
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthznwork
=== nlsthznwork is now known as nlsthz-nwork
* nlsthz-nwork waves07:14
=== nlsthz-nwork is now known as nlsthzn-work
bassemToki, any information about this month meetup?13:36
* nlsthzn-work waves13:36
Tokibassem, sorry didn't notice. And no, no contact with Omar since the first IRC issue.13:38
Toki*IRC meeting13:38
bassemnlsthzn, waves back!13:38
bassemToki, someone has to take care of this issue, either announce the place or change it!13:39
bassemthere's only 2 days!13:39
bassemxnixan, nlsthzn13:40
TokiI'm assuming, if Omar is involved, it would be in the same place as last time.13:40
bassemToki, and if not involved!!!13:41
TokiLooks like this is gonna be the first meetup I'm gonna be absent from.13:41
Tokibassem: It's up to us to decide.13:41
nlsthzn-workwhat is the issue, the noise?13:41
bassemToki, you will not come?13:41
bassemnlsthzn, this month meetup!13:42
bassemit's after 2 days!13:42
nlsthzn-workwhat about the meetup?13:42
Tokibassem: No, I will not, I've previous engagement.13:42
nlsthzn-workwhat is the issue13:42
Tokinlsthzn-work: Omar hasn't updated anything about it.13:42
nlsthzn-workso no venue etc?13:43
bassemthere's the old place! but no one like it, noisy !13:44
nlsthzn-workwhat was commincated on meetup? did it specify venue and time etc?13:44
Tokinlsthzn-work: No venue, no discussion topics, etc.13:45
* nlsthzn-work is at work and can't check13:45
TokiBasically the usual montly meetup post you see all the time, nothing has been added.13:45
nlsthzn-worklol! this should have been finilised weeks ago :p13:45
Tokinlsthzn-work: Indeed, and that's the reason we are worrying.13:46
Toki*are worried13:46
nlsthzn-workshould have worried last week13:46
TokiWe expected Omar to do the things he always does...13:47
bassemnlsthzn, so no reason to worry now!!!13:47
TokiAnyway, just dropped a message to Omar.13:49
TokiBut if he doesn't act, I can't think of doing anything else other than adding More Cafe as the meetup location.13:50
nlsthzn-workbassem: sure, but next time worry earlier...13:52
nlsthzn-workToki: point of learning... one person cannot take sole responsibility for anything...13:53
bassemnlsthzn, ok done for the next time! but what about this time?13:54
Tokinlsthzn-work: Well, he decided what has to be discussed, but this time left no hints whatsoever.13:55
Toki*discussed before,13:55
nlsthzn-workchoose venue and make it natty release... discuss unity and how to get new users to embrace it ;)14:01
nlsthzn-workhave cake and fun :)14:01
nlsthzn-workDue to me not being able to make the meetup's I never check for stuff like that14:05
nlsthzn-workbassem: Toki: ^14:09
Tokinlsthzn-work: Thanks for the recommendations, I'll take action if Omar doesn't do anything by tomorrow latest. Since nothing very important is going to be the subject, I don't think it'll matter if the details I update are late. For now, I've changed the venue to More Cafe.14:22
nlsthzn-workvenue and time is the most important things to get out there early14:27
* nlsthzn waves19:04
nlsthznfenris-unity: hi :)20:29
fenris-unityhow r u20:30
=== fenris-unity is now known as ejat
nlsthznejat: I am fine and yourself?20:33
nlsthznYou are using unity?20:34
ejatyups on my workstation]20:43
nlsthznejat: nice :)20:43

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