
=== Madpilot changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel! Welcome! | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | WikiPage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings | Happy Election Day - get out and vote if you haven't already!
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Hiya14:54
BluesKajhey genii-around14:55
genii-aroundProbably here is better to discuss Canadian politics... ;)14:55
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Next to where I live is a voting station, so I'll be casting mine after i leave work tonight.14:56
BluesKajgenii-around, well, I like to educate americans that there real democracies in the world besides theirs :)14:57
bregmaI voted at an advanced pool because I'm out of the country for a couple of weeks15:16
bregmauh, an advanced poll -- the election pool is something else15:17
BluesKajbregma, where you lacted ?15:29
genii-arounddscassel: Mornin' !15:30
bregmaI'm in Budapest right now, getting ready for UDS15:31
BluesKajwe were gonna book a trip the UK to visit our daughter , but she decided to return to Toronto before the "wedding" due to the cheap flights15:33
bregmapolls at home close at 2:00 AM local time here, I won't know the exciting results of the election until I wake up tomorrow morning15:33
BluesKajok bregma , neat , and where do live when you're in Canada15:34
dscasselMorning, genii-around :)15:34
bregmaI live in the bush a half hour outside of Perth, Ontario15:34
dscasselThat's two ubuntu-ca people I know of at UDS. :D15:36
dscasselbregma: let us know how it goes. :)15:36
BluesKajright bregma , I'm also close to the bush , a small town west of Sudbury called Espanola ...googe earth went thru here and photo'd the worst parts of the town.for the street view..really disappointing :(15:37
BluesKajour mayor was really pi**ed :)15:39
BluesKajUDS eh, I imagine there's gonna be some lively discussion over Unity vs Gnome as default on ubuntu 11.0415:40
genii-arounddscassel: Incidentally I made a tarball of the pics my gf took at the party, somewhere around 56M, want me to send them anywhere?15:41
* BluesKaj prefers KDE so I'm safe15:41
BluesKajsort of15:43
dscasselgenii-around: Yeah. If you could dump them on a webserver or something somewhere, that'd be great.15:43
genii-aroundI'll see what I can do15:45
BluesKajwish i could get the moto driver to work with my phone , but so far i can't seem to make it work...errors out .The phone is recognized, it just doesn't access the phones files15:59
BluesKajno biggie tho the W7 pc dls the photos without a prob16:00
* genii-around makes more delicious coffee17:52
lubotu1Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.18:16
BluesKajoh so we have an exclusive #kubuntu-ca chat ...Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited ...oh my, must be special  :)18:37
genii-aroundDarned Californians!18:42
BluesKajyeah . -LA would b better18:42
BluesKajor lala :)18:43
genii-aroundBluesKaj: It forwards to this channel, apparently19:03
IdleOnepart this channel and join #kubuntu-ca19:21
dscasselIs there really so much Gnome chatter in here that we need to split? :)19:27
=== bregma_ is now known as bregma
genii-arounddscassel: Anything usable in that bunch of horrible pics? ;)23:54
staticsafegenii-around: mind sharing that tarball of photos?23:57
genii-aroundstaticsafe: Give me a couple minutes23:58

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