
gorillaikt: how is what setup? My media storage??? It's just one partition... I am considering getting a few "green" hard drives and create a raid volume from there.01:22
=== valorin is now known as valorin_work
iktheya brez :)10:59
somethinginteresFYI to anyone trying to install 11.04 on a netbook there seems to be a bug in the installer where the window doesn't resize to fit the screen so you can't see the install progress bar.11:55
iktthat bug should have been fixed ages ago12:57
somethinginteresikt: it was meant to have been fixed but it still presents in the final ISO. I added a comment to the bug report stating that13:03
head_victimsomethinginteres: thanks for the write up, I should do one for the website as well but might just copy and paste from the mailing list one13:26
somethingintereshead_victim: no problem :)13:28
head_victimDocumenting the efforts is half the battle.13:29
head_victimMy ulterior motive for making sure it's all written up properly is it will make a reapproval bid easier if we have it all there already.13:29
somethingintereshead_victim: yeah that's it. When would they consider the case for re-approval? 13:35
head_victimWhenever we're ready.13:35
head_victimI think if we have increased activity for this release cycle we should reapply13:36
head_victimIt's more about sustaining then having one burst of activity.13:40
somethingintereshead_victim: I think so too. This is why I suggested in my "report" that it would be awesome to meet up more regularly than simply at release time.13:43
head_victimsomethinginteres: by all means, look up "ubuntu hours" which is what I wanted to organise but my shiftwork kinda made it unfeasible for me personally.13:43
head_victimAll it takes is someone to want to do it, publicise it and have others arrive :)13:44

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