
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
bacgood morning yellow team, er, benji13:28
benjiI don't see much need for a call; I'm OCR today and will be trying to work on my curren card and the bugs Gary pointed out in his email yesterday.13:29
bacbenji: actually do you mind chatting just so we can figure out exactly what's going on today?13:31
benjisure, skype?13:31
bacmy skype is slow to launch, though.  i'll call you when it pops open13:32
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha\
=== Ursinha\ is now known as Ursinha
baclet's not skype then13:48
benjiI don't know about Francis.13:48
baci was just asking if francis was around, since gary indicated decision makers were scarce13:48
bacdoesn't really matter13:49
bacok, thanks for the info.  i'll try to get the deploy done13:49
benjiJohnathan won't be back until tomorrow13:49
benjisounds good13:49
bacbenji: have you requested a nodowntime deploy before?14:22
bacdo the losas just pick it up from the wiki or do you have to hunt them down?14:22
benjinope, I had a link to how to do it somewhere, let me see14:23
bacbenji: i've filled it the wiki page14:23
benjiI think you put it on the page and then ping them.14:23
benjithis is all I have: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LaunchpadProductionStatus14:23
bachi benji, can you review gary and grahams' branch for bug 720147 at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-720147/+merge/59677 ?18:12
benjibac: sure18:12
bacbenji: i'm getting lunch now but will bbiab18:13
bachi benji, the deploy is finally done21:44
baci'll play with it now and then change the feature flags21:45
benjiif it looks good and you add all of LP to malone alpha, you'll probably want to send the list an email so people know it's happening21:46
benjimay even want to wait until the morning to turn it on in case things crash and burn we'll be around21:46
benjioh, you won't be here tomorrow, in that case I'd go ahead and turn it on; I'll be able to look at it if things go south21:47
bacour people picker is awful21:53
bacbenji: how about i change the feature flag tonight21:53
bacand in the morning add ~launchpad-dev21:53
benjisounds good21:53
bacthat is if i can get our people picker to let me!21:53

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