
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
lilstevieamstan and computerwiz_222 are way wrong04:52
lilsteviesamsung galaxy tab is nothing like the viewsonic gtab04:52
Nekolilstevie, they're tegra and they're tablets how different can they be, really? :D05:35
Nekosomeone's going to have to kick a kernel around, but the board differences are going to be teensy tiny compared to finding a tegra kernel of decent pedigree05:36
lilstevieNeko: because the galaxy tab is not tegra05:40
lilsteviethe galaxy tab is samsungs hummingbird core with SGX05:40
lilsteviefor graphics05:41
Nekonot the new one :D05:42
lilstevieheh well that is the 10.1v05:43
lilsteviewhich is a very small release cause the rest are exynos powered05:43
lilsteviewhich is samsungs own a9 core, with the mali400 GPU05:43
lilstevieor so it appears05:43
lilstevieit may have the sgx54505:43
Nekoyeah samsung are chopping and changing.. it's gonna make not running android a pain in the ass if you want to support them all05:43
Nekothat said on a tablet I'd hardly want to run Ubuntu05:44
lilsteviewell so far the galaxy s2 is exynos for consumer devices05:44
lilstevieonly dev devices got tegra05:44
lilstevieI run ubuntu on my galaxy tab05:44
Nekomaybe for Oneric the multitouch thing will actually work?05:44
Nekoso far as I kicked it around, it's basically "there but nobody uses it, so good luck!"05:45
lilstevieunity has multitouch in its core05:45
Nekoin theory!05:45
lilstevieit kinda works :p05:45
NekoI can't think of any supported ARM devices that actually have a multitouch display05:45
lilstevieI really need 3D05:46
NekoI mean maybe it works on some super hyper extended omap4 dev board05:46
lilstevieit works on my tab :p05:46
Nekobut that doesn't mean multitouch is production ready05:46
lilstevieits not05:46
lilstevieI said it works05:47
lilstevienot that it is usable05:47
NekoI guess we have to get our asses in gear and get a tablet out the door that's developer friendly05:47
Nekohmm anyone know if the mimomonitors 720s is multitouch?05:50
Nekothat would make it easy for me to kick it around some more :D05:50
lilstevieheh no idea05:52
kcin1hi,i want to install skype on arm/ubuntu,and am missing libplayback which has been mentioned on this channel,anyone have it?09:42
ogra_i guess you have to pull the source package from maemo and compile it09:44
kcin1there is not even a source package09:45
kcin1or where should i look?09:51
dokojanimo, ogra: do you know about an xorg-video-abi-9 package?15:33
dokofor armel, the genesi netbook15:33
dokorequired by hrw's xserver-xorg-video-imx package15:33
janimodoko, never heard of it15:33
dokojanimo: could you do an apt rebuild with the gcc-4.6 from unstable?15:39
janimodoko, from Debian sid you mean?15:39
dokoapt's oneiric sources built in unstable, to check if it's a Linaro issue15:40
janimodoko, ok, will try to get gcc from unstable - all gcc related packages? Or shall I build in  a chroot?15:41
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
ogra_doko, ask Neko about efika stuff, he probably has packages16:02
Nekodoko, it's a virtual package which includes all the right server side includes...16:02
Nekoit's so you can boot grab the right includes for whatever distro version in your pbuilder chroot or so otherwise you could only build the package for the distro release you're running16:03
Nekoapt-get  build-dep will get it for you16:03
dokojanimo: please build with -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfp=vfpv3-fp1616:09
dokoNeko: which repository?16:11
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
GrueMasterrsalveti: Question on u-boot.  Does it support other omap3 based processors or only beagleboard ones.22:56
rsalvetiGrueMaster: u-boot is still built for a specific machine23:02
rsalvetiso u-boot-linaro-omap3-beagle provides only beagle support23:02
GrueMasterReason I ask is I have a nook color (bought Saturday).23:02
rsalvetioh, cool23:03
GrueMasterI thought it had some omap3 detection for different systems.23:03
rsalvetiso you're the one now asking if you can boot ubuntu at your nook color :-)23:03
rsalvetiproblem is the cpu id23:03
GrueMasterNo, working on.23:03
lilsteviewith some mods to the android kernel you could boot it though23:04
GrueMasterYea, figured that.23:04
lilsteviethats what I did for the galaxy tab23:05
GrueMasterMy first step was going to be to take their x-loader on our image.  Guess I will need uboot & kernel as well.23:05
GrueMasterGalaxy tab has a different soc, doesn't it?23:06
lilstevieyeah it does23:07
lilsteviebut the concept is the same23:07
lilstevieI replaced the android kernel with a patched up one23:07
lilsteviethe nook could have the same thing23:07
lilstevieI mean it is hackier than using x-loader or u-boot23:07
lilsteviebut as long as you don't have like kernel signing or something like that, your default bootloader will do it23:08
GrueMasterThe specs on the Nook Color are Ti OMAP 3621 @ 800 MHz.23:08
lilstevieGrueMaster: ours is Samsungs hummingbird SoC @ 1GHz23:12
ogra_GrueMaster, so you finally got one ?23:13
ogra_congrats :)23:14
ogra_i thought you wanted to wait for some dual core23:14
GrueMasterIf I continue to wait, quad core procs will be out everywhere outside the US.23:15
GrueMasterProblem here is the only devices that are interesting are rediculously expensive.  $500+ for anything with the Tegra2.23:16
GrueMasterBesides, the $250 I spent on this was what I would have spent on remodeling materials if my knee wasn't in pain.23:17
spikebiketransformer = $40023:17
GrueMasterspikebike: I have a limited budget unless I get creative.23:18
spikebikeelocity = $320 ish23:18
GrueMasterAnd are they available in the US?23:18
spikebikegtablet = $300 ish23:18
spikebikethere's this cool website for such things it's named after some big river23:18
GrueMasterPrices there are dropping fast.  But this was available now.23:19
ogra_seems the iconia comes out here on friday23:19
spikebikeya, I'm talking ship today23:19
ogra_for 500€23:19
GrueMasterBesides, the other deciding factor was http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2011042705223865923:20
spikebikeI'm holding out for a nice 7-9" android table, decent quality screen, and honeycomb23:23
spikebikeprobably at least 50% used for e-reading23:23
* ogra_ still cant make friends with backlit bookreading23:24
spikebikebtw, quads seem a ways off23:26
spikebikeI suspect the dual cores will get significantly faster first23:26
spikebikeheh, I use backlit screens for 60 hours a week or so23:27
spikebikeI'm fine with it23:27
spikebikeI want high update rate, high contrast, low latency23:27
ogra_thats like looking into a torch 8h/day23:27
spikebikethen I can choose when/if I want to reduce contrast23:27
spikebikeogra_: ya, one that you can control the brightness of23:28
spikebikeso you get a nice gui, can handle watching videos, casual gaming, light email/web, etc.23:29
GrueMasterHmm.  Looking at the Nookbuntu post on forum.xda-developers.com (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1055954).  Takes a lot of work to get running.23:58
spikebikeI'm gonna wait for something that's reasonable stock (I.e. works decent and has access to the market)23:58
GrueMasterUgh.  Uses angstrom stuff & requies a usb link to the pc to get X.  Yuck.23:59

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