
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
sebsebseb 03:50
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weltbesiedlerhi :D14:03
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lengoanhcatsorry folks, I heard there is Ubuntu classroom at this time.14:33
lengoanhcatso far i did not see anything or hear anything14:34
lengoanhcatit is first time i use IRC, let me know that if i am lack of anything for getting connected14:34
candtalanI think it will be in approximately 26 minutes, if I calculate correctly....14:34
lengoanhcat@candtalan: thanks, need to adjust the time on my schedule14:36
meetingologylengoanhcat: Error: "candtalan:" is not a valid command.14:36
candtalanhi lengoanchat welcome! I am a novie on irc anyway14:36
akgranerIn about 20 minutes Open Week will start! :-)14:37
candtalan(and I am not good at typing 'novice' either)14:38
candtalanHi - is that you Amber? I heard your house got destroyed? How are things?14:39
akgranercandtalan, yep it's me :-) we are doing well and back in our new house - thanks for asking14:40
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Introduction - Instructors: jcastro
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.15:02
jcastroGood morning!15:07
jcastrook sorry everyone I got my wires crossed this morning15:07
* jcastro taps on the mic15:07
jcastroOk welcome to Ubuntu Open Week15:07
jcastrothis week we'll be doing a set of IRC workshops for Ubuntu Users15:08
jcastroevery cycle we do a developer week, an application developer week, and then right after release when we've got a fresh release out we do this week15:08
jcastrowhich is User Week15:08
jcastrofirst let's start off with the schedule15:08
jcastroand then I'll show you how it works15:09
jcastroThese are the sessions that we'll be having this week15:09
jcastroInstructors will show up at their given time15:09
jcastro(unless they are late!) >_<15:09
jcastroand then for that hour you can watch their class and ask questions15:09
jcastrothe way you ask questions is by also hanging out in #ubuntu-classroom-chat15:10
jcastroand then in there when you want to ask a question you'll go like this:15:10
jcastroQUESTION: Why can't Jorge figure out UTC conversions?15:10
jcastroand then a bot will scrape together all the questions15:10
jcastroand then paste them in here15:10
jcastroand then the presenter will answer them in here15:10
jcastroNote that we do have Mark coming in on Thursday morning15:11
jcastroso make sure you show up for that.15:11
jcastroSo today we'll start off with an intro (this is it right here)15:11
jcastrowhere you can ask me anything about Ubuntu15:11
jcastrothen we'll have a cloud intro session from Ahmed15:11
jcastroand then Bhavani is going to give an intro session on how to get started improving Ubuntu15:12
jcastroand then we'll cap it off with my introduction to Unity; where I'll go over some power user tips and tricks that you don't want to miss.15:12
jcastrook so with that15:12
jcastroyou can start kicking off your questions on #ubuntu-classroom-chat15:12
jcastroremember to preface your question with QUESTION:15:13
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Why do you work for Canonical, and what do you tend to do?15:14
jcastroWhy would be because it's an awesome place to work15:14
jcastrowhat I do for my job this past cycle was to help people get started with Unity development15:15
jcastroso things like "I want to fix unity how can I help?"15:15
jcastroor "I want to write a Unity lens", where can I find the documentation15:15
jcastroI also talk to upstream projects like thunderbird, shotwell, chromium, etc. on how we can better improve working with them and Ubuntu15:15
ClassBotcandtalan asked: the schedule I see says Mark is coming on Wednesday 4 May, not thursday as jcastro just said - confirm please?15:16
jcastrooh yep, you're right, that is a Wednesday15:16
jcastroWednesday at 1400 UTC will be Ask Mark15:16
ClassBotlengoanhcat asked: why choosing Unity as default interface instead of GNOME ? What pros and cons of that approach ?15:16
jcastroUnity is a shell for GNOME15:16
jcastroso right now we use lots of GNOME underneath Unity15:17
jcastrolike GTK, the applications, etc.15:17
jcastroright now it's all GNOME 2.x15:17
jcastrofor 11.10 we'll be moving the distro over to GNOME 3.x technology15:17
jcastroUnity is mostly GNOME 3.x ready15:17
jcastroso the desktop team has already started moving parts of GNOME3 and GTK3 into the distro15:17
jcastroand then the desktop experience (DX) team will put Unity on top of that15:18
jcastroAs to the why, that's been covered a bunch of places before: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/10/shuttleworth-unity-shell-will-be-default-desktop-in-ubuntu-1104.ars15:18
jcastrothat mostly covers the why15:18
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Some people are speculating that Ubuntu might eventually move away from GNOME, can you confirm or deny Ubuntu's dedication to keeping GNOME a feature?15:18
jcastroUbuntu isn't moving away from GNOME15:19
jcastrowe use a bunch of GNOME technology15:19
jcastroa bunch of people in Ubuntu are GNOME people15:19
jcastrowe still love and use GNOME15:19
jcastroCanonical itself is a member of the GNOME Foundation Advisory Board and continues to fund GNOME activities15:19
jcastrowe just use a different shell on top of GNOME.15:19
ClassBotlgp171188 asked: Adding to lengoanhcat, Unity seems a total change to the desktop experience almost as much as GNOME3, but both seem to be kind of immature right now, not as customizable or fully functional as the classic GNOME. So a lot of us including me, feel that Ubuntu jumped the gun. Any information regarding that?15:20
jcastrothat really depends on how you feel about Unity15:20
jcastroif your goal is to get work done then Unity does that15:20
jcastroif your goal is to customize everything to a pixel then Unity isn't designed for that15:21
jcastroUnity is designed to launch your apps, let you manage your apps, and get out of your way15:21
jcastronow that being said there are still some areas of Unity we can improve15:21
jcastroI wouldn't say "jumped the gun", but it is a radical change for users, which is what makes 11.04 the most important release we've ever done15:22
jcastrothis is mostly the beginning of a new chapter in Ubuntu development.15:22
ClassBotbullgard4 asked: What is the IRC communication channel of the Desktop Team?15:22
jcastroyou can find the desktop team in #ubuntu-desktop on freenode15:22
jcastroif you're looking for unity related topics, then #ayatana on freenode is the channel to discuss that15:22
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Adding to lgp171188's question.  Why did Canonical opt to go with Unity instead of adjusting GNOME 3 and waiting for 11.10 to do this?15:23
jcastroWe feel that Unity is more aligned with what we want the user experience to be for Ubuntu users15:24
jcastro(also remember that at the time GNOME 3 was running a bit late and had been postponed for 2 cycles already)15:24
jcastrowhere as we had Unity mostly complete, it just needed the view to be rewritten for compiz15:24
ClassBotlengoanhcat asked: when designing Unity shell, a lot of designing ideas are added into. Can you specify what are those and how are they benefit users which simply wants to get the job done ?15:25
jcastroI can go into this more in my Unity session15:25
jcastrobut I am not on the design team15:25
jcastroso let me just point you to some articles I've written about Unity15:25
jcastro(that last one is my favorite, I show you how I use Unity to multitask)15:26
jcastroand that's basically why I like it15:26
ClassBotlgp171188 asked: You mentioned that Unity is already almost GNOME 3.x ready and the porting to GNOME 3.x is already on the way. My question here is, GNOME3 offers almost everything that Unity does on top of classic GNOME. So are there any exciting things that are in the pipeline for Unity that will run on top of GNOME 3.x? Any value adds?15:27
jcastrook so first off15:27
jcastro"classic GNOME" as we know it aka. GNOME 2.x is gone15:27
jcastrothat means no old panel, and no more applets15:27
jcastrowhat is coming in Unity for 11.10 I won't have an answer for until next week15:28
jcastroas we haven't had the Ubuntu Developer Summit yet15:28
jcastroso keep an eye out for the plans for 11.10 here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o15:28
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: What about the default Gnome 3 fallback that is like Gnome 2,  that won't be available at all for 11.10? Or will it some how?  Also maybe some how, distro's can provide both anyway Gnome 2 and Gnome 3?  In fact wasn't that an idea for Ubuntu before, but then didn't happen for technical reasons?15:29
jcastroso you can't technically do that15:29
jcastroyou can't offer GNOME 3 and 2 on the same disc15:29
jcastroso for example15:29
jcastroright now in 11.04 we have GNOME 2.3215:29
jcastroif we want GNOME 3 then you need the libraries to be GNOME and GTK315:30
jcastroso right now it's either one or the other15:30
jcastrothis is why the upgrade to Unity and GNOME3/GTK3 takes two cycles15:30
jcastrowe had to get Unity in first15:30
jcastroand then once GNOME3 is out take a cycle to move everything up to GNOME3/GTK3.15:31
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Are there plans to allow us to further customise Unity.  For example: I use multiple monitors, more than the average person and I prefer to work from right to left with my mouse, moving the icon menu from the left to the right would be far more ergonomic for me.15:31
jcastrothere will definately be more work on multimonitor stuff15:32
jcastroUnity's multimonitor support right now is basically "a little bit better than GNOME2"15:32
jcastrothere are still some areas we can improve there15:32
jcastroas far as further customizations, you'll have to wait until UDS so we can figure out what the plan is going to be15:33
jcastroright now we're basically getting ready to cycle over into feature development15:33
jcastroso we're kind of in the middle of figuring that out15:33
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Upstream Gnome has a fall back that is similar to Gnome 2, I was wondering if this may be available in 11.10 for people who want it, for example from the repos?15:33
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jcastrothe nice thing is once all of GNOME3 is in the archive15:33
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jcastrowe can do things like that15:34
jcastroI am sure that the team who is working on the GNOME3 PPA will work on giving people an awesome pure-upstream GNOME experience in 11.10, however I'm not on that team so I won't make any promises for them. :)15:34
jcastrobut now that 11.04 is out of the way there's nothing stopping us from doing a nice pure GNOME on 11.10 in universe15:34
ClassBotlgp171188 asked: Is Unity only for people who want to just get things done? GNOME 3 seems to be toeing a similar line? So what options does Ubuntu offer for those who want to customize and be in control of their desktops in addition to getting things done?15:35
jcastrothere's tons of options that we've always had15:35
jcastrowe have xubuntu15:35
jcastroand (now getting close to more official support) lubuntu15:35
jcastrothere are also plenty of other window managers in the archive15:35
jcastroI hear xmonad is popular if you're into tiling window managers15:35
ClassBotbullgard4 asked: When is UDS for 11.10 scheduled to be?15:36
jcastroNext week!15:36
jcastroyou can look at the schedule here: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/15:36
jcastromore questions please!15:37
jcastroI have a full 20 minutes, more questions?15:38
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Can you highlight some of the future plans for Unity, how it will stay ahead of GNOME3 which is such close "internal competition"?15:38
jcastrohmmm, I still won't know our plans into next week15:38
jcastrobut I can tell you some things I'd like to see us work on15:38
jcastroI'd like to see us expand lenses more so people can write cooler ones15:39
jcastroand I'd like to see the applications lens to be made simpler and easier to browse15:39
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: I know that starting with 11.10 Unity 2D will probably be offered as the fall back and so also Qt in the Ubuntu ISO, so do you think that Ubuntu will start having more Qt/KDE apps in the ISO?15:39
jcastroon the ISO? tough to tell15:39
jcastrowe're basically saying "Qt apps are welcome by default"15:40
jcastroby offering Qt15:40
jcastrobut it will be up to application developers to make the apps awesome15:40
jcastroso there probably won't be an explicit caring of wether it's Qt or GTK15:40
jcastro"app developers want Qt, and we make an OS that needs app developers, so we give app developers what they way" is the basic reason there15:41
ClassBotlengoanhcat asked: what is your most feature feature of Unity ?15:41
jcastroyou probably mean my most favorite15:42
jcastroI would say the 'gnome do like workflow"15:42
jcastroI can just hit the super key15:42
jcastro(that's the windows key on most keyboards)15:42
jcastroand just start typing15:42
jcastroand it finds what I want15:42
jcastroso super+"ter" finds my terminal15:42
jcastroso it basically let's me find what I need without hunting and pecking15:42
jcastroit's like moving to google from using an old search engine that had categories for everything15:43
jcastroand you had to click around and you couldn't find anything15:43
jcastronow I can just type what I want to do15:43
ClassBotlgp171188 asked: I understand that 'lenses' is Unity jargon that will explained in Unity session, but can you give us a brief overview about it?15:43
jcastrook so when you hit the super key we do this overlay thing15:43
jcastroit looks like a Quake terminal15:43
jcastrowe call that the dash. We let people write little search things for that dash via a lens15:44
jcastroso for example15:44
jcastroa google books lens would search google books15:44
jcastroa reddit lens would let you search from reddit right from the dash15:45
jcastroso the idea there is to let people integrate unity with whatever web services or applications they want15:45
jcastrohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses/ has the documentation15:45
jcastroand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses/Ideas has a collection of ideas of lenses people would like to see15:45
jcastro(add your own to that list if you can think of something awesome)15:45
jcastrolenses are small, they're vala or python15:46
jcastroa python lens is about ~350 lines of code, so people can just start making tons of these things15:46
ClassBotcandtalan asked: what would gnome 3 have to have been, to have avoided need for unity? Is it  re the User experience?15:46
jcastrosorry I can't speak hypothetically and in hindsight at the same time15:46
jcastrogood question for Mark though15:46
ClassBotDrKenobi2 asked: have you ever think of doing a SDK like the ones Apple has?15:46
jcastrowe have a whole set of APIs and developer documentation that we're working on now15:47
jcastroI wouldn't call it an "SDK"15:47
jcastrobut it's better than what we had last cycle (nothing)15:47
jcastroas we mature as a platform I'm sure we'll start to see something like that15:47
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: When building Unity, do you guys think from all perspectives? Some of us give Ubuntu computers to our family.  I would like to know if you guys sit back and think: "If I give this to my grandmother, can she use it" when building UI's.  Motive: My mother found unity quite complicated and wanted Classic Ubuntu back.15:47
jcastroah nice question15:48
jcastroyes, we do extensive user testing on Unity15:48
jcastrohere is a huge report on one of our findings15:48
jcastrowe will continuously do user testing and use that feedback to improve unity15:49
ClassBotbullgard4 asked: I heard that there will be held a GNOME Desktop summit in Berlin, Germany, on August 6-12, 2011. Who are the official Ubuntu delegates to this summit?15:49
jcastrowell we don't have "official delegates"15:49
jcastroa bunch of just go15:49
jcastrowe had like ~25 people at the last GCDS15:49
jcastrothere will be representatives from the desktop, design, and DX teams15:49
jcastroI usually go but I'll be moving this time15:50
jcastroand Mark usually attends GCDS and/or GUADEC15:50
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: What do you think about distro's such as Linux Mint, who have a version based on Ubuntu?15:50
jcastrono opinion really, too busy working on ubuntu. More Free Software is always good.15:50
ClassBotbullgard4 asked: Most Thinkpads do not have a "Super" key. What will be its substitute?15:51
jcastroyes you can configure the key15:51
jcastroand thinkpads also have a bios option that lets you set a key to super iirc15:51
jcastrobut yeah, in Unity let's you change that key to whatever you'd like15:52
jcastroMy new Thinkpad X120e came with a windows key15:52
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.15:52
ClassBotcandtalan asked: super key - thinkpads - just use cursor click at icon top left hand side?15:52
jcastrohere are the instructions for that if you have a thinkpad without a super key15:53
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: (by way of raju) are you planning any summit in india ?15:53
jcastrothere was just a huge Ubuntu event in India15:53
jcastrobut UDS itself is usually in Europe or North America (centralized areas)15:53
jcastrothough I would love to go to India15:53
jcastroand Brazil!15:53
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: I don't really know much about the teams at Canonical, but can you explain why your on Jono's community team?15:54
jcastroyes so he's the community manager15:54
jcastroand the 4 of us build communities around ubuntu15:54
jcastroI do external developer relations15:54
jcastrodaniel focuses on growing internal developers15:54
jcastrolike making things easier to fix, etc.15:54
jcastrodavid grows translations and application developers15:55
jcastroand kim0 (who has a session coming up after this) focuses on growing the cloud and server communities15:55
ClassBotraju asked: where i can get the details of the summit in india15:55
jcastronigelb attended the summit in india, ping him on IRC15:55
jcastro(you just missed it!)15:56
ClassBotlgp171188 asked: When Ubuntu introduced upstart a few releases back to improve start-up, it was a great step in that direction. But now with alternatives like systemd coming up, will Ubuntu consider them? Is there any info regarding that?15:56
jcastrowe won't be looking at systemd until at least /after/ the next LTS release (12.04)15:56
jcastrothis blog post should answer your questions on upstart/systemd15:57
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.15:57
jcastroI have time for one more!15:57
ClassBotlgp171188 asked: Fedora has pioneered something called 'Consistent Network Device naming'. Is ubuntu going to adopt that?15:58
jcastroI saw that, it looks pretty awesome15:58
jcastroI haven't followed server/plumbing as much as I should  have this cycle15:58
jcastroyou can ask someone on #ubuntu-server though15:58
jcastrook well that about wraps it up15:59
jcastrothanks for all the questions, we got through a  bunch!15:59
jcastroand now kim0's going to wow you with cloud.15:59
jcastroso take a minute break!15:59
jcastrokim0: all set?16:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Putting Your Head In The Cloud: Ubuntu Cloud Q and A Session - Instructors: kim0
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.16:02
kim0Hi everyone16:03
kim0Good Morning, good afternoon and good evening16:03
kim0So I work with Jorge's (Jono's team) as well16:04
kim0I'm focused on building the cloud community16:04
kim0which means you can kick me any time to get info about cloud (at least I'll try) :)16:04
kim0So my plan is going to be16:04
kim0I'll give a quick intro to what cloud means16:05
kim0Answer questions16:05
kim0Then if we have time, shoot a nice little demo16:05
kim0However, the session should be focused on interactive questions16:05
kim0so basically you drive16:05
kim0feel free to ask me anything and steer the session16:05
kim0= Intro to cloud =16:06
kim0Cloud has been a major buzz word the past few years16:06
kim0however almost everyone has a different definition16:07
kim0of what is or is not cloud16:07
kim0let's try to go over some general principles16:07
kim0or rather properties often found in cloud computing environments16:08
kim0- Pay per use16:08
kim0Which means you usually don't pay upfront .. but rather pay as you go16:08
kim0the more resources you need/want .. the more you pay16:08
kim0Ubuntu One, is a cloud storage service16:08
kim0you get a free basic package16:09
kim0however should you want/need more storage .. you can buy them and use them16:09
kim0other similar services would be dropbox, or Amazon S3 ..etc16:10
kim0Of course "storage" is not the only application .. it's only an example .. you can rent complete servers as we'll see in IaaS shortly16:10
kim0- Instant scalability16:10
kim0A major differentiating feature of "cloud" is being able to "scale" almost instantly16:11
kim0Assuming you're running a wordpress blog on a VPS16:12
kim0It will usually take your provider some time if you'd like to spin up 10 more servers16:12
kim0and you usually rent a server by a month16:12
kim0however with cloud services, you can rent them by the hour (or less)16:12
kim0so you can spin up 10 servers for the next hour16:13
kim0when your website gets slashdotted16:13
kim0then destroy them and give them back and stop paying for them16:13
kim0when you don't need them16:13
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kim0of course making use of those 10 servers is another story (your software has to be intelligent)16:13
kim0- API access16:14
kim0Almost all cloud are going to provide you an API16:14
kim0API = Application programming Interface16:14
kim0which is a "programmatic way to manipulate your cloud envrionment"16:14
kim0which means you can very simply write scripts that control every aspect of your cloud envrionment16:14
kim0Alright .. any questions so far16:15
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: A general question, but why are loads of companies such as Canonical starting to embrace the cloud a lot now?16:15
kim0Great question16:16
kim0Well, cloud computing is really a new way to look at computing (usually server side) but same concepts apply to some end-user services too like ubuntu-one for example16:17
kim0Basically .. it's a paradigm shift into how we work with servers and services16:17
kim0instead of waiting weeks for a server to be delivered, spending days installing and configuring software on it16:18
kim0spending lots of money up front16:18
kim0with cloud things change16:18
kim0basically .. you snap your fingers (call api, click button ..) and a number of servers magically appear right this instant16:18
kim0snap another and fully automated workflows configure the new servers16:19
kim0snap a third .. and your application can scale onto those newly created servers!16:19
kim0and when you don't need that much servers .. snap a fourth time .. and everything downscales to what it was .. and you stop paying for those resources16:19
kim0sounds good ? yes it does .. which is why all IT companies are interested in cloud16:20
kim0cloud is basically comoditizing IT and turning it into an "electric grid"16:20
kim0where you never think about running your own, you just plug, use and pay for what you just used16:20
kim0hope this sort of answers your question16:21
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Since Ubuntu is embracing the cloud more and more everyday are there plans for Ubuntu to embrace and make Xen better for cloud hosting solutions that want to use Ubuntu to host the hypervisor?16:21
kim0wow .. I am getting lots of questions .. cool16:21
kim0Most major Linux distros has decided to support KVM over XEN16:22
kim0KVM is the Linux kernel integrated hypervisor16:22
kim0while Xen is basically a third party mini kernel that you load before linux16:23
kim0this is not really the place to compare both hypervisors16:23
kim0however both have their pros and cons16:23
kim0The one thing Xen really has going on for itself (IMO) is that it was started long ago16:24
kim0has built a big following and many customers have it deployed in production16:24
kim0and do not want to change to KVM16:24
kim0The topic has been brought up for Oneiric (11.10)16:24
kim0you can read a more thorough discussion at http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Boneiric-topic%5D-revisit-xen-support-118193/16:24
kim0my understanding is that better Xen support is planned16:25
kim0helped by the fact that more and more of its components are going into upstream Linux16:25
ClassBotbullgard4 asked: You said: "[17:08]<kim0>- Pay per use". Is thus Ubuntu One Canonical's backdoor for making profit in the future?16:25
kim0There's nothing backdoorish about providing an online service IMO16:26
kim0It's quite similar to Dropbox, or Apple's iDisk ..etc16:26
kim0and in no way are you forced to pay16:26
kim0it's just a good service that is well integrated with Ubuntu16:26
kim0and is multiplatform16:27
kim0plus generating revenue is a good thing for the ubuntu project since it helps with future development16:27
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Adding to bullgard4's question: Are there plans to expand Ubuntu's current cloud offers to things such as movies on demand (Linux's solution to iTunes) as a form of profit to keep the company going?16:27
kim0well there is Music streaming at the moment16:28
kim0Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/MusicStreaming16:28
kim0however I haven't heard about movie streaming16:28
ClassBotraju asked: i dont the basics of cloud computing ...as you said cloud computing, nothing but storage . so already this google and hotmail providing us storage units then why we need to go for other sources ( dont mind if it is a silly doubt, but i have it )16:29
kim0Great question raju16:29
kim0Expect a fairly long answer :)16:29
kim0so the storage example I used is only but a limited example16:30
kim0to fully address your question .. let's see how people usually define different types of clouds16:30
kim0one way to define clouds is by the level of abstraction they offer16:31
kim0There is 3 different types16:31
kim0- IaaS Infrastrcture as a service16:31
kim0- PaaS Platform  as a service16:31
kim0- SaaS Software as a service16:31
kim0Let's quickly comment on each of these16:31
kim0IaaS, is a cloud that provides you with "low level" computing resources on demand16:32
kim0Example: "give me 40G of storage space" "give me 6 big servers, 2 small ones, and 1 really big server for my database"16:32
kim0"give me 3 real IP addresses, and have my 6 big servers load balanced"16:33
kim0All these are compute resources (storage, cpu/ram, network, ...etc)16:33
kim0they are all generated and assigned to you on the fly16:33
kim0and you only pay for them, as long as you need or want them16:33
kim0sample clouds that do this today are16:34
kim0Amazon EC2, or Rackspace and others16:34
kim0Ubuntu allows you to "build" a cloud as well16:34
kim0i.e. if you fancy competing with Amazon EC2, you can16:34
kim0Ubuntu ships UEC (Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud) based on the Eucalyptus project16:34
kim0which allows anyone to build a cloud similar to ec216:35
kim0With Ubuntu 11.04 we also ship OpenStack, another foss cloud software stack that's getting popular rapidly16:35
kim0The second type of cloud, PaaS16:35
kim0this is a higher level of abstraction16:35
kim0you are not really interested in seeing "server, storage, and network"16:36
kim0you want to upload your application and boom it just runs on the cloud16:36
kim0and runs well, and is fault tolerant and is scalable ..etc16:36
kim0without you having to worry about any of the details16:36
kim0Examples of such clouds would be Google's Google App Engine16:37
kim0Heroku, Microsoft's Azure..etc16:37
kim0With Ubuntu if you're interested you can run http://www.cloudfoundry.org/16:37
kim0It allows multiple different programming languages16:38
kim0Java, rails, node.js ..16:38
kim0and I believe python and others are coming16:38
kim0of course the disadvantage is that your application needs to be rewritten to use the PaaS provided APIs16:39
kim0since this is what makes all the magic work (auto scale, fault tolerant ..etc)16:39
kim0another potential disadvantage is vendor lockin (cloud foundry is an open source project though)16:39
kim0and also having less control over the envrionment (pro or con depending on how you look at it!)16:40
kim0The third and final type of cloud is SaaS16:40
kim0Software as a service, the simplest to imagine16:40
kim0basically a provider provides you with a full complete online application16:40
kim0Examples would be google-mail, google-docs, facebook ...etc16:41
kim0Since we just went through different cloud "types"16:41
kim0people will also usually use the term "public cloud" or "private cloud"16:42
kim0public basically means a multi-tenant cloud, i.e. one that is shared between many customers16:42
kim0examples would be amazon ec2, rackspace, heroku ...etc16:42
kim0a private cloud however, is a cloud serving one customer, isolated from other customers. Usually a private cloud runs in-house (behind your firewall)16:43
kim0Again there's different pros and cons to each type .. but it's getting too long already :)16:43
kim0let me know if that generated any other questions16:44
ClassBotmaco asked: how does "cloud computing" differ from good ol' fashioned "UNIX machines"?  Server with all your stuff exists elsewhere, and your data's there, not local...everything you interact with is away on a server... what's the difference? Isn't this just a return to 1982?16:44
kim0Good question indeed ..16:44
kim0In a sense nothing has changed, and in another, everything has changed :)16:45
kim0nothing has changed, because yes it is just a remote "virtual" unix machine with your data on it16:45
kim0however everything has changed, because everything that is needed now has an API on top16:46
kim0which means it's faster, more fault tolerant (if you do it right), more elastic (if you softwae is smart enough) ..etc16:46
kim0compare the time it takes to order ten servers, rack them, install them, configure them and get some website up and running16:47
kim0with the 1 minute it takes me to do it on the cloud :)16:47
kim0also, changing the payment from up-front capex, to on-going (opex) is a benefit many appreciate16:47
kim0also, the "sharing" of services (machines, storage, networks, security personnel ...)16:48
kim0generates overall better financials (lower prices, hopefully better service)16:48
kim0I hope this sheds some light on the topic .. definitely there's more to be said16:49
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Can you provide a link to the official AMI images that Ubuntu releases for Amazon Cloud?16:49
kim0Awesome ... I'm loving how the questions are all spot on and driving the session16:49
kim0So, when you tell Amazon "give me 10 Ubuntu servers"16:49
kim0Amazon uses an official Ubuntu server image16:50
kim0and starts it on ten different virtual servers16:50
kim0in order to do that, you need to tell Amazon which Ubuntu image you want (called AMI-ID)16:50
kim0AMI = Amazon Machine Image16:50
kim0Ubuntu generates official Ubuntu AMIs which you can find a list of at http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/16:51
kim0You basically use the search bar to zoom in on the AMI you want16:51
kim0like "natty 64 ebs"16:52
kim0and you get the ID you want16:52
kim0Once you get the ID .. you can use the Amazon web console to launch the servers16:52
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.16:52
kim0check out this video tutorial http://www.youtube.com/user/ubuntucloud#p/u/4/rYJLIfVuSMY16:52
kim0and check out the rest of the videos in the channel if interested16:53
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Does Ubuntu make a "full server" AMI for Amazon Cloud that is "official"?16:53
kim0Yes, again check them out on http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/16:53
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Surely you agree that it's a good idea to still  have data locally, in case cloud servers go down, or something goes wrong and data is lost on them?16:53
kim0Great question16:54
kim0I would rephrase it this way, it's a good idea to have a DR (disaster recovery) plan16:54
kim0whether that plan includes having data locally, or remotely somewhere else (maybe on a couple of other VPS servers) or maybe in another cloud provider's data-center ..etc16:55
kim0it really depends on your needs16:55
kim0Cloud servers can and do go down16:55
kim0Amazon ec2 (by far the world's largest) just had a major outgae!16:56
kim0which was a wake up call for many16:56
kim0definitely be prepared for failure and be prepared to migrate to a different provider or run things locally16:56
kim0clouds usually however offer a way to better protect your data/servers16:56
kim0like offering multiple avaialbility zones16:57
kim0or multiple regions (continents)16:57
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.16:57
kim0if you make good use of those resources by spreading your computing needs around them, you should be able to work around most failures16:57
kim0since I'm almost running out of time16:58
kim0you can always find me in #ubuntu-cloud16:58
kim0feel free to ping me any tikme16:58
kim0taking a quick shot at other questions16:58
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Adding to zzecool's and bullgard4's comment: can you explain to us what data protections UbuntuOne takes? Such as encryption by user password and disk encryption.  I have been staying away from Ubuntu one because I cannot find any clear information on what you guys do to protect user data.16:59
kim0sorry I'm really running out of time16:59
kim0you can encrypt your data before sync'ing16:59
ClassBotenvygeeks asked: Are there any plans for Ubuntu cloud to parter with other vendors other than Dell and Amazon? Say vendors like ServerBeach (who is not starting to offer Private Clouds and Cloud services)17:00
kim0check out canonical.com/cloud17:00
kim0That's all folks17:00
kim0thanks everyone17:00
kim0if I didn't have time to answer you17:00
kim0please ping me back any time17:00
kim0Have fun .. bye17:00
coolbhavithanks kim0 for the session :)17:01
coolbhavihowdy mates17:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Involving in ubuntu development/packaging and kickstarting your box for ubuntu development/packaging - Instructors: coolbhavi
coolbhaviI am Bhavani Shankar a ubuntu community contributor for ~4 years and a MOTU17:02
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.17:02
coolbhavitoday I am going to take a session on intro into the ubuntu devel sphere and setting up basics for ubuntu dev environment17:03
coolbhaviso assuming there are no questions lets get started17:04
coolbhaviNow the primary question one thinks of when ubuntu development comes to mind is "how do I contribute"17:05
coolbhaviBasically in the ubuntu development world there is no preference/prerequisite of any language required to contribute. So everyone is welcome to the scene :)17:06
coolbhaviYou can do various kinds of stuff in ubuntu development environment such as merges syncs where in we port debian changes or update a package to the latest upstream version or do a stable update release where we update the software in present stable release via the -updates component or you can fix build failures or you can contribute a bit of your own code17:10
coolbhaviso what does it actually take to start off development? First and the foremost important thing is to understand the ubuntu packaging guide here:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete17:12
coolbhaviIt might be a bit rough and tough to start with but we motu's always hang around in #ubuntu-motu You can always jump in and ask for any help17:13
coolbhaviby that I meant essentially participation is important :)17:14
coolbhavinext important thing is the ReleaseSchedule and understanding of it. ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule17:15
coolbhaviis the latest ubuntu release schedule wherein you can see a lot of freezes such as debian import freeze from where on semi automatic syncing of packages from debian is stopped essentially17:17
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coolbhaviFeature freeze upon which we concentrate only on bugfix releases and highly critical changes and we dont accept any new version of package (exception is that it should be only a bugfix release)17:19
coolbhaviafter a brief description of freezes above next thing which comes to mind is how do I get my package into the ubuntu repositories? Is there any help available in this process?17:21
coolbhaviCertainly yes. In the ubuntu/debian world we do something called as sponsoring17:21
coolbhavisponsoring in short is nothing but signing of a package by a ubuntu/debian developer on behalf of the prespective developer and uploading it to the archives after reviewing it and major of it is handled by the ubuntu sponsors team: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess17:24
coolbhaviexplains the details17:25
coolbhaviso with this brief background lets get started into setting up a devel environment17:25
coolbhaviSo assuming that everyone has the required components of the repositories enabled (mainly universe and main) Type this in a terminal: sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends bzr-builddeb ubuntu-dev-tools fakeroot build-essential gnupg pbuilder debhelper17:27
coolbhaviso it should pull in all the stuff basically required to setup ubuntu devel environment17:28
coolbhavilike debhelper is used as a helper package to create debian packages and ubuntu-dev-tools is a collection of various useful tools such as grab-merge.sh for example is a semi-automatic script for merging debian package onto ubuntu :)17:31
coolbhavithese were just examples of some of the packages we are installing right now17:32
coolbhavilets move on and setup your gpg-key used for signing the package and uploading in simple terms17:33
coolbhavi(which also ensures that people with the right archive access uploads the package thus preventing accidental unauthorized uploads)17:34
coolbhaviso please run in a terminal gpg --gen-key (If you havent had a gpg key yet)17:35
coolbhavi sticking to the defaults should be fine enough like you need not have to type in a comment for your key17:36
coolbhaviIf by chance if anyone gets stuck at this phase there is always an excellent howto here which you can bookmark https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto17:38
coolbhaviso moving on the key when its in generation stage it requires some system activity to be done so please play music or type on keyboard or do anything you wish to gain entropy :)17:40
coolbhavinext once the key is generated you need to upload it to launchpad17:40
coolbhavihere type gpg --list-keys now and copy the key fingerprint to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys upon success you will get a confirmation mail having encrypted info of the key17:43
coolbhaviif your mail client supports gpg then just decrypt and follow the procedure or just download the text and run gpg -d on the file17:44
coolbhavi(If you have a gpg key please skip the above)17:45
coolbhaviNext up and the most important thing is setting up pbuilder which is a pristine minimal chroot environment to build debian packages17:46
coolbhaviplease open an editor and edit the file ~/.pbuilderrc (create if you don't have it yet)17:46
coolbhaviand paste this: COMPONENTS="main universe multiverse restricted"17:47
coolbhavinext save the file and run sudo pbuilder create17:47
coolbhaviThis will take a lot of time so its better to have some walk around in the park and come back :)17:48
coolbhaviso that should setup your pbuilder :) to setup pbuilder for the current development version i.e oneiric please type sudo pbuilder update --distribution oneiric --override-config17:50
coolbhaviso that should setup a minimal pristine environment to build and test packages wrt oneiric17:51
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.17:52
coolbhavilast but not the least: If you are using the bash shell, which is the default, please edit ~/.bashrc17:52
coolbhaviand please type something like DEBFULLNAME="Bhavani Shankar" DEBEMAIL="bhavi@ubuntu.com" and save it17:54
coolbhaviPS: please use your own name :)17:54
coolbhaviso once you are done editing and adding the above to the last line of the file please run   source ~/. bashrc  (it's only needed once to pick up the new bash variables)17:55
coolbhaviSo that should set your box as a dev box to get your contribution to ubuntu development up and running :)17:57
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.17:57
coolbhavisince there are 5 more minutes.. Any questions welcome :)17:57
* jcastro jiggles the classbot18:00
jcastroOk awesome18:01
jcastrohow is everyone today18:01
jcastrothis last session is going to be an Introduction to Unity18:01
coolbhaviokay guys I m done :) thanks for attending :) If you have any questions I'll be around on the irc on weekends or you can catch me up on facebook @ facebook.com/bshankar or mail me @ bhavi@ubuntu.com18:01
jcastroI'll wait a minute for the latecomers18:01
jcastronice job coolbhavi!18:01
coolbhavioops sorry jcastro for interrupting :)18:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Introduction to Unity - Instructors: jcastro
jcastrono worries, high five!18:02
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.18:02
jcastrook so let's get started18:03
jcastroI'm your host, jorge, and I'll be running a session on an introduction to unity18:03
jcastroI've got a ton of information to share with you folks18:03
jcastroso I'm going to spiel for a little bit18:03
jcastroand then I can just take your questions on unity directly18:03
jcastroso let's start with the basics18:04
jcastroUnity is a desktop shell that runs on top of GNOME: http://unity.ubuntu.com/18:04
jcastroit's the default desktop for 11.0418:04
jcastroand is built using technologies from compiz, gnome, and zeitgeist18:04
jcastroA great "new user" intro was done by the OMG Ubuntu folks here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/natty/18:04
jcastroand I myself have put together a Unity power user's guide here: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity18:05
jcastrothe most common question is18:05
jcastrowhat exactly is all this stuff18:05
jcastroso "unity" as a whole is the sum of these parts18:06
jcastroa launcher, a panel, and what we call the dash and lenses18:06
jcastrofor novice users unity is pretty simple to use18:06
jcastroyou click firefox and go to facebook, and that's mostly it. :)18:07
jcastrobut for people like us Unity has some nice features that I'd like to share18:07
jcastrothe first is the use of keyboard shortcuts to multitask in Unity18:07
jcastroI did an entire presentation on how to effectively use Unity to launch and manage applications: http://castrojo.blip.tv/file/4997614/18:07
jcastroI recommend you watch that video18:07
jcastropeople are also starting to put together some pretty amazing quicklists for unity: http://askubuntu.com/questions/35488/which-custom-unity-launchers-and-quicklists-do-you-use18:08
jcastrowhich allow you to customize what menu items show up when you right click on a launcher18:08
jcastroand of course, for people who want to customize their  unity set up18:09
jcastrowe have a tool called ccsm that does that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity18:09
jcastrothis is where you can do things like resize the launcher18:09
jcastroand turn the backlight settings on and off, and mess with the animation18:09
jcastrothis is also where you can choose to have the launcher not autohide18:10
jcastroby default the launcher does what we call "intellihide"18:10
jcastrowhich means when there's nothing on your screen that you're using18:10
jcastrowe show the launcher18:10
jcastrobut if you move a window over to it or maximize a window the launcher hides until you press up against the left of the screen18:10
jcastrowe also have a plethora of keyboard shortcuts18:10
jcastrothese are my favorite feature18:11
jcastrosince in the past we didn't really use the Super key18:11
jcastronow I have my launcher order in a certain way18:11
jcastroso that super-1 always launcher my file manager, super-2 is always the browser, and super-3 is my mail program18:11
jcastroso that when I set up my computer when I log in, it's trivial for me to launch all my favorite apps18:12
jcastroso, those are the basics18:12
jcastrohow I find myself using unity is like so18:13
jcastroI usually just find myself hitting the super key (this is commonly the windows key on most keyboards)18:13
jcastroand typing what I want18:13
jcastrothis is similar to how gnome-do works if you've ever used that tool18:13
jcastroso as I type unity just searches for what I want18:14
jcastroso if I want libreoffice18:14
jcastroI can just hit super and start typing libreoffice18:14
jcastroand then unity matches as I type and I can hit enter and it launches18:14
jcastrobut we do more than app names, we do descriptions18:14
jcastroso if you type "text" unity shows you the text editor and libreoffice writer18:14
jcastroso you can super+"text" and then use the arrow keys to navigate the results and just hit enter18:15
jcastroand we do this for your files too18:15
jcastroPowered by Zeitgeist(tm)18:15
jcastrook, so that's how I use Unity, let me go ahead and open it up to questions18:15
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Why is it called Unity?18:16
jcastrothat's a good question for Mark on Wednesday, but I've heard him mention that it's the unity of netbook/laptop/desktop/tablet interfaces18:16
jcastro(Feel free to start asking questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat)18:17
jcastrojust preface them with QUESTION: so the bot can pick them up18:17
ClassBotTonyP18 asked: If I run on the Natty live CD I get full 3D unity, but when I upgraded to 11.04 the best I can get is 2D.  Why is this?18:17
jcastronot sure why that is, you need to ensure that you've installed the right drivers after you install18:18
jcastrothis can be accomplished by running "Additional Drivers" from the classic mode18:18
jcastrothen it will fetch what it needs, and you reboot and go back into unity, if that doesn't work please file a bug18:18
ClassBotbugslayr asked: what I miss most is "focus follows mouse". The menu in the tope the application menues back to the window or window decoration? panel does not work with it. is it possible to mov18:19
jcastroright now there are some problems with focus follows mouse18:20
jcastrothere is a bug report somewhere on launchpad that tracks that progress (I can't find it right now but a good google search on site:bugs.launchpad.net/unity should find it)18:20
ClassBotNekhelesh90 asked: I have some feature requests, some that I may like to also code. How do I get my point across to the developers?18:20
jcastroyou can talk about unity on the ayatana mailing list.18:20
jcastroas far as coding your own features, feel free to file them on launchpad and start implementing them and proposing them to unity.18:21
jcastrothough it's probably best if you file the bugs first and get feedback before starting to write them18:21
jcastroI have instructions here on how to get started hacking on Unity: http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/18:21
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ClassBotroasted asked: I have a dual screen desktop. I cannot get Unity to be placed on the left side of my right monitor (which is my main). Will there be a patch soon to make it allowable for me to have the Unity bar on the left side of my right monitor?18:22
jcastrothis bug is absolutely on neil's radar18:23
jcastrohe's looking at it this week and maybe next week18:23
jcastrocurrently if you main monitor is on the right then it's not a very good user experience. :)18:23
jcastroI have my main on the left so I didn't even notice until someone filed a bug18:23
jcastrobut yeah, that sucks, he's working on it, sorry about that18:23
ClassBotpali asked: Unity is just gnome-do + dock?18:24
jcastrowell, not really18:24
jcastroit's an evolution of "what if we took the guys that did gnome do, docky, awn, and cairo dock and took all the lessons they learned and did it integrated with the window manager"18:24
jcastro(The DX team comprises of members who started all those projects)18:25
jcastrothough David Siegel moved on to a startup (he started GNOME Do)18:25
ClassBotroasted asked: What are the licensing restrictions of Unity? Is it possible we might see other distros easily adopt Unity, such as opensuse, Fedora, and Mint? Or is Unity somehow bound to Ubuntu only (or with penalty if other distros pick it up)??18:25
jcastroUnity is 100% Free Software18:25
jcastro(not sure of the exact licenses of each file, but I think GPL3)18:25
jcastroanyone is able to take Unity and do what they want with it18:26
jcastro(Do note that everything in Ubuntu by default as shipped on the CD has to be free software, other than exceptions made for drivers)18:26
ClassBotuuser2323 asked: Is there a "Show Desktop" button in Unity and if so where?18:26
jcastrothere is no button for this in unity18:27
jcastrohowever there are 2 work arounds18:27
jcastrothe first is the keyboard shortcut, Super-D18:27
jcastrothe other is putting one on the launcher itself18:27
jcastrowhich unfortunately you have to do by hand18:27
ClassBotroasted asked: will Unity 2D get the same customizable features as Unity 3D currently has? Right now, Unity 2D disables the Unity plugin in CCSM, so I cannot do *anything* such as resizing icons, etc.18:27
jcastroUnity 2D and 3D are supposed to have feature-to-feature parity18:28
jcastrothis will likely happen for 11.10, but as Unity 2d isn't on the CD and not as the default (other than ARM hardware) it's not /exactly/ the same as 3D18:29
jcastrocheck that out though18:29
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Currently Unity is not that customisable, when it uses Gnome 3 underneath for 11.10 is it likely to become much more customisable or is this more of a design thing?18:29
jcastrothis is more of a design thing, we'll know next week during UDS18:30
ClassBotroasted asked: You just mentioned "everything on the Ubuntu CD has to be free software when it is shipped." Why is this? Is this Ubuntu's philosophy that they're living by or is this some sort of legal issue that requires them to do so?18:30
jcastrothis is a fundamental belief in Ubuntu18:31
jcastrowe call this the Ubuntu Promise: http://www.ubuntu.com/project18:32
ClassBotNekhelesh90 asked: An introduction to Unity should be shown in the desktop after the installation of ubuntu to help users. Is this planned for the future (like in Oneric)?18:32
jcastroNot sure, but yes, I agree completely, we'll be discussing things like this in a week18:32
jcastroso keep an eye out for progress during the ubuntu developer summit here: http://uds.ubuntu.com18:33
ClassBotroasted asked: Jcastro, you mentioned something about "that's a good question for Mark on Wednesday." Is he coming by to discuss Unity as well? If so, what time?18:33
jcastrowednesday at 1400 UTC18:33
jcastrohah, more questions! I'm out!18:33
ClassBotnigelb asked: What's your personal favorite feature in Unity? :)18:35
jcastrothe keyboard shortcuts, by far. :)18:35
jcastrothat just hitting super and typing18:35
jcastroit's like in the old days search engines were indexes18:35
jcastroand you had to find a category18:35
jcastroand then a sub category18:35
jcastroand then find what you want18:35
jcastrolike old Yahoo18:35
jcastroand then google came out and then you just type what you want and you get it18:36
jcastrothat's what I love about the search thing in the dash18:36
ClassBotNekhelesh90 asked: super-D actually pulls up the panel launcher too, that is really annoying, anyway we can disable that ?18:36
jcastroThere's a threshold for holding down super to invoke the launcher18:37
jcastroyou might need to hit it faster18:37
jcastroor set minimize in compiz to be a different keyboard shortcut18:37
jcastroI got so used to ctrl-alt-d that that's what I still use today actually18:37
ClassBotjrgifford asked: Does Unity *require* compiz?18:37
jcastroyes, Unity is actually nothing more than a fancy compiz plugin18:37
ClassBotNekhelesh90 asked: Are the new lens which are in development be available through the ubuntu software center officially?(Without the need to add any PPA)18:38
jcastroactually we are working right now on putting the askubuntu lens in extras.ubuntu.com18:38
jcastrowhich will do what you want18:38
jcastrobut right now since 11.04 is so new many lenses are fast-moving, but I hope to collect the good ones and put them in extras.ubuntu.com18:38
ClassBothardfire asked: what about gnoem3, what happens to it. The whole thing breaks if we try installing gnome318:38
jcastroright, currently right now unity and 11.04 is gnome 2.x based18:39
jcastrolike if you log into the classic session it's gnome 2.3218:39
jcastronow that GNOME3 is out and Unity is in Ubuntu for 11.10 we'll be migrating the distro to GNOME and GTK3, this includes building Unity on GNOME3 tech18:39
jcastroso for 11.10 we should have moved to GNOME3 tech, which will let us have a better GNOME3 experience in 11.1018:40
jcastroright now unfortunately it's either GNOME2 or GNOME3 in the archive as we're in a transitionary period18:40
jcastrowhich is why the GNOME3 PPA is basically a "1 way upgrade"18:41
ClassBotroasted asked: Unity is based on Gnome. Which version of Gnome? 2 or 3?18:41
jcastroGNOME2 stuff18:41
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jcastroit's mostly ready to be compiled on GNOME3 stuff, BAMF just needs a bit of work and it's ready to go18:41
jcastrothe DX team built it in mind knowing that GNOME3 was coming18:41
ClassBotroasted asked: Will Ubuntu always ship with the Gnome Classic option? I ask this because there are instances I like to use the GUI'd Ubuntu on a server. I love Unity, but it doesn't scream "server interface" to me, so having the classic option might be nice.18:42
jcastroThis release will likely be the last release with the classic GNOME 2.x interface, for 11.10 you'll have Unity as default and Unity-2d for those with driver problems or slower computers18:42
jcastrounfortunately the GNOME 2 interface is unmaintained, she did serve us well for 7 years though18:43
jcastrobut it's OSS, it's possible someone could just maintain the old panels if there's interest18:43
ClassBotNekhelesh90 asked: Where can I find easy examples of unity lens coding?18:43
jcastrogood question18:43
jcastroI've got a whole guide here18:44
jcastro^^ and ideas people would like to see in lenses18:44
jcastrothat second page has links to other lenses that people are working on18:44
jcastroa python lens is about ~350 lines of code, so it's quite easy to just grab someone else's lens and adapt it to your own18:44
jcastroand here is a list of lenses: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38772/what-lenses-for-unity-are-available18:45
jcastroand another list from OMG to give you an idea of how those are coming along18:45
ClassBotroasted asked: So while Unity is currently based on Gnome2, it'll soon be ported to Gnome3. Is this something expected for 11.10? If so, are there any expected issues with the platform changes or would this be a smooth transition?18:46
jcastrolike all major releases it will be a ton of work18:46
jcastrobut we have some very experienced GNOME hackers on our team, so it'll be fine18:46
jcastrokeeping in mind that a ton of work has already been done in the PPA18:46
jcastrowe just need to start moving that into the archive18:46
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: What's BAMF?18:46
jcastroBAMF is a window matching framework18:47
jcastroit's the tool that tells you "oh this window is firefox, this one is the terminal"18:47
jcastroand allows us to match them and show them right on the launcher18:47
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Why did you do guest blog enteries about Unity on OMGUbuntu?18:48
jcastroWhy not?18:48
ClassBotroasted asked: While the transition to Gnome3 for Unity is on the horizon, will there be any additional features or benefits from moving to Gnome3, besides "future proofing" yourselves?18:48
jcastrogood question18:48
jcastrowe can drop a ton of old junk from the CD18:48
jcastrolike the old panel18:48
jcastro(which was fine when it was designed in early 2000's)18:48
jcastrobut not as awesome when it comes to like, multiple monitors18:49
jcastrotouch friendlyness18:49
jcastroand adjusting to changing resolution on the fly18:49
ClassBotroasted asked: Unity by definition is what... a shell to Gnome 2/3? That being said, does it fall under the same category as Gnome Shell does? Does GS/Unity have the same relationship to Gnome?18:49
jcastroyep, that's exactly it.18:49
jcastrobut -shell is the official shell of upstream GNOME.18:49
jcastronow gnome3 is out you'll notice that upstream gnome doesn't mention GNOME3 and GNOME Shell as seperate things18:50
jcastrothe whole thing is now "GNOME 3"18:50
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: I guess you blogged about Unity on OMGUbuntu since it's a very popular Ubuntu website at the moment. What do you think about it by the way?18:50
jcastroI like it, I like all ubuntu blogs18:50
jcastroI dig webup8, askubuntu, and the ubuntu subreddit18:51
ClassBotobengdako asked: what type of themes are we to expect in Unity, i used a Mac theme in Gnome2 and would love the same window decorations.?18:51
jcastroright now it's really just 2 themes18:51
jcastrothe dark one and the light grey one18:51
jcastroand even then the launcher itself doesn't theme18:51
jcastrobut some people are using icon themes like faenza on it18:52
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.18:52
jcastrounfortunately this isn't something I know much about, so you'll have to wait until after we're further along in 11.10 to find out what the plan is (I also have no idea)18:52
ClassBotroasted asked: I can't help but to wonder, despite the open source nature of "everybody is free and equal", has there been any tension with working with Gnome developers since Unity is basically a shell fork, independent and separate of Gnome Shell, which is clearly Gnome's "baby" for the future?18:52
jcastrothis really depends on what you think "tension" means18:53
jcastrofor some people this is all controversial and drama filled18:53
jcastrofor others it's just business as usual and they hack on what they love.18:53
jcastroUbuntu and Canonical are still heavily invested in GNOME18:53
jcastrowe are part of the GNOME Advisory Board and we participate in GNOME events and hackfests18:53
jcastroand provide GNOME with infrastructure support18:53
jcastroand we will continue to do so in the future18:54
ClassBotobengdako asked: would Gnome3 support theming?18:54
jcastroI am not sure, I'm not a GNOME 3 pro but iirc it's all just JS and CSS18:54
ClassBotGrillmeister asked: Since the release of Ubuntu 11.04 the download link of the netbook edition via torrent is broken: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent  - When do you think this will get fixed?18:54
jcastronetbook edition no longer exists!18:54
jcastrowe just have "Ubuntu" and "Ubuntu Server" now18:54
jcastroand we kind of dropped the edition thing18:55
jcastrothe normal ISO works on both desktops and netbooks18:55
jcastrothe baseline for unity performance is a dell mini 1010, where  unity rocks it at 60fps18:55
jcastroI have time for like 2 more questions!18:56
ClassBotroasted asked: Is there more of these chats scheduled in the future besides the one you told me about coming up Weds?18:56
jcastrowe have them all week, Open Week is usually the week after release18:57
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.18:57
jcastroand we have other IRC workshops, you can find the list here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom18:57
jcastroand you can also run your own!18:57
jcastrook so in closing18:57
jcastroI hope you give unity a shot18:57
jcastroif you're a developer, please dive in18:58
jcastrowe could always use a hand18:58
jcastroand remember my power guide here, and tell a friend! http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity18:58
jcastrothanks so much for coming out!18:58
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html19:02
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linuxfreaker_When is Ubuntu Devloper Summit 2011 for 11.1020:35
sebsebseblinuxfreaker_: next week20:41
linuxfreaker_What are the new features being discussed in the UDS20:56
linuxfreaker_any link for listed new proposed features expected ?20:57
sebsebseblinuxfreaker_: there will be some blue prints up already I think21:03
sebsebseblinuxfreaker_: and you should be able to take part in some of the session remotly next week I guess, but after UDS, is when the proper plans come up,  and during that time21:03
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