
jussi:D :D07:49
dholbachgood morning08:18
jussigood morning dholbach! Isnt it a wonderful morning? :D08:18
dholbachhi jussi08:19
dholbachyes, life's good :)08:19
=== kim0|vacation is now known as kim0
* kim0 makes an appearance 09:02
kim0Morning everyone :)09:02
Pendulumhiya kim009:04
kim0Pendulum: howdy o09:04
kim0oh o/09:04
kim0missed everyone around here09:04
kim0dholbach, jussi, morning :)09:05
dholbachhi kim009:05
dholbachafter the recent events, maybe I can take shampoo back into my carry-on luggage on Wednesday again?09:06
Pendulumdholbach: i doubt it09:07
dholbachPendulum, me too09:07
Pendulumtbh, I bet terror watch alerts go up the next week or so09:07
* Pendulum is glad she managed to travel before stuff happened09:08
* Pendulum is also glad she isn't in the US to get upset with the people partying in the streets09:08
dholbachand they're always a good excuse for interior ministers around the world to "enhance" laws09:08
AlanBellPendulum: you will be wanting the wedding coverage back on TV now09:09
jussiMorning kim009:32
kim0hey :)09:33
nigelbSo I finally submited my visa application today.09:36
nigelbI'm still not sure when I'll get it back. I have to call the consulate general and beg today :\09:36
czajkowskiDaviey: poke09:43
Davieyczajkowski: o/09:47
=== daker_ is now known as daker
duanedesignmorning all11:44
duanedesignnigelb: you think they would know by now. 'its been 6 months time to get nigel's visa ready' :)11:45
duanedesignpopey: ping11:46
nigelbduanedesign: heh11:47
duanedesignpopey: unping :) I found it11:57
popeyI consider myself unpung12:08
czajkowskipopey: did you ever have any luck with the mini?12:08
* popey looks at it sat on his desk12:09
* popey notes the reminder 12:09
czajkowskinah bother12:10
popeyyou sure you dont want 11.04 on it?12:10
czajkowskipopey: if you cna get it working on it I don't mind12:10
popeyczajkowski: is there any data on this thing?12:14
popeyit is rather cute12:15
popeylooks tiny compared to all the other stuff on my desk12:15
czajkowskiit is :)12:15
* czajkowski misses Gorgamon 12:15
popeywill that be the hostname?12:15
czajkowskiI think one of the usb ports is dead12:15
popeyoo 2GB RAM, sweet12:17
popeyis that an SSD or spinny disk?12:17
czajkowskioff hsnd cannot remember12:18
czajkowskii know spec had ssd in ot12:18
popeywow, torrent flying12:20
popey60 peers, 2.13MB.s12:22
akgranerHI all can you all let folks know by denting tweeting etc that Ubuntu Open Week Starts today.  http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/05/02/ubuntu-open-week-may-2-6-2011/12:34
popeyczajkowski: all the usb ports work fine12:36
kim0done https://twitter.com/#!/ak_kim0/status/6501690593680179212:37
czajkowskipopey: oh12:37
akgranerkim0 thanks!12:37
popeyjust tested with the mouse dongle12:37
czajkowskipopey: ohhh :D12:40
czajkowskiI may have a skype working machine again :D12:40
popeyakgraner: pimped to ubuntu-users and my loco team12:46
akgranerpopey, thanks!12:47
akgranerhey whomever can help jcastro and I today for open week would be great.  I have a couple more things that have to be done today, nigelb is busy and so are most of the other classroom folks (bad timing with life stuff all the way around)12:48
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
akgranerjcastro, ping15:00
akgraneryou ready to kick off Ubuntu Open Week?15:01
cjohnstonjcastro/ Daviey , is there anything else that needs to be done to summit to have it ready?15:18
jcastroI think we're all set15:23
czajkowskimy new motto15:36
czajkowski"There's no sense crying over every mistake; you just keep on trying until you run out of cake."15:36
PiciJust play portal?15:41
czajkowskinope :)15:41
czajkowskibf does that i listen to it15:41
PiciAh. Tis a good song.15:41
czajkowskiI like random comments from it15:43
vishPici: http://twitter.com/#!/OldFunnyJoker/status/65007092209168385 ;p15:43
jcastrojames_w`: around?16:05
jcastrojames_w`: I tried adding scottk - "kitterman" in summit to give him the ability to schedule kubuntu sessions16:06
jcastrohe's in the right lp group as he can see all the right stuff in launchpad16:06
jcastrobut he doesn't see "Edit" on his grid16:06
dholbachhey jono16:06
jonohey dholbach16:06
jcastrojono: Can I delay our call by like 10 minutes today? I finish off a session right at 2 and I need a bit to prepare16:07
jonojcastro, no worries16:09
jcastrojono: can you approve some BPs today?16:11
jcastrowe're like, soooo close to done16:11
jonojcastro, sure16:11
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jcastroTechnoviking: in 3 years he'll want a car16:31
Technovikingjcastro: he is taking donations for it, He wants an Audi R816:35
joeyjcastro: asac said you can have the extra plenary slot16:35
Technovikingand he is getting a POS with good brakes, good seatbelts, and good airbags:)16:35
jcastrojoey: yeah 14:45 tuesday16:37
jcastroDaviey: james_w`: if anyone has any idea why I can't get lp "kitterman" the ability to edit the schedule even though I put him in the right group in the admin interface, that would be awesome16:38
joeyjcastro: will there be another scheduler run that will move any of the automatically scheduled sessions? if not, I need to do some rearranging16:38
jcastrojoey: it runs every hour16:38
jcastrobut it doesn't shuffle them every hour16:38
jcastroit just adds the new ones16:39
jcastroand yes, you can start conflict resolving sessions16:39
jcastroonce you touch them summit won't mess with them16:39
joeyjcastro: hmm ok. I have a situation where someone is only attending from wed onwards and their sessions in which they are required are scheduled for Monday16:39
AlanBellthe ARM Linus Interface sessions are all the wrong order it seems16:39
joeyjames_w`: available as a second pair of eyes?16:41
joeyjames_w`: I'm going to  nuke what seems like an extraneous PM BOF in Kacinzy on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-10/16:42
joeyjames_w`: and move the session to the place holder also on that day at 1116:42
joeywell, done anyway16:44
joeyjcastro: how do I delete items off the sidebar?16:56
joeyjcastro: specifically those power management bofs :-)16:56
joeythat you scheduled16:56
dholbachjono, 2m? :)16:58
jcastrojoey: you need to click admin up top16:59
jcastroand click on meetings16:59
jcastroand find them by hand and delete them16:59
jcastrojoey: yeah sorry, kind of crappy16:59
jonodholbach, I hasve it scheduled for 30m time17:01
jonodholbach, I can't talk right now, on a call17:01
dholbachjono, oopsie - you're right :)17:02
jonodholbach, all set?17:29
dholbachlet's go17:29
nigelbjono: Can I have 5 mins of your time later today?17:43
dholbachok my friends - calling it a day17:51
dholbachhave a great day - see you tomorrow17:51
mhall119nigelb: what's the word on your visa?18:18
mhall119wow, Read Feeder goes a lot faster when I enable dirty reads18:24
mhall119maybe this is a sign that I should move it to postgres18:24
joeyjcastro: Hi, re Mounir's email. I edited the meeting to be 2 slots but it doesn't show up as that now. Ideas on how to proceed?18:30
=== daker is now known as daker_
paultagoh ffs18:53
paultagI just upgraded to natty, totally borked my install18:53
paultagunity, ffffuuu-18:53
paultagand ubuntu "classic" is just as broken. I'm stoked18:53
AlanBelltry unity-2d18:54
paultagAlanBell: that's not the problem18:55
paultagAlanBell: I have a secondary screen to the left of my normal screen18:55
paultagAlanBell: so the super-useful unity bar is in a really hard to use place18:55
paultagso it just sucks up space18:55
paultagoh, and it won't work on my seecond monitor18:56
paultagbecause I use xrandr to rotate the screen18:56
paultagso they're two X instances, so the secondary screen can't be used18:56
paultagat all18:56
AlanBellget a new desk is apparently the correct answer to that problem18:56
paultagthat's just so false :)18:56
paultagso, time to switch back to debian18:56
AlanBellpopey will be along shortly for your exit interview18:56
paultagI'm going to pull a 1990s linux user and switch to gnome2x or fluxbox18:58
nigelbAlanBell: heh19:00
nigelbjcastro, mhall119: other than etherpad fix, anything that *has* to happen pre UDS?19:04
paultagugh, super+scroll is not working either19:04
AlanBellpaultag: yeah, that is annoying19:05
nigelbpaultag: blame jcastro or blame popey :p19:05
jcastronigelb: waiting on IS, and tbh I've been slammed since ... 9am and haven't had lunch, I haven't even had a chance to check with IS19:05
nigelbjcastro: ouch. *hugs*19:05
jcastroDaviey: did they reply to the RT?19:05
Davieyjcastro: no19:07
paultagAlanBell: aye19:08
paultagnigelb: I'll blame jcastro19:08
paultagjcastro: RT is useless, kthx :)19:08
nigelbpaultag: heh, popey is universal blame person :p19:09
nigelbpaultag: Also I suspect internal RT :)19:09
jcastrojono: ok all set, fire up the skypes at your convenience19:10
paultagif marky-mark spent cash on making a new bug tracker (launchpad), why would you not use that?19:11
paultagRT is so kludgey19:11
jonojcastro, cool, give me a few mins19:11
mhall119nigelb: your attendence19:11
DavieyRT is massively better than LP for Request Tracking.19:11
paultagDaviey: rt@ubuntu never gets checked, we keep getting complaints from loco teams19:12
paultagDaviey: I've never had anything fixed via RT19:12
mhall119paultag: rt != bug19:12
Davieypaultag: and how is that related to it being 'kludgey'/19:12
mhall119if launchpad had a proper ticket tracker, then they could use it19:12
paultagmhall119: green != blue, too :)19:12
paultagDaviey: it's not well integrated, it's always flaky and it has a ton of quirks19:13
Davieymhall119: TBH, there are a tonne of things i would ike LP to do, before doing that.19:13
mhall119Daviey: me too19:13
Davieypaultag: such as?19:13
mhall119I'm just saying, no matter how awesome launchpad is for bug tracking, that doesn't make it useful for ticket tracking19:13
paultagDaviey: I'm not going to go through and gripe RT for hours, I have actual work to do -- just use it for a while, the workflow and interface is half-baked19:14
mhall119personally, I do all my rt's through email19:14
nigelbmhall119: heh, besides that :p19:14
Davieypaultag: I'm not looking for hours of your time, i am looking for a few specific examples.19:14
Davieymhall119: me aswell :)19:14
mhall119I've seen nicer, open sourced ticket trackers in the past19:15
paultagDaviey: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Search/Build.html <-- powerful, but wayyy too much, and lots of stuff I don't care about19:15
mhall119I think RT is around simply because it's already around, and does well enough that nobody who can change it wants to change it19:16
paultagmhall119: yes19:16
AlanBellosticket is nicer, but the technology is not the problem19:17
paultagnot at all19:17
paultagwe have loco tickets over 3 years old19:17
mhall119maybe IS can look at placing more of the responsibility for handling LoCo tickets onto the LC ;)19:19
* Daviey uses django-helpdesk.19:19
paultagmhall119: yes, please19:19
paultagmhall119: if we had a way to manage the basics it would be good19:19
paultagbecause we end up blocking on IS19:20
paultagand i'm sure IS blocks on us19:20
AlanBellI am a bit worried about the prospect of IS building an etherpad server within a week on a ticket they have not yet responded to19:21
AlanBellespecially as they are still busy upgrading that wiki server!19:22
popeyno reply on that for a while :(19:23
AlanBellby the Natty release was the last expected date as I recall19:23
pleia2in their last update "I expect us to have at least a test environment for wiki.ubuntu.com up near Natty release time"19:24
pleia2not sure if they have that test environment up yet19:24
pleia2but they haven't asked for testers yet, so I'm guessing ot19:24
paultagit's sad no one from IS is in the community19:24
nigelbcan we do it the other way around?19:24
paultagyou'd think with so many sysadmin ubuntu members...19:24
nigelbnominate someone from community to help them?19:24
nigelbor have a team that can help them?19:25
nigelbI would join in such a team.19:25
paultagI'm unemployed19:25
AlanBellso would I19:25
AlanBellI have specifically offered to go fix the wiki19:25
nigelbCan someone raise this at UDS? to the IS team specifically?19:25
paultagAlanBell: but us, as crazy irresponsible project members have no access to the servers19:26
paultagnot that everyone should cowboy over19:26
paultagbut at least it could be a matter of just saying OK19:26
paultagrather then hoops19:26
pleia2I'm afraid the painful memory of what happened the last time community members managed canonical servers is probably still lurking19:26
paultagpleia2: be like debian, sign usage policy, and dis-member anyone who violates it19:27
pleia2the press on that was BAD and Ubuntu is even bigger now19:27
pleia2paultag: sure, but I do see where they are coming from19:27
paultagpleia2: as do I, I just disagree :)19:28
nigelbpleia2: what happened?19:28
pleia2nigelb: loco servers used to be community managed and people could install whatever they wanted, so there was lots of bad php code, insecurities abounded, they got hacked19:29
popeyAs I recall someone from the community DID help IS19:29
mhall119I've been advocating for Ubuntu to either host an internal cloud, or buy some number of instances from Amazon or Rackspace, and let community projects manage their own instances19:29
popeythen canonical recruited them19:29
nigelbpleia2: ouch.19:29
paultagI don't care about being recruited19:30
Picipopey: jpds?19:30
paultagwe just need someone to interface IS with commuinity19:30
nigelbMy point is only this. If IS is overloaded with work, we'd like to help.19:30
nigelbIf canonical doesn't have enough servers for test environment, I'm willing to volunteer server/time19:30
nigelbAs will many of the community19:31
paultagi'll be frank19:31
paultaguntil I know IS would actually ACK the team, I would not volunteer anything19:31
pleia2it's not about enough servers, they are rewriting some of the code for launchpad integration and it's tricky stuff19:31
paultagmy guess is they are afraid of us undercutting them19:31
nigelbpleia2: I know19:31
popeyi doubt that paultag19:33
popeykit isnt something they're short of19:33
popeymanpower to do the work is19:33
mhall119like any good sysadmin, they don't want to give anybody control over the boxes in their care19:33
paultagmhall119: right19:33
paultagand I think that's a matter of not bing in the community, or trusting us with a box19:33
paultagnot that I want more work19:34
mhall119paultag: I think, from a sysadmin's perspective, being in the community wouldn't change much19:34
paultagor access to anything19:34
paultagmhall119: if you trust someone to upload a new version of bash to every single ubuntu machine running, why would you not trust them on the machine?19:34
mhall119there's also an old story about car mechanics charging twice as much if you want to "help" them19:35
nigelbbecause the work gets over in half the time?19:35
pleia2it takes a significant investment of time to introduce a new sysadmin helper to the infrastructure, policies and procedures of a system19:36
mhall119paultag: would you want to manage a server if every change had to go through the process of a package upload?19:36
paultagmhall119: yes, and it would be good to document things19:36
paultagmhall119: if, of course, I actually wanted to do IT work19:37
paultagwich I don't19:37
mhall119see, I think you and they just have different perspectives of what is good for service uptime19:37
paultagmhall119: having a documented history of changes is very useful when a machine goes down19:37
paultagmhall119: so you know what to revert, rather then not knowing joe hacker brought in a new conf19:37
mhall119sure is, but having to document every change to get it back up isn't19:37
paultagit's production19:37
paultagmhall119: reverting changes don't need to be noted, you can just back them out19:38
paultagyou can make a note later, though19:38
paultagso joe hacker won't bork it19:38
mhall119yeah, but it's not always that simple, the machines have data that is outside of that19:38
paultagmhall119: my point is, logs are useful and changes need to be documented19:38
paultagmhall119: you can't just ssh into a machine and start futzing with prod conf files19:39
mhall119which they are now, through RT19:39
paultag18:36 < mhall119> paultag: would you want to manage a server if every change had to go through the process of a package upload?19:39
paultagYes, I would19:39
paultagthat's the only point i'm making19:39
paultagand I think you agree19:39
mhall119and yet you wouldn't want to be a sysadmin19:39
paultagmhall119: not at all19:39
paultagmhall119: I hate sysadmin work19:39
mhall119okay, I've gotta pick up the kids from school, bbl19:40
paultagkk, cheers19:40
nigelbok, bed.19:41
nigelblaters all.19:41
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh
james_w`jcastro, did you get kitterman sorted?20:41
jcastroI think so21:11
jcastroDaviey sorted it21:13
jcastroDaviey: what did I do wrong btw, how did you fix it?21:13
jcastroDaviey: ok let's pretend I am scheduling21:53
jcastroand I move a session21:53
jcastroand then i decide "wait, summit IS smarter than me"21:53
jcastrois there a way to kick a session back to "auto" mode?21:54
james_w`jcastro, drag it to the sidebar21:55
jcastrooh ok21:56
czajkowskijcastro: thanks for mail will resolve22:03
jcastrothought I could run interference but ran out of KNOWLEDGE22:04
czajkowskino bother tis what we're here for22:04
paultagthanks jcastro22:13
paultaglordy lordy22:13
jcastropaultag: I was making fun of ohio and someone totally called me out on it22:13
paultagjcastro: hahahahaha, what?!22:14
czajkowskijcastro: tis ok I make fun of paultag always :)22:14
paultagwho cares enough about ohio to call you out on it?22:14
jcastrolook at the comments22:14
jcastroI actually feel bad, so next time I will say "note how we avoid Paultag"22:14
paultagthat's bloody brilliant22:14
paultagjcastro: haha, that's great22:15
jcastrothat's what google picked22:15
paultagjcastro: use me at will for your ohio-hate :)22:15
jcastroyeah I can always count on you to be a sustained level of emo22:16
jcastronot too much, not too little22:16
paultagyeah, I'm the perfect level of pissed off and pessimistic22:16
jcastro"well, you seem burned out and ready to hate everyone, I think you're ready to apply for membership"22:17
jcastrowe should call it the holbach-scale22:17
paultagjcastro: that's stupid, we'd never be able to get a useful metric22:17
paultaga 0.9 holbach would leave for sure22:17
paultagwe should use someone usually OK22:18
jcastroit'd be very useful, because it'd always be maxed out!22:18
paultagI'm at about 2.32 czajkowskis22:18
paultagLaura is much too happy all the time22:18
czajkowskipaultag: you really have not seen me this month have you buddy :)22:19
cjohnstonczajkowski: this month is two days in.. your doing good so far! :-P22:19
paultagczajkowski: these are *averages* :)22:19
paultagczajkowski: a few weeks of 0.7 holbach is not going to offset years of negitive holbachs22:20
czajkowskicjohnston: ok april sucked donkey balls22:20
czajkowskidholbach is one of the most happiest guys I've ever met22:20
czajkowskinothing gets to him22:20
czajkowskihe's always helpful even after looking at evil mails from sounder and stuff22:20
paultagnot anymore!22:20
czajkowskithere is nothing that makes him not happy22:21
paultagsounder that is22:21
jcastrojono: are you in 11.04 and all at home and settled in?22:21
jonojcastro, yep22:21
jcastrojono: I need to guinea pg you22:21
nhandlerczajkowski: I've seen him not happy (not angry, but not happy)22:21
jonojcastro, whats up?22:21
jcastrojono: hit super, type "metallica" and tell me what you get22:21
paultagjcastro: kinky22:22
czajkowskinhandler: RARE.22:22
jonojcastro, a metallica image on my computer22:22
jcastroI think we need a music lens, that is just in the main dash.22:22
jcastrobut what I want22:22
jcastrois every album, and video22:22
jcastroand when I hit enter it autoqueues up in banshee or totem22:23
jonojcastro, totally22:23
paultagjcastro: had it with gnome-do, get it slid back in :)22:23
jcastropaultag: right22:23
jcastroit's like, soooooo close22:23
jcastropaultag: how's your python?22:23
jcastro~350 lines, it's all I need22:23
AlanBellis there an example lens in python?22:23
paultagjcastro: well22:23
paultagjcastro: I just finished most of my package manager, and it's all in python22:24
jcastrothe links from the idea pages have a bunch of other lenses22:24
jcastroalso, the edubuntu.org URL brought to you by Canonical not understanding how canonical urls work. :-/22:24
AlanBellalso I have offered to fix that22:24
jcastroI will beg someone at UDS when I see them22:25
jcastroor just pay off edubuntu to drop the custom skin22:25
AlanBellso the full working example is in vala, not python22:25
paultagVala's not bad22:25
jcastrois the sample22:25
paultagit's almost unsucked c22:25
jcastroeither the AU lens or the books lens is fine, as we know those work and have been around the longest22:26
AlanBellthat needs to go here then: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Unity/Lenses#Example Code22:26
jcastrohmm good idea22:26
nhandlerjcastro: If you decide to go the payment route, make checks payable to Nathan Handler ;)22:27
AlanBelland it is lp:~njpatel/unity-place-sample/unity-place-youtube22:28
AlanBelljcastro: so you pulled that from a page where someone did a find and replace on place/lens22:28
jcastroAlanBell: yes, I got John Lea'ed22:31
AlanBellreally should have branched that on a machine running unity22:31
jcastrohe was like "oh, these aren't places anymore" so he searched and replaced one day22:31
jcastroand totally boned the page up22:31
jcastrobut I think I got most of the errors, and kamstrup double checked22:31
AlanBelland it is vala!!22:31
jcastroAlanBell: in code there's references to Places still22:32
paultagjcastro: man, unity really borked up my desktop22:32
paultagjcastro: I'm bummed22:32
jcastroit's really only lenses on the user visible part22:32
jcastropaultag: too awesome for you? yeah, there's a if==username paul or whatever22:32
jcastropaultag: what's the problem?22:32
jcastroAlanBell: the "places" term will be totally excised in 11.1022:32
AlanBellok, so is the books lens python?22:33
jcastroit's actually awesome22:33
jcastroyou type dune, and hit enter22:33
paultagjcastro: my secondary monitor is on the left of my primary -- so the unity funbar is useless, and no way to change it to the right hand side. Also, it fails for two X sessions (each monitor is it's own X11 session) because I have to rotate the screen22:33
jcastroand it returns the book22:33
jcastropaultag: that's a top bug for neil22:33
paultagjcastro: so I can't use my second monitor and the unity funbar is borked up22:33
jcastrohe's on it for an SRU22:33
paultagjcastro: which one?22:33
jcastroI got lucky, RightOf baby!22:33
jcastroI don't know about your xsession thing22:33
jcastrothat you might have to file a bug on22:33
jcastroI'm on twinview22:34
paultagtwinview is fine, but I have to use XRandR22:34
paultagso I can't use twinview22:34
paultagso the secondary is useless22:34
popeywhy do you rotate your screen?22:34
popeyout of interest22:34
jcastroI have found that anytime rotating a screen is involved22:34
jcastrothere is pain22:34
paultagpopey: it's the one I use to stick either docs on (so I don't have to scroll up and down), and since I stick to code being 80 lines wide, I waste a lot on a longways screen22:35
paultagjcastro: it's been fine for me22:35
jcastroI tried to go portrait/portrait once and got total fail22:35
paultagjcastro: until unity ;)22:35
cjohnstonI got my inbox down from 900 to 100!22:35
popeySelect All -> Archive.22:35
popeyJob done.22:35
jcastropaultag: ok file that one and link me up and I'll have someone triage it22:35
paultagcjohnston: got down to inbox2 yesterday. I'm back up to over 10022:35
paultagjcastro: thanks brotato22:35
jcastromultimonitor is supposed to be feature parity with gnome 2.x22:35
* popey is on inbox 357622:35
jcastrowhich unfortunately isn't awesome22:35
jcastrobut for 11.10 it should be much nicer22:36
paultagjcastro: gnome 2x works fine22:36
AlanBellyay, python22:36
jcastroright, we're supposed to be at least as ok as gnome 2x is for multimonitor22:36
popeyhmm, i have just noticed something22:36
paultagbut since there's not alt+f2 as it's own app anymore, the funrun pops up on the primary monitor, but won't spawn on the secondary22:36
popeypress Super+A22:36
popeyyou get the applications lens thing22:36
popeypress escape22:37
popeyand as the application one disappears, you can see dash under it22:37
popeymassive banshee icon gives it away22:37
popeyonly for a split second22:37
paultagpopey: ahhh I see it22:37
paultagpopey: hehehe, cute22:37
popeyluckily I am recording the screen at the same time22:38
popeyso i have video evidence of this22:38
jcastrooh nice22:38
cjohnstondown to 11 paultag22:38
jcastroI can't see that, link me up when it's ready22:38
paultagcjohnston: woo22:38
jcastroAlanBell: so since we're talking about lenses22:38
paultagjcastro: it's a *split* second22:38
jcastrosomeone needs to do a terminal lens22:38
paultagjcastro: not even22:38
jcastroso basically it'd be just like quake22:38
paultagre: terminal lens: that's a *bear*22:38
paultagthere's no easy way to do it. duanedesign might know a bit better22:39
jcastrono way bro, shove a VTE widget in there22:39
jcastrojason (dbo) said that was easy22:39
jcastrobut then again that might be relative22:39
paultagjcastro: I thought there was no good VTE widget22:39
jcastroor maintained? :)22:40
jcastrohmm so check this out paultag, bear with me22:40
jcastroyou have the nice big input window22:40
jcastroso I say, do the terminal a new way, keep the field up top22:40
jcastrobut the rest of the terminal is below in the dash22:40
paultagjcastro: I mean, that's a solid idea22:41
paultagjcastro: I dig22:41
paultagjcastro: readline might fuck stuff up22:41
paultagjcastro: for sudo commands and stuff22:41
paultagbut other then that, sounds cool22:41
jcastrook so stop reinventing apt, let's roll22:41
jcastroI wonder if the guake guys can figure it out22:42
jcastroI should just send them a mail22:42
popeyi love that ffmpeg is multicore now22:42
popeyseeing ffmpeg eat 200% CPU is _great_22:42
jcastropaultag: I'll mock something up and just mail the guake guys22:44
Technovikinganyone else using a dnssd wireless printer?22:48
popeyjcastro / paultag see bug 77592522:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 775925 in unity "Dash appears momentarily after a lens closes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77592522:50
popeyattached an mp4 (sorry) ogv was all messed up22:50
paultagjcastro: for sure22:55
paultagjcastro: just be careful about the readline22:55
paultagjcastro: what's up :)22:55
jcastrodude, HOT22:55
jcastrobut you'd have to make the byobu stuff realize it's running in a lens22:56
jcastroand go "light mode"22:56
jcastropopey: that's the encoding script you gave me22:57
paultagjcastro: nice :)22:59
paultagjcastro: that's a mockup, yeah?22:59
popeyi like that he has a README in his home23:00
popeybut yes, i would like a terminal lens23:00
paultagI love `lowgirl'23:00
paultagyou  just have to be super careful23:00
paultagstuff like sudo passwords are not great to put in big font :)23:00
jcastroI am mailing some people who are terminal smart.23:00
jcastrono dude, the prompt would be in the window23:00
jcastroand entering it would just be ******23:00
paultagI'm thinking you'd have to rehack up the VTE let you do that23:01
paultagbut totally doable23:01
paultagjcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/77593423:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 775934 in unity "Secondary screen (running with two X11 sessions, not twinview) can not start applications" [Undecided,New]23:03
paultagI could triage it, but it's looked down upon :)23:03
* popey looks down upon paultag 23:03
paultagpopey: :)23:04
jcastroI'll holla at someone on DX tomorrow23:04
paultagjcastro: thanks mang. Can we also get the documentation to officially call the alt+f2 run a command menu the `funrun' menu?23:04
paultagmakes it more cheerful23:04
paultagI mean, who can get mad at the funrun menu?23:05
paultagNo one, that's who23:05
jcastroI dig it23:05
jcastrothat's how "love handles" got their name23:05
paultagI'm bummed there's no expo either23:06

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