
mastaofdisastahello all, I just installed xbuntu on my new toshiba laptop.  It has a nvidia graphics card00:10
mastaofdisastaI used the "additional drivers" tool to install proprietary nvidia drivers00:11
mastaofdisastaI rebooted the laptop00:11
mastaofdisastawhen I went back to check if it installed the tool says "this driver is activated but not currently in use"00:12
Sysidoes it work?00:12
Sysiyou're not first reporting that..00:12
mastaofdisastait's xubuntu 11.0400:13
Soupermanall the people is having that problem00:13
Soupermanon all flavors of *buntu00:14
Soupermanhave you tried >sudo nvidia-xconfig00:14
Soupermanand rebooting?00:14
mastaofdisastaI used xubuntu 9.10 release on my previous laptop00:14
mastaofdisastaand I didn't have this issue00:14
drcmastaofdisasta: Check your Xorg.0.conf to see what driver it <is> using.00:15
mastaofdisastaseems to be a 11.04 thing00:15
drcmastaofdisasta: It is00:15
Soupermanit is00:15
Sysii don't care what jockey says.. it sucks anyway00:15
Sysii seem to have same issue00:16
Sysibut i'm more interested about rhythmbox and aptitude failing00:17
Soupermanyou clean installed or upgraded?00:17
Sysiclean install00:18
mastaofdisastasame here00:18
Sysirhythmbox doesn't give errors even with debug00:18
mastaofdisastashould I just go with 10.04?00:18
mastaofdisastadownload and install 10.04?00:18
Sysiif you got correct resolution etc the driver is working, just enjoy new xfce00:19
mastaofdisastadrc: Xorg.0.conf can't find it00:19
mastaofdisastait's not in the system00:20
Sysiless /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:20
mastaofdisastait says "Device"00:20
mastaofdisastaIdentifier "Default Device"00:20
mastaofdisastaOption "NoLogo"  "True"00:21
mastaofdisastathat's it00:21
mastaofdisastashort file00:21
mastaofdisastaok ran nvidia-xconf00:22
mastaofdisastait made a new configuration file00:22
Sysilspci -k and find your device00:22
SysiSouperman: no his drivers are working, just jockey with wrong message00:23
mastaofdisastaSysi: it says Kernel Driver in use: nvidia00:23
mastaofdisastaSysi: Kernel modules: nvidia-current, noveau, nvidiafb00:24
Sysienjoy your xubuntu (and wish it won't explode in first kernel update)00:24
Soupermanyeah well i had the same problem and my flash player was working wrong and other stuff so i removed the nvidia drivers rebooted and reinstalled and rebooted and it worked all again, but people all over the ubuntu channels are complaining about the same problem00:25
Sysitake off HW acceleration00:25
Sysiright click on some flash00:25
Soupermanits an nvidia thing, it now works, because it now does00:26
Sysii'll reboot to see if that fixes rhythmbox00:28
mastaofdisastaI'm rebooting after the nvidia-xconfig00:29
mastaofdisastahope it works.00:29
mastaofdisastawish me luck people!00:29
Sysii wish he didn't break it with that00:30
drcSysi: What's wrong with your Rhythmbox?00:30
Sysiit doesn't start00:30
drcThat <could> be a problem.00:31
Sysi..killall rhythmbox and working00:31
Sysivolume control in it doesn't work without pulseaudio :(00:33
Sysii think i could get JuK00:33
mastaofdisastaseems to be working, just that drive GUI tool still says the driver is not currently in use00:34
Soupermango to the screensaver choosing thingy and choose hypertorus, if it works fine you dont have to worry00:36
Sysii already forgot how everything kde-stubb breaks my sound with ubuntu 10.10+00:37
Sysirhythmbox started failing badly, i'll try banshee00:46
ipv6hermitanother issue here with xubuntu 11.0400:46
ipv6hermitthis laptop has 4GB RAM00:46
ipv6hermitwhen I do free -m00:46
ipv6hermitor top00:46
ipv6hermitit only reports 295400:46
ipv6hermitI believe I have installed 32bit yes00:47
ipv6hermitbut should the kernel have PAE extension?00:47
Sysiuname -a00:48
ipv6hermitLinux ipv6hermit-laptop 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux00:48
Sysiinstall linux-image-something-PAE00:48
mastaofdisastahey guys, I tried installing "linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic-pae" but it will not boot01:15
mastaofdisastahow do I look at the log messages01:15
mastaofdisastaor how do I boot without splash01:16
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:16
bazhang!info linux-generic-pae01:16
ubottulinux-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)01:16
bazhanginstall that^01:16
mastaofdisastasudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae??01:17
mastaofdisastabazhang: thanks!01:18
mastaofdisastabazhang: do I have to remove anything?01:18
mastaofdisastabefore I do that?01:18
bazhangthat will pull in what other packages you need01:18
bazhangmastaofdisasta, not that I know of01:18
mastaofdisastabazhang: thanks01:18
nekoCAT11.04 is working great so far.01:31
zenroxthats great to hear nekoCAT01:36
KM0201bin_bash: did that command fix your camera?01:57
erichello, anyone paying attention tonight?02:10
drcno, we're all off at the pub02:10
ericI just got a GPU application running, was wondering how to determine GPU loading and temperature...02:11
ericIt's a Nvidia/Galaxy GEForce GTX440...02:11
ericI'm also a bit unfamiliar with xchat....what is the significance of the grayed-out names on the channel?02:12
nekoCATeric, that means they are away02:13
nekoCATYou can mark yourself as way but stay logged in.02:13
ericclear enough...was trying to figure out how to do that....02:14
drceric: Do you want something to give you a continuously updated status, or something like Menu>System> Nvidia X Server Settings ?02:15
erichaven't decided yet...02:15
drcI'm assuming you've install the Additional Drivers02:16
drcand Have that in your menu02:16
ericmy system thinks those are disabled...I'm using the tip from nvidia proper at the moment02:17
ericbut nvidia X server settings is on the menu...not sure if it is going to work or crash the X server....02:17
ericMy primary monitor is connected to the on-board ATI Radeon adapter; the Nvidia card is running a second monitor, slightly laggy due to the CUDA work it is doing...02:18
drcOne way to find out.....02:18
ericyeah, but if I disappear, you know what that means...02:19
drceric: You really want to do things the hard way...two monitors and nvidia AND ATI video cards :)02:19
ericMonitor #2 is a CRT;  not really doing much for me, just proving the nvidia card works.....02:20
* KM0201 agreed.. dual screens is really easy w/ just nvidia.02:20
ericthe ATI is on the mobo, so I can't exactly yank it out...02:20
KM0201lol, true.02:21
drceric: You should be able toi disable it in bios ?02:21
* KM0201 hates onboard video02:21
KM0201my experience, has always been that onboard video gets disabled, when a video card is detected02:22
ericcouldn't find the setting to do that...besides, the Nvidia card is for CUDA (coprocessing), not so much video...02:22
ericand yes, that happened on my machine at work, but not on *this* machine...an ASRock 880GM/LE mobo...02:22
drcWell, I'm out of my depth now, so I'll watch you celebrate or disappear :)02:22
ericalright, be quite for a minute, don't try to tell me anything until I make another post...02:24
ericIt's reliable...I just disappeared and resurrected myself....02:27
ericlet me go see what's in /var/log/X1102:28
ericI've killed the CUDA job...02:29
ericgot "Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting"02:32
ericand a long list of addresses....is the first one or the last one in the stack trace the one with the segmentation fault?02:33
erichi Galok02:33
erichello, looking for help monitoring GPU usage and temperature..02:36
ericalso wondering how to set CPU affinity....system has 6 cores...02:40
nekoCATcpu affinity?  taskset -c <core#> -p <process ID>02:42
nekoCATIt apparently only works when you launch an app, not after.  Never used it before so I'm not familiar with the specifics.02:43
mastaofdisastahey guys, my laptop has a light up keyboard but the lighting up doesn't work when I load xubuntu.02:52
ericnekoCAT, thanks...03:17
ericseems to work OK on simple apps...03:17
erichow do I get my GPU temperature (and/or load) from the command line?03:31
metroid1i had to force quit and when i restarted (after i reloaded the nvidia driver which somehow stopped) i new and weird problem started.  when i watch a video the color (hue) is set to 0 and i have to manual adjust it.03:34
metroid1 but if i open a picture the colors are fine and my background image and everything else is the right color03:34
metroid1is there some way to adjust the global video colors?03:34
metroid1it doesn't matter what video player i use --vlc (which is my default and allows me to adjust color settings) and parole are both affected03:36
KM0201metroid1: vlc has acted very wonky for me as well.. parole, on the other hand, has worked flawlessly03:37
metroid1yes they were both working wonderfully (vlc has had some quircks) but this color thing is new... just tonight since i reloaded my nvidia driver03:38
metroid1i think it is super odd that all my video players are affected but the rest of the desktop and apps are fine03:39
metroid1and flash is fine... but i am not overly surprised by that03:41
metroid1is there a way to change edit global video settings?  (preferably with a GUI)03:43
bin_bashSomeone paged me?03:55
KM0201naa, was just wondering if that fixed your camera03:55
Souperman>paged, wow thats old03:55
bin_bashKM0201: No it didn't even show up in the list of devices03:56
KM0201oh.. hmm03:56
bin_bashIn Skype03:56
KM0201no.. i don't03:56
KM0201but.. ok..lol03:56
* bin_bash feeels like the twilight zone03:56
bin_bash(01:23:04 PM) Anon: mk it says no device found in the test thing03:56
KM0201i dunno, i'm out of ideas on fixing it03:57
KM0201lol, owned by a log03:57
bin_bashYeah. It's okay. It looks normal at first, but then doesn't.03:57
bin_bashdo you not remember our conversation from earlier today03:57
KM0201i took some dope and fell asleep (legal dope)03:58
bin_bashWhen I was a kid my parents told me I didn't need a cell phone or pager because I wasn't a drug dealer or a business man04:00
KM0201lol, i could tell you a funny story about why i was finally shamed into gettin a cell phone.04:01
KM0201but its off topic04:01
bin_bashcome to ot then, silly boy.04:01
KM0201well_laid_lawn: thats a clever user name04:07
well_laid_lawnheh :)04:08
KM0201i think i'm gonna switch my PC to xubuntu tomorrow.04:13
zenroxyou should04:14
zenroxxfce ROCKS04:14
KM0201zenrox: its growing on me...04:14
KM0201just fits like an old pair of shoes04:14
KM0201my desktop though, is a little more leet than my laptop.04:14
zenroxyour fav old pair of shues04:14
KM0201dual screens, 4gigs of ram, etc.04:15
KM0201so it should run traditional gnome just fine04:15
KM0201i might even put the fedora 15 beta w/ Gnome on it.04:15
zenroxya but imagine all the leftover horsepower left over for games04:16
Soupermanim in love whit xfce panels XD04:16
KM0201zenrox: i'm not really a gamer04:16
KM0201i just have dual screens so i can play solitaire on one monitor, and wat h movies on the other04:17
zenroxok for the gfx for the music04:17
Soupermani mean they are a trillion times more awesome than any dock you can find around, they all do weird stuff, but not xfce panels, you got a weather applet, you got staking icons, editable pngs, auto hide, all what you need04:18
zenroxyep and all more easyer to config than gnome04:18
Soupermanyes, or any stand alone dock04:18
zenroxand you can make as many as you want too04:19
KM0201i do like the weather applet for xfce04:19
Soupermanyes, sadly if you make them float they wont stay on the desktop and will be always on top04:19
zenroxi got the one that was stock to float and auto hide04:20
SoupermanD: that would be awesome04:20
Soupermani can't do that, i tried04:21
zenroxand it is not on tip04:21
zenroxi also shourtend it too04:23
zenroxto make it look like a osX bar04:24
MK```someone is asking in another channel how to convert his Ubuntu to Xubuntu, would it be as simple as installing xubuntu-desktop and removing ubuntu-desktop?04:27
KM0201the last thing i want my xfce to look like, is osx04:27
MK```maybe with some gtk leftovers04:28
KM0201bin_bash: is an osx fanboy(girl?), she'll probably make an effort to do that.. she loves macs04:28
zenroxbut id leave the ubuntu-desktop04:28
Souperman!pure xubuntu04:28
SoupermanXD i can't do that how do i do that04:28
bin_bashI AM NOT!!!!04:28
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »04:28
KM0201i would think you can remove ubuntu-desktop.04:28
Soupermanthere i did it WOOHOO!! GO MEE!! \o/04:28
Soupermanoh well04:29
KM0201i didn't know you could do that04:29
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:29
IdleOneSouperman: the bot is rate limited. it will only repeat a factoid after a certain amount of time04:30
Soupermanthats actually clever04:30
IdleOneto avoid spam04:30
KM0201yes it is.04:31
Soupermani was writing that why i dont saw you !purexfce04:31
MK```ooh nice04:31
KM0201ubottu: is all knowing..04:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »04:31
KM0201well maybe not04:31
bin_bashubottu: is gay04:31
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:31
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome04:31
bin_bash<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about is gay04:31
IdleOnebin_bash: please don't abuse her04:31
IdleOneyes, her.04:32
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)04:32
bin_bashMy bot is transgender04:32
bin_bashI should add that function to it04:33
bin_bash&gender would output04:33
n2diywhen I mouse over a todo item in korganizer the info box displays black text on a black backround, where can I change this?04:33
bin_bash"Yess... I used to be a man... but now I'm a WOman..."04:33
bin_bashn2diy: sounds like a theme issue04:33
bin_bashn2diy: Do you have compositing turned on?04:34
n2diybin_bash, haven't loaded any themes, so it is a default issue.04:34
Soupermann2diy, it could have to do whit composition stuff04:34
Soupermann2diy, you updated your video card drivers?04:34
bin_bashn2diy: I'm talking about one of the default themes. Do you have compositing turned on?04:34
well_laid_lawn!info qtconfig04:35
ubottuPackage qtconfig does not exist in natty04:35
well_laid_lawn!find qtconfig04:35
ubottuFound: qt3-qtconfig, qt4-qtconfig04:35
n2diybin_bash, , Souperman, I'm just running plain jane, old hardware, the problem started when I upgraded to 10.10.04:35
Soupermanoh, upgrading, that never goes well, try to update your video card drivers04:36
Soupermando >sudo jockey-gtk04:36
n2diySouperman, why would the drivers only have problems with mouse overs?04:36
Soupermanand check that you are using the proper drivers04:36
Soupermanis the transparencies, they need composition04:37
n2diybin_bash, , Souperman, lshw indicates the display is unclaimed, and then lists the vendor and card info?04:40
bin_bashwhich video card04:40
Soupermannvidia for sure, or maybe intel, they both are having huge problems today04:41
bin_bashMy intel card is working fine04:41
n2diyproduct: Rage XL AGP 2X04:41
n2diy                vendor: ATI Technologies Inc04:41
Soupermanoh XD lol all the other way04:41
n2diytold you it was plain jane. :)04:42
Soupermann2diy, can you imagebin.org to see whats going on?04:43
KM0201n2diy: lol, that card is like 15yrs old04:44
KM0201n2diy: if it were me, i'd pick up a cheap (old) agp nvidia card.. they woork great w/ linux04:44
n2diySouperman, I don't know, I've never heard of imagebin.org., KM0201, yes it is, so is all my hardware, and it was all free too.04:45
KM0201n2diy: well thats awesome.. is the video card working?04:45
Soupermann2diy, i mean if you can upload a screencap there to see04:45
n2diyKM0201, everything was fine here, until I upgraded to 10.10, and then mouse overs in korganizer got weird.04:46
n2diySouperman, a screenshot?04:46
KM0201n2diy: there you go, this would probably be a huge upgrade for your machine..lol http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4331476&CatId=93304:47
n2diyKM0201, I don't want to replace working hardware, I want to fix a glitch in korganizer.04:48
KM0201n2diy: lol, i'm teasing you04:48
KM0201i don't do KDE stuff, so i'm no help04:48
n2diyKM0201, Ha, ha, reminds me of the firehouse.04:49
n2diy:), so somewhere there is a config file where I can change the mouse over display from black on black to something sane, but I can't find it?04:50
Soupermann2diy, why korganizer and no some other gtk based organizer like osmo?04:51
n2diySouperman, because I found korganizer first, like ten years ago!?04:51
KM0201how do you get xchat to show in the system try all the time04:52
Soupermanit does04:52
zenroxtell it04:52
KM0201not for i.04:52
zenroxits an option04:53
KM0201zenrox: i went through options, and can't find it04:53
SoupermanKM0201, #xchat04:53
n2diyKM0201, I'm using xchat-gnome.04:53
KM0201"enable system try icon" is checked04:53
zenroxdont know04:53
zenroxit stays open for me04:53
KM0201Souperman: no offense, but xchat is the most useless support channel on freenode04:53
Soupermani beg to differ, #exaile is04:54
Soupermanthey helped me04:54
KM0201Souperman: actually, the most useless, is #debian04:55
Soupermann2diy, so you updated the recomended drivers?04:55
KM0201#xchat is a close second04:55
Soupermanask, what you have to lose?04:55
n2diySouperman, no, I haven't looked for any recommended drivers.04:55
KM0201Souperman: its not a huge issue, i'll figure it out eventually04:57
Soupermann2diy, have you gone to the xfce4-settings-manager and checked that composition was activated on the compositor tab on the window manager menu?05:04
Soupermanor was in on window manager tweaks? i dont know my system is on spañish, but it should be this last one05:06
n2diySouperman, ok, I'll look around inxfce4, thanks.05:07
Souperman<Souperman>  how do you get xchat to show in the system try all the time?05:08
Souperman* Tobias|| es ahora conocido como Tobias|05:08
Souperman<MK```> Edit > Preferences > Chatting > Alerts > Enable system tray icon, Souperman05:08
SoupermanMK```, is here too05:09
MK```didn't see05:09
Souperman:P KM0201 here was saying #xchat people didnt helped, you proved wrong in 10 minutes05:10
KM0201Souperman: and i said, i already done that05:10
KM0201its not there05:10
MK```when I am around I do what I can05:11
MK```I just phase in and out of channels at random05:11
Soupermanit is, under the sounds option and above the highlighted messages KM020105:11
KM0201Souperman: lol, i'm sitting here looking at my task bar, its not there05:12
Soupermanyou have any other programs? maybe you deleted the notification area :P05:13
KM0201nope, notification area is there (wireless is there)05:15
KM0201pidgin is also there05:15
KM0201Souperman: and just to make sure, i just checked my panel items, notification area is present05:16
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
SoupermanKM0201, in #xchat they are asking for more info if what MK``` said didnt work, go there they are willing to help :P05:29
KM0201Souperman: its no big deal... i'll figure it out later05:29
SoupermanXD but you have help now XD05:30
KM0201Souperman: its a miracle... i'm sure i'd go there and they'd see my name, and stop responding05:30
Soupermanno way, ill give you some of my karma, it will be fine, ill protect you05:30
* zenrox jams to his music05:51
KM0201i'm in an 80's mood05:51
KM0201acdc, bon jovi, whitesnake, def leppard05:52
zenroxkorn here05:52
zenroxbut i love my 80's05:52
zenroxand my 60-70s05:52
zenroxprobly should talk in offtopic about this stuff tho right ?? even tho i ant a purest05:53
Soupermani was streaming disco music for hours today XD06:08
* zenrox faints06:08
fslima0i am having trouble upgrading my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.0406:09
Soupermanas you probably would06:10
bin_bashis your stuff backed up06:11
Soupermanonly 10% of all ubuntu upgrades go flawlessly well06:11
bin_bashfslima0: is your stuff backed up?06:11
fslima0bin_bash: no06:11
fslima0it won't upgrade anyway. lol06:12
bin_bashyou should ALWAYS back your stuff up when upgrading to a new OS06:12
bin_bashfslima0: back your stuff up and do a clean isntall.06:12
Soupermanthis also, clean installs all the way06:12
fslima0but i feel lazy. lol06:13
fslima0this is a netbook06:13
fslima0Can not mark 'xubuntu-desktop' for upgrade06:13
bin_bashwell laziness is the path to lost data06:14
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
bin_bashfslima0: how are you trying to upgrade?06:14
fslima0bin_bash: this is a netbook, my friend06:14
fslima0i dont have important data in it06:14
bin_bash>Implying there's no home data on a netbook06:14
bin_bashSo then just do a clean install06:15
fslima0maybe i should. but for now i need to figure out how to install the latest ubuntu without going the clean install route06:16
KM0201clean install would be the easiest route.06:16
bin_bashHave you considered doing it from a liveusb06:16
KM0201fslima0: can you not upgrade?06:16
* KM0201 late to conversation, will scroll up06:16
bin_bashhe can't upgrade but hasn't given any details06:16
Soupermanfslima0, if you wanna trouble yourself go to the upgrade and then install the xubuntu packages from ubuntu or something like that06:17
KM0201fslima0: ok, so why can't you upgrade06:17
KM0201fslima0: why can't you upgrade?06:20
bin_bashKM0201: It's a secret.06:20
KM0201bin_bash: he's super super serial06:21
bin_bashhe'th thuper therial06:21
* KM0201 loves when al gore is made fun of on south park06:21
KM0201bin_bash: ah, so you've seen those episodes to.06:21
bin_bash...Yes. Of course.06:21
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
bin_bashEven if I hadn't seen the whole episodes, I live on the goddamn internet06:22
bin_bashI know thw quotes06:22
KM0201did you watch that episode i sent you the other day, human centipad?06:22
bin_bashit was kind of stupid06:22
KM0201i thought it was hilarious,.06:23
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:23
bin_bashThank you, bazhang. We're waiting for fslima0 to give us some kind of relevant information06:24
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.07:14
bin_bashgoogle-fu? lolwat07:14
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
KM0201bin_bash: lol07:19
bin_bashstupid bot. uses a term it knows nothing about07:21
well_laid_lawngoogle fu is like kung fu but with google07:31
well_laid_lawngoogle.com/linux works best07:31
well_laid_lawnit has a penquin on it07:32
KM0201fslima0: were you ever gonna tell us about your problem?07:32
bin_bashNo it's a thuper thecret07:32
bin_bashhe probably bricked his computer because he didn't want to clean isntall07:33
mikeatvillageIs there a quick way of sharing my 'home' directory so it can be seem by a Windoze PC on the network, or do I need to install Samba?07:39
KM0201mikeatvillage: samba would be about as quick as it gets07:42
mikeatvillageThanks, I'll stick it on then :-)07:42
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
KM0201fslima0: did you get it resolved?08:02
vabigoonhi, is that possible to force the terminal not to close after doing some script in python which is started by activator?08:11
bin_bashum no but you can use screen08:12
KM0201hmm, dunno08:14
vabigoonscreen? for what?08:14
vabigoonyou mean sreenshot yes?08:14
KM0201no, not screenshot08:15
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen08:15
vabigoonoh thank you :D08:16
aeehow to install dropbox in xfce08:17
vabigooni made it without any complications in 10.1008:17
vabigoondownload and install, that's all08:17
vabigooni'll try it now ;D08:18
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
vabigoonoh, but it was on ubuntu with installed xcfe, so on pure xubuntu it's necessary to install Nautilus i suppose08:20
KM0201vabigoon: why would you do that?08:21
KM0201just use thunar08:21
KM0201i'm assuming thunar can do whatever you're wanting nautilus to do.08:22
vabigoonbecause dropbox is program made for nautilus. i don't know will it work without it?08:23
well_laid_lawnyou need the --hold option for a terminal to not close when starting it to run an app08:23
vabigoonhow can use it in the activator?08:25
vabigoonaee: it works well on xubuntu.08:30
aeetry it thuanr08:33
vabigooni installed it now on the pure xubuntu 11.0408:34
vabigoonit works08:34
vabigoondownload it  from the dropbox site08:34
vabigoonand in terminal08:34
aeeI play xubuntu 11.0408:34
vabigoondownload the .deb package08:36
kbmaniacmorning people, I am a gnome shell refugee still trying to find a home, have just installed 11.04 xubuntu all is good apart from after a re-boot, on clicking a folder there is a long delay before thunar opens and an error message pops up - "did not recieve a reply. possible causes ...." after that thunar starts real quick ... any ideas ?08:36
aeeum Ubuntu (x86 .deb) ?08:36
vabigoonyou have 32bit cpu?08:36
kbmaniacyes, 32 bit08:36
vabigoonso that package08:37
aeeit for nauitlus08:37
vabigoonoh sorry kbmaniac... im writing to aee08:37
vabigoonbut it works for me :D08:37
vabigoontry it08:37
kbmaniacmy error, sorry :)08:37
aeeok try it08:37
vabigoonsudo dpkg -i [packagename]08:38
aeeinstalling dropbox08:38
vabigooni have the dropbox icon in the indicator plugin now08:39
aeehave foder dropbox08:41
aeeyes i see it08:42
vabigoonis it downloading your files?08:42
aeeit syncing08:42
aeei see icon in indicator08:43
vabigoonso now you have installed dropbox :>08:43
aeewow it easy08:43
aeeI think find thunar-dropbox plugin08:44
aeethank vabigoon08:44
vabigoonno problem :> enjoy it08:45
bin_bashman... debian people are assholes09:00
jgouldI used debian for a while,  it was, oh, 10 years ago or so now.  Started on Slackware...09:02
psycho_oreosso one insults another distro that's not exactly related to this channel nor this distro without a good reason09:03
lo0mhi, i've installed xub 11.04 on lenovo T510 yesterday. everythng works fine except LCD brightness control. the icon appears and the bar goes up and down as it should, but brightness is the same (and it propably worked fine on LiveCD). any suggestions?09:29
musaraigneHelp needed ^^; can't play dvd's on latest xubuntu, despite having w32 codecs and libdvdcss installed from medibuntu09:52
musaraigneI did try to zone my dvd drive but it didn't sort it out09:52
want_to_helphi all the people.I have VERY VERY old computer(year 1997,200 MHz Pentium-MMX processor, 16 MB RAM, 1 GB HDD).What version of xUbuntu I should(can) install?10:14
=== want_to_help is now known as russian_noob_XDD
russian_noob_XDDWho can help me?10:16
psycho_oreosI don't really think you can install xubuntu (with graphics) for such a small amount of RAM10:18
psycho_oreosas with other distros that might be suitable for such a small amount of RAM may struggle. Things like puppylinux for instance10:19
russian_noob_XDDthnx a lot10:21
psycho_oreosare you planning to run without graphics or?10:22
mikeatvillageI used to run Slackware as Samba servers (without any GUI) on 200Mhz PCs but I never tried on less than 64Mb RAM.10:24
psycho_oreosI've never ran linux on that sort of specs. I do have 200MHz PC somewhere but it has 64MB RAM as well. My very first linux boxen was on a PII 400MHz with 768MB RAM10:27
russian_noob_XDDI have normal computer at home,10:27
psycho_oreosshe's probably not going to enjoy running linux on it unless she's happy to deal with the terminal10:29
psycho_oreosthe only other way is to make a huge swap file/partition and have programs running off swap unless they are critical to kernel and/or Xorg itself10:30
psycho_oreoseven at that one still needs to run a very minimalistic WM/DE frontend so again, puppylinux may suit10:31
russian_noob_XDDmy grandmother don't use her computer10:39
russian_noob_XDDI don't like the terminal too, and I just want to connect with the Internet and play normal games(I don't like Mario)10:41
nonix4russian_noob_XDD: well if lucky, you may find ram upgrade to 64 megs for around $5.10:42
russian_noob_XDDnonix4: OMG! Really??!!10:43
nonix4(upgrades beyond 64 megs most likely wont work properly for computers of that age, as they tend to lack so called "tag ram")'10:43
russian_noob_XDDIt will be better to buy new computer XDDD10:43
russian_noob_XDDI think, I can't find so old RAM in my small provincial russian town10:45
nonix4russian_noob_XDD: well I tend to upgrade all old machines to their motherboards' max ram before even considering using them for something, much more pleasant to use that way :)10:48
russian_noob_XDDcreator of PuppyLinux, probably, did have computer like this XDD10:50
russian_noob_XDDExcuse me for bad English10:50
nonix4(smallest ram 'puter I have running Linux is around 16 megs, but that is OpenWrt)10:50
russian_noob_XDDWhat OS better for my "computer": Win98 or Win95?10:52
russian_noob_XDDNow I have Win9810:52
nonix4neither of them can be used with networking...10:53
bazhangrussian_noob_XDD, ask in ##windows , this is xubuntu support10:58
nonix4russian_noob_XDD: actually for 16 megs I'd recommend freebsd.10:59
=== Galok` is now known as Galok
xharxi use xubuntu 11.04 and i cant find the option to set the speed of the mousecursor. What I find is the acceleration, but speed isn't inflluenced11:34
Sysitry moving other slider too11:36
xharxI did so, no effect11:38
Sysiit should work and it works for me, what mouse do you have?11:40
xharxsynaptic mousepad11:41
moldy-bhello everyone!12:39
moldy-bhave just started using xubuntu 11.04 and think its great!12:40
moldy-boh well bye12:41
LinXNuthey i have a question about upgrading my xubuntu15:04
LinXNutto the newer version15:04
LinXNutwhen I open synaptic, it says "ubuntu", but I need to only upgrade xubuntu15:05
zenroxask away15:05
SeqisApparently my top-panel is completely screwed up. Is there any way to reset it to the install-defaults? I tried removing ~/.config/xfce4/panel and relogging and rebooting, but that hasn't helped. Any ideas?15:06
ThinkT510LinXNut: if you have xubuntu installed and want to upgrade to xubuntu 11.04, then that is what it will do (don't worry, it won't give you ubuntu/unity).15:07
KM0201guess he didn't want to stick arond for the answer15:08
KM0201how do i message a user, that is not in any of the channels... i'm in.. but when I do a WHOIS, it finds him15:16
KM0201but it doesn't show the channel he's in15:16
Sysi/msg $USER hello15:17
KM0201Sysi: oh ok.15:18
Sysii wish that's not client spesific15:18
SeqisI've added my own panel to the bottom of my desktop (replacing one that was there by default). I'd like it to remain "always on top" in that maximized windows cannot penetrate it (just as maximized windows does not penetrate the top panel). Is that possible?15:50
KM0201Seqis: right click panel/panel preferences/lock panel15:57
zenroxjust lock the panl15:57
KM0201make sure your on the proper panel (1 or 2 from the sounds of it)15:57
serpentologistDoes Xubuntu have network-manager and nm-applet installed by default? Or any other tool that would allow to create VPN connection as easily as nm-applet does?15:58
Sysinm-applet is there by default15:58
serpentologistcool, i'm switching to Xubuntu then15:58
* KM0201 obviously notices another Unity fan15:59
serpentologistyeah you are right)15:59
SeqisKM0201, thank you .. that helped... Though applications can still penetrate it if I left-click and drag them to the bottom of the desktop where the bottom-panel is located... The top of the panel is not treated as the desktop-border, except when maximizing now..15:59
KM0201Seqis: oh ok..16:01
KM0201thats not penetrating.. thats you dragging/dropping16:01
SeqisKM0201, well I am a recent user of XFCE. I am used to Gnome panels, which when locked cannot be penetrated.16:01
SeqisKM0201, essentially I'd like to treat the bottom panel like the top one is by default... locked & impenetrable.16:01
KM0201Seqis: hold on, i just found how to turn that off.16:02
KM0201settings mgr, window manager, focus tab...16:02
KM0201advanced tab16:02
KM0201uncheck "Wrap workspaces when dragging"16:03
KM0201that'll disable that16:03
Seqiswhat does that disable exactly?16:03
KM0201Seqis: it disables dragging windows off the workspace'16:03
KM0201isn't that what you wanted?16:04
Seqisok .. I'll have to explain a bit more16:04
KM0201well i must just be totally lost.16:04
SeqisThe bottom of the desktop is currently seen as the true bottom of the desktop.. not the top of the bottom panel as the bottom of the desktop16:05
Sysilog out and back in16:05
Seqisso while I could drag an application off-screen, sure .... it seems that even though the bottom panel is locked, I can have an application window hit the top of the bottom panel, then drag down a bit further, it will hit the bottom of the true-desktop... then drag a bit further, and it'll drag off-screen16:06
SeqisMy panels are transparent... so I can see my windows at the bottom of the desktop, behind the bottom panel16:06
Sysilike it's ment to work afaik16:08
SeqisI just wanted to know if there was a way to effectively "end" the bottom of the desktop at the top of the bottom panel.16:08
KM0201Seqis: lol, i don't think so..16:08
SeqisFOr a second, I thought in Settings Manager, Workspaces there was a way to set the bottom border in # of pixels16:09
Seqis...Well I'm new to Xubuntu... I was very put off by the whole Unity and Gnome 3 desktop environments... and since it seems that Gnome 2.x is headed for destruction ... I started looking. Seems that XFCE is viable for my needs and Xubuntu seems to be fitting that pretty well.16:12
KM0201Seqis: yeah, thats what ultimately made me switch to xfce.. not a huge fan of gnome 3 or unity.16:15
Seqisoh man16:15
Seqisunity & gnome 3 look like Fisher Price desktop environments...16:15
Seqisa Desktop PC is not an oversized Smartphone16:15
SeqisI suppose Unity & Gnome 3 would be good on tablets or smartphones... but not desktops.16:16
SeqisI essentially recreated my two-panel look of Gnome 2.x ... removed the bottom panel that comes with Xubuntu, added a Window Menu & Workspace Switcher to the bottom panel, and removed the Window Menu from the top panel16:17
drcWoah...now the new panel does what Sequi want...lemme figure out how I did it.16:19
Seqisdrc ack! you gotta tell me!  :)16:20
drcas soon as I figure it out :)16:20
Seqisthe panel functionality I'm referring to is basically how it acts under Gnome 2.x16:20
drctry this: make panel 2, verticle, lock...try moving a window <under> the panel...16:21
drcthe move it horizonal and bottom16:21
Seqisnope, it still moves under the panel16:21
drcwish I knew16:22
drcnope, I was wrong16:22
Seqisdrc, so the TOP of your bottom panel acts as the true bottom of the desktop?16:22
drcI changed the edge snap distence...and it "snaped" to the top of panel 216:23
drcI <thought> it was not going under the panel16:23
Seqisthat's the LOCK checkbox16:23
Seqisso maximized windows will not cross the top of the bottom panel16:23
drcoh well...puppy time16:24
Seqisbut you can still drag a window behind & under the top-border of the bottom panel, down to the bottom of the true desktop.16:24
Sysii think you can't change that16:26
SeqisSysi, ok thank you ..16:30
SeqisSysi, do you use Audacious (not audacity) ?16:31
=== emma is now known as em
bin_bashummm does abiword not recover???16:50
xubuntu306oh shizznit16:56
xubuntu306u shood get open office16:57
bin_bashi shouldnmt have to16:57
bin_bashmy computer just shut down. idk when or why. where can i check this17:04
zenroxbin_bash, shounds like your computer got to hot and shut down to save its self17:04
bin_bashprobably not17:04
zenroxit does casue my wifes did that yesterday for that very reasion its fan wasnt running17:05
zenroxwhen it shut down17:05
bin_bashfan is always running. it doesn't run hot.17:06
zenroxbut thare is a log file to look at17:06
zenroxbut i dont rember whare to look17:07
zenroxthats it look at the xorg log and kernel log17:07
bin_bashwell there's nothing in the kern.log before 11:4817:10
zenroxcheck the one with the numbers on them17:10
zenroxeatch is for the prev session17:11
zenrox1 is the last one 2 is the one before that etc.....17:11
zenroxwhat about xorg17:11
bin_bashidk how to read it17:12
zenroxpast bin it17:12
zenroxnothen in thare either17:14
zenroxevery thang looks normal17:14
zenroxtry sys.log17:15
zenroxmessage.log and user.log17:15
bin_bashzenrox: read my mind17:15
bin_bashi was in the syslog17:15
bin_bashMay  1 10:17:01 Jack CRON[9117]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)17:15
zenroxdmesg might be a good one too17:15
bin_bashMay  1 11:48:26 Jack kernel: imklog 4.6.4, log source = /proc/kmsg started.17:15
zenroxhmm maby cron just crashed what just before cron17:17
bin_bashMay  1 07:40:07 Jack kernel: [162211.392440] EXT4-fs (sda4): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=017:18
bin_bashMay  1 08:17:01 Jack CRON[11674]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)17:18
bin_bashMay  1 09:17:01 Jack CRON[26796]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)17:18
zenroxyour ext4 freaked out17:19
bin_bash3 hours before it shut off?17:20
bin_bashokay well now I found out that abiword does have my file17:23
bin_bashbut it's .doc.bak and when I try to open it, it's xml17:23
bin_bashonly thing i can think of17:25
bin_bashis maybe skype crashed17:25
bin_bashand overheated the computer17:25
BrinsonHey, I accidentally removed the network-manager applet from my panel...and its not on the list to add...how did they get it there?17:41
SysiBrinson: notification area or indicator plugin17:42
Brinsonmmm, I added them both, and still can't see it. Do you know the command for bringing up the network-manager? I thought it was network-manager-gnome but that isn't working17:45
BrinsonI think I'm just going to install wicd.17:49
KM0201Brinson: i believe you'd need to add notification area, to get your network applet back17:51
drcBrinson: Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Session and Startup>Application Autostart...find and check Network Manager17:52
KM0201drc: from what he's saying, i think it's running, ti's just not in the panel (or i assume its runnning, since he's here)17:52
BrinsonI'm on a different computer, but yeah, its running. Its actually in the panel now, I had to restart for some reason.17:53
drcKM0201: Probably, but he seems to be having (other?) problems...best to check everything :)17:53
KM0201drc: i didn't notice the other problems17:53
Brinsonthanks for the help guys. 11.04 is a very nice release. Xfce 4.8 is so nice.17:54
drcwell, <other> as in: the nm-applet wasn't showing up where we expected it :)17:54
KM0201drc: well, thats just because he removed notification area17:55
KM0201add it back, its there... if nm-applet wasn't running, the machine wouldn't get onlin17:55
drcAh...<that's> why my xfce-power-manager shows up (when I said only on battery use and recharge)...the silly usb mouse uses/drains a battery.17:59
kbmaniac have just installed 11.04 xubuntu all is good apart from after a re-boot, on clicking a folder there is a long delay before thunar opens and an error message pops up - “did not recieve a reply. possible causes ....” after that thunar starts real quick ... any ideas ?18:18
Sysithe delay is "feature" that came with new features, error should be about something else18:19
kbmaniaclol .. OK will copy text of error ...18:20
kbmaniacDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.18:20
KM0201Sysi: what was tha tlink that was posted to the other day (it was on psychocats) to completely remove Xfce, or Lxde, or whatever18:21
kbmaniacodd because its a brand new install, anyone else getting this message on thunar 1st start ?18:21
KM0201found it18:21
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:21
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:22
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:32
KM0201i wasn't off topic, what are you talking about.18:36
LinXnutI have a question about upgrading my xubuntu to 11.04. Through the synaptic package manager, it says "Ubuntu" upgrade, but I only need to upgrade Xubuntu. Is this the same thing or different?18:48
Sysisame thing18:50
Sysiubuntu and xubuntu dowload (updated) software from same place18:50
LinXnutok thank you! :D18:51
inaetyHi. I have my font set to using Droid Sans under fonts which I want to keep but when trying to view PDFs under xpdf, the rendering comes out terribly19:02
inaetyHow can I change this rendering without changing my system font19:02
Sysixfce shouldn't matter with xpdf rendering19:02
Sysiwhat about other pdf software?19:03
Sysior i'm not expert with that..19:04
Soupermaninaety, by definition pdf's have their own set of fonts19:04
inaetychanging the system font changes the font rendered in xpdf19:05
inaetyalong with document viewer as well19:06
Soupermanit does? first time i heard that19:07
inaetySouperman, give it a try19:21
KM0201what is that xfce tool, for configuring pulse audio.19:22
KM0201it's a GUI tool.19:23
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:23
SeqisWhy is it that the Notification Area plugin is shadowed out when I want to add it? I've been in a situation in the past where I've removed that plugin, and I can't add it back in because it's shadowed out...19:30
Soupermanadd what?19:31
Seqisthe Notification Area plugin19:31
Seqis..to the panel19:31
Seqisit's in the same list as the CPU Graph, clock, etc19:32
Soupermanoh is shadowed because you are using another installer, synaptic or ubuntu software center, or apt-get, or aptitude19:32
Seqishmm? When I right click my panel, and I go down to PANEL --> Add New Items...19:33
Soupermani dont understand19:33
Seqisyou using XFCE?19:33
Soupermanindeed, like from forever19:33
Seqis:) ok19:33
Seqisjust checking19:33
Seqisok so, right click your panel.... go to Add New Items19:34
Seqisthere's a bunch of applets (or plugins) listed19:34
Soupermanthere, now is all grey because i have the add new items window open19:34
Seqislook in the listing19:35
Soupermannow what?19:35
Seqisgo down to N and look for Notification Area19:35
SeqisIs it grayed out for you?19:35
Seqiswow it is for me19:35
Soupermani see19:35
Seqisand this is a fresh install19:35
Soupermanadd a new panel and try to add the notification area to it19:35
Seqisya did that -- still shadowed out19:36
Seqisit's the only one on the list that's shadowed out to me19:36
SeqisBeing this is a fresh install, I was wondering if I had to do something19:37
SeqisNot here, but at work I have a dual monitor setup and I'd expect to want to add the Notification Area to the 2nd monitor on a new panel for that 2nd monitor... so I am expecting to run into this problem there19:37
SoupermanSeqis, this fresh install was using a pure xubuntu disk?19:38
Seqiseverything else looks good.. I was wondering why this is shadowed out like that.19:39
Sysiit's shadowed if you alreadu have it somewhere19:41
SeqisWell you can only have one I suppose? But here's the rub ..... if I remove it (and I have) I can't put it back, because it's still shadowed. In fact, the only way I could restore it was to delete the entire ~/.config/xfce4 directory and reboot to force a redraw19:42
Sysiyou should be able to do that.. and it worked for me19:43
SeqisSysi, to do what, exactly?19:43
Sysiyou're sure it wasn't indicator plugin?19:43
Sysito add it back19:43
SoupermanSeqis, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10181/xubuntu-restoring-the-notifcation-area-in-xfce419:43
Soupermanhave you read this?19:43
Seqislet me check19:43
Seqisheh yea19:44
Seqistheyr'e saying the same thing19:44
Sysiworked for me..19:44
Seqisthey suggest just removing the panel subdirectory19:44
Seqisbut that didn't work for me, I had to remove the entire xfce4 directory19:44
SeqisSysi, you removed the notification area, and then you were able to put it back?19:44
SeqisI guess it's not shadowed for you19:44
SeqisI'm wondering why mine is, and what I could do to repair that... this install is 1 hour old.19:45
SeqisAlso, if forces a white background, I wanted to change that... but that's a minor thing19:45
Soupermani think, something went wrong whit your installation19:50
Soupermanyou have a separated /home ?19:50
Seqiseverything looks great so far... all the plugins for the panel work fine.. and are not shadowed... just that one item.19:50
SeqisYea I always make a separate partition for /boot, /, /home and swap19:50
Soupermanmaybe you had config files there that are changing stuff19:51
Seqisoh this was a fresh install and format19:51
Seqisthis is my "testing" box.19:51
Seqisthe /home was formatted ext419:51
Seqiscould I reinstall (i.e. add/remove) plugins for panels19:52
SeqisWhen i right click the plugin by the way it says above "Indicator Plugin"19:53
MK`how big should I make a /boot partition?19:56
SeqisMK`, I rarely make it larger than 250MB19:56
MK`I have an old 15 GB drive I want to install Xubuntu on, is why19:57
KM0201MK`, you don't really *have* to have a boot partition19:57
KM0201if xubuntu is the only thing on the drive.. i see no reason to personally19:57
MK`I'd prefer to keep them separate if I could19:57
Seqis250mb should suffice. I also make the root 20gig... so with a 15gig drive, not sure ... you may be able to get away with 5 or 6 gig.19:58
MK`well it's not the only drive in the computer :P19:58
MK`my /home will be on a different HD19:58
KM0201MK`, thats not really an issue.. just install grub to the 15gig drive.. and it'll never touch the other drives mbr19:58
KM0201put it on the 15gig drives mbr, and it'l lnever touch the other drives, mbr.. that is19:58
KM0201but regardless, as said, a 250mb /boot is plenty19:58
SoupermanSeqis, http://en.kioskea.net/forum/affich-53991-icon-bar-has-disappeared19:58
Seqislet me check that Souperman, thank you19:59
SeqisSouperman, that's a forum post for windows ... :\19:59
Soupermanyes, read the guy who posts about xfce20:00
SeqisI did a bunch of googling on it before asking in here though..20:00
SeqisSouperman, that seems to be a command line version of doing the same thing via the gui ... I did try xfce4-panel --add="Notification Area" (with and without quotes) .. nothing happened20:03
SeqisI suppose I'll google more.. perhaps ask again in a while... seems like a fixable issue20:04
AscavasaionI installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD.  I am intending to change to Xubuntu desktop.  but on the first reboot after installing it stop booting and gives me this... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601832/   Any ideas please?20:07
MK`hm I read your issue Seqis, very strange20:07
SeqisMK`, I noticed something just now.20:07
MK`Ascavasaion: I cannot help sorry20:08
AscavasaionUm, thanks MK`20:09
Seqisin the list of ADD new Items -- the "Indicator Plugin" is available.. and looks just like the one on the panel.. (it is NOT grayed out). So I can indeed add 2nd (or 3rd) Indicator Plugins. I guess I wanted "Indicator Plugin" the whole time. I don't knwo though why "Notification area" is still shadowed.20:09
MK`Sequis: there is some overlap among those 3 plugins, if you use all 3 it will only put some of the things in one of them20:10
SeqisMK`, there seems to me other things you can add into the indicator plugin20:13
SeqisMK`, would you know where there's a list of which items I could add/remove?20:13
SeqisMK`, I have a partial list20:13
MK`one sec20:14
MK`Indicator Applet Session has your session changer and logoff button. Indicator Applet has your Battery, Sound, and Messages. Notification area has your programs, Update Manager, Internet, and a duplicate Battery20:15
MK`If you have Indicator and Notification it only has batter in the Indicator20:16
Seqisit seems that you can add items20:16
Seqissudo apt-get install indicator-application indicator-appmenu indicator-messages indicator-session indicator-sound20:17
AscavasaionI installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD.  I am intending to change to Xubuntu desktop.  but on the first reboot after installing it stop booting and gives me this... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/601832/   Any ideas please?20:18
SoupermanAscavasaion, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-initrd-bug.html20:20
MK`yeah indicator-applet has 3 addons: indicator-messages, indicator-sound, indicator-application. indicator-applet-session seems to be the gnome version of indicator-session + indicator-me20:20
Seqisbut the panel is 1 blocked panel... you can't seem to change the icon order inside the applet or move the icons around.. they're either there, or not.20:21
Seqis..they also can't be split up ..20:21
MK`maybe you can reconfigure the applet somehow :P20:21
MK`lemme look into it20:21
SeqisMK`, I was checking into that... it would be nice because the applet "indicator-session" allows the log-off, reboot, etc... that would be a great replacement for the "Session Menu" plugin (and uses less space on the panel), but it's not placeable on the far right within the plugin ... which really is the appropriate place for a session-icon20:23
MK`there are gconf files that let you suppress some of them but that's it I think20:24
MK`1 /apps/indicator-session/suppress_logout_menuitem20:24
MK`to "Remove the Log Out item from the session menu"20:25
SeqisI apt-get removed the indicator-session  :)20:25
Seqisthat's another way to suppress it20:25
MK`2: /apps/indicator-session/suppress_logout_restart_shutdown "Suppress the dialog to confirm logout, restart and shutdown action"20:25
MK`and then ones to remove restart and shut down20:25
SeqisBut icon placement within the plugin appears to be a nono20:26
SeqisShame there's no plugins for each of them specifically then.....20:27
SeqisMK`, Are there more panel plugins than the ones listed by default?20:27
MK`i'm sure you can find plenty of other ones people have made20:28
SeqisAre they gtk 2.x plugins?20:28
MK`most likely20:28
MK`I am on gnome myself right now20:28
SeqisI felt trapped by the whole Ubuntu Unity and Gnome 3 craziness20:29
Seqisso I'm trying out Xubuntu20:29
SeqisXFCE seems to be the only way for me, if I don't want to turn my PC into an oversized smartphone.20:29
MK`it's nice20:29
MK`I use Xubuntu when I break gnome mostly20:29
Seqis...since I know Gnome 2.x is destined for the trashbin ... :(20:29
MK`but I am about to install it on an older PC :P20:29
AscavasaionSouperman: Hectic stuff to go wrong on a fresh install.  Seems I wasted time and effort and pre-paid internet bandwidth on Ubuntu again.20:30
MK`pre-paid bandwidth? sheesh20:30
SeqisMaybe I'm getting old, but Gnome 2.x seems to me so optimized....... I am dumbfounded as to why they're abandoning that panel set20:30
Sysii've never liked gnome 220:30
SeqisSysi, from a performance memory hog perspective, or from a user interface perspective20:31
Sysiusability perspective20:32
AscavasaionMK`: Yes, the joys of living in a 3rd world country.20:32
Sysii like KDE420:32
Seqis..never card for KDE20:32
Sysior actually, what i can get from it20:32
MK`I have Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu all installed on here. My application and settings menus are disaster areas20:32
SeqisI've always preferred Gnome 2.x... and now the whole Gnome/Ubuntu world seems to think I need 50 pixel icons20:32
nekoCATThe only thing l really like about gnome 2 are the themes but the Xubuntu theme is the style I use it works out fine with the demise of Gnome 2.20:33
Sysii really hate usability that is like playing FPS game20:33
SoupermanSeqis, i know this might be like too much, but... you could sudo apt-get purge xfce4-panel form a tty while xfce is shut down and then do sudo apt-get install xfce4-panel again20:33
SeqisIt looks like a Fisher Price desktop environment.. (unity & gnome 3)20:33
SeqisSouperman,   :\20:34
SeqisActually I think I solved it20:34
nekoCATSeqis: The same could be said of KDE20:34
SeqisI really don't know why the Notification Area plugin is shadowed... but I don't think I need it... it's really the "Indicator Plugin" I needed.20:34
Sysigett off from 90s :P20:35
Soupermanoh well, but its not the same20:35
SysiSeqis: didn't i suggest that kinda long time ago? :D20:36
AscavasaionSouperman: when I do  cat /proc/cmdline I get a long BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-linuxkernelversion root=looongnumberhere.  but when I do a ls there is no /boot folder.20:36
SeqisSysi, yea... you did20:36
Seqis<--- stew-pid20:36
SeqisSysi, though I don't know why the Notification Area is shadowed... but <whatever> :)20:36
SeqisWell from the forum posts I'm reading on Ubuntu Forums... it looks like Unity & Gnome 3 have done forked the Ubuntu-using population into "I like it" and "OMG are you kidding?!" ... I'm in the latter group, hence my arrival at Xubuntu.20:37
MK`of course20:37
MK`Ubuntu will continue to head toward Unity20:37
Sysii think unity is like worse version of kde-netbook20:37
MK`and the gnome community will create a Gubuntu derivative eventuallty20:37
MK`and we'll all be happy20:38
Seqisprecisely ... it's a good interface (maybe) for netbooks and/or tablets... but Desktops?? MmmmmKk..20:38
SysiSeqis: what's the difference?20:38
SeqisYea... they'll either fork GTK 2.x or port the panels over to GTK 3.x20:38
Sysiwhy wouldn't it work on bigger screen?20:38
SoupermanAscavasaion, sorry, i can't really help you there, if there is nothing important on the disk you could do a fresh install again, formating the hard drive and reinstalling it all20:39
SeqisSysi, well in a mobile environment, I can see how large icons for touch screens are a good idea and big panels20:39
AscavasaionSouperman: And use up yet more Internet bandwidth? :(20:39
SysiSeqis: and why wouldn't they be even better on desktop since the screen is bigger?20:39
SeqisSysi, but for a desktop PC with high res monitors and power users trying to get work done as opposed to just doing simple tasks on a mobile screen-restricted mobile device, it just isn't sufficient.20:39
Seqisthe logic doesn't scale Sysi . A large icon that is easy to tap with a finger tip doesn't mean you need a large icon on a desktop PC when you're using a mouse.20:40
SoupermanAscavasaion, sorry, but upgrading never goes well, the best solution to avoid most problems is to do clean installs20:40
SysiSeqis: even if you don't need it it's better20:40
AscavasaionSouperman: It was a clean install.20:40
SeqisSysi, how do you see it as better? I suppose unity/gtk 3 is a matter of preference ultimately.20:41
Soupermanthen why do you bother about bandwhidth you already have the installer...20:41
SysiSeqis: easier pointing20:41
Seqis...for the handicapped maybe.20:41
AscavasaionSouperman: Part of the install is a lot of downloding of files... I do not know what it is downloading.20:41
Soupermanlanguage files. you can avoid that part20:42
Seqisbut I fail to see why an icon needs to be that large or the panels so screen-splitting that a standard use with a mouse would find that useful20:42
Soupermanclic "cancel"20:42
Soupermanor just unplug the internets20:42
Sysiit won't use internet if you unplug it20:42
Sysii'm slow.. TV →20:43
AscavasaionSouperman: Oh, thought it was necessary.,20:43
Soupermanwell its not mandatory, it installs language files, if it doesnt it will be on english20:44
SeqisSysi, would you know if on a fresh Xubuntu install if I copied my ~/.config/xfce4 folder, I'd be able to easily/quickly copy my panel setup and XFCE preferences to a fresh install?20:44
SoupermanSeqis, im sure you need to copy it while xfce is not runing20:44
Sysibackup and then just push it back after installation before login20:45
SeqisSouperman, yea that's why I'm asking... so how would I approach that... force init 3 ?20:46
serpentologistHi, i have the following problem: i burned xubuntu image to disk and successfully booted from it. But when i tried to install the system i got error because some files could not be read. So here the question: is there a way to configure installer in such a way that it downloads packages from the server, not from the disk?20:46
Soupermanwell you could log out and start an pure x session20:46
SeqisI just spent so much time tweaking this XFCE setup on this test box.. it would be nice to just copy the config files over to a 2nd install20:47
Soupermanserpentologist, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation20:48
SeqisSysi, so i suppose the easy way would be to install fresh on a new box, then reboot using the live-cd (USB actually) then mount the /home and place the files20:48
SeqisSysi, but more to the point ... are all the configs for XFCE preferences (like Appearance style & icon selection) and panel setup all kept in the ~/.config/xfce4 directory?20:49
Sysii have pretty customized setup and it takes about quarter to set it up :P20:52
Sysixfce <320:52
Seqisa quarter... hour?20:52
Sysi15 mins20:52
Seqiswell it would take me longer, so I'd prefer to just copy the configs...20:53
SeqisAre they all kept in ~/.config/xfce4  ?20:53
=== MK` is now known as MK``
SeqisIt seems they are... because earlier when I removed it .. I lost everything and they all defaulted back to install defaults.20:54
SeqisI suppose I'll just test it on a vm20:55
aphrekare there any keyboard shortcuts for displaying open apps side by side - similar to expose on mac...20:59
Soupermanim pretty sure there are some compiz stuff to do that21:00
aphrekaha - I will check, just sorting out nvidia drivers first , cheers21:02
eduardo_do you prefer greybird or bluebird?21:15
eduardo_Im a bluebird theme fan21:16
tatzenblogdehey, does anybody know why libreoffice doesnt look like a typical gnome-application in xubuntu? i know it isnt a typical gnome-application, but how can i fit the style?21:20
Sysiinstall libreoffice-gtk21:21
KM0201lol, i'd say you answered your own question...lol21:21
KM0201it's not a typical gnome-application, so it doesn't look like a typical gnome-application.. :)21:21
tatzenblogdeyear, right :-) but i installed the package libreoffice-gtk and know it behaves like one :-)21:22
KM0201well thats all you can ask for.. :)21:23
nekoCATeduardo_: Greybird.  It is a very professional and distraction free theme.21:23
tatzenblogdei'm so impressed of the new xfce / xubuntu21:24
Souperman10.04 still uses open office21:26
mikeatvillageHah! Eventually got Skype working ... removed PulseAudio !22:08
KM0201mikeatvillage, it does seem to work a lot better w/ alsa22:13
KM0201i was just noticing that myself22:13
KM0201ive been messing w/ Lubuntu (which uses alsa)... and skype is perfectly clear on it22:14
mikeatvillageI too have been test driving Lubuntu, it's rather nice.22:16
mikeatvillageIt prompted me to try removing PulseAudio from this xubuntu installation :-)22:17
KM0201mikeatvillage, i like it a lot.22:17
KM0201i might install it22:17
bin_bashanyone know python?22:21
KM0201ok, i gotta leavve, be back in a while22:27
mister_mI am having all sorts of problems after upgrading to 11.0423:37
mister_mthe xfce session seems to be running smoother than the xubuntu session23:40

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