^: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:28
gacstefg: there's only one drive. how can there be confusion? :)09:28
tasslehoffis it possible to have Alt choosing 3d level, and still have Ctrl + Alt combos work?09:28
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu [from 11.04 beta 1 to 11.04 official release0, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me fix it? It starts reall fast to the login but is slooow after login.09:28
Jordan_UAdy^: Note that some plugins aren't compatible with Unity, like the Desktop cube.09:28
stefggac: didn't you just say you added a sata drive for the install?09:28
lehel_How to costumize the dash in 11.04? thanks09:28
omidp@Pythonpup how can i do the same action as update manager in terminal?09:29
Ady^sorry i have so many questions because ubuntu 11.04 has so many radical changes..09:29
gacstefg: no, I said I plugged a spare drive in on its own. I.e. not in addition to my working Windows 7 installation09:29
MrCraigI'm going to give unity a go, but I did like the old hierarchical menus, if I want them back is there a convenient way to switch?09:29
jodlajodlahello, can someone in 11.04 go on indicators (mail, music, ...) with mouse pointer (fast) and tell me if showing him white indicators in background of menus? thanks!!09:29
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: If it is java, and not shell script, are you running the program as like:/usr/bin/java ./local-java-appname09:29
Ultimate_Chaosis there another ubuntu help channel?09:29
jeijagac: are you sure both drives are plugged in at the moment?09:29
PythonPupomidp,   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or something like that.09:29
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  I just downloaded netbeans 7.0 from web and executed it, no wizrd comes up ever09:29
stefggac: i see... so the ubuntu installer/grub never saw mor than one disk?09:29
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  no sh ./path09:30
green_ok, im done again with ubuntu os09:30
gacjeija: stefg: no, it can't, there's only the intended Ubuntu disk plugged in right now09:30
stefggac: are you on Live CD now?09:30
zerkmshi there09:30
PythonPupomidp,   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   was right.09:30
gacstefg: not right now, I'm IRCing from my laptop. Give me a couple of minutes and I can boot the Live CD09:30
zerkmsguys, can anyone point me to good nginx + php-fpm howto?09:31
Drknzzhi Everyone! How can i temporarily disable 3D acceleration in Ubuntu 11.04? Fusion-icon doesnt seem to be working, and i need to disable compiz so flash does work09:31
zerkmshttp://library.linode.com/web-servers/nginx/php-fastcgi/ubuntu-10.04-lucid --- is it actual enough?09:31
nmaxchata helpful soul ? How do I know if I have09:31
nmaxchatGTK 2.12 ou ultérieure/Later09:31
nmaxchatGLib 2.14 ou ultérieure09:31
=== lance is now known as Guest56224
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu [from 11.04 beta 1 to 11.04 official release0, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me fix it? It starts reall fast to the login but is slooow after login.\09:31
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: So, you downloaded some source file for netbeans? Why not instead: sudo apt-cache update &&  sudo apt-get install netbeans                            ?09:31
stefggac: what you could try is booting the Live CD, chroot into the installed system and reconfigure/reinstall grub09:31
gacstefg: wouldn't that just be doing the same thing as the installer does though, which isn't working?09:32
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: the first command there should be sudo apt-get update and not apt-cache, apologies09:32
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  because sudo does not have 7.0 it is for 6.9 only09:32
Jordan_Ugac: Is the drive listed in your BIOS?09:32
gacJordan_U: yes, it is09:32
nice_hi..any msn client which can be able to show youtube videos  embedded?09:32
Jordan_U!caps | Ultimate_Chaos09:32
ubottuUltimate_Chaos: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:32
gacJordan_U: it's also set to the first boot device, and the error also shows up if I boot the LiveCD and then pick "boot from hard drive"09:33
Ubuntu_userJordan_U:  lol09:33
stefggac: Right, but you try to figure out what the problem is first... look at /etc/grub/default and /boot/grub/grub.cfg .... analys waht grub takes as environment and so on.09:33
virgomy software-center is still broken, reinstalling didnt help. How do i install the missing icon or how else i can fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/601650/09:33
omidppython dats doenst  work it just shows the updates not upgrades im searching thru google09:33
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  thats why i downloaded it and tried to execute, but it works well on 10.10 but not on 11.0409:33
Ultimate_Chaosits bad in here09:34
virgois there a command to install all deps for software-center?09:34
gacstefg: it's booting now, so I'll take a quick look. My impression is that for some reason grub isn't actually getting into the MBR on my disk, so the config files are probably all sane, but grub isn't actually present and therefore won't read them09:34
PythonPupomidp,    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    after   sudo apt-get update09:35
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  theres the askubuntu web site that is getting a lot of focus ritght now.09:35
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  ive not even noticed your actual question/problem in here.09:35
stefggac: is there some kind of "virus protection" enabled in the bios which prevents write access to the boot sector?09:35
Jordan_Ugac: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?09:35
Ultimate_ChaosHello after upgrading my Ubuntu [from 11.04 beta 1 to 11.04 official release0, It takes 10 minutes to load the desktop after login. Can you help me fix it? It starts reall fast to the login but is slooow after login.\09:35
scotty^nmaxchat - You could look in Synaptic package manager or search the Ubuntu packages on Launchpad.09:36
Ultimate_Chaosthis is the question09:36
PythonPupomidp, Are you connecting to the computer through ssh, or is it a server?  Otherwise, why not run Update Manager?09:36
gacstefg: not that I've seen, no. I have checked for that sort of thing. Also it's the same version of the BIOS and same settings that were set when I installed Windows 7 ~6 months ago when I bought the PC. there's a BIOS upgrade which I may try applying shortly09:36
omidpapt-get dist-upgrade only shows the updates try to run09:36
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  as a test. I would try making a new user. see if the slowness also affects them.09:36
gacJordan_U: yeah, I'll have a look at that link, LiveCD is just booting up now09:36
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFi need helpo09:36
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFi need help09:36
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: Ill try it09:36
Gnea!ask | adsDSDSFSFSFAEEF09:36
ubottuadsDSDSFSFSFAEEF: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:36
omidp@PythonPup the speed thru terminal is much faster than  update manager09:36
az7rbHow are you doing?09:36
stefggac: i'd first try reinstalling (and verifying) grub to the disks mbr09:36
PythonPupadsDSDSFSFSFAEEF, yes you are very bad at picking irc names.09:37
Ady^why when i'm whatching a clip on youtube and i want to go on fullscreen it gest stuck?09:37
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFmy problem is09:37
az7rbwew :(09:37
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  are you there?09:37
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFubuntu runs without any problems since 4 days09:37
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFi missed the blue screens from windows09:37
az7rbفيكم احد من السعودية ؟09:37
PythonPupomidp, But, if you can run update nmanager, go into its settings and see if it is set to do just long term releases.  I don't know what file that is.09:37
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: Mostly. Is 4:30 or so AM09:37
FloodBot3az7rb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:37
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: is there a way to ad an user without logging in. It take forever09:38
AmberJCan anyone paste their /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.info for ubuntu 10.10 to pastebin?09:38
stefgUltimate_Chaos: Create a new user for testing purposes and try if the problem is the same with a fresh account09:38
AmberJI bumped into this error: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/36409209:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 364092 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk doesn't start" [Undecided,Fix released]09:38
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFwhen do you go to bed09:38
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  ahh. its 2:00 pm here09:38
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: Anyhow, perhaps to: sudo chmod +x <netbeans-filename.sh>09:38
AmberJAnd, it seems like the problem is in /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.info09:38
gacJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/X2sLaKMy09:38
omidpi have another question , its about ubuntu studio09:39
Ubuntu_usergenii-around:  okay i try that too09:39
Jordan_Ugac: GRUB is installed fine. There is a problem with your BIOS.09:39
PythonPupubuntu studio comes on a round disk, omidp09:39
omidpmy friend installed it  and there was no internet connection09:40
Jordan_U!arabic | az7rb09:40
genii-aroundUbuntu_user: Then to: sudo /bin/sh ./<netbeans-filename.sh>     when you are in the directory that file sits09:40
ubottuaz7rb: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية09:40
gacJordan_U: you're right, seems that way. I'll apply the update which is available and see what that does. if I can find a 10.10 CD handy I'll try installing that, I'm sure that's worked on this PC and this disk in the past09:40
eddie_I just upgraded to 11.0409:40
eddie_what alternatives are there to unity?09:40
PythonPupomidp, OK, when he gets an internet connection, he can install updates.09:40
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFlets sing a song09:41
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFbecause ubuntureleased09:41
stefgot! | adsDSDSFSFSFAEEF09:41
terryUltimate_Chaos: You can login to a console session and add a user.09:41
Sidewinder1!ot > adsDSDSFSFSFAEEF09:41
ubottuadsDSDSFSFSFAEEF, please see my private message09:41
stefg!ot | adsDSDSFSFSFAEEF09:41
ubottuadsDSDSFSFSFAEEF: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:41
phaedraeddie_, you can select the classic at the login screen09:41
eddie_ah ok, thanks :) :)09:41
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: it is normal speed now09:41
jeijaeddie_: xfce, lxde. kde (won't break unity) gnome 3 (will break unity), classic gnome (at login)09:41
eddie_thanks all :)09:42
Ubuntu_userstill nothing it is stuck there only09:42
adsDSDSFSFSFAEEFubuntu is released lalalalala ubuntu is released09:42
omidpthere was no network manager09:42
eddie_I will do classic for now, but gnome 3 when I get time ;)09:42
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: it is back to normal for now account09:42
mrtadisHello, what is the problem with Ubuntu 10.10 loading? After grub console I see a black screen for a couple of settings, after that it starts showing kernel loading?09:42
Ubuntu_useri think getting back to 10.10 is much better now and wait more more stable release09:43
terryomidp: Do you need to establish a network connection via wireless or wired?09:43
nmaxchatScott-Mc, Thanks09:43
stefgmrtadis: that looks like the kernel isn't finding its root filesystem09:43
omidpwell do u c the network applet in panel? there was no nm-applet in panel09:43
nmaxchatHow do I install drop box ?09:44
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  theres some reposuitories for installing it, ive seen.09:44
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  I think theres a guide at the OMGubuntu blog site.09:44
terryomidp: If you have established a network connection you can install network-manager or wicd.  (I use wicd - it is a bit simplier.)09:44
nmaxchatDr_Willis, I'll look merci09:44
terryomidp: sudo apt-get install wicd09:45
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: it is back to normal for now account09:45
PythonPupnmaxchat, http://wiki.dropbox.com/TipsAndTricks/TextBasedLinuxInstall09:45
Ultimate_Chaosstill slow for ofriginal one09:45
Ubuntu_userSo anyone i am searching for a solution from last 2 days09:45
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  i do recall there being some issue with dropbox needing a delay to launch to work properly. I must of read abouit that at the omgubuntu site.09:45
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  if the New account works.. and the old is slow.. then that points to some user config setting in their home.  You could clean out all the old settings i guess.09:46
PythonPupUbuntu_user, My favorite solution is tea and sugar in water.09:46
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: how?09:46
Ubuntu_userPythonPup:  coffee could be much better , lol, would try out later, thanks guys09:47
Jordan_Ukblin: /dev/sdb1 is the correct partition.09:47
Jordan_Ukblin: Windows Vista/7 uses a separate "System" partition.09:47
Ubuntu_userlast point is 11.04 not a stable release?09:48
AcriaxHi, Im trying to configure the thumb buttons for my mouse on Ubuntu 1104. Using xinput set-button-map <device> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 doesn't add number 6 and 7. What am I doing wrong?09:48
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  you could move all your varios .DIRS to some extra dir and then log out/back in. that will reset everything back to defaults. but you will loose your old settings for everything.09:48
gacJordan_U: applied the BIOS update. Still no luck. I have just noticed that this disk takes a lot longer to be detected by the BIOS than my windows7 disk, I wonder if the disk is failing in a very subtle way09:48
=== gare1 is now known as gare
andeeeukhas anyone here used pan newsreader?09:48
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  you could copy them one by one back from the backup dir untill youi fiigure out what one is the issue.09:48
andeeeuki am trying to download newsgroups09:48
andeeeukhaving some problems09:49
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  some info about dropbox -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html09:49
Jordan_Ukblin: The problem is that grub's part_msdos module, which is needed for reading msdos partition tables, is not being loaded. Add "GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=part_msdos" to /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub".09:49
andeeeukor has anyone used newsgroups before?09:49
terryandeeeuk: I have used newsgroups before.09:49
mfraz74How come the countdown banners http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown are either showing 'coming soon' or broken?09:50
brandonc503so i made new user for ftp on ubuntu.. when i connect via ftp program i see files that i dont see when am looking in ubuntu: .cache .bash_logout .bashrc .profile examples.desktop09:50
Jordan_UUbuntu_user: 11.04 is a stable release.09:50
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: found it09:50
brandonc503can ya tell me what these are? can i delete them?09:50
andeeeukterry, is it easy to add a server and start downloading09:50
Ubuntu_userJordan_U:  then why sh file never execute on it09:50
terryandeeeuk: I don't know.09:50
trijntjebrandonc503, dont delete them, they are config files which are hidden by default09:50
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: it was something to do with the policykit authentication app09:51
scotty^Hi all.  Does anyone know if there is a tracking bug in Launchpad  for anatty kernel upgrade to either or
trijntjebrandonc503, press ctrl + h in file manager to see them09:51
terryandeeeuk: Been a long time.  Just use groups.google.com now.09:51
andeeeukterry which application did you use as a newsreader?09:51
Jordan_UUbuntu_user: Because the file you are running is probably not a POSIX sh script but rather a bash script.09:51
terryandeeeuk: thunderbird.09:51
andeeeukterry, ok thanks. Seems im even struggling connecting to a newsgroup09:52
gacJordan_U: located the problem. I can't boot from my Ubuntu disk with AHCI enabled. Turning it back to IDE mode in the BIOS detects my spare disk straight away, and Ubuntu boots fine.09:52
Ubuntu_userJordan_U:  any way to solve the pronlem i am using this file http://netbeans.org/downloads/index.html (c++). But it works fine on 10.1009:52
scotty^brandonc503 - Don't delete those files!  They are important.  To see them in Ubuntu, select "Show Hidden Files" from the View menu in Nautilus.09:52
andeeeukterry, I thought it would be simple to add a group and start downloading from it09:52
Jordan_UUbuntu_user: Please don't address support questions directly to me.09:53
terryandeeeuk: My ISP no longer has a feed for newsgoups and hasn't in some time now, so I just use groups.google.com09:53
geeks-den__aninvI want to study kernel so is there anyone who could guide me09:53
Ubuntu_userJordan_U:  sorry . are you admin or developer of ubuntu.09:53
Ubuntu_userany way to solve the pronlem i am using this file http://netbeans.org/downloads/index.html (c++). But it works fine on 10.1009:54
andeeeukok no worries thatnks09:54
mhusrhow can i use newsgroups?09:54
scotty^andeeeuk - I like using nn for a newsreader.09:54
geeks-den__aninvno i am not a ubuntu developer09:54
Ultimate_ChaosDr_Willis: thank you very much09:55
mfraz74I use KNode09:55
andeeeukscotty^ which do you use?09:55
virgohow di i install this icon for software center? http://paste.ubuntu.com/601650/ do i may be have some package missing?09:55
andeeeukscotty^ i have been tring to add a newsgroup to pan newsreader with no success09:55
Dr_WillisUltimate_Chaos:  that whole 'try a new user' trick - helps eliminate stuff :)09:56
Herbsandeeeuk just search for the group right click subscribe09:57
scotty^andeeeuk I use nn for a newsreader09:57
kblinJordan_U: ah, spot on, thanks a bunch09:57
andeeeukHerbs is it that easy?09:57
kblinJordan_U: that fixed it :)09:57
Herbsandeeeuk I use Pan09:57
Jordan_Ukblin: You're welcome :)09:57
Ubuntu_userhow to downgrade from 11.04 to 10.10?09:58
scotty^The commands take a little while to remember but it's very heavy duty.09:58
=== justin__ is now known as throughtheblack
Herbsandeeeuk yes :) as long as you have configured your provider and downloaded the group list09:58
andeeeukHerbs thanks, I will give it a go09:58
scotty^I'm not familiar with pan I'm afraid.09:58
terryUbuntu_user: I think you would just have to re-install with 10.1009:58
Ubuntu_userterry:  okay,....09:59
nmaxchatWhen I open a terminal command, what directory does it put me in by default. 10.04 it says nicholas@nicholas-laptop09:59
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.09:59
andeeeukHerbs configuring your provider to download group list?09:59
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  thats your home dir.. /home/yoruusername   ie:  ~09:59
Ubuntu_userDr_Willis:  terry thanks09:59
Herbsandeeeuk have you got a newsgroup provider i.e giganews?09:59
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  your username seems to be nicholas in this case :)09:59
red2kicUbuntu_user: or 10.04 LTS.09:59
Ubuntu_userred2kic: ??09:59
andeeeukHerbs, ok no I dont have that10:00
red2kic!lts | Ubuntu_user10:00
ubottuUbuntu_user: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)10:00
red2kicUbuntu_user: Otherwise, you might get notifications about available updates all times.10:00
Ubuntu_userred2kic:  i know what lts is.10:00
andeeeukHerbs is giganews a free provider10:00
nmaxchatDr_Willis, So If I say cd  downloads it puts in downloads, correct ?10:00
Herbsandeeeuk you need a news server to download from10:00
constlCan you suggest a nice video editing application?10:00
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  yes. thats bash basics.. and rember CASE is Imporntant..   Downloads and downloads are 2 differnt dirs/files10:00
Ubuntu_userred2kic:  so you think i should go for lts one10:00
Herbsandeeeuk no but there not expensive free providers are fairly useless10:00
elexhi can Anyone give me a hint how to convert a file fron "utf 8 with BOM" to  "uft 8 with BOM" ?10:01
mfraz74constl: there are kdenlive, kino, openshot, pitivi for starters10:01
scotty^Hi all.  Does anyone know if there is a tracking bug in Launchpad  for anatty kernel upgrade to either or
elexem to utf8 "without bom" Sorry10:01
nmaxchatDr_Willis, I am learning Willis, ....Merci10:01
Dr_Willis!terminal | nmaxchat10:01
ubottunmaxchat: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:01
andeeeukHerbs: ok thanks. Is there a free provider that  can test with10:01
scotty^oops - let me try that again10:01
terryconstl: Cinelerra  - Video Editing Software10:01
scotty^Hi all.  Does anyone know if there is a tracking bug in Launchpad  for a Natty kernel upgrade to either or
scotty^That's better.10:02
Herbsandeeeuk I dont know of any and this is going off topic now :)10:02
red2kicUbuntu_user: Yeah. Why not? You don't have to deal with this headaches every 6 month.10:02
terryconstl: See:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/top5-linux-video-editing-system-software/10:02
cloratecqui parle frabçais stp????10:02
constlThanks guys10:02
Sebosblender is the best video editor.... Sadly others have too much flaws10:02
Jordan_U!fr | cloratec10:02
ubottucloratec: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:02
Ubuntu_userred2kic:  so whats that much better in lts10:02
andeeeukHerbs lol, maybe slightly off topic but I cant test pan if i dont have a free provider?10:02
Ubuntu_userred2kic:  cost?10:02
red2kicUbuntu_user: Stability.10:02
cloratecdacor merci ^^10:03
Herbsandeeeuk I think giganews do a free trial10:03
nmaxchatDr_Willis, How would I install a deb file that is in my Downloads directory as a tar.gz file?10:03
Dr_WillisOf course the LTS does not have the latest versions of things like the newer releases do.10:03
zabomberhey guys. know this has probably come up alot since unity release... but i have ubuntu 11 installed in Virtual Box..10:03
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  a .deb is normally not a .tar.gz  what is it exactly you have?10:03
zabomberunity wont load. comes up with "hardware not availble to run unity" error10:03
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  'sudo dpkg -i foo.deb' or 'sudo gdebi foo.deb' is the normal way.10:03
andeeeukHerbs, ok thanks I will test that out.10:04
Herbsnmaxchat you install .deb with dpkg -i10:04
terrynmaxchat: You would first have to unpack it.  tar zxvf file-name.tar.gz10:04
Dr_Williszabomber:  you have what chipset? have you installed the proper 3d drivers for it?10:04
Herbsnmaxchat .tar.gz would usually be source10:04
ajahi`ve just uprade to 11 can someone tell me how to remove the horizontal winbouz like panel10:04
Dr_Willisajah:  select the classic desktop at the GDM login screen if you want the old 'classic' gnome desktop.10:05
terrynmaxchat: Herbs is correct, what you have more than likely downloaded is a tarball.10:05
zabomberDr_Willis: im running virtual box on a mac book pro... should i be installing a special a virtual box driver for it?10:05
Sebospitivi is horrible in export part (pipe export is instable slow and good parameters are unpredictable)10:05
nmaxchatterry, tar zxvf file-name.tar.gz  thats the command line ?10:05
terrynmaxchat: Yes10:05
Herbsnmaxchat there should be a README in there10:05
Dr_Williszabomber:  vbox manual has details on how to install the guest addations i belive.  then theres the vbox guides at...10:05
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:05
nmaxchatterry, tarball... thats insulting ;)10:05
ajahDr_Willis, how is called this thing to see options for it10:06
nmaxchatterry, Herbs lemme look10:06
zabomberDr_Willis: i've installed the vBox additions... no luck...10:06
Dr_Willisajah:  when you log out.  you enter your user name. then theres a menu at the bottom. select 'classic'10:06
terrynmaxchat: What is it that you are wanting to install?10:06
zabomberill check out the help10:06
MagizianI need a beta tester for my shell..10:06
SoftarPaulI've updated my Ubuntu today from 10.10 > 11.04. But when I rebooted the computer, the panel/statusbar is gone. How can I show it?10:06
terrynmaxchat: What is your end goal?10:06
MagizianI have the first WMHT Zx86/64 beta servers up and running..10:06
Magiziantelnet to port 20023 ... don't login at the prompt, just connect, sit back, and I'll give a guided tour..10:06
Magizianthen you may explore a bit..10:06
Jordan_UMagizian: This isn't the place to find one.10:06
Dr_Williszabomber:  whats the actual vbox issue?10:06
ajahDr_Willis, i was asking for the horizontal thing10:06
Jordan_UMagizian: Ask again and you will be banned.10:06
scotty^nmaxchat - Or u can just browse to the tar.gz archive in Nautilus and double-click it, which will open it in file-roller (called Archive Manager in the Titlebar).10:07
SoftarPaulHow can I show my hidden panel?10:07
Dr_Willisajah:  and its not clear what you are asking about. You mean the top panel thats always been in gnome? or the left side panel - thats the new unity launcher thing..10:07
nmaxchatterry, To install dropbox10:07
Dr_Willisajah:  you really dont tweak unity much at this time.10:07
zabomberDr_Willis: well.. the thing is. it came up once and disappeared and now it only loads ubuntu classic even if i select Ubuntu at login...10:07
nmaxchatScott-Mc, How do I get into nautilus ?10:07
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  dropbox was easy to install. :) one deb. then a tweak script at the webupd8 site.10:08
ajahDr_Willis, unity launcher thing thanks10:08
PythonPupnmaxchat, at a terminal prompt, type   nautilus10:08
nmaxchatDr_Willis, Easy for geeks. I am a newbie geek10:08
Dr_Williszabomber:  unity needs 3d driovers.  it does not live vbox or vmware muich. try the unity-2d package.10:08
SoftarPaulI've updated my Ubuntu today from 10.10 > 11.04. But when I rebooted the computer, the panel/statusbar is gone. How can I show it?10:08
nmaxchatPythonPup, Thks10:08
zabomberwill do . thanks10:08
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  get deb here -> https://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx10:08
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  install it.. get it going..  then run the script from here --> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/get-dropbox-appindicator-to-work-in.html10:09
gregorsis there a package or something like that to remove UNITY ?10:09
SoftarPaulAnyone? :/10:09
Dr_Willisgregors:  that will proberly break so many things...10:09
nmaxchatDr_Willis, I have it downloaded but dunno how to install10:09
terrynmaxchat: where did you download from?10:09
Herbssoftarpaul your not using Gnome any more10:10
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  you downloaded the .deb ?10:10
scotty^Just select one of your Places, such as Home Folder or Documents or Pictures or Downloads and navigate from there to your file.10:10
nmaxchatterry, Dr_Willis dropbox site10:10
SoftarPaulHerbs: Anyway, how to show it?10:10
botcitySoftarPaul, if you have a program running it will not show with your pointer push to the edge of the screen that it is suppose to be and it should pop up10:10
PythonPupgregors, Just don't use Unity.  Uninstalling it will break a lot.  I did that as a test once.10:10
scotty^or do what PythonPup said and type nautilus at a terminal prompt.10:10
SoftarPaulbotcity: So if I shut down all running programs and point the mouse to the top of the screen, it should show?10:11
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  when i clicked on the download link. it automatically opened in the software center here. all i had to do was click install. :)10:11
terrynmaxchat: https://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx   #This site?10:11
Dr_Willisnmaxchat:  https://www.dropbox.com/download?dl=packages/nautilus-dropbox_0.6.7_i386.deb10:11
botcitySoftarPaul, no sorry!10:12
terrynmaxchat: You should have ended up with a .deb  file.10:12
incorrecti want to reset my desktop after my upgrade, what do i need to delete?10:12
SoftarPaulbotcity: I just want to see my panel, how to? :(10:12
Herbsnmaxchat typ wget https://www.dropbox.com/download?dl=packages/nautilus-dropbox_0.6.7_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i nautilus-dropbox_0.6.7_i386.deb10:12
gregorsPythonPup, I'ts a sad day for me ..I've been using Ubuntu for 7 years now10:12
botcitySoftarPaul, is it the unity interface10:12
gregorsnow I think I'm switching back to Debian10:13
SoftarPaulbotcity: What's "Unity interface"?10:13
nmaxchatDr_Willis, terry, Herbs Got it. Thanks Just a double click...10:13
scotty^SoftarPaul - u don't have a panel any more because you are not using GNOME anymore, u are using Unity.10:13
terrynmaxchat: Yep, there you go....10:13
PythonPupgregors, Don't be sad.  On one machine, I use gnome on natty and it does quite well.10:13
pksadiq!Unity | SoftarPaul10:13
ubottuSoftarPaul: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity10:13
scotty^If you want to use GNOME on Natty, select Ubuntu Classic Desktop during boot (before login).10:14
SoftarPaulscotty^: Oh, I see. Where can I find the settings, the app-center etc10:14
gregorsyeah the problem is that it breaks all compiz settings10:14
Dr_WillisI find compiz getting downplayed a good thing. - Im sick of the cube. :)10:15
SoftarPaulhttp://unity.ubuntu.com/about/ Here they have a panel...10:15
constlDoes an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 is a good practise for the long run or a fresh install of the latest release is the best practise? I mean is there any clutter left behind after the upgrade?10:15
scotty^Umm, I'm trying to remember.  I'm using Lucid as I type this.10:15
PythonPupgregors, the real scary part is planning ahead for Oneiric Ocelot.  No Gnome desktop will be provided.  So, we all better test and get the bugs out of Unity this cycle.10:15
scotty^Natty is installed on my other machine.10:15
Dr_Willisconstl:  i keep /home/ on its own partiin. and do clean installs.10:15
_Keepirugood morning10:15
Dr_Willisconstl:  upgrades can be problmantic.. depending on what you do with your systems10:15
gregorsPythonPup, I wish I had more time to tweak things like in old days10:15
scotty^Try clicking Applications near the bottom of the Launcher on the left side of your desktop.10:16
atlefconstl, upgrade is just fine, just finished one myself10:16
constlDr_Willis: What about installed applications? I'm just trying linux and not sure what method to choose for fully replacing my windows10:16
Herbs+1 for what Dr_Willis said10:16
gregorsthis all user interface is about getting more of out of a small screen10:16
gregorsand I'm sorry I have 24'' here10:16
Dr_Willissomeone just asked how to reset unity (i think) just saw this URL --> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html10:17
ajahDr_Willis, i want to access tree structure of programs like before system->preferences ... how to do this in 1110:17
Cairo|Machas anyone seen anything like this? http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/8213/img3503a.jpg10:17
Dr_Willisajah:  not sure what you mean. You want the preferances tool? its under a menu item under the power button now.10:17
atlefDr_Willis, i just went 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.04 no problems :-)10:17
Dr_Willisatlef:  you are lucky from what ive seen in here. :)10:18
_Keepirui have a wierd problem..... gnome "hangs" ..... if i do anything like "moving cursor" the system hangs, and comes back after a while. top shows me migration/0 and migration/110:18
Herbsatlef dont mean everytime you do it will go smoothly :)10:18
jarekwhich graphics card would work best with Ubuntu 11.04?10:18
scotty^ajah - IIRC, that's under Applications, then click the little arrow which says either "Show all applications" or "See more applications".10:18
_Keepiruconsuming between 66 and 360% (wtf) cpu10:18
atlefDr_Willis, oh, good to know10:18
jarekI remember hearing bad things about ATI cards, is it still relevant?10:18
KrishnanduHi, I want to upgrade to Natty, but don't want to perform the upgrade through network. So is there any way out by which I can upgrade from CD??10:18
Dr_Willisjarek:  i always stick with nvidia. but Unity is having some issues  with nvidia and ati both at this time. it all depends on the details. :(10:19
Dr_Willisjarek:  in order i perfer -->   Nvidia , Intel, ATI,  (then i stop..)  Avoid SIS10:19
scotty^jarek - A new one.10:19
jarekDr_Willis I was thinking about buying a laptop with Intel GMA 4500M10:19
scotty^Doesn't have to be a powerful one though.10:19
jarekDr_Willis what's wrong with Intel cards?10:20
constlKrishnandu: If you boot with the CD should give you the option to upgrade/install ?10:20
Dr_Willisjarek:  i perfer nvidia over them. moar power. :) but it depends on your needs.10:20
Dr_Willisjarek:  if you dont game.. intel is fine.10:20
jarekDr_Willis I don't need power, I just would like it to work out of the box10:20
Krishnanduconstl, I dont think Live CD has the option to upgrade. Are you sure??10:20
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AlarcronHello, this question has probably been asked since the worlds conception... However. Switcable GPUs. Has it been implemented yet? I seriously can not leave windows until tht has been properly fixed! :S10:20
Dr_Willisjarek: --> it depends on your needs. and budget. :) You decide whatyou need.10:21
Incarus6jarek, this card should work out of the box10:21
Dr_Willisjarek: even some intel has had issues in 11.04 from what ive seen in here.10:21
icerootAlarcron: no its still disabled in the kernel because of a memory leak, you can only switch gpus with a reboot10:21
constlKrishnandu: Why dont you try the CD first?10:21
Dr_Willisjarek:  theres always a chance for some issues. You could take a 11.04 live cd to the store and try it out.10:21
Krishnanduconstl, Ok, then I'm downloading the Live CD10:21
scotty^jarek - I have two machines with ATI Radeon HD5450 cards which work well with Natty.  NVIDIA cards and recent Intel integrated graphics are working well for most people too.10:22
HerbsAlarcron you mean windows can actually do something without needing a reboot?10:22
jarekscotty^: but nvidia cards would require third-party drivers10:22
AlarcronHerbs ya...10:22
icerootAlarcron: i a running a setuo here with nvidia ion and intel gpu (asus eeepc 1015pn) and i have to reboot to use intel or nvidia, live-switching is not possible (2.6.38)10:22
botcityDr_Willis, good idea i think ill do that!10:22
Incarus6!nouveau | jarek10:22
ubottujarek: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04. Currently 3D rendering is unsupported. More information can be found in http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ - See also !nvidia10:22
HerbsAlarcron theres a first for everything I guess :)10:22
Alarcroniceroot gah, well.. Then i have to wait until further notice then :(10:23
icerootAlarcron: it should be fixed in 2.6.3910:23
scotty^For older Intel integrated graphics there is a bug which has been fixed in a pending SRU for Natty - see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/72759410:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 727594 in xf86-video-intel "SRU: [i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000004)" [High,Confirmed]10:23
AlarcronHerbs well actually... not to start a flame war or anything. Win7 really dont have to reboot more then when updating the internals so to speak ;) but i prefer ubuntu non the less.10:23
Alarcroniceroot Oh god, please let it be so!10:23
SattamJHhello , is there any way to fix the brightness functions keys10:24
HerbsAlacron really I was forced to do an MCITP at work and found win 2k8 needed reboots for everything lol10:25
Soothsayerhow do I put a pidgin icon in the top panel ?10:25
SattamJHI mean Fn + up arrow ,, and Fn + down arrow10:25
pksadiqwhy ubottu said about the BUG without invoking it?10:25
scotty^jarek - yeah, as Dr_Willis says, u should probably avoid SIS.  There is a least one bug report on Launchpad where a user with SIS graphics cannot run Unity. IIRC the SIS driver has not had much maintenance for a while now.10:25
icerootpksadiq: someone posted a lauchpad url10:25
Alarcronwell, sure it askes for a reboot from time to time... Like certain bigger updates. But, well, it can simply wait until you turn it off for. Well, the next time.10:25
_KeepiruSoothsayer: drag and drop10:25
Dr_Willisdont just avoid SiS.. run away from SiS like it was a...err.. I cant think of anything nasty enough...10:26
Alarcronhowever, i believe ive got the answer i was looking for. = To wait for a kernel update. So youll see me again when thats been fixed. See you10:26
Soothsayer_Keepiru, drag and drop what?10:26
pksadiqiceroot: ok, thanks10:26
_KeepiruSoothsayer: just drag the icon out of "internet" in the startbar10:26
IlyaHi. I need help - tried to enable desktop cube in compiz and it disabled unity plugin - now I cannot launch preferences again, cannot see any menus etc. - how to do I re-enable unity? I can switch to text window (aft+F1) but I cannot launch compiz settings editor from there10:26
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk10:26
SattamJHsome one answer me Plz10:27
Soothsayer_Keepiru, and where should I drop it10:27
Dr_WillisIlya:  try -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html10:27
Dr_WillisIlya:  i just saw the artical and am reading it now..10:27
Soothsayer_Keepiru, its not falling in the top right panel10:27
Soothsayerbesides the volume, wifi, datetime, power off10:27
Dr_WillisIlya:  it says how to reset compiz and other things also10:27
SattamJHI have some issues with the brightness short cuts , the function keys10:27
Dr_WillisIlya:  seems to be 2 commands...10:27
Dr_Willisgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-110:27
Dr_Willisunity --reset10:27
zzecoolunity --reset10:28
_KeepiruSoothsayer: i thought you met a start-icon. there is the "state" located10:28
* Dr_Willis bookmarks that page10:28
scotty^Alarcron - it was implemented in the open-source drivers a while ago, and the newly released ATI Catalyst 11.4 driver also supports PowerXpress (ie. switchable GPUs).10:28
Incarus6SattamJH, does that help: http://wilmor24.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/change-screen-brightness-from-terminal-ubuntu-10-04/10:28
Soothsayer_Keepiru, "there is the "state" located" ?10:28
pksadiqDr_Willis: why shouldn't you add that to ubottu factoids?10:28
thegoodcushionI'm not getting any sound on SuperTux on 10.04.  I have no problem getting sound from Ubuntu normally.  Any ideas?10:28
Dr_Willispksadiq:  the bot seems to hate me whenever i try to add factoids. :)10:29
DreHello every one! I have some Compiz issues related to a (big) memory usage. Anyone had this problem?10:29
icerootis there a way to put my pgp-key (signed mail) into keyring, so thunderbird is not asking everytime for my passphrase if i send a signed mail?10:29
SattamJHIncarus6: no it does not work for my laptop10:29
alzamabarCan somebody help with Git and Ubuntu?10:29
Ilya@Dr_Willis thanks10:29
MaahesI'm having a problem with otf fonts, they all come out as boxes, what package do I need to fix this?10:30
Incarus6thegoodcushion, indivudal applications can be muted in the sound manager, is supertux muted? If not try "aoss supertux"10:30
scotty^jarek - I could be wrong but I thought I heard that Unity was working with the Noveau open-source NVIDIA drivers.  Dr_Willis might be able to confirm that.10:30
zzecoolMaahes,  are you typong english?10:30
Maaheszzecool: yes, and I had these fonts working previously10:30
zzecooldont have a clue then10:31
Maahesand the fonts are in normal roman characters10:31
zzecoolmaybe someone else10:31
Incarus6SattamJH, are you using a thinkpad?10:31
scotty^OK, ignore, my last comment.  I  just read the ubottu comment about nouveau.10:31
alzamabarWhy wouldn't my Git repo be reachable from the internet? Can somebody help with the setup?10:31
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thegoodcushionIncarus6: I can't seem to install aoss10:32
thegoodcushionI says install alsa-oss but when I try it doesn't work10:33
WitchsongAnyone had any issues with VPN connections since they installed Natty?10:33
cyrextry a diff driver10:33
Incarus6thegoodcushion, aoss is working for me10:33
scotty^Dr_Willis - Re Sis: perhaps plague was the word you were looking for :)10:33
Viking667... weird. I'm noticing "artifacts" while running Unity.10:34
Dr_Willisscotty^:  worse then the plague :)10:34
thegoodcushionIncarus6: I typed aoss supertux and it started supertux but still no sound10:34
theclawmy system (upgraded to natty) often hangs while booting (last line shown: "NET: Registered protocol"), and continues after I unplug my usb mouse. is this a known issue?10:34
HerbsSIS s*** Intergrated s***10:34
Dr_Willisscotty^:  i have had some issues with  Noveau. But this box does seem to be working with them now.. or else it finally installed the nvidia drivers.10:35
Viking667I'm using ATI, not Nvidia...10:35
Dr_Willisscotty^:  oh wait. The nvidia drivers finally worked on this box. :) heh..10:35
Simpson_2will upgrading to 11.04 always replace my gnome2 desktop ?10:35
BlouBlouSimpson_2: no10:35
Dr_WillisSimpson_2:  it will become Unity by default - theres the classic gnome desktop still selectable at the LOGIN screen10:36
* pksadiq dreaming of Coreboot now ....... :)10:36
Viking667Oh, that reminds me. What am I meant to get when I start 11.04 (after upgrading)? I've just installed the unity packages (and all the other stuff it wanted)10:36
Viking667... when I log in, I get nautilus, various services started, but no gnome-panels.10:36
Dr_WillisViking667:  the dfault Unity desktop you mean?10:36
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Simpson_2is there a way to default it back to gnome2 ?10:36
Dr_WillisViking667:  could be some compiz settings are fighting with it.10:37
Dr_Willisgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-110:37
Dr_Willisunity --reset10:37
Viking667Well, I'm not sure. I don't know what the "default" unity desktop looks like10:37
Dr_Willisthat may not work.. Hmm.10:37
Dr_Willisblog sites got videos of it. :) left side panel. and top panel.10:37
Simpson_2my parents around 70 won't survive such a dramatic switch so I would like to have the gnome2 as default for them10:37
Viking667let's try this then...10:37
jerriyCan somebody tell me whether the program "screenlets" is no longer updated10:37
Dr_WillisSimpson_2:  they may like i tbetter.. for now theres the classic desktop.10:37
BlouBlouSimpson_2: if you change once, it will be set by default with 'classic-desktop' :)10:38
Dr_Willisjerriy:  i think its not been getting much attention for quiet some time.10:38
Incarus6Simpson_2, you can choose Ubuntu Classic at login screen10:38
incorrecti wish clicking on a sidebar icon would minimise it10:38
Viking667........... oooooo heck.10:38
Simpson_2BlouBlou, okay, thats all i need to now10:38
jerriyDr_Willis: any known reason why that is10:38
Simpson_2i do presume the old desktop is preserved ?10:38
incorrectcan you made the sidebar more like a traditional taskbar?10:38
Maahessmall help with ln -s is it: ln -s directory/somewhere/else /directory/i/want or the opposite?10:38
jerriyDr_Willis:Has it been replaced?10:39
yuskhanzabdowngrade to maerick succesful. ^^10:39
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atlefSimpson_2, yes, just use Ubuntu Classic when you login10:39
jodlajodlahello, can someone help me - in ubuntu 11.04 i have mouse lagg, how to solve that problem?10:39
Maahesjerriy: compiz has something equivalent10:39
Simpson_2okay thx for the answer guys10:39
Dr_Willisjerriy:  the whold idea of widgits on the desktop has slowly been fadeing away. screenlets has always been flakey for me. Now it just seems to be dieing off.10:39
Incarus6Maahes, "man ln": "ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME   (1st form)"10:39
jerriyWhat is that Maahes?10:39
vakhow to assign an icon to an application pinned in Ubuntu Unity?10:40
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incorrectjodlajodla, i had a similar problem, what i did was delete all the .gnome and .compiz directories10:40
Dr_Willisjerriy:  google has their own widgit stuff. opera does also. there may be some others i dont recall.10:40
Incarus6Maahes, " ln [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY TARGET...  (4th form)"10:40
MaahesIncarus6: I know, but its not english to me, I can't make sense of which corresponds to the example I provided above10:40
brandonc503seems when i make a user in ubuntu and change the home directory it changes back , common issue or am i doing something wrong?10:40
jodlajodlaincorrect: then i must restart system?10:40
scotty^Viking667 - What ATI card do u have?10:40
incorrectjodlajodla, well i just logged out and in10:40
incorrectjodlajodla, is this an upgraded system?10:40
Viking667ATI HD345010:41
cicciobahave someone ideas about no sound on my realtek audio integrated peripheral (mobo ASUS -pro) on ubuntu 10.1010:41
jerriyDr_Willis:, Maahes: you guys mean the whole widgets/screenlets/gadgets thing is "passé"?10:41
Viking667ciccioba: do you have pulseaudio started?10:41
Incarus6Maahes, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/creating-soft-link-or-symbolic-link/ should help10:42
Herbsmaahes easiest way to symlink is cd to the dir you want to make the sym link in and then ln -s /location symlink10:42
Dr_Willisjerriy:  yes..10:42
Incarus6Maahes, ln -s ORIGINAL_FILE NEW_LINK10:42
cicciobai've seen on sound preferences 2 devices (1 is realtek; other is audio standard...)10:42
cicciobalast time i installed ubuntu 10.1o v disattivated one and the other is gone... now don10:43
cicciobaViking667: how to look if pulseaudio is started10:43
Viking667hm. Can't help there then, I'm having my own uh, issues with pulseaudio.10:43
Incarus6ciccioba, did you try to unmute the sound?10:44
Viking667ah.... in a terminal, type "ps ax | grep pulseaudio10:44
cicciobayes surely10:44
ajahis there a program witch can cause mouse to be locked withing a window ( not to leave window)10:44
jodlajodla_incorrect - i've deleted .compiz and .gnome2 in home folder, but not better -.-"10:44
Incarus6ajah, yes, wine.10:44
Viking667gah. Now I have some issues... I'll be right back.10:44
MaahesOk what I'm trying to do is this: /directory/on/different/drive ~/Directory what I'm getting is ~/Directory/Directory@ which means I cd into ~/Directory/Directory10:44
incorrectjodlajodla, did you logout and back in?10:44
cicciobai'm sorry 've to go, i'm working.10:45
jodlajodla_i've restarted pc10:45
cicciobai'll be back soonm10:45
PythonPupajah, yes.  VirtualBox acts like that sometimes.10:45
cicciobathanks to all10:45
Incarus6jaha, and don't forget vmware and vbox10:45
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Dr_Willisjodlajodla_:  theres the .gconf* dirs also10:45
incorrectjodlajodla, i've only seen that after i messed with compiz settings a lot10:45
ajahIncarus6, my question was for wine i start programs with wine with option -window but it leaves the window how to lock it10:46
InHisNameHOW TO finish upgrading to 10.10 where the gui portion hangs ?   I can login text mode in recovery.10:46
jodlajodla_i will install ccsm first, because there is refresh rate on 50hz and i have 60hz - maybe is there problem?10:46
FordPrefectAnyone here?10:46
PythonPupInHisName, you might try an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:46
scotty^Viking667 - The ATI Radeon HD3450 (R600 I think, or maybe R700) should be relatively error free on Unity, unlike the early R100 (Radeon 7000) and R200 (Radeon 8000) cards.  If you are getting artifacts try searching Launchpad for similar bugs.10:46
Furai`FordPrefect: 1622 users and you're asking if someone is here? :D10:47
Herbsmahhes you wont cd into the symlink but anything you do in there will replicate in the symlinked dir10:47
MrokiiHi. Is there a way to get rid of this stupidly stin "scrollbars" that aren't really scrollbars anymore in 11.04?10:47
PythonPupInHisName, or, lubuntu-desktop10:47
Incarus6ajah, usually you use winsettings to configure that. Under "grafic" you can activate "mouse-grab". Mention: Not every programm locks your mouse, just directx apps, which are programmed to do that10:47
Mrokii*stupidly thin I mean10:47
incorrectdo apps like eclipse need to support this global menu thing before their menu is integrated into the top bar?10:47
jodlajodla_Dr_Willis - that can help to solve problem with mouse lagg?10:47
botcityMrokii, i think there is an option in ccsm10:48
PythonPupincorrect, Not exactly.  If an app dynamically builds its interface, it may have to directly support the global menu.  Most gtk apps support the global menu out of the box.10:49
FordPrefectFurai sorry there was a lag when I came in here and nothing was showing up.10:49
Dr_Willisjodlajodla_:  does it affect a newly made user also? if so - that would point to a system setting, or driver issue.10:49
vigorhey anybody can help me with xchat plz ?10:49
brandonc503seems when i make a user in ubuntu and change the home directory it changes back , common issue or am i doing something wrong?10:49
incorrectPythonPup, then i would imagine eclipse does have to support it10:49
bazhangvigor, whats the issue10:49
Incarus6!ask | vigor10:49
ubottuvigor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:49
Mrokiibotcity: You don't happen to know what option that is, do you?10:49
ajahIncarus6, so i cant lock mouse on directx apps witch i start with opengl10:49
Dr_Willisbrandonc503:  how are you making the user, and why/how  are you changeing their home?10:50
vigoram new to this irc thingy, so i used to us pidge or msn... to connect me to my hotmail messenger but how to do that in xchat ?10:50
Incarus6ajah, I didn't said that. Somewine apps can grab your mouse. did you enable that option?10:50
bazhangvigor, you dont10:50
Dr_Willisincorrect:  some apps can break/fight with the global menu yes. some apps dont follow the proper standard way of doing things from what i recall.10:50
Cursariondunno if xchat does msn10:50
jodlajodla_Dr_Willis - i've also installed 10.10 and official ATI driver for HD4850, but it was same problem ;) but on win 7 mouse works normally10:50
Dr_Willisincorrect:  firefox for example has a extension to make it play nice with the gloval menu.10:51
DarsVaedahi is anyone familiar with where firefox 4 youtube temp files are saved to?10:51
bazhangvigor, xchat is irc only10:51
ajahIncarus6, still leaving the window10:51
vakhow to assign an icon to an application pinned in Ubuntu Unity? (icon was not automatically found for 3rd part application Eclipse)10:51
scotty^vigor - Maybe, I'm using XChat-GNOME now.10:51
DarsVaedain older versions there was a flv temp file generated for each video you watched in /tmp - can not find that anymore10:51
ubuntuHi! Is there any way to combine unallocated partition as one here - http://imagebin.org/151122?10:51
vigorohh kk i thought it was possible to connect to the msn thingy... ok thanks then ^_^10:51
Incarus6ajah, "Wine does not grab pointer(XGrabPointer) so there is no way to prevent it from leaving Wine window." http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-users/2008-December/045389.html10:52
MoaHi, anyone has a hdmi green/pink image issue with Natty ?10:52
scotty^vigor - Xchat only supports the IRC protocol.10:52
ajahIncarus6, i see10:52
ubuntuIs it possible to combine unallocated partition as one here - http://imagebin.org/151122?10:52
VCoolioDarsVaeda: not sure if it's the same on ubuntu, but take a look at this https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11479010:53
Dr_Willisubuntu:  if they are next to each other yes. You may have to move some other partitons around10:53
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you can combine them by resizeing One to take up all the space of the other. :)10:53
Incarus6ubuntu, the second unlocated disk space is just 1MB big, I think that wouldn't make any sense10:54
Dr_Willisubuntu:  in your case. resize sda6 to take it up. then shrink it back down.10:54
DarsVaedaVCoolio: thx i pretty much think that will help :)10:54
Dr_Willis1mb unallocatged - due to 'round to 1mb boundry'  'common practice' these days10:54
Incarus6Dr_Willis, I allways hate that, because it have to move a lot of files ;)10:55
ubuntuDr_Willis: Can you see this http://imagebin.org/151122? These are my partition. /dev/sda6 is /home10:55
ubuntuIncarus6: unallocated - 9.99 GiB and unallocated 979.00 MiB is what I hope to combine10:55
SmokingKipperI cannot understand why my net is running so slow....taking ages to download even a 1.5meg file10:55
SmokingKipperlike 20 minutes10:55
ubuntuDr_Willis: And I'm not sure how does moving/resizing affects data10:56
Dr_Willisadding the 979mb to the sda6 shouldent take much time i woudl think.10:56
scotty^vigor - I think Empathy is the program in Karmic and later Ubuntu versions that can do what u want.  It uses Telepathy for protocol support.10:56
Dr_Willisits shrinking fs's that take up all the time .10:56
ubuntuDr_Willis: Well, I want to add 979MiB to 9.99GiB10:56
Incarus6ubuntu, ah, right. That would take a lot of time, since you are trying to move more then 500GB of data. Why dont you just resize /dev/sda/?10:56
Dr_Willisubuntu:  that will take some work.. since they are basically at opposite ends of the hard drive10:57
PythonPup                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         10:57
PythonPup                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10:57
FloodBot3PythonPup: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:57
Incarus6ubuntu, hm, nevermind, I meant 20 GB of data10:57
scotty^SmokingKipper - it will depend on the usage load on the site/mirror you are downloading from.10:58
ubuntuIncarus6: Dr_Willis: How does resizing affects data? /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7 are my /home and / of current system. I'm on LiveUSB now10:58
fr00gCan anyone tell me how to make the Unity Dash fullscreen?10:58
SmokingKipperwell I am merely trying to update the cache via the software centre10:58
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jiltdilfr00g:"unity dash"?10:59
Incarus6ubuntu, it doesn't affect your data, is just moving the location of the data on your disk, and thats taking some time (like if you would copy all the files somewhere else)10:59
BlouBlouSmokingKipper: 'sudo apt-get update' will update your software-list10:59
Herbsubuntu theres always a risk of data loss when resizing a partition so make sure you have a backup before you do10:59
FordPrefectDoes call system("mkdir directoryname") create a new directory in GVim?10:59
fr00gjiltdil, yes, the Dash that appears when you press the button in the top left10:59
SmokingKipperthanks, I may have figured out the issue...I plugged in my laptop power....I think ubuntu may have a harsh power managemtn throttle?10:59
Incarus6ubuntu, I've never lost any data due to resizing. There is a little risk, that this could happen, but it never happend to me11:00
LunaVorax_miniHi everyone !11:00
SmokingKipperoh, one more question....when I right click on an app in the launcer, it launches the app..I want to get the menu up to remove the app11:00
InHisNamePythonPup: ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version     is its response11:01
Incarus6ubuntu, and one of the two partitons you try to move is a swap partition, but I would make a backup of /dev/sda711:01
LunaVorax_miniI would like to convert my computer to a RAID-0 system, is i t possible just to add another HDD and adapt to it or do I have to reformat everything and reinstall ubuntu from zero ?11:01
torq_ls everyone11:01
PythonPupInHisName, So, try lubuntu-desktop.  That's why I gave you a backup.11:01
Viking667sorry about that - was getting some major dissasociation...11:01
_Platypus_Is there any good way to drop straight to your Desktop? I keep having to minimize multiple windows to get there, and there has to be a better way.11:02
scotty^Viking667 - np.11:02
Viking667Unity's certainly not something I've ever come across...and boy is it different in some ways.11:02
scotty^Viking667 - The ATI Radeon HD3450 (R600 I think, or maybe R700) should be relatively error free on Unity, unlike the early R100 (Radeon 7000) and R200 (Radeon 8000) cards.  If you are getting artifacts try searching Launchpad for similar bugs.11:02
Incarus6InHisName, pls paste /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log and main.log11:02
ubuntuIncarus6: Well, how about combining 1.02MiB and 979.00 MiB to swap?11:02
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InHisNamePythonPup:  having both is ok ?11:02
PythonPupSure, InHisName11:03
InHisNameIncarus6: coming in a bit.11:03
SmokingKippermy right click seems to do a left click (left click is left click)11:03
Herbsubuntu theres no pint in doing that really11:03
Incarus6ubuntu, then you would have more swap space (ignore the 1MB). Whats your ram size?11:03
PythonPupThey will both show up as choices when you login, and you can choose.11:03
Herbsthe 1mb will make no diff11:03
Incarus6Herbs, as long as his swap space is big enough11:03
brandonc503how do i change a users home directory in terminal. when i use the user/groups it changes back to /home/user11:03
Viking667don't worry about it (r620) - I think I've got it going now. my only real problem is: I can't seem to interact with the panels now, except to click their icons. I used to be able to have them hide themselves, now that isn't showing ... in fact, right-click on the panel doesn't do anything.11:03
ubuntuIncarus6: 4GiB11:03
Herbs4gb is prolly to much swap11:04
Incarus6Herbs, I disagree here11:04
Incarus6Herbs, ubuntu, usually swap space = ram * 211:04
constlDo you need swap if you have 4 GiB of memory ?11:05
HerbsIncarus I always used to go with the old school method of swap 1 or 1/2 x ram but I dont think it is nescasery these days with the amount of physical ram11:05
scotty^LunaVorax_mini - I would advise against using RAID-0 - I had a bad experience with it.  From Wikipedia, "Any disk failure destroys the array, and the likelihood of failure increases with more disks in the array (at a minimum, catastrophic data loss is twice as likely compared to single drives without RAID)."11:05
ikoniaconstl: you never "need" swap unless you actually "need" it, it really depends on what you're doing, it's sensible to use it unless you known not to11:05
Incarus6constl, Herbs, if you want to hibernate (suspend to disk) u need more swap then ram11:05
LunaVorax_miniscotty^, I know about this, this only is for testing and learning purposes11:06
Viking667I've got 2Gb (plus a bit) of swap to go along with my 2Gb of memory.11:06
HerbsIncarus6 true I dont do either and work with servers so thats my reasoning so I guess you have a point11:06
iam126sorry to be a pest, does anyone NOT see http://godmode.cc/ ?11:06
fr00gCan anyone tell me how to make the Unity Dash fullscreen?11:06
iam126I had someone not see it earlier11:06
Viking667one of the reasons is so that if I can get away with it, I can use the hibernate function11:06
constlIncarus6: Im not using swap (as Im aware of) and can suspend just fine. Maybe it has to do with how many open applications you have?11:06
jiltdilfr00g:see the unity dash at the right botton corner click it11:07
iam126I need to rule out multi-homing configuration errors on ubuntu 10.1011:07
ubuntu_Herbs: Incarus6: Sorry, lost connection. My partition table is not proper.. Was tihnking of a way to correct it somehow11:07
ubuntu_Incarus6: RAM is 4GiB and current swap is more than required11:07
Incarus6Herbs, hibernating stopped working for me since 11.04 anyway11:07
Viking667so far, that's not actually working for me... I suspect that's because I've got two cores. (Pentium Dual Core)11:07
scotty^LunaVorax_mini - Try RAID-5 or Intel's Matrix RAID if you have an Intel Southbridge chip.11:07
fr00gYes, but I'm looking to enable fullscreen by default11:07
Incarus6!testdisk | ubuntu11:07
LunaVorax_miniscotty^, This computer does not support more than 2HDDs, can't try anything else than RAID-0/111:07
Incarus6omg ubottu. ubuntu-, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TestDisk11:08
ubuntu_Incarus6: ok11:08
Incarus6constl, as long as you suspend to ram, everything will work fine for you11:08
ubuntu_Incarus6: Why did you suggest data recovery tool?11:09
scotty^LunaVorax_mini - Or maybe RAID 0+1 if you have plenty of disks (minimum four disks; even number of disks).11:09
Incarus6ubuntu_, it's also for recoverying lost partitions/ a lost partition table11:09
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constlThe empathy irc channel keeps changing its size as my sentence gets bigger. Anyone else experiencing the same?11:10
ubuntu_Incarus6: Is there any way i can improve current partition table than doing what I was asking initailly?11:10
ubuntu_Incarus6: http://imagebin.org/15112211:11
thegoodcushionwhat filesystem does 11.04 use by default?  ext3 or ext4?11:12
Incarus6ubuntu_, your current partition table looks ok. you could move sda7 and sda5 up and combine these 9.99GB with these 979MB11:12
thegoodcushionAnd same question for 10.0411:12
Incarus6!ext4 | thegoodcushion11:12
PythonPupthegoodcushion, ext4 for 11.04.11:12
Incarus6ubottu doesn't know anything11:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:12
botcitybrandonc503, usermod -d /path/to/new/homedir/ username11:13
brandonc503ah had username in wrong spot, thanks11:13
Herbsubuntu_ give the gpated cd a try iirc it has an option for repairing its not something I have had to do personally though11:13
scotty^LunaVorax_mini - OK then.11:13
Herbsgparted live cd11:13
Richard|hey, how do i update ubuntu with the wubi installer?11:14
BlouBlou!wubi | Richard|11:14
ubottuRichard|: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe11:14
_Keepiruhow do i switch the glx module with tne nv-module? there is no modprobe.conf. o_o11:14
Richard|i've read all that11:14
Richard|the only option i can see atm is uninstalling it and installing it again11:14
Richard|are there no other options?11:14
Incarus6Richard|, you can simply boot ubuntu and upgrade it, that should work11:15
FordPrefectAnyone here have any Gvim experience?11:15
Richard|i'll give that a try, i just don't wanna break anything lol11:15
terryHow does one convert a system to LTS?11:16
botcityFordPrefect, ask!11:16
Incarus6Richard|, just wait one second11:16
PythonPupterry, in the preferences for Synaptic and update manager, there is a setting for that.11:16
FordPrefectI am trying to make a new directory but when I name it , it tells me "Unable to make directory". anyclues botcity?11:16
terryPythonPup: Ok, thanks.11:17
botcityterry, which LTS11:17
HerbsRicahrd| always make backups before doing anything that risks data loss11:17
FordPrefectI'm new to Gvim and Ubuntu obviously.11:17
glycanChrome doesn't runm11:17
glycanNor in alt-2, nor in terminal.11:17
terrybotcity: What do you mean, which LTS?11:17
Herbsglycan define chrome doesent run11:17
glycanI cannot find anything to start chrome.11:17
Herbsglycan do you get an error in terminal?11:17
brandonc503my ftp user is able to see back into my file structure tree.. i only wnt them to see there own folder.. where is this set?11:17
glycan'COmmand not found'11:17
terrybotcity: I'm talking Long Term Support11:18
glycanBut U software center says it's installed.11:18
Cursarionwhat command are you using?11:18
Incarus6Richard|, it's not safe according to ubuntuforums.org, pls read: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9932369&postcount=511:18
glycanchrome, chromium, google-chromium11:18
botcityterry 10.04 was the last one if your on a newer version you will have to wait or reinstall11:18
Richard|oh rught, thanks11:18
Herbsglycan have you made /dev/shm read only as I know chromium needs to right to it11:18
atlefRichard|, you could look here http://ubuntu-with-wubi.blogspot.com/2011/01/upgrade-to-natty-1104-alpha-1-with-wubi.html11:18
Herbsand wont run unless its rw11:19
glycanNo idea, han gon11:19
trailoryocan someone tell me a good mediaplayer that can play HD 100% smooth... cus I still havent found something that can :/11:19
FordPrefectNo one knows why I'm getting the "Unable to create directory" response in Vim?11:19
pksadiqglycan: chromium-browser11:19
kill3Whats wrong, my Ubuntu 11.04 installation gets stuck to Ubuntu loading screen, tried 2 different cds and from usb stick?11:19
Cursarionglycan: haha11:20
botcityperhaps run gvim as sudo maybe11:20
Incarus6trailoryo, VLC is working for me. Usually thats more a hardware/driver problem then a media player issue11:20
_Platypus_Firestarter on 11.04- can't log events, as it says I'm not root. Any thoughts on how to fix this?11:20
brandonc503kill3: ive had it take a really really long time before11:20
ikonia_Platypus_: run it with sudo11:20
InHisNamePythonPup:  lubuntu installed, chose lxdm   rebooted normal    monitor sync double clicks every 10 seconds  but nothing more.         tried rebooting to recovery mode but stuck at ** checking battery status11:20
trailoryoIncarus6 thanks, but I know its not ;/11:20
_Platypus_ikonia: Have tried, no luck.11:20
glycanReally? Jeez.11:20
brandonc503my ftp user is able to see back into my file structure tree.. i only want them to see there own folder.. where is this set?11:20
ikonia_Platypus_: how are you trying to run it exactly ?11:21
ikoniabrandonc503: chroot option11:21
trailoryoIncarus6 : It looks like its more of a codec problem, but I dont have a clue about this in Linux11:21
_Platypus_sudo firestarter, but when I hit the GUI, can't log events.11:21
ikonia_Platypus_: how are you launching the gui11:21
Herbs_platypus_ things run as sudo at cli arent sudo in gui11:21
Viking667eeeeeep .... right. I'm out of here.11:21
PythonPupInHisName.  You may have to tweak the xorg.conf file.  That is what I'd look at next.  Get the specs or google for your monitor and video card settings.  Normally, that is not needed.  Sorry, I have to go back to work now.11:22
Viking667I think I've had enough of Unity... back to it tomorrow.11:22
_Platypus_Clicking on it. There is probably something simple I'm missing.11:22
Incarus6trailoryo, you can choose different video output modes11:22
Herbsif you select firestarter through the gui it should prompt for sudo pass11:22
kill3Brandonc503 umm I should just leave my computer waiting like 1 hour?11:22
ikonia_Platypus_: try launching the gui with "gksudo"11:22
ikonia_Platypus_: just a test11:22
_Platypus_ikonia: I will try that.11:22
terryPythonPup: If the system is 9.04 now, will the LTS option be available in the update manager & package manager?  (Or will it first need to be updated to 10.04.)11:22
brandonc503kill3: its something i would try, if you believe there are no other issues11:23
trailoryoIncarus6: in vlc? or some other settings? thanks ill play around some then^^11:23
atlefterry, 10.04 is LTS11:23
Herbs_platypus_ kill the instance of firestarter you have running then start it through the gui11:23
terry ....... Anyone  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..........^^^11:23
glycanGood grief.11:23
Incarus6trailoryo, in Vlc, yes. VLC uses its own codecs and VLC supports hardware acceleration. If your graphic card/driver doesn't support hardware acceleration it wont work11:23
glycanHow do you get flash?11:23
brandonc503kill3: also try on other comps maybe just to make sure the usb is fine11:23
scotty^trailoryou - Smooth playback of HD video will depend not only on your media player but also on your video card and maybe your CPU.  What version of Ubuntu are you using?11:23
glycanFlash player, that is11:23
VCoolioterry: you can only skip versions from one lts to another; in this case, you have to update one by one or fresh install11:23
kill3From usb stick I can see the menu and I am now running memtest11:23
atlef!restricted | glycan11:24
ubottuglycan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:24
ikoniaterry: stop with the noise please, ask a question and wait for a response, "anyone" doesn't help, and flooding with "...." doesn't11:24
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JustMeDudehi can someone pls help, somehow I corrupted my top bar and the launcher in 11.04, was messing with compiz to get transparency back and now booting into the gui all I have is my wallpaper - thanks11:24
scotty^kill3 - What video card/chip do you have?11:24
Incarus6trailoryo, pls paste "glxinfo | grep rendering"11:24
Sidewinder1RichardJ, With all due respect to the developers, many aspects of Wubi can be problematic. Please keep in mind that one of it's purposes is to simply try Ubuntu, from the windows environment. If one likes the next logical step is to install Ubuntu; dual-boot, and go from there.11:24
PythonPupterry, you probably need to go to 10.04 first.11:24
terryPythonPup: VCoolio: Ok, here is the situation.  A friend of mine had 8.04.  I thought it was LTS, and told him to just do the distribution upgrade. Well, now he's on 9.04.11:25
ikoniaterry: 8.04 is lts11:26
stevermhello guys is the ubuntu 11 on beta11:26
ikoniasteverm: no, it's release stable11:26
bazhangsteverm, its final11:26
Incarus6terry, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Version_timeline11:26
brandonc503ikonia: the ftp access jumps to folder i want, but i can still back up thru the structure tree11:26
Incarus6!natty | steverm11:26
ubottusteverm: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110411:26
kill3scotty^ cant remember, but comp is brand new HP G62 with 4GB memory11:26
ikoniabrandonc503: yes, so use chroot options as I've told you11:27
Shaunyubuntu 11.04 rocks =]11:27
brandonc503must have used it wrong.. googleing11:27
stevermubottu ok thanks you11:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:27
VCoolioterry: so he didn't skip but updated version twice; he can go on or fresh install; I'd do the latter but it depends on backup facilities and if he has data on a separate partition11:27
Incarus6InHisName, still here?11:27
djcoinHi all, I m trying to get data from a sata disk I extracted from my older laptop that does not work anymore. Well, I try to mount it from <:de11:28
terryVCoolio: What do you mean "updated version twice"?11:28
djcoinfrom /dev/sdb but that does not work11:28
ikoniadjcoin: /dev/sdb is a disk, not a partition, you mount a partition, not a desk11:28
VCoolioterry: he went from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 instead of skipping to 10.04 directly11:28
stevermubottu I am planning on downloading the alternate cd install11:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:28
DogEarsWhy do people use Virtual box instead of qemu with Aqemu?11:28
djcoinikonia: yeah I know, yet i dont have any /dev/sdb*11:28
glycanCan't I just apt-get install flash?11:29
ikoniadjcoin: then there is no partition on that disk11:29
djcoinHow should i proceed to mount ther disk then ?11:29
ikoniadjcoin: you need to partition the disk11:29
Incarus6DogEars, vbox is working better for me11:29
Herbs/dev/sdb* will have a mount point if you do s df you will see where its mounted11:29
djcoinikonia: no there are partitions, I used this disk11:29
VCoolioterry: so now he can upgrade to 9.10 and then 10.04, or fresh install the version he wants11:29
Cursarionhow did you use it without partitions?11:29
atlefterry, look at this screenshot how to enable LTS upgrades http://bildr.no/view/87440211:29
terryVCoolio: Well, he said he was on 8.04, now he's on 9.04  I don't know how he got there, but, well, I'll just have to wait and see when I get there.11:29
ikoniadjcoin: you are mistaken, "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb"11:30
InHisNameIncarus6: I'm still here for a bit yet.    System hung in recovery mode at   * checking battery state . . . .11:30
omidpi change my server to the closest server does the programs are diffrent  than the previous server ? more complete or less complete?11:30
djcoinikonia: does not return me nothing, i tried it :(11:30
DogEarsIncarus6, OK on 11.04?11:30
djcoinMaybe there are some hardware failure11:30
ikoniadjcoin: there are no partitions on that disk then11:30
ikoniaomidp: they are identical11:30
scotty^kill3 - pls paste glxinfo | grep render11:30
HerbsInHisName hardware raided?11:30
omidpi wat is the server differences?11:30
VCoolioterry: it's not bad, it's not necessarily broken, it just takes a lot more time this way :)11:30
djcoinI wont partition this disk, I will loose the data Im trying to get it back11:30
InHisNameHerbs   no raid11:31
ikoniadjcoin: there is no partition on the disk - data is already gone11:31
djcoinI guess linux is mistaken because of some hardware failure or whatever11:31
ikoniadjcoin: it's not mistaken11:31
InHisNamever 10.04 -> 10.1011:31
ikoniadjcoin: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please11:31
Incarus6DogEars, let me try. Didn't boot it since upgrade. Especially 3D acceleration is better supported in vbox. Yeah, its workign perfectly11:31
InHisNamenot out of time for 2.5 hours then back.11:31
djcoinikonia: no output11:31
jodlajodlahello, i have problems with additional ati drivers - all windows lagg when i move it11:31
djcointhe command is completely silent11:31
ikoniadjcoin: are you running from a livecd ?11:32
DogEarsIncarus6, I will install and try. Thanks11:32
ejvikonia: he needs to use sudo11:32
JustMeDudeis there a way to restore the original unity desktop without reinstalling 11.04?11:32
terryVCoolio: Well, again, I'll find out when I get there.  I'm going over there sometime next week, was just wondering how it worked.  No big deal.11:32
PythonPupterry, 8.04 is LTS.  Now he is on 9.04, which is not.  Upgrading from 9.04 to 10.04 is not officially supported, but there is a wiki page for it.  Please google for it, as I really have to go back to work.  I won't check irc again for hours.11:32
HerbsInHisName your bios seems to think it is11:32
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ejvikonia: nvm i see you've mentioned it to him, he may not be following directions lol11:33
terryPythonPup: Ok, thanks info11:33
Incarus6DogEars, which guest os are you planning to run with it?11:33
HerbsInHisName unless its referring to the cmos battery11:33
ikoniadjcoin: you used the command "sudo fdisk -l" yes? exactly like that ?11:33
DogEarsIncarus6, XP pro11:33
botcityJustMeDude, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html11:33
Steristanyone know if there's plans for ubuntu on android phones?11:33
djcoinim root11:33
djcoinho no, i did specify <:de11:33
Incarus6DogEars, I'm running Windows 7 Enterprise11:34
ikoniadjcoin: how did you become root ?11:34
terryPythonPup: VCoolio atlef Thanks for the info.  I11:34
GlycanWhat do I have to do to get mp3s working?11:34
djcoinsudo su11:34
scotty^jodlajodla - please define "additional ati drivers" - do you mean fglrx (also known as Catalyst)?11:34
ikoniadjcoin: don't use "sudo su"11:34
Herbssudo su is not root11:34
gmjhello, anyone has problems with ufw - multicast dropping - after upgrade to natty?11:34
DogEarsIncarus6, It is to run a business app11:34
terryPythonPup: VCoolio atlef Thanks for the info.  I'm hoping to wait for the traffic to simmer down, maybe next week and then do somethig with it.11:34
jodlajodlascotty^ - yes fglrx from additional drivers11:34
djcoinsudo su - ?11:34
VCooliodjcoin: if you need to, use 'sudo -i'11:34
atlef!restricted | Glycan11:34
ubottuGlycan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:34
Herbssu -l would be root try that11:34
ikoniadjcoin: sudo -i11:35
DogEarsIncarus6, Does 7 run OK?11:35
GlycanI di dsee those.11:35
GlycanDidn't help11:35
GlycanWell, you tube works11:35
ikoniadjcoin: sudo fdisk -l output please.11:35
Incarus6DogEars, lol, I'm running photoshop and illustrator inside that virtual machine and it's running flawless ;)11:35
Molehow do i change from unity to ubuntu classic (gnome) via the terminal?11:36
constlMole: When you login you are given at the bottom the option to chose which environment to use11:36
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Herbsmole sudo init3 should take you to a shell them service gdm start should start gnome11:37
Dr_WillisMole:  you could edit your .dmrc file then log out/back in. but you may as well use gdm to change it.11:37
DogEarsIncarus6, Virtualbox - ose ?11:37
Moleconstl: problem is i enabled autologin, its running on my htpc11:37
Dr_WillisMole:  log out. use gdm menus.11:37
djcoinikonia: http://pastie.org/185303511:37
djcoinThanks a lot11:37
MoleDr_Willis: ok thanks11:37
Incarus6DogEars, I think the upgrade removed the non-ose version, so it's ose now. Both working great11:37
djcoinI copy paste the syslog11:37
Dr_Willisi think thers some default-session tool somewhere.. but gdm is the easiest way.11:37
atlefDogEars, i would get the non-ose directly from http://www.virtualbox.org/11:37
djcoinwhen the disk was plugged in11:37
ikoniadjcoin: I didn't ask for the syslog11:38
atlefDogEars, but that is just me11:38
Trashihi. i installed thunderbird from the ubuntu software manager. now i want to install an addon but i cant see the menu of thunderbird. does anybody know how to fix that problem and "unhide" the menu?11:38
djcoinYeah, but you also got the sudo fdislk11:38
djcoinfdisk -l11:38
djcointhat brings nothing11:38
djcoinI guess11:38
MoleDr_Willis: where do i find the .dmrc-file ?11:38
GlycanMoreover, it deosn't provied support for 11.411:38
Dr_WillisTrashi:  you see no menus? they shoudl appar in the top bar when you mouse up there.11:38
ikoniadjcoin: look at what it's doing port 5 on the hub is disabling/up/down11:38
terrydjcoin: You don't seem to have sdb  Is it a USB drive?11:38
Herbsfdisk -l alone will not do anything you have to sudo it in ubuntu11:38
DogEarsatlef: First time with virtual so this is a turning point11:38
Dr_WillisMole:  its in your home dir. but really..just log out. enter your user name. and select the session you want in the menus at the bottom. thats the easiest way11:38
terryHerbs: he did11:39
djcointerry: usb drive yes11:39
kau_madHi, does anybody know how to turn on a NVidia optimus GPU?11:39
terrydjcoin: You may need to plug it in again.11:39
TrashiDr_Willis: in the top bar i can only close, minimize, etc... but there isnt a menu11:39
jodlajodlahello, i have problems with additional ati drivers - all windows lagg when i move it11:39
Dr_WillisTrashi:  thats weird. Other apps show a menu up there? or do no menus appear for anything?11:40
terrydjcoin: Try  unplugging it and plug it in again and see.  fdisk -l | pastebinit11:40
kau_madI installed NVidia drivers and xserver crashed, had to replace xorg.conf11:40
MoleDr_Willis: i cant logout since i have no menus or anything, just an empty desktop. its probably cus i fiddled around with overscan-options (nvidia)..id prefer the .dmrc-solution hehe11:40
djcointerry: ikonia lol it mounts itself right away11:40
djcoinplugin it out11:40
TrashiDr_Willis: no.. its a "thunderbird-only" problem11:40
djcoinbut I made it several times11:40
terrydjcoin: Ok, very good.11:40
djcoinfirst time it does mount11:40
djcoinwhy is that ?11:40
Dr_WillisMole:  sudo service gdm restart   will force a lot oug and restart gdm.   theres some  .nvidia?? file that has your users settings in there you could rename.11:40
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atlefTrashi, what happens when you press Alt + f11:41
Trashiatlef: nothing11:42
Incarus6DogEars, Nevermind, it's the non-ose version11:42
kau_madHas anyone successfully installed drivers  for an NVidia optimus vga?11:42
Dr_Willis /home/willis/.dmrc  is my dmrc. :) its just a text file with a few lines.11:42
atlefTrashi, ok, just thought that would give you the menu11:42
MoleDr_Willis: hmm i dont have one, what does it look like?11:42
djcoinikonia: thanks a lot11:43
DogEarsIncarus6: Whats the difference?11:43
Dr_WillisMole:  it could be autologin skips it. I never use autologin11:43
Trashiatlef: no ... i only see the shortcut menu (get all mails, write, adresse book, tag, etc)11:43
Dr_Willis pastebinit .dmrc11:43
Herbsdoes anyone know anything abount mounting samba shares with autofs?11:43
scotty^Glycan - OK, if that didn't work, try using Synaptic package manager to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly. gstreamer0.10-plugins-good should already be installed but if it's not, install it.11:44
Incarus6DogEars, some firmware and proprietary things are better supported11:44
MoleDr_Willis: ok. is there a way to bring up a terminal by using keyboard shortcuts? kinda hard to do anything without menus ;)11:44
Dr_WillisMole:  alt-f211:44
Dr_WillisMole:  or go to the console - alt-ctrl-f111:44
Incarus6I g2g11:44
MoleDr_Willis: great, thanks alot!11:44
atlefTrashi, and if you use the arrow keys11:44
Dr_WillisMole:  the  .nvidia-settings-rc11:44
Dr_WillisMole:  the  .nvidia-settings-rc  file seems to store per-user nvidia settings11:44
Trashiatlef: what should i do with the arrow keys?11:45
DogEarsIncarus6: The repository only lists the OSE versions11:45
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thauriswuflaHELP: unable to install ubuntu 11.04 , tried every method usb,cd ,dvd, getting error 5 input /output error after 28 % of process.Is there any way to install?11:45
atlefTrashi, when you use alt + f and the left right arrow i thought you would move through the menus11:46
botcitythauriswufla, did you check the md5 checksum ?11:47
Trashiatlef: but it doesnt because the main menu of thunderbird didnt appear on thunderbird start11:47
thauriswuflabotcity, no11:47
thauriswuflabotcity, how to do that11:47
botcity!md5 | thauriswufla11:47
ubottuthauriswufla: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:47
DogEarsIncarus6: The VB website has all versions available. Downloading atm11:47
thauriswuflabotcity, but live cd is working fine  except installation11:48
atlefTrashi, ok, then i do not know11:48
[diablo]morning #ubuntu ... I have just installed the Gnome3 PPA ... up and running... however I can not see to find how to set the GTK toolkit theme... the default is dire ... anyone know how to do this please?11:48
afedermy ubuntu just switched from the slick default appearance to a dull gnome standard one... anyone knows why this might have happened?11:48
Dr_Willisafeder:  as you were using it? or just now on login?11:48
atlef!gnome3 | [diablo]11:48
ubottu[diablo]: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.11:48
afederon login11:48
incorrectwhat is really irritating about unity, if i change between virtual desktops the single full screen app doesn't get focus when i move back sometimes11:49
Dr_Willisafeder:  could be ou some how defaulted to unity-2d perhaps?11:49
botcitythauriswufla, check the cd.11:49
[diablo]atlef, hi, yeah I knew about that11:49
afederDr_Willis, is there a way to check if that has happened?11:49
Trashiis there a way to launch a mozilla thunderbird addon manager as stand alone, so without the thunderbird main application?11:49
Dr_Willisafeder:  at the GDM login screen. enter user name. see what session is selected at biottom11:49
afederok thanks11:50
[diablo]choosing the widget theme would be nice tho11:50
scotty^kau_mad - Optimus is not currently supported on Linux - see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTM3NA11:50
s3xs1hi! I'm new to ubuntu/linux, and I'm trying to install RTAI-LAB, by following the instructions from rtai-ubuntugutsy-matlab.txt, but it gives me an error since the start (mesalib) and I'm stucked :D help!11:52
scotty^Trashi - someone mentioned b4 that there was a Firefox extension to integrate it's menu with Unity - I'm guessing Thunderbird needs something similar.11:52
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MnCCanyone experience with bluetooth ?11:53
Trashiscotty^: and how to install a thunderbird extension without access to the extension/addon manager?11:53
botcity!bluetooth | MnCC11:54
ubottuMnCC: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:54
MnCCbotcity, that didnt do anything for me ..11:55
MnCCbotcity, that tutor is so outdated is isnt even funny11:56
bazhangMnCC, ask a real question11:56
jonathonf[diablo]: try gnome-tweak-tool11:56
logicalorhi, wondering if there is a way to stop rsync after it transfers a specified amount of data (eg. 5gb)11:56
logicalorie is there a native switch or would i need to get it to report to a watcher that kills it on a certain condition?11:56
MnCCi am unable to transfer files from mobile phone to laptop via bluetooth, the other way around works just fine.11:56
brandonc503Are the users made by Ubunt not SSH by default.. im havin trouble finding chroot info.. foujnd chrot for sftp users ssh users ftps users...11:57
Herbslogicalor man rsync Ive always wanted it to run till it finished backing up11:57
scotty^Trashi - hmm.  Good question.  What happens if you double-click on the .xpi file in Nautilus?11:57
logicalorthanks herbs, typically would as well but with transfer limits imposed by isps becoming ever more prevalent one has to be vigilant11:58
brandonc503and what is the JailKit?11:58
scotty^Trashi - otherwise maybe booting into Ubuntu Classic and installing it, then booting back into Unity will work.11:58
Herbslogicalor true you using a DR repo? sorry cant help11:58
Trashiscotty^: the archive manager appears ... i tried to open the xpi file with thunderbird from nautilus, but nothing happens11:58
Trashiscotty^: yes you are right .. think i'll try that ...11:59
logicalorwhat is a dr repo?12:00
Herbsdisater recovery repo I take it your backing up to some kinda cloud storage?12:01
bob34Does it worth installing the proprietary nvidia driver? i dont want to play games neither eye candy... i just want a browser, email, music, videos, some coding and remote desktop. I run ubuntu 11.04 with xfce or fluxbox.12:01
botcityMnCC, which phone is it ?12:02
scotty^Does anyone know if there is a tracking bug in Launchpad  for a Natty kernel upgrade to either or
logicaloroh okay.  something like that.  all good - i'm moderately versed in rsync but its manual can be confusing and documentation isn't always up to speed.  i think i'll throw together some sort of wrapper script to deal with it12:02
MnCCbotcity, HTC HD212:02
logicalorthanks anyway12:02
MnCCis seems i have no rights to write .. it should dump files in the Downloads folder .. so i chmod -R 777  ./Downloads .. but no luck12:03
scotty^Glycan - OK, if that didn't work, try using Synaptic package manager to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly. gstreamer0.10-plugins-good should already be installed but if it's not, install it.12:03
GlycanHow do you move large amounts of files from one folder to another in terminal?12:03
botcityMnCC, and its connected a trusted device?12:03
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Glycanscotty: I got it to work. Thanks12:03
scotty^Glycan - Cool.12:03
MnCCbotcity, yeah .. it works like a charm the other way around .. i can send files to the phone perfectly12:04
llutzGlycan: mv src/file* target/12:04
scotty^Glycan - I believe the command you want is mv.12:04
Herbslogicalor depending on what your transferring but you could use --max-size= if its one file12:04
MnCCbotcity, i just cant find any documentation .. they all cover gnome-obex .. and in 11.04 i have bluetooth-*12:05
brandonc503ikonia: is this what im looking for? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot12:05
Herbslogicalor or compress during transfer never used it myself though12:05
botcityMnCC, you should be getting a pop up saying something accept for MnCCmob  is it sending ?12:05
MnCCbotcity, no popup ..12:06
afederafter i logged in, the appearance had changed from the usual slick dark gray one to this: http://i54.tinypic.com/kbq4hs.jpg (note gnome default icons) ... why might this have happened? at login, my session thingy was 'Ubuntu'12:06
abd_belain ubuntu 11.04 I want to customize the top menu, for example, adding a button to close it or auto hide it? In gnome I just need to right-click to get the preferences !!12:06
yuanyehow many have updated to 11.4012:07
b_gholamaliI can't see nm-applet icon on the panel, ubuntu 10.10, can someone  help me?12:07
atlefb_gholamali, add indicator applet12:08
atlefi think12:08
yuanyelooking for a tool for writing html12:08
MnCCyuanye, make a ghost/backup .. just in case..12:08
Herbsyuanye kompozer12:08
yuanyethanks   a lot12:09
niteyehello, where can i find apps that use a taskbar icon? when i minimize them i cannot open them anymore (but the process is still there) (for example aMSN)12:09
niteyein unity12:09
b_gholamali@atlef: it's active12:09
b_gholamali@atlef: maybe restarting it can help, but i dont know how to do that...12:10
Witchsongniteye: Minimized applications should be on the Launcher.12:10
brandonc503so im looking up information on chroot options so that my ftp users cannot access anything above there home directory. is the chroot a setting in ubuntu already? or must i install/configure something new?12:11
kraftwer1any experience with bluetooth auto reconnect on 11.04?12:11
niteyeThey only stay there when the application is minimized, when the window is closed but the application is active and acciessible through a taskbar icon like before, then i can't get to them anymore12:11
atlefb_gholamali, killall gnome-panel in a terminal12:11
PetrHHhello, I've installed Xubuntu 11.04, everything work fine except vmware player. If I try it to run, I got these errrors: http://pastebin.com/zH5uECrQ12:12
PetrHHanybody know what can be wrong, please?12:12
niteyemany things are wrong since the upgrade grrr lol12:12
Herbsbrandonc503 needs to be configured in the ftp server12:13
niteyeso taskbar icons, where are they now in unity?12:13
Trashii fixed the thunderbird problem. > for everyone whos interested > if the menu top bar menu does not appear for thunderbird, check the thunderbird-gnome-support and thunderbird-globalmenu package is installed. i just installed thunderbird with help of the ubuntu (11.04) software manager. it installed thunderbird-globalmenu BUT NOT the gnome-support... install that package and kill thunderbird... after that start thunderbird and it works ...12:13
abd_bela PetrHH : what is vmware player? may be a video player12:14
brandonc503herbs: where do i find the ftp server configuration?12:14
zaksoldierdid i have now download the new version12:14
atlefTrashi, good to see you fixed it :-)12:14
bittinabd_bela: no its for virtual machines12:14
Witchsongniteye: You cannot really reach them anymore in that case. You can kill the process and reboot the application, that's the best option. Some applications, like XChat in my instance, have a bug where the minimize to tray doesn't work like it used to in 10.10.12:14
b_gholamali@atlef: it didn't work, how about reinstalling nm-applet?12:14
Herbsbrandonc503 how longs a piece of string which ftp server you using12:14
niteyeWitchsong: that's a pita :(12:14
atlefb_gholamali, not sure, sorry12:15
Trashiatlef: thanks for your help and ideas ;)12:15
atlefTrashi, you are welcome12:15
abd_belabittin   is it installed by default? strange12:15
bittinabd_bela: i don't think so12:15
b_gholamali@atlef: thanks for help12:15
atlefb_gholamali, np12:15
brandonc503herbs ssh12:16
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Herbsbrandonc503 so your using sftp?12:16
brandonc503sorry learning as i go12:16
GlowballCan I set two different shortcuts for the same action? I have a touch thingie for controlling sound, but I also want Fn-up and Fn-down as shortcuts for my volume. Is this possible without overriding the touch controls?12:16
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abd_belaSure it is not there, at least in CD live, may be our friend  PetrHH means video player12:16
MnCCbotcity, got it working .. after changing settings, restart the daemon .. or in my case a reboot12:17
Herbsbrandonc503 you dont have to worry then users who have been added to the system can only use ftp over ssh and will be chrooted to there home directory by the os12:17
PetrHHabd_bela, no, I mean VMware player :-)12:17
abd_belamay be someone try like me,  in ubuntu 11.04  to customize the top menu, for example, adding a button to close it or auto hide it? In gnome I just need to right-click to get the preferences !!12:17
brandonc503Herbs: so far when i log in with ftp, i can see the entire file structure tree above the home directory i have set12:18
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Herbsbrandonc503 ftp is different to ftp over ssh (sftp)12:18
Guest15918My friend is running 10.10 withot an internet connection & he has removed openoffice by mistake. I have an internet connection .Is there away I can download and take the packages with me ? & then install them by dpkg -i *. deb  ????12:18
sandkingam i the only one that thinks Unity slows down netbooks (or low resource machines)?12:18
PetrHHabd_bela, it is from vmware, virtual machine software12:18
Herbssftp uses the system login so there restricted the same as if they logged in locally to there home directory12:19
abd_bela<PetrHH>  Have you install it from a ubuntu repository12:19
Guest15918how to know which packages to download ?12:19
brandonc503Herbs: ok.... well im using filezilla and it says sftp:// at beginning... does this mean i cannot set this?12:20
PetrHHabd_bela, No, I haven't. I downloaded it directly from VMware website. I don't know that ubuntu have this in repo12:20
Herbsbrandonc503 you dont have to set it sftp is the same as ssh12:20
Herbssftp has the same restrictions as ssh does12:21
brandonc503Herbs: so i should look for setting in the ssh to set the root folder.. is that the right term? root folder?12:21
windyhutry it12:21
abd_bela<PetrHH>  I think the best way if really you need it??,  you install it from ubuntu or   debian repository12:22
jodlajodlahello, can someone help me config 5.1 sound12:22
omichalekhi all, I just launched new version of dropbox and it asks me for admin password. "This will enable Dropbox to  sync extended file attributes."12:22
Herbsbrandonc503 basically sftp has the same access as an ssh login or a local login12:22
omichalekwhat does dropbox need my password for?12:22
SuperstarWhat is the picture in Control Centre > About Me used for?12:22
Herbsbut only for that user and they are restricted to there user group12:22
PetrHHabd_bela, Yes, I really need it. I'm developing a software and need to test in in several version of ubuntu and also other distributions.12:22
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atlefSuperstar, it show on the login window for example12:23
omichalekshould I give Dropbox my password?12:23
abd_bela<PetrHH> you can check it if it is in debian  go  to www.debian.org and search in packages12:23
jodlajodlahello, can someone help me config 5.1 sound12:23
Superstaratlef is it used by empathy or any instant messenger by your knowledge?12:23
PetrHHabd_bela, I'll try but I doubt there will be something. It is not open source.12:23
DirtyDawgomichalek: dropbox is safe12:23
cdavisMy touchpad stops working on my thinkpad, there was a bug but it says it was fixed. Is there a way to restart the touchpad services?12:23
niteyehow can i change the global keyboard layout? i tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup but it doesn't ask me for a keyboard layout12:24
brandonc503Herbs: sorry im trying to keep up. so should i bee looking in my etc/ssh for a file to set the configuration?12:24
omichalekDirtyDawg: but what would it need it for?12:24
Herbsbrandonc503 i.e you login to sftp as root you can do anything add user someone they can only access someones dir as long as you set the home directory for the user and dont add them to the wrong group12:24
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atlefSuperstar, no idea, just know about the login window12:24
zambaafter upgrading to 11.04, my wirless has gone to sh*t12:25
zambausing iwlagn12:25
Herbsbrandonc503 I suggest you read up on linux permissions12:25
slimHi! I installed a minimal ubuntu cd 11:04 via command-line, and LXDE-core and xinit. When system start I can't mount CD-ROM or other drives, but as root I can. This did not happen on Ubuntu 10.10 and before. Is there some help?12:25
pythonedHello, I installed 10.10(ubuntu) upgraded it to 11.04 but I have  a flash problem. Installed it from ubuntu software center, if I go on a video on youtube it runs but if I go to a channel it warns me that I have either js disabled or an old flash version.12:25
brandonc503Herbs: iv used the user/groups to make a user with a certain home directory in there own group.12:25
pythonedHow can I have an older one since USC states that it downloads flash player directly from adobe website?12:26
Herbsbrandonc503 cool so those users are already locked to there home dir12:26
cdavisIs there a way to restart the touchpad on a laptop?12:26
Herbsand wont be able to access above12:26
brandonc503Herbs: but when i access via sftp i can see everything above12:26
Herbsas long as they use sftp12:26
jwtiyarwhile trying to open .docx file but does not show any thing in office and office does not launch?12:26
abd_bela<PetrHH>  in debian you have wvmare, I don't know if that you are looking for12:26
Herbsyou havent enabled them ftp access12:26
Herbsbrandonc503 your logging in as root thats why12:27
brandonc503Herbs:im using the user name i made, not the word root12:27
abd_bela<PetrHH>  just add in your sources.list the line for debian   deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free12:27
brandonc503Herbs: so all my usernames login as root?12:28
Herbsbrandonc503 hmm grep user /etc/passwd whats the output?12:28
jwtiyarwhile trying to open .docx file but does not show any thing in office and office does not launch?12:28
brandonc503Herbs: sub user with my actuall user naem right?12:29
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Herbsbrandonc503 no what did that command output?12:30
brandonc503hplip:x:112:7:HPLIP system user,,,:/var/run/hplip:/bin/false12:30
abd_belain ubuntu 11.04 I want to customize the top menu, for example, adding a button to close it or auto hide it? In gnome I just need to right-click to get the preferences !!12:30
Herbsgrep theuseryouwanttochroot /etc/passwd12:31
pythonedAnyone here that can assist me?12:31
Jorici just ran ubuntu 11.04 64-bit live cd on intel celeron 550 (conroe-L) how is this even possible does it really support 64-bit? uname says x86_6412:32
Herbsbrandonc503 ok grep 1002:1002 /etc/passwd12:32
Herbsyou need to change :bin/bash to nologin12:34
icerootJoric: uname is telling you what kernel is used, cat /proc/cpuinfo (lm means 64bit) tells what the cpu can do12:34
jwtiyarwhile trying to open .docx file but does not show any thing in office and office does not launch?12:34
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Herbsactually no you dont face palm12:35
atlefPetrHH, there is some info here on vmware player problems http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173595112:36
Herbsbrandonc503 login as ssh as that user and type echo$PATH12:36
PetrHHatlef, thank you, I'll look at it.12:37
PetrHHatlef, I solved it by installing libview2 package12:38
LjLgood morning. i have installed Natty using btrfs as /, but GRUB is refusing to work ('press any key to reboot'), and i am a bit at a loss on how to fix it, considering that when i mount my btrfs root, there is a @/ directory containing the actual root, plus a @home/ directory, and i have no clue what that is about12:38
atlefPetrHH, ok good12:38
PetrHHit installed a few dependencies and it works12:38
Herbspetrhh welcome to Linux :)12:39
Herbsthink yourself lucky it wasnt 5 years ago :)12:39
PetrHHHerbs, thank you :-) I'm developing software for Linux and sometimes it is very strange12:40
happolatiHi. After upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 i can't log in. My machine freezes at the ubuntu splash-screen. What log files should I read to find out what's going on? I can log in in failsaxe graphics mode.12:40
p0op-Playback of movies from my external USB HD seem to pause or crash every 5-15 mins, a check out of the logs found many repeats of the following message -   usb 1-2: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2 anybody know how I can fix?12:40
Herbsjust think yourself lucky that not everything has to be compiled from source anymore12:40
maxagazI have run "ssh -D 9998 user@server" (lucid server) on my desktop (natty), then set firefox proxy settings to localhost:9998 and network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to TRUE in the about:config on the desktop (natty), but I then can't access to the web, what's wrong in what I did ?12:41
thegoodcushionWhat's the status of the ARM port?  Is it going to become an official architecture?12:41
theclawI don't have a volume control applet in 11.04 anymore. which package is this?12:41
Herbsmaxgaz you want to tunnel over 998?12:42
Herbshave you opened the port in your firewall12:42
happolatiis the nvidia-driver removed when upgrading to 11.04? how can i get it back?12:42
maxagazHerbs, no, I didn't, how to do it ?12:43
thegoodcushionhappolati: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current12:43
atlefp0op-, it might be a problem with your usb port not supplying enough power, try changing port12:44
moldy-bis it possible to use a sound file that will play in order to notify you that you've got a message for instance?12:44
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p0op-atlef: its externally powered12:44
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atlefp0op-, ok, just a thought12:44
hardcoldI just turned on my computer and all the icons, dialogue boxes, top bar, etc were all different12:45
brandonc503Herbs: bash: echo/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory12:45
jwtiyarwhile trying to open .docx file but does not show any thing in office and office does not launch?12:45
hardcoldThis is a clean install of 11.04, and no system preferences were touched12:45
Herbson ubuntu hmm I dont know the proper ubuntu way so might get shouted at but I modify /etc/sysconfig/firewall with the rules and then execute the script12:46
atlefjwtiyar, right click the docx file and choose properties and under the open with tab make sure office is selected12:46
jwtiyaratlef, show the open office loading but after this does not load12:47
Incarus6jwtiyar, docx is at the moment unsupported. you con open it with libreoffice read-only12:48
atlefjwtiyar, ok12:48
jefimenkodoes anyone know how to change the console resolution in ubuntu 10.04? i have been searching everywhere and can't find definitive answer12:48
Herbsbrandon503 can you cd above the home dir via ssh?12:48
jwtiyarIncarus6, so i have to install libreoffice now?12:48
jribjefimenko: for TTYs when you press ctrl-alt-f1 you mean?12:49
Incarus6jefimenko, first search result: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution12:49
jefimenkoi have a server that is starting up with 1280x1024 and i need to bring it back down to earth...12:49
jefimenkothanks. i guess i didn't know to use "tty" in my keywords12:49
thegoodcushionDoes anyone know.. is ARM going to become an official Ubuntu architecture?12:49
Incarus6jwtiyar, Im not sure if openoffice supports docx atm. http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=37212:50
LjLjrib dear, remember i gave you a cookie! tell me why grub broke when i installed natty on btrfs =)12:50
jefimenkoIncarus6, jrib: this guide says to type "vbeinfo" in the grub2 command line. how i access it? i have no grub cmd12:50
afedermy desktop has changed appearance to a default gnome look - how can this have happened or how can i get the slick ubuntu look back?12:51
jribLjL: I read your question but have no clue and if I recall correctly that cookie was confiscated from me -_-12:51
jefimenkonm... i have to reboot for it12:51
LjLjrib: :((12:51
Incarus6jwtiyar http://hanovercomputerrepair.com/blog/2011/01/29/libreoffice-3-3-gives-openoffice-org-docx-and-new-looks/12:51
atlefafeder, log out and choose your user, do not enter password and choose "Ubuntu" in the bar at the bottom12:53
Incarus6jefimenko, type "grub" in terminal12:53
afederatlef, i'll try that thanks12:53
Incarus6jefimenko, nevermind, didn't work.12:53
brandonc503Herb: might i have to restart anything if i made this home directory change? could that be it?12:54
Herbsbrandon503 not really but what change did you make?12:55
brandonc503Herbs: and i cant go up in directory there12:55
brandonc503Herbs: i went to user groups and set the home directory to /var/www/user212:55
Herbsbrandon503 if you cant do it via ssh then you cant do it via sftp wether you have setup ftp access is another thing12:56
brandonc503Herbs: how can i see if ftp is installed on my Ubuntu?12:56
afeder_atlef, that did not seem to help .. it looks right just after login, but then a few seconds later it is as if something crashes and it defaults to a gnome look12:56
Herbsftp localhost12:56
lehel_How can i costumize the dash in 10.04, or it cannot be done? thanks12:56
Dr_Willislehel_:  some teaks -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html12:57
brandonc503ftp is currently not installed12:57
ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash12:57
atlefafeder, ok, then i do not know. maybe a problem with the gfx driver12:57
Dr_Willisheh wrong dash factoid12:57
FloodBot3dawn__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:57
Herbsbrandon503 you should be cool then12:58
psycho_oreos!kr| dawn__12:58
psycho_oreos!korean| dawn__12:58
ubottudawn__: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko12:58
brandonc503Herbs: i just connected via filezilla and i can see everything12:58
Herbsbrandon503 are you using ftp ? if so what ftp sertver?12:59
lehel_thanks Willis12:59
afeder_a few seconds after login something crashes that cause my desktop to revert from ubuntu look to a default gnome look ... does anyone please have any ideas for how to fix this?12:59
ozanorhanyou guys have any idea how can i automount hdd. i use 2 internal hdds guide i found online are about partition of same hdd and usb storages i thought you could help me. thanks in advance12:59
brandonc503Herbs: my filezilla starts with sftp://user2@...... and ftp said not isntalled12:59
coz_ozanorhan,  have you looked here ?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55038313:00
brandonc503Herbs: and setting type is SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol13:00
Herbssftp gives the same rights as ssh so your users have the wrong permissions13:01
terrenceKJHi all - Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04, and banshee doesn play my media files13:01
matthias_hi, the fan of my thinkpad t60 running ubuntu 10.4 is always on, any ideas what to do?  some time ago it was turning off wen the temperature was low enough13:01
ozanorhanthanks coz_ i'll look into it.13:01
brandonc503Herbs: i can adjust those with the tool in Ubuntu right? the User Groups?13:01
Incarus6!restrictedformats | terrenceKJ13:01
ubottuterrenceKJ: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:01
kurtulhttp://pastebin.ca/2052500 this computer's wireless doesn't work. is it something fixable?13:01
coz_ozanorhan,  cool13:01
terrenceKJAnyway to solve the banshee issue on 11.0413:02
Herbsbrandon503 if your giving users ssh/sftp access you need to understand linux permissions13:02
kaiehello. I use harddisk encryption, get a prompt for the disk password during boot, works fine. in addition, I use an external usb drive, also encrypted, same password. currently, I must manually unlock the external driver after boot. I wish ubuntu could use the primary-encrypted-password on boot to unlock attached usb drives, too. any ideas how to do that?13:02
afeder_what program creates the slick, dark grey ubuntu look with the monocrome icons in the notification area and so on?13:03
Herbsbrandon503 its not something someone can walk you through Im afraid13:03
brandonc503Herbs: so i cant use the Ubuntu tool. i need to do in terminal?13:03
Herbsbrandon503 yes13:03
Herbswell I dont know what ubuntu tool is13:03
terrenceKJBanshee - palyer help needed13:04
HerbsIm a red hat user and admin13:04
coz_terrenceKJ,  not sure,, you could try uninstalling and then reinstalling banshee,, the problem is that ubuntu upgrades from one version to the next is consistently inconsistent,,, I always suggest clean installs,, but completely understand there are circunmstances that an upgrade is needed,,, however,, troubleshooting an upgraded system is far more  difficulte,, that said,, when you open banshee via the terminal and try to play a file,, are there er13:04
coz_rors  reported?..yes?13:04
terrenceKJNot playing anything on 11.0413:04
brandonc503Herbs: the  System, > Administration > Users and Groups13:04
Herbsbrandon503 I dont do gui Im sorry13:04
brandonc503ah kk13:04
terrenceKJThanks Cos13:05
terrenceKJGoing to do a fresh Banshee install13:05
coz_terrenceKJ,   wel wait13:05
Daniel0108I have a problem, I can't connect to another IRC network with my client. Only freenode works. If I connect over webchat, it also works. I think there's a firewall running, but I don't know which firewall is still running, I disabled firestarter :/13:05
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coz_Daniel0108,  which client?13:06
Guest153289why does compiz not work like how it did in 10.04 and 10.10?  Even in ubuntu classic it strips my top bar for close, minimize and maximize, and then doesn't let me move any of my windows13:06
Daniel0108coz_: xchat and irssi :P13:06
kaiesometimes it helps to asks questions on irc, it's inspiring for coming up with good search engine questions. found http://www.howtoforge.com/automatically-unlock-luks-encrypted-drives-with-a-keyfile - might be able to solve my scenario13:06
BlouBlouDaniel0108: which error are you getting?13:06
Dr_WillisDaniel0108:  check with sudo iptables --list to see if thers any rules. I would find it a nifty fireqwall rule that would block irc except for freenode.13:06
coz_Daniel0108,  thats odd.. i am probably the biggest doof with any kind of networking issue,, however,,, if no one here can help,, try the ##linux channel13:06
Daniel0108BlouBlou: I can connect to the server, but I get no response from it, I'm online, but I don't get server responses, it's a one-way connection13:06
Dr_WillisGuest153289:  sounds like the window decortator is not running.13:07
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: No, iptables accepts all connections13:07
coz_ah yes Dr_Willis  is far more gifted with networking issues  :)13:07
=== lance_ is now known as Guest38733
Dr_WillisGuest153289:  you are saying thers no title bar or buttons for any windows?13:07
Dr_WillisDaniel0108:  if thers no rules. then its not your firewall settings on the pc.13:07
=== danielmorton is now known as Mortz
Guest153289Dr_Willis, correct, but it says gtk window decorator is running, false positive?13:08
Mortzis this the ubuntu channel or kubuntu??13:08
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: hmm.. so it's a router firewall? but it worked a few days ago... btw, the last message I get from the server is: "* *** Looking up your hostname..."13:08
coz_Guest153289,   false positive?  mm  did you already try hitting alt+F2     gtk-window-decorator --replace   ...yes?13:08
linuxWhat is the time? sorry.13:09
coz_linux,  in which time zone?13:09
HerbsDr_Willis do you happen to know of a guide for redhat users to using ubuntu iptables,,,,?13:09
phibxrlinux, you have a /time-command here. ;)13:09
kaieI wonder if /etc/fstab entries can be made optional. if device is present on boot, then mount it. if not, skip it (proceed boot)13:09
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)13:09
Guest153289coz_, alt-f2 is doing nothing, but in a terminal gtk-window-decorator --replace just hangs13:10
HerbsI always modify the /etc/sysconfig/firewall and then execute /etc/sysconfig/firewall but I dont think thats the proper way?13:10
kurtulmy wireless doesn't work...13:10
coz_Guest153289,   ok open ccsm,,Preferences   hit the reset to defaults button13:10
coz_Guest153289,   is this 11.04  and is it an upgrade or clean install?13:11
maxagazHerbs, still here ?13:11
Dr_WillisHerbs:  iptables is iptables.. as far as i know13:11
Herbsnot in ubuntu it aint lol13:11
nukemi am looking for linux distro that asks for root password during  installation13:11
coz_maxagaz,  you can check if someone is still here by typing the first 2 or 3  letters of their name  and tabbing to see if it completes13:11
Dr_WillisHerbs:  the firewall tools are just front ends to iptables commands as far as  know. The actual iptables and modules are the same.13:12
nukemwhy doesn't ubuntu ask for root password during ubuntu installation13:12
Dr_Willisnukem:  becuase thers no root password set by default. root user is locked down.13:12
coz_nukem,   fedora,,, opensuse,,, maybe  gentoo or  sabayon  maybe13:12
Dr_Willis!sudo | nukem13:12
ubottunukem: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:12
Dr_Willisroot user password - is a rather trivial reason to decide on a disrto.13:13
trailoryowhen im trying to run spotify through wine this is what it says: There is a problem with your sound card. Spotify cant play music.13:13
nukemDr_Willis  then what distro ask for root password during installation13:13
brandonc503Herbs: is this towarsds what i need? http://www.howtoforge.com/chrooted-ssh-sftp-tutorial-debian-lenny13:13
Joris_hi guys, i happily upgraded to 11 yesterday but now my wireless doesn't work anymore on my laptop:( it says "disabled" -- then I issue the command "iwconfig wlan0 up" (or something like that) the hardware light from my wireless card goes on -- which is good, but I still don't get any internet :(13:13
Dr_Willisnukem:  ones mentioned above13:13
Herbsthats why my methods have always worked because they are just .ssh scripts but Im curious at what the official way to update iptables in ubuntu is13:13
Guest153290sorry Dr_Willis and coz_ got disconnected, but gtk command did nothing13:13
Dr_Willisnukem:  you can always set the root users password. but its not reccomended. and in ubuntu - not needed13:13
Joris_anyone an idea what i might try? i googled but couldn't find anything that could solve it:(13:13
Herbs,sh scripts one to many s13:13
coz_Guest153289,   is this 11.04  and if so ,, is it an upgrade or clean install?13:14
nukemdr_willis i don't like distro that disables root13:14
Dr_Willisnukem:  I think you need to do more reserch then. Root is not disabled.. its locked down.13:14
nukemdrwillis what is the diffrence between lockeddown and disabled13:14
bigMikegetting an ugly 'Sorry no more PTYs' error13:14
bigMikeon running screen for a user account?13:14
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)13:14
coz_nukem,  well ubuntu is "disabled"  on the surface  you can still set a root password,, although I will probably get  hazed for saying that :)13:14
Sidewinder1coz_: regarding the root pswd thing, what about Slackware?13:14
Herbsnkem you want root its always there sudo passwd root ;)13:14
Mortzdoes anyone know how to get team fortress working on ubuntu?13:14
Joris_i also tried to boot again with the live cd without success13:14
Dr_Willisnukem:  You cant directly login as root. root user is still there. You just use sudo as needed to do root tasks13:15
coz_Sidewinder1,  that's also possible,,  I havent tried slack for some time now so I dont remember13:15
coz_Sidewinder1,  many of the other distributions ask for root password long before setting user passwords13:15
nukemdr_willis   i cannot directly login as root:  is this ubuntu-only thing?13:15
Herbssomethings dont work with sudo13:15
coz_Sidewinder1,  you can still set root password in ubuntu13:15
Dr_Willisnukem:  you could do it in other disrots i imagine.. i dont bother with other disrtos.13:15
Zeit|awyOS X also, just use su -13:16
Dr_WillisHerbs:  if you know what you are doing.. they all should work with sudo13:16
ozanorhanis removing softwares that came with ubuntu dangerous. i mean softwares like evolution and empathy13:16
nukemi refuse to use ubuntu for this reason then13:16
coz_Sidewinder1,  I think that was for nukem13:16
Dr_Willisnukem:  have a nice day then.. goodby13:16
coz_nukem,  then set the root password in ubuntu13:16
Herbsno smaba shares on certain setyups sont work with sudo13:16
nukemcoz can i log in as root  after setting root password13:16
coz_nukem,  yes13:16
Dr_WillisHerbs:  cant say that ive ever had an issue with samba shares.13:16
nukemthen why did drwill said no i cannot13:16
ikonianukem: if you don't know these things - you should be using sudo13:17
coz_nukem,   well I dont its supported here13:17
ikoniathere is no reason to login as root13:17
Dr_Willisnukem:  i said you dont need to set the paswsword. theres no need to login directly as root.13:17
nukemikonia  what do you mean i don't know these things: i know how to use root13:17
Dr_Willisyou definatly dont want to logint o X as root.13:17
Guest153290other example is that i cannot move windows, alt-mouse1 does nothing either13:17
ikonianukem: yet you don't know that you need to set a password to login as root13:17
Sidewinder1coz_:Naw, I understand; I was just wondering...13:17
lightstepi created a new indicator applet for myself, in ~/bin13:17
coz_ Sidewinder1  ok cool13:17
lightstephow do i make it start when i log in?13:17
Herbsroot isnt dirty just becareful if your new13:17
nukemikonia  because it's usually asked during  installation13:18
Dr_Williswheres more to sudo then just somthing  to add another layer to get to root. :)13:18
ikonianukem: the sudo model is quite basic and effective13:18
lightstepi can't find the xsession script any more13:18
bigMikehow can I unblock ttyp1?13:18
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: It's definitely my firewall, I tried it on my desktop and it worked13:18
trailoryowhen im trying to run spotify through wine this is what it says: There is a problem with your sound card. Spotify cant play music. Anyone?13:18
nukemikonia i hate sudo model with a passion13:18
bigMikeCannot open your terminal '/dev/ttyp1' - please check.13:18
ikoniabigMike: saying anyone is pointless, ask a question and wait for a response13:18
ikonianukem: yet you don't understand it.....hence you'd know to set a root password13:18
Herbssudo on ubuntu is root basically bevause it allows all13:18
bigMikeok sorry13:18
Dr_WillisDaniel0108:  flush all the firewall rules.. You said there were none allready.13:18
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: are there other firewalls, I don't think iptables is the only firewall I have :P13:19
Dr_WillisDaniel0108:  what other firewalls? i dont see much point in layers of firewalls really :)13:19
Herbsbut you still seem to need root for certain things i.e setting up autofs using sudo messes it up13:19
Zeit|awynukem: su - ; whoami -->root13:19
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:19
coz_nukem,  did you see my PM?13:19
Guest153290welp, i guess i'll just reinstall then, hopefully compiz and the window decorator will feel better on the other side13:19
Dr_WillisZeit|awy:  that dont work in ubuntu.13:20
Dr_WillisZeit|awy:  use sudo -i13:20
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: yes I know, but I installed ufw, and then I removed it because it blocked the connections :/13:20
Zeit|awysince when?13:20
Dr_WillisDaniel0108:  ufw is a front end to iptables. the iptables command would show the rules ufw made.13:20
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: yes, there were rules, but I flushed them13:20
Dr_WillisZeit|awy:  since.. always.. as far as i know.13:20
Herbsthere still there in /etc/sysconfig/firewall13:21
Dr_Willisthose rules would get reinstalled on reboot Herbs  i belive.13:21
Dr_Willisusing iptables command directly bypassed the normal rule set.13:21
Herbsunless you flushed them before writing thm13:21
Dr_Willisflush all your troubles away :)13:22
Herbsthey would if they werent saved13:22
wujieubuntu11.04 BAD13:22
Dr_Williswujie:  demand a refund.13:22
amews_ajwujie, why do you think that?13:22
Dr_WillisI still cant imagine what sort of Firewall rule would block other IRC networks but not freenode. Unless is some port range. or they require IDENTD13:23
Magnussontesting my client settings, could someone mention my name in channel in 5 secs?13:23
karthick87How to list all biggest directories in a drive?13:23
Dr_Williskarthick87:  for the whole drive? or in the users home?13:23
wujieno use wine13:23
Sidewinder1Side wants 10% of wujie's refund   :-)13:23
Zeit|awyDr_Willis: no, it works, but after you set the root passwd once13:23
Dr_Williswujie:  if you have a support question - please state it.13:23
karthick87Dr_Willis: For the whole drive?13:23
wujieLooking forward to gnome313:24
Dr_WillisZeit|awy:  and setting a root password is definatly not needed..13:24
Herbswho thinks there firewalls blocking channels is WRONG13:24
Dr_WillisZeit|awy:  and not reccomended or advised or supported by this channel13:24
ozanorhancoz_got one more question. is removing softwares that came with ubuntu dangerous. i mean softwares like evolution and empathy13:24
Magnussonthanks trailoryo :)13:24
Magnussonhmm no sound13:24
bigMikescreen is fully dead for me13:24
Dr_Williskarthick87:  via command line 'du -hs' perhaps.13:24
bigMikethe server went down13:24
bigMikeand since it came back up this is an issue now13:24
Dr_Williskarthick87:  via command line 'du -hs /' perhaps.13:24
ubuntu345332is it possibile to force the nomodeset on a ubuntu 11.04 pendrive live?13:24
Herbsthe firewall will block ranges, ports hostnames but not allow one irc channel without the others unless its a seriously locked down firewall13:25
ubuntu345332(as default)13:25
bigMikeany users apart from root cannot run screen now13:25
wujieWhy was not compatible with QQ?13:25
Sidewinder1ozanorhan, You may remove them if you want; if you want them back, simply reinstall.13:25
DJRoby4hello, I have a problem: I installed ubuntu and on reboot appears only a black screen with a blinking white dash13:25
Dr_Willisubuntu345332:  you can edit the syslinux.cfg files on th pendrive. or hit the space key when it boots and you see the man logo (i think) and hit F6 and enable nomodeset13:25
Incarus6wujie, pls ask a complete question13:25
ozanorhanthanks Sidewinder113:25
Sidewinder1ozanorhan, No problem.13:25
bigMikewhen one runs screen13:26
Incarus6Do someone know where I can revert the new background-colorsettings of Grub in 11.04? grub.cfg?13:26
bigMikewhere is the ttyp directed?13:26
wujieWhy did not the cool 3D ?13:26
nukemwhat is last version of ubuntu to NOT use "sudo-model"?13:26
=== webvictim is now known as webvictim^
ikonianukem: there isn't one13:26
Dr_WillisIncarus6:  you should be editing the /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/ files. Not grub.cfg13:26
ikonianukem: they all use the sudo security model13:26
bigMikehi ikonia13:26
ubuntu345332Dr_Willis, thx i know with the f6, but i give a look to the syslinux.cfg thx13:26
nukemi refuse to use  sudomodel13:26
ikonianukem: don't use ubuntu then, thanks13:27
DJRoby4hello, I have a problem: I installed ubuntu and on reboot appears only a black screen with a blinking white dash13:27
Dr_Willisubuntu345332:  the syslinux configs on the flash are rather complex.. takes me some time to figure out which file to edit.13:27
bigMikeguess no one else has faced these issues?13:27
Peloall my calendars now start the week on saturday , this is effing ridiculous13:27
ikoniabigMike: what's the problem ?13:27
ubuntu345332Dr_Willis, thx :(((((13:27
paodoes any one know to make my backtrack 4 r2 look like mac??13:27
Dr_Willisubuntu345332:  the default syslinux.cfg includes other files. i had to look through them all the other day13:27
bigMikeCannot open your terminal '/dev/ttyp1' - please check.13:27
karthick87Dr_Willis: Thank you :)13:27
Dr_Willispao:  ask in the backtrack channekl.13:27
DJRoby4anyone can help me?13:28
ikoniapao: ask in #backtrack-linux - we don't support backtrack in this channel13:28
Incarus6Dr_Willis, Im not sure where canonical located the color setting (it's not in /etc/default/grub) , is it  /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme?13:28
ikoniabigMike: at boot time ?13:28
atlef!backtrack | pao13:28
ubottupao: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:28
Herbsikonia its not that simple with gfx drivers these days13:28
ikoniabigMike: 11.04 ?13:28
Peloanyone know where I'M suppose to change the first weekday now ?  /usr/share/i18n/locales isn'T it apparently13:28
ikoniaHerbs: what ?13:28
DJRoby4anyone can help me13:28
Dr_WillisIncarus6:  i would have to check the grub2 docs/guides and configs. I disable the fancy grub stuff and enable the old-skool text look in /etc/default/grub13:28
Herbsnot using ubuntu13:28
BeliasHi, what to use in order to code with C and C++ ?13:28
ikoniaHerbs: what are you talking about ?13:29
Sidewinder1!ask | DJRoby413:29
ubottuDJRoby4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:29
PeloDJRoby4, did you have ubuntu working before ?13:29
Pelosidewalk, read up, he did ask13:29
ikoniaBelias:  text editor and a compiler - gcc is the most common on the linux platform13:29
PeloSidewinder1, , he did ask , read up13:29
ikoniabigMike: has this ever worked ?13:29
Herbserr ubuntu is the most trouble free disto to get gfx working when they are needed13:29
DJRoby4Pelo, i got elementary os, I've done a fresh install of natty13:29
bigMikefor the past um year xD13:29
ikoniaHerbs: no-one said it's not, what are you talking about13:30
Incarus6Dr_Willis, nevermind, it's not that important, just annyoing (text isn't shown up correctly)13:30
bigMikeit's a VPS13:30
bigMikebeen running fine13:30
PeloDJRoby4, anything odd about your hardware ?13:30
Sidewinder1Pelo: sorry, trying to multi-task several channels; failing miserably.13:30
Dr_WillisIncarus6:  fancy grub menu here set the monitor out of range. :) so i had to change it.13:30
ikoniabigMike: can you boot the box ?13:30
bigMikeand I've setup byobu under my usual account that I ssh into (keypair)13:30
bigMikenot a box, it's a virtual container13:30
paohi want to learn more about the use of metasploit instead of simply run and hack virtual machines13:30
ikoniabigMike: virtual container ? in that case look at the permissions13:30
bigMikepersm of?13:30
ikoniapao: join the mailing list then13:31
bigMikettyp1 itself?13:31
ikoniabigMike: within the container13:31
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: I flushed my iptables config and it's still blocking the connection, I don't know WHAT is blocking my connection. I messed up my firewall config :/13:31
paohow to join???13:31
DJRoby4Pelo, to install ubuntu I had to remove the nvidia hardware raid, my motherboard is an asus m4n98td evo, my video card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 47013:31
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: It worked before I set up firewall stuff yesterday13:31
ikoniapao: read the support information on their website13:31
phibxrDJRoby4, you should probably ask on the elementary forums/channels instead.13:31
bigMikeyea but perms of what inside the cointainer13:31
bigMikettyp1 itself or?13:31
ikoniabigMike: of the ttyp1 device file, but the one that is within the container13:32
DJRoby4phibxr, no I removed elementary and I have installed natty!13:32
Daniel0108Dr_Willis: are there any logs where I can see what is blocking the connection?13:32
Incarus6Dr_Willis, I allways wonder how ubuntu can broke working things ;) I can't hibernate anymore since upgrade, grubs text isn't shown correctly, unity isn't working, and and and :D13:32
coz_pao,   where you type here   type  /join #nameofchannel13:32
phibxrDJRoby4, oh, I see. I thought you upgraded. :)13:32
bigMikeannoying Plesk doesn't show me any perms13:32
syn3rgyHow do I get my weather app.13:32
PeloDJRoby4, the nvidia raid stuff is out of my leaque but that shoudln'T matter at this point,  wher you able to run a live session ?13:32
DJRoby4phibxr, no, a fresh install13:32
ikoniabigMike: can you show me the output of uname -a please ?13:32
Herbsbigmike plesk is shit but whats your issue?13:32
ikoniaHerbs: control the language please.13:33
coz_syn3rgy,  in 11.04  the weather applet you mean ...yes?13:33
studentzHi there I mounted two encrypted HD using Disk Utility They don't appear neither  in media directory or .gvfs.  Also there is not icon of them in the dock or my desktop. I'm in natty  How I can find them13:33
DJRoby4Pelo, yes I can run a live session and I removed the Raid!13:33
bigMikeHerbs will do when it's back up :)13:33
syn3rgycoz_ yes. I really don't want to use some sort of clouding though.13:33
Herbsbigmike plesk sucks big time13:33
paocoz, how will i know the name of the channel13:33
ikoniaHerbs: you've said that - give it a rest13:33
Herbswhats up with it?13:33
PeloDJRoby4, , when you get that blinking cursor, can you type anyting or it is just a timer ( busybox) ?13:33
ikoniapao: look on their website13:33
bigMikeok when I last sshed in13:33
bigMike2.6.18-028stab089.1 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 13:46:04 MSD 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS13:33
coz_syn3rgy,  I think that is mentioned here as well as other tweaks possible   http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html13:33
Herbsikonia I didnt swear though!13:34
paocoz, ive joined irrc chat now only13:34
matthias_hi, the fan of my thinkpad t60 running ubuntu 10.4 is always on, any ideas what to do?  some time ago it was turning off wen the temperature was low enough13:34
DJRoby4Pelo, if you wait for me, I try13:34
ikoniabigMike: it maybe worth talking to your hosting provider, the reason I say that is that vps has a modified kernel (other things are probably modified too)13:34
syn3rgycoz_ thx13:34
paoand everything is new to me in this chat room13:34
bigMikeikonia: ok thanks.  yeah something is very wrong here.13:34
coz_syn3rgy,  some of that is pretty interesting on that link13:34
bigMikeMediaTemple - and their support are being nasty about this issue13:34
PeloDJRoby4, I 'll wait , just  say my nick when you come back to it hightlights me13:34
PeloDJRoby4, I won'T wait an hour13:34
DJRoby4Pelo, ok! thanks!13:35
Herbsikonia I work for an ISP that provide plesk and yes thats true but might be able to help13:35
bigMikesure it's a Linux VPS but when the container resets and I loose SSHd how the hell is it something I can manage?13:35
KNUBBIGHi, is there an option to tell irssi to set away automagically after, say 30 min, and change the nick?13:35
coz_ by the way ,,, good day all  :)13:35
PeloKNUBBIG, irssi has a nice channel of their own13:35
_Keepirui cant get it running properly again. damn it.13:35
Herbsbigmike your issue is not plesk13:35
KNUBBIGPelo: ok ...13:35
_Keepirui just run an update to 11, and if this works, i disable ALL updates.13:36
tjiggi_fotop o the mornin' coz_ :)13:36
DJRoby4Pelo, I'm waiting to see if a couple of minutes to change something13:36
coz_tjiggi_fo,   :)  thanks13:37
DJRoby4Pelo, nothing, I can't type nothing13:37
knifepointI am have some serious Launcher/Window focus issues with Unity in Ubuntu 11.04 is there a compiz plugin i shoul/shouldn't have enabled?13:38
PeloDJRoby4, ,ok , are you sure (don't be insuslted just checking) that you are installing the correct version for your hardware ( ie 32/64 bit )13:38
DJRoby4Pelo, i've got a 64 bit processor, but I installed 32 bit version13:39
DJRoby4Pelo, CPU*13:39
syn3rgyHow do I make Dash stop showing all my porn!13:39
GlycanWhat is the delete/erase command on terminal?13:39
bigMikelols syn13:39
bigMikerm ?13:39
bigMikesudo rm rf *13:39
Herbsrm -rf /13:39
bigMikerm -rf /13:39
coz_Glycan,   rm -rf  /nameof directory or file13:39
bigMikeyea :)13:39
GlycanWhat does that mean?13:40
Herbsno dont13:40
bigMiker = recursive13:40
bigMikef = force13:40
PeloDJRoby4, that should work but I would recommend you try the 64 bit one,  in anycase I was going to suggest that you try a second install using the alternate install cd,   it's text based ( looks like the old dosshell)  and it used to be slightly more reliable when you had install problems with the live version13:40
Herbsremove all files and force it from /13:40
bigMikeyou need that for directories13:40
Incarus6Dr_Willis, I found a small tool called "startupmanager", that fixed it for me (you can also change the resolution with it13:40
Incarus6!info startupmanager13:40
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (natty), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB13:40
bigMikewell / would wipe *everything*13:40
syn3rgyI downloaded my porn fair and square. Its mine. Thing is that I don't needed flagged all over my Dash.13:40
GlycanOkay, so if I'm in /host/Windows, and I say rm -rf *.*, will that work the way I think it should?13:40
DJRoby4Pelo, but the installer works!13:41
sam_00393948hey.   i tried to upgrade to 11.04 yesterday and it basically busted up.  Does anyone know if there are any issues with upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04?13:41
coz_syn3rgy, ooo especially if others use that system13:41
motomast3rhello to all. any one can help with alsamixer ?13:41
scott__Anybody have issues with getting firefox to play nice with the globalmenu in 11.04?13:41
PeloDJRoby4, oh sorry I thought you wanted the computer to work ...13:41
DJRoby4Pelo, I did not say anything13:42
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syn3rgycoz_ yeah really...em like my wife13:42
TheWubberwhere are VLC settings stored?13:42
syn3rgycoz_ "yeah honey thats you" is not going to work13:42
coz_syn3rgy,  :)   I believe its possible to create a  private folder,, although I have never done this  or needed to,,13:42
TheWubbercan't find them in /home13:42
jribTheWubber: check ~/.config/vlc/13:43
PeloDJRoby4, it happens that the installer will go all the way to the end but something goes wrong in the install and it won'T boot properly,  in such cases reinstall , using the alternate install cd if possible13:43
syn3rgycoz_ I guess I could roll with TrueCrypt13:43
coz_syn3rgy,   you may have to google that one unless,, which I am sure,, someone here knows the procedure13:43
knifepointAnyone else having endless focus issues with the unity launcher and window focus? Wondering if there is a fix because if there isn't its pretty sloppy for a final ubuntu release. (I have a feeling it may be one of my compiz plugins though)13:43
ikoniasyn3rgy: not interested in your porn issues, drop it now13:43
TheWubberjrib: thanks13:43
DJRoby4#in any case there is another solution?13:43
coz_syn3rgy,  yeah that one confused me too :)13:43
syn3rgyikonia ok how about your bosses work photos?13:43
coz_syn3rgy,   networking  truecrypt ,, I am a dunce :)13:43
DJRoby4Pelo, my connection is very slow and if possible I would like to avoid13:43
ikoniasyn3rgy: we can help you with technical issues - just don't be provokative with the topic as you are clearly trying to be13:44
DonDrapercrap! I ran that rm -rf / command.  What do I do now?13:44
Dazzled1anyone knows where I could ask a question about the Google Chrome PDF plugin (I'm using Ubuntu)13:44
ikoniaDonDraper: nothing - it won't have done anything13:45
NickUK`DonDraper,  - Reinstall!13:45
ikoniaNickUK`: no13:45
GlycanIs there a  doing-stuff-for-windows channal?13:45
DonDraperoh phew13:45
NickUK`Well it depends if you've ran it as root :P13:45
ikoniaGlycan: ##windows13:45
Incarus6DonDraper, old joke, nothing happend13:45
ikoniaNickUK`: no it doesn't there is a layer of protection within coreutils13:45
coz_DonDraper,  I hope the command you used was NOT      rm -rf  /13:45
GlycanSo how do you delete all the files in a folder?13:45
ikoniacoz_: stop it13:45
Incarus6coz_, try it, nothing will happen13:45
syn3rgycvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -rOPENBSD_4_8 -P src ports xenocara13:45
coz_ikonia,  I beg your pardon13:45
ikoniacoz_: "stop it"13:46
NickUK`Glycan - If you want to delete the contents of a folder you do the rm -f but you do it like for example "rm -f /home/user/folder"13:46
coz_ikonia,  no  because I dont know what you are talking about13:46
PeloDJRoby4, there are to many things that could be responsible during the boot process, Reinstall is the only option that makes sense, you could try just reinsalling again,  from the  cd, don'T boot the live session, just go straith to the installer,  to a 100% clean install, ei whipe the hdd and start from scratch ( obviously you'd have to backup your data)13:46
knifepointsyn3rgy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29559/how-can-i-keep-recent-files-from-appearing-in-unity13:46
DonDraperoh I see, good thing I didn't do sudo rm -rf /*13:46
ikoniaDonDraper: stop putting that command in the channel13:46
DonDraperoh sorry13:46
Incarus6DonDraper, nothing will happen. "man rm"13:46
DonDraperwas worried.13:46
syn3rgyknifepoint thx.13:46
paoanyone tell me how disable the unity interface on natty narwhal??13:47
zhjaweHi,Does anyone know how to install 3D desktop without Internet?13:47
coz_darn fingers13:47
NickUK`I've a question here on the upgrade for some reason Ubuntu wont install from my BOOT USB it goes all static on my screen, apt-get dist-upgrade wont upgrade it, running the updater with my Boot USB fails from multiple attempts from multiple downloads.13:47
scott__I was just wondering why when I install applications from software center, it says "The installation or removal of a software package failed." But when I check, the program was installed anyway.  Is there a setting somewhere I need to tweak to stop that message from appearing?13:47
TheWubberzhjawe: download the packages from a computer that has internet and transfer them onto the machine13:47
coz_ikonia,   i am not sure why you want to stop something,, if you meant that command,, I would have expected an explanation as to why13:47
NickUK`So what else is the best way to upgrade from the Beta of the Ubuntu 11.04 to the latest?13:47
Incarus6ikonia, as long as they forget the no-preserve-root option..13:47
jrib!final | NickUK`13:47
ubottuNickUK`: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:47
ikoniaIncarus6: exactly13:47
atlefpao, log out and choose ubuntu classic in the bottom panel before you login again13:47
NickUK`ikonia,  - I've already done that will run it again though13:48
ikoniaNickUK`: done what ?13:48
NickUK`That command13:48
ikoniawhat command ?13:48
NickUK`The dist upgrade13:48
coz_oh brother13:48
NickUK`And updating my apt13:48
zoufengyes,what commond?13:48
ikoniaI didn't tell you to do anything ?13:48
NickUK`jrib sorry :P13:48
zoufengno,you donont.13:49
zhjaweTheWubber:what package is needing?13:49
jribNickUK`: what's the output you get from running « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » ?13:49
NickUK`I know I'm not upgraded to13:49
NickUK`0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:49
scott__I was just wondering why when I install applications from software center, it says "The installation or removal of a software package failed." But when I check, the program was installed anyway.  Is there a setting somewhere I need to tweak to stop that message from appearing?13:49
Fleckanyone can install fglrx on natty?13:49
jribNickUK`: no it's not13:49
jribNickUK`: use a pastebin13:49
maxagazplease, can someone help me to set ssh tunnelling with firefox, I can't manage to make it work, I always get a blank page in firefox, and tcpdump sees nothing related to the pages I'm trying to open with it13:49
bindiwhen doing "sudo reboot" or "sudo shutdown -r now", it tells me system going for blabla.. and kills ssh.. yet the computer never reboots, just sits @ black screen. Why?13:50
rozander1hi guys13:50
ikoniascott__: it may be talking about a different package, not the one you are trying to install13:50
syn3rgyI was looking at the core Unity code the other night. Is there a reason that they are not doing this in C ? C++ doses not feel like Linux13:50
dellmandrivers for wireless network card on dell inspiron 1300?13:50
rozander1hmmm ive updated to 11.04, and i have the nvidia evga 570 gtx...and basically i have to boot in safety mode...becouse i dont have the proper driver13:50
ikoniasyn3rgy: are you struggling to grasp this channels topic ?13:51
billy1987I just want the desktop on 11.04???13:51
syn3rgydellman they should be in the Mac stack13:51
ikoniasyn3rgy: stop - check the topic, it's ubuntu support discussion13:51
bindimaxagaz: did you set http proxy? youre supposed to set SOCKS proxy and nothing else13:51
knifepointAnyone have any ideas about my untiy focus issue?13:52
dellmani have installed 11.04 but wireless network is not detected13:52
maxagazbindi, yes, that's what I did13:52
bindimaxagaz: and what ssh command did you run13:52
scott__ikonia, when I scrolled through the details, I got this " dpkg: error processing grub-pc (--configure):13:52
scott__ subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" I remember when I did an upgrade from Maverick that it said there was an error with grub-pc13:52
dellmanany ideas apart from being a driver issue?13:52
knifepointI am about to revert back to normal gnome metacity if no one has any ideas.13:52
maxagazbindi, ssh -D 9999 user@server13:53
maxagazbindi, it connects successfully13:53
syn3rgydellman the divers you are using should be in mac80211 (kernel) and not in some  ieee80211 stack.13:53
bindimaxagaz: and then socks proxy localhost:9999?13:53
maxagazbindi, yes13:53
bindimaxagaz: weird, should work..13:53
redBeen a lot of traffic since the release? :)13:53
rozander1guys any ideaqs if the experiemental 3d driver will fix my ubuntu 11.04 boot issues for graphics driver13:54
redBig problems?13:54
ikoniasyn3rgy: how is that an ubuntu support comment ?13:54
securetuxHi! Can someone give me a hand here? I've just upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 but i cant enter in graphical mode. (now Im in low graphics)13:54
gordon_hello,I'm building lfs6.3 in virtual box, and I've got "VFS: Unable to mount root fs via NFS...", my root fs is reiserfs in /dev/sda1. how to do?13:54
rozander1are you using nvidia gpu13:54
ikoniagordon_: join the lfs support channel13:54
maxagazbindi, sorry, it works...13:54
bindimaxagaz: lol :p13:54
securetuxrozander1, no, ati radeon 452013:54
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gordon_ikonia, thank you13:54
rozander1i have the same problem with the nvidia 570 gtx13:54
maxagazbindi, I've set localhost in the http line instead of the socks line13:54
rozander1iam tryign to use the 3d experimental graphics driver13:54
rozander1maybe that will work13:55
bindimaxagaz: yeah i thought so too :-)13:55
maxagazbindi, thanks you very much!13:55
bindimaxagaz: yw :)13:55
scott__i actually found something when I did an internet search.  I'll go read that first :D13:55
ozanorhanHi again. i removed evolution and installed thunderbird but my indicator is not working with it. when i clicked set up mail nothing happens. and yes i changed preferred app from system menu.13:55
syn3rgyikonia maybe because a lot of the kernel work for that part of the stack was done by Me?13:55
securetuxrozander1, Ok can you let me know if it works? :)13:55
syn3rgyikonia by the way I am Onryo13:55
rozander1yah ill let you no13:55
ikoniasyn3rgy: then it's nothing to do with ubuntu - get with the topic "ubuntu support" please13:56
ikoniaso ?13:56
sbp_when i boot ubuntu 11.04 install cd on my acer aspire 5334 laptop i am able to see a menu askign to try ubuntu or install ubuntu, no matter which i select i just get a black screen.  anybody know a work around?13:56
ZeXx86Can anybody answer the question http://askubuntu.com/questions/25785/can-auto-hide-for-the-application-menu-be-turned-off-in-unity/38794#38794 ?13:56
jribNickUK`: still there?13:57
NickUK`jrib - Yes, sorry I'm here13:57
jribNickUK`: can you pastebin the full output?13:57
syn3rgyikonia Ubuntu is a spin off of Debian. "unity" is just a windows manager. In fact We are using GNU/Linux with the flavor Ubuntu 11.0413:57
NickUK`Yes I did two seconds will re-link it to you.13:58
NickUK`jrib,  - http://pastebin.com/T8ZQSWJ613:58
ikoniasyn3rgy: so that has nothing to do with the discussion - this is the last time I'll tell you, #ubuntu is for ubuntu support discussion, please try to get with it13:58
EmuAlertIf I set crontab to run at a specific time and the computer's off then, will it run the next time I turn the computer on?13:58
jribNickUK`: that indicates you *are* up to date13:59
NickUK`That's the thing I know I'm not upto date13:59
jribNickUK`: how?13:59
NickUK`If I plug my BootUSB into my laptop and run Update-Manager it tells me there is an update and trys to install it from the USB.13:59
Diverdudeif I have a sequence like 1,10,4,8,10   how do i plot that with gnu plot from the command line?13:59
NickUK`But for some reason it chucks errors at me, I cannot install from the USB as the screen turns like static you get from a TV but it doesn't move.13:59
jribNickUK`: what update?  Do « apt-cache policy PACKAGE » on the package13:59
knifepointIt's a shame Unity can't even do something simple like take the window focus...... I have to use the Alt + F1 key combination to get focus. Does anyone know what could be causing this?14:00
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nir0hi guys, after updating ubuntu on my notebook i stacked with starting up. after login pc thinks about nothing for like 10 seconds and says that cannot update .ICEauthority. i tried to adjust rights and ownership of this file - nothing helps14:00
ubuntu-userdo i need to upgrade from maverick to natty?14:00
NickUK`jrib - Can I pm you I can't read while everyone else is chatting and logging in/out of IRC14:00
ikoniaubuntu-user: no, you don't "need" to14:01
aliquisCan't say I've ever ran Ubuntu much, kinda only one version. Anyway, back when the installer was changed from the good old debian one to the new graphical crap the installer didn't work. Now I have a HDD which may end its life so I wanted a LiveDVD and got Knoppix but later also fetched the latest Ubuntu CD so I could install that on some other HDD. But I've tried booting it with noacpi nolacpi and other options but no su14:01
aliquisccess. It always crashes either after choosing "try" or "install" or if I choose either from the boot loader as soon as I click the install or firefox icon in the live desktop environment. Machine is an Athlon64 on Via K8T800 motherboard with NV6800LE. Any ideas? I would had been so much happier with a simple installation which actually worked and then try to figure out how to make everything else work than have an instal14:01
aliquisler try to make everything work from the beginning, fail and then try to figure out why it fails ..14:01
FloodBot3aliquis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:01
ubuntu-userthnks ikonia14:01
jribNickUK`: if you must, but I'd prefer it if we stayed in channel (just read the highlighted text and ignore the rest)14:01
berefeiraanyone have slow ssh and terminal issues?14:01
NickUK`Alright, that gives 500s on everything can pastebin it for you if you like.14:01
alazyworkaholicI've a whole set of problems. 1st, I'm using ATI catalyst, (need it) & second I can't get a big red/white '1' in the top left corner to go away.14:01
billy1987How do i get the desktop cube going on 11.04?14:02
GlycanHow do you make the windows wobbely?14:02
nir0can anyone help me?14:02
knifepointbilly1987: install ccsm14:02
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billy1987what is ccsm?14:03
knifepointbilly1987: Compiz Config Setting Manager lets you tunr on and off the compiz plugins14:03
PurpleSmokebilly1987,  advanced configuration settings for compiz14:03
PurpleSmokeyou can find it at software center14:03
alazyworkaholicbilly1987: & Glycan: Click power button top right > System Settings > CompizConfig Manager (After installing ccsm)14:03
aliquisbilly1987: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion ?14:04
paoalguem fala portugues aqui??14:04
LjL!br | pao14:04
ubottupao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:04
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andreas_hi, i installed gnome 3 (i use nouveau). Everything runs snappy but moving the windows lags a lot. the mouse is much faster than the window moves. Anyone know of this problem?14:04
OnryoSigh... a lot of the ppl at FFmpeg, x264, VP8 were moaning that there was no script to install that stuff from git. Well I just wrote one for Natty14:04
OnryoEven a retard can use that14:05
andreas_(i'm using 11.04)14:05
billy1987ok i have that but when i go to enable it it says it needs to disable the desktop wall... i click ok and then it says: desktop wa;; provides the feature LARGGEDESKTOP wich is required by the plugins UBUNTU UNITY PLUGIN... shoudl i do that... i am afraid I will break something14:05
andreas_heard it might have something to do with nouveau and vsync. maybe anyone know how to disable vsync with nouveau?14:05
nir0my pc is blocked after update and i have no idea how to cure this, plz help14:05
knifepointbilly1987: depends how much you want the cube :)14:05
billy1987well whats it do if i disable the wall?14:06
jooiieeHi guys! How do i see if i run beta or shipped version??14:06
ikoniajooiiee: what did you install ?14:06
LjLjooiiee: if you kept it updated (the automatic updater does that), you're running final14:06
LjL!final > jooiiee    (jooiiee, see the private message from ubottu)14:06
knifepointbilly1987: I have the cube running on my unity desktop14:06
bulletheadquestion about the gnome3 ppa, anyone using it?14:06
billy1987and there is no problem?14:06
billy1987everything is the same as it was?14:07
ikoniabullethead: it's not supported here14:07
LjLbullethead: better to just ask your question. however, it's not really supported, it's known to break things.14:07
knifepointbilly1987: lol i am actually trying to fix a window focus issue with unity now but i dont think its related to the cube plugin14:07
jooiieeikonia, i installed 10.04 but i uppdated it to 11.04 beta.14:07
ikoniajooiiee: have you kept it up to date ?14:07
jooiieeLjL, Thx!14:07
aliquisAnyone got any ideas what to do if the installer crashes as soon as you click any button or icon (choosing language work but that's all), then the CD spins a little, mouse pointer to, and then it hangs. Additional boot parameters?14:07
jooiieeikonia, yepp14:07
billy1987ok i am going to try it... if my computer catches on fire im blaming you knifepoint14:07
ikoniajooiiee: then you are running the stable version14:08
andreas_How can i disable vsync with nouveau driver?14:08
bulletheadwhat's the global package name for the gnome 3 desktop using the ppa, I know it's not supported sorry, is it gnome3-desktop or something14:08
knifepointbilly1987: the reason it needs to disable the wall is because you can have ne or the other not both the wall is just the 4 squares instead of the flashy cube14:08
andreas_bullethead, i just installed it14:08
knifepointbilly1987: haha i need to publish a disclaimer14:08
andreas_but i have a problem with laggy window moving14:08
billy1987yea the largedesktop is what i am worried about14:08
billy1987i have never heard it say that14:08
andreas_if i move the window it lags way behind the mouse cursor14:08
LjLbullethead: it seems to be gnome-desktop314:08
knifepointbilly1987: could google the large desktop plugin find out what it does14:09
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ZeXx86andreas_: your drivers arent installed14:09
andreas_ZeXx86, i'm using nouveau14:09
andreas_with gallium14:09
andreas_works pretty snappy but the windows lag bad14:09
andreas_i had problems with the proprietary nvidia driver, it would slow down to a crawl when there were tray icons (empathy for example)14:10
paocomo posso me juntar a comunidade que fala portugues??14:10
LjLpao: escribe /join #ubuntu-br o /join #ubuntu-pt14:11
ZeXx86andreas_: I think, nouveau in ubuntu does not provide 3D acceleration14:11
ZeXx86andreas_: but 2D acceleration should work14:11
andreas_wel, actually it does ;)14:11
knifepointbilly1987: Did you enable the cube?14:11
andreas_seems like my problem is related to vsync being enabled14:11
maddieCan someone please help me? launcher doesn't remember custom icons!!14:11
andreas_but i have no clue how to turn it off in nouveau14:11
ZeXx86andreas_: meybe in xorg.conf but you have to create new one, ubuntu uses automatic configuration14:12
alazyworkaholichow can I get rid of a big red box with a '1' in the top left corner (using ati). I think I have to use a command-line aticonfig instruction because messing with the aticccle gui it keeps coming back.14:13
maddieCan someone please help me? launcher doesn't remember custom icons.14:13
maddieIn unity14:13
ark0nzawith 11.04, has anyone had issues with wine application windows disappearing when you try resize / move them?14:13
knifepointmaddie: I'm having the same problem, I set nvidia settings to be on the launcher and on restart it was only an empty space.14:14
pod88hello, looking for someone who can help with compiz14:15
maddieknifepoint for me I just get the default set that comes with a fresh install14:15
kurtulif nobody in kubuntu room answers, can i ask my kubuntu questions here?14:15
Daniel0108I have to reinstall my ubuntu, because I messed up my firewall config, even when I flush iptables it's still blocking connections :/ Which version should I install? 10.04, 10.10 or 11.04?14:15
knifepointmaddie: Oh... that is strange I have the Faenza icon set working on my install.14:16
Daniel0108I'm running 10.10 now, btw :P14:16
figacciohey guys, i'm having a problem regarding hdmi audio with the realtec alc888 codec. Video works fine with HDMI but no audio output... in alsamixer the SPDIF, SPDIF D shows 00 - SPDIF 1 is MM - any suggestions?14:16
knifepointmaddie: How did you set the icons? Via the appearance app in the setting pane?14:16
maddieknifepoint that's not the problem - it's the actuall programs I pin to the launcher that get erased upon login14:16
knifepointmaddie: Oh well yeah thats the same problem as me14:17
maddieCan someone please help me with my problem?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38463/launcher-doesnt-remember-custom-icons14:17
shiftingcontroli m using ubuntu studio 11.04 it is getting hung in 5 mins after login ,how can i report this bug14:18
maddieknifepoint I've submitted the question 6 time in different forums and have spent a great deal of time here and still haven't gotten an answer.14:18
phixwow, The new default UI for Ubuntu is terrible14:18
BlouBlouphix: then don't use it, choose 'classic-desktop' instead14:18
phixWho's idea was that?  Did they happen to be a left handed person?14:18
phixBlouBlou: yeah I am using the classic14:19
LjL!ot | phix14:19
ubottuphix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:19
tatzenblogdei didn't like unity, too... i changed to kde14:19
pod88phix, run two displays on the unity desktop, hilarity ensues14:19
BlouBloutatzenblogde: why? no need to do it, just don't use it14:19
figaccioso noone an idea about my hdmi issue?14:19
knifepointmaddie: Yeah I'm having no luck with a frustrating window focus issue in unity too... seems to me Unity isn't as complete as it should be.14:19
phixLjL: No it is a support question, how do can you configure unity?14:20
knifepointmaddie: Sorry I couldn't help mate.14:20
Seqisknifepoint, I've already switched to Xubuntu because of this Unity garbage and gnome 3 crap, since Gnome 2.x is dying.14:20
phixLjL: hi btw! *wave*14:20
LjLphix: yes, *that* is a support question. unfortunately, i don't know the answer (im not using natty), but i don't think it's very configurable in the first place... not sure14:20
maddieknifepoint, yeah. to be honest I was pretty enthusiastic about it for a while despite all the complaints from the community. This problem is making it hard to learn to love it.14:20
kjxl9is there a playstation emulator for xubuntu?14:20
vishphix: you can change the position of the dock14:21
maddieknifepoint, it's okay thanks anyways (:14:21
tatzenblogdeBlouBlou - you're right. thats what like at ubuntu. but canonical presented a new gui and i tried it :-) i didn't like it... there are a few other desktop-envorinments that i didnt like. the best thing at linux is that i can change14:21
phixvish: yeah I figured that out my self :)14:21
knifepointmaddie: Yeah not a fan of either really. Although I was using Docky and gnome-do before which is pretty much unity. Same dev on docky and unity too. Just think its like KDE4 wont be good until a few iterations.14:21
phixvish: and the minimise, maximise, close button change locations when you have the window maximised or in windowed mode14:21
phixalso the default bluetooth manager is a POS.14:22
vishphix: that you can change according to the theme14:22
phixAlways fails14:22
maddieknifepoint, do you think I could somehow replace the launcher with docky in unity?14:22
vish!buttons > phix14:22
ubottuphix, please see my private message14:22
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paodoes anyone know any backtrack community?14:23
LjL!backtrack | pao14:23
ubottupao: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:23
ikoniapao: you've been told 3 times - #backtrack-linux is the correct channel14:23
knifepointmaddie: Nah unity is the window manager. You'd have to go back to using metacity and then install docky. Which isn't really a bad move because it worked without fail in 10.10.14:23
daniel3What does 11.04 use? Gnome 3 or Unity, or is that the same thing?14:23
LjLkjxl9: i don't think you'd need specifically one for Xubuntu. i don't know which ones there are around, but i think "apt-cache search playstation" and "apt-cache search psx" will show you some14:23
knifepointdaniel3: It uses unity14:23
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maddieknifepoint, alright thanks for the advice14:24
knifepointdaniel3: gnome shell (in gnome 3) is a competing window manager14:24
maddieknifepoint, hope you get your problem solved too14:24
knifepointmaddie: i think ill solve it be removing unity ;)14:24
daniel3Im really regretting upgrading to Natty :\. I just cant seem to get anything working right now.14:24
daniel3I use Kubuntu, but I can determine if its KDE or Ubuntu that is causing problems. Im having kernel panics, settings dont work, sketchy networking functions.14:25
happolatiafter upgrading to 11.04 my mouse is not uncluttered anymore, but it kinda flutters on and of. this raises windows accidentally sometimes.14:25
daniel3How can I downgrade kernels, the package isnt available in natty.14:26
rozander1hi guys can someone tell me how i turn on the 11.04 effects14:26
rozander1i have 11.04 just updated but my desktops the same14:26
daniel3happolati, is this on a notebook?14:28
shiftingcontrolIf my system hungs how can i report to launchpad ?14:28
LjLdaniel3: you can't without compiling it or installing an old .deb, and neither of those is a good idea14:29
alazyworkaholicanyone have trouble running LGP's X3 game on 64 bit?14:29
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iomegaxdcc lista14:35
Fudgegday any known problems on i850 chipset that would stop someone typing user and pass into a console. apparently when my friend gets prompted for user/pass he cant input anything.14:36
penguin42Fudge: Is it just completely hung at that point - is there anything he can do?14:37
ChapunBruniolos, está aí?14:37
rgrFudge: an old thinkpad?14:38
Fudgepenguin42  not sure exactly mate, apparently the keyboard is unresponsive, but i think he can switch back to gnom etc14:38
Fudgeits a del14:38
penguin42Fudge: A good one to check is whether something like capslock turns the light on/off14:38
vrlnhow can I install KDE on Ubuntu 11.04? the old kde-desktop meta package seems to be removed now14:38
rgrFudge: you mean his keyboard works outside of the login dialog?14:38
mah454I have problem with printer in ubuntu-11.04 . i can not publish printer . receive this message "not published see server setting"14:38
aeon-ltd!kde | vrln14:38
ubottuvrln: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.14:38
mah454I have problem with printer in ubuntu-11.04 . i can not publish printer . receive this message "not published see server setting"14:38
joseolosBruniolos, está aí?14:39
BlouBlouEnglish please14:39
mah454i can not publish printer . receive this message "not published see server setting"14:40
rgrFudge: does Ctl-Alt-f1 work for example?14:40
vrlnaeon-ltd, thanks! I was browsing with software center and it turns out the package is not shown there - worked fine with apt-cache show kde-desktop14:40
Fudgergr  yes, penguin42  ive ust suggested that on email14:40
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Fudgeunfortunately he is on a mailing list so have to wait reply.14:40
rgranyone upgrading to Natty needs their head examining if they need their PC IMO.14:41
vrlnone last question though, if I install the kde-desktop meta-package, will it override the current boot and start animations/login manager?14:41
vrlnat least when I tried the beta it replaced all those14:41
GlowballCan I set two different shortcuts for the same action? I have a touch thingie for controlling sound, but I also want Fn-up and Fn-down as shortcuts for my volume. Is this possible without overriding the touch controls?14:42
OY1RIm on Ubuntu 8.04 liveCD any way i can download 10 and make a persistant USB drive of 10.10(while running 8.04 liveCD)14:42
needlezrgr?? explain... besides a few minor bugs im finding it to be not that bad now that I didn't a clean install, but did an upgrade from a clean install from 10.10 and so far so good, just need to resize some graphics issue that i had prior in 10.1014:42
klinganHello everybody! I'm new to Ubuntu, therefor I ask this rookie-question: I have just installed VirtualBox and I want to edit my icon for my Windows7-shortcut to my *.vdi-file. Where are the application-based icons stored?14:43
damadprofHaving problems with no sound in the game Nexuiz, audio is fine apart from this game and I am getting addicted!14:43
LjLuhm... does apt-cache in natty not search inside package descriptions by default anymore?14:44
wm_eddieklingan: Right click on the vdi and select roperties.  The icon that you see in the Proprties window is a button. Click on it to customize the icon.14:44
haroondue to some issue in NM 11.04 I connected with wireless using wicd network manager and empathy and ubuntu one refuse to connected. Any workaround14:45
klinganwm_eddie: Yes, I have done that. Now I just need to find the path to where Virtual Box stores its icons.14:45
needlezklingan: /usr/share/icons/ in there should be gnome and others thats the only folder i know of that has the application icons14:45
klinganwm_eddie: The shortcut had an icon earlier, but it got removed, somehow.14:45
wm_eddieAlso /usr/share/pixmaps/14:46
klinganIs there a way to search the entire filesystem (root) for a specific file name?14:46
LjLklingan: find / -name blah14:46
KicchiriHow do I turn on seeing hidden files when browsing home folders in... the program doesn't even say its name anymore, let alone any options o.o14:47
haroondue to some issue in NM 11.04 I connected with wireless using wicd network manager and empathy and ubuntu one refuse to connected. Any workaround14:47
haroonkicchiri:their is option in menu bar-view menu show hidden files14:48
BitOperatorHi, when one is shelled into ubuntu server; how can I launch a process in such a way that it continues to run after I log out ?14:48
KicchiriYea, just that I can't find the menu bar ever since I upgraded to 11.414:48
LjL!screen > BitOperator14:48
ubottuBitOperator, please see my private message14:48
OY1Ranyone ?14:48
haroonkicchiri : maximize you window14:49
KicchiriIt's the global thing! Lol wut14:49
LjLOY1R: what's the question?14:49
haroontool bar will appear14:49
bullgard4OY1R: No.14:49
web_knowshi, btw14:50
OY1RljL Im on Ubuntu 8.04 liveCD any way i can download 10 and make a persistant USB drive of 10.10(while running 8.04 liveCD)14:50
escottklingan, locate14:50
haroondue to some issue in NM 11.04 I connected with wireless using wicd network manager and empathy and ubuntu one refuse to connected. Any workaround14:50
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KicchiriIt's there in window mode as well, just at the total top of the screen mixed with unique buttons... Now THAT's an unintuitive change in design... oh well14:50
OY1R7J #hamradio14:51
LjLOY1R: not sure about persistant. you can certainly use netbootin to make a live USB image... but persistant i have my doubts14:51
BitOperatorAwsome works good, thanks LjL.14:51
kad_hey!! how i can clear the recent open images from file and search on ubuntu 11.04 ? thx14:51
Dazzled1dang it, not enough space left for NN :(14:51
ThinkT510!usb | OY1R14:51
ubottuOY1R: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:51
escottkad_, you can sorta delete stuff from gnome-activity-journal but that feature is a few months out14:52
LjLOY1R: although you could always start the live CD in a virtual machine using vbox or something, and do a standard install onto USB from there. i don't see why that shouldn't work14:52
LjLOY1R: ah, actually the ubottu link seems to say that with usb-creator-gtk (which is available in Hardy), you can choose an arbitrary ISO to install from. so that may work.14:54
Fragyhi. After upgrading to 11.4 I get: error out of disk on hd0. Press any key.     Why is that? After I press enter it boots up normal.14:54
iiprotocoliiHey all.14:54
klinganklingan, locate14:54
klinganescott: What?  > "klingan, locate"14:54
escottklingan, `locate filename` to search the filesystem14:55
iiprotocoliiI've tested the compilers (g++ and gcc) and can't compile anything. I receive the following error: "gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory14:55
kad_escott, i have installed it, but i can't open it , it output errors14:55
Dazzled1does anyone knows how I can find out what I can/cannot move from my local "File System" ?14:55
klinganescott: Thanks!14:55
escottFragy, do you have two disks14:55
OY1RLjL having a look at it thanks14:56
Dazzled1as the Updater complains about a lack of space, but I have swaths available on my other partitions14:56
Fragy<escott>: I have one pyschical disk.14:56
Dazzled1(NTFS, though)14:56
klinganescott: Odd question - is there a way in here to simplify the quoting of others name - So that I don't manually have to enter "e s c o t t" everytime I want to focus you?14:56
hihihi100how do i change my boot screen? I have plymouth, all the packages, and did http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/13, but all I see is a blue screen14:56
LjL!tab | klingan14:56
ubottuklingan: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:56
escottkad_, yeah its a bit buggy. i saw one a blog posting from one of the zeitgeist developers on gnome blog and he had mockups of zeitgeist history clearing and blacklisting14:57
iiprotocoliiAnyone know what could be causing this: gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory?14:57
LjLiiprotocolii: do you have build-essential installed?14:57
iiprotocoliiLjL: Yep, I do.14:57
iiprotocoliiLjL: I even removed it and re-installed it. Same result(s).14:58
eags_H, question about indicator applet for Unity:  I've upgrade 3 laptops and Skype shows up for 2.  In third case it is definitely running but I don't see it in the panel.  I've tried different themes.  Anyone know what the deal is?  I checked if it was in the whitelist and it definitely is.    Anyone have any ideas??14:58
kad_escott, aha so the recent opening files are kept in the File and Folders forever?14:58
notwokhey guys. just trying the live cd of the new version.. however clicking "Try Ubuntu" does nothing.. cursor constantly spins. any ideas?14:58
LjLiiprotocolii: i dunno :\14:58
iiprotocoliiWelp, that sucks. lol14:58
Walex2On ULTS10 every time I attach a storage device it gets "captured" by DM/LVM2 following a 'udev' driven event into 'upstart'. This seems to be FAQ, but I could not find clear advice on how to disable this. Please suggest what I can do.14:58
mah454i can not publish printer . receive this message "not published see server setting"14:58
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escottFragy, one change from 10.10 to 11.04 was in the grub.conf to change `set root(hd0,msdos1)` to `set root(sda,msdos1)` it could be your grub.conf didn't get updated, but your mbr did and grub is warning about the syntax change14:58
* vibhav is ready to help!14:59
escottkad_, for now at least14:59
escottmah454, probably a cupsd issue, but i don't know for sure14:59
iiprotocoliivibhav: Then maybe you can help me with my mindboggling issue...14:59
vibhav<iiprotocolii> Yes?15:00
vibhav<iiprotocolii> whats the issue?15:00
_Onryo_5 core developers have now just proclaimed that the are refusing to work further on Ubuntu. Something happened here on this #. Is there a way to get a log of what was said?15:00
eags_Anyone know about why skype isn't appearing in the indicator area?15:00
spacebug-when I add files to my playlist in audacious I get the scroll arrows to scroll the playlist, but when I open an instance of aducaious with a playlist already in it I dont get the scroll arrows. Bug?15:00
giuliacould someone tell me how can I avoid these awful icons and make them "normal ? here is the screenshot : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/999144icones.png15:00
iiprotocoliivibhav: gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory  <-- getting that when I try to compile. Build-essential is installed.15:00
lgp171188Hi in Ubuntu 11.04, Network tools utility, ping tool doesn't work at all, though ping command works fine in the terminal. Any clues?15:00
Fragyescott, no. Only sda's in the config file.15:01
oCean_Onryo_: log of what?15:01
_Onryo_oCean Everything that is said on Freenode and this # is logged15:02
oCean_Onryo_: ubuntu logs are at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/15:02
vibhaviiprotocolii> try  sudo apt-get install build-essentials15:02
iiprotocoliivibhav: I've done that. I've also removed it and re-installed it, and nothing.15:02
zeroalphai have an ubuntu single sign on account, but i want to change my display name, and i forgot where to change it.15:03
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klinganubottu, LjL! Thanks!15:03
vibhav<lgp171188> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+bug/66301415:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 663014 in gnome-nettool (Ubuntu) "No result for ping in Gnome-Nettool" [Low,Triaged]15:03
wolfricis there anyway to get drives plugged in to be mouted by root automatically? (like usb sticks, portable hard drives) without using the uuid15:04
klinganIs there any way to remove all the "joined", "left" and "timed out" messages in xChat?15:04
lgp171188vibhav: Just saw that bug, added 'affects me' and subscribed to :) Thanks15:04
duryhi there channel :)15:04
vibhav<iiprotocolii> try to use an IDE15:04
vibhav<lgp171188> you are welcome15:04
coz_klingan,   Settings /preferences maybe15:04
coz_klingan,  or go to the #xchat channel :)15:04
KM0201klingan: that reaolly depends on your irc client, what are you using?15:05
klinganKM0201, coz_ I'm using xChat15:05
oCeanklingan: right-click channel tab > settings15:05
coz_klingan,  right check under  Settings  / preferences15:05
klinganKM0201, coz_ And I can't find an option in settings/preferences15:05
iiprotocoliivibhav: I highly doubt that it will work, considering that cc1 isn't anywhere in the /usr/lib/gcc directory15:05
dhblewisI now have Ubuntu 11.04. Taking a while to get used to it! However, Whenever I print I get this error message processing file /system/library/colorsync/profiles/sRGB Profile.icc15:05
glycanHow do I make it so I can say "filename" to run it, insterad of "python filename.py"?15:05
KM0201klingan: right click on the channnel in your channel list, settings/hide join/part15:05
zeroalphawhere can i change my ubuntu single sign on name?15:05
klinganKM0201, coz_ Found it, THANKS!15:05
zeroalphai forget where to do it.15:06
coz_klingan,  no problem15:06
_Onryo_oCean these are not the full logs of what was said. Syn3rgy was a top dog over at kernel.org. Seems some body banned him and took it personal. I need to know what was said.15:06
duryI have created boot in a usb pendrive 11.04... it  boots without any problem...15:06
escottglycan, you need a shebang #!/usr/bin/python in line one, you need to chmod +x and you need to add to path (skip this and do ./)15:06
vibhav<lgp171188> you are welcome15:07
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OY1Rgona be tight with 8.04 of the CD and vbox with ubuntu 10 or 11 in virtual.all in ram !15:07
durythe problem is in the installation procedure.... (the box I'm trying to install to it hasn't got cd-rom device)15:09
jiltdildury: are you chose he option it from host under devices15:09
dhblewisanyone able to help me with my printing issue?15:09
duryand some point in the installation proccess it ask me to put the cdrom15:10
durywhen is trying to install the apt proccess15:10
klinganWho is ubottu? A bot?15:10
escottglycan, cd /path/to/app; ./appname.py15:10
aeon-ltdklingan: yes15:10
klinganHaha, awesome. He got me a very accurate answer earlier :)15:11
jiltdildur:perhabs you didnot chose the option devices-->cd/dvd devices -->host drive15:11
escottglycan, alternately modify .bashrc to have this: export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/app"15:11
glycanOh, that explains stuff15:12
glycanNever mind, I got it15:12
duryjiltdill: what's that?15:12
glycan./ is run with shebang, right?15:12
jiltdildury: oh sorry perhabs i misunderstood your question15:12
jiltdildury:please repeat your qustion one more time15:12
duryjiltdill: right15:12
escottglycan, #! is shebang15:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:14
duryjiltdill: I'm trying to install 11.04 through usb pendrive, right?15:14
oCeanvibhav: stop that please15:14
eags_Anyone know about why skype isn't appearing in the indicator area?  Works fine on two other natty upgrades I did.15:14
glycanWhere is python by default on 11.4?15:14
escottglycan, do `which python` in terminal15:14
jiltdildury:then whats the problem15:14
vibhavwhats the problem dury15:15
duryjiltdill: the box hasn't got cd/dvd reader....15:15
iiprotocoliiWelp, I'll keep researching for the answer to this issue. :P15:15
jiltdildury:just go to bios option and under boot enable usb device15:15
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vibhavwhats the problem dury? Maybe I can help...15:15
hihihi100i upgraded to 11.04, i cannot use internet, I can only surf with tor on15:15
hihihi100help please15:16
jiltdildury:then boot15:16
vibhav<jiltdil> what is his problem?15:16
duryjiltdill: that's ok but in the installation procedure it says to put the cd-rom15:16
jiltdildury:actually by default you bios has only enabled the cd/dvd boot .just go under boot option in bios and enable usb device also15:17
jiltdildury:have you done as i told you15:17
raluxgazaHey guys i'm having problems with my wireless after upgrading to Natty. I have an Acer Timeline 4810T and the wireless just doesn't work after suspend15:17
raluxgazaI didn't have this problem with 10.1015:17
jiltdilvibhav:he wants to install 11.04 from usb but i think he didnot enabled usb option from bios menu15:18
raluxgazaI've looked online but haven't found any threads yet15:18
vibhav<raluxgaza> Broadcom wireless?15:18
raluxgazavibhav, yea15:18
duryjiltdill: I told you the bios usb devicw it's ok,,, because I already boot it from it15:18
vibhav<raluxgaza> I know about that , just wait15:18
Abbas-uBhey guys15:19
Abbas-uBi'm a new convert15:19
Abbas-uBfrom win7 to ub15:19
Abbas-uBi'm loving the UI15:19
Abbas-uBfor 11.0415:19
escottdury, it doesn't work if you just follow the instructions substituting pendrive for cd?15:19
FloodBot3Abbas-uB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:19
raluxgazaAbbas-uB, welcome15:19
Abbas-uBwhy do certain things like updates download so slow?15:19
Abbas-uBjust found my way around pidgin :p15:19
glycanIT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:19
raluxgazaAbbas-uB, might be your network connection15:19
onelinerlooks like unity plugin dosent play nice with desktop cube and cube rotation15:19
solsTiCeAbbas-uB: I agree. I prefer ubuntu unity at the gnome shelm15:20
KNUBBIGAbbas-uB: maybe because servers are overloaded cause of many updaters15:20
escottAbbas-uB, its a really busy few days as well with all the new users and upgrades15:20
KNUBBIGoneliner: there may be a way15:20
Abbas-uBi'll wait then i guess15:20
Abbas-uBmy browsing is perfect15:20
Abbas-uBand i love how smooth and sweet the browsing/fonts etc are15:20
jiltdildury:then no idea, listening first time this type of prob :)15:20
oCeanAbbas-uB: please stop using your 'enter' key that often. And this is for support only, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:20
KNUBBIGoneliner: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/compiz-cube-natty/ but use this on your own risk15:20
Abbas-uBmy bad, i'll leave you to work now.15:21
raluxgazavibhav, any luck yet?15:21
CrespoZePPi have the Abbas's problem15:21
vibhav<raluxgaza> http://paste.ubuntu.com/601741/ try this15:21
raluxgazavibhav, aright thanks, i'll get back to you15:22
vibhav<raluxgaza> Good luck!15:22
jiltdildury:i think you should enable first   boot device in BIOS is  USB drive , perhabs the cd/dvd is of first boot priority check it out15:22
tayyabalihi all15:22
raluxgazavibhav, thanks mate15:22
vibhav<raluxgaza> does it work?15:22
KNUBBIGtayyabali: hi15:22
duryescott: it boots from the usb pendrive.... the thing it's when is trying to install the apt it ask me for cd-rom15:22
raluxgazavibhav, still trying it15:23
vibhav<raluxgaza> when you install them restart15:23
escottdury, i know but the pendrive should have the cd image, does it get stuck and not let you continue?15:23
jiltdildury:are you getting grub screen?15:23
tayyabaliany one has installed GNOME 315:23
tayyabalii have problems in Gnome 315:23
dhblewisI now have Ubuntu 11.04. Taking a while to get used to it! However, Whenever I print I get this error message processing file /system/library/colorsync/profiles/sRGB Profile.icc Anyone know how to fix it?15:23
duryescott that's right15:24
KNUBBIG!gnome3 | tayyabali15:24
ubottutayyabali: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.15:24
erezHello all, I've upgraded to 11.04, and, while I can log normally to non-unity session, trying to login to "ubuntu" throws a "no valid session found"15:24
KNUBBIGtayyabali: you may have to go to the gnome irc if none can help you here15:24
duryno grub screen15:24
erezOther than that, all works fine15:24
duryit get stuck15:24
duryas escott says15:24
tayyabalihow to go to gnome irc ?15:25
escottdury, its stuck in the install gui right? at what point does it get stuck15:25
escotttayyabali, /join #gnome15:25
KNUBBIGtayyabali: I think its /connect irc.gnome.org but not sure, you may have to look on the official gnome site15:25
kassahis there a way to save my data entered into IRS PDF forms from Document Viewer?15:25
KNUBBIGoh okay sorry15:25
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erezKNUBBIG: I think it's gimp.org15:25
vibhav<raluxgaza> does it work?15:25
ManDayUbuntu, I need your help with VGASwitcheroo ! Has anyone gotten it to work on an ATI/Intel?15:26
duryescott: when s15:26
KNUBBIGerez: gnome irc on gimp.org?15:26
brous-keekassah, looked under the file menu for save  ?15:26
preyasany1 here15:26
erezKNUBBIG: IIRC, yes15:26
KrishnanduHi, how to do upgrade from Alternate ISO??15:26
preyasneed help15:26
raluxgazavibhav, it's just finishing up, i'll have to logout and log back in to verify15:26
ikoniapreyas: many people, ask a question15:26
beatpanichi people, just dist-upgraded to natty from maverick -- How do I reenable skype icon in the tray area under ubuntu classic? thanks!15:26
preyassir my wallpaper is not changing15:26
vibhav<raluxgaza> ok15:26
duryescott: when it's to install apt module or packages or whatever15:26
kassahbrous-kee, I did... I tried save as... but it doesn't save any of the entered data... just the blank form.15:26
preyasinstead there is a solid color wallpaper is coming15:27
escottKrishnandu, most upgrades are done off the web not from iso, but you could add the iso to your apt-sources and then try to upgrade15:27
preyasi am not able to change my wallpaper15:27
raluxgazavibhav, testing commences now, <fingers crossed> be back in a bit <hopefully>15:27
duryescott: sorry I mean when it's trying to install apt module or packages or whatever15:27
preyasikonia, help me see my prob15:27
vibhav<raluxgaza> OK15:27
ikoniapreyas: no idea15:27
Krishnanduescott, Can you please guide me how?? I mean how to add the ISO to apt-sources??15:27
preyashi vaibhav me also from india15:27
escottdury, so its taken all your config info/partitioned folders and then gets stuck15:27
brous-keekassah perhaps print it to a file and then you have a file that has the entered contents?15:28
preyashey any1 plzz give me the solution of changing tthw wallpaper15:28
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duryescott: that's right15:28
raluxgazavibhav, yaaay it works, thanks buddy15:28
eags_HI, anyone know about why skype isn't appearing in the indicator area?  Works fine on two other natty upgrades I did.   I did try Unity from a ppa in Maverick so maybe I messed up some settings?  any way to reset Unity only configs?15:28
escottKrishnandu, if you put the disk in and then go to synaptic -> preferences -> software sources you should be able to add a volume15:29
raluxgazayup it's working15:29
duryescott: are there another way to install it?15:29
kassahbrous-kee, sweet.. that at least seems to work... can't further edit fields... but it's better than nothing.. thanks!15:29
beatpaniceags_, more or less the same situation that I have under ubuntu classic :)15:29
vibhav<raluxgaza> No problem!15:29
preyasany1 tell me how to change wallpaper there's a solid wallpaper coming15:29
zuson 11.04 how can i get to the package manager for adding ppa? dumb question but i havent used ubuntu in a lil bit15:29
Krishnanduescott, Thanks :)15:29
oCeanpreyas: no need to repeat your question that quickly, thanks15:29
preyasi am not aple to change it through appearance15:29
preyasso plzz help me bro15:30
eags_beatpanic: you can't see Skype under ubuntu classic?  That is strange since classic gnome still has the Notification area.15:30
vibhavNext problem?15:30
jheyescan anyone recommend a good text mode view of the file system? a built-in shell would be a bonus as well.15:30
kassahbrous-kee, do you think it would be appropriate to file a bug/feature request? Form 1040 is a pretty long, and being able to work on it parts at a time would be greatly beneficial15:30
KNUBBIGzus: sudo add-apt-repository ?15:30
beatpaniceags_, I see skype, but not in the tray area15:30
pylixwhy does the terminal have trouble with spaces? for instance, it interprets 'a b.gif' as 'a.gif','b.gif' what can i do to fix this behavior?15:30
preyassad :(15:30
KNUBBIGzus: or else sudo update-manager and then settings15:30
eags_vibhav: do you know why skype isn't appearing in the indicator area?  Works fine on two other natty upgrades I did.   I did try Unity from a ppa in Maverick so maybe I messed up some settings?  any way to reset Unity only configs?15:30
zusKNUBBIG,  thanks,15:31
escottdury, i've only ever done cd installs, so im not familiar with the usb method. the only thing I could think to do would be to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the repo on your usb keychain15:31
Omegaeags_: Can you put "gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist" in a terminal for me and see what you get?15:31
ikoniapreyas: escape chats a\ b.gif15:31
ikoniapylix escape chars  a\ b.gif15:31
ikonia15:30 < ikonia> oops15:31
preyasikonia, what15:31
eags_['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray', 'scp-dbus-service', 'Dropbox']15:31
vibhav<eags_> "unity --reset"15:31
eags_Omega: ^15:31
ikoniapreyas: wrong person, sorry15:31
Omegaeags_: Hmm, that seems about right.15:31
eags_vibhav: --reset will clear my settings or just restart unity?15:32
OmegaClear settings15:32
vibhav<eags_> reset settings15:32
eags_I just ran unity-preferences out of curiosity.  Funny.15:32
brous-keekassah, nah, i don think it is a bug, remember it is a viewer not an editor?15:32
Omegaeags_: Do you have skype running though?15:33
eags_vibhav, Omega: is this a unity setting or an Indicator applet setting?15:33
dios_miounity BLOWS15:33
eags_yeah it is running15:33
eags_dios_mio: lol.  A lot of people don't agree though.15:33
preyasthere's no scope for me here :(15:33
kassahbrous-kee, okay =) any recommendations on an open-source pdf editor?15:33
vibhav<eags_> Indicator applet error15:33
zusheh gound the package manager thanks15:34
eags_vibhav: yeah, so I haven't reset unit yet because it seems like it isn't about unity, it is about indicator applet.15:34
sudiptahi alll15:34
brous-keekassah not that I can think of the moment, those xml editor perhaps can do it15:34
eags_vibhav:  gsettings != gconf?  When did that happen?  Is there no gui for browsing these settings or do I just have to know they exist?15:35
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Omegadconf-editor is the gui15:35
praveenpreyas: open it in full size...right click on it and click on "set as a desktop background"15:35
preyasi tried it in image viewer15:35
KNUBBIGis there any way in guake to switch through open terminal tabs with, like strg + tab?15:35
preyasbut it wont working15:35
eags_Omega: not in repo.  ??15:36
beatpanicok I more or less solved my problem: I have to tick "Start Skype minimised in the system tray", but by default it doesn't go in the system tray weird15:36
Omegaeags_: It should be, it might even be preinstalled, I'm not sure.15:36
minsik_hi. i'm using kubuntu 11.04, and i wanna disable windows driver installed using ndlswrapper. how can i do?15:36
praveenpreyas: just open it in your browser...even you don't have to download it..it is very simple process of setting pics15:37
preyaspraveen, i tried that15:37
preyasit wont work15:37
preyasi install gnome 315:37
preyasand it was working fine15:37
eags_Omega: it isn't.  And it isn't in apt.  Are you spelling it correctly?15:37
preyasbut then i install some programmes15:38
preyasthen the wallpaper got blank15:38
zerogeedawgubuntu rocks15:38
oCeanpreyas: gnome 3 is not supported here15:38
alessio_alexHello, I've just updated to Ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10. My top & bottom panels disappeared. What do I do?15:38
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vibhav<minsik_> uninstall ndlswrapper15:38
preyask sorry15:38
durytried to install 11.04 from usb stick in a box without cd/dvd Device and it's impossible15:38
escottalessio_alex, if you dont like unity use the classic interface from the gdm login screen (after you type in your username)15:39
Omegaeags_: the package is called dconf-tools, sorry about that, the tool is called dconf-editor.15:39
sudiptai installed natty a few days ago and installed nvidia propietary driver with jockey...but the unity session wont start..then i installed the very-small-compared-to-proprietary-driver free mesa driver(3MB) and unity just works well(though not very well)..is this a bug....why didnt the proprietary driver work?Used to work with earlier version of ubuntu15:39
eags_Omega:  got it.  thanks.15:39
duryI guess solution it's put cd/dvd reader and install it from there15:39
alessio_alexescott so how exactly do I achieve this?15:40
alessio_alexwhere do I select the classic option?15:40
emasarnI have a "problem" with Chrome and the dock15:40
shoiab_Help!!! empathy fail to connect to facebook ???15:40
minsik_how can i uninstall ndlswrapper and drivers installed using this?15:40
emasarnEverytime I click on the chrome-icon, a new browser window is opened15:40
nadar_just a question: when i install ubuntu using windos installer it tells me it wants to install on c: where 210 GB are free. is ubuntu going to create new partition(s) or will it erase c:?15:40
durybug usb stick installation procedure15:40
escottalessio_alex, logout and on your next login choose classic from the dropdown at the bottom of the login screen15:40
emasarnCan I fix this somehow?15:40
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alessio_alexthanks, I'll try that15:40
gdea73Hi, need help badly...15:40
Omegadury: does it boot?15:41
gdea73Having really weird keyboard input errors15:41
duryOmega: yeah it does15:41
minsik_anyone help me with wi-fi driver.....15:41
gdea73When I boot up, it goes to GRUB menu. but every key except the arrow keys work15:41
tjiggi_fonadar_, it creates a pseudo partition and lets you choose between windows or ubuntu at bootup15:41
escottOmega, his sources list is pointing to a non-existent cd. so he can't install the software on the usb. i'm not sure if the usb image is wonky or what15:41
gdea73when I select ubuntu 10.10 (because that's all I can select), it gives me an error...15:41
gartralgdea73: what kind of keyboard?15:41
soci want to migrate the settings of a 10.10's evolution to 11.0415:42
socwhich folders do i have to place where?15:42
nadar_tjiggi_fo: you mean something like a truecrypt-container?15:42
gartralgdea73: these generalised terms arent helping. what's the error?15:42
duryOmega: so?15:42
Omegadury: How did you make the usb image?15:42
socit seems the folder got moved from .evolution to .confg/evolution ...15:42
escottsoc, an export import or settings from the evo menu would be preferred15:43
sudiptai installed natty a few days ago and installed nvidia propietary driver with jockey...but the unity session wont start..then i installed the very-small-compared-to-proprietary-driver free mesa driver(3MB) and unity just works well(though not very well)..is this a bug....why didnt the proprietary driver work?Used to work with earlier version of ubuntu15:43
socescott: can't change that anymore :-/15:43
tjiggi_fonadar_, don't know what that is, sorry15:43
socescott: or can i point that "import" to the old .evolution folder?15:43
alessio_alexescott I've just restarted my Ubuntu, I see no such "switch to classical" option15:43
nadar_tjiggi_fo: nvm, thanks so far :)15:43
escottsoc, you could try, but i would back it up first15:43
alessio_alexI also locked the screen and logged in again and no such option also15:43
DrHalanhey, are there plans to create one unified appmenu für appications that have multiple windows? like empathy e.g.15:44
socescott: but first, how can i get evolution clean again?15:44
escottalessio_alex, you logout. type your name in. on the bottom where it says session type you pick the classic type15:44
Omegasudipta: That's an issue nvidia needs to fix ): you can use the free driver in the meantime :)15:44
erezHello all, I've upgraded to 11.04, and, while I can log normally to non-unity session, trying to login to "ubuntu" throws a "no valid session found", any ideas?15:44
soceven if i delete .evolution and .config/evolution, it keeps placing the data there15:44
gdea73Anyone willing to help? I get error: out of disk upon boot.15:44
beatpanicalessio_alex, it's at the bottom, when you select the user15:44
alessio_alexI don't select the use15:44
soci have no idea where the files could be15:44
alessio_alexI just have one user15:44
alessio_alexI don't login when starting Ubuntu15:45
Omegaerez: try to boot in safe mode at the login screen, or try Ubuntu (no effects)15:45
soci deleted the evolution folders, and started evolution and it still had all the settings and mails15:45
alessio_alexI don't see any session option also .. when I try to login after screen lock15:45
tjiggi_fonadar_, if you have 210GB available I would strongly advise you to create a seperate partition and install ubuntu to that instead of using the windows/wubi alternative15:45
gartralgdea73: "out of disk"? are you sure you have that right15:45
sudipta<Omega>i have....but is this a bug....because the free driver is very small and does not support well many compiz plugins(wobbly windows for example)15:45
duryOmega: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download... I've followed the 2 point  Burn your CD or create a USB drive15:45
escottalessio_alex, you have to logout and login again. sounds like you need to disable auto login from gdmconfig15:45
beatpanicalessio_alex, you probably have to logout from unity and go back to gdm. sorry but I don't know unity15:45
nadar_tjiggi_fo: alright. but now i started the installation already15:45
gdea73gartral: yes. I get three lines of error, I will send them to you in PM15:46
nadar_can i simply quit it?15:46
Lorthirkhello guys, i'm having problems. from time to time, window contents are not refreshed (i.e. scrolling inside a page or clicking on a link, and so on). this happens in various apps. I'm running natty with latest fglrx. what can I do?15:46
erezOmega: I've no problem logging into ubuntu-classic15:46
tjiggi_fonadar_, you only need 10 or 20GB15:46
gartralgdea73: no, pastebin them.15:46
Omegadury: What did you use to create it? What OS?15:46
eags_Omega, vibhav: if you look around in dconf-editor do you see any relevant keys for indicator applet I might be missing?  I only have the whitelist setting which looks fine.15:46
tjiggi_fonadar_, if it hasn't started formatting yet, then yes you can quit15:46
socescott: any ideas?15:46
duryOmega: mmm Ubuntu15:46
Omegaeags_: Try unity --reset15:46
nadar_tjiggi_fo: i did. thanks for your help, i'll partition now on my own15:47
escottsoc, im not really clear on what it is doing that you don't want happening15:47
vibhav<eags_> I recommend unity --reset15:47
erezOmega: but I do want to get into unity15:47
socescott: i had a first attempt t move my mails over15:47
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sudipta<Omega>i have....but is this a bug....because the free driver is very small and does not support well many compiz plugins(wobbly windows for example)15:47
socbut then i saw that the folders had changed15:47
shoiab_how uninstall Unity?15:47
duryOmega: usb stick and ubuntu15:47
socso i want to delete all data evolution currently has and retry, but i can't seem to delete it15:48
socit reminds me of that automatic windows restore feature, where it just kept replacing the files you deleted in the system folder :-)15:48
duryOmega: start disk creator15:48
socand i basically want to start with an clean evolution without any data15:48
duryOmega: in ubuntu15:48
escottsoc, evo is going to create what evo needs to create. to try what you want you would need to close evo. delete the folders. place your data. start evo15:48
Omegadury: Try installing it with unetbootin (search for unetbootin in software center)15:49
socescott: that's what i did15:49
no404dd command ist cool15:49
Walex2On ULTS10 every time I attach a storage device it gets "captured" by DM/LVM2 following a 'udev' driven event into 'upstart'. This seems to be FAQ, but I could not find clear advice on how to disable this. Please suggest what I can do.15:49
Omegaerez: Can you boot into safe mode?15:50
socescott: i closed evo. deleted all the folders (.evolution/.config/evolution), then started it again because i wanted to verify it. but it STILL had all the mails15:50
kassahbrous-kee, my appologies, aparently Document Viewer does actually save filled out forms... aparently I saved it to another location and diddn't realize it15:50
gdea73gartral: http://pastebin.com/69iNq0xR15:50
escottWalex2, probably in /etc/udev/rules.d15:50
socand i have no idea why or how evo keeps the mails15:50
erezOmega: probably15:50
gdea73and pressing any key does nothing. I have to ctrl + alt + delete or use the reset button.15:50
erezOmega: what to do there?15:50
Omegaerez: how did you install? did you upgrade? from what?15:50
kassahbrous-kee, thanks for helping me =) sorry for being an idiot15:50
erezOmega: upgrade from 10.1015:50
erezOmega: I tried playing with Gnome3 while on 10.10, it might've broken something15:51
gartralgdea73: i've never seen that before.. what kind of hard disk do you have?15:51
duryOmega: so I need another new usb stick then?15:51
Omegaerez: Did you remove it before upgrading?15:51
eags_Omega, vibhav: ok, unity --reset did not work but I did get some interesting info in my console: ** (<unknown>:6574): DEBUG: TrayChild Rejected: dropbox dropbox Dropbox15:51
eags_** (<unknown>:6574): DEBUG: TrayChild Rejected: (null) HipChat HipChat15:51
Walex2escott: thanks, I tried having a look there and it did not seem to help, but I'll try again. I suspect it is something instead to do with the DM kernel module, perhaps.15:51
gdea73SAMSUNG 1TB15:51
eags_** (<unknown>:6574): DEBUG: TrayChild Accepted: (null) skype Skype15:51
Omegadury: same usb stick, just use unetbootin to make it bootable15:51
gdea73samsung spinpoint f3 1tb, is all I remember...15:51
gartraleags_: DONT PASTE HERE.15:52
Omegadury: delete the one you have and make a new one with unetbootin (using the same iso)15:52
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
KrishnanduHey guys one of my friend installed Windows and lost his ubuntu. Now I suggested him https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows. He performed all the steps and it said "Installation Finished, No Error". But still he's not getting his Ubuntu, even now he lost his windows too. He says, it displays a blank screen with grub version detail and later some info like using tab and minimal bash commands are and later gr15:52
Krishnanduub>. When he edit boot and hit enter it says kernel not loaded. So what the problem?? Please help15:52
Omega!paste | eags_15:52
gartral!pastebin eags_15:52
ubottueags_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:52
gdea73SMART attributes seemed fine. Though, I will note, I've had several failed Ubuntu installs with errno 515:52
gdea73(usually corrected by burning the CD at 4x)15:52
erezOmega: After upgrading, I reenabled the ppas, and then it installed some gnome3 stuff, but I removed it all15:52
eags_got it, sorry15:52
Omegaerez: Hmm, that might be causing some trouble15:52
escottgdea73, can you confirm it is msdos and not gpt partitioned?15:53
gdea73escott: I am not sure how to do that... the partition was formatted as ext4, that's all I know.15:53
erezOmega: yes, but everything now runs fine, except if I try to login to "ubuntu"15:53
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gartralgdea73: it looks like your install got hosed. is this a fresh install?15:53
duryOmega: but there are other important files in the same sub stick :(15:53
gdea73gartral: Yes, I just installed this morning :P15:53
escottgdea73, its actually the partitioning scheme. is windows on the same disk?15:53
gdea73gartral: I'v been having some really odd issues lately, ...15:53
Omegadury: Oh, can you take them off for a second? (you can put them back later)15:54
gdea73and no, there are only 2 partitions15:54
paoi cant join backtrack-linux channel anyone tell me how!!!!15:54
gdea73they are both ext4, the second one is backup.15:54
Omegaerez: install ppa-purge15:54
Omega!gnome3 | Omega15:54
ubottuOmega, please see my private message15:54
gartralgdea73: do you remember if you told the partitioner too do anything other than the recommended install?15:54
erezOmega: sure, brb15:54
gartralwho's idea was it too have ubottu PM people. that's really irritating.15:55
gdea73gartral: Yes, I did configure them manually. I told it to format partition one (then 11.04 which I didn't like), to ext4, and install the bootloader to /dev/sda1 (partition 1).15:55
duryOmega: minimum space required for 11.04 in the usb stick?15:55
=== PetePorty is now known as JChrist
KrishnanduHey guys one of my friend installed Windows and lost his ubuntu. Now I suggested him https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows. He performed all the steps and it said "Installation Finished, No Error". But still he's not getting his Ubuntu, even now he lost his windows too. He says, it displays a blank screen with grub version detail and later some info like using tab and minimal bash commands are and later gr15:55
Krishnanduub>. When he edit boot and hit enter it says kernel not loaded. So what the problem?? Please help15:55
escottKrishnandu, it seems some bioses dislike allowing grub access to partitions not marked with the bootable flag so have him set the bootable flag on his ubuntu and windows partitions15:55
eags_Omega, vibhav: anyway, it looks like Indicator is correctly accepting Skype and rejecting others as per the default whitelist.  But it still isn't visible.15:55
gartralgdea73: AHHA! there's your mistake. grub should allways be in the MBR of the hdd. IE /dev/sda NOT /dev/sdaX15:56
zomeydoes anyone know how to deal with an email error 530 on postfix?15:56
iandiHello! Im having issues with windowed fullscreen mode with xbmc in ubuntu, i've tried to get help through the xbmc forum but no one has replied. Here's a link with detailed information about the issue http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=786924&postcount=315:56
escottgdea73, the bootloader goes onto mbr /dev/sda not /dev/sda115:56
Omegadury: I think it's ~ 700 MB, but how are you booting right now?15:56
cheater2hey guys, for some reason my mouse cursor just disappeared! what can i do?15:56
Krishnanduescott, Didn't got your point, can you please elaborate?? Or any docs link would also do...15:56
iktload up a live cd and update-grub?15:56
Omegaeags_: close skype and start it again15:56
zomeyit says stmp server requires authentication but i never set that up?15:56
oCeanzomey: maybe try #postfix channel15:57
gdea73escott: oh. so I have to reformat using sda15:57
erezOmega: it can't find anything15:57
gdea73escott: I thought I could put the boot loader on that partition, I'm not sure exactly why I wanted to but ...15:57
duryOmega: I will see15:57
erezI'm thinking, the xsession setting must be broken15:57
gdea73gartral: also having GRUB issues. my arrow keys don't work. they come up as letters, P, H, W or something.15:58
escottKrishnandu, use fdisk to set the bootable flag on the windows and ubuntu /boot partition (/ if he doesn't have /boot). there are lots of other details that we would need to know like how many disks he has, i've seen people have problems when they have multiple disks and only install grub on one of the mbr's15:58
Omegaerez: the package is called ppa-purge you can find it in the software center15:58
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show any entries. Does this mean that there will be no classrooms in #ubuntu-classroom in May, 2011?15:58
spotteranone missing the gtk scrollbars in pidgin in natty?15:58
escottgdea73, you probably don't need to reformat, just use the livecd to chroot in and install grub to the mbr15:59
gdea73okay, thanks.15:59
spotteror they are really weird scrollbars now?15:59
erezOmega: I've installed it via apt-get and did sudo ppa-purge gnome315:59
erezOmega: it can't find it15:59
zomeyno one is in the #postfix channel15:59
Krishnanduescott, Ya I asked him to ran fdisk -l , only one HDD, /dev/sda, and he installed grub on MBR, he had 12 partitions on HDD, and he does have /boot15:59
Krishnanduescott, I can only see boot flag(*) set to /dev/sda1 which is NTFS partition, which I guess is Windows16:00
cajuni just upgraded and now I don't have my AWN launcher or the new one. Can someone help me fix this or direct me?  Thanks in advance16:00
escottKrishnandu, so add the boot flag to the /boot partition16:00
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puneetis there a way to test gnome 3 without breaking unity16:01
Guest39408guys, i downloaded this app in teh .tar.gz format. how do i 'install' it into my ubuntu 11.04?16:01
eags_Omega, vibhav: restarting skype didn't work.  Here is my console output since resetting unity.  Notice that Skype is accepted twice, the second time is when I restarted it so it appears to be working but maybe some of this other output is interesting:  https://gist.github.com/95055216:01
Krishnanduescott, Thanks, lemme google it out about how to set boot flag16:01
erezOmega, thanks, I can see you guys are bushed, I'll inquire once the flood subsides16:02
olx69are there any known problems with update to 11.04?16:02
sudiptai installed natty a few days ago and installed nvidia propietary driver with jockey...but the unity session wont start..then i installed the very-small-compared-to-proprietary-driver free mesa driver(3MB) and unity just works well(though not very well)..is this a bug....why didnt the proprietary driver work?Used to work with earlier version of ubuntu16:02
escottKrishnandu, sudo fdisk /dev/sda then "a" "number of partition" "w"16:02
billy1987Is there a way to diable the desktop wall on 11.04 with out crashing my os?16:02
waKKuhi folks.. quick help, which package contains "runlevel" binary?16:02
waKKudpkg -S /sbin/runlevel16:02
Omegaerez: try sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome316:02
cajunUbuntu told me that I don't have hardware compatible with Unity...is the new launcher only available for Unity?16:02
Krishnanduescott, Number of partition is the ID of partition??16:03
escottKrishnandu, the number of the partition you want to set bootable16:03
glycanIs there a shell command to get IP?16:03
escottglycan, ifconfig16:03
Gl0ckhey guys,if anyone knows,  wts the name of  wx.ListCtrl widget in QT?16:03
Krishnanduescott, means something like this sudo fdisk /dev/sda "a" /dev/sda9 "w" assuming /dev/sda9 is /boot16:04
waKKuhi folks.. quick help, which package contains "runlevel" binary? dpkg -S `which runlevel`16:04
glycanAnd what does all that stuff mean?16:04
escottKrishnandu, "a" it will ask the partition number "9" and then you write the changes with "w"16:04
praveenpuneet: go here -http://www.gnome3.org/tryit.html and try out usb image writer16:04
billy1987is there a way to disable the desktop wall with out crashing my os on unubtu 11.0416:04
chibihogoshinohow do i remove plymouth16:05
iandiAnyone got a clue why i cant seem to get windowed fullscreen in xbmc? More details here: http://forum.xbmc.org/forumdisplay.php?f=5216:05
Krishnanduescott, Ahh ok, got it..!! Thanks :)16:05
Krishnanduescott, Thanks a lot, lemme make him try this :)16:06
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praveenbilly1987: i think you are looking for this--http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10733442#post1073344216:07
billy1987thank you16:07
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praveenmy pleasure!!!16:07
glycanHow do I do the wobbely windows again?16:07
dios_mio!ccsm | glycan16:07
ubottuglycan: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:07
escottglycan, install ccsm. and you just wanted the inet addr16:07
billy1987I just want to be able to use the desktop cube16:08
adwaitneoInstalled Ubuntu 11.0416:08
erezOmega: Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: gnome3-team gnome316:08
billy1987but when i disable the wall it tells me i need it for unity and then it goes crazy16:08
Omegaiandi: Did it suddenly stop working?16:09
Omegaerez: are you using that ppa though?16:10
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Omegaerez: try sudo ppa-purge -p gnome316:10
erezOmega: no, I manually removed it from repositories and downgraded all the packages that were left on local or absolute in synaptic16:10
Guest22328i have just recently upgrade my ubuntu to the latest version and I detest it, how do i change it back to maverick meerkat?16:11
erezOmega: same thing16:11
iandiOmega: no this started to occur after the installation of xbmc 11.0416:12
rumpe1Guest22043, install maverick16:12
adwaitneoI'm going for dinner !16:12
adwaitneocatch you guys later16:12
Guest22328rumpel: i have the latest version installed16:12
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Guest22328rumpel: how do I change it back?16:12
Guest22328rumpel: is there a command i can run?16:12
rumpe1Guest22043, there is no downgrade-option16:12
Guest22328rumpel: there's no command I can run?16:13
Guest22328rumpel: i don't want to lose all of my files and such16:13
ortsvorsteher!downgrade | Guest2232816:13
ubottuGuest22328: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.16:13
rumpe1Guest22043, nope... except you use some fancy filesystem, which i doubt16:13
angelslafter upgrading my netbook to 11.04, i'm unable to get video16:13
angelslswitching to tty1-6 still gives me the normal prompt though16:13
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Guest22328angelsl: yes, the 11.04 is giving a lot of problems16:13
glycanI still don't have it16:14
angelsli see no peculiar messages in dmesg16:14
angelslrestarting gdm didn't help16:14
beta___does somebody here has knowledge how to compile a kernel?16:14
Guest22328ortsvorsteher: what do you recommend?16:14
rumpe1Guest22043, all your files are usually in /home... back it up.16:14
Omegaiandi: Try choosing ubuntu classic at login and try it there, if it works there it's a unity bug and should be reported16:14
Guest22328rumpel: sorry but how16:14
rumpe1!Backup | Guest2204316:14
ubottuGuest22043: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:14
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oCean!kernel > beta___16:15
ubottubeta___, please see my private message16:15
ortsvorsteherGuest22328, i would make an backup of my data and install the older version new16:15
OmegaGuest22328: why do you want to downgrade?16:15
KNUBBIG!info tracker16:15
ubottutracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.17-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 689 kB, installed size 2644 kB16:15
Guest22328omega: i don't like the set up of the new verision16:15
rumpe1Guest22043, and you really shouldnt change anything on your system without backup.. except your data is worthless16:15
HelloWorld321How secure is Ubuntu One?  Can you Encrypt it?  Does storing data in cloud computing violate a non-disclosure agreement?16:15
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Guest22328omega: the menu bar is on the left side, for example16:15
merlin2049erhey,  i upgraded to 11.04, but it deleted my google gadgets16:15
merlin2049eris that available for 11.04?16:16
OmegaGuest22328: Choose ubuntu classic at login16:16
beta___@ubottu, I want to use the latest kernel on 10.0416:16
Guest22328omega: let me try that16:16
angelslhi Omega16:16
Omegahi angelsl O:16:16
beta___because I don't like the new ubuntu 11.04, want to wait till 11.10 comes out..16:16
angelslhelp me! no video after updating to 11.0416:16
escottHelloWorld321, hopefully better than dropbox, yes, talk with your lawyer16:16
iandiOmega: it works in classic mode (2d) not in Unity mode.. Pure fullscreen works but not windowed fullscreen, its like there's a hidden border at the bottom of the screen preventing it16:16
sam_00393948Does anyone know if upgrading to 11.04 is safe?16:16
rumpe1sam_00393948, upgrade is never "safe"16:17
Omegaangelsl: what hardware?16:17
merlin2049erit's safe but you'll loose some packages16:17
merlin2049erie google gadgets16:17
sam_00393948so   ?16:17
merlin2049erand you'll have to get your own video driver16:17
sam_00393948should i do it?  i did it before and it failed16:17
Omegaangelsl: I mean what graphics card16:17
Tweakyi cant even get past the part where it sets the software channels for upgrade D:16:17
oCeanbeta___: so why do you need the latest kernel?16:17
oCean!pl | Adik16:18
ubottuAdik: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:18
beta___it fixes my wireless problems, and also some fixes to my Optimus supported laptop16:18
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angelslOmega: GMA50016:18
angelslit's an asus eeepc 1101HA16:18
rumpe1sam_00393948, usually upgrading should work... but you can never be sure. That's something you have to decide.16:18
tgiesdid some recent upgrade break ecryptfs automount for anyone else16:18
sam_00393948rumpel   ok   how should i do it?   thru terminal?16:18
Omegaangelsl: no video at all?16:19
oCeanbeta___: you could try as per the instructions in the message ubottu send you, but I won't recommend it if you don't exactly know what you are doing16:19
rumpe1sam_00393948, i recommend a fresh install via usb-stick16:19
angelslOmega: switching to tty1 gets me a console16:19
angelslrestarting gdm didn't help16:19
angelsltty7 still shows the bootup messages16:19
beta___Oke, thanks for the help :)16:19
angelslbut it's ... 'frozen'16:19
angelsli can't scroll16:19
sam_00393948i think ill just try thru terminal first16:19
beta___I will try Ubuntu 11.04, see that gnome2 is still there...16:20
Omegaangelsl: you don't see anything?16:20
angelslOmega: tty7 still shows the bootup messages16:20
angelslbut i can't scroll16:20
oCeanbeta___: you can choose 'classic' login, in 11.10 there won't be such an option16:20
angelsland there's no cursor either16:20
Omegaangelsl: fresh install?16:20
angelslUpdate from 10.1016:20
beta___An other question: I've used emerald as my decoration manager, is it posible to get it working in 11.04?16:20
tgiesyeah ecryptfs-utils 83-0ubuntu3.1 broke it16:21
Omegaangelsl: did you have anything special installed in 10.10?16:21
huggybeersI just upgraded to 10.04 and now I have no sung16:21
Omegaangelsl: for example gnome3?16:21
angelslOmega: nope. I installed the eeepc kernel extension though16:21
Omegaangelsl: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:22
Omegafrom a tty16:22
praveensam_00393948: i think you must upgrade by alternate iso torrent...it is much faster16:22
huggybeershow do I get the sound back in 10.0416:23
angelslOmega: nothing changed16:23
Omegaangelsl: it didn't say anything?16:23
angelsl"0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."16:23
Tweakywhats the prefered image pastebin?16:23
Dasj_DasjI downloaded live cd of natty . Can i updrade using it?16:23
ross_ok - i was the one talking about the problems with 11.0416:24
sakuramboookay, this is weird, ive been using unity for the past two days and then i just started my computer today and it told me that i dont have the right hardware to run unity, how can that be?16:24
stanisavi cannot make a usb startup disk in 11.04, i get Checksums do not match.  Retry?, and md5 hash of the iso file is correct16:24
xanguaDasj_Dasj: if you use maverick, yes16:24
Dasj_Dasjxangua:  yes i do. mine is 10.1016:24
xanguastanisav: tried with Unetbootin instead¿16:24
Omegaangelsl: Seems like x doesn't start16:25
Dasj_Dasjxangua:  how come i do that16:25
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:25
mgibsonI'm getting "Hash Sum mismatch" on Packages.gz when trying to upgrade to 11.04.  Ideas?16:25
eags_Omega, figured it out.  It is actually a dual head bug.16:25
Adikdo you speake polish?16:25
ross_i've been having problems with images don't displaying correctly in the 11.0416:26
oCean!pl | Adik16:26
ubottuAdik: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:26
Dasj_Dasjany way to do it16:26
Omegaangelsl: ps ax | grep "X"16:26
Omegarun that in a tty16:26
angelslOmega: yup. nothing.16:26
angelslwhich Xorg log should I look at?16:26
Omegaeags_: Did you fix it?16:26
eags_Omega: I noticed when I showed all my desktops that I could actually see the notification icons way up in the middle of nowhere by themselves.   Also notification applets don't get copied to the other head16:27
eags_Omega: yeah but just by working around it.16:27
Omegaangelsl: modprobe psb16:27
coachjcan someone tell me or direct me to what I need to run the unity desktop please?16:27
Omegarun that angelsl16:27
angelslOmega: "module psb not found"16:28
eags_Omega: I just arranged my screens so the top of my main monitor is aligned with the top of my second monitor.  Before I had the top of my second, larger monitor higher than my main monitor creating some empty space above the main monitor.  That is where the notification applets are being drawn.16:28
angelslOmega: apparantly16:28
mmanjust installed ubuntu 11.04 and a lot of icons, pictures and so on have like a pink tone. dont know how to fix the colors16:29
ayrtonwere are desktop effects in ubuntu 11.0416:29
escottsakuramboo, check your glxinfo16:29
angelsl"module ABI major version (8) doesn't match the server's version (10)"16:29
Omegacoachj: You need a graphics card that has 3d support16:29
angelsland then proceeds to unlod psb16:29
handygandyThe one thing I hate about linux is the file browsers. Can someone suggest something close to Explorer?16:29
Dasj_DasjI downloaded live cd of natty . Can i updrade using it? i am on 10.1016:29
xanguaccsm | ayrton16:29
eags_Omega: super hacky solution but whatever.  Anyway looks like Ubuntu is putting minimal effort into supporting older apps.  Especially given the whole whitelist thing.  Are all other DE on board with indicator as the way forward?  Are KDE and gnome apps going to support this?16:29
peter_felchingHi. Is it possible to use unity's panel with integrated close, maximize etc. in classic mode?16:29
Froqso I got a question, what is the write speed that a CD can impliment?16:30
coachjOmega: Ok I have an ati 7500 old but 3d used to work on where do i get driver?16:30
Acid190Still cannot get this chat applet to load.16:30
xangua!ccsm | ayrton16:30
ubottuayrton: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:30
xanguaDasj_Dasj: yes16:30
Tweakyhi. having a problem upgrading, this is what i get here -> http://img705.imageshack.us/i/screenshotdvj.png/16:30
stanisavxangua: will try now16:30
Dasj_Dasjxangua:  but how16:30
mmanhandygandy, nautilus16:30
SuperstarHow do I add another panel in Ubuntu 11.04?16:30
xanguaDasj_Dasj: burn it and put the cd16:31
sakurambooescott: i have direct rendering16:31
puneetis there a way to test gnome 3 without breaking unity16:31
xanguaSuperstar: select 'classic desktop' on the log in screen16:31
Dasj_Dasjxangua:  should i boot it16:31
mmanSuperstar, no idea thats why i changed to gnome again16:31
xanguapuneet: no16:31
Superstarmman but then I would lose unity16:31
Omegaangelsl: do you know what graphics driver you're using?16:31
escottsakuramboo, does it look right for your hardware. its possible to install things that can break glx16:31
handygandyI use KDE, I don't think nautilus works well with KDE. Besides from what I remember of nautilus, I found it didn't really come cl;ose to Explorer.16:32
angelslOmega: i forgot16:32
SuperstarI've spent 6 weeks getting used to it16:32
dios_mioTweaky, upload your screenshot to a real pic host site16:32
eags_Omega: anyway, thanks for your help.  I'll file a bug.16:32
angelslOmega: hold on16:32
mmanSuperstar, i know.. but that its the problem of unity...16:32
Tweakydios_mio: such as16:32
dios_mioTweaky, imgur or whatever16:32
naveedHi every one16:33
puneethandygandy: explorer sucks16:33
Superstarmman hm ok thanks mate16:33
angelslOmega: does uvesafb count?16:33
xanguadrop that attitude dios_mio16:33
ayrtoncant install ccsm cause it has unmet dependences16:33
naveedI am new in Xchat16:33
peter_felchingIs it possible to use unity's panel with integrated close, maximize etc. in classic mode?16:33
xanguahandygandy: perhaps you want to ask on #kubuntu or a related kde channel ;)16:33
Froqnaveed: do you just use 'sudo apt-get install xchat'?16:33
onelinerwhat is the command to restart the unity pluging? the top bar is getting stuck to black16:33
naveedFroq yes16:33
linusasus6hi by restarting ubuntu is not in grub menu but when I do update-grub he find it but that not fixing how to make reapear it please16:33
Omegaangelsl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/#Installation%20CD%20with%20PSB%20drivers16:33
kyoGot a problem doing an update (apt-get update) it is stuck at "Obj http://es.archive.ubuntu.com natty/universe Translation-es" , I use the new ubuntu 11.0416:33
Froqnaveed: thz!!!16:33
OmegaFollow those isntructions16:33
Dasj_Dasjokay if i upgrade will all installed softs and apps will be there or not16:34
xanguaDasj_Dasj: yes16:34
Dasj_Dasjxangua:  thanks16:34
naveedFarq:  I heard about IRC, so today i join it16:34
Omegapeter_felching: not that I'm aware of ):16:35
peter_felchingOmega, thanks.16:35
naveedFroq: m you are free to guide me about IRC16:35
sakurambooescott: i found out the problem, i have a separate partition for /tmp, when i upgraded, ubuntu put /tmp on the / partition, last night, i added /tmp to /etc/fstab, but in doing so, it now couldnt load unity, i commented out the line, rebooted and now it works16:35
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
Dasj_Dasjpraveen:  thanks16:35
sakuramboodoes anyone know if unity requires /tmp to be executable to run?16:35
Froqnaveed: what? I dont' understand what you jsut said?16:35
Sidewinder1Hey U_C16:35
kyoGot a problem doing an update (apt-get update) it is stuck at "Obj http://es.archive.ubuntu.com natty/universe Translation-es" , I use the new ubuntu 11.0416:36
kyoit happen to someone else here?16:36
Tweakyanyone able to help me upgrade? im getting an error. http://i.imgur.com/26m85.png16:36
naveedFroq: I said, what is the purpose of IRC  for normal user16:36
mmanjust installed ubuntu 11.04 and a lot of icons, pictures and so on have like a pink tone. dont know how to fix the colors. any idea?16:36
naveedFroq: and why people use it?16:37
ayrtoni cant install ccsm cause of unmet dependences , compizconf-settings manager and python-compizconfig, but there both installed16:37
ayrtonany help?16:37
Froqnaveed: oo got ya!  it is available for you to get help on anything quickly.  You can often log onto here to discuss your problem.  IRC is rooted in that in the beginning of ubuntu days, a lot of collaboration occurred in IRC channels, though that is not as necessary anymore with GIT, etc.16:37
Omegasakuramboo: it shouldn't afaik16:37
Dasj_Dasjhow to adjust icons according to your preference on natty sidebar16:37
Sidewinder1naveed, Perhaps because answers come faster than the forums.16:38
Froqnaveed: I appreciate IRC because it is a chat room that is specific to a topic, and I can get deeper into the community quicker.  I learn so much by reading about a persons questions, and then watching what other members respond with (how they help)16:38
hartmutanybody using truecrypt with ubuntu classic and also not getting the application menu?16:38
mmanDasj_Dasj, right click on them16:38
naveedFroq  : thanks man16:38
naveedSideWinder1.. hmm i got your point boss16:39
Sidewinder1naveed, Ask and ye shall receive.16:39
OmegaTweaky: what version are you on?16:39
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
Froqnaveed: maybe join the ubuntu-beginner channel also if you are new to ubuntu.16:40
Froqnaveed: lots of new questions on there also16:40
sakuramboookay, well, unfortunately, i dont have time right now to track down this bug, when i get some time, ill write up a blog post about it16:40
naveedsideWinder1 :) okay16:40
linusasus6please how to put ubuntu in the list of grub, when I do update-grub he found it16:40
TweakyOmega: 10.0416:40
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sakurambooi just find it weird that /tmp has to be part of the / partition16:40
naveedFroq: ) hmm i m not new in ubuntu actually :) but i need to work on my basic16:40
Froqunder unity, where do I get to turn on screen sharing?16:41
naveedFroq: how i can join Ubuntu_begginer channel16:41
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Froqnaveed: got ya!  haha, I am new.  and you using xchat16:41
Froqnaveed: ?16:41
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Dasj_DasjI want to rearrange16:41
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Mugenhi all16:41
Mugensomebody knows feedingbottle?16:42
mofuScreensaver locking up since I upgraded to 11.04 ,  was locking up on GLText screen saver in in random screensaver mode,  switched to a different saver under single mode to see if that helps16:42
naveedFroq .. as you were saying join Ubuntu begginer channel16:42
Omeganaveed: /join #ubuntu-beginners16:42
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stefg!grub | linusasus616:42
ubottulinusasus6: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:42
=== Guest93688 is now known as iuh
naveedOmega :) Thanks dude ,, I m there too:)16:43
naveedForq :) i m on Ubuntu Beginers16:43
coachjhow do i install ed video drivers16:43
DedegoCan someone help me solve this problem? > http://paste.ubuntu.com/601769/16:44
OmegaTweaky: Try asking on the forums ): I don't knowhow to solve that one16:44
Omega!forums | Tweaky16:44
ubottuTweaky: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.16:44
ikoniaDedego: install the build-essential package16:44
Sidewinder1Omega: I just learned something; I didn't know there was a beginners channel; what a dummy I am..16:44
linusasus6stefg my grub is ok is ubuntu doesnt apear in the list http://pastebin.com/cEkpFdaM16:44
niadhI am trying to set up an ubuntu server using a wireless connection, but I can't seem to get static ip working16:44
escottDedego, install build-essentials and gcc16:44
Sidewinder1Omega: Thanx16:44
OmegaSidewinder1: You're not a dummy! :)16:44
ikoniaescott: build-essential will install gcc16:45
Tweakyomega: thank you16:45
Sidewinder1Omega: Tell that to my wife :-)16:45
=== gardleop1rd is now known as gardleopard
shigutsohow can I make unity bar stay animating urgent until I click it?16:45
naveedany body use trash-cli utility ??16:45
hnszwhat program creates the status message for motd at login on ubuntu server?16:45
ikoniahnsz: it's just a text file16:46
ayrtonok guys i cant install ccsm16:46
Dedegoescott: look http://paste.ubuntu.com/601770/16:46
hnszikonia: Yes but it gets updates16:46
ikoniahnsz: such as ?16:46
hnszikonia: With info abouit how many packages are upgradable and if i need to reboot16:46
stefglinusasus6: so you have a maverick (10.10) install, and that is controlling grub2, right?16:46
hnszikonia: Also recourde usage16:47
ikoniahnsz: record usage ?16:47
escottDedego, it sure seems to think you dont have gcc installed so confirm that it is there16:47
hnszikonia: recourse16:47
ikoniarecourse ?16:47
hnszikonia: sorry :) resource16:47
hnszikonia: like cpu mem etc16:47
trailoryoHey guys I got a problem with watching 720p/1080pHD (in any player). It runs, but not even close to smooth. Here's "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" ----> http://paste.ubuntu.com/601700/16:47
Ultimate_Chaoshello, can the top bar be themed?16:47
Castboundyo!, hope you are keeping well. My laptop's multimedia keys stopped working, specially sound is what I'm worried about, what's the package that needs to be installed/reinstalled ?16:48
linusasus6stefg I got a linux mint that controlled grub2 ubuntu is on sdc416:48
ikoniahnsz: can you pastebin me what you see in your motd when you login ?16:48
hnszikonia: Can I pm an example?16:48
Stamenidoes anybody know how i get acces to programs that are gonne in system tray [ubuntu 11.04] ? ? ?16:48
tansell-laptopI'm having problems with my intel 4965 under lucid, it just won't correct to my wireless network, I get "wlan0: authenticate with bc:05:43:a4:af:47" messages16:48
Stamenihow do i acces system tray16:48
ikoniahnsz: pastebin it, lets see as most of that is controlled from parameter variables within the motd16:48
ayrtonhow do i install dependences so i can install ccsm16:48
hnszikonia: Im on terminal only, can pastebin it16:48
Ultimate_Chaoshello, can the top bar be themed?16:48
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:48
tansell-laptopI've tried playing disabling 802.11n and a few other things but nothing seems to work16:48
xanguaStameni: there is no system tray in unity, try with 'classic desctop'16:48
hnszikonia: I suppose I can but its a lot of effort to write a script for that :)16:48
jo-erlend_Stameni, you can configure that in ccsm.16:49
Dedegoescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601771/16:49
ikoniahnsz: it's not writing a script - just install the tool "pastebinit"16:49
Ultimate_Chaoscan it?16:49
_joeyhow do I upgrade to natty from shell?16:49
hnszikonia: nice16:49
jo-erlend_xangua, that's not true. It's just configured not to display icons except predefined ones.16:49
Ultimate_Chaosoh stupid me16:49
Ultimate_Chaoshello, can the top bar be themed? Ubuntu 11.04 Unity16:49
escottDedego, and it is in your path? `which gcc` returns /usr/bin/gcc?16:49
xanguajo-erlend_:  then how about tell me that to me, tell to Stameni how to16:49
xanguainstead of16:50
Stamenijo-erlend: how ?16:50
coz_Ultimate_Chaos,   I dont think so,, certainly not at this point16:50
Dedegoescott: yeah16:50
coz_Ultimate_Chaos,  if so I am unaware of it16:50
ayrtoncan any1 help me with my ccsm error?16:50
Stamenijo-erlend_: how ?16:50
xanguaUltimate_Chaos: it can16:50
escottDedego, sounds like a problem with that configure script16:50
coz_Ultimate_Chaos,   other than changeing the theme in appearances16:50
Dedegoescott: giving reboot resolves?16:50
escottDedego, no idea, you can always try16:51
Ultimate_Chaoshello, so no effects? Ubuntu 11.04 Unity16:51
Dedegoescott: ok16:51
trailoryoanyone know how to fix soundcard problem with spotify through Wine?16:51
jo-erlend_Stameni, look in ccsm. You'll find it. Or in dconf-editor. It is possible.16:51
coachjcan somone remind me what to type in terminal to test 3d (the wheels) thingy?16:51
coz_Ultimate_Chaos,  if you go  to gnome-appearance-properties you can change the system theme which should change the upper panel/dock16:51
escotttansell-laptop, is bc05 your mac address or that of the router16:52
[thor]trailoryo: go to #winehq with that question16:52
trailoryoThanks, thor16:52
Ultimate_Chaoshello, can you custom code to use a ppa with vioding license? Ubuntu 11.04 Unity16:52
escotttansell-laptop, sounds like you need to specify a wep or wpa2 password16:53
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bmfx1my pc is so hot :(16:53
coz_bmfx1,  I assume you mean heat hot ...yes?16:53
Stamenijo-erlend_, is that a bug in unity and it will be fixed or it will stay forever like that ?16:53
Spikesguys, what could be a problem: Sometimes my ubuntu 10.10 server loses network connection, but after 1-3 minutes it's again online16:53
Ultimate_Chaoshello, can you access gnome3 sourc code anywhere?16:54
Guest70597I'm trying to install a mod but cant figure it out,   I'm using Ubuntu16:54
jo-erlend_Stameni, it's not a bug. We don't like the abuse of notification area and want to change that behaviour.16:54
xangua!gnome3 |  Ultimate_Chaos16:54
ubottuUltimate_Chaos: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.16:54
bmfx1temperatue of pc16:54
ikoniaUltimate_Chaos: it's fully available from the gnome repos16:54
sarthorHI, i was upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, and machine restarted or may be Internet went, i was sleeping at that time, Now, I can not boot linux, i am on the consol selecting M for manual, but and I manuall assigned IP and i can access the internet , how to upgrade,16:54
xanguaUltimate_Chaos: from gnome's web¿16:54
bmfx1sorry about my english16:54
coz_Ultimate_Chaos,  probably from the PPA for gnome3  or gnomeshell16:54
jo-erlend_Stameni, but it is configurable. You can change it if you really want to have it that way, but I can't recommend it.16:54
coz_bmfx1,   ok  this is a desktop or laptop?16:54
bmfx1this is a desktop16:54
Dedegohow can I remove this version of the build-essential?16:54
Stamenijo-erlend_, so xchat, amsn and all other stuff that have "go in system tray on "x"" just disapear16:54
coz_bmfx1,   what temperatures are you monitoring?16:55
niadhI need help setting up a static ip server and I have been trying for days, I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, can someone help?16:55
xanguaDedego: sudo apt-get purge packagename16:55
escottDedego, build-essential is a meta package removing it won't do much16:55
rgrniadh: try #linux16:55
jo-erlend_Stameni, yes, unless you configure them to be exceptions. Preferably, they'll provide their own indicators instead.16:55
punguyre: the info from ubotto. I think my brain is expermental and unstable in the morning ... before coffee.16:55
Ultimate_ChaosThank you all, I really love you guys!?16:55
rgrits trivial16:55
coz_bmfx1,  which temperatures are you looking at ,, in a monitor?16:55
rgrand well documented16:55
bmfx1@coz_: are you know what command get temperature?16:55
bmfx1I see it on the case16:56
Stamenijo-erlend_, thanks for answering. ( btw, i really don't like that new behavior )16:56
coz_bmfx1,  well  we can test the temperatures of the hard drives if you install  hddtemp16:56
escottbmfx1, sensors and sensors-detect16:56
linusasus6im in /boot/grub now what is the file I have to modfor see ubuntu again in list16:56
Ultimate_ChaosAlso when i go to get temperature readings it says -407 degrees C16:56
jo-erlend_Stameni, I think notifications should notify you of something. That's not the case today, so it needs to be changed.16:56
coachjwow really16:56
Ultimate_ChaosAlso on all sencors16:56
mbroekerniadh, you can edit /etc/network/interfaces to setup a static ip for a server without gui and network manager16:56
rgrlinusasus6: nothing with grub 2 you are in the wrong place afaik, you must modify default. and run update-grub.16:57
bmfx1@coz_, @escott: ok, i'll install it16:57
Stamenijo-erlend_: we users get used to some stuff :)16:57
pfifoUltimate_Chaos, less than absolute zero, nice16:57
coz_bmfx1,  after installing   hddtemp open a terminal   and type     sudo hddtemp /dev/sd*    or if you want that in farenheit   it would be     sudo hddtemp --u=F /dev/sd*16:57
jo-erlend_Stameni, also we would like to have an intelligible system, which means that features acts in the same ways. Indicators achieve that. Notifications doesn't.16:57
shiftingcontrolI updated studio 11.04 from 10.10 ,it hung six times,today how can i report the bug ?16:57
linusasus6rgr where's default.16:57
Ultimate_ChaosAlso is there a way to fix that?16:58
bmfx1@coz_: this is my output16:58
bmfx1/dev/sda: WDC WD5000AAKS-07A7B2: 49°C16:58
bmfx1/dev/sda1: WDC WD5000AAKS-07A7B2: 49°C16:58
bmfx1/dev/sda2: WDC WD5000AAKS-07A7B2: 49°C16:58
bmfx1/dev/sda3: WDC WD5000AAKS-07A7B2: 49°C16:58
bmfx1/dev/sda4: WDC WD5000AAKS-07A7B2: 49°C16:58
bmfx1/dev/sda5: WDC WD5000AAKS-07A7B2: 49°C16:58
Stamenijo-erlend_: skype has no problems going in the upper bar when i say "stay in system tray when i click "x" "16:58
tansell-laptopescott, I have specified it in /etc/network/interfaces16:58
sarthorHI, i was upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, and machine restarted or may be Internet went, i was sleeping at that time, Now, I can not boot linux, i am on the consol selecting M for manual, but and I manuall assigned IP and i can access the internet , how to upgrade,16:58
Stamenijo-erlend_: that has nothing to do with unity ?16:58
linusasus6I was use to it with the old method edit grub.lst lol16:58
coz_bmfx1,  ok  well thats ok  but when you paste things go to pastebin.com and paste it there then   give us the link :)16:58
coachjwill someone please help me get 3d in 11.416:58
bmfx1@coz_: ok, i'm sorry all :p16:59
rgrlinusasus6: not quite rememebring I tried http://www.google.de/search?q=grub2+config+default and from that got : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:59
jo-erlend_Stameni, I've been trying to tell you that it is no problem to do it. You just need to add the name of the command, and it'll be added to the indicators as you expect. Skype is a preconfigured exception.16:59
bmfx1i don't know about that16:59
rgrIts listed in the second link and explained16:59
Stamenijo-erlend_: thank you, i`ll install ccsm and try to make it that way16:59
Krishnanduescott, He tried adding boot flag to /boot partition, didn't helped, same CLI Grub screen...16:59
jo-erlend_Stameni, it may be a dconf setting. Let me have a look.17:00
coz_bmfx1,  no problem.... its just I believe the limit here is 2 maybe 3 lines can be pasted17:00
Stamenijo-erlend_, i don't have that eather, i`ll install it17:00
coz_bmfx1,  that is pretty hot actually  about 120 F17:00
coz_bmfx1,   do you have enough cooling in that system?17:01
escottKrishnandu, sounds like the grub-install wasn't done correctly or something is confusing grub.if he wants to get on the channel in the next 30 minutes ill still be eating lunch so having him pm me17:01
rgrthats not hot for a CPU but is for a HD ...17:01
coz_rgr,  sure is17:01
Ultimate_ChaosThank you all, I really love you guys!?17:01
Stamenijo-erlend_, can i pm you ?17:02
bmfx1coz, no, it have three fans but my case is small17:02
coz_bmfx1,   you might want to shut down,,, make sure the inside of the system is clean,, maybe add a fan near or on the hardrive(s)17:02
coz_bmfx1,  ah I see17:02
katejonesI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Konjinsha SA5 L500x (from a USB stick) and I'm getting a weird error and then a grey screen.. could anyone help?17:02
truepurpleHow does one move /home from one partition to another? Can one just copy/paste?17:02
coz_bmfx1,  well check to see if any of those fans are directly over the hardrives17:02
katejones(i'm running the install to see the error again)17:02
binoxim trying to get dvd to run proper(not choppy)  as well as some games.  video card is intel 82852, i installed libdvdread4 still not working,  flash video is fine. modules say DRM is on ,  any other advice?  its an older slower computer,  but not sure i should have this problem.17:02
jo-erlend_Stameni, no. 1) Install apt://dconf-editor 2) look up /desktop/unity/panel. You'll find it there.17:02
coz_bmfx1,  I actually removed my hard drive tray and put a nice 120mm fan on the tray externally because I also have a small case17:03
Stamenijo-erlend_, ok, tnx17:03
bmfx1coz_, yes, i will try ^^17:03
stanisavhi, cannot make usb startup disk, tried unetbootin, it made a disk, but cannot start live ubuntu17:03
jo-erlend_Stameni, it should be self-explanatory, but if not, ask again :)17:03
Dr_Willisstanisav:  thers the pendrivelinux web site that also has tools - if unetbootin fails.. what does the flash drive do when yoy try to boot it?17:03
linusasus6I found the default is in /etc/default wich file I edit?17:03
dbmHelo ppl. Can anyone explane me my problem about upgrading. I've upgraded ubuntu 10.10 to 11.0417:03
dbmAnd my boot its not working,.17:03
dbmCan get into the system.17:04
coz_bmfx1,  it will be worth it,, those temperatures for a hard drive are pretty high,, they should be  near 27 celcius17:04
coachjcam someone at least tell me the coamnd to test 3d acce;ration?17:04
=== zerocool is now known as Guest90922
laserbledhi...i have home on another partition....i want to move it from there to another harddisk partition....what should i do.....home and installation partitions are different....help please17:04
bmfx1coz, T__T yesterday, it is 50*C17:05
bmfx1very hot17:05
coz_bmfx1,  that is a bit high for sure17:05
stanisavDr_Willis: i don' remember the exact message, but it's something like cannot mount dev/loop017:05
bmfx1coz_, when i use ubuntu (and others linux), they are hotter than windows17:05
Guest90922who use ubuntu 11.4 ?17:06
coz_coachj,  whoa  not sure,,, there are a few benchmarks apps out there that should work ,, but onboard,, the one that comes to mind is glxgears but that by far NOT going to test much of anything useful17:06
katejonesI'm getting this error and then a grey/static like screen.17:06
katejones126.358073  cs5535-mfd 0000 MFD devices failed to install17:06
coz_bmfx1,   that's odd,,, it should not be that way,,, although I have noticed an increase in temps  since lucid17:06
morgajelhey guys, noob question- I just upgraded to natty and found out my firepass vpn plugin won't work with firefox 4; what's the easiest way to downgrade back to 3.5/3.6?17:06
Ultimate_ChaosAlso when i go to get temperature readings it says -407 degrees C is there a way to fix it?17:06
Guest90922i have a problem... Ubuntu says to me on the available monitors screen .. Unknown monitor .. and i cant use effects , high resolution and etc ... how to repair this shit =]] ?17:07
xanguamorgajel: google old firefox releases17:07
Stamenijo-erland_, when i try sudo apt-get install dconf-editor it says that it doesn't exist17:07
IdleOneGuest90922: Please mind your language17:07
xangua!language | Guest9092217:07
ubottuGuest90922: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:07
katejonesI can't install, and I can't boot into the Live Ubuntu on USB either.. would really like to install Ubuntu and get rid of XP.. can anyone help?17:07
coachjcoz: can you help get 3d on my 11.4 install?17:08
IdleOnekatejones: you are using 11.04 Live CD?17:08
bastidrazormorgajel: get the .deb of 3.6 and install that way. you can have both until 4.0 comes around17:08
binoxmaverick, intel 82852,  choppy dvd video, flash video fine.   libdvdread4 installed,  i believe  DRM is on for the cd/dvd rom  any suggestions?17:08
Stamenijo-erland_, i'v installed dconf alone, but it reports me an eror when i try to start it ( alltought, i don't know why am i trying that )17:08
coz_coachj,   which video card do you have?17:08
keithpeterGuest90922: what video card?17:08
webbenI'm running Ubuntu in a virtual machine on OS X. I have a UK Macbook keyboard where alt+3 is the way to insert a hash/octothorpe/number sign.17:08
coachjcoz: its an old card but 3d has worked fine till now it is an ati/radon 750017:09
webbenDoes anyone know of a good way to get this or something similar working on ubuntu?17:09
Dr_Willisbinox:  install vlc, run it from a terminal, try to play dvd. look for error messages in terminal17:09
katejonesIdleOne : 11.04 on live USB stick, small netboox doesn't have cd drive but I can boot from usb. Installed it with the Universal USB installer on the USB stick, no errors17:09
coz_coachj,  ok  just to make it easier  when you type someones name type the first 2 or 3 letters of their name and hit tab until it gets the right person17:09
bmfx1coz_: i will use driver of oss or manufacture, what is better? :p17:09
coz_coachj,   ok  are you on  Unity or classic gnome17:09
coz_bmfx1,  driver for what ?  the hard drives?17:10
coachjcoz_: classic trying to get unity17:10
IdleOnekatejones: ok so you were able to create the USB install without error but it still won't boot to Ubuntu?17:10
bmfx1coz: graphic card17:10
Lorthirkhello, i'm having a strange problem: since this morning, using fglrx and gnome classic on natty, the content of the windows doesn't update until i resize or minimize the window itself. what can i do?17:10
coz_bmfx1,  I would start with making sure they are fan cooled well enough first and check the temps with hddtemp every so often17:10
IdleOne!alternate | katejones try creating the usb with the alternate install iso.17:10
ubottukatejones try creating the usb with the alternate install iso.: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal17:10
katejonesYes, It starts OK, I get some code on black, then the MFD error, then Ubuntu with red dots moving underneath, then some more code, and then the screen goes blank (seems grainy too, greyish black)17:11
katejonesthanks, will try.17:11
bmfx1coz_: ok, i will try it latter. thanks you so much ;)17:11
Omegawebben: Check in the keyboard settings17:11
coz_coachj,   ah ok..  there may be an issue with that card then,, the ati driver should have installed automatically,,, I am by far NOT the person to deal with ati cards,, I know far too little about them.. you may have to google  that card version with uubntu 11.04  to see if it is supported for 3d accel17:11
Ultimate_ChaosI owe the RIAA $133,950,000 (893 mp3s)17:11
binoxdr willis:   installing now.  command to run from terminal  when done?17:11
ubuntu-usrhi all17:11
xangua!ot | Ultimate_Chaos17:12
ubottuUltimate_Chaos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:12
coachjcoz_ ok thks17:12
akshatj_hi ubuntu-usr17:12
Stamenijo-erland_, the package is named "dconf-tools" but it doesn't work, anyway, thanks for help17:12
binoxdrwillis :  never mind on last question?17:12
ubuntu-usrmy xserver does not work after 11.04 upgrade. It was alternate install from cd17:13
DexterFflash kills X after a recent upgrade. I suspect only in combo with nvidia-185. anybody else have this, possibly a remedy?17:13
linusasus6I'm getting lost in the grub2 documentation please how I do for ubuntu apear again in the grub menu when I do update-grub as you can see here http://pastebin.com/cEkpFdaM  it work but when is time to restart ubuntu still not there17:13
katejonesubottu & IdleOne - alternate version downloading, attempt number 2 :) (if that doesn't work I'll try the netbook version, if that doesn't work I might just throw this thing out the window..or be back)17:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
ubuntu-usrmy problem is i can not use internet in command line because 3g modem17:14
xanguaDexterF: don't use flash ;)17:14
IdleOnekatejones: let's hope for the best.17:14
phonex01how are you guys ?17:15
phonex01oh god ubunt 11.04 is really bad !17:15
xangua!ot > phonex0117:15
ubottuphonex01, please see my private message17:15
IdleOnegood phonex01 thanks, did you have a support question?17:15
phonex01hahahah o, kidding17:15
cheater2hey guys, for some reason my mouse cursor just disappeared! what can i do? i can still move the mouse and click stuff, but the cursor is simply not there ...17:15
douglhow do I configure my ubuntu desktop on my network for static IP address?17:16
phonex01hi hi im kidding !17:16
rgrphonex01: saying 11.04 is really bad is not OT. But say why so people can learn.17:16
aguitelwhat is last version of libreoffice ?17:16
cheater2IdleOne, any ideas? :x17:16
rgraguitel: where?17:17
BlessJahi have guy that moved hd from one computer to another, what is name of package that he has to dpkg --reconfigure in order to get new xorg.conf (old computer had nvidia, new one has intel)17:17
akshatj_aguitel, In ubuntu 11.04 or upstream?17:17
aguitelrgr, in natty17:17
xangua!info libreoffice > aguitel17:17
akshatj_aguitel, its 3.3 AFAIK17:17
IdleOnecheater2: haha no idea but I suggest you keep track of where it is. Seriously. try logging out and back in. that should reset things.17:17
morgajelthanks guys, I had to pull ff 3.5+branding+xulrunner1.9.117:18
morgajeland uninstall 417:18
aguitelakshatj_, if i install from ppa in lucid too ?17:18
trailoryoI need help with installing Spotify for Linux(beta). pm me17:18
needlezhey has anyone had an issue with the gnome screensaver running rss-glx screensavers, like a bar seperating the screensaver near the top that is barely visible?? this is in ubuntu 11.04, just wanna know so I can make bug report, or if someone has a fix i may have over looked?17:19
rgraguitel: you might find it faster to look in the natty packages here :- http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=natty&keywords=searc17:19
karthick1987How to stop getting mails from ubuntu-doc mailing list ?17:19
rgrkarthick1987: unsuscribe.17:19
akshatj_aguitel, the PPA version is 3.317:19
aguitelrgr, i need to install in 10.04 to replace openoffice17:19
sammyi'm looking for a GUI to start/stop upstart services17:19
IdleOnekarthick1987: at the bottom of the emails there should be a link for you to unsubscribe17:19
sammyI must be overlooking it17:19
cheater2IdleOne, my problem is i can't log out, because i'm running ddrescue17:20
aguitelakshatj_, thanks17:20
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IdleOnecheater2: you got me, sorry I can't help.17:20
frxstremhi, I'm in a pretty bad situation here, as I managed to delete most files in my home directory - does anybody know of a way to recover them?17:20
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:21
=== Guest85983 is now known as steverm
Sub_ZeroOn our laptop that runs Ubuntu when you plug headphones in the sound automatically stops coming through the speakers and just comes through the headphones.17:21
cheater2IdleOne, bit desperate :(17:21
Sub_ZeroBut on my Desktop computer with Ubuntu it does not do this. It continues to come through BOTH speakers and headphones17:21
Acid190Hey guys, im kickin myself with this, cannot get javaapplet to load.17:21
frxstremIdleOne: thanks, I'll have a look at those links17:21
SalahGoHi all17:21
ubuntucze all17:22
cheater2Sub_Zero, i believe it needs special hardware support17:22
miplii am having some trouble with a new install of 11.04. For some reason the system switches to an old metactiy like theme after I have been logged in for a minute or two. Anyone know what might cause this, or where I can start debugging the problem?17:22
truepurpleAnyone able to help me with some ATI driver issues?17:22
karthick1987IdleOne: There is no unsubscribe link?17:22
trailoryo"# 1. Add this line to your list of repositories by17:22
trailoryo#    editing your /etc/apt/sources.list17:22
trailoryodeb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free" how do i do this? ;S17:22
escottSub_Zero, its likely a new intel laptop17:22
SalahGoGuys, how come Skype can mess with a whole sound system (aka ALSA) on Ubuntu?17:22
IdleOnekarthick1987: of course there is. all ubuntu mailing lists provide a link for you to manage your subscriptions.17:23
will_hey guys. how do i know if i've got nouveau with gallium 3D activiated? i'm hoping for some sort of definite console command, not just 'are you running unity or not?'17:23
SalahGoAfter installing Skype & running it on 11.04, it was acting funny, so i restarted, then no sound at all!17:23
IdleOnekarthick1987: exactly where in the email I am not sure but it is there.17:23
escottSub_Zero, you developers don't know the board configuration, and don't know what pins to disable when you plugin the headphone. you can manually disable pins with hda_analyzer.py from alsa17:23
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:23
vakis it possible to pin Eclipse icon to Launcher in Ubuntu Unity somehow?17:23
sammytrailoryo: check out those links for how to mess with your repositories17:24
sammyanyone heard of a GUI to start/stop services?17:24
sammyI kinda can't believe there isn't one17:24
douglI am googling to change maveric from dhcp to static ip on local network but am getting a range of ways to do it - how do I change from dhcp to static IP on my maverick box on my local network?17:24
ross_has anyone used the mobile hotspot with ubuntu?17:25
akshatj_sammy, better ask in #upstart17:25
IdleOnekarthick1987: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc scroll down to the bottom of that page.17:25
ross_the verizon mifi17:25
serenedougl, I think the network tools will do that17:25
will_dougl: the easiest way would be using the network manager, if you have a graphical way to access your machine!17:25
sammyakshatj_: bah, sure, but I still can't believe there isn't an official ubuntu interface for status/start/stop upstart services.17:26
HelsinkiiiHow do you disable the launcher bar thingy in 11.0417:26
kill_joyhey everyone17:26
IdleOne!classic | Helsinkiii17:26
ubottuHelsinkiii: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.17:26
SalahGoGuys, how can i restart ALSA with the default configuration?!17:26
escottdougl, you could also have your router reserve the ip for that particular mac address, which may be easier17:26
coz_Helsinkiii,   well you can put it in autohide mode via ccsm Unity plugin17:26
AndroUserhey all.  running 11.04 on a netbook17:26
Helsinkiiiwow I think Unity stinks to be honest17:27
douglserene, will thanks for the input - I do have gnome running...17:27
n2iHi! Please help me!17:27
kill_joyJust upgraded to natty and I'm having issues with synaptic and software center.  If anyone can help... please pm me17:27
zach_Hi i hav a problem with making a usb startup disk with 11.0417:27
Dr_WillisHelsinkiii:  theres the classic gnome desktop you can select at the GDM screen.17:27
n2iI have an error, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/601786/17:27
douglescott, yes that sounds better/easier... do you have a url with instrructions?17:27
n2iPlease tell me how to fix!17:28
pdfmanTrying ubuntu 10.10 from cd on laptop,gets the message"fdevice not ready firmware missing" how do i load firmware for wireless adaptor?17:28
escottdougl, depends on your router and its firmware17:28
craigbass1976I'm looking to get firefox 4 in lucid.  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable   Is that the best way?17:28
Dr_Willispdfman:  in the past ive had to plug in a qwired connection the first time , and install the wireless drivers17:29
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox17:29
escottdougl, go to (assuming that is your router) and see if there is an option to reserve the ip by mac address17:29
zvacetn2i: sudo apt-get install acpi-support17:29
n2izvacet: cannot update or install anything else :(17:29
zach_for some reason the live usb installation disk i made can't boot17:29
craigbass1976Dr_Willis, thank you sir; I just wanted to make sure this was the recommended dosage before I went and did it.17:30
Dr_Williszach_:  whats your video chipset? what does it stop at?17:30
douglescott, I have a wrt54g2 linksys with 1.0.01 firmware - checking options for mac addresses17:30
zach_it doesnt even get to booting17:30
pdfmanDr_Willis not an option for me because I have no physical access to the router.only wireless connection to AP17:30
zach_i've done it before on the same computer and it worked17:30
SalahGoCommand to restart alsa with default config plz17:31
zach_with a different distro17:31
n2iroot@ubuntu:/var/lib/dpkg/updates# rm *17:31
n2irm: cannot remove `0000': Input/output error17:31
n2irm: cannot remove `0001': Input/output error17:31
n2irm: cannot remove `0002': Input/output error17:31
n2irm: cannot remove `0003': Input/output error17:31
n2irm: cannot remove `0004': Input/output error17:31
FloodBot3n2i: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
kill_joyany ideas on how to fix this? --->17:31
kill_joyE: Encountered a section with no Package: header17:31
kill_joyE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_i18n_Translation-en17:31
Dr_Willisn2i:  filesystem needs fscked.. or your hd is going bad.17:31
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
Acid190Any help?17:31
n2iDr_Willis: I using Ubuntu on liveusb17:32
Dr_Williszach_:  a differnt disrto may be using differnt default video drivers..17:32
zach_no it was lubuntu17:32
Dr_Willisn2i:  and you are trying to delete things from the cd? or what exactly?17:32
Dr_Williszach_:  if you get lubuntu installed. you could then install 'ubuntu-desktop' package to get the normal Ubuntu stuff.17:32
Helsinkiiii miss the minimalist, unbloated interface of Gnome 2.017:32
Dr_Williszach_:  i think Lubuntu may default to some safer settings.17:32
n2iDr_Willis: I also use this usb as flash devices on windows17:33
zach_no both computers used intel graphics17:33
facelessloseranyone have issus with 11.04 having a black screen after sleep17:33
zvacetHelsinkiii: from login screen select ubuntu classic17:33
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
stefgHelsinkiii: 10.04 is still a worthy (and recommended) install option... add some mozilla-stable and libreoffice ppa's und yyou have what you want17:33
OwenLA7QZHi. Anyone know how to set Adobe Reader as default app for PDF files? Works OK with double click in filemanager, but Chromium and calibre still open PDF's in Evince.17:34
n2iAdobe Reader :317:34
illmortallol 11.04 came out waaaay too early. This GUI is broken in so many ways it's not even funny.17:34
karthick1987I have cleared cookies but still yahoomail shows my username and password..Why??17:35
stefgOwenLA7QZ: right click on a .pdf file and choose options. Select acroread as default17:35
douglescott, I dont see any options to assign ip to mac address?17:35
thelordhi every one17:35
arnabhow can i A) check which packages are not needed anymore, eg. dependencies of packages i already removed and B) remove them?17:35
kill_joyhello thelord17:35
trollboyis there a way to kill the new mac-like titlebar?  (the titlebar of the application in focus becomes the application bar at the top of the desktop?17:35
stefgOwenLA7QZ: chrome/chromium uses nautilus' default17:35
=== root is now known as Guest78388
user82lets seee17:36
escottdougl, the stock firmware from linksys isn't always the most configurable. you could see if tomato supports your device if you don't mind flashing new firmware17:36
zach_Dr_Willis, do think they .iso image i downloaded might be corrupt?17:36
stefgtrollboy: it's called global menus and there is a way to get rid of that nonsense17:36
escott!md5 | zach_17:36
ubottuzach_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:36
illmortalanyone notice that Unity conflicts with Compiz?17:36
Guest78388hi @ every one17:36
kill_joywhat up17:36
Dr_Williszach_:  thats always possible. its easy to check its md517:36
Dr_Willis!md5 | zach_17:36
douglescott, googling tomato17:36
OwenLA7QZstefg already did that17:37
arnabi see nothing17:37
luisgrinhi, i have installed ubuntu server and some X support, now i would like to add kind of terminal server, i couldnot find until now one easy to install17:37
OwenLA7QZThat's why it works from fileman17:37
zvacetarnab: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cleaning-up-all-unnecessary-junk-files-in-ubuntu.html17:37
fezzik02I'm having custom resolution issues with Unity and the nouveau driver17:37
escottdougl, if you cant find it try "tomato firmware"17:38
user82hmmh...how was that dpkg command?17:38
douglescott, yes I found it but still would be without the understanding of how to config for static ip17:39
luis_Hi, how set personal resolutions in ubuntu 11.04 (Amd hd4550) 1792x1344 and 1360x102417:39
stefgOwenLA7QZ: My second thought is: it might be a system alternative My (guessed) command : sudo update-alternatives --config x-pdf-reader17:39
zvacetarnab: read about deborphan17:39
stefan1aI just upgraded to 11.04, and I installed the new nvidia driver. When I try to run SDL or OpenGL programs, I get a lot of lag both in the program and on the rest of my computer. Help17:40
=== dabbish_ is now known as dabbish2
kill_joyluis - type "display" in the unity search app  and you can mess with the resolution after clicking "monitor"17:40
sffreerIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   sffreer marta Logrepo dabbish2 Stameni kimoliver stefan1a m00se hasenj ventsislav kamikaza luis_ tangent3_ Ahadiel_ mongy fezzik02 MarconM gridaphobe luisgrin OomElvis itaylor57 julesw tangent3 arnab moes happyface illmortal user82 Uzeb agu17:40
escottdougl, well if you go the router approach you technically wouldn't be static, you would be dynamic but the router would keep giving the same numeric ip lease (which is why that would be easier if your router supports i)17:40
=== marta is now known as Guest12013
happyfacesffreer, i'm an athiest though17:41
stefg!pm | OwenLA7QZ:17:41
ubottuOwenLA7QZ:: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:41
fezzik02killjoy: There's no custom resolution in the Monitors panel17:41
Stameniok, i found a way to let applications stay in system tray in UNIITY !       gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"       jo-erland_17:41
dabbish2haha, christian spam. funny17:41
kill_joyI just went there and  there's a pull down menu17:41
happyfacedabbish2, yea lol17:41
bullgard4http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html does not show any entries. Does this mean that there will be no classrooms in #ubuntu-classroom in May, 2011?17:41
fezzik02kill_joy those are only default or autodetect resolutions, we need custom resolutions17:41
douglescott, right... so I could flash the firmware and still not know how to assign ip address to mac addresses17:42
kill_joyjust did a quick check...  I'm sure you're right17:42
a111Windows cant read from a NTFS partition created in linux?17:42
zvaceta111: yes17:43
sffreerIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   sffreer a111 stefg LiquidOps davide_ Froq JoshDreamland phibxr HouseMD c0mp13371331337 rcmaehl marta_ [vipe] trainer dabbish2 Stameni stefan1a m00se hasenj ventsislav kamikaza luis_ tangent3_ Ahadiel_ mongy fezzik02 MarconM gridaphobe luisg17:43
OwenLA7QZstefg: sudo update-alternatives --config x-pdf-reader (This is Navigatrix, branch of 10.04?)17:43
fezzik02a111: I think you might have to 'sign' it in the Window$ disk amanger17:43
Stameniplease kick this dude17:43
kill_joyok, I just typed "nvidia" into the unity search and got my graphix card settings...  try typing in yours17:43
luisgrinnothing to do with ubuntu, but i wonder what happens if you are nigger, jew, gay and freenode staff? is jesus enough to save you? :)17:43
a111oh kk17:43
OwenLA7QZstefg, I get: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for x-pdf-reader.17:43
IdleOne!language | luisgrin17:43
ubottuluisgrin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:43
escottdougl, try http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r20956187-WRT54GS-wDDWRT-Force-IP-to-MAC17:44
zvaceta111: I mean windows should be able to read any ntfs partition17:44
IdleOnePlease ignore the spam folks.17:44
fezzik02kill_joy that one doesn't let us do custom, either :(17:44
zach_Dr_Willis, the download isn't corrupt17:44
SupernovaOooooh, spam17:44
fezzik02kill_joy:have also tried xrandr, no love17:44
douglescott, thanks looking now17:44
OwenLA7QZstefg, I get: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for x-pdf-reader.17:44
stefgOwenLA7QZ: it was guesswork. Meanwhile i checked it myself and did not find that update-alternatives changes the default pdf reader17:44
[vipe]jesus couldnt save himself ;)17:45
=== karthick1987 is now known as karthick87
luisgrinI have installed ubuntu server and some X support, now i would like to add kind of terminal server, i couldnot find until now one easy to install17:45
a111zvacet, The win7 install said it couldnt read from it17:45
kill_joyonce you're in your settings (nvidia in my case) your display settings are to the right (pull down menu) lets you choose new resolution17:45
trailoryosammy : Thanks ! after some reading on handling repositaries it's now working perfectly:)17:45
=== oo is now known as Guest23184
stefgOwenLA7QZ: and another thing is: it is not ubuntu. hell knows what the developers of your dstro did, so there is no guarantee that things woorking in ubuntu work in a derivative as well17:46
Captain_HaddockHi, I need  some help with rsync: how do I set it to only copy new files/directories? i.e., the opposite of the --existing option.17:46
zvaceta111:  I think it is strange but not a expert17:47
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync17:47
User_007Hello guys,17:47
Captain_Haddockthanks stefg17:47
stefgCaptain_Haddock: hint: --update17:48
kill_joyanyone having issues with synaptic after upgrading to natty?17:48
OwenLA7QZstefg. Most stuff for ubuntu works fine (everything in Package Manager), but this one has me stumped.17:49
=== Guest23184 is now known as peepingtom
deitarionDid someone make a change to APT recently without passing it through quality control review or something? My mother did what she says was a "partial upgrade" a couple of days ago and found her Digikam missing (She's using Lubuntu with KDE bits) and now, when I try to re-install it, it refuses because things like kdebase-runtime aren't going to be installed rather than just pulling them in like it should.17:49
binoxdr willis:  or anyone,   vlc media worked to run dvds  not choppy  instead of totem      why?17:50
bullgard4kill_joy: Me not.17:50
DavidePalmI'm having an issue, My NTFS partition shows as being smaller under windows7 than it actually should be.  If I check with gparted under ubuntu it says it should be 70+GB 30used and 40unused, but under windows it says the disk is only 37gb total 30 used, 7 unusued any idea what's going on?17:50
Captain_Haddockstefg: --update also updates older files. I only want missing files/directories to be copied.17:50
kill_joybullgard4: I've gone through alot of forums and can't get the issue resolved17:50
binoxis there something i can now do to make simple games run(like tuxcart or something)  without choppy video.   after that   im a full time ubuntu user17:51
IdleOnedeitarion: the partial upgrade is what messed things up. probably best to ask in #lubuntu for help with this.17:51
stefgCaptain_Haddock: man rsync :-)17:51
bullgard4kill_joy: Look up the error in Launchpad.17:51
Captain_Haddockstefg: I'm here after doing that :)17:51
Captain_Haddock" -u, --update                update only (don't overwrite newer files)"17:51
User_007Guys, i get last Ubuntu (Natty amd64), and i want to install some indicator-applets (like cpufreq) on Unity,17:51
sammytrailoryo: no problem. try googling first, and see if any results are on the ubuntu wiki, or in a forum post on the ubuntu forums with '[SOLVED]' in the title.17:51
stefgCaptain_Haddock: and often forgotten: /usr/share/docs/rsync17:51
kill_joybullgard4: ok, I'll give it a try17:52
Captain_Haddockstefg: What I want is the opposite of --existing.. nothing in the man pages seem to hint at anything for it.17:52
sffreerIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   sffreer syslq nyoger x1sc0 dr3mro stefanivarsson slack_ oCean Hilikus binox DavidePalm wabznasm NEXUS-6 trollboy rako_ djm_ sandGorgon deitarion Guybrush88 LjL i_is_broke tuxampol dfgas wzssyqa User_007 jrib Logrepo 17:52
* Captain_Haddock checks out /usr/share ....17:52
User_007i found it's possible ((http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/), but just installing don  make them appear  near the clock17:52
binoxmaverick.  intel 82852/855     fixed dvd choppy playback  by using vlc instead of totem  worked great.  flash video is fine.17:52
binoxsome games dont run not choppy,  simple ones like tuxcart or wurmtux17:52
binoxany ideas17:52
icerootbinox: any errors?17:53
binoxiceroot:  how to check,17:53
binoxbut i dont think17:53
shigutsoGiving away lots of Snivys, Oshawotts and Tirtougas, all Lv 117:54
mpyis there a sound fix for macbook 7.1 yet?17:55
stefgCaptain_Haddock: so you /don't/ want to update existng files, but add newly created ones?17:55
mpyif so, can anyone help me out?17:55
nyoger/dev/dsp is present in lucid.  if /dev/dsp stopped being present in maverick on out, then will lucid suffice for video capture ?17:55
binoxiceroot: totem wouldnt play dvd smooth even after installind libdvdread4  and enabling drm to dvd.   i installed vlc and it worked fine. my flash vid works fine too. is it possibble maybe vga are not enabled or something?17:55
icerootbinox: what vga you have?17:56
stefgCaptain_Haddock: i'd use rdiff-backup ... sort of time-machine'ish backup for the cli17:56
binoxthe card is intel 82852/855 integrated,  old i know  ,  but should work , am i right?17:56
vaxinatedhello world17:57
werjwIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   werjw Dantonic vaxinated andjons slack101 edbian Jeruvy adan dougl imcsk8 SelakS arquebus RhinoX asdfsdggre Dr_Willis csharma glcrazy syslq nyoger x1sc0 dr3mro stefanivarsson oCean Hilikus binox wabznasm NEXUS-6 trollboy 17:57
werjwIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   trainer dabbish2 Stameni stefan1a m00se hasenj kamikaza luis_ tangent3_ Ahadiel_ mongy MarconM luisgrin itaylor57 julesw tangent3 happyface illmortal user82 aguitel_ Stormx2 apelgate MicroBot tormod hobbsc craigbass1976 d17:57
werjwIF YOU DIED TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU  WOULD END UP? NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF ARE  ALL GOING TO BURN  IN HELL... IF YOU  ARE ONE OF  THESE YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST  FOR  IMMEDIATE FORGIVENESS.   OiPenguin lamalex Froq_ ki__ Gwar tolmun_ netsjanek jibadeeha MadViking akshatj_ choonming Naenyn webben morgajel ai6pg ProfessorBacon Guest90922 nmodprime avdi loglad ross_ Eryn_1983_FL01 Barridus DodgeThis akem DNX kate17:57
stefgvaxinated: syntax error in line #117:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!17:57
SpaceBasshey folks17:58
macoedbian: taken care of17:58
edbianmaco: thanks17:58
macoedbian: it was IdleOne17:58
stefanivarssonAnyone know if nvidia 96 driver is ok for Natty?17:58
vaxinatedstefg: core dump17:58
edbianIdleOne: Why would you spam the channel?!17:58
=== Guest90922 is now known as Zerocool
macoedbian: what?17:58
SpaceBasshaving trouble with 11.04 - cant get mysql-core-5.1 to install, suspect its because of a previous install. Tried to purge it, no dice17:58
macoedbian: IdleOne got rid of the spammer17:58
edbianmaco: It was a joke17:58
User_007Can anyone help me with indicator-applets?17:58
asdfsdggrewerjw wichser17:58
deitarionSomeone needs to write an IRC daemon which can implement "Too many nicks. You're kickbanned." BEFORE passing the message on to everyone.17:58
=== Zerocool is now known as Guest19092
IdleOneedbian: lol I wouldn't and you should know that :)17:59
edbianIdleOne: :)17:59
deitarionDoes anyone know of a way to ask apt-get for a list of which repo each broken package is coming from?18:00
binoxiceroot:  i fixed it, rand drm to hdd.  thank you.     I am now ubuntu full time, windows is gone.  thank you18:00
bullgard4!ask | User_00718:01
ubottuUser_007: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:01
binoxcan anyone tell me why dvd runs properly for me with vlc  instead of totem18:01
vakIs it possible to pin Eclipse icon to Launcher in Ubuntu Unity somehow?18:01
User_007bullgard4 i have already asked the question18:01
wabznasmvak: I've done it. unity2d or unity or classic?18:01
oCeandeitarion: apt-cache policy packagename shows repo origin I think18:01
puckipediavak:Open eclipse, rightclick in unity and choose "Keep in launcher"18:01
User_007bullgard4, i get last Ubuntu (Natty amd64), and i want to install some indicator-applets (like cpufreq) on Unity,18:01
deitarionAha! A website suggested trying with aptitude instead and it gave me an answer.18:02
rcmaehlhow do I find out if I'm running 64-bit 11.04 via terminal/18:02
vaxinatedbinox: vlc has its own decoders for video/audio, totem needs gstreamer codecs added.18:02
stefgrcmaehl: uname -a18:02
vakwabznasm: or damn, I don't know... default one that comes with Ubuntu 11 desktop...18:02
* rcmaehl rages at the devs18:02
deitarionWhen aptitude suggested the same solution as apt-get and I picked "no", it then suggested downgrading half of KDE from maverick-security to maverick so the other half (from maverick) would accept it.18:02
bullgard4User_007: (I am not familiar with Unity.)18:02
PrimedeathHello, folks.18:03
wabznasmvak: as puckipedia said - open Eclipse, then right cllick the icon in the launcher and 'Keep in launcher'18:03
vakpuckipedia: no. It get's pinned until the end of the session only (and also icon isn't detected correctly)18:03
vakwabznasm: ^^18:03
binoxvaxinated:  thast makes sense,  thank you.  here is a question then ,  when i installed libdvdread4,  should i have not got prompted to search for the codec plugins.  i did not,  how could i install the gstreamer plugins manually,  although i will probably just use vlc18:03
rgrdeitarion: my own experience is never to mix apt-get and aptitude. others swear its fine. I know its ont.18:04
=== steverm is now known as a-saint
dan_hello, how can i disable that windows get maximized if dragged to the upper edge of the screen?, annoyes the hell out of me18:04
PrimedeathHello, I was wondering if any of you would give me your opinion on how well Ubuntu would work on a G4 800mhz iMac?18:04
rgrBut its not worth arguing with people - if they want to think it works good luck to them. But when I mixed the two my system fell to pieces.18:05
vaxinatedbinox: look for totem and gstreamer in ubuntu software center.  i think there is a connection.18:05
PrimedeathAlso, I am trying to find the download image for the PPC version but the only link I have found was in the Daily Builds section.18:05
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:05
webbenOmega: What option in Keyboard Preferences would allow me to type a hash?18:05
vaxinatedbinox: or you could just install mplayer which handles video nicely.18:05
bullgard4!grub | skullboy18:05
ubottuskullboy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:05
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
binoxok thank you,  my problem is solved,  but the more i know the better. im fully converted now.   thanks again18:06
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
srisimilI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 by upgrading from 10.04, installation went fine. But now I can't boot into my windows xp partition.18:06
StameniHow to set Geany to run code using python3, not 2    ?18:06
srisimilcan someone please help me?18:06
Omegawebben: You can't type a hash? try shift-318:06
stefgPrimedeath: CPU-wise you should be fine, deppends on how much ram you have. Official PPC support was dropped after 6.06, so i don't know how good the community port of later releases is18:06
webbenOmega: Shift-3 is £.18:07
webben(which is correct)18:07
PrimedeathThe only PPC version I found is  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:07
kernelpanickerI need to burn a dmg to a DVD to rescue my friend's Apple (using my linux machine).  How do I burn it in a way that the apple will boot from?  I'm assuming if I just burn the file, it won't be bootable, as the result will be a DVD containing a dmg file, and not what an apple would burn FROM a dmg.18:07
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:07
rajuSRISMIL update grub18:07
shigutsohow can I make unity bar stay animating urgent until I click it?18:07
stefgPrimedeath: you will certainly have issues with things like flash and hardware support18:07
SalahGosrisimil, update-grub in root command18:07
PrimedeathSo would it be best just to install 10.4?18:07
raju!grub | srisimil18:08
ubottusrisimil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:08
rajusrisimil:  THAT CAN HELPN U18:08
PrimedeathWhat do you think stefg?18:08
webbenOmega: Looks like turning on left-alt-to-3rd-level gets me # on alt-3 ... but it also disables other alt-based functionality18:08
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:08
Omegawebben: what functionality does it disable?18:08
webbenOmega: alt-whatever to open a menu18:08
srisimilraju: did that. Actually I already had a dual boot system. Even now I can see my windows option on the grub screen. But when i select it it just goes blank18:09
webbenOmega: right-alt-to-3rd-level seems to work better.18:09
stefgPrimedeath: yeah, sounds reasonable. If you have around a gig of ram ii'd try a 10.04 install, and hunt down some ppa-repos for things like firefox and stuff18:09
tomaszwhat is spam check ?18:09
Omegawebben: try any alt18:09
djazzwhat to do when ubuntu dont see my (usb) bluetooth adapter? 11.04, AOA11018:09
webbenOmega: any alt disables alt-[letter] to open a menu too18:10
tomaszwhat is floodbot ?18:10
HrTHi, I'm following this guide to install my ATI HD 5470 driver on Ubuntu 11.04, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1409467 | when I reach sudo aticonfig --initial, it says command not found, please HELP18:10
rajusrisimil:  verify that windows /sda and grub windows /sda ....i mean both are same or not18:10
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:10
User_007i needs help with unity on Natty, can anyone help?18:10
webbenOmega: oh interesting looks like right-alt+3 gives # by default18:10
asdfsdggrei have question18:10
webbenI can probably live with that18:10
Chipzzztomasz: floodbot tells you not to type too many lines without a break18:11
srisimilraju: can you elaborate on that plz18:11
tomaszbut i come nothing write and check me i am not bot18:11
asdfsdggrei have question18:11
skullboywhat is it18:11
asdfsdggremy question is18:11
asdfsdggrecan sb help me18:11
skullboyspill it18:12
rajusrisimil:  sure18:12
djazz:| what to do when ubuntu not finds my bluetooth adapter?18:12
Chipzzztomasz: they are having tech problems... floodbot is checking for bots while they fix it18:12
tjiggi_foIdleOne, I spy larstorben asdfsdggre18:12
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:12
srisimilasdfsdggre: just ask your question. someone will answer18:13
SalahGopulseaudio applet on 11.04 is,!18:13
HrTplease help: Hi, I'm following this guide to install my ATI HD 5470 driver on Ubuntu 11.04, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1409467 | when I reach sudo aticonfig --initial, it says command not found, please HELP18:13
djazzanyone wanna help?18:14
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:14
user82can i search for terminal commands in the "history". like i knew i started programm1 and nedd all parameters back?18:14
escottuser82, history18:14
bullgard4user82: Ctrl-R18:14
arand_user82: [crtl+r] and start typing to search18:14
user82nice..more time to be saved. thanks18:15
thiensometime I have a window of which, the button (Ok/Cancel/Finish...) can't click until I move the window a bit. How to fix it?18:15
rajusrisimil:  u here ?18:15
billybobcan someone tell me how /if 3d is working in 11.4 with a ati 9800 card?18:15
kernelpanickerAnyone know how to burn a dmg of a live DVD to DVD so it'll be bootable?18:16
djazzhciconfig -a outputs nothing18:16
nsahoogoogle chrome window decorations are broken after ubuntu 11.04 upgrade. Once, I maximize and restore the chrome window it's covered by regular application window border18:16
usalabscan someone help me with using the passwords and encryption keys to configure with an SSH remote server?18:16
djazzI have two adapters and none work..18:16
jrib!ssh | usalabs18:16
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:16
ubottuusalabs: please see above18:17
coder2Hello. Could anyone help me with alsamixer. It does start, just writing:  Mixer load hw:0 error: Invalid argument18:17
skullboyhow do i change the grub key config18:17
djazzIt works on other computers..18:17
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
jeroen__hi i upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04 but now i can ownley see my background18:17
kill_joyanyone know how to make ubuntu check for file errors and correct them (in terminal or otherwise)?18:18
bullgard4coder2: May be it helps to re-install alsamixer.18:18
ChipzzzHrT: you may have to cd to the directory where aticonfig resides or use the full path to invoke it18:18
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot18:18
djazzblueman applet doesnt work in 11.04...18:18
coder2bulgard4: how to do it?18:18
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
stefg!fsck > kill_joy18:19
ubottukill_joy, please see my private message18:19
coder2sorry, bullgard4, how to reinstall mixer only18:19
renanHi there, how to install the wireless proprietary drivers? ubuntu 11.4, any help greatly appreciated!18:19
Omega.go sni18:19
Dr_Willisrenan:  one way. hook up a wired connection and try the addational-drivers tool and hope it can download them. Thats the easiest way18:19
kill_joyalright, ubottu. I'm going to give that a shot. thank again18:19
superdumpis there some way, perhaps involving a separate terminal with the alternate installer, to reuse an existing encrypted lvm partition layout, formatting only some partitions and merely mounting and reusing others?18:20
Dr_Willisrenan:  a lot will depemnd on your exact wireless card and chipset18:20
bullgard4coder2: Using Synaptic, de-install the DEB program package »gnome-alsmixer«. Then re-install it.18:20
billybobi am getting 48 fps in glxgears shouldnt unity work?18:20
renanDr_Willis: I did that, but its not showing anything. However the same procedure worked on ubuntu 10.1018:20
IdleSixteenIDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   IdleSixteen Stava saeth PokeTehPenguin justyellowboy Odysimus ethernet sritolia yigal SideEffect renan superdump atyoung Souperman manifold kbmaniac alex__ _brian_ bk55 xeros invisiblek voodoo123 hamdude cocoa117 grawcho nsahoo 18:20
coder2bullgard4: I had to install lucid on other mobo, then returned my mobo back. Sound works, but i cannot control volume18:20
jeroen__has anyone got a clue why my menu's stoped working in ubuntu 11.0418:20
Dr_Willisrenan:  its possuible thers some bug with the addational-drivers tool18:20
billybobi meant Iam gettting 84fps in glxgears shouldnt unity be working?18:21
renanDr_Willis: is there another way?18:21
coder2bullgard4: I do not have gnome at all. It is console-only system18:21
Dr_Willisbillybob:  glxgears is not a very good benchmark.18:21
Dr_Willisrenan:  if you knew qwhat packages to install you could download them I guess. but how you figure out what you need, i dontknow18:22
trailoryoHey guys I got a problem with watching 720p/1080pHD (in any player). It runs, but not even close to smooth. Here's "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" ----> http://paste.ubuntu.com/601700/18:22
renanhum... Thanks...18:22
billybobDr_Willis can you help trouble shoot18:22
mathmoiHi, what should I do if lsusb simply hang (I can't even use C-c to kill it)?18:23
Dr_Willisbillybob:  tell the channel your video card/chipset and details of the whole problem.18:23
bullgard4coder2: 'sudo apt-get remove gnome-alsamixer && apt-get install gnome-alsamixer'.18:23
justyellowboyAnybody here well-versed in GIMP? The chat there seems empty. How do you a PNG specifically in 8-bit format?18:23
stefgtrailoryo: there are known bugs with fglrx in natty. Try the open source driver18:23
paulm9hi, I'm trying to get postfix to relay mails via exchange.   i'm getting SASL authentication failed because of authentication unsuccessful. Could this at all be caused by an Untrusted TLS connection?18:23
billybobmy card is ati  9800 unity will not run that is all I know18:23
coder2bullgard4:  how about alsamixer? No GUI, no gnome18:24
tansell-laptopwhere does upstart keep the configration information that makes things like "start libvirt" work?18:24
bullgard4coder2: alsamixer does not need GNOME.18:24
trailoryostefg: how do I get that?18:24
justyellowboybullgard4: The package name is just "alsamixer". Open it from the terminal and press F5 to make adjustments.18:24
bullgard4justyellowboy: Wrong adressee.18:25
bullgard4justyellowboy: Wrong addressee.18:25
coder2bullgard4, so why I should install "gnome-alsamixer" instead of just alsamixer?18:25
Dr_Willisalsamixer is a text based/console mixer program.18:25
Dr_Willisor was that alsa-mixer? i get so confused18:25
bullgard4coder2: I did not know that you do not have GNOME.18:25
MrTolkinghornhey, anyone had problems with instability with a kernel? Whenever I have my stable overclocks on (4.2 ghz on a core i7) my computer crashes despite windows working just fine with hours of prime95...18:25
Chipzzzjustyellowboy: when you save a file as a PNG a dialog opens that should allow you to adjust the format (unless it started out as a PNG)18:25
coder2Dr_Willis, Yes, I need console-only, but it do not start18:26
MrTolkinghorn2.6.32-28 was the only truly stable kernel, any of the new ones crash18:26
tensorpuddingMrTolkinghorn: you should isolate what is causing it to crash, first18:26
tensorpuddingMrTolkinghorn: is it a kernel panic?18:26
MrTolkinghornwhich log should I look under for that?18:27
coder2bullgard4, sorry, I've mentioned that my system is console-only18:27
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding: I'm having trouble finding any errors in the log18:27
rmattedoes anyone know of a simple way to revert to the versions of compiz/emerald that were included with 10.10 after upgrading to 11.04?  The new version of emerald is buggy with my window theme.18:27
tensorpuddinga kernel panic would put a big dump on the screen and wait for you to reboot the machine18:27
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding: it is a kernel panic then18:27
renanDr_Willis: Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card18:27
stefgtrailoryo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33092/how-well-do-ati-drivers-work-with-unity18:27
tensorpuddingfirst you should stop overclocking and see if it still panics18:28
billybobdoeas anyone else knoe why glxgears would work but unity not18:28
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding, but it isn't giving me a clear error18:28
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding, no it works just fine without an overclock18:28
renanDr_Willis: now how to download and instal?18:28
rmattebillybob: glxgears is just an indication that OpenGL is functional, it is not an indication that compositing (which is required for Unity) is functional.18:28
renanDr_Willis: would you know that?18:28
ChipzzzMrTolkinghorn: I'm running 2.6.32-31 on two machines & they're both very stable18:28
bullgard4coder2: Try 'sudo apt-get remove alsa-utils && apt-get install alsa-utils'.18:28
MrTolkinghornchipzzz the older kernels worked, after the 2.6.32 kernels, they stopped working.18:29
stefg!pm | trailoryo18:29
ubottutrailoryo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:29
tensorpuddingby default linux isn't configured to dump core18:29
escottbillybob, check your glxinfo to see what renderer you have18:29
billybobis there a test for composting18:29
rmattebillybob: are you by any chance using two monitors across two different video cards?18:29
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding how can I turn on dump core, so I can get a clear error message?18:29
rmattebillybob: or one video card that has two cards in it connected via SLI across two monitors?18:29
tensorpuddingnot sure18:29
coder2Dr Willis, bullgard4: replacing of motherboard caused problems with network and sound. I've fixed network, but i do not know how to fix sound18:29
brous-keetansell-laptop, try this  http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/12597718:29
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding, ok thanks, I can just look it up of course. Now that I know it ISN't dumping the core.18:30
billybobrmate no one both18:30
rmattesorry, clarify?18:30
tensorpuddinghave you read the stacktrace that comes up during the panic?18:30
justyellowboyChipzzz: I tried using compression level 8, but the 1000x1000 file size comes up wrong. It should be in the 100-200 Kbyte range, and I'm getting 900+.18:30
karthick87How to remove unused PPA from command line?18:30
stefgtrailoryo: that has nothing to do with unity, the problem is with the version of xorg in natty and fglrxx don't play well together18:30
Barridusit's not possible to have the current weather in the clock area/top toolbar anymore?18:30
WampyreHello.  I've just installed 11.04.  Not very happy with the menu system.  How can I make it act more like a traditional menu?18:30
billybobescitt say direct rendering18:31
tensorpuddingyou can get core dumps by installing linux-crashdump18:31
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.18:31
trismjustyellowboy: I believe using Image/Mode/Indexed... then selecting the palette, <= 256 should give you an 8-bit png when you save (imagemagick identify gives me that impression when I check it after saving)18:31
trailoryostefg: yeah thanks man i've read some more now^^ think i will be able to fix it by myself from this point on, thanks again18:31
tensorpuddingand configuring grub i think18:31
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding no I haven't, I'm actually not sure what that is. I'll install that.18:31
paulm9hi, where can i get help with setting up postfix?18:31
billybobescott: say direct rendreing is that what you need?18:31
Chipzzzjustyellowboy: compression level is not the same as bits/pixel18:31
rmattekarthick87: not to be rude, but come on: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=remove+ppa+repo+from+commandline18:31
escottbillybob, what video card is this?18:32
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding ok. I've tried to turn of acpi and turn on hpet thinking it might have been a problem related to those.18:32
stefgpaulm9: more likely in #ubuntu-server than in here :-)18:32
billybobescott old ati 980018:32
skullboyhow do i change the GRUB2 keyboard shortcuts18:32
tekonivelomy Gwibber has been refusing to open for about a week now (Natty 11.04)18:32
justyellowboyThanks, guys, I was wondering where the index control levels were! I'll report back to you if it works out!18:32
paulm9stegf: thanks18:32
rmattebillybob: I didn't understand what you meant by "no one both"18:32
rmattewhat is your setup?18:32
tekonivelothe Unity lens does display new posts by friends, though, so the Gwibber-service is working properly18:32
rmatteI have lots of experience with this sort of thing but I need to know what your setup is18:32
escottbillybob, if thats really old it may not be powerful enough for compositing, but ati's are reasonably well supported18:33
tensorpuddingMrTolkinghorn: have you checked /var/log/dmesg18:33
IdleOneskullboy: why would you want to? and I am going to guess you would need to do that in the source and recompile.18:33
billybobrmatte i meant no to both18:33
coder2bullgard4: before I try to reinstall alsa-utils, please advise how to backup the system easily? It is very painful to reinstall the whole OS on this hardware, because 10.04 do not install on it and I need to install the OS on other motherboard and then return my again18:33
rmattebillybob: ok18:33
tensorpuddingMrTolkinghorn: and /var/log/kern.log18:33
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding there was nothing that I could find related to the crash in there.18:33
rmattebillybob: what kind of video card are you using?18:33
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding same with that, nothing that really stood out.18:33
tensorpuddingbut you're sure it was due to a panic?18:33
escottskullboy, doubt you can, its not the most configurable thing18:33
billybobrmatte ati 9800 it is old but has woorked untill now18:33
chrome_When will firefox 4 be available for ubuntu?18:33
escottchrome_, it is in 11.0418:34
WhitePelicanhello all, I need help with Medibuntu for natty18:34
WampyreThanks stefg18:34
chrome_escott: how do I know which version of ubuntu I have?18:34
tekoniveloi didn't find a bug on Gwibber launchpad about this18:34
skullboywell i want to encrypt my GRUB2 bootloader and i dont want people to just press e and edit the lock entry out18:34
rmattebillybob: hmmm, what about unity isn't working?18:34
escottchrome_, lsb_release -a in the terminal18:34
rmatteare you seeing artifacts left behind by windows and stuff?18:34
billybobrmatte: It wont run defaults to classic even when i choose unity18:35
SeanChambersi'm having problems booting into 11.04 after a successful install on a lenovo w500. I just get a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left part of the screen18:35
tensorpuddingchrome_: it's already available in 11.0418:35
rmattebillybob: oh, that's really weird18:35
Lunar_LampI'm getting segfaults in /var/log/kern.log every time I try to use apt-get or aptitude. Suggestions?18:35
MrTolkinghorntensorpudding every time it crashes, it's a solid lock-up. the keyboard flashes, and it reboots in 30 seconds. I can only assume that's a kernel panic. sometimes If it crashes when booting, it'll show some of the error messages, but none of them seem related to the crash, just more stuff which looks like normal boot kernel log messages.18:35
billybobrmatte: story of my life18:35
chrome_escott: how can I upgrade ubuntu from the version 10.4 to the 11.04?18:35
rmattebillybob: it ran on my work workstation which has no graphics acceleration of any kind (didn't run well at all, but it did start)18:35
bullgard4!backup | coder218:35
ubottucoder2: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:35
rmattebillybob: sounds like possibly a package problem or something18:35
billybobrmatte: suggestions to fix?18:36
SeanChambersanyone else have problems with a blank screen with a blinking cursor when I would expect ubuntu to start to boot up18:36
escottchrome_, first check the website to see if you want 11.04 there are big differences, but if you want to go ahead start upgrade-manager18:36
coder2Ok, thank you, bullgard4 and Dr_Willis. Bye.18:36
rmattebillybob: unfortunately Unity is too new... I don't have any tricks up my sleeve for that one, I'd just be googling around like you are18:36
tensorpuddingMrTolkinghorn: i guess that sounds like a panic, but every panic that i've had, when it happens, it switches to the console and dumps a stacktrace18:36
billybobrmatte: ths anyway18:37
katejones@IdleOne - I put the Alternative Ubuntu on my USB, that won't boot at all..?18:37
chrome_escott: but I guess 11.04 is better18:37
bullgard4SeanChambers: Please describe your situation in greater detail and the error messages you obtained.18:37
bonhofferwhen coding in bash, what if i want to see line 10 of a text file18:38
IdleOnekatejones: don't know how else to help. restate the problem you are having and someone else might have an idea.18:38
bonhoffernormally i open in emacs and do goto-line 1018:38
escottchrome_, drop into #ubuntu-offtopic and ask peoples opinions or just hang around and listen, some hate it others love it18:38
rmattebillybob: have you tried using Unity 2D?18:38
SeanChambersbullgard4: no error messages. after rebooting from intiail install, screen goes blank and there is a blinking cursor in the top left18:38
Devil999chrome_, now i have my doubts.18:38
SeanChambersbullgard4: left it sitting there for 10 minutes with no change18:38
billybobrmatte: no how do i do that?18:38
chrome_Devil999: why18:38
akharrisAny1 here know how to use HDA Analyzer?18:38
rmattebillybob: apt-get install unity-2d18:38
rmattethen it'll be available in the list of session in your login manager18:39
katejonestried to install regular Ubuntu on notebook without cd drive so from USB = got MFD error and ubuntu wouldn't fully load (not live and no install). Put the iso on the USB with the Universal Windows installer thingie - no errors18:39
rmatteso just logout, select it, and log back in18:39
rgb247how can I undo deletion from terminal?18:39
billybobrmatte: then will it be a log in choice?18:39
rgb247I accidentally typed rm /* from root18:39
icerootrgb247: with your backup18:39
rmattebillybob: yeh18:39
billybobrmatte: thks again18:39
bullgard4SeanChambers: Have you got access to a virtual console? Press Ctrl+Alt+F1.18:39
Devil999chrome_, well, in my case i don't like unity, and am trying to stick with classic (gnome). but some features have been removed, like the tray bar, and the "widgets"18:39
rgb247iceroot: can you explain please?18:39
SeanChambersbullgard4: nope. tried that18:39
rmatteI have to take off for now, later18:39
icerootrgb247: now you know why it is a bad ida to use the root account and also a bad idea not to have a backup18:39
icerootrgb247: the explanation is that your files are gone forever you cant recover them (only if you do backups)18:40
SeanChambersbullgard4: it doesnt seem like grub is even loading. i do the standard install from cd to install 11.04, goes well and upon rebooting i just get a blank screen18:40
escottrgb247, its always fun to see what happens when the shell tries to delete itself18:40
SeanChambersbullgard4: it doesnt seem to ever start loading ubuntu at all18:40
_raven11.04 + huaway usb + aldi talk - does not connect to mobile network - any known issues?18:40
icerootrgb247: dont use root/sudo if you dont know what you are doing18:40
bullgard4SeanChambers: You can investigate your system using a Ubuntu Live CD or just re-istall your system.18:40
Devil999chrome_, it's the buttons on the left side all over again. canonical says it's better, and we have to stick to it, or walk away.18:40
SeanChambersbullgard4: i am on the live cd now18:40
PriceyI have an AR2413 and just upgraded to Natty. Everything goes fine for a certian amount of time before the card stops working. Nothing'll bring it back except rebooting into the old kernel. Does anyone have any ideas?18:41
chrome_Devil999: I see18:41
bullgard4SeanChambers: What does GParted say about the partitions?18:41
bastienDevil999, Hi ! Me I stick to Xubuntu18:41
brous-keePricey, is that a wifi chip?18:41
stefgPricey: looks like a firmware (loading) problem18:42
SeanChambersbullgard4: /dev/sda1 is full drive3 size, ext418:42
Devil999thing is, with the buttons we could solve it easily. with these problems it's not that easy, at least not yet. let's wait and see.18:42
_raven11.04 + huaway usb + aldi talk - does not connect to mobile network - any known issues?18:42
Priceybrous-kee: Yes18:42
SeanChambersbullgard4: /dev/sda4 is extended, /dev/sda5 is swap18:42
Priceystefg: But it works fine for say 30 minutes before dying18:43
cyberfr0gok, so with unity, is there a way to save the status of your desktop? to make it persistant between reboots.18:43
Devil999bastien, problem is that i've tried xubuntu, and i don't like it. i love gnome. and i loved my desktop. at least until 11.04.18:43
SeanChambersbullgard4: /dev/sda4 is 4gb18:43
stefgPricey: do you know what kernel module is used for that?18:43
chrome_escott: how do I start the upgrade-manager? did you mean update-manager?18:43
escottchrome_, yes sorry18:44
Priceystefg: ath/ath5k18:44
brous-keePricey, umm i find that newer linux-es have been lacking a stable i/o interrupt services recovery, mine get stuck at even Firefox stalling the download and the rest of system freezes18:44
Acid190Third time asking help for this. Java chat applet error. Have Ubuntu 10.10, went with icedtea web plug-in, did not work. All java web plugins installed and certs are configured. Here is the error.18:44
Priceystefg: looks like i'm not the only one.. various reports on forums infact18:44
katejonesIdleOne : Kojinsha notebook, 11.04 Alternative om USB, I het the installer boot menu but can't choose anything there (it reloads the boot choice screen except fro on ''test memory' 'which it starts to do)18:44
djazzno one here have experience with bluetooth? :/18:44
Priceybrous-kee: the card works for a while18:44
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:44
bullgard4SeanChambers: 4GB is not ample but may be enough. --  Can you find a file /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg?18:44
brous-keePricey, i know, its the interrupt service not recovering18:45
escottchrome_, PLEASE look at the release notes on unity and natty narwhal, we get lots of people coming in and complaining about how much they hate it18:45
SeanChambersbullgard4: on /dev/sda1?18:45
escottchrome_, or how it broke stuff18:45
tonyyarussowow, fail18:45
Devil999djazz, yes.18:45
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stefgPricey: yeah ... ath5k...  have you tried to rmmod / modprobe -r the module and then modprobe it back in again? Does dmesg tell you anything?18:45
katejonesakharris - I don't know for sure but I think you should install ALSA if I remember correctly (I'm sure there are more knowledgable people here..)18:45
ubuntuhi all18:45
chrome_escott: ok I'll check that out.18:46
djazzDevil999: bluetooth headset/handsfree/audio outputs?18:46
Devil999djazz, that not so much.18:46
Priceystefg: will try18:46
bullgard4SeanChambers: On the partition where you or the installer mounted your root. Likely /dev/sda1.18:46
Priceystefg: but not something i want to keep trying18:46
jamil_1Hello ppl, I am having trouble with mouse click. Mouse click seems to drag the window...18:47
SeanChambersbullgard4: nothing in dmesg and no syslog file in there18:47
jamil_1I have unity....18:47
djazzDevil999: I can get it work, it appear in the soundcard list. But as soon I turn off bluetooth then on, it wont re-appear. I must delete the device then re-pair it18:47
djazzit says connected, but I cant choose it18:48
bullgard4SeanChambers: In that case I would probably try to re-install Ubuntu anew.18:48
_raven11.04 + huaway usb + aldi talk - does not connect to mobile network - any known issues?18:48
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instahey guys i'm having a problem with 11.04 -- i just finished the upgrade from 10.10, no i have no touchpad on my laptop in either unity or classic, ideas?18:48
SeanChambersbullgard4: i've reinstalled it on that partition twice already with same results18:48
SeanChambersbullgard4: could grub not be installed correctly?18:48
xanguainsta: press the key to enable/disable touchpad18:49
Acid190Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?18:49
instawhat are you talking about, to enable the touchpad?  what button?18:50
xangua!anyone | Acid19018:50
ubottuAcid190: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:50
katejones@IdleOne - thanks for the help.. I think Ill just give up and stick to XP on this notebook, must be incompatible or something...18:50
IdleOnekatejones: sorry I was not more help.18:50
Acid190xangua: have asked three times man18:50
bullgard4SeanChambers: I guess that your hardware is at fault or unsuitable. Did you check your hard disk, for example using GPrated? --  It is likely that Ubuntu installs Grub correctly.18:50
katejonesIdleone - no problem, it's running fine on my Mac ;)18:50
Devil999djazz, sorry, i can't help you with that. i haven't been lucky with handsets and computers.18:50
billybobrmatte is there a way to change from classic to unity without login out?18:50
IdleOnekatejones: good to hear.18:50
katejonesIdleOne - so dad has to stick with slow XP, I've had it with trying ;)18:51
SeanChambersbullgard4: i've installed 8.04 on this laptop before so I know the hardware is suitable18:51
IdleOnekatejones: maybe try with 10.10?18:51
bullgard4SeanChambers: A good point. Yes, then your hardware ist ok.18:51
trailoryoI just uninstalled the ati proprietary driver and replaced it with the open source driver. This fixed my original problem with choppyness, but now all of a sudden the sound is 100% broken. help!18:51
SeanChambersbullgard4: i'll try to reinstall again using gparted instead of letting it autoconfigure18:51
katejonesIdleOne - Do you think that might work better? Ok, that's the last thing I'll try then. it's a weird small netbook though, touchscreen..18:52
SeanChambersbullgard4: i'll come back if it doesnt work. thank you for your help18:52
SomelauwHi, how do I change lightness of the screen?18:52
IdleOnekatejones: don't know for sure but worth a try.18:52
JoshDreamlandSomelauw: Laptop?18:52
katejonesIdleOne - thanks!18:52
bullgard4Somelauw: This depends on your hardware.18:52
Somelauwyes, laptop18:52
JoshDreamlandSomelauw: What make?18:52
Somelauwhp 8530. Or do you want me to pastebin lspci?18:52
SomelauwAnyway the buttons aren t working.18:53
JoshDreamlandSomelauw: Nah. The brightness keys do not work?18:53
SomelauwSo I was wondering if there is a commandline way to configure it myself.18:53
JoshDreamlandSomelauw:  Click the power manager, go to preferences, and use the control there. Or, add the brightness applet to panel.18:53
KBentley57hey guys.  I just insalled 11.04 and updated to gnome3.  However, now when I try to log in I get an error saying "cn't update ICEauthority".  I can't login as my normal user.  Any ideas?18:53
newb_Hello! Wy my chrome window have minimize/maximize/close buttons at left if all my gtk applications have buttons at right side?18:53
SomelauwJoshDreamland: hp 8530w.18:54
JoshDreamlandnewb_: What Ubuntu version?18:54
chrome_escott: Do I need need to upgrade to the version 10.10 before I upgrade to 11.04?18:54
JoshDreamlandSomelauw: Did you try the brightness applet?18:54
newb_JoshDreamland: 11.or18:54
newb_JoshDreamland: 11.0418:54
JoshDreamlandnewb_: Because everything in 11.04 is broken18:54
billybobhow do i switch from classic to unity in 11.418:54
JoshDreamlandWithout exception18:54
instamore updates: after plugging in a usb mouse, i can happily use my cursor. my touchpad doesn't show up in System -> Preferences -> Pointing Devices18:54
xanguaKBentley57: you are on your own, gnome3 may break your system18:54
xanguabillybob: on the log in screen18:55
instaJoshDreamland: am i to believe then that this was not ready to go gold :(18:55
newb_KBentley57: I think you can solve this removing .ICEAuthority file on your home directory (with root). Try this, but jut rename the file to backup it18:55
bullgard4!Unity | billybob18:55
ubottubillybob: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:55
SomelauwHow to start the brightness applet?18:55
MnCChow do i add other desitinations to the Nautilus "Copy To" or "Move To" menu's ?18:55
SomelauwJoshDreamland: How to start the brightness applet?18:55
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:55
KBentley57i cant login as root either18:55
JoshDreamlandSomelauw: Right click a bare spot on the panel, click "Add to panel"18:55
newb_JoshDreamland: In my PC this work great, but at netbook this happened and I don't know why...18:55
escottchrome_, if you are on 10.04 yes you have to upgrade to 10.10 first18:56
xangua!root | KBentley5718:56
ubottuKBentley57: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:56
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:56
newb_KBentley57: *just18:56
escottchrome_, if you don't want to upgrade you could see if there is a lucid mozilla ppa18:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:56
xanguadaedaluz: you can play with the bot in private18:56
oCeandaedaluz: please use /msg ubottu !feisty18:56
JoshDreamlandnewb_: Did you update one, and do a fresh install on the other?18:56
KBentley57so how would I go about logging in to remove the .ice file?18:57
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101018:57
AMAGIs there a FAQ item or something for 10.x -> 11.04 upgrade, nvidia driver installed and "activated" (green dot on Additional Drivers tool) but "not currently in use?"  I cannot figure this out.18:57
Somelauwdef hej():18:57
Somelauw    print "hello"18:57
Somelauw    s = 1018:57
Somelauw    if s == 10:18:57
FloodBot2Somelauw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:57
Somelauw        print "repeat"18:57
Somelauw    18:57
cba123Does anyone know I can create and burn a BDMV to play on my PS3?  As in encode videos to a BDMV file-structure and burn it to a blu-ray?  I have a blu-ray burner, but not sure what to do with either.18:57
ThinkT510!botabuse | daedaluz18:57
ubottudaedaluz: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:57
SomelauwMy terminal was messing with me.18:57
passthrufirst crash while running in Unity 2D after 24h of power on18:58
newb_JoshDreamland: Update in both18:58
passthrubut i am liking :)18:58
a111I created a NTFS partition in ubuntu, but i cant read it on windows. How do i fix it?18:58
SomelauwPlease remove zq again.18:58
JoshDreamlandSomelauw: it's removed18:58
JoshDreamlandnewb_: That's really odd. Both had the same settings prior to the update?18:59
passthrua111, did you have really formated the partition or just made a "ntfs partition" entry on cfdisk ?18:59
KBentley57is there any chance of logging back in if it can't update the .ICEauthority file?  I can't get in with recovery console either.18:59
a111passthru, yeah, it has data on it.18:59
a111but windows 7 cannot read it18:59
Froqwhat driver will allow windows7 to read/write ext4?19:00
a-sainthello guys can someone please name me a good download manager19:00
rumpe1a-saint, wget19:00
passthrua111, did you saw what fdisk -l returns ?19:00
LjLa-saint: my bot says The BESTEST download manager is aria2, because 2 people (67%) said so! Follow in order, kget (1 votes, 33%), jigdo, gwget, slimrat, wmget, fatrat, d4x, slimrat-nox, tucan, multiget, uget19:00
Froqwhat driver will allow windows7 to read/write ext4?19:00
ThinkT510Froq: there is an experimental ext2 driver for windows19:00
passthrua111, see if it really returns that partition as properly an NTFS-formated19:00
MnCCas far as i know, ext2 can be done ..19:00
DestroiTeI upgraded to 11.04 and now I get no sound from the front audio jack (headphone jack)19:01
cba123Froq, Patience, don't ask and re-ask so quick19:01
FroqThinkT510: o!  Perfect, thanks19:01
xanguaFroq google windows read ext419:01
justyellowboyIt worked, thanks!19:01
Froqcba123: sorry.19:01
Calinoua-saint: it's a personal choice, but i like uget19:01
ThinkT510!google | xangua19:01
ubottuxangua: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:01
MnCCThinkT510, how did your upgrade go ?19:01
a-saintrumpe1 Lji thatnk you\19:01
BTiceHello. I have a fresh 11.04 install on a Thinkpad T43. I added the Einstein game, but when I run it, the system hangs. I have to open a terminal session to kill it. It looks like it's trying to do a full-screen, but can't figure out the screen size, and rescales the Linux controls (upper right corner) off the edge of the screen. Any suggestions?19:02
ThinkT510MnCC: sorry? i think you have me confused?19:02
=== Sack is now known as Sacko
a-saintCalinou thank you19:02
Calinouwget isn't a download manager19:02
Calinouit's a downloader from terminal19:02
Calinouyou can't pause the downloads/etc19:02
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
taiyal^why isn't Ubuntu 11.04 installer seeing any operating systems on my hard drive?19:02
MnCCThinkT510, i have a ThinkPadL412 .. so i figured you might have upgraded as i did ? .. fingerprint reader broke down and some other stuff19:02
burghello. i have ubuntu 11.04 64bit and every time there are two applications opened that have sound, i hear a load buzz (a lot of parazite sound) - is that a known bug? never had this problem with older versions of ubuntu19:03
passthruCalinou, theorically you can stop the download with CTRL+C and continue after19:03
OwnerRaju: Are you still here?19:03
stefgCalinou: look at wget -c :-)19:03
SomelauwWhat is the name of the brightness applet? I am not using gnome.19:03
passthruCalinou, giving the same location to WGET with -c option19:03
Calinousorry, i'm a linux noob19:03
passthruboo :)19:03
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
ThinkT510MnCC: i never upgrade, i always install afresh19:03
passthrunp Calinou, we all are :)19:03
DestroiTeupgraded to 11.04 and now I cannot get sound from the front audio jack (headphones)19:04
MnCCThinkT510, yeah .. thats what im gonna do the next time ... =)19:04
ThinkT510MnCC: never really tried using the fingerprint reader under ubuntu, got it working in fedora though (a while back with my t60)19:04
wal3where is the difference between: initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic-pae and without pae?19:05
xskydevilxI'm trying to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu, and what filesystem should I use for the "/" (root) partition?19:05
MnCCThinkT510, on 10.10. it worked perfectly19:05
DestroiTexskydevilx: i used ext4 and never had problems19:05
rodonsidhhi guys! i've got a little problem with the update to 11.04 ... everytime i try to update it just downloads the two update-files but nothing is happening afterwards... any ideas?19:05
ajfhelp. all links open in firefox from external apps19:05
ajfyet chrome is default19:05
ThinkT510!pae | wal319:05
DestroiTexskydevilx: but you won't be use the root partition under windows19:05
ubottuwal3: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info19:05
passthruxskydevilx, atm i'm using brtfs (experimental) w/o problems :)19:05
tomaszajf what app?19:05
escottxskydevilx, you won't be able to access ext4 from windows, if you want to share files between the two you need to create a third partition (ntfs) just for sharing19:05
ajftomasz: terminal and skype19:06
=== Bunneh is now known as Bunneh_
wal3ThinkT510: ah ok. but the pae version does not boot thus i have 4gb19:06
ajfI click a link, firefox opens, chrome SHOULD open19:06
tomaszajf look in prefered programs19:06
MnCCThinkT510, did you have problems with hdd ticking ?19:06
taiyal^Why can't the Ubuntu installer see my partition layout even though "fdisk -l /dev/sda" sees it just fine?19:06
newb_JoshDreamland: This is the most strange: previous update chrome was working good....19:06
tomaszin preferencies or administrations19:06
DestroiTedoes anyone know why front audio jack has no sound after upgrade?19:06
J697I want to make a launcher on OpenSUSE (I know, but nobody will help me on their channel), I want to make a launcher that will launch a jar application (Minecraft to be specific) and I made the launcher browsed for the jar file and made it, but when a double click on it, it does nothing O_O Can anyone please help?19:06
xskydevilxAnd does anyone know pros and cons of the JFS file system?19:06
ThinkT510MnCC: no19:06
ajftomasz: ah, thanks!19:06
newb_JoshDreamland: I always use chrome, but just now the buttons simple changed their sided :_(19:07
MnCCThinkT510, nvm then ..19:07
xangua!ubuntu | J69719:07
ubottuJ697: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:07
deadpulseHi, I am having some problems with pulseaudio, sound gets muted every 5 seconds. I tried googling, but couldn't find much.19:07
skullboyhow do i password the GRUB2 menu19:07
Acid190xangua:you read my pastebin? Make any sense of it?19:08
ThinkT510MnCC: sorry i'm not that helpful, but i have found the thinkpad t series very reliable19:08
JoshDreamlandnewb_: Which update? Also, are you sure there isn't a separate setting in chrome that wasn't just misconfigured? (Don't know why there would be)19:08
J697xangua, I know I fact I am just experimenting with different distros right now, I have always used Ubuntu, but 11.04 seemed to slow my computer down greatly :(19:08
Ownertaiyal^: That might happen if the partition table is corrupted. see if parted is seeing the table correctly19:08
BTiceI agree on Thinkpads, ThinkT510, though Natty isn't behaving that well on my T43.19:09
MnCCThinkT510, .. i have my L412 working perfectly .. i mean .. everything .. except hdd .. but already found a fix ..19:09
S-M-Glhello, any ideas why gnome 3 crashes and never loads in natty using the gnome3 ppa?19:09
FalstafI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my (other) linux machine, but it doesn't seem to be communicating with the monitor.  I am getting a blank screen.19:09
brontosaurusrexi would like to partition an empty usb drive properly for a backup of my 10.10 system, for a boot of natty? how?19:09
xanguaS-M-Gl: because it could break your system19:09
deadpulsebrontosaurusrex, gparted19:10
J697When I upgraded to 11.04 my computer was slowed down quite a bit compared to when I used 10.10. Is there any fix for this?19:10
MnCCThinkT510, not really true .. im missing a keyboard layout for the L412 .. i used the T60 instead ..19:10
taiyal^Owner: yeah, parted gives me an error "Can't have overlapping partitions"19:10
ThinkT510BTice: i have natty installed nicely on my t40, though that's xubuntu; always prefered xfce19:10
brontosaurusrexdeadpulse, ok, anything special to look for? or just two ext4 partitions?19:10
passthruJ697, using Unity (new interface) or classic ?19:10
r4ykidA bit ironic, but how do i disable the autojoin to freenode and #ubuntu on XChat?19:10
newb_JoshDreamland: Tried the chrome configurations, but I just found "use system" and "use compact... (default)".  nut now you talked, I will try remove chrome preferences. let me test19:10
grendal-primehey guys, i need to install 10.04 on a machine with no cd or usb boot support19:10
J697passthru, both of them :(19:10
passthruJ697, odd. i have a legacy PC and using Unity-2D w/o problems19:11
passthruJ697, for me it is quite faster than the past version19:11
MnCCgrendal-prime, try installing on another machine .. swap out hdd19:11
J697passthru, my specs are nothing to look at though19:11
AscavasaionI have heard that I can install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an old AMD 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD and then install a smaller desktop manager or something.  The installation is running and is at 63%.  HOw would I uninstall Gnome and get a smaller desktop running?19:12
Ownertaiyal^: install testdisk http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk19:12
Ownertaiyal^: you can install it thru apt-get. enable the universe packages to get it19:12
J697passthru, actually I think I might know why I had problems with it, was it because when the install was downloading and I had to skip some files? My internet went down19:12
passthruJ697, i heard about some persons get problem while using acceleration driver on X with Unity19:12
deadpulsebrokendatapoint, maybe a differente partition for /home as well, in case you want to try something else in the future19:12
jamil_1Hello ppl, mouse is not working the way it should. Left Click seems to drag the windows. Right click any where in an application doesnt show the application specific menu rather the generic move/close menu19:13
passthruJ697, maybe19:13
FalstafMy 11.04 isn't connecting to the monitor any ideas on how I can fix this.19:13
WannaBeGeeksterWow.  What kind of hardware is required to run Unity?19:13
mdpatrickHow do I uninstall a package?19:13
passthruJ697, try disabling 3D acceleration and switching to classic mode to see it continues19:14
WannaBeGeekstermdpatrick: apt-get remove packagename19:14
taiyal^^oh cute, Firefox crashes when I try to look up something in hte Google bar19:14
=== EvilDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
ThinkT510!uninstall | mdpatrick19:14
M1mdpatrick: or you can use the software center19:14
passthrui didn't have problems since i'm using a non-accelerated video card19:14
ubottumdpatrick: To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/19:14
passthruand using Unity 2D19:14
arand_WannaBeGeekster: 3D accelerated graphics driver19:14
kyubutsumdpatrick: use synaptic to find and install the package, or software centre if its just a single app19:14
passthruthe only problem I had with this version was a annoying crash on unity :)19:14
princej88Hi,  I just isntalled natty on a dual monitor desktop, I was able to have multiple desktops before i installed the hardware drivers, now the monitors option just says unknown and cant detect monitors. Now both screens are mirrored and at low resolution. Any idea how to fix this. I even tried configuring the monitors through amd catalyst control center but no luck. Any ideas? thanks19:14
J697passthru, not sure if you know but on the Ubuntu home page the image shows when the thing in the top right corner is clicked, on my install the little thing covered up the whole screen, but on the picture it is minimized19:14
DestroiTedoes anyone know how to fix the front audio jack not having sound?19:15
WannaBeGeeksterarand_ So now that I am installing the nvidia drivers then it should work right?19:15
arand_WannaBeGeekster: Should, yes.19:15
FroqCan someone tell me why EXT4 has a smaller max volume size?19:15
newb_JoshDreamland: Reseted all (deeleted folder at home), but dont worked....19:15
nbfhow do you disable the love handles19:16
deadpulseDestroiTe, it gets muted every 3 seconds?19:16
nbfit breaks eclipse19:16
DestroiTedeadpulse: no, there's no sound ever19:16
passthrubrb some minutes19:16
newb_JoshDreamland: I will remove .g* folders now19:16
WannaBeGeeksternbf:  Sit ups.19:16
nbfI wonder why canonical as like "lets just make the next release break everything we can"19:17
nbf*Was like19:17
JoshDreamlandnewb_: What .g folders? The ones in ~/?19:17
JoshDreamlandnbf: That one dude told them to19:17
LjLnbf: what are you even talking about, what are the love handles?19:17
deadpulseDestroiTe, did you checked alsamixer to see if they are muted? I have a similar problem, sound gets muted after 3 seconds of playing any sound...19:17
newb_JoshDreamland: yes, I have nothing to backup anyway... :(19:17
OwnerI am not able to boot into windows xp after upgrading to natty. I am able to see the grub boot menu, but when i select windows nothing happens. the screen goes blank with only a cursor on the top left corner. I am able to boot into natty just fine. Can somebody help me?19:17
DestroiTedeadpulse:  yeah, i checked, nothing is muted19:18
DestroiTedeadpulse: it worked with 10.10... !19:18
kyubutsuLjL: he might be referring to the new scrollbar19:18
=== alhen is now known as Guest62866
magicianlordwhat purpose does the scrollbar have?19:18
newb_JoshDreamland: yes, I have nothing to backup anyway... :(19:18
magicianlordthe scrollbar makes you click twice instead of once19:19
DestroiTethis is so freaking sad, how could they break this19:19
jamil_1ppl help me!19:19
newb_JoshDreamland: do not worked :_(19:19
deadpulseDestroiTe, I hate pulseaudio. Does that happens only with the front jack?19:19
taiyal^you know what else is sad: from the live-boot mode, Firefox crashes when you try to access either Google or Bing19:19
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
princej88I have a dual monitor setup on natty, which was working fine before i installed the hardware drivers, now ubuntu wont detect the monitors and everythign is mirrored on both screen with low resolutions. I have tried changing the options in catalyst, but no luck. any ideas?19:19
magicianlordtaiyal^: why?19:19
jamil_1mouse is not working the way it should. Left Click seems to drag the windows. Right click anywhere in an application doesnt show the application specific menu rather the generic move/close menu19:20
DestroiTedeadpulse: yeah, i can get sound from the rear jack. but i'm using alsamixer here19:20
kyubutsumagicianlord: it autohides, saving application space.. there is no 'clicking'19:20
taiyal^magicianlord: what, do you want a gdb dump?19:20
wojeiHello everyone, I have some questions related to updating from 10.10 to 11.04. Who could help me with that?19:20
nbfdon't do it19:20
magicianlordkyubutsu: it has to be hovered to show up19:20
nbf11.04 is broken19:20
WannaBeGeeksterwojei:  Just ask19:20
DestroiTewojei: do a fresh install or dont do it.19:20
kyubutsumagicianlord: precisely19:20
magicianlordit works for me19:20
kyubutsumagicianlord: thought you had a complaint about it19:21
deadpulsenbf, what do you mean broken?19:21
wojeiwhy fresh install?19:21
nikolai_hi, i've installed and removed xubuntu-desktop but it still appears in my Session list at the login screen - how do i remove this? it's also changed the way it appears (xfce icon etc)19:21
=== Guest62866 is now known as alondra
wojeiDestroiTe: why fresh install?19:21
magicianlordkyubutsu: yes. things should always be there and not hide.19:21
DestroiTewojei: upgrades are more bound to fail19:21
user82wojei, its a little dangerous if i may note that..mine crashed on boot afterwards(two machines)19:21
xangua!puregnome | nikolai_19:21
ubottunikolai_: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome19:21
nikolai_thanks xangua19:22
DestroiTewojei: for me, it worked out ok, but now little things like getting audio from my front jack are broken19:22
DestroiTeand i can't fix it19:22
tolmun_Its make webcam work gstreamer-properties19:22
kyubutsumagicianlord: ah, well.. the new phylosophy is about intuitive and screen space pixel saving19:22
nbfdeadpulse: I mean usuability is in the toilet because all kinds of essential things don't work19:22
nbflike scrolling with the mouse wheel19:22
deadpulsenbf, like what?19:22
nbfand that's when you turn off the horrid unity interface19:22
nbfand use something that isn't early beta19:22
wojeiMy issue is described here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/155284   Essentially, I cannot even get it to upgrade19:22
nbflike class mode19:22
magicianlordkyubutsu: how do you remove this?19:23
user82nbf, they only tired to copy windows....windows has become so sucessful with early beta's! (sorry kidding)19:23
taiyal^Owner: how can I resolve the problem of overlapping partitions?19:23
deadpulseahh, I didn't try unity. using lxde, no problems here.19:23
wojeiDestroiTe: If I do go for a fresh install, is it possible to transfer all the settings over (quota, user accounts, etc...)?19:23
tastywheatHi, I've recently upgraded to 11.04  - my problem is that the panel images in the theme aren't scaling/rotating properly and I can't seem to figure out where to tell it to do so any suggestions?19:23
deadpulsenbf, except for pulseaudio front jack not working19:24
grendal-primeyaaaa that aint an option19:24
kyubutsumagicianlord: i do not think that's possible in 11.04 | it's present even in classic session19:24
newb_JoshDreamland: ok ok.... this is kidding me. I removed ALL .* files from my home dir and that buttons are at left side only in chrome19:24
grendal-primei want to try to pixiboot type thing/19:24
Ownertaiyal^: did you install testdisk19:25
MaxFramesI have updated from 10.10 to 11.04 and now I have a problem with grub19:25
deadpulsewojei, yes, for most of settings and accounts. If you backup /home for example19:25
MaxFramesI need to choose a different default OS in the grub menu19:25
kyubutsumagicianlord: at least not in a conventional way ..19:26
MaxFramesin 10.10, I had solved with a nifty app called startup-manager19:26
deadpulsewojei, if you already have /home in a different partition, then just choose it to be your new /home19:26
MaxFramesnow it is still installed, but does not work anymore19:26
MaxFramescan you help?19:26
DestroiTewhen will we have an update that fix all this bs?19:26
wojeideadpulse: sadly I did not create a separate partition for /home directory. Besides home, could any of the configuration files be transfered19:27
user82MaxFrames, https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer worked for me. but i am sure someone knows the right file to do a text edit to change default19:27
taiyal^oh my god... is Ubuntu considering the "Extended" partition to be overlapping with the partitions contained within itself19:27
magicianlordDestroiTe: it'll be called 11.1019:27
taiyal^I think it is19:27
=== Andrew_ is now known as Guest4198
a111So what is the point of NTFS-3G if partitions created by it cannot be read by windows?19:27
DestroiTemagicianlord: ;)19:28
deemeetarhello guys, Is it possible to customize window organisation shortcuts(ctrl+alt+5 for example)? I want to make some of them in my taste(the previously mentioned ctrl+alt+5 i would like to be in centre but also a little smaller in hight.19:28
MaxFramesuser82: thanks; there is surely a commandline way, but I do prefer the gui19:28
ThinkT510a111: it works fine for me, but that doesn't help you now does it?19:28
xiamxHow to burn a video DVD? I tried Brasero, it only allows me to make a SVCD image19:28
deadpulsewojei, with a fresh install, nah. Only if you do it manually, as some app may use different config files, different syntax etc?19:28
jamil_1Why do I get this error: error in Version string '4:SVN-r25793-1': version number does not start with digit19:28
Monkhello guys im new to linux and when imean new extremly new.. i installed this ubuntu 11.04 but it cause my laptop brightness too low19:28
deadpulseDestroiTe, reporting the bug is the first step.19:29
Monkand cpu over heated19:29
Monkis there any solution19:29
SomelauwIs there a way to start the brightness applet from terminal or something.19:29
a111ThinkT510, Nope. Windows 7 cannot read the disk at all. I htink im going to have to reinstall ubuntu to copy the  data off the disk.19:29
DestroiTedeadpulse: where do I report?19:29
taiyal^"Could not launch GParted: failed to launch child process "gksu""19:29
wojeideadpulse: it sound really painful to get everything configured again. I guess I will just stick with 10.10 till 11.10 :)19:29
taiyal^uh oh19:29
carandraugHi! On gedit when using the terminal on the bottom pane, is there a keyboard shortcut to move from the text editor are to the terminal and from the terminal back to the text edition?19:29
Monki have toshiba satellite m500 laptop19:29
NictraSaviosHello Ubuntian :)19:29
NictraSaviosHows 11.04 hell going?19:29
deadpulseDestroiTe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log19:29
user82MaxFrames, /boot/grub/grub.cfg in maverick..but check if its the same on natty(grub 2 so should)19:29
MK`Is it save to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 if I have more than one desktop installed?19:30
deadpulseNictraSavios, not bad19:30
taiyal^maybe everything's broken because of my installion media19:30
taiyal^I'll go try and re-burn onto a different disk19:30
saryCan someone kindly check / if you can post to forums under Firefox.19:30
tastywheatapparently i'm still using gnome-panel in 11.04 because I upgrade?  How do i switch to unity?19:30
Monkguys please check out my question here i really need help19:30
NictraSaviosdeadpulse, I feel so disconnected on Arch Linux. And OSX for work >.< Oh well, id help with the helping, but... my eyes kinda hurt from the scrolling O.O19:30
ThinkT510a111: you could do that with a livecd, no need to reinstall19:30
deadpulsewojei, what did you have to configure? cp the config files and manually replace them on the new install.19:31
user82tastywheat, either because of upgrade (no idea) or because you did choose the wrong session(login screen) or because 3d hardware is not present/configured?19:31
=== JohnRandomMobile is now known as JohnRandom
Monkhello is there any solution19:31
carandraugtastywheat, on the login window at boot, after selecting you name, choose ubuntu instead of ubuntu classic on the session drop down menu19:31
JoshDreamlandMonk: Ubuntu has always given me problems with laptop brightness, and 11.04 is broken beyond recognition. I'm not sure anyone here can help, but I won't speak for them19:31
tastywheatthanks i'll try that19:32
MK`My laptop brightness is stuck on max and I can't change it, probably a similar issue19:32
user82JoshDreamland, which brand?19:32
i_is_brokehow do i activate my nvidia driver. its installed just not activated?19:32
wojeiI cannot remember all the things, I had grub password, grub boot menu edited, quota was set up to each user19:32
Monkwhat will happen if i install this elemetry OS i guess its same as ubuntu will that make any difference <JoshDreamland>19:32
wojeideadpulse: I cannot remember all the things, I had grub password, grub boot menu edited, quota was set up to each user19:32
JoshDreamlanduser82: Most recently, Sony. For some stupid reason, the graphics card controlled brightness. Monk's is a Toshiba.19:32
JoshDreamlandMonk: What elemtary OS?19:33
user82ah ok JoshDreamland i had the trouble with samsung..lukcily 2.6.39 kernel will support samsung(finally)19:33
xanguaMonk that is not supported here19:33
M1i_is_broke: take a look at the "Proprietary drivers" under system settings19:33
deadpulsewojei, thats easy, just cp those config files. its not much at all19:33
coz_mongy,  "Jupiter" ?19:33
coz_mongy,  sorry19:33
DestroiTedeadpulse: i can't make this log19:33
coz_Monk,   "Jupiter" ?19:34
Monki did install nvidia drivers but this cpu is extremly heated i forcefully had turn off <JoshDreamland>19:34
Monkyeah <coz_>19:34
JoshDreamlanduser82: That's a tasty bit of info; I have a samsung in the mail.19:34
DestroiTedeadpulse: after the killall i can't switch audio outputs19:34
coz_Monk,   how it is for you?19:34
wojeideadpulse: can I copy over /etc/shadow /etc/group ... too?19:34
JoshDreamlandMonk: That sounds frightening19:34
Monkdont kno.. i guess if ubuntu doesnt work that will not work too19:34
JoshDreamlandMonk: Did it work before you installed Nvidia drivers?19:34
coz_Monk,   it is ubuntu based for sure   but I havent checked out the 11.04 edition yet if it exists19:34
princej88hey guys, i finally got my dual monitor display working but now i can't login after restart! i know i am putting in the right password but it just keep coming back to the log in screen!19:34
princej88this is a new installation of 11.0419:35
coz_Monk,  is it based on 10.04 LTS?19:35
coz_ah I will goodle sorry19:35
karthick87Is it worth writing UCP examination?19:35
Monkso how do i solve this problem guys i have same problem with all the linux distros not only ubuntu.. i tried openssue fedora ubuntu 10.10 even but same others dont have brighness issue but super hot cpu problem19:35
deadpulsewojei, the group yes. Dont do that to the shadow, you will still need to create  the same user on the new install19:36
Monk<coz_> i dont know just read it somewhere19:36
NGE01I need help! ubuntu 11.04 front microphone works, but no rear. most needed rear.19:36
Monkim not too familiar with linux only starting out but19:36
Monkdoesnt seem to work for me19:36
bittinMonk: welcome :)19:36
Monkguess i ahve to go back to same old windows19:36
Froqso you mean that EXT4 can handle a file that is 16TB in size...  what file would EVER come close to that size?19:37
coz_Monk,   mm  did you try  regular ubuntu or are you still on  Jupiter?19:37
Monk<bittin> :) thakyou19:37
wojeideadpulse, so every user will have to set a new password?19:37
NewbeeI cannot upgrade maveric to natty because it says: "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade"19:37
bite-androidhi, instaling 11.04. what should i set the mount point as?19:37
Monkno i tried ubuntu 11.0419:37
Froqbite-android: /19:37
Froqset is as "forward slash"19:37
M1Newbee: maybe fresh install?19:38
Newbeeand it says something about packages und foreign packages. The only foreign packages I now about are the firefox 4 and libre office. How can I find out what to do?19:38
bite-androidthabks froq. thats what i thought. what does it mean, for future reference?19:38
deadpulsewojei, every user wil need to be reacreate , so yes. Once they are created again, they'll use their old home/user dirs...19:38
JoshDreamlandMonk: Have you tried the frequency scaler?19:38
princej88I can't log in after restarting ubuntu 11.04. It just keeps coming back to the login screen. any ideas?19:38
NewbeeM1: I would prefere an upgrade, because I want to keep the things I have changed to my system19:38
Monkso guys is there any solution or i just have to say good bye to linux .. man this is bad .. i really like to work on opensorce platform but .. kinda frustrating19:38
Froqbite-android: it is the root of the drive, as it the very beginning of the partition/ drive and that is how the kernel will mount it.  The only time you would want to use /var, etc. is if you are going to place those directories in different partitions.19:39
wojeideadpulse: thanks19:39
Froqbite-android: make sense or not?19:39
calamarihi. it seems to take about 15 minutes, once I've disconnected, for the system to realize I've disconnected. can I change this timeout?19:39
coz_Newbee,  so you want to save that session...yes?19:39
DosAmpbite-android: / is the root of the Unix filesystem. you need at least a partition for this, everything else is pretty optional19:39
Monkno i havent tried that <JoshDreamland> im new to all that kinda stuff19:39
tastywheathmm, that didn't change it...still running gnome-panel and not unity =/19:39
JoshDreamlandMonk: Right click panel->Add to panel, choose Frequency Scale Applet19:39
Newbeecoz_: what do you mean with save session?19:39
M1Monk: are you using a laptop? maybe you should try searching on the web for your laptop's model and if others have had the same problem19:39
coz_Newbee,  if the session is saved then when you restart or log back on the same applications and settings will open19:40
NewbeeI want to keep my system as productiv as it is. But of course I would like some new software19:40
bite-androidshould i define a swap partition? i have two hdds, and i plan to boot ubuntu from this one and windows from the other.19:40
deadpulseDestroiTe, weird, so thats another bug you are logging with the two previous commands.  I don't know much about pulseaudio, all i know is I don't like it. Sorry and good luck19:40
Monkyeah i did ..and they do have same problem but no answer its quietpopular laptop model in ubuntu with problem its toshiba satellite m50019:40
Acid190My java chat applet web plug-in does not work, was wondering if anyone knows about this problem?19:40
calamaribite-android: swap is used to supplement your memory should you run out..19:41
Newbeecoz_: Are you talking about M1 s proposal to reinstall the system?19:41
berefeiraanyone elase having terminal issues e.g. slow ssh, screen?19:41
bite-androidcalamari, is it necessary? provided any and all personal data will be on an esata ext hdd.19:41
coz_Newbee,  no ,, as I understood you ,, you wanted to keep what you have on your desktop and be able to log out  and have it be the same ...yes?19:41
calamaribite-android: memory, as in ram19:41
Monksome fellow posted a long code and told to recompile kernel or something .. idint understand that one so .. no use for me.. i am totally new and how on earth im gonna recompile kernel19:42
mastaofdisastahey guys, is /etc/network/interfaces deprecated in ubuntu 11.04? if so what's the correct way to configure networking?19:42
takamoronI've just installed Visual Python but I get a weird  error regarding GLX19:42
bite-androidcalamari, ah, whoops. i have 2gb ram, then19:42
takamoronNow that Ubuntu isn't using xorg.conf anymore i don't know how to fix it...19:42
icerootmastaofdisasta: no its not but if you are using network-manager this is the wrong place to setup something19:42
Newbeecoz_: No I meant, that I do not want to reinstall the system but upgrade it to keep it the way I configured it.19:42
bite-androidcalamari, so it translates into ram, more or less?19:42
calamaribite-android: then you're probably okay without it, but if your apps ever use more than 2gb of ram, you'd run out of memory at that point19:43
coz_Newbee,  ah sorry i completely misunderstood19:43
Haltmy msn live account wont work with pidgin, help?19:43
calamaribite-android: yes.. basically a very slow form of ram19:43
DosAmpbite-android: unless you need support for hibernation, you usually don't need a swap file with 2 gb or more ram19:43
Newbeecoz_: no problem. I was just wondering what you wanted to tell.19:43
coz_Newa,   well  upgrading ubuntu is consistently inconsistent.. but generally the settings should stay the same19:43
mastaofdisastaiceroot: Network-Manager is ok for wireless, but I'd prefer /etc/network/interfaces for wired.19:43
DosAmphello Ultimate_Chaos19:43
coz_by the way guys,, where is the save session now in 11.04 ?19:44
calamaribite-android: I currently have 1gb of ram and 1gb of swap.. so with your ram only, you have as much memory as I do :)19:44
mastaofdisastaiceroot: I tried using /etc/init.d/networking restart and I got a message saying this was deprecated19:44
bite-androidwel, the hdd is only19:44
crasbehello DosAmp19:44
icerootmastaofdisasta: service19:44
bite-android20 gb, but i guess ill specify another two gigs or so.19:44
iceroot!upstart | mastaofdisasta19:44
ubottumastaofdisasta: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:44
calamaribite-android: you can also use a file as swap space, so if you find out you need it later, you can still do it19:44
pr3d4t0rUbuntu server 11.  Sole OS on the system, it stops during startup; I think GRUB is waiting for input; can't see because the screen enters a graphical mode and none of the monitors here supports it.  How can I either change the resolution for that screen or prevent GRUB from asking for input?  Pressing Return goes into normal boot on this system.  Thanks in advance.19:44
mastaofdisastaubottu: ohhh that's right I forgot about UPSTART19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
Froqcalamari: how do you use a file as swap space?19:44
DosAmpcrasbe: psss, you're ruining my disguise ;)19:44
Ultimate_Chaosi have a question19:45
mastaofdisastayes I know about upstart.  I totally forgot about it19:45
DosAmpwhat is it Ultimate_Chaos19:45
bite-androidwell, ud imagine that i can do it from gparted on a live cd later anyways.19:45
bite-androidso i'll leave it as is for now.19:45
Ultimate_Chaoswhen i start my ubuntu i get the following message Disconnected from Plymouth19:45
princej88Hi, I can log in to ubuntu 11.04 through recovery console, but when I just try to log into ubuntu, it just keeps kicking me back to the login screen. please help.19:45
Ultimate_Chaoscan i fix it?19:46
crasbeat the moment you cant I think Ultimate_Chaos19:46
rumpe1takamoron, it's still using xorg.conf... if it's there.19:46
Ultimate_Chaoscan someone else then? :D19:46
calamariFroq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How%20do%20I%20add%20more%20swap?19:47
crasbetype rm -rf / :)19:47
Froqcalamari: thz19:47
DosAmpkick in 3, 2, 1...19:47
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
CalifIf your doing something like editing a file with vi, and you accidently cntl Z instead of quitting properly, how do you get back to that 'program'. (Keep getting messages about .swp)19:47
tastywheatso am i damned to be ugly UI unless i use plain color or 24pixel panels?19:47
DosAmpUltimate_Chaos plymouth is the ubuntu splash screen, can you still log on?19:47
icerootCalif: fg19:47
nbfcrasbe: I'm doing that now but it's taking a long time19:47
pr3d4t0rCalif: rm yourfile.swp19:48
icerootCalif: fg = pull a program back into foreground19:48
nbfyeah window management in ubuntu is just screwed19:48
brontosaurusrexmay i assume that live-boot will always boot into 2d plain version of UI?19:48
crasbenbf: what takes a long time? rm -rf /? :D19:48
nbffuck why did I upgrade19:48
icerootCalif: ah sorry dint read the whole stuff19:48
Califit just does it chronologically19:48
xangua!ops | crasbe19:48
ubottucrasbe: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!19:48
JoshDreamlandnbf: Because you didn't think it could be this bad?19:48
princej88Hi, I can't log in to ubuntu 11.04. It just keeps kicking me back to the log in screen. But I can log in under recovery console. Please help.19:48
pr3d4t0rCalif: That means that you aborted vi withoug closing the file.  Just remove the .swp and edit again.  Any changes not saved will be lost.19:48
Trashihi. im looking for an "unity error log" ... i did add some new applications into the launcher but it does not open if i try to launch an application... does anybody know how to find unity errors?19:48
edbianDoes Ubuntu 11.04 use wayland for graphics?19:48
pr3d4t0rCalif: vi should also give you the option to (R)ecover the file.19:48
xanguaedbian: no19:48
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!19:49
edbianxangua: Will 11.10 ?19:49
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
MK`Ubuntu uses X Window for its window framework19:49
xanguaedbian: don't know19:49
coz_ be back in a bit19:49
CalifYeah, I noticed something about that actually. I knew there was another way, fg was what i wanted, but I'm writing all these down19:49
Logan_nbf: I hope you didn't run that command...19:49
MK`They are planning on having Unity use Wayland but that is probably going to be after 11.1019:49
MaxFramesok it kinda worked, but now I'd like to understand why StartUp-Manager does not work anymore, why it hasn't been uninstalled during the upgrade, and why I can't seem to be able to sudo apt-get remove it19:50
edbianxangua: You don't know or nobody knows yet19:50
hugleoMy Apollo printer is not being recognized on the 11.04 version19:50
bindiLogan_: it's not even possible to run that anymore19:50
MK`edbian: I don't think 11.10 will use it19:50
bindiLogan_: oh hmm dunno about ubuntu but some other systems have protection for that :)19:50
mastaofdisastaI'm trying to restart the networking service in 11.0419:51
edbianMK`: Thank you19:51
DosAmpi'll only shed a tear about xeyes when ubuntu's ever shifting to wayland19:51
MaxFramesit might be my setup, but on my eeepc, ubuntu has become slower and less usable with every new version... :(19:51
mastaofdisastarestart: Uknown instakce:19:51
AndrewxHow can I change my system's default run level in Ubuntu Server 10.10?19:51
s5fsSeeking recommendations for a cheap and small computer to use as a tiny web server.19:51
icerootAndrewx: there are no different runlevels19:51
mastaofdisastarestart: Unknown Instance:19:51
Name141How would I convert the processors bogomips in to "what it can do and how fast?"19:51
iceroot!runlevel | Andrewx19:51
ubottuAndrewx: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.19:51
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:52
NGE01I need help! ubuntu 11.04 front microphone works, but no rear. most needed rear.19:52
MaxFrameswith v9, it outperformed winxp; now it takes 3 times as much to boot, for example19:52
CalifI got a msg to upgrade to natty, is that what you guys are talking about?19:52
usalabsFYI, if anyone is having problems with unity, unity can be switched out, and the classic desktop returned, personally, unity sucks, and I use the classic gnome desktop,,,,unity does not have the taskbar that is reliant in apps like cryptkeeper19:52
AndrewxSo, how will I go about changing the init at boot to 3?19:52
DosAmpyes Calif, natty narwhale is codename for 11.0419:52
AndrewxMess with upstart?19:52
Califnarwhale, nice ;p19:52
[thor]Calif: yes, be careful with your upgrade19:52
[thor]Calif: burn a LiveCD, or create a VM and test thigns first19:53
Califcrap ;p19:53
MK`runlevel 1 is S?19:53
kyubutsuCalif: or.. you dont have to upgrade; remember, curiosity killed the cat19:53
CalifI did it earlier, so far all looks good ;p19:53
MaxFramescuriosity killed performance on my netbook ;)19:53
DosAmp[thor]: should i better backup 10.10 and install 11.04 from scratch?19:53
[thor]Calif: i only warn because i have had several thigns break ( including my 3D acceleration )19:53
Califbut I probably wouldn't notice for a month if it was broken somewhere, I'm still very much learning19:54
AndrewxSo, how do I change my init settings?19:54
Trashiim looking for an "unity error log" ... i did add some new applications into the launcher but it does not open if i try to launch an application... does anybody know how to find unity errors?19:54
AndrewxI'm trying to go from GUI to terminal19:54
CalifI still don't know how to get my x window shit going, (running cli on ubuntu server)19:54
MaxFramesso, can anyone shed some light for me on startup-manager?19:54
bluethundr_hello #ubuntu desktop.. I notice that every time I reboot my "jaunty" laptop, it loses it's resolv.conf settings. how can i get this setting to persist through reboots?19:54
DosAmpAndrew131: sadly, only runlevel for this is 119:54
princej88Hi, anyone know how i can uninstall ati catalyst drivers via command line. after installation I am not able to log in to the gui, and i believe the drivers are what is causing the problem.19:54
[thor]DosAmp: that's normally the best way to do things.19:54
[thor]Calif: startx19:55
CalifThat would be local I guess I'm through ssh atm19:55
Califalthough figuring out how to get it working remotely might be worth a go19:55
AndrewxHow do I go from GUI to terminal?19:55
jibadeehaanyone here find that ubuntu doesn't shutdown properly - eg. it freezes19:56
AndrewxIn Ubuntu Server 10.1019:56
DosAmpAndrewx: just switching? Strg+Alt+F119:56
AndrewxI'm trying to have this at boot19:56
AndrewxTerminal rather than GUI19:56
LysiEmpathy doesn't show contact list. Known bug? Anyone? Thanks.19:56
DosAmpdelete your login manager (gdm, kdm etc.) from your default runlevel19:56
usalabsif anyone is trying to use the passwords and encryption keys in Natty, there is a bug that won't allow uploading the key to a remote SSH server, it has been reported.19:57
holekhello, guys19:57
Froqusalabs: oo... so would that make sense to why I cannot SSH into my machine?19:57
DosAmpdoes ubuntu use tcp_wrappers (/etc/hosts.{allow,deny}) or firewall only?19:58
jiltdilchannel for debian?19:58
holekI have a problem: My screen freezes but I can move my mouse. I can still interact with the desktop, but I cannot see any changes I make (ie. after clicking, etc.) I am running GNOME on Natty (not running Unity)19:58
binoxmaverick:  logitech dual action game controller.  recognized and working;   looking for gui calibrator.  terminal cannot locate jscalibrator package,19:58
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces?19:59
kyubutsu!firestarter | DosAmp19:59
ubottuDosAmp: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.19:59
Spaz_DynamicSo, amarok and rhythmbox are both good programs, but I'm used to foobar2000 (windows only) if anyone is familiar with foobar2000, is there a linux native equivalent? It does run in WINE, but... I'd like to be native as much as I can.19:59
holekso, how do I refresh the display to make it work again?19:59
usalabsFroq: for now, I would use PuTTy, and set the SSH server to interactive keyboard access19:59
kyubutsuDosAmp: thats the wrapper19:59
holekwithout killing X19:59
Froqusalabs: alright, thanks!19:59
AndrewxHow can I remove kdm/gdm>?19:59
needlezSpaz_Dynamic: if your talking about a good media player manager for ubuntu look into banshee20:00
carandraugHi! Is there a keyboard shortcut on gedit to move between the embedded terminal on the bottom pane and the text area?20:00
JoseeAntonioRHello! I've just intalled Unity 2D because I cannot get my driver to run correctly, and the borders of the windows look like if I was in Windows 95! Is there any way to change this?20:00
DosAmphttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP_Wrapper <- i mean this. for example, arch linux uses this per default for sshd etc.20:00
tiger_eyewhat is the grub2 badram equivalent to grub legacy memmap?  I recently did a clean install of Natty (was Lucid), and it now uses grub2.20:00
magicianlordDoes anyone know if PCmanFM is as stable when working with files and will not corrupt them?20:00
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binoxis jscalibrator obsolete,  i cannot install it  ,  says package not found20:01
needlezneed to know if theres a way to get empathy to word wrap correctly when using IRC protocal??20:01
brontosaurusrexmay i assume that live-boot will boot into some safe shell UI thingy?20:01
DosAmptiger_eye: if it's just a linux kernel parameter, why not just change /etc/default/grub and add this as a default parameter?20:02
xanguaneedlez: empathy is very limited for irc20:02
tiger_eyeDosAmp, I tried that.  it didn't like "memmap" as a kernel parameter.20:02
Froqwhat socket should I go with to connect an i5 processor?20:03
holekI have a problem: My screen freezes but I can move my mouse. I can still interact with the desktop, but I cannot see any changes I make (ie. after clicking, etc.) I am running GNOME on Natty (not running Unity). How can I refresh the display again without killing X?20:03
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces?20:03
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tiger_eyeI used "memmap=0x10000$0x13c140000" in the kernel command in grub legacy.  same command in grub2 doesn't work. (for some reason, the ram in that address range--and only that address range--doesn't behave well)20:03
needlezxangua: ive noticed, but at the current moment it works nicely, just wish word wrap worked with it, cuz currently the only way to enable word wrap is to remove the list that shows who is in the IRC20:03
JWaymastaofdisasta, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:03
mastaofdisastaJWay: I tried but it says it's deprecated20:04
daedaluzany drawbacks in installing xubuntu-desktop instead of xfce?20:04
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JWaymastaofdisasta, try sudo service networking restart20:05
tiger_eyeI noticed /etc/default/grub has a "GRUB_BADRAM" line, but the documentation I found on it wasn't at all clear for me20:06
madsailorI'm considering switching from maverick to natty.  Would I be better off with a fresh install from scratch, or upgrading (obviously will be backing up everything in either case)20:06
asdf_mschey, anyone know if there's a way to change the icon of a launcher that's saved to the new side panel?20:06
AscavasaionI installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD.  I am intending to change to Xubuntu desktop.  but on the first reboot after installing it stop booting and gives me this... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601832/   Any ideas please?20:06
Omegadaedaluz: xubuntu-desktop also installs all the applications xubuntu comes with20:06
mastaofdisastaJWay: it says "restart: Unknown instance:20:06
kyubutsumadsailor: fresh install.. and use torrents for download20:06
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asdf_mscmadsailor: fresh installs are always optimal, but the upgrade is performing perfectly for me20:07
nbffuck I hate 11.0420:07
madsailorkyubutsu, why torrent?20:07
nbfit steals your focus20:07
FloodBot2nbf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
nbfand doesn't give it back20:07
nbfso you can't save your work20:07
mastaofdisastanbf: I'm starting to feel the same20:07
JWaymastaofdisasta, not sure then, sorry. Tried 'start' or 'stop' instead of restart?20:08
LcawteIs there a command to pull open the distribution upgrade window?20:08
mastaofdisastaJWay: yea same message20:08
asdf_mscis there a way to change icon of launchers in 11.04 side panel?20:08
eigbaChoosing ubuntu classic from the GDM login is the old gnome 2 correct?20:09
escotteigba, mostly20:09
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GarryFreI mis-entered a repository in synaptic package manager and i need to edit out my error. The file is not in /etc/apt/sources.list like google sites said it would be, the error is in a different file. Anyone know where it is? I'm frustrated dealing with my frenemy google.20:09
nbfhorrible, horrible release20:09
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eigbaI think unity is a nice for new people comming form mac/windows, however im not a fan20:09
asdf_mscnbf: look up the definition of opinion20:10
JoseeAntonioR_Guys, I'm having a great trouble. I have an Intel 82845G/GL video card, and it seems it doesn't recognizes my monitor. As a consequence, I cannot use Unity 3D, or change my resolution (it's stuck in 1024x768). What can I do in this case?20:10
JWayis there a way to stop cursor blinking in bash shell?20:10
nbfasdf_msc: you mean like when it steals the focus from an app and ever lets you click on a button again20:10
nbfso you get to force close the work you've just spent lots of time on20:10
deadpulseif the release sucks because of unity ,then it doesn't suck at all.20:10
nbfand can't save because it's a horrible, horrible release20:10
sarthorHI, i tried to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, but the internet went off or may be Machine restart or some power problem, but upgrade interrupted , I came to real mode with pressing M, I can ping Yahoo.com, i have an internet on my laptop now, but i can not upgrade now, it says, / not mounted, HELP20:10
asdf_mscnbf: really sounds like pebkac error to me20:11
escottsarthor, you are inside the initrd. you need to fsck your root filesystem first20:11
escottsarthor, that may be easier from a live cd20:11
holekI have a problem: My screen freezes but I can move my mouse. I can still interact with the desktop, but I cannot see any changes I make (ie. after clicking, etc.) I am running GNOME on Natty (not running Unity). How can I refresh the display again without killing X? *bump*20:11
deadpulseJoseeAntonioR_, maybe you want to have a custom xorg.conf file to manually set the resolution. Or use a monitor settings app to change it.20:11
LjLnbf: 1) control your language 2) it's not useful or helpful to just whine about the badness of the release. ask for specific advice instead, and if you just have to complain, do it in #ubuntu-offtopic - thanks20:12
sarthorescott, fsck / clean files and blocks.20:12
kyubutsuGarryFre: there is a software sources settings in synaptic20:12
motazelewahey everybody20:12
motazelewai have a problem20:13
sarthorescott, i did fsck /dev/sda5 it says clean fildes and blocks.20:13
Emylbusmy roommate closed my computer while I was updating to 11.04, which crashed the comp (my comp crashes when closed, an issue i haven't gotten time to fix yet) and now I can't boot into my ubuntu partition20:13
JoseeAntonioR_deadpulse I have tried creating and editing xorg.conf with the specs of my monitor, and it just makes my monitor go blank. I cannot use the monitor settings because my monitor is recognized as Unknown.20:13
motazelewayes pleasr20:13
anthony__hi there.  any way to get unity to open folders?  I'd like to do something like <windows key> 'home' and have it appear as an icon20:13
[thor]!ask | motazelewa20:13
ubottumotazelewa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:13
queequeg1Is there a console network manager?20:13
ullasanyone hearing20:13
truepurpleCan one install drivers when running off a livecd?20:13
nbfasdf_msc: yeah well if you can accidentlly fucking permanantly disable mouse clicks in an app, with no way to return them, it's a pretty serious pebkac20:13
motazelewawhy when i open some apps it just blink on the luncher and do not open20:14
appHELPhi, can anyone assist me in removing cups from my pc ?20:14
Cortex_is there any way to change to the stable ubuntu version? it currently keeps crashing on me20:14
holekI have a problem: My screen freezes but I can move my mouse. I can still interact with the desktop, but I cannot see any changes I make (ie. after clicking, etc.) I am running GNOME on Natty (not running Unity). How can I refresh the display again without killing X? *bump*20:15
magicianlordCortex_: you can try 10.04 LTS20:15
deadpulseJoseeAntonioR_, hum, the only way I see you get that resolution working is to keep tweaking the xorg.conf... read the xorg logs to see the errors and adjust it20:15
zuswhy would i be getting an W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net natty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY20:15
nsahoohow do I install applets for weather or cpu-scaling etc?20:15
usalabsanthony__: unity is very hard to customize, I would suggest switching to classic gnome desktop20:15
zusi get a few ot them20:15
nsahooon ubuntu 11.04?20:15
Cortex_magicianlord: can i download it directly and apply it or do i have to do the livecd or usb install?20:15
ladelaiholek try alt+f9 :>20:15
kyubutsuEmylbus: mount the partition, back up your data, download system iso, install.20:15
asdf_mscis there any way to change a launchers icon in 11.04 panel?20:15
Soothsayerhow do I have two different wallpapers in a dual monitor setup ?20:15
magicianlordCortex_: you should download it 10.04.2 lts and install it new from usb20:15
holekladelai: didn't do anything :(20:16
Cortex_magicianlord: all right, thanks20:16
LjLnsahoo: the keyword is "indicator", that's what they're called now instead of applets. but there isn't many of them yet. but there is weather20:16
magicianlordyou're welcome20:16
LjL!info indicator-weather | nsahoo20:16
ubottunsahoo: indicator-weather (source: indicator-weather): indicator that displays weather information. In component universe, is extra. Version 11.04.10+repack-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 71 kB, installed size 672 kB20:16
ladelaino i guess not because its not a fullscreen window app20:16
byrnejbI have a mac powerbook model 5,2 (17" intel) that I am trying to boot using an Ubunt (11.0.1) live cd but when I select run from cd it just displays an undeline blinking cursor20:16
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces?20:16
ladelaiyou had prob with20:16
Emylbuskyubutsu: mount the partition in windows? when i install from the cd, will it be obvious what partitions to install to?20:16
nsahooLjL: thnaks20:16
holekladelai: what was it you wanted to do?20:16
holekladelai: aah20:17
ladelaiminimize window20:17
nsahooLjL: indicator-weather is pulling about 10 other packages!20:17
usalabsmastaofdidasta: try using sudo services network restart20:17
anthony__usalabs, but unity is so nice and shiny!  I also love the screen space it frees up.  I used to have all sorts of addons and customisations but it it all looks ok.  ah well.  I mostly use terminal anyway so it's no biggy20:17
escottsarthor, the best thing may be to boot the live cd then chroot into the system and resume the upgrade20:17
LjLnsahoo: probably Python libraries20:17
nsahooLjL: yes20:18
kyubutsuEmylbus: the objective is to save whatever data you need before reinstallation, thats all20:18
GarryFrenow i really screwed it up, time to delete and reinstall. :(20:18
AscavasaionI installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD.  I am intending to change to Xubuntu desktop.  but on the first reboot after installing it stop booting and gives me this... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601832/   Any ideas please?20:18
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leighcan anyone help me setup my wireless settings for my laptop? ubuntu 10.120:18
Emylbuskyubutsu: I was wondering about the reinstallation process, since the computer has already been partitioned by the previous time I installed, I can just choose to install into the partitions that were made?20:18
holekladelai: nope, that shouldn't be a problem, as then I should be able to go to another workspace and use it properly, right?20:18
kyubutsuEmylbus: if there is no valuable data, then you can skip this step20:19
byrnejbis there anything special required to boot a mac powerbook from ubunto 11.0.1 live  cd?20:19
tiger_eyedoes anybody use "memmap" or "badram" in grub2?  I'm trying to understand how these work in grub2, but without much luck20:19
holekladelai: which doesn't work20:19
usalabsanthony__: I agree, unity looks good, but still needs more work, to be fully customizable20:19
Emylbuskyubutsu: i think i will skip it, nothing important was on there, all of it is luckily on my windows partition20:19
[thor]byrnejb: there is only really one way to know for certain.20:19
JoseeAntonioRdeadpulse How can I check that?20:19
byrnejbwhich is?20:19
[thor]byrnejb: why, doing it, of course.20:20
henkehow do I configure (add/remove) indicators in unity? I installed the weather indicator but can't find where to activate it.20:20
sarthorescott, do not have cd now,  when i did apt-get update, so it says, /var/lib/dpkg/lock,  and dpkg --configure -a also says, read-only filesystem, I can i be root to access, while i am root here,20:20
kyubutsuEmylbus: i assume you want to dual boot, yes?20:20
byrnejbas I already wrote. when I try I get an underline blinking cursor20:20
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces? when I execute /etc/init.d/networking restart it says it's deprecated.  I try sudo service networking restart and it says "restart: Unknown instance:"20:20
holekladelai: also, right now I am in tty on irssi, if I go to X's (alt+f7), I can see the screen not refreshed (can see irssi) and I can move the cursor20:20
anthony__usalabs, yeah seems like it's not finished.  bit of a shame.  really like it though.  I've only just realised that I have two file managers.  nautilus and thunar.  what's with that?20:20
Emylbuskyubutsu: yessir20:20
deadpulseJoseeAntonioR, sudo tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:20
kyubutsuEmylbus: alright, i think you can take off then20:20
escottsarthor, you could try remounting it mount -o remount,rw /20:21
patrunjelI want to install windows 7 (for moms :) ), but I would like to keep grub as the bootloader, is it possible to change the crappy bootloader from the_crappy_os_I_will_not_write ? :)20:21
zushow come  i get  no pubkey errors when  using synaptic manager to update  11.04? after puting  in ppa?20:21
Soothsayerhow do I have two different wallpapers in a dual monitor setup ?20:21
patrunjelI don't want to know how, i just want to know if I can or can't :)20:21
kyubutsuEmylbus: you sure about dual booting though?20:21
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escottsarthor, but im not sure how resumable the install is in runlevel120:21
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escottpatrunjel, you will have to reinstall grub20:22
usalabsanthony__: no idea,,, I switched to classic desktop, after extensively testing unity, and found it barely usable, it's ok for simple usage20:22
patrunjelescott, is this thing simple to do? :)20:22
sarthorescott, Yea i did that, and it worked, now what is next step, i did dpkg --configure -a, and it is working... i do not what it is working...20:22
kyubutsuEmylbus: use torrent20:22
brontosaurusrexmay i assume that live-boot will boot into some safe shell UI thingy?20:22
MohammadAGumm, is there a way to pin the unity launcher/bar?20:23
escottpatrunjel, simple is a relative term... all you do is boot the livecd, bind mount the special filesystems, chroot and run grub-install20:23
Emylbuskyubutsu: the iso already installed from the website20:23
MohammadAGcause I'm pretty sure I pinned it by mistake, and can't move it away20:23
Emylbuslike 8 minutes20:23
ubuntuhappy to see ubuntu looking a little more modern now. if only it wasn't so slow20:23
ubuntulacks a lot of customization also20:23
kyubutsuEmylbus: good. proceed20:23
escottsarthor, i guess run with it, see where it goes20:23
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces? when I execute /etc/init.d/networking restart it says it's deprecated.  I try sudo service networking restart and it says "restart: Unknown instance:"20:23
escott!grub | patrunjel20:24
ubottupatrunjel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:24
sarthorescott, Ok. it is workign.. i am jsut watching the running text going up .20:24
holekladelai: any idea?20:24
patrunjelescott, thanks :)20:24
anthony__usalabs, two things for me.  it always gets in the way when I want to go back in firefox.  damn thing's always popping up, so ideally it'd be on the bottom.  secondly (and this is more an issue with gnome than unity) I can't use arrow keys when alt-tabbing: I have to cycle through all the windows if I miss one.  most annoying20:24
Emylbuskyubutsu: just to make sure, I have a 64bit computer, i want the 64 bit of ubuntu right? is there any reason i would want to use the 32bit version?20:24
usalabsmastaofdisasta: try this:- sudo /etc/init.d/network restart20:24
truepurpleCan one put multiple versions of live CD onto one disk?20:25
truepurpleLike say a DVD-R?20:25
holekladelai: I've already tried auto-configuration by plugging in another monitor, that only refreshed the screen to black space with a cursor20:25
escottEmylbus, if you have a 32bit application you want to use, if you dont want to take advantage of 64bit features in your processor20:25
mastaofdisastausalabs: it says deprecated20:25
escottEmylbus, thats not to say you can't run 32bit applications, but they may run better in a 32bit os20:25
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LjL!away > ugisozols_away    (ugisozols_away, see the private message from ubottu)20:25
Emylbusescott: what would you suggest I do?20:25
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kyubutsuEmylbus: 64bit. be aware that you'll need install ai32-libs to obtain support to run 32bit apps20:26
anthony__usalabs, nice to chat.  am off now. laters20:26
Emylbuskyubutsu: noted20:26
sarthorHow to categorize my self, i am Newbe, Just a user, Simi Expert or Expert in Linux.20:26
usalabsanthony__: laters20:26
LjLsarthor: ... why is that important?20:26
leighhow do I turn on my wireless?20:26
damicitahow can i unlock panel in order to organize my icons ?20:27
usalabsmastaofdisasta:  you might need to sudo -s then enter password, and try services network restart as root20:27
mastaofdisastayes I sudo everything20:27
sarthorLjL, Several friends asked me, Am i Linux Expert, So i was unable to answer the, because i do not know, i am newbe or expert etc.20:27
truepurpleCan one put multiple versions of live CD onto one disk? Like say a DVD-R?20:27
binoxis there a gui to calibrate a joystick/gamepad.    i cant install jscalibrator  -pakage not found?20:28
mastaofdisastausalabs: yes I sudo everything20:28
LjLsarthor: it seems a silly distinction to make to me, but anyway try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, it's a bit out of place here20:28
usalabssudo -s gives you a root command prompt20:28
mastaofdisastausalabs: I do sudo su20:28
mastaofdisastausalabs: it gives me a root prompt20:28
mastaofdisastausalabs: but the result is the same20:28
LjLmastaofdisasta: sudoing everything is an awful idea, and you should normally use "sudo -i" not "sudo su", as the latter is redundant and doesn't set up the environment correctly20:29
mastaofdisastausalabs: I think this has to do with upstart in 11.0420:29
usalabsmmm, it maybe a bug that needs reporting to launchpad20:29
sarthorLjL, Ok. again i got help here, now i will go to #ubuntu-offtopic , Again thanks to ubuntu. you guys really helped a lot.20:29
Sidewinder1truepurple, One could, but if one did, how would the system know which one to boot to?20:29
holekmeh, I just killed my X20:29
holekthanks for nothing20:29
ZzTribbleAnyone else having lag on compiz after uptime for a day or so20:29
jamil_1Help! I have to keep pressing alt key to perform normal left-click operations....I am on recently upgraded 11.04 system...20:29
truepurpleSidewinder1: Why ask me, I don't know20:29
mastaofdisastaLjL: good tip, but I think the issue here doesn't have anything to do with execution.20:30
ZzTribbleAlso nautilus is heavily leaking memory on my system.20:30
mastaofdisastaLjL: good tip, but I think the issue here doesn't have anything to do with execution priviledges20:30
kyubutsubinox: 11.04 repositories do not have this package. you will have to consider manually adding it20:30
damicitacan get t o organize my icons20:30
nikolai` anyone notice a delay clicking the Unity panel menu that activates Dashboard on a netbook?20:30
LjLmastaofdisasta: probably not, i wasn't really following, just caught the sudo references20:30
binoxim on maverick, and not upgrading20:30
truepurpleSidewinder1: There might be a way though, i mean one can dual boot, so surely one can do that with disks too20:30
Sidewinder1truepurple, It was an answer to your question. ;-)20:30
binoxkyubutsu,  im on maverick and not upgrading,  is that also the issue with mav20:30
Sidewinder1truepurple, The answer os no.20:30
binoxkyubutsu,  do you know the ppa by chance20:31
Rehanwhats with the un-regged channel all of a sudden20:31
truepurpleSidewinder1: What burner program would you recommend for ubuntu?20:31
Sidewinder1truepurple, Brasero isn't bad.20:31
ZzTribblenikolai`: you might be having an issue similar to me.. when i move windows around, wobbly windows lags. But only if i havent restarted in a day or so20:32
SuperstarHow do I change the global background in the workspace switcher?20:32
slinker1Rehan: apparently some bad mannered bots20:32
ZzTribblenikolai`: so i guess the question is.. does it always do it?20:32
truepurpleSidewinder1: Have you used it?20:32
victorhugo289Today I installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I got this error: "It seems you don't have the necessary hardware to run Unity, choose the classic Ubuntu"20:32
Rehanslinker1: true haha20:32
nikolai`ZzTribble, yes - there's always several seconds in delay opening up the Unity dashboard on my netbook.20:32
usalabsI use K3b, even though it uses the KDE libraries, it's still a good burner with a lot of templates to use20:32
ZzTribbleHmm ok im not sure then20:32
binoxvictorhugo:  search for the ppa for unity 2d,  will work wonderful20:32
ZzTribbleI want to blame compiz bugs20:33
victorhugo289My computer is a Pentium 4, @2Ghz, 1GB ram, with 128MB video, what's going on??20:33
kyubutsubinox: unfortunately i do not know this package's ppa20:33
victorhugo289@BINOX, really??20:33
LjLvictorhugo289: it depends on the video card20:33
LjLvictorhugo289: 128MB sounds like it's probably an old card20:33
LjLvictorhugo289: i have a card with 512MB, and it's still too old to be supported for Unity, so ;)20:33
victorhugo289No way, dude!!20:34
ZzTribblevictorhugo289: That is pretty old. It might be too old for all of unity.20:34
jdahmwhen I go to google.com in firefox on 11.04 it defaults to a really weird language with some really really weird character set20:34
kyubutsubinox: also, i do not know the current situation in maverick as i am using 11.0420:34
victorhugo289So I can't have Unity then?20:34
Sidewinder1truepurple,  Yes, although sometimes it gives me multiple error messages that "it couldn't" but in spite of the messages it does...Go figure.20:34
binoxyeah,  google untiy 2d  and use terminal to add the ppa,  then istall it at login,  you can choose the 2d interface  if you dont want to stay with the gnoe interface20:34
LjLvictorhugo289: well you can install unity-2d20:34
ZzTribblevictorhugo289: you shouold be able to do like a lowquality unity or something20:34
LjL!info unity-2d | victorhugo28920:34
ubottuvictorhugo289: unity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB20:34
ZzTribbleyea like LjL said..20:34
jdahmit has something like ?hl=chr20:34
binoxvictorhugo,  yes you can just without the 3d effects,  it depends on your graphics card20:34
LjLbinox: is there a reason why to use the PPA? is it more recent than the version included in the repos?20:34
jdahmno clue what language that is.  Anyone fixed that?20:35
victorhugo289ok, I look that up in the Software center, Ubottu??20:35
ZzTribblevictorhugo289: Terminal.. sudo apt-get install unity-2d20:35
binoxljl ,  i dont believe its in the install,  if im not mistaken its not canonical,  but it works great if you are haveing unity 3d issues20:35
IdleOnevictorhugo289: or the software center, yes.20:35
binoxther you go20:35
kyubutsuLjL: binox states that package is not found in maverick20:35
usalabsunity works good with the recommended Nvidia drivers for the GeForce 7600 GS 512MB20:35
ZzTribblevictorhugo289: i just checked its in software center too20:36
binoxi didnt know it was there.   it must be in final release20:36
ZzTribblei wasent sure if they listed it there20:36
_Neytiri_how do i add a user with a home dir different form the default location20:36
JoseeAntonioRHow do I hide the Unity Launcher?20:36
hugleoMy Apollo printer is not being recognized by the cups. 10.10 version is working ok.20:36
LjLbinox, if ubottu says it's in Main, then it's there, and by Canonical ;)20:36
IdleOne!classic | JoseeAntonioR20:36
ubottuJoseeAntonioR: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.20:36
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LjLkyubutsu: ah i thought we were talking about Natty though20:36
binoxit wasnt there in the alpha. now it is.20:36
InphernalWoahh, security20:36
LjLbinox: i see20:36
kyubutsuLjL: is also not found in natty20:36
dynoboyzHello, why my ntfs partition unrecognized?20:37
ZzTribbledynoboyz: Does it exist?20:37
LjLkyubutsu: uh, check again... maybe you need to sudo apt-get update? seriously, if the bot says it's there, it's quite definitely there20:37
dynoboyzyes, use Gparted before20:37
ZzTribbledynoboyz: seriously though, have you checked for it with gparted or something?20:37
ZzTribbleo ok20:37
JoseeAntonioRI don't want to return to GNOME, I'm just asking because my Launcher doesn't auto-hide20:37
ZzTribblethen how is it not recognized?20:37
ZzTribbledynoboyz: Like.. What is it not recognizing.. Like in nautilus?20:38
dynoboyzwhen im using gparted to resize it, my electricity turn off sudenly20:38
usalabsJoseeAntonioR: logging out and changing the session at login is not permanent, you can make the classic desktop permanent, byt running the app called 'Login Screen', then change the session there to classic20:38
binoxcoolanyone know the package repository for jscalibrator or a similar gui for game controllers20:38
victorhugo289I had no idea I was gonna face this problem, but I did notice that when I put the LIVE CD in and let it run I didn't see the Side bar that everybody is talking about. This Ubuntu 11.04 looks pretty much exactly like 10.04 to me. Dang!20:38
ZzTribbledynoboyz: ... That could have destroyed the partition20:38
kyubutsuLjL: fair enough. i take your word on it20:38
xteejxI'm using Natty, and need to do something. From the readme.txt for the program: "copy the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) shared library at BASE_PATH/bin/libANN_char.so (Linux/cygwin) or BASE_PATH/bin/ann_1.1_char.dll (Windows VS2005) to a location in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or add BASE_PATH/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH)" anyone able to help?20:38
dynoboyzthat mean I lost my data??20:38
escottdynoboyz, ouch you need to rescue with windows, but you are looking at restore from backup as the most likely result here20:38
ZzTribbledynoboyz: Your best bet is to attempt data recovery.20:38
victorhugo289Need a new computer. :S20:38
madsailorbinox, the jscal package is listed as in the maverick repo here :http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/jscal.1.html20:39
JoseeAntonioRI DO NOT want the classic desktop. I want the Unity bar that is on the side to auto-hide. I am NOT using the classic desktop.20:39
jibadeehaat last i have got to the bottom of ubuntu freezing on shutdown .. now a happy chappy20:39
binoxmadsailor,  thank you20:39
ZzTribbledynoboyz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery20:39
xteejxanyone able to help with this linking stuff please?20:39
escott!es | miarroba20:39
ubottumiarroba: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:39
RehanJoseeAntonioR: download compiz settings manager, in there that options exists under Unity Tweak20:39
JoseeAntonioRPara español entre al canal #ubuntu-es20:39
ddd-222on ubuntu 10.10 i am setting up autofs.20:39
ddd-222I was able to properly configure direct20:39
ddd-222and Indirect NFS file systems When I try20:39
ddd-222CIFS  I can get it to work directly.20:39
ddd-222When I tried to get it to work indirectly20:39
FloodBot2ddd-222: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
ZzTribbledynoboyz: It could get messy. There are also some easier applications in the ubuntu software repos20:39
RehanJoseeAntonioR: CompizConfig Settings Manager20:39
JoseeAntonioRWhat is the package name for Compiz Settings Manager?20:40
praveeni am sharing files with my friends on lan..but i am not able to see all shared computers , i am able to see only some of the computers.what is wrong??20:40
RehanJoseeAntonioR: ccsm20:40
tiger_eyeaha!  the dollar sign in "memmap" command in grub2 needs to be escaped twice in /etc/default/grub, such as GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='memmap=0x10000\$0x13c140000' or GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="memmap=0x10000\\\$0x13c140000".  Not very clear from the documentation.  I think it's working now, so peace out!20:40
CalifIf I've got an ip that changes but its a public ip on my linux machine, AND I want to get a dns name for it... say through some service such as dydns/noip - what kind of options do I have?20:40
ZzTribblepraveen: Are they windows computers?20:40
ZzTribbleor linux?20:40
ZzTribblepraveen: Is samba setup correctly on your pc?20:40
JoseeAntonioRTerminal says it is unable to locate package ccsm20:40
dynoboyzi have try some software20:40
dynoboyzbut still cant20:41
escottCalif, i think you just said your main options there20:41
xteejxhow do I find out what is in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and hwo do I add something to it?20:41
LjLxteejx: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:41
Califok, so I guess ill look into whether they have a good client for linux/ubuntu20:41
xteejxLjL Thanks20:41
aauthorHello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this... but... I just installed gnome3 on ubuntu 11.04, however, when I attempt to log in I always get a "could not update /home/tom/.ICEAuthority.  I've checked to make sure that my user and it's group is the owner (and they are) what else could be wrong?20:41
RehanJoseeAntonioR: i installed ubuntu-tweak first and then used that to setup CCSM. ubuntu-tweaks has a lot of good features in it besides that. google the download site for it.20:41
escottCalif, usually you just send a request to their servers and they update the dns entry, doubt you even need a client for that20:41
ZzTribbledynoboyz: you may have lost everything. Hopefully have backups or find professionals to recover it, hard to say how much can be saved from a half edited partition20:41
praveeni think so,actually some of them are able to access my computer and able to copy the files...but some are saying i am not able to see your computer on lan??20:41
Zorlinaauthor: This is a great place to ask this :)20:41
ZorlinIts the #ubuntu support channel, after all.20:42
aauthorThanks Zorlin, I just know that gnome 3 isn't supported yet. :D20:42
LjLaauthor: i rebooted, and magically that problem got fixed20:42
xteejxLjL: Nothing came up when I did $LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:42
ZzTribblepraveen: Most likey an issue on the individual windows computer then.. check security settings20:42
xteejx*echo $LD....20:42
usalabsJoseeAntonioR: try searching it in the package manager (ubuntu software center), I tried the search in there and it found it under ccsm20:42
calamarihi.. I did /etc/init.d/ssh stop .. and then pkill'ed sshd.. and sshd started running again. the only way I could stop it was by renaming the sshd executable. what is causing this?20:42
escottCalif, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS20:42
Zorlinaauthor: Oh, good point, haha. Still might get away with it, just be super-patient since there's no obligation to help ;p20:42
damicitano puedo organisar mis iconos ?20:42
Zorlinaauthor: But as LjL said, have you tried rebooting?20:43
ZzTribblecalamari: I feel like ssh has some sort of keepalive20:43
ZzTribblei'm not an expert on it though lol20:43
aauthorThanks LjL. I've tried rebooting, and I still have the same trouble.20:43
LjLxteejx: for me either. i guess it's empty? to add stuff to it (but only temporarily), export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:new_entry"20:43
JoseeAntonioRhttp://imagebin.org/151187 That bar in the side doesn't auto-hide. What do I need to do?20:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:43
xteejxLjL Cool thanks20:43
wliI'm having trouble git cloning git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git because the remote end hangs up unexpectedly.20:43
LjLaauthor: no doubt it's also +rw for tom?20:43
naryfaHi, does anybody know how to change output frequency in Ubuntu? My card is capable of 24bit 192kHz but I don't know where to set this20:43
praveenZzTribble: but when i switched to window , i am able to see all shared computers on lan....so this is little bit confusing for me!!!20:44
wliIs there an http git URL I can use instead?20:44
ZzTribblecalamari: im pretty sure its controlled by upstart which would explain it20:44
LjLnaryfa, i believe that depends on the program you're using. but i can give you a command line to see if the driver is actually capable of that, a moment20:44
usalabsI found the unity bar only auto hides when a window is open full screen, but did you try the launcher & menu settings in the system preferences?20:44
ZzTribblepraveen: It could be an issue on either end..20:44
naryfaLjL: ok20:44
calamariZzTribble: thanks.. that gives me a place to look!20:44
ZzTribblecalamari: mhm20:44
InphernalHell all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step20:44
InphernalHey* haha20:45
jdlim having trouble installing android sdk20:45
ZzTribblepraveen: Perhaps an issue w/ the version of windows. Or some random samba issue20:45
LjLnaryfa: type "arecord -f dat -r 192000 -D hw:0,0 -d 5 test.wav" and see if it gives you any warning20:45
_Neytiri_how do i add a user with a home directory different than /home20:45
ZzTribblejdl: ... Um Download. Done?20:45
LjLjdl: what kind of trouble20:45
JoseeAntonioR[14:44] <usalabs> Yes, I have. No results.20:45
aauthorLjL: this is my ls -al:20:45
aauthor-rwxrwxrwx 1 tom tom 668 2011-05-01 14:42 .ICEauthority20:45
segflt just "stop sshd" without the quotes20:45
escott_Neytiri_, a symlink would be easier20:45
naryfaLjL: Recording WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 192000 Hz, Stereo20:46
ikoniaservice ssh stop20:46
LjLnaryfa: then it works with 192000 just fine, nothing to set up20:46
praveenZzTribble: i haven't configured samba.conf...i have installed samba gui version..and i share my folders with the help of this...20:46
naryfaLjL: but only on 16 bit, no?20:46
erikahow can I get a list of all packages that I have installed?20:46
jdli try following directions but terminal doesnt recognize any comand or directory20:46
escott_Neytiri_, but you should just be able to pass the -d option to useradd20:46
viddyerika: dpkg --get-selections20:46
ZzTribblepraveen: ask #samba? lol20:47
erikanot those that were part of the standard system. is this possible?20:47
phunyguyhmmm... not sure i like empathy for irc20:47
LjLnaryfa: ah right i forgot about the 24 bit part... but i don't think that specific command allows recording at 24 bit, so i don't know how you could check (perhaps install Audacity and try recording there)20:47
phunyguybut it will do.20:47
ZzTribbleOk. im done for now..20:48
wlihttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git I think20:48
naryfaLjL: ok, thanks for that info, be well good man (or woman lol)20:48
LjLaauthor: i have no clue, however there is a forum thread which suggests also checking the permissions for /home/tom itself... seems unlikely, but20:49
Rehann00b question: is there anything similar to TeamViewer for Windows for Ubuntu?20:49
Loshkierika: sort of. /var/log/dpkg/dpkg.log.* contains all packages added in chronological order, so in theory you can reconstruct the list of things you added by using something like 'egrep installed'20:49
Christian87user teamviewer20:49
binwiederhierhey guys, does any of you know where gnome stores the user profile data (the one from System -> About Me)? Specifially, I'm interested in the profile picture.20:49
JoshDreamland11.04 breaks XQueryPointer20:49
jdli try following directions but terminal doesnt recognize any comand or directory20:50
asdf_mscis there a command to reload the 11.04 panel?20:50
LoshkiJoshDreamland: please file a bug for it...20:50
kz3someone please help me configuring MySQL on ubuntu20:50
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Christian87kz3 whats the prob?20:51
JoshDreamlandLoshki: I'm trying to find any sort of substance to populate such a report with, because if XQueryPointer never worked, we'd be in serious trouble. I need some specific scenario in which it fails20:51
phunyguykz3 there may be a mysql channel20:51
aauthorLjL: OK, I'll give it a shot.20:51
LoshkiJoshDreamland: fair enough. Best of luck with that...20:52
JoshDreamlandThanks; I'll need it20:52
* wli is having Parma polygon lib issues too.20:52
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step. Anyone know how to fix this?20:53
=== MK` is now known as MK``
mmmiiikkkeeeHi I created a natty live USB drive from disk creator in maverick.  I get "syslinux 4.01 debian-20100714" after Googleing I read that typing "help<enter>" would let me boot, but does not seem to work.  any ideas?20:54
flodinehey everyone ubuntu 11.04 install and works fine until i switch screens it keeps locking up does unity have problems or what?20:55
* Laggg is away: He's watering some kush20:56
* wli is sticking to maverick until 11.x gets more bugs shaken out.20:56
cl3tUsWhy is it that my login screen shows up on my second monitor/tv by default?  How do I change that?20:56
chreestopheranyone know of a good tutorial on gettng your soundcard to work with alsa in ubuntu? (preferably newb friendly)20:56
cl3tUschreestopher, what kind of soundcard?  Have you checked in the additional drivers area?  I'm not sure if it'd be there as I'm new myself, but it's possible that it could be.20:57
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* wli isn't sure http is doing better than native git, but will find out after a while.20:58
chreestopherhd intell is the card acording to alsa, and VIA VT1708S is the chipset20:59
Rehanmy plymouth loads fine until the very end when it goes to a black screen and i see some cron status messages. How can I make it so that I don't see any text screen in plymouth and go straight to the login?20:59
Sackohello all. trying to install ubuntu from CD after booting gettting dropped into BusyBox/initramfs with message "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system".  Can anyone help?21:00
carandraugHi! Is there a keyboard shortcut on gedit to move between the embedded terminal on the bottom pane and the text area?21:00
JoshDreamlandI don't get it; this program also randomly freezes on quit21:01
victorhugo289Guys, wasn't Unity originally made for Netbooks?21:01
victorhugo289If it can run in Netbooks, why doens't it run in my Desktop computer?21:02
carandraugvictorhugo289, I believe so, yes21:02
victorhugo289Pentium 4, @2Ghz, 1GB ram21:02
maddieCan someone please help me with my question? http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-774116%5D-%5Bnew%5D-unity-launcher-settings-resets-automatically-146723/21:02
phunyguyvictorhugo289, yes but it caught on.21:02
victorhugo289It says I have to use Ubuntu classic21:02
voozevictorhugo289, maybe your GFX is not supported (too old) and no good drivers21:02
arquebuscarandraug: how do you make the terminal show up gedit? Ive never seen that before21:03
phunyguyvictorhugo289 or you just need to install proprietary drivers21:03
victorhugo289My video card is very old, yes, it's 128MB, I never needed proprietery drives21:03
phunyguyyeah its too old21:03
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step21:03
victorhugo289But then Netbooks are more powerful than my computer?21:04
tensorpuddingvictorhugo289: what card is it21:04
jjleeHow do people bring up their iptables firewall these days?  I used to use if-pre-up.d, but network manager doesn't call those scripts any more.21:04
maddieplease someone :/ http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-774116%5D-%5Bnew%5D-unity-launcher-settings-resets-automatically-146723/21:04
voozevictorhugo289, just like you cant run windows7, on a old piece of shit computer, thats life :)21:04
victorhugo289Let me check...21:04
phunyguyInphernal, sudo apt-get update21:04
phunyguyor something21:04
serpentologistHi, i have the following problem: i burned xubuntu image to disk and successfully booted from it. But when i tried to install the system i got error because some files could not be read. So here the question: is there a way to configure installer in such a way that it downloads packages from the server, not from the disk?21:04
tensorpuddingvictorhugo289: even if it doesn't require proprietary drivers, it's not unreasonable for it to be able to run compiz21:04
carandraugarquebus, go to preferences and there's a plugin called Embedded terminal. It will appear on gedit bottom pane (activate on the menu View or Ctr+F9)21:04
usalabsvictorhugo289: if you're using nVidia, try running 'additional drivers' in the system section21:04
brous-keejjlee perhaps via upstart?21:05
jdlhey i need help and nobody helped me!!!!!!!21:05
victorhugo289My video card is an ATI RAdeon 925021:05
arquebuscarandraug: ok, thx21:05
phunyguyjdl, calm down21:05
escottInphernal, have you held any packages in apt21:05
phunyguyfree software is like that21:05
plan_richi accedently removed me from all groups but my own and www-data... is there a way to add myself to admin again? there is no other user created yet with sudo rights...21:05
phunyguyyou want to demand support, then buy windows21:05
victorhugo289I clicked Additional Drivers, it says "No propriety drivers are in use"21:05
Inphernalphunyguy: Did it, trying upgrader again21:05
carandraugarquebus, no problem. If you never looked into them, there's also a side pan where you can have a character map, and file browser. Soooo handy21:06
victorhugo289Ok, besides Unity, what's best about Ubuntu 11.04?21:06
usalabsdoes it show any listed driovers?21:06
jdlphunnyguy i am triing to install android SDK and its not working21:06
Inphernalescott: I think someone helped me figure out that I havn't last night, but I can check again if you can tell me how lol21:06
brous-keeplan_rich, you can recover via livecd  and re-create the user21:06
victorhugo289Asking me? No listed drivers21:06
maddiecan someone help me with my problem? here's my post http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-774116%5D-%5Bnew%5D-unity-launcher-settings-resets-automatically-146723/21:06
carandraugplan_rich, use a LiveCD for that21:06
plan_richok thx ill try that21:06
arquebuscarandraug: thx21:06
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guntbertjdl: did you see http://onthefencedevelopment.com/?p=455 ?21:07
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Sackohas anybody ever ran into the "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" error when installing from a live CD?21:07
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escottInphernal, try dpkg --get-selections21:07
jjleebrous-kee: maybe, thanks21:08
jdlguntbert thank you i will be back21:09
tensorpuddingvictorhugo289: what driver are you using, do you know?21:09
cl3tUsAnyone know what I can do to fix Samba4?  I upgraded to 11 and am getting issues when trying to install anything.21:09
guntbertSacko: I've heard this once or twice in the past - never saw a satisfying answer what was the cause ...21:09
Sackoguntbert: yeah, google is devoid of much information on the subject21:09
usalabsvictorhugo289: have a look at this page:- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver21:10
guntbertSacko: I was talking about here :-),  still step1) did you md5sum check the iso before burning it?21:10
salomonvhi, since 11.04 pidgin doesn't display in the notification area, is there any way to fix this?21:11
Inphernalphunyguy, taht didn't help, same error21:11
Inphernalthat* lol21:11
ikoniasalomonv: pidgin isn't in ubuntu any more21:11
Sackoguntbert: is there a tool for generating the md5sum on Vista?21:11
salomonvikonia, thanks, but does that mean there is no way to keep using it, because I do like pidgin :)21:11
tensorpuddingvictorhugo289: the radeon driver has 3d support, so in theory compiz should work with your card21:11
guntbert!md5sum | Sacko sure21:11
ubottuSacko sure: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:12
ikoniasalomonv: how are you using it, if it's not in ubuntu any more21:12
mister2hey, my buddy's home folders (documents downloads pictures etc) have vanished mysteriously... any known bugs that'd do that or a log i could check for malicious intent?21:12
salomonvikonia, well, it is still possible to use it...21:12
albechi need a wacom like pad with pressure sensitivity, any recommendations that work with ubuntu?21:12
Inphernalescott: Ok, a long list came up with install on the right of each listing21:12
ikoniasalomonv: how are you using using it, if it's not in ubuntu any more21:12
escottInphernal, you are interested in the ones that don't say install21:12
salomonvikonia, the same way I've always used it?21:12
Sackoguntbert: I didn't think that was the issue since I've had the problem with multiple different Live CD's, and even when booting from a USB stick21:12
bluenoteGood evening, all!21:12
killazhi is there a way to get the old menu im now on 11.04 and i hate this ugly toy interface ?21:12
ikoniasalomonv: where did you install it from ?21:13
ikonia!info pidgin21:13
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.7.11-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 539 kB, installed size 1664 kB21:13
salomonvikonia, it was still installed after the dist-upgrade?21:13
ikoniawow, it's still in main21:13
ikoniasalomonv: so it doesn't go to the tray when you minimise it21:13
Inphernalescott: They all say install, but the list shows only l-z in Terminal21:13
escott!classic | killaz21:13
ubottukillaz: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:13
Inphernalescott: I can only scroll up to l21:13
escottInphernal,  pipe it to grep -v install21:14
killazok thx a lot21:14
salomonvikonia, no, the notification area on the top right in unity, next to the power-button etc, does not show the pidgin icon anymore21:14
guntbertSacko: I didn't say it *is* the issue, just to start digging somewhere, and the you can "check the integrity" of the burnt CD from the start menu too21:14
killazhave a nice day all21:14
bluenoteAfter updating to 11.04, I have a number of problems. One of them, however, is quite urgent: How can I find my old POST-ITs, which have been on my gnome desktop?21:14
OfficiallyPCWhen I try to upgrade the software-center in Maverick to the daily build PPA throght launchpad I get this in terminal: "The following packages have been kept back:  software-center". How to I upgrade it?21:14
Inphernalescott: What do you mean?21:14
escottInphernal, dpkg --get-selections | grep -v install21:14
usalabskillaz: the logout and change session is only temporary, use the prog called 'Login Screen' and change the session to 'classic' there, it'll make it the default session for future natty restarts21:15
trismsalomonv: there is an option in the pidgin preferences to show the status icon, however you would need to add it to the whitelist if you are using unity (it will show up in the messaging menu though)21:15
escottbluenote, have you tried running the post-it application?21:15
Sackoguntbert: thanks i'll start there21:15
Inphernalescott: Ok, nothing came up21:15
salomonvtrism, it does show in the messaging menu, but how can I add it to the whitelist?21:15
guntbertSacko: Good luck :-)21:15
mister2hey, my buddy's home folders (documents downloads pictures etc) have vanished mysteriously... any known bugs that'd do that or a log i could check for malicious intent?21:15
bluenotecan't find the application "post it"21:16
logisalomonv: you can access pidign in the menu by clicking on the envelop21:16
bluenoteneither via terminal nor application finder21:16
salomonvlogi, yes I can, but i would like to have the pidgin icon back as it was in gnome :)21:16
jamil_1I just reset settings in CCSM and apparently every thing is gone...no top bar, not side bar ....as if unity has crashed...21:16
trismsalomonv: dconf-editor, desktop/unity/panel/systray-whitelist ..probably add 'Pidgin' but I haven't tested it21:16
Rehanhas anyone been able to save their information in the About Me section in 11.04?21:17
passthruhow to disable DRI on Ubuntu 11.04 ?21:17
trismsalomonv: the description also suggests that adding 'all' will allow everything, which may be another option to try, haven't tested that either though21:17
passthrui wanna disable this because it is making my X session crashes all the time when I try to see a movie21:17
escottbluenote, there are dozens of stickynote applications if you could figure out which one...21:17
bluenoteescott: The default one which was readily installed in the old desktop21:18
salomonvtrism, thanks, do you need to update it some way or is closing the editor enough to apply the changes?21:18
escott!classic | bluenote21:18
ubottubluenote: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:18
Inphernalescott: What does this mean?21:18
escottbluenote, see if you can find it there21:18
usalabsA reminder to anyone that doesn't like the new unity, go to system settings -> system -> Login Screen change session to classic, restart pc21:18
hugelgupfhi guys. I set up 11.04 parallel to win7 a few days ago, and my sound was fine. A few minutes ago, ubuntu stopped playing any sound, so I rebooted to win7, which worked fine, and rebooted to 11.04 again, and my sound doesn't work. It seems to recognize the sound, but if I go to system settings-> sound and I try to test the speakers, it won't work either21:18
bsodmikehi all.  I can't seem to get mysql back up n' running.  ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)21:18
trismsalomonv: the changes should be applied as soon as you make them, might need to restart pidgin though21:18
escottInphernal, i don't know but we eliminated that one possibility :)21:18
bsodmikeI've tried starting it via /etc/init.d21:18
bsodmikeand updstart script21:18
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bsodmikeno luck21:19
Inphernalescott: Haha ok, any other ideas?21:19
salomonvtrism: thanks, I will do that, i'll get back to you21:19
bluenoteubottu: Thanks fot the hint. But: I like the new desktop. I WANT to use it ... why should I switch back?21:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:19
escottbluenote, just saying switch over and figure out the app name then come back to unity21:19
flodinehey guys is anyone having problems with 11.04 locking up?21:19
bluenotei see, sorry, was a bit slow21:19
bluenotethanks, I'll get back to you later21:19
escottInphernal, afraid not21:19
salomonvflodine, as a matter of fact, had that twice today21:19
escottbluenote, thats ok i wasnt too clear21:19
salomonvflodine, while using vlc to watch a video, in case that helps21:20
hugelgupfflodine, salomonv, same thing has happened to me too21:20
escottbluenote, see if it is tomboy21:20
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step. No packages held21:20
BassTHey guys. I did an update to Natty, now after a login I see the shell for a very short moment and get back to Login screen :(21:20
Inphernalescott: Ok, thanks for the help21:21
InphernalI'll keep looking21:21
usalabsbsodmike: has mysql died?, you could try restarting using sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart21:21
jamil_1HHow can I start unity manually ?21:22
maddiecan someone please help me? http://askubuntu.com/questions/38954/unity-launcher-settings-resets-automatically21:22
flodinewell it only happens in unity desktop21:22
bsodmikeusalabs: tried that21:22
usalabsjamil_1: open a terminal and type unity21:22
takatoriHi, I was wondering if someone could help me with Unity?21:23
cobalt237I just upgraded to 11.04 and my X server is hanging on boot "module nvidia not found"21:23
binditakatori: let me guess. it doesn't work?21:23
maddiecan someone pleasee help me? http://askubuntu.com/questions/38954/unity-launcher-settings-resets-automatically21:23
brian_Anyone know how to switch from the GRUB bootloader back to the Windows bootloader?21:23
JoseeAntonioRI'm having a trouble with the bar in the left side: It doesn't auto-hides21:24
takatoribindi, Well I just installed it and I don't have it by default.  When I run unity in the terminal I get the error "Cannot register the panel shell: there is one already running"21:24
takatoriWhen I say "just installed it" I mean Ubuntu 11.0421:24
salomonvtried it, unfortunately even after restarting pidgin after setting the whitelist to all i still don't have the pidgin icon in the notification area, while that is set in preferences to show always21:24
trismsalomonv: I just tested it here, it works, try restarting unity21:25
binditakatori: no idea :p21:25
jamil_1usalabs: I did type unity in terminal. Something flashed on screen and nothing happened...21:25
salomonvtrism, okay, did you use pidgin, Pidgin, or all?21:25
salomonvtrism, not sure if it's case sensitive21:25
usalabsbrian_: as far as I know, windows does not recognize LInux ext partitions, but Linux does recognize windows ntfs, and fat partitions, hence a Linux grub loader is used, but the windows loader would not know how to handle Linux partitions21:25
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trismsalomonv: Pidgin, this is exactly what I have ['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray', 'Pidgin']21:26
salomonvtrism, thanks, will do a unity restart21:26
brian_I have it installed via wubi21:26
takatoritrism, is your Unity working by default or did you have to do anything to enable it/21:26
escottbrian_, usalabs i think it is possible to chain load the ext4 partitions but you have to install grub onto the partition not the mbr which is flaky21:26
trismtakatori: it will start with the default Ubuntu session if you have drivers that support it (usually)21:27
Soothsayerhow do I keep the launcher bar on the left visible/maximized at all points?21:27
SoothsayerI don't want to auto-hide it21:27
takatoritrism, I have a Nvidia GTS 450 with the latest drivers yet it doesn't start at all.21:27
cl3tUsAnyone know what I can do to fix Samba4?  I upgraded to 11.04 and am getting issues when trying to install anything.21:27
cobalt237I've seen a post for blacklisting the nouveau drivers and manually installing the nvidia drivers, but I was hoping to get around that21:27
brian_escott: I want the mbr, not the grub.  I have 2 Ubuntu partitions(I know, I had some issues)  One partition is from the wubi one is from a CD.  I want to get rid of one of them.21:27
salomonvtrism, it worked, thanks a lot :D21:27
bsodmikethis is completely purplexing21:27
trismSoothsayer: ccsm under the unity plugin, hide launcher/never21:27
trismsalomonv: np, glad it is working21:28
cobalt237If nvidia-current is installed, shouldn't the module "nvidia" be there as well?21:28
daniel2kHi people, please somebody help me? I want to open througt ssh and existing already opened session at my server console, how can i do this?21:28
Soothsayertrism, thanks21:28
sdgdsffsdhello i need help21:29
usalabsbrian_ : wubi installes a grub loader, and also installes unbuntu in it's own folder in C:\ I tried it on a laptop running win7, the only way I can think of is using the windows add/remove to remove ubuntu and it returns windows loader back to it's previous state21:29
yepitsme19Hey guys, is there a stable version of Gnome3 out for 11.04 yet?21:29
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chrome_how can I resize the disk through the command line?21:30
stfollowerhow do i install kubuntu 11.04 in ubuntu 11.04?21:30
escottyepitsme19, no and there wont be until 11.1021:30
yepitsme19Really?? :(21:30
arquebuschrome_: fdisk21:30
sdgdsffsdhello i need help21:31
brontosaurusrexand the next LTS is 12.04?21:31
guntbertchrome_: only when the file system is not mounted21:31
OfficiallyPCWhen I try to upgrade the software-center in Maverick to the daily build through launchpad PPA I get this in terminal: "The following packages have been kept back: software-center". How to I upgrade it?21:31
usalabsotherwise, the reason Linux uses grub, is so that it can recognize windows partitions and linux, but windows can not and does not recognize ext partitions21:31
daniel2khow open an already logged session console throught ssh ?21:31
escottyepitsme19, unfortunately... unity uses some gnome2 stuff in a way that is very hard to reconcile with the gnome3 until unity is moved up to gtk321:31
sdgdsffsd!pm | daniel2k21:31
ubottudaniel2k: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:31
chrome_guntbert: but I can't umount the fs..21:32
stfollowerhow do i install kubuntu 11.04 in ubuntu 11.04?21:32
needlezanyone know why i just got kicked from my gnome session for no reason?21:32
Blue_Opalstfollower: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:32
guntbertchrome_: then boot a live CD image (I guess it is a vbox guest)21:32
yepitsme19escott: That....really sucks:( Thanks for the info though.21:32
coco3431what channel should i go to for bash programing21:32
stfollowerBlue_Opal, and how will I be able to change between desktops?21:33
Blue_Opalstfollower: you can then switch between them on the login screen21:33
kingofswordshaving trouble uninstalling crossover..even after i run /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxuninstall...any 1 know of anything21:33
escottyepitsme19, you could try the ppa but it reportedly breaks unity21:33
arquebuscoco3431: #bash21:33
chrome_guntbert: yes, thanks21:33
Blue_Opalon the login screen there will be a button, you can swtich between gnome and kde21:33
stfollowerBlue_Opal, ty!21:33
nmaxchatMy Wine is acting up. It appears to start a program then vanishes.21:33
sdgdsffsdwell my question is21:33
sdgdsffsdi dont like unity and gnome 321:34
sdgdsffsdwehat alternatives21:34
guntbertchrome_: you can simply use GParted for that task21:34
yepitsme19Yea, I have tried. It works for the most part***  And to go back all you gotta do is a PPA purge. I was just hoping it was 100% good to go21:34
Blue_Opalsdgdsffsd: try kde21:34
coco3431arquebus: thanks21:34
sdgdsffsdBlue_Opal: i have installed Gnome now, i have to reinstall ?21:34
Blue_Opalnope, you can install both and switch between them21:34
usalabsnmaxchat: wine doesn't always support all win progs, ry using something like Vbox, Vmware player, or crossover office21:35
sdgdsffsdbut i love gnome 221:35
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Rehananyone have the issue of About Me not saving their info?21:35
Blue_Opalas i said it will not replace gnome21:35
nmaxchatusalabs, Which is best ?21:35
sdgdsffsdBlue_Opal what do you think21:35
sdgdsffsdhow long can i use gnome 2 blue_opal ?21:36
usalabsVmware player is free, I use it and it works good21:36
JoshDreamlandOkay, it seems XQueryPointer is generating a BadValue error, even though the spec doesn't mention its ability to do so.21:36
Blue_Opalwhat do you mean how long?21:36
sdgdsffsdblue_opal is it in 11.10 ?21:36
daniel2kplease somebody help me? I need to connect to my server console, because its running an application, but when I connect throught SSH it opens a new session, with a empty console... how can I connect into a logged session?21:36
flametai1Hey can someone help me out? I'm having some major problems, I updated from 10.10 to 11.04 and the panels from 10.10 are still there and won't allow being deleted? Unity likes to glitch and the only way to get my computer screen to show up is by randomly hitting F keys (F1-12) on the purple loading screen or else it never loads.21:36
JoshDreamlandThis means to me that some Unity-oriented modifications to 11.04 mean XQP is making bad calls itself.21:36
nmaxchatusalabs, Thanks21:36
Blue_Opalas far as i know ubuntu will now use unity, which has some gnome components21:36
usalabsnmaxchat: yw21:36
sdgdsffsdblue_opal is it in 11.10 ?21:36
ajayhey folks!21:36
sdgdsffsdso i cant use it in 11.1021:36
ajaylooking for an mp4->dvd authoring tool, any thoughts?21:37
guschtel_hi, i installed ubuntu 11.04 on my toshiba l505d but there were several functions that didn't work. After that i passed to ubuntu 10.10 but my wireless don't work anymore21:37
Blue_Opalso no it isnt, 11.10 will probably be similar to whats in 11.04 which is unity21:37
sdgdsffsdBlue_opal and it isnt installable in 11.10 ?21:37
osoba_hmm can i talk lalala21:37
osoba_i can :O21:37
osoba_the unity sidebar wont hide for some reason21:37
osoba_does anybody have a clue why?21:37
Blue_Opalnot sure about that, if you like gnome 2 you should look at using a distro that hasnt switched to gnome 3, there are probably quite a few out there21:37
flametai1osoba_, did you update from 10.10? =/21:38
ajayguschtel_: wireless.. such a pain, agreed.. makes me scared to upgrade.21:38
* arpan is away: Gone away for now21:38
brontosaurusrexajay, a good looking ffmpeg command line to get dvd compatible mpegs + some other software for authoring21:38
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osoba_i just installed ubuntu for the first time and it seems very intuitive and nice except the stupid sidebar that wont auto hide sometimes21:38
usalabsosoba_ use ccsm to autohide the bar:- http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2021:38
osoba_flametai1: its the most recent version21:38
osoba_and gnome is meh21:38
guschtel_ajay, it's a real shame but now with the 10.10 it does't work either21:38
ajaybrontosaurusrex: yeah that'd work too.. online it seems like i need to run a multitude of cmds, and they take forever..21:39
Rehanwow, i can't believe libreoffice shipped with ubuntu. its such an unfinished piece of junk21:39
sulfodaniel2k: i'm looking for some clue... this is what i was also looking for for quite some time21:39
flametai1Can someone help me? =| Since I updated I've been having major problems =/21:39
Blue_OpalRehan: true but there is not much of an alternative21:39
Blue_Opalopenoffice wasnt much better21:40
usalabsA reminder to anyone that wants to hide the unity sidebar, have a look at this site:- http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2021:40
flametai1Blue_Opal, I prefer the Open office.21:40
RehanBlue_Opal: really? I haven't really had much issues with open office21:40
osoba_i am looking at it thanks usalabs21:40
brontosaurusrexajay, well, id certainly make this a multi-step process, i'd do the same even on some other more video friendly os21:41
usalabsosaba_: yw21:41
takatoriTurns out I didn't have the latest drivers for my Graphics card, I managed to get Unity working and I gotta say that I love it.  However, I now can't get Ubuntu to detect my second monitors whereas before it was instant.  Any ideas?21:41
Blue_OpalRehan: openoffice was defiantly more stable but it doesnt quite measure up compared to microsoft office, which is a disappointment, thats still a major problem with linux os, there is much in the way of an office app yet, hopefully things will change21:41
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step. No packages held21:41
RehanBlue_Opal: theres a huge disconnect between Ubuntu's website which likes to play up the finished product ready for windows users to switch to and the actual product which isn't user friendly in the least21:41
guntbert!ot | Rehan Blue_Opal21:42
ubottuRehan Blue_Opal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:42
jamil_1When I login into ubuntu/unity I neither see the top bar nor the sidebar. But I know that unity is running because it show it in ps21:42
daniel2ksulfo: hehe I dont wanna get back to my office just to figure out whats going on on my server, I need to drive more than 1 hour hehehe so, because of this, I need to connect to the already openned console21:42
Blue_OpalRehan: Yeah defiantly, the actualy operating system is world class but i often notice that applications are never quite as good, still it is impressive that they are free and dependant entirely on donations21:42
guschtel_anybody here with a toshiba l505d edition?! i am experimenting problems with my wireless21:42
hrezaeihow to connect anaother desktop21:42
hrezaeivia remote desktop21:42
mitoniGuys, would unity perform well on old pc (pentium 3, 512mb)?21:42
sulfodaniel2k: i know exactly how you feel :)21:43
escottmitoni, no21:43
takatorimitoni, extremely doubtful.21:43
bsodmikeERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)21:43
needlezanyone using the new ubuntu 11.04 get an issue with X.org server kicking from gnome session??21:43
Emylbuswhen manually choosing partitions to install to, what do i mount to the ext4 partition?21:43
hrezaeihi people!21:43
ikoniabsodmike: look at the file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock is it there21:43
bsodmikeboth my mysql logs are empty21:43
hartmutbsodmike: mysqld not running21:43
RehanEmylbus: if you're a new user i would just choose '/'21:43
flodineim scared to log in to unity i really dont think its ready21:44
usalabsmitoni: if the (old?) pc has a supported video card, then I don't see why not21:44
bsodmikenope no file21:44
hrezaeihow to control a remote desktop via remote desktop?! I have the remote IP.21:44
ikoniabsodmike: ok - so either a problem or mysql server is not running21:44
bsodmikeI tried starting it21:44
Emylbusrehan: cool that's what i figured thanks21:44
ikoniabsodmike: check it's running ?21:44
bsodmikebut no luck21:44
deitarionHow do I change the framebuffer resolution on 11.04? It's giving me "Frequency out of range" on a 1440x900 widescreen and that makes fixing X11 troublesome when it breaks.21:44
bsodmikeI'm pretty sure it isn't running21:44
logiCan someone help me? Sometimes my sound in Natty does not work.. I then have to press mute/unmute to get it back?21:44
RehanEmylbus: no prob, i'm new to ubuntu too, just started :P21:44
Emylbusrehan: do you know if i want to reformat it?21:45
needlezflodine: id say 11.04 none of it is ready, even classic is giving some really bad bugs, like forcably kicking me from my session at random times and not showing any reason y21:45
ikoniabsodmike: ok, so you're going to have to check some logs first, the syslog and the mysql log is a good place to start21:45
bsodmikemysql logs are gone...for some reason21:45
RehanEmylbus: i always do. if you don't have anything on there, might as well21:45
osoba_hmm i did the ccsm thing but the sidebar is still there21:45
bsodmikesyslog I just checked...nothing much there21:45
osoba_might be due to the slowness of this partition21:45
bsodmikethis is so strange21:45
bsodmikescreen is also no longer working21:45
bsodmikegetting odd PTY issues21:45
osoba_its an ide hard drive with a very small partition (8GB)21:45
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step. No packages held21:45
osoba_its been kinda slow21:45
ikoniabsodmike: ok - painful, but here we go, walk through the init script to the part where ir runs mysqld-safe and try running that line21:45
daniel2ksulfo: maybe I should hire a midget and let the guy in my office when it's closed, just to watch the console screen hehehe21:46
bsodmikethe init.d script?21:46
JWayguys, need some help. Just ran update manager and upon restarting and using ubuntu classic (not unity) it fails to load the panels and menus in the bottom and top of the screen21:46
flodineneedlez i might have to return to suse .......LOL21:46
JWayunity runs fine21:46
ikoniabsodmike: you'll find it's a link to the upsetart script21:46
brontosaurusrexInphernal, any 3rd party ppas and such?21:46
Sackois it possible to net install ubuntu with win/mac as source?21:46
ikoniaupstart even21:46
bsodmikeha it is21:46
JWayare there some log files specific to the panels/menus?21:46
Inphernalbrontosaurusrex: Yeah, but they are disabled at the beginning of the upgrade? (Or so it says)21:47
brontosaurusrexInphernal, ok, i was just guessing21:47
needlezflodine: got any good alternative to 11.04, i just want the snap windows and banshee integrated with my volume bar really, wish 10.10 just had snap windows and banshee instead of rhythmbox21:47
bsodmikeit's just the general upstart script?21:47
usalabsbsodmike: type sudo service --status-all and see if mysql is listed as a service21:47
mmhoukwafinaaw !21:48
bsodmike[ ? ]  mysql21:48
brous-keeikonia, is the newer ubuntu much much more into using upstart?21:48
bsodmikeeek even cron has ?21:48
pindropperi am trying to add an option to one of my functions i wrote into ~/.bashrc. I am trying to do this by comparing the first arg by using if [[ "$1"= "-browse"]]; then do so and so. but every time i run it, bash says [["-browse"="-browse"]] command not found. what am i doing wrong?21:48
sulfodaniel2k: yop, but those guys are expensive ;) did you try conspy?21:48
mmhoukcozaa assy !21:48
killaz_hello again i would like to know if im the only one having trouble with the flash player21:49
FloodBot3mmhouk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:49
hrezaeipeople! I want to use remote desktop! I have the remote IP21:49
usalabsalso is mysql listed in the startup applications, system settings -> Personal -> Startup Applications21:49
flodineneedlez im not happy right now with this release,it looks good but runs like junk this was rushed out im going back to suse.21:49
bsodmikeusalabs: terminal only access.  This is a server.21:49
mmhouklong live Windows !21:49
usalabsoh ok21:50
ikoniabsodmike: give a minute, eating21:50
JoseeAntonioRMy Unity Dock doesn't auto-hide, what can I do?21:50
escottpindropper, bash likes spaces in tests, i think that is the source of your problem, you may also try #bash21:50
KM0201flodine, it wasn't rushed21:50
bsodmikethanks ikonia21:50
takatoriAnybody got any idea why Ubuntu won't pickup my Webcam's Microphone?  I can't use it for a Skype call for some strange reason, however it detects it fine as a Webcam.21:50
pindropperescott, thanks. and thanks21:50
KM0201it's just an initial release, jsut like when kde4 was initially released, it was awful21:50
needlezflodine: i totally agree, i always used mint, but since the implement of plymouth i haven't found a good OS that strayed from plymouth that i liked21:51
WhitePrideNeed some help!21:51
WhitePrideI updated ubuntu.21:51
takatoriWell done.21:51
daniel2ksulfo: hmmmm I'll try it, conspy... thanks doc .. midgets are too expensive lol21:51
WhitePrideTo the new version.21:51
WhitePrideBut i don't like it.21:51
usalabsbsodmike: try this sudo service mysql --full-restart21:51
killaz_So im i the only one having trouble with the flash player i got like white square all over the place ?21:51
WhitePrideIs there any possibility for me to downgrade?21:51
ThinkT510WhitePride: theres classic mode from the login screen21:52
takatoriWhitePride : Speaking on different lines like that is ridiculously annoying.  You can always enable Classic Mode.21:52
bsodmikeit claims start: Job is already running: mysql21:52
killaz_whitepride go wiht debian they got stable distro ubuntu is know to not test their stuff enough and always crash21:52
pindropperescott: it worked with the spaces ! i dint know bash was so sensitive. lol21:52
bsodmikebut the socket error still persists21:52
killaz_ubuntu as problem a lot21:52
ikoniabsodmike: look for pid file21:52
shade34321Hey! After upgrading to 11.04 last night my wireless doesn't seem to be working/reconized.21:52
brous-keeumm still the upgrade seems to cause lots of problems for many,  Ubuntu ought to just say, may as well install from Fresh and do away with upgrades, causes too much issues since version 721:53
bsodmikedrwxr-xr-x 2 mysql root     4096 May  1 20:50 mysqld21:53
bsodmikecan't seem to find it21:53
bsodmikeps -ef | grep mysqld21:53
bsodmikeroot     10231  1436  0 20:52 ttyp1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysqld21:53
mastrohow do an NVIDIA Quadro NVS 2100M work with ubuntu? 3d support, tv out, monitor out, hibernation21:53
shigutsohow can I keep unity urgent animation constant instead of animating only once?21:53
ikoniabsodmike: be with you asap21:53
ajayoh haha i didn't even process that 11.04 just came out til just now.. ;^) nice! will have to check it.. later.. later!21:53
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usalabsbsodmike: if mysql is using mysql.pid you can do a search using sudo find / -name mysql.pid21:53
excelsiorif I upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, will I lose any data?21:54
JoseeAntonioRHow can I make the bar in the left side to auto-hide?21:54
Serialkno excelsior21:54
redgoneanyone else also getting the "no video mode selected" error when booting 11.04 ?21:55
brous-keeexcelsior, do a fresh install instead21:55
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sulfodaniel2k: if you need just to watch the session and not capturing the control, you can use "cat /dev/vcsX", where X is the actual terminal number. and you'll need root privileges of course :)21:55
usalabsbsodmike: I forget what happens when you try to access mysql?, too many back scrolls lol21:55
bsodmike# mysql21:56
bsodmikeERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)21:56
ikoniabsodmike: ok - lets work this through21:56
ikoniabsodmike: can you pastebin the output of "ps -ef | grep mysql" please21:57
excelsiorbrous-kee: why do you suggest a fresh install? That will certainly lose my data.21:57
excelsiorif I upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, will I lose any data?21:58
Jordan_Uexcelsior: You can do a fresh install while preserving your /home (even if it's  not on a separate partition).21:58
usalabsexcelsior: download the app called deja backup, and backup your home folder to an external drive, then do the upgraded, then you can restore your back21:58
excelsiorJordan_U: why are you recommending that?21:58
Jordan_Uexcelsior: No, you will not lose any data if you upgrade. Though you should always have backups.21:58
Jordan_Uexcelsior: I'm not.21:58
ikoniabsodmike: can you pastebin the init script for me please so we can work it through (not got an ubuntu box to hand to do it)21:59
ikoniabsodmike: you may want to use pastebinit to make it easy21:59
ikonia!pastebinit | bsodmike21:59
ubottubsodmike: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:59
cobalt237Running 'modprobe nvidia' confirms the module isn't installed.21:59
killaz__OK i would like to know if there is a way to unbug the flash player and does ubuntu like starting planing testing that work or something or ur still going the same way ?21:59
flodineexcelsior dont do it21:59
ZiberOn ubuntu 10.10, I'm trying to get two monitors to work, in extended mode instead of mirrored. Ubuntu says that "x server doesnt support size requested". What does that mean and how can I fix it?21:59
dusfanyone run mac os udner vmware/virtualbox on ubuntu?21:59
cobalt237If I reinstall nvidia-current, it says the module build is skipped because the kernel source isn't installed21:59
usalabsI did my home folder backup, then upgraded to 11.04 then restored my home folder, and I got all my docs, images, etc etc back, as well as my firefox settings22:00
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware22:00
ikoniadusf: that would not be legal so please don't ask22:00
tolmun_Howto correctly setup 256 colors inside screen termina?22:00
dusfikonia: i own the copy of mac os22:00
ikoniadusf: that doesn't matter, it's illegal22:00
cobalt237Is there a package for getting that kernel source so I could build modules?22:00
damicitaan some one tell me how can i chage the order in the side panel in natty , i have allready tried with ubuntu-tweek  but still cant chage the order in with they are22:00
dusfikonia: apple prohibit it?22:00
usalabsVMware is available free at the VMware site22:00
ikoniadusf: yes22:00
usalabsVMware player 322:00
escottdusf, the only legal way to run osx is on mac hardware22:00
killaz__dusf do as u wish the the new millenium way22:01
dusfescott: i see22:01
killaz__noting is illegal but steal hack and ......22:01
dusfkillaz__: new millenium way?22:01
dusfusalabs: would you recommend vmware over virtualbox?22:01
killaz__lol just to say regulation on the web dont stand22:01
ikoniabsodmike: tell you what, can you run "sudo mysqld-safe" please ?22:01
killaz__to me22:01
escottkillaz__, if you want to discuss ways around the eula feel free to do so anywhere but on this channel22:01
ZiberOn ubuntu 10.10, I'm trying to get two monitors to work, in extended mode instead of mirrored. Ubuntu says that "x server doesnt support size requested". What does that mean and how can I fix it?22:02
ikoniakillaz__: do not tell someone to break a license agreement22:02
usalabsikona, yes, I use vmware player it works great,,, Vbox doesn't have all the features that vmware player does22:02
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step. No packages held22:02
killaz__yeah but im still waiting to get help flash player still buged as usual ubuntu upgrade is a big pack of crapy bug22:02
ikoniakillaz__: enough -22:03
killaz__i means licsence so u tell me its illegal to mess around reversing engeneerieng my mp3 player22:03
bsodmikerefresh pls22:03
usalabsoops, dusf: sorry, wrong address lol,,,,, yes I would reccomend Vmware player, as Vbox does not have the features that Vmware player has22:03
ikoniakillaz__: I'll say this one time - do not recommend someone break the license22:03
killaz__licsence are a big joke to civ to corporation it as is user22:03
bsodmikethe .pid file is named as per its hostname22:03
killaz__ok sory22:03
bsodmikeI replaced that with XXXXX :)22:03
tomaszhow can i connet to wlan using terminal ?22:04
ikoniabsodmike: that's fine, I'm not seeing a change when I refresh, are you sure the pastebin address is right22:04
bsodmikeit should?22:04
bsodmikecheck the top22:04
ikoniabsodmike: sorry, it did change22:05
ikoniagot it22:05
ikoniabsodmike: ok - ps -ef | grep mysql anything running ?22:05
bsodmikeyeah I'm putting stuff at the top22:05
flodineok guys enjoy ubuntooo headed back to SUSE22:05
ikoniabsodmike: ok anything in the syslog ?22:05
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ikoniaahhhhhhh I think I know the problem22:05
escottikonia, do you know what the next step for Inphernal is we confirmed he has nothing held, but i'm unsure why we would be getting resolve errors?22:05
miky_ubuntu is based on windows me22:06
ikoniabsodmike: what version of ubuntu is this ?22:06
cobalt237Also I don't see any nvidia-current-kernel-source22:06
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bsodmike10.04.2 I think22:06
bsodmike2.6.18-028stab089.1 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 13:46:04 MSD 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux  // it's LTS22:06
ikoniaahhh a vps22:07
bsodmikeI just had them restore it's backup22:07
usalabsgotta go, band practice,,, catch y'all laters22:07
ikoniabsodmike: please do "dpkg -l | grep -i mysql"22:07
bsodmikedpkg-query: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory22:07
bsodmikeI had to create a file by hand to run apt-get update22:07
ikoniabsodmike: I think we are getting there.......22:08
bsodmikeseems like lots are broken :s22:08
ikoniabsodmike: sudo find / -name mysqld -print22:08
bsodmike> /usr/sbin/mysqld22:08
bsodmike> /var/run/mysqld22:08
ikoniabsodmike: that's surprised me22:08
kneaux"hax-"? spambot?22:08
escottdamicita, click pull out from the panel, then drag up or down22:08
bsodmikeit didn't run last time, of course I didn't have the -print after it before22:08
ikoniabsodmike: didn't expect it to be there22:09
ikoniabsodmike: ok, lets up the aunty a bit22:09
ikoniabsodmike: /usr/sbin/mysqld22:09
kneauxhi, i'm having trouble getting my monitors configured22:09
damicitawhere do i click pull out in the tweek ?22:09
pboUbuntu classic starts up without any top menu or task bar.. any suggestions? Just upgraded, think there was an update for my intel gfx card22:09
bsodmikeit didn't do anything22:09
escottdamicita, i mean do it to the panel. its like a drag and drop, but you have to pull out to center a bit22:09
bsodmikeor seem to at least22:09
bsodmikedon't see any pid22:10
damicitaok ill try know22:10
damicitaok when i do that they all move22:10
ikoniabsodmike: let me walk this through in my head22:10
kneauxbefore i upgraded, if i just opened  up "Monitors" my aux. monitor would auto-configure, but now I get an error when I try to turn off "same image in both monitors"22:10
escottdamicita, you might look for a youtube video, its hard to explain, you want to pull the icon towards the center of the screen and then without releasing it bring it back down22:11
escottdamicita, the icon should come out of the panel and be replaced by a cursor22:11
kneaux"The selected configuration for displays could not be applied: require22:11
damicitai have been looking and i do just that that u say , but is like t here stuck  the wont move individualy22:12
InphernalHey all, trying to upgrade 10.10 64bit to 11.04, but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." at "setting new software channels" step. No packages held22:12
damicitaok i got it thankk u ... u cant imagen how many hrs i been page by page tring to see how22:12
escottdamicita, there are some that won't move namely the last 422:12
kneaux"The selected configuration for displays could not be applied / required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(2560,841), minimum=(320,200), maximum=(1440,1440)"22:13
damicitathank you22:13
nobresi just updated only 32bit on my laptop but 64 is still on merkat22:13
damicitaescott: is done thank you :)22:13
ikoniabsodmike: can you do "which mysqld" please22:13
gb__ello peeps22:13
nobresi just 2 sceptic about eleven6422:13
bsodmikeon the money22:14
bsodmike# which mysqld22:14
kneauxthere's nothing in my xorg.conf about this, either22:14
kneauxso it should be autoconfiguring22:14
gb__how do i add application to launcher please?22:14
bsodmike# which mysqld22:14
bsodmike>> /usr/sbin/mysqld22:14
ikoniabsodmike: /usr/sbin/mysqld --verbose22:14
dusfubottu: ty22:14
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:14
dusfikonia: ty22:14
dusfescott: ty22:14
Doom_-_I would need help , i got flash player poping white square i got rythmbox crashing how do i fix the flash player bugging anyone know or it is behind your knowledge ?22:14
ikoniabsodmike: ok - I can't be %100 sure without more effort, but what I'm guessing is one of the libraries/deps mysql wants to use is missing22:15
kneauxHaving trouble configuring dual monitors, can anybody help?22:15
ikoniabsodmike: if it was there, and there was a problem that command would give you output22:15
bsodmikeanyworth in rebooting the box?22:15
gb__anyone know about unity lancher on left side?22:15
kyubutsugb__: run the application you want added, right click its icon, select 'keep in panel'22:15
ikoniabsodmike: maybe worth "sudo apt-get reinstall mysql-server"22:15
Odayhow do i use "mv" to move files that are inside a directory?22:15
ikoniabsodmike: see if it pulls down any of the debs22:15
bsodmikewould that wipe any dbs?22:15
gb__kyubutsu: ok22:15
ikonia bsodmike no, that's data files, they are safe22:16
ikoniabsodmike: back them up if you are unsure22:16
Doom_-_so no one is able to help with my flash problem since i upgraded ?22:16
bsodmikereinstall invalid op22:16
bsodmikewhere is the mysql data stored?22:16
bsodmikelocation wise?22:16
sulfoDoom_-_: how did you get into that state :)? did you do the upgrade?22:16
JoseeAntonioROoday In Terminal, type sudo mv [Current location] [Destination]22:16
bsodmikeI think my backup script relied on mysqladmin to grab the backups22:17
ikoniabsodmike: hang on, I'm rusty22:17
ikoniabsodmike: it's apt-get install --reinstall mysql-server22:17
kingofswordshaving trouble uninstalling crossover..even after i run /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxuninstall...any 1 know of anything?22:17
ikoniabsodmike: the data files are normally /var/lib/mysql22:17
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escottOday, mv directory/* newdirectory/22:17
gb__grr i dont see it22:17
vessagohelp pls....22:17
bsodmikemysqldump -A --add-drop-table --opt -Q -u root | gzip > $OUTFILE22:17
bsodmikewould use that to backup22:17
Doom_-_yes it was when i upraded22:17
Odayahh ok escott , figured it had something to do with *22:17
vessagoPHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method PEAR::raiseErro() in /usr/share/php/PEAR/REST.php on line 165  <---------- what is that and how do i fix22:18
ikoniabsodmike: looks like it, I think -A is all22:18
bsodmikewow it's leeching heluva lot22:18
IdleOneOday: sudo mv /all/these/files/* /to/this/dir22:18
ikoniabsodmike: sudo find / -name '*.MYD' -print will show you the db files22:18
ikoniabsodmike: you can manually back them up if you want22:18
bsodmikeE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libattr1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)22:18
ikoniabsodmike: whoaa, easy on the language22:18
bsodmikesure thanks ikonia22:18
ikoniabsodmike: you're dependency tree is messed up by the looks of it22:19
ikoniaI'm guessing due to the restore22:19
sulfoDoom_-_: i presume you've already tried to reinstall the flash and mozilla... that's where i'd start. and -this might sound like a words of noob :) - i'd probably try to do a fresh install22:19
bsodmikeanyway I can fix it?22:19
vessagoany ideas ... ?\22:19
ddilingerI'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop with an Atheros 9287 network card using the natty netboot image.  It appears that the ath9k wireless driver is not included on this disk.  I know i can adjust the provided initrd.gz to contain the right module, but is there an easier way?22:19
vessagoPHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method PEAR::raiseErro() in /usr/share/php/PEAR/REST.php on line 165  <---------- what is that and how do i fix22:19
yakuborivessago: missing the final 'r' in raiseError()?22:19
ddilingervessago: purely guessing, add an r22:20
Jordan_Uddilinger: Do you need to netboot?22:20
ddilingerJordan_U: unless i go buy a blank cd22:20
vessagoyakubori: how / where do  i add this r22:20
ddilingerJordan_U: changing initrd is easier than going to the store :P22:20
yakuborivessago: in line 165 of the REST.php file mentioned...22:20
Jordan_Uddilinger: Or use a USB drive, or other options depending on what OS is currently on the computer in question.22:21
vessagoloool kk lemme check22:21
Doom_-_sulfo its always the same u upgrade then it bug i wont get any longer in that stupid infinite loop of problem i might just switch to other distro if i dont find a fix22:21
ddilingerJordan_U: its currently a blank drive, and i would then have to own a usb drive, another trip to the store22:21
yakuborianyone had trouble with modperl in 11.04?22:21
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yakuborii am having a hell of a time...22:21
Doom_-_so the best for flashplayer problem here is reinstall ?22:21
xteejxHi all, how can I quickly mass rename 1000+ jpg images like 0001.jpg 0002.jpg etc?22:22
LjLxteejx: the "rename" program may help22:22
Jordan_Uddilinger: Then editing the initrd is probably your best option.22:22
yakuborixteejx: perl scripte22:22
xteejxany quick solutions? :P22:22
ddilingerJordan_U: halfway there already:)  decompressed initrd, copying the drivers into palce22:22
OmegaDoom_-_: What's the problem?22:22
IdleOnexteejx: pyrename is in the repos22:22
vessagokk that worked but now pear install PEAR-1.9.222:22
vessagoNo releases available for package "pear.php.net/PEAR"22:23
LjLxteejx: it doesn't get any quicker than "rename", but it depends on what exactly you want to do.22:23
vessagoinstall failed22:23
wzssyqaI have a problem: 2 user have no .profile and .bashrc either, but have different $PATH ,why ?22:23
xteejxvessago: Cool Ill have a look :)22:23
yakuborixteejx: all depends on what exactly you're trying to do...22:23
sulfoDoom_-_: definitely it is probably not the best way around this. but i have to agree with you on this one - the loop. i don't know what might cause this.. because i didn't do the upgrade22:23
yakuborido you have a bunch of numbered images?22:23
Doom_-_omega i got white square flashing all over my flash player thats the prob and  i hate to reinstall so ... my config is like hours and hours of tweaking22:23
vessagoim trying to install uploadprogress library (preferred) or to install APC.22:24
xteejxyakubori: No, but that's what I want to end up with :)22:24
bsodmikeikonia: hello?22:24
Doom_-_so i would like to fix my flash player22:24
OmegaDoom_-_: Hmm, interesting I have the same problem.22:24
Doom_-_omega is it coz not enough testing i supose i would not get this prob on debian ?22:24
HyperShockwhat do i need to do in order to configure unity to work the way I want?22:24
OmegaDoom_-_: Oddly flash works in chromium, but I like firefox more.22:24
OmegaDoom_-_: No, it's a recent problem.22:25
yakuborixteejx: i'd just slurp all the files one-by-one and name them with a counter, incrementing the counter each time... bash or perl script will do this for ya fine22:25
Doom_-_ok so i would get the same prob over debian i taught them they were careful22:25
kneauxCan anybody help me configure my auxilliary monitor?22:25
xeodoxhey guys... can a server hostname (/etc/hostname) be "mail.mydomain.com "?22:25
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity22:25
escottxeodox, if you register mydomain.com22:26
OmegaDoom_-_: The problem is only on some sites though, it works fine on youtube22:26
ikoniaxeodox: yes it can be what you want, it's just a hostname22:26
vessagohow do i write protect sites/default/settings.php22:26
yakuborivessago: chmod22:27
xeodoxgreat, tanks22:27
=== guy is now known as Guest82459
vessagolol mmm what chmod ..?22:27
escottvessago, chmod -w filename22:27
Doom_-_yeah well cant watch tv online from where i like with this22:27
yakuborivessago: you're on ubuntu, ya?22:27
tomatobroshi guys i interesting problem when i click my apps opened on my desk sometime it can't change apps i mean mouse click don't work :S22:27
yakuborivessago: have you ever used bash before (terminal)?22:28
vessagoim only 12 yers old22:28
Doom_-_i dont know if im suposed to hate adobe or ubuntu lol22:28
natanielczjest tu ktos?22:29
yakuboriDoom_-_: adobe22:29
yakubori^^ my vote22:29
damonhey can anybody help me with an ubuntu 11.04 issue?  when running process from a terminal they always run in background and I can't make them switch to foreground22:30
yakuboriso no one's done a modperl install on 11.04?22:30
Doom_-_anywone know where i could get help unlock a exe there is files lock inside a exe that i want ?22:30
yakuboridamon: fg isn't working?22:30
ikoniaDoom_-_: ##windows22:30
damonyakubori: when I run ps it doesn't even show the process I ran22:30
bsodmikeikonia: not sure how to proceed mate22:31
Jordan_Udamon: What command are you running?22:31
natanielczanyone can give me file gnome.session from natty?22:31
Doom_-_##windows will bugg me for the legal issue ?22:31
ikoniabsodmike: trying to think of the best way to deal with it22:31
damonJordan_U: nautilus22:31
ikoniaDoom_-_: #ubuntu will bug you if you're trying to do something illegal22:31
natanielczmy file is destroyed ;(22:31
OmegaDoom_-_: you want to unlock a exe file?22:31
litropyWhy is update-manager -d trying to install a bunch of KDE stuff?22:31
Jordan_Udamon: That's because nautilus is being smart and realizing that it's already running.22:31
Omegai think archive manager can open exe files22:31
Doom_-_its not illegal its just that its lock they got user licsence against this the usual il restrict anyhing i can22:32
kneauxI'd love a little help troubleshooting my monitor configuration...anybody.....22:32
Jordan_Udamon: That won't happen with all (or even most) commands.22:32
Doom_-_yeah for my mp3 player i got like fille copiled in it as ressource22:32
bsodmikejust tried the same apt-get but with --fix-missing22:32
ikoniabsodmike: I'm trying to think of a way to regenerate the package list so it knows what's installed, I have done this before years ago, so I'm confident it's doable22:32
Jordan_Udamon: It's not that the process that you ran is going into the background, it's ended.22:32
damonJordan_U: oh, interesting.  Makes sense, thanks.  Do you know how to make nautilus feed me terminal output then?  I need to debug a script.  I don't recall this being hard to do in 10.0422:32
Doom_-_like the icon but it is config file for my archos22:32
bsodmikeah :)22:32
Doom_-_nobody broke the rev 2 lol22:32
JoseeAntonioRGuys, do you know where can I download Ubuntu 6.06.2 Desktop Edition? Because in the releases page I can only download 6.06.2 Server Edition...22:33
ddilingerikonia: not sure if its what your looking for, but dpkg --get-selections can be used to find the currently installed package list22:33
bsodmikeikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware22:33
Doom_-_omega yes i want to unlock it with ubuntu once unlock i can extract file wiht file manager22:33
litropyis ubuntu/canonical deciding to utilize some of KDE's resources, or is update-manager confused?22:33
bsodmikezcat -f /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep "\ install\ " | sort22:34
Doom_-_on windows u cant see those files they are hidden real good22:34
kyubutsuJoseeAntonioR: 6.06 is no longer supported22:34
OerHeksJoseeAntonioR,  maybe with torrent > http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/22:34
Jordan_Udamon: I don't know.22:34
JoseeAntonioRkyubutsu I am making a collection of every single version of Ubuntu, and I want to download it to burn it.22:35
sammyI've been trying to track down what mirror file ubuntu is talking about when it says 'warning: failed to find mirror file' but all ifind are unrelated issues where that message jsust happens to appear in people's logs. any suggestions?22:35
JoseeAntonioROerHeks Thanks, I'll try.22:35
yakuborii think modperl's totally effed up... :(22:35
sammyId like to update but I'd really like to do it from anywhere but the default since I'm sure its still overloaded22:35
damonJordan_U: thanks, that at least helps me know what to google22:35
Jordan_UJoseeAntonioR: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/22:35
yakuborithe Apache::*Rec modules are puking22:35
Jordan_Udamon: You're welcome.22:35
Doom_-_i know i could find the answer in ida pro books but anyone know how to unlock a exe on ubuntu like i tryied the permission in properties it doesnt work its like the file is protecting itself against it22:35
natanielczanyone can give me file gnome.session from natty?22:36
sammyDoom_-_: unlock an exe?22:36
Deihmoswhy woul di have wireless durig live cd but after installation there i sno wireless22:36
bsodmikethat just creates a list of the packages22:36
Doom_-_unlock a exe22:36
kyubutsusammy: follow the oficial page to the torrent section22:36
OmegaDoom_-_: ubuntu doesn't use exe's22:36
yakuboriDeihmos: closed source driver maybe?22:36
Jordan_UDeihmos: Open "Additional Drivers".22:36
tomatobroskyubutsu, http://ftp.linux.org.tr/ubuntu-releases/6.06/22:36
Doom_-_i know but the file permission do not work22:36
bsodmikeikonia: this looks promising: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187629/how-do-i-preserve-installed-applications-when-migrating-ubuntu-to-another-platfor22:36
syckoI have an odd problem. I have a Logitech illuminated keyboard, logitech g500 mouse, and logitech c310 webcam. All USB. When I use the webcam on 2.6.38-8-generic,  my keyboard will usually stop working after a few minutes, but the mouse and webcam still work fine. No errors in syslog or messages. Any ideas?22:37
sammykyubutsu: I'm trying to run do-release-upgrade, not download a cd image. but good on you for suggesting the torrent as opposed to just downloading an iso directly22:37
fr00gI recently tried the Ubuntu 11.04 Live CD on my laptop, compiz worked fine (cube and everything), when I use compiz from my 11.04 installation on my hard drive it doesn't work, why not?22:37
escottnatanielcz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/602011/22:37
Doom_-_ist there a chmod command or smething to get all permission on a files or someting those files does not appear in windows even when u got see all files22:37
Deihmosi thought ubuntu was fast. this is really slow22:37
ikoniabsodmike: I'm cautious of stackoverflow guides22:37
JoseeAntonioRJordan_U There I can only find 6.06.1, not 6.06.222:37
Doom_-_so thats why i wanted to make it from lnx22:37
Guest12321Hey, major problem. I think my upgrade to 11.04 was interrupted, and now ubuntu won't mount any of my file systems (says "disk drive for / is not ready, press S to skip, etc). A good sign however is that I can still see all my files from a liveUSB, so I know they still exist. Can anyone help me?22:37
natanielczescott: thx so much :)22:37
kyubutsutomatobros: relay to JoseeAntonioR22:37
escottDoom_-_, chmod 77722:38
natanielczescott: i thought about unity session22:38
Doom_-_il try it22:38
Jordan_Usammy: Software sources has an option for automatically finding the nearest mirror. It's also possible to use bittorrent with apt, though more difficult :)22:38
Jordan_Usammy: s/nearest/fastest/22:38
yakuboriDoom_-_: ls -l should show you current perms; chmod can change the22:38
HyperShockGuest12321: i was getting that earlier on my system, but instead of freaking out and hitting the suggested keys I waited and it mounted the / dir anyways. for me it told me i could wait so i did22:38
JoseeAntonioRtomatobros There I can only find 6.06.1, and not 6.06.222:38
escottnatanielcz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/602012/ for unity session22:38
funnylookinhatAnyone here managed to get a radio stream to work with Banshee that has HTTP AUTH?  i.e. http://username:password@domain.com/stream22:39
natanielczescoot: Yes. This is it ;) Thanks22:39
sammyJordan_U: I wasn't running a gui but I can. I'll run that check for the fastest mirror and then try the update. very good suggestion, thanks. 'm still not sure what 'mirror file' its talking about is missing22:39
tomatobrosbut all server :S22:39
Guest12321HyperShock: Well, I waited a while, but nothing happened. I might wait longer and see22:39
Jordan_Usammy: You're welcome.22:39
OmegaDoom_-_: What graphics card do you have?22:39
JoseeAntonioRtomatobros That's the problem, I want Desktop Edition ):22:40
Deihmosis there a way to install the wireless drivers from the cd?22:40
Deihmosit is trying to download drivers instead22:40
ZiberIs there a way in ubuntu to set a keyboard shortcut to move to the next open application?22:40
escottZiber, you mean alt-tab?22:40
Guest12321HyperShock: How long did you wait before it worked?22:40
hell00I have a question, using the Live CD, I can run Unity 3D properly, but from my hard drive, it doesn't work, why?22:40
Ziberescott: Well, I guess that does it. Thanks :)22:41
HyperShockGuest12321: also my upgrade was interrupted as well, mainly because i tinker, so the first instance was libpam, after much heartache i discovered that after I could get to shell like with the tty consoles (alt f1) a simple: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-broken ... solved everything, and ate 4 hours of my time more, but i got everything back.22:41
yakuborihell00: see if you've got additional graphics drivers available - closed source ones22:41
HyperShockGuest12321: about 30 to 40 seconds22:41
ocxhi, i have install ubuntu with basic setup now would like to add some packages located on the ubuntu DVD how can i do that from CLI ?22:41
ocxno gui access22:41
hell00yakubori, none are available22:41
yakuborihell00: odd22:41
urlichtI have two ubuntu machines on my home network. Is there a way to dist-upgrade one and then copy the new packages from that one to the other machine?22:42
HyperShockocx: in your system settings for "sources" check off use the dvd section22:42
hell00yakubori, why would it work from CD but not from an installed version?22:42
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escottocx, i think you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list22:42
wishperpori bigonci....it can happen....22:42
ocxwhat do i need to point it to?22:42
softturnipIs there a way to change the time it takes for the unity dock to appear when I touch the left side of the screen? That second is just a bit too long for me. Upper left corner is better, but it's annoying to go there every time.22:42
deadpulseocx, apt-get install, aptitude install22:42
tolmun_firefox 4 is not listed after sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable22:42
PolahHow can I stop Filezilla appending a ~ to filenames when I edit them? For example, when I edit home.php, when it re-uploads it I end up with home.php and home.php~. The file with ~ on the end only appears in the Filezilla file list22:43
ocxsources.list need to point to my dvd rom22:43
yakuborihell00: got me - mine was a little messed up but i just had to enable the proprietary drivers...22:43
takamoronultrixx: /var/cache/apt/22:43
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syckoI have an odd problem. I have a Logitech illuminated keyboard, logitech g500 mouse, and logitech c310 webcam. All USB. When I use the webcam on 2.6.38-8-generic,  my keyboard will usually stop working after a few minutes, but the mouse and webcam still work fine. No errors in syslog or messages. Any ideas?22:43
johnny77I'm having major issues with 11.04. If I log into Ubuntu, I get only a background, no panels. If I log into Ubuntu Classic, it appears that a Window Manager is not loaded. Any ideas?22:43
escotturlicht, yes copy the files from /var/cached/apt/archive to save the downloading22:43
Doom_-_omega i got asus engtx 26022:43
ultrixxtakamoron: wrong person?22:43
deadpulseocx, apt-cdrom add22:43
HyperShocksoftturnip: try holding down the super key (win key) and see if that delay is too long for you too22:43
urlichtescott: sweet, thanks!22:43
tolmun_funny with ascii-art aquarium =)22:43
PudabudigadaHello, I just upgraded to 11.04, and now I can't play music.22:44
PudabudigadaIt is extremely juddery.22:44
PudabudigadaOther sound, like youtube, works fine though.22:44
softturnipHyperShock, yeah. that's a good idea. thanks! But is there a setting somewhere to change the delay manually?22:44
yakuborihell00: run lspci |grep -i vga to see your card, might be missing a module22:44
HyperShocksoftturnip: lol, i'm like you waiting for someone to say how to tweak the unity launcher22:45
deadpulsePudabudigada, can you play any sound at all?22:45
deadpulsemaybe a codec problem?22:45
HyperShock!unity | HyperShock & softturnip22:45
ubottuHyperShock & softturnip: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity22:45
Pudabudigadadeadpulse, Youtube works.22:45
Deihmosdoes the new interface have hardware acceleration? it is really slow22:45
LjLDeihmos: it is slow *because* it needs hardware acceleration ;)22:46
hell00yakubori, um, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:46
blackbitHyperShock, try http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html22:46
ocxmake install is giving me "compiler not found Makefile:124"22:46
malik_i want a linux command inside a bash script to be run in background. How to do this ? is it sufficient to put an & at the end ?22:46
Deihmosso at the moment there is no hardware acceleration?22:46
deadpulsePudabudigada, it looks like a codec problem, what do you use to play music? did you try another app for it?22:47
PudabudigadaI've tried VLC and Mplayer22:47
PudabudigadaIt worked flawlessly in 10.1022:47
kyoDudes, I have a problem with ubuntu 11.04. I am not using unity, but when I want to play something in fullscreen a big number 2 appears. I tried to disable in System>Preferences>Ati catalyst control center22:47
ocxsudo apt-cdrom add install build-essential22:47
deadpulseocx, and do you the necessary compiler for it?22:47
ocxnot working too22:47
ocxhow can i know which compiler is that?22:47
deadpulsePudabudigada, and vlc didn't work?22:47
LjLDeihmos: yes there is, but how well it works depends on your card22:47
Pudabudigadadeadpulse, No.22:47
tesseracter_i upgraded to 11.04, but the updater said it could not update my grub2 config. most likely this is because of my software raid setup(boot RAID1, everything else RAID 0) anyone have advice where to look about this?22:48
HyperShockblackbit: thank you22:48
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.22:48
yakuborihell00: google ubuntu and that card and see what you need... but intergrated intel graphics tend to be crappy, imho22:48
LjLDeihmos: if you find it unacceptably slow, you can try installing the package "unity-2d" which will get rid of the graphical effects but be faster22:48
malik_i want a linux command inside a bash script to be run in background. How to do this ? is it sufficient to put an & at the end ?22:48
Deihmosnotebook has an ati card. windows is really smooth with it22:48
deadpulseocx, do only  "$sudo apt-cdrom add"22:48
bsodmikeikonia: it's a bug? http://markmail.org/message/lxdnl77y27z6olqp22:48
escottmalik_, i think so try #bash if you have concerns22:48
yakuborimalik_: should be22:48
blackbitmalik: i tried that and and worked22:49
ikoniabsodmike: I don't think it's a bug, I think it's due to your restore messing it up22:49
fisch246how do you upgrade to 10.10 on Ubuntu server?22:49
deadpulsePudabudigada, if you try mplayer file.mp3 on a terminal whats the output?22:49
blackbitI tried "top &". It went background22:49
SuperstarDoes anyone know why compiz uses CPU anytime you move the mouse?22:49
ocxdeadpulse: that is giving me found 2 packages indexes and then it is exiting22:49
ikoniabsodmike: I'm thinking clear the cache file down and the bin file - re-run sudo apt-get update to get the current list, then install the missing packages then mysql-server package22:50
fisch246o btw i'm using Ubuntu Server 10.0422:50
ikoniaeven if it thinks somethings there - reinstall it so the dependency tree is up to date22:50
bsodmikeikonia: hmm22:50
bsodmikethe first step what must I do22:50
bsodmikecache and bin that is22:50
Pudabudigadadeadpulse, 'file' being the path to an actual mp3 file?22:50
ikoniabsodmike: there is a better way to do this, but I can't remember it22:50
bsodmikeI'm ready to try this... :)22:50
deadpulsePudabudigada, yes22:50
ikoniabsodmike: it's awkward not having a box to work it through with you, so I'm running from memory22:51
ikoniabsodmike: can you pastebin ls -la /var/apt/cache please22:51
Deihmosthis is weird. wireless worked with the live cd but now i instaled and cannot get wireless working. tried enabling the drivers and got an error22:51
wishpersi si e poi dicono in giro che ubuntu è da lamer senza backtrack22:51
psaldenhey folks... unity is supposed to work with fglrx isn' it?22:51
mongyInstalled natty and am having trouble with networking using interfaces file.  I am using the exact same interfaces file that I use in 10.10, so my wireless connection is there when my desktop appears and I dont have to wait for network-manager to wake up.. well its not happening in natty, I have to ifdown/ifup the interface for it to work. what gives?22:51
ikoniapsalden: if you card works with fglrx it will22:52
deadpulseocx, ok so if the dvd is there it got added to the source list. Try installing whatever you want and if its in the dvd it'll get installed22:52
bsodmikecan  I pm you?22:52
wishpersudo apt-get install irbudello22:52
bsodmikekeeping up is crazy22:52
psaldenikonia: ok just checking... it uses fallback with fglrx here now, so then at least I know I'm doing it wrong tm :p22:52
ikoniabsodmike: sure22:52
LjL!it | wishper22:52
ubottuwishper: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:52
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have successfully setup NFS server and client but only root has 'rwx' and the other groups have only 'rx' but i want everyone to has 'rwx' access; how can i do that? thnx22:52
ocxdeadpulse: getting an error now when doing "sudo apt-get install build-essential"22:52
wishpercd ..22:52
Jordan_Umongy: You can make network-manager connections start at boot by setting them as "available to all users" and connect automatically.22:52
ocxunable to fetch some archives\22:53
lykkefeenHow do I set the icon sizes for unity-2D?22:53
wishperseeee ma fai caa22:53
blackbitlykkefeen, this is a good question22:53
LjLwishper: what are you trying to tell us? this channel is english-only22:53
kyubutsuJoseeAntonioR: torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 contains a 6.06 desktop download link22:53
JoseeAntonioRkyubutsu But it is 6.06.1, and I want 6.06.222:54
psaldencan I somehow check what driver is actually being used?22:54
LjLwishper: #ubuntu-it22:54
wishperi'm very bored XD22:54
Guest7041!offtopic | wishper22:55
ubottuwishper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:55
cachedkyubutsu: kyuubi42?22:55
lykkefeenblackbit: I tried to google around and it seems like that changing the icon size in Unity-2D involves some programming, but I can't really get it working. It is such a shame as Unity2D rocks without bugs and bad performance.22:55
kyubutsucached: inquiry does not compute22:55
macsits amazing that my vps is not using 78mb ram just by stopping apache222:56
dashey guys22:56
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blackbitlykkefeen, I am actually finding unity-3d more stable :) not sure if statistically relevant, but I have a few glitches on the unity-2d and I stil hadn't in unity-3d22:56
kneauxCan anybody help me troubleshoot my dual-monitor setup?22:57
blackbitlykkefeen, homewer, I am sticking to unity-2d because I use BOINC and the GPU for scientific computing, so having an hardware-accelerated desktop is unpratical22:57
Tophnormally, ubuntu has a panel across the bottom or the desktop, displaying the programs running. I have lost that. Any ideas on how to restore it?22:57
lykkefeenblackbit: which graphics drivers are you using? Im on Nvidia.22:57
paranoidphreakhere's is the line i added in the /etc/exports file: /home and when i try to connect to it using the client, only root has access to rw but other groups have rx; how do i make everyone have 777 access like in 'chmod 777 filename'22:57
LjLToph: on Natty with Unity, or previous version?22:57
macsanyone know of an httpd that uses low ram?22:58
blackbitlykkefeen, Nvidia 270's on a Fermi GT430, but most of glitches occur while using flash player with firefox22:58
aciculado you want something that serves pages or one that integrates rendering java,php or we?22:58
TophLjL,,, i'm running Natty, but can't get Unity running, so just with Classic desktop22:58
madsailorkneaux, if you state your specific problem, if someone can help, they will22:58
sulfomacs: apache is not serving you well :)?22:58
LjL!resetpanels | Toph22:58
ubottuToph: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:58
macssulfo yes22:59
kneaux(I have...)22:59
kneaux"The selected configuration for displays could not be applied / required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(2560,841), minimum=(320,200), maximum=(1440,1440)"22:59
macsi stopped it and my vps is using 78mb ram22:59
kneauxhappens when I try to turn off mirror screens22:59
OmegaDoom_-_: Did flash work before?22:59
kneauxError is new since upgrading from 10.0422:59
lykkefeenblackbit: My computer is a small laptop which does not like all the unity effects. If I had a proper desktop computer I might not be that bothered. But flash has always been crashing for me - is it worse with unity2d?22:59
jstooneHi guys, I'm trying to "compile" my manpage with nroff, but because it's a project between my friend and I, we write in danish. The problem is that it does not like char's like æøå23:00
Tophubottu,,, thanks,, that did it23:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:00
aciculamacs you can try lighthttpd, but 78Mb used doesnt seem like a lot23:00
mastaofdisastamacs: thttpd is lightweight23:00
sulfomacs: i heard about webfsd. however you probably can't expect miracles :) what kind of content do you need to have on your page?23:00
kneauxjstoone - you might ask in #ubuntu-dk23:00
ikonia!info libc6 lucid23:01
macssulfo wordpress23:01
ubottulibc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8 (lucid), package size 3691 kB, installed size 9360 kB23:01
blackbitlykkefeen: Not sure if its an unity-2d issue, because too many variables changed:  Firefox version, Ubuntu version, even the Flash version: I still have the default plugin, I am not sure its the nonfree one. As you can see, I am not a statistically relevant case, but I am loving Unity...23:01
jstoonekneaux: Oh, I didn't know there was no such channel ;) thanks23:01
Xgatesis 64bit ok on 64cpu or better to use 32bit for better app compatibility?23:01
kneauxjstoone, det var saa ligt23:02
macswell i tryed nginx and its only using 2 mbs23:02
ikonia!info libacl1 lucid23:03
ubottulibacl1 (source: acl): Access control list shared library. In component main, is required. Version 2.2.49-2 (lucid), package size 26 kB, installed size 92 kB23:03
Xgatesis 64bit ok on 64cpu or better to use 32bit for better app compatibility?23:03
david8732Depends on what you wanna do.23:03
escottXgates, hard to answer... what 32bit apps are you concerned about23:03
fisch246found my issue23:03
TophLjL,,, sorry,, i just realized how you answered my question,,, thanks23:03
fisch246solution is found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade23:03
sulfomacs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_server_software - i guess all the GPL tagged might be of use ;)23:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:04
Xgateslet's just talk in general terms for any and all situations....23:04
david8732@xgates The biggest problem was browsers when 64-bit first came out.23:04
david8732Plugins werent compatible with the 64-bit versions23:04
Xgatesyes I know23:04
david8732but that's barely an issue now23:04
Xgatesso overall is 64bit pretty safe to use?23:05
escottXgates, it basically comes down to flash and there are more issues with flash and compiz than with flash and 64bit it would seem23:05
david8732It's got a slight performance advantage23:05
Xgatesnot going to use compiz but 64bit flash working?23:05
DJonesXgates: I moved over to 64 bit about a month ago, I haven't noticed any issues with software not working23:05
dr3mroi am releaseing this app for ubuntu plz check my code and give me advice?23:05
dr3mroi am releaseing this app for ubuntu plz check my code and give me advice? http://paste.ubuntu.com/602019/23:05
david873264-bit flash was working pretty well last time I tried it. You can run the 32-bit version with a compatibility layer.23:05
david8732If anything acts up23:06
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chipmenkmy internet on this machine is fine but unable to share or browse network i get could not display "network:/// nautilus cannot handle net work connections23:06
Xgatesok thanks guys23:07
kneauxDoes anyone know why I would be getting the error "maximum=(1440,1440)" when I try to turn on a second monitor?23:07
escottkneaux, nvidia or ati23:07
jibadeehadr3mro, looked through your code and it looks absolutely fine23:07
kneauxi tried it with and without fglrx23:07
Julie972cant join windows's seven folder on lan23:07
david8732maybe you dont have enough video ram for that resolution.23:07
DpenaWhen installing ubuntu, on a 30gb hard drive, how big should the Files part be, compared the the Ubuntu part?23:07
escottkneaux, what does xrandr say about your allowed geometries23:08
kneauxdavid8732, would that be the case with a new upgrade? This didn't happen in 10.0423:08
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Julie972I'm on 11.0423:08
chipmenkkndeaux do you havecorrect linux drivers for that video..23:08
david8732@kneaux Only if you changed hardware. If you just upgraded, that would be bizarre23:08
Tophwhen i try to log in (11.04), it fails to log in to the desktop which includes Unity, so I'm restricted to Ubuntu Classic. However, in Classic, i can activate the sidebar of Unity from Compizconfiguration Settings Manager.. What is the problem?23:08
Julie972I cancrawl through my seven's folder23:08
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces? I tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart but it says it's deprecated.  I also tried "sudo service networking restart" but it says "restart: Unknown instance:"   can anyone help me shed some light on this? it seems to be a problem with upstart, but I know very little about upstart it's a new concept to me.23:08
kneauxdavid8732, now you understand my pain.23:09
tyler00any folks know if there is any software to download that email every time you have an ip change? so in case my laptop ever gets stolen.  or is writing a script the only option?23:09
kneauxescott, anything specific you want? First of all, it seems to think I have a CRT connected, which I don't, dunno if that's part of the problem or not23:09
david8732@kneaux, I would make sure the graphics driver being used is the right one...23:09
david8732@kneaux I had that happen23:10
DpenaWhen installing ubuntu, on a 30gb hard drive, how big should the Files part be, compared the the Ubuntu part?23:10
david8732@kneaux check the connection to your monitors. Maybe do a power-cycle on them23:10
david8732@kneaux and reconnect them. They might be detected incorrectly23:10
kneauxdavid8732, did that, and fglrx should work as well now as it did then23:10
=== meisth0th_zzz is now known as meisth0th
kneauxalthough i actually haven't checked to make sure ati is installed23:10
david8732@kneaux damn. =/23:10
DJonestyler00: Not quite what you've asked about, but have you looked into the prey project http://preyproject.com/23:10
kneauxyeah :/23:10
escottkneaux, could very well be the source of trouble. xorg is getting better and detecting more automatically but that means it has more opportunities to detect it incorrectly23:10
Jordan_UDpena: What do you mean by "files part"?23:10
dr3mrojibadeeha, i want to create a deb for  it or a ppa is there some sort of article explain how23:10
tyler00DJones, will do. thank you23:11
david8732@escott, yeah that's probably the case23:11
kneauxescott, should i write it into my xorg.conf? cos it's not there now.23:11
paranoidphreakhere's is the line i added in the /etc/exports file: /home and when i try to connect to it using the client, only root has access to rw but other groups have rx; how do i make everyone have 777 access like in 'chmod 777 filename'23:11
david8732@kneaux try 'lsmod | grep flgrx' in the console23:11
escottkneaux, i would try and set it through xrandr, but if you cant you could force your modelines into xorg.conf23:11
david8732Ohh that.23:11
kneauxescott, (also, xrandr doesn't say /anything/ about minimum=320/240 or maximum=1440/1440, which is the error Montors is giving me)23:12
escottparanoidphreak, what is /etc/exports NFS?23:12
tyler00DJones, looks good and that will be sufficient. thank you :D23:12
DpenaI'm trying to install alongside Mac os x, and it's giving me two part that I can adjust the sizes of, one files, the other ubuntu.23:12
kneauxfglrx                2739144  13023:12
luigi_panacheIs it just me or is compiz much slower under 11.04 with an ATI card?23:12
mastaofdisastahow do I restart network configuration in 11.04 after making changes to /etc/network/interfaces? I tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart but it says it's deprecated.  I also tried "sudo service networking restart" but it says "restart: Unknown instance:"   can anyone help me shed some light on this? it seems to be a problem with upstart, but I know very little about upstart it's a new concept to me.23:12
escottkneaux, so its guessing at bad modes from the display can you force a good mode with xrandr?23:12
ikoniamastaofdisasta: it's a problem with your network config, not upstart23:13
kneauxescott, i don't know how, reading the help now but i've never used it before, so23:13
ikoniamastaofdisasta: you shouldn't need to use /etc/network/interfaces, use the network admin tool from the gui23:13
escottDpena, is this inside a virtual machine or is this dual boot23:13
genitorhi guys23:13
Jordan_UDpena: That's up to you and how much space you want to leave for files you keep in Ubuntu vs files you keep in OSX. 10 GiB is more than enough for Ubuntu, but you may run out of room for your own files.23:13
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Guest8699mastaofdisasta, start and stop instead of restart?23:14
DpenaOk, thanks.23:14
Jordan_UDpena: You're welcome.23:14
PudabudigadaCan anyone else help me with my sound problem, it won't play smoothly, seemingly in anything.23:14
openbeesunity panel and application launcher disappeared after installing CCSM23:14
syckoHas anyone had problems when using a webcam? My USB keyboard will stop working when I use my webcam but the USB mouse works fine.23:14
genitorI am in need of some assistance: upgraded to 11.04 the other day and everything worked fine. Just today when I log in I can only see the desktop background but no panels. How do I fix this?23:15
escottsycko, have you tried plugging into different usb ports23:15
chipmenkwhat is good local network file sharing program? windows adn linux boxes23:15
openbeesgenitor : same problem with me too23:15
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genitordo you have any idea openbees?23:15
syckoescott, yes. All 3 in same USB and different USB busses.23:15
PudabudigadaCan anyone else help me with my sound problem, it won't play smoothly, seemingly in anything.23:16
escottsycko, after the keyboard stops responding is it still listed in lsusb or was it removed23:16
paranoidphreakescott: do you mean what i wrote in that file? if so, this is what is wrote in that file: /home
escott!samba | chipmenk23:16
ubottuchipmenk: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:16
escottparanoidphreak, i dont know what that file is for23:17
kneauxescott, david8732, the second monitor is set to 1280/800 (max is higher) and mirror screens is on, but when I turn off mirror screens I get the error about exceeding 1440/1440. The only thing I can come up with is it thinks there's a maximum width for both screens combined, or is treating them as one screen when they're separate displays, or something of that nature. Why, I have no idea.23:17
openbeesgenitor : unfortunately  ..no idea....i just switched to ubuntu classic session23:17
kneauxI also don't know why it's being identified as CRT123:17
kyubutsugenitor: maybe resetting the panels would help. do so with:  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel23:17
syckoescott, I believe it was still listed in lsusb. It completely freezes up and the only way i can get to work again is to reboot. Ive tailed all the logs I could think of to see if anything errored and found nothing.23:17
kyubutsugenitor: type that into a terminal23:18
zeleftikamNew 10.10 install on Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L with Realtek audio. No sound. Tried installing Linux drivers from Realtek; rebooted. No sound. Help?23:18
mastaofdisastaikonia: I'm used /etc/network/interfaces.... the GUI tool is gay23:18
JoshDreamlandI've just named 11.04 the Windows ME of Ubuntu! *confetti* *trolololol*23:18
escottsycko, you seem to have covered the bases... sounds like a usb isue23:18
ikoniamastaofdisasta: 1.) don't use the phrase gay 2.) you clearly can't configure network interfaces file so you should use the gui23:18
kyubutsugenitor: or, copy and paste it to minimize errors23:19
escottkneaux, when you turn off mirror screens any change in what xrandr reports23:19
ikoniaJoshDreamland: if that's all you've got to say, please don't speak, this is for support discussion23:19
syckoescott, It use to work fine on an earlier version of the kernel (wish I remembered which version it was). I think updating caused the problem.23:19
genitorkyubutsu: I did what you said but I got "gnome-panel: no process found"23:20
openbeeskyubutsu: even alt-f2 not working so how can i launch gconftool...would u please suggest me23:20
Omega!ot | JoshDreamland23:20
ubottuJoshDreamland: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:20
escottsycko, you could try booting the older kernel if you still have it as an option23:20
paranoidphreakescott: /etc/exports......this is where you edit what folders and files you want to share, to whom and what writes and options23:20
genitoropenbees: I used strg+alt+f123:20
genitorbecause alt+f2 won't work either23:20
OmegaJoshDreamland: If you continue, I will have to call a operator.23:20
escottparanoidphreak, is that samba? or NFS?23:20
aciculazeleftikam, best to remove those drivers you installed23:20
LjLOmega: they are already watching and have warned them23:20
openbeesgenitor : what is strg ?23:20
paranoidphreakescott: NFS23:20
syckoescott, By the time I realized it stopped working, I could only go 1 version back and it still didnt work. I suppose something else could have been updated at the same time I did the kernel update that may have also been the culprit.23:21
ikoniaJoshDreamland: he's already been told - drop it23:21
zeleftikamacicula: ?23:21
genitorsorry, ctrl :)23:21
ikoniaJoshDreamland: sorry, not you23:21
OmegaLjL: Very well :)23:21
abadadondoes the ubuntu CD (~700 MB) contain ALL the programs I can install via the Ubuntu Software Center to the point where I don't need internet access as long as I have the CD with me?23:21
LjLabadadon: uh, no23:21
aciculazeleftikam,  you installed drivers from the realtek site right23:21
zeleftikamacicula: yes23:21
hiexpoabadadon, no23:21
LjLabadadon: there are about 30000 packages, last time i checked anyway, in the ubuntu repositories. there's no way a CD could contain them all.23:21
openbeesabadadon : NO23:22
abadadonok! :) thanks23:22
ScreenIssuesIs it possible to install natty with the 2.6.35 kernel and still use unity?23:22
Chipzzzsycko: is the webcam plugged into a hub?23:22
escottparanoidphreak, and you have matching uid's from server to client?23:22
aciculazeleftikam, is there some tutorial specific for your hardware that you are following that suggested that?23:22
abadadonLjL: is there a way to download them all or would that be a bandwidth nightmare?23:22
syckoChipzzz, No. Everything is directly to the MB. I've also tried to move things to different groups on the MB to see if that was causing the issue.23:22
CoachJhow do I change the screen resolution23:22
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aciculaCoachJ, System->preferences->display23:23
aciculaor monitors23:23
LjLabadadon: let me see if i can tell you how many GB is it23:23
hiexpoScreenIssues, try itand if not you can always go back to your current kernal as long as you don't remove it23:23
zeleftikamacicula: some thing linked from google. i have no idea how to remove the Realtek drivers. I ran an install script it included that installed about a billion things, and there doesn't appear to be a removal script included. suggestions?23:23
ikoniaLjL: 12 per arch I believe23:23
ScreenIssueshiexpo: Better question, how do I do it?23:23
paranoidphreakescott: no......i don't know how to do that; i'm able to connect to the server and see the files but i can't write to it unless i'm root; i want everyone to have 777 access that connects to the server23:23
LjLikonia: only?23:23
Omegaabadadon: It's a 382GB download23:23
CoachJacicula: strange I dont have display in prefences23:24
ikoniaexcluding backports23:24
ubuntunoobi broke my sources23:24
ikoniaLjL: a whole release is about 60GB23:24
abadadonOmega: okay, that's that then. thanks :D23:24
aciculazeleftikam, eh wipe, reinstall and troubleshoot with the existing drivers23:24
ikoniaall archs/updates/repos/23:24
kneauxescott, i can't turn off mirror screens, that's the problem23:24
hiexpoScreenIssues, not supported but install the ppas23:24
aciculaCoachJ, yeah try monitors23:24
escottparanoidphreak, NFS requires that you have the same set of users on both systems.23:24
Cairo|Machas anyone seen anything like this before?23:24
LjLabadadon: ikonia says it's smaller though... i'm not sure23:24
ubuntunoobhow do i fix my sources.list??23:24
zeleftikamacicula: wipe the entire ubuntu installation i just put on??23:24
OmegaA whore archive mirror is 382GB23:24
ubuntunoobim on 11.0423:24
aciculazeleftikam, can you give me the specific model of the card?23:24
kneauxescott, when i try it gives me that error and reverts23:24
escottparanoidphreak, and then it just uses the same permission model23:24
openbeeskyubutsu: hope ressting panels in unity session will not effect ubuntu classic session ?23:25
CoachJacicula: yea thats it, guess im too tired to be doing this. thks23:25
ikoniaI'll check now23:25
zeleftikamacicula: i believe it's a Realtek ALC883 or 888, integrated onto a Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L motherboard. the chip is too tiny to read the exact model23:25
syckoIs there anyway to remove/reinstall the USB drivers for the keyboard and webcam?23:25
openbeeskyubutsu: sorry "resetting"23:25
aciculazeleftikam, if you dropped in hardware drivers without a way of removing them properly any form of trouble shooting is somewhat pointless if your system uses some external drivers.23:25
hiexpoScreenIssues, i am using 10.04 and using kernal
aciculazeleftikam, if you type lspci in a terminal can you paste the line that contains Audio23:25
dibsI'm upgrading to Natty, should I keep my own debconf or go with package maintainers one??23:25
Chipzzzsycko: you might try lsdev & see if you have an interrupt conflict23:25
escottsycko, well the keyboard would be usbhid, but i wouldnt remove that because it would also be the mouse23:25
escottsycko, the webcam should have its own module or maybe some generic v4lusb module23:26
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ubuntunoobcan somone help me23:26
aciculazeleftikam, "lspci | grep Audio" will also give you the line i am looking for23:26
ubuntunoobi broke my sources23:26
zeleftikamacicula: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)23:26
yakuboriubuntunoob: eh?23:27
ubuntunooband i how do i fix them?23:27
genitoropenbees: I fixed it!23:27
aciculazeleftikam thats not a realtek device23:27
hiexpoubuntunoob, > how?23:27
renegaidanyone installed uubuntu in windows23:27
zeleftikamacicula: the motherboard has a realtek ALC chip on it...23:27
ubuntunoobi broke my sources and i need help fixing23:27
kyubutsuopenbees: i do not know if this operation will affect all sessions globally23:27
genitoropenbees: ctrl+alt+f1 and then type "unity --rest"23:27
ubuntunoobim on 11.04 natty narwhal23:27
dibsshould you when updating generally stick with your own or go with maintainers when asked during upgrade process???23:27
aciculazeleftikam, can you post the entire output of lspci on pastebin?23:28
zeleftikamacicula: sure23:28
egarffsigh.  I wish whenever there was a new version of ubuntu, it wouldn't break suspend.23:28
openbeesgenitor : any bad effect on ubuntu classsic session ...because i can compromise with unity session but not with gnome session23:28
zeleftikamacicula: http://pastebin.com/htBPF82D23:28
acecipherdibs, if you've modified them on your own, keep it23:28
paranoidphreakescott: oh ok; thanks.....i'll do some research on that23:29
escottparanoidphreak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo#User%20Permissions23:29
yakuboriubuntunoob: how are they 'broke'?23:29
syckoI think ill try a live CD and if that doesnt have the problem, a fresh install may fix the issue.23:29
yakuboridid you lose them?23:29
openbeesgenitor : and should be  "unity - -reset" i think23:29
Greenskyis there a way to dist upgrade and tell it to use packages off the cd you already dowloaded instead of re-downloading them?23:29
genitoropenbees: I don't know tbh but since it looks like we have the exact same problem and it works for me now chances are it will work for you as well23:29
paranoidphreakescott: thanks for the link23:29
aciculazeleftikam, there is no realtek chip in that list23:29
david8732@Greensky there's an 'update' option on the CD.23:29
ubuntunoobyakubori: i get 404's and i cant download anything23:29
kneauxescott, trying to search for a config file with 1440 in it anywhere right now...23:30
david8732It didnt always work for me, though. On my laptop, it was unavailable.23:30
Greenskydavid88732, I was hoping to not actually have to burn the cd, just mount it23:30
Greenskysorry for not clarifying that23:30
zeleftikamacicula: i know. but google Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L and you'll see loads of information about the Realtek ALC88x audio chip on it23:30
aciculazeleftikam, you can see a chip on the motherboard that has realtek stamped on it?23:30
VirungaHi, can i install x86 linux driver for my graphic card on ubuntu 64bit?23:30
zeleftikamacicula: yes23:30
openbeesgenitor: thanks let me try23:30
yakuboriubuntunoob: Well, you have internets, obviously... did you mess w/ any network files?23:30
escottacicula, intel_hda reports itself as all kinds of stuff it is snd_hda_intell23:30
zeleftikamacicula: the Realtek crab and everything23:30
david8732@virunga No. :/23:30
aciculazeleftikam, can you check the bios to see if this is enabled?23:31
hiexpoGreensky, i would recommend that you do a fresh install if you want to upgrade23:31
dibsacecipher: cheers mang23:31
aciculaescott, you mean the realtek chip identifies as intel_hda?23:31
tjiggi_foabadadon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal see especially the links at bottom of page23:31
escottacicula, yes23:31
Greenskyhiexpo, why? dist-upgrades have worked well for me for quite a long time, is something different this time?23:31
zeleftikamacicula: i don't recall a BIOS option for disabling the on-board audio23:31
escottGreensky, try apt-cdrom23:31
OmegaI just calculated the size of i386 and it turns out to be around 8GB23:31
OmegaDoes that seem about right?23:31
ubuntunoobyakubori: i don't think so23:32
zeleftikamacicula: could this motherboard be bad? come to think of it, i have NEVER been able to get sound to work on it. I am installing Ubuntu because i couldn't get sound to work on it under Mac OS X 10.6.723:32
Virungadavid8732 thank you23:32
escottacicula, mine is 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06) but its Conextant in alsa23:32
hiexpoGreensky, no but through experience i have found it better to do a fresh     >    but to each is own23:32
abadadontjiggi_fo: thanks23:32
johnny77Does anyone know why unity would not load in 11.04? I upgraded, but only get a background when I log into Ubuntu.23:32
tixo5guys, 11.04 upgrade issue, 2 broken packages i cant remove23:32
yakuboriubuntunoob: can you get to google.com/23:32
tixo5and are inhibiting me installing other pkgs23:32
escottzeleftikam, what sound problems are you having? no audio at all23:32
zeleftikamescott: no audio at all23:33
ubuntunoobyakubori: all my internet  works23:33
yakuboriwell where the heck are your sources pointed?23:33
aciculazeleftikam, escott  well i did find this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172903923:33
escottzeleftikam, you could try fiddling with sound card internal config using hda_analyzer from alsa23:33
* hiexpo store word bound23:33
tixo5sudo apt-get --purge remove [package] doesnt get rid23:33
Sonjaaahow do i tell maverick boot disc to use video card's dvi and not mobo's crt?23:34
aciculazeleftikam, but you have to revert back to ubuntu default and getting rid of any additional drivers you added, even if that means reinstalling ubuntu. It only takes 30 minutes anyway23:34
david8732@Sonjaaa I think that's an option in the BIOS on most computers...23:34
paulwhat is the general command for searching a whole drive for word/words23:34
Chipzzztixo5: which packages?23:34
genitoropenbees: let me know if it worked please :)23:34
escottpaul, searching contents grep23:35
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LjLpaul: grep will work, but if you want to know which *files* contain those words, then you want a combination of find and grep23:35
mbrigdanHey! I just updated to 11.04, and now, if I use "ubuntu" as a session, I don't get any desktop menus (but I do get my desktop icons). If I use "Ubuntu Classic", everything works fine. I'm assuming I'm having a problem with Unity?23:35
paulaha, find is what I'm thinking23:35
Sonjaaadavid8732:  i didn't see anything in the bios that mentioned dvi or crt. might it be worded differently?23:35
tixo5Chipzzz: openoffice.org-draw23:35
tixo5happened after 11.04 upgrade23:35
openbeesohh so sweet ware u waiting  fro me ..ohh sorry23:35
david8732Sonjaaa, If i understand correctly, I think you need to disable your motherboard's graphic adapter.23:35
Sonjaaadavid8732:  thanks23:35
escotttixo5, libreoffice23:35
openbeesgenitor : lolz23:36
tixo5yes libreoffice!23:36
Sonjaaahehe i'm using the screen reader23:36
david8732I have a question about Libreoffice actually.23:36
aciculazeleftikam, from what i can gather you need to specifiy the model type for the snd_intel_hda23:36
david8732What's the major difference between it and OpenOffice? And is it more compatible with .pttx and .docx?23:36
escottacicula, zeleftikam that just applies some guesses about layout23:37
zeleftikamacicula: i don't know anything about that stuff. i was told Ubuntu was easy :(23:37
el_seanodavid8732: libre is a fork from ooffice due to some layer 8 issues with oracle23:37
zeleftikamescott: ^23:37
aciculazeleftikam, it is, most of the time23:37
Omegadavid8732: Yes, it is more compatible23:37
* tommylommykins is looking for unity's system-tray. Does unity have one?23:37
tommylommykinsI've minimised spotify, and now it appears to be lost23:37
tixo5The following packages have unmet dependencies.23:37
tixo5 openoffice.org-draw : Depends: libreoffice-draw but it is not installed23:37
Omegadavid8732: It is also being more actively developed23:37
david8732@omega Sweet. I had Openoffice screw up a powerpoint for school. :/23:37
tixo5its broken, how can i sort this23:37
Omegadavid8732: That sucks ): (especially that your school uses powerpoint)23:38
verehh, how do i share a directory via samba in natty?23:38
openbeesgenitor : actually its some updates are in process so i can't logout and login to unity session immediately..23:38
escottsnd_hda_intel is pretty generic, lots of hardware has it, but each is configured slightly differently. the option provides some initial setup. so if you have it definitely use it/check most recent alsa. if you dont have it use hda_analyer to figure out the layout and forward to alsa people23:38
* tommylommykins doesn't trust libre/openoffice with powerpoint23:38
Omegatixo5: install libreoffice-draw23:38
zeleftikamthe alsa site is broken anyway, i can't download the driver or tools23:38
tixo5obviously doesnt work, its a broken package23:38
zeleftikamoh well i guess i'll buy a Mac23:38
Omegatommylommykins: libeoffice has much better compatability23:38
zeleftikambye bye23:38
david8732@omega I had enough paranoia to boot Win7 and check it on Office 201023:39
david8732@omega I still had to re-do most of the slides, though. :/23:39
renegaidi always found audio to be really poor in all lunux distros. don't understand why23:39
Omegarenegaid: what'd the problem?23:39
renegaid5.1 does not work. sound scratchy when adjusting audo23:39
renegaidjust not the same23:40
aciculaescott, i see people reporting that that works? would you suggest something else?23:40
aciculaescott, ie like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4263007#post426300723:40
escottacicula, reporting that hda_analyzer works? it does, but its bloody confusing at first23:40
Omegatixo5: go into a terminal and try sudo apt-get check23:40
Chipzzzrenegaid: fwiw, I've had much better results with plain alsasound than with the pulseaudio that comes with Ubuntu23:40
edbianrenegaid: Sounds to me like something is taking an audio signal and trying to force it into 5.1 sound.  could that be the case?23:40
LjLikonia, abadadon: i must be doing something wrong. i listed the (compressed) package size for all packages in my apt-cache, and the total is short of 5gb =)23:40
escottacicula, it took me 2 months to get the hang of it (i wasn't trying that hard) and by then my board was fixed23:41
nartkcinis there a way to go back to 10.10 w/o a fresh new install?23:41
escottie someone had sent the layout in to alsa and it got pulled in from upstream23:41
escottnartkcin, no23:41
aciculaescott, well you have to edit a file in /etc/modprobe.d and add the specfic model option for snd-hda-intel23:41
escottacicula, yes you can do that, if the board is known23:41
rcmaehl>< 11.04 = so unstable I'm restarting X every 5 minutes23:41
ubuntunoobyakubori:  i need help fixing the list so it works again23:41
aciculaescott, which is not very user friendly i admit, but the problem seems to lie in the hardware not reporting its type properly so it cant be autodetected?23:41
radarwork_how can i use my seahorse applet in unity?23:42
deadaimnartkcin: you should read http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity23:42
deadaimnartkcin: unity is all bad23:42
deadaimnartkcin: especially if you have a small screen23:42
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nartkcinyeah.. i login in classic mode23:42
david8732So I was looking in ccsm... Unity basically doesn't work without compiz?23:42
* tommylommykins asks his question again :)23:42
escottacicula, and the abundance of new configurations. all new intel laptops have intel_hda, but they all have the headphones connected to a different port it seems23:42
* tommylommykins is looking for unity's system-tray. Does unity have one?23:42
tommylommykinsI've minimised spotify, and now it appears to be lost23:42
vademecumi'm in the middle of a major upgrade. all the files have been fetched and are being installed. but the battery on my netbook is going to run out ofjuice before it's. can I cancel out and restartwhen I get to some ac poeer later?23:43
aciculaescott, we dont need those standards anyway, heh :/23:43
xeodoxhey guys I just set up a fresh ubuntu 10 server and installed telnet. How come when I do "telnet localhost smtp" or "telnet localhost 25", I get "Connection refused"?23:43
bob_nartkcin: you can do a parallel install (I chose 10.04 LTS) and it repartitions you disk so you can copy anything from the other installation (if your disk is large enough)23:43
aciculavademecum, if its still fetching, yes, if its installing no23:43
tommylommykinsvademecum: can you hibernate or suspend it?23:43
FanControli have a problem with acerhdf. after installation, as i attempt "modprobe acerhdf", i get "fatal: error inserting acerhdf". does anyone here know why such a problem would occur?23:43
m|kaelis it possible to have multiple wubi installations in windows? i want to try out kubuntu =)23:43
ner0xHow can I change the Alt+F2 in Natty to something else?23:43
ner0x(Keyboard Shortcut)23:44
aciculaFanControl, you are not root23:44
david8732nerox, click the power button on the top right, go to system settings.23:44
david8732Keyboard shortcuts.23:44
vademecumtommylommykins: i think so23:44
ner0xdavid8732: Thank you.23:44
zeleftikamacicula: i'm looking at the motherboard, it says Realtek ALC888B23:44
FanControlacicula: have attempted "sudo modprobe", as well as "sudo su", then modprobe - no luck!23:44
dios_miowho can help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10753386 <-- about leyboard layouts and how they work in seperate windows23:44
ner0xdavid8732: It is not there. At least I don't see it.23:45
aciculazeleftikam, what i found is this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4079102&postcount=11 and the followup post. From what i understand changing that /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file with the right model is all thats required23:45
david8732@nerox: scroll down and look for Alt+F2 under the shortcut column23:45
ubuntunoobwill i have to reinstall23:46
FanControlacicula: i still get "FATAL: Error inserting acerhdf (/lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic/updates/acerhdf.ko): Invalid argument"23:46
ubuntunoobto fix sources?23:46
ner0xdavid8732: I have it already set for "Switch to Desktop 2"23:46
escottacicula, zeleftikam check this first http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt23:46
ner0xdavid8732: It allows it, switches, and continues to bring up the "dash"23:46
aciculazeleftikam, the followup post suggests 6stack-dig model, so id start with that, but youll have to experiment a little23:46
david8732@ner0x its 'show the panel's "Run Application Dialogue vox23:46
redgoneanyone else also getting the "no video mode selected" error when booting 11.04 ?23:47
Omegadios_mio: click apply system wide23:47
david8732@nerox under the desktop category23:47
aciculazeleftikam, oh hey, there is an entire list of alc880 models, eh i guess some guessng is required :)23:47
dios_mioomega thanks man23:47
escottacicula, zeleftikam but i dont see the ALC888B listed so... you could try it as an alc880, but you may have to tweak it with hda_analyzer23:47
aciculaFanControl, maybe modprobe has a verbose flag23:47
zeleftikamescott: what do i need that for? i can look right at the chip and tell you it says Realtek ALC888B23:47
FanControlacicula: will check!23:47
allen_Hi;  I have installed Wine and as I have in the past, would like to intsall a Windows program using a cdrom. I'm getting an error when I try to change the permissions for the exe files....I moved the exe file to the desktop and was able to change the permission to executable but the Wine program loader will not load it properly....I was able to run the cdrom using Wine in the past....do I use some commands to solve this problem?...Than23:47
david8732@ner0x might want to intall ccsm and change the compiz settings, then23:47
ner0xdavid8732: ccsm?23:48
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escottzeleftikam, those are the board/chip combos that the alsa developers have seen and developed working configs for. i'm saying i dont see yours on there, so you may have to pick something close and work from there23:48
david8732sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:48
david8732^was @ner0x23:48
zeleftikamescott: it doesn't matter, the alsa ftp site is malfunctioning so i can't get it anyway23:49
FanControlacicula: with verbose flag [sudo modprobe acerhdf -v]: "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic/updates/acerhdf.ko23:49
FanControlFATAL: Error inserting acerhdf (/lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic/updates/acerhdf.ko): Invalid argument"23:49
Froqso have any of you ever used the chameleon bootloader associated with OSx86?23:50
escottacicula, for a lot of hda problems you can direct people to http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA23:50
aciculaFailrar, whats your command line again23:50
openbeesdevid8732 , ner0x : warning ! i lost my launchers and panels after installing CCSm23:50
openbeesin unity23:50
FanControlescott: thanks! will check that link out.23:51
alex_mayorgawhere can I ask about a PPA not building? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa23:51
pfifois there anyway to disable a CPU core, or, somehow select what process run on which core23:51
aciculaescott, thanks for that23:51
escottpfifo, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/setting-processor-affinity-certain-task-or-process.html23:52
ner0xWhat setting would I find it under?23:52
edbianpfifo: This is going to be frustrating for you.  A fellow student of mine was doing a multicore project last semester.  He DEFINITELY attached a pthread to a particular core.  It can be done.  I don't know how.23:52
pfifoescott, ok thanks23:52
Froqso have any of you ever used the chameleon bootloader associated with OSx86?23:52
m|kaelis it possible to have multiple wubi installations in windows?23:52
edbianpfifo: Or what escott said.  hahaha23:52
aciculapfifo, its called taskset23:52
dios_mioOmega, that was a good advice, but unfortunately it makes no change.. maybe i need a reboot?23:52
nzashadowhello, I tried out the ubuntu 11.04 live on my stepdad's laptop and it froze on the desktop, anyone have any idea what's wrong?23:52
edbianm|kael: I'm sure you could hack it to work.  I'm guessing it is not easy.  Why do you want to?  Normal installs are much easier to do this sort of things23:52
Jordan_Um|kael: No.23:53
escottFroq, the only reason to use chameleon over grub is to run osx which we dont do because that would be illegal sorry23:53
Jordan_Uescott: GRUB can load OSX too :)23:53
m|kaeledbian: i have a netbook so cant use burned cd to install, the usb install always hang up... and i wanted to try out kubuntu=p23:53
Chipzzznzashadow: Did you look through the logs for clues?23:53
aciculaFanControl, whats your command for loading the module?23:54
bistongood evening23:54
david8732@ner0x it would be under the Ubuntu Unity Plugin i think23:54
edbianm|kael: There are other ways to install Ubuntu.  Perhaps wubi is easiest.  One of the stranger ways is unetbootin.  Lets you boot an ISO without anything but your hdd23:54
edbianm|kael: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation23:54
nzashadownot sure how, and all I could do was move the cursor around23:55
pfifoacicula, will this get me my desired result of disabling all process running on any core except core 0, with the other one/three idling?23:55
zvacetJordan_U: yes,but it is still ilegal if you run hackintosh23:55
aciculapfifo, idk, try reading the mapage23:55
acicula*man page23:55
edbianm|kael: I think the only thing that wubi would mess up about is installing grub.  But you can change the config of grub to point to the multiple ubuntu installs each time.  I dont' know how easy or possible this is23:55
nzashadowgonna try again, he said his laptop doesn't like booting with his bluetooth usb23:55
pfifoacicula, yeah im going over docs now, just though you might know23:55
nzashadowso maybe that was the problem23:55
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edbianm|kael: This all assumes the wubi installer will let you install to an NTFS partition that already has a wubi file on it (I think it will)23:55
Chipzzznzashadow: alt-ctl-t will get you a terminal & you can dmesg or cat the logs23:55
bistoni've been having some trouble for the last week updating my n900 (maemo based) repos... hash sum mismatch errors. and i was thinking of ways to solve it. i found a vmware image of maemo that i can run on vmware on one of my dedicated servers and it updates perfectly with no errors every single time. is there a way i can use that hosted maemo image as a mirror on my device ?23:55
Jordan_Um|kael: Don't try to do multiple Wubi installs. It *will* fail.23:55
FanControlacicula: i'm not sure. isn't it just: "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic/updates/acerhdf.ko"23:56
aciculapfifo, nope never used it23:56
aciculaFancontrol, no try modprobe acerhdf23:56
marhello, i need advice on something, my screen resolution changes when i close my laptop...how can i fix that?23:56
escott!ot | biston23:56
ubottubiston: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:56
Jordan_Uedbian: It won't, because multiple Wubi installs are expressly not supported.23:56
bistoni know, but it's an apt based question23:56
nzashadowoh, well that will just make life easier knowing that anyways lol23:56
Captainkrtekcan someone test something for me?23:56
m|kaeledbian: couldnt i just do a backup of this wubi installation and then install kubuntu wubi23:56
FanControlacicula: have tried that already, unfortunatly!23:56
edbianJordan_U: m|kael Well there's your answer23:56
Captainkrtekseems like a big23:56
Captainkrtekwho here is using unity + natty?23:56
m|kaeland then just replace the disk file after?23:56
edbianm|kael: See what Jordan_U said?23:56
Captainkrtekpm me if you're using unity + natty23:57
edbianCaptainkrtek: I have it installed on my other machine23:57
Chipzzznzashadow: or you can boot into a command line & look at the logs from the last run23:57
Captainkrtekedbian, could you test something for me?23:57
aciculaFanControl, hmm, well its not being descriptive about why it fails, maybe there is something in dmesg?23:57
bistonescott say i have ubuntu running on my desktop, having same problem, can it be done?23:57
Captainkrtekand may I pm you23:57
edbianCaptainkrtek: yeah.  What is it?23:57
bistonyou know it's not off-topic...23:57
aciculaFanControl, are you sure it should be loadable to begin with23:57
nzashadowalright, thank you :)23:57
edbianI'd rather not PM23:57
Milos_SDHi! Is there a way to blur behind Unity launcher?23:57
m|kaeledbian: will it fail even if i copy the virtual disk file and then replace it after ive tested kubuntu?23:57
swebi have an old lap top sony ram 256, 1800 amd cpu .... wich ubuntu version good for that ?23:57
nzashadowChipzzz: how do you boot into the command line?23:58
Jordan_Um|kael: How did you try to install Ubuntu via USB?23:58
Captainkrtekedbian, I PM'd you23:58
PaidSupportWould paying Canonical for support help me if the issue was in the kernel?23:58
marhello, i need advice on something, my screen resolution changes when i close my laptop...how can i fix that?23:58
escottbiston, not trying to shoot you down just saying that sounds more like an n900 question, you will be lucky to find an answer on this channel23:58
edbianm|kael: I've never actually done it.  See what Jordan_U said?  I was just speculating how I might go about getting it to work. Ask Jordan_U for specifics about why it won't work.23:58
Chipzzznzashadow: hold down shift while the machine is booting & you can select it from the grub menu23:58
m|kaelJordan_U: no with wubi, the usb always freeze before it can install23:58
Jordan_UPaidSupport: Probably would, but it depends on the exact situation.23:58
aciculaPaidSupport, youd better put that question to canonical support/sales directly23:58
nzashadowahhh thank you very much23:58
Jordan_Um|kael: How did you make the USB?23:58
isarlI've been having troubles with graphics and the nouveau drivers after my upgrade to 11.04.  I'm pretty sure the drivers are either not being used or not working properly at the moment.  How can I troubleshoot this?23:58
edbianm|kael: I linked you the other methods of installing. Take a look!23:59
GneaPaidSupport: why don't you just ask the kernel people?23:59
JackslapsIs anyone here using irssi as an irc client?23:59
Jordan_U!anyone | Jackslaps23:59
ubottuJackslaps: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:59
Ubuntuuser2011is it just me or Ubuntu 11.04 is very unstable?23:59
PaidSupportGnea: Because I'm new to linux. Don't know who the kernel people are23:59
m|kaelJordan_U: with the tool that comes with ubuntu on my desktop23:59
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity23:59
shcherbakJackslaps: yup23:59
nzashadowI would like to know how stable ubuntu 11.04 is as well from the general consensus23:59

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