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NoooBieok, can someoine help me?03:49
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bambeehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns4TPTC8whw o_O08:42
valoriedamn, am I the only one with broken flash in 11.04?08:46
valoriesays I have to download a plugin, but I already have it08:47
micahgbug 71631108:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 716311 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flash not installed" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71631108:59
valorienow this is making sense09:04
valoriethanks, micahg09:04
valorieI had an error in the upgrade, and I'll bet anything it was nsplugin09:04
valorieI was bleary, and it said it was fixed, but obviously it wasn't09:05
micahgvalorie: you're welcome09:06
valoriereinstalling isn't going to work09:10
valorieI guess it is just busted for awhile09:10
valorieI'll add to the bug09:11
micahgvalorie: can you remove nspluginwrapper and reinstall?09:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are now member of the akunambol overlords, plz pkg akunambol stuff for natty :P09:35
debfxbambee: that sorting dance needs some parallelization ;)09:44
bambeedebfx: hehe09:44
bambeedebfx: I did not find fusion or quick sort :'(09:44
apacheloggersort me here, sort me there09:46
apacheloggerwhat are you talking about btw?09:46
apacheloggeralso quick sort is like insanely easy to implement :P09:46
apacheloggerrbelem: are you doing a mobile spec?09:46
bambeeapachelogger: fusion sort too 09:48
apacheloggerthey all are :P09:49
debfxeasy to implement in code or as a choreography? ;)09:50
bambeeapachelogger: http://wwwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns4TPTC8whw <--- we are talking about this dance09:50
apacheloggerScottK: maybe we should make a default-browser blueprint?09:50
apacheloggerbest about that video is the music really09:51
apacheloggereveryone watch that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyZQPjUT5B4&feature=related09:53
apacheloggerat UDS we could do bubble sort :P09:53
valorieif only I could09:53
valoriemaybe html5 will work09:53
debfxapachelogger: you need to do some lobbying for bigger images: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-unity2d-qt-cdspace09:53
apacheloggerhtml5 will work everywhere but rekonq09:54
* apachelogger wonders why ScottK did not subscribe apachelogger :P09:54
debfxthat would allow us to choose a browser based on a criteria other than cd space09:54
apacheloggerI still like my plan better :P09:54
apacheloggerusing dvd as default distro media and cd as english-only09:55
apacheloggerwhat do we have to talk about regarding community?09:55
apacheloggera plan for a cycle without the hot tub lad, getting more minions and marketing I have so far09:56
valorieI enjoyed give equal or more time to Kubuntu at the loco table this weekend09:59
valorieI was burning almost as many kub CDs as Ubuntu09:59
valorieI couldn't find my kubuntu hat!10:00
valoriebut there was a guy running around in one, and two fellows in kub shirts10:01
valorieI kept them supplied with stickers10:01
valorieI have discovered the sweetness of multi-system usb 10:02
valorie3 ISOs on my little 8 gig10:02
valoriemight be able to squeeze an alternate on there too10:02
apacheloggerScottK is pointing a shotgun at alternates, dont you know10:03
valoriebut they have saved my life a time or two10:03
valorieor at least my sanity10:03
apacheloggerScottK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-community10:04
* apachelogger wonders if bluebrint == 1 session slot10:06
apacheloggerif so, then packaging is too fat10:06
valorieheh, put DarkwingDuck on there too10:07
apacheloggervalorie: on the packaging blueprint?10:07
sheytanapachelogger ping10:07
sheytandid you see the mock?10:07
sheytanapachelogger http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=209284142424964&set=a.179085805444798.36811.100000301383220&type=1&ref=nf10:08
apacheloggervalorie: I don't think remote attendees ought to be considered curcial to a session :P10:08
valorieit says that is required10:08
valoriewill it work without?10:09
apacheloggerwill what work?10:09
valorieif so, they shouldn't say it's required10:09
valoriesubscribing without 10:09
apacheloggerwhy would it not work without10:09
valorienext time I'll try it that way10:09
apacheloggerI would think the scheduler uses this information to build the schedule10:09
apacheloggeri.e. first fill slots so that no crucial conflicts occur10:10
apacheloggerthen fill the rest with plunder10:10
valorieyou can unsub me and I'll re-do10:10
valorieif you like10:10
apacheloggervalorie: you need to do that :P10:10
apacheloggerI cannot unsubscribe anyone10:10
apacheloggersheytan: I just wanted a proxy page like wiki.kde.org :/10:11
apacheloggerother than that it looks the sexy10:11
valorieok, fixed10:11
valoriethanks, apachelogger10:11
apacheloggerehehe, fun, maco: accessibility is also mentioned in the topic notes I wrote in november or so ^^10:12
sheytanapachelogger well, what for a proxy like page when you can have a whole service with all the needed informations and stuff on it?10:12
apacheloggerapparently we mentioned it at some point last UDS10:12
apacheloggersheytan: who is going to maintain it?10:12
sheytanapachelogger phonon devs?10:13
apacheloggerI'd argue that their time is better spent doing development10:13
apacheloggerthat never worked out10:13
sheytanin other case, there's no need for such page that will only say that phonon exist10:13
apacheloggersee what happend to kde.org and their billion subpages10:13
sheytanapachelogger how you can have a page without maintaining it?10:14
apacheloggersheytan: it goes "hai, this is phonon yayaydyayaya" then two buttons for developers, for users, the community10:14
apacheloggeror somesuch10:14
sheytansame thing you can have here, but with a bit more informations10:14
apacheloggerI see 7 tab thingies that need to be maintained10:15
apachelogger1 < 710:15
sheytanapachelogger stuff doesn't change that fast10:16
apacheloggerScottK: maybe we should have a dedicated marketing blueprint?10:16
sheytanthat you can everyday do something with it10:16
apacheloggerI realize we did not really go anywhere with what we talked about last UDS10:16
apacheloggersheytan: http://phonon.kde.org10:16
apacheloggerin phonon stuff changes often enough to have a site with dated information now10:16
sheytanapachelogger let say so. If you want a page that have the same info as the current one, why do you need a new one?10:17
apacheloggerI dont want the same info10:17
apacheloggerI want no flipping info10:17
apacheloggerI want links to wikis10:17
apacheloggerso that if information gets dated everyone, but really everyone, can do something about it10:17
sheytanok, ill try to remake it10:18
sheytanbuy you must know that i *hate* wikis ;d10:19
apacheloggerit is your job :P10:19
apacheloggerjust liek I *hate* python10:19
sheytanyou have a page, on wich you have a link, with this link you go to wiki, and then you go to another one, etc10:19
apacheloggerthat does not mean they are not the right choice at times :P10:19
sheytanmaybe not, but from a simple user point of view (like in kubuntu case) i want to have all stuff in one place (one page) not on thousands of wikis 10:20
valoriethere are good wikis, and bad wikis10:20
apacheloggersheytan: users should not know about phonon10:20
valorieunfortunately kubuntu/ubuntu wikis are rather difficult10:20
valorieKDE's are great10:20
sheytanapachelogger well, they do, couse when you open up systemsettings and go to multimedia whay fo 10:21
apacheloggersheytan: phonon is something for the developer, and phonon.kde.org only needs some page so that old urls stay working10:21
sheytanwhat do you see?10:21
sheytanPHonon :)10:21
apacheloggersheytan: should not be that way10:21
apacheloggerwe dont have a better name yet though10:21
sheytanapachelogger the speaker test stuff should work too, but it doesn't ;)10:21
apacheloggerarguably the whole configuration module is crap10:21
apacheloggerlike no user should need to change the backend10:22
apacheloggerand the device priority neither10:22
sheytangenau ;d10:22
apacheloggeror if at all necessary the device priority should go into a sepearte thingy10:22
sheytanand we still dont have video config ;d10:22
* apachelogger tries installing visual studio 2010 for the 3rd time today ^^10:22
apacheloggersheytan: what would you configure there?10:22
sheytandude, are you on windows?10:22
* apachelogger is leaving kubuntu10:23
sheytandunno, they just said it will be there :P10:23
apacheloggersheytan: who did?10:23
sheytanapachelogger don't remember. Someone on planetkde10:23
apacheloggerI think that was about video capture :P10:23
sheytanpossible :D10:24
sheytananyway, we don't have it :D10:24
apacheloggerbecause I did not let the video capture api get out of experimental10:24
* sheytan is getting coffee, brb10:25
apacheloggerScottK: opinions on a QA blueprint? WRT LTS in the next cycle10:25
valorieI was trying to explain to a user with difficulties what phonon and backends were10:27
valorieit was pretty much impossible10:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 775429 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Fail to link with liboxygenstyle" [Undecided,New]10:28
apacheloggerI am the bug inside your bug10:28
apacheloggerwhy don't we have liboxygenstyle.so in the workspace-dev package?10:28
apacheloggertomorrow my laptop gets picked up :(10:40
bambeespecs for UDS are still opened ?10:44
valoriegood night, all11:01
apacheloggernini valorie11:03
apacheloggervisual studio ftw!11:03
steveireshadeslayer: I want to help yes, but we need to coordinate and we're never online at the same time :)11:26
apacheloggersure you are, shadeslayer is just pretending to be busy half the day :P11:28
rbelemapachelogger, i will do that. yesterday i had no free time :-( but today i will11:41
rbelemand the fileshare specs too11:42
* rbelem runs to college11:43
apacheloggerrbelem: roger11:52
sheytanI can't install samba in natty by pressing the install  button in folder preferences dialog11:56
sheytanis this known?11:56
sheytanit says that kpackagekit may be incorectly installed11:57
sheytanbut kpk works fine11:57
ScottKapachelogger: If there's QA stuff we need to discuss, I'd say yes.  Dunno what that would be though.11:58
apacheloggerhow to improve it, how to do ISO testing11:58
apacheloggerhow can we improve bug flow and triage 11:59
ScottKapachelogger: Instead of a default browser blueprint, I'd say a package defaults blueprint as we need to discuss package manager too.11:59
ScottKapachelogger: Accepted the community one.12:00
ScottKapachelogger: If you've got energy for a QA discussion, I'll schedule it.12:02
apacheloggerneed to think about it a bit12:03
ScottKJontheEchidna: FWIW, if qapt/muon was accepted by the Debian qt-kde team as their package manager too, then it would be very easy for me to decide which one we should be using.12:06
* apachelogger would like to use the USC btw12:12
apacheloggerthe app got a very nice color balance12:12
* apachelogger reports bug against launchpad12:15
apacheloggerScottK: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-defaults12:19
ScottKapachelogger: Ubuntu has a spec to consider shipping a crap browser no one uses, but is stable and then an installer to allow people to get FF/Chromium if they want it.  We ought to keep informed about this.12:22
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, I am the subscribed as essential to that12:24
debfxScottK: do they even have a default package manager?12:24
apacheloggeralso since I wrote the installer, and they will have ot ship the Qt they would want to use existing code should it come to that :P12:24
apacheloggerthough I am sure mozilla will sue canonical if they switch browsers :P12:24
ScottKdebfx: For Squeeze they had no gui package manager due to lack of suitable alternatives.  Prior to that they used Adept.12:25
apacheloggerScottK: that suggests that following a debian choice would be an insanely bad idea in terms of UX :P12:26
* apachelogger notes that no gui is probably better than adept actually ^^12:26
ScottKapachelogger: I don't suggest blindly following.  I suggest that if they were using qapt/muon, then it would be very easy for me to say we should too.12:27
ScottKThe reverse (if they don't pick), then I'd need to consider it more fully.12:27
apacheloggerUSC still pwns them all anyway12:28
debfxScottK: so they didn't bother to package packagekit?12:28
ScottKThey believe it to be fundamentally flawed.12:30
ScottKFWIW, I think they are correct, but I would have picked it as the least bad choice (as we did).12:30
debfxanyway I don't think it really matters what debian does in this case12:31
debfxwe need to know if apper will be ready of oneiric and compare it to muon 1.212:31
jussiapachelogger: have you heard anything about QML2 coming to android? 12:32
apacheloggerqml2 does not even have a release schedule12:32
jussiapachelogger: :D hehe12:34
jussiapachelogger: I suppose that lovely video thing you did (like 5 lines for a video???) is only QML2 though? 12:35
apacheloggerjussi: only for non-qml12:40
* apachelogger only adds qml support as gsoc project now :P12:40
apacheloggerScottK: oh, another topic for QA ... symbol files for every KDE library in main as to prevent ABI breaks12:58
ScottKapachelogger: All libs in Main are supposed to have them (MIR requirement), so sure.12:58
apacheloggerI am not sure all ours do :D12:58
ScottKNo, I'm sure they don't.12:59
ScottK(no one went back and checked what was already in Main when they added that MIR requirement)13:00
* apachelogger wonders if some day one of his launchpad wishes will get fixed13:00
jussiapachelogger: good luck13:07
debfxapachelogger: have you tracked what debian does with DebianABIManager from pkg-kde-tools?13:08
bambeeapachelogger: what is "scratch" on gitweb.k.o ? it's like playground ?13:09
* apachelogger stopped tracking anything pkg-kde-tools as it is legacy in less than 6 months anyway13:09
apacheloggerbambee: no, it is personal13:09
apacheloggerplayground is asscoiated with a registered project on projects.kde.org13:09
bambeeI was searching partitionmanager and I found it only under "scratch"... 13:09
apacheloggerscratch repos are asscoiated with lord user13:10
apacheloggerbambee: if there is no project on projects.kde.org there is no partitionmanager in git13:12
apachelogger(supposedly it would still live in svn13:12
sheytanapachelogger today i dreamed about vlc mobile ui13:15
sheytanreally :D13:15
sheytanare you still interesting?13:15
apacheloggerof course ^^13:17
jussileftover wedding cake ftw.13:24
* jussi offers apachelogger a peice.13:27
bambeemuon rocks :)14:04
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djszapiHi! How can I make notification for a package it is outdated ?16:19
shadeslayervalorie: any particular reason you use sudo with your rsync commands ? :D16:49
macoshadeslayer: im guessing a lack of permissions on the external drive16:58
shadeslayermaco: but .... how is that possible? .... unless you chown the whole external drive to root16:58
macoshadeslayer: mounted wrong umask16:59
shadeslayerah ... possible 16:59
James147Hey, where is the source for the new filesharing dialog for dolphin (ie http://www.kubuntu.org/files/11.04-release/kubuntu-natty-fileshare1.png) ?17:16
ScottKrbelem: ^^^17:18
ScottKIIRC it's a patch to kdebase.17:19
James147ScottK: do you know where it can be found?17:20
ScottKI think if you look in the kdebase package (apt-get source kdebase on an Ubuntu system running 11.04) it will be in the debian/patches directory, but rbelem will know for sure.17:20
James147ScottK: Whats the url where its stored (not currently on a ubuntu computer)17:22
James147ScottK: nevermind, i think I found it... Thanks for you help :017:23
rbelemJames147, did you find?17:27
James147rbelem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/kdebase/4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 right? havent found the relevent patch in it yet though17:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: pokety poke18:23
bambeeapachelogger: suppose I write userconfig in cpp , I need to create a lp project or we could add it to another place ? (like guidance or another project I don't know...)19:14
ScottKbambee: Why would you rewrite it?19:18
macoScottK: because apachelogger told him pffft nobody in upstream kde uses python!19:19
ScottKThat's not actually true.19:20
ScottKbambee: If you want to get userconfig accepted upstream as a replacement for kuser, I'd focus on fixing it's bugs, of which there are a few, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/userconfig rather than on reimplementing a working package.19:21
bambeeI think it would be more maintainable, some features like kauth would be used (kauth helper cannot be defined in python for example), also if we want to propose it to upstream it's apparently more appreciated to have it in cpp. Some kcmodules features are actually not available yet in python...19:21
ScottKWe're talking KDE 4.8 now anyway since we're ~at feature freeze for 4.7.19:22
bambeewell, some people ask me to write in cpp, some other to keep it in python...19:22
* bambee is a bit confused19:22
bambeeapachelogger: ing19:22
ScottKI'd say you're doing the work.  Up to you really.19:23
ScottKIt being in python isn't a barrier to upstream acceptance.19:23
ScottKdantti_ almost ported the printer dialogue stuff to C++, but it's still not, AFAIK, finished. 19:23
ScottKI think better to get something upstream and port later if it makes sense than wait on the port, but as I said, if you're doing the work, up to you.19:24
dantti_ScottK: yup not finished yet, needing ppl to do it 19:26
bambeeScottK: I am doing the work, but I am opened to suggestions ;)19:30
ScottKbambee: I'd talk to the kdeadmin maintainers and see what they say then.19:31
ScottKUltimately they are the ones you have to convince.19:32
bambeeScottK: yup, you're right19:32
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bambeeScottK: Bernhard Rosenkraenzer is still the maintainer ? his email does not exist anymore o_O19:51
ScottKbambee: No idea.19:51
ScottKNightrose: Can you help bambee figure out who he should talk to about kdeadmin stuff?19:51
NightroseScottK: i can try19:52
Nightrosewhat's the problem?19:52
ScottKbambee: ^^^19:52
ScottKHe wants to discuss having userconfig replace kuser upstream.19:52
ScottK(for KDE 4.8 since we're past feature freeze for 4.7)19:53
Nightrosei think kde-devel or even kde-core-devel is the right place for that19:53
ScottKBTW, in other news, I emailed lex79 and asked him to come back and help us survive the absence of our dear leader.19:53
bambeeok, I am eating, then I will ask on #kde-devel19:53
Nightrosebambee: i meant the mailing list but the channel is also a good start19:54
ScottKAnyone interested in koffice?  Riddell is the one that mostly works on it, but I TIL in natty, but don't care to do the merge.19:54
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rbelemJames147, it is in kdenetwork-filesharing20:20
JontheEchidnaScottK: Right now I'd be happy if I could find somebody to maintain packages for Debian so it can get in to unstable20:22
apacheloggerbambee, ScottK: we did not suggest a rewrite for the sake of a rewrite, it would just as well get in as python app, there are various concerns such as less stop by contributors20:28
apacheloggercompared to cpp20:28
apacheloggerof course cpp has undoubtable quality advantages over python anyway when talking about software that exceeds 1k lines :P20:29
ScottKapachelogger: OK.20:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: How about you.20:29
JontheEchidnaI'm not sure if I'll have time to maintain a debian installation20:29
ScottKYou should be able to do most work in a debian chroot on your Kubuntu box.20:29
JontheEchidnayeah, maybe a virtual machine wouldn't be too much work20:30
ScottKEven better.20:30
neversfeldeScottK: I packaged koffice in the past for several times. I f it is not too important to be fast, I can have a look at it this cycle20:34
apacheloggerso I 'napped' for like 6 hours and am still tired20:34
ScottKneversfelde: Great.20:34
apacheloggerawwwww, all my bugs are rated low20:35
apacheloggerbug 77549720:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775497 in Launchpad itself "Cross-referencing blueprints" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77549720:35
jjessehow can you consider 6 hours a nap?  isnt that sleeping?20:36
neversfeldebtw where is lex, I missed the reason why he is not active anymore?20:36
vorianknap time20:38
apacheloggerjjesse: I was going for a nap20:40
apacheloggerwho'd have known I sleep for 6 hours straight20:40
ScottKneversfelde: Not sure, but I emailed him earlier today.20:40
ScottKIt it's not dark outside, it's a nap.20:41
ScottKIt it/If it20:41
macoholy crap, kget slows down a system mightily20:57
apacheloggersheytan: can we get a better icon for cd shipment http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu21:05
apacheloggerthat looks like a scary mixture of crystal and oxygen21:05
apacheloggermaco: it is austrian software, what do you expect... :P21:05
* bambee needs help (see #kde-devel) xD21:14
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bambeeyuriy: ping. I need your approval to propose userconfig to upstream (into kdeadmin)21:30
bambeeIn fact, I can propose it myself. Only the upstream dev can21:31
bambeeI cannot *21:31
bambeeScottK: kuser is unmaintained. good new :)21:33
ScottKmaco: Great.21:33
ScottKmaco: Sorry.21:33
ScottKCan't type today.21:33
ScottKbambee: Great.21:33
ScottKFYI, my powerz to schedule stuff for UDS are complete, so please ping me if you have specs that need to get accepted/scheduled.21:38
sheytanapachelogger sure, but do you have premissions to update it, or is it a part of the theme, and we need to wait years to update a single icon?21:39
* apachelogger is suffering from migrane now21:40
apacheloggerour phonon gstreamer package is fishy22:59
apacheloggerI dont get an icon in the kcm22:59
apacheloggerdebfx: did you merger the pkg-kde-tools yet?23:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you blog actually or did an exam get in the way? :P23:14
debfxapachelogger: no, still waiting for the lp team to fix the vcs import23:15
apacheloggerforever and ever it will take23:15
* apachelogger transits phonon-backend-gstreamer from cdbs to dh723:15
valoriehttp://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu is outdated -- it refers to free CDs being available23:20
apacheloggerChanges file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')"] : Permission denied.23:23
apacheloggervalorie: did mark stop selling them?23:24
apacheloggerah, indeed23:24
apacheloggerScottK: ^ should be removed I suppose23:25
ScottKvalorie: Gone.23:25
ScottKapachelogger: That's an LP bug.  Feel free to ignore it.23:25
ScottKwgrant: ^^^ Not fixed yet.23:26
apacheloggerah, roger23:26
valoriethank you 23:27
ScottKNo problem.23:27
valoriedo we have someone in charge of the entire website?23:28
valoriecould just search for links to shipit23:28
ScottKWe do, sort of.23:29
apacheloggerahhh, it failed, I knew it ^^23:30
ScottKSeveral of us have edit access though, so feel free to let me know about other places that need fixing up.23:30
apacheloggerFTR: I do not :P23:31

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