
wdblI'm going to try it now. I'll let you know.00:00
MrChrisDruifIndeed, gconf-editor can be run from Alt+F2 and gconf-editor00:05
wdblok so, I follow the instructions to use gconf-editor to disable locking on hibernate/suspend and what happens is that when I try it out, I lose my mouse cursor for a little while00:08
wdblpunishment I guess00:08
wdblhere are the instructions I used - http://superuser.com/questions/272455/how-do-you-prevent-gnome-from-asking-for-password-all-the-time00:09
MrChrisDruifwdbl: Did it work?00:14
wdblit works in that it doesn't prompt me for a password upon resume, however I lose the mouse cursor00:14
wdblthe cursor just doesn't draw00:15
wdbli can still use the mouse, but I have to figure out where I'm pointing based on mouse-over effects00:15
wdblhowever, i found a work-around. If I use one of compiz's app switchers, it brings the cursor back00:15
wdblthat's my security right there00:17
GarryFreWell, I'm here, not a beginner but I feel like one with the unity... At the guide site I see this 1.) At Ubuntu 11.04 login screen, choose login to ?ubuntu classic?. Trouble is there IS NO SUCH CHOICE!!! Why?!?01:14
MrChrisDruifGarryFre: Even after you've put in your name?01:14
MrChrisDruifSo you get to that screen, you only put in your name/select your name. Then you should be able to select which session you want to start :)01:15
MrChrisDruifAnd then put in your password/sign in01:16
GarryFreI click my name, I get the password input box but no selection about session.01:16
MrChrisDruifAlso not in the bottom panel?01:17
MrChrisDruifGarryFre: http://scottlinux.com/wp-content/gallery/natty_classic/natty_classic_edit1.png01:18
GarryFreNice, thanks, I see it appeared at bottom of the screen01:18
GarryFreNever would have noticed.01:18
* MrChrisDruif is signing off....feels good he had helped one more person before going to bed :D01:19
GarryFreI tell you, I see what you mean about Crappononical releasing unity too soon, Its got more bugs than bits.01:23
GarryFrePlus Can't even get conky to show on screen, transparent.01:23
GarryFreOmg, sorry folks. WRONG channel01:24
GarryFre /slinks away01:24
wdblhello again. I am browsing a samba share using nautilus and I noticed that it puts a link to the mounted share on my desktop. However, I cannot see that link from the terminal. I want to run a command to find some files on the samba share. How can I get to it in the terminal?01:40
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
jbaganyone able to assist with beginning to troubleshoot archive manager (file roller) in 11.04.  CBR files open but cannot extract or view files.  Using QComicBook reader also has extraction errors for files that opened fine under 10.1002:49
camilleqcoi am trying to solve a problem with ubuntu netbook remix02:58
camilleqcoand my wireless connection02:58
camilleqconot sure if i am in the right place...02:58
wdbldoes anyone know why you don't have permission to /usr/local/src by default?03:25
wdblisn't there where you are supposed to keep your source code?03:25
eiriksvinwell i finally found out whats been going on with my Natty, it was the graphics driver, problem is i have it but dont know how to activate it, it just says its not in use03:31
eiriksvinwhat do i do?03:33
wdbleiriksvin: do you have an Intel Core i3 or i5 chip that has a built in GPU?03:35
camilleqcoi am trying to solve a problem with ubuntu netbook remix03:49
camilleqcoand my wireless connection03:49
kristian_erm, desktops are usually using 240 pins ram, right?03:57
kristian_old-ish desktops, that is...03:58
eiriksvin<wdbl> no i have a amd6404:14
eiriksvinthey seem to have some trouble with amd64 cus mine is a little rough04:16
eiriksvinand i used to run WOW on this like a charm so i know i can handle natty04:17
eiriksvinit ran smooth up until i updated04:18
eiriksvinnow i gotta go back to classic mode, just to smoot it out04:18
bioterrorprobably unity requires so much from the 3D card+04:18
Froq_where can i get the needed driver for the magic touchpad that apple sells?04:21
eiriksvinthere, now its all smooth but my graphics drivers are saying: This driver is activated but not currently in use.< it was fine before i updated, i could run it perfectly in the highest setting04:31
eiriksvinis there a way to get a transparent screensaver?05:42
holsteineiriksvin: i want to say yes05:44
holsteingooging around i see bugs and forum posts05:45
holsteinnot sure how to do it myself though05:45
eiriksvinim trying to get my desktop back to nice05:45
SerialMDKcan anyone tell me how to load a video driver with an 11.04 install?06:29
DarkwingDuckWhat video driver are you trying to load?06:30
SerialMDKnewest nvidia driver06:31
SerialMDKit just says current not which driver06:32
SerialMDKif i install anything above 9.1 i get a black screen06:32
DarkwingDuckI used the "Additional Drivers" in the admin area and it worked on my nvidia06:33
bioterrorX11 and 3D has always sucked :D06:41
DarkwingDuckWorks amazing in Kubuntu06:44
eiriksvinwhats the name of the program i gotta download to stop the launcher from moving and or disappearing?07:06
SerialMDKcan ubuntu only see 4gb of ram or less?07:06
bioterrorSerialMDK, 32bit kernel sees 3GB, 64bit sees even moar!07:07
SerialMDKi need a copy of like 9.1 64 bit07:07
SerialMDKubuntu 9.107:07
SerialMDK64 bit07:07
bioterrorand to be honest, same thing with windows07:08
mysteriousdarrenUbuntu can see way more that that way about 16gb ive used07:08
SerialMDKwasnt sure im a linux noob07:08
SerialMDKi have 8gigs now07:08
bioterroryou can use PAE -kernel07:08
bioterrorto get 32bit system to see up to 64GB07:08
mysteriousdarrenbioterror: hi its been a while.07:09
bioterrorhi mysteriousdarren07:09
SerialMDKanyone know where i can get 64 bit ubuntu 9.1?07:09
bioterrorSerialMDK, why 9.10?07:10
MrChrisDruifBut 64 bit is fine as well, but SerialMDK; there is no Ubuntu 9.1, there is 9.1007:10
SerialMDKif i install anything new i get a black screen07:10
MrChrisDruifAnd indeed, why 9.10?07:10
bioterrorsince 10.04 there have been Kernel Mode Settings07:10
bioterroruse nomodeset kernel parameter07:10
bioterrorif that helps07:10
mysteriousdarrendo you have an old box u want to reinstall>07:11
SerialMDKits a quad core07:11
SerialMDKnothing after 9.10 has my vid driver07:11
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthznwork
SerialMDKif i install 9.10 i can upgrade to 11.04 fine07:11
=== nlsthznwork is now known as nlsthz-nwork
JoeMaverickSettbut that would take a looooong time...no?07:12
SerialMDKnot really07:12
SerialMDKlike an hour07:12
MrChrisDruifYup, three upgrades07:12
SerialMDKdownloading over 3MBps helps07:13
Puck`good morning07:13
MrChrisDruifYeah, that would07:13
MrChrisDruifAlopha Puck`07:13
JoeMaverickSettPuck`: good morning! :)07:13
SerialMDKPuck you!07:14
Puck`SerialMDK: you seem so nice, welcome to UBT (:07:14
SerialMDKdid 9.1 even come 64 bit?07:14
Puck`hi MrChrisDruif & Joe07:14
SerialMDKi am nice lol07:14
mysteriousdarrenwhy not just add the vid driver and leave the rest?07:14
bioterrorSerialMDK, 9.1007:15
bioterrorSerialMDK, 10 means month07:15
SerialMDKcuz im retarded and new to linux07:15
SerialMDKnever touched linux till 2 days ago07:16
SerialMDKsick of windows want to try something new07:16
MrChrisDruifSerialMDK: You seem very knowledgeable though and ready to learn :)07:16
Puck`yeah, you're not new to linux, the other one, i don't know, may be true (:07:17
SerialMDKknwledgeable of windows though...07:17
SerialMDKerm i hate this kb07:18
SerialMDKtrying to figure out ubuntu hurts my brain07:18
mysteriousdarrenlittle at a time works, don't try too hard at one time.07:19
SerialMDKwhat i want to know is why 11.04 doesnt have a new nvidia driver in it07:19
MrChrisDruifSerialMDK: It uses the open-source driver by default afaik, but the proprietary can be install after installation07:20
SerialMDKhow can i install it after install07:20
SerialMDKall i get is a black screen07:20
MrChrisDruifTerminal? Or just black?07:21
SerialMDKtotal black07:21
SerialMDKi know its the driver07:21
SerialMDKi installed 9.10 and upgraded to 10 and black screened07:21
bioterrorin grub add "nomodeset" to kernel parameters07:21
MrChrisDruifI'll quote bioterror here: (08:10:43 AM) bioterror: since 10.04 there have been Kernel Mode Settings (08:10:52 AM) bioterror: use nomodeset kernel parameter07:22
MrChrisDruifHehe :P07:22
SerialMDKreinstalled 9.10 used the diff driver and upgraded to 11.0407:22
SerialMDKif i knew what that meant id do it lol07:22
MrChrisDruifbioterror: Maybe how to add the nomodeset? Pressing shift and mostly follow instructions on screen?07:23
SerialMDKpress shift when07:24
SerialMDKman i feel stupid07:24
SerialMDKi need #ubuntu-4morons07:24
MrChrisDruifDuring booting, otherwise you'd miss grub :)07:26
SerialMDKmmm grub, now im hungry07:26
MrChrisDruifSerialMDK: And no need for that, we all started once. It's just that your system needs a little more expertise :)07:26
nit-witSerialMDK, #ubuntu-4morons hey we always need a new member07:29
MrChrisDruifGrub is an abbreviation in this case, but I don't want to fire up the browser to look it up :P07:29
SerialMDKgrand unified bootloader07:30
MrChrisDruifThat was it :D07:30
SerialMDKso what is kernel anyways07:30
SerialMDKthere were a bunch of diff kernl options07:31
SerialMDKmine says kernal linux 2.6.38-generic07:31
* MrChrisDruif would like that kernel07:32
SerialMDKgeneric means bad07:33
MrChrisDruifNo, it means it's the normal kernel with no special settings :)07:35
MrChrisDruifYou've also got -lowlatency and -realtime07:35
MrChrisDruifBut that no use to use "mere mortals"07:35
SerialMDKlol so where i pick that in grub07:36
SerialMDKnomodeset kernel parameter will be in there?07:36
MrChrisDruifbioterror: Custom settings or something?07:37
* MrChrisDruif has no experience with custom grub settings for booting07:38
* SerialMDK has no experiece at all07:38
SerialMDKdamn keyboard07:38
=== nlsthz-nwork is now known as nlsthzn-work
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
SerialMDKok i have a new problem08:31
SerialMDKanyone got a minute to help me?08:36
Puck`they have no clue until you share your problem (:08:38
SerialMDKhaving a problem on install i pick the partition to use and it says no root file system is defined08:39
Puck`you need to the main partition to mount point /08:40
Puck`*need to set08:40
Puck`so in the partition table it will look like xyGB / EXT408:40
Puck`/ is the sign for the root mount point, that's where all of your system and personal files get to08:41
SerialMDKthat worked08:41
SerialMDKi swear i did that yesterday and it did nothing08:41
SerialMDKthank you puck08:45
Puck`SerialMDK: my pleasure08:46
SerialMDKi feel a tiny bit less retarded now08:46
Puck`the wonders of life08:47
SerialMDKpuck, will i get a boot screen when i turn it on to pick os?08:47
Puck`if grub gets installed properly, yes08:47
SerialMDKwill ubuntu see my storage hdd?08:48
SerialMDKfrom windows08:49
bioterroryou have NTFS-3G drivers08:50
SerialMDK~>bioterror<~, i install 3g in ubuntu?08:53
bioterrorread again what I wrote08:54
bioterroras far as I know, I said YOU HAVE08:54
SerialMDKhow would you know what i have lol08:54
bioterrorbecouse I rule08:54
SerialMDKits in 11.04?08:54
bioterrorjust click that drive icon in file manager08:55
SerialMDKif it boots...08:55
SerialMDKjust finished install08:56
SerialMDKit just booted windows08:56
SerialMDKgave me no option to boot ubuntu08:56
=== karthick1987 is now known as karthick87
SerialMDKwas i supposed to put the linux partition b4 windows?08:57
bioterrordo you have ubuntu on same drive as windows?09:01
bioterrorwhere's your grub :)09:01
SerialMDKstill just boots windows09:02
SerialMDKim really starting to hate computers09:03
bioterrorwelcome to my world :D09:05
bioterrorI also hate my mobile phones :D09:05
SerialMDKthats why i have a 7 yr old motorola slvr lol09:05
SerialMDKits a phone and thats it09:05
bioterrorI need to change calendars with my wife09:06
bioterrorand now that doesnt work09:06
bioterrorwhich sucks09:06
SerialMDKno one will help me in #ubuntu09:07
bioterroryou could boot livecd and check if you installation there09:07
bioterrorI hope you did not install Ubuntu from Windows ;)09:07
SerialMDKwould it matter if i put the partition after windows?09:07
bioterrorWUBI or what that's called09:07
SerialMDKno i didnt09:07
bioterrorWindows is always on sda109:08
SerialMDKok then idk whats goin on09:08
SerialMDKi seen something during install like sda3 grub something lol09:08
aks_wahiplz help i am getting INPUT NOT SUPPORTED error what to do ? I  am new to ubuntu and know nothing about the commands and terminal...09:11
SerialMDK~>bioterror<~, ho\w do i use the livecd crap09:11
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:11
bioterrorcheck that grub209:12
aks_wahihow can i fix INPUT NOT suppoeted eror in ubuntu 11.0409:13
SerialMDKthis is confusing me lol09:13
SerialMDK~>bioterror<~ what is livecd09:26
ubot2The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.09:26
SerialMDKahh so just choose try without changinf file system or what not09:26
ray_I am wondering, I have different emulators and I want them to open different files with the same extention. Can I rename a .zip file what ever I want for Mupen64plus to open?, or will that case problems?, If the problem is remembering the kind of .zip I can for instance rename .zip as .zip64 or something like that?, or will that not be a good idea09:32
ray_Sorry for messing up my last 2 questions09:32
ray_But that should be understandable enough to read09:33
ray_I know those are called extentions09:35
bismarck_Hi guys, new ubuntu user here and i have some problems connecting to my wireless network. anyone knows something about this area?09:39
bismarck_that wasnt what i typed09:40
SerialMDK~>bioterror<~, i try to reinstall grub09:40
SerialMDKsays attempting to install grub to a partitionless disk or to a partition is a bad idea09:40
ray_You didn't type that?09:41
bismarck_yeah i did, only saw half of it first09:41
ray_Do you have a cordless phone?09:42
bismarck_No, havent got a phone. problem is i can see all networks close to me except my own09:42
ray_I switched the channel my router is using because our cordless phone and now my connection doesn't break, not for many weeks09:42
ray_Well sometimes neighbors can be near the same channel as you are using, but I don't know much more09:43
SerialMDKwoot ~>bioterror<~ i fixed it09:43
ray_Sorry, I should have read what you said first09:44
ray_That sucks09:44
bismarck_Yes its quite frustrating, spent all of last night trying to figure it out09:45
ray_Well, I know the feeling. I have had my Internet disapear, I can't remember what brought it back. I ried restarting, shutting down and starting back up, unplugging the router and re-plugging it back in, resetting the dns cache, but like I said I can't remember what worked09:47
ray_I had also had my router set to hidden even though that is not real security, I was also using wpa personal encryption09:48
ray_I was also using mac filtering which isn't real security either09:48
ray_Now I just use wpa09:48
bismarck_Mine isnt hidden, and i think we're using wpa209:49
ray_Well, I hope you get things sorted. Hopefully someone else here knows what to do, because I don't think there was anything else I did09:49
bismarck_I just typed iwconfig in the terminal and wlan0 doesnt show up at all right now.09:51
ray_I can't remember the command for flushing out the dns cache. I have it here in one of these text files but where?, If I find it I will copy and paste it here09:53
bioterrorin windows: ipconfig /flushdns :D09:54
bioterrorin Linux I've never had the urge to do it09:54
ray_Dnag, I know I've seen it, and it's not the one where something has to be installed09:55
ray_There:  http://stevenharman.net/blog/archive/2007/09/25/quick-tip-clear-you-dns-cache.aspx09:56
bioterrorrestarting network is not flushing dns :D09:56
ray_OK, then how is it done?, I mean can it be done with one command without installing anything?09:58
ray_The Internet can be misleading.09:58
bioterrorwell, linux does not cache dns by default09:58
bioterroras far as I know09:59
ray_What about our routers?09:59
bioterrorwhen you restart networking, you just fetch data from dhcpd server09:59
ray_Does that renew our ip addresses unless someone has a static one?10:01
bismarck_perhaps we are approaching the problem from the wrong end.10:02
bismarck_I've found the device, itsa broadcom thing10:02
bismarck_i think it might be a driver issue but the specific device isnt on the ndiswrapper list that the wiki links to10:03
ray_I've never installed a network driver but I had tried open suse and fedora and couldn't get my wireless cards working then but I was was more of a newbie then I am now, but I am still a newbie even though I have been able to compile a few things10:07
ray_Isn't there also madwifi for installing network drivers on Linux?10:10
bismarck_here's another basic newbie question for ya, where's the devide manager in ubuntu 11.0410:12
ray_OK, so I guess you should do lspci and paste it to here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/  in the terminal control-shift-c copies and control-shift-v pastes, in here control-c for copy and control-v for paste10:12
ray_You got me, I am looking10:14
ray_Hm, I am still looking into it, but I right clicked the network manager and opened connection info, but since you are having problems then I am not sure that will help10:15
ray_We need to find out what chip set you have. bioterror or someone who is more avid then me, is that listed when doing lspci?10:17
bioterrorlshw or lspci10:17
ray_Shouldn't that be sudo lshw10:17
bismarck_to be honest i cant do much right now, gnome decided it didnt like me so i can only use the window thats up right now10:18
bismarck_will ctlr + alt + delete work? ;)10:18
ray_I am sorry, I realize people are trying out Ubuntu 11.0410:19
ray_I don't know what you are trying to do10:19
ray_O, you mean to restart10:19
bismarck_Have to restart the system10:19
bismarck_ill be back10:19
ray_Open a terminal and do reboot I think10:19
ray_They made control-alt-delete not restart or log out, so that I would have to change the keyboard short cuts, unless I am wrong, but I  can't remember if that was just 10.04 because I haven't tried doing that in 10.1010:21
Guest30903Now that's been settled10:24
ray_OK do sudo lshw and paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:25
ray_or lspci10:25
bioterrorlspci |grep VGA10:26
bioterroror something ;)10:26
ray_cool, I will try10:26
ray_Ah, I am sorry but what should it be instead of vga which is for graphics cards?10:27
ray_I really like that though10:27
Guest30903ok i ran sudo lshw and pasted it10:28
Guest30903should i link it here now?10:28
ray_I am looking but I am lost, but I have only used lspci10:30
ray_It's been a while for me10:31
ray_Is that pci?, where?10:31
Guest30903it starts at 204 about the network10:32
ray_I see, that's right pci is graphics as well10:32
Guest30903It says disabled simply because i have disabled it for the moment10:33
Guest30903It tried to auto connect to wireless networks all the time10:33
ray_I remember there being a website where if the last hex code of the serial number is used it will say what kind of card or something like that10:35
Guest30903I managed to pull these numbers out yesterday 14e4:4727 if that's of any use10:36
ray_Here is where to go: http://www.coffer.com/mac_find/10:36
ray_Err, well that didn't seem to work10:38
Guest30903I suppose it only works for Mac's10:39
ray_I think this is what it is, BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller which was listed from the terminal out put you pasted10:40
ray_sorry, like I said it's been a while plus I am pretty sleepy10:40
ray_Well I thought this was a mac address 48:5d:60:2a:c7:1d, but I guess I was wrong10:41
Guest30903Did a quick google on the 14e4:4727. it appears this is a common problem with this broadcom card10:41
Guest30903the thing that bothers me is that i can find other networks10:42
Guest30903it wont recognize the essid of my router10:42
ray_Is that a router setting that can be changed?10:43
ray_It stands for Extended Service Set Identifier10:44
ray_Sorry, I am still learning10:44
ray_Or am I wrong?10:45
Guest30903the essid is the name of my network10:49
ray_What version of Ubuntu are you running?, I am not sure it matters but someone here might want to know10:53
ray_I google this but I haven't clicked on any links yet: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=515&q=serial+number+network+card&btnG=Google+Search#sclient=psy&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=548&source=hp&q=%22BCM4313+802.11b%2Fg%2Fn+Wireless+LAN+Controller%22+ubuntu&aq=f&aqi=&aql=f&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=822bf32b5c0e069110:55
Guest30903Im running 11.0410:56
ray_Hmm, I wish I knew what to do for you, but I did find this link under that search http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172299510:57
Guest30903yes. it might very well be that i have to wait until someone has fixed the issue10:58
ray_I am sorry, I really don't like to waste people's time, but I guess I found a new command lspci |grep VGA11:01
ray_What should it be for a network card?11:01
ray_lspci | grep -i eth11:04
Guest30903I might be on to something now11:05
ray_I am still chilling all cool like11:06
ray_I meant I am heard chill-axing to read and learn as well11:09
ray_Hmm, there is system, admin, system testing11:12
ray_but I have never reported bugs before11:12
madsailorGuest30903,  there is a thread with info about fixing problems with your chipset at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1005787811:13
Guest30903I found this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1617380&page=611:14
Guest30903trying it now11:14
ray_Sweet madsailor, have you sailed the seas of cheese?11:14
madsailorummmm..I do not eat green eggs and ham?11:16
=== Guest30903 is now known as Pararat
PararatGuest wasnt a very good nickname11:16
PararatFigured forum name might be more appropriate11:16
madsailorPararat, ahh, driver compiling.  fun ;)11:19
Pararatso far so good :p11:19
PararatModify the file to make it work with your kernel11:20
Pararatcd ~/linux-next/drivers/staging/brcm8021111:20
Pararatnano Makefile11:20
PararatAdd this code at the end11:20
PararatKDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build11:20
Pararatccflags-y += -I$(SUBDIRS)/include -I$(SUBDIRS)/sys -I$(SUBDIRS)/phy11:20
Pararatthis is the next step11:20
Pararatit says "add this code at the end"11:20
Pararatshud i put a space in first or something?11:20
madsailorit should be on a newline, no spaces11:22
ray_should that be the last line?11:22
ray_what does tyvm mean?11:22
madsailorthank you very much :)11:22
ray_And what's my today for that matter?11:23
ray_I meant What's my name today for that matter?11:23
Pararatray_ ?11:24
* madsailor thinks maybe ray should be madray and madsailor should just be sailor11:25
ray_I am glad you are helping him out.11:26
madsailorI try :)11:27
ray_High five "o/\o"11:27
PararatI'm very thankful, atleast ive gotten somewhere but we've yet to see if it works11:27
Pararataltho im getting hungry11:28
ray_I don't know if he can wait, but I can, but I wasn't being very helpful11:29
madsailorI'm learning the C programming language, so Makefiles  and gcc are half my life at the moment.11:29
madsailoryay compiling11:29
ray_Nice, that would be great but also tough11:30
Pararatso how do i make a "new line" without sending a command?11:37
madsailorwell, like it said, you open the file in nano, which is a text editor11:38
=== ray_ is now known as r4y
madsailoryou add the line, hit ctrl X and Y to save11:39
madsailorand presto..modified makefile11:39
Pararatok so first i type : cd ~/linux-next/drivers/staging/brcm8021111:41
Pararatthen : nano Makefile11:41
madsailor1 min..I closed the directions you are following11:42
Pararatgiowck's guide11:45
madsailoryep...that should open the makefile in nano if it exists, or open a new file with that name if it doesn't.  You might want to type ls first in the terminal after cd'ing to make sure Makefile is already there11:45
Pararatno such file or directory is what it tells me11:46
r4yI like to drag and drop the folder or file I am using as a path in the terminal, then take away the '' single quotes. I find that it is the easiest way unless the path is short and simple11:47
PararatI have to be honest with you, so far ive only copied and pasted the codes they tell me to use, i have no idea exactly what im doing11:48
r4yIt's all cool11:49
r4ySo to graphically see the file he wants to open, he might go to places and open the home folder and if there is a folder called linux-next then double click it11:50
r4yand so on11:51
r4yOnly double click folders for now11:51
r4yunless he says otherwise11:51
madsailorParat...I think you missed the first part of the guide, so that directory doesn't even exist on your comp (yet).  Start at the beginning: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161738011:52
r4yWhere is the downloaded folder you are trying to compile?11:52
r4yI am sorry11:52
r4yOK, I see, sorry11:53
madsailorfirst you setup git, then setup directory fo driver sources, download driver sources, *modify makefile ;)* compile and done11:53
madsailorhowever, read the update at the very top of that thread. It might save you a few steps11:56
Pararati suppose my home directory is the folder with my user name on it?11:57
madsailor1 up from there: /home/username aka ~/username11:59
madsailorwhat version of Ubuntu are you running?11:59
r4yyes, mine is /home/ray but this character " ~" bypasses the need for me to do for instance cd /home/ray/linux-next/drivers/staging/brcm8021111:59
r4yso in other words this is the same thing as that cd ~/linux-next/drivers/staging/brcm8021112:00
madsailorok...well, according to the update at the top of the guide you were following, compiling that driver is pointless for your version...it's already included in the kernel12:00
madsailorr4y, no cd is "change directory" the tilde is just equivalent to typing '/home/'12:03
r4yI know12:03
r4yThat is what I was trying to say12:03
madsailoroh..ok.  :)12:03
r4yThis cd /home/ray/linux-next/drivers/staging/brcm80211 is the same as doing this cd ~/linux-next/drivers/staging/brcm8021112:03
r4yFor clarity, unless I am wrong12:04
geirhaWell, not '/home/', it expands to the value of the HOME environment variable.12:04
madsailorconsensus.  If only there were more of that in the world12:05
Pararatok so following this guide is pointless then?12:06
madsailoryep.  you already have that driver up to date in the kernel you are running12:07
r4yIt seems so.12:07
Pararatbut why wont my wireless work then?12:08
madsailorThat's a good question.  I would recommend asking in #ubuntu, where there is a bit more traffic, and likely some more experience with your specific problem.12:09
r4yTry asking and posting this link:12:12
r4yI feel for you man, but don't give up.12:13
Pararatthanks for the help guys, ill see if they can help me in the ubuntu channel then12:14
madsailorgood luck!12:14
r4yAll the best, I will help you with the simple parts if you want me to.12:15
r4yIs he guest?, I am confused12:17
Abhijitduanedesign, ping12:26
duanedesignAbhijit: pong212:26
johnny77I've upgraded to 11.04 and now when I log into Ubuntu, I only get the background image. It appears that Unity is not loading. Can anyone help before I reinstall?15:18
holsteinjohnny77: how about the classic environment?15:18
holsteindid you try installing unity-2d ?15:18
johnny77holstein: something is wrong there too. I believe that a window manager is not being loaded.15:19
johnny77holstein: I did not try unity-2d. Is it just in the repository?15:20
holsteini would probably try an fsck15:20
johnny77holstein: I'm currently on the same machine logged into fluxbox, if that makes any difference. Trying fsck.15:26
holsteinjohnny77: probably have to force it on next boot*15:26
johnny77holstein: force running fsck? How would I do that?15:28
holsteinused to be sudo touch /forcefsck15:29
johnny77trying brb15:32
johnny77holstein: either it didn't run fsck or it didn't work. I rebooted then logged into Ubuntu and got the same thing.15:39
justashi , i have 2 os on my hard XP and linux ( i choose wich to boot ) now i want to keep only linux ( have only one disk C ) maybe boot xp installer cd and choose unistall xp , but then i installed linux i chose  30 GB space whic will use linux - i gues , so then i will unistall xp , linux will be on 30 gb , o hey can took all my hard space ?15:48
justassimpliest problem version : how to delete windows xp , and keep linux15:51
johnny77justas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToRemoveWindows - Maybe this will help.16:01
naveedForq : Hi16:02
r4yCan I rename all the files in this folder from .bin to .a26 ?16:10
coalwaterwhat folder?16:10
r4yA folder I made16:11
r4yThey are roms16:11
coalwaterum and what's the problem16:12
r4yI am trying to make it so all roms are opened with certain emulators16:12
r4ySo I decided that Stella can open files with the file extension .Atari2600 or .a26 from .bin16:12
r4yBecause .bin is used a lot, I want to make it open to use in the future and so on16:13
r4yShould I go Google it instead for now?16:14
coalwateri dont understand what u want, just right click and choose open with, then choose the application16:16
r4yI am going to copy a few files over to a new folder and try this:16:17
r4yI am confused, where is the path supposed to be in that command?16:19
r4yHere is my incomplete command:16:20
r4yIn double quotes "rename 's/\.bin$/\.Atari2600/' *"16:20
r4yReplace this "*" with the path to the folder?16:20
coalwateri dont really know if that will work or not16:20
r4yIt did say: This works on linuxes who use the Perl version of the rename command (like Ubuntu):, so like you said16:21
r4ySo then it might need to be used in perl16:22
r4yThere must be a way to rename these files, I would save this info for future references if I can do what I want to do.16:23
r4yI will say exactly what i want to do16:23
coalwaterhttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/renaming-multiple-files-at-a-shell-prompt.html this page kinda says the same rule at the end of the page16:24
r4yOK, so you did understand at some point16:24
r4yThis then: rename .bak .txt *.bak16:25
coalwateri could try it16:25
r4yNo, it's ok, so rename .bin .Atari2600 *.bin16:26
r4yWhat about the path?16:26
r4yI mean where does the path to the folder go?16:27
r4yAt the end?16:28
r4yOK, so for instance I have a folder on my desktop and here is the path to the folder I am going to be testing this with: /home/ray/Desktop/untitledfolder16:29
r4yWhere would that path go in this command: rename .bin .Atari2600 *.bin16:30
charlie-tcaI think it would go in front of the last extension, like /home/ray/Deskto[16:31
charlie-tcalike /home/ray/Desktop/untitledfolder/*.bin16:32
charlie-tcasince *.bin are the files being renamed16:32
r4yOK, so you think: rename .bin .Atari2600 /home/ray/Desktop/untitledfolder/*.bin16:33
r4yCool, this will be the first time I have used the rename command, so many commands to learn16:34
r4y"syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near ".""16:34
r4yI put that in double quotes16:35
charlie-tcayou put what in double quotes16:35
r4yI mean what I pasted from the terminal to here16:36
r4yDouble quote, pasted here, double quote enter16:36
r4yI didn't do "rename .bin .Atari2600 /home/ray/Desktop/untitledfolder/*.bin" in the terminal16:36
r4yI did: rename .bin .Atari2600 /home/ray/Desktop/untitledfolder/*.bin16:37
charlie-tcaiThen you did it wrong16:37
charlie-tcais there actually a folder named "untitledfolder" ?16:38
r4yDoes it not except because of the period?, If so how do I get around this?, Like for instance when a folder has a space in it then there either has to be a foward slash or back slash so the terminal with except it as it is, or it can be single quoted, but with a period I am unsure what the terminal wants, I should go read man rename I guess16:40
r4yWell, it says perl programmers reference guide, so the first link just might work16:42
r4yThis is in double quotes "rename 's/\.foo$/\.bar/' *" The reason I put this and other text in double quotes is because here on irc I am not sure what the results would be. If I post something that shouldn't be posted then it simple doesn't post, and I get an error message, so now you know why which you likely already knew16:46
r4ySo replace "*" that with the path?16:46
r4yI am guessing it is foo to bar16:46
charlie-tcaI'm guessing they are not using path16:47
charlie-tcathey have done a cd into the directory with the files to be renamed16:48
charlie-tcaand the * renames every file in that directory16:48
charlie-tcawith the extension16:48
r4yO, wow that you for telling me16:48
r4yOK, that is simple16:48
r4yYes, it worked16:50
r4yThank you very much, this will be useful in the future16:50
charlie-tcawhen reading man pages, it helps to read the page. It normally explains every part of the command16:51
r4yNow, I have to make a small text file and document what is going to happen when using this command16:51
r4yI did man rename but it was short but from what you just said you must know that16:52
r4yI found that when I did man apt-get it doesn't show the order in which the command option, path goes, but with apt-get --help it shows that which I was wanting to know but even so there are many things like spaces and periods that means changes that might not be explained in the man pages but still I like to read the man page and nerd out even though I wouldn't consider myself a nerd16:55
r4yI more of a want to be nerd16:55
r4yAnd I should have gone to bed hours ago16:56
r4yI missed that second word there, I know16:56
r4yThank you very much, I should go, keep on rocking16:57
charlie-tcar4y: the other command I use a lot besides man ???    is      ??? --help17:05
charlie-tcaso it would be like          rename --help17:05
r4yI am trying to understand why everything is the way it is in this command. What is s for?, What is the need for the foward slashes and backward slashes?17:06
r4yMaybe s is an option17:06
r4yWell, I am just wondering17:07
charlie-tcaforward slashes are to insure any non-alphanumeric chat17:07
charlie-tcacharacters get noted/changed17:07
charlie-tcaoops, backward slashes do that17:08
charlie-tcaI don't know the rest. It is hard for me to understand the commands that are all thrown tight together like that17:09
r4yO, so where file name is the * char can be used instead to be reclusive in the current dir17:09
r4yI see, so if I want I could ask to only have certain files done17:10
charlie-tcaright, * is a wildcard that covers all characters to the character after the star17:10
charlie-tca*bin   will only find names ending in bin17:10
r4yHow would we say do every file but these 3 or so files?17:10
charlie-tcawith difficulty17:12
charlie-tcathat is more involved than my knowledge17:12
r4yI don't need to know17:12
charlie-tcaI can make the command line with individual commands, but I have to make things simple for me17:12
r4yI can always do this then go back and rename the few I wanted named the other if ever needed17:13
charlie-tcathat's what I do17:14
charlie-tcawell not no more though17:14
r4yHere here, but I am sure you would wip me at using the command line17:14
charlie-tcaI use Xubuntu, and Thunar has a rename multiple files command using a gui17:14
charlie-tcaMakes it so much easier17:15
r4yCool, there is so much to pick up, like for instance when you want to highlight things in the gui hold down control or shift, one of them highlights things in rows and the other highlights things individually17:16
r4yI learned that when messing with zipped files using archive manager17:16
charlie-tcaControl lets you highlight things in skips and jumps, shift hightlights everything from first highlight to cursor position17:17
charlie-tcashift works going up or down, too17:17
r4yIf you haven't already man man then hit h for help, or hit q17:17
r4yCool, not just side to side17:18
r4yI am trying to think of something helpful, but I am in need of sleep, thank you very much for the help17:19
r4yhave a good day, I am going to make notes then I will leave17:20
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:21
r4ySo you said oops back there, so I am going to try and reword it:17:22
r4yforward slashes are to insure any non-alphanumeric chat17:22
r4ycharacters get noted/changed17:22
r4ythen you said oops backwards slashes do that17:22
r4ybut I changed the sentence between17:23
r4yIs that right?17:23
r4yO, I didn't understand what you were saying but now I got it17:24
r4yOOps, I messed up17:24
r4ycharacters get noted\changed17:24
charlie-tcaIt should be backslashes are to insure any non-alphanumeric characters get noted/changed17:25
charlie-tcamy keyboard does not type good17:25
r4yIt's OK17:25
r4yso in this command rename 's/\.bin/\.atari2600/' * what are the foward slashes for?17:26
r4ySo in other words the backward slashes also apply to spaces and not just periods17:27
charlie-tcaI don't know what the forward slashes do17:27
r4yMaybe forward slashes say to go into a dir17:28
charlie-tcabackslashes can be for other slashes, spaces, foreign characters17:28
charlie-tcathey might be saying anything in front of the dot in this usage17:29
r4yor maybe forward slashes say to move forward one digit to make up for the backward slashes17:29
charlie-tcabut I don't know what the forward slashes are doing17:29
r4yI should look at the man page for rename for a sec17:30
r4yWell, I know it doesn't matter and your guess is as good as mine17:31
r4yThank you, I can finish making notes17:31
r4yHave a good day17:35
nlsthznhi, how can I get quassel to autohide in the notification area rather than the taskbar? if I enable show system tray icon I have two icons, one in the "message indicator" and another in the system tray too?!19:16
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh
Error404NotFoundis it possible to use windows favorites in firefox?19:54
Dangr_Error404NotFound:  Like your bookmarks?19:58
Dangr_Error404NotFound:  you could use firefox sync, or a third party like Delicious or XMarks19:59
Error404NotFoundi want to put my windows bookmarks intu firefox on ubuntu19:59
Dangr_Error404NotFound: I'd just setup a firefox sync account - it will do it automatically for you - piece of cake19:59
Error404NotFoundand how do i do that lol19:59
Dangr_Error404NotFound:  ummm try this page first: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/what-firefox-sync20:01
Dangr_that should give you the run down on what it is and such20:01
Error404NotFoundthe bookmarks i want are from internet explorer20:02
Error404NotFoundnot firefox20:02
Dangr_oh i see20:02
Dangr_ok try xmarks - http://www.xmarks.com/20:02
Dangr_thats what I use personally, should do what you're looking for no problem20:02
Dangr_does the same thing as firefox sync - just supports all browsers instead of just FF20:03
Error404NotFoundok i have no clue what to do20:07
Dangr_create an account first20:08
Dangr_then install on each browser - youll need to put it on your IE browser first20:08
Dangr_then do the same in Ubuntu FF20:08
Dangr_or you can look into exporting your bookmarks20:08
Dangr_that works too - i find sycning to be better for long term20:08
Error404NotFoundi have a folder with all bookmarks in itcant i just put in a folder in linux?20:09
Dangr_yep that would also work20:09
Dangr_i think20:09
Dangr_idk havent tried20:09
Error404NotFoundwhere is the folder in ubuntu20:09
Dangr_probbaly depends on how you installed it20:09
Error404NotFoundwell i am a total noob so you tell me lol20:10
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh
Dangr_check to see if you can mount your Windows disk20:11
Error404NotFoundi have complete access to windows hdd from linux20:11
Dangr_so then you can browse for it from there20:12
Error404NotFoundi need to know where to put them in linux20:13
Dangr_i woudl just use FFs import bookmark feature20:14
Error404NotFoundi would except i hate firefox and have no idea how to use it20:14
Dangr_id just look it up20:14
Error404NotFoundi want internet explorer on linux damnit20:14
Dangr_its easy20:14
NekoNekoAnyone having trouble since the update?20:15
Dangr_yes - i gave up on 11.0420:15
Error404NotFoundim on 11.0420:16
Error404NotFoundworks fine for me lol20:16
NekoNekoi mysteriously have no way to manage my taskbar/panel20:16
obengdakoi think a fresh install might help just save your home folder if not partitioned and thus keep your old config files20:16
Error404NotFoundi would like to be able to move the big bar to bottom like osx20:16
mysteriousdarrenwhy ie? reason?20:16
NekoNekoError404NotFound: ditto!20:17
Error404NotFoundie > ff20:17
Froqis anyone having screen sharing (VNC) problems??  mine isn't working @ all... ;(20:18
holsteinFroq: can you ping?20:18
Error404NotFoundis it possible to move the task bar?20:18
Froqholstein, yeah I can ping, and even connect to it, however, it just stays a black screen.20:18
holsteini really like remmina20:18
holsteinFroq: hmmm20:18
NekoNekoError404NotFound: not that I have found yet.... i've been going through everything =/20:19
Dangr_NekoNeko: I dont think thats available yet20:19
holsteinFroq: try xtightvnc20:19
holsteinsee if you are getting any error output20:19
Froqdo I gotta install that?  ... is it just called xtightvnc?20:19
holsteinFroq: sudo apt-get install xtightvnc20:20
holsteinxtightvnc IP20:20
holsteinwhatever IP address*20:20
holsteinError404NotFound: you can log into the classic session20:20
holsteinand customize gnome20:20
Dangr_Error404NotFound: I like to use AWN to get that OSX feel dock20:21
holsteinDangr_: true20:22
holsteinError404NotFound: you should google around about making ubuntu look like OSX20:22
holsteinif thats what you are interested in20:22
holsteintheres lots of ways to have a dock20:23
holsteini think AWN is very slick20:23
FroqError404NotFound, yeah AWN is an awesome dock.20:24
Dangr_it is pretty cool - and easy to use/customize through its settings menu20:24
Froqhow do I make changes to the bar on the left of my screen?20:29
Froqthe launcher bar20:29
Dangr_Froq: I dont think you can yet? I don't think you can do much with it as of now... unless someone knows?20:31
Froqoo silly... man, is this 11.04 still beta?  I gotta say, I think it is causing me more porblems then any of the other releases to date as of yet....  (I have only gone through 2 other releases lol)20:31
Dangr_Personally I'd like to replace it with AWN - I don't really care for the Win7 feel :-/20:32
holsteinunity is not for that really20:33
holsteinits supposed to be an all-in-one UI20:33
holsteinand i think it does that well20:33
holsteinand even though, im not planning on using it, it looks great for what its trying to acomplish20:34
holsteinand its still early*20:34
holsteincustomization could come20:34
holsteinyou can always file a wishlist bug20:34
Dangr_holstein: good points - I like how they moved the application menus to the global area above - like Macs finder20:34
holstein'cant move unity launcher'20:34
Error404NotFoundhow do i uninstall crap on linux...20:53
Error404NotFoundtryin to uninstall a crap music player cand find it20:53
holsteinError404NotFound: how did you install it?20:54
holsteinsoftware center?20:54
Error404NotFoundwas installed20:54
holsteinyou should be able to go where you got it20:54
Error404NotFoundwith ubuntu20:54
holsteinError404NotFound: OK20:54
holsteinkeep in mind20:54
holsteinits not really going to free up much space20:54
holsteinand its not using resources20:54
Error404NotFoundi just dont want it to be default player20:55
holsteinyou should be able to find it in the software center20:55
holsteinand unintall20:55
holsteinOR synaptic20:55
Error404NotFoundif i play a song with it it plays the song 2 times20:55
Error404NotFoundat the same time20:55
holsteinor in the commandline if you prefer20:55
Error404NotFoundi orefer you tell me like im 3 yrs old20:55
holsteinError404NotFound: ?20:56
Error404NotFoundi have no idea what yer talking about20:56
holsteinthe software center is in the menu20:56
holsteinwhere ever you find other applications20:56
holsteinlike, where you found the audio player you dont like20:57
holsteinsynaptic is in there too20:57
holsteinwith either of those20:57
holsteinyou can search20:57
holsteinby name20:57
holsteinfor the application you would like to remove20:57
Error404NotFoundfound it20:57
holsteinand remove it20:57
Error404NotFoundim learning!20:57
Froqwhat application launcher do you guys recommend?20:57
holsteini like gnome-do20:58
Dangr_yeah gnome-do is great20:58
holsteinbut, AWN is nice20:58
Dangr_I have both :-P20:58
holsteini mean, theres nothing wrong with the built-in tools either20:58
Dangr_can't help it - used OSx for so long20:58
holsteinthen theres no extra overhead20:58
holsteinDangr_: :)20:58
Error404NotFoundanyone figure out how to move task bar?20:59
holsteinError404NotFound: its not a matter of figuring it out20:59
holsteinyou just cant do it20:59
holsteinlike i suggested20:59
holsteinyou can boot into classic mode20:59
holsteinand customize gnome all you like20:59
Froq Dangr_ yeah, I am a previous OSx junkie... so I like OSx haha20:59
holsteinrun another WM20:59
holsteinError404NotFound: XFCE or KDE21:00
Dangr_Froq: :)21:00
holsteinthere are meta-packages for those21:00
holsteinsudo apt-get install xubuntu-deskto21:00
holsteinsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:00
Froqholstein, I just don't understand why they would implement unity if it can not be edited.21:00
holsteinError404NotFound: ^ that that is not trivial21:00
holsteindont just run that without thinking it over21:00
FroqDangr_, so I am using xchat, and when I load up the application, it doesn't auto log me into my IRC channels... you know how to fix that?21:00
holsteinFroq: thats part of the deal21:00
holsteinthat is static21:01
holsteincontrolling the UI a bit more than average21:01
Dangr_Froq: you can - i think its a basic right-click affair - I'm at work on my Mac so I'm currently using Limechat21:01
FroqDangr_, nice nice, I just Limechat too on Mac21:01
Dangr_Froq: http://xchatdata.net/Using/FAQ#autojoin21:02
Dangr_try that - just skimmed it but looks like what you're looking for21:02
Dangr_holstein: i heard that using aptitude is preferable over apt-get, is that true?21:09
holsteinDangr_: not sure21:10
holsteinive seen both21:10
holsteinwhich do you use?21:10
holsteini was using apt21:10
Dangr_aptitude - i heard its better at removing dependencies when removing an application but I'm too inexperienced at linux to know for sure21:10
holsteinand then i got talked into aptitude21:10
holsteinthen i did something that i broke21:10
holsteinand fixed with apt21:11
holsteinso i went back to apt21:11
Dangr_oh i see - I think i'll do the same when I break it :P21:11
Dangr_I break linux enough learning as I go21:11
holsteinim sure aptitude could have fixed it21:11
holsteinand i like the ncurses interface for aptitude21:11
Dangr_hmmm haven't heard of ncurses21:13
holsteinbasically graphical in a terminal21:13
holsteinkind of21:13
holsteinDangr_: like alsamixer21:13
Dangr_oh neat21:14
Dangr_holstein: and yes, im looking this up as we go21:14
holsteinthe folks that told me aptitude is better are smarter than me21:15
holsteinso i believe and trust them21:15
holsteini just fall back into apt out of habit i think21:15
Dangr_lol yeah I can undestand that - when I read along with forum posts- or blogs or what have you everything seems to be apt-get but iono21:17
Error404NotFoundhow do i stop ubuntu from goin to sleep?21:21
Error404NotFoundsick of entering a password every 5 minutes21:21
Dangr_preferences > screen saver21:23
Dangr_should be there21:23
Error404NotFoundwtf i uninstalled that music player and it still works21:23
holsteinError404NotFound: what music player?21:26
holsteintheres literally no good reason to do that21:27
holsteinBUT, if you restart21:27
holsteinand its still there21:27
Error404NotFoundi did21:27
holsteinlet us know21:27
Error404NotFoundafter uninstalling21:27
holsteinError404NotFound: what did you remove?21:27
Error404NotFoundbanshee music player21:27
holsteinError404NotFound: open up synaptic21:27
holsteinand search banshee21:27
holsteinsee whats there21:27
holsteintry removing it in synaptic instead21:28
Error404NotFoundwtf is synaptic21:28
Error404NotFoundi go to apps and its under available to dl21:28
holsteinError404NotFound: synaptic is the alternative application i mentioned before21:31
holsteinyou should be able to find it in the same place you are finding banshee21:31
holsteinand the software center21:31
Dangr_if hes on 11.04 he could just hit super key and search for it21:32
Error404NotFoundhow do i set my music to open in rhythmbox21:33
Error404NotFoundnow i double click it and it does nothing21:33
holsteindouble click what?21:33
holsteinand whats 'it'?21:33
holsteinused to be21:34
holsteinwhen you right click21:34
holsteinon an audio file21:34
holsteinyou get a menu21:34
Error404NotFoundi click to associate music with it21:35
Error404NotFoundand it dont work21:35
holsteinError404NotFound: how did it not work?21:38
holsteinError404NotFound: elaborate pleas21:38
holsteinthe player doesnt open?21:38
holsteinor the music doesnt play?21:38
Dangr_guh- keep running into apt-get21:40
Dangr_its everywhere!21:40
=== CraigM is now known as TJGeezer
Error404NotFoundffs where is preferences23:15
Error404NotFoundi thought ubuntu was supposed to be easy to use...23:18
Error404NotFoundanyone alive in here?23:22
MrChrisDruifWho's preferences are you looking for?23:23
Error404NotFoundhow do i stop ubuntu from sleeping23:23
MrChrisDruifPower Management and Screensaver settings23:23
Error404NotFoundi seen power management23:24
Error404NotFoundchanged it to never23:24
Error404NotFoundstill sleeps23:24
MrChrisDruifAnd Screensaver?23:24
Error404NotFoundi didnt see anything about screensaver'23:24
MrChrisDruifSystem > Preferences > Screensaver23:25
Error404NotFoundopened system dont see preferences23:26
Error404NotFoundfound it..23:26
MrChrisDruifGreat :D23:26
Error404NotFoundi miss wondows23:26
Error404NotFoundwindows even23:27
holsteinError404NotFound: you dont have to miss windoes23:27
holsteinError404NotFound: you dont have to miss windows*23:27
Error404NotFoundnow if i can get my printer working23:27
holsteinyou are free to do whatever you like23:27
holsteinat anytime :)23:27
Error404NotFoundits not finding my network printer23:28
Error404NotFoundooh nice i think its working23:29
Error404NotFoundok it sees my printer but cant find a driver for it..23:31
holsteinError404NotFound: what would you like to do?23:31
holsteinif you want, drop the printer make/model in here23:31
holsteinOR in google23:32
Error404NotFoundmfc 465cn23:32
holsteinlike windows and OSX and any other OS, some devices are not supported23:32
holsteini have an HL-5250DN23:33
holsteinworks well in linux23:33
holstein^ thats a brother printer*23:33
holsteinError404NotFound: i would say23:34
holsteinchoose your battles23:34
holsteinsince you are new to ubuntu23:34
holsteinpick something23:34
holsteinand stick with it23:34
holsteintil you learn whats going on with it23:34
Error404NotFoundi just want it to do what windows does for me..23:34
holsteinand its not windows23:35
Error404NotFoundthats not asking much23:35
Error404NotFoundbut i want printer to work23:35
holsteinnow-a-days, i find installing windows to be much more challenging than installing linux23:36
holsteinits really an issue of what you are used to23:36
holsteinand getting accostemed to the workflow23:36
Error404NotFoundi dled driver and it says wrong architecture "i386"23:37
holsteini need to go, but im sure we can help you out23:37
holsteinfor example23:37
holsteinyou downlaoded what driver?23:37
holsteindo you know what that means?23:37
Error404NotFoundlpr driver23:38
holsteinanyways, as i like to say often23:38
holsteinin linux, the answer is always yes23:39
Error404NotFoundso tha=is driver is meant for 32 bit23:39
holsteini know learning any major piece of software like an OS is challenging23:39
holsteinbut, im sure you can sort it out :)23:39

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