
nekoCATWhere would be the best place to find a discussion of the feature set for 11.10?18:38
micahgnekoCAT: UDS :D18:39
pleia2nekoCAT: xubuntu-devel18:40
pleia2(a discussion has already started)18:40
pleia2mailing list18:40
nekoCATThe mailing list?  Okay, I will subscribe there then.18:41
pleia2yeah, there are also frequent team meetings which are announced there18:44
nekoCATMidori is being considered for the default browser?  As much as I like Midori it is completely unstable in many instances when I last tried it.18:57
pleia2the cycle just started, everything is on the table :)18:58
pleia2the default apps are pretty much revisited each cycle to see if we want to make any changes in case something improved18:59
nekoCATPostler sounds like a nice inclusion if Midori makes it in.  I like the idea of switching to lightdm.19:05
nekoCATOne question, with pavucontrol installed would I still be able to use the xfce mixer?  If so then having that installed is completely fine by me.19:09

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