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hroiI have a usb key that I simply cant format, partition nor dd low level format,   Im not sure where I can get help with this,00:10
hroithis key was my usb installation key, created with some software that burned the ubuntu distro onto it.00:10
hroiis it normal for these things to lock up completely?00:10
KeshlAre you booted off of the USB key while you're trying to format it? I've made that mistake before <.<00:14
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hroiKeshl: hi, no not booted of it.00:36
hroiKeshl:  Im trying to do this both on my installed Ubuntu and Windows Vista00:36
hroiKeshl: neither one helps00:37
KeshlNot sure what to tell you then, sounds like a hardware issue to me, but I'm not as experienced as most people here are.00:37
hroiKeshl: I think I used Linux Live USB Creator00:37
KeshlIt doens't matter what you used, sometimes stuff just brakes. It's a fact of life.00:38
hroiKeshl:  right, feels a bit like the key is smart in some way,  all the data is still there, just I cant touch it00:38
KeshlWhat does it say when you try to access it? (use Pastebin!)00:38
hroiKeshl:  there is no problem accessing it00:38
KeshlBut you just said you can't touch the data there..00:39
KeshlHow can you touch it but not touch it?00:39
hroiKeshl: the message is always very simple when using whatever tool:00:39
hroiKeshl:  I mean I can access the data, but cant touch it, change it format...00:39
KeshlDid you accidently turn on write-protect?00:40
KeshlSometimes, some USB devices have a switch that keeps data from being written to them.00:40
hroiKeshl:  dd, cfdisk, fdisk,  all report simply,  opening `/dev/sdb': Read-only file system00:40
hroie/hroi# fdisk /dev/sdb1   You will not be able to write the partition table.00:41
hroiKeshl:  I have check this thing, and the manual, no write protection switch00:41
hroiKeshl: its a Lacie MosKeyto00:42
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hroiUSB key00:42
KeshlOkay..  It's not a "smart" device, but it *is* very tiny.00:42
KeshlI've had problems using small storage devices like this before, they do tend to brake at random. I'm pretty certain it just happened to die when you used the Live USB creator program.00:43
hroiKeshl:  http://www.lacie.com/download/datasheet/DS_MosKeyto.pdf00:43
KeshlBut, don't just take my word for it, get someone else's oppinion, please.00:43
hroiKeshl: right, I have never had a broken USB before, so I thought it was pretty uncommon, -- furthermore, cant see what the Live USB software does that is different than other copy and formatting routines do00:44
KeshlIt doesn't do anything different, really.00:45
KeshlBut you're using a *very* small memory module.00:45
KeshlElectrons are firing close to each other, much closer than usual.00:45
hroiKeshl:  right,00:45
KeshlThere's more chance for stuff to go wrong.00:45
KeshlLike a short circuit or something.00:45
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mr-richis ANYBODY else having problems with dbus-deamon running the CPU 30%+?01:08
rahul_any ideas on how to enable wifi at bootup without having to login as a kde user everytime?02:18
katsrcdoes anyone know how to choose a specific version of a package from a PPA?02:19
katsrcdo the apt-get version flags work with PPAs?02:19
genfoolrahul_,  just curios how do you log in?02:19
rahul_genfool, currently i have to be present physically at the computer to login02:19
rahul_genfool: otherwise the wifi doesnt come online02:20
rahul_genfool: it is linked to kde-wallet02:20
Aerosonicguys did kubuntu get any major changes?02:22
AerosonicBesides the number '11.04' getting slapped onto the disk?02:22
rahul_genfool: i dont have a lan cable hooked up, so launching the wireless before kde is the only way to get access02:23
rahul_genfool: remotely.02:23
James147Aerosonic: ummm... yes... kde version is now 4.6 for one...02:24
James147Aerosonic: liberoffice replaces open office and others: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release02:26
AerosonicJames147: Ooh nice, how's 4.6 GUI-wise? Does it have new bells and whistles?02:28
James147its more polished then the last.... like all kde versions... has better support for activities... umm... cant really remember anything else, its been so long since I have used 4.5 :)02:29
rahul_flash 64 just crashed my kernel!02:30
AerosonicHm did 10.10 have 4.6?02:30
James147rahul_: yes thats possible... well at least NetworkManager supports it :)02:30
rahul_James147: how to enable that?02:31
James147rahul_: not that easily :S02:31
rahul_James147: ok. whats the difficult way?02:31
Aerosonicokay dok02:31
* James147 waiting for his vm to boot to test some things ... :)02:31
James147rahul_: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections  ^^ should be a location of intrest02:32
rahul_James147: its blank folder02:35
James147rahul_: and ~/.kde/share/apps/networkmanagment/connections02:35
James147rahul_: thats because you dont have a system connection :)02:35
rahul_James147: so shd just copy the user connections to /etc-location?02:36
James147rahul_: i dont know ^^ never done it before... but just before you asked your question my networkmanager seemed to decied to forget all my connections and decided to only use system ones :)02:37
James147rahul_: it craeted a config similar to the ones i found at the second location in the first location :)02:37
James147rahul_: other then that I dont really know much more :)02:38
James147except that I do have a connection when i dont log in02:38
rahul_James147: how did u manage to create a system connection? are u using natty?02:39
Aerosonicindeed new kubuntu is more polished02:39
James147and Aerosonic 10.10 has 4.6 in its backports... unless oyu neabled them you had  4.502:39
James147rahul_: using arch linux... my networkmanager just updated and decided to only use system connections... still trying to figure out what happened02:40
AerosonicBut I see again that fucking flaw that bothered me since the dawn of 9.*02:40
AerosonicNo support for Radeon cards02:40
James147rahul_: though I think networkmanager has had the ability to use system connections... jsut no gui for it02:40
AerosonicWhen I boot it crashes with 0x000902:40
AerosonicAnd my integrated intep chip is not exactly what I'd like02:40
James147Aerosonic: using the open of closed drivers?02:41
AerosonicOn both.02:41
James147weird... ati has been supported for ages02:41
James147which card?02:41
AerosonicWhat really bothers me is that it crashes on first boot02:41
AerosonicThinkpad T500 ATI HD 365002:42
James147Aerosonic: cant find anything to suggest there is a problem with that card or laptop :(02:46
AerosonicWhat really bothres me is the fact tha tit's not working out of the box02:48
Aerosonici don't have a special hardware02:48
James147rahul_: this might be of intrest: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NetworkManager#Automatically_connect_on_boot  though it is for arch so might vary02:48
AerosonicOr neither do i have some weird conceptual brand02:48
Aerosoniclike my Kohjinsha DZ, which also works like shit with kubuntu02:49
rahul_James147: i dont understand how kubuntu users are dealing with this.  who has a hardwire ethernet in their pc these days02:49
AerosonicIt's just a raw thinkpad02:49
James147rahul_: i do ^^02:49
James147rahul_: and most dont need to connect to a computer that isnt loged in02:49
rahul_James147: i need mine for server purposes and accessing remotely. perhaps  i m unique in this regard02:50
James147rahul_: or even have another computer02:50
James147rahul_: i use a server to... but i would hate to have it on the wireless02:50
James147rahul_: then again... mine is a headless box plugedin next to our router :)02:51
mr-richHello. Is ANYBODY else having problems with dbus-deamon running the CPU 30%+?02:57
hroimy ubuntu software repository seems to be broken,03:21
hroiIm trying simply to install a the "apt-get install #openoffice.org-java-common"03:22
hroibut get a bunch of non-sensical messages,   such as Err http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security/main openjdk-6-jre i386 6b20-1.9.2-0ubuntu2   404  Not Found [IP: 80]03:22
hroievery package required for this install cant be found in the main ubuntu repository, just doesnt make sense03:23
hroiapt-get finally reports this:  E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?03:24
hroinow, is it safe for me to try these things?  which one is better, --fix-missing?03:24
hroiI shot blindly at apt-get update, and it seems to have done something.03:27
hroinot getting the same errors.03:27
James147hroi: apt-get update is safe and recomended to be run before trying to insall stuff (it refreshes the packages lists so that apt-get knows whtas availble)03:28
James147hroi: yeah, sounds like the packages lists where outof date so apt-get couldnt find the older versions03:28
Bsimsdumb question but how to I turn off the disappearing slider feature for gtk apps?03:36
hroiJames147:   well, things installed without apt-get reporting error, however, now soffice, ooimpress or anythong doesnt open up,  like executing acommand  without effect.03:38
hroiJames147: jeez, this is a problem,03:38
BsimsGrrr system beep isn't working03:38
hroiJames147:  if ubuntu is going to mess this up, might I be able to run a package from the openoffice website itself?03:41
hroiI worry about this message "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"03:43
James147hroi: when happens if you try to run them in a termial...03:43
hroiJames147: yes, I have only been running them from terminal03:43
James147and what do they output?03:43
hroiis "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"  a good or bad message after the update from apt-get03:43
Bsimshroi: its a good message03:44
hroiJames147: thats the thing, they dont output anything at all03:44
hroiJames147: just hang, sitting there not returning anything03:44
Bsimsanyone know why I can't turn on the system bell, and how to get sliders visible in gtk2 apps?03:44
hroiJames147:  I type soffice and return, then soffice takes my console and does nothing, now for 5 minutes03:45
James147hroi: you could try to reinstall03:45
hroiJames147: yes, sounds good,  is there an easy command for reinstalling all openoffice stuff?03:46
James147hroi: apt-get install --reinstall <package>03:47
hroiJames147:   I ctrl-c the execution, now "ps" returns this 6517 pts/2    00:00:00 oosplash.bin03:47
hroiJames147: oosplash is just sitting there,03:47
hroiJames147:  the problem is ooffice is a lot of packages03:47
ziggy101is there a program i can use to password protect 7zip files?03:49
ziggy101something with a gui preferably. ?03:50
b43hey guys.03:52
b43i could use some help with kubuntu03:53
b43anyone there?03:53
b43i guess not03:54
ziggy101such as?03:54
BCM4311hey guys i just installed kubuntu 11.04 but i cannot connect to my wifi03:56
BCM4311i think its because i have the Broadcom BCM4311 Network controlloer03:57
BCM4311[14e4:4311] (rev01)   nay help as to what i need to do?03:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:59
BCM4311sigh, idk what they did, but last month i didnt have to do this with ubuntu/kubuntu..  the card just worked.. now with 11.04 it doesnt work without a hole bunch of trouble shooting..   ill fix this tomorrow..04:04
BCM4311bye  now =p04:04
hroiwhy does my openoffice /usr/bin/soffice  point at nothing,    ls -l /usr/bin/soffice   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 2010-11-18 00:55 /usr/bin/soffice -> ../lib/openoffice/program/soffice04:15
hroisorry ,04:16
hroiit does point at something,04:16
hroiim just confused why nothing happens when soffice executes, looks like some sort of script04:17
hroiOk, I have googled, and it seems that mutter is not very compatible with soffice on my computer04:24
hroiI dont even know what mutter is, but I miss the old gnome interface04:24
hroiman this is really confusing,  I have a funny window manager,  but still claims to be gnome,04:27
hroibut looks nothing like the gnome desktop.04:27
hroiblut its slow04:27
hroianybody have an idea what my problem is.04:27
BsimsHow do I disable the disappering reapperaring slider in gtk04:27
Bsimssomething chaged pan and other gtk2 apps you have to hold your mouse and hover to make the slider appear now how do I fix it to the way it was04:30
eMyllerhow can i set the timeout for "Monitor for silence" in Konsole?04:32
hroihow do I turn to try ubuntu mode.???  I need to try the other NORMAL gnome desktop04:34
James147hroi: ask in #ubuntu04:36
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noaXessgood morning07:02
noaXesshow to disable automatic application restart on crash?07:02
DaskreechnoaXess: most applications don't restart on crasg07:07
kaiyinhow can i reconfigure video driver?07:23
Daskreechkaiyin: which driver?07:24
valorie!video | kaiyin07:24
ubottukaiyin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:24
kaiyinvideo card07:24
valoriehey Daskreech07:25
Daskreechhi valorie07:25
valoriejust home from Linuxfest Northwest07:26
valoriereally good conf07:26
valorietrying to get my 11.04 wrinkles ironed out07:26
valoriehave you seen any reports of flash not working in youtube/firefox?07:27
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noaXesshey Daskreech you mean that is a application option?07:29
DaskreechnoaXess: In essence yes07:30
noaXessDaskreech: ok... hm..07:30
DaskreechI can only think of two that do it off the top of my head07:30
noaXessDaskreech: two apps that restart on crash?07:30
DaskreechnoaXess: Yes07:32
noaXessother problem.. upgraded yesterday to 11.04.. and still have one problem on starting kubuntu..... sound is off.. sound level is on 8%.. i have to mute/unmute and set sound level to my preffered one.. any idea how to fix that?07:36
DaskreechDid you switch the main channel of sound?07:38
noaXessDaskreech: hm... i think :).. i have playback devices and the main channel is internal audio/analog stereo07:39
noaXessmaster channel is internal audio07:40
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kaiyindoes anyone use thunar here?08:06
jussikaiyin: unlikely - try #xubuntu08:17
Tm_TI use occasionally, but without knowing the next question...08:18
valoriesince I upgraded to 11.04, my headphone jack doesn't work08:19
kaiyinTm_T, I created some items in its context menu of thunar, but don't know how to remove them.08:19
valorieis this known?08:19
Tm_Tkaiyin: no idea (:08:20
valoriehmmm, that's not what I wanted as an image08:22
valoriethat worked08:24
jussivalorie: pavucontrol ;)08:25
valoriejussi, I have pavucontrol too, but have no idea how to check where my headphone jack might be08:26
valorieor mic, for that matter08:27
valoriestill have not gotten the mic to work08:27
valorieplayback, recording, output devices, input devices, configuration tab?08:28
valorienone seems to have anything to do with what I need08:28
jussioutput devices?08:31
valorieI see it now, thanks08:39
valorieonce vlc is done building, I'll try it and see if selecting that makes any difference08:41
valoriedidn't move the volume slider though.....08:41
minsik_hi. i need help with my wifi driver... broadcom chip on natty.08:51
valorie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       08:52
valorie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       08:52
valorie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       08:52
FloodBotK1valorie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:52
minsik_anyone help me....;;08:52
Tm_T!broadcom | minsik_08:53
ubottuminsik_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:53
minsik_i've tried STA, ndlswrapper, and it both doesn't work...08:54
valorieno clue what happened up there08:54
minsik_ubottu: nothing worked for me....08:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:55
valorieminsik_: did you try running jockey-kde?08:56
minsik_valorie: nope...08:56
valoriein the console, or just krunner08:57
minsik_valorie: do you mean the 'additional drivers'?08:58
minsik_valorie: yes i've tried it.08:58
minsik_valorie: is there other ways?09:05
piromani cannot play blue ray properly anyone know why?09:19
Tm_T!bluray | piroman09:20
ubottupiroman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:20
gnumdkWhen trying to link project with liboxygenstyle.so using cmake rule target_link_libraries(oxygenstyle), it fail with cannot find -loxygenstyle...09:25
gnumdkln -s /usr/lib/liboxygenstyle.so.4 /usr/lib/liboxygenstyle.so09:25
gnumdkFor what module do i need to report a bug ? Cmake, kdeworkspace ?09:25
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Fleckanyone has problems with skipping audio when cpu is in high load ? Using pulse11:28
Peace-Fleck: pulse is alwasy problematic11:33
Peace-Fleck: you could try to remove pulse if you don't need11:37
Peace-Fleck: note if you remove pulse google talks could get some weird behavior11:38
Flecki don't have hwmix on my sound card11:38
Fleckyeah i can imagine :D11:38
Peace-well i removed pulse11:38
Peace-because i don't need11:38
Peace-i use alsa only11:38
Peace-Fleck: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/audio-problem-with-kubuntu-10-10/11:39
Fleckcool, but you can't record 2 things at the same time11:39
Fleckas dmix is only for output11:39
Peace-Fleck: you could install veromix too11:39
Peace-veromix is a plasma widget11:39
Peace-that handles better pulse ...11:39
Fleckok ill try that, thx :)11:40
Peace-you can click on the desktop add widget , download widget , search for veromix11:40
Peace-it will be installed wihtout problem11:40
Fleckill read some info before :) thx11:40
Peace-Fleck: there is no need to be worried about11:41
Peace-anyway i have to log out to boost kde11:41
FleckVeromix - volume control / soundmenu ?11:41
delacI'm trying to prevent left click from running executables in Dolphin. Changing File Associations doesn't help. Nor does the "Left Click Action" for Konqueror. Not even in Konqueror itself! Any ideas how I could fix this?12:03
Linkmasterdelac: open up dolphin, go to 'settings' find 'navigation' then make it 'double-click to open folders and files'12:05
Linkmasterdelac: *That is, settings -> configure Dolphin -> Navigation12:06
delacLinkmaster: that doesn't prevent the executables from running, just makes harder to click them (and everything else too)12:06
Linkmasterdelac: I'm not sure what to do to help then12:09
delacLinkmaster: np, noone else seems to know either12:10
Linkmasterdelac: I've always thought that you either single or double click to open things, and that it was a PC thing for the left click to open them and whatnot12:11
delacLinkmaster: Yes, it's the windows way od handling things. It works nicely on non-executable files, but with executables, it becomes bit dangerous. Most of the scripts that are lying around don't do anything immediately visible, so the user won't even know he just ran something that possibly altered things.12:15
Linkmasterdelac: True, though I wasn't talking about Windows in particular. PC means Linux/Windows..thats true, though I err on the side of caution concerning unknown file times; I *right* click first to see what type of file it is, and then open it up with kate to see what it does12:17
delacLinkmaster: if I just could learn that, but Nautilus has lulled me into false sense of security :)12:19
Linkmasterdelac: Thats why I don't use Nautilus :P12:19
delacLinkmaster: my opinion is that the Nautilus way of doing things should be the default. It's more secure for noobs and even experts won't be hampered much as there is very little cases where you need to run executables from file manager.12:21
Linkmasterdelac: That is a valid point, though I like the speed of Dolphin. I can 'click-click-click' and have navigated through three folders, and can easily open up whatever files I find useful.12:23
delacLinkmaster: you can open files and folders with single click in Nautilus too, so it's not any slower either12:25
Linkmasterdelac: I never found that option then Dx though I'm not sure if Kubuntu is exactly the "noob" person operating system persay. It can be used for noobs, though I would personally but a newer person to linux on X/Ubuntu, perhaps Mint. Just an opinion though12:29
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
newhi guys13:07
newafter firefox4, kubuntu doesnt play flash anymore, it tells me the flash i have is outdated... i need help.. any valid latest "tutorial" to update, reinstall flash for firefox 4?13:09
Peace-new: kpackagekit13:15
Peace-new: remove all flash stuff you can find13:15
newPeace- and then what?13:16
Rocketmanhowdy everybody13:17
Rocketmanwhat's the best way to check disk size and usage on kubuntu?13:18
Rocketmanpartition sizes, etc13:18
Peace-new: then  reinstall flash13:18
Peace-new:  flashplugin-nonfree13:19
Peace-Rocketman: system requires , 10-15 gg for /13:19
Peace-Rocketman: i use 1513:19
Peace-Rocketman: then i have 1.5 gg of swap , to do the suspend ...13:19
Peace-Rocketman: if you have more ram you need more swap or suspend could not work properly13:20
Peace-ram = swap13:20
RocketmanI mean-- is there an app I can use to see my hard disk-- how big it is, how much of it I'm using13:21
Peace-Rocketman: partitionmanager13:21
Peace-Rocketman: then...13:22
Peace-Rocketman: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/02/plasma13.jpeg13:23
brontosaurusrexwould incredibly large fonts have something to do with some netbook-look settings or something?13:29
brontosaurusrexi can't tell where i got those13:29
newthe flash still doesnt work.. did exactly the same.. then i unninstalled the flash and all firefox.. then installed firefox 3.5 and then flashplugin-nonfree and i opened firefox its 4.0 instead of 3.5.. :(13:30
Peace-new: i have firefox413:30
Peace-flash works here13:30
newkpacageget shows only flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer.. however kpackagekit shows firefox-dev firefox firefox-3.5-dev and firefox-globalmenu p.s. flash doesnt work with any browser.. still need help :(13:36
brontosaurusrexhow to handle remote ssh locations with dolphin? i'd like to for example watch video files with some cache, but not dolphin cache...13:42
tsimpsongo to "Network" under "Places" and add a ssh location, the video player is what sets whatever caching it wants13:43
brontosaurusrextsimpson: yes, but say 'open with vlc' will start to cache entire file by kde/dolphin ...14:03
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tsimpsonthat's because dolphin doesn't really "mount" the remote server, it uses something called "kio"14:04
tsimpsonif you want it to work with any random application, try sshfs14:05
brontosaurusrextsimpson: ok, thank you14:05
=== CompLab is now known as NaBoo
zekiHow do i get sound volume louder than 100 on KDE4 as i could in gnome with pulseaudio controller?14:10
Who828guys how to update opensource randon drivers on kubuntu 11.04 from 7.10x to recent 7.11x14:12
newis there any command to update flash?14:19
Peace-new: you don't need of upgrade flash14:25
Peace-new: you need to purge the mess you did install firefox and flash correctly14:26
Peace-new: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/02/plasma-desktopJD2240.jpg14:27
newi dont want any mess, one day firefox4 appeared and the mess afterwards.. :D14:29
Peace-that is firefox414:30
Peace-on my desktop14:30
newi know my firefox shows in addons.. shockwave flash 9.0 r999.. and i installed only flashplugin-nonfree14:31
Peace-new: please remove all the flash stuff from your firefox14:32
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:32
Peace-BluesKaj: hi14:32
BluesKajhey Peace-14:32
Peace-BluesKaj: the man here new has some problem with flash , i think he installed a lots of flash stuff14:33
Peace-instead of only lfashplugin-nonfree14:34
newi havent installed anything.. how can i pastebin the information u might want to check ?14:34
BluesKajnew  , install flashplugin-installer14:35
BluesKajnew at www.pastebin.com or...14:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:36
Peace-new: or .. http://blip.tv/file/487613814:36
Peace-new: well you have not flash so... http://blip.tv/file/4876138?filename=Nowardev-PostareUnoScreenshotVelocementeConKde4210.ogv14:37
BluesKajnew but try to install flashplugin-installer first14:37
newclick here to download the plugin.. in blip.tv after i installed only flashplugin-nonfree14:37
Peace-new: ok follow BluesKaj14:37
newsynaptic installs flashplugin-installed along with flashplugin-nonfree automatically.. so i havent tried anything new14:39
BluesKajnew , which browser(s) are you using ?14:40
newkubuntu doesnt even allow me to use old fox..14:41
BluesKajnew, so did you use synaptic to install the falshplugin-installer just now?14:42
newno.. tried same thing with kpackagekit also..14:43
BluesKajwas already installed ?14:43
newof course.14:43
BluesKajnew, ok , kubuntu-restricted-extras too? , I have to ask .14:44
newdude.. i was swearing like 2mins... why..and how this program wasnt already installed..14:47
newtotally helped me..thanks..14:47
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newi have no idea how it was/become uninstalled.. im certain it was installed many months ago..14:47
newphew what a relief..14:47
BluesKajevery new OS needs  kubuntu-restricted-extras to be reinstalled14:48
bazhangheh new OS14:48
newi know, i just never checked since my flash was working fine before.. it stoped working in coincidence with new firefox4..14:49
newthnx.. have a good day..14:49
BluesKajthe soureces.list must also be reset to it's previous state but with the new OS package versions14:49
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crashevis it possible to upgrade kubuntu 10.04-lucid lynx to 11.04 ?14:54
BluesKajcrashev,only if you upgrade to 10.10 first then to 11.04 , or you can clean install14:56
crashevRight now I would like to upgrade 10.04-lts to 11.04 so first step should be upgrade to 10.10 You say, why it is not possible to upgrade LTS version directly ?14:57
James147crashev: you cqan only upgrade to the next version... or from ne LTS to another LTS... 11.04 is not lts14:58
BluesKajnext LTS will probly be 12.0414:59
PiciLTSes are every 2 years.14:59
kaiyin every time i open a file in midnight commander (inside xterm), i.e. reading a pdf file with evince, the application would feedback some info into xterm, and clobber the mc interface. Has anyone ever exprienced this?15:01
kaiyinVery annoying. Otherwise i might make mc my main file manager.15:02
BluesKajkaiyin, it's a gnome app , there seem to be probs with gnome app updates these days15:05
yofelisn't that just the stderr output?15:05
shane4ubuntuok, I installed kubuntu on my laptop, but the login screen doesn't let you select the names from a list, any way to change that?  I have various young users on this box, that are used to picking their name off a list.15:06
kaiyinBluesKaj, someone from the debian channel says debian does not have this problem.15:06
kaiyinyofel, yeah.15:06
kaiyinAnd he suggests that i could redirect the stderr to /dev/null.15:07
yofelshane4ubuntu: that depend on the KDM theme, default oxygen has a list IIRC (system settings -> login screen -> theme)15:08
kaiyinBut he wouldn't tell me how, because i was in the wrong channel, :-), I love both ubuntu and debian, really. but a rule is a rule, i am silence for 10 min there.15:08
yofelif you want to install new themes you need to run it as 'kdesudo kcmshell4 kdm' or it won't work15:08
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, thanks a bundle, I love that kind of simplicity in kde!15:09
yofelbut oxygen is there by default15:09
kaiyinyofel, do you know to do that, redirect stderr to /dev/null?15:09
yofelhm, on command that would be '... 2>/dev/null'15:09
shane4ubuntuyofel: actually, I  think I just figured out how to show the users in the current theme in the same area, thanks !15:10
yofelshane4ubuntu: how?15:10
kaiyini usually just double click the file in mc, is there a way to configure this systematically so that all stderr in the terminal should be redirected to /dev/null?15:10
BluesKajisn't there a KDE- MC equivalent ?15:10
shane4ubuntuyofel: same area, on the users tab, I checkmarked the users I wanted to be shown on the list.15:11
shane4ubuntuyofel: I haven't tested it yet, but am pretty sure that should do it.15:11
yofelgood luck ^^15:11
shane4ubuntuthe "Show List" is check marked too, but no users were selected, so that should do it.15:12
zverrнарод кто из россии?15:13
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:13
shane4ubuntuyofel: didn't work, installing another theme, I don't have all the themes installed, because I install kubuntu-desktop overtop of ubuntu.15:15
LinkmasterSince all *buntu distros use the same basic kernel, how can you install a *buntu desktop and remove the other one?15:17
bazhangLinkmaster, which and which to remove15:17
James147Linkmaster: apt-get install *ubuntu-desktop15:17
James147^^ to install at least15:18
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bazhangthere's purexfce purekde etc15:18
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:18
Linkmasterbazhang: I was just wondering how it was done, and James147, I'm quite good at putting others on, haha :P15:19
shane4ubuntuLinkmaster: to remove other desktops this is very helpful: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome15:19
Linkmastershane4ubuntu: thank you, haha15:19
bazhangno purelubuntu that I know of15:19
shane4ubuntuLinkmaster: he also has purekde purexfce if you google them they will pop up.15:19
bazhangor use the bot15:19
shane4ubuntubazhang: ahh, I didn't know that15:19
shane4ubuntuI guess no bot.15:20
LinkmasterThansk guys, I knew it could be done, but didn't know how15:20
FloodBotK1shane4ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:20
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »15:20
bazhangalmost typed purexkcd15:20
shane4ubuntuahh, that is it. flood bot. :)15:20
shane4ubuntuin the system settings -> login  I installed new themes, but they don't show up??15:21
yofelshane4ubuntu: as I said, start it with 'kdesudo kcmshell4 kdm' or it won't work15:22
shane4ubuntuyofel: hmm, I must have missed that. ok15:22
yofelif you start it from systemsettings it'll download the themes to your homefolder, not the system one15:22
yofelthere's a bug about that15:22
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, thanks15:23
James147yofel: wasnt that bug fixed in 4.6?15:23
James147hmm maby not :S15:24
yofeldon't think so..15:25
shane4ubuntuapparently not. :)15:25
shane4ubuntuyofel: how can I just move it from the home folder to the proper place?  seems as though now it won't download the theme I want.15:25
James147yofel: must have been another premission bug i was thinking about :)15:26
yofelshane4ubuntu: no idea :(15:26
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, thanks anyway, not a big deal, I picked another one, but the one was nice looking.15:27
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James147shane4ubuntu: I would note that if you close the window before it finished downloding it seems to cancel it :(15:27
shane4ubuntuJames147: ok, thanks, I did leave it open, but if failed, and showed an error, let me try again to make sure.15:28
shane4ubuntunope, error summary, couldn't connect to host. :(15:29
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shane4ubuntudo I need to reset kdm for that to take place, or does simply loging out work?  seems the new theme shows up, but no users list. :(15:40
vsrI need help configuring QtDesigner to work with PyQt.15:44
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shane4ubuntuwell, after about 5 themes, none of them display the users, guess they will have to type their own name. :)15:49
shane4ubuntumany screenshots show that they do, but none of them work15:49
James147shane4ubuntu: have you checked the users in the list you which to be seen?15:50
shane4ubuntuyep, checkmarked them, made sure the show user is checkmarked, the autocomplete and none of them actually seem to work, or I'm missing something15:51
shane4ubuntuJames147: ^^^  Not a real big deal, just odd15:51
James147shane4ubuntu: and that invert selection isnt checked?15:51
shane4ubuntuJames147: actually inverse selection was checked, is that bad?15:51
shane4ubuntuI would think that would only change the order they are displayed.15:52
shane4ubuntubrb, one more try15:55
shane4ubuntumust be a bug15:56
James147shane4ubuntu: what happens iof you log in with the user?15:57
shane4ubuntuJames147: haven't tried, I tried typing their name, and it doesn't autocomplete.15:58
* James147 nots that there is an "auto complete" option15:58
shane4ubuntuhmm, in my mine there was, let me find it again.15:59
shane4ubuntuSystem Settings -> Login Manager -> Users tab, left hand side, Users, Show LIst, Autocompletion, Inverse Selection, Sort Users are my options, with check boxes.16:00
shane4ubuntuoddly enough the names were unchecked this time??16:01
shane4ubuntuaparently you have to select the theme, apply the theme, then setup the users tab, which makes sense I guess.16:03
djszapiHi! If a package is outdated for kubuntu, what is the "official" way to get the newest updated version, only from PPA or can it be handled somehow via the official repository ?16:03
shane4ubuntudjszapi: the official way, is to wait for the new release, in other words, there is not an official way for that, ppa's aren't really official16:04
shane4ubuntuthey are a use at your own risk.16:04
shane4ubuntudjszapi: ^^^16:05
djszapiI see.16:05
shane4ubuntuthat being said, ppa, is probably the best method, and the one that I use, you do run a risk though.16:05
djszapiand how can I flag it outdated ? I do not use kubuntu myself, but one of our users had an issue with an old package version.16:05
shane4ubuntuI'm not sure what you mean by flag it outdated, mark it so that the devs see it?16:06
shane4ubuntuor mark it on the system?16:06
BluesKajdjszapi, the official method is to use the repos ...those packages are "official" , if you mean newest then you need to use the OS the newest packages are written for16:06
djszapimark it for the devs so that he will update it for the new release.16:06
James147djszapi: once release ubuntu will not upgrade software to a new major version... (except maby a few popular ones like firefox... or at least doing to is being discussed)16:07
djszapishane4ubuntu: fex. there is a "flad outdated" option on chakra/arch.16:07
djszapi* flag, even :)16:08
James147djszapi: what package consserns you? most do get upgraded to newer verson for the next release16:08
vsrHow does one configure QtDesigner to work with PyQt?16:09
James147!info alure16:10
ubottuPackage alure does not exist in maverick16:10
James147!info alure natty16:10
ubottuPackage alure does not exist in natty16:10
James147!info libalure1 natty16:10
ubottulibalure1 (source: alure): AL Utilities REtooled (shared library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-2 (natty), package size 21 kB, installed size 96 kB16:10
James147^^ form what I can see it is the latest version in natty ^^16:10
djszapinot true16:11
James147then what is the latest?16:11
James147djszapi: when was it released?16:12
djszapihttp://repo.or.cz/w/alure.git/shortlog/refs/tags/alure-1.1 -> 2011-03-0716:14
James147djszapi: not too long ago... could have missed when they froze the package versions16:14
djszapisure, but I would like to notify the packager, how can I do that ?16:15
James147djszapi: they stop updating packages well before release so taht the versions they have picked can be tested and made sure they work16:15
James147djszapi: #kubuntu-devel might be able to help better with that... though there is not much that can be done at this stage16:16
djszapiwhy cannot I make notification at this stage somewhere, like on arch/chakra websites ?16:16
djszapidoes the system work with automated updating or how can be that ?16:17
James147djszapi: for one, arch is a rolling release... and they like to update as quickly as possible when a new package comes out, ubuntu is release based... so goes through a different process16:18
djszapimmh, notification is not really model dependent.16:18
James147though #kubuntu-devel can better answer questions about its development16:18
djszapiit is only for the developer/packager to not forget to do something.16:18
kaiyini accidentally deleted /etc/hosts, how do I restore it?16:18
James147kaiyin: rewrite it /restore it from a backup16:19
James147kaiyin: basicaly need one line with something like " localhost.localdomain localhost HOSTNAME"  in it16:20
kaiyinJames147, i don't have a backup.16:20
leftToehi everybody! I'm experiencing issues with java, I have installed the latest version of java from the sun repos, but as I try to install a software relying on JVM an error is shown because it appears no JVM has been created. Can anybody please help me?16:20
kaiyinJames147, okay.16:20
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BluesKajleftToe, you should have just installed kubuntu-restricted-extras , it has all the needed java and flash apps16:21
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leftToeBluesKaj: actuallu I did but it has installed open-jdk and in order to use netbeans I need java16:23
BluesKajleftToe, leftToe I assume you've installed netbeans from the repos16:29
leftToeBluesKaj: nope, I have downloaded the installer and netbeans is yet to be installed because it can't find a proper JDK16:30
BluesKajleftToe, wouldn't neatbeans pull in the proper apps required or at least notify what else is needed during the netbeans install ?16:32
James147leftToe: is java and javac in the path?16:32
BluesKajPackage includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.16:34
BluesKajlifted that quote from synaptic / netbeans16:35
bezettwie kann ich Ubuntu 11.4 ohne Unity haben16:41
wols_by installing kubuntu? then you get kde16:42
bezettgnome war schon gut16:42
wols_you can of course uninstall unity like any other package16:42
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:42
wols_then simply install gnome and use it. no one prevents you16:42
leftToeJames147: i don't think so because if i try to print JavaPath what i see is a blank line16:43
James147leftToe: logout and back in16:43
James147leftToe: and I would suggest using the netbeans from the repos16:43
bezetti do not hear any body!16:43
leftToeJames147: sudo apt-get install netbeans?16:44
leftToeJames147: let's see...16:44
* BluesKaj doesn't understand why ppl install java before installing netbeans16:46
BluesKajjdk that is16:46
James147BluesKaj: because they dont understand how dependencies work?16:47
BluesKajyeah, but if one has knowledege to work with java and netbeans i assume there's understanding about repos too16:48
* James147 doent give java developers that much credit ^^ not after seening how some of the people who like using java actually code 16:49
James147from what I could see most of them like to use an ide because it meant they dont ahve to understand how their program actually works16:50
BluesKajide ?16:50
James147intergrated development envrioment ^^ ie what netbeans/eclipse is16:51
BluesKajall I know is it's used setup websites , correct ?16:52
James147dont think so... netbeans is used for writhing java applications16:53
James147^^ or I think it also supports other languages... but no sane person would pick an IDE writen in java to use to write in another language16:53
* BluesKaj knows nothing about code or java or netbeans then16:54
GruenkohlCan anybody please tell a beginner in Kubuntu, how to change the order of the programms in the boot menue?16:54
BluesKajit's all geek to me :)16:54
James147Gruenkohl: you mean the list in grub (the boot loader?16:54
Gruenkohlyes James14716:54
James147Gruenkohl: why do you want to do this?16:55
GruenkohlJ just would like to know, how to do it. In OpenSuse i found such a program, which I didn't found in Kukuntu.16:56
James147Gruenkohl: there isnt one... you would ahve to edit the configs by hand... and even then they would be overwriten when a new kernel is installed16:57
James147Gruenkohl: you can easly change the default... but not reorder them16:57
leftToeJames147, BluesKaj: ok guys, thank you for your help and your time.16:58
James147Gruenkohl: though kde-config-grub2 might help16:58
GruenkohlThe reason, why i want it, is, that i also use Windows 7. And usually should start Windows first.16:58
James147Gruenkohl: then you can change the default entry and have it boot windows automaticvally16:59
GruenkohlThanks James147, i will try kde-config-grub216:59
BluesKajthis something I haven't researched yet , but I've been running 32bit on this pc, and I'm thinking of changing over to 64 bit since the architecture is 64... I assume if I just install in / , then /home and associated configs won't be affected ?17:02
James147BluesKaj: yup.. assuming you dont format17:03
James147BluesKaj: configs in /etc will be delete though17:04
BluesKajJames147, your assumption is correct17:04
James147BluesKaj: irrelvent of the system arch you are trying to install... when installing kubuntu will delete any system holders it finds that it needs to delete (this dosnt NOT include /home)  ^^ everything else is safe and it warns you about this if it finds them17:05
BluesKajbut /usr/bin and usr/sbin are safe ?17:06
James147no, /usr will be deleted17:06
BluesKajso I'll have to reinstall and recohfig all my fav apps ...maybe it's not worth it then17:08
James147BluesKaj: I only know that /home is safe and the bin folders and /etc /usr /sys /dev are defently not17:08
BluesKajok, maybe the next clean install , or whan I decide to buy more RAM17:09
James147how much ram do you have?17:09
BluesKajthe pc runs fine , it's a basic entry level 3 yr old HP desktop with one improvement , a nvidia 8400gs17:11
BluesKajusing it as a media server17:11
BluesKajBBL...wife wants to watch the news17:12
userinitAny notable features in 11.04?17:28
James147userinit: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release + some of the ones in the ubuntu release notes17:30
erik333good day, since normal ubuntu made unity the default desktop i decided to try the kubuntu-desktop stuff - is that analogous to installing kubuntu proper or would i need to change repositories aswell for apt or so?17:30
Picierik333: The former, its exactly the same.17:30
James147erik333: all ubuntu distros use the same repos.... so you just need to install kubuntu-desktop17:31
userinitJames147: GTK Oxygen Theme, is it for real.. awesome. so all the ugly gtk themes in firefox, gimp, thunderbird uses cool oxygen theme.17:33
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userinitWhat was the multimedia system before switching to gstreamer?17:34
James147xine i think17:34
erik333I can see where they are going with the unity stuff - and it's not for desktop systems.17:36
userinitI've never tried Kubuntu and would like to switch to it. I have been on debian for long time. So quick release cycles of kubuntu makes me a bit uneasy. Can I keep upgrading to latest releases of kubuntu without reinstalling?17:36
James147userinit: yes, you can upgrade between versions... or between LTS versions17:37
useriniterik333: unity does not apply to kubuntu right?17:37
James147userinit: no, thats a gnome thing17:37
erik333no its the new snazzy gnome interface17:37
erik333kde still has proper menus and taskbar17:37
James147erik333: ^^ if you want them :)17:37
erik333note - there is a classic mode for gnome aswell17:38
erik333but i worry about it now that they launched unity as the default mode17:38
userinitWell, I am not a hardcore user, so I just want to reassure myself that I can successfully jump t new versions (6 month cycle).17:38
erik333completely useless on a 27" + 22" monitor setup17:39
userinitI do some qt development, and have custom build virtualbox and ncvidia drives17:39
erik333i dont need a search window covering 15 x 30cm screen space just to type an application name17:39
James147userinit: yes, you can upgrade to the newversion without having to reinstall17:39
userinitJames147: Thanks, you just added another  one to kubuntu list :)17:40
James147erik333: dont need... but does it hurt? other then looking fugly?17:41
userinitKubuntu does not do kernel upgrades mid way ( as updates) right, but only in 6 month cycles?17:41
erik333wasting screen space for no reason does hurt, yes :P17:42
James147erik333: well, that and it assumes your on a standard resalution... dosnt seem to hanel really tall or wide screen (was testing it a vm and couldnt get the box to not be cut off in the window sixes i normaly use :D)17:42
James147erik333: its not really a waste... if you launching an application your nor really suing gthe rest of the space17:42
erik333speaking of which, which tiling wm works best with kde?17:43
erik333e.g. keeping the kde launcher and taskbar while using a tiling wm17:43
James147erik333: I could argue that the standard menu dont make use of the space ^^ its not like the menus is still there once you have found and launched the app17:43
Daskreecherik333: kwin?17:43
userinitAfter I install kubuntu is it recommende to get nvidia drivers from official site, or custom build?17:44
James147Daskreech: not for dual screens :(17:44
erik333kwin tiling doesn't seem to work very well on a dual monitor setup17:44
Daskreecherik333: file a bug and move to openbox?17:44
James147erik333: you can use any tileing wm... the launcher and panel arenot part of the window manager17:44
James147Daskreech: there is a bug for it ^^ problem is the dev dosnt really have a dual screen setup so can only work solow on it17:45
erik333it's already been reported afaik, as i found reports of it :P17:46
arpanuserinit: i would suggest installing from kubuntu repository, that would be more tested version with kubuntu17:46
arpanuserinit: and if doesn't work then you can always remove it easily and install from official nvidia site17:47
userinitOh kubuntu includes it in its repository, thats nice,17:47
DaskreechJames147: Kwin needs a testing community17:47
erik333james127, yes I'm aware I can use them - but some might have useful kde applets for showing tabs and such17:47
arpanuserinit: Kmenu->System->additional drivers17:48
userinityes I can try that. btw kubuntu uses comes with kpackagekit for package management right?17:48
James147erik333: as far as I know the only intergraded window manager with kde is kwin17:48
arpanuserinit: yep, that's right17:48
userinitarpan: oh that saves launching package management. ok17:48
arpanuserinit: which nvidia card do u have?17:48
erik333james147, yes it would be 3rd party applets in any case17:49
userinitarpan: inbuilt one, I guess 6500 ge force. Any way to find it quickly?17:49
James147erik333: again :) any form of intergration I have not heard of... other then with kwin17:49
James147erik333: not saying there isnt..  just havnt seen any... so there cant be much17:50
arpanin konsole, type lspci17:50
erik333there would be less need for it, given nominal tiling support already in kwin17:50
arpanuserinit: ^^ run  lspci in konsole17:50
erik333I guess17:50
userinitarpan: GeForce 6150SE nForce 43017:51
arpanuserinit: ok give the driver in repo a try. i've GeFore 6100 and it doesn't work well with my card. default Noveau driver works reasonably well17:52
userinitarpan: even compositing effects?17:52
arpanuserinit: yes noveau driver works reasonable with compositing effects as well17:53
arpanuserinit: in case you want to go with default noveau driver then you may need to enable experimental 3D support17:54
arpanuserinit: you can do it from the same additional driver tool that i suggested u earlier17:54
userinitarpan: Thanks, one last question, Does Kubuntu  uses beta version of pacakges or latest stable when releaing every 6 months17:54
arpanuserinit: mostly stable17:55
arpanuserinit: latest are normally delivered through updates after testing in ppa17:56
* userinit got pinged out, any replies?17:59
arpanuserinit: kubuntu uses stable version of packages, latest are delivered through updates18:00
userinitarpan: Oh so even if some pacakge release stable mid way between release cycle, it is pushed to hthe user. This is something a debian user misses18:01
James147userinit: no18:02
arpanuserinit: it wasn't in the past but for natty release the policy was revised to do so in order to provide monthly kde updates to the users18:02
James147arpan: as far as I know only for selected packages18:03
arpanJames147: yeah, the kde monthly updates will be tested first in ppa and then will be made available in main/other repo as updates18:04
James147^^ firefox and kde are two that I know of... but not everything will... otherwires why have version? may as well move to a rolling release18:04
arpanJames147: yes, u r right18:04
arpanuserinit: as James147 pointed out, not all the software are pushed to users as updates, thus kubuntu is not a rolling distro18:05
userinitInteresting, If I badly need some *specifc* package in beta, and when I do kubuntu upgrade after 6 month cycle, what happens to beta pacakge of smy specific package?18:05
James147userinit: depends how it was installed...18:06
James147userinit: from a ppa... the ppa will be removed and the software uninstalled i think (this helps stop the upgrade breaking horribally) you can reapply them after the upgrade18:06
userinitJames147: I don't know of *ubuntu, in debian we have tesiting (level 1) and unstable (level 2) to switch to.18:07
James147userinit: if you have compiled from source then they wont be touched (unless the files conflixt with a packages files ^^ then I dont know whatwill happen)18:07
arpanuserinit: though ppa usage is not advised in favour of a stable system, however ppa is good idea if you want to try something unstable18:08
James147userinit: in ubuntu you have the satable release then as well as a devel release18:08
userinitThanks, I only use build (do not do "make install", (yes custom build from source)18:08
userinitare devel beta package?18:08
James147userinit: no18:09
James147userinit: well... not always18:09
James147userinit: it depends on allot of factors18:09
arpanuserinit: devel release may have alpha/beta but when they are supposed to be stable before RC release18:09
James147userinit: since the devel release becomes the stable release near the end all packages will be stable18:09
userinitThanks I guess I will stay with stable, I can afford to wait 6 months.18:10
GeertJohanhi :) I just upgraded to 11.0418:11
arpanyeah, meanwhile you can always play with devel relase live images :)18:11
GeertJohanand now Firefox is missing icons18:11
GeertJohanand all text seems a bit larger (resolution is still the same though)18:11
GeertJohanAny1 any idea?18:12
James147userinit: generally its best to stary with the stable release and upgrade though ppas and packages you need to be more uptodate18:12
James147stay ^^18:12
GeertJohanJames147: was that to me?18:13
James147GeertJohan: umm... no18:13
GeertJohanoh, ok (cause there's no userinit in this chan according to my client)18:13
James147userinit: generally its best to stay with the stable release and upgrade though ppas and packages you need to be more uptodate (^^ if you missed it)18:14
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=== root is now known as Guest80975
bios_hey I am looking for some plasmoid which displays some default weekly plan (like a timetable for school)18:43
PasNoxanybody on natty with apple aluminium iso keyboard french layout here?18:48
PasNoxsince the natty upgrade my keyboard no longer is azerty ... any hint ?18:49
areichmanPasNox: have you looked at System Settings > Input Devices > Keyboard > Layouts?18:56
=== smooph is now known as smooph_
nlsthznhi, how can I get quassel to autohide in the notification area rather than the taskbar? if I enable show system tray icon I have two icons, one in the "message indicator" and another in the system tray too?!18:57
areichmanthat's the only place I know of to change the layout. Maybe it got reset to something else during the upgrade. If you enable "Configure layouts" and then add back the correct one, it might help18:57
PasNoxareichman: yeah many times ... setted on Apple / Aluminium ISO18:58
PasNoxand the true tty console works fine18:58
PasNoxonly kde is giving qwerty ...18:58
areichmanin that case, I have no idea, sorry18:58
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
nwokihi,did a fresh install of natty but firefox 4 doesn't play youtube vids even with the adobe flashplugin installed. Why?19:11
nlsthznnwoki: very odd, I have done several fresh installs of Ubuntu and Kubuntu now and youtube has worked everytime right away...19:15
nwokinlsthzn: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-*" did the job19:20
nwokii think you guys install the wrong package from pagkagekit19:20
nlsthznnwoki: oh cool... I always do what you did... so I guess I could have mentioned it :p19:21
nwokiyeah, i use arch so my procedure is different from kubuntu.19:22
nwokianyway thanks19:22
shane4kubuntuI always used cryptkeeper with gnome, I have an encrypted folder, and that was just a nice gui way of accessing it, is there something similar for kde?19:26
shane4kubuntucryptkeeper seems to work with kde, just wondered if there was a kde type out there.19:27
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PasNoxi fixed my qwerty problem ... the variante was on apple-macintosh i setted it back to defaut/other and now it's nearly fine.19:37
PasNoxnearly because one key is inversed... @ # with < >19:38
PasNoxany hint ?19:38
bios_hey I am looking for some plasmoid which displays some default weekly plan (like a timetable for school)19:39
delacStill trying: Any way to disable Dolphin from running executables with left click? (double clicking is not what I'm looking for)19:48
=== CompLab is now known as NaBoo
AnOnYmOuS__Does anyone know how to reset the start bar? I cant really explain it better than somehow it got effed up, its sitting at the top of the desktop and wont function properly.19:58
James147AnOnYmOuS__: right click > remove panel ... right clcik > add panel > default panel (kde 4.6 or above)20:00
AnOnYmOuS__Ty James147, lemme try that and see right quick20:00
AnOnYmOuS__Yay! Got it, thanks man, greatly appreciated!20:02
=== Phoenix][_ is now known as Specialist
snikkerhi, i've got a problem with ethernet in natty, the led on the switch turn on/off without connection (under windows fine). Any hints?20:31
=== sayakb is now known as sayakb_away
AscavasaionI am installing Kubuntu 9.04 onto an old machine.  AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM and 20Gb HDD.  I then want to install the XUbuntu Desktop and run that.  Will that machine run is satisfactorily?20:52
James147Ascavasaion: why 9.04?20:53
AscavasaionJames147: It is an ISO I have here.  I tried 10.04 but the thing never booted after installation.20:54
* James147 suggests trying 11.0420:54
AscavasaionJames147: On that ancient machine?20:54
James147Ascavasaion: why not? kde isnt becoming less effecent... some of the more resource hungry features can be disabled20:55
AscavasaionJames147: Hmmm... Okay, will download that at the end of the month when my cap for the month is finished.20:56
James147and its better then using an unsupported release20:56
AscavasaionAbout to reboot it for the first time.  10.04 did not boot on the three times I installed it.20:57
AscavasaionOh goodie, it never booted either.  Pathetic OS.20:59
AscavasaionOver a minute to get to "GRUB loading, please wait"20:59
AscavasaionYEAH!!!! ata1: SRST failed (errno=-16)21:00
AscavasaionWHOOP WHOOP!21:00
AscavasaionOh, it worked... slowest GRUB I have ever seen.21:02
AscavasaionIf this is how slow 9.04 is, then 11.04 will never run.21:02
=== k is now known as Guest62781
rdallarmihi, all of a sudden the desktop effects do not work anymore using opengl, but just trough xrender (they used to work fine) I am not sure I have done anything, but is there a way to restore it to the default behavior?21:55
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vanguardhow can I bypass every password checking? I want to use a real simple password21:58
=== CompLab is now known as NaBoo
harry_Hello, anybody listening?22:41
harry_#goto kubuntu22:42
Aloneaok, somehow I locked my mouse pointer on my netbook. how do I unlock it?22:43
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harry_@Alonea: Does the keyboard still react? (no -> try reboot :-) )22:45
Aloneaharry_: yeah, I am typing on it. I happened to have pidgin up on startup thankfully22:45
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AloneaI tried all of the function stuff to see if maybe I somehow turned it off or something there22:46
harry_@Alonea: Sorry, I'm tired.... SOmetimes I have to plug my mouse in to another USB-Port22:47
Aloneaharry_: huh? this is a touchpad22:47
AloneaI am going to try restarting...22:47
SIR_Tacohmm... missed some customers I guess23:00
meroHello, i've got problem with phonon, some apps are working without sound, in phonon settings it is set to use gstreamer, changing to xine backend dont change anything... help?23:04
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meroi can remove gstreamer backend but it require to remove kubuntu-desktop-1.222 and i'm not sure i should remove this kubuntu-desktop ...23:05
SIR_Tacomero: what version of Kubuntu?23:06
SIR_Tacomero: ok... and the backend is set to GStreamer?23:06
SIR_Tacohave you tried the Xine backend?23:07
meroin many apps i've got: couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Unknown protocol ''.23:07
meroyes, i tried xine, and vlc backed, but everythere is the same error23:08
SIR_Tacomero: so which apps are you having problems with?23:08
meroeg. Kadu23:09
SIR_Taconot familiar with that program, any others?23:09
SIR_Tacowhat I mean is... is that the only program that you have audio problems with?23:11
SIR_Tacomero: mój polski jest okropny w najlepszym, ale wydaje się, że 9.1 jest obecnie i może rozwiązać niektóre z tych problemów? http://www.kadu.net/w/Pobierz:Ubuntu23:15
merook, I will try, thx23:16
SIR_Tacono problem23:17
bigbrovaron two occassions, x crashed on my system and I was thrown to  console with the following error http://pastebin.com/LvDdH5cZ23:29
bigbrovarits pretty random but usually happens when the system is under a bit of load, and the first time it happened I was on a video call with skype, second time I was trying to place video with vlc23:30
bigbrovarits hard to trigger it as it seems pretty random :?23:30
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: those aren't crash reports23:32
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: were that is what shows up on the console before everything goes blank23:33
bigbrovarits hard to write done all the errors23:33
SIR_Tacothose are pretty standard on boot up. Saned is a for image scanners.... if you don't have one, it doesn't start. PulseAudio set to per-user session... it's just saying there is no universal configuration for audio and it's being configured per-user on the fly23:35
bigbrovarhmm guess I see ur point then23:35
bigbrovarI just wish I knew why this happens23:35
bigbrovarI keep losing important work23:36
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: ok, so is there any rhyme or reason to it crashing? and how does it crash?23:36
bigbrovarthe last time this happend was when I used the 2.6.38 kernel on 10.10. and now its happening in 11.0423:36
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: the screen freezes for some secs23:37
bigbrovarthen am thrown into a black console (with the messages I posted among others)23:37
bigbrovarand I would then have to shut down and restart23:37
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: ok... so X crashes23:37
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: Yeah its an X crash23:38
SIR_Tacowhen it does can you use ALT-F1 (for instance) to get to another console? or is the system locked up?23:38
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: I never tried, never came to my mind.23:39
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log when it crashed?23:40
bigbrovaryeah let me pastebin the output. much of it were quite meaningless to me (beside everything seems fine)23:40
SIR_Tacook sounds good23:41
bigbrovar this is for /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old  http://paste.ubuntu.com/602529/23:42
bigbrovar/var/log/Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/602531/23:42
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: .23:42
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: possibly related to this: http://www.aptosid.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=71123:46
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: seems like an Intel driver problem23:49
bigbrovargosh I regret every getting an intel graphic card :(23:50
bigbrovarits completely BS now adays .. sigh23:50
bigbrovarSIR_Taco: Thanks .. I dont even know where to start to fix the problem. I just want a stable system.23:51
SIR_Tacobigbrovar: not sure, it seems the intel cards are hit and miss23:57

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