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jeffrashyou guys ready for a easy question?00:15
jeffrashjust upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 and installed xchat00:16
jeffrashcan I not minimize to the try anymore in unity?00:16
spikebyou'd have to install an indicator to do that i think.00:22
jeffrashspikeb, you were right!00:41
jeffrashsudo apt-get install xchat-indicator00:41
jeffrashspikeb, thanks!00:43
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spikebjeffrash, you're welcome00:53
MAbeeTThello does unity have trayicon applet? (for QT applications like psi, $kype, o anothers wich are not under "envelope's" icon like miro)04:35
spikebyes, for certain apps but not all.04:41
MAbeeTTso it' doesn't support that.04:43
spikebthe tray area is under a whitelist, only certain apps get to use it. i believe you can change that, however.04:44
RAOFSkype should be whitelisted, at least.04:44
MAbeeTTI really don't understand, icewm supports it, also fluxbox, and the "super" "new" "great" desktop not?04:44
RAOFIt *supports* it, but the design is (and has been for a year and a bit) to migrate away from notification icons because their behaviour is nonstandard and difficult to standardise.04:46
MAbeeTTsudo apt-get -y install qt4-demos && /usr/lib/qt4/examples/desktop/systray/systray04:46
MAbeeTTthis should show the tray icon.04:47
RAOFThat will not, because it is not white listed.04:47
RAOFSkype will, because skype is whitelisted04:47
RAOFAs will anything run in wine.04:47
MAbeeTTthe notification doesn't matter for me, the little icon is important.04:48
RAOFAnd, unless your application in whitelisted, your icon will not be shown.04:49
RAOFIt's not that Unity doesn't *support* the notification tray, it's that, by *policy*, only whitelisted apps may use it.04:50
MAbeeTTwow, this will blacklist unity xD04:50
MAbeeTTin gnome with natty, seems exist a bug with the tray icon applet, the icon seems don't appear with qt's applications (but there is a pixel with the icon).04:51
RAOFYou *can* use an application indicator, which is the replacement for the notification area.04:51
RAOFBut you can't embed a random window into Unity's panel (which is what the notification icon does, and why it's impossible to standardise their behaviour).04:53
MAbeeTTok, I hope the application indicator will be supported by QT, GTK, and all the stuff, anyway I'll continue with gnome. Actually awesome could be more pratical today.04:55
RhondaI'd like to ask again if someone is interested to work on the design of packages.ubuntu.com to get in the new standard design.06:55
OmegaRhonda: No one is awake right now, maybe try asking on the mailing list?07:07
RhondaYou seem to be awake. ;)07:10
OmegaThat is because I never sleep :>07:10
RhondaMy initial question that got ignored was 13 hours later.07:10
RhondaAnd I fear I'll have to make it happen once again on my own, but those things start to get frustrating when there are usually teams that are meant to work in those areas :/07:11
guitaheroHi everybody07:48
guitaheroYou guys would probably wanna say to look at google but HOW I activate unity with the new 11.04 ubuntu07:49
RAOFGenerally, boot up your computer and select the (default) “Ubuntu” session in GDM.07:50
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tbfhmm... qtcreator from chroot (scratchbox) fails to use the appmenu. guess i'll have to drop some qt plugin into the chroot?08:51
tbfseems building and installing appmenu-qt is not sufficient :-/09:17
tbfwhen the appmenu is not used?09:17
johHas anyone got a working example on how to implement Activation Hooks in a Unity Lens in Python?09:31
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tbfknown problem that qtcreator's menubar is not picked up by the appmenu plugin?11:15
johhmm, no libunity-dbg package? :-/11:26
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slideIm having a problem where XCHat doesnt show up in the Unity Bar12:04
slidei read somewhere that launching it from terminal would fix it, but it didnt for me12:04
rsajdokkaleo: please review my patch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ris/unity-2d/fix-692444/+merge/5794412:48
kaleorsajdok: will do, thanks a lot13:33
rsajdokkaleo: ok13:45
slideanyone have any advice on why xchat would not be showing up in the unity bar?13:50
hyperairbecause it, among the many apps in universe, have not transitioned to indicators yet13:50
hyperairyou can add it to the notification area whitelist in dconf13:50
hyperairhonestly, i think we should just whitelist every damned thing.13:51
hyperairit's better than breaking half the universe13:51
slidehrm is dconf supposed to be gui?13:55
hyperairslide: dconf-editor13:57
slidedo i need to restart it?13:58
slidethanks that worked! :)14:07
kenvandineslide, you can also use xchat-indicator14:15
kenvandineto make it use the messaging menu14:15
hichamI couldn't get the messaging menu to work14:17
hichamkenvandine: hi14:17
kenvandinehey hicham14:17
slideis the indicator plugin a better solution? like does it provide more functionality or something?14:18
hichamkenvandine: the ubuntu menu proxy proxy patch can't be implemented as a gtk module ?14:19
kenvandinehicham, it actually is14:20
kenvandineappmenu-gtk is the gtk module14:20
kenvandinethat patch is so it uses the module14:20
kenvandineor something14:20
kenvandinei am not that familiar with that patch14:20
hichamkenvandine: who is in charge of that patch ?14:21
kenvandineit was bratsche14:21
kenvandinebut not sure now14:21
kenvandineseb128_, ^^14:21
seb128_oh, I've no clue about the gtk patch either, just that cody did it and that it's working14:23
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kenvandinetedg might know a bit about it14:24
hichamkenvandine: can you remind me what part of unity you take care of ? :)14:25
kenvandinemostly the indicator stack14:26
kenvandinei maintain the appmenu-gtk package, which provides the gtk module14:26
kenvandinebut that module depends on the gtk patch14:27
hyperairkenvandine: ooh you take care of the indicator stack?14:27
kenvandinehyperair, "packages"14:27
hyperairoh =(14:27
kenvandineand yelling at tedg14:27
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hichamkenvandine: thanks for the help14:29
hichamkenvandine: anything special to get messages menu to work ?14:29
kenvandinehicham, anytime... wish i could help more :)14:29
kenvandinehicham, well... what isn't working?14:29
hichamkenvandine: i see nothing though I have indicator-messages installed14:29
kenvandineis the service running?14:30
kenvandinekillall indicator-messages-service; /usr/lib/indicator-messages/indicator-messages-service14:30
kenvandinethen you can see the console output14:30
hichamit starts and shutdown in no time, let me get the output for ya14:31
kenvandineyou might need to do it a couple times14:31
kenvandineit spawns fast14:31
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hichamand it is installed in /usr/libexec/indicator-messages-service14:31
kenvandinefor debugging you can add this to your .profile14:32
kenvandine. /usr/share/libindicator/80indicator-debugging14:32
kenvandineassuming you have that file installed14:32
kenvandinethat sets some variables in your ENV14:32
kenvandinethen logout/login14:32
kenvandineand you can kill it and start the service manually without it respawning14:33
kenvandinebut i usually find the killall thing works if you try it a couple times :)14:33
hichamkenvandine: http://fpaste.org/PvDk/14:33
kenvandinehicham, do you see the messaging menu in the panel?14:34
kenvandinejust empty?14:34
hichamkenvandine: no, I don't see anything14:34
hichamkenvandine: I only have datetime, session, me and compat notification area14:34
kenvandineok, that is the problem then...14:35
kenvandineone sec14:35
kenvandinedo you have /usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader ?14:35
kenvandineor /usr/libexec/libindicator/indicator-loader i guess14:35
kenvandineor /usr/libexec/indicator-loader14:35
hichamthat is from which package ?14:36
kenvandineok, libindicator14:36
kenvandinein ubuntu we put that in a libindicator-tools package14:36
hichaminstalling the package14:37
seb128lamalex, could you stop closing bugs about things using the systray? those are things we ship in Ubuntu so we either need to fix or whitelist those14:37
hichamseb128: I tried whitelisting some applets, but no go14:37
hichamseb128: only one that worked so far is nm-applet14:37
hichamseb128: for example, abrt-applet14:38
seb128the whitelist is in gsettings14:38
hichamyes yes, that is what I did14:38
lamalexseb128, i asked didrocks what to do with that14:39
hichambut only nm-applet worked14:39
lamalexhe said say wontfix but with a note14:39
seb128hicham, work on natty14:39
seb128lamalex, tell him to stop hidding and come online ;-)14:39
lamalexwhat should i mark them?14:39
kenvandinehicham, find your libmessaging.so14:39
kenvandineand run it like this14:39
seb128confirmed, wishlist and make sure mtp know about each broken case14:39
kenvandine/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader /usr/lib/indicators/5/libmessaging.so14:39
kenvandinehicham, hust adjust your paths14:40
kenvandinehicham, you'll see a little window just big enough to hold the messaging menu icon14:40
kenvandinebut what i want to see is what is output on the console14:40
hichamkenvandine: ok, give me 15 sec to log out from gnome-shell/ log into unity14:41
hyperairseb128: why can't we scrap the whitelist and just let everything appear?14:41
seb128don't ask me14:41
hyperairnow we have half the universe broken14:42
seb128they consider softwares will never be ported if they do that14:42
hyperairstuff like quicksynergy and deluge go completely missing.14:42
hyperairyou close it, and next thing you know, you can't call back out the window, and need to hunt down the original process and kill it14:42
seb128well that's why we should have an unity bug about each broken case14:42
hyperairand what will unity do about it?14:42
seb128if we go through 15 discussions maybe they will realize there is an issue14:43
seb128design needs to be proved that there is an issue14:43
hyperairfor that, i think we need a tag14:43
hichamseb128: so didrocks is the one in charge of the systray-whitelist ?14:43
kklimondabut isn't the goal to remove systray at some point?14:44
seb128the way to get that done is to open bugs about each case, argue, get those added to the whitelist and show them there is an issue14:44
hyperairyes it is14:44
seb128kklimonda, well we want at least a comprensive list of each and design suggestion for each14:44
hyperairkklimonda: but the thing is, until then, we have a *release* that has half the universe broken.14:44
hichamkklimonda: we need it for some applets here14:44
seb128hicham, didrocks ... not especially but in practice he will get the whitelist updates in Ubuntu14:45
kklimondahyperair: shrug, what's new? It's not a half of the universe..14:45
hyperairkklimonda: well i'm not sure, how many untransitioned applications do we have?14:45
hichamseb128: I just want to get some debugging tips to see why some of the applets here don't load14:45
seb128hicham, try talking to njpatel when he's around but dx is sprinting and not online a lot14:46
kklimondahyperair: I don't really know, but it can't be *that* many. Most applications don't use systray.14:48
hichamkenvandine: appmenu-gtk is for both gtk2 and gtk3 ?14:48
kklimondawhat is broken is probably most IMs in universe though14:48
hyperairkklimonda: probably. and most of the download things. and random things like quicksynergy14:49
kklimondahyperair: but my point is it wasn't that hard to work with us in the last year or so on migrating software to new APIs.14:49
seb128hicham, we didn't build a gtk3 version yet14:49
hyperairkklimonda: *shrug* i didn't find out about the whitelist until the archive was pretty frozen14:50
kenvandinehicham, did you get the indicator loaded?14:50
kklimonda(but I do believe that "we" have made a mistake with blacklisting stuff)14:50
hichamkenvandine: not yet, I am packaging appmenu-gtk, then I am gonna log into unity14:51
kenvandinehicham, ok14:51
kklimondabut my main concern is that I'd prefer Ballman's "developers, developers, developers" over apparent "users, users, user" we do ;)14:51
kenvandinejust ping me when you are ready to debug more14:51
kenvandinei should be around14:51
hichamkenvandine: now I am in unity15:00
hichamkenvandine: yes, I see the small window now with your command15:00
hichamkenvandine: but apparently some icon fails to be loaded15:00
hichamkenvandine: http://fpaste.org/KtTi/15:00
* kenvandine looks15:00
kenvandinehicham, oh... interesting15:01
hichamkenvandine: http://img339.imageshack.us/i/screenshot4oy.png/15:01
hichamindeed, a header is missing to build appmenu-gtk15:02
hichamI am gonna add it and see15:02
kenvandinehicham, does your libindicator package provide the fallback icons?15:02
kenvandine /usr/share/libindicator/icons/hicolor15:02
kenvandinehicham, like /usr/share/libindicator/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/indicator-messages.png15:04
hichamkenvandine: yes, I have that15:05
hichamkenvandine: and I ran gtk-update-icon-cache on that dir15:05
kenvandinethat was my next question :)15:05
hichamthat is standard packaging practice :)15:06
kenvandineof course :)15:06
hichamkenvandine: you seen the screenshot ?15:06
kenvandinethat isn't how it should look :)15:07
hichamkenvandine: how it should ?15:07
kenvandinethe indicator-messages icon15:07
kenvandineshould just be a single icon just like it would look in the panel15:07
kenvandinehicham, try this15:09
kenvandine/usr/libexec/indicator-loader /usr/lib/indicators/5/libsession.so15:09
kenvandinehicham, you had said the session indicator was working properly in unity right?15:09
hichamkenvandine: yes, as you can see from the screenshot15:10
kenvandinei thought so15:11
kenvandineok, so run that and see if it looks right15:11
hichamkenvandine: from right to left : session, me, datetime, sound, compat area ( nm-applet )15:11
kenvandine /usr/libexec/indicator-loader /usr/lib/indicators/5/libsession.so15:12
hichamkenvandine: yes, I see the libsession icon15:12
hichamkenvandine: want a screenshot ?15:12
kenvandineshould load the session indicator and you should be able to interact with it15:12
* kenvandine wonders if the icon is really the issue or just a red herring15:12
hichamright, I can interact with it too15:12
kenvandinei think it might be the icon though... since that first warning seems to happen before the first entry added message15:13
kenvandineso that might be the icon that gets displayed15:13
hichamhow the icon is searched for ?15:13
kenvandineso maybe it is finding icons for the others in your theme and not needing the fallback15:14
hichamthe icon name is in the shared library ?15:14
kenvandinei need to look at the source15:14
kenvandinebut i think it is by name15:14
kenvandinehicham, ^^15:16
kenvandinehicham, but i don't see why it is trying to find an icon named "indicator"15:20
lamalexok seb128 so how should i triage 76224715:21
lamalexmark confirmed/wishlist?15:21
seb128subscribe mpt as well to it15:22
seb128tag unity-notification-area if you want, I've done that to a few15:22
hichamkenvandine: what it should look for ?15:23
kenvandinehicham, so your indicator-messages package includes indicator-messages.png right?15:26
kenvandineand what path is it installed in?15:26
hichamkenvandine: /usr/share/libindicator/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/indicator-messages.png15:27
hichami have it from other icon themes also15:28
kenvandinei am just not seeing why it is requesting an icon named "indicator"15:28
kenvandinei don't think the problem is in libindicator15:28
hichamin /usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common15:28
kenvandineit looks like indicator-messages is asking for an icon named "indicator"15:28
hichamwhat should it ask for ?15:28
kenvandinewhich doesn't exist15:29
hichamindicator-messages ?15:29
kenvandinemain_image = GTK_WIDGET(indicator_image_helper("indicator-messages"));15:30
kenvandinein indicator-messages15:30
kenvandinebut libindicator is looking for "indicator"15:31
kenvandinehicham, sorry, i am out of ideas15:32
kenvandinewe need tedg :)15:32
kenvandinehicham, and you don't have any patches to indicator-messages right?15:34
hichamkenvandine: no patch, vanilla install15:35
kenvandinehicham, ok, had to ask15:36
kenvandinevery strange15:36
hichamkenvandine: i think it is some quoting stuff15:41
and471dbarth, ping16:09
and471Cimi, what is the easiest way to get the light themes (gtk3) on natty?16:18
Cimiand471: there's no way16:18
and471Cimi, why not?16:18
Cimiand471: because gtk+3 breaks the whole theming system16:18
Cimiso someone needs to write a new engine from scratch16:19
and471Cimi, and murrine hasn't been ported yet?16:19
Cimiand471: and won't16:19
Cimiand471: it's not a "port", it's a rewrite16:19
and471Cimi, sorry that is what I meant16:19
and471Cimi, I am just fed up of this silly 'windows 95-esque' theme :/16:20
Cimiand471: you'll have it for months :)16:20
* and471 's head just exploded16:20
Cimiand471: oneiric will have a nicer theme, wait for ir16:20
and471Cimi, is there a way to get ANY OTHER gtk3 theme?16:21
Cimiand471: gnome 3 theme16:21
and471Cimi, ok, how do I get that?16:21
Cimiand471: it is already installed in ubuntu16:21
Cimijust select it from the appearance control applet16:22
and471Cimi, really?16:22
CimiI think so16:22
Cimior install gnome-themes-standard16:22
and471Cimi, I downloaded a less padded version of adwaiata16:23
and471Cimi, but I can't get it to work with JUST gtk316:23
and471(i.e. I would prefer your prettier radiance theme when I do everything else)16:23
and471Cimi, do you have any idea how to do this?16:23
Cimiand471: copy the gtk-3.0 directory inside adwaita theme dir into Radiance (and Ambiance) theme fir16:24
and471Cimi, hehe that is quite a clever 'hack'16:26
and471Cimi, many thanks for your time16:27
Cimiand471: yw16:28
apinheirodbarth, one question, is jay still usually connected to IRC?17:24
jcastrodbarth: any word on the lenses not working on login problem?17:51
Omegajcastro: Why has this channel been dead for these days, did the devs get a few days off?17:54
jcastroyou mean the weekend?17:54
OmegaI mean I haven't seen them since natty release17:55
kenvandineOmega, most of the DX team is in budapest or traveling to budapest for a sprint17:56
kenvandinethen next week UDS17:56
kenvandineit might be quiet in here next week too17:56
OmegaAh :<17:57
hichamkenvandine: got appmenu-gtk built, but not menus on panel yet, of course :(17:59
jcastroOmega: use the mailing list if you have questions17:59
kenvandinehicham, the menus on the panel come from indicator-appmenu, have you packaged that yet?18:03
hichamkenvandine: yes, indicator-appmenu-0.2.0-1.fc15.i68618:03
kenvandineyou can load that indicator with indicator-loader as well18:04
hichamkenvandine: segfault18:13
hichambut I guess that was expected18:15
kenvandinewhy expected?18:17
hicham#0  0x08049068 in menu_show (io=0x80ab000, entry=0x0, timestamp=0, user_data=18:17
hicham    0x0) at indicator-loader.c:9818:17
hichambecause i didn't patch gtk218:18
hichamI only added two headers for the build to complete18:18
kenvandinei see18:18
hichamubuntumenuproxy.h and ubuntumenuproxymodule.h18:18
Xu_R|Schoolhmm... just a question. when you maximize a window, is it possible to move the buttons over to the right traditional style?18:31
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brabadu_hi there! i'm trying to run python API example from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI But it looks like not working without gobject's loop. Is there any way to simply set a count on dash element and get out of script19:38
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OmegaHow does one take dash screenshots?19:54
OmegaI just used the timer :>20:00
donriCan I increase the padding between indicators in Unity?20:01
Frank_I do not like Unity20:40
Frank_Can I say why?20:40
kenvandineFrank_, probably best to email the ayatana list20:40
kenvandinemuch better place for that kind of discussion20:41
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ubot5Ubuntu bug 775847 in unity (Ubuntu) "weird spacing of the Ubuntu logo when you go into the dash" [Undecided,New]21:04
OmegaCan anyone take a look at it (confirm it) please?21:04
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jamaltaOmega: as far as i can tell, the icon doesn't move when I open the Places window (by pressing super or clicking on the icon)21:17
jamaltaThe background changes to show an active state...21:17
jamaltaHm, maybe it is. I can't tell ><!21:18
jamaltaI'm just making my eyes hurt trying... lol.21:18
Omegait moves :>21:20
Omegaclick it with your pointer, look at where your pointer is21:21
jamaltaOmega: Oh, you're right!21:21
jamaltaI guess that's a good way to tell :)21:22
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hichamis anything done to match mozilla apps correctly ?21:48
hichambamf fails to match mozilla apps here21:48
bostrtwhat does unity use as the backend for the search bar? database or something?21:53
jamaltabostrt: good question... (looking)21:57
hichamzeitgeist IIRC21:57
bostrthicham, i think you are right. i've found a few articles talking about it22:01
bostrtjamalta, yea i think it is zeitgeist which uses an sqlite db22:05
bostrt.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite maybe?22:06
bostrtin ~22:06
jamaltabostrt: Zeitgeist doesn't index applications and such though22:06
jamaltait logs events22:06
jamaltaI could be wrong though22:08
bostrtjamalta, true. it's def using zeitgeist for something though..i recognize some of the entries in the database. could it just be using dbus?22:10
jamaltabostrt: it is using dbus22:10
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jamaltaThe Home place (the one that opens when you click the ubuntu logo or press super) calls SetGlobalSearch for each registered place over Dbus22:12
jamaltaAh, the places are separate codebases22:15
bostrtjamalta, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses just found this.22:15
jamaltaOh they were renamed!22:15
jamaltaVery cool, thank you22:16
bostrti understand it's probably much easier for the developers to use dbus instead of a database...but is it faster?22:16
jamaltaI guess you were right, it does use Zeitgeist.22:17
jamaltabostrt: DBus is just a messaging pipeline.22:17
bostrtjamalta, oh ok..i guess i thought it is using dbus to fetch all places registered similar to the search eky22:18
jamaltabostrt: For searching for Files, Unity sends a message through DBus with the message query to the PlaceFile daemon, which then responds with a list of results.22:19
jamaltaThe PlacesFile daemon uses Zeitgeist as a backend to search.22:19
jamaltaHere's the project for the file lense22:20
bostrtok, thanks..this is interesting stuff.22:21
jamaltabostrt: Thank you for asking! I hadn't wondered about how search works.. it's very interesting.22:21
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