
steffen_bhi 08:07
steffen_bdoes anyone know how dbus interacts with upstart 08:08
steffen_bi'm having some shutdown problems (daemon not stopped before switch off) 08:09
steffen_bi tried the unmount-remote-filesystem event (which is in init.d) 08:09
steffen_band i only get functional working shutdown (sort off) if i switch off the dbus stop on08:10
steffen_bmaybe someone else has natty here is well08:10
=== stevee is now known as Stevee
=== Stevee_ is now known as Stevee
sammya GUI? anywhere? someone in #ubuntu suggested I ask here but I just can't believe there isn't a GUI included w Ubuntu by default for managing services17:26
ionFeel free to contribute one. :-)17:42
sammyion: :P I guess services are pretty low level, and maybe leaving them to the command line is smart.17:50
JanCthere is a tool that can enable/disable services IIRC19:06
JanCGUI tool19:06
steffen_bnot that important 19:43

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