
leehead_victim: no joy, I get errors from make on installing the 855gm-fix-dkms ppa00:04
lee/var/lib/dkms/855gm-fix/1.0.0/build/agp/intel-agp.c: In function âintel_i830_chipset_flushâ:00:05
lee/var/lib/dkms/855gm-fix/1.0.0/build/agp/intel-agp.c:844: error: implicit declaration of function âwbinvd_on_all_cpusâ00:05
leemake[2]: *** [/var/lib/dkms/855gm-fix/1.0.0/build/agp/intel-agp.o] Error 100:05
head_victimHeh we're going around the same pages ;)00:09
leeoh nevermind, doesn't apply00:09
leehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.4 might though ...00:11
leeah no that's for jaunty, not lucid00:12
kosaidpo|hey guys00:12
kosaidpo|i wanna add some icone mauely but idk where00:12
kosaidpo|cus with the lxapearance he doesnt show  zip files :P00:13
leearrrgh, and xorg goes from v1.7 in lucid to 1.9 in maverick (and I need 1.7 or 1.8 for this touchscreen driver)00:13
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo|: Not in /usr/share/icons?00:15
kosaidpo|MrChrisDruif: ok ill see00:16
head_victimlee: sorry I'm starting to run out of ideas00:17
kosaidpo|MrChrisDruif: GRr i jst had to unzip the file so ican find the tar one : ] tnx tho00:21
MrChrisDruifGreat :)00:21
leeok well I better image this thing and try xubuntu 8.04 or something00:22
head_victimlee: sorry about that, tried 11.04 ?00:24
leeno point00:24
leeif 10.10 has too new a version, I doubt 11.04 is going to have an older one =)00:25
* kosaidpo| faenza icones looks pretty neat : ]00:26
leeif elo would just keep a bit more up to date with their drivers...00:26
leebut then the touchscreens we're using have a manufacture date of 2001, so it's reasonably old ...00:26
leehead_victim: ah well thanks anyway =)00:28
head_victimlee: sorry I couldn't help any more, the only thing I could suggest now would be to email the mailing list?00:29
KM0201how can i create a directory icon on my desktop00:57
KM0201MrChrisDruif, any idea?01:00
MrChrisDruifDirectory icon?01:00
KM0201how would i create a link to a directory on my desktop01:00
KM0201usually i would just create a short cut on my gnome desktop, then make the target like.. "nautilus /path/to/directory"...01:01
MrChrisDruifln -s /path/to/source ~/Desktop ?01:01
MrChrisDruifWould create a symlink, not really what you meant but get the job done I think01:01
KM0201yeah, but i'd like to create my own icon for it.01:02
KM0201but yeah, that does work01:02
KM0201i just can't figure out how to change the icon for it01:02
KM0201if i could just create a pacman launcher, that would be fine.01:03
KM0201cuz i coud edit the path.01:03
MrChrisDruifKM0201: It's 2AM here and I need to finish stuff up and quickly go to bed :P01:05
KM0201oh ok.01:05
KM0201assigning an icon shouldn't really be this difficult though.01:06
MrChrisDruifIndeed, but maybe it's due to making a link instead of a launcher? :)01:07
MrChrisDruifBtw, you can change the icon of the source, which would change the icon on the desktop01:07
KM0201MrChrisDruif, well i only want to change the icon on the desktop, not the entire source01:08
=== Semitones is now known as Semitonus
MK``got disconnected, not sure if my line went through: <MK``> is Lubuntu 10.04 a community LTS or not? I am getting conflicted information02:28
Unit193MK``: Yes it is02:28
MK``thanks. Wikipedia says it is not, then a few paragraphs down says it is heh02:29
Unit193"[18:49:08] < phillw> ...As we are supporting it as an LTS"02:31
=== wizonesolutions2 is now known as wizonesolutions
KM0201Unit193: if i make my workspace switcher have 4 workspaces, is there a way to make it 2x2, instead of a row of 4?03:34
BsimsI can't enable system bell any ideas04:00
BsimsI can't enable system bell, or make gtk app sliders visible at all times any ideas?04:01
Unit193KM0201: I don't think so: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wiki.lxde.org/en/LXPanel (~/.config//lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel04:20
KM0201Unit193: hmm.. ok.. not a huge deal i geuss.. thanks.04:21
=== wizonesolutions is now known as wiZZZZZZone
Toadboyhi all - wondering if anyone is awake to help out with a problem.  Whenever I try to load Synaptic Package Manager, I enter my  password and then the screen does a little flash thing and doesn't open.  Thanks07:30
Unit193Open lxterminal and type gksudo synaptic07:32
MrChrisDruifBtw, which timezone are you Toadboy?07:32
MrChrisDruifUTC/GMT -/+?07:33
ToadboyUnit193, same result07:33
Toadboyumm -9 this time of year07:33
ToadboyI think07:33
MrChrisDruifSo it's almost midnight over there?07:34
Unit193Do you see anything in the terminal?07:34
Toadboyit thinks the wrong pass07:34
ToadboyI dont think it is07:34
Toadboyoh wow07:35
Toadboythis is embarrasing07:35
Toadboyi must have had caps lock on during install07:35
MrChrisDruifWe don't know ^^07:36
Toadboythat was the problem07:37
Toadboyi need to turn capslock on07:37
Toadboyits embarassing07:37
Unit193sudo passwd root07:38
Toadboycan I change my pass with that command?07:39
Unit193Yeah, root pass07:39
jmarsdenUnit193: No, that sets root pw.  Just plain passwd    will set your own pw07:39
MrChrisDruifChanging/Adding root password? =-O07:40
Unit193jmarsden: Sorry, my bad :commits:07:40
jmarsdenUnless you have very special needs, you should not need to set a root pw in Ubuntu at all.07:40
MrChrisDruifIndeed, sudo would suffice07:40
MrChrisDruifOr gksudo is better according to some07:41
jmarsdenRight.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:41
Toadboyall fixed07:41
jmarsdenGood :)07:41
Toadboyi was really worried - btw, just started with lubuntu, its tiny use of resources is amazing07:42
jmarsdenWelcome to Lubuntu :)07:43
MrChrisDruifIndeed :D07:44
* MrChrisDruif signs off, see y'all later07:44
MK``I updated the wikipedia entry :)09:14
NRWlionhey folks, need help. finally got a working Lubuntu 11.04 Live CD but after booting the CD there is only a text-screen asking me to login and not - as i am used to a GUI starting directly up... what do i have to do?10:58
KM0201NRWlion: that woud indicate you had sme issue during the boot process.. does it say something like "Busy Box"11:10
NRWlionKM0201 : nope11:10
NRWlionits says starting NTP server ntpd11:10
NRWlionstarting bluetooth11:11
NRWlionand then a welcome message to ubuntu 11.0411:11
KM0201NRWlion: dunno, something fubarred if its not booting11:18
NRWlionthat is bad11:24
KM0201wel, its not good.. but i'm not sure its bad11:27
KM0201do other live CD's boot OK?11:27
NRWlionKM0201 : affirmative11:28
NRWlionKM0201 : just getting a debian lxde 386 iso right now11:32
NRWlionto check whether the machine is not able to handle ubuntu11:32
KM0201NRWlion: thats strange.. i would have expected it to work fine11:32
NRWlionKM0201 : nope it doesnt11:32
NRWlionhave already lost three blank cds for burning the live cd and lost the whole weekend and my GF nearly because my problems :(11:33
KM0201lol, your GF?.. dang dude..lol.11:33
esingshould I update to ubuntu 11 though I have lubuntu?11:33
esingalso should I safe certain files before updating?11:34
NRWlionesing : from my point of view i would wait with the update to get the last problems solved first11:34
esingokay thanks11:34
KM0201esing: always always always backup prior to doing an upgrade...11:34
KM0201but most of the upgrades have been going OK, from what i've read.. but i don't upgrade, i always clean install11:35
esingKM0201 i only hate to configure my wake on lan every time new after updating/upgrading11:35
KM0201esing: i can't tell you if that'll be effected or not.11:36
KM0201i wouldn't think so.. but..11:36
esingonce it effected after updating the kernel11:36
KM0201hmm, then i would suspect its going to cause a problem11:37
esingyep :)11:37
KM0201if you knjow where the configuration is stored, you can back up the config, and just reload it when you've completed the upgrade/clean install11:37
esingbut it is not so much work configuring it, i just forget all those commands and have to read it up again11:37
KM0201esing: there has to be a way to backup the configuration files.11:37
ThiagoMedeiroswhat's the minimal requiriments to run lubuntu ?14:23
MrChrisDruifThiagoMedeiros: According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System%20requirements it's Pentium II/ Celeron with 128MiB or RAM14:28
ThiagoMedeirosgood! thanks MrChrisDruif14:28
MrChrisDruifYour welcome :)14:28
KM0201MrChrisDruif: what package do i uninstall to remove the lubuntu games?15:44
MrChrisDruifI don't know KM020115:44
KM0201i'll just remove them one at a time15:45
KM0201MrChrisDruif: ah.. its "ace-of-penguins"... mark that for complete removal, and it removes them all.. :)15:45
MrChrisDruifOne of the games I guess :)15:46
KM0201MrChrisDruif: must be..after reading it, package is like "gnome-games"... has several games wrapped in it.. why they didn't name it lxde-games, like kde, gnome and xfce did, i don't know15:47
KM0201but.. to be fair, all of lubuntus games, are card games, where gnome, kde, xfce, the games are varied15:47
MrChrisDruifNot on Lubuntu atm, so I don't know15:48
KM0201oh.. well, take my word for it..lol, i just removed ace-of-penguins.. and i expected it to remoe one game, and it removed the whole pack... then i looked in the description, and sure enough, it listed all the default lubuntu games15:48
MrChrisDruifMaybe they called it "Ace of Penguins" because it's mostly card-games (a small reference to the "Ace of Spades" which is a recognized name in English)15:50
WiZwelcome to the 'meta' package lol15:55
KM0201MrChrisDruif: yeah, i'd think thast the reason15:56
KM0201but i still wouold ave expected it to be called lxde-games, to be in line w/ gnome, kde, xfce, etc15:56
lubuntui instal gdesktoplets (for widgets on pulpit) and it blink16:53
lubuntucan i do something in lxde with this16:54
KM0201lubuntu: i'm not sure if those work in lxde or not (since lxde is designed to be bare minimum16:56
lubuntuyes i know16:56
lubuntuits normal works but in refresh it blink16:56
KM0201lubuntu: dunno16:58
sss314I thinking to switch to lubuntu instead of ubuntu. Can I run all my apps on lubuntu?19:00
mark76What apps are those?19:00
sss314Mainly, GIMP and Eclipse (Java IDE)19:01
mark76I don't see why not19:01
sss314Does lubuntu comes with a LiveCD that allows me to try it without installing it?19:01
mark76I think so19:02
mark76Try www.lubuntu.org19:02
mark76I mean19:03
kristian_hi all20:07
kristian_so, I got 10.10 on my ThinkPad T40... many improvements20:07
Kurdistankristian_, you mean 11.04?20:07
kristian_however, LXDM freezed sometimes, which is rather unpleasant... I bang some keys and it goes away20:07
kristian_hi Kurdistan20:08
kristian_erm.... 10.10 I think... the one that's currently at lubuntu.net?20:08
WiZ11.04 is the new one20:08
ultrax_hi all20:11
ultrax_somebody willing to help with an advanced apt-proxy configuration problem?20:12
kristian_I can't tell which one it is from the CD... how long since 11.04 got there?20:14
kristian_hi ultrax_ - for advanced apt stuff, I always go to synaptic, believe it or not20:14
ultrax_ok ill try thx20:15
ultrax_dude there is one user20:16
ultrax_oh i misunderstood lol...20:17
ultrax_well there is noting you can configure in synaptic related to apt-proxy server20:17
kristian_ah, sorry20:18
kristian_I just like the GUI when I need an overview of all the stuff20:19
WiZkristian_ when you boot the cd on the desktop it will say install lubuntu 10.10 or 11.04 depending on what version you downloaded20:28
Kurdistankristian_, write this in terminal to know the version you have: lsb_release -a20:32
kristian_it says 10.1020:36
kristian_I knew there was a command like that somewhere ;)20:37
lubuntucan i do copy of settings my system on hd to the usb pendrive ?21:22
lubuntuits mean colors fonts boreders windows ect. ?21:23
lubuntubecouse i do nice lxde desktop21:25
lubuntuok i write hand to txt file number of colour21:28
=== |WiZ| is now known as WiZ

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