
jbichaTheMuso: do you use brltty?02:03
jbichaI was wondering if there's a better page we should point people to, for bug 65170702:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 651707 in ubuntu-docs "brltty refers to http://access.ubuntu.com/braille but that doesn't exist" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65170702:04
TheMusoI don'02:05
TheMusoI don't use it, but am aware of the problem, however don't know of a page that has the required info.02:06
jbichaok thanks02:06
Cheri703anyone here super familiar with orca?02:46
jbichaCheri703: sorry, I'm not but you could maybe try the new orca help03:03
Cheri703ok, well, I have someone in my loco whose wife tried ubuntu a few years ago, and said orca wasn't good enough, but they haven't tried it lately. he's going to talk to her and see if she's up for trying again03:03
jbichamy opinion is that it's still a bit of a pain to get going but more or less does work03:06
TheMusoCheri703: If you could give me more info on how it wasn't good enough, I may be able to help, or at least point you/them in the right direction.03:31
Cheri703kk, I will talk to him further and ask for more info, thanks03:31
TheMusoOk thanks.03:33
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freglhow is unity 3d doing when it comes to keyboard navigation?14:19
fregland 2d?14:19
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AlanBellCheri703: orca is quite good, but there is a significant learning curve to it14:36
AlanBellfregl: there are keyboard shortcuts, not sure how well harmonised they are between the two14:37
AlanBellfregl: unity 2d is going to be less readable to Orca for a while, however if you want to type into the unity window with onboard that works now in 2d but not 3d14:38
freglAlanBell: I work on the Qt side of things, so I know about the general issues in 2d, I am mostly wondering if there is a concept of focus for example in unity in general14:39
AlanBellso yes, basically14:44
AlanBellI will try it in unity-2d later14:44
AlanBelllenses and other stuff written for unity-3d work unmodified on unity-2d which is nice14:44
Pendulumcharlie-tca: did that blueprint ever get done?16:34
charlie-tcaI got to do it16:45
AlanBellneed help?#16:47
AlanBelltoday would be a good day to get it done and approved16:47
charlie-tcayes, need help. Never done one16:49
AlanBellCommunity a11y blueprint16:50
AlanBellis what we are working on right?16:51
AlanBellso that is the form you need to fill out16:52
AlanBellthe project is ubuntu16:53
AlanBellname would be community-o-accessibility-team16:53
AlanBellTitle something like "Discussion of the goals of the accessibility team in the Oniric cycle"16:54
AlanBellyou get to be the drafter, set jono as the approver16:55
AlanBellstick a few words in the summary16:55
charlie-tcaThank you16:55
AlanBelldetail doesn't matter much at this point, it can be edited16:56
AlanBellthe thing just needs to exist so jono can approve it and get it scheduled16:56
AlanBellI am sure the awesome jono will approve https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-accessibility-team in a matter of minutes17:05
charlie-tcaI'm thinking the etherpad from the meeting has most of the stuff in it17:06
charlie-tcathen I forgot to subscribe me17:16
UndiFineDthanks AlanBell 20:30

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